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Mili sen stepped back a couple of paces and looked at her display with a growing feeling of deep satisfaction. Another job well done she thought smugly to herself. She'd never realised until recently that she had a flair for the type of in-store displays that caught customer's attention. Sales had increased significantly since she'd moved into this department, a fact her manager was quick to praise.
Mili had been with C Mart Department Stores for over 3 years now, working in their flagship store. She had started at the bottom and had been moved around from department to department until landing the job she coveted the most.
The display she had just completed was for a new product line from Stags, one of C Mart biggest suppliers and although it was still two weeks to Christmas she had dismantled the Christmas display to make room for it, much to the delight of Sidharth Khanna, Stag's Account Executive. Mili thought his title was funny and a touch pretentious. At most other companies he would have been called a sales manager.
"Looking good Mili!" She turned to see the smiling face of Sidharth as he approached her down the aisle. "The display doesn't look too bad either!" he added.
She rolled her eyes. Sidharth had been coming into the store for the last eight months or so, ever since he had been given the C Mart account to look after. Over that time she had become used to his constant flirting and sexual innuendo and suggestive comments. His favourite one was, "ooh, what I could do for you, if you'd just let me." Mili always laughed them off. She wasn't offended. Sidharth was grateful for that and felt he now had free rein to do it at any time without fear of upsetting her.
He came to stand next to Mili. He looked at her sideways. She was smiling as she looked at her display. Her face lit up when she smiled. Oh, how I'd like to get my hands on that, he thought as he took in the vision in front of him. Even wearing her unflattering work clothes he could still make out the shape of her body.
Mili wasn't drop dead gorgeous by any means, but she was an attractive 32 year old, around 5'6 tall with blue eyes, full kissable lips and wavy black hair cut into her neck. She had what could be termed a full figure but it curved in all the right places with mesmerising 34B breasts that had no sag to them and a full ass that in Sidharth's opinion was just crying out to be groped. He'd never seen her legs as she always wore trousers to work but he imagined in his mind that they would be solid yet shapely and would look great especially when wearing high heels.
What Mili did have in abundance though was a sexuality that oozed from her without her realising it. Sadly for Mili, this seemed to attract a certain type of man and Sidharth certainly fit into that category.
Sidharth was a typical flirty kind when it came to women. He didn't care that he was married and it didn't bother him if the women he chased were married, it was all just a laugh. In fact he preferred chasing married woman, especially those who thought they would never cheat on their husbands, although sometimes the chase was often better than the sex that followed. He wasn't the best looking man you would ever meet and if truth be told he was a little on the flabby side but it was what was hidden inside his trousers that made all the difference.
He'd been flirting with Mili now for the last five months but had recently upped his game by bringing more sex talk into their conversations. He knew that Mili, who had been married for just over four years, was slightly disillusioned with her husband who was always working and certainly hadn't been paying her enough attention. She also fit his base criteria for the women he chased. She had big tits, a great ass and pSidharthably great legs as well! He was a man of simple tastes!
"Very funny Sidharth," Mili said, "I've worked my butt of trying to get that finished."
"And a lovely butt it is too if I may say so." Sidharth made a show of looking at Mili's ass which filled even her work trousers out quite nicely.
Mili shook her head and sighed.
"Typical but I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from you...should I? She smiled.
"No...I guess not!" Sidharth grinned back at her. "Anyway, I've been thinking..."
"That's a first..." Mili interrupted.
"Ha ha very I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..."
...Mili smirked as he looked at her...
He continued, "...I was thinking...that in recognition of all your hard work and the fantastic increase in sales of our products since you took over this department, I would like to treat you..."
"Oh, have you," Mili laughed, interrupting him again, "what is it then, tickets to a show, a trip to kingdom of dreams?"
"Very funny," Sidharth replied, "sadly it's not that grandiose, Stag doesn't have the budget for that kind of thing."
"Well that's disappointing," Mili teased, "I could have done with a holiday to somewhere hot, especially this time of the year."
"This is Stag we're talking about here you know! No, I just thought I could take you for a drink on your next day off," Sidharth said, "that's if you want to of course."
"Oh, well I suppose so," Mili replied smiling," mind you, I don't know if I should, isn't it against some sort of business protocol?"
"oh god, Mili, it's only a drink and I'm pretty sure that nobody would mind. It's just my way of saying thank you for a job well done."
Sidharth suddenly realised that Mili was now grinning broadly at him.
Oh...oh I see, you're winding me up; again! Very funny, I don't think!" Sidharth retorted.
"Oh dear, you're so sensitive," Mili laughed, "So what day were you thinking about? My next day off is Wednesday if that's any good for you."
"Wednesday's fine," Sidharth replied, "can you meet me at the Hyaat Hotel around 12.30pm?"
"The Hyaat, yeah, okay, that's not far from where I live," she said, "I'll see you there."
* * * * * * * * * *
The following Wednesday found Mili standing in her bedroom in front of the wardrobe. She had just enjoyed a relaxing bath and was now debating what to wear. She rarely had the chance to wear her nice 'going out' clothes as her husband Amit rarely took her out anywhere worth getting dressed up for. Even though it was just a few drinks with Sidharth she decided to make the most of it.
She put on a matching white lace bra and thong and after rooting around in her lingerie drawer opted for stockings and suspenders. After trying on different outfits, she finally settled on a silky white blouse, a black skirt that finished about two inches above the knee and a matching black jacket. Having put on her sensible 2" heels, she thought sod it and put on her never worn before, black 4" heel stiletto shoes.
Ready at last, Mili pulled on her thick coat and ventured out into the cold December air. Luckily for Mili, the Globe Hotel was just under a mile away from her home but by the time she got there her feet were killing her and the cold air had had an effect on her nipples, which now stood out proud and erect. She knew this because she could feel them rubbing against her bra.
This was not lost on Sidharth, who noticed them as soon as Mili removed her coat and jacket.
"My, my look who's pleased to see me," he leered. "Nice nipples!"
"Shut up Sidharth and get me a drink you pervert." she snapped back jokingly.
"Okay," he said smiling, "what would you like?"
"I'll have a vodka and slimline tonic please," she replied.
Sidharth obliged by getting her a double.
"So," Sidharth said, as they sat on stools at the bar, a ploy he used so he could get a good look at Mili's legs, "does your husband know you're here with me?"
"Oh yes," she replied, " I told him everything."
"So, he was okay with it?" Sidharth asked, "you meeting another man in a bar for drinks."
"Well, he's not the jealous type," Mili replied before adding sadly, "but if truth be known, he didn't seem much bothered when I told him anyway."
Man's a fool, if she was mine I wouldn't let her out of my sight, thought Sidharth, as he gazed longingly at her large breasts, still able to see her nipples pushing out through her blouse.
"Cheer up, I'll get you another vodka," Sidharth said as he indicated to the barman for more drinks.
Half an hour and three double vodkas later Mili was feeling very relaxed and was enjoying Sidharth's company more than she thought she might.
"Right," Sidharth abruptly said, "time to eat."
"You never said anything about eating," Mili replied.
"Well I'm going into the restaurant for a meal, you can join me if you want. If not; then I'll see you next week."
"No, no that would be very nice, thank you. I must say, I am starving!" Mili said.
They chatted easily as they ate their meal. Sidharth ordered a bottle of wine for them but made sure that Mili's glass was always topped up.
An hour or so and the bottle of wine later, Sidharth and Mili adjourned to the lounge area for coffee. Mili was suitably impressed when Sidharth ordered her an Irish coffee, her favourite after meal drink.
They sat on a bench seat in the lounge area and as they were talking Sidharth glanced down at the expanse of shapely stocking clad leg that was now on display. Mili's skirt had ridden up and more than half her thigh was exposed. Mmmm, he thought, just as I imagined, she's got great legs. I'd love to get my hands on them. His cock pulsed and before he realised what he was doing he reached over with his right hand and squeezed her left knee.
When Mili made no comment or move to stop him he slid his hand further up her leg, slow, short strokes to begin with then slightly longer ones. Oh this is nice, he thought as his hand moved up under her skirt. Hello, what's this...God, she's wearing suspenders!
He became aware that Mili was talking to him.
Mili's hand came down over his to stop his progress.
Sidharth looked up into Mili's smiling face. She wasn't cross, just bemused.
"Excuse me a minute, I need the loo," she said and got up off the bench seat and made her way to the Ladies Room.
Sidharth watched her every inch of the way and he felt his cock pulse again as he watched the way her hips swayed and her ass cheeks flexed as she walked. And when she returned, walking towards him with the same hip swaying action, he could see the flesh of her breasts undulating above the confines of her bra. To Sidharth it looked extremely sexy and his pulsing cock was now becoming a painful and possibly embarrassing bulge.
Mili, totally oblivious to the effect she was having on Sidharth and the torment she was causing him, sat down just as another Irish coffee was brought to their table.
"Ooh lovely, I just adore these. Thanks Sidharth." She smiled at him.
Sidharth groaned inwardly. He felt a knot form in his stomach. God he so wanted to kiss her. No sod that. He so wanted to fuck her!
Fifteen minutes later and they were ready to leave.
"Well thanks Sidharth, that was really nice of you and I've really enjoyed your company," Mili said as they exited the hotel.
"You sound as if you're surprised, why's that Mili?" Sidharth asked.
"Well, I just thought you wanted to get me drunk so you could have your wicked way with me," she smiled.
"Thought never crossed my mind apart from twenty or thirty times," Sidharth retorted.
They both laughed.
"Come on then Mili, lets get you home."
"No, there's no need, I only live just down the road, it won't take me long to walk back," she replied. "Besides, I don't want to take you out of your way."
"You're not taking me out of the way," Sidharth retorted, "and anyway it's far too cold to walk and you've had too much to drink. What kind of gentleman would I be to let a lovely young woman walk home by herself. No, I insist. Come on, my car's just here." He unlocked the car and opened a door for Mili. She clambered inside.
* * *
Less than 5 minutes later Sidharth pulled his car into her driveway. Mili turned sideways to look at him. "Thank you so much Sidharth, I've had a really nice time, you've made me laugh and the meal was lovely, it's been great." She opened the car door. "So I'll see you next week then?"
"No problem. It's been my privilege to have lunch with a young attractive lady such as yourself. And yes, I'll be over some time next week, last trip before Christmas," Sidharth said. He paused.
"Err, Mili, before I go do you think I could come in and use your bathroom. I've got a long drive ahead of me and I think I should have gone before we left the Hotel."
"Yeah no problem." Mili paused, "Look do you want a coffee as well? I know you've not had that much to drink but it's better to be safe than sorry..."
"Actually, yeah, that would be a good idea," Sidharth said, "It might help, just in never know do you?"
Mili climbed out of Sidharth's car, strolled down the driveway and unlocked the back door of her home. She walked straight into her galley kitchen. After removing her coat and jacket she switched on the kettle. As she turned round and reached up into the cupboards for the coffee cups, Sidharth came in.
"So, where's your toilet?" he asked.
"It's upstairs in the bathroom. We don't have a downstairs loo," she replied.
As Sidharth squeezed past her his hands went to her waist and he pushed his crotch into her ass before giving her cheeks a firm squeeze and a pat before carrying on through to the stairs.
"Hey, naughty!" Mili laughed.
"Sorry," he replied, "I just couldn't help myself, you've got a great ass."
"So I've been told," Mili laughed again, "just keep your hands to yourself."
"I'll try," he laughed in reply, "but it's so difficult!"
As he went upstairs to the bathroom he noticed a sprig of mistletoe hanging above the bottom step. Hmm he thought, I wonder...
Mili was still in the kitchen making the coffee when Sidharth came down and called to her. Walking through to the hallway to see what he wanted, she found Sidharth standing at the bottom of the stairs under the mistletoe with his lips pursed together.
"Come on Mili, it's Christmas, give us a kiss," he said.
"You fool," she said with a smile. She shook her head. "You really are an idiot."
"Yeah, I know," Sidharth replied. "Come on Mili, it's only a Christmas kiss."
"Okay then seeing as it's Christmas," she giggled. She'd always been game for a laugh. She walked up to him. He put his hands round her waist and pulled her close to him. Feeling her breasts pressing into his chest for the first time was extremely arousing. They felt great. His cock pulsed. God, he wanted her!
Mili leaned forward tentatively and met Sidharth's lips. He kissed her softly to begin with and then with a bit more urgency. As he did his hands slipped from her waist and round her back down to her ass. He began squeezing her cheeks and pulled her into his crotch.
They broke the kiss but as Mili went to pull away Sidharth said, "How about another kiss for Christmas?"
"You said just one for Christmas!" Mili replied in mock outrage.
"well two wont harm for a christmas," Sidharth said pulling her close again.
As their lips met again he slipped his tongue out and tried to put it in her mouth. When her mouth didn't open he began kissing her with more passion. His hands once more slipped down from her waist to grope her ass cheeks before he moved them back up to her waist. Pausing briefly he moved his attention to her massive breasts. His hands moved up until he was able to trace his fingers around the outside curve of her breasts, feeling their shape beneath her bra.
Mili broke the kiss. She was slightly flustered, her nipples were quite erect and throbbing. Why had he tried to put his tongue down her throat? She didn't like that. When she was younger she'd had a couple of experiences with older men. They'd done that to her and she hadn't liked it much then. And what was going on with Sidharth. She could feel a huge lump pressing into her thigh when he pulled her close, was he getting aroused?
"How about a kiss for New Year," Sidharth breathed heavily. Not waiting for a reply he pulled her into his chest again. This time as their lips met, his hands went straight to the front of Mili's breasts. His hands squeezed them, rubbed them, pushed them up and together, giving them a thorough groping. His fingers found her enlarged nipples pushing through the silky fabric of her bra, and he twisted and pulled at them.
Mili was shaking now as Sidharth assaulted her breasts. One of her biggest turn-ons was to have her breasts fondled and the rougher the better. As she shifted her body in response to this her legs parted slightly and she felt a warm, wet feeling between them. Sidharth broke off the kiss but continued fondling Mili's 34B breasts.
"Ohhhh...mmmmm..." Mili moaned softly, her eyes closing.
He left her breasts and brought his hands down to her ass and then lower until he reached her thighs. He slid his right hand under the hem of her skirt, stroking and caressing the inside of her right thigh, reaching the top of her stocking and then beyond onto her silky smooth hot flesh. His cock was now straining inside his trousers. He could feel the warmth radiating from between her legs and as he cupped her wet pussy, she moaned loudly, shifting her legs wider to allow him easier access.
He undid her skirt pushing it over her hips. It fell down her legs to pool around her ankles. He brought his right hand back to her pussy and rubbed her slit through the wet fabric of her lacy thong.
"Ooohhh...aaahhh..." Mili moaned as he pulled the thong to one side and slid a finger into her. She staggered slightly as he thrust first one finger and then two into her wet pussy. She came suddenly, much to his astonishment but he continued to push in and out with his fingers whilst his other hand massaged her right breast through her blouse.
He pulled out of her pussy, her sticky juices coating his fingers. It was time to get her naked...if he could.
Sidharth quickly unbuttoned her blouse. Mili offered no resistance as he slid it off her shoulders. She didn't seem to notice what he was doing. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open and she was swaying gently as her orgasm subsided. Her thong quickly joined it on the floor.
"No, no we can't," Mili groaned. Sidharth cut off her protestations by kissing her deeply and squeezing her breasts.
As he unclasped the hooks on the bra he was amazed at the lack of sag from Mili's tits. He tugged her bra off and casually tossed it on the floor as well.
He stared at her naked breasts as if trying to imprint the image into his brain for all time. They were truly fabulous. A perfect shape with perfectly round aureoles with swollen, succulent nipples in their centre. He groaned in anticipation as he grasped her right breast with both hands.
Mili moaned again. His mouth descended and he sucked and bit into the nipple. Mili bucked and writhed as he flicked his tongue across it and continued to suck and squeeze and knead her breast.
By now Mili was helpless to the desire she felt. She knew that she was being unfaithful and knew she was being unfaithful with a man who only saw her as a conquest. This was really against her principles although it had taken her a while to find out this fact.
Before she'd married, she had been with many men but eventually it had become obvious to her that the men just wanted her for a good fuck. Not that she thought she was a good fuck. She had never given a blow job or had her anal passage explored.
Over time she realised that she was looking for love and marriage and had mistaken sex for love. She had determined then she would never make that mistake again.
So much for principles, "Mmmmm...ooohhh..." she moaned.
Sidharth was now desperate to fuck this woman. He pulled down his zipper and unfastened his trousers to let his cock get some relief. As it popped free it slapped against Mili's belly. She glanced down.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed. She'd not thought much about the size of men's cocks for a few years now. Her husband's was small in comparison to some she'd had before meeting him but this, this was something she had never seen before.
to be cont ......
(copied and edited from for us indian readers)
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Sidharth looked into Mili's eyes. He saw the look of shock at seeing his 7" member which was throbbing in front of her, the veins pulsing as the blood pumped into them. Okay, he realised that he was slightly larger than average, if 2" is classed as a slight amount in cock length but it was his girth. He was huge. Every woman he had been with had been unable to get their hands fully around it. I'm certainly bigger than most porn stars he smugly thought.
Sidharth took in the sight in front of him. Mili was completely naked apart from her stockings and suspenders and her 4" stiletto shoes. He swallowed. She was magnificent he thought as he grabbed her.
With a quick move he spun her round to face the stairs and bent her over. Her breasts swung pendulously below her. He spread her ass cheeks. He could see her pussy. It was glistening from her juices. He swallowed again as his breathing became laboured.
Sidharth stroked his erection and placed the bulbous mushroom head at Mili's pussy lips. He slid the head up and down for lubrication but this didn't take much doing as she was dripping wet after his finger fucking. He pushed the head in meeting a firm resistance.
"Oh we can't do this," Mili said weakly, moaning as she bent lower.
He pushed again, sliding more of his cock inside. He still met resistance.
"Uuunngghhh," Mili grunted and shifted her legs to try to get some relief. Sidharth paused and then slid further inside.
" can't...ooohhh...we shouldn' doing this... ooohhh...uunnhh..." Mili moaned again and bent even lower still trying to get some relief from Sidharth's monstrous cock.
"'s too big...uunnhh...take it out," she wailed.
Sidharth paused letting her adjust to his size. He lent under her and grasped her tits with one hand, fondling them, paying special attention to her nipples and with the other hand found her engorged clit and rubbed it. As Mili squealed he thrust the rest of the way in.
"Oh my God," she screamed, "ohhh ohhh...uunnhh...uugghh."
He pulled out slowly, her pussy lips trying to hold him inside and pushed back in. She felt like he was splitting her in two. As her pussy adapted to his size he built into a rhythm, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks as her breasts rocked backwards and forwards.
In and out, in and out, rubbing her clit, squeezing her magnificent boobs, twisting her nipples he continued his assault.
"Ohh..ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh..." Mili's cries became faster and faster as Sidharth pounded her mercilessly. Her orgasm ripped through her body as she came.
Sidharth was hanging on. She had got him so excited with her rapid cries of pleasure it had taken all his willpower not to cum himself. He wanted this to last a bit longer. He didn't know if he would ever get a chance like this again, so was determined to make the most of it.
Mili wasn't used to this. Sex was over with her husband when she came once but Sidharth was still going.
He once more took hold of Mili's impressive breasts. He was savouring the feel and heaviness of them as they hung below her. They were swaying back and forth in rhythm to his thrusts.
Mili felt another orgasm beginning to build.
"Ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh...ohh." Her cries were even faster and louder than before. "Oh my god..." She screamed as she came, harder this time. It was almost too much to bear.
She had never felt anything like this in her life. It was fantastic!
"Uunnhh...uunnhh...uunnhh...uunh...uunh...uunh...uunh...uunh." Mili's cries turned to rapid grunts as she came again.
Sidharth couldn't believe it. Never had he imagined it would be like this. Mili was insatiable and he immediately decided that she was possibly the best fuck he had ever had.
No, scratch that! She was definitely the best fuck he'd ever had and he was definitely going to have to do her again, many, many times! He was sure she would be more than willing to let him, judging by her reaction.
Finally Sidharth felt the familiar feeling that he was about to cum. He started thrusting in and out faster than before and as he blew his load into her devastated pussy he let out a loud bellow and Mili cried out in ecstasy as she came again.
They collapsed in a heap together at the foot of the stairs. As his cock subsided and he pulled out, his cum flooded out onto the carpet between Mili's legs.
"Oh shit...shit," she said and staggered off to get some tissues to mop up the mess.
Sidharth got dressed.
"Now where's that coffee you were making me?" he asked.
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excellent update bro. Keep on posting more interesting and erotic updates.
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Great story buddy....nice build up
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Mili paced the floor of her department again. It was a circular route that began in one of her bigger display areas. From there it was up and down several aisles before reaching a smaller display area. Then it was on to three more aisles before eventually ending back at her starting point.
To a casual observer she appeared to be nervous, her head flicking from side to side, taking everything in as she walked along. Perhaps her department was about to be reviewed and she was worried and concerned about that. The fact she had her hands clasped in front of her and was wringing them as she walked was probably the give-away sign.
Normally this might have been the case but today the casual observer would be wrong. She didn't give a toss about her department and how it looked. The reason for her nervousness was because Sidharth was due in the store. It was his usual weekly trip to C Mart. But he was late. And even though she didn't want to see him she knew she had to and that was making her extremely nervous.
She had to see him because Sidharth was the Account Executive for Stag, who were one of C Mart biggest suppliers. Stag were Mili's responsibility because their products were sold in her department.
She stopped to look briefly at her watch before continuing her pacing. She was worried and nervous about his impending arrival because Sidharth, only a week ago, had entered her home and taken her by force and fucked her senseless at the bottom of her stairs under the Christmas mistletoe.
She had cheated on her husband after two years of marriage. How could she have allowed this to happen. After all Sidharth wasn't devastatingly handsome, in fact he was a little bit on the flabby side. The guilt she had felt afterwards had not diminished much in the days that followed. She had been unfaithful, forgetting her marriage vows and it weighed heavily on her mind.
She'd had time now though to rationalise her thoughts. Maybe he hadn't taken her by force but he had definitely seduced her. That's right, he'd got her drunk and taken advantage of her and then fucked her forcibly.
But who was she kidding. She'd had chances to cool his ardour and she didn't have to invite him into the house when he took her home. She didn't have to let him kiss her. She should have pushed him away and told him to leave.
But that cock, oh that massive cock. She trembled slightly, remembering. It wasn't that it was long, well it was longer then Amit's, but God, was it thick! He was huge and when he was pounding into her from behind it'd felt like he was going to split her in two and she had never, ever cum so many times.
Enough! she thought angrily to herself as she felt herself flush at the memory. It was a stupid mistake and it's never going to happen again!
"Morning Mili," the cheery voice of Sidharth interrupted her thoughts.
Mili's heart missed a beat and she felt a knot form in her stomach as she turned to face Sidharth.
"Oh...err...hi Sidharth...err...morning," she stammered.
"How's things, are we selling lots of our products then?" he asked.
How can he be so nonchalant, she thought, he's acting like nothing happened last week. No...hang on, her inner voice cut in, that's how you want him to be, after all you don't want anybody here to know what happened, do you?
"No," she blurted out.
"What?" Sidharth replied taken by surprise, "did you say something?"
"Oh, err I mean yes, err, yes we are."
Mili felt her cheeks get hot as she flushed.
"Anyway," Sidharth said, "how come you're not in uniform today?"
Not that I mind, he thought as he let his eyes wander over her body.
Mili was wearing a thin, brown roll neck sweater that clung tightly to her body. It highlighted her 34B breasts that were shown off to their full glory as they strained in her lace bra which was clearly visible through the fabric of her top. A flared brown skirt to match that came two inches above her knees and brown court shoes with a 3" heel completed her outfit.
Mili was an attractive woman, 32 years of age with shortish black hair, blue eyes and full lips. She had a full figure, possibly carrying a pound or two more than she should but her height of 5'6" compensated for that, and she certainly curved in all the right places.
"Ah well we had an early business breakfast meeting outside of the store and we were asked not to attend in our uniforms for some reason," Mili replied. "I should have changed once I got back but I'm owed some hours so I'm leaving early today and going into town to do some last minute Christmas shopping."
"Oh, I see," Sidharth said. "Look, we need to talk about last week," he added, lowering his voice.
Mili bridled. "What is there to talk about. You fucked me, I stupidly let you and it's not ever going to happen again; ever!"
"Yeah, yeah I realise that," Sidharth said, "but I feel bad about it and feel that I may have altered our professional relationship and above all else I don't want to do that."
He paused as he saw some anger still there in Mili's face. He continued.
"You and what you do for the sales of our products is important to me. No, actually it's very important to me and I don't want to jeopardize that."
"Please, let me make it up to you...Come on, let me treat you to lunch at that little bistro round the corner you like."
Mili hesitated. "Oh I don't know, I really don't know if I should."
"Please...come on, less than an hour and you can go off into town and spend all your well earned commission."
"Come on, you have to eat, don't you?"
"Oh, alright then," Mili smiled weakly as she relented, "I can afford an hour, I suppose."
* * * * *
They enjoyed a pleasant lunch, even indulging in a glass of wine as the initial awkwardness of being in each others company eased and they were soon chatting away normally about work and other things.
Leaving the bistro after Sidharth had paid the bill they walked down the street, still chatting.
"Look," Sidharth said, "I still feel bad about last week, so I've got something for you as a kind of peace offering."
"Oh yes," Mili replied, "and what would that be?"
"Well, I don't want to tell you what it is as I want it to be a surprise but I do have a problem, in that I've not got it with me. With rushing around this morning, I've left it in my hotel room."
"Oh really," a slightly cynical Mili said.
"No, no, I really have left it there. I overlaid this morning and in my hurry to get to the store, I forgot it. So please, I really want to give you the gift, so will you please come with me...please?"
"Hang on a minute," she said, "How come you've still got your hotel room? Haven't you checked out yet?"
"No, I don't leave until tomorrow," he replied with a grin. "Just as well seeing as I can't seem to get up in the morning."
Mili pulled a face.
"So are you going to come or not?" he added.
"Oh I suppose so," Mili sighed. "But do I have to. Can't you give it to me later?"
"I'd love to give it to you later but it's sort of a Christmas present," Sidharth replied. "So you're going to have to come now, if you don't mind."
Mili completely missed the double meaning in his words. Normally she would have picked up on it straight away and laughed but not today. Her bullshit meter was definitely switched off.
"Oh okay...I suppose so," she sighed again. "At this rate I don't think I'll ever get my shopping done."
"Wonderful," Sidharth enthused as he took her arm. "I'm at the Hyaat, which I believe from here is down...this way." He pointed with his arm.
He set off, with Mili trailing reluctantly behind. She really did want to get her shopping done and this was yet another inconvenience.
* * *
It took a ten minute brisk walk to get to the Hyaat and on arrival they entered and took the lift up to Sidharth's room. He opened the door and stood aside to let Mili enter.
"Wow!" she exclaimed as she looked round, "this is a nice room, it must cost a fortune."
"Well yeah it does," Sidharth replied as he tossed his key card on the table, "but Stag feel that if their account executives stay in better class hotels than would normally be the case, we're more rested and therefore more motivated to get the best results for them. Plus it makes us feel valued by them, so it's a win, win situation for everyone."
"Anyway, have a seat," he added.
Mili looked round the room. There were two chairs, one had Sidharth's suitcase open on it and the other his laptop computer and some paperwork.
With no other option she sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Right," Sidharth said, "I need you to close your eyes for a minute."
"No really, Just for a minute."
She shut her eyes and could hear the sound of a drawer being opened and closed, then felt the edge of the bed sink as Sidharth sat down next to her.
Her eyes flickered open.
Sidharth looked her in the eye as he handed her a box.
"Here, this is for you, with my utmost best wishes and thanks for all your hard work."
She held his gaze for a second and then opened the box.
"On Sidharth," she gasped, "that's beautiful, oh no, no, it's too much, no really, oh, but it's gorgeous."
"Here, let me," Sidharth said taking the gold pendant necklace from her fingers.
"It looks really expensive but I can't accept it.'s not right..." She made to push Sidharth's hand away.
"It is and yes you can," Sidharth replied, brushing away her hand. "I can't think of anyone more deserving of this than you."
He reached around her back and Mili dropped her neck forward to allow him room to fasten the clasp.
The necklace dropped down onto her chest. The chain was clearly too long and her large breasts made the pendant hang away from her body.
Sidharth leaned forward to make an adjustment and in doing so brushed his hand against her right breast. With no reaction from Mili, he carried on smoothing down the necklace over her chest taking the opportunity to brush against her juicy 34B boobs.
"Oh Sidharth, it's really lovely but you shouldn't have," Mili said brushing away the beginnings of a tear from her eye.
"It's nothing," Sidharth said as he leaned under the bed and brought out a long tube.
"Here, this is for you also," he said.
Mili took the tube and opened it.
Inside was a single long stemmed red rose.
Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her cheeks, her shoulders rising and falling as she began to sob gently.
"Don't cry," Sidharth said, putting his left arm around her shoulders.
Mili leaned back, nestling into his shoulder. She couldn't understand why she had become so weepy all of a sudden.
"No-one's ever given me a red rose before, not even my husband," she sniffled, "I've seen other girls get them delivered at work and I've felt really jealous. It's just so lovely. Thank you so much."
She lifted her head slightly to look at Sidharth and sensing this was the right time, he lent in and kissed her. Her lips tasted of tears. Mili kissed him back, caught up in the emotion of the moment.
As they kissed, Sidharth ran his tongue over Mili's bottom lip before pushing into her mouth. Her lips parted and she sighed when their tongues met.
Sidharth brought his right arm round to Mili's waist. He placed his hand on her left hip and then slowly slid it up to cup her full left breast. He didn't squeeze but just gently moved his hand round, circling, feeling the contours of her bra beneath her clingy brown top.
Mili was overwhelmed by her emotions and made no objections as Sidharth started to push and prod and grope her breast with a bit more force.
Her damp eyes had closed and in her dream like state she seemed to be unaware of what Sidharth was doing to her even though her breath was coming in short little gasps now.
Her legs parted slightly.
Sidharth felt the movement and knew that he had her.
His right hand left her breast, Mili moaned at it's withdrawal.
Placing his hand on her right knee, he slid it up her thigh, savouring the feeling of fondling her great legs.
I could do this all day he thought as he moved up and down her leg eventually moving his hand onto her inner thigh.
Hello...what's this? he said to himself as his hand reached the top of her thigh highs. She's not wearing tights...I don't believe it...they're stockings! He was amazed. His wife always wore tights to work and so he assumed that all women did.
His hand reached a point where it could go no further. He needed her to open her legs wider for him. Sensing Mili needed a bit more encouragement to help her comply he brought his hand out from under her skirt and resumed the assault on her magnificent left breast.
As his right hand encircled her boob once more; with his left arm he pulled her backwards to lay her down on the bed.
Mili didn't resist this move. She felt powerless to prevent anything that was happening to her and she couldn't understand why. She knew where this was leading and knew she should be stopping it right now.
Sidharth kissed her with more intent, and having better access to all of her impressive chest moved his right hand freely from breast to breast, fondling, grasping, massaging, groping. He could feel her nipples harden through her bra and top and tweaked and flicked them with his fingers.
Mili reaction to this and to her thoughts that she should be stopping Sidharth was to finally open her legs wider. Seizing the opportunity, Sidharth's right hand plunged back up her thigh, straight up to her lacy knickers. He stroked her, feeling her wetness as he pushed the fabric into her slit.
Mili moaned softly, her legs opening wider still, as she offered herself to him. She kissed him harder as her passion grew.
Sidharth slipped his finger under the wet fabric of her sodden lacy thong and slid it into her pussy.
Mili's hips bucked as she instinctively thrust down to meet his finger. She moaned loudly.
He slid in a second finger, curving them both slightly upwards as he sought out her G-spot. He wasn't sure if he found it but Mili grunted and kissed him even harder.
Sitting up, Sidharth brought both his hands up to the top of Mili's thong. Without prompting she lifted her ass off the bed allowing him to quickly slide the thong down her luscious legs.
Mmm, he mused, this is going much easier than I thought it would.
He undid his trousers and with one hand hurriedly pulled them down and off his legs, his other hand having already returned to Mili's pussy.
Pulling down his boxers he released his enormous cock, which was already pulsing with anticipation.
He climbed back onto the bed between Mili's legs, pushing her skirt up to her hips. He looked down at her glistening pussy.
With his finger he flicked her, by now, protruding clit.
"Ohhhh..." Mili responded, spreading her legs wider.
Sidharth lent forward and pushed her top up to expose her massive 38D breasts. Pulling them free of her bra he squeezed and fondled them, feeling the nipples, which were already hard, expand even further.
As he lent into her his cock slid across her pussy lips.
"No, Sidharth, no," Mili moaned, her voice a faint whisper. "we can't...we just can't...ooohhh...mmmm. We shouldn't be doing"
Mili was not really able to think rationally now. This wasn't lust brought on by too much booze as before. It was something else, something very different, something she had never experienced before.
Maybe it was a combination of the guilt she still felt for cheating on her husband only last week but coupled with the tidal wave of emotion that had occurred with Sidharth's gift and then the killer blow; the single red rose, which had made her cry; she had been pushed into a different state of mind.
She didn't want to cheat on her husband again but emotionally, right now, she felt powerless to prevent it.
Sidharth brought his right hand to his cock, stroked it several times against her pussy lips, making sure to catch her clit as well and pushed the enormous head in.
"Ohhhh...oh my god..." she gasped.
God, she's as tight as I remember thought Sidharth, as he slowly slid his length into her.
Her pussy lips at first resisted his girth but suddenly he was in. He paused, her pussy lips relaxed and he pulled back nearly all the way out before sliding back in.
"Ohhh...ohhh...ohhh," Mili grunted as Sidharth picked up the pace and started pounding into her.
"Oh fuck...oh fuck...uuunnnhhh..." she gasped as she came quickly to her first orgasm.
Sidharth carried on slamming into her pussy, the sweat starting to glisten on his forehead.
Wish I'd taken off all my clothes, he thought as his face got redder and redder with the exertion.
Mili by now was reacting, thrusting her hips back to meet Sidharth's cock as he pummelled into her.
"Aaahhh..." she screamed as she came again. This time was more intense. She squirmed beneath him as the wave of passion that had just exploded within her subsided slightly.
Sidharth paused, sliding out of her. Mili opened her eyes to see what was happening. She didn't have to wait long to find out as he grasped her ankles and lifted her legs up onto his shoulders.
Repositioning his massive cock he plunged it back into her again, the different angle giving him a deeper penetration, which he assumed Mili must like as her eyes grew wider, her mouth dropped open and she screamed again as she came for the third time.
Sidharth carried on pounding, his hands groping and grasping at her breasts which were flopping up and down her chest with each thrust. It was a mesmerising sight.
"Sidharth you' to...uhhh...stop," she grunted.
"Ooohhh...ooohhh...ooohhh...aaaarrrhhhh," she came again.
Sidharth was nearly there now and as he felt his balls tighten he slammed his cock into Mili harder and harder and with one last dramatic thrust of his hips he came too. As his thick creamy cum shot out of his pulsing cock deep into her pussy, Mili also came to her last shattering climax.
They lay together on the top of the bed until their breathing returned to normal. Sidharth's cock subsided and popped out when he rolled off Mili.
She lay there, her pussy having been devastated again was a gaping hole. She was suddenly aware of something sliding out of her and down onto her thighs. Scooping it up she brought her fingers up in front of her face. She rubbed the sticky substance between her fingers and thumb. It suddenly dawned on her what it was.
It was almost as if she hadn't known what she was doing until that very moment. As she came back down from her emotional high the realisation hit her hard.
"Oh my God...what have we done," she cried. "What the fuck was I thinking. How could I let this happen again." She began to sob.
"I don't believe it...I don't believe it." She shook her head slowly from side to side as she repeated the words over and over again.
Sidharth wisely kept his mouth shut as he retrieved his clothes.
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It took Mili weeks to come to terms with her second encounter with Sid . God, what had she been thinking!
To let herself be fucked by him once was one thing. Okay, she could justify that she was heavily under the influence of alcohol on that occasion but to let him have a second bite at the cherry; well that was unforgivable. There was just no excuse for her actions. She hadn't been drunk, she'd gone willingly with him to his hotel room and even if that hadn't been her intention she had betrayed her marriage vows again. She was racked with remorse and self pity and chastised herself for being a stupid bitch. Was she that naive to think he wouldn't try to fuck her again. And she had given him the perfect opportunity.
As a result of her misery she felt awkward being around Prakash . Fortunately for her he was so wrapped up with his job that he seemed oblivious to her general mood and never asked if anything was wrong. For this small mercy she was grateful and mightily relieved.
But there was still the problem of Sid . Obviously he would continue to come into the store and she would have to see him. It was after all his job. She didn't know how she would cope with that. What she did know was that she didn't want to leave her department. She also knew that he wouldn't want to give up the Brompton account. Why would he. He was fucking the sales assistant who gave him the fantastic sales figures that led to his massive bonus. It was win, win for Sid !
Luckily for Mili however, fate took a hand. Over the Christmas holiday period Sid suffered dreadful pains in his abdomen, and after being rushed into hospital was diagnosed with pancreatitis. He was going to be out of action for quite a while it seemed.
* * * * * * * *
A couple of months later and Mili had all but forgotten about her double indiscretion with Sid . He had not yet returned to work so she hadn't had that bridge to cross yet.
This particular morning found Mili in her department and even though it was early she was already hard at work. She loved her job.
"Morning Mili , have you heard the news that David's leaving?"
Hearing the voice, Mili turned to see her work colleague and friend Aisha approaching.
"You're kidding, no, really, where's he going?" Mili asked her surprise clearly evident.
"Don't know," Aisha replied as she hurried past. "Sorry haven't got time to fill you in on the details now so I'll speak to you later at break. Okay?"
"Okay." Mili turned back to her work but then paused to contemplate the unwelcome news. David had worked at C Mart as an under manager for about seven years and had become a valued work colleague and friend to Mili . He had helped her when she'd first come to C Mart about three years ago, helping her adjust to the workings of a large department store. He was going to be difficult to replace and definitely a hard act to follow.
When David came in to start his working day, he sought Mili out.
"Hi Mili , I guess you've heard the news then?"
"Yes, morning David, I have. I can't believe it. So why are you leaving us and where are you going?" she asked.
"Well," David said, "as you know, Nadine and I have been going out now for some time and you know she works in London so that in itself makes things rather difficult. Long distance relationships are always a problem. Anyway, things have been getting more serious recently and we've decided that we want to make a go of it together. So we've discussed it and come to the conclusion that it will be easier for me to move down there than for her move up here. In fact, I've already got a new job lined up and I leave at the end of the month."
"Oh, I see," Mili replied with a hint of sadness in her voice. She knew that David was besotted with Nadine and having met her a couple of times she could understand why. Not only was she gorgeous but she was a nice person as well. Mili really liked her.
"Anyway," David continued, "we're organising a leaving do. It'll be this Saturday. I assume you'll be coming?"
"Of course I will, you know that," Mili replied. She was always ready for a good night out. "Is it work people only or partners as well?"
David looked at her quizzically. "I think after the last works do when partners were invited, I think not, don't you?"
Mili thought back to the last party the store had arranged for their staff, which had rapidly descended into chaos. Fuelled by drink from the free bar, a couple of spouses got into a massive row which ended up with fists being thrown and one person being taken away in an ambulance.
"You'll still be able to come though, won't you?" David asked, "Prakash won't mind will he?"
"Oh God no," Mili replied, "the one thing about Prakash is he never stops me going out when I want to, you know he's not the jealous type."
He ought to be, thought David as he looked at Mili . She was medium height, about 5'6" tall and had what people would refer to as a full figure but she curved in all the right places. The work's uniform, which was very unflattering hid most of her charms but you could still make out the swell of her 34B breasts and the fullness of her shapely but firm ass especially when she bent over and her trousers pulled tight across her ass cheeks. Many a man had felt their cocks pulse when seeing that!
And he knew she looked great in her party clothes. But he had never felt the slightest desire to go after her. She wasn't what he wanted in a partner. Whilst attractive she wasn't beautiful, not like Nadine but she certainly had something about her; an inner sexiness that attracted certain types of men. Not that Mili was really aware of that, after all she was married and had been for nearly three years and as far as anyone knew she had never strayed from her marriage vows.
"So," Mili said, snapping David out of his thoughts. "Where's the party starting."
"I thought we'd kick it off at the Sainik Farms ," David replied.
"Okay, but won't it be a bit packed on a Saturday night?" Mili said, knowing it to be the starting point for many night clubbers.
"I suppose so, but it's where most people suggested we go and then we're close to the clubs for anyone wanting to party on further into the night," David said.
"Yeah, I suppose it's a good idea. So what time is everyone meeting then?" Mili asked.
"Anytime after 8.30pm. Is that okay for you?"
"Sounds good," Mili replied. "Right, got to go and get on with some work, I'll see you later."
* * * * *
On the night of the party, Mili arrived at the Sainik Farms just after 8.30pm, not wanting to be the first to arrive. She needn't have worried about that as the place was already pretty full and she had to squeeze her way to the bar to get her drink.
"Hey Mili , over here." Mili turned to see Aisha waving frantically to her. As she started to make her way over to the group she looked around and realising that she might never get back to the bar again any time soon, turned back and ordered two more double vodka and tonics and poured them both into a tall glass.
Across on the other side of the bar, up on a slightly elevated part, David had seen Mili enter. He turned to his friend, Roy Bailey.
"There's Mili ," he said, pointing her out.
Roy turned. He looked over to where Mili was struggling to push past people to meet up with her work colleagues.
"Mmm, she looks hot," he said to David.
"I told you she was, but I'm telling you've no chance!" David retorted, "she's happily married."
"Yeah, they're all happily married but you know me, I love a challenge," Roy smiled as he took in the vision that was Mili .
She was wearing a simple outfit comprising a white clingy top, scooped at the front which showed off her ample charms and a wonderful amount of cleavage to great effect and a short, very tight fitted skirt which moulded around her ass showing off her full cheeks. She had finished off her outfit wearing sheer thigh high stockings and 4" stilettos and a golden anklet on her left leg.
He watched as she walked back towards her colleagues. Her hips were swaying, which caused her ass cheeks to wobble slightly but his eyes were drawn more to the movement of her breasts. He could see them jiggling with each step she took, rippling up and down. The effect was mesmerising. He felt his cock pulse.
"Come on then," Roy said, "lets mingle and lets go over there first." He pointed in the vague direction of the group that included Mili .
"Okay," David chuckled as he led him over.
"Hi everyone," David said as they reached the group. "Glad you could all make it." He put his arm round his friend. "This is my friend Roy ."
"Hi Roy ," they chorused. "Wow!" Aisha exclaimed as she took in Roy 's physique. He stood just under 6' tall and looked fairly muscular although he was wearing a fairly loose fitting shirt that was open at the collar.
Roy blushed slightly, not that he was embarrassed, he was never embarrassed. It was just that he had realised that women opened up to him more when they thought he was shy. It was almost like they felt they had to mother him. Whatever it was it always seemed to work to his advantage.
After the introductions and some small talk David turned Roy around to meet another group of people.
The bar by now was really busy, it was a popular meeting place. As the crowd inside grew so everyone was pushed closer together. It was far too crowded.
Mili had been bumped quite a few times, pSid ably more times than were actually necessary, when she felt a hand on her ass.
She couldn't turn to see who it was due to the press of people around her but it was soon obvious that this was not an accidental touch but a full on grope. She managed to push the hand away without drawing attention to herself but it proved to be a momentary respite.The hand soon returned and moved round her ass feeling the contour of her cheeks, rubbing round in a circular motion. The hand squeezed her ass, softly at first then more firmly, before pulling her cheeks first one way then the other.
Unable to move she felt the hand descend down the back of her leg to the bottom of her skirt, and then slowly come back up pulling the skirt with it. She felt her face flush with embarrassment. She wanted it to stop but didn't want to make a scene.
She looked at her group. Not one of them seemed to be aware of what was happening to her. The hand continued upwards, bunching her skirt up as it moved higher and higher. She was painfully aware that whoever it was had now exposed her lacy thong. She felt fingers starting to rub up and down the crack between her ass cheeks, moving under towards her pussy lips. For the first time she realised that she was responding.
Without realising, she shifted her weight causing her legs to open slightly. This gave better access to whoever it was doing this to her. She suddenly felt extremely hot, her heart was pounding in her chest. She swallowed hard as she struggled to pay attention to what Aisha was trying to tell her.
The hand withdrew quickly and her skirt came down just in time as a space suddenly cleared in the bar around them as a group of people left.
She breathed a huge sigh of relief. Thank God she thought. She attempted to turn round but unfortunately her respite didn't last long. The bar quickly filled again and her group got shifted around, isolating Mili from it and pushing her into a corner. As she tried to re-engage with them she felt a hand from behind touch her breast. Try as she may, she could not turn to see who was doing this to her.
The hand circled her heaving breasts, fingers running along the exposed flesh above her scooped top before dropping into the impressive valley of her cleavage and then out again. Her heart pounded as her breathing quickened. The hand squeezed each breast in turn. It was firm but surprisingly gentle. She gave a small involuntary gasp.
Mili 's biggest turn on was to have her breasts massaged and whoever was doing this to her was doing a first class job. She felt her nipples enlarging as her body started to respond. The hand continued its exploration of Mili 's impressive breasts roaming freely between them, fondling, caressing, prodding, pushing and squeezing. The hand brushed against her swollen nubs which by now were clearly visible through her top, causing Mili to let out several small quiet gasps. Her eyes closed as she felt her pussy twitch and her legs opened slightly as she felt herself getting hotter and wetter down below.
"Hi Mili ."
She jolted out of her desire, opening her eyes to look into the smiling face of Roy .
"How you doing?" he asked.
"Oh, er, fine," she stammered, flushing a deep red.
"Look, there's a couple of seats at the bar that are free now and you look like you could do with sitting down, you were swaying a little bit then," he smirked.
"Okay" she replied, "I think that would be great, my feet are starting to hurt me. Maybe wearing 4" stilettos is not such a good idea."
"Oh I don't know, your legs look pretty good to me, and your shoes really show them off," he said. Plus they push your ass out more, he thought.
"What, my fat legs," she laughed.
"There's nothing fat about your legs Mili , I find them extremely sexy." Roy flashed her a dazzling smile, the one he had perfected over the years. It usually made the women go weak at the knees.
She flushed again and as she hoisted herself up onto the bar stool her tight skirt rode up her leg exposing the top of her thigh high stockings.
Roy looked longingly at her legs.
"God Mili , you really have got great legs but I guess you already know that don't you?" he exclaimed.
"No...I've told you, they're too fat," she replied.
"You've got to be kidding me," Roy replied, "they look great and they'd look even better wrapped round my neck!"
Mili laughed at his crude reRoy . Sober she might have taken offence but with booze inside her she just thought it was funny. She felt her pussy respond and as she suddenly looked down to avoid Roy 's burning eyes she found herself looking straight at an impressive bulge pressing against the fabric of his trousers.
Her pussy twitched again and she felt her flush deepen as Roy placed his right hand on her right knee. She made no attempt to remove it as he started to slowly stroke up and down her thigh. She just smiled, the knowing smile of a woman who knows that the man is trying to seduce her. She'd been here before!
"Let me get you a drink. Vodka and tonic I believe," he said.
As Roy leaned forward to attract the attention of the bar staff, there was a surge of people past them. As he was jolted forward his hand accidentally slid up her leg. He quickly brought it round to the inside of her thigh and as Mili hadn't crossed her legs due to the lack of room, his hand carried on until it reached her hot, wet, thSid bing pussy.
"Oh!" Mili jumped as his hand made contact. She hadn't expected that.
He didn't withdraw his hand. This was going better than he could ever have possibly imagined. She gasped as with one finger, he stroked her pussy lips through her wet thong, whilst still ordering the drinks. He then skilfully moved her thong to one side and slid the finger in.
Mili moaned softly and opened her legs a bit more. Her eyes flickered closed. He put another finger in and started pushing in and out very slowly. Her pussy contracted to try and trap his fingers, squeezing them whilst he continued to push in and out.
Suddenly they were out as he turned to her.
"Here you go one vodka and tonic."
Mili was left hanging, her pussy thSid bing and demanding a release but Roy then started chatting to her about David and how long he had known him, acting like nothing had happened.
She came down slowly, her heart stopped pounding so much and her breathing returned to normal as she found herself enjoying Roy 's company. He was very witty and told her numerous funny stories relating to David and himself.
Thoroughly engrossed in each others company they hadn't noticed the bar had emptied as people drifted off to the night clubs. Mili finally looked up and turned around.
"Where's everyone gone. What time is it. Has David left already?"
Roy looked round the empty bar.
"I imagine some of your co-workers have gone clubbing, which is a shame because I'd arranged a surprise party at my apartment. Well by party I mean a few drinks and some music."
"What, no nibbles?" laughed Mili .
"Well maybe some types of nibbles," he replied with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Anyway, I need the loo," Mili said and with that she eased herself off the bar stool and walked away.
Roy watched her go.
"Christ will you look at that ass and those legs, just fantastic," he murmured to himself.
When Mili came out of the restroom, she was the only person in the bar. She went out the front door to see if any of her colleagues were still around who hadn't gone clubbing and would share a taxi with her.
Reaching the pavement the only person there was Roy .
"Ah, there you are," he said, "are you coming to my party?"
"Well, I should really be getting home, it's getting quite late."
"Nonsense," he replied, "the night is yet young, come on, I can take you in my car."
"I really should be getting home." Mili stood and pondered for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip. "But maybe I could come for just half an hour or so," she said reluctantly.
Roy suppressed a smile. His interpretation of her comment about coming was most definitely different to hers. Taking her arm he led her over to his car. Holding the door open he took the opportunity to look at her luscious legs as she slid into the front seat.
"Who else is coming to your party" she asked. "Is David going to be there? I wanted to say goodbye as I didn't get to talk to him much tonight."
"Yeah, he'll be there later, he's gone to pick up Nadine."
The drive to his apartment didn't take long but Roy took every chance he could to take in the sight of Mili 's fantastic breasts and great legs.
"Is this where you live?" Mili exclaimed, when they arrived at his apartment block. She was suitably impressed at the style of the building and the location. It was an up Roy et area with properties that were highly sought after.
"Just wait until you see inside," Roy replied with a genuine smile as he opened the front door. "Right it's upstairs on the first floor, you go first."
Mili climbed the stairs unaware that Roy was watching her as she went up.
He groaned to himself as he watched her shapely legs and ass disappearing up the stairs and he felt his cock bulging uncomfortably inside his trousers.
The stairs opened out into the lounge area and Roy proudly showed her round the rest of the apartment. The last room he took her into was of course the bedroom.
"Roy , this place is great," Mili commented as she moved quickly back into the lounge area.
"Glad you like it. Right just give me a minute while I put on some music and then I'll get you a drink."
"Okay, but can I have just a tonic water please."
"No pSid lem but I'll just top it up with some vodka for you," he replied smiling at her.
"You trying to get me drunker than I already am?"
"The thought never crossed my mind."
Roy turned on his music centre and the driving beat of Dirty Dancing boomed out.
"Ooohhh, I love this song," Mili said.
"Come on then, lets dance," he said grabbing both her hands.
Mili loved to dance and when she'd had a few drinks she had no inhibitions about letting herself go to this type of music.
Roy pulled her to him grabbing her ass and fondling her cheeks. Mili responded by doing the same to him and soon they were grinding into each other, sliding up and down each others legs just like in the film. But then Roy forced his leg between Mili 's thighs and brought his knee into contact with her pussy.
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She jolted. Roy looked down into Mili 's eyes and without warning he kissed her; hard. Mili responded and kissed him back just as hard. The passion built as their lips worked overtime. He forced his tongue into her mouth, meeting resistance at first but then her tongue met his and they french kissed with the passion building.
By now Roy had his hands all over Mili 's breasts. This time there was no finesse, no soft touches. He groped them hard, forcefully pushing them up and then together, pulling at her nipples. He dropped his hands and with one quick movement lifted her white clingy top off over her head. He looked at her white lacy bra, her breasts heaving and trembling, her ample flesh threatening to spill over the top. He quickly reached behind her and expertly unclasped it and threw it to one side.
He looked down at her naked breasts. They rose and fell with every deep breath Mili took. God they're magnificent he thought as he once more went to work on them.
Mili by now had her eyes shut as she gave herself to the passion of the moment. Any thoughts of being a faithful wife had gone. She could feel her pussy juices seeping down her thighs as Roy continued to drive her wild. She shuddered as her heart pounded in her chest. She needed relief and soon.
Roy slid down her body, kissing first her breasts then her tummy. He brought his hands down and then slid them back up her legs. He really liked her legs so took his time massaging her calves and then her thighs. Mili responded by opening her legs wider.
He reached the top of her stockings and felt the heat from her flesh as he went even higher. He touched her pussy. Her thong was wet.
Mili jolted and involuntarily thrust her pussy towards his hand seeking that relief she craved.
Roy lifted her clingy, tight skirt over her hips, kneeling between her legs and brought his mouth to her pussy. He pulled her thong to one side. The smell of her sex was overwhelming, as his tongue eagerly licked around her lips. She continued to thrust into him but he avoided any contact with her clit. Instead he pushed with his tongue, breaching her outer lips and began to explore deeper into her welcoming pussy. He lapped up her juices as she moaned loudly and started moving her legs backwards and forwards.
As he slid a finger in, she responded by groaning even louder. He added a second and as he did, she stifled a scream as her pussy contracted in spasm and clamped down onto his fingers. He pushed past this and began to forcefully thrust them in and out and as he built up the pace he reached out with his tongue and flicked it over her clit.
"Ooohhh...nooo...mmmm...aaahhh..." Fireworks went of in Mili 's head as she writhed in ecstasy as she came loudly to her climax. She pushed his head away from her as she sucked in air through her clenched teeth. "Oh god..." she moaned, "that was intense..." She shuddered.
Roy stood up and led her over to the sofa. Bending her over the back he dropped his trousers to reveal his cock. It was throbbing painfully having been confined for so long. It sprang up slapping across Mili 's ass. She looked round and gasped. Even in her present drunken state she could tell that this was much bigger than her husband's and even longer than Robs' but maybe not as thick.
She thought that this was probably going to be painful. Rob had stretched her and devastated her pussy after fucking her in her own home at Christmas and she'd had a hard time avoiding sex with her husband for a while to give it chance to heal.
But here she was again, about to commit adultery for the second time, well third if you counted the fact that Rob had taken her again in his hotel room a week after the first time.
"We shouldn't be doing this," Mili halfheartedly said as her breathing quickened.
Roy ignored her comment and stroked his erection against her sopping lips to get some lubrication and then bending her over slid his cock into her welcoming pussy.
"God, you're tight," he grunted.
I'm amazed, thought Mili but then again a few weeks had elapsed since she had been fucked senseless by Rob.
"Oh my god...oooohhhh...oh my god..." she groaned as Roy forced his hard throbbing shaft inside her. He certainly wasn't taking it easy.
"Mmmm...nnngggrrr...ooohhh...aaahhh," she moaned as he stretched her pussy with his cock.
Roy thrust in and out, slowly at first, building up a rhythm as Mili 's breasts swayed backwards and forwards beneath her. He grasped her hips as he increased the speed of his thrusts. She bent lower over the back of the sofa as she felt her orgasm rising inside. She pushed back to match his thrusts, wanting to feel more of his cock inside her, to fill her, to own her.
"Ohhhhhh...Jeez...mmmm...uunnggghh...ohhh Roy ...don't stop...please don't stop," she cried out as she came to her shuddering climax.
Roy pumped away even harder, his hands leaving her hips and going down to play with her full, wondrous tits, twisting and tweaking her hard nipples which had now doubled in size.
Leaving one hand down working her breasts, Roy brought his other hand up. Coating one of his fingers with the copious amount of fluid leaking from Mili 's pussy, he pushed it into her anal passage.
"" Mili screamed. Roy wasn't deterred but carried on until he had inserted his finger up to the first knuckle. He slid it back and forth and Mili reacted by moaning loudly.
"What are you doing?" she cried out.
"Relax Mili , enjoy it," Roy said as he thrust away.
Mili felt another orgasm start to build as Roy continued his triple assault on her body.
"Oh no...Roy ...oh no...oh no...Roy ...nooo," she cried out as she came harder than the first time.
Roy suddenly stiffened, "I'm cumming Mili , do you want me to pull out?"
"No, no it's okay, I'm on the pill," she gasped, amazed that he'd asked.
With a final thrust of his hips, Roy exploded, sending a thick wad of cum straight into the depths of Mili 's pussy, followed by a second, third, fourth and fifth. It had been a long, long time since he had cum that much.
He lent over her back, sweat plastered over them both as their breathing returned to normal. As his cock shrank back he slipped out of her followed by some of his cum, which dripped down Mili 's legs.
The doorbell rang making them jump.
"Shit," Roy exclaimed, a look of horror etched on his face, "that'll be David and Nadine."
"Oh fuck, they can't see me like this," Mili said. She jumped up and ran into the bathroom collecting her bra and top as she went.
Roy pulled up his trousers pushing his still partially erect cock in as he went downstairs to let David and Nadine in.
He flung open the door.
"Hiya mate," David said, "where is everyone, did anyone come."
"Just Mili ," Roy replied.
"Ah, I see." David smirked as he turned to Nadine, "you remember Mili from my work don't you Nadine?"
"Of course I do," Nadine said, as she followed David and Roy upstairs to the lounge.
"Mili , where are you?" David shouted out.
"In here," she replied as she exited the bathroom.
Roy looked her over. She had managed to rearrange herself, her hair brushed and makeup reapplied. You wouldn't have realised that not less than 5 minutes ago she had been writhing on the end of his cock as he had ploughed her from behind.
David and Nadine sat down on the sofa, Mili taking one of the easy chairs as Roy got them all drinks and brought out the 'nibbles'. They sat around chatting for a while, Roy replenishing their drinks on more than one occasion.
After a while Mili excused herself and went to the bathroom, whilst Roy cleared away the dishes. When she walked back into the room she stopped dead in her tracks. There in front of her were David and Nadine making out. David had her tits out and was sucking loudly on her nipples.
They seemed oblivious to the fact there was someone else in the room as Mili returned to her chair and sat down. Roy walked back in and saw Mili watching David and Nadine. He could tell she was becoming aroused by what they were doing to each other, so he walked over to her and taking her hand helped her out of the chair. He led her past a grinning David who by now had his hand up Nadine's dress, and on into the bedroom. He closed the door quietly behind them and turned to face Mili .
Thank God David's leaving, thought Mili , I'm not sure how I would have lived this down, him knowing about...this.
Roy moved over to her, pulling her into his chest. His hands once again wandered up to her impressive breasts and went to work. They kissed and as his cock grew rock hard, he took Mili 's hand and rubbed it over the bulge in his trousers. Unzipping himself he pulled it out and placed it in Mili 's hand.
He looked down to see her moving her hand up and down his shaft jerking him off, her gold wedding band and diamond engagement ring glinting under the bedroom lights as she stroked his hard 8" cock.
"Suck me," he said.
"I don't do that," she replied, "it's not nice and I don't like it."
"Have you ever done it," he asked.
"No," she asserted "and it's not going to happen tonight either."
"Okay then, in that case, I'm just going to fuck you again."
He pushed her backwards onto the bed and in one fluid movement reached down and removed her thong. Mili gave a small gasp of surprise in response as he pushed her skirt up over her hips. He lustfully looked down at her body laid out before him. He felt a knot of desire form in his stomach.
He spread her legs wide, her knees dbangd over his arms and positioned himself between them. He plunged straight in. He didn't need lubrication, there was plenty of that still inside her. He fucked her hard for a couple of minutes then pulling out lifted her legs up to his shoulders, giving himself a greater and deeper access. He thrust back into her and pummelled her, grunting with the effort.
Mili was grunting from the force of Roy 's thrusts as he banged into her. I've never had sex like this before, ever, she thought, as she wrapped her legs round his neck, unwittingly fulfilling his comments about her from earlier in the night. She felt her orgasm building and moments later she screamed as she came.
Roy , having cum a lot the first time, wasn't anywhere near cumming himself, so it was just a question of stamina, how long could he keep going.
Mili came again. "Please stop Roy , I can't take anymore," she moaned.
Roy ignored her and carried on. Even though it was a tight fit, his cock glided effortlessly in and out of her sopping wet pussy. Her grunts served only to turn him on more as he continued to pound away inside her.
Finally after another earth shattering orgasm for Mili , Roy shot his load for a second time that night, filling Mili 's exhausted body again.
He collapsed on top of her. "That was great," he gasped, "we'll have to do this again sometime."
Mili said nothing. She was too exhausted to answer.
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The weeks had slid by and it was now several months since Mili Sen had been unfaithful to her husband Prakash again. It had been the occasion of David's leaving party; he being her mentor and co-worker at C Mart Department Store. He'd introduced her to his friend Mark Bailey who had clearly taken a liking to her and did everything he could to seduce her. Giving her copious amounts of alcohol had certainly helped him in his quest. Inviting her back to his apartment to continue the party had been his final act and had led to a memorable night in which he got to fuck Mili not once but twice.
Of course she'd not gone back to his apartment with the intention of cheating. He'd told her that David and his girlfriend would join them there, which they did eventually but not before Mark had taken advantage of Mili 's inebriated state and her considerably lowered ability to resist.
Once more she'd let herself be taken advantage of when heavily under the influence of drink. Over the following days a now sober and contrite Mili was horrified when she began to receive text messages from Mark asking her if she would meet up with him. He was fairly explicit in what he wanted to do to her.
She assumed that he had got hold of her mobile number through David and this worried her sick. The last thing she needed was for her husband to find out about her latest indiscretion. She sent a short text back to Mark telling him that she wanted nothing more to do with him and that it had all been one huge mistake. At first he didn't seem to want to take no for an answer but eventually he got the message and stopped bothering her. She deleted all his text messages as soon as she could.
Of course she felt guilty and full of remorse at her betrayal yet again of her marriage vows and tried hard to make amends by being a loving and attentive wife to her husband Prakash .
Whilst she had offered herself to Prakash on numerous occasions, he had only taken advantage of her on their respective birthdays and unfortunately the sex hadn't been great by any means. She found herself making comparisons between Prakash , Rob and Mark and this made her feel even more disgusted with herself. Was she becoming dissatisfied with her husband's abilities in the bedroom?
* * * * *
It was mid summer and Mili was alone in her car driving to Molly's party. She was running late and it didn't help that she didn't really know where she was going. Molly lived out in the countryside and it truly was a rural setting as her house was not even close to a village. Whilst Mili had Navigator, the signal from it was intermittent to say the least. Even so, she thought she'd be completely buggered without it.
"Finally!" she declared out loud, mightily relieved as her Navigator finally signalled to tell her she had arrived at her destination. She turned into the driveway and parked up. Walking to the front door she rang the doorbell. She could hear music pounding away and the laughter and chatter of people inside.
Molly opened the door. "Mili , she cried, "you made it..." she peered over Mili 's shoulder, "...and where's Prakash ?"
Mili pulled a face. "Yeah, Hi Molly, err, sorry but Prakash 's not coming, he's not very well. He's really bummed about it and sends his apologies. I was going to stop home with him but he insisted that I here I am. I hope that's okay?"
"Don't be silly, of course it's okay. It's a shame about Prakash though. It's nothing serious is it?" Molly asked.
Mili shook her head. "No not really. He's seen his doctor and he thinks he should be okay in a couple of days. He's given him some tablets, which hopefully should help, although they did zonk him out."
"Well that's fine then," Molly said. She crinkled her nose. "Never mind, at least you've been able to make it. Come on in, we'll take your bag to your room and then I'll get you a drink."
Molly worked with Mili 's husband Prakash and although Mili didn't know her that well she had met her a couple of times at functions held by Prakash 's work. She'd got on well with her from the start, as she had with some of the other women Prakash worked with.
This had led to the invite to Molly's party and an overnight stop due to the distance to travel. It was just as well that Molly's house was an old sprawling farmhouse that she and her husband were still renovating.
"Here we are," Molly said, as they entered a bedroom. "I'm sorry that it's so far away from the other rooms but it was the only other one that was habitable."
"That's fine Molly," Mili replied, "as long as it's got a bed, I don't mind at all."
After depositing her bag on the bed, Mili followed Molly back to the main house and the party.
"It really is a bit of a rabbit warren Molly," Mili said after they seemed to have been walking for a while, passing empty room after empty room.
"You're not kidding," Molly laughed, "it's going to take some time to do it all up."
"I hope you've got deep pockets," Mili said, "it's looks like it's going to cost you a fortune."
"You're not wrong there," Molly replied with a smile as they finally made it into the kitchen. "Now what can I get you to drink?"
Mili looked at the vast array of booze on the counter. She had promised herself that she wouldn't drink much. She was beginning to realise that she lost control of herself when drunk and with Prakash not there to protect her or keep her on the straight and narrow she didn't want to put herself in any unpleasant situation.
"I think I'll have a lager to start with please if you don't mind," she said.
As Molly passed her drink to her Mili didn't realise that she was being observed.
"Hey up...babe alert!" Sahu had spotted Mili briefly as soon as she had arrived and was led upstairs by Molly. Very nice he thought as he looked her over again. Mili was an attractive, curvy shaped woman with short blonde hair, about 5'6" tall. But it was her body that had really grabbed Sahu 's attention. She was stacked. You could tell that even though she was wearing a loose fitting top.
He nudged the woman stood next to him. "Who's the babe then Preeti?" he said pointing towards Mili .
"The babe!...Jeez Sahu , you really can be a pig sometimes," Preeti replied with mock distaste.
Sahu laughed at her. "Yeah, I know," he replied proudly. "So...come on then...who is she?"
Oh that's Mili ," Preeti stated, peering across the room, "she's Prakash 's wife."
"Oh really," Sahu said, "so which is Prakash ?"
Preeti scanned the room. "I can't see him. He doesn't appear to be here. Hang're not thinking..." She looked at him sideways. "Oh my are. I'm telling you Sahu , leave her alone. She's happily married to Prakash ."
Sahu smiled at her, winked and nodded.
"Oh...okay, let's go over and find out where Prakash is then," she replied resignedly.
They walked over, skilfully avoiding the people gyrating to the music on the improvised dance floor.
"Hi Mili ," Preeti said as they reached her, "how are you?"
"Preeti, oh hi, great to see you, I'm good thanks," Mili replied, her smile lighting up her face. She was glad to see another one of Prakash 's work colleagues that she knew.
"This is Sahu ," Preeti said turning to introduce him. "He's a friend that we've dragged along tonight to swell the numbers."
"Pleased to meet you Mili ," Sahu said with a cheeky grin.
"Likewise," she replied.
As Mili and Preeti chatted, Sahu took the opportunity to look her over.
Mmm, very nice he thought as he took it all in. Apart from her black hair she had bright blue eyes and full red lips. He moved his gaze downwards to her body. Even though her top was loose fitting and the material was not really supposed to be transparent he could clearly see her lacy bra through it. He could also see the amount of flesh that was pushed up over the top of the bra which was clearly struggling to contain her large breasts.
Forcing his eyes away from her magnificent 34B breasts he looked over the rest of her body. Moving down, her body curved into her waist and then out to her full hips. She was wearing a white loose fitting skirt which came to just above her knees. This again was semi transparent so that he could just make out her full round ass and shapely thighs. He looked lower. Her bare, tanned, smooth skinned legs were solid looking but had a shape to them which was accentuated by her 4" stiletto heel white sandals.
Mmmm, very nice, he thought as his cock twitched, very nice indeed.
* * *
As the night progressed, the drinks flowed and the music continued to pound out. Although she'd started out drinking lager, Mili had now progressed onto vodka and tonic, her favourite tipple. Forgetting the earlier promise to herself not to drink too much she didn't hesitate when encouraged to try something a little bit different. It turned out to be some kind of new cider drink. She quite liked it and thought it had a very pleasant taste. It was to have a devastating effect on her later.
Mili wandered through the various groups of people, chatting with them as she drank. She didn't know many of them but the party had a relaxed atmosphere and everyone was very friendly. Men flirted with her and she danced with a few of them, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Sahu .
Emboldened by drink, Sahu took his turn, dragging Mili onto the makeshift dance floor. He drew her closer to him as they danced until his face was just inches from hers. He pushed his crotch in-between her legs as he grabbed her ass. He gyrated his hips. He hoped Mili would react.
"You've got great lips Mili . You know what? I'd love to kiss them," he breathed huskily. She smiled as he added, "and your tits are great too, I'd love to have a grope of them."
She was used to this type of chat, so Mili made light of it and laughed. "Yeah right, maybe later." She good naturedly pushed him away and they both smiled as they parted.
As the night progressed Sahu continued with his banter as and when he saw her and Mili for her part continued to laugh it off with the 'maybe later' comment. It became their little joke.
It was later when Sahu came across Mili as she was bending down to pick something up from the floor. All Sahu saw was her fabulous looking curvy ass sticking up at him. He moved in behind her, grabbed her hips and thrust his growing bulge in between her ass cheeks.
"Come on then, how about that kiss and a grope then?" he bantered.
Mili stood up and playfully shrugged him off. "You should be so lucky," she laughed as she walked away.
Sahu watched her go, a predatory look in his eyes. "Later," he muttered to himself, "maybe I will be later."
* * *
Seeking respite from the pounding music Mili found Preeti in the kitchen. Preeti in no time was regaling Mili with yet another story about her very active sex life with her husband. Preeti could be very graphic in her descriptions and right now she was discussing penis size and how, in her opinion, size did matter. She was ribbing Mili who being somewhat naive at times was looking quite sceptical.
"Oh, I think size is very important, don't you Sahu ," Preeti said as Sahu walked into the room. "Bigger is better?"
"No idea what you're talking about," he laughed.
Mili looked at Preeti who had a bemused look on her face.
"What do you think Mili ?" Preeti asked bluntly.
"What! Oh I don't know," a flustered Mili replied, "what are you on about?"
"Just that," Preeti replied, "that bigger is better when it comes to cock size."
Mili flushed as images of her husband Prakash 's cock came to mind followed by Rob's and Mark's, the two men she had been unfaithful with.
"And Sahu should know," Preeti concluded, "he's got a 10" cock!" She screamed with laughter at her revelation. Sahu just grinned.
Mili shook her head. She felt decidedly uncomfortable with this topic of conversation and didn't want to be party to it anymore. Besides, she was feeling a little unsteady.
"Really," she mumbled, feeling the heat rise in her body. "Well if you'll excuse me...I...err...I have to...err...go to the bathroom." She quickly pushed past Sahu and climbed the stairs.
Still laughing at herself, Preeti walked out of the kitchen and back to the main party crowd. Sahu waited a minute or so, then he too walked out of the kitchen. Except he didn't go back to the party, he walked through the same door as Mili and followed her upstairs.
He reached the landing just as Mili exited the bathroom.
"Oh!" she gasped as Sahu caught her by surprise. He stood in her way.
"It's later," he growled, the lust clearly evident in his eyes, "and I'm not waiting any longer."
Before Mili could react or say anything he grabbed her, pulled her roughly to him, crushing her massive breasts against his chest and kissed her hard on her lips.
"Come with me," he commanded after breaking the kiss. He roughly took hold of her wrist and walked quickly down the dimly lit corridor, dragging a shocked Mili skittering after him in her 4" heels.
"Sahu , what are you doing...where are you taking me...please let me go," Mili pleaded as she tugged back. His grip on her wrist was hurting. She felt her heart rate rise and she suddenly felt scared. "Please Sahu ...please let me go..."
Sahu responded by pulling her harder. As they reached the far end of the corridor he came to a door which he flung open. He spun Mili round him into the room and slammed her up against the wall.
He kicked the door shut behind him and leaning in, kissed her hard again. His hands came up and he grabbed both her massive breasts and grasping them tightly began to squeeze them roughly.
Initially shocked, Mili tried to fight him off. He was rough. He hadn't shaved and his bristles were making her chin sore as he mashed his mouth to hers.
He kissed her harder as he continued to grope her. There was no finesse in his actions. He wanted her badly now and was determined he would have her. She struggled against him but it was a losing battle. He was much bigger and stronger than she was.
"" She repeated over and over again, "this can't be happening...please Sahu ...let me go...please..."
Sahu continued to maul at her breasts, squeezing then hard through her top and bra until he was suddenly aware that she was no longer fighting him. He stepped back half a pace to look at her. Her eyes were tightly closed and her chest was rising and falling as she breathed deeply. His heavy groping turned to softer fondling and he felt her body respond to his lighter touch.
He leaned back in and kissed her again. This time more gently, his lips just touching hers. He flicked out his tongue and ran it over her bottom lip before pushing a bit more firmly at her mouth. Mili parted her lips and he slipped it effortlessly inside to meet her tongue. As the kiss deepened, Mili moaned.
The initial shock of his assault had worn off and Mili had responded to Sahu 's rough groping of her body. The drink was having it's effect on her resistance.
Sahu ran his hands across her breasts again, He could feel her nipples now. They were more sensitive to the softer touch and were rapidly swelling. He felt a slight movement in Mili 's hips as she twitched.
Sahu 's hands left her breasts momentarily as he lifted her top up to expose them. He paused to look at the expanse of flesh that moved above her bra cups as her chest heaved. He slid his hands over her lacy bra feeling the smooth silk like fabric, his fingers catching her now swollen nipples.
He reached behind her and expertly released her bra hooks and pulled the front of her bra down.
Her perfect breasts,which were as tanned as her legs, bobbed back up with no hint of sag. Her pink aureoles were a perfect size and in the middle were her bright pink nipples. These were swollen and erect and demanding some relief.
"No, no we can't," Mili moaned, " this is wrong, please stop, you've got to stop."
Sahu bent down to her left breast and taking the nipple in his mouth, sucked.
"Ooooohhhh," Mili gasped, "mmmmm." She grabbed at Sahu 's hair, simultaneously pushing him away and pulling him in closer.
Sahu 's other hand continued to fondle her right breast, his fingers casually flicking across her erect nipple causing her to shudder slightly.
His right hand wandered down to her legs and slipping between her smooth thighs he brought two fingers up to her pussy. As he rubbed, her legs parted allowing him to cup her pussy with his full hand, his fingers rubbing her slit through her, by now, wet lacy thong.
Sliding a finger under her thong he entered her pussy. Oh this is glorious he thought as he slid it up and down in her slickness.
Mili was groaning uncontrollably as she thrust her pussy down to meet the invading fingers.
"Get off me. No...we can't...ohh...please stop...nnnnggghhh...oohhh."
As his excitement grew so Sahu 's cock reacted. It was erect and it was very uncomfortable and it was time to release it.
Sahu took Mili 's left hand and placed it on his bulge. He kissed her deeply and as his hands went back to her massive breasts, Mili without realising continued rubbing his cock unaided.
Sensing that the time was right, Sahu undid his trousers pushing them down to his ankles. His cock sprang up, catching Mili by surprise. Taking her hand again he put it back on his cock. She instinctively slid her hand up and down his shaft but sensing that something was not right, looked down.
"Oh my God!" she gasped as she saw Sahu 's cock for the first time.
It was massive. It was thick, hard and curved upwards away from his body. She could see the veins pulsing as the blood rushed to fill his erection. And the length, "Oh my God," she said again.
Sahu watched as this married woman stroked his hard on, her wedding band and diamond engagement ring visible as her hand worked up and down his enormous length. He sneered with delight. It always pleased him when he reached this stage with them.
He continued his assault on her massive tits and sodden pussy and when he could stand it no longer, his cock desperate for relief, he tore off her thong.
Mili gasped again as Sahu lifted her right leg up as high as he could exposing her pussy lips to him.
Grasping his enormous cock in his right hand he placed the enlarged bulbous head at the pink entrance of her dripping wet pussy and pushed.
"Noooo...please no...we can't...uunnggghh...nnngggrrhh," Mili groaned as she felt herself split by his head. He paused, then pushed again forcing a couple of inches of his huge shaft further in.
He paused to let her pussy adjust to his size and then pushed another two inches in.
"," Mili screamed, her head coming forward onto Sahu 's shoulder. " more. Please take it're killing's too big."
"Relax baby, just relax. It will be easier if you stop fighting it."
"I don't want it," Mili sobbed, "I just can't...I'm married."
"!" Sahu shrugged his shoulders. "As if that makes a difference," he scoffed. "Didn't seem to matter to you a minute ago when I had my fingers in your pussy or for that matter when you were stroking my cock."
Sahu saw the look of pain in her eyes as he pushed again. He smiled to himself as he reached for her breast and gave it another squeeze, prompting more moans from Mili .
He could feel her pussy clamp down on him and squeeze him. "God you're tight," he exclaimed.
"Please, I told you...I don't want this," Mili screamed, "it's you, you're too big for me, take it out...please stop...I'm a married woman...I love my husband..."
"Sure you do!" Sahu laughed as he thrust in again. He pulled back and then plunged straight back in causing Mili to squeal. By now he had about eight inches inside her but still hadn't bottomed out. Try as he could he could not get the final couple of inches in.
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Oh well, he thought, that will have to do and began stroking in and out building up a steady rhythm.
His huge curved cock speared into Mili and she grunted loudly on every up stroke as he increased his pace. Her massive breasts were bouncing up and down in time to Sahu 's thrusts.
"Uhh...uhh...uhh...uhhh," Mili cried out as she felt her orgasm building and then screamed as it exploded inside her. She gasped hoping that he would stop.
Sahu didn't. He continued with renewed pace and when his curved cock found her G-spot, she exploded again feeling the waves of pleasure rippling through her body.
"Sahu," Mili gasped, her hips gyrating as she strived to find comfort from his massive cock.
"Just a couple more minutes," he said, feeling his own orgasm building. He increased his pace.
Mili felt his cock stiffen and then he came. She could feel every spurt as he unleashed a torrent of cum which flooded her womb and made her come again.
They stood together, Mili leaning against the wall for support, her heavy breasts heaving with each deep breath. Sahu was plastered with sweat.
"You shouldn't have done that...I'm a married woman," Mili said when she finally got her breathing under control. "Can you let my leg down now."
"So you keep saying." He miSahu ed her voice. "I'm a married woman...I'm a married woman..." She glared at him. There was real loathing in her eyes.
Sahu slid his semi erect cock out of her and brought her leg down. His cum followed and trickled down her thigh.
"Anyway whether or not I should have...I have to tell you, you are one hell of a good fuck!" he added.
"You've all but bangd me!" she snapped back.
"Whoa, whoa," Sahu replied, "I didn't hear too many objections when I was fucking you and you were clearly enjoying it."
"I told you to stop and besides, what makes you think I enjoyed it?" she hissed.
"Do you normally grunt and groan and moan when you're having unpleasant sex?" Sahu smirked callously.
"Admit it...I've just given you the fuck of a lifetime! I bet your husband's never nailed you like that...has he!"
Mili had no response to Sahu 's harsh words. She stooped to pick up her ripped thong from the floor and staggered out of the room.
* * *
Trying to find her bedroom for the night was no joke and it took her a while to get cleaned up and rejoin the party.
"Aaahhh, there you are," Molly said as Mili walked back into the kitchen, "we thought we'd lost you."
"Oh, oh no, I went back to my room to get something and got lost. I told you your place was like a rabbit warren," she laughed weakly. She felt sick to her stomach as she spied Sahu the other side of the room looking over towards her, a sly smile quite evident on his lips.
Molly laughed and although she didn't really want it, got Mili another drink. For the rest of the night Mili managed to avoid contact with Sahu and luckily he made no attempt to get near her. She did see him chatting up another woman later on. She's welcome to him she thought, he's nothing more than a lout. A lout though with an enormous cock.
Eventually the party wound down and the people who were not staying left in their cars and the lucky few overnight guests went off to their respective bedrooms.
Mili said goodnight to Molly and her husband, thanking them again for letting her stay over and went to her room.
Putting on her night clothes, which consisted of a very tight fitting top and matching shorts she climbed into bed and was soon asleep.
* * *
She was dreaming. She was laying on her left side with Prakash snuggled up behind her as they spooned together. Prakash 's hand was groping her right breast, his finger and thumb tweaking her erect nipple. "Mmmmm, that feels so good," she murmured.
Prakash 's hand slid down over her hip and down in between her thighs until he reached her pussy. As he rubbed her, her legs opened to give him more room. "That feels so good," she murmured and gasped when a finger pushed against her pussy lips.
"Oohh, that's nice," she murmured as the finger moved up and down her slit.
She felt her shorts being pushed down past her knees to her ankles. Prakash 's erect cock pushed up against her pussy. She felt a hand pull at her ass cheek to create room.
Ooohh, this is a first for Prakash , he's never managed it from behind like this before, she thought as Prakash 's huge head pushed through between her ass cheeks and slid into her wet, welcoming pussy causing her to groan loudly.
As Prakash 's monster cock slipped further in, Mili thrust her hips back to meet it.
More of Prakash 's cock entered her filling her completely. She began to move rhythmically. Oh, this is so good, Prakash 's never filled me like this before...
The realisation suddenly hit home.
I'm not dreaming!
Her eyes sprung wide open. She was awake now and as she twisted her head she saw Sahu . He grabbed her face and kissed her roughly.
No, no, not Sahu , this can't be happening, she screamed to herself.
"Oh my god...!" Sahu thrust further in causing Mili to gasp loudly. His hand came round and he rubbed her mound until her clit responded. Flicking it with his fingers brought Mili to her first orgasm.
She couldn't speak. She couldn't stop him. Any chance of her getting him off her were lost that quickly. Her body took command of her senses. All it wanted was Sahu 's gigantic cock.
As she climaxed, he slid out of her and brought her up onto her knees. Her ass was sticking up in the air as he slid his fingers inside her pussy and finger fucked her. He wanted to get her juices really flowing so he lent in and licked her. His tongue played with her clit, teasing it, caressing it and Mili responded.
By now all resistance had left her. She was groaning continually as the devastating effects of the new cider drink now manifested themselves. She was incredibly aroused and she craved relief. She wanted to be fucked and fucked hard.
Sahu stood up and pulled Mili backwards to the edge of the bed. Placing his enormous cock at her pussy lips he pushed in. This time there was no feeding it in bit by bit, he pushed all the way up to eight inches. He paused, then thrust powerfully home.
Mili screamed and bucked her hips. Sahu didn't stop, he pulled back and thrust the whole ten inches straight back in. Soon his balls were slapping against Mili 's wonderfully round, smooth ass cheeks as he pounded into her.
Her massive breasts dangled below her and Sahu lifted up her top to allow them to swing freely. He fondled them, feeling their wonderful shape and size and firmness, his fingers twiddling and tweaking at her swollen, erect nipples.
As he did, Mili came again.
"God you really are fantastic," Sahu grunted as he continued his thrusts.
Mili who was unable to speak due to the orgasm building inside her just grunted and gasped even more.
She came again, then again, each orgasm bigger than the last. Sahu continued. He couldn't believe it. Mili was rampant. She was insatiable as she thrust back to meet him, grunting and groaning in sheer pleasure.
Mili came again, an earth shattering orgasm that she nearly passed out from. "Please Sahu , please stop, you're killing me now, I don't think I can take anymore," she moaned.
Sahu increased his tempo as he felt his own orgasm building. His cock stiffened, Mili felt it and he came.
As Mili had yet another huge orgasm, Sahu 's cock pulsed repeatedly sending string after string of his sticky white cum flooding into her womb.
They both collapsed onto the bed.
"That was fucking incredible," Sahu said, just fucking incredible."
Mili lay there not speaking, trying hard to bring her breathing under control. She felt the mattress lift as Sahu climbed off the bed and she heard the sound of his zipper as he put his jeans back on.
The bedroom door opened and then closed. She was alone. Alone with her thoughts.
As she lay there she could feel her pussy was a gaping hole and she could feel Sahu 's spunk oozing from it onto the bedding.
At that moment a disquietening smug thought flicked through her drink befuddled mind.
'I did it, I took ten inches!'
She pulled herself up enough to slide back under the covers. She was so tired.
Sleep found her quickly. The guilt would come later.
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Slipping on her 4" heels Mili Sen stood in front of the mirror for the final check. She nodded to herself, happy with how she looked. Ignoring the clothes that she'd left strewn around the bedroom she walked out the door and descended the stairs.
She entered the kitchen to see her husband Prakash stood at the kitchen sink busy washing the pots from their earlier meal. She smiled to herself. Even though they had a dishwasher Prakash still liked to wash pots in the sink for some reason.
"Well, do I look alright?" she asked.
He turned round. "Wow!" he exclaimed as his eyes roved over her body, "you look fantastic!"
Mili smiled. It was a smile of satisfaction. Prakash always responded the same way when he saw her dressed up for a night out with the girls. She knew he didn't mind her going out, it appeared he didn't have a jealous bone in his body.
Prakash took in the vision of his wife as she stood before him. He noted the sheen on her sheer stockings and the amount of luscious thigh that was on display due to her short, tight fitting skirt. His eyes moved upwards to her chest where her impressive 34B breasts were straining the buttons of her silk blouse.
"Another new blouse?" he asked with a slight smile playing on his lips.
He knew what the reply would be even before Mili uttered it.
"This? No, I've had it a while now," she replied innocently. She saw the smile on Prakash 's lips had now become a broad grin. She knew what he was implying.
"I like shopping for clothes," she said with a pout of mock outrage, "you want me to look nice don't you?"
Prakash laughed. Even going to the supermarket for food, Mili would end up browsing through the clothes department first, invariably picking up something that was a bargain or in her words; too cheap to miss!
"Of course I do darling!" He emphasised the word darling, knowing that she hated that term of endearment.
Mili looked at the kitchen clock. "Gosh, is that the time! Right, I've got to go, see you later."
She moved to Prakash to give him a quick peck on the lips. Prakash gave her full round ass a squeeze as she leaned forward to kiss him. "No, no, you'll smudge my lipstick," she said pushing him away as he tried to kiss her more deeply.
She turned back to him as she reached the door. "Are you sure I look okay?"
"Well let's put it this way," he replied with a grin, "if I was out tonight and saw you I'd definitely want to fuck you!"
Mili shook her head. She should have known better than to ask that question. "Okay see you later," she said and with that she was gone.
* * *
Prakash yawned as his tiredness suddenly hit him. He was sprawled on the sofa in the living room watching a film he'd recently downloaded specifically for tonight. It was nearly finished and he was looking forward to going to bed. He was working long hours and it was starting to take it's toll.
Glancing at his watch he was surprised to see it was nearly one in the morning. He hadn't meant to stay up so late. As he yawned again he heard the key turn in the lock of the front door. Well, rather he heard an attempt to get the key in the lock. He heard the door eventually open before being slammed shut.
"OOOPPPSSS!" he heard Mili exclaim in a loud voice. She appeared at the doorway to the living room.
"Oh goody," she exclaimed, "you're still up then. Come on, if you want me you'll have to be quick."
And with that she lurched out of view, Prakash just catching a glimpse of her stockinged legs as they disappeared up the stairs.
He didn't need to be asked twice. He knew what she meant. He jumped off the sofa and rushed after her, his tiredness forgotten in an instant as a surge of adrenaline raced through his body and in particular to his lower regions.
As he arrived in the bedroom Mili was stood waiting for him, swaying slightly. She smiled as he moved swiftly to her and took her in his arms. As they kissed passionately his hands went up immediately to encircle her large breasts. As he squeezed gently, Mili moaned and opened her legs.
Prakash didn't wait. One hand soon found it's way to the top of her thighs and up to her pussy. She was already wet. He knew she was ready to be fucked, as she appeared to be most nights after going out with the girls.
Mili 's problem and it had become a major problem recently, was that when she was out and all dressed up she tended to attract her fair share of attention from the opposite sex. Whilst not beautiful she was still reasonably attractive but the main reason that men and in particular the lecherous ones were attracted to her like moths to a flame, was her body. She curved in all the right places but always the main focus for attention were her large, firm breasts.
Her regrettable habit of drinking excessively when out with the girls, coupled with her incredible naivety and at times questionable judgement invariably led her to be groped at some point during the evening. By the end of the night it seemed men would do just about anything to get their hands on her magnificent orbs and would shamelessly hit on her at every opportunity.
This combination of events had seemingly been the main factors in Mili 's recent downfall in the last year, when on a number of occasions she had ended up being unfaithful to her husband.
Tonight had been no exception. Again men had their paws all over her but this time she had made sure she was not left on her own with any man for very long and had therefore made it back home successfully with her virtue intact.
However this had given rise to a massive side effect. She was not immune from her feelings and desires and was so incredibly turned on she desperately wanted Prakash to fuck her, not just make love to her like he usually did.
Sadly Prakash had clearly not picked up on the vibe that Mili wanted to be taken hard tonight and not seduced. He slowly undressed his wife, as usual taking his time, making sure he was caring and attentive to her needs.
He laid her on her back on the bed and climbed on next to her. Leaning over he kissed her deeply whilst his hand traced over her breast, tugging gently at her nipple. It was already swollen and erect but now became rock hard. He leaned down to suck it and as he bit down, Mili gasped, grabbed his head and held him tight.
As he suckled on her nipple his free hand moved down her body to arrive at her legs. She instinctively opened them wide, inviting him in and giving him free access to pleasure her.
His fingers rubbed against her moist slit before pushing through the outer lips to reach the slippery inside. Mili moaned as he slid a finger inside her.
He pushed in as deep as it would go. Mili 's hips moved sideways as she began to groan loudly.
Inserting a second finger, he pushed it up inside as he tried to locate her G-spot. Shifting his position on the bed he moved down between her legs to lick her pussy whilst keeping his fingers pumping inside her.
It hadn't taken Mili long to get this aroused and she was soon rocking backward and forward as she squirmed under Prakash 's insistent tongue, her orgasm already beginning to build from deep within.
Prakash by now was struggling to keep his fingers inside her sopping wet pussy as she thrashed from side to side and when he eventually made contact with her clit, she exploded instantly in ecstasy, thrusting her body down to get maximum penetration from his fingers.
As she came, Prakash immediately moved up her body. She responded by holding him tight as she came to her final shuddering climax. Prakash kissed her with passion. She willingly took his insistent tongue deep into her mouth. She breathed heavily through her nose as her body trembled from the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Whilst Prakash had been fingering Mili his cock had been oozing pre cum all over his legs. But now, as he rolled over to settle in between her thighs he realised that his erection had all but gone.
He grabbed hold of his cock and frantically began to jerk up and down his shaft trying to regain his hardness.
Even in her drunken state Mili sensed that all was not well. She took over from Prakash pulling on his cock, hoping her touch would excite him.
After five minutes, which included a couple of false dawns when they both thought he was stiff enough to enter her, Prakash accepted defeat.
"Sorry sweetheart, It's not going to happen tonight but at least you came."
"That's okay Prakash , I guess you're too tired, that's all," she replied groggily.
She yawned loudly. "God, I'm absolutely tired. Goodnight sweetheart, see you in the morning."
She turned over on her side and was asleep almost immediately. Prakash lay on his back, his eyes wide open, staring into the black emptiness of their bedroom. His face was a picture of abject misery. Yet again he'd failed to get an erection and so yet again he'd failed to fuck his wife. It was beginning to became a recurring theme and it was getting to him; big time!
* * *
Mili fidgeted in her seat as she idly inspected her red varnished fingernails. She was bored beyond belief and was now wishing she'd come up with a plausible excuse not to accompany Prakash to his work's Christmas party.
She sneaked a quick look at her watch and then wished she hadn't bothered. It was just past nine o'clock. Only another three hours or so to go she thought glumly. She sighed inwardly and scanned the room.
She couldn't believe it. She truly was amazed. For a company that held a hugely enjoyable summer BBQ for their staff and families and then a spectacular annual dinner dance for staff and favoured clients with seemingly no expense spared, Prakash 's company had absolutely no idea or imagination when it came to their Christmas party. It was the same thing every time and she could only assume it was because they had no entertainment budget left by the end of the year.
But if previous years had been bad, it seemed this time they had plumbed new depths. The chain hotel's advertising leaflets had looked the part. They were extremely colourful and festive and promised a fun filled evening, perfect for any company do! It seemed on the face of it to offer everything you could want.
Commonly used by many hotels it was a pretty standard format with party nights being held every Friday and Saturday evening for a few weeks leading up to Christmas. The menu at this hotel was limited, with pre-selected meals being served but at least there was free entertainment, although it was only a disco. She wasn't sure how good this one would be as she had noticed earlier that it seemed to be just a laptop computer linked to a couple of small speakers.
She reflected back on the evening so far. The food had been poor at best and at the moment they were still being entertained by the mood music prior to the proper disco starting up. She shook her head as she looked round the room once more. The sparse decorations looked cheap and tacky, which overall made the whole room seem completely devoid of any Christmas spirit. To make matters worse all the other companies that were present tonight seemed to have much younger employees, which put them at odds with the general age group of the staff of Foreman's Mechanical Engineering.
Whilst the change of venue had unfortunately been forced on Foremans; to end up here of all places was truly awful for Mili . For the hotel selected was the very one she'd been in a year ago prior to cheating on her husband Prakash for the first time.
She had tried to keep those thoughts out of her mind when they had arrived at the start of the evening. But the memories had come flooding back when they had taken their pre meal drinks in the same bar where she had been entertained by sid the sales manager for Staymo. She had realised she was even sitting on the same bar stool. Maybe that was karma.
Mili worked for C Mart Department Store and Staymo were her departments biggest supplier and therefore her main responsibility. During the previous year she had put a lot of effort into making sure they were happy and being near Christmas, Sid had invited her out for drinks as a reward for her dedication.
What started as a few drinks then led to a meal in the carvery before he drove her home. Invited inside for coffee by a gullible Mili , Sid ended up fucking her. She recalled now that ironically the meal then was certainly better than the food they'd had served tonight.
Her infidelity had been compounded when barely a week later she'd strayed a second time when a seemingly contrite Rob took her to his room in another hotel, ostensibly to give her a peace offering. Unfortunately Mili became so overcome with emotion at his kind gesture that she allowed him to take full advantage of the situation and fuck her again.
Since then, in the last year, she had been unfaithful to her wedding vows on two more occasions, a fact she was deeply ashamed of.
She had thought long and hard about this and had come to the conclusion that it was more that she had been an innocent victim of circumstance, taken advantage of by lecherous men for their own ends rather than any inherent promiscuity and desire to cheat on her husband on her part.
She glanced over at Prakash . He was sat sullenly nursing his drink. He was drinking steadily and whilst not quite the worse for wear he was well on his way. She thought he looked really tired but then again he was working long hours for the company. He wasn't getting enough free time and certainly wasn't paying her much attention. He needs a hobby or to take up golf or something she mused, anything to take his mind off work.
She turned her attention to the table next to theirs. Preeti and Molly saw her look over and laughed as they waved to her. Oh well she thought, at least they're here and Preeti 's always good for a laugh.
The last time she'd been in their company was at a summer party held at Molly's house out in the country. She'd managed to suppress her recollections of that night as well until now. For that was the night she'd been fucked by Preeti 's friend Mick and his marvellous 10" cock. As he'd said at the time, he'd given her the fuck of a lifetime.
She cringed inwardly. To her she'd been unfaithful to her husband Prakash yet again. It wasn't that she actively went out seeking to have sex with other men. It was more that it just kept on raising it's ugly head. She ignored the fact that although Mick had initially forced himself on her; the second time they'd fucked she'd been a more than willing participant although in her defence she had been asleep and dreaming of Prakash when Mick had shoved his cock up between her ass cheeks and into her pussy from behind.
But surely it was the booze that had lowered her resistance, wasn't it? She'd already had a lot to drink before trying that new cider drink which surprisingly had really taken hold of her, completely stripping away her inhibitions and making her unbelievably rampant. So she rationalised and satisfied herself that yet again she'd been an innocent victim of circumstance and that in the future, if she didn't drink too much then she would be okay.
"Come on Mili , let's get you up dancing." Preeti was suddenly there next to her pulling at her arm, jolting her out of her reverie. It was then she realised that the disco music had finally got going.
"Okay okay," Mili laughed, as she got up to join her, Molly and the rest of the female staff of Foremans on the dance floor.
* * *
Prakash sat morosely at the table and watched as Mili got up to dance. He was really tired and if truth be told he hadn't been that bothered about coming out tonight. He knew he was working too hard and of late had been on the road all the time but it was important as he tried to expand his customer base for Foremans.
Still, it was expected by his bosses that he attend and he also realised that he'd been neglecting his wife recently. He'd assumed that she most definitely wouldn't have been happy if he'd said he didn't want to go out tonight.
He took a long drink from his glass of beer. Nearly time for a refill he thought. He glanced over at Mili again.
Mili , unusually for her, was dressed quite conservatively in a blouse that buttoned up to her neck and a skirt that came just below her knee. She was wearing tights and shoes with a sensible two inch heel.
Prakash had insisted that she not wear her usual going out clothes as he thought they might be a little too revealing and could possibly upset the sensitivity of his bosses. He should have realised they didn't care when he saw what Preeti and Molly had come dressed in.
However even this outfit couldn't distract from the fact that she was very shapely. Her 34B breasts might be hidden from view but it was apparent that she was large in that department. Being an attractive blue eyed blonde standing about 5'6" tall with nice, shapely legs men did tend to notice her.
Prakash felt a sudden pang of jealousy as he saw a couple of young men from another company start to dance a little too near to Mili for his liking. He noticed one had moved much closer and now had his hand on her arm. It seemed to Prakash that she welcomed the man's presence as she laughed at something he said to her. He took another drink as he felt a knot form in his stomach and a surge of anger begin to build.
He shook his head. It wasn't like him to feel this way. Normally he encouraged her to dress sexily in anything she wanted but tonight, for some reason he couldn't explain, he'd made her dress more like an old maid.
He knew he was feeling decidedly sorry for himself. He also knew that his relationship with Mili seemed to have altered over the last year. On the odd occasions when they had managed to find time to make love he had struggled to get or even maintain an erection. He'd felt humiliated and useless and this feeling of total inadequacy was starting to get to him.
Mili made light of it. She told him she loved him, that it didn't matter as he always satisfied her, always got her to an orgasm and that was fine with her.
But once...just once, he would like to fuck her to a cock induced climax. He was convinced that once he'd succeeded, it would free him from his shackles and lead to a more fulfilling sex life with his wife.
Due in part to his general overwhelming tiredness but mostly to the increasing frustration at his inability in the bedroom, Prakash had agonised over this problem for some time. It was eating away at him and each failure made his feeling of inadequacy worse.
He had come to the conclusion and this was now firmly embedded in his mind, that the number one priority for any wife to have a successful marriage was for her to enjoy a full and satisfactory sex life. This of course meant she needed a good cock fucking on a regular basis and if the husband couldn't provide it then the wife would surely go looking for it elsewhere. Sadly for Prakash what had started as a generalisation in his mind had now become entirely focused on Mili , his perception of her needs and his current failings to provide them.
Mili meanwhile, blissfully unaware of Prakash 's struggle with his emotions, was enjoying dancing with the girls. She loved to dance but Prakash didn't, so she rarely got the chance. She danced until a number came on that she didn't particularly like and found difficult to dance to. Leaving the girls on the dance floor and seeing that she was close to the entrance to the bar, she decided to take advantage of that proximity and get herself another drink.
Meanwhile back at their table, Prakash took another deep drink from his glass. He knew he wasn't drunk, not quite but if he kept drinking at this rate he soon would be. He was still feeling the pangs of jealousy as he'd watched his wife dancing with other people. She was clearly enjoying herself and the attention she was getting from the men near her, especially without him there to get in her way.
A thought suddenly hit him. It was stupid and it was just a feeling but he let his mind consider it. He'd read somewhere that women fantasise about men with big cocks and he knew from the same article that he was probably below average in size. It was clear that due to his recent inability to get an erection he couldn't give her the cock fucking he was convinced she desired and therefore she couldn't possibly be satisfied with him.
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He mulled over these factoids. So to recap; women longed for big cocks, the bigger the better, he was way too small and couldn't get it up anyway. So was she already looking for it elsewhere? Indeed, had she ever been unfaithful to him already? A nervous, sick feeling hit him in the pit of his stomach.
Nonsense! Mili would never cheat on me he chastised himself. He knew she'd had a bit of a reputation for being promiscuous before they'd met but she'd never gone into any great detail about her past. And why should she. It was nothing to do with him. Although...
He took another gulp of his beer. He hadn't thought this way for some time but maybe he did have that masochistic streak that haunts some men. Those men who have a compulsive desire to know about their partner's past life and any sordid details. He shook his head. He was definitely feeling sorry for himself.
He brought his glass to his lips before realising it was empty. He needed another drink. He stood up, swaying slightly before regaining his balance and staggered off towards the bar.
* * *
As Prakash was drowning in his melancholy, Mili , with drink in hand had wandered back to the doorway to re-enter the Ballroom where the disco was playing. Just as she did Preeti appeared in front of her.
Mili smiled knowingly to herself. Unsurprisingly for Yvonne, she had acquired two new admirers who were trailing behind her.
"Hey Mili , this is Suresh and his friend," she said waving in their general direction. "I'm sorry but I don't know his friend's name," she giggled.
Mili knew Preeti was a terrible flirt and had left many a man hanging at the end of a night out, thinking they were going to get to bang her. But Preeti always went home to her husband. Everyone thought he was a lucky man; well the men did anyway!
"Hi Mili ," Suresh said, barely glancing at her before looking longingly back at Yvonne.
"Hello," said the friend, "I'm Rahul , Rahul . Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"Hello Rahul ," Mili replied with a bemused smile. His formal greeting seemed a bit at odds with his youthful age.
As they all made small talk a tune came on that Mili liked and she couldn't resist. The rhythm and beat got to her and she started to move and sway her hips in time to the music. It just seemed natural when Rahul took her hand and twirled her around.
They had only been dancing in the doorway for a minute or so when out of nowhere a visibly irate Prakash stormed up. He'd spotted Mili as soon as he'd left their table and with his insecurity clearly evident had convinced himself she was canoodling with this man and he now gave free rein to his anger.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!" he said fiercely in a loud whisper. Mili was shocked. She noticed people at nearby tables look over and begin to pay attention to them, their interest raised by Prakash 's sudden outburst.
"Everyone's looking at you, you're supposed to be at a party with me, your husband, not off dancing with every Tom, Dick or Harry."
He turned on Rahul . "And you.. get the fuck away from my wife...get it!"
Rahul stood back, clearly shocked as Prakash roughly grabbed at Mili 's arm and pulled her away from him. He moved forward. "Now look here, mate..." he began before Prakash turned on him.
Rahul faltered, seeing the look of rage in Prakash 's eyes. It wasn't worth it he thought.
Prakash gave him the stare. The one that dares you to make something out of it, daring you to say something more; before he turned away and almost dragged Mili back to their table.
"What the hell was that all about," Mili hissed at him, visibly furious at his outburst. She was struggling to free herself from his grip.
"You making a fool of yourself. My bosses were watching you as well," Prakash seethed.
"The only person making a fool of themself is YOU!" she retorted angrily.
She sat down but turned her chair away from him. What had started out as a bad night had turned considerably worse. Prakash glared at her. He wanted to say something, anything but was still too annoyed. He made the decision to go back to the bar to get his drink. He didn't reappear for some time, which just made matters worse between them.
The evening ruined, they eventually left the party early, not speaking to each other.
* * *
The following day the atmosphere between the two of them was extremely frosty and they still weren't speaking much during the week that followed.
A few days later Mili had just arrived home from work when Yvonne rang.
"Hi Mili , it's me. Just checking to see if you're still okay to come out with me and the girls on Friday?"
"Oh hi Yvonne ... and why wouldn't I be?" Mili replied, somewhat sharply.
"Oh, I just thought after the works 'do' you might be banned from going out with us," Yvonne said brightly.
"Prakash has no say in the matter, he never has had and he certainly won't now!" Mili sparked.
"Okay, okay calm down. Sorry. I take it things haven't improved then?" Yvonne said trying to keep neutral. She worked with Prakash and liked him.
"No they haven't," Mili replied. "I'm waiting for him to apologise. He was totally out of order and that outburst was embarrassing to say the least but he's so stubborn sometimes..."
"Oh dear," Yvonne sympathised, "Well never mind. It sounds like you're well in need of a good night out with the girls then. So...we've decided to meet at the Sainik Farm at eight o'clock. Is that okay with you?"
"Yep, that's fine by me," Mili said firmly, "Should be a good night. So I'll see you at eight then."
* * *
It was Friday night and Mili arrived at the Sainik farm a little after eight. She looked stunning. Tonight she had paid special attention to her makeup...well it was nearly Christmas after all...and had her hair styled slightly differently. She was also wearing her brand new Christmas Party Dress especially bought for the occasion that very day.
Made from a material that had a satin feel and look about it the dress was strapless, had a plunging neckline and flared out from the waist due to layers of chiffon underneath. It came about four inches above her knee, which was enough to hide the fact she was wearing thigh high stockings. A black lacy thong was her only underwear and black 4" stiletto heels completed the outfit.
She certainly drew attention to herself as she strutted into the bar to find Yvonne, Molly and the rest of the girls waiting for her. Her 34B breasts were hardly contained as they swelled and bounced over the top of her dress, looking as if they would escape at any time. It was certainly a fact she had a very impressive cleavage on display.
"Wow," preeti said with a broad smile, "you look great...if I was a man, I'd fuck you right here, right now. In fact I might do it anyway," she laughed.
"Did Prakash see you before you came out?" Molly asked seriously.
"No he didn't," Mili replied haughtily, "he wasn't home when I came out. Not that it would matter as we're still not talking much. Anyway, sod him, let's party!"
The plan as always was to have a few drinks in the Farms before moving on to a nightclub. For the time of the year it was a remarkably mild night, which was just as well as they had to queue to get into the club and were waiting outside for a good twenty minutes or more.
Once inside though they headed straight to the bar to get more drinks.
Locating and laying claim to a table where they deposited their drinks, the girls hit the dance floor and Mili in particular let herself go to the music. After the debacle of Prakash 's work's Christmas party she was determined to enjoy herself.
It was some time later and as it was Mili 's turn to get the drinks in she dutifully trotted off to the bar. Waiting to be served, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Here we go again she sighed to herself. She turned reluctantly, fully expecting to be confronted by the usual drunken, leering face of some low life who thought he was god's gift to women. She was startled when she found herself looking into the face of a good looking man. A good looking man with a broad smile on his face.
"Hello," she said, slightly taken aback. She felt a flicker of recognition but couldn't quite place him.
"It is you, I thought it was when you came in," replied the man. "I'm Rahul , I'm not sure if you remember me?"
"Rahul ?...oh yes...Rahul could I forget," Mili said with a smile, quickly covering up her surprise. "How are you? Look, I'm really sorry about the other night and what happened; my husband was extremely rude."
"It's not a problem," Rahul replied. "I'd probably feel the same way if I was married to you and saw you hand in hand with another man." He looked pointedly at her, dropping his eyes from her face down to her exposed chest and back again. The inference was blindingly obvious. Mili felt herself blush.
"He's not here is he?" he added as he looked nervously round the room.
"No, no, relax, he's not with me tonight, I'm here with the girls," she laughed, as she pointed over to them.
"Well maybe we could have that dance later that we didn't get to finish?" he said cheekily.
"Maybe," Mili replied over her shoulder as she carried the drinks back to the girls.
Rahul watched as she walked away. He couldn't quite believe it. He usually preferred women with darker hair and Mili was blonde. But he would definitely make an exception tonight if need be. It all depended on whether he got lucky.
What had swayed him was her impressive rack. He'd sort of got an idea at the Christmas party night that she was fairly welled endowed and he was most definitely a big tit man. But he had no idea she had such an impressive cleavage. Wow! In a way, he was already hoping that he didn't meet his ideal woman tonight so he could concentrate on Mili .
* * *
As the evening progressed the group of girls became somewhat fragmented. Yvonne had wandered off somewhere and no doubt was being her usual flirtatious self and Mili and most of the rest of the girls were on the dance floor. Excusing herself, Mili left to visit the ladies restroom. As she came back out the door; her attention diverted as she checked her mobile phone; she bumped into someone.
"Oh sorry," she apologetically blurted out, "I didn't's you Rahul ."
"Hello, fancy meeting you here," he said smiling. He'd been waiting for her to make an appearance. He'd just crashed and burned with the dark haired beauty he'd first targeted and so was now eager to implement Plan B.
"I take it that you're ready for that dance now seeing as you were obviously just about to call or text me." He glanced down at the mobile phone in her hand and back up again.
Mili saw the mischievous look in his eyes, as he took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.
Mili laughed at his cheek and willingly went with him. The music was pulsating and Mili began to really enjoy herself as she threw herself wholeheartedly into her dancing. After a few tunes, she was breathing quite heavily when the music changed to a slower number. As she turned to leave the floor, Rahul grabbed her arm.
"Don't go," he said. Mili hesitated briefly before allowing him to pull her close to his chest.
His arms slipped round her waist and as her breathing came back to normal she realised that Rahul had slipped his hands down and was now squeezing her ass cheeks through the chiffon material of her dress. She could also feel a definite lump pressing into her thigh.
Mmmm...okay...time to put a stop to this she thought.
She tilted her head back to look at him. "Come on Rahul , come and buy me a drink." She took his hand and led him off the dance floor into the quieter bar area of the nightclub.
They took two of the stools at the bar and perched themselves up on them. Rahul ordered them both drinks and they began to chat. He seemed genuinely interested in her job at Bromptons and Mili found out that he had only been at the hotel Christmas party as the guest of a friend. He was actually at University and was only home for the holidays.
"Oh, I see," Mili asked, her interest piqued as he looked too old to be at University. "So how old are you?"
"I'm twenty six," he replied. Mili looked at him quizzically.
He laughed. "Yeah I know...but I went to university late as I was doing other things first. This is my final year, I graduate next July."
As they continued to talk, Mili realised that Rahul had placed his hand on her knee and was now slowly sliding it up and down her stocking clad thigh. She didn't re-act as he seemed to be doing it subconsciously rather than with any particular ulterior motive and she actually found it fairly pleasurable as it sent little shivers running through her body.
Judging by the smile on his face she thought Rahul was probably thinking the same, although he seemed to smile most of the time anyway. She knew though that she could stop him at any time she wanted if he got too amorous.
Mili cocked her head. She heard the driving beat start of a song she liked and that was a joy to let yourself go to. "Come on let's go back and dance," she said enthusiastically. She drained her glass and jumped down off her stool, pulling Rahul after her.
Back on the dance floor Mili once more began to enjoy letting herself go to the beat of the music and Rahul was proving to be a pretty good dance partner. Twenty minutes flew by before Mili saw Preeti making her way over to them through the throng of people.
"Right I'm going," she shouted into Mili 's ear when she arrived, "I've got a lift, do you want to come?"
"No I'm fine yet. Besides it's far to early to go yet. I'll get one of the other girls to give me a lift home," Mili shouted back. She was in no hurry to return home to the strained atmosphere with Prakash .
"Okay, sweety have fun." And with that preeti left. Mili continued to dance.
During the course of the next hour Mili stayed with Rahul . Without realising she became more and more detached from her group of friends. Enjoying his company, they alternated between drinking and dancing. He was great to dance with and very witty and charming. When they weren't dancing they were drinking and Rahul , for his part, was making sure Mili was getting drink inside her at every available opportunity.
The final slow song of the evening came on and again Rahul pulled Mili close to him. She didn't resist this time as he held her tight, relishing the feel of her large breasts pushing against his chest. As they swayed slowly together it seemed natural for him to pull away before looking down into her eyes.
Slightly surprised at his movement she tilted her head up and he took that opportunity to kiss her. He pushed at her lips and as they parted his tongue entered her mouth and swirled with hers. Holding the kiss he managed to get a hand up between their bodies and cupped one of her breasts before giving it a loving squeeze. He couldn't be sure but he thought he felt Mili respond to his touch. The thought that she had, excited him and he felt the first stirrings of his arousal.
They danced together holding each other closely and as they continued to kiss deeply, Rahul continued to work on Mili 's breasts. They didn't draw undue attention to themselves as all the couples left on the dance floor for the final smoochy song were making out too.
As the lights came on they separated and Mili , initially embarrassed, looked round the sparsely populated dance floor. Most people had already drifted away and she'd not noticed. As she sought out the familiar faces of her friends Mili realised that everyone had left her. She was alone.
"Unbelievable, everyone's gone and left me. I suppose I'll have to ring for a taxi," she said as she rummaged through her bag trying to find her mobile phone.
"Not to worry," Rahul said, "I've come in my car. I can give you a lift, if you want."
"Are you sure?" Mili replied, "I don't want to put you out."
"I can assure you, it will be my pleasure," he said with a smile. Who wouldn't want to spend more time with you he thought as he gazed again at her large breasts, which bulged invitingly over the top of her dress.
Mili turned to leave, dancing as she did to the music from the last but one dance track, which for some reason had lodged itself in her head the way annoying tunes do sometimes. Rahul watched her hips swaying and looked down at her legs. They looked sensational. He gulped as he felt the bulge in his pants get bigger.
"Where we going?" Mili slurred as the fresh air hit her outside and had an immediate effect on her body. She staggered slightly as she turned to look at Rahul who quickly caught hold of her arm to steady her.
"Ooops," she giggled. Rahul put an arm round her waist and guided her round the corner and into an alley.
"This way Mili ," he said, "my car's parked on a bit of waste ground down at the end of here."
As they walked down the alley, Mili in her drunken state began to sing. Completely out of key and not knowing the words she was laughing more than singing but continued with her impromptu dancing although now it was more like three steps forward and two steps back as she lurched along. But with each step back she provocatively thrust her ass towards Rahul .
For Rahul the sight of this was more than a hot blooded male could stand. After the fourth time she did it he closed in quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist. They gyrated together as they stumbled up the alley, his growing bulge firmly implanted between her ass cheeks.
It was all becoming too much for him. His erection was throbbing painfully as his desire grew and grew. Throwing caution to the wind he took his chance. He stopped suddenly, spun Mili round and taking her in his arms, kissed her.
"Mmmmm..." She moaned into his mouth responding immediately to his kiss. Her lips parted and their tongues met. His hand slipped up to cup her breast. He squeezed.
"Mmmmm..." she moaned again. All reason had left her as she responded to the base passion of her body. She didn't care who she was with right now she just knew she wanted some kind of satisfaction.
Their kissing intensified as Rahul continued to squeeze Mili 's breasts. She leaned into him as her arms closed round his neck and she tilted her head to the side. Their tongues were fully engaged, swirling madly inside each others mouths, deepening their desire.
Rahul broke the kiss first. He had no more time to waste. He wanted just one thing. Leaving her briefly, he opened a gate to the backyard of a derelict building and peered inside. He looked across the yard to what had once been an outhouse. Good, no-one about. He knew this location well, he'd used it before.
Mili 's eyes were half closed. She was having difficulty standing on her own and all she wanted right now was for Rahul to come back and kiss her again. She thought he was really good at it. She hiccuped. But he'd pulled away from her and left her dangling, waiting. She hiccuped again.
"Come on." Rahul returned, took her hand and pulled her after him.
Mili blinked, trying to open her eyes wider. She couldn't seem to focus but she sensed Rahul was taking her through a gate or something. She stumbled as her 4" stiletto heels caught on the uneven paving as Rahul dragged her further inside towards the outhouse.
She wasn't sure where Rahul was taking her but she had a fleeting thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She had realised she was drunk as soon as the fresh air had hit her and drink always made her horny especially when her breasts were groped and she could already feel the growing damp patch between her legs as well.
Entering the near derelict outbuilding, Rahul sat down on what was left of a window sill bringing Mili to stand just in front of him. His eyes took in the sight of her magnificent 34B breasts as they bulged out the top of her dress, threatening to completely spill over at any moment. He looked up and smiled as he saw that she was swaying slightly and her eyes were once more half closed. He figured she was ripe for the taking.
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He leaned forward and brought his right hand up and placed it on her inner right thigh and began to stroke upwards. He revelled in the feel of her marvellous legs, feeling the silky smoothness of her sheer stockings beneath his fingertips.
Mili gasped at the first contact of his hand on her thigh. She trembled as a pulse of electricity coursed through her body. Her chest heaved as her breathing became rapid, her massive breasts moving and straining within the confines of her party dress.
Leaving his right hand to caress up and down her inner thigh Rahul turned his attention to her magnificent orbs. Reaching up with his left hand he fondled and then pressed into the flesh above the top of the dress. He delighted in the swell of her breasts and the cool softness of her skin. Without thinking, Mili leaned lower to help him gain better access.
His hand slid down into her impressive cleavage and he squeezed again and again, marvelling at how firm and heavy her breasts felt. Delving deeper he brushed against her nipples and felt them harden immediately from his touch. He squeezed each one in turn between finger and thumb and felt them swell.
"Rahul" Mili responded as her eyes closed completely. Her hips moved.
Using both hands, he tugged the top of her dress down in one swift movement. Her large breasts fell forward, jiggling and swaying violently for a second or two before settling to hang pendulously in front of his face.
Raising both hands, he cupped a breast in each and slowly groped them for several minutes, pushing his fingers deep into her flesh as he did.
"Oh yes," he groaned. He began to alternate between cupping and then squeezing and massaging her breasts, his fingers every now and again brushing against her swollen nipples. He knew she liked that as she jumped slightly with each contact with her erect nubs.
"God...your tits are fantastic," he sighed.
Bringing her massive breasts nearer his face he circled round each of her aureoles with his tongue before flicking it over her nipples. Catching one in his mouth, he sucked hard.
"Aaaahhhh..." Mili gasped loudly. Highly aroused, she now shifted her stance, her legs opening slightly.
Rahul moved his right hand back up her thigh, immediately sliding straight up to her mound.
"Aaaarrrhhhh ..." Mili moaned, opening her legs wider as Rahul 's hand cupped her pussy. It was smooth, hairless and already wet. He smiled to himself. He knew this was going to end well!
"I shouldn't...we...we shouldn' think...we...we...I'm married..." Mili 's eyes opened as a rare moment of clarity hit her drink befuddled mind. "We should...shouldn't be... mmmm...Rahul"
Rahul gazed up into her face as he moved his hand down and lightly traced it round her swollen pussy lips. He pressed into her welcoming juicy slit with his fingers, pushing her wet thong inside.
"Okay," he said with a smile, "you can go if you want. Nobody's stopping you." He pushed his fingers deeper inside. Mili shifted her stance to allow him better access.
"I..." she exhaled deeply.
"The gate's over there." He nodded in the general direction of the alley. "Leave if that's what you want."
As he uttered the final words he thrust his fingers in harder, all the way in an upward movement.
"Ooohhh..."Mili gasped, her stomach tightening in spasm from the feeling deep inside. Her eyes closed. She wasn't going anywhere and Rahul knew it.
"No...I don't want...uuunnnggg..." Mili sighed deeply, as she felt his finger enter her. Arching her back from the initial shock she twitched again. "Ooooohhhh...No I...don't..." she sighed deeply once more as she tried to push down on the finger striving to get it deeper inside.
Rahul continued to slide his finger in and out. He was encouraged as Mili responded with greater flexing of her hips. Her breathing became shallower as she panted with each thrust of Rahul 's finger into her tight, wet pussy.
Rahul kissed her. She kissed back with a force that took him by surprise, her mouth working overtime as she tried to push her tongue down his throat as far as it would go.
He felt his cock pushing hard against his trousers as his lust manifested itself. Rahul couldn't believe how passionate she had become, she was wild. He had not expected Mili to react this way at all!
Breaking the kiss, Rahul stood up, unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock. He was excited and he'd had enough of foreplay. All he wanted now was to get his cock inside her.
Stepping to stand behind her, he quickly bent her over. She gasped at the suddenness of his actions and temporarily unbalanced grabbed hold of the window sill where he had just been sitting.
She looked tentatively back over her shoulder. He saw her gulp as her eyes took in the sight of his cock as he moved closer to enter her.
"Oh fuuuuucckk..." Rahul groaned to himself. He couldn't have cared less about her look of trepidation. He took time to savour the view before him as if trying to imprint in his mind for all time. Her ass sticking up in the night air, her breasts swinging freely below, her shapely legs clad in sheer stockings and fantastically accentuated by her 4" stiletto heels. It would make for wonderful memories. Hopefully the sex would live long in the memory too.
He lifted her dress and the layers of chiffon up and over her hips. He lovingly ran his hands round her ass, squeezing and kneading her cheeks before he pulled her thong to one side and with no finesse rammed his cock straight in.
"Nnngggrrr ... Uuuuhhhhnnggg ..." Mili screamed, more in shock at the brutality of his initial entry thrust rather than any other feeling.
"Fuck...yeah," Rahul exclaimed as he took firm hold of her hips. It was every thing he'd hoped for. She was wonderfully tight and he could already feel her pussy had clenched around his cock trying to hold him in.
He took her hard. He withdrew then rammed straight back in. He repeated, drawing almost fully out before pulling firmly on her hips and slamming back inside. Mili grunted loudly with every one of his forceful thrusts. Rahul could feel his cock was now slick with her free flowing juices as it began to slide freely in and out.
"Oooooowwwwrrrrr...Oohhmmyygoddd..." she wailed as her orgasm exploded sending wave after wave of intense pleasure cascading through her body, catching her and Rahul by surprise.
He reached down to fondle her impressive 34B breasts as they swung back and forth in time to his thrusts, his balls slapping against Mili 's ass cheeks as he now buried his full length inside her. His hand slipped to her clit and his rubbing quickly brought her to a second orgasm.
He knew he wasn't going to last much longer. In truth he'd nearly come himself with her first orgasm but somehow and he had no idea how, he'd managed to hold it back. He bent her lower to give greater depth to his thrusts and as she orgasmed again he felt his own building.
As he stiffened, he made one last deep thrust and let loose. Mili tensed as she felt pulse after pulse of his sticky white cum flooding into her pussy. This seemed to sober her up instantly as realisation dawned of what she had just done.
Milking it to the last, not wanting it to have ended, Rahul reluctantly slipped out of her. Mili staggered as she stood upright, before she re-adjusted her thong, pulled her dress back down over her hips and crammed her sore breasts back into the top.
"Are you okay," Rahul asked tentatively. She didn't look too happy judging by the expression on her face.
"Fine," she replied curtly. "Can you take me home now please."
"Yeah, no problem," he answered. He shot a furtive glance in her direction. Even though she had that just fucked look about her, he knew he wanted her again. She was everything he'd hoped she'd be and more.
Mili , blissfully unaware of Rahul 's thoughts grimaced to herself as she felt his cum begin to ooze from her pussy and trickle down her thighs, her sopping wet thong providing no barrier at all.
She suddenly felt a wave of nausea and swallowed hard, trying to combat the queasy feeling building inside her.
She didn't know if it was the drink making her feel like this or whether it was the disgust she already felt regarding her latest actions. This was certainly by far the worst of her growing list of indiscretions. What HAD she been thinking.
Even though she had said no to Rahul at some point, it had been extremely halfhearted. So, far from it being forced or reluctant she had in fact seemingly handed herself to Rahul on a plate, as if part of her was deliberately trying to hurt and punish Prakash .
It crossed her mind that she was almost back to her pre married sex life. Back then, if she went for a night out it invariably ended up with a one night stand. It wasn't that she was a slut. She only had sex if she went out and she didn't go out every week. There was also the odd occasion when she didn't get picked up. But overall it had been a pretty regular occurrence all the same.
In comparison, her recent dalliances and indiscretions had been mostly interspersed over several months. However, the big difference now was she was married and had taken vows to love, honour and cherish her husband and to forsake all others.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts made her head swim. She paused to let it clear before she stumbled after Rahul as they walked towards his car.
She wasn't looking forward to facing Prakash now. Her anger towards him had finally gone only to be replaced with a fresh anger. An anger that was completely and utterly directed at herself.
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