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18-08-2020, 11:17 AM
This story has has been taken from an erotic masterpiece by a superior writer on a different platform and adapted to an Indian context. All credits go to the original author, who I shall name at the end of the story. Hope I am able to do justice to the actual story. Let me know your feedback in the comments. This is a story with a slow buildup so if you’re looking for quick and frequent sex scenes, then you would be better off reading the works of some other good authors on this forum.
Chapter 1: The Introduction
I was surprised for a second. It’s not everyday that you find Mr. Pereira, the MD of my consultancy firm standing by your desk. It’s even rarer to see him standing there with a hint of a nervous look on his face.
“Sai, one Mr. Shinde will be contacting you for some help on setting up a new business structure. Please consider him as a priority customer and do your best for him. Also, please keep an open mind while dealing with him.”, he said, shifting his eyes between the items and avoiding eye contact with me.
But the last sentence had certainly piqued my curiosity. “Sure, Mr. Pereira. Is there anything in specific that I should know about him or the situation?”
“Maybe you should meet him first. We can discuss the specifics later.”
“Sure, Sir”, I said as he walked away.
Several days went by and I kept waiting for the call from Mr. Shinde, growing anxious that he hadn’t called. I was excited that the MD had directly given me an assignment like this and given me a great opportunity to prove myself on a case that seemed to be a delicate one. I started to suspect that maybe Mr. Pereira had shifted the assignment to a more senior member of the organisation. It wouldn't be unusual since I wasn’t so high on the corporate ladder and maybe Mr. Pereira thought that someone more experienced would be better suited to handle a case like this one that seemed to be a delicate one. But still, at least Mr. Pereira should have told me about shifting the case.
My fears were allayed one afternoon when my phone suddenly rang and Trucaller identified the number as “Shinde Dada”. I quickly accepted the call.
“So you’re the guy who will set up my new businesses”, said the deep, growling voice on the other end. No hi, no hello….straight to the point. Call me prejudiced but from the way he spoke, I could make out that he wasn’t a very educated person.
“Yes, Mr. Shinde...I was told that you would call me and I should help you out.”
“ when do you want to start?” he asked, as if I was the one who had kept him waiting.
“Sir, it would be best if we met and discussed your needs, so that I can give you the best service”, I suggested.
“Ok. Come here tomorrow at 2 PM. You know the address?” Again, I noticed that his statements seemed like a command more than a request. Clearly he wasn’t a polished businessman.
“No, Sir...but I’ll be there. Can you Whatsapp me the location?”
“Crawford Road dead end. Come to the building with the green door and just knock.”, he replied, clearly in a mood to end the conversation.
“Sure, Sir.”, I said as he disconnected the call.
Since I had been in the city for just a year and didn’t know many of the places, I looked up the address on Google. It seemed to be a place in an old, run down industrial part of town, a place where people like me would not frequent too often. Getting some odd clients was nothing new in my line of work but even Mr. Pereira seemed to be a bit nervous about this one, so I was definitely interested to see what was in store for me.
My firm was one of the leading firms in our sector with a good reputation in the industry. Landing a job here was not an easy task and it was even more difficult to get into an executive position, so I was excited to work directly with the MD and advance my career in the organization.
The next day, I left my office at exactly 12.30 PM and by 1.45, I was already close to the location. The area was even seedier than I expected, with many old run down buildings and dirty streets. I finally reached at the end of Crawford Road and parked my car by the roadside. I was a bit nervous about leaving it there since my fairly new car seemed so out of place in that locality, next to the old Maruti Zens, Daewoo Matiz and jeeps parked there. I walked over to the old building with the green, rusted door and knocked on it. Almost a minute passed before the door was opened by a middle aged obese lady.
She looked at me suspiciously before saying “You the business person?”
Assuming that she meant consultant, I explained to her that I had a 2 PM appointment with Mr. Shinde.
“Shinde Dada is on the third floor, room with wooden door. Lift is that side”, she said, pointing to a corner.
I reached the third floor and knocked on the only room with a wooden door.
“Mr. Shinde?”
“Come in”, replied the same deep growling voice that I heard over the phone.
I entered the room and saw “Shinde Dada” sitting behind a large wooden desk in a rather empty room. There was a couch to one side of the room and a large steel shelf behind him. I also noticed a TV that showed different images from CCTV cameras placed at different places in the room, including one that was just outside the room and at the entrance of the building. He had seen me coming.
“Mr. Shinde, I’m Sai Gopal”, I said, extending my hand out in greeting.
He folded his hands in a Namaste instead and pointed me to sit on the chair opposite his desk. Looking at him, my suspicions that he wasn’t a very polished person were confirmed. He was a large, almost bald man in his late fifties with a pot belly and a big beard, dressed in a grey kurta, with the top buttons open revealing a hairy chest. I could also see a large gold chain around his thick neck, two thick rings around his fingers, and a diamond stud on one of his ears. Overall, he almost seemed like the caricature of someone who wasn’t exactly doing “legal” work. This, combined with Mr. Pereira’s reaction when telling me about this assignment, had given me a few ideas about what exactly Shinde Dada’s line of work was. But I was interested in learning about it from Shinde Dada himself.
“So, Mr. Shinde, how can I help?”
“Call me Shinde Dada...everyone here calls me that. How long have you been in this job?
“Three years, Sir…sorry, I mean, Dada.”
“Married? Kids?” he continued in his rough voice.
“Married but no kids.”, I replied, wondering where this conversation was going.
“No kids? Arranged marriage? How long have you been married?”
“Sir, it was a love marriage only. We know each other since college but we got married two and half years ago only. We are not planning right now for kids, sir.”
“Better to make kids early...otherwise how will you show your manliness, ha?”, he remarked with a grin that seemed almost sinister. I was getting a little annoyed at his unwarranted advice and unnecessary line of questioning but I had to keep a smile on my face as I really wanted to do a good job on this assignment.
“Anyway, Sai….I always like to know a bit more about the people that I work with.”
“Seems reasonable.” I replied, not knowing what else to say.
Shinde dada picked up the intercom on his desk and said, “Shanta, bring us two beers.”
“Dada, I am working dada so I can’t drink. Plus I have to drive back home.”
“Arey don't worry so much. There is nothing better than having a chilled beer on a hot day like today. One beer won’t make you a bad driver also.”
I recognised that resisting his offer for a beer was futile so I decided to go with the flow. A few minutes later, we were sitting with cold bottled beers that was handed to us by Shanta, the obese middle aged lady who had opened the gate for me earlier.
Shinde dada continued the conversation, “Hann, so tell me...what do you want to know about me? I am sure you must have questions for me too. Did your boss tell you anything about me?”
“No dada, he said that we will discuss after I meet you. I guess it would be good for me to know about your work and your requirements.”
“Hmm ok. You see, Sai, I am a businessman. I provide certain services for the community. Now, not all of these services are considered to be proper by the uptight chutiyas of society, so I have to keep a low profile. Other than this, I also have competitors in the business who really don't want to see me succeed like I have. I have to deal with those people also. Are you following me?”, he explained, slowly sipping his beer in between.
“Not completely, dada. Maybe it would be better if you went into details,” I replied, taking out my notepad.
“No no, no notes Sai. Everything between you and me has to be verbal. Understand?”
“Good…so as I was explaining, where I need your help is in bringing about a change.”
“Change?”, I replied.
“Yes...I want to change my business from what I am doing now to something more respectable. Most people in my line of work either haven’t been doing it for as long as I have, or they are in jail or they are dead. I don't want to end up like that so I need your help in making some changes.”
“Ok”, I said as I felt my mouth getting dry despite the beer.
“What kind of business do you want to get into,” I asked, putting off the discussion about what his current link of work was.
“Investments, real estate”, he replied, smiling.
For a moment, I thought that this was a prank set up by the people at the firm, maybe like a rite of passage. But then I realised that Shinde Baba was indeed serious and also that if they had to set up a rite of passage, they wouldn’t do it after three fucking years of being at the firm.
“Sure, dada. I can help with that. We can set up some businesses that can make investments in these sectors. I’ll discuss with my boss and start the paperwork.”
“Good...but before you start working with me, Sai, there is one thing I would like you to know”, he said, sipping the last of his beer.
“What’s that”, I asked
“Don't ever betray my trust”, he answered while gazing at me in a way that scared the living hell out of me.
The next day, I was sitting in Mr. Pereira’s fancy corner office, watching him stare out of his large office window. Usually, I wouldn’t have got an appointment to meet him at such short notice, but in this case, his secretary had left a post it note at my desk to meet him first thing in the morning.
As a distinguished gentleman in his 60s dressed in the most expensive formalwear, Mr. Pereira certainly didn’t seem like the type who would want to work with people like Shinde Baba.
Still staring out of the window, Pereira said, “Sai, sometimes in this profession we have to do things that don't seem to be right. I know that at times like this, we question our morals and ethics. But we have to realise that the world is not black and white and sometimes we have to cross boundaries to keep ourselves safe. So you understand what I am saying?”
“I think I do, Sir. My question is why does the firm as a whole feel like it has to work with people like Shinde Dada.”
“Good question, Sai. I’ll explain. Shinde Dada has certain businesses that are frequented by politicians and business leaders and so he has good connections. He has also helped these people with some of their things from time to time. So everyone in this circle feels that it would be better for him to transition to something more legitimate. So by helping Shinde Dada, you would be indirectly helping some extremely powerful people in our community.
“Sir, why did you choose me for this assignment?”
“Another good question, Sai. We felt that at your experience level, you would be the least judgemental about taking this up.”
“...and that's a good thing?” I asked
“In this case, yes and the company will not forget your contributions. In fact, most senior members in the company have carried out similar assignments for other powerful people so you will definitely have something in common with them as well.”
“Ok, I’ll try my best Mr Pereira.”
Though this was an awkward conversation, it gave me a lot of insight into how the politics at the higher levels of my organization worked.
My wife Rekha immediately noticed that something was off when I got home. She was not aware of the meeting with Shinde Dada as I wasn’t sure if I should tell her until I had my meeting with Mr. Pereira. Also, I wasn’t sure how comfortable she would be about me working an assignment that wasn’t ethical.
“Are you working on some tough assignment? You seem a little distant ever since you walked in”, she asked.
“ it that obvious? Nevermind, I’ll tell you after dinner”, I said.
Rekha and I met in college while we were pursuing our respective Bachelor’s degrees. After we graduated, she took up a job in technical writing that allowed her a lot of flexibility in her work schedule. She used the time to really take care of herself. After all, she was a really beautiful woman with just the perfect height and a slender set of legs paired with a really soft yet thick ass. But of course her sexiness also shows in her beautiful full breasts and luscious lips that I love to kiss.
As we sat on the couch after dinner, she brought up the topic of my distress yet again. I was a bit confused about where to start so I just told her everything in chronological order. She listened quietly, interrupting me very rarely to clarify some doubts.
At the end of the explanation I asked, “So what do you think?”
“I think that you might end up in jail”, she replied.
“What? Why?”
“Jaanu, it seems like you are helping someone launder the money from their illegal businesses through a legitimate business. Your firm is making you a scapegoat so that if something goes wrong then they can just put the blame on you”
“You think I should tell them that I won’t work on this? They may just throw me out”
“Ya, but being jobless is better than being in jail”, she retorted
We kept discussing the pros and cons of leaving this assignment and the discussion ended with us deciding that I would decline to work on this assignment.
The next day, as I reached my desk, I found a post it note from Mr. Pereira’s secretary asking me to come to his cabin. I went to the executive floor and as I once again stepped into the plush office of Mr. Pereira, I was surprised to see one more senior executive in the room - Mr. Daruwala, one of our board members.
“Good morning, Mr. Daruwala. I didn’t realise that you would be here.”
“Ah, good to see you, Sai. Pereira and I were just discussing about you. Our meeting just got over and I was just about to leave, come with me in the lift and we will have a short chat.”
A few minutes later, I was alone in the lift with Mr. Daruwala.
“Sai, I understand that you are helping us with a very important assignment. I just want to let you know that we are very appreciative of your work and that we really value your work on this assignment. Your contribution will definitely be rewarded well so make sure you do a good job.”
“Yes...uhh...thank you, Sir.” I stammered, unsure of what to say.
That night, I went home to Rekha with a dejected look on my face. Once again she noticed it the moment I walked in the door.
“You didn’t decline, right?”
I told all about my conversation with Mr. Daruwala and how I felt that this was an unique opportunity for me. At the end of it, she just sighed and said, “Fine, if you want to do it, I’ll always support you. But remember, you have to be very careful. I don't want to lose you.
The next day, I went into the office and prepared all the necessary documentation for Shinde Dada. I tried calling him to fix another meeting to go over the paperwork but he wasn’t responding at all. It was finally at 7PM that he called back, just as I was about to leave the office.
“Dada, I have the papers ready and wanted to explain it all to you. Can we meet sometime tomorrow?”
“ here in 1.5 hours.”
“Oh, I was just about to leave the office and go home. If you don’t mind, can we meet tomorrow?” I requested.
“No, today is better for me. Come over quick.” he commanded.
“Oh….ok, I’ll be there.” I replied, angry at myself for not being more assertive.
One and half hours later, I was in Shinde Dada’s office, going over the papers and filling in the missing information. I finished it all quickly and was finally gathering all the papers to leave.
“Why don’t you come with me and take a look at my businesses?”, said Shinde Dada out of the blue.
“Dada, some other time maybe….my wife will be waiting at home for me.” I replied, hoping to be excused
“Just call her and tell her you will be late.”, he said, glaring at me, expecting me to make the call immediately.
I realised that arguing with him was futile so I just dropped a message to my wife mentioning that I would be home late. She must have sensed where I was because I immediately got a reply - “Be careful, Jaanu”
Shinde Baba asked me to walk along with him to the garage of the building where I saw two large shiny bacl SUVs parked. We got into one of them and he drove me towards the city for 20 mins till we reached a residential area. He parked outside a standalone building and we walked in together to the first floor. It looked like a makeshift salon where another middle aged lady was sitting behind a desk answering some calls. Next to the desk was a couch where four northeastern girls dressed in sexy but acceptable dresses.
“How’s business going tonight?”, Shinde Dada asked the middle aged lady.
“It’s going ok ok.”
I waited there till Shinde Dada took somes notes from a schedule planner and the woman answered a call for an appointment for booking a girl. Clearly these girls were prostitutes managed by Shinde Dada. The girls looked rather bored and were either chatting among themselves or looking into their phones the whole time.
Finally, Shinde Dada said that it’s time to go and took me back to his car. We kept driving for some time while he explained some of his business.
“This escort service is really a complex business. You can’t always depend on these girls and there are a lot of expenses, especially in paying off the local cops, politicians etc. But over time I have figured out a way to keep it profitable.
Soon we reached a very upscale building that towered above the city. It must have at least 30 floors. We made our way through the posh lobby and took the lift to the 28th floor.
As we got out of the lift, I saw that this floor had its own lobby of sorts.
“I own all the top 3 floors of this building. So I have each floor converted to a single huge flat with multiple rooms….sort of like a 3 storied building above a building”, Shinde explained with a proud tone in his voice.
It was definitely a plush apartment with a private bar and many rooms to one side and a stair that led to the next floors. I could even see a jacuzzi on the balcony where a few men were relaxing along with some scantily clad women. We made our way to the bar where Shinde made a drink for me and one for himself. I noticed a really beautiful lady coming out of one of the rooms and as soon as she saw us, she smiled and came towards us. She really looked like a model and I wondered how she had got into this business.
“Dada, you’re here. You’re just in time for today’s selection time. We have a small group from an investment bank joining us today and it's all booked for them. The rooms are all booked for them”, she said in a chirpy voice.
“Good that you told me this, Ankita. I was beginning to wonder why the place was looking so empty. I thought maybe that we were going out of business”, Shinde casually replied.
“No no...the day we go out of business will be the day everyone becomes a saint and gives up on sex. You just wait here and observe. Also, who is your friend? Will he also be joining the proceedings today?”, she said, giving me a smile.
“He will also be observing with me. You guys carry on.”
Soon, the lift doors opened and a group of 20 or so smartly dressed men of different age groups from 30s to 60s exited the lift. They all had different coloured bands on their hands and they all seemed to be a bit drunk and noisy. Clearly these were the investment bankers that Ankita was talking about. Ankita was asking them to settle down on the large sofas, assuring them that the girls would be out shortly.
In a few minutes, one of the doors opened and three groups of girls with different coloured bands on their hands walked out. Most girls had a white band on their hand. Few of them had a red band and only about 5 of them had golden bands on their hands. All of them looked really sexy and beautiful but I noticed that the girls with golden bands on their hands were exceptionally beautiful. They could easily have been actresses if they wanted to. The girls were dressed in different kinds of sexy clothing and looked really beautiful. Soon, the men started laughing and choosing some girls for themselves.
“This is my second most lucrative business. High class escorts are aspirational and even for junior employees in big firms, they hope to sleep with such girls at least once. So what better team bonding session can there be when your boss pays for such fuck sessions?”, Shinde explained with a sinister smile on his face.
It was surreal to see all these girls and see that a rowdy, uneducated looking guy like Shinde could be the owner and the brains behind such an operation with such beautiful girls. How had he managed to get such beautiful girls to work for him? Also, what did those bands mean?
“Let me tell you about the bands”, Shinde said, almost as if he had read my mind.
“The white bands are for the girls that cost comparatively less since they might not do everything in bed. So the juniors can only choose from these girls. You must have seen them also wearing white bands. The red ones are slightly more expensive and a bit more freaky in bed, maybe suited for middle management. The golden ones are the most beautiful and the most open minded girls….they do all sorts of stuff and are therefore very expensive...only the senior management can afford them.”
I was listening to Shinde but I was also distracted by one of the golden band girls. A dark haired girl with a great figure, dressed to seduce. But the reason that I was so distracted was that she looked so similar to Rekha! As she sat on the lap of one of the senior bankers, I almost mistook her for Rekha.
“You seem to have taken an interest in Tanya”, Shinde said, noticing me gazing at her. Before I could say anything, he clapped his hand and signalled Tanya to come over to the bar. Tanya excused herself from the banker, who looked annoyed at having his girl taken away from him. As she came over, I started to notice what she was wearing - a black miniskirt and a shiny low cut top, paired with a pair of glittery high heels that gave a certain grace to her walk. I started to feel myself getting erect as I imagined Rekha in the same attire. It wasn’t difficult to do so as Tanya definitely had a similar figure.
“Tanya, show my friend your boobs,” Shinde said as Tanya reached near us.
I was surprised with how casually he said it, but Tanya just smiled seductively at me and without a word, she pulled down her top to show me her gorgeous tits. Damn, even her boobs look like Rekha’s, I thought.
“You want her for a while, Sai? I’ll give her for free because I kind of like you.”, Shinde offered. For a moment I actually considered it.
“No,’re really generous but I can’t”, I replied with my eyed still fixated on Tanya.
“Ok. Baby, go back to your guy”, Shinde said and Tanya went back to the senior exec who looked really happy again. Soon, each guy took their girl and went into one of the rooms on the same floor or on the next floor.
“Let’s have one more drink”, said Shinde, as the floor became almost empty again.
“Dada, its late. I really need to get back home”, I tried reasoning with him.
“One more drink”, he said as he started pouring out of the bottle.
We spent the next hour explaining more things about the business. I took the opportunity to ask him what his most profitable business was but he just brushed it aside saying I’ll show you another day. During our conversation, he brought up the topic of Tanya again, asking if I still wanted, he could get her out and then let me have her for tonight. I kept declining, but he must have sensed that there was a deeper reason that I was mesmerised by her. Soon, our meeting ended and Shinde offered to drive me back to the office so that I could pick up my car.
As we drove back, he asked again, “Are you really sure you don't want to try Tanya?”
“No, no thanks”, I replied laughing.
“You know, nobody would know if you did it with her. Your secret would be safe.”, he offered, still probing the reason for my reluctance.
“No really, I am not not interested”, I replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“I don't believe you. It definitely looked like you were interested.”
“No, Dada, you just misunderstood”
“Misunderstood? How?”, he asked.
“No actually Tanya just reminded me of someone”, I blurted out.
“Reminded you of who?”
“My wife”, I said, as we reached the office garage.
“Oh wow”, Shinde said, laughing, “That would definitely have had a shocking effect on you.”
As I reached home that night, I found Rekha waiting up for me. She was not happy with me returning late and she got even angrier when she learnt that I had driven home after drinking. SHe gave me a long lecture on the importance of responsibility and drinking and driving and also about not calling her because she was worried. Finally she gave up and went to the bedroom. I was still horny, with the images of Tanya in my mind but when I reached out to caress Rekha in bed, she obviously rejected my advances as she was angry at me.
Over the next few weeks, I started to set up the companies for Shinde Dada and he started to pour his black money into them. He just gave me verbal confirmations of the money coming in and I silently oversaw how the money was being invested into real estate and other projects.
However, even over these few weeks, I could not get the thought of Tanya out of my head. Mostly, it was like seeing my wife dressed in that same slutty outfit that Tanya wore. I wanted to see Rekha’s legs on display and her ass barely covered by that tiny miniskirt. The more I thought about it, the more I felt myself getting turned on and the more I became obsessed with seeing my wife in the same outfit.
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Very nice.. Please continue!!!
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18-08-2020, 09:57 PM
Chapter 2: An idea is like a virus
A month later, I was sitting with Shinde Dada in his large, empty office, advising him on some acquisitions and money moves. We regularly met each once a week to discuss these things and the working relationship between the two of us was improving a lot. The conversations were much less formal although I was always wary of not pissing him off on anything, because it seemed like he could be really violent when he became angry. Over this time, my thoughts or seeing Rekha in Tanya’s outfit would just not go fact, I had tried looking for the dress online but I had not found anything similar. All the skirts and tops found online were too demure and I just wasn’t able to find the exact dress. I had now begun to fantasise about my wife in that prostitute dress, imagining that I had chosen her in the apartment and fucking her in one of the rooms.
So as we got done with the paperwork that day, I finally summoned the courage.
“Dada, I wanted to ask one question. Where do your girls get the outfits that they wore in the apartment?”
“Haha, I was waiting for this”, Shinde said laughing, “Does she know?”
“No, she doesn't”, I replied, feeling embarrassed.
“Which dress do you want?”
“The one that Tanya was wearing”, I replied.
“Arey that was a month ago. I don't remember these bitches’ dresses.”
“That tiny black skirt, shiny low cut top, 6 inch heels”, I quickly said.
“Haha, clearly you remember everything”, he laughed again. “Everything in Tanya’s size?”
“Yes, I said sheepishly.
The next day a package arrived in the office for me and I instinctively knew what it was before I even opened it. Each item of clothing was exactly as I had remembered it. I felt so turned on just looking at the dress in the package but I also started worrying about how I would convince Rekha to wear it. I played out dozens of scenarios in my head about how I would talk to her about it but I finally decided that I would just ask her honestly. The next Friday, we didn't have anything planned so I picked up a couple of bottles of beer for myself and wine for Rekha on my way home. As we sat on the couch enjoying the drinks some time later, I decided to go for it.
“Babe, I have a present for you. I left it under the bed.”
“Ok, so go get it na.”
“No, you go and check it out”, I persuaded her. She looked at me with suspicion and curiosity but left quietly to see her gift. I nervously waited for her to come back. She came back to the couch a few minutes later with the opened package in her hand and looking at her concerned face, I knew that I had some explaining to do.
“What is this?”, she demanded to know.
“You remember, a month ago I told you that Rafael was showing me his businesses? Well, he took me to this apartment where I saw some of his girls and I swear one of them looked just like you. I kept thinking of what she was wearing and how it would look on you, so I decided to gift it to you”, I said, expecting her to get angry.
“Did you do anything with that girl”, she asked, without any expression on her face.
“No, nothing like that at all”, I said, avoiding the part about seeing Tanya’s boobs.” I just thought about you in her dress”
“I really worry about you at times, Jaanu….about what all you do”, she said, placing the box on the couch and picking up her wine again. We drank in silence for the next 15-20 mins as I gave up hope of seeing Rekha in that dress.
Two glasses of wine later, Rekha picked up the box and quietly left the room. I assumed she must have gone to throw away the dress. So imagine my surprise when I suddenly heard the clickety clack of the heels against the tile flooring.
My jaw dropped to the floor as she entered the room. The clothes fit her perfectly. The skirt looked as if it was stitched onto her body, accentuating her curve and just about covering her ass. She kept pulling it down nervously. The heels showed off her sexy legs and the top gave a perfect view of her sexy cleavage. But one thing was missing.
“You have to accept that you look hot in this”, I said, “but something would have made it even better.”
“What?”, she asked with a sigh
“You need to put on makeup and have your hair done”
She turned back wordlessly and went into the bedroom once again. I kept waiting for a long time and she finally came back to the hall once again, with makeup on and her hair styled. I instantly got an erection on seeing her.
“Wow, you’re perfect, babe”, I said to her.
“Perfect for what?”, she asked nervously
“Perfect for my fantasy” I replied.
My eyes hungrily wandered all over her body. She had put on a lot of red lipstick, eye liner and glittery eye shadow and had styled her hair to give it more volume. She looked exactly like a young prostitute.
“Do a fashion show”, I asked her and she sashayed the length of the living room, getting more comfortable in heels with every step.
“Wow, just wow”, I said as I felt like one of the customers in Shinde's upscale apartment.
My response had a good effect on Rekha, as her expression changed to a sultry smile.
“I feel so naughty and sexy”, she whispered.
I couldn’t resist myself any longer. I jumped from the couch, pulled her closer to me and I kissed her. We kissed deeply, with our wet tongues hungrily exploring each other’s mouths. My hands roamed all over her body, especially caressing her ass as I pulled her even closer. We were both extremely aroused and I could see the desire in my wife’s eyes.
“Let’s go to the bedroom”, Rekha begged and I was more than happy to do so.
We almost tore off each other’s clothes as we got to the bed. I started to kiss her neck and went lower down to her breasts to lick her hard nipples, She moaned in ecstasy as bit the flesh of her boobs, leaving marks that would remind of this night. My right hand stroked her smooth tummy and slowly made its way between her legs. She was already wet down there, much wetter than I had experienced her before. My finger went inside her in one stroke without any resistance as her juiced flowed copiously out of her pussy.Soon, the first finger was joined by another and then another as I started to finger her vigorously while licking and biting her nipples. Rekha was finding it difficult to stay still, wiggling her hips and arching her back as her hands caressed my hair and pulled me in closer. I continued to push my fingers in and out of her slobbering pussy as her moans became louder.
“Fuck me, Jaanu….fuck me now”, she suddenly gasped as she tried to pull me on top of her.
Through the entire duration of our relationship, I had never heard her say these words. I was both shocked and excited, but I immediately got between her legs, positioned my hard cock right at the entrance of her pussy and pushed in hard. Rekha immediately wrapped her legs around me and we started to fuck each other furously. The room was filled with the sounds of my pelvis slapping her wet pussy and our loud moans as we relished each other's bodies. This was not the usual slow and soft lovemaking that we usually did. There was a sense of urgency now, a never-ending desire to use our bodies for pure pleasure. It was almost animalistic with a tinge of rage from my side and a bit of vulnerability from hers. I wish I could say that we fucked for a long time, giving her multiple orgasms, but the truth is that I could hardly last for 5 minutes, as I felt the overwhelming desire to cum. I felt my balls get heavier just before I roared and emptied all my cum into my wife’s hot pussy.
Exhausted from the experience, I fell over her body panting hard as she stroked my hair gently. Now usually, if I came early, she would just have accepted the situation, washed herself off in the bathroom and come back to bed to sleep. But this time, she wanted more and after giving me a few minutes to recover, she rolled me off of herself and on to my back. She licked my nipples and went south, tracking a line with her tongue all the war to my penis and then took my cock in her mouth. She started to slowly suck on it and rub it, till she felt it becoming stiff again and then gave me a naughty smile.
“Your job is not done here, Jaanu.”, she said as she proceeded to suck my cock again.
Rekha is good at giving blowjobs even though she gives it to me only on special occasions like birthdays and anniversary. Before marriage, she has had sexual experiences with just one other guy, so I know that he must have taught her well. The kind of attention that she paid to my cock during the blowjob, combined with how erotic the entire evening had been, soon made me rock hard again. She continues to alternate moving her soft lips over my cock and trying to deepthroat me while slobbering all over, taking me to new heights of sexual pleasure. Soon, when she saw that I was ready, she climbed on top of me and lowered herself onto my cock. She started a slow and sexy motion, grinding her pelvis into me with every stroke, savouring the movement as I reached up and rubbed her nipples.
She bit her lip sexily, looked down into my eyes while grinding into me and asked “Is this how a slut acts, Jaanu?”
“This is how my slut acts”, I replied huskily as I quickly turned her on her back and pushed hard once again into her pussy. Since I had already come once, I could fuck her hard now without ejaculating, so I kept giving her deep, steady strokes which I knew she liked. All the time, I kept kissing her face, her lips, her neck to make this a very sensual experience for her.
Soon, I knew that she was close to an orgasm because I was familiar with how she did it. As she moaned louder and louder, she came to a point where she became really quiet, holding her eyes closed tight, while her body became tense. I knew that this orgasm was going to be a big one because her body was trembling as well.
“Ohhhh….Ohhhh...oh yes…..oh Sai…..oh please don’t stop….don't stop”, she cried out as her hands went to my ass, pulling me in even deeper.
“Yes, baby, let it out….let it all out”, I encouraged her, feeling the walls of pussy clamping around my cock and pulsing.
“Oh Sai...please don't stop...its so gooood”, she begged before moaning softly.
I held her through her climax as she rode the wave of secual pleasure and then became still, with her eyes half closed, just relaxing in the moment. I could see a small smile forming at the corner of her lips as she lay in ecstasy.
“I love you baby”, I whispered into her ear and then looked at her face. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction, having given my wife such a nice orgasm and was equally pleased when I saw her slowly mouth the words “I love you” to me as she drifted off.
The next night, we went out drinking with friends. After I came back, I went to freshen up in the bathroom and when I came out, I was surprised to see her on the bed, wearing the same sexy outfit, looking at me with those “come fuck me” eyes. The results of that night were almost identical to the first night. The surprising thing was that after all of that preparation of putting on the dress, makeup and all, it would only stay on for a very short while before I pulled it off her and we had sex. The dress and the entire look was such a strong visual aphrodisiac that I was almost instantly turned on.
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wow super..please continue
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18-08-2020, 11:14 PM
Chapter 3: Taking chances
“So how are things, my boy?” Shinde Dada asked as we were in his office a few weeks later.
“What things?” I asked, genuinely confused.
“Haha....I made your dreams come true by giving you that sexy dress and you won't even tell me how it’s working out for you?”, he chided.
“Oh Ya… went well”, I replied, unable to hold back a smile as I recollected the moments with Rekha.
“If you’ve got that look on your face, then you must have got a real slut at home”, he said with a grin, causing me to turn red with embarrassment.
“Ya, it was ok”, I said, slowly feeling less embarrassed.
“Come on, let me see the pictures”, he said, gesturing as if asking me to hand over my phone.
“Which pictures?”, I replied, trying to keep a straight face. Actually, I had convinced Rekha to take many pictures in the slutty dress, but I was wondering how Shinde knew about it.
“Arey, any red blooded man is sure to take pictures. He is not going to waste the opportunity, I know”, he explained.
“I didn’t take any, Dada”, I lied.
Shinde’s face slowly went from somewhat jovial to being annoyed. “Don’t do all this drama, Sai. You asked me to help you and now you are not willing to share? You don’t trust me after all that I did for you?”
“No, Dada...nothing like's just that…….that…..ok, only one then. But I should not be doing this actually”, I said as if I was reluctant to share. The truth was that I was actually proud of how Rekha looked in those pictures and it didn’t really matter to me if Dada saw them.
I swiped through my gallery to find my favourite picture of Rekha in the dress. It showed her half turned with her ass thrust towards the camera, while she looked back. Her taut legs, ample ass and sexy stomach were all visible in the picture. She was biting her full, red lips as she gave a sultry look to the camera.
“Ey, you are showing me some model’s pic or what? That’s your wife? You’re fucking that woman?”, Shinde Dada said with a look of surprise on his face. And I saw a hint of lust in his eyes as he gazed at the picture and said as if almost saying to himself, “She is much hotter than Tanya for sure.”
He returned the phone back to me and then the conversation went back to business.
A few weeks later, Shinde Dada bought his first real estate property with his new business. It was an old waste recycling plant that would be the first step towards recycling Shinde’s own money from black to white. He had successfully negotiated a good price for the plant and he was excited with his first entry to legitimate business. I went to meet him to finish the paperwork, but he had just finished a party with some of his men to celebrate the occasion and he wanted to continue it by drinking with me.
After a few mins of ideal talk over a few whiskeys, Shinde said, “So is your wife still wearing those slutty clothes?”
“Ya, some times”, I replied, feeling a little tipsy.
The trust was that Rekha had dressed up about eight or ten more times. She was now as much into it as I was and took special care of the dress while washing, to keep it ready for our next session. We even did small dares with the dress, where she once wore it and went the way up to the terrace of our building in the night. And once, at around 3 in the morning, after one of our sessions, she even wore it down to the garage of the building. There was always the risk of one of the security personnel seeing her, but the risk only added to the excitement for both of us. Every single time after wearing the dress, we had a wild sex session. The dress now turned both os uf on and it was really fulfilling its role as an aphrodisiac in our sex life. So it wasn’t a surprise that within five minutes of Shinde asking me this question and prodding me about my wife, I was already going into detailed description about our sessions and showing him some of the new pictures that I had taken.
“You have one hot slut at home, Sai. I’m getting hard just hearing about it all”, he said while laughing. “If you ever want to bring her to meet the girls get some great sex tips, just let me know.”
“Haha, sure….I am sure she will agree”, I replied sarcastically, laughing along with him.
The next day, I was in office when a package arrived. I saw it and thought that it seemed similar to the first package that Shinde had sent, but this one looked larger. So I took it to an empty conference room on another floor, locked the door and opened the package. As I guessed, it did contain dresses sent by Shinde but this time, there were three of them. The first was a purple minidress with a really low neckline. It was made of a really thin, satin like material and it was accompanied by a set of matching purple 6-inch heels. The second was a pair of white hot pants with a bikini top and a similar set of white heels. The third one was the big surprise….it was a sexy, almost transparent red saree and it was accompanied by a blouse with a low neck and which was almost backless. The Indian dress looked a little off in the set, but Shinde had sent a pair of shorter stilettos with this as well.
At the bottom package was a note. I opened it and it read - “You’re having so much fun with the other dress so I thought I would send you a few more. Think about what I told you yesterday night.”
I quietly bought the package to the house that night and while Rekha was in the kitchen, I laid the three dresses out on the bed. Then I waited in the living room, till she discovered the new dresses. I don't know why I expected her to just accept the dresses joyfully, because after a few minutes, Rekha stormed into the living room in rage.
“Where did you get them?”, she asked angrily.
“I liked the first one so I thought we could try some variety also”, I stammered.
“Where did you get them?” she repeated, this time in a louder and angrier tone.
It was like she had a sixth sense about how I got the dresses and was waiting to hear it from me.
“I got them as a gift…..from Shinde Dada”, I replied, like a guilty child who was caught stealing candy.
“My God, Sai! Does he know what we have been doing??!! Have you shown him the pictures? You have, haven't you? I can tell by looking at your face!”, she shouted.
“No nothing like that, baby”, I replied, trying to salvage the situation.
“Don't you dare lie to me, Sai! And don't try your sweet talk on me!”, she interjected
“I didn’t show anything too bad….just the decent ones.”, I lied in a very guilty tone.
Truth is, none of the pics were anywhere close to decent. They were all extremely naughty and would turn on any man. And Shinde had seen all of them.
“My God, Sai! You let some criminal look at your wife’s naked body? How could you?”, she exclaimed, ignoring my “decent pic” defense.
“Baby but…” I started but she held up her hand again.
“We are not doing this anymore, Sai...enough is enough”, she suddenly said, making me even more nervous. My hopes of seeing her in the new dresses came down crashing as Rekha stormed out of the living room just as she had stormed in. I waited for an hour before I went into the bedroom to find her in bed with the lights off. I slowly snuggled in behind her and touched her on the shoulder. She tensed up quickly, indicating that she was still awake.
“Baby, I just showed him the one pic where you are half turned” I lied once again. I was catching myself lying to Rekha more and more frequently over this issue.
I waited expectantly for her to say something. After almost a minute, she softly said, “Still, you should not have done that, Sai.”
“But why? It just shows my super-sexy wife”, I pressed on, hoping that the compliments would work.
“Is that all he saw?” she asked, turning towards me.
“Yes, baby.” There I go lying again.
“This is really embarrassing, Sai. He must think we are weird people.”
“Baby, since when are you worried that a criminal (like you say) will find you weird. Besides, he actually thought that you were a really beautiful woman.”
“Really? Why?” Seems like she was fishing for more compliments and I was glad to give them.
“Baby, that picture is so hot. You look so sexy in it” I replied.
Rekha snuggled closer for me, as an indication that the fight was over. I reached around her and caressed her ass softly as I kissed her forehead. We lay there like that for another 10 minutes before Rekha spoke again. “I like the white heels”, she said, referring to the hot pants costume and letting me know that we would still have fun.
That fun happened the following Friday when we returned from a dinner and drinks session with our friends. I encouraged her to do another fashion show for me and she went to the bedroom and returned wearing the purple minidress with matching heels. She ran her hands over her body, looking at me seductively. After I showed my approval and showered her with compliments, she went back into the bedroom, now returning in the hot pants outfit. The hot pants actually exposed some of her ass cheeks, making her look really slutty. The accompanying bikini top also showed her cleavage rather well.She giggled as she walked sexily across the room and showed off her sexy figure.
“Now wear the saree, baby”, I requested.
“No Jaanu, wearing a saree is too much work right now…let’s make love”, she said with a twinkle in her eye.
“Ok, but first let me take some pics”, I said, opening my phone camera
“Are the pics for you or for him?”, she asked with a smirk.
“Both of us”, I replied with a wink.
I took a couple of quick pictures before I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bedroom. I kissed and licked her cleavage over the bikini top before I removed them. I then licked all over her belly to the edge of the hot pants before turning her over and licking and biting the part of her ass that was exposed over the hot pants. She squirmed and rustled my hair, pulling me in for more. Finally I removed the hot pants as well while keeping the heels on. I slowly removed my clothes as she stared at me with lust in her eyes while rubbing her pussy. I then lay down with her face near her pink pussy and licked her inner thighs. I was going to lick her pussy also, but I heard her say “I can’t wait Jaanu...I need you to fuck me now.”
Well, who was I to go against her desire? I moved between her legs, and guided my hard cock into her very wet opening.
“Uhhh...oh Ya….oh yesssss…..” she moaned as I pushed deeper.
I started moving slowly at first, enjoying every moment of feeling her pussy lips around my cock, but when I felt her hands on my hips pulling me into her, I increased my pace. Soon, I was hammering my wife like a sex crazed animal while we looked lustily into each other’s eyes. Rekha’s moans combined with her hands wrapped tightly around me, pulling me closer, really aroused me. It wasn’t long before I felt that familiar urge to cum. I tried to hold off, trying to think about random things unrelated to sex, just so that I could prolong the session. But it wasn’t enough and soon, I heard myself groaning into her ear, “Baby, I’m going to cum”
“It’s ok, it”, she replied and a few seconds later, I was emptying hot semen from my balls into her pussy. I kept thrusting till I felt the last drops drip out and then collapsed next to Rekha, panting. After taking a minute to catch my breath, I moved my hand between my legs and tried rubbing her clit to try and give her some relief as well.
“You looked so hot in those clothes, baby.” I whispered.
“Did you like it?”, she asked, squirming a bit.
“Loved it, baby”, I replied, bringing my mouth to her nipple.
With my fingers rubbing her clit and my tongue flicking over her nipples, it wasn’t long before she was moaning again. But seconds later, she surprised me when she said “Will you show the pictures to him?”
I wasn’t sure if she was saying that I should show the pictures or whether I should not. So I decided to take a chance. “Just one pic, baby.”
“Which one?”, she replied instantly.
“The one where you have your back turned to me.”
“Why that one?”
“Your face is turned away from me. Can’t see your face”, I replied as I nibbled on her nipple.
“Okay”, she whispered between moans.
I looked up at her into her eyes, smiling as I kept teasing her clit with my fingers. I tried to assume what she was thinking when I suddenly got an idea. Stopping the session I turned to the table near the bed, took my phone and opened Whatsapp. I opened a message conversation that I had ongoing with Shinde.
“Here, send him the ones you like.”, I said, handing her the phone.
“Sai!” she exclaimed, but I had already gotten back to nibbling on her nipples. I slowly licked her torso and kept going southwards till I reached between her legs. I looked up to see my wife fiddling with the phone while staying excited. She seemed to be looking for the right pic to send.
“Ooooohhhh”, she whined when my tongue met her clit. The musky scent of my cum oozing from her freshly fucked pussy drove me crazier as I grabbed onto her thighs and pushed my tongue harder against her clit, licking it hard.
I kept concentrating on keeping her excited when I suddenly heard the tone of an incoming message. I looked up to see Rekha reading the message.
“He wants more.”, she said, still turned on.
“Send them if you like.”, I responded before continuing my onslaught on her stiff clit.
She didn’t say anything, but I knew she was focussed on the phone since she wasn’t moaning as much now and seemed to be a bit distracted. I wasn’t too bothered though, as I knew the reason for her distraction was equally exciting. I just kept licking and sucking her down there.
Three more times I heard the tone of an incoming message, but after the last one, I felt her hand once again at the back of my head, pulling me in deeper, desiring a sexual release. It wasn’t long before I felt her signalling an orgasm and soon, with a loud grunt, she shivered through a climax.
Once her body was fully related, I looked up at her and saw that she was completely spent. The phone was down on the bed, a few inches away from her hand and although I was eager to see the messages, I decided to wait till she went to the bathroom to clean herself. When she did get off the bed and go to the bathroom, I quickly grabbed the phone and went to see the messages.
In the next few seconds, I learnt a lot of surprising new things. My wife had sent all of the pictures that were taken in hot pants to Shinde. What was even more interesting was the responses from the old man who assumed that I was one sending him the pictures.
His messages read:
“She is so much hotter than Tanya.”
“I hope you are going to really fuck that pussy all night”
“Send the nude ones”
“You have to bring her to meet the girls in the apartment like we talked”
The last two messages were disturbing for me. Asking for the nude ones seemed to prove that I had shared nude pics of Rekha with him earlier. And mentioning about the apartment and the girls was definitely going to raise some questions in Rekha’s mind. So I became nervous while I waited for Rekha to return. But thankfully, when she returned to bed, she just kissed me and went to sleep.
The next day was spent in chores, meetings and finally dinner with some friends. It was only at night after we returned home and settled on the couch that the topic came up.
“I know you read the messages”, Rekha said, out of the blue.
“Ya, you sent him all the pics.” I responded, hoping that I could control the conversation.
“What did he mean by the girls and the apartment?”, she asked, ignoring my tactic.
“It’s where the girls meet customers.” I said, nervously.
“You mean the prostitutes? Why would he say that I should go there and talk to them?”
“He was just joking, baby. We were drunk and he was joking that you could take sex tips from them.”
“Hmm….have you shown him the nude pics from before?”
I considered lying once again before answering honestly, “Yes.”
“Which ones does he have with him?” she asked, glaring at me.
“None from the previous set….I showed all those to him on the phone. He only has the ones that you sent to him yesterday.”
She seemed to be judging whether I was being honest or lying. Finally she asked the question that I think was bothering her the most.
“Have you been having sex with Tanya?”
“Of course not”, I quickly said, confident that at least this was one area where I had definitely not sinned.
I wasn’t sure how convinced she was with my reply, because she just sighed, got up and went to the bedroom. She returned to the living room once again, now dressed in a nightie and said, “I want to meet this Tanya girl.”
“But why?” I asked, confused with her statement. “I haven't done anything with her. I only saw her once and that was months ago.”
“I just want to. I am not sure if you are being honest since you lied about the pictures also.” With that, she turned and went to the bedroom as I remained flabbergasted with her request. I was worried how I would make this meeting happen. I knew I would have to go through Shinde only and even though I was closer to Shinde than before, this was definitely an awkward request to bring up with him. Later, when I went to bed, Rekha was already fast asleep.
Two weeks went by since Rekha made the request and that conversation did not come up again. I was starting to feel relieved that maybe she forgot all about it when one evening, she followed up on it.
“Sai, have you set it up?”
“Set what up, baby?”
“The meeting with Tanya. When are we meeting her?”
“Baby, I was thinking about it and honestly it is not such a great idea.I will have to go through Shinde and it will all just get complicated”, hoping that this would dissuade her from pursuing the matter.
“Sai, either you arrange it or I find out a way to fix the meeting myself”, she said sternly.
The next morning, I called Shinde. We had not been in touch since the last Whatsapp exchange so when I finally called him, the pics were the first thing that he wanted to talk about
“Sai, my boy! I loved your wife’s pictures!”. As usual, no hi, no hello, no niceties from the old man.
“Ya actually that’s why I was calling”
“Oh is it….what happened?”
“ I wanted to say was...actually….Rekha found the messages that we shared.” I explained
“Oho….are you in big trouble? Has she left to go stay with her parents?”
“No nothing like that but Ya I am in trouble. My wife...she...she wants to meet Tanya.”
“Tanya? Really?”, replied Shinde, sounding confused.
“Ya, look, I tried to convince her to not meet but my wife is adamant. So can you please arrange for it, Dada?”
There was a pause before Shinde spoke again. “Sure, Sai. I’ll arrange for the meeting. Besides this is good for can kill two birds with one stone.”
“What? How?” It was my turn to be confused.
“Ok, listen carefully….tell your wife that she can meet Tanya, but she will have to come to the apartment and she will have to wear one of the dresses that I gave you”, he said before bursting into laughter.
“Dada please, this is a serious matter.”
“Arey, so who is saying that I am not serious. Listen, make me the villain and tell that it’s my requirement. Tell her that Tanya will be working and if she comes dressed demurely and all it will put off my clients while the other girls are working. So to blend in, she needs to wear one of those dresses. If she doesn’t agree then we can discuss another way and if she does,....well you never know these things with women…..” and he trailed off.
“I’ll try but I really hope she doesn’t hit me”, I replied.
I could hear Shinde laughing on the other end of the line. “Arey at least take the chance, Sai….and don’t be such a pussy.”
We then talked about some business related stuff before disconnecting the call.Shinde reminded me once again what to say just before the call ended. I kept thinking about what he said through the day and as I was driving home in the evening, I decided to try his strategy.
“Baby, I spoke to Shinde today but I don’t think it’s going to happen”, I said as we were finishing dinner.
“Why not?” she asked, without any expression on her face.
“He said that you would need to come to the apartment and that you would have to wear one of the dresses that he gifted to us.”
“I don’t know….this is just his demand”, I replied in a frustrated tone.
“Tell me what you spoke with him”, Rekha demanded, showing that she still didn’t believe me.
I told her how Shinde had asked her to dress this way so that she can blend in with the people in the apartment and not cause any issues. She listened to me patiently and then without a word, went to the kitchen to wash the plates. I sat in the living room watching TV for a while. Half an hour later, she walked to the living room, stood in front of me with her hands crossed, look at me and said “Okay”
“What okay?”, I asked
“Okay I agree with your Shinde Dada’s conditions”
I was totally surprised by her statement but I controlled my reaction.
“Ok, then I will call him tomorrow and find a good time to meet.”
She went back to the kitchen while I kept watching TV, although I was hardly able to focus on what was happening on the screen. I was just amazed that she had even said ok to the demands.
A few minutes later, as we were in the bedroom, Rekha suddenly asked, “Which dress should I wear?”
“ I don't know, I’ll have to think about it”, I replied.
I was happy that Rekha wasn’t showing any signs of anger. In fact, we even made love that night and Rekha pleasured me a lot.
I called Shinde the next day and after a couple of missed calls, he finally answered.
“I can't believe it but she agreed”, I blurted as soon as he answered. I realised that I had also given up on pleasantries while speaking with him.
“Haha...I told you that you never know with women”
“Ok so when should we meet Tanya, Dada.”
“Come on Friday….around 9 PM. And you won’t be meeting Tanya directly since she will be busy preparing herself for the night. So first come to the top floor of the building and have a drink with me. Later we can go to the 28th Floor.”
“Oh, okay Dada.”
“By the way, Sai...what is she going to wear.”
I am still not sure why I made the dress decision so quickly during the call, but I immediately replied, “The black miniskirt, shiny top and heels”
“Hmm….nice….so do you want Tanya to dressed in the same way?”
I had actually not thought about it but it sounded like a great idea. “Ya, why not?”, I replied.
My anticipation made it seem like the rest of the week was just crawling by. I explained to Rekha that we would meet Shinde Dada for drinks first before meeting Tanya. I also told her that I would prefer if she wore the first dress while we went to meet them. She just responded with an arched eyebrow.
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nice going, please update
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Yet another cuckold tale.. oh man
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Nice going please continue
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Too hot and nice writing.Please continue.
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20-08-2020, 09:01 PM
Chapter 4: The Visit
Finally it was Friday evening and I was waiting for Rekha to get ready. She emerged out of the bedroom wearing a large shirt over the erotic dress and a belt tied around the waist. The shirt reached almost till above her knees so only the heels gave away the sexy costume that she wore underneath. Nevertheless, she still looked sexy and it was going to be an interesting trip whenever she was not in the car.
We drove to the posh building and handed over the car to the valet for parking and then rode the lift to the penthouse on the 30th Floor. As soon as we reached the top and the doors to the lift opened, we were greeted by Shinde, dressed much better than I was used to seeing him. He was wearing a golden kurta and he had even oiled and shaped his beard. I could even smell his perfume. The only things that I was used to seeing were the gold chains, the rings and his diamond stud on the ear. Otherwise he looked a lot classier than usual.
Shinde looked visibly disappointed on first seeing Rekha in the oversized shirt. But he suddenly composed himself and introduced himself. He guided us inside and gave us a small tour of the apartment which was spread over the entire floor. I could see that this floor was even more posh than the ones down below. In addition to the fancy rooms, the jacuzzi on the balcony, there was also a great view of the city.
Shinde directed us towards the bar. “I was thinking that we could have a drink before we head downstairs.”
Rekha politely accepted the offer as Shinde handed her a drink. As we started to drink and chat, I kept stealing glances at Rekha to see how she was coping with the situation. Surprisingly, she was doing quite well and was speaking with Shinde as if she wasn’t wearing an erotic dress underneath and as if Shinde was not the same person who had forced her to do so. She did seem a bit shy while initially responding to Shinde’s questions about work, etc but I just chalked it up to her meeting a new person for the first time.
Shinde was being quite the charmer as well, completely opposite from the rough man who I was used to working with. I could see Rekha slowly relaxing in his presence as well. She finished her first glass of wine and by the time she was on her second glass, they were engaged in a very easy-going conversation. Shinde avoided any mention of the purpose of our visit and Rekha also avoided asking him about his illegal dealings. Instead they discussed current events, music etc and through the conversation I could also see that Shinde was weaving in a lot of compliments about Rekha into the conversation and he even insisted that he call her “Dada” from now on.
It was 10 PM when we decided to go downstairs and before we took the lift to go down two floors, Shinde finally spoke about the purpose of the visit.
“Ok, Rekha. We will be going down to meet Tanya as per your request. You will have to remove your shirt before we go. I will point her out to you in the crowd and you are free to approach her. But please maintain your calm and do not cause a scene when you talk to her. Friday nights are big nights for us as we get a lot of clients. The girls will be walking through the floor, trying to converse with clients and even exposing their bodies off to attract them. If you see something that you don’t like, please don't be upset. You need to just go with it. Agreed?”, he said
I interjected Rekha before she could answer, “Baby are you sure you want to go ahead with this?”
Rekha looked right into my eyes for a second and nodded before she removed her shirt, exposing her sexy body in the slutty costume.
“I agree with the terms, Dada” she said as the lift doors opened and she stepped in. I could see that Shinde was mesmerised by my wife’s beauty but he was trying to maintain a straight face. As we reached the 28th floor after a really short lift ride, Shinde looked for a moment around the room which was like a large banquet hall. It was packed with all ages of rich men, drinking, gazing and talking with the girls. Some of them were already starting to grope some of the ladies as they sat next to them as well. Shinde pointed out Tanya, who stood in the far corner of the room. Sure enough, Tanya was dressed in the exact same costume and was standing with a drink, waiting for one of the clients to approach her.
As Rekha went towards Tanya, Shinde directed me to join him at the bar, reasoning that we could enjoy the scene from far.
As we nursed a drink and wanted Rekha speaking to Tanya, a thought came in my mind.
“You purposefully called us on a busy night, didn’t you, Dada?” I asked Shinde, looking into his eyes.
“Hahaha….seems like my game is up. Sai, do you know how I succeeded in my business ventures? I know what people want….and I know that you actually love to show off your wife...I know you get turned on by it. Can you deny it?” he said, almost defiantly.
I didn’t know how to answer him and I chose to keep quiet. I turned once again to look at Rekha and she was still talking to Tanya. They looked like doppelgangers from across the room.
“You know she is asking Tanya if you fucked her, right?” Shinde stated.
“Maybe….but I think it's more than that”, I said.
“Like what?”, he asked
“I think Rekha wants to see…..she wants to know what made me get the thoughts in my head….why I got her those clothes”, I answered.
I was sure that my thoughts were on the right track but I still felt that the conversation was going on for too long. What else could they be talking about?
“Hmm...let’s hope she likes the answer”, Shinde said.
Just then, another beautiful girl approached Tanya and Rekha and all three of them continued their conversation. I could not imagine what they were talking about but soon, a young man approached the third girl and started speaking to her in Rekha and Tanya’s presence. She smiled and spoke about 2 sentences with the guy before taking his arm and leading him away to one of the rooms. And just like that, a man had purchased a girl for sex right in front of my wife. I kept looking at Rekha to see if she would look in my direction, but she seemed determined to not acknowledge my presence.
Soon, I noticed another guy approaching Tanya and speaking to her. Rekha quietly hing back a bit, detached from the conversation between Tanya and the guy. I could then see the guy asking something to Rekha as well but Rekha was waving her palm as if to say no. But as she was saying now, she was also coming closer towards Tanya and the guy until it seemed like all three of them were talking to each other.
“Ahh...that’s of my boys”, Shinde suddenly announced.
“What is he doing?” I asked, confused.
“Just watch, you are going to get really excited now”, he replied.
They kept talking to each other but it seemed like most of the conversation was between Tanya and Rajan. Suddenly, Tanya pulled at the straps of her own top and exposed her breasts to Rajan. He casually held them in his hand and pressed them a bit. I expected Rekha to be shocked, to even leave the group and come back to me, asking that we leave from there. But I was intrigued to see her stay there and continue engaging in the conversation whenever Rajan said something to her. Tanya then pulled her top back up and continued speaking to Rajan. As we watched, we saw Rekha’s hands go up to the straps of her top as well, but they always returned to her side.
Soon, Rajan left the girls and went away.
“Arey yaar, she really wanted to do it...too bad it didn’t happen”, Shinde remarked.
I realised that this conversation was a while arrangement between Shinde, Tanya and Rajan to coax Rekha into showing her tits.
Rekha kept talking to Tanya and soon they were joined briefly by a few other girls as well, who came to talk to them. Perhaps they wanted to know who the new girl was. Then, as Tanya and Rekha kept talking, they were approached by two men who looked like they were in their late thirties. These two were real customers and I was interested to see Rekha interact with them along with Tanya. This time, Rekha looked to be much more relaxed in talking to them and she even laughed at some of their jokes and even casually brushed their arm while talking. She was certainly being flirtatious. But these guys were not able to convince the girls to go along with them.
“Tanya was told to not leave with any guy tonight”, Shinde explained. In the midst of watching my wife, I had totally forgotten that he was observing me as well.
I was really turned on watching my wife walk around the room looking like a slutty prostitute with Tanya and reject offers from rich men. As she stood speaking with yet another small group of three men, Shinde suddenly spoke once again.
“Sai, you want to get her working?”, he said
“What do you mean?”, I asked distractedly
“Arey, I mean to let her work…..let her make you some money”, he said, shocking me with his words.
“Are you joking?” I said in an almost raised voice.
“Haha..I was testing you but Rekha for sure doesn’t seem to be upset with whatever is going on.”
He was right. Rekha looked incredibly relaxed for a woman who was in the midst of prostitutes and lecherous men. And looking at her blend in the group like a real prostitute, turned me on so much. I could feel my cock getting rock hard. Soon it seemed like the crowd was thinning as more and more women went into the rooms with their clients.
I could see Tanya and Rekha walking towards us. Tanya greeted me with a short “Hi” as she focussed her attention on Dada and started speaking to him like a friend. I pulled Rekha to one side and driven crazy with lust, I started to kiss her right then and there. I brushed my hands against my wife’s thighs and I could feel the juices that had oozed down her leg.
“Looks like Sai certainly had a good time!” I heard Shinde exclaiming in the background. “Come, let’s all go upstairs and enjoy a few more drinks”, he said as he called for the lift.
As we reached the top floor, I gave Rekha her shirt but she just flung it carelessly on a nearby sofa and took a seat on the large couch in the center of the room while Tanya sat next to her.
“Can I have a cigarette, Dada?” I heard Tanya asking Shinde.
“Rekha, you want one?” she asked my wife casually as if they had been friends for a long time. Now Rekha hates cigarettes usually, so I was shocked when she accepted the offer. I guess she was really breaking barriers tonight.
Shinde gave two cigarettes to the ladies and I watched as they both smoked. Rekha was smoking it rather slowly and I suspected that she wasn’t really inhaling the smoke. But with the cigarette on her lips, she looked like a real slut who would just do anything in exchange for money.
“Sai, you have a stunning wife”, Shinde remarked as he was gazing at my wife as well.
“I know”, I replied, still looking at my sexy wife.
After a few mins, Shinde remarked that we should set the mood for a real party. He gestured to Tanya, who pulled out a fancy tablet device from near the couch and dimmed the lights. She also used the same device to put on some really soothing, sexy music. But Tanya now had her own ideas for setting the mood as well.
“How about shots?”, she suggested in her young, sexy voice.
“Haan, make some vodka shots then”, Shinde said, supporting the idea.
In no time, Tanya was ready with a tray full of shot glasses filled with vodka. We all took one, said cheers and downed it all. Rekha is much more of a wine person so I knew that she was going along and didn’t really enjoy the vodka shot. Tanya prepared another round and had that as well, before she took another cigarette offered by Shinde and shared it with Rekha. Soon, we were all just sprawled at two ends of the large semi-circular couch, just indulging in some casual talk.
“I’ll go change into something more comfy”, I heard Tanya say to Shinde before she turned to look at my wife and ask, “Rekha, you want to get comfy too? I know that this dress isn’t great for chilling.
“We won’t stay too long”, I said, thinking that maybe Rekha and I could go home and I could get some sexual release by ravaging my wife.
“Nonsense, Sai...the night is young...relax and just chill for a while.” Shinde said, dismissing my wishes. “Take Rekha with you, darling”, he then said to Tanya.
Rekha looked at me with a feeble smile and she followed Tanya out of the room. I could see that she was a little tipsy as she walked slowly behind her doppleganger.
As soon as they left, I turned to Shinde and questioned “You, Tanya and Rajan, planned that whole thing, didn’t you?”
Knowing Shinde, I had expected him to reply angrily. Instead, he laughed at me and without any sign of guilt said, “Yes, it was just for fun. To push her a little.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, Sai, you are too much of a prude to allow it to happen. Don’t get pissed off unnecessarily. Nothing happened anyway.”
“Ya, I told you my wife wasn’t like that.”
“ did”, he said, although I felt like he was speaking to himself more than acknowledging my statement.
We returned to sipping our other drinks. A few minutes later the girls returned and they both looked so hot because they had removed their dresses and just worn a loose shirt. Rekha was wearing that same shirt that she had worn when we drove here and Tanya was wearing what I assumed to be one Shinde’s silk shirts. Both of them seemed to have ditched their bras as well, since I could see a little outline of their hard nipples against the soft material. The difference was that Rekha’s shirt was buttoned all the way whereas Tanya had just buttoned three of the lowermost buttons, making it look like a plunging neckline dress and exposing her cleavage. The girls returned to sit beside us on the couch and Shinde showered them with compliments on how hot they looked. Feeling quite horny, I whispered in Rekha’s ear, “You look so beautiful” and I could see her blushing even under the dim lights.
“Dada, can we have some?”, I heard the young prostitute asking in a seductive voice.
At first, I didn’t know what she was talking about. But then I saw Shinde reach below the couch and pull out an ornate wooden box. Opening it, he fumbled around a bit and then produced a small mirror along with a white powder in a plastic bag. I immediately became tense since I recognised it as cocaine and I knew that Rekha would really get pissed off seeing the illegal drug. However, as Shinde proceeded, I saw that Rekha wasn’t objecting to anything and instead was looking on with some interest. Soon, there were several lines of powder on the mirror and Shinde turned and offered it to my wife along with a short tube.
“No thanks”, she immediately replied.
Without insisting further, he offered it to Tanya who quickly inhaled a line through her nostril. Turning to me, Shinde gestured that I should take it as well, but I also didn’t want to take something that my wife had declined. Seeing my reaction, he took a line for himself and then put the box on the coffee table in front of us.
“Have you ever done any coke?” he asked Rekha.
“No, I haven't”, she replied softly
The next few minutes were spent in silence as Tanya and Shinde indulged in the feeling of the drug while Rekha and I looked on. Then I heard Rekha ask, “What does it do you?”
“Makes you feel good”, Shinde answered in a relaxed tone.
Then he leaned forward, put a very small amount of coke on the mirror, came over and sat right next to Rekha and just gestured to her to take it. Slowly, I saw Rekha lean towards the mirror and in one quick snort, she inhaled the coke.
“It burns”, she suddenly said, putting a hand to her nose.
“You’ll only feel like that for a second. Here, try some more”, Shinde encouraged her while adding one more pinch of coke on the mirror.
“I don’t feel too different”, Rekha said after snorting the second offering as well.
“Well, you took too little”, Shinde said, laughing. Tanya also laughed along.
Rekha looked towards me and asked “Shall we try it?”
“We can if you want to…”, I replied although I was not so sure myself.
“You go first”, Rekha said.
Shinde now made a full line and offered it to me with the tube. I sucked the powder through my nose, feeling the burn. As soon as I was done, Shinde started making fresh lines. He then handed my wife the tube and held the mirror while she snorted the drug. It took her two attempts to finish one full line. Just as she finished, I felt a wave of euphoria rush through my body, indicating how potent the drug actually was. Tanya and Shinde each did one more line. Meanwhile, I could see the effect that it had on Rekha, as she stiffened and then turned to me with a surprised look and silly smile.
Soon, Shinde turned his attention to my wife and engaged her in a conversation about drugs and his experiences with it. It didn’t take long for me to realise that his most profitable business was actually drugs. He also kept asking her about her life and all, while subtly weaving in many compliments into the conversation. I was finally beginning to see the charming side of Shinde. Tanya and I were more like silent spectators in the conversation, just watching the two of them talk. Gradually, Tanya started to shift closer to Shinde until he reached over and put his arm around her. She snuggled into the large old man and I could sense that this was not the first time that Tanya and Shinde had been intimate.
Maybe it was because of the drugs and the drinks, but I had become more horny and was feeling a lot bolder as well. I also scooted over next to my wife and while putting an around her belly from behind, I slowly started to kiss her earlobes and nibble on them. The reaction from Rekha was immediate as she let out a soft moan, without caring that she was in the presence of two other people that she had met for the first time today. I continued to lick her earlobes as I saw that Shinde was looking at her lustily while lightly squeezing Tanya’s boobs with the arm that was around the young prostitute.
I slowly moved my kisses from Rekha;s earlobes to her cheek till she turned her body a bit to kiss me on my lips and take my tongue in her mouth. After about a minute of kissing, we finally broke and Rekha whispered to me, “This is crazy, Sai. I don’t know why I am feeling like this.”
I slowly reached for the buttons on her shirt, hoping to put my hand inside and grab a boob but she quickly said, “Don't.” I tried unbuttoning her shirt a few more times while we kissed but she kept pushing my hands away. Unfazed, I now moved my hands to her thighs, rubbing her soft skin and slowly moving my hands to her inner thighs. But she wasn’t going to let me do that either. Her hands once again held my own as I was denied access to her pussy. But no matter how many times she stopped me, she never broke the kiss and soon, we were lost in a world of our own, exploring each other's mouths without caring that Shinde and Tanya may be looking at us. After about five minutes when we finally broke the kiss, both of us were panting with lust and she started smiling seductively.
But her smile was short-lived because when we turned towards Shinde and Tanya we were shocked by what we saw. Tanya was fully naked and between the old man’s legs with her hands wrapped around the base of his cock while her mouth was trying hard to swallow the rest. Her mouth slowly rose and descended on the thick shaft that was wet with her own saliva. Somehow, while we were just kissing, they had already moved to a blowjob. Shinde’s kurta was bunched up near his chest, giving us a view of his hairy chest and belly. His pajamas were around his ankles as he wordlessly looked into Tanya’s eyes, relishing the service she was giving him. When Tanya’s mouth left his cock for a bit, I could see how big and thick it really was, and the veins running along the dark shaft till the base of the fat, swollen head of the cock. I wondered how his women could actually accommodate a cock of his size. Thinking about women, I turned to Rekha who was also staring at Shinde’s cock with a look of shock all over her face.
“We need to go”, she said to me in a tone of panic.
But at that moment, I did something that I still struggle to understand. Maybe it was the drugs or maybe it was the live blowjob that I had witnessed, but even though Rekha’s words made sense, I ignored them and pulled her into an embrace to kiss her.
“Sai, what are you doing?” she whispered hoarsely after letting me kiss for a moment. But I once again pulled her close and continued to kiss her. Her mouth was still tense but slowly I began to feel her body relaxing against mine and her hands moving all over my back as she gave into the desire. I again tried to unbutton her shirt but she once again stopped me while holding the kiss. I tried moving my hands to her things and tried my luck there once again. This time though, Rekha didn’t stop me. I ran my hand up and down her thighs, even caressing her soft ass over the shirt for a bit. When the kiss ended, we turned to look at the other couple. This time, Shinde was looking at us and Rekha quickly turned her gaze away for a moment, before looking back at him. I was amazed at how relaxed he was, with one arm laid casually over the back of the couch while his other arm on the back of Tanya’s head, guiding her mouth on his cock. It seemed like this was an everyday thing for him and come to think it, it actually may be.
I turned my gaze on Rekha and I could see that her nipples were erect by watching the blowjob. She was definitely aroused with the scene in front of her.
“Tanya is a master of sucking cock”, Shinde declared, seeing our interest in their action. I cringed for a moment, noting the vulgar language that he had used in front of my wife, but it seemed that my wife was not bothered by it.
Shinde then looked at me and I knew immediately that he hoped that I would do some more things with Rekha. So I pulled Rekha close and once again kissed her. This time when I again brought my hands to her buttons, she didn’t resist. I hurriedly unbuttoned her shirt completely as we kept kissing.
My hands immediately went over her soft tummy, feeling the smooth skin. I let my thumb rest on her navel for a bit, noticing the little motions that it made as my wife began to lightly squirm in my arms. I then moved my hand upwards and grabbed a boob, while I moved my mouth to her neck, licking and biting her there. She was now whimpering softly as I rubbed her boobs and pinched her erect nipples. I looked through the corner of my eye and I could see Shinde looking at us with a huge smile. This emboldened me even further as I brought my hands to Rekha’s panties and tried to push my hands inside. She resisted only a bit before she gave in and soon, I was pumping two fingers in and out of her sloppy wet pussy as my wife moaned loudly with her eyes closed in the presence of an old man and a prostitute. Encouraged by her actions, I suddenly pulled at the hem of her panties and slid them completely off her body. Rekha was too turned on to protest now and I took the opportunity to roll her on top of me so that I could lay on the couch facing away from the other couple while she straddled my waist. We continued to kiss in that position and I slowly put my hands on her back to raise the end of her shirt upwards, giving Shinde a nice view of her ass cheeks. Her reluctance to my actions was quickly reducing and I wondered how far she would go in this state.
Suddenly I heard Shinde say “We are going to the bedroom. Come and join us when you are ready”.
We looked up to see him with just the kurta on, dragging Tanya by her arm to one of the rooms that was opposite to us, almost closing the door behind them. As soon as they disappeared, I removed Rekha’s shirt completely, making her naked. But my wife suddenly held my head in her hands and looked into my eyes.
“I am not fucking him and you are not fucking her, okay?” she said.
“Who said we were going to do that?”, I replied even though the thought had crossed my mind.
“I just want it to be clear”, she said.
Instead of responding to her, I pushed her on her back, climbed over her and ran my tongue all over her perfect body. I could tell it was turning her on again as she started to squirm under me and arch her back. I was thrilled when she finally put her hands on my belt and started to remove it and pull down my pants. I helped her with it and soon I was fully naked as well. I put my hard cock at her opening and entered her warm pussy with minimal resistance. We moaned together as I buried my cock in her completely and then I started moving at a slow pace, knowing that I would lose control if I wasn’t careful.
“Mmmmm….don’t stop Jaanu”, she moaned as we got a steady rhythm going.
“Oh fuck baby, I love fucking your pussy”, I said and I relished the feel of her soft vaginal walls rubbing against my senstive head as I thrust in and out.
It was all so crazy, how we were completely naked and fucking on the couch in someone else’s apartment. That thought itself was such a turn on and I am sure my wife was revelling in the same ecstasy as well, as I felt the telltale signs of her nearing an orgasm. Gritting my teeth, I kept going till she reached her climax.
“Oh god….oh fuck….oh fuck jaanu….yes...yess….” she moaned and cried as her body thrashed around under me and her nails dug into my back.
A few seconds later, I also let go and ejaculated inside her. It felt like my balls were being pulled inside out as I came. We stayed in each others embrace for some time, till we recovered. Then, looking into each other’s eyes, we both suddenly burst into laughter and started showering each other with kisses on our faces and neck. I even started giggling through it all.
“What’s so funny?” she asked curiously.
“I can't believe we did this.”
“I know! But now let’s go”, she pleaded with me.
Quickly, we got dressed and then I remembered that maybe it wouldn’t be polite to leave without telling Shinde. It was so strange that even after doing so many crazy things, we were somehow bound by such social norms.
“Wait, I’ll just tell Shinde that we are leaving.”
“Ok, but make it quick”, she said. As I moved towards the bedroom door, I could feel Rekha following me.
I could see that the bedroom door was left ajar. Peering inside, there was enough light to see Tanya on top of the old man, riding him at a slow, easy pace. The young prostitute was moaning seductively at each stroke, but other than that, it was quiet. I was about to speak when I noticed that Rekha was also peering into the room, wide-eyed at the action taking place.
“Dada, we….umm...we actually need to go.” I said as politely as possible.
“Arey, you guys are done? Come on in…”, he said, as he saw us at the door.
I don’t know why I stepped inside on hearing his invitation. I approached the bed and when I arrived close, I once again said “Dada, we have to leave”
He ignored me completely and looking at my wife who was near the door, he asked her, “So, had fun?”
I could see her blushing but I knew that she wanted to leave as well. So I once again spoke, “ Dada...actually, we have a lot of work tomorrow and we can’t stay.”
“Sai, this is a great way to relieve some tension after working hard all week”, he said, still looking at my wife. Tanya, meanwhile, was still riding Shinde slowly with her eyes closed. It didn’t seem like she even knew what was going on around her.
“We really need to go, Dada”, I pleaded with him.
“Okay, then you guys can leave”, he said, finally relenting. As I turned to leave the room, I could hear him slapping Tanya’s ass hard. “Ride harder, slut”, he growled to her but I was a bit scared to turn back and look.
We took the car from the valet and drove back home, having a very exciting conversation on everything that we did. Once we reached home, we were too tired and we just crashed on the bed.
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Awesome story.... Please continue
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Waiting for the next adventures of Rekha update was awesome please update fast
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Chapter 5: The Earring
The next day, we were in a really bad shape. We were totally hungover after the effect of the alcohol and drugs had worn off. We spent most of the day in bed, hardly able to talk to each other and ordering our food from outside. We both felt better on Sunday morning, but we were too caught in household chores throughout the day and never got time to relax and discuss the topic. It was finally at 6 PM in the evening that we got around to talking about Friday night.
“I’m really ashamed about everything that happened”, said Rekha, while sipping a cup of tea.
I tried convincing her that whatever we did, we did it together so it wasn’t that bad. I even tried putting the blame on me saying that it was mostly my fault for taking her there in the first place. But she kept coming back to the word shame, shame for going there, shame for interacting with the clients and shame for doing stuff in front of others.
“Baby, look it's not your fault. I started this whole thing because I wanted to see you in those dresses. Please don't blame yourself. Everything is ok. Nothing has changed”, I said, trying to make her feel better.
I knew she would eventually recover, but it could take weeks. I tried harder to cheer her up.
“I love you, baby”, I said.
“Even after everything that happened?”, she asked
“Yes, no matter what happens, I will always love you so even after what happened two days ago, my feelings for you have not changed one bit.”
“Jaanu, I feel like I have been so bad.”
“Baby, don't worry about it. I am not thinking about it at all”, I lied. Truth is, I couldn’t get those memories out of my head at all as they were so arousing. Everything that we did was so unique, so different and we had pushed ourselves much beyond what we thought were our limits.
“You really don't think that it was so bad?”, she asked, wanting me to validate her feelings.
“No, baby, not at all.”
“Okay”, she said, pausing for a bit in thought before continuing, “So nothing from that night bothered you?”
“Like what?” I asked, trying to act dumb, although I knew what she was takling about.
“Well….he saw me…..someone else saw your wife and her…..” her voice trailed off.
“Yes, but you looked fabulous”, I replied and put my hand over hers assuredly.
I didn’t want her to feel guilty for pursuing this wild streak. She was opening up as a person and I didn’t want to hinder her progress.
She was deep in thought for a minute, sipping her tea slowly….until she looked up into my eyes and a naughty smile and said, “You are special….and crazy”.
After a pause, she continued, “So Jaanu, you liked everything we did?”
“Of course, baby”
“What did you like?”, she asked, wanting to know specifics.
“Everything! From the dressing up, acting like a prostitute, letting me show off your body in front of Shinde Dada….everything. I even loved watching you smoke a cigarette!”, I replied.
“And what did you not like?”, she probed further
“I don't think there was anything that I didn’t like….just some things that surprised me.”
“Like what?”
“The cocaine part was definitely a surprise”, I elaborated.
“Yeah that was a stupid thing to do”, she agreed
She again went back to sipping her tea while deep in thought. Suddenly, she looked back up at me and asked “So you didn’t want to be with Tanya?”
“No baby, definitely not”, I answered quickly.
“Hmm….” she said, seemingly pleased by my response and going back to concentrating on her cup of tea.
I decided to break the silence and push a bit, saying, “But I wanted to see you with Shinde?”
She immediately looked up at me and whispered, “Are you serious?”
“Haha, no baby, I was just joking”, I replied trying to avoid shocking her.
“Hmm…..”she replied, seemingly accepting my explanation.
I stood up, went behind her and hugged her from behind. “I love you”, I whispered in her ear.
Suddenly I noticed that she was missing an earring. “Baby, did you lose an earring?”
“What?”, she said in a panicked state suddenly grasping at her ears. “Oh my god, Sai….my earring…'s lost!”
“Relax, I’ll buy you ten new pairs”, I declared.
“I don’t want a new pair. Those were passed on to me by my mother...I don’t want to lose them. Shit, they must have come off in Dada’s apartment when we were doing it that day. Can you please ask him?”
“Ok, baby...just give me a minute”, I said as I grabbed my phone and went to the balcony to make the call.
As usual, Shinde replied after multiple rings. The moment he picked up he said “You’re calling about the earring, right?” Trust Shinde to jump straight to the point.
“Yes, oh God, it’s such a relief that you found it. Can I come over and collect it? It has some sentimental value for Rekha.”
“Yeah sure, come by after 3 hours. I am not at the apartment right now”, he replied before disconnecting the call.
I went back to Rekha in the living room and gave her the good news that Shinde had found the earring and I could go collect it in 3 hours time. But then, another naughty thought crossed my head, which I blurted out promptly - “Baby, maybe you should also come with me.”
“If that’s a joke, then it isn’t funny, Sai”, she replied, dashing all my hopes.
I kept quiet and didn’t push it further. But as I spent the next few hours waiting to leave, the erotic thoughts of watching my wife in that apartment filled up in myhead once again. So five minutes before I had to leave for Shinde’s place, I went to the kitchen where Rekha was cleaning up.
“Maybe I’ll see Tanya again”, I said, hoping to make her jealous enough to join me.
“Then maybe you won’t see me ever again”, she replied, not willing to take the bait. “Sai, go and come back quickly in an hour, ok?”
I realised that it was futile to drag her so I got in my car and drove over to Shinde’s apartment. As I reached outside the swanky building, I gave him a call. He answered after several rings and said “Come on up, Sai...we have a small party going on.”
“Dada, every day is a party at your place. Would be great if you can just send someone down with the earring”, I replied, not wanting to go up.
“No no, this is a special party….and it's not on the 28th floor. It's in the just come on up for some time.”, he insisted.
I wasn’t really in the mood to join a party, but I had no other choice. I parked my car and took the lift to the penthouse. As I neared the floor, the music kept getting louder till the lift doors opened and I entered the huge living room. Even in the dim light, I could see that there were about three men including Shinde and three girls, of which I could easily recognise two from my previous visit to the 28th Floor. They were all sitting on the same semi-circular couch, with only Shinde standing.
Shinde welcomed me with open arms and introduced me to the others - “Guys, Sai here has been instrumental in growing my businesses over the past few months.Sai, meet Sudhir Gavlikar and Mohammed Ibrahim, two very good friends of mine. I don’t think I need to introduce them in detail, right?”
I immediately recognised Sudhir Gavlikar as one of the local politicians whose face I had seen on multiple political posters across the city. He was also fat like Shinde but he looked much more polished with his neatly shaped moustache and he had a full head of hair as well. It took me a moment to recognise Mohammed Ibrahim, but I soon realised that he was one of the top lawyers in the city, who occasionally made cameos on the news channels as a panelist. He was much shorter in person and I realised he probably would only come up to my shoulder, height wise. He wore thick rimmed glasses and he had covered up his male pattern baldness with a combover. I noticed a lot of booze and cocaine laid out on the table in front of them and I realised that I was in the midst of an illicit drugs party.
Shinde continued his introductions - “These girls are Sheela, Diana and Sofia...and of course you’ve met Tanya!”, he said, looking in a different direction. I suddenly saw Tanya making her way out of another room, holding a few drinks and walking seductively in high heels. She was dressed in sexy clubwear like the others and seeing her there, I felt my cock slowly starting to rise in my pants.
Both Sudhir and Mohammed looked at me suspiciously as I sat down on the couch. Shinde also sat down beside me. I looked at the girls for a minute and took in their appearances. Sheels was a slightly curvier girl with huge boobs. Her dress was really straining to contain those big tits and it looked very alluring. Diana and Sofia were both tall and athletic and it was obvious that both of them had had breast surgery, since their breasts proudly jutted forward. Sofia had even dyed her hair in purple and it looked really sexy on her. All three girls had tattoos on their hands and legs. In fact, Diana had a large dragon tattoo which crept up her right leg and I suspect that it ended on her firm ass. Tanya was the only one who didn’t have any tattoos.
“What would you like to drink?” Shinde asked and I simply selected a beer.
“How’s my hot slut doing?”, he continued as he handed me a chilled bottle. I quickly looked towards the other two guys, to see if they knew about Rekha. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like they knew anything and they also seemed disinterested as they were more focussed on Sheela and Sofia, who were snuggled close to them.
“She’s fine”, I replied in a hushed tone, hoping the others wouldn’t hear.
As I drank my beer, Shinde explained to his friends how I helped him in his business and their demeanour towards me changed significantly for the better. THey also asked me a few questions about the general economic conditions etc, while having chests caressed by the girls. The four girls were also well trained in pleasing the men, often offering them more drinks and cigarettes and even preparing lines of coke for them.
Soon, the conversation became eve more livelier as we all laughed and made jokes. I also had some conversations with Shinde about business and I could tell that he was not purposefully restricting information on his guests and how he knew them. I was on my third beer when I realised that it has been an hour since I had arrived at the party. I frantically looked for my phone and four missed calls and two text messages from Rekha. The first text said “Where are you?” while the second said “Are you okay?” and the phone calls had become between and after the texts.
“Wife?” Shinde asked, as he noticed me reading the messages.
“Ya she was expecting me to be back by now.”
“You know, she is a lot sexier in person…..much more than how she looks in pictures.”, Shinde said.
“Thanks, Dada. I know”
We sat quietly for a few minutes watching the ladies seduce the other two men before Shinde spoke again, “Maybe you can fuck Tanya a little later”
“No, Dada….you are very generous, but I have to get home soon”
“Hmm…”, he said and went quiet again.
He again spoke after a few minutes, “Why didn’t Rekha come along with you tonight?
I shrugged and forced a laugh while saying, “Arey Dada, actually Friday night was a big thing for her….she has never done those things so I had to give her some time to recover from it all.”
“Let me tell you something, Sai”, Shinde started, turning his entire body to face me. After pausing for effect, he continued, “Don’t listen to what your wife is saying because she isn’t being fully open. I know that she had a great time the other night. You see, she is like a butterfly that is struggling to come out of the cocoon. You need to be the one to nurture her towards it. I could tell that she wanted to get naked and fuck that night….and she wanted to do a lot more too. Too bad, you took her and ran away. Trust me, she was almost there.”
Just then, my phone suddenly lit up with an incoming message from Rekha. “Jaanu, are you okay? Please reply or call me back”
Shinde saw it too and I turned my hand to show him the message, indicating that I had to really go now. He read the message, looked up at me and said, “Tell her to come over.”
“Dada, she won’t do it again….I know her”, I reasoned with him.
“What’s her number?” he asked, and without warning, he turned my phone again towards him to note the number. Then I watched as he took out his phone and walked over to the balcony with a drink in his hand.
“Dada…”, I called behind him but he ignored me completely.
For the next fifteen minutes, I watched as the old man stood in the balcony with the city skyline behind him, exchanging text messages with my wife. I expected to start getting messages from my wife as well, asking why Shinde Dada was contacting her. But no messages came. I kept waiting on the couch, and looking at Shinde on the balcony. Finally, he turned in my direction and headed back toward me on the couch. I expected him to say that she had ignored his messages or that she had become angry and I would really need to go home to deal with the situation.
“Rajan will pick her up in 20 minutes”, he announced as he sat down next to me.
“What? You are joking for sure, Dada”, I said, dumbfounded.
Shinde calmly handed me his phone and I scrolled down through the long chain of text messages. It started with him saying who he was and then proceeded to tell her how much he enjoyed the last night and how hot she was. Most of Rekha’s rekha’s responses to these statements were one word responses like ok, thank you ,etc. But as soon as Shinde revealed that I was still at his apartment along with him, she became more engaged in the conversation. And when she learned that Tanya was also there at the party, then she became very communicative. It was at this point that she started to respond positively to Shinde’s requests that she join us at the party. He had arranged for Rajan to pick her up, but when I brought up the point that she would recognise Rajan from the event two days ago, he just brushed aside my concerns.
I was surprised that she had engaged in a conversation with Shinde and shocked that she had agreed to come over. The fact that she did this without reaching out to me indicated that she had a bigger concern in her mind, maybe about me and Tanya. It also showed little she trusted me around Tanya.
By the time Rekha arrived, both Sudhir and Mohammed had gone to two of the bedrooms with two girls each. Shinde and I were talking when his phone suddenly lit up and after looking at the message he just looked at me and said, “She’s here.”
In a few minutes the lift door opened and I saw my wife exit the lift looking quite stylish in a white blouse and blue formal pants with low heels. Right behind her was Rajan, who had driven her here. I went up to my wife and gave her a hug. She hugged me back but I couldn’t really tell if she was ok or if she was angry with me.
As I stepped back, Rekha looked at both Shinde and me and asked, “Where’s Tanya?”
Her words immediately confirmed my doubts that she did not trust me around Tanya.
“She’s busy”, Shinde explained.
“You look amazing, baby”, I interjected, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Do I, Sai?”, she replied sarcastically, letting me know that she wasn’t really pleased about me being here so long.
Rajan stayed far away from us and kept quiet while Shinde made us a drink. He engaged Rekha very quickly in a very generic conversation as he stood close to her. I noticed him looking at her sexy body from top to bottom a couple of times during the chat. As Rekha kept sipping on her drink, I saw that she was gradually becoming relaxed, perhaps due to the alcohol, but maybe also due to the fact that Tanya wasn’t around. Shinde signalled to Rajan who already had another drink ready for Rekha before she finished her first and the old man was doing a damn good job of keeping her engaged in a talk. As I watched them talking, I considered the possibility that maybe Rekha has not come here just because of the threat of Tanya. Perhaps there was more to her intent to accept Shinde’s invitation.
Suddenly one of the bedroom doors opened and Sofia, who had disappeared with Ibrahim some time ago, came out of the room barefoot, but still wearing her sexy dress. Shinde signalled to Rajan once again who rushed to the bar counter to prepare three drinks. I could see that my wife and Sofia were quickly stealing glances at each other trying to determine who the other person was. Rekha still had a good idea who Sofia could be but Tanya probably didn’t have a clue who the new woman was. Despite how awkward the situation was, Shinde didn’t bother to introduce the two women.
“So she is taking three drinks?”, Rekha asked Shinde with a smirk on her face after Sofia went back to the bedroom.
“My other guests today are some really hard working men so they deserve some extra fun”, Shinde quipped.
“Sai and I are also hard working folks”, Rekha replied
And Shinde’s comeback was immediate - “Then perhaps you two also deserve some extra fun”, he said with a smile before changing the topic. Shinde took charge of the conversation which went on for about half an hour more, before both the bedroom doors opened within minutes of each other and both Ibrahim and Sudhir came out fully dressed. They glanced over at Rekha with interest in their eyes, until Shinde introduced her as my wife. Their look quickly changed to one of concern, but Shinde gave them a subtle sign that she was ok and could be trusted. Soon, Tanya also emerged from the rooms and so did the other three girls. Rekha looked at Tanya in a very judgemental way while Tanya looked pleased to meet Rekha again.
A few minutes later, Sudhir said that it was time for him to leave. Shinde gestured to Rajan to go along with Sudhir and drop him off. As soon as the two of them left, Ibrahim moved over to the couch with Tanya and Sofia, who sat on either side of him. The other two girls, Sheela and Diana, had a quick, whispered chat with Shinde before they also left. After the conversation, Shinde did not move to the couch to join Ibrahim, but instead joined Rekha and I near the bar and kept talking to us for some time.
“Shall we go?” Rekha asked me, which Shinde overheard.
“Not yet, baby”, he said, taking his hand in hers and softly stroking it, then he added, “Have another drink first.” I was shocked to see that Rekha’s reaction did not change at all after hearing Shinde call her “Baby” - a term of endearment that only I used with her.
Rekha is not a big drinker and she was already over her usual amount of drinks, but she only nodded in agreement to Shinde’s suggestion. With a new drink in hand and perhaps emboldened by the fact that she would be leaving soon, she started to ask more specific questions.
“Did both of those men have threesomes with the girls?”, she asked, looking right into Shinde’s eyes.
“They did whatever they wanted behind closed doors”, Shinde replied in a cryptic manner but it definitely confirmed Rekha’s suspicions.
“And you pay them?”, she asked
“I don’t talk about money generally, baby”, Shinde replied curtly. I was again surprised to find zero reaction from Rekha to Shinde calling her baby.
But with that answer, Rekha stayed quiet for some time. However, Shinde must have decided that he will ask specific questions now.
“Your legs looked really sexy in the dress that you wore that night. I wish you would have worn that dress again like I asked”, he told her. I recognised what he was referring to. During their text exchange earlier, after Rekha said that she would come over, Shinde tried to convince her to wear the hot pants outfit but Rekha ignored his request.
“Just my legs?” Rekha asked flirtatiously, probably due to the drinks having an effect on her. I was already cringing when Shinde mentioned her ass, so imagine how I felt when she responded like that.
“I didn’t say that it was all that was sexy about you. Plus I was only talking about the things that I saw when you were dressed”, Shinde said with a grin. I noticed that the classy way in which he was talking to her till now was quickly changing.
“You definitely are overdressed”, I blurted out suddenly. I do not know what came over me and why I said it but Shinde jumped on the opportunity.
“Sai is right”, he added.
Rekha looked at Shinde and once again responded in a flirty tone, “Well, you didn’t tell me that there was a “party” that was going on.” I noticed how she emphasized on the word “party”.
Shinde was once again quick to react. “Tanya, come over here”, he called out over the music.
Tanya quickly abandoned Ibrahim and rushed over to us. Ibrahim looked annoyed for a second but he was quickly pacified by Sofia.
“Darling, take Rekha back to your dressing room and find her something better to wear.”, he instructed the young prostitute.
“No no, I am fine...I was just joking”, Rekha replied
“No baby, I want to see you looking your best:, Shinde said, as if he were giving her a compliment.
I knew that I could take Rekha’s side and help her get out of this line of conversation, but I was intrigued about what would happen.
“No, that’s really not needed, Dada”, said Rekha, trying to decline again.
Suddenly Shinde leaned in close to Rekha and started whispering something to her. I could not hear what he was saying over all the music that was playing, but it went on for about a minute with Rekha nodding in between. He then whispered something to Tanya as well, before Tanya held Rekha’s hand and directed her towards one of the rooms.
“What did you say to her?” I asked Shinde as my wife left.
“I just told her that it was fine for her to go, but I wanted you to be here to discuss a few things. So either she could leave or she could go and change.”
I felt angry that he had manipulated her like that.
“Dada, that’s not right”, I protested.
“Relax, Sai….we are just having some fun”, he said looking at the door of the room that Rekha and Tanya had entered. He then turned to me, put one of his hands on my shoulder and said, “Dost, you have a decision to make.”
“Huh?” I said, confused.
He gripped my shoulder a little harder as he said, “I am going to try and fuck your wife tonight. So if you don’t want it to happen, then I suggest that you take your wife and leave as soon as she comes out of there.”
“What are you saying, Dada!!?” I exclaimed in surprise and anger.
Shinde suddenly put up a stern face and said, “There’s no need to get so protective. No one is going to get hurt. Plus, you can fuck Tanya too. I know you want to.” There did not seem to be any hint of shame or guilt on his face. In fact, it almost sounded like a challenge.
“I think we’ll leave”, I said with determination as Shinde took his hand off of my shoulder and continued to sip his drink.
We both stood near the bar in silence for the next 10 minutes as we waited for the girls to come out of the room. Soon, I saw the door open and Tanya emerged from the room with my wife standing close behind. Rekha was wearing a red miniskirt and a matching top with a plunging neckline that showed off the sides of her boobs. As she walked towards us, I could see Ibrahim craning his neck to get a better view of my wife’s ass.
Rekha came near me and hugged me tight, which I thought was maybe because she was a bit drunk. Shinde just looked at her body with lust as I held her close. I was about to tell her that we can leave when I heard Shinde say, “You definitely look happier than before, Rekha. Did you girls do a line of coke?”
Rekha simply giggled and nodded in agreement. With her admission, I felt a strange mix of shock, concern and confusion within me. It was just this morning that she said how worried she was about her behaviour from the previous night, yet now she had again indulged in cocaine with a woman that she supposedly did not like. I wondered whether she was doing this to provoke me or whether there was another reason. I had decided to leave earlier, but now I wanted to wait and see how far she would take it.
“Baby, are you feeling good now?”, Shinde asked as he took her hand in his. He was definitely acting on his intentions to fuck her, like he said he would. He kept talking to her and complimenting her, rubbing her forearm and making her blush.
I suddenly felt the urge to pee because of the drinks that I had been having, and went to the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom, I noticed two things. One was that Ibrahim was laying low on one end of the semi-circular couch while Sofia sucked on his impressive looking cock and Tanya rubbed his hands over his exposed chest. The second thing was that Shinde and Rekha were both standing on the opposite end of the couch, watching the sexual action that was going on. What made the scene even more strange for me is that the old, bald man had his arm around my young wife’s waist and was slowly caressing the smooth skin near her belly. Rekha seemed to be totally engrossed in the scene in front of her and was not reacting at all to what the old bastard was doing.
I moved closer to the couch and stood a little distance away from my wife and Shinde. Rekha was half turned towards me from this position and I could see a side view of one of her boobs and nipple through the open V-neck of her top. Just then, Ibrahim started to grunt loudly and I turned and saw as just a few feet away the short lawyer’s big cock spurted gobs of cum into Sofia’s mouth. She took it all down, never slowing down and kept her lips firmly planted on the head of his cock as she drank him till the last drop. Finally, it was Ibrahim, who had to pull her hair and get her to release his cock. He lay back on the couch, completely spent and looking like he would fall asleep soon. I turned to my wife expecting her to be disgusted, so I was quite surprised to see her watching the scene with interest.
“Let’s sit down for a bit”, Shinde quickly said as he took my wife’s hand and guided her towards where Ibrahim lay.
It seemed strange to go and sit next to people who had just finished a sexual act. Plus, both Ibrahim and Sofia were still naked, while Tanya was the only one who was somewhat dressed. Regardless, Shinde moved my wife and made her sit next to him, close to where Ibrahim lay in a post-fuck bliss. I also got up from where I was sitting and went and sat next to my wife.
The first thing that I noticed when I sat down was the pungent smell of sex on the couch. It made me recall our previous time at the time, which was similar, except now there were six people instead of four. I saw Ibrahim open his eyes slightly and sit up a bit as we joined him on the couch. Sofia had also moved next to him, playing with his flaccid but heavy-looking cock. At the same time, Tanya also gave me a sexy smile while I noticed that Shinde was once again engaging Rekha in a whispered conversation. I was straining to hear what he was telling her, when I noticed that Shinde’s hands were now on my wife’s exposed thigh,just below the hem of her short skirt.
By now, my brain was driven by alcohol and lust with all that I had seen, but I knew that it was time to make a decision. If I allowed things to continue, I was not sure where it would lead us. But at the same time, I was feeling extremely horny and I really wanted to be with my wife as well.
My thoughts were broken by Tanya’s sound as she asked Shinde, “Dada, can I have some?”. Going by what happened the previous time, I knew what she was referring to. Sure enough, as Shinde nodded in approval, she brought the box from under the couch, and soon she had arranged six clean lines of coke on the mirror. She offered it first to Ibrahim who quickly snorted a line and then she passed it to me. I looked at my wife who was still engaged in a whispered conversation with the old man, so I took the mirror and snorted a line myself. The others followed suit one by one, with Shinde helping my wife once again in snorting her line.
Feeling that it was time to reclaim my wife and maybe emboldened by the effect of coke, I pulled my wife towards me by the shoulder and planted a kiss on her lips. Surprised by my movement, she initially pushed me away saying “Sai!”, but after one look at my wife, she gave in. The kiss became a deep, passionate lovers kiss and I for a second, I felt proud that I had pulled her away from Shinde. The seconds ticked by as I licked her face and her neck. My cock was rock hard and straining in my pants while my hands moved across her chest, caressing her boobs over the top. Then, I slowly put my hand on the left strap of her dress and pulled it down. That was the side where Shinde was sitting and I could see him looking intently through the corner of my eye, as I put her boob in my mouth and flicked her nipples with my tongue. Rekha started to moan softly, getting more and more turned on with my actions. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and kept sucking her boob when I suddenly felt a rough, thick finger just below my lower lip. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Shinde’s hand that was trying to caress the same boob that I was sucking and even trying to lightly push me off the boob. Without removing my mouth, I could see that Shinde was glaring at me. “Get the other strap”, I heard him say as I looked into his eyes.
I don’t know why I let him do it, but I felt myself slowly removing my mouth from her boob and taking off her other strap, making my wife completely topless. The old man’s face then came down as he put his mouth on the same boob that I was sucking earlier, and started to suck my wife. I found myself being even more turned on by the whole sight. I again lowered my head and sucked Rekha’s other tit. Rekha must have felt what was going on because the moment we both started sucking her nipples, she moaned loudly.
“Oh god...oh good….oh jaanu…..”, she exclaimed as she squirmed on the couch with her eyes closed. I slowly felt one of her hands on the back of my head, caressing my hair. I looked up a bit to see that her other hand was on the back of Shinde’s bald head, pulling him closer to her breast. Rekha was really relishing the experience of having both her boobs sucked together. After licking and biting her boob for some time, I lifted my head to kiss Rekha, savouring the feel of her soft lips moving over mine. I pushed my tongue into her and enjoyed the feeling of it duelling with her wet tongue, as she moaned into my mouth. As we finished the kiss, Rekha opened her eyes and looked into mine.
“I love you, baby”, I said
“I love you, Jaanu”, she replied, before she faced the other side, towards Shinde who promptly put his lips on my wife’s mouth. I watched with a mix of jealousy and lust, as the old man and my wife kissed like hungry lovers. Shinde’s large lips sucked on my wife’s own, and it was quite obvious that their tongues were exploring each other’s mouths as well.
When they broke their kiss, Shinde looked into Rekha’s eyes and said, “Lift up your ass a bit”
His hand was on the bottom of her miniskirt and he was tugging on it, to pull it downwards. She turned to look at me but as soon as she felt my hands also joining in the pull, she willingly raised herself and we pulled down her skirt together. I did not know that she had removed her panties earlier in the dressing room so when her miniskirt came down, both Shinde and me were suddenly treated to a nice view of her shaved pussy.
Rekha instinctively tried to close her legs, feeling some shame, but both the old man and me, held one thigh each and slowly spread her legs. We could see that her pussy was glistening with wetness in the dim light. I moved my hand towards her pussy, but Shinde’s hands beat me to it. He covered her pussy with his palm and slowly rubbed over it. Maybe it was because the old bastard had so much experience in dealing with girls, but Shinde was really good with his fingers.I watched as his index fingers slowly disappeared inside her, moving slowly but deliberately, while Rekha’s whimpers turned to deep, sensual moans.
Our action was suddenly interrupted by a loud grunt from Ibrahim. “Oh fuck yes baby”, he said as we saw that Sofia had managed to get his cock back to its full hardness again.
Once the moment passed, Shinde and I got back to focusing on my wife. He continued to move his fingers even more vigorously inside her pussy and I licked on her thick brown areolas. Our combined effort took Rekha to a new level of sexual excitement that I had never seen before. Her moans became louder and louder until it was like she was almost crying out in pleasure. Her body was responding very quickly to every lick, every touch, every caress.
As I took a break for a moment, I saw that Tanya had now come next to Shinde, and had started stroking his large cock. Somehow in the middle of all this, he had managed to pull down his pajamas and let his large organ dangle free and it pulsated to an erection. My mount went back to Rekha’s breasts, determined to make her achieve an orgasm.
Within a few seconds, Rekha reached a tipping point. “Oh my god, I can’t take it anymore”, she said as she wiggled free and pushed Shinde’s fingers out of her.
However, rather than ending the session, she hurriedly started to remove my pants. I gladly helped her along and soon I was naked from the waist down, sitting on the couch. Rekha grabbed my cock and without any formalities, pushed it inside her pussy as she straddled me.
“Oh jaanu, oh yess...yess...yess..”, she shrieked as she rode my cock hard. This was definitely a new Rekha that I was seeing. She dug her fingers into my shoulders to give her a good grip as she closed her eyes and rocked back and forth on my cock, wanting to take it in as deep as she could.
“Come on, baby…..”, I heard Shinde growl excitedly as he lightly tapped and caressed my wife’s ass while she was still riding me. Rekha alternated between squeezing her eyes tightly closed and opening her eyes to look seep into mine, with a horny, needy look, as she bounced on me. It was evident that she badly wanted to orgasm and reach that peak of sexual pleasure. Unfortunately, her movements were making me extremely excited too and I was worried that I would reach that peak much before her.
“Slow down baby….slow down a bit”, I pleaded with her, finding myself almost at the brink of an orgasm.
“I can’t...I can’t”, she answered in between grunts, shaking her head ad she kept riding me.
“I’m going to cum baby….slow down…”, I begged, knowing that I would not be able to hold for longer.
“No no, not yet...not yet...keep fucking me jaanu...give me that cock…” she replied with her eyes closed.
I lasted for about five more seconds before I lost all control and went over the edge. With a loud cry, I grabbed her ass and held her in place as I released my cum into her hot pussy. Rekha didn’t want to accept that I had cum and she kept trying to rock back and forth but my penis quickly lost its stiffness and plopped out of her as she moved.
“Ohhh...shit,jaanu….shit, shit, fuck”, she said disappointedly as she fell back, annoyed that she was not able to cum herself.
Suddenly, we heard Shinde’s thick growling voice saying, “Come here, baby...It’s my time now.”
As Rekha and I looked in his direction, we saw the old man laying low on the couch, completely naked with his hairy chest and fat belly showing, holding his thick cock by the base and proudly displaying it to my wife. The fat head of cock was glistening with Tanya’s saliva and it was so swollen that you could easily see the veins. I saw Rekha gazing at it wide-eyed for a few seconds before she turned to me with a pleading look in her eyes.
I remembered what Shinde had told me earlier.Rekha was a butterfly looking to come out of her cocoon and it was for me to nurture her, rather than impede her sexual growth.
I looked deep into my wife’s eyes and with all the love in my heart, I nodded and said, “I love you”
Rekha’s body stiffened for a moment, but then with one final look at me, she stood up and moved to the fat, bald criminal next to me. As she put one leg on the couch to straddle him, Shinde directly held her by the ass and positioned her pussy right above his thick, erect cock. Without any further hesitation, she took a hold of his organ with her thin fingers and lowered herself.
“Ohhhhh….ohhhhhhhh ….uunngggghhhhhh….oh fuck...oh fuck….” she whined as Shinde’s thick shaft pushed through her tight pussy.
Shinde had one of his hands on her waist, slowly pulling her down further and further to fully penetrate her. I was amazed to see my wife take more and more of his cock in. Finally, once she had fully taken him in, she fell forward against his belly and put her head in the crook of his neck. Her hands snaked behind the old thug’s neck to hold herself as close to him as possible. She continued to make small moans as her face remained buried in his neck, but finally Shinde opened his mouth, bit a little into her shoulder, grabbed both her ass cheeks and started to rock her back and forth gently on his shaft.
More moans of pleasure escaped from Rekha’s mouth as Shinde continued his slow and steady motions for some time. Soon, as she got more comfortable with his size, she slowly lifted her head from the crook of his neck, moved her lovely flowing hair to one side of her head, gazed deeply into the old man’s size and bit her lip in a show of both pain and pleasure. They kept rocking and forth, gradually building up speed until she was taking the full length of his cock in and out of her pussy with every stroke. I got up to go sit at the opposite end of the couch, so that I could get a good view of that thick cock spreading Rekha’s pussy.
“Abey Shinde, what a hard fuck you are giving her yaar!”, I heard Ibrahim exclaim after some time. The sleazy lawyer was looking at the action going on beside him, while holding Sophia’s face and fucking it mercilessly.
I was so engrossed in the action happening in front of me that I had not noticed Tanya scoot over closer to my feet. With a sexy smile, she quietly parted my legs and took my flaccid cock in her mouth, nursing it to an erection slowly. Now it was my time to moan, although I tried to keep my sounds muted so as not to attract the attention of my wife. I probably should not have worried, as Rekha was now riding Shinde hard, while he occasionally took a nipple between her teeth, making her squeal. They had been fucking for seevral minutes when I caught them looking at each other in a strange way. At first, I didn’t understand the significance of the look, but seconds later I saw my otherwise faithful wife lunge forward and kiss the old man hungrily. At that moment, I knew somewhere within me that she had been completely seduced and at least for that moment, was the possession of another man.
The first kiss was followed by a second, followed by a third, until they started a whispered conversation as they continued to fuck. Shinde seemed to be proposing something to Rekha. It seemed like she was initially being a bit reluctant to whatever he was saying, but then she suddenly turned her head and looked at me and saw her nemesis Tanya happily slobbering over my cock. I had become tense knowing that she had caught me but I thought that she would just chalk it up to the heat of the moment and let it slide. Instead, I saw her whispering something to Shinde while still grinding her pelvis into his cock and Shinde suddenly had a sinister grin on his face. He pulled my wife off his cock and made her stand up as she let out a sigh of disappointment, feeling the thick shaft exiting her. He then stood up himself and taking Rekha’s hand, he led her into one of the bedrooms across the hall.
“Rekha?....” I called after her but she ignored me.
Ibrahim, who was now getting balls and asshole licked by Sofia, looked at me with a smile, to show that he was quite pleased with how things were turning out. I thought about saying something, but it seemed pointless and Tanya was also doing wonders to my cock, slobbering and licking all over it. I tried to ignore the fact that Rekha had gone away separately with Shinde, but I just couldn’t shake it from my head. So after five minutes, I politely tapped Tanya on the shoulder, who looked at me eagerly with a line of spit connecting her lips and my cock.
“I need to see if my wife is ok”, I told her in a low voice.
She nodded at me and backed away, allowing me to stand up and go towards the bedroom. As I reached halfway till the door, I could already hear the both Rekha’s moans and Shinde’s grunts so it was no surprise when I found them fucking in the room. As I peered in from the door, I could see that Shinde had made her wear a pair of high heels and made her stand with her hands on the wall and her ass jutting outwards. His one hand was digging into her waist while the other was holding her hair and pulling it backwards as he fucked her mercilessly from behind. I could see the sweat glistening on his hairy back and his ass muscles clench and shudder as he fucked her in slow but hard thrusts.
“Fuck me….fuck me Dada...fuck your baby...fuck, Dada…..fuck me…” my wife kept screaming as Shinde continued to ravage her pussy.
“I think she likes it,” I heard a voice behind me say and I turned around to see Tanya also watching the scene and giggling.
She was right, but I was still shocked at Rekha’s behaviour. My wife was an eager, willing participant in this animalistic sexual experience with an ugly old man of almost her father’s age.
“Ya, I can see that”, I replied, dejectedly.
Sensing my disappointment, Tanya grabbed me by my arm and started to lead me towards the adjoining bedroom. But suddenly the intensity of the sounds changed and I peered inside again to watch, along with Tanya. Shinde was now fucking Rekha like an animal, hammering his cock into her quick and fast as my wife started to wail in pleasure.
“Ohhhhh...oohhhhhh...ohhhhhh God….don’t stop, Dada….don’t stop….” she started calling out, almost like a chant.
“I’m not stopping, baby”, Shinde said as he kept pounding into her.
“Almost...almost….fuck me...fuck me hard…..” she kept saying.
Her wailing increased till a point where her eyes and mouth remained opened wide, but there was no sound coming from her mouth. Shinde kept grunting louder and rapidly jerking his cock in and out of my wife as he pulled her hair back even more, making her almost look towards the ceiling. And finally it hit. Rekha’s body tensed as she let out a wide cry and had probably the biggest orgasm of her life. All through her climax, Shinde kept fucking her, which prolonged her orgasm even more. In a few seconds, I saw her orgasm coming down as her hands relaxed on the wall. Overcome with emotion, she reached out behind her, held the back of Shinde’s bald head, and arched her back even more as she found Shinde’s lips and kissed him hungrily. It was like a kiss between two long lost lovers. My cock became really hard on seeing her kiss Shinde in such an unabashed way.
The kiss must have been a lot for the old man to take as well, because in a matter of seconds we heard him say, “Are you ready to take my cum, baby?”
Rekha nodded in approval as he drove in cock hard into her with every last bit of energy. Then we heard his grunts turn into a loud roar as he almost smashed my wife against the wall, depositing his semen inside her. He kept giving short thrusts, ensuring that every last drop of his cum went inside her. Then, in a tired state, he continued to hold her in a standing position with one hand over her shoulder as we saw a trail of cum flow down Rekha’s legs.
“Come on..there is nothing more”, Tanya said as she pulled me by the arm again.
This time, I followed her into the other bedroom and quickly we were on the bed and in an embrace. My cock was rock hard after watching my wife and after some more foreplay, I was ready to fuck Tanya.
“Hold on”, she suddenly said and reached towards a nearby drawer.
She grabbed something from there and when she turned back towards me, I could see that she was holding a condom. With her experienced hand, she unwrapped it and quickly put it on me. Then, she lay down on her back, spread her legs wide and guided my cock inside her.
“Uggghhhh…” I gasped as I entered her warm pussy and started to fuck her.
It wasn’t too late before I was thrusting into her with a steady rhythm and after that I felt Tanya trace her long fingernails along my back.
“Careful,’re going to make me cum”, I said between thrusts. It felt awkward because it was the second that I was saying it on the same night.
“Don’t worry, we have all night. Dada told me to take care of you”, she replied
“So that he could fuck my wife?” I asked, even though I knew the answer
“Yeah”, she said, without hiding anything.
Fortunately, my anxiousness went away in some time and I was able to get into a steady pace of fucking. As I looked into her face while moving in and out of her, she looked at me and smiled.
“Do you really think I am hot”, she asked
“Did Dada tell you that?” I answered
“Yeah but I didn’t know if he was just lying.”
“No, you are the reason that we are here. The first time I looked at you and realised that you look so much like my wife”, I explained between thrusts.
Tanya was coming off as a bit vulnerable and so I started to compliment her as we had sex. It has a great effect on her as her smile grew and became more lively in fucking me. We continued for some time but for some reason, I was getting an overwhelming urge to kiss her. I have always been told that prostitutes don't allow you to kiss so I wasn’t sure if she would accept it. However, when I moved my lips over hers, she responded immediately and together we shared a long, passionate kiss. It has the effect of further arousing me and soon I was fucking her harder and harder. By the third kiss, I was moving very fast into the young girl and soon, I felt my cum explode into the condom.
“Wow!”, I exclaimed between breaths as I lay on top of her
“That felt good”, she replied, squeezing me hard.
I knew that she had not even come close to an orgasm. But I remained silent and rubbed my lips against her neck as I rolled off of her. Tanya took my arm and made me spoon her, pushing her ass against my flaccid cock. It seemed like she wanted to rest, so I waited for some time till she fell asleep and then got off the bed naked.
I thought about going to check on Rekha but the master bedroom door was closed so I figured that Shinde and her must have fallen asleep. I went to the bar counter, opened a bottle of whiskey and poured myself a drink. As I sipped on it, I thought about the sequence of events that led me to this point and what it meant for my marriage. There was definitely going to be a big shift in my relationship with Rekha since this wasn’t the kind of thing that you could just brush under the carpet. I wondered how we would be able to get out of this while maintaining our respect and dignity. I slowly went deep into my thoughts, pondering over all of these questions.
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23-08-2020, 02:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 23-08-2020, 03:06 AM by Nesamanikumar. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Super update. She is going to be dadas mistress and whore for clients in his business. She will happily lick the asshole of other men and make money for her life and this cuck bastard is going to be behind bars for life. Ha ha.
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Finally Rekha gave in,super update waiting for the next part from the Rekha perspective of the next half after her hubby left....... Her to shinde
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Eagerly waiting for the next part.... Please update ASAP
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This is not just a story but I felt as if it is really happening to me like rekha
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