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Pinky brushed back the straight Black hair that framed her beautiful face and continued composing the brief on her computer. Pinky was a fourth year associate at Horizon, one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. She had gotten the job by hard work and high intellect. As an associate the hours were so long and the demands of the job so high that the only thing she looked forward to was her seventh year when she would be up for partner. Then all of her efforts would hopefully pay off and she would have a lifetime security in the firm. Her blue eyes focused on the monitor when her concentration was broken by the familiar voice of her secretary.
"Pinky, Mr Sidharth wants to see you in his office."
Pinky looked at the secretary. "Do you know why?" she quizzed.
"No, he just told me to find you as soon as possible and ask you to see him," she replied.
"Well, thanks, Shalini, I'll head right over there. Would you close the door to my office please?" Pinky got up from her chair and headed to the mirror in the corner. She looked at herself and then opened the purse she kept in the corner and pulled out her lipstick. Despite her professionalism, Pinky was very conscious of keeping up her appearance. Her full lips opened as she applied the lipstick to them. Then she smoothed her suit skirt and adjusted the silk blouse that covered her full breasts. At twenty-eight, her body was still as taut as it had been when she was at the university.
Pinky slipped on the high heels that she never wore while in her office and began the trek to Mr. Sidharth's office. She wondered why he would want to talk to her. That was certainly unusual.
As she walked, she was aware that the male associates of the firm constantly tried to get a glimpse of her. Despite the large engagement ring on her finger, she was not off limits to gazes, and she felt their stares on her perfectly round bottom as she walked. She only wished that she was taller than five feet five inches. To compensate, she wore fairly high heels.
Pinky knocked lightly on Sidharth's door and entered when she heard him tell her to come in.
He asked her to sit and immediately got down to business. There's a problem in the Steve case.
This got Pinky's attention. Steve was the sole owner of a billion rupees media corporation. Not only was his corporation one of the firms largest clients, but he was the source of many lucrative referrals to the firm. But what really worried Pinky was that she had been working the Steve account for nearly a year, trying to renew federal licenses for Steve's television and radio stations. Her worst fears were realized next.
"Pinky, I got word today that our submissions are being closely scrutinized by the feds. One of the managers there called me and told me that because of several omissions the renewals may be denied."
This stunned the beautiful girl. She had worked extremely hard on the requests for renewals and couldn't believe that anything pertinent had been omitted. She could see, however, that sidharth's demeanor was grave enough to indicate that there had been mistakes made.
Sidharth tried to make the young associate feel a little better. "Look, Pinky, I know how hard you've worked on this. The firm has always been very, very impressed with your work. But sometimes mistakes come home to roost."
Pinky knew where this was headed. "Mr. sidharth, if someone has to lose their job because of this, it should be me. It was my responsibility to get it right and obviously I didn't."
Pinky said this bravely, but inside she was terrified. This would ruin her career at Horizon and perhaps ruin her chances at any future employment. Her whole future would be compromised.
Then Sidharth dropped the big bomb on her.
"Pinky, it could get worse. The feds are looking at these omissions as being material omissions. That means that there could be indictments handed down. With you and Steve being the signatories, you could both be indicted for conspiracy."
Pinky's heart began pounding. Indicted, she thought. That would mean ruin for her in every way. Publicity, humiliation, prison. All of these things lurched through her mind. How could omissions be classified as fraud, she wondered. "Mr. sidharth, you know I would never intentionally commit a crime," she cried. "What should I do?"
"I know you well enough to know that you are as straight an arrow as they come," he replied. "But it's the feds that we have to worry about. The feds, of course, and Steve. Steve will be livid."
Sidharth continued talking. "Pinky, I want you to go back to your office and not tell a soul about this problem. It is very important that we try to contain this potentially damning information. If Horizon get indicted as a law firm, this would be the end of us. Don't breath a word to anyone, understood?"
Pinky nodded.
"Go back to your office and wait for my call. I'm going to contact Steve and try and explain the situation as well as I can. I'll let you know what I need you to do."
Pinky got up and went to her office. Her mind was racing. Everything that she had worked for could be gone. She wondered whether her fiancé would even agree to keep the engagement. She realized that that would be a minor problem if she faced federal prison. Once she got to her office, she sat in her chair and gazed out the window. She realized that her whole body was shaking.
After about an agonizingly long hour, Sidharth buzzed her. "Pinky, Steve happens to be at a conference here in town. He's staying in Suite 2300 at the Hyaat. He has asked that you take the submission to his suite and meet with him immediately. I'll try to join you later, okay?"
"Sure, Mr. Sidharth," Pinky replied. "I'll get right over there."
There was a pause on the line.
"Pinky, you know how critical this meeting is to our firm, don't you?" There was another pause. "And to you personally, as well."
Pinky told Sidharththat she knew that.
The shaken young woman gathered her files and immediately left the office for the Hyaat..
Even after an hour and a half of going over the submission with Steve, Pinky could find no indication of an omission. To her consternation, this seemed only to further irritate Steve. Finally, his anger spilled over.
"God dammit! Are you telling me that you don't even know what omissions there were? How the fuck did I ever trust Horizon with this work? Can you answer that for me," he shouted.
Tears filled Pinky's eyes. Steve had always been intimidating. At six feet four inched and a paunchy 90 plus kgs, his beefy hands knotted into fists looked to be weapons that could destroy Pinky with a single blow. Even now, in his early sixties, he remained a menacing figure for her. Steve looked down at the young professional. She was gorgeous he thought to himself. Big titties and a flat stomach. How do these young women do it, he wondered. And as she bent over the table covered with paperwork, he got a good view of the tight ass and shapely legs on the girl. He felt his cock stiffen with anticipation. He was going to give her ass a good screwing, and soon.
"I've already talked to my criminal defense lawyer, you know. He told me that if I relied on your work, that I'm in the clear. Now, your ass is in a crack, but not mine. The only thing he told me I'd have to worry about is the condition of my businesses. Well, I told him, that's my whole life!"
"Please," she said.
"Please, what," was his sarcastic reply. "Do you think for a minute that I'll just let the feds ruin my businesses? Do you think that I'll just toss them some fucking shrimp of a lawyer, like you, and let them be satisfied? Fuck no! If my business suffers, I have your whole god dammed law firm shut down. Do you understand me?"
"I'll do anything," she said. "Anything I can do to help."
Steve seemed unmoved. "I'm going to get on the phone to my criminal defense attorney now. By the time that I'm through talking to him, you better be naked and sucking my cock. That's how you can help. I mean that, god dammit."
Pinky was stunned. But Steve went to the phone and began dialing. In her foggy mind, she heard his side of the conversation with the attorney. "Yeah, she may have to take the brunt of the fall, but her firm will lose it's ass too if we take that tack."
"You think there's a way to keep all of this out of the papers?"
"You think her fate and the firm's is in my hands? Well, I'll need to decide if I should keep her ass out of the fire. Yeah, she's right here."
Steve looked at Pinky sternly. She knew that both she and the firm would share the same fate. He sat there on the hotel chair with his legs wide spread.
Pinky took a deep breath and then took the first fateful step. Her hands went to the top button of her blouse and began to unbutton the silk top. Her polished fingers fumbled with the buttons, but soon enough the blouse was open and descending her shoulders. Then the tanned Black worked the hook on her suit skirt and it too dropped in a puddle at her feet. Pinky was standing before Steve but he still looked nonplused. Her big breasts filled the silky cups of her bra to the brim.
The sexy girl wore garters and hose instead of pantyhose which she considered too confining. Steve stared at the full, muscular thighs on the young lawyer. The naked flesh between the tops of her thigh high stockings and her silky thong made her look even more naked. He could tell she was mortified by what she was doing, and he knew that she was a very conservative young woman.
Steve put his hand over the phone's speaker. "Get out of the panties and bra, but leave the garters on." Then he returned to his conversation. "No, Jim, hell, I wasn't talking to you."
Pinky unhooked her bra and her large, firm tits spilled out. Next she worked the clips to her garter belt and pulled her thong down her tight legs. She caught Steve staring at the closely cropped pubic hair on her pussy. Her fiancé insisted that she keep her pussy closely cropped but now she wished that she had left it natural. It made her ashamed to reveal to a stranger that she groomed her pussy.
He stood and gestured at his fly. Pinky knelt before the huge man and pulled at the fly. When it was open, she worked his semi-erect cock out of the cloth. As it hung before her, Pinky's lush lips opened and took the tip in her mouth. She hadn't sucked a cock other than her fiancé's since she had gotten drunk at a party and gone down on a law college professor in law college and her sense of shame was overwhelming. Yet she felt as if she had no choice. The tool belonging to the man nearly old enough to be her grandfather began to stiffen as she covered it with saliva.
Steve undid his pants and let them drop to the floor. He stared at the straight part in the hair on the top of the beautiful Black's head as she tried to make amends to him. His conversation slowed as he watched the innocent girl's head bob up and down on his stiff meat. His hand reached down to her firm breasts and he rolled her nipple between his forefinger and thumb. It sprang immediately to life. She may have a hot streak in her that she's unaware of, he thought.
He continued talking on the phone.
"Pinky roy, yeah you know her. She's the hot piece of ass at Horizon. ... Yeah, that's her, the lawyer. Oh, she's here right now. ... She's sucking my cock. ... You think I'm joking. ... I'm about to fuck her silly."
Pinky felt her neck and ears redden and burn with shame, but she continued to give Steve head. Despite the fact that he was talking about her like this, she believed that she could deny any involvement of a sexual nature, and that she would be believed. She worked her mouth up and down the rock hard shaft and back to the bulbous head.
Steve abruptly put the phone down on the desk and grabbed the hair of the woman suckling his meat. From his heavy breathing, Pinky knew that he was on the verge of shooting his spunk.
"Fuck, you are so good, baby, suck me," Steve said.
Pinky cupped his heavy, hairy balls with one hand and stroked his tool with the other, preparing for the man to unload his wad into her mouth. Instantly, he stiffened and the thick semen shot to the back of her throat. Steve let out an animalistic cry, but didn't loosen his tight grip on her hair. Though reluctant to do so, Pinky swallowed the thick, hot liquid as it entered her lips, intent on satisfying Steve's demands. Steve kept thrusting his cock into the young woman's mouth until it became slightly less hard. Pinky was afraid to let him out of her mouth for fear of upsetting him, but he finally pulled out, leaving a string of cum that fell from her chin to her breast to her thigh.
"Clean me up, baby." Pinky complied.
Steve picked up the phone and began talking again. He grabbed Pinky under her arm and pulled her to a standing position. As he did so, he turned her away from him and pulled her to him. Her backside was positioned next to his deflated cock and she could feel the cool wetness of his cum on the soft skin of her butt. His big hand pulled on her nipples and breasts. Then he whispered in her ear, "Go lay on the bed, I'm going to fuck you."
Steve watched as the naked young lawyer walked away from him to the bed. Her ass cheeks were perfectly round and muscular. He had seen her kind in the gym. Perfect bodies. She combined hers with a perfect face. But they never wanted to give up their ass. He'd soon give this ass a workout. As Pinky began to pull back the covers on the bed, Steve spoke.
"Pinky, lay on top of the bed, I want to see you."
He watched as her downcast eyes told him that she was going to do whatever he said. Her big breasts lay proudly on her chest as she did as she was told. His cock began to show signs of life again at the thought.
Steve lay atop of Pinky, his massive body completely covering the petite Black woman beneath him as he pistoned his big stiff tool in and out of Pinky's defenseless love hole. He had been working her for nearly half an hour and Pinky's body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat. Her well formed thighs were splayed beneath him and her ankles wrapped the backs of his calves as he rode her. He held both ass cheeks in his hands as he pulled his blood engorged dick nearly entirely out of her pussy before he slammed it in with an audible slapping sound against her pubis. Pinky's arms were around Steve's torso and could not reach all the way around his back. Instead, her hands held on to his back as her body absorbed the heavy shocks of each of his thrusts. Pinky watched in a mirror on the wall next to the bed the incongruous sight of the older man's lily white body pounding into her tanned young butt.
Yet despite her fear and humiliation, Pinky's trembling thighs offered no resistence to the wanton assault by Steve's cock. In fact, the fucking had gone on so long that Pinky's sheath was bathed in moisture and squeezed Steve's thrusting sword as tightly as if it belonged to her beloved fiance.
Each time Steve pumped his tool into Pinky, she moaned audibly.
At last the man's body stiffened and he cried out as he began to empty his spunk filled sac into the young woman below him. Pinky's body finally gave in as well, and her orgasm induced cries also rent the air.
The man then lay on top of her for several seconds before he rolled his big body off of hers. Pinky was completely mortified at what she had just done. As soon as she could, she scampered off of the bed, gathered her clothes and hurried to the bathroom to dress. Steve watched the young lawyer's tanned naked body hurry to the bathroom.
After Pinky dressed, she came out of the bathroom. Steve was still naked on the bed, his cock glistening with her juices. He was using the remote control on the television.
"Watch this," he said.
Pinky turned to the television and saw her reach orgasm while he fucked her on the screen. He had videotaped them!
"Pinky," he said, "I own Horizon from this day forward, and I own you too. Write your home phone number down on this pad. You need to jump when I say jump, comprende?"
Pinky quickly wrote her number down for him and nodded that she understood. With that she nearly ran out of the hotel room.
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Great... I've read this... Sometimes 15 years ago... In hindi... Titled... Dastaan: Waqt ke faisle
Long erotica...humiliation and degradation of a female laeyer... Ended to prostitute in a brothel
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super hot going... keep coming up with next episodes
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The young girl had never felt so cheap and used in her life. All of the values that she stood for and all of the things that she had worked so hard for were simply hanging by a thread. And worse yet, she knew that her future was controlled both by Steve and the outcome of his license renewals. She was realistic enough to know that even if she did everything that he told her to, that he would destroy her if his business failed because of her mistakes. This gave her a two-fold feeling of doom. Still, Pinky decided to try and at least talk to Steve about getting the video back of the two of them fucking in the hotel room.
Pinky sighed deeply. She had lied to her fiancé about this after hours meeting with Steve. She told him that it was going to be held at Steve's local office and involved other members of her law firm when in fact Steve had told her to meet him at the restaurant in the five star hotel in which he was staying. She also told him that she would be very late and that he shouldn't expect a phone call from her tonight. As she walked into the hotel, she paused and closed her eyes in resignation. There really was no choice, she told herself.
The doorman and bellhops eyed the young woman with open admiration. They had worked at the hotel long enough to know that a beautiful woman who showed up at the hotel dressed like Pinky was going to be flat on her back taking some dick soon enough. They envied the wealthy men who somehow always seemed to get between the legs of the finest looking women.
Pinky was directed to a circular booth in a secluded corner of the restaurant and there saw Steve making notes on a pad. She stood at the table on trembling legs for several moments before he looked up. The lawyer had worn what he had instructed her to wear. She had on a very short black leather skirt that hugged her well formed ass cheeks and no panties or hose. Her long, tanned legs made their naked way down to her well manicured feet in a pair of open toed high heeled shoes. The top was a tight turtleneck that she wore because it was made of fairly thick material. She chose this because, as instructed, she again was allowed no bra. Even so, it was clear that her large melons were not contained in a bra, as they swayed provocatively from side to side as she walked.
When Steve finally acknowledged Pinky standing there, he smiled broadly and offered her his hand. She smiled back, revealing her perfect teeth, and her face beamed beautifully with the smile. It went through her mind that she had just smiled for the first time in a long time.
"Pinky, please have a seat."
Pinky sat in the booth. It was shaped like a U, and had a back that was several feet high and made the booth extremely private. Steve moved to the middle of the back of the booth and motioned her next to him. Pinky slid along the padded seat until she was sitting next to Steve. A long white table cloth covered the table.
As the two ate, he talked about the status of the license renewals and about what he wanted to accomplish. Steve told Pinky that the sale of one of his stations was now being held up because of the license renewal issue. He told her that the feds had been pressuring him for months to sell one of his stations to a group of black investors and that when he had finally gotten them to agree to the price he set, that he had had to approach them with this renewal problem. He had explained to them that the problem was outside his control, but they continued to believe that he was only trying to leverage them for more money. Not only was he out the millions that they were obligated to pay him, but they were now threatening to file suit over his failure to convey the station with a valid, renewed license.
Pinky sat next to him half listening to this story, but trying to work up the courage to ask about the videotape. Her mouth was dry from nervousness. She sipped on the martini that he had bought for her. When she finally spoke, her voice sounded cracked and high-pitched.
"I ... I ... I really would like to get that videotape back," she finally stammered.
She quickly realized that this request came out of the blue.
Steve chuckled gently. "I'm sure you would," he replied. "And, if you assist me as I know that you will, then, certainly, you will get it back. All in due time. All in due time." he said. "You certainly have my word that it won't be sent to your work or your fiancé unless you force me to send it."
She listened to him with a terrible dread. Pinky expected what happened next. Steve's hand moved to the silky smooth skin of her muscular thigh and remained there caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh while they spoke. What she didn't expect was that he would lean over and kiss her mouth. As his tongue probed her mouth, his hand went under her top and began to softly knead the fleshy breasts and nipples, quickly bringing them to a stiff attention. This startled Pinky, but she did nothing to stop him. She even forced herself to tongue back at his intruding tongue. After what seemed like minutes, but was probably only a matter of seconds, Steve pulled his mouth from hers. He continued to massage her B cup breasts and looked into her blue eyes as he did so. Her sensitive nipples remained erect to his touch. Finally, as a waiter approached, his hand moved from under her blouse.
Steve ordered them each another martini and told her to finish the first quickly. Pinky downed the drink as soon as she could. The public assault on her body then continued.
"Open your legs up for me," Steve said.
Despite her foreboding, Pinky parted her legs. His fingers found her well manicured pubic hair and massaged the top of her pussy without entering her. Still, the moisture became evident on his fingers as he rubbed her pussy lips vigorously, and several times he wiped his fingers off on her inner thigh.
Steve then stuck his middle finger into Pinky's moistened love hole which brought a nearly silent cry of passion from the young woman.
"Ohhh," Pinky moaned. Her eyes closed and her small hands instinctively went to Steve's hand as if she could somehow control his meaty fingers. There her hands remained, one on his wrist and the other on the back of his intruding hand. The sensation brought on by not only feeling his finger working within her, but also feeling the movement from outside her was almost more than she could bear.
As her pussy bathed his finger in wetness, she struggled with the physical desire that she was feeling. Was she just a whore, she wondered? Why did her body betray her?
Despite her brain screaming for Steve to stop, Pinky couldn't keep her pussy from a wetness brought on only by deep sexual desire.
Steve smiled slightly at the reaction from his companion. Pinky's thigh muscles relaxed ever so much and her breathing became a bit labored from her parted lips. Steve even noticed that her hips began to move in the ancient dance, meeting his finger's every thrust ever so gently.
He knew that if he continued to work her love hole like this that she would be brought to orgasm. But that wasn't what he was interested in accomplishing. In fact, he had accomplished all that he wanted when he showed her that she could be brought to the threshold of orgasm by him even in a public restaurant.
The young woman knew that Steve was going to fuck her that night. The tingle in her vagina and the buzz that she had from the martinis clouded her judgement, but she knew that until she recovered the videotape, that she was his sex partner, unwilling or not.
Steve handed her a hotel key. "Pinky, go up to my room, 1825, and slip into the outfit I bought for you. I'll be up in ten minutes."
Pinky took the key and slipped out of the booth to go upstairs. She could feel the intense moisture in her pussy and the wetness on her thigh where Steve had wiped his fingers.
Steve watched her walk away, the skirt barely concealing the muscular globes of her ass, and revealing the long stretch of tanned legs all the way up to her perfect ass cheeks. He smiled when he saw the heads of men turn from their tables to watch this beautiful young woman walk out of the restaurant on her unsteady legs.
When she entered the room, she noticed the white lacy panties and short top laying on the bed. She examined the pieces before she put them on. They were of the finest silk, and the top was made to barely accommodate her B-cup titties. Pinky stepped out of her high heels. The young woman then took off her top and felt goose bumps on her large breasts from the cold air. She completed undressing by unzipping the skirt and pulling it down her long, tanned legs. She padded nude on the thick carpet towards to bathroom to try on the lingerie top. It was sheer and came down to the flair in her hips, leaving her tanned legs naked. Then she put on the skimpy panties that completed the outfit. Pinky did not have a big ass, but the years of athletics had given her a well formed one and the little silky panties did not entire encase her buttocks. She turned to look at her butt in the mirror and knew that Steve had gotten the tiny panties because it would show off her ass cheeks. As she changed she continued to look at herself in the mirror. She knew that she was going to be used as a receptacle for Steve's sexual desires and she felt a strange wetness in her vagina. It was not an entirely bad feeling except psychologically. The young lawyer nervously wondered if this was what a prostitute felt like as she anticipated being used by one of her clients.
Pinky had just finished folding her clothes over a table in the room when she heard the door to the room open. She turned to face Steve as he entered, her hands nervously squeezing in front of the tiny white panties she wore, her pink nipples on her big tits erect and visible beneath the sheer teddy top.
Steve walked in, a couple of bottles of wine under one arm. But behind him walked several black men all dressed in suits! Pinky's mind swarmed.
"Pinky, I want you to meet the buyers of that station I was telling you about over dinner. Gentlemen, this is one of my lawyers, Pinky." Pinky stood in the center of the hotel room not knowing what to do. Her mind raced and her instincts told her to run, but there was really no place to run to. The black men were all dressed in suits, but the suits were like those worn by black gangsters. The men wore brightly colored fedoras that matched their loud suit colors.
All that she knew was that she stood in a man's hotel room in a very compromising situation with her personal and professional life completely hanging in the balance of a man who was apparently intent on using and humiliating her. With tears welling up in her blue eyes, the nearly naked girl woman felt her wobbly knees bend and she sat down in the hotel room chair.
Steve wasted no time. He quickly walked over to Pinky and reached down to cup both breasts in his hands. Although she reached up to his arms in an effort to keep him from massaging her nipples, she didn't resist in a meaningful way. The former cheerleader felt her nipples harden further in the man's hands. What is wrong with me, she wondered? But the combination of alcohol and the finger-fucking that she had endured downstairs had lowered the resistance that she was able to display.
The big man looked at one of the other men that he had brought to the room."Turn on some music," he said to the man.
Music soon filled the air of the room. Steve released Pinky's nipples and tugged at her arms to make her stand.
"Gentlemen," he announced as he displayed her to the men, "this may be the finest piece of ass this side of the Gurgaon. Not some fucking hooker slut that I paid five thousand to for you to fuck the brains out of. Only the best."
Steve grabbed her hand to show the large engagement ring to the men. "She's promised to another man, but owned by me," he boasted.
"This little gal probably hasn't fucked ten guys her whole life, but she'll be well used tonight!"
Pinky heard the black men snicker. Pinky had never considered herself bigoted in any way, but she had grown up in the southeast and had been a cheerleader at a university in that area and had always heard frightening things about black men and their sexual thirst, especially for girl white women. She hoped that Steve would control them enough that they would only get to see her shamed, not participate in the humiliation.
"Have you ever seen jugs this size on a woman with a stomach this flat? Big, firm white woman's titties. Shortly she will dance for you and make you happy. But, first, she needs to make her owner happy."
Steve sat in a chair. "Baby, do a little lap dance for me."Pinky took a deep breath and tried to gather her wits about her. She knew that she had very little control over this, but felt that if she dissolved into tears that she would lose what little she did have. "If that's what Steve wants," she thought, "that's what he'll get." And the beautiful girl began to sway provacatively.
Her black audience began to cheer and clap and high five each other.
The terrified young woman stepped between Steve's outstretched legs and turned her back to him.
How could she be such a slut, she thought.
Her blue eyes met the dark faces of the men in the room. She recognized the lust that each of their faces exhibited. As her arms moved gracefully into the air, she felt Steve moving slightly behind her. Then she felt his hands on her naked thighs, pulling her gently down to his lap. Pinky was grinding her hips in an effort to satisfy Steve's demand for a lap dance, but it seemed very humiliating to the young woman. But her shame was heightened even more when she felt his naked tool standing perfectly stiff against her scantily clad buttocks!
Steve pulled her buttocks towards his rock-hard rod. As the soft flesh of her ass was squeezed next to his erect cock, his hands reached under the short hem of her top and began to knead the massive mounds of tits on her chest. Then the man turned her shoulders and pushed her to her knees.
Pinky face was inches from his hard cock.
"Suck me."
The beautiful young lawyer felt her knees sink into the soft carpet and her shapely buttocks come to rest on the back of the heels of her feet. Her hands rested on Steve's hips.
Pinky looked into his eyes. "Please don't make me do this," she whispered. Steve stared at her in silence.
Having no choice, she reluctantly took Steve's large erection in her hands and parted her full lips to begin the fellatio. Pinky bathed the bulbous head in her saliva and slowly began to bob her head up and down on the cock. Steve had his hands resting on the back of her head and neck, but his eyes were focused on the angelic face now giving him head.
Steve enjoyed the feel of the soft skin on Pinky's shoulders and neck and how she would occasionally look up at him with her big, blue eyes.
As she tongued the underside of his stiff penis, Steve knew that he was close to shooting his spunk into her mouth. One of Pinky's hands held the base of his cock while the other moved to his thigh. She could feel the tension in the muscles there and knew that he would be reaching orgasm soon.
"Stay on it, baby."
"Suck me."
"Oh, God," Steve cried as his hot seed began to explode from his cock. His hips bucked wildly into Pinky's face, but she was held tightly to his cock by his hands and was forced to swallow the thick, salty semen as it struck the back of her throat.
As his legs relaxed and his cock deflated, Pinky pulled her red lips off his dong and lifted herself pitifully onto a nearby couch.
"Oh, no," she moaned in shame at what she had just done.
But before she could even regain her bearings, two powerfully built, naked black men pulled her lingerie top up over her full, firm mammaries and she found their two black heads suckling on her teats as if she was the mother of twins.
Through her mental haze, she heard Steve's voice. "Easy, guys, you'll each get to fuck her."
Pinky's eyes rolled back into her head and she felt her heart become a lump in her throat. "A gang-bang," she thought. "They're going to gang-bang me!"
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Pinky stared in disbelief as the two big men nursed greedily at her nipples. While appalled at the slurping noises made by them she couldn't deny that her nipples were both erect and generating a huge sexual desire in her pussy. The situation seemed so surreal to Pinky: here were two well muscled black men feeding at her breasts. Her uncomprehending eyes noticed the other black men all quickly shedding their clothing.
Her little hands soon were on the men's shoulders. She couldn't believe how white her hands looked when contrasted with the dark skin of the men at her breasts. Her hands pushed at the two men, but they didn't even feel the pushing.
Pinky tried asking them to stop sucking her tits. "Stop. Please. Stop it." But it was to no avail, as the strong men had her pinned against the couch and held her down as they licked and sucked her nipples.
One of the older black men walked over to Pinky, his thick stiff cock jutting from his paunchy mid section like an ebony sword, the bulbous head purple and fleshy. Pinky's blue eyes widened in fear of this man and his huge, dark tool. She hadn't agreed to become a common whore, she told herself. This was asking too much! The sexy blonde began to try and break away from the grip of these men. No matter what she tried, however, it was not working.
As the two men pinned Pinky against the couch while they sucked on her nipples, the older man's dark hands reached between the men and began to tug on Pinky's panties. Despite her squirming efforts to keep it from happening, Pinky felt the flimsy panties being pulled down her tanned legs and quickly were half way down her shapely thighs. She bent her knees and began to try to fend off the man's efforts to get her panties down. The men in the room laughed at her futile exertions. Several black hands grabbed her legs and the older man tugged the skimpy panties until they were off of her feet.
Pinky's ears rang with the cheers of the other men when the old man held her panties up in the air like a prize. Now the black hands clamped down on her muscular thighs and tried to hold them still.
She heard the men's comments. "Hey, bro, I like a bitch with some fight in her."
"She's a real hottie," another voice said, referring to her clean pussy .
"Yeah, and she trims it real good."
Pinky tried to squirm out of their grip. "Leave me alone," she said. But, instead, as her legs tired from resisting, she felt the men spreading her thighs and finally felt a hand cup her slit. In went a finger. As it rotated within her, she heard the old man's voice.
"This ho's wet as hell."
Now Steve approached her. "Pinky, listen to me. You need to accommodate these gentlemen. Failure to obey me will be disastrous to you. Not to me. To you. Do you understand?"
Pinky looked into the heartless eyes of Steve for anything resembling sympathy. Nothing was found. Pinky knew that she had no choice. Her mind told her not to continue fighting. Just try and get through the night, she told herself. She knew that her pussy would be fucked like never before and that her beautiful body would suffer indignities that she never imagined, but she told herself that she had to get through the night.
Even though they didn't need her assent, Pinky nodded at Steve. One of the men who was playing with her tit moved her hand down to his rigid cock. She knew what was expected. She gently gripped the tool and began to tug at the large member.
Steve saw her begin to milk the cock with her hand. "Thatta, girl," he said, and patted her naked thigh.
One of the men was now between her spread thighs. She saw his thick black rod nearing her moistened cunt. The man reached around her legs and gripped her muscular buttocks with both hands. He was amazed by the softness of the skin and the firmness of the muscles beneath the skin. Then he touched the head of his massive cock to her pussy lips and began to push the length of his monster cock into the young woman.
At this she cried out. "Aaaaaaargh."
"Hold her," she heard the man say. He continued to push into the tight slit. He watched as his stiff ebony tool spread her labia lips just below her blonde pubic hair. He knew that the young lawyer had never had a penis the size of his in her, but he also could tell that she was athletic enough to accommodate him if he forced the issue. He continued to push into her moistened love hole. Gradually, to her amazement, her sheath stretched to allow his stiff black weapon between her legs.
As the two men continued to suck her stiff nipples and knead the soft flesh of her breasts, Pinky now had this older man humping her pussy with his cock. The men moved her from a sitting position to a laying position on the couch. Now the cock began an unrelenting assault on her pussy, ramming and retreating in a rapid humping motion.
Another black man, this one well overweight, approached her face with his stiffened rod erect. Pinky didn't want to open her mouth, but knew that she had no choice. The man bounced the fleshly end of his cock against her nose and lips and she opened her mouth to accept the black man's cock. It smelled strongly of his genital area, but she tried not to think of what she was doing. She bobbed her head on his stiff dong as well as she could given her position. Pinky could not withstand the overwhelming sexual arousal which she was faced with. Without warning, an orgasm overtook her.
"Ohhhhhh," she moaned deeply. The men sucking on her full tits felt her soft hands grip their cocks tightly. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhh." The former cheerleader's tanned body bucked in orgasm for several seconds as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her young, vulnerable body.
The older man watched the young white woman's intense climax and felt his own erupting through his body. He had always dreamed of fucking a blonde college cheerleader and he looked down at his dark penis sliding in and out of the pussy of the beautiful woman. His dark cock glistened with her love hole's juices. The sight of his big, dark rod fucking this blonde woman was nearly too much for him. But when he looked at the trimmed pussy and her flat stomach muscles flexing in orgasm, he finally lost it. Despite his efforts to hold back, his thick semen began shooting into her gaping vagina, filling her with his sticky, black seed.
As her body shook in orgasm, Pinky felt the penis in her mouth explode. The thick spunk splashed in her mouth and as her own orgasm began to subside, Pinky disgustedly decided that she had to swallow the black man's spunk or risk Steve's wrath. She immobilized her face as the man's cock emptied into her mouth as he used her for his filthy needs. Pinky swallowed the salty spunk as quickly as she could, trying to keep it from staying on her tongue for too long.
The older black man pulled his long, semi-erect penis out of Pinky's vagina with an audible plop. As he pulled away from her, she felt a long string of sperm land on the inside of her tanned thigh. She looked at the horse-like cock dangling spent from his body and wondered how she had ever fit that into her little pussy.
A thin sheen of perspiration now covered her body and her mouth dangled open breathlessly from the fucking she had received. The men picked her up and carried her to the bed where she was unceremoniously put face down. Quickly, Pinky felt her buttocks being lifted into the air and a cock entering her from behind, doggie-style. She buried her face in the bedspread and the men watched with fascination as her little hands gripped the spread tightly. As her ass came up in the air, her knees spread to accommodate the stranger's hard tool now fucking her relentlessly. She felt the man's powerful hands holding her hips tightly and the front of his thighs banging against the back of her naked legs as they fucked.
Pinky was so ashamed of her body having betrayed her that she tried to keep her head buried in the bedspread. But soon enough, she felt the rhythm of the fucking slow and the man reached from behind her and urged her up.
"Baby," she heard the man say, "get up on your elbows."
When Pinky did so, she felt his hands reach under her and begin to play with her full, swaying breasts. She hated herself for it, but her nipples had always been so sensitive that the quickest way to get her to spread her legs was to get to her tits first. Now the man had her stuffed with his dick and kneading her titties. He began to fuck her with an energy that bordered on savage, his hips smacking audibly against her naked buns. She felt her pussy bathe the intruding cock with her juices.
The black man looked at the blonde's ass that his cock was going in and out of. He slowed the pace of his fucking, knowing from the moisture covering his stiff tool that the proud beauty was getting turned on again. Then he pulled his long, juice-covered organ about half way out of her slit and stopped pumping. He looked at the other men.
They all smiled when they realized that Pinky was almost imperceptibly pumping her pussy back onto his ebony rod, a signal of just how close she was to losing control of her sexual desires. The dark man was perfectly still on his knees behind this young woman, and yet her pussy continued to push slowly back onto the tool.
The man then began fucking her in earnest again.
Pinky heard the other men begin arguing with the man fucking her, upset that he was taking so long to cum. Not wanting to be in a room where these men got into a fight, Pinky flexed her buttock muscles and began to milk the man's big cock with her pussy. Immediately, the man groaned and began to shoot his stream of spunk.
No sooner had the man finished his orgasm when Pinky was turned onto her back and a skinny black man climbed between her spread legs and positioned the fleshy head of his cock for entry into her hot, wet slit. Pinky realized that she was losing count of the number of men who had taken her that night.
"I don't want you just layin' here, bitch," he said in a threatening manner. He bent her knees back and pushed his rod into her love hole. He held tightly onto her thighs as he began to take the young blonde's wet vagina. Pinky cried out in arousal and then closed her eyes in shame for having done so. She almost preferred to have been taken from behind instead of the blatant manner in which she was giving herself to this monster now; her tanned legs up in the air, straddling the man fucking her, while her ass and pussy thrust up and clear of the bed, very nearly inviting the man to penetrate her.
Pinky moaned each time his cock slid deep into her. Her cries became more urgent as the man's pace quickened, his balls slapping against her anus. Despite her foggy mind, she became aware that the door to the room had opened and that a young, blonde room service attendant was carrying in more beer and wine for the room.
Pinky wanted to look away but she glanced long enough to know that the young man stared at her being fucked on the bed. She knew that he was probably from the local college. What a sight she must be, she thought. A beautiful professional woman with her long, tapered legs splayed erotically while this dark demon's glistening cock pushed in and out of her love hole. Her firm titties, nipples erect and pointed towards the ceiling, bobbed and jiggled each time the black man's hips slapped her own quivering thighs. The naked white woman turned her head in shame.
Over the music, she heard Steve direct the young man to a table to set the drinks on.
"Do you like what you see?" Steve asked.
"Well, sir, she's beautiful. What escort agency does she work for? I've not seen her around before."
Pinky realized that the young man thought that she was a common whore. The bed creaked as Pinky continued to be fucked by the black man as the room service attendant and Steve talked.
"Hell, son, she's not a hooker. She's a lawyer here in town."
Pinky could feel the eyes of Steve and the young man on her as they paused their conversation and watched as she was banged by the skinny, dark man, obscene mewls of gurgling pleasure escaping from her lips no matter how hard she tried to be silent.
"Do you have a few minutes?" Steve asked the uniformed young man.
Pinky stood in the hotel room bathroom in front of the mirror. She was bent slightly at the waist, big titties swaying, her firm buttocks being offered up to the tall, slender blonde room service attendant as a tip for his work. The young man was probably only nineteen or twenty but he was hung like a horse. When he told Pinky to put his cock in her, she reached between her legs to grasp the boy's cock and was shocked to feel it's length and girth.
She moaned in discomfort when the inexperienced boy tried to enter the entire length of his manhood into her in one stroke. She heard hoots from the other men in the room. The young man pulled back and tried to push it in again. Pinky moaned again, but felt her little love hole adjusting to the entry. When he was fully within her, he began to ride the young woman as if he was an expert horseman. A tawdry rhythm was established. Pinky's hands held on to the sink and she hung her head and gritted her teeth.
He tugged at her blonde hair to tell her that he wanted to see her face in the mirror looking at him as he banged her. Pinky could see him, and beyond him, Steve and others watching her get fucked through the open bathroom door.
The young man gripped Pinky's hips tightly with both hands. She could feel his soft pubic hair against her buttocks when he was inside her to the hilt.
Pinky felt that the presence of the other men made the young boy more abusive than he otherwise might have been. He ground the full length of his stupendous cock into the young woman, drew back at the hips to admire the large, veined tool administering this punishing fuck to the blonde and then plunged back into her tight pussy. Pinky was moaning helplessly with each deep intrusion. This seem to spur the young man on.
He withdrew until only the bulbous head of his cock was within her. He released his grip on her hip with his right hand and spanked her fleshy ass cheek with the open hand.
The sound resounded in the bathroom. Pinky cried out.
"Ooowwwwwww! Ooowwwwww!
"Don't go to sleep on me, honey," the young man shouted at Pinky.
Fear and trepidation filled Pinky's mind.
She felt him continue to fuck her harshly, his heavy balls slapping against her thighs, his thick cock making wet sucking sounds as it plunged deep into her vagina. The bathroom echoed with the sounds of her cries and of his belly smacking against her tight ass each time he drove his huge tool home.
The men laughed with satisfaction at the thought of how it must feel to the innocent, young woman before them to be impaled by this colossal cock. He continued to jam the stiff tool in and out of her abused pussy, stopping occasionally to rotate the cock inside her and draw another moan of discomfort from the beautiful blonde.
Soon he felt his balls begin to boil and the hot sperm begin to shoot into Pinky's tight slit. The eruption continued as he pumped into her pussy with a vengeance, the sperm filling her hole until the excess began to drip down the backs of her thighs and the front of his.
Pinky collapsed - her naked legs giving way beneath her - and she fell to the bathroom floor. She felt faint, and her hands braced her fall by holding on to the young man's thighs. His monster cock hung semi limply near her face, strings of sperm still dripping from it's tip.
Steve's voice came from nowhere into her foggy brain.
"Pinky, be the proper hostess and clean this young man up."
Pinky opened her mouth in surrender and began to lick up the spunk dangling from his dong. The men watched in fascination as she held his tool with her small hand, the large engagement ring shining on her finger. She tasted herself mixed with the sperm as she licked his cock clean with her rosy lips and tongue.
Without being told, Pinky moved her lips from his now cleaned cock and began to lick the sperm off of his thighs. The young man had his hands in her hair as she did so.
Pinky felt herself being lifted from the floor by several black hands and being taken back to the large bed. There her tender, white pussy was filled with black cock until morning.
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The young woman only slept for a couple of hours. All the men had used her until they completely emptied their heavy balls several times each. Exhausted, but restless, Pinky’s battered and cum stained body needed rest. None was forthcoming. Instead, after a fitful sleep, she pulled herself up and took a long, hot bath, trying to cleanse her body and soul of the acts that she had been forced to perform.
Pinky was surprised at the soreness she felt in her legs and ass. She knew that her pussy would be sore, but she didn’t realize how much the rest of her young body would suffer. Even her jaw was sore from the number of stiff cocks she had sucked.
After she had taken a long, hot bath and padded herself dry, Pinky walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She looked around for her clothing. Her heart beat faster and her mind raced.
“What did they do with my clothes?” she wondered. Pinky’s heart seemed to stop when she realized that her clothing was gone. Steve must have taken her clothing while she was being fucked by all of the men last night, she thought. As she looked around the room, she realized that even the lingerie that Steve had put in the room for her was gone. A chill ran up her spine as she realized that she would have to think quickly to avoid being further humiliated. Somehow, she had to call her fiancé and her work in an effort to make everything sound okay, and yet she knew that she couldn’t call from the hotel without caller id showing the hotel number. Pinky looked at the clock and realized that it was still only 7:30 in the morning. This gave her a little time to work with. She knew that she couldn’t call anyone that she knew to help her. There would simply be too many questions to answer. Instead, she decided to call room service and see if the young man who had come up last night would help her. Pinky picked up the phone and requested room service. She decided against asking specifically for the young man, but hoped that he would be the person who came up. As she hung up the phone, she shook her head in dismay as she remembered collapsing to her knees in front of the young man and then licking his semi stiff cock clean of his ejaculation. The beautiful young lawyer was nearly in tears. Within minutes, there was a knock at the hotel room door. Pinky tightened the bath towel around her body and looked through the peep hole. It was him! Pinky hurriedly opened the door and let him in. He looked even younger and larger than he had the previous night. The beautiful blonde began to explain her situation to the young man. As she did, it became clear that he was getting an erection. “Look,” the young man said to Pinky, “I don’t get off of work until 10 in the morning. I’ll be happy to take you somewhere then.” Pinky looked downcast. “I can’t wait that long. Is there any way that you can leave early,” she pleaded. “I could lose my job,” he replied. “I can’t afford to lose my job.” “But I’ve got to get out of here. It’s an emergency. Please help me.” Tears filled her eyes. “Please, I’ll do anything.” Pinky said this knowing full well what it might mean. When she did, she wondered if she was now using her body as a tool. “Anything?” the young man asked. “Yes, . . . anything,” Pinky said. The young blonde man reached for the top of the towel that wrapped the beautiful lawyer’s tanned body. Finding it’s corner, he undid the knot and let it fall to the floor. Pinky stood perfectly still as he did this, her full, firm breasts gently rising and falling with her breath. Pinky watched as his hand dropped to the juncture between her shapely, tanned legs and his finger began its search for her love hole. Finding it quickly, he began to push his middle finger into her vagina. Pinky spread her legs slightly to accommodate the invading digit. Instinctively, she put her hands on his wide shoulders to brace herself as he finger fucked her. It wasn’t long before her pussy began to bathe his finger in its juices. Her big blue eyes were now half shut with sexual desire and the young man palmed one of her tits with his other hand, rubbing the nipple to a rubbery stiffness. The young man couldn’t believe the return of his good fortune. Usually the only girls he fucked were half drunk high college chicks who just laid there under him as he banged away between their spread legs. The woman he was about to fuck now was a real woman, beautiful, tanned, and hot. "Take my cock out," he told Pinky. She opened her eyes and began to fumble with his pants and zipper. This was the first time that she had looked down and seen his hand between her parted thighs. Her rosy lips were slightly parted and her breathing was slightly labored. She noticed that her hips thrust and retreated in a nearly imperceptible way as he entered and pulled his finger away from her pussy. Her fingers pulled his underwear down past the large, erect tool that was straining against the cloth. His pants now lay around his ankles. Pinky only had to tug on the cock a couple of times before the young man withdrew his finger and turned her towards the bed. "Climb up on the bed," he said. Pinky climbed on the bed and turned and lay on her back. She spread her muscular thighs and opened her arms to beacon the young man to her sexual secrets. He quickly shed his uniform coat and as if being led by his stiff dong advanced toward the young lawyer.
Pinky was disgusted with herself, but the finger fucking had it’s desired affect on her body. She tried to tell herself that she was simply trying to hurry the inevitable, but she knew that the fire in her vagina was more than that. She looked at the young man’s flat abdomen as he began to lay between her legs and saw the wispy line of hair from his navel that thickened into a dark patch of pubic hair from which his long, wide cock projected stiffly.
Pinky took the knob of his cock in her fingers and guided it to her love hole. She rubbed it’s fleshy tip against the lips of her pussy and felt him push it into the well lubricated tunnel. “Ohhhhh,” she moaned aloud as he pushed his stiff penis into her. Despite having a t-shirt on and having his pants around his ankles, the young man began to pound into the beautiful woman with a fierce rhythm that let her know he would not last long. The hotel worker reached and put Pinkys legs around his waist, letting her feet dangle on the back of his thighs, then put his hands beneath Pinky and dug his fingers deep into her muscular behind. Pinky noticed that he was staring down between their bodies, watching his stiff tool going in and out of her neatly trimmed pussy. Pinky reached for him and pulled his face close to her, opening her mouth to take his tongue into her mouth. She sucked expertly on his tongue and squeezed her vaginal walls against his cock.
Pinky’s ears were filled with the sound of the grunting of the young man and the strange creaking of the bed as it was being used for the umpteenth time to cushion the perfect body of the young lawyer from the raging stallions who used her body to satisfy their lusts.
After only a few seconds of loud slapping of flesh, Pinky saw his face contort and felt him begin to shoot his spunk into her. She could barely conceal her disappointment that he had not been able to bring her to orgasm, but she realized that she was merely a receptacle for his lust when he quickly withdrew his deflating tool from her pussy and stood up to get dressed.
“Come on,” he said, “I need to hurry.”
The young man handed her his hotel uniform coat to put on. Pinky got up quickly off the bed. She realized that she was fairly irritated at the young man, but found that she was ashamed to admit to herself why she was. Despite her shame, she wondered whether he realized the quality of woman he had just fucked. Apparently he did not, and she found that very aggravating.
But Pinky put on the uniform coat and realized that it barely covered the cheeks of her ass. Her long tanned legs looked strangely incongruous against the color of the coat. As she adjusted the coat to try and cover her buttocks, she felt a bit of the boy’s spunk begin to dribble out of her pussy and onto her thigh. Her neatly manicured hand went down to the juncture between her legs and wiped it off of her naked thigh.
“I’m parked in the hotel garage. We can use the service elevator. Hopefully no one will see us,” he said.
Pinky ran barefoot through the hallway to the service elevator, her heart beating fast. The young man followed her, eyeing her athletic legs as she ran in her girlish way, each stride resulting in the perfect line splitting her buttocks coming into view.
After what seemed to be an endless run, the two hopped into the young man’s pickup truck and Pinky lay on the bench seat out of view as he drove her to her condominium. She didn’t resist as his hand moved to her shoulder and began to search for the opening to the jacket. When he found it, his fingers rubbed her full breasts. Pinky clenched her legs and buttocks tightly together as if that would keep her nipples from becoming erect. It didn’t and she felt the humiliation of her exposed cunt beginning to moisten again. When the young man moved Pinky’s hand to his crotch, she knew what was expected and began to rub his semi-erect penis through his uniform trousers.
The truck drove for several minutes with Pinky prone on the seat. Finally they pulled to the curb. Pinky knew that they had not driven far enough to get to her condominium and so she peeked up over the dash.
“Where are we,” she inquired.
“Just a sec...” was the young man’s reply. He began punching the keypad on his cell phone.
“Hey. Come on down,” he said. “Yeah. Come on down. I mean it. Come on down.”
Pinky looked at the young man and her eyes began to moisten. She knew she was being betrayed again. “Please,” she begged. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I need to get home. Please.”
The driver looked at her and nodded. “Yeah, what we talked about last night,” he said in an effort to be cryptic. It fooled no one. He folded shut the cell phone. “It’ll just be a minute.”
Immediately, the passenger door of the truck opened and someone got in. Pinky sat up for a split second and then shifted her weight to the driver’s side and lowered her upper body in the direction of the passenger. This left her naked ass pushed up against the driver’s side while her head rested in the lap of the passenger.
“Fuck...” the passenger said when he saw the nearly naked hottie. “You weren’t shittin’ me.”
“I told you, man,” the driver responded. His hand tugged on the uniform coat, opening it slightly and revealing a set of full, lush breasts. The young man felt his cock stiffen as he looked down at the young blonde. Pinky lay on her side with her buttocks in the direction of the driver. Her heart shaped ass faced him, revealing the thin slit of her pussy between the firm globes.
“Please,” Pinky begged again. “Please, you promised.”
“Listen,” the driver said, “you said you’d do ‘anything,’ remember? Do you want a ride home or not?”
Pinky hesitated.
“Well, do you or not? I can let you off right here,” he threatened.
“Nooo. No. No more.”
Pinky said all of this while she was prone. The young driver began to knead the flesh of her legs and the passenger’s hand dropped to her titties. Pinky was facing away from the passenger, but could see that his legs were somewhat thick and covered with the blackest of hair. He was wearing gym shorts and sandals, but she had not seen his face. Her thick black hair covered most of his crotch area and she braced herself against him by putting her slender hand on his leg.
“Nice and comfortable there, isn’t it,” the passenger asked. He adjusted himself slightly in the seat and Pinky could feel the stiffness from beneath his shorts.
Pinky felt a tap on her thigh from the driver. “Hey,” he said, “give him a knobber.”
A wave of furious disgust and dismay swept through the beautiful young lawyer. Did they think she was a common slut? But what could she do? If they dropped her off she’d be ruined.
She felt the passenger shuffle in the seat a bit more and knew that he was pulling his shorts down his thighs. Pinky knew she had no choice.
The driver patted her ass. “Come on baby. Do it.”
Pinky turned her head and saw a long cock standing straight out from a pair of hairy, big balls. Obediently, she parted her lips and took the fleshy tip of the stiff meat into her mouth. She was disgusted with herself but kept thinking that if she could just get through this that things would get better.
The passenger pulled back her hair to get a look at her innocent face. He watched as her head bobbed up and down a few times before she released the cock from her mouth. Then her tongue flicked out and licked at its rubbery head. One of her hands held the shaft while the other worked on his balls. Abruptly, she stopped licking and her head dove down the length of his tool. His throbbing cock was now at it’s full size, and the passenger rested his left hand on her baby soft ass.
The vehicle rolled on as Pinky gave head to this stranger. The taste and smell of the young man’s penis was purely male, and Pinky found her situation strangely erotic. It didn’t surprise her then when the finger that she felt searching for her love passage found it and was immediately awash with her pussy’s juices. She wasn’t sure who’s finger it was that was now within her, but she assumed it was the driver’s.
“Mmmmmmmmmm,” she moaned as she tried to keep her mind on the young stallion’s tool that she had in her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down several more times on the still flesh, she thought that he may be close to climaxing when the truck slowed to a stop. The finger withdrew from her pussy and she felt it’s sticky wetness on her curvy hip as a hand tapped her.
“We’re here,” the driver said.
Pinky looked up from the passenger’s lap and saw her condominium. Inexplicably, she turned to the stiff cock and took it’s full length into her mouth. She withdrew far enough to feel the tip of the shaft in her mouth and then plunged down again. Then she released it completely from her lips and patted it with her hand as she smiled at the surprised young passenger.
The driver’s door opened and she jumped out of the car to run to her front door. As she fumbled with the keys to open it, she felt a now familiar moistness between her legs and heard both truck doors slam. In the back of her mind, the horny young woman knew she was going to have to fuck both men within a few minutes. She was correct.