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Chapter 1
I was sitting alone in the cozy living room of the farm I had inherited from my grandmother. It was pouring outside, and I was stretched out on the sofa, reading a book. I was certainly not used to living in the middle of nowhere, on a small farm in Idaho with a handful of cows and chickens. My grandmother has passed recently, and I was packing up her things and sorting out her last requests over the summer before heading back to New York for university.
The doorbell rang, startling me out of my reverie. I was immediately wary. A remote farm 2 hours away from the closest town was not where you would get visitors in middle of the night. It was pouring outside as well, with the wind howling through the trees. I grabbed my can of pepper spray and inched towards the door. I was 5 foot 8 - tall for a woman, with a slender build. I was reasonably athletic but would be no match for a hostile intruder at the door.
Peering out of the window, I stopped dead in my tracks. At the front door were 2 faces I had hoped I would never see again in my life.
Chloe and Allie.
What the fuck were they doing at the farm?
My mind raced, as horrible memories of high college came flooding back to me. I had grown up in a small town about 2 hours from the farm. Chloe and Allie had been my biggest tormentors in my teenage years. I was much larger then; Dealing with my parents' divorce at 14, I had turned to food for comfort and ballooned in size, becoming noticeably overweight by the time I started high college. I actually had a decent group of friends at first, and people generally had left me alone - until Chloe and Allie joined the college. 2 years my junior, they were everything I was not back then - pretty, popular, and mean. They mocked me, ostracized me, called me "Snorlax" after the pokemon. Eventually people started avoiding me to escape their wrath, and I had finished my remaining years in high college isolated and alone.
One of my worst memories was when they paid a guy, James, in my class to ask me to prom. I had said yes, gotten excited, bought a dress with my mom, gotten my makeup done. He picked me up from my house, and we had turned up at prom together. The moment we walked into the hall, Chloe, Allie and their friends surrounded us and started laughing. James turned to me and said words I can still remember - "Did you actually think anyone would want to go to prom with a whale like you?" Chloe and Allie had filmed the incident, putting the video on social media, and it was seen by everyone in our town. I was 17 at the time and genuinely felt like my whole world was ending.
High college inevitably ended, I got a great scholarship to study at NYU and moved as far away from that little town as I possibly could. I had gotten into running, shed the weight, and looked pretty good now if I could say so myself. At 5'8 I was slender with long legs, C-cup breasts and a slim waist. Running had toned me up, and I was a far cry from what I looked like in high college.
I peered out of the window at Chloe and Allie. They were drenched, seeking shelter from the rain under my porch. My grandmother's farm had been my only safe place during high college, as my mother and I would visit almost every weekend. Chloe and Allie's presence was an insult to my memories of the farm, and I felt a flood of anger wash over me. I wrenched open the door, still holding my pepper spray.
"Can I help you?" I asked with hostility, waiting for the glint of recognition in their eyes as they realised who I was. It never came.
"E-excuse me miss, our car has broken down about a mile away, we have no reception a-and we were hoping to borrow your phone if possible? We've been walking in the rain for about a mile, there aren't any cars passing by.."
They hadn't recognised me.
"What are you girls doing out here at midnight?" I asked. A part of me thought this was some elaborate prank they were pulling on me, some way to humiliate me again.
"Um, we're on a roadtrip across the country, we took a wrong turn and the car broke down. We waited for hours but there were no cars passing by. I'm Allie by the way, and this is Choe," stuttered Allie. I grimaced. Trust them to get lost 2 hours into a roadtrip.
"How long more do you have to drive? It's going to take ages for a mechanic to get out here and fix the car."
"We were supposed to get to Boise tonight, b-but we're taking a month to drive to the East Coast and back, so there's no rush," said Chloe. "W-would you mind if we used your phone and waited here for the rain to stop?" They still hadn't recognised me, and as I gazed down on their faces, I noticed that both were a good 4 - 5 inches shorter than me. A plan started forming in my mind. It would be an absolute shame if I didn't take some advantage of the situation - these girls had tormented me for years, didn't know who I was, and had stupidly revealed that they were going to be gone from home for a month. I reckoned they wouldn't be missed for a while - this was probably their idea of a "fun trip" before they started college.
"Yeah, come in." I held open the door and they walked into my living room, looking around. They visibly relaxed once they were inside. The house was extremely cosy, wooden furniture and rugs everywhere.
"D-do you mind if I use the bathroom?" Chloe asked. Bingo, I thought.
"Right over there," I pointed down the hallway. "Let me switch on the hallway light for you." I quickly stepped into the kitchen and out of sight, grabbed a serrated knife, slipping it into the back of my trousers.
Chloe headed to the toilet, and I quickly turned to Allie. "You're Allie right? The phone's over in that room." I led Allie to the basement, still holding my pepper spray. I had to act fast. I opened the door to the basement. Upon upon seeing the steps leading to the basement, she turned around, confused. Without hesitation, I sprayed the pepper spray into her eyes and kicked her down the stairs. Before she could scream, I covered her mouth and held the knife to her throat.
"We're in the middle of nowhere, and no one knows you're here. I suggest you do what I say." Allie didn't even struggle as I tied her hands behind her back with some hemp rope, and tied her feet together too. I gagged her with some spare fabric I had in my basement. Hearing the toilet flush upstairs, I quietly headed back up to the living room.
I pulled the same pepper spray and knife trick on Chloe as she stepped out of the bathroom. She yelled and put up a struggle, but I didn't really care about the noise anymore. Allie was subdued and we didn't have any neighbours around for miles. I eventually managed to overpower her (with a few bruises to show for my efforts), and dumped her unceremoniously in the basement as well. I checked that they were both tied up properly and gagged, then removed their cellphones from their pockets. I then locked the basement door, barricaded it shut with my wardrobe and left the house.
Their car was the last loose end to tie up. I drove out with my truck, slowly through the rain, and it wasn't long before I found their car. I towed their car, driving further into the wilderness. There were many deep water bodies that a car like this could be deposited in, and never be seen again. I left their phones in their car as well, put a rock on the accelerator and watched it slowly submerge into an unnamed lake, off a dirt road, surrounded by deep forrest and shrubbery.
Then I made my way back to the farm.
Chapter 2
I woke up late the next morning, tired from my little adventure the night before. The basement door was still barricaded shut with the heavy wardrobe, and there was no noise coming from the basement. I grabbed my pepper spray and knife, a bag of toys from my closer, and unblocked the door slowly. Switching on the harsh basement lights, I realised there was no need to worry. Both girls were still tied up and gagged, exactly how I had left them. Allie shrunk into a corner as I approached them, but Chloe remained still, eyes burning with hatred.
"Let's be clear here," I said. "I hope you appreciate the situation you both are in right now. You don't have phones, and I've made sure no one will find your car, even if they searched for years. You're hours away from the nearest neighbour, you could scream, you could run for miles and nobody would help you." Allie started crying, her sobs muffled by her gag.
"So here's my proposition. Either you cooperate, or I get rid of you, and I get rid of the evidence. You know what I mean. Nobody would find you, nobody would find your car, nobody would save you in time, do you understand?" I could hear Chloe cursing at me through her gag. She would be the difficult one to deal with.
Saying nothing, I grabbed a pair of heavy duty scissors I had in the basement, went over to them and started cutting their clothes off. Allie started shrieking as I snipped her bra into pieces, cutting the straps loose and watching her breasts spill out. Allie had fairer hair, almost ginger, and blue eyes. Her breasts were small, I guessed A-cups, and she had a more boyish figure with thinner hips. She squirmed away from me, her nipples hardening in the cool air as her tiny breasts jiggled.
"There's nobody around for miles Aliie." I tutted.
I started doing the same for Chloe, who struggled and squirmed. She managed to elbow me a few times, but I had tied them up so tightly that it didn't matter. I smiled as I snipped her underwear away. Chloe was a brunette with short brown hair and brown eyes, she had large breasts with big areolas and long nipples. She was slightly taller than Allie, with wider hips. I noticed her pussy was shaved completely bald.
I took a step back and surveyed the two 18-year-old girls lying in front of me. Both had their hands tied behind their backs, and legs tied together at their ankles. I had tied their ankles to their wrists in a hog tie.
"You pervert!" Chloe had managed to spit her gag out. "Fucking let us go or we'll get you into trouble."
"I don't think you're in a position to make demands." I smiled, and picked up the cattle prod I had brought into the basement with me. "Do you know what this is, Chloe?" I held it up. Her pupils contracted in fear. "We use this on cattle usually, but I'd be quite happy to use it on you." I wasn't a fan of hurting people like that, even cruel bullies like those two, but they didn't need to know that.
"What are you then, some sort of lesbian pervert? Some sort of dyke?" Chloe hissed.
"Don't use that slur on me again."
"Dyke!" Chloe hissed again.
I chuckled. "As a matter of fact, I am a lesbian pervert, Chloe. One that you've just pissed off."
I grabbed a heavy wooden chair from the corner of the basement, and carried it over to where the girls were. My late grandfather had been a keen woodworker, so there was lots of spare furniture in the basement and woodworking equipment in the basement. My mind raced with the possibilities of what I could build as I grabbed Chloe by the wrists and sat her in the chair. She struggled, trying to get away, but it didn't take long for me tie her forearms to each arm of the chair.
"Now Chloe, I'm going to untie your legs, be a good girl or you'll get the cattle prod." I spread her legs wide and placed each one over the arms of the chair. As I tied her ankles to the sides of the chair, she kicked out at me, catching me in the throat. I stumbled backwards, watching Chloe try to stand untie her arms from the corner of my eye. I lunged forward and grabbed the cattle prod, then pressed it into her left thigh. Chloe let out a scream, her body going rigid as the pain from the cattle prod raced up the left side of her body. She was momentarily incapacitated, so I pushed her back into seating position and swiftly tied her ankles to the seat of the chair. Panting, I took a step back.
Chloe was struggling in the chair, but she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. She was spread open in this position, legs splayed over the arms of the chair, with her bald pussy completely exposed. Her chest was thrust out, nipples pointing upwards at me. I picked up the cattle prod again, and pressed it into her left breast. She screamed and went rigid again as the prod made contact with her sensitive breasts, and she moved from side to side trying to get away from it.
"What did you call me earlier, Chloe?" I moved the cattle prod downwards.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry -" she began saying, as I pushed the cattle prod into the pink folds of her pussy. I left it resting on her clit. "Please don't- not there please," she begged.
"Are you going to do as I say? "
"Y-yes. Please don't-"
"Yes mistress." I knew she would be feisty, and I knew I hadn't broken her yet. But for now, she was cooperating, subdued by the cattle prod.
I stood behind her, and started playing with her nipples. I slowly drew them upward, tweaking them gently, running the flat of my thumb over each nipple. I could feel her gritting her teeth, struggling to stay still and not respond as I played with her breasts. I saw Allie watching quietly as her friend's nipples hardened, and Chloe's body started responding to the stimulation. I remembered an incident in high college where Chloe had followed me around making fun of my large breasts, singing "Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?" loudly in the hallway. How ironic that her breasts (and her) were at my mercy now.
I pinched her nipples suddenly, causing her to yelp. "Your nipples seem to be liking this Chloe." I moved to face her and slowly pushed a finger into her pussy. Chloe gasped and tried to jerk her legs closed. However, she was held in position by the ropes, unable to stop me from violating her in her most intimate area.
"Your pussy is pretty wet too - are you sure I'm the only dyke here?" I started playing with her clit, using my fingers to spread her pussy apart and tweak her clit repeatedly. I carried on for a while, Chloe squealing every now and then whenever I tugged at her clit particularly harshly. Allie silently watched with wide eyes, grateful I was leaving her alone.
I pushed another finger into Chloe's pussy. Her face reddened with shame as an audible squelching sound escaped. I finger-fucked her faster, rolling her clit around with the fingers of my other hand. I squeezed her clit between my thumb and forefinger, watching how large it had gotten in the span of a few minutes. There was a visible sheen of sweat covering her breasts now, as she gasped, her body jerking slightly with every movement of my fingers. She had stopped trying to close her legs, I noticed. I could feel her pussy juices coating my fingers as I continued playing with her clit and fucking her with 2 of my fingers. I grabbed her clit with my thumb and forefinger again and started tugging on it at a faster pace.
"I think our friend is going to cum soon, what do you think Allie?" Chloe's head jerked forward at the mention of her friend, her large breasts jiggling at the sudden movement. The captive girl turned even redder as she remembered that her friend was watching her getting masturbated against her will. At the exact moment Chloe's eyes made contact with Allie's, her orgasm hit her. Her body tensed up and I felt her wet pussy contracting around my fingers.
"HNNNNNG.." Chloe groaned as the orgasm overcame her body, her legs jerking against the ropes, as she thrust her chest out further. She closed her eyes, moving her head from side to side as she was hit by wave after wave of the orgasm.
I decided not to stop. I kept going at the same deliberate pace, tugging on her clit while sawing my fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. She tried to get away from the stimulation, her clit overly sensitive, but the ropes didn't let her. I played with her a while longer, then leaned in to gather one of her long nipples in my mouth. Her nipples were extremely fun to play with - long, rock hard, and extremely sensitive, as I soon discovered. I sucked on her quivering nipples while running my tongue harshly over them, feeling her press her clit against my fingers as I expertly masturbated her.
"Chloe, are you going to cum again??" I asked suddenly, feigning surprise and disgust. This jerked her out of her reverie and she opened her eyes and glanced at Allie immediately. Allie was still lying on the floor, tied up, transfixed by the scene in front of her.
"N-no! Let me go! Y-you're forcing me t-t-to-"
"I'm not forcing you to enjoy yourself, you little slut. If you're going to cum again, you better ask me for permission." I placed the tips of 2 fingers directly on her clit and started moving my fingers from side to side, her clit jiggling under my fingers.
"Ugggg.." Chloe jerked her legs around, in a futile attempt to avoid my fingers. "P-p-please don't make me- ARGH"
"Ask for permission or I'll use the cattle prod on your clit. Trust me, I can tell when you're coming you little slut." I started rubbing her clit even faster.
Chloe muttered something under her breath.
"I can't hear you Chloe!"
"Ahhh.. Please can I come?" she whispered, her body glistening with sweat as she bucked in the chair.
"Say it louder, Chloe. Do you like another woman playing with your pussy? "
"Y-yes I... p-please..."
"That's not enough Chloe." I slipped a third finger inside of her. The seat of the chair was wet with her juices now as she squirmed, trying to avoid my touch, trying to avoid the humiliation of coming a second time all over my fingers. Her futile attempts to get away just made my fingers slip deeper inside her warm pussy.
"Shall I get the cattle prod again, Chloe? Or are you going to ask me permission properly?"
"HNNNG please I c-cant.. m-m-much longer... Oh fffuck okay okay YES, YES I LIKE ANOTHER WOMAN PLAYING WITH MY P-PUSSY, PLEASE LET ME COME NOW!?!?" she yelled.
"Go ahead slut, and you better thank me for it while you come."
She came loudly and noisily, grinding her engorged clit against my hand as I continued rubbing it. I felt her fucking herself on my fingers, thrusting her ass into the air, her large breasts and hard nipples jiggling with the movement. Her asshole winked at me as she grunted in pleasure and abject humiliation, and I got wet thinking of what I'd do to it.
"Hnnng Thank you, t-t-thank you" she sobbed as she finishing cumming, her body completely overwhelmed, her legs shaking as she slowly regained her senses. This time she kept her head down, refusing to look at Allie.
I grabbed the chair and tilted it all the way back to the floor, leaving her back parallel to the ground, her legs wide open and toes pointing at the ceiling.
"Time to complete your lesbian initiation, bitch. Stick out your tongue." I removed my panties and lifted up my skirt as Chloe shook her head from side to side. I was sopping wet as I watched one of my deepest fantasies play out in real time.
"No, I don't do that - I'm not going to-"
I grabbed the cattle prod and gave her two shocks, one on each foot. She shrieked, bucking against the chair in a futile manner. My patience was wearing thin - I was tired of arguing with her and wanted compliance for now. I put the cattle prod against her left nipple, and pressed down on the button. She screamed again.
"Please stop! Please!"
"Next one is on your clit, bitch, now stick your tongue out." This time she complied, shaking with fear and pain from the aftereffects of the prod. I knelt over her face and lowered my pussy onto her tongue. I sighed with contentment as I felt her wet tongue entering my folds. "Fuck my pussy with your tongue." She tentatively pushed her tongue into my pussy, licking around the entrance. I felt her hot breath on me, her lips softly fluttering against my pussy lips as she unwillingly started fucking my vagina with her tongue.
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"Faster," I said. We were in a sort of odd 6-9 position, her tied to the chair, back flat against the ground andtoes pointing to the ceiling, and me kneeling over her, facing her pussy. I slapped her pussy a few times with the palm of my hand, and she started tongue fucking me faster, darting her tongue in and out of my vagina.
"Now lick my clit, flick it with your tongue the same way I did to you, when you came all over my fingers twice in front of your friend Allie." Chloe couldn't see Allie from this position, but I knew she was embarrassed, knowing Allie could see her with her legs splayed open, pussy pointing at the sky. I slapped her pussy with my fingers as I said each word, enjoying the sight of her jerking her legs around.
I hit her directly on her clit a few times, watching the hard pink nub jiggle as I slapped it, hearing the poor girl squeal as the most sensitive part of her was manhandled. I could see her pussy contracting with each slap, bracing for impact, but she wasn't able to move out of the way, not in that position.
I was so wet by that time, I knew I couldn't last much longer. I started grinding my pussy all over her face, holding on to her long nipples and pinching them harshly as I did so.
"I said stick your tongue out!" I slapped her pussy a few more times, hearing her muffled yells into my pussy. I ground my clit all over her tongue, feeling the tip of her nose pressing against my ass, the breath from her nostrils warm against my asshole. I was pretty sure she'd never had her nose that close to anyone's ass, but she was smart enough not to protest at that moment. She kept her tongue out obediently as I kept grinding my pussy and ass all over her face.
I started slapping her pussy rhythmically, squelching noises filling the basement as her wet pussy started responding to me. Her clit was huge by this point, pulsing and red and overly sensitive. She was going to come again, I would force her to do so, but she wasn't going to enjoy it very much.
"Hey look Allie, I think our friend Chloe is going to come again." Chloe howled into my pussy, her body betraying her a third time. "Looks like Chloe likes licking pussy, in fact she likes it so much that shes going to cream herself just from me slapping her clit a few times. Maybe I'll make her lick your pussy next Allie!" Allie shook her head frantically, unable to look away from Chloe who was writhing around in the chair, legs flailing wildly as I started slapping her clit directly with short, rigid taps.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Chloe screamed as a sharp orgasm hit her, my methodical slapping of her already sensitive pussy pushing her over the edge. I could see her clit pulsing and contracting in the cool air, her toes curling as she was overwhelmed by a short, intense orgasm. I could feel her body jerking around, her breath ragged as she struggled to gain composure below me.
This was the tipping point for me, I reached behind me to grab her short brown hair, and rubbed my pussy all over her forehead, her nose, her open lips and her waiting tongue as I exploded into one of the best orgasms of my life. The orgasm went on and on, I was in heaven as I used the captive girls face to get me off, using her nose to stimulate my asshole and grinding my pussy all over her open mouth and extended tongue. I pinched her nipples, hard, feeling her buck against me as I humped her face without abandon. It took minutes for me to come down from the high.
"Now clean me off you whore, it's the least you could do after cumming without permission." I made her lick all my juices off my pussy, taking great pleasure in pointing out how much was all over her own face.
I left her there, back on the ground, tied to the chair, legs spread open, dripping with her own juices and mine. She didn't say a word as I gathered my underwear and left the basement.
It was time to fortify the basement, buy a few toys and restraints online, and use my new slaves to get off whenever I felt like it. In short, there was a lot of work to do.
Chapter 3
It was 2 days after I had humiliated Chloe as Allie watched, forcing her to come over and over again. Chloe had been strangely quiet since I had made her lick my pussy as I knelt over her face, slapping her clit over and over again until she came yet another time.
I had been busy in the meantime, using the equipment on the farm to build a steel door that covered my basement door. It was almost like a cage, ensuring a second line of defence if the girls ever tried to escape.
We got into a routine, I would place food at the top of the basement stairs, through the bars of the steel door. Allie would come up and get the food, taking it back down to Chloe. I had hosed them down to keep them clean but I had yet to figure out a better way to bathe them.
I was hesitant to bring them into the main house incase they tried to escape, but decided to try this time, with Allie. Allie was more docile, and definitely didn't have the feistiness Chloe did. Even back in high college, Chloe had taken the lead role in all the bullying. I didn't have much sympathy for Allie, but definitely had less anger to take out on her compared to Chloe.
I went to the basement door and called Allie up the stairs. She came up slowly, covering her pussy with her hands. Both were naked - i had thrown away the scraps of their clothes long ago.
"Put this on." I handed her a leather collar that had arrived in the mail that morning. She looked at me fearfully but put the collar on. I reached through the bars of the steel door and clipped a metal chain onto the collar. "I'm opening the door now, come through and get on your hands and knees in the hallway. Don't forget what happens if you don't listen." Allie's eyes darted to the cattle prod in my hand and she nodded quickly. She came through the door and I locked it shut again, leaving Chloe in the basement. Allie obediently got on her hands and knees, her round ass jiggling as she got into position.
"Crawl in front of me, to the living room." Allie winced, but complied, crawling on all fours until she got there. I clipped the leash to the metal ring in front of the fireplace, knowing it would be yet another barrier to her escaping. Allie was on all fours still, now trying to cover her breasts from my gaze.
"Get on your back." Allie got on her back. This was almost too easy, she wasn't putting up a fight at all. "Now grab your ankles with each hand and spread your legs apart." Allie hesitated this time. Ah-hah. She hated being complicit in her own humiliation. That's exactly what I would make her do.
"Allie, we all know what a slut you are, hold your ankles and show me your pussy NOW!" She winced as my voice got louder, and quickly moved into the position.
"Now use your left hand to spread your pussy lips apart, show me your clit." She gasped, slowly spreading her lips apart, her pink pussy slowly being revealed to my gaze.
"I want you to masturbate for me Allie, play with your clit and nipples."
"P-please I cant", she stuttered, speaking for the first time. "I-I haven't done this-"
"Allie, I've watched a video of you from high college sucking 2 boys from the football team off." She jumped, looking at me in horror. Yes, I knew about that video. I searched her eyes for a glimmer of recognition, but she still had no clue who I was.
"Now you have 2 options Allie, either you masturbate for me now, or I use the cattle prod on you, make you play with yourself anyway and then bring your friend Chloe up here and make you lick her out. Which option would you prefer." By the time I had finished that sentence, her right hand was snaking down to her pussy. She started playing with her clit, and then using her left had to tweak her nipple, looking at me while she did that.
I watched her in silence for a while from the sofa. It was a rather uninspiring show to be honest, and I got annoyed that she wasnt even trying.
I got up, pulled a chair over to where she lay with her legs spread and asked her to stand up. She looked at the chair suspiciously, no doubt remembering what I did to Chloe with her tied to the chair. I sat down on the chair, and in one smooth movement, pulled her onto my lap, face down.
I rearranged her body a little bit, ensuring her bum was squarely in my lap. I explained "If I'm not satisfied by your efforts, you will be punished, do you understand?"
I spanked her once, on her right arse cheek, watching it bounce as she squealed. I spanked her again, this time on the left arse cheek. I felt my pussy getting wet. I started raining down blows on her bum, holding her down with my left hand as she kicked her legs, squealing.
"This could have been avoided Allie, if you had put some enthusiasm into your earlier performance."
Her bum was slowly turning redder and redder, I could feel her squirming around in my lap, but I was clearly bigger and stronger. I held her down, watching her ass jiggle with each blow as she begged me to stop. Her tiny breasts were moving back and forth as I spanked her, her hard nipples pointing at the floor.
I stopped momentarily, and slipped my fingers down towards her pussy. The moment she felt me doing that, she jerked her body around, squealing louder. Annoyed, I started spanking her even harder. We played this game a while longer, her trying to get away everytime my fingers would slip towards her pussy, and me spanking her to punish her for doing so. Eventually she gave up, going limp as my fingers explored her pussy, rubbing her clit.
I was surprised to feel a bit of moisture. I looked down and saw a small wet spot on my trousers, where her pussy was resting. Looks like Little Miss Innocent was not so innocent after all. I resumed spanking her, making sure her clit was grinding into my thighs as I did so. Sure enough, her breathing became more ragged, and she started squirming more and more, from side to side as I spanked her ass cheeks. Eventually my own hands were getting sore so I stopped.
"Stand up," I barked. She quickly did, relieved to get away from my hands and fingers. She tried to cover her pussy again, and I stopped her with a sharp spank on her butt. "Hands on top of your head!" I said.
I pointed to the now-visible wet spot on my trousers. "You've been creaming yourself all over my trousers while I've been spanking you, is that right Allie?" She hung her head in shame. She was certainly aware that at some point during the spanking, a little bit of it had started to feel pleasurable. She thought I had not realised.
"How about I get Chloe to come up here and verify how wet your pussy is?" Allie yelped and shook her head frantically. Exposing herself to me was enough, having her friend watch would be unimaginable.
I walked round to the kitchen, opened the fridge and pulled out a medium-sized cucumber. As I walked back into the kitched, Allie's eyes went to the cucumber, and she started backing away. There wasn't very far she could go, being leashed to the fireplace.
I walked around to her and unceremoniously shoved the cucumber deep into her snatch. She squealed as I did it, but didn't stop me.
"I've ordered a few new toys for you, but they haven't arrived. In the absence of them, this will have to do Allie." I unclipped her leash and dragged her to the sofa. I sat down, and made her kneel on the coffee table facing the sofa. The cucumber was still poking out of her pussy, bulbous and green.
"Hands on your head!" I yelled again. I watched her like that for a while, kneeling on the coffee table, hands on her head, hard little nipples pointing straight at me. Slowly but surely, I heard a squelching noise as the cucumber, slick with her own juices, started sliding out of her pussy. I looked her in the eye.
"How wet are you, that you can't keep a large cucmber up your snatch? Are you that horny? Or did those guys from the football team stretch you out?" Allie teared up slightly, bright red from the humiliating ordeal.
I retrieved the cucumber, holding in upright on the coffee table. "I want you to fuck this cucumber Allie, and if I see anymore hesitation from you there'll be no more spankings, just the cattle prod." She started bouncing up and down on the cucumber immediately, hands still on her head. Her thighs strained as she knelt down, impaling herself on the cucumber, her pussy lips almost touching my hand, and then straightened up again, leaving a glistening trail of her own juices on the vegetable.
I watched her for a few minutes, her breathing quickening, her perky little breasts bouncing up and down as she fucked the cucumber. I could feel the cucumber getting even more slick with her juices as the minutes passed. I reached around me for some clothespins.
"Don't you dare slow down," I cautioned as I saw her notice the clothespins. Her blue eyes widened, pleading silently with me. I grabbed her left breast and squeezed it, watching her hard nipple quivering. I held the clothespin open, and shut it on the base of her nipple, watching the blood rush to it. She howled, but kept fucking the cucumber, holding it below her as she bounced up and down. I did the same to her right nipple, and she shrieked again.
I then resumed holding the cucumber, which by now was downright slippery with pussy juices. Allie kept going, thighs straining, ass bright red from her earlier spanking, the movement of her tiny breasts accentuated by the 2 brown clothespins attached to her nipplies. Her pussy lips squelched as she lowered herself onto the cucumber, the vegetable pushing her lips apart. Her labia moved from side to side as she masturbated with the cucumber, I noticed that her pink pussy lips were rather large - I would enjoy punishing them some other time.
Allie's breathing changed as I noticed her approaching an orgasm. "Wow, I thought your friend Chloe was a slut, but I didn't even have to touch you for you to cum all over my coffee table." Allie winced, turning red again, but she was too far gone to feel ashamed at this point. I sat back on the sofa, feet on the coffee table as she came quietly on the cucumber, doubling over, gasping for air as the strength of the orgasm hit her.
"Mmmm" she groaned as she knelt as low as she could, her pussy lips touching my hand as she tried to get as much of the cucumber I was holding into her wet snatch.
"DID YOU ASK FOR PERMISSION, SLUT??" I shouted at her, causing her to yelp and almost fall over. She was still panting from the orgasm. "Keep fucking the cucumber until you learn some manners!" She groaned again and resumed humping the vegetable slowly, the clothespins still on her nipples. I slapped her ass a few times until she resumed her original pace.
I grabbed her clit with my other hand, tugging on it roughly, looking her in the eye as she masturbated with the vegetable. This was my first time touching her directly on her clit, and it was too much for her to handle. In less than a minute, I could feel her body tense up as an orgasm built up again.
"Please may I come mistress? Please may I- I- I'm... g-going to cummmmm.." she howled as I kept tugging on her clit, watching her explode in another orgasm not even a minute after the first one. Her kneeling and fucking the cucumber was second nature now, her hands still on her head as I had told her they should be.
I tugged on her clit even more harshly as she squealed. "That was better, but you still didn't wait for me to give permission, you hungry little slut." I slapped her ass again and she quickened her pace, knowing that I wouldn't let her off the cucumber until I was satisfied.
"Maybe this isn't enough of a lesson, maybe I'll put a carrot up your ass too." Allie's shook her head no, looking at me in horror.
"Mistress I'll ask for permission this time p-p-please!" she exclaimed. Her thighs were straining now as she kept forcing herself to bounce up and down, kneeling. I could feel her legs shaking from the exertion. She was getting tired now, but everytime she slowed down, I would spank her ass or threaten her with the cattle prod, and she would inevitably force herself to keep going.
I started rubbing her clit faster, grabbing the engorged nub and twiddling it around in my fingers. Allie was panting now, pussy juice flying everywhere as I felt her body react to my fingers yet again.
"May I come mistress?" she begged, learning that she should ask before her orgasm was inevitable.
"Louder," I said. "And more convincing."
"Please let me come mistress!" She was biting her lower lip, desperately trying to stave off the orgasm until I gave her permission, desperate for her ordeal to stop.
"Still not loud enough, I want you to tell me what you're doing, and why I should let you come, Allie."
"Yes you may." Allie came almost immediately, grunting as I shoved the cucumber deep into her wet snatch. The orgasm went on and on, I could feel it completely overwhelming her body. I took my dripping fingers off her clit for a moment, and took the clothespins off her engorged nipples in quick succession. Allie screamed, grabbing her breasts immediately, still in the throes of orgasm as she desperately humped the cucumber.
I moved my fingers back to her clit and the sensation was too much for her to bear. The combined feeling of the blood rushing back to her nipples, the large vegetable in her pussy, the bouncing causing her breasts to jiggle painfully, and finally my fingers playing roughly with her clit caused her to squirt all over the cucumber. The movement of my fingers caused her juices to fly everywhere as her orgasm rolled on and on.
"T-th-thank you thank you thank you" she kept repeating, all shame and modesty gone as she curled up on my coffee table. I removed the cucumber from her dripping snatch, and held it in front of her mouth. Without question, she opened her mouth, cleaning her own juices off the vegetable obediently.
I smiled. I was going to have a lot of fun with her.
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Chapter 4
I was back in what was fast becoming one of my favourite rooms in the house - the basement. Cattle prod in hand, I descended down the steps. Chloe and Allie were in the basement, left hand and right foot cuffed to a chain which was tied to a metal ring embedded in the wall. Chloe glared at me while Allie looked at me sullenly.
I hadn't really thought through what I would do with them once university started again. At some point, people would start missing them too and asking questions. I was still mentally preparing myself for them to recognise me at some point, or for me to slip up and reveal who I really was. I pushed those doubts to the back of my mind. There was no going back, now that I had captured them in my basement. And I was still extremely excited to exact revenge on them for their past bullying while getting to live out my deepest fantasies.
I had been busy over the past day, using my late grandfather's woodworking equipment to build a raised platform in the basement, with metal rings and bolts embedded in the platform in various places. I made this platform extremely versatile - I could attach cuffs, metal stands and clamps to it, and eventually planned on rigging up a pulley system to be able to tie the girls to ropes hanging from the ceiling. But for now, I had a raised surface to play with my new slaves, allowing me to tie them up in various positions as I pleased.
I approached Chloe, uncuffing her leg from the wall. As I bent down to uncuff her arm, I felt the cattle prod ripped from my hand, as Chloe grabbed it and flung it to the other end of the basement. I felt my legs give way as she kicked my legs out from under me. I fell to the floor, still holding her chains, as she ran up the basement stairs stark naked. I scrambled to get up, watching her run up the stairs. Even then, I let her go, realising she wouldn't get far. Even if she managed to get past the metal cage I had installed over the basement door, she wouldn't get far in the wilderness by herself. With no shoes and no clothes to protect her from insects and the cold nights, she was actually far safer in my place. It would be days before a car would pass by, if she was lucky.
Chloe reached the top of the stairs, and flung open the basement door. She stopped short when she saw the metal cage-like contraption I had installed over the basement door. It could only be opened with a passcode and my fingerprint, neither of which Chloe had. She howled, throwing her full weight against the metal door, but it was to no avail.
"You monster!" she screeched, knowing she was trapped. She rattled the metal bars again, desperately looking for a way out as I walked towards her. "You fucking pervert!"
By then I had come up behind her on the stairs. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her kicking and screaming back down to the basement. I got hold of the cattle prod and zapped her with it multiple times, hearing her screech and try to get away. I held on to her by the hair, zapping her over and over again, putting all my frustration into the prod button. Eventually she dropped to the ground, crying and quivering, begging me to stop.
Wordlessly, I pulled her over to the raised wooden platform, making her get on it and then pushing her onto her hands and knees. She sobbed as I spread her legs apart and locked her ankles into 2 steel cuffs embedded into the wood. I cuffed her wrists to her ankles, forcing her to remain on her knees with her face down and her ass and pussy up, exposed completely. She struggled against her bonds but could barely move her limbs, and she eventually stopped struggling, knowing she was powerless there and had to take everything I did to her.
I walked over to Allie, still without saying a word. I then put the cattle prod to her right breast and shocked her, hearing her screaming loudly as she was zapped by the contraption for the first time. Allie curled up into a ball, trying to avoid the prod again.
"You knew she had managed to free her arm. And you stayed silent."
"I- I didn't!" protested Allie, but fell silent when she saw how angry I was. I uncuffed Allie from the wall and dragged her over to the platform too. I made her lie on her back, and lift her arms above her head, and spread her legs as wide as she could. I then locked her wrists and ankles the same way I had done to Chloe. I took a step back to observe my handiwork.
Allie was lying, spreadeagled, legs spread wide apart and nipples pointing straight upwards. Chloe was on her knees, ass up and face down, her face a few inches from Allie's pussy, with her wrists pulled below her and cuffed under her body to her ankles.
I went upstairs for a moment, retrieving some of the new toys I had bought online to use on them - A flogger, a timer and a large butt plug. As I came down the stairs slowly, Chloe raised her face up, gasping in shock when she saw the braided flogger I was holding. She started struggling again, ass jiggling in the air as she tried to get out of the position I had locked her in. Allie, meanwhile, was facing the other way, and could not see why Chloe was getting so scared. I saw her moving her head from side to side frantically, trying to see what was coming.
I stood near Allie's head and brought the flogger down on her breasts, hearing her screech in surprise and pain as her breasts jiggled from the impact.
I brought it down on her belly, seeing it go taut immediately.
I walked around to Chloe, the captive girl's eyes following me as I sauntered around to stand behind her.
I brought the flogger down on her shoulder blades.
I brought the flogger down squarely on her asshole, watching the braided strands slip between her asscheeks and hit the little rosebud. Chloe screamed again, her asshole puckering open and shut trying to lessen the pain from the flogger.
I paused. Both girls were screaming, but in reality, the flogger had more bark than bite. The momentary pain was sharp, and the girls certainly wouldn't enjoy being flogged, but there was no possibility of drawing blood or any bad bruising.
I started raining blows on Chloe's back and ass, hitting the back of her thighs, watching her jump as errant strands of the flogger hit her pussy or asshole. Giving her a bit of a break, I moved on to Allie, hitting her a few times on the bottom of her feet, but focussing mainly on her tiny pert breasts. I aimed for her nipples, watching her yelp as the flogger hit her squarely on them, her areolas starting to turn redder and redder.
"I gave you orgasms, I let you get off, but apparently that wasn't good enough for you," I said, keeping my voice calm as I walked around to Chloe again.
I brought the flogger upwards, hitting her pussy, hearing her howl as I hit her most sensitive area. I hit her pussy again, watching the strands slip between her pussy lips and make contact with her exposed clit as she howled again. She was spread wide open in that position, and could do nothing but wait for the next stroke.
I brought the flogger down on Chloe again, making sure the ends of the strands hit her directly on her puckered little asshole.
"Now you both will learn what I can actually do when I'm angry."
I aimed for Allie's right nipple, watching it bounce as the flogger made contact.
"So, let's play a game. Chloe, I'm going to shock you in the clit with the cattle prod, 15 times as a punishment." Chloe started shaking her head, blubbering as she tried to convince me not to punish her that way.
"Fifteen??" she protested. "That's too much, that will cause permanent damage a -a-and"
"I don't care," I said. Well, I did care, and did not want to hurt them permanently. And I certainly wouldn't be shocking anyone fifteen times on their clit in a row. I got off on humiliation, not pain. But it was better if they were scared of me from the start.
Chloe kept protesting but I cut her off. "HOWEVER, I will give you 20 minutes to lessen the punishment as much as you can." Chloe was silent now, listening desperately, trying to work out how to avoid the cattle prod.
I grabbed the timer and set it to 20 minutes. "When I start the timer, you have 20 minutes to make Allie cum as many times as possible. The more you make her cum, the less times I shock you with the cattle prod. For example, if you make her cum 3 times, I'll minus that from the 15 shocks, so you get 12 shocks on your little clitty. Understand?" Chloe nodded her head frantically.
"Let's make this more fun for Little Miss Innocent," I said, smiling at Allie. She gulped. "Allie for everytime YOU cum, you get a shock on YOUR little clit, how does that sound?" Allie started shaking her head frantically.
"Please, please, not the cattle prod," she begged, speaking for the first time that day. She had gotten her first taste of the prod minutes ago, and did not want to go through that ordeal again. It had hurt enough when I had shocked her breast, and she shuddered to think of what it would feel like on her clit.
"There'll be no cattle prod for you, Allie, if you manage to resist cumming from your friend licking you out. It's up to you."
"Pleeeease," Allie begged again.
"You don't seem to have much faith in yourself Allie, then again, I wouldn't either after seeing you fucking yourself with that cucumber while I spanked your ass last night." Allie turned a bright red from embarrassment when I mentioned the cucumber incident in front of Chloe, falling quiet immediately.
"Okay girls," I said, grabbing the timer, "Your time starts... NOW."
Without hesitation, Chloe buried her face into her friend's pussy, attacking her clit with her tongue. I could see her moving her head back and forth, knowing that the harder she tried, the less her punishment would be. I smiled, remembering how she had called me a dyke just 2 days ago.
I hit Chloe's back with the flogger. She flinched, looking up at me for a moment with pleading eyes before turning back to Allie's pussy and pushing her face into it again. I started raining down blows on her back and arse, watching her jiggling her arse from side to side, trying to lessen the impact of the leather on her sensitive flesh. She remained razor-focussed on her main task at hand throughout the flogging - making Allie come as quickly as possible.
I saw Allie's clit getting larger and redder under Chloe's onslaught, the spreadeagled girl squirming as her friend frantically licked her out.
"Allie if I catch you pretending you didn't cum, I will triple your punishment with the cattle prod. Count each time you cum out loud, do you understand?" Allie sobbed, shaking her head, thrusting her pussy from side to side in a poor attempt to escape Chloe's tongue.
Chloe renewed her onslaught, sucking on Allie's clit forcefully. She clamped down on Allie's clit with her lips, sucking the hard nub into her mouth, and then began flicking her tongue quickly over her clit while still sucking on it. I was amazed by how quickly her pussy-licking skills had developed. I hit Chloe's asshole directly again with the flogger, enjoying the slurping noises she was making as her asshole winked at me over and over again. I aimed the flogger at her asshole again, watching it slowly turn an angry red from the leather.
I turned to watch Allie, knowing she was seconds away from coming. I could see her fighting it, gritting her teeth, embarrassed by how quickly she was coming as another woman licked her out. She held out a while longer, but eventually, I saw her body tense up, wrists straining against her restraints, as she let her body go, surrendering to the orgasm that was flooding through her.
"Mistress I'm coming," she remembered to say obediently, her body bucking under her friend's tongue as waves of her orgasm overcame her. I saw her shudder, turning her face away from both Chloe and me in shame.
"16 and a half minutes left, Chloe. My my, you've become quite the pussy licker."
Chloe didn't give Allie a second to rest. She shoved her tongue as far up Allie's pussy as she could, moving her head forward and backwards aggressively. Allie started begging her to slow down, but Chloe gave her no time to recover from her last orgasm as she started eating the poor girl out once again.
"Chloe please! Chloe just give me a second please!" pleaded Allie, but Chloe ignored her, fully intent on reducing her own punishment as much as possible. She continued tongue-fucking her friend for a while, rolling her tongue into a semi circle and diving back and forth, face first, into poor Allie's pussy. She then turned her attention back to Allie's engorged clit. I saw her nibbling on the sensitive nub as Allie shrieked and tried to jerk her legs away, before going back to flicking it vigorously with her tongue.
It wasn't long before Allie was cumming again, yelling "Two mistress, I'm comingggggg!" as her body bucked against the shackles. I decided to add to her torment, bringing the flogger down on her sensitive breasts, watching with satisfaction as her nipples started to harden and turn red. Allie had to lie there, arms and legs spread wide, unable to get away as I used the flogger to flick the ends of her nipples. Meanwhile, her friend was still licking away at her pussy without mercy.
Allie came two more times in quick succession, bringing her total number of orgasms to four.
"That's 10 minutes left, Chloe, and 11 shocks to your clit left for you."
Chloe shoved her whole face into her friend's pussy, swiping her nose up and down, using it to stimulate her friends throbbing clit. Her tongue must have been tired, but she quickly realised it was her best bet at reducing her punishment. She quickly went back to licking Allie's clit, flicking her tongue up and down. Allie's clit was huge by now, red and engorged. I saw Chloe's tongue hit her directly in the center of her clit, then flick up to hit her clitoral hood and come back down. I knew from experience that the amount of stimulation at that point, after multiple orgasms, would be overwhelming and painful.
Allie was a quivering mess by now, she was blubbering incoherently, trying to get her pussy out of the way, alternating between begging me to let her go, and begging Chloe to have mercy. Suddenly, her body stiffened, and she started blabbering "No no no no no" as she struggled to close her legs. I could see her impending orgasm approaching, knowing she was dreading it.
"UGGGGG" Allie grunted, her legs shaking against the metal restraints. She kept trying to close her legs, knowing the next orgasm would send her over the edge, making her already-sensitive clit even more painfully sensitive. I reached over and started playing with both her nipples, running my hand gently over the red edges.
"FIIIIVE!! FIVE! FIVE!," Allie screamed suddenly as her legs buckled outwards and another orgasm overcame her. This one hit her like a truck, she went completely silent and still for the longest time, her muscles taut, barely moving as she gasped for air.
"Ugggg," I heard her utter another guttural cry, not really conscious of what was happening. I kept tweaking her nipples gently, watching her reach to being forced to cum over and over again.
"Ugggggghhh," Allie grunted again as she tensed up and ended up squirting forcefully all over her friend. Her pussy juices splattered everywhere, the liquid hitting Chloe squarely in the face. I could see Allie's pussy hole clenching at nothing, open and shut, as she kept grunting, her pussy juices running down her thighs. The wooden platform was seeping with Allie's juices now, flecks of her pussy juice all over Chloe's face. Chloe winced, but it didn't deter her from continuing, trying to lessen her own punishment even more.
I felt a little bad for Allie, Chloe was the one who had attacked me, but Allie seemed to be the one suffering more. Chloe was doing all she could to palm off her own punishment on her friend. I reached around to my bag, and unseen by the girls, added some lube to my fingers. I walked over to Chloe, and pressed my index finger against her asshole.
Chloe jerked immediately, turning around with a look of dawning horror on her face.
"N-n-no.." she stuttered, "N-n-not there, please - I c-c-an't, I n-never-"
I grinned. "First time?" I asked. Ignoring her pleas, I slowly slipped my finger into her ass. She groaned, wincing from the unfamiliar sensation. He asshole winked at me, open and close, as Chloe tried to lessen the pressure from my finger. I pushed my finger as far as it could go, then folded it in two, sawing my knuckles in a circular motion inside her as she grunted uncomfortably from the intrusion.
"7 minutes left, Chloe."
Chloe jerked in shock as she turned around to look at the timer. She started flicking her tongue against Allie's clit again. Allie groaned, Chloe's harsh ministrations continuing on her oversensitive clit. I decided to slow Chloe down a little. I slowly slipped another finger into Chloe's ass, watching her stop for a second and turn back to me. I could feel her straining to keep her asshole shut, pulling against the finger already in her ass as she tried to fight against the second intrusion. I pushed forward with a little more pressure, and eventually her muscles gave way. She moaned, face first in Allie's pussy, as I buried a second finger deep into her ass.
Chloe looked at the timer again and buried her face in her friend's pussy once more. I started shifting my fingers around, using my knuckles to make her first anal experience as uncomfortable as possible.
I then used a bit more lube, and without warning, forced a third finger up Chloe's ass. I was a lot rougher this time.
"AAAAH!" Chloe screamed, jerking her arse from side to side. She was extremely exposed, wrists locked to her ankles, so there was nothing she could do to stop my onslaught on her ass. I started moving all 3 fingers in an out of her tight ass, enjoying the look of humiliation and discomfort on her face. Her asshole winked at me, gaping open momentarily as I pulled all 3 fingers out, and then pushed them back into her ass again. Gasping for air, she dejectedly started licking Allie's pussy again, swiping her tongue up and down the other girl's slit.
"6 minutes left." Chloe was slurping away desperately at her friend's pussy while Allie writhed around in a mix of pain and pleasure. Allie was begging Chloe to slow down, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. I felt a flash of anger at Chloe. she was selfishly doing everything she could to lessen her own punishment, even if it came at a cost to Allie.
Once a bully, always a bully.
I pulled my 3 fingers out of her ass, and went to my bag of toys. I hadn't planned on using this yet on the girls, but thought Chloe would deserve what she got.
Chloe was so busy trying to make Allie cum again with her tongue, she didn't notice as I took off my clothes and pulled the large strap on out of the bag. It really wasn't a small strap-on - my fingers might have loosened her ass up a little, but she would certainly not enjoy this much, larger intrusion. I buckled the contraption on, then walked up behind the girl and slowly rested the tip of it on her asshole.
Chloe turned around when she felt something cool resting against her puckered hole. Smiling, I showed her the strap on. It took a split second for her to comprehend what I was going to do, before she gasped in horror.
"No, no, not that. I c-can't, please."
"You just said that about my fingers but you took all 3 really easily, you disgusting whore."
The bully continued pleading, but I paid her no heed as I lubed up the strap on, and started pushing it against the entrance to her asshole.
"4 minutes left Chloe. Now push out with your asshole, that will make things easier for you." Knowing she wouldn't take my advice, I started pushing the tip of the dildo back and forth into her asshole, as Chloe squirmed uncomfortably, still begging me to stop. Even with my reminder of the time, she didn't go back to licking her friend's pussy, too preoccupied with the impending invasion of her asshole.
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Allie took a much-needed break, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
By now, the tip of the dildo had made its way into Chloe's ass. I could see her tight hole slowly expanding to accomodate it, Chloe's cries getting louder and louder the more her asshole was stretched. I squirted a bit more lube directly onto her ass, as the widest part of the dildo started approaching her.
"Please! It hurts! It hurts!" Chloe was rocking her arse back and forth now, while also tightening and loosening her asshole to cope with the pain.
"Yeah Chloe, make your asshole wink at me, that looks great!" I pulled out slightly, teasing her, and then pushed it back in slowly, ignoring her pleas. I was halfway into her ass by now.
I reached under her, and started rubbing her clit with my fingers. Chloe howled, trying to get away from my fingers, as I latched on to her clit and started tugging at it. I got into a rhythm, pulling on her clit, rolling it around my fingers as I pushed in and out of her ass. With every push, I pushed the strap-on a little further in.
I could feel Chloe's clit getting bigger in my fingers. Giving it a particularly hard squeeze, I pushed the fake dick into her, as far as it could go.
"AAAAAAAAARGH!!" Chloe's screech reverberated around the basement room. I started thrusting in and out of her, holding on to her sides to keep her still. I kept pinching her clit harshly, causing her to jerk forwards, trying to get away from her burning pain in her ass, and the sharp pinches to her clit. Chloe kept trying to lessen the assault on her most sensitive regions, ass cheeks jiggling, all thought of licking her friend's pussy gone now.
The timer went off, startling all of us momentarily. Chloe started sobbing in earnest now. I looked over and saw Allie visibly relax, shoulders clearly less tense as she realised her ordeal was over for now.
I stopped thrusting into Chloe, enjoying her looking at the timer with resignation.
"That's 10 shocks to your clit, Chloe, and 5 for your friend Allie." I circled my hips around, making the strap-on move in a circular motion. "How do you like having a cock up your ass? You took all of it pretty quickly." I spanked Chloe's ass again, watching the skin turn pink under my hands.
"Y-y-you're a ss-sadistic monster!" spat Chloe suddenly. "You - you-" She yelped as I pulled the strap-on out, and slammed it deep inside her again, pinching her clit a few more times.
"I'm the sadistic one?" I asked, as she struggled under my renewed assault on her. "What about your friend Allie over there, who's going to get punished for something YOU did?" Allie was watching me now, blue eyes wide with a dawning realisation of how selfish her friend had been. "I didn't expect you to try quite so hard to make her orgasm again and again like that, Chloe."
"I didn't," protested Chloe. "Y-y- you forced me to-"
"Sure I did." I rolled my eyes. "You could have refused to lick her out. You could have laid there and not put your selfish tongue on her pussy. But you didn't."
Allie was silent now, looking at Chloe with a mixture of disgust and betrayal. I pinched Chloe's clit again, hearing her yelp.
"Anyway, let's let Allie catch her breath while we resume your punishment."
I picked up the flogger and brought it down on her back suddenly.
"AAAAARGH!" Chloe screamed, more from the shock than anything else.
"Fuck me back, bitch." I brought the flogger down on her back again. "I said, MOVE YOUR ASS! Back and forth! Now!" I flogged her harder, watching her sob as she started pushing her arse back towards me. I watched more of the dildo disappear into her (now gaping) asshole. She started moving back and forth on the dildo, grunting as I forced her to participate in her own ass-fucking.
"Faster!" I whipped her again, and she screamed once more. "Faster!"
Chloe picked up her pace, her ass cheeks jiggling as she forced herself onto the large strap on. She was moving relatively quickly now, and I could see her large breasts swaying below her as she moved back and forth.
I brought the flogger down on her a few more times, watching in satisfaction as she started flinging herself forwards and backwards. She probably thought I would stop if she fucked the dildo fast enough, but I was still extremely annoyed by her attempt to overpower me and escape. The whole dildo was in her ass now, as she strained to take its entire length. Her breasts were jiggling, her long nipples scbanging the wooden platform, turning hard from the friction. I leaned forward and pinched both her nipples, hearing a muffled groan from the bully.
I then resumed pinching with her clit, tugging on it hard with my thumb and forefinger, denying her any pleasure from the action while making the nub as engorged and sensitive as possible. I whipped her with the flogger in my other hand.
"Not so keen to make your friend cum anymore huh?" I asked as she kept fucking herself on the strap-on.
I kept going for a few more minutes, feeling her pussy getting wet despite the pinches to her clit, despite the large dildo up her ass and the flogger on her back. Chloe was making odd noises now, a mixture of grunts and yelps as she bounced back on the strap-on in short, sharp moves. The metal restraints rattled from her movement.
"And looks like you're enjoying this too, your clit is huge now." Chloe grunted in response, too focussed on the large intruder up her ass. I put my thumb into her pussy, trying to find her G-spot, while my remaining four fingers stayed on her clit.
Chloe continued fucking herself on the strap-on, and after a few minutes I noticed a slight change in her breathing. She was rocking her pussy back and forth on my thumb as it circled inside her, my fingers fluttering over her clit, and I noticed an orgasm building up slowly.
I held my four fingers out, rigid and straight, barely in contact with her clit. Then I brought the flogger down on her back a few more times. Chloe automatically started rocking back and forth faster, bouncing on the strap-on, but this also had the added effect of forcing her to rub her own clit against my outstretched fingers.
"Hnnnnnnggggggg," she moaned, knowing she would soon be past the point of no return.
I was enjoying the sight of her easily taking the strap-on up her ass, pulling herself out until the tip rested against her red asshole, and then thrusting backwards until the dildo was far inside her. Her nipples were rock hard, scbanging against the wooden platform below her as her large breasts jiggled with each thrust of her ass. Meanwhile, her movements on the dildo meant that she was having to rub her own clit against my other hand, as I kept my rigid fingers right against her now-dripping pussy.
I was forcing the selfish bully to give herself an ass-fucking, while also making her masturbate herself on my fingers, forcing her body to seemingly enjoy a painful and humiliating ordeal.
"M-m-mistress can I cum?" she whispered, knowing that she would be punished if she came without permission.
"Tell Allie what I'm doing to you first."
Chloe closed her eyes, humiliated. "She- she's g-got a dildo up m-m-my arse, and she-she's also hitting me with the whip."
"Flogger," I corrected her. I brought the flogger down between her shoulder blades again for emphasis.
"Flogger," Chloe repeated. "She's also p-playing-playing with m-my clit- Mistress PLEASE can I cum?" she asked again through clenched teeth, the desperation clear in her voice. She continued fucking herself on the strap-on, pressing her hard, engorged clit against my fingers as her breasts swayed from side to side.
"Am I reeeally playing with your clit, Chloe? Tell Allie the truth please."
Chloe hung her head in shame, knowing what I wanted her to say. She was gritting her teeth now, trying to stave off the orgasm that was creeping up on her, but she knew better than to stop bouncing her ass on the dildo.
"N-n-no she's got her fingers in- I-I'm rubbing my clit on her f-ffingers and g-getting off while I f-f-fuck the dildo with my ass."
I smiled. "Good girl. Don't stop fucking yourself until I tell you to. But now, you may come."
Chloe groaned, actually increasing the intensity of her thrusting, her ass cheeks rippling as she forced herself on and off the strap-on. Her clit was a blur against my fingers, all poise and decor gone as she obscenely rubbed her pussy against my hand, making herself cum while her friend watched. I could actually hear her breasts shaking with every thrust, the stimulation of the hard wood against her sensitive nipples adding to the mix of sensations she was feeling. I hit her again with the flogger.
"UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH fuckkkk Mistress I'm cominggggggg," she blurted out. She began jerking around as a huge orgasm hit her, her shackled wrists straining against the metal, hands grasping at nothing. In one swift move, I took the narrow handle of the flogger and shoved it up her dripping snatch.
"AAAAAAAH!" Chloe squealed, as the feeling of her having her pussy filled up added to the intensity of the orgasm. She knew she would be punished if she stopped, so she kept up the pace as she came noisily, her pussy contracting around the handle of the flogger that I had just shoved into her. Her asshole winked back at me, clenching onto the large strap-on that was buried deep in her ass.
I forced her to keep bouncing back and forth on the strap-on, twisting the handle of the flogger around in her pussy. She had no choice but to continue masturbating herself for my pleasure, even though all instinct was telling her to stop, to reduce the painful pressure on her clit. I was getting extremely wet, feeling her rubbing her engorged, oversized clit on my fingers, even though she was hating it.
Chloe sobbed, as she felt another orgasm approaching, an unwilling participant in what should have been an enjoyable experience for her. I felt her squirt a little into my hands, but kept my fingers straight and outstretched as she kept grinding her pussy on them.
"Mistress PLEASE CAN I COME AGAIN?" Chloe yelled as she thrashed around, overwhelmed by everything, all propriety gone out the window.
"Tell Allie what you're doing first."
"I'm fucking the dildo still a-a-and- rubbing my c-c-clit against her fingers," Chloe cried out. "B-B-but now she's making me fuck the whip- I mean the flogger - the handle - the handle of the f-f-flogger with my p-p-pussy too."
"And you're enjoying it Chloe? You're going to come again?" I asked patronisingly.
"Y-yes, please, I'm going to come again. P-p-please let me c-c-come mistress, please, I c-can't hold it in m-much longer, I-I-I"
"You may come Chloe."
"HHNNNNNGGGGG" the bully cried out, coming almost immediately, just minutes after her first orgasm. She cried out, jerking around on the strap-on for what seemed like minutes, her pussy clenching down on the handle of the flogger deep in her pussy. Her clit was now an angry red, quivering as she came all over my fingers. It took ages for her to calm down. This time, she was spent, too far gone to keep fucking herself on the dildo.
I pulled the strap-on and the flogger out of her wordlessly, leaving her lying there, face down and ass up, breathing heavily as she dealt with what had just happened to her. She didn't even look up as I picked up the cattle prod and walked over to Allie.
Allie looked at me fearfully. She was still tied to the platform, spread-eagled, pussy in Chloe's face as she watched her friend get punished and humiliated.
"How many shocks are you getting to your clit with this, Allie?" I asked, holding the cattle prod up.
"Five," she said quietly, steeling herself for the punishment.
"Count them as they happen."
I held the cattle prod to her clit, and watched her close her eyes, tensing her body up as she waited for the pain.
It never came. She opened her eyes after a while, looking at me confused.
"Let this be a lesson to you Allie. The next time any of you tries to mess with me, and the other does nothing, I WILL punish you both." Tears welled up in Allie's eyes as she tried to comprehend the fact that she wasn't getting shocked with the cattle prod.
I unlocked Allie from the restraints, helping her up as she massaged her arms and legs. I waited for her to stretch a little, then led her around behind Chloe.
"I expect a little gratitude, Allie, for me choosing not to punish you." Allie nodded frantically, blue eyes wide, willing to do anything to escape the cattle prod. I put a collar on her, pushed her into kneeling position on the floor, and then locked the collar to the wooden platform via a short chain. In this position, her face was inches away from Chloe's red pussy and stretched-out asshole.
"And I expect you to take that gratitude out on Chloe." Allie looked at me as I gave Chloe's pussy a sharp slap. Chloe flinched. She was still locked into position, wrists pulled below her and cuffed to her ankles, her ass up and her face pressed into the wood of the platform drenched with Allie's pussy juices. She had no idea what was coming, no idea that I had tied up her friend inches away from her. Allie tentatively extended her tongue outward, and gave her pussy a quick lick.
"Smart girl. I know this is your first time licking pussy Allie, but hopefully your friend demonstrated earlier exactly how she wanted it done."
I gave Chloe's ass a few sharp slaps as Allie obediently started flicking her tongue against Chloe's clit. I knew she was disgusted by the idea of going down on a woman, but she also clearly felt betrayed by how quickly and selfishly her friend had thrown her under the bus earlier. I thought she would appreciate the opportunity to exact some revenge on Chloe.
Chloe yelped, her pussy and clit still highly sensitive from the forced ass-fucking and masturbation just minutes earlier. Unfortunately for her, the only way she could move in her restraints was if she jiggled her ass back and forth, or from side to side. This would increase the friction on her clit as Allie continued licking her out, running her tongue up and down her friend's dripping slit.
"PLEASE!" yelled Chloe, trying to exact some compassion from her friend, but Allie continued running her tongue around her friend's clit, paying her no heed.
I watched them for a few more minutes, then started to pack my toys up, and put my clothes back on. Gathering my things, I headed back up the basement stairs. I had work to do - more paperwork to sort out for my grandmother, and some pre-reading for my courses before University started again in August. And, I needed to decide what to do with the girls in the long run. I turned back at the top of the stairs, to look down at my two slaves.
Chloe was thrashing around trying to get away from Allie's tongue, her tits bouncing and ass jiggling. Allie reached forward, using her hands to grab her friend's hips and keep her still. Seeing me watching, wanting to show she was grateful for escaping the cattle prod, Allie extended a finger and slowly pushed it into her Chloe's pussy.
"You better ask Allie's permission if you want to come again, Chloe!" I called out, watching the girl jerk around helplessly as her clit was stimulated once again, without mercy. "And I WILL punish you if you come without permission!" I watched for a while longer, seeing Allie really get into the zone, moving her tongue from side to side against her friend's exposed clit, while now pushing two fingers vigorously in and out of Chloe's dripping pussy. I stood at the top of the stairs, watching them for a few more minutes.
"Can I comeeee?" I heard Chloe eventually whisper. Allie remained silent, but continued running her tongue over the ridges of her friend's pussy.
"CAN I COME" Chloe repeated imperiously, expecting her friend to say yes. Allie still said nothing, but increased the pace of her assault on her friend's pussy, starting to flick her tongue over Chloe's clit as she finger-fucked her friend.
"ALLIE LET ME COME!" Chloe was begging now, desperate as she caught on to the extent of her friend's anger, realising she was going to be in for a long afternoon.
I turned around and switched off the basement lights. As I shut the basement door I heard Chloe shriek "ALLIE FOR FUCK'S SAKE PLEEAAAASEEEE!!". I still heard nothing but slurping from Allie, and the rattling of metal as Chloe fought against her restraints.
I smiled and clanged the metal cage door shut, leaving the two bullies in total darkness.
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Chapter 5
Two days had passed since Chloe had tried to escape and then force Allie to take her punishment. I had left Allie tied up in front of Chloe's pussy for the entire afternoon, giving Allie plenty of time to do whatever she wanted to Chloe. I'm not sure how long Allie kept up her assault on Chloe's clit, but by the time I untied them both, Chloe had pissed herself and was almost incoherent.
I relaxed my rules slightly that evening, bringing them out of the basement for the first time and letting them have a proper shower. I gave them some old clothes of mine to wear, but made sure they kept their collars on. I cooked some pasta for them as well - proper food - and let them sit and eat their meal at the dining table, legs cuffed to their chairs. Both girls ate in silence, but I could tell they appreciated the gesture of humanity. Still, I saw them looking around the house, trying to get a better handle on their surroundings.
I had removed all personally identifiable material from the house, but was still a little nervous. Still, I felt better when I wasn't treating them like complete animals. I decided that a couple of times a week, I would let them have a shower, eat at the table and maybe watch some TV.
Two days later, we were sat having dinner - Chicken fricassee - at the table again. The girls were clearly still not speaking to each other - earlier when I put their food down outside the basement door, Allie would only come up and collect her own portion. Despite getting her revenge on Chloe, I think she still felt extremely upset and betrayed.
Divide and conquer, I thought to myself, as we all ate our food in silence.
It was a stormy night, rain pelting outside as the wind howled in the distance. It felt like a great night to curl up on the sofa with a book, or with your two lesbian slaves if you were fortunate enough to have them. I picked the latter option.
After dinner, I led both the girls over to the living room, clipping a leash to their collars, and then clipping that to a metal ring above the fireplace. There was only one key for the leash and collars, and that was safely in a locked safe under my bed. The leashes were long enough to give them space to move around, but there was no way they were escaping, not with the precautions I had taken.
"Okay girls!" I clapped my hands together. "Time to kiss and make up. Take off your clothes."
Both girls acquiesced, Allie too timid to do otherwise, and Chloe still subdued from her ordeal two days ago. They quickly took their t-shirts off (no bra, obviously), and then slid their shorts and panties off.
"Girls, give each other a kiss."
As expected, both hesitated, glaring at each other.
"That's one count against each of you. I wont ask again," I whispered, a glint of annoyance in my voice. Allie shuffled towards Chloe, and then gave her a peck on the lips. Chloe sneered and turned away.
"Chloe, kiss her back."
"I won't," replied Chloe sullenly, still angry about what had happened in the basement.
I shrugged. "Thats two counts against you, Chloe. Trust me when I say you'll both be punished for disobedience later." Sighing, Chloe took a step towards Allie. They kissed hesitantly, lips bumping against each other awkwardkly.
"Come on girls you've both had your tongues up each other's pussies before, enough with this fake shyness. I want to see some tongue." The girls kept kissing, and I saw Allie dart her tongue into Chloe's mouth. They started french kissing, still not touching each other with their hands.
"Allie, use your tongue on Chloe's breasts, suck on her nipples." Allie hesitated again. I could see why the girls were embarrassed - in the basement, I had tied them up, forced them to to lick each other's pussies while threatening them with the cattle prod. This time, the cattle prod was conspicuously absent, and they were barely restrained. I was making them feel far more complicit in their own lesbian actions this evening, and they were hating it.
Allie scrunched up her nose, bending down to lick the side of Chloe's breast tentatively. She then stopped and looked at me.
"That's two counts against you, Allie," I said in a bored voice. This was getting irritating - did they not realise they had no choice but to listen to me? Or was I being too nice to them? I reached into my bag of toys and pulled out my next item - a small paddle. I placed it on the table with a flourish.
"Whoever disobeys me next will get spanked- hard- with this."
Allie's eyes went to the paddle, then she quickly bent down and started licking Chloe's breasts properly, sucking on the areolas, gathering her friend's nipples into her mouth and flicking them with her tongue.
"Worship her breasts, be more convincing."
She started kneading Chloe's large breasts with her hands, kissing them all over. She used her fingers to tweak the taller girl's left nipple, tugging on it gently as she licked her other nipple with her tongue. I saw Chloe's long nipples get hard very quickly, responding to the stimulation.
"Chloe, nice tits, very responsive," I said, watching Chloe turn red in humiliation. "How about you jiggle them around, do some jumping jacks for me." I wanted to highlight to both girls how helpless they were before me.
Chloe actually listened, glaring at me while she started doing jumping jacks. Her breasts were far too big for her to jump without discomfort - I knew as I was roughly the same bra size now. The bully started jumping up and down, her breasts jiggling, bouncing up painfully when she jumped up, and then ricocheting back down to hit her abdomen as her feet hit the ground again. I watched her for a while, watching her body start glistening with sweat as her breasts bounced in every imaginable direction.
"Stop." Chloe stopped immediately, hands on her sides as she tried to catch her breath. "Now get on your knees." Still looking sullen, Chloe complied, getting on her knees as I sat on the sofa. I decided to humiliate her further.
"Grab your breasts, your nipples in each hand, and pull each nipple forward as far as you can." Chloe still followed my instructions, wincing as she grasped each nipple with her thumb and forefinger, and started pulling them forward. Her breasts lifted up, pulled up by her own hands as she strained to pull each nipple away from her body.
"Now hold on to your nipples and start pulling each breast forward and backwards, alternating them. Moo like a cow while you do it."
Chloe stopped immediately, looking at me with a mixture of disgust and confusion. "Wh-what?" she asked incredulously.
"That's 3 counts against you, and 10 spanks with this paddle, Chloe. Are you supposed to question me?" As she resumed her grip on her nipples, I pulled my next toy out of the bag - a long, thin cane. Resting it on the coffee table I said "And the next person to disobey me gets 10 strokes with the cane."
Chloe started pulling her nipples forward and backwards. I looked her her expectantly, and she closed her eyes in embarrassment, before starting to say "Moo! Moo!" as she did it.
"That's right my little fuck-cow, when I say 'Jump', you say 'How High?', understand?" Chloe mooed in response, too scared of the cane to question me again.
I laughed mirthlessly, enjoying the situation. Back in high college, when my breasts had been much larger and more pendulous, Chloe had mocked me incessantly. She would sing rude songs about my breasts in the hallway, and even hid my bra a few times when I was getting changed in the locker room. With no friends to help me retrieve my bra, I had had to run through the college a couple of times, visibly bra-less, searching for my bra in random places. Chloe and Allie would moo at me while I did that, laughing as they saw the panic in my eyes.
Now, Chloe was naked on her knees, being forced to degrade herself, pulling on her own breasts in a lewd imitation of a cow getting milked while mooing loudly - just because I told her to.
"Moo! Moo!"
"Louder, Chloe," I said, and she started mooing louder, still pulling on her nipples painfully to satisfy me. She was beet-red now from the humiliation.
"Moo! Moo!""
"That's right, little cow, shake your ass for me." Chloe started shaking her ass from side to side as she knelt in front of me. She kept tugging on her nipples, acting like she was milking them. She looked extremely humiliated as I laughed at how ridiculous she looked, her huge tits jiggling while she jerked around on her knees.
"One last moo, Chloe, milk your tits harder, and make your moos convincing or you get the cane." A tear fell down Chloe's cheek as she struggled to deal with being forced to display her body in such a degrading manner.
Pulling her nipples as far out as possible, she threw her head back and yelled "MOOOOOOOOOOO!" one last time, while shaking her ass at me. I fell over laughing, almost crying with laughter as I saw her cringing on her knees, in tears now from the demeaning act.
"Nicely done Chloe, now stand up, turn around and spread your legs." Chloe obeyed, thankful that she didn't have to act like a cow anymore. She faced away from me, and stood with her feet far apart.
"Now bend over at the waist." Chloe bent over, her ass and pussy slowly coming into view. "Now reach around, and spread your ass cheeks apart." Chloe grabbed each ass cheek with each hand and slowly peeled them apart. Her pussy lips spread slowly, and her asshole winked at me in the evening light. Her breasts hung low in that position, nipples pointing towards the floor.
"Wow that asshole looks a little loose to me, Chloe. Looks like you fucking yourself on my strap-on had lasting effects." Chloe flushed - I knew how vain she was, so she certainly didn't enjoy my commentary on her body. I pressed on.
"The gaping asshole, the pendulous, saggy tits, the cellulite on your ass. How old did you say you were again?" Chloe flinched, visibly hating my critique of her body. She had great tits in reality, and not a hint of cellulite. Still, I knew from experience she was too insecure to not take my words to heart.
"Allie, you barely have any tits, so no mooing like a cow for you." Allie jumped and looked at me, realising she had not been forgotten. I reached forward suddenly, grabbing her pussy lips.
"No tits, but look at these fat pussy lips, " I said. With one lip in each hand, I tugged on her lips, alternating between them. Allie stood there in shame, letting me demean her, wincing as I ridiculed her most private area. "These are fun to play with, given you have the torso of a man." I flicked at her dangling pussy lips with my forefinger, causing her to jump.
"Since I can't play with your boy-tits, you'll have to entertain me some other way. Kneel down and give Chloe a nice little kiss on her asshole."
"Wh-what?" Allie spluttered. "I'm NOT doing that." Wow, bold move from Allie, I thought. Chloe stood there listening, still bent at the waist and pulling her ass cheeks apart with her hands and looking back at us.
"That's three counts against you Allster, and 10 strokes with this lovely cane. Care to reconsider?"
"I c-can't, that's gross, I can't put my m-mouth there."
"Four counts against you, Allster. Next punishment is another 10 strokes with the cane." Allie eyed the cane apprehensively, realising that 20 strokes with the cane would be extremely painful. She knelt down facing Chloe's spread asscheeks.
"I'm waiting Allie."
Tentatively, she put her face against Chloe's ass, her nose entering the slit between both cheeks. She puckered her lips, and cringed as she placed a small kiss on Chloe's asshole.
"Say thank you Chloe, say it like the cow you are."
"M-moo! Moo!" Chloe said again, face red in anger and humiliation as she continued standing there, forced to spread her own ass cheeks apart.
"Give her another kiss Allie, and mean it this time." Allie did so again, wincing as she did it.
"5 counts against you Allie, that was not convincing at all." Allie looked at me, defeated.
I was getting bored of their half-hearted attempts, and decided to skip to the punishment. I unclipped their leashes and led them over to the dining table, behind the sofa. The dining table was massive, made from polished walnut, and large enough to seat 8. I forced the girls to bend over the table, side by side.
"Bend over the table, and stretch your arms out to grasp the other side. Palms flat." The girls both obeyed, silently apprehensive, knowing they were going to get the paddle and the cane.
"Spread your legs now, wide as you can." The girls spread their legs wide. Bent over the table, this position forced them to put their pussies and asses on full display, thrusting their nether regions outward in an almost obscene manner.
I tapped Allie's foot with the cane, causing her to jump. "Spread your legs wider."
I left both girls there for a minute, forcing them to wait, knowing what was coming for them. I decided to paddle Chloe first.
"Count each stroke Chloe," I said as I grabbed the paddle.
I hit Chloe on her right arse cheek, hearing her howl as the wood made contact with her tender flesh. Her ass cheek started turning pink.
"One!" she spluttered.
Chloe screeched again as I hit her on her left ass cheek. "Two!" she said, groaning, face flat against the table.
I hit her again on her right ass cheek, landing on the spot where I had previously hit her. This time Chloe jumped up, grabbing her stinging ass with her hands and rubbing her cheeks frantically. Her breasts jiggled as grabbed at her own ass, trying to alleviate the pain.
"If you break position Chloe, that stroke doesn't count." Looking at me with a mixture of pain and anger, Chloe forced herself back over the table, spreading her legs wide, and facing her palms flat against the wood, hands outstretched. Her breasts smushed up against her chest in that position.
"Next stroke is your third," I reminded her as I took a step back.
I hit Chloe on alternating cheeks, hearing her yelp and count each stroke as her cheeks jiggled, her ass on fire.
With each stroke, her ass turned a brighter shade of red. I forced her to count out loud.
"Eight!" she shrieked, fingers curling, trying to deal with the pain without moving. She was moving her ass around to try and reduce the pain, but with her arms outstretched and legs spread wide, it looked like she was doing some sort of obscene dance, thrusting her pussy and ass back up and down lewdly. Her clit peeked out from between her outstretched legs, almost invitingly.
Chloe jumped up, rubbing her ass again, tears in her eyes. I decided to let this one go.
"Get back on the table. I didn't let you get up." Groaning, Chloe forced herself to let go of her stinging arse cheeks and bend over the table again.
"I bet you wish I was playing with your clit now, eh?" I chuckled wryly as I walked over to Allie. Allie looked at me, terrified, seeing her friend crying, knowing the cane would hurt far more. Her pussy lips were dangling in the cool air, her puckered little asshole winking at me.
I grabbed Allie's pussy lips and started tugging them again. Allie shifted uncomfortably, but kept her legs spread. "Maybe I should make you lie on your back, and use the cane on your pussy instead."
"No! No please!" she yelled immediately.
I picked up the cane. "Next time you show any hesitation when I ask you to do something, I promise that's what I'll do to you. Spread your legs wider, arse up. Now. Palms flat on the table." Allie stretched herself out further, straining to maintain the position.
"Same rules as for your friend over there, count the strokes and if you break position, I'll hit you an extra time."
I tapped her lightly on the ass with the cane a few times, causing her to yelp.
The cane sliced through the air, making contact with her arse with a sharp crack. Allie screamed for the longest time, not expecting how painful it would be. She stayed in position though, and finally mumbled out "One."
I hit her again, the cane whistling through the air before it made contact with her skin. A second red line appeared on her bum.
On the sixth stroke, Allie closed her legs, still bent over, begging me to stop.
"That one doesn't count, so 5 strokes to go, Allie. If I were you, I would have taken giving Chloe's asshole a kiss over this, but to each their own I guess." I waited, looking at her sternly until she spread her legs again.
"Six!" she squealed, in immense pain. Red lines were criss-crossed on her pale skin, turning darker over time. Her pussy lips dangled under her, jiggling with each stroke of the cane. She too was doing the weird dance Chloe had been doing before, staying in position but shaking her ass up and down to avoid the pain.
On the ninth stroke, Allie jumped up again, her little breasts jiggling with the movement. She grabbed her ass cheeks momentarily, and then looked at me, quickly getting into position again before I could say anything.
"Nine," she said through gritted teeth, upset at having to repeat the stroke again.
"Ten!" she squealed, her body going slack as she realised her ordeal was over.
Her ordeal was not over. Quickly, I grabbed her hands and cuffed them behind her back, while she was still bent over the table. I reached over and did the same for Chloe. I dragged them upright, holding on to fistfuls of their hair.
"On your knees! Both of you!" I gave them no time to recover from their punishment, watching as they both dropped clumsily to their knees.
"Come over to the sofa." I watched them struggle to balance, waddling over to the sofa on their knees, muscles flexing as they twisted from side to side, trying not to topple over.
I took off my dress, and stood before them in my underwear. I took a deep breath, years of fear and hatred bubbling to the surface as I waited for them to say something mean.
I looked down at them, hands cuffed behind their backs, on their knees in front of me. There were red square-shaped marks on Chloe's backside, and thin lines, slowly turning blue, on Allie's. They were helpless before me, having to do whatever I said.
Taking a deep breath, I peeled off my panties, and then slowly unhooked my bra. They both saw me naked, properly, for the first time, in bright light. I was pretty proud of how I looked now, and I reminded myself of that. My waist was thin and toned, giving way to womanly wide hips. I had taut thighs and strong calves - a testament to my love for running. My breasts were a 32F, a serious impediment when I was running marathons, but they were decently perky for their size, especially since they had been much larger back in high college. My slow weight loss had meant that I didn't really have any stretch marks, save for a few barely-visible streaks on the sides of my breasts.
It was time for me to properly enjoy my slaves. I had spent the last few days breaking them in, alternating between punishing them and forcing them to play with each other, or play with themselves. Now, they would give me pleasure.
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I made them face each other, still kneeling. Grabbing their leashes in my hand, I then stepped between them. Facing Chloe, I pressed her face to my pussy.
"You know what to do." Chloe stuck her tongue out, licking my clit a few times, and then started eating me out in earnest. This was her second taste of my pussy, but the first time she was playing an active part in it. I felt run her tongue slowly up and down my entire slit, before resting on my clit. She started circling her tongue around my clit as I relaxed, feeling the blood flow to my most sensitive area.
I turned my head around to face Allie, who by now had guess what I was going to make her do. "You didn't like kissing Chloe's asshole earlier, but you're going to act like you enjoy licking mine."
I reached back with both hands and grabbed her long, light hair, one hand grabbing the hair on each side of her head. Pulling her hair forwards with both hands, I shoved the girl's face into the crack of my ass.
"Allie, I've run out of patience, that will be 10 more strokes with the cane if I feel you hesitate even one more time." To Allie's credit, she dived face-first into my ass then, and I felt a soft wet digit tentatively poke at my asshole. "That's right Allie, stick your tongue out, and start flicking it over my asshole, the same way you were flicking Chloe's clit yesterday."
Allie started licking my ass with her tongue, and I felt my puckered hole relax slightly in pleasure. At the same time, I felt Chloe's tongue flicking on my clit. I was in heaven, my most private areas being worshipped by the two girls kneeling before me.
"Lick up and down my entire ass crack Allie." Allie ran her tongue up and down by ass crack, and I shivered with pleasure as she did it.
"Chloe, fuck my pussy with your tongue." Chloe rolled her tongue up, tilting her head back so she could stick her tongue into my vagina. Her chin bumped into Allie's as behind me, the smaller girl kept tonguing my ass crack, bathing it her saliva.
I still had a grip on Allie's hair with both hands, pulling her face into my ass. "Allie, stick your tongue into my ass, as far as it will go." I heard a muffled howl from Allie as I made her do what she was hoping I wouldn't. Still, she was too scared of getting caned again, and she tentatively started poking at the entrance of my asshole with her tongue. She pushed the tip of her tongue in slowly, choking slightly as I forced her to do the disgusting act.
Meanwhile, Chloe had worked her way back up to my clit. She knew that the more effort she put in, the faster I would come, and faster she could stop. She used her tongue to push my clitoral hood back, then put her lips over my clit, her soft lips creating a vacuum-like feeling as she sucked my clit further into her mouth. She kept sucking in and out with her lips, tugging slightly, sending me into paroxysms of pleasure.
Allie meanwhile, was still working on my asshole, and I could feel the tip of her tongue slowly entering my ass. "Allie I said stick. Your. Whole. Tongue. In." I pulled on her hair to punctuate each word, sighing as I felt her tense up and then thrust her tongue as far into my ass as she could go.
"Now start fucking my ass with your tongue." I was approaching an orgasm, feeling Chloe sucking on my clit as Allie began forcing her tongue in and out of my ass. I could feel her gagging, but didn't let go of her hair, forcing her to keep her face pressed into my ass crack.
Chloe continued sucking on my clit, tugging it slightly, then started running the tip of her tongue against my clit at the same time. This was what sent me over the edge.
"Fuckkkkk," I exclaimed as I came hard, my legs shaking as I was hit by one of the best orgasms in my life. I grabbed Allie's hair, pulling it and forcing her to continue tonguing my asshole as I rubbed my pussy all over Chloe's nose and tongue.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed again, my body still buckling from being expertly brought to orgasm by the tongues of the two slaves. Chloe kept licking my pussy, knowing better than to stop, while Allie sobbed, her tongue still far up my asshole, as I felt her hot breath on my ass crack.
I closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the moment for as long as I could, feeling the waves of orgasm flood over me.
Chapter 6
After I came down from that earth-shattering orgasm, I realised I still had one last thing left to do. I had threatened the girls with more punishment earlier, when they refused to make out with each other. While I had paddled Chloe and caned Allie already, I still had the second part of my punishment pending.
I had already skipped out on shocking either of their clits with the cattle prod, despite telling them I would after Chloe's escape attempt. I needed to make them take me at my word, so I stepped out from between their tongues and went to my bag of tricks.
My legs were like jelly after my orgasm, but I managed to make it to the bag. The girls watched me, still on their knees with their hands cuffed behind their backs.
"Face me, but stay on your knees." They both shuffled around, trying not to fall over.
"So. Chloe, you had three counts against you; The first two for refusing to kiss Allie initially, and the third for hesitating when I asked you to pull on your tits and moo like a cow. Say 'moo' again, Chloe."
"Moo," she said quietly, turning red from the effort. My pussy juices glistened all over her nose and mouth. I noticed she hated me mocking her tits and making her act like a cow. A few more ideas of how to torture her came to mind, and I stored them in my growing mental list of Things to Do to Them.
"Allie, you had FIVE counts against you. One for refusing to kiss Chloe, one for not licking her breasts fast enough, and THREE for not kissing Chloe's asshole when I asked you to." Allie hung her head, refusing to look at me.
"Allie, look at me, you seemed to have fun shoving your entire tongue up my ass just 10 minutes after that. How interesting."
I walked over to Chloe, metal jingling in my hands. The girls tried to see what I was holding, and both recoiled when they saw me hold up a few metal clamps. Chloe tried to turn away from me, but was basically immobile in the kneeling position, hands cuffed behind her back like that.
I grabbed her left nipple and started rolling it between my finger and thumb, feeling it stiffen beneath my fingers. Chloe closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself for the coming pain. I opened the metal clamps - they looked like the foldback paper clamps one would find in an office, but with a hook you could add weights to - then tugged on Chloe's long nipple, stretching it out. After a few seconds, I snapped the clamp shut on her sensitive nipple.
"AAAAAAAH!" Chloe tried to get away, and fell backwards noisily. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, but she tried to get to her feet and run. Run where? I wondered, as I grabbed the end of her leash and tugged, causing her to fall forwards with a yelp. I caught her before she hit the ground, sitting on her to stop her from getting away. I grabbed one of the girls' discarded panties on the living room floor and stuffed it into her mouth.
"Mmmmmmffff!" Chloe shook her head from side to side, trying to get the panties out her mouth unsuccessfully.
"I'll duct tape that in if you dont stop," I threatened. I looked down at her, still sitting on top of her. The clamp was still on her left nipple, so I grabbed her right one and started tweaking it as well. I managed to get the second clamp on her right nipple relatively quickly, hearing her shriek into the gag as the edges of the clamp bit down into her sensitive flesh.
"That was two counts, and now for your third," I said. "Spread your legs." Chloe's eyes widened as she started shaking her head frantically, pleading with her eyes as she realised the next clamp was going onto her sensitive clit. I twisted round to face her feet and sat on her again as she struggled.
Peeling back the girl's pussy lips, I tugged on her clit with my fingers. I had expected to play with it a little, getting it hard for the clamp, but I saw her little nub hardened, standing out proudly from between her lips. I was confused - I had not touched their pussies at all, in fact I had paddled her and then made her lick me out. Was she getting turned on from that?
I grabbed her clit again, peeling her clitoral hood back. I unceremoniously shut the clamp on her clit, ignoring her cries of pain. I then grabbed her leash, winding it around a few times before locking it to the ring above the fireplace. Chloe knelt in front of the fireplace, trying not to move, tears welling up in her eyes as her sensitive nipples and clit were squeezed painfully by the clamps.
I grabbed her heavy breasts, one in each hand, placing my hands under each breast like a support. I slowly lifted them up, higher and higher until her nipples were pointing at the sky. Then, I retracted my hands, watching her breasts fall downwards again due to gravity, hearing her yelp as the sudden movement caused her clamped nipples to bounce around, hurting even more.
I then turned my attention to Allie. She had shrunk away between the coffee table and the sofa, but there was nowhere to go. I pulled on her leash, forcing her to waddle forwards towards me on her knees. I grabbed the other piece of underwear and shoved it into her mouth.
"Same punishment for you, Allster." I grabbed a few more clamps from my bag.
"Clamping your tiny breasts isn't as fun as playing with Chloe's, I'll admit." I grabbed both her breasts, the small breasts fitting easily into the palm of each hand. I tweaked her nipples a few times, seeing them get hard pretty quickly. I then attached the clamps to both her nipples, first the right then the left, hearing her scream into her gag as the clamps bit down.
I waited for her to calm down, then said "Lean back and push your pussy out towards me." Tears ran down Allie's cheeks but she obediently thrust her pussy out towards me, actively participating in her own punishment. I was hit by the smell of her juices as she spread her knees apart and pointed her pussy at me. She was clearly slightly turned on, the moisture evident in her slit. I pushed her fat pussy lips apart and grabbed her clit, squeezing it a few times with my fingers. Just like Chloe, it seemed she couldn't help but get wet, even when I was using her for my own pleasure, or caning her as a punishment.
I shut the third clamp on her clit, hearing her howl and collapse to the floor curling up on her side. She rolled around, trying to get the clamps off, but with her hands cuffed behind her back, there wasn't much she could do.
"Allie!" I barked, startling her out of her reverie. "I'm not done with you yet." She paused and looked at me as I continued "You had five counts against you, not three like Chloe did."
I pulled out two more clamps from the bag. Both Allie and Chloe watched silently, trying to figure out where those extra two clamps were going. Allie squealed as I squatted down and grabbed her left pussy lip with my hand.
"I told you, playing with your tiny tits was no fun, not like your cow friend over there." I jerked my head in Chloe's direction. "Your dingly dangly pussy lips are going to be so much more fun to abuse." Allie was squirming, trying to get her pussy lip out of my grip, but I held on to her left pussy lip firmly, pulling it until it was stretched out in front of her obscenely. I took my time, opening the clamp, then looked into her eyes as I clamped it shut. She screamed as I pulled her clamped lip towards me, harder, as she started bending her body forwards to avoid me stretching her pussy lips even more. I then let go suddenly, watching her pussy lips ricochet back towards her body, the clamp hitting her and then bouncing around as she knelt with her legs spread.
Allie shrieked again. I knew she was exaggerating, because there was no way clamping her pussy lips was as painful as what I had done to her breasts and clit. I grabbed her other pussy lip, pulling it forward lewdly again, clamping it again and pulling on it, watching it ricochet back towards her and bounce around.
I grabbed two circular weights from the bag and walked back to Allie. She eyed the weights, not knowing what they were, but then groaned, pleading at me through her gag as she saw me attaching them to the hooks on the clamps on her pussy lips.
"I thought I'd watch them dangle around more, give myself a bit of a show," I said, releasing the weights. Allie screamed as her pussy lips stretched out more, dragged downwards by the weights. Allie looked almost comical now, hands cuffed behind her back and knees wide apart. The clamps stuck straight out on her nipples and clit, but the cherry on top of the cake was her puffy pussy lips, pulled downwards obscenely by the weighted clamps. I flicked her right nipple with my forefinger, hearing her squeal again.
"Chloe, get over here!" Chloe waddled forward, probably eager to do what she could to avoid me clamping her pussy lips like I had done to Allie.
"It's time for you girls to kiss and make up."
I pushed the coffee table to the side of the room, then guided them into position in front of the sofa, facing away from each other. They both yelped as I did that, any movement causing the clamps to pull on their sensitive bits painfully. I then pushed their backs down, forcing their faces to the floor. They were now on their knees, ass up and face down, facing away from each other with their upturned asses and pussies almost touching.
I pulled the final piece de resistance from my bag - a large, double-ended didlo.
"I'm going to make you both fuck each other with this. Time to learn how to work as a team and stop being angry about what happened in the basement 2 days ago."
I walked around to the girls, and slowly reached into the gap between their asses. I worked one end of the dildo into Chloe's pussy, hearing her grunt as the dildo entered the tight hole. I then grabbed the other end, and used my fingers to spread Allie's long pussy lips apart. She squealed again, as the movement caused the weights to jingle around, tugging on her pussy lips. I slowly inserted the other end of the dildo into Allie's pussy. Then, I took a few steps back to observe my masterpiece.
"Start fucking yourselves on the dildo, girls." Allie started thrusting her ass out obediently, back and forth, crying out as the movement caused the clamps on her nipples and pussy to move around in all directions. Still, she kept going, knowing she would get punished if she didn't.
Chloe, on the other hand, pushed her ass back onto the dildo a few times, but then stopped. She made muffled noises through her gag, clearly pleading with me to stop the punishment. I felt a flash of anger. Allie, with more clamps on her, was forcing herself to fuck the dildo, but Chloe wasn't even trying.
I grabbed another weighted ball from my bag, slightly larger and heavier than the ones I had attached to Allie's pussy lips. I went over to Chloe, held it up in front of her eyes, and then reached under her. Holding her clamped clit in my fingers, I attached the weight to the hook on the clamp, and released it, letting the girl feel the full weight of the weighted clamp for the first time.
Chloe howled, shaking her ass and pussy around, trying to fling it off. As a result, the double-ended dildo was driven further into her pussy.
"That's the spirit, Chloe!" I said patronisingly, watching her struggle and inadvertently fuck the dildo like I had asked her to. I patted her head, then swung the weight attached to her clit a few more times, knowing it was tugging her clit downwards, and stretching it out painfully.
"Now I'm going to watch some TV, and everytime I see either of you not putting in any effort, I'll attach more weights to your nipples and clits. I'll let you go when you've both had an orgasm." I knew it would be virtually impossible for them to cum in their predicament, the pleasure of the dildo in their pussies not enough to drown out the pain from all the clamps. Still, it would be fun to watch them struggle for a while, trying desperately to make themselves focus on the pleasure and ignore the pain.
"Now starting fucking yourselves properly!"
I slapped both their asses, and the girls started jerking back and forth on the dildo as I grabbed the remote and switched the TV on. I sat on the sofa, resting each leg on their backs as they thrashed around, fucking themselves, taking turns to drive the dildo in and out of their pussies and trying to ignore the painful clamps. I watched Netflix for a while, but frankly, preferred the live show in front of me.
The girls got into a rhythm, Chloe first pushing back as Allie thrust herself forward. This caused the dildo to go further into Allie's pussy. Then, Allie pushed back, pushing the other end of the dildo into Chloe's pussy as Chloe pushed her ass forward. The metal of the clamps jingled merrily as the 2 girls worked up a sweat. I looked at Chloe's heaving breasts, her long, hard nipples clamped, hurting as they scbangd against the wooden floor. The weighted ball dangled from her clit, amplifying each movement of hers as she thrust herself back and forth on the dildo.
Allie was having a worse time. Her little tits were jiggling, bouncing wildly and taking the clamps with them. Her clamped clit was hidden by her pussy lips which hung low, pulled down by the weight of the little balls I had attached to them. The weighted balls were bouncing around with each thrust too, spreading her fat lips apart obscenely, open and shut, open and shut in a humiliating way.
Both girls were grunting from the exertion as they fucked themselves on the double-ended dildo, clamps swinging around.
I took my feet off their backs, and went round to Allie. I removed the gag from her mouth, knelt facing away from her and shoved my ass into her face. I taunted her "Lick my asshole properly and I might let you stop." Allie needed no further encouragement, all misgivings about licking ass gone as she focussed on getting the painful clamps off her nipples and pussy.
I felt her licking my ass crack from top to bottom, bathing it with her saliva again. She then poked her tongue into my asshole, enthusiastically fucking the tight hole with her tongue. I could feel her still thrusting on the dildo, hearing the metal jingling as the two girls pushed back and forth, back and forth.
In that position, I reached back and flicked Allie's nipples a few times, feeling her squeal but continue whorshipping my asshole. I straightened up, still kneeling, forcing Allie to lift her face up to keep her tongue up my ass. Still, the desperate girl followed me with her tongue, shoving it in and out of my puckered asshole enthusiastically.
I reached my arm down, straining, and managed to grab hold of one of Allie's clamped pussy lips. She squealed as I harshly pushed them from side to side. I couldn't see what I was doing, but I knew I was adding extra movement to the clamps, causing the weighted balls to pull more and more on her swollen lips.
I grabbed the girl's clamped clit, tugging on it, clamp and all, hearing her squealing into my ass as I diddled her. I kept on alternating between diddling her clit and flicking the weighted balls on her pussy lips, enjoying her muffled cries into my asshole as she kept tongue-fucking my ass with gusto, hoping to satisfy me.
I stayed there for a while, feeling Allie's hot breath on me, feeling her tongue circling around inside my ass. I grabbed a vibrator, a small hitachi I had on the coffee table, and switched it on. I reached under me, holding the vibrating end to my clit as my slave kept tonguing my asshole. It didn't take long before an orgasm built up and I was writhing around on the floor, cumming hard from the combined feeling of the vibrator on my clit and Allie's tongue up my ass. I ground my ass into Allie's face for the second time that night, overwhelmed again with an orgasm unlike any other I had had before.
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I got up, and Allie looked at me expectantly, thinking I was going to take off the clamps.
"Not yet," I said, ignoring her protests. I shoved her panties back into her mouth. Enough chat.
I went over to Chloe, still holding the buzzing vibrator. The bully eyed it suspiciously, as she pushed back and forth on the dildo with her pussy, her large breasts bouncing below her, with the metal clamps glinting in the light. I held up the hitachi.
"Maybe this will make you feel better." I held the vibrator to the top of Chloe's clit, flush against the top of the clamp attached to her. The sudden buzzing caused the clamp to vibrate, making the weighted ball attached to it dance around beneath the poor girl. Chloe shrieked, but held her position, yelping as the hitachi caused the clamp to vibrate and pull on her clit even more.
Eventually, the vibrator started to feel good though, and I saw her close her eyes. She thrust the dildo in and out of her pussy as the vibrator massaged her clamped clit. Allie and Chloe were still keeping up a good pace, despite the clamps, knowing that enthusiasm on their parts would make me end the punishment earlier.
Chloe was rolling her hips back and forth now, shoving the dildo further into her pussy. The little vibrator on her clit was a welcome distraction from the pain of the clamps, and I saw her groaning as it started to feel good.
"MMM mmmay eee cmmmm," she pleaded, the panties stuffed in her mouth muffling her words.
"You may cum."
It took a few more seconds of me holding the vibrator to her pussy before Chloe came hard, stopping her thrusting on her dildo momentarily as a sharp, shuddering orgasm hit her. I saw her nipples quivering, the clamps on them catching the light. As she moaned, ass shaking, coming hard against the vibrator, I reached under her with my other hand and tapped the weight attached to her clit. This caused her to screech as her sensitive clit was tugged downwards, and side to side by the heavy ball.
Chloe was shaking as the waves of her orgasm rolled over her. I kept flicking the weighted ball, making her clit stretch out and dance around as her pussy contracted hard on the dildo.
"UGGGGGGGG" the girl grunted as I kept flicking the weighted clamp, still holding the vibrator to her hypersensitive clit. This prolonged her orgasm, and she started fucking the double-ended dildo again on her own accord, slamming herself onto it, causing Allie to gasp from the other end being pushed deep into her pussy.
"MMMAY EEE CMMMMM AGNNNNNN!!" Chloe begged through her gag, still thrashing around on the dildo.
"Ask me properly!" I commanded, increasing the speed of the hitachi by one. Chloe shrieked as the increase in intensity hit her.
"MAY I CMM AGAINNN MSSSTRSSS?" she yelled, making an effort to articulate her words through her gag.
"Only if you moo for me while you come," I said. "Can you do that?" I reached below her and tugged on the weighted ball hard, cruelly causing her clit to stretch out even more as her second orgasm approached.
"YSS, MSSTRESS. I. WLL. MOOOOO!!!" She struggled to get the words out through the gag, twisting around trying to avoid having another orgasm before I gave her permission.
"Yes you may come."
"HNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG," Chloe yelled out in pain and pleasure as the second orgasm hit her.
"MOO!! MOOOOOO!!" she yelled, willingly degrading herself so she could enjoy the orgasm that was coursing through her body.
She was still fucking herself on the double-ended dildo without abandon, her pussy clenching down on it hard, the weighted clamp on her clit bouncing in all directions as she came again, screaming. Allie was being pushed forward due to Chloe's thrusting, on the verge of losing her balance everytime Chloe pushed her pussy back down on the dildo.
"MOOOO!" the humiliated girl remembered to yell again, losing all sense of herself, the second orgasm hitting her hard. Her body kept on bucking, making the weighted ball jerk on her clit, painfully drawing out the orgasm as long as possible.
Chloe fell quiet after a long while, her body shuddering from the aftershocks of the orgasm. Suddenly, she jerked her head upwards and looked at me, eyes wide as a sudden realisation hit her and she started squealing in pain.
I smiled.
"I think you've learned the hard way, Chloe, that you don't want to orgasm while there's a clamp on your clit." Chloe started shaking her pussy around again, this time to reduce the pain on her clit rather than from orgasmic bliss.
"You see, all those orgasms caused a lot of blood to rush to your poor little clitty." I flicked the weighted ball attached to her throbbing clit, letting it swing from side to side as Chloe howled. "That caused your clit to get bigger and bigger, which isn't great when there's a clamp and heavy weights attached to it."
I flicked the weighted ball again, watching the poor girl's swollen clit get pulled around as the ball lurched from side to side. I could see how red Chloe's pussy was, and could see parts of her engorged clit poking out around the sides of clamp. The intensity of the vibrator had caused her to have two of the biggest orgasms of her life, one after the other. Unfortunately for her, it had come at a price.
"GGGGGGG..." Chloe grunted again from the pain, cruelly brought back to earth after her multiple orgasms. I diddled her clamped clit for a while, watching as she rocked back and forth, breasts and ass jiggling, trying to avoid my fingers while also trying to move as little as possible.
I stood up again.
"Keep fucking yourselves, girls, I didn't ask you to stop!"
The girls groaned as they resumed fucking the double-ended dildo, metal clamps clinking, clamped nipples and clits quivering, the weighted balls attached to various parts of their bodies swinging around wildly. The smell of sweat and sex filled the room as I sat back on the sofa and resumed my show, putting my feet back on their backs as I observed them grunting and squirming and suffering below me.
I was pretty certain that at that moment, I was in possession of the world's greatest footrest. I sighed and settled into the sofa contentedly.
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Chapter 7
A few days had gone by after I had paddled and caned the girls, then forced them to fuck each other with clamps attached to their nipples and pussies. I had given them a break since their ordeal, generally leaving them alone, except to give them food and water.
Whenever I was bored or horny, I'd go into the basement and grab the girl nearest to me, bringing her up to the main house. I took great relish in making them eat me out while I did mundane tasks like writing up my CV or applying for internships. Allie was fine with this, preferring the "vanilla" tasks to my more elaborate sessions with them. Chloe, oddly, would get extremely affected by being ignored and treated like she didn't matter.
There was one morning when I was making Chloe lick my pussy while I sat at my desk, reading a book. I saw how much she hated being shoved under the desk like an object, only being interacted with when I gave her brief instructions on how to cater better to my pleasure. She had always wanted to be the center of attention. I had made her hold my coffee too, expecting her to keep her hand outstretched until I took the mug back.
I'll admit, being able to dehumanise my former bullies in that way was extremely satisfying. They had spent years doing the same to me, isolating me from my peers and humiliating me. Now I was getting revenge.
There was another evening when I decided to spring clean my house. I didn't trust the 2 girls with my grandma's personal things yet, not wanting them to find documents that would identify me or her. So, I cleaned the house myself, naked, making Allie lick my ass as I did so. The bully had to crawl around behind me on all fours, trying to keep her tongue against my arsehole as I moved around. Everytime she took her tongue off my asshole for more than a few seconds, I would make her bend over the nearest piece of furniture and ask me to spank her. I would then happily oblige, giving her 5 spanks with the paddle each time. I knew how much she hated licking ass, and relished making her do it.
It was after dinner now, one of those nights where I had brought the girls up to eat with me at the dining table. They sat, legs cuffed to their chairs as I cleaned up quickly, after a nice dinner of roast chicken and seasonal vegetables. I was feeling horny, and decided to have a longer session with them.
I brought them back to the basement, holding their leashes, making sure the basement door and the metal gate over it were both shut securely.
Chloe eyed me sullenly, knowing that I was planning to toy with them again. She was still upset from our previous session, where I had humiliated her by making her act like a cow. Allie kept her head down, refusing to look at me.
"Come over here girls. Take off your clothes." Chloe started taking her clothes off - she wasn't shy - folding her clothes like I had taught them to, and standing naked in front of me.
"You too, Allie." Allie still had her bra and panties on. Despite all the things I had done to her, she still wasn't used to being naked and exposed in front of other people. She slowly took her underwear off, turning red as she covered her pussy with her hands.
I rolled my eyes. Her pussy wouldn't be covered up for very long. "Position 2, girls." I had taught them a few basic positions, designed to expose their private parts to my gaze. I loved watching them spring to attention, getting into position, forcing them to display their own bodies just so I could toy with them.
Chloe and Allie got into "Position 2", Allie visibly wincing at what was to come. They both turned around, facing the basement wall, and spread their legs. Then, they raised their arms above their heads and put their hands against the wall. They raised their arms as high as they could, spreading their legs as wide as possible, so I could get a good view of their nether regions. Their legs were straight and taut in this position, and they had to use the wall to steady themselves.
I left them like that for a while, unable to look around, waiting for what I would do to them. I walked over to Chloe and started pulling on her pussy lips, flicking her clit with my index finger as she squirmed in discomfort. She forced herself to stay in position, hands still against the wall as I fingered her pussy. Her large breasts pointed slightly downwards, swaying slightly with every movement she made.
I reached over and grabbed the bully's nipples. One long nipple in each hand, I started pulling on them in a milking motion. "Time for me to play with these udders again, eh Chloe?" I asked chuckling. Chloe turned red with embarrassment as I kept pretending to milk her breasts, hoping I wouldn't force her to moo again. "Don't pretend you hate it, I remember you happily acting like a farm animal two nights ago, just so I would let you come."
I took my hands off her breasts and went over to Allie, who was quivering next to Chloe, in the exact same position. I grabbed her fat pussy lips and spread them apart, then let go suddenly, watching the fleshy bits dangle around beneath her. Allie squeaked, but didn't break position.
I extended a finger and started tickling Allie's puckered asshole, hearing her squeak again as she realised where I was touching her. I kept that up for a while, running my finger up and down her ass crack, massaging her clenched hole, knowing she was paralysed with the fear of me putting something up her asshole for the first time. I took my finger away.
Grabbing the handcuffs lying on the table, I walked over to the girls and cuffed each of their wrists together, behind their backs.
"Okay girls, time for a little competition." The girls waited, listening, hands now cuffed but still facing the wall. They knew I had something devious planned for them. "I want you to make yourselves cum. The last one to have an orgasm gets 10 strokes of the cane. And if you take more than 10 minutes to come, you get a taste of the riding crop too. Your time starts... NOW!"
The girls turned around, looking at me in confusion. How were they supposed to make themselves cum with their hands cuffed behind their backs?
I turned the timer on, and watched as the countdown from 10 minutes to zero started.
Chloe's eyes suddenly widened with realisation. She decided not to take any chances, and looked around frantically for something she could use to make herself cum. She quickly walked over to one of the wooden chairs along the far end of the basement. Clumsily, she put one foot on the seat of the chair, and lowered herself into a squatting position, her other foot still on the floor. Allie and I watched as she placed her pussy against the hard wood of the chair arm, and started rubbing her pussy against it.
"Smart girl!" I exclaimed. I turned around to Allie The smaller girl was still transfixed by her friend shamelessly masturbating against the wooden chair. I said, "You'd better get going, you've lost almost a minute."
Allie's eyes started darting around the basement, looking for how she could make herself orgasm, without her hands.
Allie tried the edge of the wooden platform first, trying to mimic Chloe's position. I had built the platform with an assortment of restraints and metal rings embedded into it, which was very useful when I wanted to tie them up and spread them open. However, the knee-high platform was too low, and after some laughable efforts by the girl, thrusting her pussy around trying to make contact with the wood, she gave up.
Allie was getting desperate now. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon the metal water pipe fixed against the basement wall. It was a thick metal pipe, running from floor to ceiling, jutting out from the wall. Allie ran up to it, and awkwardly squatted down, facing the pipe. She managed to keep her balance, despite the handcuffs, and waddled forwards, legs splayed apart, until her pussy was pressed against the cool metal.
She looked back at me, then seemed to resign herself to her fate. She started thrusting her hips up and down, pressing her pussy against the metal pipe in a desperate effort to bring herself to orgasm before her time was up.
I turned my attention back to Chloe. Chloe was panting now, breathing hard as she struggled to maintain the squatting position. I walked closer to her, watching her breasts jiggle as she kept rubbing her clit against the wooden arm of the chair. She hadn't made a great choice with the chair arm - it was hard and angular. I couldn't see any traces of moisture near her pussy.
Allie meanwhile, was facing a different issue. As I had mentioned before, her pussy lips were long and fleshy. In this scenario, they were getting in the way of her clit and the metal of the pipe, stopping the poor girl from getting off! I started howling with laughter when I realised Allie's predicament, watching the naked girl blush with humiliation as she watched me laugh. She jiggled her butt around, trying to get the angle right, trying desperately to make her clit have contact with the pipe.
I reached down and spread her pussy lips apart with my hand, ensuring each one was on different sides of the metal pipe.
"You better thank me properly for the help later, Allster."
"Thank you Mistress," the bully said dutifully.
Allie looked at the timer and immediately started rubbing her now-exposed clit against the cool metal. With her hands cuffed behind her back, she had to squat down on her haunches, legs spread and bent apart, and jerk her hips against the pipe. I watched her little tits bounce around as she struggled to keep rubbing up against the pipe. She turned redder with humiliation as she masturbated against the pipe openly, knowing I was watching her degrade herself. We both knew she was doing it to avoid the cane, but she still struggled with the wanton display of her most intimate parts.
For a few minutes, the room was silent, except for the sounds of the girls grunting as they forced themselves to masturbate with their household furniture of choice. Very quickly, it was clear that Allie had chosen the better option. The metal pipe was cool and slick, and unlike the chair, did not move around as she thrust up against it. Chloe was struggling to keep the wooden chair in place, her arse shaking as she lewdly spread her legs apart and rubbed her clit against the chair arm.
"3 minutes left girls!"
The metal pipe was smeared with Allie's juices now, as the smaller girl bounced up and down on her haunches, grinding her now-wet pussy against the metal. Her ass cheeks jiggled beautifully with each bounce.
"Make sure those pussy lips don't engulf the whole pipe, Allie!" I taunted, as she bounced around.
I could see Allie's face turning redder and redder as she approached an orgasm.
"May I come mistress?" she asked, still jerking her hips against the metal pipe.
"You want to keep rubbing your pussy against a metal pipe in my basement, Allie?" I asked. "And you want to have an orgasm that way?"
"Please mistress!" she responded, beet-red with humiliation. Not only was I making her masturbate openly and demean herself by lewdly rubbing up against a pipe, I was forcing her to loudly announce her impending orgasm.
"You may come, but you will keep humping the pipe until the timer runs out."
Allie grunted, rubbing her engorged clit against the metal of the pipe. I could hear a squelching sound as her wet pussy lips slid against the metal.
"EEEEEEH" she squealed as the orgasm hit her, her thighs tensing up as she struggled to maintain her balance. "UGGGGGGGGG" she grunted again, pressing her forehead against the pipe, still thrusting her hips up and down as she came - hard.
I watched her continue to rub her pussy against the pipe, following my instructions not to stop. She was gritting her teeth as she forced her now-oversensitive clit against the slick metal, compelled to overstimulate herself just because I told her to.
"One minute left, Chloe!" I called out. "You're already getting 10 strokes of the cane, you've got a minute left to avoid getting the riding crop too!"
Chloe turned around to look at me, fear in her eyes. She had tasted the cane before and did not want to be punished like that again. In desperation, she took her pussy off the arm of the chair and lay on the basement ground, face down. She started trying to rub her pussy against the ground, bending her legs at the knees.
I watched the ridiculous display for a while, as the desperate girl tried to hump the floor with her hands cuffed behind her back.
"M-m-mistress, I'm coming!" she yelled out, grunting as she thrust her pussy against the basement floor. "AAAAAAH!" she yelled out, wiggling around on the floor. My eyes narrowed. I could spot a fake orgasm from a mile away.
I marched up to her and observed her for a while, still moaning and thrashing around on the ground. I grabbed her hair and pulled her to a standing position. Chloe yelped with surprise, eyes widening as I shoved a finger into her dry pussy. She looked at me, knowing I had seen through her ruse.
"Did you really come?" I asked quietly.
"Y-y-yes, y-y-es I did, mistress!" Chloe pleaded.
"I'm giving you one last chance, Chloe. Trust me, the punishment for lying is far worse than if you admit it now." Chloe looked at me, then slumped her shoulders in defeat. We both knew she had faked her earlier orgasm.
"You get the cane first, then I'll decide what further punishment you get. Position 2, against the wall.. NOW!" The anger in my voice was clear as I uncuffed her arms. Chloe ran to the wall, her large breasts jiggling as she quickly assumed the position. She stretched her arms out wide, palms flat against the wall. She looked back at me and quickly spread her legs wide as well.
I grabbed the cane, swishing it in the air as I approached her. I made her stick her butt out at me, and bend lightly at the waist as she braced herself against the wall.
"That's 15 strokes, you get 5 extra for your fake little display earlier. Count them." Chloe looked at me with pleading eyes. She had never been hit with that many strokes, and she wasn't sure if she could take it. Unfortunately for her, she had no choice in the matter.
"AAAAAAAH!" Chloe yelled.The first stroke was a surprise, as she hadn't quite remembered exactly how much the cane could sting. "One mistress!"
"Mmmmmfff! Two! Mistress!" she forced out through clenched teeth.
Chloe howled as I rained more strokes down on her exposed arse cheeks. The last time I had punished her like this, she had been bent over my dining table. All she had to do was lie on the table and take it. Now, she was forced to keep herself upright, her palms sliding against the wall as she struggled to keep her legs spread.
"AAAAH! EIGHT!" She pushed her palms against the wall, pressing her face against the wall as well. The harder she pushed against the wall, the more she pushed her ass out at me, offering it up for punishment.
"EEEEEEEHHH! N-n-nineee," she sobbed out as I hit the delicate skin on the back of her thighs.
Two more strokes in quick succession, as I watched her push against the wall, her large breasts jiggling with each biting stroke of the cane.
"ARRRGHHHHH! Th-thirteenn p-p-please m-mistress!" she pleaded, "I w-won't do it again!"
I saw her asshole clenching between her spread arse cheeks as she struggled to stop herself from grabbing her own backside. Taking a step back, I braced my arm, determined to make the last stroke hurt even more.
"F-fifteen-n," she sobbed, thankful her ordeal was over.
I watched her struggle to compose herself, keeping her position against the wall, as thin criss-crossed lines started appearing on her backside. She knew getting out of position, even to grab her own stinging butt cheeks, would result in more punishment.
Taking the end of the cane, I placed it at the entrance to her pussy, and slowly pushed it in her tight hole. Chloe grunted, sobbing, arms still extended, palms and face against the wall, as she felt me violate her pussy with the wooden object.
"Is that uncomfortable, Chloe?" I taunted, pushing the end of the cane in and out of her. "It would probably feel a lot better if you were wet, if you hadn't faked that orgasm earlier..." I started moving the cane from side to side inside her pussy, feeling it scbang against her vaginal walls as she squirmed. She had to stand there, braced against the wall, taking whatever I did to her.
I pulled her over to the wooden platform I had built. "Time for part 2 of your punishment."
It took a while to get Chloe tied up the way I wanted her, but I was extremely proud of the bondage once I was done. She was kneeling on the wooden platform, hands cuffed behind her back. Her legs were spread far apart - unnaturally far apart - and once you walked behind her, you could see why. I had attached a spreader bar to her ankles, forcing her ankles a good three feet apart. That forced her knees apart too, as she struggled to remain upright.
But that was not the end of Chloe's predicament. Standing behing her on the wooden platform, I grabbed her hair and deftly plaited it, fitting some hemp rope through the braid as well. I tied the rope around her cuffed wrists, forcing her to pull her head back slightly. And then- the final piece de resistance - a metal hook with a smooth ball at the end. I threaded the remaining rope through the eye of the hook, forcing the bully to push her head back even further. Then, I slowly pushed the hook into her tight asshole.
"GGGGG," Chloe grunted, unable to see what I was doing. She felt the cool metal of the anal hook against her puckered asshole, felt me force the metal ball-end of the hook into her. She grunted again uncomfortably as her asshole expanded to accommodate the invader, closing around the metal hook tightly once the ball was snugly up her ass.
I took a step back to admire my handiwork.
Chloe was teetering on her knees, her legs spread and locked into place by the spreader bar, which I had attached securely to the wooden platform. The anal hook, attached to her hair and her bound wrists forced her head backwards slightly. To maintain her balance, she had to lean imperceptibly backwards on her knees- this meant her pussy was thrust out towards me, and pushed her ample breasts out forwards too, her nipples pointing slightly upwards.
Chloe looked at me with fear in her eyes, as I picked up the riding crop. She knew her most sensitive areas were completely exposed, and she could do nothing to stop me from hitting her tender flesh.
I brought the riding crop down, hitting her squarely on her left nipple. Chloe gasped in shock, jerking her head downwards.
"GGGG!" she exclaimed as she felt the effects of her tight bondage. Jerking her head downwards had caused her to pull sharply on the metal hook deep in her ass, which I'm guessing was not a particularly pleasant sensation. Chloe quickly pulled her head back again, causing the rope connecting her hair to her wrists and ass to go slack again. This forced her to push her breasts out at towards me.
I hit her right nipple this time, watching it harden as the bully struggled not to move. I hit her large breasts a few more times, watching them jiggle as Chloe tried her best to keep still. It was an exquisite torture for her, being forced to offer her breasts out to me to avoid pulling on the hook in her ass, just to have me hit her sensitive breasts again and again with the riding crop.
I stood by her side, and hit her ass with the crop a few times, making sure to hit the areas that were bruised from her earlier ordeal with the cane. Then, without warning, I brought the crop upwards, hitting her directly on her clit.
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Chloe screamed. I watched as she tried to double over, watching as the metal ball hook nearly slipped out of her ass. She straightened up before it slipped out, grunting as her asshole had to stretch open and clench shut again to deal with the hook slipping back in.
I hit her pussy lips, watching them jiggle. Chloe twisted around, trying to avoid a direct hit on her clit. She couldn't do much, with her knees spread that far apart. I watched her try to close her legs in vain, the spreader bar rattling as it kept her legs open wide.
I hit her exposed clit again, watching her pussy quiver as she struggled to remain still and upright in her bondage.
"Allie get over here," I barked suddenly. "Lick her breasts, do it properly or you'll be the next one in this position." Allie had been watching Chloe's ordeal from the corner of the basement, thankful she had made herself cum first as she watched her friend suffer.
Allie stood up, her face level with Chloe's chest, as she faced her friend kneeling on the raised platform. She stuck her tongue out and started flicking Chloe's nipple with her tongue, using her fingers to gently caress the other nipple. She put her mouth over her friend's areola, bathing it in her saliva, licking the hardening nipple. Every so often, she switched nipples, using her fingers to tweak the other one gently.
Making sure not to hit Allie, I aimed a few more blows at Chloe's clit. Then, I started hitting the kneeling girl's inner thighs, the sensitive flesh right at the point her legs met her pussy, hearing her squeal. The mix of pain and pleasure must have been confusing to Chloe. On one hand, her sensitive nipples were rock hard as Allie worshipped them with her tongue. On the other hand, I was using a riding crop on her pussy, hitting her most intimate areas with the leather tool.
"Allie, start licking her pussy, but don't you dare let her cum." Allie dutifully knelt before her friend, on the floor, her face level with Chloe's pussy. I saw her lick up and down Chloe's quivering slit, before sucking her entire clit into her mouth. Chloe moaned from the sudden assault, and I watched her twitch as Allie started flicking the sensitive nub with her tongue.
I used the riding crop on Chloe's breasts again, watching her them jiggle. I aimed for her hard nipples, still glistening with Allie's saliva.
I moved behind the kneeling girl.
"EEEEEEEEGGGGGH!" Chloe shrieked, jerking forward. I had hit her puckered asshole, right at the point where the metal hook entered her. I watched the ball slip halfway out as Chloe jerked her head forward, and then slowly settle deep back inside her ass again. Chloe struggled to keep still as she felt her asshole stretch. I worked the crop around her asshole, taking care to aim at the delicate skin between her asshole and pussy.
"EEEEEEEEGH!" she screamed again as I kept hitting her gooch, trying not to move her head too much. Allie kept licking the kneeling girl's pussy, oblivious to her struggles. I heard the spreader bar rattling as Chloe tried to closer her legs in vain.
I went back to hitting Chloe's breasts. I saw her pussy get redder and redder as Allie brought her closer and closer to orgasm. However, my instructions to Allie had been clear - do not let Chloe cum. Everytime Chloe's breathing would quicken, Allie would slow down, kissing her pussy lips, or licking her inner thighs. Allie was very attentive, bringing her friend to the edge of orgasm, before slowing down, not resuming until Chloe had calmed down a little.
After about 20 minutes of this, Chloe was a mess. Gradually, the sting of the riding crop had been replaced by a burning desire by her to cum. Allie however, fearful of any punishment, was taking great care not to let her orgasm. Everytime Allie pulled her tongue away, I saw Chloe thrust her pussy forward, trying to prolong the pressure on her clit, caring less and less about the hook up her ass.
"Please mistress, can I cum?" Chloe finally asked, panting.
"You're being punished," I said dryly. Allie pulled her mouth away from Chloe's clit, and started nibbling on her pussy lips. I hit Chloe's breasts a few times with the riding crop.
After a few seconds, Allie darted in between Chloe's pussy lips again, flicking her tongue over the engorged nub.
Chloe howled with need. "P-p-please mistress, please," she asked, begging openly now, as I hit her gooch again. "GGGGG... PLEASE MISTRESS!"
Allie stopped again as Chloe thrust her pussy at her friend's face wantonly. I watched the metal ball slip halfway out her ass again.
"You know what to do, Chloe, if you want to come." I paused, waiting for her to realise what I wanted her to do. I waited a few seconds. Chloe's face dropped as she realised what I wanted - I would let her come, but only if she demeaned herself again by acting like a cow.
"N-n-nooo.. p-please-"
"Chloe, you're being punished, and I had no intention of letting you come. If you want to come, you know what you have to do. If you don't want to do it, you can stop trying to hump Allie's face." Chloe turned bright red, as I pointed out how obscenely she was acting, trying rub her red, glistening pussy against her friends face. Allie's face was wet with her juices.
"P-p-please," Chloe begged again, not sure how much she could take the orgasm denial, but also not wanting to act like an animal. Bored, I hit her ass again with the crop, watching her twist around to avoid the crop.
After a few seconds, Allie resumed licking her friend's pussy, slower this time, bathing Chloe's engorged nub with long, leisurely licks.
Chloe twisted around in her restraints for a while, before she finally gave up.
"Moo..." she whispered, looking at me furtively.
"That's not enough, you can't come," I said, hitting her breasts again.
"Moooo!" she exclaimed, clearly close to orgasm. "Moooooo!" Allie slowed down again, focussing on the kneeling girl's pussy lips, sucking Chloe's entire lip into her mouth and nibbling on it.
"P-p-please!" Chloe shouted again as her pending orgasm died down. Her clit was literally sticking straight out now, angry and red.
"You need to be more convincing as a cow Chloe, that's the last thing I'm going to say to you." I hit her asshole with the riding crop, watching her clench down on the metal hook involuntarily.
"Mooooo!" Chloe yelled, as she started shaking her shoulders, jiggling her breasts at me. I watched her ample breasts bouncing as she struggled to keep her balance. "MOOOOO!" She was a deep shade of red now, tears leaking out of her eyes as she degraded herself in front of her friend. I was forcing her, yet again, to imitate a farm animal, all because she wanted an orgasm.
Still I said nothing as I hit the back of her thighs with the riding crop. Allie leaned forward and started sucking on Chloe's clit again.
Chloe was panting with lust now, literally drooling, trying to work out what else she had to do before I let her come. She started shaking her ass at me as well. I watched her arse cheeks ripple, as she jiggled her breasts frantically, trying to keep her balance. I appreciated the effort, she was having to keep upright, balancing the metal hook and ball in her arse while dealing with the riding crop and her friend's unrelenting tongue on her clit. To make things worse, she now had to face the humiliation of acting like a farm animal. willingly degrading herself for her own pleasure.
"MOOOOOOO! MOOOOOOO!" she kept saying as Allie sucked on her clit.
"Almost there, Chloe!" I called out. "Ask me to hit your breasts while you come - ask me like the cow you are"
"Mooooo!" Chloe shrieked, still jiggling her ass and tits obscenely. "M-m-mistress please let me come a-and p-please hit m-my c-c-c-cow udders while I c-c-ome please!!" I paused, impressed that she had referred to her breasts as 'udders'. "MOOOOOO!" Chloe bellowed, more desperation in her voice, as she shook her tits at me even more emphatically.
"You may come."
Hearing that, Allie drew Chloe's entire, stiff clit into her mouth and started running her tongue over it harshly as Chloe screamed. I started hitting Chloe's hard nipples, left, right, left right, watching as she started to orgasm within seconds.
"HHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!" Chloe shrieked, the metal restraints rattling as she came, hard, her long-awaited orgasm completely engulfing her. The stinging on her nipples now only stimulated her more as she ground her pussy against Allie's face.
"Moo! Mooo!" she continued desperately, still jiggling her ass and tits wantonly, knowing I would punish her if she stopped imitating a cow. She almost doubled over, grunting loudly, her body stiffening as the waves of her orgasm flowed over her. Allie kept licking her sensitive clit, the engorged nub so large now that Allie could suck on it like a little penis.
Chloe's shaking and mooing continued, as I pulled Allie away. Allie knelt on the floor by the platform, looking at me, her face glistening with Chloe's pussy juice.
Chloe screamed as I brought the riding crop straight up, hitting her oversized clit directly. She looked at me, and then started mooing again, knowing she would be punished if she stopped.
I hit her clit again.
"AAAAAH! MOOOOO!!" Chloe bellowed, still trying to shake her ass, but thoroughly exhausted by her earlier orgasm. However, I refused to let her rest.
I kept hitting her oversensitive clit with the riding crop as she struggled to keep still. Her legs were spread wide open by the spreader bar, forcing her pussy lips apart and exposing her engorged clit. It was hard to miss my target - I had never seen anyone's clit that big before, it was poking straight out at me.
Chloe kept mooing, knowing I hadn't told her to stop. The high of her orgasm was starting to fade, and the humiliation from what she had just done was starting to hit home. I started sawing the riding crop up and down her dripping slit, making her listen to the squelching of the leather against her sopping pussy.
"Moooo," she said again, jiggling her tits. Tears were running down her face now as she realised I was going to make her cum again.
I started tapping her clit with the riding crop repeatedly, watching her cringe as a second orgasm built up.
"You're going to come again?" I taunted her, still tapping on her clit with the leather crop. "After I caned and whipped you for faking an orgasm? After I put a metal hook up your ass?"
"Mooooo!" Chloe said in response, jiggling her large breasts at me, wincing as I started hitting her clit harder.
"You're acting like a fucking farm animal, just so I'll let you rub your pussy against your friend's face? You like me hitting your cow udders too? That's what makes you come?" I watched her debase herself for a while more, hitting her clit periodically with the leather crop.
I was hitting her clit hard now, watching her bounce around on her knees as she struggled with her impending orgasm. I watched the hard nub jiggling from the impact of the crop, as the kneeling girl twisted around, still shaking her tits and ass at me. I would make her cum with the riding crop, but I would make her suffer for it too.
"AAAAAAAH!" Chloe screamed as her sensitive clit was hit -hard - again. She hated the stinging pain on her clit, but somehow, the pressure was causing yet another orgasm to build up. She could do nothing but take it, legs spread obscenely far apart by the spreader bar, red pussy glistening in the basement light as her clit was painfully stimulated.
"MOOOO!" Chloe bellowed. "MOOOOOO-HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!" she said as the leather crop made contact with her clit again, pushing her over the edge for the second time. Chloe doubled over, straightening up quickly as the metal ball disappeared in and out of her winking asshole. The stimulation on her sensitive asshole drew the orgasm out as she alternated between bending forward to deal with the pleasure deep inside her, and straightening up to reduce the pressure on her hair and her asshole.
"UGGGGGGGG!" she exclaimed, as I sawed the rough leather of the crop up and down her dripping slit, stimulating her sensitive clit further.
With a final "Mooo!" she fell silent, twitching sporadically as she tried to catch her breath.
She kept her eyes down, refusing to look at me as I released her from her restraints. That was the second time she had (semi)-willingly degraded herself to act like a cow, just so I would let her orgasm. She was embarrassed that her friend had seen her debase herself like that, disgusted with herself for cumming twice, especially from getting her clit whipped by the riding crop that second time.
I led them back to their mattresses and cuffed their left hands to chains attached to the basement wall. I was sure Chloe would sleep well that night.
Chapter 8
The next afternoon, I decided to have a longer session with Allie. I had bought a new toy, that I couldn't wait to try out on her. I still had some tidying up to do in the house, so I led her out of the basement, still leashed and collared, to the guest bedroom upstairs.
"Take off your clothes." Allie dutifully removed her t-shirt and shorts. Folding them, she shimmied out of her panties too.
"Lie on the bed Allie," I commanded, as I clipped her leash securely to the iron bedpost. "Now pull your knees to your chest, but keep your legs spread, I want to see your pussy." Allie complied, lying on her back. She closed her eyes as she drew her knees up higher and higher, locking her arms under her knees as she was forced to expose her pink pussy to my gaze. I saw her blush as her pussy slips started parting, revealing her inner lips and clit.
"I said spread your legs wider." Allie grimaced, pushing her knees further apart. Even now, after everything I'd done to her, she still hated being naked, hated being forced to display her body in such a lewd manner. She was completely exposed, feeling my eyes drawn to her most private areas as she could do nothing but lie there.
"Hold this position, no matter what. Understand?" I put the paddle down on the foot of the bed. Allie's eyes followed the paddle fearfully. She had been punished regularly with it over the last few days, and would do what she could to avoid being hit again.
I had a small tube of lube with me, I smeared some on my fingers and sat on the bed next to her. Smirking at her, I pressed a finger, coated in cold lube, gently against her puckered asshole.
Allie cried out, shaking her head frantically. She had gotten well-acquainted with my own asshole in the past few days, as I had forced her to lick my ass on multiple occasions. However, despite forcing Chloe to take a huge strap-on and a metal hook up her ass, I hadn't touched Allie's asshole yet.
"Please, I've n-never put anything up th-there," she stuttered.
"I know. That's a problem we're going to fix today." I gently circled my fingers around the outside her asshole a few times, knowing it would feel good. When I felt her relax slightly, I pushed the tip of my index finger into her tight hole.
"Mmmmmff!" Allie exclaimed, unused to the sensation. She bucked slightly, but kept her arms locked over the back of her thighs obediently, knees to her chest, pussy and ass on full display.
I gently pushed my finger in further, feeling her clenching down on the intruding digit. I kept going until my full finger was up her ass, then started stroking the sides of the cavity in a come-hither motion. Allie grunted again, eyes shut, trying to deal with the unfamiliar feeling.
"That's a tight ass Allie, I'll admit." I slowly pushed another finger in. She winced as I forced her asshole to open wider, stretching to accomodate the second digit. Her muscles were clamped down hard on my two fingers, I could barely wiggle them around inside of her.
"P-p-please," she muttered again. I rolled my eyes. Had she forgotten our little session just a few days ago when I had forced her to ride a dildo with clamps attached to her nipples and pussy? Would she prefer that over me gently fingering her ass?
I pulled my fingers out of her, and stood up. Leaving her lying there, I went down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked around inside until I found what I was looking for - a fresh ginger root. I adeptly peeled off the skin with a small kitchen knife, and pared the root back into the shape of a small butt plug. I looked at my handiwork and grinned.
Allie was still lying on the bed in the same position, her asshole clenched shut after the earlier intrusion.
"Time for some anal training, Allie." I held up the ginger root. She looked at me confused, knowing I was going to put that up her, but not recognising what it was.
"You loved having a cucumber in your snatch, as I vividly remember," I said, making her recall the humiliating incident, where I'd forced her to masturbate herself on the vegetable. "Thought you'd like another vegetable up your ass. This is a ginger root." Having already lubed up her ass, I slowly pushed the ginger root into her tight hole.
Allie grunted, trying to get used to something bigger being put into her ass. She kept her knees to her chest though, wiggling around to lessen the pressure on her asshole.
It didn't take long for her asshole to widen around the root, accepting it inside her. I kept pressing, watching her asshole open wider and wider, until with a sucking noise, her sphincter closed around the narrow base of the root. Allie shifted uncomfortably, but stayed silent. She was uncomfortable, but not in pain.
"Lie there, keep the position," I said dismissively. I had work to do, and I got started on it, sorting through old clothes and boxes in the closet of the room.
Allie stayed in that position, knees to her chest, with the ginger root up her arse as I started sorting through the first box. Ignoring her, I put the valuables in one pile, and the junk in another, methodically sorting through all the old knick-knacks that had invariably built up in the house over time. I had just started on my second box when I heard Allie start squirming.
"Eeeeeeee!" I heard her squeal. She was on her side, legs askew, trying to pull the ginger root out of her backside. "It's- it's.. it's b-burning!" she exclaimed.
Standing up quickly, I grabbed the paddle.
"Get back into position!" Hearing the tone of my voice, she looked at me in fear, trying to decide what to do. Realising that resistance was futile, she quickly settled onto her back, drawing her knees to her chest. "Did I ask you to take the root out of your ass?" She whined, and I could see her asshole contracting around the root, still trying to deal with the stinging sensation.
"The ginger root will release a liquid that will irritate your skin," I explained, twirling the paddle in my hands. "The more you squeeze down on it, the more juice will be released. Learn how to push out with your asshole. Relax it, loosen your sphincter so you don't squeeze any more liquid out."
Allie squirmed as she tried to understand what I was asking her to do. I wanted her to get used to accommodating bigger things up her ass, and this was the fastest way to do it. The more she clenched down on the root, the more painful it would be for her, and she would quickly learn how to relax her ass so I could put more things inside it.
I could see her exposed asshole winking as she tried to push out with her sphincter muscles, trying to lessen the pain.
"Good girl," I said, patting her bum. "Good effort. But you're still going get punished for breaking position and trying to defy me."
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29-01-2021, 01:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 29-01-2021, 01:05 PM by hirarandi. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
That's 3 strokes with the paddle..." I saw Allie relax slightly, thinking that 3 strokes was nothing compared to what I'd done to her in the past. "3 strokes... on your pussy."
"N-no!" she shrieked with horror.
"I thought your poor little ass was dealing with enough, Allie." I stood up, still holding the paddle. She knew I was going to do whatever I wanted, and I had warned her to stay in position.
"Count each stroke, I'll repeat each stroke you break position for." I looked down at the recumbent girl, as she looked up at me, chest heaving. She had fat pussy lips that were spread apart in that position, her fleshy inner labia parting around the tight entrance to her vagina. Her clit poked out proudly, straight up at me. Slightly lower down, her exposed asshole was visible, with the little ginger root sticking into it. I couldn't wait to spank her pussy, I had been fantasizing about it for a while.
I brought the thin paddle straight down on her pussy. It hit her pussy lips with a wet smack, causing her them to jiggle.
"AAAAAAAAAAH!!" Allie screamed in shock and pain, jerking her legs around, but keeping her position. The impact had caused her to clench her asshole instinctively, and she was going to feel the repercussions from that soon, thanks to the ginger root in her arse.
"One!" she yelled out, slowly getting trained to count after each stroke of the paddle, no matter where it landed. "Eeeeee," she whined, squirming as the caustic ginger juices started stinging her ass more.
"I told you not to clench down, Allie," I tutted. "You're not going to enjoy the consequences." I saw her try and relax her asshole immediately, straining to push outward.
The paddle hit her clit directly, causing her to scream again. I loved seeing her pussy lips jiggling from the impact, the entrance to her vagina contracting as she tried to stay in position while dealing with the pain. Luckily for her, she didn't break position.
"AAAARRRRRRGHHHH!! TWOOOOOO!" I could see her asshole winking at me as she clenched down involuntarily again, then quickly forced her asshole to relax, trying to avoid clamping down on the ginger root.
"That's it, slut. Wink that asshole at me."
"UGGGGGGGGG... THREE!" Allie yelled, bucking from the pain but still keeping her knees to her chest. She was rocking back and forth on the bed in that position, pussy turning red from the paddle as the ginger root remained embedded in her ass. She had clenched down -hard- again on the ginger root, and was squirming as the ginger juice did its magic on her sensitive anal lining.
"Good girl," I said, as I watched her unclench her asshole again. "Wink that asshole at me again, come on. I'm waiting."
I watched as she contracted and relaxed her asshole a few times, face turning red with humiliation as she was forced to perform the lewd act using one of her most intimate parts. She clenched her ass muscles, open and shut, as I watched her degrade herself for my pleasure.
"Now relax that tight hole, remember, the more you push out, the less the ginger will sting." Allie grunted as she pushed out with her asshole, trying to loosen her tight sphincter.
Reaching over, I tweaked her nipple, rolling it around in my fingers as it hardened. Allie closed her eyes as I started playing with both her nipples, pulling on them gently. Allie forced herself to stay in position, legs spread and knees drawn up to her chest. Keeping hold of her left nipple, I slowly reached down and inserted a finger into her pussy, gently sawing in and out. After a few seconds, I turned my attention to her clit, still an angry red from the paddling earlier.
I ran my thumb in circles around her clit, watching blood rush to the pink nub, watching it stiffen as I stimulated it. I kept my other hand on her little breasts, alternating between each nipple, pinching them first, then rolling them around softly in my fingers.
"Push out, Allie," I reminded her. She had been clenching down on the ginger root as I fingered her, focused on mh wandering fingers as I violated her. I heard her grunt, pushing out with her asshole again, trying to lessen the stinging of the ginger juice on her sensitive inner lining.
I kept that up for a while, gently stimulating her nipples and her pussy until her breathing changed. Her nipples were rock hard now, the areolas taut, and her pussy was visibly wet, glistening with her juices. I kept tweaking her stiff little nipples as I inserted first one, then two fingers into her pussy. I finger-fucked her slowly, circling around at the entrance to her vagina as the poor girl tried to stave off her building orgasm. She kept her knees to her chest dutifully, exposing herself to me as she tried to avoid clenching down on the intruder in her asshole.
Placing my thumb against her engorged clit, two fingers still in her pussy, I said "Fuck back on my fingers, Allie, do it until you come." Allie closed her eyes in humiliation, but started thrusting her pussy onto my two fingers, back and forth.
I kept circling her clit with my thumb, increasing the pressure slightly as I watched her fuck herself on my fingers. Though she hated having something up her ass, and was humiliated by having to expose herself to me, she was enjoying the combined stimulation of her nipples, clit and vagina.
Allie came with a yelp, shuddering against my fingers, drawing her knees together as the waves of orgasm flooded through her body. I kept rubbing her clit, forcing the orgasm to continue as I felt her tight pussy spasm around my fingers. I knew the force of the orgasm would wring more ginger juice out of the vegetable, and I knew that she would feel the irritant on her sensitive ass within seconds.
I withdrew my fingers from her pussy, and left her there, knees still drawn to her chest and the little ginger root in her ass. Her red, glistening pussy was drooling onto the bedsheets. She bit her lower lip in embarrassment, humiliated at the fact that she had come so quickly on my fingers.
I turned back and continued sorting through the closet, leaving her on the bed to continue her anal training. Within seconds I heard her yelp, struggling to unclench her asshole as the stinging got irreversibly worse.
It took me 30 minutes or so to finish up with the room, poor Allie drenched in sweat now as she squirmed in a futile manner, humping the air, trying to lessen the stinging in her ass. I enjoyed watching her thrust her ass around lewdly, all propriety out the window as she spread her legs as far apart as she could to reduce the burning sensation. I stood there enjoying the show for a while before I unclipped her leash and let her stand up. I didn't take out the ginger root.
"Are you enjoying your anal training, my little anal slut?" I asked her.
"Yes mistress, thank you mistress," Allie mumbled. We both knew she was certainly not enjoying it.
I led her back down to the living room, tugging on the leash as she stumbled down the stairs behind me.
"Get on the coffee table," I commanded. "Same position as before." I let the leash drop to the floor as she hopped up on the table and dutifully assumed the position again, exposing her pussy and ass to me.
I reached into my pocket for my new toy, and held it up so she could see. It was about 3 inches long, egg shaped, with a string of beads attached to its base. The metallic egg glinted in the afternoon light. The toy was designed to be put into your ass, beads hanging out, and it used bluetooth to sync to an app on my phone. I could use the setup to send little electric shocks to the wearer. It was pretty sophisticated, I could use 5 different voltage strengths, and 7 different rhythms, or just shoot a one-off pulse out of the toy and into one of my slaves. I couldn't wait to use it on Allie.
"I know this is bigger than the ginger root, but I think you'll like it when I put it up your ass." I tugged the ginger root out of her clenched hole in one swift motion, causing her to grunt. Adding a bit more lube to the metallic butt plug, I took my time working it up her ass.
Allie bucked and squirmed, but didn't say anything as I slowly pushed the metallic egg deep into her ass. She hated the idea of anything anal-related, but objectively knew this was still far better than some of the other things I had done to her. I kept pushing the toy deeper into her, knowing that the cool metal was providing some relief from the caustic ginger juice she had been dealing with. She soon realised this too, and stopped struggling a little, feeling the cold metal soothing her irritated skin.
When I was done, the bully lay on the table, spread open, a line of beads coming out of her ass.
I made her lie there, arms locked around her knees, as I headed into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As I boiled the kettle, I suddenly heard the front door slam. I dropped the mug, hearing it shatter as I ran back out into the living room.
Allie was gone.
"Fuck!" I yelled out, as I looked out of the window and saw her running full speed down the driveway. She was naked, with no shoes on, her little tits jiggling as she ran.
"Fuck!" I cursed again. All the little mistakes I made came back to me in that split second. I had not clipped her leash to any furniture. I had not cuffed her hands or legs together. I had left her unattended and gone to another room. I had not locked the front door.
I slipped my shoes on and ran out after her. How far would she get, stark naked with no shoes on? There were miles of gravel paths and dirt roads, through forests and mountains before she would reach any hint of civilisation. Still, if she got lucky and ran into a vehicle or campers, I was completely screwed.
I kept running, hitting my stride quickly as I chased after her. I could see her clearly, through the trees but she had had a massive headstart. Suddenly, I stopped dead in my tracks.
The butt plug. It was still up her arse. I could see the string of beads swinging around as she ran towards the trees. I pulled my phone out from my pocket, thanking my lucky stars. Quickly navigating to the right app, I flipped the voltage on to level 2 out of 5, and frantically started pressing on my phone, sending electric shocks up the fleeing girl's ass.
I saw her stumble, fumbling with the string. Fuck! I couldn't let her pull it out. I flipped the voltage to the maximum possible setting, and pressed the "Pulse" button once.
Up ahead of me, Allie fell to the ground, convulsing in the grass.
I didn't let her recover, pressing the button again as I ran up to her, weaving through the trees quickly until I stood over her trembling form.
I pressed the button again. Her thigh muscles spasmed as she jerked around in the grass. The electricity was causing her muscles to convulse, stopping her from even being able to stand, and I thanked my lucky stars for the toy. I had never planned on using the maximum voltage on her, but I had to stop her from running away into the wilderness.
Wordlessly, I grabbed the naked girl by the hair, and started walking to back to the house, dragging her behind me. I kept my arms straight, forcing her head to stay low as she stumbled along, trying to get to her feet.
"Crawl." I didn't need to explain myself any further. I pressed the button again - still at maximum voltage- and heard her shriek as the voltage hit her. Her legs collapsed again but I kept walking, dragging her along behind me. After a few seconds, she managed to get on her hands and knees, crawling along behind me, struggling to keep up with my pace.
I pressed the button again, ignoring her screams as she started spasming around the toy, deep inside her ass. I hadn't planned on hurting her like this, but I needed to subdue her until we were back inside the house.
I kicked open the front door, then slammed it shut, taking care to lock it this time. Still holding her light brown hair, I walked to the basement, clanging the outer metal door shut behind me. I went down the steps, hearing thuds on the wooden stairs as Allie slid along behind me.
Chloe had been napping - I had provided mattresses, pillows and duvets for them in the basement. She was snoozing comfortably in the corner, left leg still shackled to the metal ring embedded in the wall above her. I cursed myself again - I had been so focussed on the threat of an escape attempt from Chloe that I had become complacent with Allie.
I wouldn't make that mistake again.
Chloe woke up with a jolt as she heard Allie scream again. I had dialled down the voltage this time - Level 3- but clearly, it was still a shock to the girl. Chloe looked on in confusion as Allie shrieked, bits of leaves and twigs in her hair.
"She tried to escape," I told Chloe brusquely.
I cuffed Allie's hands behind her back, and then for good measure, put another pair of cuffs just above her elbows too. This forced her shoulders and arms back, giving her very little wiggle room to move.
I then led the terrified girl over to a wooden contraption I had just built - A wooden sawhorse, similar to that gymnasts use, but with a dull, pointed edge instead. I forced her to mount it, making her straddle it with both her legs. The sawhorse was tall enough that she had 2 choices whilst on it - she could tiptoe, straining her legs, or rest her legs and put her weight on the sawhorse. Resting her legs meant she would be half-sitting on the contraption, resting her pussy on the sawhorse, putting her full weight on the dull, pointed edge. That would not be comfortable for too long.
I saw her blue eyes widen as she realised her predicament, starting to tiptoe to avoid the edge of the sawhorse. I waited there, minutes ticking by on the clock, watching her teeter on her tiptoes, thigh muscles straining as her legs started to tire.
Eventually, with a little squeal, her legs gave up. She sat on the wooden sawhorse, feeling the pointed edge dig into her thick pussy lips, and press into the crack of her ass.
"I'm sorry mistress," she pleaded, looking at me, probably guessing that I would leave her there to struggle for a while.
I pulled out my phone, and dialled down the plug's voltage to Level 2, then set the rhythm to "random" on the app, watching her asshole clench involuntarily.
"MMMMmmmmffff! Please! I'm sorryyyyyy!!" she screeched as a light electric shock went up her ass.
I reached over, and grabbed her pussy lips, spreading them apart with my fingers. I rearranged her bits, making each pussy lip dangle on each side of the edge of the sawhorse. This caused the edge of the sawhorse to press into her sensitive clit. Allie screeched, but didn't dare to move.
"I'm sorry!" she yelped again, looking at me for sympathy, jerking involuntarily as the metallic egg released another jolt.
I was in a foul mood, and had no patience for her pleading. "One more word out of you and I'll add some clamps to that cunt of yours. And your tiny tits too for good measure." That shut her up.
Let her balance there for a while, trussed up uncomfortably, arms pulled back, with random light shocks to her asshole to keep her on her toes.
I was fuming, but decided to take my time in deciding her actual punishment. I wanted to control myself and not do anything in anger - the most important thing was that I had managed to get her back into the basement. I decided to take a breather, distance myself from the girls, and plan out my next move.
I heard Allie yelp again but quickly silence herself, the threat of extra clamps weighing heavily on her. I headed up the basement stairs, knowing that she was confused, expecting more than what I had done to her. I knew it would be agony, waiting for me to come down again, wondering what else I had planned for her. I stepped out of the basement, and shut both doors behind me with a loud clang.
I left Allie there for a few hours, as I made a few calls. I first called an old friend of my grandmother's, Bob McGrath. Bob McGrath owned the only restaurant (if you could call it that) around for miles, Crazy Bear Pub. It was an odd mix of an old diner and an Irish pub, with cozy wooden beams and warm lighting, coupled with a disco ball in a corner and random stuffed game animals looking down at us from the walls. It served surprisingly good food, and a couple of beers on tap. I'd been there many times when I was young, and had fond memories of Bob giving me an old colouring book, while he chatted with my mum and grandmother.
More importantly, the pub was the only watering hole for miles, a sort of meeting place on Friday nights for an odd assortment of farmers and retirees who had moved out into the country for some peace and quiet. Make no mistake, it was a poor part of the state, and most of the regulars led simple lives. My grandmother had been one of their friends, a tiny old lady with a big presence. I trusted these men and women, they had seen me grow up and blossom into a young woman, and thought I could give them a bit of a treat they would remember for the rest of their lives.
"Hey Bob it's Rachel," I said. "Yeah, I'm doing fine, just here for the summer to help Grandma sort out her stuff.. Yes I miss her terribly, it's been really hard... College is great, New York is just tiring at times and- no Bob, I won't get distracted in the big city - yes Bob I'll study hard- yes Bob education is the most important thing, I agree..."
I giggled, listening to Bob lecture me about valuing my education and focussing on my studies. He had been widowed a few years ago and was extremely chatty, probably getting his only human contact from his customers at the pub. I talked to him for a while, just letting him talk, before I steered our conversation back to my request.
"Listen, I've got a bit of an odd request... about the use of your back room..." Bob was listening intently now. He and his wife had been your typical, lovely, slight nosy, aging couple, but I had heard rumours of some pretty wild swingers' parties taking place in the back room of their pub. My grandmother had alluded to it, but I had never dared to press her for more details.
"Bob, you know I'm into girls, and my new girlfriend is coming down to visit for a few days... It's a specific fantasy she's had for a while... Yeah Bob, thing is she's really shy so she doesn't want to show her face..." I quickly explained what I had in mind.
Bob was silent for a while, and I cringed internally, wondering if I had overstepped my bounds. He exhaled into the phone as I waited for a response, wondering if he would call me crazy.
*Shit shit shit. Had I gone too far? What was I thinking, calling Bob up randomly and asking him about a sex party?*
"We haven't had those parties in a while Rachel..." I held my breath, waiting for him to continue. ".. But I could round up some of the old regulars... They'd love the chance to relive the old days... Tomorrow night you say?"
Grinning now from anticipation, I sorted through the details with Bob, thanked him, and hung up the phone.
By now, Allie had been in her little bondage predicament for around 2 hours. I went down to the basement to see how she was faring. She was exhausted, covered in sweat, legs shaking from the exertion. Her clit and pussy were sore and inflamed from being pressed against the sawhorse. She was rocking back and forth on the sawhorse, panting from the pressure on her pussy and her legs.
Fighting my instincts to leave her there for longer, I uncuffed her arms and elbows, watching her climb off the sawhorse in an extremely unladylike manner. She started rubbing her aching pussy, trying to get it to hurt less, the beads up her ass swaying back and forth. I grabbed the beads and pulled the metallic egg out of her roughly, ignoring her yelps. Grabbing her leash and collar, I led her back to the mattress where Chloe sat, and cuffed her hand and leg to the wall.
I'll let you rest up Allie, you have a big day tomorrow." Winking at her, I went back up to the main house again, leaving her mind racing, wondering about what I had planned for her.
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Chapter 9
It was a hot summer's evening, beautiful weather as I got ready for the hour-long drive to the Crazy Bear Pub. I put on a little bit of makeup, put on some tight jeans, but then turned my focus to the star of the night - Allie.
I had made her shave her legs and pussy, as both were getting quite unkempt. I personally didn't mind a little hair down there, but I wanted her to feel as exposed as possible this evening.
I dressed her in some jeans and a t-shirt, and a matching set of bra and panties I had bought for her. They were red and very lacey - I'm pretty sure she had never worn anything that sexy in her life. Still, the underwear sent a clear message - that the wearer wanted as much attention as possible.
I then asked Allie to put on a pair of coloured contact lenses. Knowing she was going to be punished for trying to escape, she barely said a word, silently adhering to each request of mine. After some squinting into the bathroom mirror, she managed to get the coloured contacts on, and looked at me.
Her wide blue eyes now looked like wide brown ones, changing her appearance quite significantly.
Then, on went one of the most important bits of her costume that night- a ball gag and a mask. I had spent a lot of money on the ball gag, the ball had a little rubber clip, meant to strap the ball to the underside of the wearer's tongue. I strapped the gag on, watching Allie open her lips wide to accept the intrusion into her mouth. Clipping the gag in place, I strapped it tight to the back of her head. I then made her put on the mask, which covered her mouth and nose completely.
"Tell me how sorry you are for trying to escape, Allie."
"EEEE SSSRRR MMMM," Allie said incomprehensively. "NNNWW GGGG GGGNNN!"
I laughed. She was unable to say a single word.
"Now, as things go, you've haven't been too unfortunate, Allie. Sure, getting kidnapped and locked in a basement sucks, but I've fed you two, clothed you, and not left any permanent damage." Allie looked at me with her (now) brown eyes, silent.
"I fully intend to let the two of you go eventually." Allie gasped. This was news to her. She looked at me incredulously. "Yes," I continued, "I really do intend to let you go, as long as you adhere to a few conditions of mine. Chief amongst them is, that you do not make life hard for me or yourselves by trying to escape while you're still here, or running to other people for help."
"Come over here, Allie, I've got something to show you." I tugged her leash, attached to her collar, and pulled her over to my laptop. "This is what I could do instead."
I showed her the browser page that was open. She squinted at the website, trying to understand what she was seeing. Suddenly, she gasped again in horror and stumbled backwards. There were pictures of her, face obscured ofcourse, in all sorts of compromising positions. I had filmed a number of our encounters, unbeknownst to the two girls.
There were pictures of Allie, blindfolded, spreading her pussy lips open for me (and the camera). One of her licking Chloe's pussy. A few of her fucking that cucumber with clothespins on her nipples. And next to those pictures, some sort of auction-style bidding was going on.
"You're fetching quite a commanding price over there, Allie." I had managed to connect to a site on the dark web, where you could buy and sell a raft of illegal things - including slaves. Allie kept shaking her head trying to say something through the gag. Obviously, I was unable to make out what she wanted to say.
"Turns out the Saudis have a thing for blue-eyed American girls. Though the Russians are bidding highly as well. There's a guy in Belarus who runs a highly specialised porn site for rich clients - he'd love to have you as his new star." Allie was whimpering now, still shaking her head. "To be honest, I didn't realise how easy it is to smuggle someone out of this country. They'll take you down to Mexico first, maybe somewhere less regulated in central America, then they'll ship you off to wherever you need to be, Allie."
"And that's what I will do if keeping you around becomes too troublesome." I grabbed her chin and looked her in the eye. "So I'll ask you again, are you going to behave during your punishment tonight?"
Allie started nodding her head vigorously, stilled gagged and masked. The promise of being let go if she listened to me, compared to the possibility of being sold into slavery overseas forever had hit her hard. She kept nodding, as if to show me how much she meant it.
"Good. Remember that during your punishment tonight."
I cuffed her hands behind her back, and led her to the front door. "That's right Allie, we're going on a little road trip."
I brought her to my truck, and put her into the back. Making her lie on her belly, I cuffed her ankles together too, and tied her into a hog tie with some rope. She looked up at me, hog tied and gagged, brown coloured contacts flashing in the dim light of the truck. I blindfolded her too for good measure, knowing there was no way she'd be able to escape from the bondage.
"Enjoy the drive," I said, shutting the door on her face.
We pulled up to the Crazy Bear Pub about an hour later, as the sun began to set. In the fading light, the rustic pub looked almost abandoned. There was a sign across the front door saying "Closed", and I could not see anyone inside. However, I noticed about 6-7 cars in the car park, a sure sign that Bob had managed to entice some of his regulars over.
Leaving Allie hogtied in the back of the truck, I went into the pub's back room, via a door in the back.
"HEY!!!!!" Loud, twangy country music hit my ears, and I was lifted into a bear hug by Bob, the moment I stepped in the door. Hugging him back, I scanned the room. There were around 11 to 12 people there, including Bob. Mostly men, but 2 women were sat in the back, chatting to each other. The atmosphere was friendly and cheerful, people were having beers, and I knew most of them by sight, even if I didn't know their names. Most were farmers from around the area, some young, some older. The 2 couples were older retirees.
I cleared my throat, watching Bob take a seat at the side as people fell silent.
"Hi everyone!" My voice wavered slightly. Fuck! Why was I so nervous?
"I'm not sure what Bob has t-told you, but the gist of it is, my girlfriend has a p-pretty specific fantasy she's always wanted to play out. I remembered y'all and thought maybe we could come to an arrangement. She always wanted to do sexual stuff, have me punish her in front of a group of people, and I thought y'all might want to join in tonight."
I could see the group listening intently. They all looked interested, and that gave me the courage to continue.
"A few ground rules first, and if you don't agree, feel free to leave.
1) No touching her unless I say so.
2) She's pretty shy, so she wants to wear a mask to cover the lower part of her face. Mask stays on no matter what.
3) No photos or videos on your phones.
4) And the last rule is, she wants to film this for the memories, but also to cover her own ass incase anything goes wrong. I understand you might not want to be filmed, and I promise the video will never be distributed, but this is our way of protecting ourselves. If anyone doesn't want to be filmed, they should probably leave now."
I paused for a while, and there was silence, apart from the country music blasting from the speakers. One of the women seemed uncomfortable, she walked over to a man, presumably her husband. They whispered for a while, and then the couple apologized and left. This left us with 9 men and 1 woman, all very eager to proceed with the night.
"Everyone else okay with my conditions?" There were nods and murmurs of assent.
"Well that's great because you get to do anything you want with a hot 19 year-old for the evening!"
There were a few claps and cheers. I was starting to like the energy in the room.
I took a few minutes to set up a small video camera in the corner of the room, then headed out the back door to get Allie.
When I opened the truck door, Allie was still lying inside in the dark, blindfolded, hogtied, gagged and masked.
"Okay Allster, come on out!" I removed the ropes and handcuffs, leaving her arms and legs free. I grabbed her collar and leash - these were tight and she was going nowhere with the leash attached to my wrist. Still blindfolded, I guided her down from the truck, and led her across the carpark.
"You're going to meet a few friends of mine, Allie," I whispered to her as we walked. Allie stiffened. "You're going to do whatever they ask. Or if you want us to stop at anytime, just say so, and I'll sell you off to the highest bidder online. That was our Belarussian friend, the last time I checked."
Allie squeaked through the gag, shaking her head. "Are you going to behave?" She nodded vigorously, still blindfolded and gagged.
"Here we go then." Removing her blindfold, I pushed her into the back room of the Crazy Bear Pub. She started squinting, unused to the bright lights as cheers and whistles erupted from the watching crowd. As her eyes adjusted to the light in the small room, I saw her take in the number of people in there, and she started to panic and back away.
I dragged her forward with the leash.
"Hi y'all, this is my girlfriend Monica."
"Hi Monica!" chorused the crowd.
"Like I said, Monica has a specific fantasy she wants played out today." Allie, masked and gagged, could do nothing but listen. "But there's one thing I haven't told you guys. One of the reasons we're here today is because Monica hurt me very badly recently. She did something that broke my trust in her. And this is how she wants to say sorry."
"Boooooooo!" the crowd booed at 'Monica', and I saw Allie flinch. This was great, I needed to provide them with a reason to hate her. That vindictiveness would cause them to feel justified in their actions to punish and humiliate her.
"Now I'm going to bring Monica over to this big table here," I said, pulling Allie over to a large oak dining table Bob had set up as a sort of stage. "And I'm going to tie her leash over here," I continued, securing the extra-long leash to one of the table legs. "And now y'all are going to decide how we punish her."
Allie stood, quaking, next to the table, waiting for what would happen next.
Silence, for a while. And then-
"Why are her clothes still on??" one of the younger men yelled from the back. The people in the room cheered.
I turned to Allie. "Take off your clothes." Allie hesitated, looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked at her without emotion, and after a split second, she looked away, knowing that she had to listen. The alternative was too terrible for her to even think of.
Hands shaking, she slowly unzipped her jeans. I knew she was terrified by how many people there were, she kept looking around, hoping someone would help or stop her. No one did. Closing her eyes, she pushed her jeans down her legs, and then stepped out of it.
We waited, silently. Allie slowly brought her fingers to the hem of her t-shirt, and started peeling it off. Trembling, she took the garment off, and dropped it on the floor next to her. There were a few wolf whistles from the crowd as the girl straightened up, revealing her red lacy bra and panties.
"Looks like Monica has a slutty side to her!" the woman yelled.
Allie flushed, turning almost as red as her provocative underwear. She couldn't believe she was being forced to strip in front of so many people, unable to respond as they critiqued every inch of her body. She was grateful for the mask covering half her face, but still felt extremely exposed.
"Get on the table, and kneel" I told her curtly. Still shaking, she climbed up on the table, then turned around to face the audience, and got onto her knees clumsily. "Spread your legs wider," I snapped, and she acquiesced, shuffling her knees further apart.
"Show us your tits!" one of the older men said. Allie looked at me again - for what? I wondered, bemused- and then closed her eyes in humiliation. Slowly, she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Taking as much time as possible, she slowly shrugged her bra straps off her shoulders, then let her bra fall to the floor next to her. She covered her breasts with her arms, looking down at the table, trying to ignore the eager crowd in front of her.
"Don't be shy Monica!" I exclaimed patronisingly. "Guys, shall we make her put her hands on her head?" The crowd responded in assent, a few people clapping.
"Hands on your head!" I said lightly, looking her in the eye. Allie sniffled, knowing her bare breasts would soon be visible to the entire room. Slowly, she took her arms off her breasts, then raised her arms, higher and higher, putting them on her head. Her breasts were now on full display, nipples pointing straight at the crowd as they hardened in the cool air. Allie's face, under her mask, was red with embarrassment. She had never been this naked in front of anyone, let alone a room full of people, wearing nothing but a lacy red thong, legs spread on the table.
"Come on, give 'em a shake!" one of the men said. I looked at Allie, waiting.
With a strangled sob, she started shaking her shoulders from side to side miserably, jiggling her tits for the room. Some people clapped, and I heard the one lady let out a whistle.
"Come on sweetie, look at us," someone yelled out.
Allie forced herself to look up at the crowd. She kept going half-heartedly, the unwilling centre of attention in the room. Her nipples were hard in the cool evening air, jiggling around as she shook her small tits at the crowd, hands still on her head.
I decided to give her some motivation. Reaching into my now-familiar bag of toys, I pulled out a small riding crop.
"Shall we show her how to shake her tits PROPERLY?" I asked the room, knowing they would say yes.
Allie looked at the riding crop in fear. I had never used it on her before, so she had no idea how it would feel. Well, she would soon find out.
I sliced the crop through the air, aiming for her right nipple.
"AAAAAAH!" Allie screamed, grabbing at her breasts. She doubled over, rubbing her right nipple furiously.
"Boooo! She took her hands off her head!" Bob yelled.
"Booooo!" the crowd echoed Bob.
"Punish her every time she takes her hands off her head!" one of the other guys said. Great idea, I thought. They were starting to warm up to her.
"Come on Monica, hands back on your head. Ladies and gentlemen, count everytime she breaks position."
Allie put her hands back on her head, biting her lip, knowing the next few minutes were going to be painful.
THWOCK. I hit her left breast this time, at the bottom of her areola.
"Aaaaah!" Allie shrieked again.
THWOCK. THWOCK. I kept hitting her breasts with the riding crop as the crowd looked on.
Allie knew better than to take her hands off her head this time. This meant that her little tits jiggled wildly, first from the impact of the crop, but also from her twisting around to avoid the biting crop from hitting her sensitive nipples.
Chest heaving, little breasts jiggling, Allie yelped, hands obediently still on her head. The crowd clapped, enjoying the show.
"THAT'S how you shake your tits, Monica!" yelled Hank, one of the older farmers.
THWOCK. I hit her on the tender underside of her left breast.
"Aaaaaah!" Allie broke position, grabbing her breasts with her hands again.
"TWO!" yelled the crowd, eager to see her get more punishment.
"Hands back on your head!" yelled another guy in the crowd. Allie complied, forcing herself to push her breasts out once again.
I spent the next few minutes expertly working the crop over her tender breasts and nipples, forcing her to shake her tits for the crowd. She didn't break position again, not wanting to be punished any further. She yelped periodically into the gag as her breasts turned a light shade of pink.
The pain from the crop had distracted her from the fact that she was so exposed in public, so I decided to bring her attention back to that.
"Okay everyone, let's punish Monica for not keeping her hands on her head. Since she broke position twice, she gets her nipples sucked by two people in the crowd!"
"NNNNN! GNNNNN!" Allie cried out, gagged under the mask. She hadn't thought that I would actually let the men touch her. I knew she would hate these unknown men groping her private parts, getting off on feeling up her young body. Her protests were drowned out by cheers from the crowd.
I pointed to 2 guys sitting in the front, and they quickly approached the table Allie was kneeling on. I recognized them as brothers, in their mid-40s, who worked on a farm about an hour's drive away. They said their names were Jake and Sam.
Jake knelt down, looking Allie in the eye as he latched on to her right nipple. I saw him sucking hard on it, running his harsh tongue over her sensitive nub. Sam lowered his head and started licking her left nipple as well.
Poor Allie was forced to kneel there, leashed to the table, spreading her legs apart and keeping her hands on her head while she was violated by these two older men. She kept her breasts thrust out, grateful for the flimsy thong covering her pussy, knowing she would be punished if she recoiled or moved her hands.
"Guys, you won't believe how hard her nipples are!" Sam exclaimed. He opened his mouth obscenely, flicking his tongue back and forth over her nipple.
Allie howled, her body responding against her will to the ministrations of the two farmers. She was not enjoying herself at all, but her nipples were turning hard from the attention anyway. The crowd laughed, breaking out into applause.
Jake and Sam kept this up for a while, giving it their all as they tried to make the bully's nipples as hard as possible. I saw Jake tug on her nipple with his teeth, stimulating it harshly, enjoying hearing Allie yelp from surprise. Sam had his mouth over her entire breast, licking it all over, and then rubbing her left nipple with his thumb as the girl moaned.
Allie's nipples were rock-hard now, areolas contracting as she responded to the brothers' efforts. After a few minutes, I asked them to take their seats.
I was going to move on with the show, when Hank yelled out "Look! Look at her pussy! She's wet!"
I turned and looked. Sure enough, there it was, unmistakeably on the front of the lacy thong she was still wearing - a visible wet spot. There was no avoiding it, she had nowhere to hide as she knelt there, hands on her head, fully exposed to the crowd.
The crowd erupted in laughter, clapping, patting Jake and Sam on the back as Allie clearly tried to hold back tears. She was being forced to expose herself, getting punished for the enjoyment of a group of people she didn't know. Their brazen manipulation of her body had caused an involuntary response - arousal - and here she was, being openly mocked for something she couldn't control.
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I waited for the raucous crowd to calm down.
"I didn't realise little Monica enjoyed getting her tits whipped and licked like that!" I exclaimed. "Are you enjoying this Monica?" Allie shook her head, no, frantically, still fighting back tears.
"Do you think she's telling the truth guys?" I asked the crowd.
"Nooooooooo!" they yelled back.
"Shall we inspect her pussy a little further?" The crowd roared in assent. I walked over to Allie and grabbed the edges of her thong, pulling it upward so it slipped into the wet slit between her pussy lips. She now had a massive wedgie, her pussy lips exposed and visible, flopping out on either side of the bunched-up thong.
"Do you want a closer look at those fat pussy lips?" I asked the crowd. Allie squealed in humiliation, her most intimate parts slowly being shown to the farmers. I pulled the thong up higher, forcing her pussy lips to bulge out, forcing her to lift her hips to reduce the pressure on her slit.
"Hop off the table, take off the thong. Bend over the table and show them your pussy and asshole," I whispered to Allie, as she knelt there. Do it or you're getting shipped to Minsk."
Allie looked at me, confused. "Minsk is the capital of Belarus, you thick fuck," I hissed.
Allie hopped off the table, standing uneasily on her own two feet. She hooked her thumbs over the waistband of the thong, then looked at me again. Finally, she closed her eyes, and slid her thong off, turning an even brighter shade of red as the crowd hooted and clapped.
Allie was now stark naked in front of a bunch of men and women she didn't know. They were all focussed on one place - her newly exposed pussy - trying to see as much as they could. With a strangled sob, she turned around, then taking a deep breath, bent over the table, thrusting her ass out at the crowd.
I walked over to her and tapped her thighs with the riding crop twice. Wordlessly, she spread her legs further, knowing what I wanted her to do.
"Spread your legs more!" yelled the woman in the crowd. Allie acquiesced, spreading her legs even further, involuntarily showing the crowd more and more of her pussy and ass.
"More!" someone else yelled. The crowd kept telling her to spread her legs, and she did, further and further until she was spread obscenely wide. I watched her strain her legs, struggling to stay in the degrading position, knowing her private parts were on full display for the entire room. Her legs were spread so wide, I could see her clit peeking out from underneath her dangling pussy lips.
"Nice fat pussy!" someone yelled.
"Nah, I'm not a fan of the roast beef look," countered someone else. People started laughing again.
Allie cringed. Not only did she have to bare her body to the ogling crowd, they were making demeaning comments, criticising her openly as she was forced to display her naked body.
"Monica, reach back and spread your ass cheeks, show these lovely people your asshole." Allie hesitated for a second, and then did just that, reaching back slowly and spreading her arse cheeks apart. The bright lights shone straight towards her, illuminating the entire crack.
"You missed a few ass hairs there, Monica!" called out Bob, to even more laughter. Allie cringed again, tears welling up in her eyes as the crowd started commenting loudly on her asshole.
I bent down towards her ear. "Remember our talk about behaving," I whispered. "It's this or Belarus." I straightened up. "I've recently been training my little slut's asshole," I called out to the room. "Monica, wink your asshole at them like I taught you!"
Allie grunted, clenching her asshole and relaxing it, making it bigger and smaller for the crowd. She knew they were all focussed on that one square inch of bare skin, watching her puckered hole as I forced her to perform for them. I looked at her winking asshole in satisfaction. A few days ago, she had refused to even kiss Chloe's ass. Look at her now.
"I can't see enough of her pussy!" Sam complained. Fair enough. Time for a change in position.
I made Allie clamber up onto the table again, sitting on the edge of it, facing the crowd. "Draw your knees up, place your feet on the table on both sides of you," I instructed. Allie looked at me, pleading with her eyes. This would be her most wanton position yet, and she knew it. I stood, waiting.
She slumped her shoulders in defeat, closing her eyes as she lifted her legs up onto the table. In this position, her legs were bent, knees raised and feet flat on the table on either side of her. To stop herself from losing her balance, she had to lean back on her arms slightly, which meant her pussy and ass were right on the edge of the table, thrust out to the crowd. Her pussy lips were stretched far apart, glistening in the bright lights, her clit standing out proudly between them.
"Jesus, she's wet," exclaimed another guy in the room. I think his name was Ryan. He was a cute one, barely 19, working at his uncle's farm for the summer. "She's actually dripping," he said in awe.
Ryan was right. Somehow, Jake and Sam's licking of Allie's nipples had made her body visibly aroused. We could see -and smell- the pussy juice coating the entirety of her slit. Her clit was clearly engorged, hard and red, straining and pointing straight at the crowd.
The crowd started hooting and hollering, wolf-whistling as Allie kept her legs spread open for the entire room. She was beet-red from the embarrassment of it all. It was bad enough that she was being made to expose herself like that, not with shackles and ropes, but of her own volition. However, having her body visibly respond to the humiliation with arousal, watching people realise she was enjoying it at some base level, was almost too much to handle. I saw her lip quivering.
"Ryan, why don't you come up here and tell us how wet her pussy is?" I asked. Ryan needed no more encouragement. He leapt up from his seat and bounded towards girl.
Kneeling down, he put his face as close to her pussy as he could without touching it. Allie looked on, still leaning back slightly, legs wide open.
"Hmmm," Ryan said, with a voice of fake concern, "she's wetter than I thought. I better make sure of it properly." With that, he plunged a finger into Allie's pussy.
Allie howled, closing her legs in response to the intrusion. She tried to curl up on her side on the tabletop, clipping Ryan on the side of his head with her foot. He kept his finger in her pussy though, circling his finger round and round her tight hole as she squirmed, still leashed to the table. I hit her breasts and back with the riding crop a few times, startling her.
"Get back into position. Now."
Chest heaving, Allie stopped squirming. She sat up, Ryan's finger still in her pussy as he finger-fucked her slowly. Trying to ignore the smirking boy and his finger deep inside her, she forced herself back to the edge of the table, raising her knees again, and put her feet flat on the table. We all got a good view of Ryan's finger pushing in and out of her as she struggled back into position, leaning back on her arms.
"Push your pussy and ass out at him," I commanded. Allie obliged, still being pistoned by Ryan's finger.
Ryan finally removed his finger from Allie's pussy, holding it up in the light of the room. His finger was sopping wet, pussy juice literally running down the back of his hand. Allie closed her eyes in utter embarrassment.
"Monica, are you SURE you're not enjoying this?" I asked pointedly.
Allie still shook her head no, the action accompanied by chuckles from the room.
"Guys, I think Ryan deserves a bit more after getting kicked in the head by our little slut," I said. The crowd agreed, yelling out suggestions for what to do.
"Ryan, I think you deserve to play with her little clit for a while."
"NNNNGGGGGGGGG!" yelled Allie unable to say much through the gag. She did not want anyone playing with her clit - she hated the idea of random men touching her body and toying with her. She also knew that if they kept it up, she might cum unwillingly, embarrassing herself even further.
Ryan grabbed her clit harshly and gave it a squeeze. Then, he started tugging on it. He pulled the engorged nub between his forefinger and thumb, rolling it around in his fingers relentlessly.
"GGGGGGG!" Allie shrieked, trying to deal with the idea of being masturbated in public by a complete stranger. To add to her embarrassment, she was being forced to keep her legs spread as he diddled her clit, wantonly displaying herself to the crowd, as if she wanted to be toyed with like that.
Allie's body was red now, from a combination of arousal and humiliation. I knew an orgasm was building and I knew she would fight it for as long as possible. She was thrusting her pussy into the air slightly, but we couldn't tell whether she was trying to escape or embrace Ryan's fingers.
For a few minutes, the room was in complete silence, except for the sound of Ryan's wet fingers soppily rubbing against her clit. Allie grunted, trying to avoid her orgasm, but forcing herself to keep still to avoid further punishment. She was focussed on Ryan's wriggling fingers, watching helplessly and he played with her pussy. Every now and then she'd look up at the crowd, see them completely enraptured by the scene before them, and turn a deeper shade of red with embarrassment.
Allie was writhing around on the table now, legs shaking, still leaning back on her arms.
"I think she's going to cum!" yelled out Hank. Ryan placed all four fingers on her rock-hard clit, moving his fingers from side to side.
"NOOOOOOO!" yelled out Allie through the gag at the renewed assault on her sensitive nub.
"Are you going to come??" I asked imperiously as Allie shook her head frantically. We all knew that was a lie, her ass was half off the table as she squirmed around on Ryan's fingers, her hard little nipples bouncing, pointing straight ahead.
"Monica you will be punished severely if you cum without permission!" Allie still shook her head, refusing to admit that her body was enjoying this on some level. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the eager crowd. She knew that they were enjoying watching her being masturbated against her will, that they were savouring her humiliation as her body was forced to respond to a stranger's fingers.
Ryan kept playing with her clit, forcing her to squirm around on the table. She kept her legs spread open for all of us to see, watching her pussy lips get wetter and wetter with her own juices, watching her clit get harder and redder as an orgasm approached. I could see her fighting against her orgasm as she threw her head back, stiffening her legs.
Ryan started tugging her clit roughly again, pulling on it in short, quick movements. Suddenly, Allie's entire body went still.
"HNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!" she screamed, her body bucking as finally, an orgasm overwhelmed her.
"HHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!" she said again, grunting into the gag as the crowd erupted in raucous cheers and applause. She was deep in the throes of orgasm, all thoughts of concealing her arousal gone. Ryan kept the same pace, rubbing his fingers all over her clit, drawing her orgasm out as she bounced around on the table obscenely.
We could see her pussy contracting around nothing, the tight hole opening and closing. Some of the people in the front row were getting a good view of her asshole too as she clenched and unclenched it, waves of orgasm rolling over her.
It felt like ages as we watched Allie thrash around on the table, Ryan's fingers still playing with her clit. Finally, Ryan took his fingers off her, and she calmed down, chest heaving, pussy throbbing in the bright light. She looked up at the crowd with tears in her eyes, feeling utterly degraded as they watched her being masturbated and forced to orgasm in front of them.
I smiled at the crowd. "Our little slut here claimed she wasn't turned on, then creamed herself all over Ryan's fingers in a matter of minutes."
The crowd booed at Allie again, who was still sat on the table, legs splayed out, panting from her earlier exertions.
"I'll let you think of ways to punish her," I said.
Chapter 10
They were creative, I'll give them that. After discussing it amongst themselves, Bob got up and went to the kitchen, coming back with a box of carrots.
I'd told Bob about Allie's penchant for having vegetables stuffed up her, and they thought she should continue the tradition. Allie's punishment for having an orgasm without permission would be to basically, have more orgasms. They wanted her to fuck herself with the carrots, adding more and more carrots into her tight pussy, until they decided she had had enough.
The men and women had realised how embarrassed Allie got when she was made to look like she was enjoying herself. So, that's exactly what they did. They got her to kneel on the table again, facing them.
"Bob, do you want to do the honours?" I asked.
"I sure do!" said Bob. Selecting a carrot from the box, he walked up to the table. Allie cringed as she saw him approach holding the carrot, knowing what was going to happen next.
"Come on Monica, show the crowd your lovely wet pussy," Bob cajoled. Allie looked at me and I nodded. She reached down with her fingers and spread her pussy lips apart with both hands, giving the crowd a good view of her engorged clit and wet, puffy lips.
Bob made her keep her pussy spread apart like that, one hand pulling each lip to the side. He then bent down and started running the carrot up and down her slit, covering the carrot in her own juices. He then inserted it slowly into her pussy, with the wide bit inside her and the narrower tail of the carrot jutting out of her pussy.
Allie stayed still, still holding her pussy lips apart, the end of the vegetable jutting obscenely out of her vagina.
"Reach down and fuck yourself with the carrot" said Bob, patting her on the bum. He went back to his seat as Allie reached down with her right hand, and grabbed the vegetable sticking out of her pussy. Groaning with humiliation, she started pushing the carrot in and out of her. I watched as the large vegetable was drawn out and pushed back into her dripping pussy over and over again.
"Whoever guesses the maximum number of carrots she can fit up her cunt gets a little prize from Monica!"
The audience enthusiastically started shouting out guesses.
"Four!" yelled Sarah.
"Five!" yelled Hank
"Seven!" Ryan yelled. Allie gasped in fear, wondering if they would really force her to shove seven of those carrots into her pussy.
We made Allie switch positions to keep things interesting. First, we made her get on all fours, ass pointed towards the audience, as she had to reach back and keep fucking herself with the carrot. We got a good view of the vegetable disappearing into her sopping hole from that angle, and her puckered asshole as well.
"Make her come closer!" said someone from the back. The crowd muttered in agreement.
"NNNNNN!" Allie howled. She had started to feel safe on the table, knowing she was at least a safe distance from the crowd. On the table, she had time to mentally prepare herself when someone approached her. Not for long.
I unclipped her leash, and dragged her to the front row of chairs, the lone carrot still shoved up her snatch, right where Jake, Sam and Bob were seated in a row. We made her lie on the floor on her back, with her pussy pointing at the crowd, literally a foot away from the seated men and woman. I then forced her to spread her legs and lift them up, putting each foot in the lap of Jake and Bob. The men grabbed hold of her ankles, looking for any excuse to touch her as she lay open and vulnerable on the floor.
Allie lay on the floor, terrified, ankles held apart by the 2 men. Sam, sitting in between Jake and Bob had the best view of her. Grabbing a carrot from the box, he bent down and placed the carrot at the entrance to Allie's wet hole.
"Looks like we need to feed that little hungry pussy, Monica," Sam said, smirking.
"EEEEE MMMMSSSS NNNNNN!" Allie tried to say something through the gag, no doubt begging us to let her get out of the demeaning position. Ignoring her, Sam slowly slid the second carrot into her vagina.
"Get back to fucking yourself with those carrots," I said. Allie lay there, looking around with pleading eyes. I bet she was regretting her escape attempt now.
"Monica, you know what to do," I tutted.
Allie shuddered, tears seeping out of the corners of her eyes and getting absorbed by her mask. Her legs were spread open and lifted, ankles being held up by Jake and Bob. I envied Sam, seated in between Jake and Bob, who had a direct view of the girl's open pussy.
Allie slowly reached down, grabbing the two carrots with her right hand. She then started twisting the vegetables inside of her.
This position, with her feet held up in the air, didn't give her body much to anchor on to. She started pushing the carrots in and out of her really slowly, until I hit her tits a few times with the riding crop.
"Did we ask you to go that slowly?" I asked, as the crowd booed.
Allie tried to fuck herself faster, and turned a deeper shade of red as she realised that to build up a momentum, she'd have to start thrusting her pussy back onto the vegetables she was holding. Using Jake and Bob's grip on her ankles as a counterbalance, the poor girl grasped the carrots tightly in her hand, and began forcing her pussy down on the vegetables. She started thrusting her nether regions back and forth obscenely to maintain the movement.
The crowd clapped and cheered as Allie jerked around on the floor, thrusting her hips forward and backwards, grunting as the carrots disappeared deep inside her. Her legs were spread, ankles held by the two men as she pushed back against them, using the momentum to bounce back and forth on the carrots. I forced her to look at the crowd as she did it. She was beyond embarrassed as she put on the lewd display for them, pussy spread open for everyone to look at as she fucked herself with the vegetables.
The final cherry on top of the cake was when Sam decided to get in on the action. He had been sitting on a chair right in between her open legs, watching the poor girl as she squirmed in humiliation. He quietly extended his foot out, worn leather shoes and all, and placed it squarely on Allie's clit.
Allie said nothing as she saw Sam putting his foot right on her pussy, his foot flush against her hand which was still obediently holding the carrots in place as she thrust her hips backwards and forwards. She figured it was just another way of abjectly humiliating her in front of the entire crowd.
However, slowly, imperceptibly, Allie's breathing quickened, and I saw her start to pant.
Oh no she wasn't!
The jerking motion of her hips, the strong hands around her ankles, the stretching of her pussy - all of that started to feel good as Sam's foot started stimulating her clit.
"EEEEEEEH!" she cried out, suddenly realising that she was being masturbated to orgasm again. Sam burst out into laughter. Maintaining the pressure of his foot on her clit, he started moving his foot around in little circles, rubbing her clit with the sole of his leather shoe.
"Oh you little slut, is 2 carrots up your cunt not good enough for you?" Sam taunted. "Aren't you getting punished for cumming earlier?" He kept rubbing her clit with the bottom of his shoe, watching her thrusting her hips back and forth, jerking around on the floor under his shoe.
Sam lifted his foot up for a second, giving all of us a good view of Allie's engorged clit and sopping wet slit.
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Jesus, look how wet she is!" Sarah exclaimed. Allie howled, still obediently fucking herself with the carrots.
Sam put his foot back down on her clit, stimulating her clit again as the room watched.
"NNNNNNNNNN" Allie said, as we forced her to masturbate in front of all of us yet again. We were forcing her to degrade herself, this time by rubbing her pussy against a strange man's shoe. The carrots still jutted out of her pussy obscenely, the stringy roots appearing and disappearing as the bully thrust her hips back and forth, ass jiggling and legs spread apart.
It was only a matter of time before Allie started panting, making a mixture of grunts and yelps as she approached orgasm.
"GGG! GGG! GGG!" she grunted through the gag, her engorged clit getting stimulated by the harsh rubber sole of Sam's shoe.
"You better ask for permission!!" said Sarah's husband, "Or we'll punish you again!"
"GGG! GGGGG!" Allie closed her eyes, knowing she would have to demean herself soon and beg the crowd for permission to orgasm.
"MMMM EEEE CMMMM!!!!???" poor Allie exclaimed, realising she was better off not pretending this time.
"Can you hear her, guys?" I asked.
"WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!" chanted the crowd.
"MMMMMM!!! CMMMMMM GGGGGGGG!" Allie screeched, unable to articulate anything because of the gag.
"WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!" chanted the crowd again, taunting her. Allie was grunting now from the exertion, helpless as she felt herself pass the point of no return. Sam started tapping her clit with his shoe rhythmically, pressing the ball of his foot into her wet slit.
"EEEEEEEEEE!!!" Allie let out a ear-splitting shriek. "GGG MMMMM DDDDNNNNNNN!" she cried out, as her body started bucking around on the floor. With another ear-shattering shriek, she came hard, rubbing her pussy against the sole of Sam's shoe, crying from the humiliation of being brought to orgasm yet again in front of so many people.
"WEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!" yelled the crowd, bursting into applause she writhed around on the floor without abandon, grinding her pussy into Sam's shoe as her orgasm overcame her. She let go of the carrots, and we watched her straining pussy contracting on the vegetables, her tight hole quivering as she clenched hard onto them.
Allie tried to curl up on the floor, covering her face, her ankles still held apart by Jake and Bob.
"This could've been over for you, Monica, but you came again without permission," I said sternly. Allie kept her face in her hands, her body still jerking periodically from the aftershocks of the vivid orgasm.
I turned to the crowd who were still watching the girl in silence. Some of the men had started rubbing their hard-ons through their jeans. Sarah was openly stroking her husband's cock.
The crowd then decided that it would be more humiliating for Allie to add the rest of the carrots into her pussy herself. I made her go back to the table, and she scrambled towards it, thankful for a chance to get further away from the crowd. We made her lie on her back, legs pointing away from the crowd. Then I forced her arse and legs up, and back down towards her head. Her ankles were now near her ears, and I shacked them to the table, forcing her to remain in the piledriver position. The crowd got a great view of the back of her thighs, her pussy and ass pointing towards the ceiling, with the carrots jutting out of her wet snatch.
I placed the box of carrots near her head.
"Come on Monica, your hands are still free, time to put them to good use. Start putting the carrots into your pussy, don't stop adding carrots until we tell you to stop." Allie gasped again, looking at me frantically to see if I was serious. She already had 2 carrots inside her, how many more was she expected to take?
I could see her hesitating, mainly from the uncertainty of how many carrots exactly we expected her to shove into her own pussy.
"Hurry up!" yelled someone from the crowd.
"Yeah, we don't have all day!" Bob called out.
"Let's give Monica a little incentive," I interjected. "You over there," I said, pointing at Sarah's husband. "You come over and start playing with her asshole. The longer she takes, the more things we'll put up her tight little ass."
Allie howled in misery, she thought her ordeal was bad enough, but I was still intent on humiliating her. Even though I hated to admit it, I was still angry at her for her escape attempt.
The crowd started hooting and hollering, extremely interested in watching the humiliated girl get degraded even more. I turned to Bob, asking him if he had anything smaller than carrots for us to shove up 'Monica's' ass.
"Box of markers?" Bob asked. I nodded. Some sharpies up her ass would be the perfect accompaniment to those carrots.
Allie cried out again. She was extremely exposed, giving the crowd a full view of her tits, pussy and ass as she lay on the table, bent backwards on herself, ankles shackled near her ears. In that position, the two carrots still in her pussy were sticking out of her obscenely, roots pointing straight at the ceiling.
Allie saw Sarah's husband - Alan, I now remembered - approaching, and she quickly grabbed a third carrot from the box next to her.
"GGGGG," Allie groaned as she placed the tip of the third carrot near the entrance of her vagina. It was getting visibly harder to push the vegetables in now, the poor girl's tight hole getting stretched out as we forced her to take more and more carrots up her pussy. She managed to push the third carrot in halfway.
Alan didn't hesitate. Grabbing a black sharpie from the box Bob had provided, he reached behind Allie's straining hands. Grinning, he worked the thin marker into Allie's puckered asshole in a matter of seconds. Looks like Allie's anal training had worked a little.
Allie grunted as she felt the marker enter her ass, and sped up her efforts to shove the third carrot into her. We watched as Allie pussy started stretching slightly, straining to take yet another intruder up it. With a sudden thrust, Allie managed to push the entire carrot into her pussy.
"Woooooo!" the crowd went, clapping and cheering at her feat. Allie had no time to relax as she felt Alan slowly pushing another sharpie - Blue, this time- deep into her ass.
Allie knew what she had to do, she reached around and grabbed a fourth carrot from the box. Wincing, she started pushing it into her straining pussy.
The audience was getting a great view of the struggling girl as both her holes started getting filled up. In the position she was in, legs folded back on herself with her ankles shackled near her shoulders, we had an open view of her breasts, pussy and ass. We could see the carrots, all three, stuffed into her vagina, as their narrow tails poked out of her pussy. Her asshole was in full view too, now with two sharpies sticking out of it, caps still on, pointing out of her ass at the ceiling as well.
Allie was having a hard time pushing the fourth carrot into her pussy. She struggled on bravely, not wanting too many sharpies up her ass. She had worked about a third of the carrot in, and was now pushing it up and down with little jerking movements, trying to get her pussy to accomodate the vegetable.
Alan added two more sharpies to her butt in that time (red and green), causing her asshole to start stretching as well.
"Monica, have you every had so many things stuffed in your holes?" I taunted her.
"Her ass swallowed them pretty quickly!" Hank exclaimed, laughing. Alan joined in the laughter, grabbing another sharpie, looking Allie in the eyes while he did it.
"EEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!" Allie suddenly screeched out, managing to push the fourth carrot all the way in, in one thrust.
The crowd burst into applause. "Next one, Monica!" I reminded her, my voice rising over the noise of the crowd.
Allie was sobbing again now. Four carrots had been hard enough, there was no way she was getting a fifth one in. Yet the crowd wouldn't let her go until she did. They would force her to degrade herself, using vegetables to stretch out her own pussy, while they shoved more inanimate objects up her ass. She knew that in that position, they could see everything happening to her.
Alan placed the fifth sharpie against Allie's asshole, startling out of her reverie. She quickly placed the fifth carrot at the entrance of her vagina, in the centre of the other four already deep inside her. She started trying to work the fifth carrot in, gritting her teeth as she strained to accommodate the vegetable. She involuntarily clenched her asshole down on the markers as she did this, then groaned as Alan forced her to relax her ass, shoving the fifth sharpie up her hole.
Allie was desperate now, she didn't want any more markers in her ass (five was bad enough!), but also didn't know if she could fit the fifth carrot inside her.
"EEEH, EEH ,EEEH!" she yelped as she worked the vegetable in in short, quick thrusts, thrusting the carrot deeper and deeper into her vagina, Still, she only managed to get about half of the carrot in, as the wider tops of the other carrots had filled up the insides of her pussy.
Alan grabbed all five sharpies in his fist, and started thrusting them in and out of the upturned girl's ass. Up and down he went, as we watched her asshole clench shut, then open up as he forced the markers in again.
"How many more do you want inside you, Monica?" he taunted her. "Six? Seven?"
Allie kept struggling, barely making headway with the fifth carrot.
What happened next caught the entire crowd by surprise.
"MMMMMMMMFFFFFFFF!" Allie suddenly screamed, and then squirted noisily - violently, almost- all over herself. The release of that tension was the final push she needed, and she slid the fifth carrot all the way into her vagina. Her upturned position caused her pussy juices to spray outwards, running down her belly and chest, glistening on her tits. She squirted with such force that some of it actually hit her in the face.
The crowd was silent for a while, processing what happened. Then, they erupted into cheers and laughter again.
Allie closed her eyes in humiliation, her chest heaving. It looked like the cocktail of sensations had been too much for her body to handle. The fifth carrot stretching out her pussy, Alan twisting all five sharpies in and out of her ass - it had all caused her body to go into overdrive, forcing her to squirt involuntarily, in front of a whole room of people.
I knew she hadn't cum, but the optics were bad enough. Not only had she orgasmed loudly -twice!- in front of the crowd earlier, now it looked like she was so stimulated she was loosing control of herself. And boy, was she a sight to behold - chest heaving, breasts and face glistening with pussy juice, 5 carrots shoved up her straining cunt and 5 sharpies pointing straight out her arse.
I left her there for a while to stew in the humiliation, her naked body on display as the crowd yelled out degrading comments at her.
"So!" I called out, causing the crowd to fall silent again. "Who guessed our little whore could take five whole carrots up her snatch?" Hank raised his hand, chuckling.
"You're going to get a personal reward from Monica now, Hank." Allie shook her head, muffled screams coming from the gag. I saw her ass cheeks jiggling in the light as she tried to stop me from letting Hank fuck her.
"Make her write with the sharpies first!" yelled Ryan suddenly. Hank stopped in his tracks, already halfway towards the table. I grinned. What an inventive idea from young Ryan.
Allie hadn't really heard what had happened, and tried to turn her head around, wondering why Hank hadn't reached her. We didn't bother explaining it to her.
Bob leapt up, and ran to his office, coming back with a few large sheets of paper. Meanwhile, I went over to Allie and grabbed the carrots, pulling them out of her bulging pussy in one swift move. Allie bucked under me from the movement, but had no time to react as I unshackled her and made her get off the table. She stood next to me, sharpies still up her ass, oblivious to the crowd as she massaged her pussy frantically.
Bob arranged the papers on the table, some of the sheets turning wet from the moisture from Allie's squirting debacle earlier.
"Monica, get back on the table," I said coolly. Allie looked at me, then looked at the papers laid out on the table, still confused.
"Get back on the table, squat down," I said again. From my tone, Allie knew not to mess with me. She clambered up onto the table top again, and quickly got down on her haunches, hands on her knees. I reached under her, and slowly uncapped the sharpies, one by one. When I was done, all 5 markers pointed straight down, towards the papers and the tables, held in position by the girl's tight asshole.
"Write 'I'm a slut'!" Jake called out. Allie looked confused. "'I AM A SLUT'," Jake repeated. "Write that on the paper."
About 2 seconds later Allie realised what we wanted her to do.
"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she managed to get out through her gag, as we all started laughing. Allie squatted there, naked and cringing, refusing to believe she was getting debased in such a manner.
"Shall we forced her to shove SIX carrots up her pussy instead?" I shouted out. Allie jumped, looked at me, and then quickly decided it was in her best interests to follow orders.
We watched as she paused, trying to decide how to best write on the papers with the markers stuffed up her ass. She eventually leaned backwards, still in squatting position, and placed her hands on the table behind her. Then, she opened up her legs, lowering herself until she felt the tips of the sharpies graze the paper.
Closing her eyes, she pushed her ass and pussy out to the crowd, forming the letter "I".
This was all immensely entertaining to all of us. Allie gritted her teeth, turning red in embarrassment as she started thrusting her nether regions around forward and backwards, side to side, doing an obscene little dance for us on the table. She managed to use the sharpies to write the letters "M" and "A".
I could see tears leaking out of her eyes now. This was the most humiliating act yet. No one was holding her, she wasn't shackled, so to the casual observer, it might look like she had readily agreed to put all those sharpies up her ass and perform the degrading act for us, thrusting around on the table while a crowd of people watched.
She leaned back further, legs straining, as she formed the letter "S". Her pussy was still soppy from her squirting escapade earlier, and we saw some of the letters get blurry as her juices dripped onto them.
Allie formed the letter "L", using nothing but five sharpies clenched into position by her tight asshole. I could see how embarrassed she was, despite having been on display for almost an hour already. The only way she could write with those wretched markers was for her to lean back and wiggle her ass around, squatting with her legs splayed open to the crowd. She hated it, hated the view the audience was getting as she bobbed around, thrusting her hips forward lewdly, her fat pussy lips jiggling around from her movements.
Allie eventually formed the letters "U" and "T", then straightened up, hoping her ordeal was over. We forced her to get back down and add an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence. Punctuation was important, after all.
Allie turned bright red as the words "IM A SLUT!" glinted in the light beneath her. We made her get on her hands and knees, and turn around to show the audience her sharpie-filled ass.
Then, we forced her to push the sharpies out without touching them, laughing as she grunted and strained to push the markers out of her ass. She groaned with humiliation as her asshole clenched and unclenched, knowing it would look like she was shitting them out. It took a minute of her pushing and straining, her anal training complete as she used only her sphincter muscles to push the markers out of her tight ass.
I watched the markers fall out one by one, amazed at the inventiveness of the crowd.
But then, Hank stood up, reminding us that he had guessed the number of carrots correctly. "Time for me to get my prize," he said gruffly, voice hoarse with arousal. I nodded and gestured for him to approach the humiliated girl, who was still facing away from him, on her hands and knees.
He slapped her ass once, alerting her to his presence. Allie yelped and tried to get away. Where would she go, I wondered, leashed to the table like that?
Hank forced her to lie on her back and spread her legs. He had already unzipped his fly, and in a swift motion, he pulled his hard dick out of his trousers and pushed it all the way into the bully.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Allie shrieked as he buried his dick in her.
"Aw come on Monica, would you rather have the carrots?" Alan asked. I saw him watching Hank, wishing it was him up there instead.
Allie shook her head from side to side, releasing muffled yelps as Hank started thrusting his cock in and out of her. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, this aging farmer, overweight and balding, was using her as a fuck toy, getting off inside her warm pussy while his friends all watched.
She howled as Hank continued, thrusting his hips hard, overcome with lust as he used the young girl's body for his pleasure.
"Wrap your legs around me, slut!" he choked out, forcing Allie to raise her legs and put them around his pudgy torso. That caused her to draw him closer, and she watched in humiliation and disgust as he started shoving his cock into her, faster and faster.
Hank reached down with his left hand, and closed his meaty fingers around her clit, pinching it hard.
"EEEEEEEEEEEHHHH!" Allie shrieked, as her body jerked upwards, the pain shooting through her body.
"Yeah bitch, fuck me back!" Hank bellowed.
"EEEEEEEHHH!" she screamed again as Hank pinched her clit again harshly.
He maintained his rhythm, fucking her hard and fast, pinching her clit over and over again to force her to fuck him back. Allie's slim body jerked around under the old farmer, the poor girl thrusting her hips to meet him, trying to twist away from the pain on her clit.
Allie's clit was red now, engorged from the blood rushing to it. I saw her breathing change as she was forced to fuck Hank, her chest and neck turning more and more pink as she started getting aroused. Was she actually going to cum again?
Hank started tugging her clit now, watching her jerk around under his body, her legs still wrapped around him. He was getting close, but wanted to see if he could humiliate her more before he finished.
Allie was twisting around now, not from the pain in her clit, but because she was trying to avoid getting stimulated further. Hank didn't relent, rolling her engorged nub around in his fingers. I saw a defeated look come over Allie's face as she started realising she was going to come. She was going to come while this fat old man fucked her, in front of a crowd of people. She was going to come while he masturbated her with his fingers, forcing her to wrap her legs around him as he diddled her clit.
She whispered something through her gag, beet-red from the humiliation.
"What was that Monica??" I demanded.
"Mmmmeee cmmm" she said softly again, her words getting distorted through the gag. Hank was now close too, thrusting his cock into her dripping pussy in short, fast strokes.
"MMMMM EEE CUMMMMMM???!!" she said loudly, panting as her orgasm approached, hating herself for responding to what Hank was doing to her.
"Fuck she's coming from this too?" Bob asked incredulously. "Your girlfriend must really love public humiliation, Rachel," he said to me.
"MMMMM EEE CUMMMMMM?!!" Allie yelled again, asking for permission, on the brink of orgasm. Hank was grunting now, tugging on her engorged clit faster and faster, as she was forced to fuck him back, thrusting back on him as he bent over her.
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CUM FOR ME, SLUT!" Hank bellowed, pinching her clit harder.
"HHHHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG!" Allie screamed suddenly, her loudest scream yet, as another orgasm swept over her. "AAAAAAAH!" she exclaimed, her body jerking as she came hard around Hank's cock, her tight pussy clenching on his dick, milking him as she bucked around in the throes of orgasm.
This was the final push Hank needed, and he came loudly, moaning as he kept thrusting his dick into her, over and over again. This was the best fuck he had had in years. He kept diddling her clit as he came in her pussy, making her squirm as her now-oversensitive clit was stimulated.
Hank emptied his balls into her, but didn't let go of her clit. He kept tugging it as he bent lower, and looking her in her eyes, slowly dragged his tongue across her right nipple. Putting his mouth over her entire breast, he kept sucking, flicking his tongue over her hard nipples. He moved to her left breast, flicking his tongue over the hard nub, as his relentless fingers continued playing with her clit.
Allie howled, knowing what he was going to force her to do. Surrendering to him, she lay back on the table, legs spread open now, jerking and grunting as her oversensitive pussy was manipulated into having her fourth orgasm of the night. Her clit was on fire as he kept rubbing it, pinching it at times to bring even more blood to the stiffening nub before rolling it around with his meaty fingers.
She started thrashing around, body jerking, as she screamed again through the gag "MMMMMMEEEEE CUMMMMM????" Good girl, she had remembered to ask for permission.
"Come for us, slut!" Bob yelled.
Hank reached below her, and forced a finger up her ass. Allie was screaming and moaning now, legs flailing, just from the pure pleasure of it all. Hank's still-hard dick was inside her, giving her pussy something to clamp down on as he diddled her engorged clit, her sensitive nipples being flicked harshly by his tongue as he rotated a finger inside her ass.
"HNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!" Allie yelled, all traces of shame and propriety gone as she came all over Hank's fingers, squirting yet again as she was masturbated to orgasm in front of the crowd for the fourth time that night. She bucked around on the table as Hank kept tugging on her clit, thrusting his finger in and out of her ass too.
The crowd was clapping, congratulating Hank on his achievement, as Allie tried to close her legs and process what had just happened. Hank pulled out of her and zipped up his trousers, wiping his wet fingers on her hair.
"Thanks for the tight fuck, Monica." He winked at her as he went to grab another beer. The former bully lay there, degraded completely, thoroughly exhausted by everything we had forced her to do. She closed her eyes, trying to drown out the jeers from the crowd, trying to forget that she had cum - hard - four times, while being debased in front of a room full of people.
I didn't want to wait around for questions, so I unclipped her leash, grabbed her clothes and dragged her out of the pub. I didn't bother letting her put on her clothes - the walk from the back door to my van was short, and nobody would see us in the dark.
Allie was trying to say something to me, but I was too worried about being stopped and questioned to listen. I pushed her into the back of the van, and took off her mask to give her some breathing space. I left the gag on and cuffed her hands together, to make sure she wouldn't be a flight risk. Then, I locked the door and drove off into the night.
The long drive home went by quickly, as I replayed the evening's events over and over again. Participating in that sort of public humiliation had always been a fantasy of mine, and I felt lucky I had been able to experience all of it.
Pulling up in front of the house, I whistled as I pulled Allie out of the van, and led her through my front door. I brought her to the basement door, taking care to lock the door and the metal gate behind me before leading her, cuffed, down the stairs. It was only in the basement that I finally uncuffed and ungagged my former bully.
Chloe woke up, clearly trying to understand why Allie looked so dishevelled. I had just locked Allie to the basement wall, near her mattress, when suddenly I heard my full name.
"Rachel Spencer," Allie spat out.
My blood turned to ice.
"Rachel Spencer," said Allie again, "It's you, isn't it?"
I turned around slowly, watching the two girls tied up in my basement. Chloe's eyes widened with recognition too, and she started gawking at me.
"I heard the Bob guy say your name earlier." Allie looked at me, her blue eyes glinting in the basement light.
Fuck. FUCK! Ofcourse Bob had said my real name out loud earlier at the pub. I had been too engrossed in Allie's humiliation to notice.
"Oh my god, it's you!" Chloe said, mouth agape. She looked me up and down. "You look so... different."
I stood there in silence, trying to come up with a response. I had to keep my cool, I couldn't let them see me panic.
"Is this why you're doing this to us? For revenge?" Allie asked. I laughed internally. So they knew they had treated me like shit in high college. They knew exactly what my motivations were for doing all those things to them.
The awkward, painful silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity as I tried to come up with an answer.
Finally, I said "So you don't even need to ask me why I want revenge..."
"L-look, we can work something out, I promise!" Chloe exclaimed. "I-I get why you're so mad, really b-but-"
"You 'get' it?" I hissed. "Trust me, you definitely do not 'get' it, but I promised you you will by the time I'm done with you two!"
I turned to Allie. "Have you told your friend what I told you earlier? About planning to let you go?" Allie shook her head frantically as Chloe's eyes widened again.
"Look, let us g-go and I promise we won't tell anyone," pleaded Allie.
"I might have, but then you had to go and reveal that you knew who I was. Do you think knowing my identity has helped or HURT your chances of getting away?"
I let my words sink in, as Allie realised what she had just done. She knew I was right - revealing that she knew my name had been a thoughtless move on her part.
Turning around, I marched up the basement stairs, leaving the girls to think about what had just happened. Little did they know, my mind was racing too. I did want to let them go at some point - I had a life to get back to, and once the summer was over, their families would expect them back.
My plan had been to use my grandmother's very generous inheritance to buy their silence. I was going to offer to pay off their college fees - all of it- in exchange for them keeping their mouths shut about where they had been over the summer. However, them knowing exactly who I was had made the idea of letting them go far more dangerous for myself.
Paying off their college fees was the carrot (pun intended, after Allie's experience that evening). Now I needed the stick as well, to ensure I had something to hold over them incase they ever decided to reveal my identity. An idea started forming in my head as I drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day's events.