Bet - Copied
Taylor Smith was getting ready for her calculus class. It was her one early class and she had to be there at nine. Math wasn't a problem other than the time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she had calculus. She was good at math, just not getting up so early. Taylor was at the top of the social ladder at Hampton College, a small private college on the eastern seaboard, very expensive and very exclusive. She attended this college because her mother did, and so did her grandmother. The women in Taylor's family always went to Hampton. It was a tradition for all the Smith women. Taylor, like her mother, was co-captain of the Dance team, and a star of the track team. She was a sprinter, excelling in 100 meters, 200 meters, and long jump. Taylor had been second in all three statewide in high college. 

Not only was she a great athlete, but she was also beautiful. She was 5'6" tall and about 120 lbs. Her light brown hair fell to just below her shoulders and framed her face perfectly. Although she was an athlete, she wasn't muscle bound. She wished her tits were a little larger, at 34B, but her slim waist and an ass to die for made a perfect package, and she knew it. Taylor never wanted for anything and always got her way. She was envied by the other girls, enjoying their reactions as she flaunted her looks and social status. 

In high college, she was the prom queen and dated the hottest guys, but only put out when she wanted and was not a slut. She used her assets to her advantage and was always surrounded only by friends with the same wealth and social status as her. Although she was very smart, she wasn't above using her looks to get away with almost anything. 

Her BFF, Nicole, and her younger sister, Ash, were always nearby. Nicole was a former Gymnast and Taylor's main track rival. Taylor and Nicole competed in almost everything from track, to college, to boys, and even seeing which of them could humiliate someone worse. They never failed to point out any defects in other girls whenever possible. The two of them often ganged up on any girl who they felt might want to compete with them. 

Her sister Ash, a freshman, was almost a clone of Taylor, but with blond hair and "C" cup breasts. She was a year behind Taylor. The three of them were almost inseparable. If you saw one, the others were nearby. They loved to show off, dressing in stylish clothes and flaunting their looks, wealth, and social status. It was usually Nicole and Taylor leading the way. Ash always followed along, but rarely took part in the humiliation of others. 

Even if Ash didn't partake in beating down other rivals, she did compete with her sister. Often betting with the other two, Taylor suspected Ash was a little jealous of her and used that to her advantage. Later today was a big track meet with Hampton's primary rival, McKinley College. The two colleges competed in just about everything, from sports, to academics, to social status, and even scholarships. The two colleges were located only fifty miles apart and had long traditions of high standards. 

Taylor and Nicole were key members of the track team and were favored to win their events. McKinley's team had several girls the pair had competed against since high college. But this year, there was some new competition. McKinley had a new star on the team. Her name was Alka, a Middle Eastern transfer student who was tearing up the league. She ran the exact events as Taylor and Nicole, and was McKinley's best hope to win the meet. 

The three friends walked across the campus heading to class, Nicole and Taylor to Calculus, and Ash to Psych 101. Taylor and Nicole were talking about the upcoming meet and Ash was ribbing them about what would happen if they lost. They were laughing and cutting up, when around the corner walked Ky, Taylor's oldest rival. The two of them had competed against each other since elementary college. It seemed that regardless of what they did, they were always on opposite sides. 

Ky was pretty and skinny, with dark brown hair. She was only 5'6" tall, but her long legs made her look taller. Taylor loved to razz her about her lack of tits, always saying that if she had short hair she would look like a boy. Ky on the other hand gave it right back saying Taylor had a fat ass and thunder thighs. 

"Hey Thunder, ready to lose today?" Ky sneered. Thunder was Ky's nickname for Taylor. 

"Fuck you TT, Hampton stands no chance." Taylor answered back, using her nickname for Ky, Tiny Tits. 

"Hampton will definitely win, but with no thanks to your fat ass." Ky answered. 

"Oh, I'll win alright. Lucky for you McKinley doesn't have a dance team. How embarrassing would it be to lose to a no talent college with fat hoes? I didn't think dance was a sport anyways." Taylor spat back. 

"I can't wait to see your expression when you lose today. It would make my day." Ky goaded. 

"Not happening TT. Don't forget that I haven't lost all year, and I'm not about to start today." Taylor said confidently. 

"Wanna bet, Thunder Thighs?" Ky spat back. 

"Sure, but you got nothing I want TT." Taylor answered. 

"Oh I've got a good one. I'm thinking if you lose how about I get to choose your clothes for a day?" Ky suggested. 

"No fucking way, you'll have me walking around dressed like a slut." Taylor snarled. 

"Okay here's the deal. The loser will spend the day in a bikini, cuffed to the flag pole in front of the Student Center. How's that Thunder?" Ky barked back. "I can't wait to see your fat thighs on display for the entire college." Ky continued. 

"Yeah, well I'd love to show everyone how flat you really are. If you didn't have nipples, you wouldn't have bumps at all." Taylor sneered. 

"You're on fat ass, see you at the meet. I'll be at the finish line waiting for you to follow the victor across it." Ky spat back and walked away. 

Taylor was pissed. She hated Ky, especially after the last wager they made on test scores. Ky had beat her by a half point, 93.5 to 93. Because of that, Taylor had to wear bib overalls and put her hair in pigtails for a day. She couldn't wait to put the bitch in her place. 

The rest of the day was uneventful as the two rivals didn't cross paths until the start of the meet. That's when Ky walked up to Taylor and gushed, "Better stop by the store for some sunscreen on the way home, loser." 

"I sure will because you'll need it slut." She barked back. 

"Pretty sure of yourself Thunder, care to up the bet?" Ky offered. 

"Sure TT, how about the winner gets to pick out the suit too?" Taylor offered. "But for you I can choose a little girl's suit. You don't have anything to cover anyways." 

"You're on. Like I said, I'll see you at the finish line. 100 meters right?" 

"Right. And I'll love rubbing your face in my victory." Taylor answered. 

Taylor, Nicole, and Ash continued to their classes, Taylor gushing about how what suit she was going to pick out for Ky, and Nicole offering suggestions. Ash followed behind and finally said, "I wonder why Ky would even make such a bet. Taylor, you haven't lost so far this year, and only lost twice last year because you were sick. Something isn't right." She offered. 

"She's a stupid, no tits slut and I'm going to love watching her cuffed to the flagpole." Taylor answered full of confidence. 

The rest of the day went pretty quickly. Taylor sat through two classes and then went to the track to start her pre-meet routine. By the time the meet started, she was loose and ready. The two premier events at any track meet were the 100 and 200 meter dashes. Usually they are two of the last events, separated by only a half hour or so. 

Finally the 100 meter race was announced. Taylor, Nicole, and Sally represented Hampton. Nicole looked over at the McKinley runners. Two were familiar to her. Brenda, who Taylor had raced against since high college, and had never lost to, and Crystal, who was on the team last year. She wasn't worried about either of them, but the third girl she didn't recognize. She was Middle-Eastern, her mocha skin color stood out from all the other competitors. But what caught Taylor's attention the most was her build. She was tall, lean, and looked like female Usain Bolt. Her legs, arms, and body looked more like a gazelle and, at almost six feet tall, and were quite intimidating. 

For the first time in a long time, there was a twinge of doubt that briefly passed through her head, but was quickly dismissed. The runners lined up at the starting blocks, Taylor in lane six, the tall unknown opponent in lane one. Taylor completed her starting routine and waited for the race to begin. 


She lowered her head. 


Her ass raised and her muscles tensed. 


Taylor shot out of the blocks, her attention on her form. Pump, pump, breathe, pump, pump, breathe, push, push, push, stretch, it's over! Taylor looked to her left and the tall gazelle in lane one was right beside her. She quickly looked up at the scoreboard and waited. The results weren't posted yet. 'Fuck it must be close. Photo?' 

There was a few seconds before the board lit up. "AAHAHHAHHA NNNNOOO, SECOND!!" She screamed. "No fucking way," she looked at the times 12.51, her third best time ever. She looked at the winning time, 12.43. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!'bounced around inside her head over and over. Taylor started to turn around when she heard Ky call out, "Wait Thunder, I want to hear you say you lost!" She heard Ky giggle. 

"Fuck off Ky. You won, okay?" Taylor grumbled. 

"That's music to my ears, Thunder," Ky was practically gushing. "How about tomorrow for your day cuffed to the flagpole?" Ky continued. "Or would you like a chance to get out of it?" Ky offered. 

Taylor stopped in her tracks, "How?" She asked. 

"You still have on more event, how about double or nothing?" Ky said. 

"The 200? Nothing or cuffed to the pole for two days? No thanks." Taylor answered. 

"Oh lose one race and quit? I thought you were a winner. But know if you lose, you would only spend one day at the pole. And the second day, you wear whatever I give you. Plus, I still get to pick out your suit for the pole" Ky explained. 

Taylor thought about it. The 100 was her best event. She ran the 200 well, but not as well as the 100. "Wait. About the suit. I have to be covered, no sheer suits, and no wicked weasels. It has to be a normal suit that covers me." Taylor demanded. 

"Oh you'll be covered, but what about the bet?" Ky pressured, "Or are you chicken, Thunder Thighs?" 

Taylor was pissed and practically screamed, "You're on, I'll do it!" 

"Great, but I need some insurance. I don't want you to back out." Ky demanded. 

"What insurance? What do you want?" Taylor asked. 

"You have about 45 minutes before the next race, follow me," Ky said and walked towards the locker room. 

Taylor was steaming mad, but followed her hated rival to the locker room. 

"Okay, what is the insurance?" Taylor demanded. 

"Simple," Ky answered and pulled out a camera. "Strip. I want ten pictures of you naked. I'll store them on this SD card and put it into an envelope. We will seal it up and sign the outside. If you complete the bet and win, you get the envelope back. If you don't, I get it." Ky explained. "Otherwise, the new bet is off and you spend tomorrow cuffed to the flagpole while wearing whatever suit I give you." 

Taylor didn't want any nude pictures of her floating around out there, but there was also no way she wanted to be cuffed to the flagpole. She knew who was in the 200 and she had beaten them all before, so looking at her rival she spat, "Okay fine, let's get this over with." 

Ky practically squealed and pulled the camera up to her face. "Excellent! Get naked, Thunder." 

Taylor quickly stripped out of her track uniform. She stood naked in front of Ky and waited for her to snap the first picture. 

"Oh not like that slut. Sit down on the bench and spread your legs." She demanded. 

Taylor did as she was told, but as soon as her legs were spread wide, exposing her pussy, she realized she was wet. She looked up at Ky and noticed she was looking between Taylor's legs. A second later Ky's eyes went back to Taylor's face and an evil smile broke out. 

"Is someone enjoying themselves while showing off?" She giggled and took the picture. Taylor turned several shades of red but didn't respond. Ky directed Taylor into several poses, with each one a little more obscene than the last. When they got to the tenth picture, Taylor was gushing and her body flushed. She had long ago quit complaining and only wanted it to be over. She had to win the race. 

"Okay, Thunder. Last pic, on your knees and hands behind your back." Ky instructed. When Taylor was in position, she walked behind her and slipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists. 

"Hey, take them off! No cuffs." Taylor demanded. 

"It's the last pic and I want it to be the best. Now, I'm sure someone will be coming in any second. We can talk about it, or you can just suck it up and let me finish." Ky answered. 

Taylor dropped her head, she really didn't have a choice, but in the back of her mind she was already thinking about how to get the bitch back. 

It was Ky writing on Taylor's chest that broke Taylor out of her thoughts. She looked down at her chest and in large black letters was the word "SLUT" in large letters just above her tits. She looked up at Ky and heard the camera click. With that click, her fate was sealed if she didn't win the race. 

Ky laughed as she walked out of the locker room, tossing the key to the handcuffs on the floor, leaving Taylor naked on her knees, her chest emblazoned with graffiti. Taylor clumsily felt around and grabbed the key, unlocked the cuffs, and jumped up, rushing to the sinks. She wanted that word washed off as quickly as possible. Unfortunately Ky had used a Sharpie marker and it wouldn't come off no matter how hard she scrubbed with the paper towels. She growled at what had happened and was about to scream when she heard voices just outside the locker room door. Panicking, she grabbed her uniform and dashed into a stall, slamming the door behind her. 

"I'm going to get that bitch back if it's the last thing I do." She swore under her breath. Taylor slipped into her shorts and pulled the top over her head. What she didn't do, when she rushed into the stall, was dry off. The thin tee shirt top stuck to her tits like glue and her new tattoo, although temporary, shone through. 

Taylor sat on the toilet waiting for the girls who just entered to leave so she could use the hand dryer to dry her shirt, but they weren't in any hurry. She knew the 200 was about to be announced and she should be out there already getting warmed up. But how could she walk out with her top wet and the word "SLUT" clearly visible? 

It was only a minute or so later, when Taylor heard the announcer's voice over the loudspeaker. 

"Next event the 200 meters." 

She was desperate now. Even if the girls left, she had no time to dry her top. Her only choice was to suck it up and walk out to the track. Taylor took a couple deep breaths, opened the stall door and rushed out to the track. She kept her arms over her chest to keep anyone from noticing, but once she was on the track, there was no way to hide it any longer. 

Taylor took her position in the third lane and glanced to the right. Beside her, Nicole was staring with her mouth open. 

"What the fuck?" She whispered. 

Taylor growled and put her head down, looking at the track. A second later, one of the McKinley girls lined up next to her. Taylor glanced over and moaned. It was the gazelle that had beat her in the 100. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her body and her muscles tensed. Taylor knew she had to relax; otherwise she would pull a hamstring or something. But she had no chance as she heard the starter begin to speak. 




The starter gun went off and the runners blasted out of the blocks. Taylor tried to concentrate but she was already behind. She hesitated out of the blocks. It took her a few strides to gain her rhythm, but in twenty or so yards she was gaining on the mocha gazelle in front of her. She pushed up the pace trying to make up the distance and was soon pulling up next to her. They passed the 100 meter mark and it was Taylor and the gazelle stride for stride. At the 150 meter mark, Taylor decided to make her move and tried to push her body to the limit. It was earlier than she liked to do her kick, but the gazelle matched her sprint and now it was coming down to the last 15 meters. Taylor's legs burned and her breathing was labored as she tried to squeeze every ounce of energy out of her body. There was no way she could lose this race. 

10 meters, still stride for stride, when the gazelle kicked it up a notch and pulled away. Taylor had nothing more to give as she watched the woman pass the finish line with almost two steps advantage. She crossed the finish line and dropped to her knees. She was panting and her legs burned. When she looked up, there was Ky holding the envelope and smiling. A tear ran down her cheek as she realized what her loss meant. 

That night was difficult for Taylor. This was by far the biggest bet she had ever lost. What made it worse was it was against Ky. Tomorrow she was going to have to stand in front of the Student center, handcuffed to the flagpole right beside the main entrance. It was around 11 when the phone rang. 

"Hello" Taylor answered glumly. 

"Hey Thunder Thighs, having fun?" Ky asked. 

"What do you want?" Taylor barked. 

"I want you to meet me at my dorm room at 7 tomorrow morning. I'll set you up with your suit and we can walk to the student center." Ky explained. 

"Your dorm room? Why can't I meet you at the student center and change there?" Taylor asked. 

"Because I have a special suit for you to wear," Ky giggled. 

"You agreed that no sheer suits or wicked weasels were allowed. I want to be covered. I'm not going out showing everything." Taylor demanded. 

"No problem, the suit I have planned is very conservative and you will be totally covered." Ky snickered. "Remember, tomorrow at 7. Don't be late, Thunder." She continued and hung up the phone. 

Taylor sat there with her phone still at her ear. She felt a chill go up her spine because she knew that Ky had something evil planned. But she had no choice, she had the damn naked pictures and there was no way she could let those go out. 

The next morning Taylor got up at 6. She fixed her hair and makeup. She wanted to look her best if she was going to be outside all day. Taylor grabbed the sunscreen and coated her body. Finally she walked out of her dorm room, wearing a sweatshirt, shorts and trainers. What bothered Taylor more than anything was how her own body was betraying her. Taylor's nipples were rock hard and her pussy was wet, no soaked. She prayed that the suit was dark. If it was a light color, her wet pussy might show through. 

Taylor arrived at Ky's dorm room and knocked. Ky opened the door immediately and stepped out. "Follow me Thunder, your suit is down the hall." Ky said and walked down the hall, knocking on another door. 
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The door opened and a man looked out. "Is that her?" He asked. 

"Wait, I'm not changing here. No way, I didn't agree to strip in front of a man!" Taylor protested. 

"Great, then I get the pictures and I'll be sending them out in ten minutes." Ky barked. 

"NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Taylor yelled. 

"Well then, get inside before you cause a scene." Ky calmly answered. 

Taylor knew she was trapped. Ky had the pictures and if she didn't complete the bet, she could do almost anything with them. She looked up and down the hall and stepped inside the room. 

"Good decision Thunder, now out of those clothes." Ky demanded. 

Taylor looked at the man and slowly pulled the sweatshirt over her head and dropped her shorts. She stood there naked in her trainers holding her arm over her tits and her hand over her now dripping pussy, the word "SLUT" still adorning her chest. 

Ky looked at Taylor and touched her arm. What is all over your body?" She asked. 

"It's sunscreen, what the fuck do you think it was?" She answered. 

"Well that won't work, follow me." Ky said and tossed Taylor a towel. 

Taylor followed Ky to the bathrooms, the towel wrapped tightly around her body. But in spite of her best efforts, SLUT was still visible. She trembled as each step took her further from her clothes. As soon as they entered, Ky ordered her to wash off the sunscreen and be quick about it. 

Taylor stepped into the shower, blushing as Ky watched her closely. 

"Look at that jungle, don't you fucking trim your bush?" Ky laughed and handed her a razor and shaving cream. "You better shave it off; you wouldn't want anyone to see that jungle." 

Taylor blushed and barked back. "At least I'm woman enough to have a bush. Not a boy pretending to be a woman." 

"Go ahead and make your cracks, your cracks will soon be seen." Ky barked back. 

Ky's words sent shivers up and down Taylor's spine. She didn't know what she had planned, but something in the back of her mind told her it wasn't good. 

Taylor finished shaving and showering and was soon walking back to the man's dorm room. The towel didn't seem quite as big as when she had walked down the hall before. 

As soon as Taylor entered the room, Ky grabbed the towel and tossed it outside the door. Taylor gasped and looked around to find her clothes. "Where are my clothes?" She gasped. 

"They're safe, now just stand in the middle of the room and put your hands behind your head." Ky demanded. Taylor closed her eyes and did as told. "Now spread your legs and don't move." Ky continued. 

Taylor stood there, her hands behind her head and her legs spread wide when she felt something touch her breast. She opened her eyes and looked down. The man had a brush in his hand and was painting her tit. 

"Wait, no, you can't! I can't go out naked!" Taylor sputtered. 

"Oh yes you can, unless you don't want to complete the bet. You said you had to be covered and you will. You also said it couldn't be a wicked weasel or something sheer. This won't be either. You will be covered and it will look just like a suit, but it won't be. Now don't move. You wouldn't to ruin the suit." Ty sneered. 

Taylor stood there in shock. She was about to go out on campus completely naked, covered only with body paint, to be handcuffed to a flagpole at the busiest building on campus. She started to pant, her body flushed and her pussy dripping down her legs. 

The man basically ignored the conversation and concentrated on his work. When he was almost finished, Taylor looked down and was surprised at how realistic the paint looked, other than the still visible SLUT, the painted suit looked real. Yes she was naked, but you had to look closely to see it wasn't a bathing suit. But still she was naked and was going to be naked in public. 

The only time the man spoke was when he worked on her pussy. He commented that it was so wet the paint wasn't sticking. He had to wipe her three times before he finally finished and she was covered. 

"My, you are getting off on this, you horny slut. I guess you love being an exhibitionist." Ky laughed at the blushing Taylor. 

The man finally put down his brush and sprayed something over the paint. "This will keep it from running if you sweat. As long as there isn't a downpour, you don't have anything to worry about. I'll give Ky a cream to give you to take it off later." He said. 

Taylor looked down at the painted suit. It was black and looked like leather with studs and eyelets. It had the look like some kind of fetish suit. "Lower your arms and put your hands behind you." She barked. Taylor did so and felt the handcuffs lock in place. 

"Please Ky, not yet, can't you wait until we get there?" She asked her voice pleading. 

"Not on your life, a bet is a bet." Ky gushed and pulled out a leather dog collar and strapped it around Taylor's neck. 

Taylor body was visibly trembling as she was now at the mercy of her rival. A few moments later, Ky knelt down and grabbed Taylors foot. Taylor raised it and Ky slipped on a stiletto heel that must have been five inches high and locked it around her ankle. She did the same for the other foot. When Ky stood back, she gushed. "Aren't you the perfect slave? She looked directly into Taylor's eyes and snarled, "Only one more detail," and clipped a leash on the collar. "Now it's perfect." She gushed and pulled Taylor out of the room and down the hall. 

The walk across the campus was the longest walk in Taylor's life. It was almost nine o'clock and practically the entire campus was out and about. It was a warm, sunny day and everyone was either going or coming from class. All she heard were snickers and laughs. She must have passed every girl she had ever shamed, and each one made sure she said something. 







The longer she walked, the worse the comments. Each one tore a bit of her self-esteem away. By the time they got to the student center, Taylor couldn't look anyone in the eyes. Ky backed her to the flagpole and unlocked one wrist, pulled her arms behind her around the pole, and relocked the cuff. Taylor was now completely exposed. Her arms were locked behind her and she had no way to cover her body. She wanted to scream, but something inside wouldn't let her. She wasn't about to be defeated by her rival. 

"Enjoy your day Thunder, I hope it doesn't rain. The forecast calls for thundershowers this afternoon." Ky laughed and walked away taking the keys with her. 

Taylor heard Ky's statement and groaned. How could this day get any worse? 

For the next hour or so, everyone who walked by stopped and looked at her. Most didn't say anything, just pointed and laughed. Taylor didn't say anything, but word quickly spread that she was naked. Soon there was a constant crowd and the comments started. Taylor spat back at the ones who pissed her off the most, but then Ky showed up. 

"We can't have you making a scene, can we? Your mouth is going to ruin everything." She whispered in Taylor's ear. Taylor started to say something back, but was cut off when Ky strapped a ball gag in her mouth, silencing her. "Now, just so the administration doesn't break this up, I made a sign." Ky said and proudly held it up so Taylor could see it. 


"I'll check back later and see how you're doing." Ky laughed and walked away.
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Taylor stood cuffed to the flagpole for the next couple hours. She was gagged, bound, and naked except for the painted on bikini. Her mind was filled with everything she was going to do to Ky once she got out of this. But first she would pay off her bets. She had no choice. There was no way in HELL she was going to let Ky keep those pictures. This might be bad, but if those pictures got out, it would be ten times worse. 

It was just after lunch when Ash and Nicole showed up. Both were giggling as they approached. Taylor knew they were laughing at her, but she had done the same when they lost a bet to her and she had humiliated them. They finally got to her and pulled the gag out of her mouth. 

"Okay guys, you've had your laughs, this is serious. I think everyone on campus has seen me and you wouldn't believe the comments and taunts. I'm keeping track and I'm going to get each and every one of them back!" Taylor spat. 

"Oh really, what did they say? Did they talk about your fat thighs? Or was it your fat ass?" Ash giggled. 

"Fuck you sis, you just jumped to the top of my list." Taylor barked back. "Look, I'm dying of thirst. Can you get me something to drink? The sun is hot as hell. I'm burning up." Taylor asked her friend and sister. 

Ash nodded and turned to head for the student center to buy a drink, when Taylor called out, "Oh some sunscreen too. Ky washed off what I put on this morning so the paint would take." 

"Sure, Thunder!" Ash called back. 

Taylor glared at her sister as she walked away, and then turned to Nicole, "The bitch, ragging on me when I'm helpless. I won't forget it either." She said. 

"Hey Tay, remember when you won that bet and made her run from one end of campus to the other and back in that crop top and short skirt with 'spank me' on the ass? I think she's being pretty easy on you. At least no one is listening to her comments." Nicole answered. 

"I don't care, I'm naked and tired. Besides, she's my sister." Taylor barked. 

It was a few minutes later when Ash returned with a large bottle of cold water and a can of spray-on sunscreen. Taylor smiled when Nicole opened the bottle and put it to her lips. She raised the bottle and poured it into Taylor' mouth, but of course she poured in too much and the overflow ran down her chin and down her chest. 

Taylor sputtered and choked, then shut her mouth, sending lots more water all over her naked and painted chest. 


"Hey, Ky said it wouldn't run unless you get caught in a downpour. This little bit of water won't hurt." Nicole answered. 

"What, you talked to Ky? You traitor. Are you helping her humiliate me? Now give me a drink but slower, bitch." Taylor spat. 

"No, I'm not helping Ky, but if you're gonna cop an attitude I might." Nicole answered back. Not waiting for a response, she started to pour the water in Taylor's mouth again. 

Taylor kept quiet as Nicole poured the entire large bottle down her throat. She never let her say anything and kept pouring until the bottle was empty. 

Then it was Ash's turn. She opened the spray can of sunscreen and started to coat Taylor's body. She sprayed and sprayed again and again until her body glistened. Taylor didn't say a word; it wouldn't do any good, so she just closed her eyes and waited until Ash was done. 

Finally when the can sputtered and quit spraying, Taylor opened her eyes and said "Thanks guys, I'm sorry I was a bitch, but this has been the worst day of my life." 

Taylor looked at Ash and Nicole as they nodded in response. She was surprised when Ash blushed and a second later, Nicole put the gag back in her mouth. They told her they had to get to class and rushed off. 

Taylor wondered why the rush, but decided to just close her eyes and wait for Ky to come back to free her hands. She dozed for a while until she heard lots of snickers and giggles. She opened her eyes and there were about twenty students looking at her, pointing and laughing. She looked down and gasped. Her painted bikini was running. There were long streaks of paint running down her belly and legs. She wasn't naked, but if it kept up, she soon would be. 

Taylor was panicking, sure she had been naked and cuffed to the flagpole for a few hours, but the painted bikini had covered her nudity. Only if you looked very closely could you tell, and even then it was difficult to see. Now with the paint running, she would soon be exposed. 

Taylor tried to hide, but with her hands behind her back it wasn't possible. She looked back at her body and realized the streaks had stopped, but her struggling caused her to start sweating and that made the paint start running again. Now she was really trapped. If she struggled and sweat, the paint would run faster. If she stood still, it would run anyways, though much slower. She closed her eyes and prayed for Ky to return. 

Taylor stood there in the hot sun. The water she drank only gave her body the hydration needed to sweat more, plus she had to piss now. 'Oh god, can this get any worse? How long can I hold it?' She thought. 

Suddenly the sun was gone. Taylor looked up and a cloud was blowing by. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw more clouds behind it. 'At least the sun is gone so I won't sweat as much now.' Went through her mind. 

Taylor waited and stood still, doing everything she could to not sweat. The clouds helped, but when she looked up again she gasped. Off in the distance there was a massive black cloud coming this way. 'Fuck, it's going to rain. I'll be naked if I can't get out. Fuck, I'm so fucked!' She thought. 

Taylor looked around. The crowd saw the oncoming storm and scattered. She prayed that Ky would show up and let her out. Taylor watched as the clouds moved closer. Then she heard a rumble of thunder and now it was serious. She was cuffed to a long metal flagpole and, with lightning and thunder, her life was in danger. The closer the storm the more scared she was. It started to sprinkle and she figured this was the end. 

Taylor didn't see Ky walk up behind her. When she felt a touch on her shoulder, she just about jumped out of her skin. 

"Ky! Thank god you're here! Let me go, I'm cuffed to a big lightning rod. You have to let me go!" She begged as tears ran down her cheeks. 

"So, you give up?" Ky gushed. "I can't wait to open the envelope." She announced. 

"God Ky, I could be killed! And even if I'm not, the rain will wash away the paint. I can't be left out here naked." Taylor argued. 

"Not my problem. You said you would stay out here cuffed to the flagpole in a bikini all day. I can't help it if it storms." Ky had the advantage and was going to use it. 

"Please Ky, I'm begging you! I completed the bet, and I'll dress as you want tomorrow, just let me go." Taylor was really begging now as it started to rain harder. 

"If I let you go, I get the pictures. Unless you want to earn them back..." Ky offered. 

"What, earn them back? How?" Taylor seized the lifeline. 

"You will agree to do ten tasks for me, one for each picture. You do a task you get a pic. It's that simple. If you don't, I keep the picture, plus I get to take another one. All you have to do is complete ten tasks and you're free." Ky explained. 

"What sort of tasks? What would I have to do?" Taylor asked. With it raining harder, she knew she only had a few minutes before she would be naked. 

"Whatever I tell you, no questions asked. You have about a minute before I walk away and I'm guessing about two minutes before you're naked." Ky turned up the pressure. 

"There's no way I can agree to that. I need to know what I'm expected to do! Tell me what I'll be doing." Taylor was trying to bargain, but time was running out. 

"Sorry, no time, you'll just have to endure the storm." Ky said and started to walk away. 

"WAIT! Please Ky, this isn't fair! Just let me go and we can negotiate the terms." Taylor was pleading now. 

"You either agree to the terms or ride out the storm." Ky demanded and turned to walk away again. This time she got about twenty feet away before Taylor screamed. 


Ky smiled and turned back to Taylor. She pointed her phone towards Taylor and said "Say it again in detail, bitch." 

"I'll do the tasks, one task for each picture. If I fail a task, you get to keep the picture and also take another one." Taylor said, her voice weak and defeated. 

Ky smiled and stepped behind Taylor and unlocked a cuff, but before Taylor could move, she reattached the cuff on the other side of the flagpole. Taylor was free from the pole, but still helpless with her hands trapped behind her. Ky reached around her captive and grabbed the leash. She jerked it and pulled Taylor over to a bus shelter. 

Taylor was just happy to get out of the rain. Her painted suit was rapidly disappearing and any shelter was better than out in the rain. 

"Thank you, Ky." Taylor said quietly. 

"Oh don't thank me yet," Ky said as she pushed Taylor's body against the glass walls of the shelter. Her painted tits pushed against the wall, leaving a smudge on the glass. Before Taylor could react, Ky knelt down behind her and snapped a set of cuffs on each ankle. Suddenly Taylor wasn't just cuffed, she was shackled. She started to complain when Ky held up the gag. 

"Do I have to gag you too?" She asked. 

Taylor didn't want that and shook her head no. They stood in the glass bus shelter and waited for the summer storm to pass. About twenty minutes later, the rain slowed down and stopped. Ky pulled on Taylor's leash and they crossed the campus, Ky fully dressed, and Taylor almost naked with paint streaks all over her body, cuffed and shackled in stripper heels. Taylor had trouble keeping up with Ky, the short chain between her ankles limiting her severely. She was practically jogging with short, tiny steps. Ky kept turning around and laughing at how ridiculous she looked. 

They finally arrived back at Ky's dorm room and Taylor was able to breathe again. She stood just inside the door and waited. She wasn't sure what to do. For the moment, the strong confident woman from this morning was gone and replaced with a submissive, naked, and painted slave. 

Taylor wanted to get away as quickly as possible but, with her hands and feet restrained, there was no way she could leave. Ky pulled out the envelope and opened it. The SD card fell out on her desk. She turned to Taylor and smiled as she pushed the card into an adapter and connected it to her computer. She made a big scene as she downloaded the pictures to her hard drive and a flash drive or two. Ky then turned to Taylor and said, "So, here is the deal. Tomorrow you will show up here just like you did this morning. I will give you your outfit for the day. You will wear only what I give you until 5 PM, at which point you can come back and change back into your own clothes." 

Taylor nodded. 

"The next day, I will give you a task. Sometimes I will be there to watch you, other times you will bring back video evidence of completing it. I will give you a time limit for each task. If you complete the task, I will let you watch me delete one picture from my hard drive, SD card, and these two flash drives. If you don't complete the task within the time limit, I have the choice to keep the pics of you attempting that task or a previous one, or you will pose in any way I wish so as to add to my collection. You have to complete ten tasks to get all the original pics back. Plus additional tasks for any you previously failed to complete." 

Taylor started to complain but thought better of it. She knew she was in no position to barter. 

"Oh, and one other thing, the tasks are totally up to me, no discussions, and no negotiations. You either do the task or fail." Ky said with a note of finality in her voice. 

Taylor again nodded as Ky stood up and released her cuffs and shackles. Taylor stood waiting until Ky asked, "Well, what are you waiting on?" 

"My clothes," Taylor answered quietly. 

"Oh, they're down the hall in the other room, just go down and knock." Ky said and pushed Taylor out the door. 

Taylor stood in the hallway for a second. She was naked, her body streaked in paint, and standing in a dorm hallway. Looking up and down the hall, she didn't see anyone. She quickly took off running towards the room of the man who painted her bikini. She rushed to the door and knocked, waiting for a couple seconds. There was no answer. Taylor knocked louder and felt a flash of fear rush through her body. Again there wasn't an answer, now she was panicking. She looked back down the hall and saw there were several students entering from the stairs at the far end. "Shit," she mumbled, that way was Ky's room. Now it was serious. Classes must have ended and soon there would be students everywhere. 'Fuck where is he?' She asked herself. This time she pounded on the door, praying he was just sleeping and not gone. She was just about to run down the hall to the other stairs when the knob turned and a groggy man opened the door. 

"What the fuck do you want?" He barked, and then his eyes focused and saw Taylor standing there in all her painted glory. 

"Oh it's you, did it rain that hard?" He asked. 

Taylor didn't answer but pushed past him and into his room. 

"I need my clothes and I need them now!" She demanded. 

'Okay, okay! They're over in the corner." He answered and pointed towards the corner by the dresser. 

Taylor rushed to her clothes and quickly put them on. It was then that she realized that Ky hadn't removed the collar from around her neck. She reached up to undo the clasp, but couldn't unbuckle the collar. 

"Get this off me!" She barked at him. He walked behind her and moved her hair then laughed. 

"Sorry, there's a lock and I don't have the key. Go back to Ky and have her take it off." Taylor was pissed as the collar was tight around her neck and there was no way to hide it. She stormed out of the man's room and back to Ky's. On the way down the hall she passed several other students and each one laughed or snickered. She blushed as she knew they had all seen her cuffed to the pole. When she got to Ky's room, there was a note addressed to her. She pulled it off the door and opened it. 


I forgot to take off your collar but that's okay. You can wear it until tomorrow, or complete your first task and get a picture back. If you don't want to give me an additional picture for my collection, then here is what you must do. I know you are wearing a zip up sweatshirt. Do not zip it up but leave it open. I want everyone to see your slut tattoo and your semi-painted tits. Your task is to visit the library, the student center, and Mickey "D's". You will have someone take a picture at each location, as well as the walk between each place. Go to each place in order. I will check the data in the picture files and will know if you did as ordered. Make sure I can identify where you are. No pics from the bathrooms or in some unknown room. Do not hold the sweatshirt closed or you fail. Again, I will know as there will be someone watching you on your adventure. The final stop is the girl's locker room, and in locker 125 will be the key. It's your choice, do the task and get a pic deleted, or don't and I get another one. Have fun, Thunder. 


Taylor groaned. The library was on the opposite side of the campus from the student center, and Mickey D's was all the way back again. Plus, the girl's locker room was at least a half mile from Mickey D's. She would have to cover the entire campus with her tits exposed and slut clearly visible. She stood there for a few moments deciding what to do. If she didn't do this, Ky would get another picture. If she did it, she would be humiliated all over again. She sighed in resignation and unzipped her sweatshirt, pulling it open. She hadn't thought this day could get any worse, but now instead of Ky humiliating her, she was doing it to herself. 

The walk to the library was almost a ¼ mile from Ky's dorm. The path passed by almost all the classrooms and was always busy. Taylor kept her head down and tried not to look at anyone as she walked past, but she couldn't help but hear almost all of their comments. 

"Hey, she was cuffed to the flagpole." 

"Look her tits are out!" 

"I love the slut on her chest!" 

"Hey babe, nice suit." 

"I heard someone call her thunder thighs!" 

With each comment Taylor wanted to scream and put them all down. But right now she needed someone to take a picture. The problem was not only to find someone to take it, but where, so Ky would be able to recognize the place. 

About halfway there, Taylor walked up to a statue with a fountain of one of the founders of Hampton. It was the perfect place to get a picture, now she had to find someone to take it. She looked around and off to the side on a bench was a lone student, his nose buried in a book. She didn't recognize him and that was perfect. Taylor walked up to him and asked, "Do you mind taking my picture?" She said in her best sexy voice. 

The man looked up at her, his black rimmed glasses down his nose with tape holding the frame together. His mouth dropped and his eyes locked on her chest. Taylor wanted to scream at him to look up at her face, but she needed him to take the picture, so she pulled the sweatshirt open a bit more. 

"Please, I'm in the middle of a dare and I need this to complete it." She asked. 

The nerd nodded his head and jumped up, dumping his books all over the ground. Taylor groused as he was drawing attention to them and barked, "Jesus, just take the picture already." 

She was suddenly surprised when the geeky nerd suddenly grew some balls and barked back. "I saw you earlier in front of the student center. You're doing more than a dare. Take off the sweatshirt and go stand in the fountain around the statue." He demanded. 

Taylor was taken aback at his response. 

"No way am I standing in the fountain. Forget it jerk." She barked back at him. 

"Then fuck off slut, and find someone else." He said and sat back down. 

Taylor looked around and although there were others around, she knew at least a few of them, and all were in groups. The nerd was the only person alone. She could obey his demands or ask a group to take the picture. 

"Okay, I'll do it but please be quick." She said and handed him her phone. 

The geek smiled and held out his hand. It was obvious what he wanted. Taylor looked around and no one seemed to be watching, so she slipped her sweatshirt off her shoulders and handed it to him. He dropped her sweatshirt on his books and pointed at the fountain. Taylor crossed her arms and stepped in to it. She walked into the calf-high water and moved close to the statue. She watched as he fumbled with her phone and called out, "Take it already." 

Just as he brought up the camera, the fountain came alive and started to spray water everywhere. Taylor squealed at the cold water soaking her body just as he took the picture. She jumped out of the fountain and noticed almost everyone in the area looking at her half naked. She was glad she still had the painted bikini as she grabbed the phone from his hands. She quickly checked to see if he took the picture and groaned as it caught her with a spray directly hitting her tits and her mouth wide open as she screamed. It was too late to do another so she ran to her shirt, slipped it on, and ran down the path. 
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Taylor didn't think about what the water would do to her painted tits, she just wanted to get away. By the time she stopped running and looked down, the paint that was covering her tits was almost gone. It now covered her stomach and was staining her sweats. Again, her day just got worse. 

Taylor walked into the library. She went in a side door instead of the front. She looked down at her tits and groaned. The paint was mostly gone, but the "SLUT" was still there and hadn't faded a bit. At that moment she felt like a slut, walking around campus with her tits exposed and taking pictures of it. Taylor slipped up to the second, and then the third floor. She wanted to go where there were fewer people and find someone using one of the study rooms to take the picture. 

For once, today she found a lone girl studying at a table on the third floor. She walked up to her and quietly asked. "Please, I'm completing a dare and I need someone to take my picture to prove I'm here. Would you mind?" She asked. Taylor was no longer the high and mighty Taylor she was yesterday. Today had eliminated her attitude and replaced it with a humbler Taylor that was dependent on someone else's help and she knew it. 

The girl looked up from her books and giggled. "You must have really pissed someone off. I saw you outside the student center earlier. I don't know what you did, but you're in trouble if you're here now and dressed like that." 

Taylor nodded and dropped her head. "Please, I'll do what you want but please take the picture." She asked 

"Okay I'll do it, but first, do you remember me?" The girl asked. 

"No, I don't. Should I?" Taylor answered. 

"I doubt you would remember, but my first few days here, I ran into you at the food court in the student center. I accidently bumped into you as I carried my tray to a table. You must have been having a bad day because you belittled me in front of everyone." She said 

Taylor groaned. She had no idea who the girl was and didn't remember the encounter at all. But she knew she regularly did exactly that, just because she could. "I'm sorry I was a jerk. Please forgive me?" 

"Well the shoe's on the other foot now, except I can't embarrass you in front of anyone here. Although, I did like watching you squirm when cuffed to the flagpole. You don't know how many people I heard say that they really enjoyed your display this morning. I think there are a lot of people that want a piece of your fat ass." The girl continued. 

Taylor wanted to scream at her and put her in her place, but at this moment, she had to stand there and take it. 

"So you want me to take a picture of you flashing your tits in the library. Is that right?" 

"Yes please, I'm sorry for what I did." Taylor answered 

"Well, I want my pound of flesh. If I can't humiliate you in public, then at least I can take a picture that you have to show to whoever is forcing you to do this. Now strip everything off. I want you naked." The girl demanded. 

Taylor stood looking at the meek young woman who, only yesterday, wouldn't have had the courage to even speak to her, let alone demand she strip in a public place. Taylor's anger filled her and she clenched her fists. She glared at the girl, but after a moment or two, slipped the sweatshirt off her shoulder and dropped it to the floor. 

"The sweats too, hand everything to me." The girl spat as her confidence grew when Taylor stripped. Seconds later, Taylor was naked and the girl had possession of her clothes. "Okay, follow me and give me your phone." She ordered and headed towards the open area with lots of tables. Taylor handed her the cell phone and followed the girl with her head down, staring at the floor. 

"Now on the table, legs spread and a big smile." The girl said with an evil grin. 

Taylor wanted to run away, but now that the girl had her clothes and phone, she had no choice but to obey. Taylor climbed up on the table, leaned back, and spread her legs. The pose was absolutely obscene as her paint streaked body was completely displayed. What made it worse was how much she was aroused. Her pussy was gushing and her nipples were hard as rocks. 

"Oh, someone loves this! You're dripping on the table." The girl gloated. "You're getting off on this." She continued. 

Taylor could have died on the spot. She was blushing down to her belly button, though no one could really tell because of all the paint coating her body. A second later, she heard the click of the camera followed by another click. The girl had pulled her own camera out and was taking picture with it. 

"Stop, that's enough! We're done. I want my clothes back." Taylor tried to take back control. 

"Oh, no we're not. If you move off the table, I'm deleting the pictures and taking your clothes with me. Now lay back and do as I say." 

Taylor stopped in her tracks and waited to be told what to do. 

"Good girl, now lie down on your back and spread your lips. I want to document how much you're enjoying performing." The girl snarled. 

Taylor started to pant, she was having trouble breathing. The entire day was humiliation after humiliation heaped one on top of the other. And now she was helpless to a fucking nobody and displaying herself like a slut. It took a second or two before her hands started to move down her body to her now soaked pussy. She groaned as her fingers pulled her lips open, exposing herself like never before. She watched as the girl took picture after picture with both phones pointing at Taylor. 

"This is soooo perfect! Your body is a mess and the "slut" written on your chest almost glows. And your dripping pussy leaking all over the table just completes the picture. Now, tell me what is on your chest?" The girl demanded. 

"Slut," Taylor answered in a voice barely over a whisper. 

"Louder," She demanded. 

"SLUT" Taylor said louder. 

"What are you?" The girl asked. 

"I'm a slut." Taylor answered her voice shaking. 

"I don't believe you, play with yourself." The girl was on a roll now. 

Taylor didn't have any resistance left. The day had drained her, so she slipped two fingers into her slick pussy. As soon as they entered, she moaned in spite of her best efforts to keep quiet. 

"Good girl, I knew you were a slut. Faster," was the next command! 

Taylor's fingers now had a mind of their own as she fucked herself on the table in the library in front of the girl who was still taking picture after picture. 

It wasn't but a minute or so before it was obvious that Taylor was on the brink of an orgasm. 

"FASTER SLUT, AND TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE!" The girl screamed. 

"I'M A SLUT!" Taylor screamed as her body exploded and her pussy gushed all over the table between her legs. 

Taylor was spent, her body exhausted. The day and everything that happened had drained her completely. She collapsed to the table, her body trembling from the orgasm still coursing through her. She didn't even realize the girl was gone until she opened her eyes and saw her clothes and phone on the table beside her. She rolled over and grabbed the phone. When she opened up her pictures she gasped. The girl hadn't taken stills, but a video of the entire thing. What was worse, there wasn't a still picture. Taylor would have to keep the video to prove she was at the library. 

Finally, she grabbed her clothes and put them on, leaving the sweatshirt open. Slowly she slipped down the back stairs and out of the library. She still had more to do to complete her task.
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Taylor left the library and headed across the campus to the student center, where the worst day of her life started. She was a mess. Her sweatshirt was open, exposing her now unpainted tits and the word "SLUT" emblazoned above them in clear view. Her body was still coming down from the high mixed with the humiliation of masturbating inside the library. She went about a hundred yards down the sidewalk and sat down on a bench.

Never did she ever expect a simple bet would end up like this. Her lifelong rival had very compromising pictures of her, and was now forcing her to humiliate herself to get them back. Not only that, but she needed to take even more pictures to document those humiliations in order to retrieve the first pictures. What was by far worse than all of that combined was how her body was reacting to all of this. From the moment she stripped in the man's dorm room and was forced to go out wearing only paint, her body had been on the verge of a massive orgasm that finally cumulated in the library. 

Taylor sat there for a few minutes deep in thought. Should she just stop before this goes too far, or was she already past that point? If she quit now, what is the worst that could happen? Ky would have ALL the pictures and who knows what she might do with them? Would they be sent to her parents, to the college, to all her friends, or worse posted to the internet for the world to see? Taylor would survive any of that, but could she ever look anyone in the eyes again? 

On the other hand, if she continued, could she complete enough tasks to get all the pictures back, or would this be an endless spiral into submission and humiliation? As that thought went through her mind, her pussy pulsed once again and her arousal spiked. She sat there for a few more minutes before deciding to try to finish this task and deliberate some more on the conundrum tomorrow.

Taylor continued down the walk towards the Student Center. She was glad there was hardly anyone around. As she passed the halfway point between the Library and the Student Center, it started to rain again. She picked up the pace as the water started to come down harder. She looked up at the sky and saw dark, ominous clouds. Taylor suddenly realized that it was about to storm. She decided to speed up and started to run as the clouds opened up and poured. Her clothes were quickly saturated. Her sweatshirt was soaked, as were her sweatpants. That was when she felt the pants start to slide down her legs. She grabbed the waistband and pulled them up to tie the string, but it was gone. The pants hugged her hips normally and it wasn't necessary to tie the string, but now that the fabric was full of water and her skin was wet, they no longer stayed in place. Taylor held on to her pants, first with one hand and shortly later two hands, trying desperately to keep them on. 

With her hands holding up her pants, the sweatshirt was now flapping in the breeze behind her as she sprinted towards the Student Center. The hard rain soaking her had eliminated all the body paint and she was now basically naked from the waist up. Even her painted on bikini bottoms had soaked into her sweat pants and was gone. She was within sight of the Student Center when remembered she had to have someone take a picture of her halfway between there and the Library. The problem was that there was no one around. It was raining cats and dogs and anyone with any smidgeon of common sense was inside. Taylor stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, her hands still holding up her pants. She pulled out her cell phone and held it at arm's length, attempting to take a selfie with the Library behind her. Right as she extended the hand with the phone, the other hand slipped and her pants dropped to her ankles just as the picture was taken. Taylor pulled back the phone and there she was, in all her naked glory, posing for a selfie. At least the library could be seen clearly in the background. She quickly pulled up her pants and put her phone back in her pocket, then rushed the hundred yards or so to just outside the Student Center.

Taylor looked around, she could see inside the center and it was packed. There must have been over a hundred students inside avoiding the worst of the downpour. She stopped behind a tree to look at herself. Her clothes were soaked and any paint was long gone. To complete the task, she had to leave the sweatshirt open, but with the string gone from the sweat pants, and the paint from her bikini bottom staining them, she was a sight. Just walking and keeping her pants up was difficult, and entering the center in front of all those students was unthinkable. Plus there was almost fifty yards of open space in front of the center where she would have no cover. Everyone in the place would see her coming with her tits exposed, and they would probably catch a glimpse of her ass as well. 

She leaned against the tree and tried to think of some way to finish the task without the entire college witnessing it. If it hadn't been raining, the tears running down her cheeks would have been visible to any passerby as it became clear there was no way to accomplish it. Taylor's mind had finally accepted her defeat, but her body was trembling. And it wasn't from the cold, but excitement. 

She had never experienced anything like this before. Being naked except for a painted on bikini for the entire day, then running around campus exposing her tits, and having strangers take her picture had wound her up to the point of craving a climax. Without even noticing, while she stood leaning against the tree, the hand not holding up her pants had drifted down to her pussy, and her fingers were massaging her clit. It took only seconds before her body erupted as a massive orgasm exploded inside her. She was losing muscle control and unknowingly released her pants so that they dropped to her ankles, leaving her naked to the world. Seconds later, her knees weakened and she slid down the rough bark of the tree, sitting on the muddy ground, her legs spread wide, exposing her entire naked body to anyone nearby. 

She had no idea how long she sat there completely exposed, her fingers buried in her pussy, prolonging her orgasm. When she opened her eyes and looked around, it hit her. She was exactly what her chest said. She was a slut.

Taylor was now panicking; she scanned the campus looking to see if anyone had seen her, and for the first time she was happy the rain was still coming down. Seeing no one, she quickly stood, pulled her sweats up, stepped from around the tree and took another selfie. As soon as she snapped the picture, she took off for the girl's locker room. She knew she had failed her task, but prayed Ky would understand and not penalize her. How could she? Taylor thought that Ky wouldn't want her arrested for indecent exposure would she?

She was glad the rain didn't let up the entire way to the locker room. There was no one out on campus and her she her nudity was not seen. When she got close to the building where the girl's locker room was located, she dropped her sweats, pulled them off her ankles and sprinted to the entrance. A few seconds later, she burst into the room. Taylor didn't think about anyone being in the room when she crashed through the door, but sitting there on a bench was Ky, Ash, and Nicole. She tried to stop, but her wet feet slipped on the tile floor and down she went, sliding across the floor naked. All three girls burst out laughing at her awkward entrance. Taylor was completely confused. She ended up right at their feet, her legs spread wide and her body soaked from the rain.

"Well that's an entrance if I ever saw one." Ky laughed as Ash and Nicole tried to keep from giggling but weren't successful. Taylor quickly closed her legs and tried to get up, but the with slippery floor, all she managed to do was roll over with her face ending up on Ky's shoes. 

"Gee slut, I didn't know you had a foot fetish too. I mean it's obvious you like exposing yourself, why else are you naked?" Ky rubbed Taylor's face in her humiliation. "Now the question is, did you complete your task and will you get the key to unlock your slave collar?" Ky asked.

Taylor managed to sit up and was now facing her rival. "Ky please, it was raining cats and dogs out there. The paint washed away and I couldn't go into the Student Center or McDonalds half naked. Look, I took pictures of what I did. Please, that has to be enough." Taylor begged.

"Fuck you Thunder, would you let me off if I didn't complete the task? Hell no, and I'm not either. Now show me the pics you took and I will decide if I want one of those or if I'll have you pose for one I do want." Ky barked.

"My phone is in my sweats by the door." Taylor answered.

"Well crawl over there and bring it to me. If I have to get up, I won't be happy." Ky spat.

Taylor glared at Ky. She wanted to pounce on her and beat the shit out of her, but with Ky having the pictures, she had little choice but to do as she was told. So she slowly turned and crawled across the locker room floor and grabbed her sweats, pulled out her phone, and started to crawl back to Ky.

"Oh not with your hands, put the phone in your mouth like the good puppy you are." Ky cooed, knowing that Taylor needed to please her.

Taylor's face turned a deep red, not from embarrassment, but anger. She crawled to her rival practically spitting with rage. When she got to Ky's feet, she spat out the phone and snarled, "Pick it up yourself, bitch."

Ky laughed and picked up the phone. "What's the lock code, slut?" Ky asked cheerfully.

"8982," Taylor groused.

Ky keyed in the code and up popped the camera app. She changed it to photos and clicked on recent photos. Ash and Nicole leaned over to see the screen. Taylor glared at her now ex-sister and friend. How dare they abandon her when she needs them most.

The three girls went over picture after picture, laughing and gasping at each one. When they finally got to the video, all conversation stopped as all three sat there with their mouths open, watching Taylor have her massive orgasm in the library.

"Oh my god," Ash moaned.

"Oh FUCK!" Nicole answered.

"Fuck yeah, that's the one I want!" Ky yelled and quickly emailed it to herself. "That one is a keeper. You're going to have to do something very special to get that one back." Ky gloated at the very angry Taylor still kneeling on the floor.

"You bitch, I'll get you back if it's the last thing I do." Taylor snarled staring daggers at Ky.

"Well if you're going to act like that then I guess I'll just have to have as much fun as possible while I'm in control." Ky answered. "By the way, I like how you entered today after your task. From now on after you complete each task, you are to strip naked, crawl to my feet on your belly with your phone in your mouth." Ky announced.


"Oh yes you will, because that's what I want and how you report back is part of any task I give you. And if you bitch about it, I will add a punishment every time you don't do it perfectly." Ky spat back at the seething Taylor.

It was all Taylor could do to keep from attacking Ky right then and there. Her hands were clenched in fists and the adrenaline was pumping throughout her body. Her teeth were bared and her eyes were locked on her target.

"Care to complain, Thunder Slut?" Ky pushed just a bit more. Taylor was about to lose it and knew that Ky was trying to push her over the edge. Taylor simply shook her head and looked at the floor. It was then she noticed Ky was looking down at her pussy. Taylor looked down and gasped. Her body had betrayed her once again. She had leaked on the floor and there was a small puddle of her fluids between her legs. Taylor quickly closed her legs and hid her embarrassment, but when she looked back at Ky and her evil smile, she knew Ky had noticed. In fact, all three girls had noticed. Nicole had a shocked look, but Ash's expression was more difficult for her to read. So instead Taylor remained kneeling and asked, "Are we done?"

"Sure, but you don't get the key so you wear the collar for another day. Just be at my dorm room tomorrow at 7:30 am. I don't care what you wear, because you won't be wearing it long." Ky laughed as she stood and walked out of the locker room. Before Taylor could react, Ash and Nicole quickly followed.

Taylor grabbed her sweatpants and sweatshirt. They were soaking wet and dirty. She felt just a dirty as her clothes, but if she wanted to get back to her room she had wear them. Taylor wrung out the water and slipped them up her legs. The sweatshirt followed and now dressed, she slipped out of the locker room and left the building. The storm had finally blown over and the blue skies and sunshine was everywhere. What was worse, so were all the students. The entire campus was filled with everyone going everywhere after hiding out during the storm.

Taylor wished it was still raining. She had never looked so bad in her life. Her hair was plastered to her face, her makeup smeared and running down her cheeks, and her sweats stained with body paint. She knew the dorms were on the other side of campus, and there was no way to hide. She kept her head down and started the long walk.

Taylor made it back to her dorm room. The walk from the locker room wasn't too bad, only a few snickers were heard. She unlocked the door and walked inside, quickly stripping off her soaked sweats. Today was probably the worst day in her life, but right now the only thing on her mind was to satisfy her body's cravings. Despite being humiliated all day and exposing herself to the entire campus, her pussy needed to get off and it needed to right now.

She opened up her desk drawer and pulled out her vibrator. She lies down on her bed and spread her legs, closing her eyes she turned on her friend and slid it down her stomach. Taylor's body was on the edge and had been for the last couple hours. Ky's humiliating treatment of her while Ash and Nicole watched had affected her in ways she never expected. Crawling across the floor with her phone in her mouth like a pet had sent shivers throughout her body. When Ky told her that from now on she had to report back to her naked with her face at Ky's feet, she had almost caused her to climax. It was everything she could do to keep from humiliating herself even more. Now that she was alone, she could satisfy her needs.

Taylor wasted no time sliding her vibrating friend down to her dripping pussy. She gasped when it first touched her clit almost pushing her over the edge. Taylor pushed past her clit and shoved her silver dildo deep inside her pussy, wanting to be filled and satisfy her cravings.

Just as Taylor started to get into a rhythm she heard a key enter the lock on her door. She practically jumped out of her bed trying desperately to turn off her vibrator. It was slippery from her juicy pussy and she wasn't able to silence it in time. As the door opened, she tried to push it under her pillow.

Nicole walked in with Ash to see Taylor naked on her bed, her still paint-streaked body struggling to hide something. Both girls giggled watching Taylor blush and try to act normal.

"Hey Taylor, not dressed?" Ash asked. 

"I just got back," Taylor barked, her hand slipping under her pillow trying to turn of the noisy vibrator. But instead grabbing it, she pushed it out from under the pillow and onto the floor.

Now it was in plain sight, buzzing and bouncing around with abandon. Taylor gasped and grabbed it quickly, turning it off.

"I see someone is excited." Nicole laughed, watching Taylor squirm in embarrassment. 

"Shut the fuck up!" Taylor spat and tossed the vibrator into her desk and jumped out of her bed. "I'm going to go take a shower," she continued as she grabbed her robe and rushed out of the room.

"Fuck! Can anything else go wrong today?" She groused to herself as she walked down the hall. 

* * * * * * * * * *

Ash and Nicole sat down on opposite beds as Taylor stomped out of the room and down the hall. Ash was struggling to stifle her giggles, as was Nicole. When the door closed, Ash quickly spoke, "Wow I never expected to see that! I mean after all that happened today, to catch her beating off?!"

"I know, she's always in control. She really fucked up with Ky. Who would have thought a simple bet would end up with her naked all over campus." Nicole answered.

"Did you notice how she looked crawling across the floor? I thought she might orgasm, and when she was kneeling in front of Ky, her pussy was actually dripping!" Ash exclaimed. "Even when she was at the flagpole, her nipples were so hard that I wondered if they hurt." She continued. 

"Can you believe her at the library? I couldn't keep my eyes off her when she orgasmed. How humiliating is that? And now that Ky has the video, what will she make her do to get it back?" Nicole said, her voice containing a tinge of lust.

"You know I hate to say this, but Tay is in trouble. Ky has her under her thumb now and she might not let go." Ash mused. "I don't know what I would do if I had the same control. I mean Taylor has always lorded shit over me and sometimes she's just cruel. If I had the kind of control over her that Ky has..." She mused.

"Well, who knows how this is going to turn out, but I wonder if Ky would be open to having one of Taylor's tasks to be under our control?" Nicole answered.

Before Ash could respond, the door opened and Taylor walked back in. She was wearing her robe and her hair was wrapped in a towel. She didn't say a word but went to her closet, avoiding any eye contact.

Ash noticed it immediately. Taylor's normal dominating presence and in-control persona was noticeably absent. She was looking anywhere else but at Ash or Nicole. She normally stood tall and always commanded the room, but now her shoulders were slumped and she wasn't saying a word. Ash decided to see if she could get her sister riled up.

"Hey Tay, still horny?" She giggled.

Taylor blushed profusely and shook her head.

Ash opened Taylor's desk drawer and pulled out her vibrator. "You should at least clean it, unless you're planning to use it again?" Ash said and held it out to her big sister.

Taylor's face flashed with anger, but after everything that had happened today, her confidence was shaken. She reached out and took it from Ash and nodded. 

Ash was shocked at her sister's reaction. Normally Taylor would have screamed at her and probably smacked her. But instead she only pushed the vibrator in her robe pocket.

Before anyone could react, the vibrator started buzzing once again and Taylor blushed as her hand dove in and tried to quiet the embarrassing sound. Taylor obviously was having trouble turning it off with one hand, so she pulled it out and finally managed to shut it down.

Ash stood up and walked to Taylor, still standing in her robe with the vibrator in her hand. Her eyes were open but it didn't look like she was seeing. Ash decided to see how far she could push her sister and slowly opened her robe. When Taylor didn't react or resist, Ash grabbed the hand with the vibrator, turned it on, and pushed it between Taylor's legs.

"AAAAHHHHGGGGAAAGGG!" came out of Taylor's mouth as Ash moved Taylor's hand back and forth over her dripping pussy.
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Behind her, Ash heard Nicole gasp, "Oh my god, look at her."

When Ash took her hand away from Taylor's, she whispered, "Don't stop slut, I want to see you cum!"

Taylor's hand continued to move the vibrator back and forth, sliding the buzzing sex toy over her clit. The longer she did it, the faster her hand moved. It was only a minute or so before it happened.

"OOOOHHH GGGGOOODD IIIII'MMM CCCCOOOMMMIIINNNGGG!!" Taylor screamed and fell to her knees.

Ash had stepped back and looked at Nicole who was holding her phone out, recording the entire scene. She smiled and whispered to her, "I want a copy." Nicole just nodded and smiled.

Nicole and Ash stood up and headed for the door, leaving the trembling Taylor kneeling on the floor, her hand still stroking the vibrator across her pulsing pussy.

They walked in silence. Neither knew what to say about Taylor's performance in the dorm room. They headed for the Starbucks on the edge of campus and ordered their normal mocha lattes. They sat down at a table and looked at each other. Finally Nicole pulled out her phone and asked, "Do you want to see it?"

"Absolutely," Ash answered quickly.

Nicole started the video and they both watched intently. When it ended, Nicole looked at Ash and asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Ash sat back, her face flushed and her nipples hard. She was glad she was wearing a sweatshirt and they didn't show. She looked at Nicole for a minute and finally said, "It was fucking hot. I can't believe it was Taylor, practically naked and masturbating on demand. I'm so fucking aroused right now, I can hardly stand it." She answered, and blushed even more.

Nicole's face was also flushed as she looked at Ash. "I'm hot too; I can't believe what I saw all day. I know Taylor is my best friend and all, but deep down inside, I'm enjoying her getting taken down a notch or two." She admitted.

"A notch or two, how about a dozen notches?" Ash laughed. "When she ended up on her belly at Ky's feet and then crawled over to get her phone, bringing it back to her in her mouth, I almost came right then." Ash breathed.

Nicole just nodded and started to close her phone when it vibrated as a new email arrived. She checked and it was from Ky. She showed Ash and clicked to open it.

Both Ash and Nicole read the email.


A friend of mine sent me this and I thought you might like it. I know you and Taylor compete in just about everything and this might come in handy. I have enough so check it out.


At the bottom of the message was a video file. The two girls looked at each other and Nicole clicked on the attachment.

It took a few moments for the file to load but when it came up, both girls gasped. It was a video of Taylor leaning against a tree, the Student Center clearly in the background. The rain was pouring down and Taylor's sweatshirt was wide open, her tits clearly in view. One hand was barely holding up her sweatpants, while the other hand was buried in her crotch. The video zoomed in on her face and Taylor's eyes were closed and her expression was of pure lust. It zoomed back out a bit so you could see her entire body right when Taylor's mouth flew open and a distant scream could be heard. Taylor's pants dropped to her ankles and now you could clearly see her fingers buried in her pussy as she fucked herself in the rain. 

Ash groaned as she watched her sister slide down the tree basically naked, her legs spread wide as she continued to pound her pussy and orgasm. The video continued until Taylor seemed to regain her senses and then ended.

Nicole and Ash sat there for a couple minutes before Ash leaned over and whispered, "Play it again."

They watched the video a couple more times before Nicole put the phone away. Neither said a word, both was trying to get a grasp of what they just witnessed. Finally Ash looked over at Nicole and smiled. "You know that video is just as bad as the one in the library. If Taylor knew it existed and we had it, she would probably disown us."

"Yeah, probably, but what would she do to get it back and keep us from showing it around?" Nicole giggled.

Ash laughed and said, "Probably crawl on her belly and beg us. Let's see what Ky makes her do for the next couple tasks and then decide if we want her to know about it. If she acts like this after only one task, how much lower will she go after a few more?" Nicole suggested.

"I agree. I think by the time Ky finishes with Tay, she will be an entirely different person." Ash guessed. They finished their coffees and left Starbucks, both deep in thought.
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Taylor sat down on her bed when Ash and Nicole walked out. She was confused as the why she just masturbated in front of them. What was even worse was that Ash had put her up to it. Her little sister however made her masturbate. Taylor was frightened, before today; she would never allow someone to control her. Now she was totally under Ky's control and for some reason that control bled over to Ash. Taylor felt a tear run down her cheek. She lay down and covered her naked body. She was exhausted and in seconds she was fast asleep. 

Taylor woke with a start. What time was it? Was she late to be at Ky's room? She quickly rolled over and glanced at the clock. It was 7:15; she was to report to Ky at 7:30. Taylor jumped up and grabbed her shorts and a tee shirt, putting on her sandals while she ran out the door. She didn't even think about taking her keys, her only thoughts were to get to Ky's room and not be late. 

Taylor ran down the two flights of stairs and out the side door to her dorm. The sun was out but it must have rained again last night as there were mud puddles everywhere. Taylor took off at a dead sprint, Ky's dorm was on the other side of campus and it was almost a mile away. At first she was following the sidewalks, but that would make the trip even longer. Taylor decided to cut across a field to save some time. 

Taylor got about a hundred yards before she realized she had made a big mistake. The field was a sea of mud. Her feet were sinking into the soft ground and made running almost impossible. Still she tried but after another hundred yards, she was panting and covered in mud up to her knees. Taylor was past the point of no return and her fate was sealed, she was going to be late and now covered in mud. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Ky was sitting on her bed waiting for Taylor to show up. She looked at the two outfits lying beside her. She glanced at the clock, it was 7:28, Taylor had two minutes to show up or she would be late. Ky's mind was working overtime thinking about how she would punish her. Ky got up and walked to her dresser and opened the bottom drawer. Inside were a couple boxes from Amazon that was delivered yesterday. She opened one of the small boxes and peeked inside. She smiled and tossed it on the bed beside the outfits she had laid out earlier. 

It was 7:40 when a Ky heard a knock on her door. She walked to the door and opened it. "Oh my god Taylor, what the fuck," She exclaimed! Standing in front of her was Taylor covered in mud and panting. 

"Please Ky, I woke up late and I tried to get here on time, but I took a short cut through the field and with all the rain..." Taylor tried to explain but Ky shut her up. 

"STOP, I don't care about your excuses. You're late and that means I get to punish you. You are to follow my instructions period. If you're late, you get punished, if you fail your task, you get punished and I get a picture. You're filthy, go to the showers and clean up. Don't bother to get dressed when you're done just come back naked. You have five minutes!" Ky demanded and shut the door. 

Ky heard Taylor run down the hall and burst out laughing. She loved the shocked look on Taylor's face. She was surprised when Taylor didn't argue about the punishment. That wasn't part of the bargain but if she came back naked it would be a new rule. 

Ky noted the time and waited, five minutes and five seconds later there was a knock. She opened the door and yelled, "YOU WERE FIVE SECONDS LATE! NOW ON YOUR KNEES SLUT!" 

Taylor gasped and slowly dropped to her knees. She was obviously intimidated and quite submissive. Ky tried not to smile, she never expected Taylor would be so easily controlled. She decided right then to see how far she could push Taylor before she fought back. 

* * * * * * * * * 

Taylor had rushed as fast as she could to get back to Ky's room in five minutes, but when she started to leave the restroom, there were several people in the hall. She had to wait until they were gone before she ran to Ky's room. When Ky opened the door and announced she was late, Taylor almost cried. At that moment all she wanted to do was get out of the hallway and into her room. She was naked and couldn't stand to be discovered and humiliated again. So when Ky demanded she drop to her knees, she obeyed. 

Taylor felt Ky do something with the collar on her neck. She hoped she was unlocking it, but instead, she felt a pull and realized Ky had clipped on a leash. Immediately anger filled her brain, but she was still in the hall and couldn't risk causing a scene and followed Ky into her room. 

"Good pet," Ky cooed, which only caused Taylor's anger to double. As soon as the door closed, Taylor started to get up and barked. "I'M NOT A PET, BITCH!" She yelled. 

"Shut the fuck up PET. I'll call you what I want and you will take it. As long as I have the pictures you will be a good girl and my pet. If you bitch, argue, complain or anything else I will make you pay with more of my tasks." Ky barked back. "Now get back down on your knees, you have already earned a punishment. If you don't want me to add another you better remember how you're to greet me." Ky continued. 

Taylor stopped halfway to her feet and slowly dropped to her knees again. She stared at Ky for a second or two, before she remembered what Ky wanted. Blushing to her tits, she dropped to her belly and crawled over to Ky' feet and put her face on top of her trainers. 

"That's better, I see you can be trained. Now I shouldn't but I'm actually going to give you a choice of what to wear today. As you can see there are two outfits on my bed. You can choose either one, but each comes with rules. Now pick one." Ky demanded. 

Taylor looked at the two outfits. The one on the right was a very short tartan skirt. It was barely ten inches long and Taylor knew her ass a pussy would be on display. The top was a white crop top so sheer that Taylor could see the bed under it. What made it worse was across the tits was in large black letters "Bite Me". Along with it was a tiny thong with 'SLUT' across the small triangle. There was no way she would wear that. 

Taylor looked at the second outfit. It was also a slut college girl outfit with a short red tartan skirt but not nearly as short as the first one. It had suspenders that went up to her shoulders, and a white scoop neck top, that would be revealing but at least it was decent and no obscene phrases. There were no panties but a small box was sitting beside the outfit. Between the two outfits was a pair of stilettos with 6" heels. 

She looked up a Ky and asked, "What are the rules?" 

Ky smiled an evil smile and answered. "Well for the outfit on the right, you only have to wear it all day and you can't wear anything else. You also can't use your arms to cover your tits and you can't cross your legs." Ky waited to see if Taylor would react. 

"I can't wear that, what about the other one?" Taylor asked. 

"The second on is obviously covers a lot more, but you will not be allowed to wear any underwear and it comes with a couple toys that you do have to wear." Ky answered. 

"What toys?" Taylor asked. 

Ky grabbed one of her boxes, opened it and dumped out the contents. Taylor gasped when she realized what was there. 

Sitting on the bed was an anal plug, it looked huge to Taylor. Beside that were two balls almost two inches in diameter with a string attaching them and another one extending from one of them. Taylor knew what they were as soon as she saw them. They were BenWa balls, she actually had a set at home, but they were much smaller. Taylor bought them a long time ago, but only tried them once. They drove her nuts and she had to take them out after only a little while. Finally there were four cuffs, identical to the collar locked around her neck. 

Taylor looked at Ky and wanted to wrap her hands around Ky's neck and choke her. Either choice was evil. There was no way she could wear the first outfit, she would be kicked out of class and probably expelled. The second outfit would pass but the toys scared her. 

"Please Ky, don't do this? I can live with the second outfit but the toys..." 

"It's your choice, if you don't you will owe me a picture of my choice plus a punishment. Now make your choice. Oh I forgot one big rule for the second outfit. You are not allowed to cum without permission! However I will be nice, you can ask me, Ash or Nicole for permission, but when you do, you have to cum right there on the spot regardless of where you are. Also, you can only ask to cum twice all day. If you cum without permission you fail. You will also have to document your day with a picture in each class and especially when you cum." 

Taylor was having trouble containing her anger. She was glaring at Ky, but knew she couldn't do anything to piss her off or she would release the pictures. "I choose the second outfit." She spoke in barely over a whisper. 

"Excellent, now for your punishment," Ky gushed as she turned and pulled out two alligator clips from her pocket and handed them to Taylor. "I meant to mention that punishments can be cumulative. These clips go on your nipples and are to be worn whenever you are naked in my presence. When you arrive from your task, you will strip; put on the clips or anything else you accumulate and crawl on your belly to my feet. If you fail your task you get another clip, if one falls off while you're crawling you fail and we add another clip. If you piss me off you fail and you get another clip. So I'd be a very good girl if I were you, as these punishments are now part of every task. Make sure you keep any clips you earn with you at all times." Ky spat. 

Taylor slowly took the clips from Ky. Her face showed the fear as it hit her that this could get real bad real quick. Slowly she opened the first alligator clip and fastened it to her right nipple. As soon as it closed, Taylor gasped as the pain shot out from her nipple. She panted for a few moments before attaching the second clip. Taylor tried not to show how much it hurt, but in spite of her best efforts a tear ran down her cheek. 

"Okay slut, time to get dressed," Ky gushed and handed Taylor the plug. "You will need this too." She added and handed Taylor a tube of lube. Taylor took the plug and lube, she looked around and wanted to go anywhere to put it in, but short of going down the hall, there was no place to hide. She opened the lube, reached around to her ass and spread it around her sphincter. She blushed as Ky giggled at her as she slowly inserted a finger up her rectum and then another. Taylor pulled her hand out and added more lube before she went back and pushed three fingers up her ass. This time she groaned as her brown ring stretched further than ever before. 

"Do a good job slut or it will be very painful." Ky gushed and giggled again. 

Taylor pushed her fingers in and out of her ass for a few moments before pulling them out. She looked around to find something to wipe them off, but Ky's stern look stopped her cold. Taylor grabbed the plug and coated it with the lube. Slowly she lined it up with her ass a pushed. Immediately she squealed as the pain radiated out from her rear passage and stopped. Panting she tried to push it in again but the pain stopped her. 

"Look slut, I'm tired of waiting, I'll give you a minute to get it in or I'll do it for you and you get another punishment. 

Taylor stared daggers at Ky but tried to push past the pain and managed to get the plug almost halfway before she had to pull it back. 

"30 seconds slut!" Ky barked. 

Taylor was starting to panic; she tried to push once more but couldn't get it past halfway. 

"Please Ky, it won't go in." She begged. 

"15 seconds" Ky barked again with an evil grin. 

Finally Taylor pushed once again and holding it in place, dropped her ass to the floor ramming the large plug into her rectum. 


"Just in time slut, I was looking forward to doing it for you. Now here are the balls, shove them in your slut cunt and get dressed." Ky demanded. 

Taylor was crying but managed to grab the BenWa balls from Ky and work them deep inside her soaked pussy. As soon as she was done, she collapsed to the floor in a fetal position and cried. 

"Oh stop it wimp, the pain will go away in a few minutes. Hurry up and get dressed." Ky barked and tossed Taylor her outfit. 

"Please Ky may I take off the clips now?" Taylor asked her voice shaking. 

"Of course, you only have to wear them when you're naked, and I mean any time you're naked." Ky cooed. 

Taylor opened the first clip and removed it from her right nipple. It took a second for the blood to return to the nipple and then the pain hit. "Oh god that hurts, Please Ky be reasonable." Taylor pleaded. 

Ky didn't say a word but looked at her watch. Taylor reached up and removed the other clip and grabbed both nipples. This time she didn't say anything but started to get dressed. 

Finally Taylor was dressed and asked, "May I get up now?" 

"Of course, you can't go to class on your knees. Now remember you need to take pics and ask for permission to cum." Ky reminded Taylor of her task and headed for the dorm room door. 

Taylor slowly stood the plug in her ass made it difficult as her body hadn't adjusted to it yet. Taylor duck walked out of the room following behind Ky. It took Taylor all the way out of the dorm before she was able to walk somewhat normally. By the time she was halfway across the campus, the balls buried in her pussy were working their magic. It felt like the balls took turns bouncing on her 'G' spot and now with every step her pussy was pulsing. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Ky watched Taylor struggle walking with both her ass and pussy stuffed. Her college girl outfit was perfect as the back of her skirt tented from the plug buried in her rear passage. She thought about Taylor's instructions and making her ask for permission to cum. If everything worked according to plan, Taylor would be begging to cum soon. Incorporating Ash and Nicole with her task was perfect. After yesterday when Ash and Taylor watched the video with her, she thought there might be an opening to drive a wedge between Taylor and her two closest friends. If that happens, Taylor would be isolated and have nowhere to turn. Ky pulled out her cell and started to make calls. She needed to make sure that Taylor was under constant surveillance. She had to know if she tried to cheat on her task. When Taylor reported to her later today, Ky wanted to have proof of any mistakes. She had to make Taylor know there was no way to escape and to obey completely. 

The last call Ky made was to Ash, Taylor's sister. She had noticed Ash's reaction to the videos and had seen in the past how Taylor had treated her. Ash was key in bringing breaking Taylor and turning her into a submissive slut. 

"Hey Ash, Ky here," She spoke in the phone. 

"Hey Ky what's up?" Ask answered. 

"Did Nicole show you the gift I sent her yesterday?" 

"Wow did she, I would never have expected that. Why did you send it? I mean aren't you collecting videos and pics of Tay to use against her?" Ask asked. 

"Oh sure I still have a copy, but I thought you and Nicole might have some fun with it. Taylor is such a competitive bitch and I saw your dash across the campus awhile back..." Ky said. 

"Oh you saw that, I think everyone saw it." Ash said quietly. 

"Well I just wanted you to know, that Taylor is working on paying off the rest of our bet today. I dressed her like a slut college girl, plus a few additions." Ky explained. 

"So what are we supposed to do about it?" 

"Well I had her plug her ass and put some BenWa balls in her pussy." Ky laughed, and heard Ash gasp over the phone. "I also put a couple restrictions on her that she may ask for yours and Nicole's help." Ky strung out the explanation. 

"What sort of help, you know I'll do anything for her, don't you?" Ash stated her voice showing a bit of concern. 

"Well I told her she can't cum without permission." Ky giggled. 

"Really and what am I to do about that?" 

"I told her only you, me and Nicole can give her permission!" Ky said and waited for her reaction. 

"What, she has to ask us if she can cum? God you're evil." Ash gushed. 

"Well there are other rules. Firstly she can only cum twice today, and when she asks she has to cum right there on the spot. She must also document the climax with a pic or video." Ky explained. 

"Oh fuck that's... That's..." 

"HOT," Ky finished her sentence. 

"Yeah it is and very humiliating. There's no way she will ask either of us." Ash announced 

"Oh don't be so sure, it's a long day. I just wanted you to know the rules, so if you want a little payback, I would suggest you don't let her pull you into an empty room. Stay out in public, or use her needs to, I don't know, barter a future service. You can use the pics from her orgasm or the video I sent you to make sure she pays up. She changing you know. She wasn't the same dominate woman this morning. In fact you might even say she was quite submissive." Ky continued as she fed ideas into Ash's head. I know having you run across campus wearing that ridiculous outfit wasn't the only time she has rubbed your nose in something. This might be the perfect opportunity to bring her down a bit." Ky finished. 

"Thanks Ky but something tells me you're up to something." Ash commented. 

"Well that's partly true; you see I'm tired of her bullying everyone she meets. She is always picking on someone. If she can't find anyone she picks on those closer. I know you've seen it and I want her to stop it." Ky explained. 

"Is that all?" Ash pushed as she knew there was another reason. 

"Well, since this all started, I've noticed something I never expected to see, I think she's getting off on this. Didn't you see how she was leaking all over the floor in the locker room, or how about her jilling on demand in the library or by the tree on campus? I think in spite of all her bravado she is a closet submissive, and it's not going to take much more to push her over the edge." Ky said. 

"There is no way my sister is a submissive whether closet or not. I think you're bullshitting me." Ash declared. 

"Maybe I'm wrong; check it out, but what if I'm right? What if she is a submissive, how would you like to have her serving you for a change instead of you following her?" Ky offered. "Well anyways you know the rules and it's up to you on what you do. Just know that I am having her watched and I will know if she breaks any rules. I've got to go to class, have fun." Ky finished and ended the call. 

'I wonder if they will take the bait. If they do, Taylor will never be the same again.' Ky thought and smiled. 

* * * * * * * * * 

It wasn't long before Taylor had to stop walking. The fucking balls bouncing around inside her were driving her crazy. Her pussy was already dripping and now she had to clench to keep the balls from slipping out. She needed to calm her body down a bit and decided to sit down on one of the benches along the walk. Looking around and not seeing anyone, she sat down and squealed, she momentarily forgot about the plug filling her ass. But what really took her by surprise was as soon as her ass hit the bench, not only did it push deeper inside her, but it started to vibrate. Taylor jumped up as the vibrations only pushed her arousal even higher. 
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Taylor stood there in shock. She didn't know what to do. The balls had aroused her to the edge of a climax and now the plug was rapidly pushing her over the edge. It took everything she had to keep from having an orgasm. Just as she was about to surrender the vibrations stopped. She took a deep breath and waited before she headed down the walk to her class. By the time she arrived at her class her pussy was on the edge once again. Taylor looked down at her chest and her nipples were clearly visible. The scoop neck on the top showed the shadow of 'Slut' still on her chest. Taylor didn't look at anyone in the eyes trying to blend in with the background. Unfortunately the outfit Ky had her wearing made her the center of attention. The other girls in class made a point to call out every flaw in her body. 

"God what a fat ass!" Called one. 

"If she didn't have nipples she wouldn't have any tits." Said another. 

"Oh my god she's dripping, she really is a slut!" screamed a third. 

The boys weren't about to be outdone. "Hey slut, want a cock in that mouth?" Taylor heard, what was worse she really did want a cock but not in her mouth. 

"Hey the bitch doesn't have any panties on!" another voice was heard. With each taunt Taylor cringed and tried not to cry. She started to get up and leave, when she noticed one of Ky's friends recording her with her phone. Taylor knew she needed a picture of her in the class, finally turned and handed a girl and her phone. "Would you mind taking a picture?" She asked barely above a whisper. 

"Sure slut, just sit down, pull up your skirt and spread your fat legs. If you're going to advertise you're a slut, might as well show it all." The girl barked. 

Taylor didn't say a word, only two days ago she would have bitten the head off anyone who spoke to her that way, but now she sat down as ordered. The plug in her ass immediately started to buzz again sending her arousal through the roof. She managed to gather her thoughts, raised her skirt and spread her legs wide. She moaned as the entire class started to laugh and point at her. She could hear dozens of cameras clicking. As soon as the girl handed back her phone, Taylor jumped up and dashed out of the class. She ran down the hall as fast as she could in the hooker heels and into the girl's restroom and locked herself in a stall. The balls moving around inside her cunt and the plug vibrating finally pushed her over the edge as her body exploded as she orgasmed. Taylor wasn't able to keep from screaming as her body was wracked with wave after wave of pleasure as her muscles convulsed. She didn't even notice that she had slid off the toilet and on to the dirty floor. When she was able to open her eyes, standing above her was the same girl she saw earlier videoing her humiliation. 

"Please don't," she pleaded her voice weak. The girl laughed and said "If you don't want Ky to see this, then you need to be a good slut and eat my pussy." The girl demanded. 

Taylor was desperate, she couldn't fail today. She knew that Ky would not only punish her but force her into even more humiliating situations. She nodded and tried to get to her knees. 

"No slut, stay on the floor." The girl spat as she pulled up her skirt. The girl removed her panties and squatted over Taylor's face. 

Taylor couldn't believe what was happening to her. The day had hardly started and now she was about to eat a stranger's pussy to keep from failing her task. She watched as the smiling girl straddled her head and slowly lowered her pussy to her mouth. Taylor had never licked a pussy before; in fact other than one time at a party where she was dared to kiss another girl, she had never done anything with a girl. She wanted to push her away and kick her ass, but she couldn't move, her body was still buzzing from the orgasm and in spite of her disgust at what was about to happen, she was getting aroused again. 

It was only a couple seconds before the girl's lips touched Taylor's. She could smell her distinct smell and slowly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She expected the taste to be disgusting, but actually it had very little flavor, maybe a tangy sweet taste, but nothing bad. Taylor licked up and down the girl's pussy, concentrating on what she liked done to her. She must have liked what she was doing as in only a few moments, Taylor could hear moans coming from above. She decided that she needed this to be over quickly and started to concentrate her efforts on her clit, sucking it into her mouth and nipping it with her teeth. 

Taylor could hear the moans clearly as the girl started to quiver and her pussy was juicing, a lot. She was surprised when suddenly she felt a smack on her pussy. The pain shot out but instead of causing Taylor to complain, her body once again betrayed her as she was about to climax again. Now it was Taylor who was trembling as the girls smacked her pussy over and over driving her crazy. 

Taylor knew she couldn't last much longer bit the girls clit once again and this time the girl screamed as her pussy gushed her cum all over Taylor's face. A moment or two later, the girl slid off Taylor's face and gushed. 

"You are one fine pussy licker. I can't wait until you fuck up again." She barked as she slipped her panties on and stood up. "Remember, you are being watched. You got lucky this time, next time you will fail." She said a walked out of the restroom leaving Taylor on the floor covered in girl cum and her pussy on fire. 

It took Taylor almost five minutes to clear her head and clean up her face. She knew she was lucky no one visited the restroom and caught her. She thought about returning to class, but figured if she went back now during class she would cause a bigger scene than before. 

Taylor sat on the toilet and tried to figure out what to do. This class was about half over and her next class didn't start for another hour. Even though she had an amazing orgasm, the girl spanking her pussy only brought her back up to the edge once again. Finally she decided to head to the other building where her next class was and try not to climax while walking there. 

Taylor walked out of the building and was happy to see that mostly everyone else was in class. That meant she wouldn't be seen and could stop if necessary. It wasn't far before those infernal balls worked her up once again. It was as if after her first climax her body was on a hair trigger and it wasn't taking much to climax again. It took her almost twenty minutes to make it to the next building, what would normally be less than five minutes. She had to stop at every bench and practically lay down to keep the plug from vibrating. Again she was glad no one was around as her ass was clearly in view. As soon as she entered she rushed to the restroom and sat down on a toilet. It was the only place she could sit and not set off the vibrator. She was panting and sweating as her body trembled in excitement. 

"I have to do something, I can't go on like this, I need to cum." She thought to herself. "I'll call Ash, she can give me permission. If I can orgasm now, I can make it through this class and I'm free until later this afternoon." 

Taylor pulled out her cell and sent a text to Ash. 

Ash, I need you! Meet me in the restroom in Baker Business Building first floor. Please hurry! 


Taylor sat there and waited. She knew that Ash would come soon. When her phone buzzed telling her a text had arrived, she quickly opened the message. 

Tay, I can't right now. I don't have the time. Maybe later. Ash 

'oh god no.' Taylor groaned when she read the text. 

She quickly answered. 

Ash, I don't care I need you now. Get your ass over here I'm desperate. Tay 

Her phone buzzed a few seconds later. 

Ok, but meet me outside, I can only meet for a minute. 

Taylor was pissed but quickly rushed out to the common area to meet her sister. Oh god I hope she hurries Taylor thought to herself.
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Ash read the text and smiled. She never expected her sister to contact her today. She could read between the lines and knew what Taylor wanted. Her conversation with Ky was still fresh in her mind. All during her first class it was all she could think of; what she might do if Taylor actually asked her for permission. Ash slipped out of her class and started over to the common area by Baker building. She stopped by the restroom and freshened up first however, she wanted to make Taylor wait for an extra few minutes. After about ten minutes, she walked out and headed to meet Taylor only a few minutes away.

Ash spotted Taylor almost as soon as she left her building. She was off to the side away from everyone and beside a few trees and a bench. She was standing still but Ash could see her bounce from foot to foot. She headed for her sister not walking slow but certainly not hurrying. As soon as Taylor saw her she waved and motioned her to hurry up.

"God Taylor what's the rush? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Ash asked.

"Fuck Ash what took you so long? I told you I needed you. Follow me we need to go inside." Taylor demanded.

"Wait a minute, who put you in charge? I don't have time to waste, so what do you want." Ash asked trying not to laugh at Taylor's situation.

"Please Ash; Ky is making my life unbearable. What she is demanding is impossible to do without your help. So I have to get out of sight please." Taylor was pleading now.

"Oh you mean you want something from me? What do you want? I told you I don't have much time." Ash asked and watched as her big sister squirmed.

"I have to ask you a question and I can't do it here. Please let's just go inside. It will only take a minute." Taylor begged.

"I love the outfit and especially the slut still on your chest. So turn around and let me see what Ky gave you to wear." Ash said in a voice that told Taylor that if she wanted Ash to help she had to do what she asked. Taylor slowly turned around and when she was facing away, Ash stopped her.

"WTF is in your ass Tay? Is that Ky's doing?" Ash asked.

Taylor spun around and blushed, "It a butt plug, Ky is making me wear it." She answered.

"What else are you wearing?" Ash asked as she reached down and pulled up Taylor's skirt. Ash was surprised when Taylor didn't resist or try to stop her. She just stood there letting her hold up her skirt and show her pussy to anyone walking by.

"I have balls in my pussy and they are driving me crazy. That's why I need your help. So please.."

Ash interrupted Taylor before she could finish her sentence. "You need my permission to cum. Right?"

"Oh god you know? Who told you? Please Ash I can't hold out much longer, we have to go inside."

"NO, if you want to cum ask me and maybe I'll say yes, maybe I'll say no, but you ask me right here." Ash barked.

Taylor turned bright red. Her face showed how surprised she was at her now dominating sister. "Please Ash may I cum?" Taylor whispered.

"Good girl, but if you want to cum you're going to have to do something for me." Ash demanded.

"Anything Ash, anything you want, but please inside." Taylor answered.

"I spoke to Ky and she told me of your rules. So I will give you a choice. I can say yes right now, here and you can cum, or we can go inside and I can say yes, but you have to strip naked, and come to my room tonight and be my slave for the night. It's your choice, but you must make your mind up right now." Ash demanded.

"Fuck Ash, a slave? What would I have to do?" Taylor asked.

"Okay I'm out of here. I told you to decide right now and no limits or restrictions." Ash said and turned to walk away.


Ash turned around and smiled, "Okay let's go but as soon as we enter the building you strip." She ordered and headed for Baker, with Taylor meekly following her. They entered the building at one of the side entrances and Taylor stopped just inside the door and started to strip. Ash watched in fascination as her big sister obeyed her command to strip as soon as they entered. When Taylor was naked, she pulled two alligator clips from her skirt pocket and clipped them on her nipples. Ash heard her gasp and was even more surprised when Taylor handed Ash her clothes.

Ash didn't say a word but turned to walk down the stairs to the basement level and into a dark classroom. Taylor followed and didn't say a word. As soon as they entered Ash turned to look at her naked and subdued sister standing in front of her.

"Well." Ash asked.

"Please may I cum Ash?" Taylor breathed her body flushed and legs trembling.

Ash took a couple steps away and turned around again and pulled out her phone. She remembered Ky's instructions to document Taylor's orgasms. "Is this how you approach Ky?" She asked wondering if Taylor would crawl to her like she did yesterday in the locker room.

Taylor slowly dropped to her knees and then down to her belly and crawled the eight or so feet to Ash's shoes. "Please Miss Ash may I cum?" Taylor asked again in almost a whisper.

"I didn't hear you." Ash said wanting to make sure Taylor was heard on the video.

"Please Miss Ash may I cum?" Taylor asked louder.

"Sure just make sure you look at my phone and thank me for being a generous sister." Ash gushed as her own body was flushed with excitement.

Taylor rose to her knees and looked directly into the phone. She smiled as she buried three fingers deep into her dripping pussy and moaned, "Oooohhhhh thank you Ash for letting me get some relief. I will do whatever you wish tonight for the privilege of being allowed to cum." Taylor fingers were a blur as she pounded her pussy never taking her eyes off from the phone. Her eyes were growing distant and her breaths coming in short pants. When her body started to shake and her arms tremble, her left hand reached up and grabbed one of the alligator clips still attached to her nipple and pulled it out from her body. Ash watched as Taylor grimaced from the pain when her body convulsed and her pussy gushed shooting her cum all over the tile floor between her legs.

Taylor dropped to the floor, her hand still buried in her pussy, fucking herself rapidly with her fingers. Ash stood there watching in amazement as her sister debased herself with wild abandonment. Taylor kept at it for almost five minutes before her hand slipped out as she lies on the floor trembling.

It took Taylor a few minutes to collect herself and slowly get up on her knees again. She looked up at Ash and smiled a weak smile. "Thank you Ash, what time should I show up tonight?" 

"Stop by after you finish with Ky. I'll be in my room." Ash stated. She dropped Taylor's clothes on the floor and headed for the door. "Oh, seeing as you're a slut, don't wash up, you might as well smell like one too." Ash said as she walked out of the room.

Ash quickly rushed down the hall and into the women's room around the corner. She was so fucking hot she had to do something. Her mind was locked on what Ky had said this morning. Maybe she was right, Taylor was submissive. Ash rushed into a stall and dropped her pants. In seconds her fingers were massaging her clit.

* * * * * * * * *

Taylor finally managed to remove the clips and dress. Her body still buzzing from the amazing orgasm she just experienced. She was confused on why; was it was because of the toys constantly teasing her body, or the humiliation of being seen by almost everyone on campus, or having to ask her sister Ash for permission to cum. Whatever it was; it was affecting her in ways she didn't know existed a few days ago. 

Taylor was surprised at how domineering Ash was. She had never seen that side of her and was totally shocked at how her little sister treated her. She wanted to be pissed at her, but the more Ash demanded the more aroused she became. After finally getting permission to cum, and to look directly into the camera and thank her, I couldn't have refused if I wanted to. At that moment all she wanted to do was please Ash.

Taylor walked out of the classroom and headed upstairs to her class. She knew she smelled like pussy, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to go wash up. She had to follow Ash's directions.

Taylor made it through the next class and even talked someone into taking her picture. It was a small class and everyone there was concentrating on passing the class. They hardly even looked at her, but no one would sit next to her either. That was okay with Taylor, her day had been humiliating enough already. However her next class was all the way on the other side of campus. It was almost a half mile away. Taylor knew it would take her a long time to get there without the balls forcing her to orgasm once again. At least she had over and hour to get there. Usually she stopped for lunch between these classes, but the thought of stopping by the food court at the Student Center was just too much after yesterday. She finally decided just to head to class and take her time. 

* * * * * * * * 

Ky sat at her desk in her dorm room. She was smiling at what she was hearing. What Taylor didn't know was Ky had hidden a wireless microphone in her outfit. She had turned on Taylor's hotspot and connected it to Taylor's phone. Now everything Taylor said was sent to Ky's app. Even though the girl hadn't sent the video to Ky, she already knew Taylor had orgasmed without permission. Ky was looking forward to when Taylor showed up later and see if she would lie about it. She had lots of ideas on how to punish her. Now that she had failed today's task, and would probably lie about later, Taylor would earn at least two punishments. Ash fast forwarded through the audio file until Taylor and Ash met. She giggled at how Ask played dumb about what Taylor wanted, and when Ash started to make demands on Taylor, Ky's pussy pulsed. 

Ky listened to the entire conversation between Ash and Taylor. She loved it when Taylor called Ash "Miss Ash". When Ash demanded Taylor to crawl to her on her belly, Ky slipped her hand down her shorts. Her pussy was drenched and she needed to get off. Ky knew that it if things kept going like they were, Taylor would be her little submissive pet.

It was about two hours later when Ky heard a soft knock at her door. She knew it was Taylor, as she had listened to everything that had happened in the last class. Taylor managed to talk another girl into taking a picture but she didn't make her do anything out of the ordinary. 

Ky slowly stood up and walked to her door. When she opened it Taylor was standing just outside her head lowered and her body flushed. "Taylor, how was your day?" She gushed. She expected Taylor to bite her head off but instead, Taylor simply moaned, "It was humiliating Ky."

Ky walked back across the room and sat down on her bed, stretching her legs out with her bare feet sticking up. Taylor stepped inside and shut the door. She slowly stripped and clipped the alligator clips on her nipples. Ky watched as she took a deep breath, put her phone in her mouth, slowly dropped to her knees and finally down to her belly. It was everything Ky could do not giggle as Taylor, her face scrunched up in pain, her phone dangling from her mouth, struggled to crawl on her belly and not lose a clip off her nipples. When Taylor finally made it to Ky's feet and put her face on them, Ky noticed that both clips were on the floor. 

Taylor looked up at her rival and waited for Ky to take the phone from her mouth. Ky reached down and with her finger tips took the phone. "Well slut, did you finish your task today?" Ky asked already knowing the answer. She waited to see if Taylor would answer truthfully or if she would lie to her.

"Yes Ky I did, it was tough but you knew it was." Taylor answered her voice a little stronger now.

"Really, well I see two clips on the floor." Ky spat, "that means you failed at least that much." 

Taylor's face turned white as she looked down at the clips right below her. 

"Please Ky, they just fell off. I made it all the way here." Taylor explained.

"No slut you failed, the clips stay on as long as you are naked." Ky gushed and pulled out two new clips, these were butterfly clips. What Taylor didn't know was that the more you pulled on them the tighter they were.

"Pick them up and put them back on your nipples, then clip these to your pussy lips. From now on when you're naked you will have all four attached." Ky watched at Taylor's shoulders dropped and a tear slid down her cheek. 

"Now slut, you said you finished your task, but let me ask just one question. How many times did you cum?" Ky set the trap and waited for Taylor to fall in.

Taylor looked up at Ky, she hesitated for a moment and finally whispered "Once Ky when Ash gave me permission."

"Once, I would have thought you would have cum at least twice." Ky said, her voice a little condescending.

"No, Ky it was only once." Taylor said again.

"Interesting," Ky mused as she reached over and opened an app on her phone. She used her finger to play with the screen for a few moments and finally she pushed a button on the screen.

A voice came out of Ky's phone, "Please don't," then another voice was heard, "If you don't want Ky to see this, then you need to be a good slut and eat my pussy." The voice said.

Taylor gasped when she heard the voices, she knew the first one was hers and the second one was the girl videoing her.

"No slut, stay on the floor." The girl's voice said again.

"Please Ky stop it." Taylor moaned.

"Oh I don't think so, in fact I was about to back it up so you could hear yourself moaning when you climaxed."

Taylor dropped her head as the sounds coming out of Ky's phone was her slurping and the girl moaning as he licked her pussy.

"Now how many times did you cum today?" Ky demanded.

"Twice Ky," Taylor whispered.

"I'm supposed to believe you. I just caught you in a lie. Now I've already talked to Jill, she admitted that she caught you having an orgasm in the restroom after class. She also said you eat a mean pussy." Ky loved every second as she watched Taylor body and more importantly her mind surrender. 

Ky played with the app again and when she pushed the button, Taylor and Ash's conversation played.

They listened to it and when it was done, Ky spoke again. "I love it that you called Ash, 'Miss Ash'. At least you did that right, she is just a Miss. I am your Mistress and from now on that is exactly what you will call me, Mistress Ky." 

"Yes Mistress Ky." Taylor answered. 

"Now because you failed your task, and lied about it to me, I'm keeping all the pictures and videos from today. That means that I now have 17 videos and pictures. Plus any that my spies took of you, that hasn't been sent to me yet." Ky gushed. "You now have 17 tasks to complete to get them all back unless you fail again. I would suggest you never lie to me again." Ky growled.

"Yes Mistress I won't lie again." The defeat was clear in Taylor's voice.

"Good, now that we understand each other and you know you can't get away with anything. Now because you lied, the collar, cuffs, ankle bracelets, balls and butt plug stays right where they are. You will ask for permission to cum, go to the bathroom and anything else. Tonight you are your sister's slave. You will do anything she says regardless of what it is. When you arrive you will strip and crawl on your belly to her feet and kiss her toes. If you do anything else I will send out one video to the entire college. A punishment will follow tomorrow morning when you show up for your task." Ky barked. "Now grab your clothes and get out. You can dress in the hall." Ky said and pushed Taylor's face away with her foot.

"Yes Mistress," Taylor said and crawled over to her clothes and slipped out of the room.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Taylor dressed quickly and dashed out of the dorm. She headed across the campus towards Ash's dorm. She had to stop several times to keep from having a climax. She was constantly looking around to see if anyone was watching. The problem was with the way she was dressed and how she had to sit on the bench to keep from climaxing, everyone was looking. About fifteen minutes later, Taylor knocked at Ash's room door. After today, she wasn't certain what Ash would have her do, but she did know she would do whatever she was told.

Ash opened the door and giggled, "Come in slave." Ash laughed.

Taylor wanted to yell at her little sister, but after Ky's warning, she stepped inside and stripped off her clothes, attached the two alligator clips to her nipples and two butterfly clip to her labia. With each clip, she gasped but didn't hesitate. Finally she dropped to her belly and crawled over to Ash's bare feet and kissed her toes. 

"I am here to serve Miss Ash." Taylor said.

Ash tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't help but smile. Her big sister, who had so many times embarrassed her just for fun was naked on her belly and asking to be her slave. Before Ash could say a word, there was another knock, and Nicole walked in.

"Oh My God, she's naked!" Nicole yelled. 

Taylor didn't move but kept kissing Ash's toes. Ash laughed and said.

"Yeah she had to ask me for permission to cum today, and I couldn't resist demanding she be my slave for the night before I would give her permission."

"And she agreed to that?" Nicole asked.

"Well see for yourself. Ky sent me a video of her day today and guess what?" Ash asked.

"What," Nicole asked?

"Well the slave here orgasms in restrooms and eats pussy!" Ash explained. "Want to see?" She asked.

"Absolutely, do you know who it was?" Nicole said as she sat down next to Ash.

"No you can't see her face but apparently the slave knows her way around a pussy because she came like a fountain." Ash gushed.

Taylor didn't move or say a word. She couldn't look at either of them. It wasn't until Ash barked at her to take Nicole's shoes off and kiss her feet that she moved.

Nicole and Ash watched the videos Ky sent Ash today and Taylor licked their toes until Ash pushed her away. "Enough of the foot licking slave, how about you show us how you get off. From what I've seen you will do it almost anywhere." Ash demanded.

Taylor sat back on her haunches and slid her hand down her stomach and to her clipped pussy.

"Fuck what is attached to her body?" Nicole gasped.

"Oh that's part of her punishment. Every time she fails, Ky adds a punishment. She has to clip her nipples and pussy whenever she is naked. She also has to wear the collar and cuffs all the time and keep her ass and pussy filled." Ash answered.

"Fuck I need a picture of this." Nicole laughed and pulled out her phone. Taylor didn't move except for her fingers stroking her clit and fucking her pussy. Both Ash and Nicole could see that Taylor was about to explode.

When Nicole's phone started to click, Taylor yelled out, "Please Miss Ash may I cum?" 

"No slave, you can't. Now stop and turn around and show us your ass." Ash barked.

Taylor quickly stopped masturbating and turned around. She pushed her ass in the air and put her face on the floor. Her plugged ass and dripping pussy were in plain view.
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"Wow she is very obedient isn't she?" Nicole observed.

"She doesn't have a choice, if she refuses to do anything I tell her, Ky will send out one of her videos to everyone on campus. My big sister is in a bit of a pickle." Ash laughed.

Nicole reached out and pulled on the large anal plug sticking out from Taylor's ass. She pulled it until it was right was about to come out and pushed it back in. When she did that, it started to vibrate, as soon as it started, Taylor screamed and orgasmed. Her pussy gushed her girl cum down her legs.

"Well someone is a bad slave," Ash said, "I guess you're going to be very popular tomorrow." She continued.

Taylor screamed and started to beg, "Please Miss Ash don't do this, I'll be a good slave, please give me another chance."

Ash didn't get a chance to respond when there was a knock at the door. Ash answered it and in walked her neighbor, Katie. When Katie entered she stopped dead in her tracks. "What the fuck? Is that Taylor?" She asked 

"Yeah she kind of got herself in a situation and this is part of it." Ash answered.

"I heard it was her outside the Student Center yesterday, but I didn't believe it. So why is she here naked? And what is in her ass" 

"Her ass and pussy are plugged, tonight she is my slave. She wasn't allowed to cum, but she did anyways and she was just begging to do anything to make it up to us. Do you have any suggestions?" Ash asked her neighbor.

Katie looked down at the naked slave and smiled an evil smile. "Anything?" She asked.

"Anything is what she said."

Katie didn't hesitate and practically yelled. "Fuck yeah I have a suggestion. Let's get naked and party. She has always been such a bitch and I'd love to have her eat my pussy and kiss my ass." Katie gushed as she pulled her top off and dropped her shorts. Ash and Nicole looked at each other and smiled. Both stood and stripped off their clothes. Soon all three women were standing in front of Taylor.

Ash was blushing but her pussy was incredibility wet. She looked at her sister and barked, "Get busy slave."

Taylor closed her eyes and buried her face in Katie's pussy. Ash stared at her big sister, she would never have believed that she would ever eat another woman's pussy, let alone practically beg to do it. It took about ten minutes before Katie started to tremble and seconds later screamed out as she came all over Taylor's face.

Ash couldn't take her eyes off what was happening in front of her. Taylor kept licking until Katie pushed her away and Taylor moved to her left and pushed her face between Nicole's legs. 

"Well that was fun, I'd hate to end this so soon but I'm out of ideas. I'm not about to let her eat my pussy, that's just wrong." Ash said.

"Oh I have lots of ideas, I'll be right back." Katie quickly dressed and rushed out the door. She was gone for a couple minutes and came rushing back in. In her hands she had a blindfold and a harness.

"Stand up slave." She demanded. Taylor wasn't about to disobey quickly got to her feet. Katie wrapped the blindfold around her eyes. As soon as Taylor was blinded you could see her shiver. 

"Nicole, diddle her clit while I get her ready." Katie instructed. For the next several minutes, Katie fastened the harness around Taylor's body. She attached a rope to her collar and said. 

"Let's go down to the rec room. Taylor has always walked around like she has a pole stuck up her ass and I think it's time she really did have one." Katie gushed as she pulled Taylor out into the hall. 

Taylor was panting as she had no idea where they were taking her and being blind only increased her fear. As soon as they entered the hall, there were voices all around her. Katie pulled Taylor down the hall and to the stairs. Ash and Nicole followed close behind. The three women helped Taylor down the three flights of stairs to the basement. Taylor could hear the footsteps following behind. 

When they arrived in the basement, Katie led their slave through a door. She knew that Taylor had no idea of where she was, but now Ash, Nicole, and Katie along with almost twenty other co-eds were in a large rec room filled with exercise equipment on one side. On the other side was a long banister used by the dance team when they used to practice here. Katie pulled Taylor over to the banister and with the help of Ash and Nicole, lifted Taylor over the rail so she was straddling it. Taylor was now on her toes with the rail between her legs buried in her pussy.

"Okay slave, if you can walk the rail and not cum, you can go home. But if you cum, we're going to add a weight to your pussy clips and do it again." Katie announced. Just before she told Taylor to start, she clipped her hands together behind her back. 

"Okay slave, get walking." Katie barked.

Taylor's pussy and clit were now rubbing against the rail, her juices coating it. As she tip toed alone the rail all she could hear were the shouts and taunts raining down at her.

"Fuck talk about a snail trail" Came one remark.

"What a slut!" came another.

"Look at that ass, it jiggles as she walks."

"I think she's going to cum"

"Look at her tits, there's not enough to even suck."

"Will she beg to cum?"

On and on it went and the further it continued, Taylor could feel herself getting closer to an orgasm. When someone grabbed an alligator clip and pulled on her nipple, the dam broke. Taylor's body exploded as her girl cum gushed all over the floor.

A massive cheer rang out as Taylor collapsed and slid off the rail and to the floor.

"Hey she made a big mess, have her lick it up." Someone said.

Before anyone could react, Taylor rolled over, extended her tongue and started to lick the floor.

"Oh gross, look at her, licking the floor."

Several other comments rained down on Taylor until her brain was overwhelmed and she orgasmed once again.

Ash then took over and yelled. "Okay, shows over, everyone out." She pushed the crowd towards the door and soon only Nicole and Katie remained. They stood over Taylor as she continued to lick up her mess. Finally they released her and took her back upstairs. When they were in Ash's room, Taylor collapsed to the floor and fell instantly asleep.
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The next couple days were a blur to Taylor. Each morning she showed up at Ky's dorm room and was assigned a new task. After her first two days, the following weren't nearly as intense. The tasks were easier but still fed Taylor's increasingly submissive behavior to Ky and also to Ash and Nicole. As hard as Taylor tried to fulfill all her task requirements, Ky always managed to find some kind of fault and add another punishment to her ever lengthening list. Taylor was able to complete two tasks and Ky graciously deleted two of the tamer pictures but there were more explicit pics and videos still in Ky;s collection. As each day ended Taylor's resistance diminished a little each time.

Ky required Taylor had to be naked to orgasm one day. In keeping with her already ongoing punishment, all the clips Taylor had earned were to be attached to her body. The end result was that Taylor couldn't cum without pain.

Taylor showed up at Ky's room at 7:30 that morning as normal. She knocked and when Ky opened the door, Taylor stepped in and stripped. It had been almost three days since she had last orgasmed, Taylor's body was on edge and her mind clouded with lust. Slowly she attached the clips; first the alligator clips to her nipples, the sharp teeth biting into her tender flesh. The pain sent shocks straight to her dripping pussy. Grabbing the other two butterfly clamps, Taylor snapped them on her pussy lips causing her to moan as her arousal skyrocketed. Finally she finished by attaching the six remaining binder clips on various other parts of her body, two more on her pussy and four around her nipples. By the time Taylor she finished she was panting hard, her body on fire from arousal and pain. Dropping to the floor and got ready to slither on her belly towards her Mistress, but deep down inside she knew she would orgasm if she did. Since she was caught the other day using her hands to keep her belly off the floor when she crawled to Ky, she now had to put her hands behind her back as she dragged herself to Ky's feet. The floor caught the clips attached to Taylor's body, increasing the pain from the clips at her sensate spots on her body. 

Taylor looked upwards at Ky and her smug smile. She knew Ky had set her up to fail. With her body on the edge and the pain only enhancing it, her body was about to erupt from the stimulation and there would be nothing she could do about it.

Taylor's shoulders dropped as she laid on the floor, begging at Ky. "Please Mistress Ky, may this slave cum? I'm begging you. If I crawl to you I won't be able to stop it and I can't take anymore punishments. Please Mistress let this slave cum. I'll do whatever you desire just don't punish me anymore." Tears fell from Taylor's face; she was lost and didn't have the strength to resist any longer.

"Oh poor baby. You want to cum and you'll do anything I desire? How could I refuse?" Ky snickered as her face lit up in triumph. 

Taylor lie there as tears ran down her cheeks and waited to hear the words she craved.

"I'll tell you what, I will do more than let you cum, I'll even take back all the clips and you can start over. All you have to do is from now on when you report to me each morning and afternoon; you lick my feet and eat my pussy and ass. If you agree to do that, I will grant your request."

Taylor looked up at Ky standing above her. She knew if she agreed to her Mistress's demands, there would be no going back, regardless of the pictures and videos. Ky would always be her Mistress. Taylor wanted to say no, but she knew it was just a matter of time before she would be forced to give in. In a voice barely above a whisper she said, "Yes Mistress Ky. May I cum?"

"Yes slave, you may," Ky smiled wickedly and sat down on her bed and spread her legs.

Taylor's hands shot to her cunt which was drenched, with her right hand attacking her clit and her left buried three and then four fingers deep inside her. It took only seconds before Taylor's body exploded with a massive orgasm, her muscles contracting and convulsing. Taylor's eyes rolled back in her head as her body convulsed on the floor. Her fingers were a blur as she pounded her cunt pushing her orgasm newer heights until she lost all control and passed out.

Any resistance left in Taylor had been shattered after her orgasm. She felt broken and could no longer will herself to resist any of Ky's demands. Taylor slowly crawled over and started to lick Ky's shoes. Taylor pulled off the saliva covered shoes followed by her socks. She began to suck her Mistress's toes, taking each one into her mouth and slowly sucking it, her tongue dragging along the edges. When she finished she looked up at her Mistress and her smug expression. 

Taylor slowly worked her way up Ky's legs to her panty covered pussy. She slid her fingers into the waist band and pulled them down her Mistress's legs. Taylor could smell Ky's arousal, the scent ingraining itself into her brain. She knew as soon as she crossed this barrier her life would be forever changed. She would no longer be able to look at Ky as a rival again, but only as her Mistress. It was at this moment that Taylor accepted her defeat.

Closing her eyes, she leaned forward and kissed Ky's lower lips, as tears flowed down her cheeks. Taylor slid her tongue up and down Ky's dripping slit. In Taylor's mind she had accepted her new status; her only thoughts were to please her Mistress. Ky moaned from the attention she was getting, Taylor attacked Ky's pussy with a vengeance from the sounds. Licking, sucking, fucking, and nibbling Ky's clit, Taylor made sure she did everything in her power to please her Mistress. 

Taylor licked and sucked Ky to several orgasms until she was pushed away. "I think I'm going to like the new you Taylor." Ky said with a grin.

Taylor couldn't look Ky in the eye, dropping her eyes to the floor. After a few minutes, Taylor slowly asked, "Please Mistress Ky, what is my task today?"

Ky smiled down at Taylor and answered, "I'm going to go easy on you today slut. You have a track meet later today and part of your task is how you perform. But first let's get you ready for the day. Stand up and put your hands behind your head. 

Taylor quickly jumped up. The clips still adorning her body were painful, but she dare not ask to remove them. Ky was standing in front of Taylor and laughed, "Oh I forgot, let's take those clips off. Now that you're my pussy slave, we'll start over with your punishments. 

Ky reached out and grabbed an alligator clip on Taylor's right nipple. She twisted it and pulled it until Taylor gasped. The pain shot out from her abused nipple and travelled down to her pussy. Just as Taylor was about to scream from the pain, Ky jerked the clip off the nipple and tossed it aside. Taylor's hand covered her nipple as screamed in pain. Before she could recover, Ky did the same thing to the other nipple. Taylor's legs gave out and she dropped to her knees, rubbing the throbbing nipples to ease the pain.

For the next couple minutes, Ky removed the remaining eight clips, making sure it was as painful as possible. 

"I know this hurts Tay, but this is a lesson I want you to learn. These clips are gone now that you are my pussy slave, but every time you fail at anything, you will again have to wear the clips. This is just to remind you how painful it can be." Ky growled.

Taylor nodded her head vigorously. She never wanted to feel those evil clips on her skin again; anything would be worth not being punished.

Ky laughed at Taylor, submissive and kneeling in front of her. She was a far cry from the strong willed and dominating young woman from a few days ago. Ky turned to a bag on her bed and pulled out a long silver vibrator and held it up to Taylor's face. Taylor opened her mouth in surprise and Ky shoved the vibrator into Taylor's mouth and down her throat. "Get it nice and wet slave." Ky ordered keeping it in Taylor's throat.

Taylor licked and drooled all over the shiny silver vibrator, not wanting to anger her Mistress. A minute or so later, Ky pulled it out of Taylor's mouth giving Taylor a moment to breath. Ky turned Taylor around Ky quickly pushed it into Taylor's cunt.

Taylor gasped, the sudden invasion inside caused her to moan loudly. Her body was adjusting to the vibrator when Ky added a smaller plug up Taylor's ass, she was once again on the verge of an orgasm as she felt her body reacted to the feeling being completely full.

"Mistress Ky, may I cum?" She asked quietly twitching from the vibrator, staring at the floor and not looking at Ky in the eyes.

"You are such a slut, it's only been ten minutes since your last orgasm and you're already asking to cum again? No you can't, I want you in peak shape for this afternoon's meet." Ky answered, she then turned and grabbed a length of white cotton cord coiled on her bed.

Taylor didn't question her Mistress's answer but stood quietly as Ky started to bind her body. A few minutes later, she had a rope looped around her neck, extending down her chest with knots every few inches, the last knot right on top of her distended clit. The rope split her cunt lips holding the vibrator deep inside her and up through her ass cheeks, over the plug and all the way up to her neck. Ky then wrapped the ropes around Taylor's body crisscrossing over and under her tits and down to her waist. The more Ky pulled the rope tighter, the more the coarse cord rubbed across Taylor's split pussy and ass. When Ky finally tied off the ropes, Taylor was bound from her neck to her crotch. Now there was no way to remove either the plug or the vibrator unless she stripped and untied all the knots.

"Okay slut, get dressed, no one will be able to see your bindings and only you will know you are tied. However the vibrator is a special vibe. It is Bluetooth enabled and anyone with the app can connect and turn it on. You know the rules; you can only cum when you're naked and clipped. If you're not naked and clipped, your punishment clips double. I'm putting the ten you have now in a bag attached to your waist. However, because you are now a pussy slave, I'm going to give you a choice, if you don't want to attach the clips, you can eat a pussy or suck a cock and when they cum you can climax too. You are not to cum until you are naked and either have the clips on your body or a mouthful of cum first. I also expect you to video it all or have someone video it for you." Ky said with a evil laugh.

"Mistress Ky, what about the meet later?" Taylor asked.

"You will run just as you are. You will change into your uniform and run as normal. Just as long as you win the race you will get no punishments and I will delete a pic. If you lose, each place you finish behind the winner adds a punishment and a new pic or video." Ky responded.

Taylor slowly stood and nodded, she needed to get to class. Today was the first day she was dressed as normal with sweat shirt, tee shirt top and shorts. Looking down the only thing showing was the loop around her neck. Hopefully no one would question her about it. She turned and left Ky's room and headed down the hall. The plug filling her ass wasn't too bad, after wearing it for the last few days it almost felt normal to her now. However the long vibrator filling her pussy was already stoking her fires but so far she could maintain herself. She wondered if Ky had told anyone about the App and if it would go off.

Taylor made it all the way to her class, her mind still coming to grips with her new status as Ky's pussy girl. The vibe and plug buried deep inside her was a constant reminder of her submission. As usual she was aroused and craving relief. 

'How can I run today with these filling me? At least my competition today isn't very good. Even with these buried inside me I should win.' Taylor thought to herself.

Taylor sat down in the back of her class. She wanted to keep a low profile but after the last few days, almost everyone who passed her either snickered or made a snide comment. With each person Taylor blush deepened. She couldn't even look at anyone in the eye to see who might be commenting. A week ago, she would never let anyone get away with these comments, but now she didn't even react. She just sat quietly and prayed for the class to start.

The professor walked to the front of the class and started his lecture. Taylor pulled out her notebook and started to take notes. About five minutes into the lecture, the vibrator started to buzz. Taylor gasped and looked around to see if anyone was looking, but everyone was concentrating on the professor and his lecture.

Taylor squirmed in her seat. The plug was wiggling in her ass and the vibrator was slowly buzzing away in her pussy. She could feel her body reacting to the vibrations filling her core. Her pussy was still wet from her walk to class and the vibrations were only pushing her body's needs further. Taylor was starting to pant and could feel the vibrator scbanging inside her. Her body was creeping ever closer to the edge. She knew it wouldn't be much longer before she had to slip out of the classroom to strip and attached the clips. Just as she started to gather her things, the buzzing stopped, leaving her right on the edge of an orgasm. Taylor sat there for a minute or so before she sat her things down and tried to pay attention to the lecture.

It wasn't but a couple minutes before the vibrator started again, this time the vibrations were more intense. Taylor's body was engulfed with need and her pussy pulsing as she resisted to rub herself in class. She grabbed her backpack but the vibrations stopped again. 

Taylor sat in her seat, her pussy gripping the long silver vibrator buried deep inside her body. She was sweating and confused as to what to do. This particular professor demanded everyone to pay attention and would call out anyone who fell asleep or was playing on their phones. He on occasion had pulled an unlucky student to the front of the class and made them sit on a tall stool. It was always very humiliating to the student. The last thing Taylor wanted to do was draw the attention of the professor.

This time the vibrator stayed quiet for a few minutes that was until the professor started to ask questions of the class. When it started again, it was even more intense. Taylor couldn't stop a groan from escaping her mouth. It sounded like it echoed off the walls to Taylor and it was noticed by the professor. He looked directly at Taylor and barked, "Well Miss Taylor, would you care to inform the class what is bothering you?"

Taylor could only stare at him, her eyes wide and her body on fire. "N-N-No sir, I'm sorry." She squeaked as she squirmed in her seat. The professor stared at her intently as she tried to keep her composure. However just as he looked away, the vibrations intensity increased once again, causing Taylor to gasp and her body to tremble. 

The Professor glared at her once again only this time he simply pointed at the tall stool just to the right of his desk. "Miss Taylor seeing as you want to make a spectacle of yourself come up front and entertain the entire class."

Taylor was trying to maintain her composure as she quietly asked, "Please sir, I'll be quiet."

"Nonsense get down here now." He demanded.

Taylor slowly stood and made her way to the front of the class. She was trembling as she knew it wasn't going to take much before her body exploded. She knew her rules and there was no way she could strip in front of the entire class. However if she had an orgasm without stripping, she would be punished and Taylor knew that Ky had spies in the class. She finally made it to the tall stool and sat down. The plug buried in her ass pushed even further in her rectum sending shivers up and down her spine. The vibrator had stopped when she walked to the front of the class, as she hung on by her fingertips. Taylor sat in front of the class, as all the students watched her closely. Taylor expected the vibrator to start up again, but it remained quiet until the bell rang when it came to life again. She slid off the stool and scurried out of the room and headed for the restroom. Just as she entered there was the girl who had videoed her the other day. Again she had her phone out and pointed at Taylor. 

She stood there for a second, trying to figure out how she could strip and cum, but the girl simply slid her finger across her screen and the vibrator roared to life. Taylor's eyes grew wide and her knees grew weak. She knew she had only seconds before her body erupted. She had to start stripping now or suffer the punishments when she got back to Ky.

"Please I can't take it. Please stop it." Taylor begged as she dropped to her knees and pulled her tee shirt over her head. Taylor was panting now as her body creeped ever closer to the orgasm building deep inside her.

"Oh poor baby, you need to cum?" The girl laughed, mocking Taylor as she did.

"Oh god yes you know that." Taylor spat as she slid her shorts down her legs. She was once again naked in public. Before Taylor could do anything, the girl suddenly reached down and grabbed Taylor's clothes and with them the clips she needed to attach if she wanted to cum.
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"Please give me those back." Taylor begged.

"Oh you mean these?" She gushed, holding out the bag with the clips.

"Yes please give them to me. You know I'm not allowed to cum without the clips." Taylor begged.

"Sure, no problem as she handed Taylor the first alligator clip. Taylor quickly attached it to a nipple and held out her hand. The girl slowly handed Taylor one clip at a time until there were only two left. Taylor was past the point of no return and the clips already on her body were pushing her ever closer to the inevitable climax.

"Please the last two clips." Taylor asked.

"I don't think so, unless you beg to lick my ass." She spat.

Taylor no longer had any pride. She had learned from previous times that to resist or not to beg would only make things worse. She dropped her head and pleaded. "Please may I kiss your ass?"

"Not good enough slut. I want you to beg to fuck my ass with your tongue." The girl snarled.

Before Taylor could respond, the vibrator's buzzing grew even more intense. "Oh please may I shove my tongue up your ass; please may I fuck your ass with my tongue until you beg me to stop." Taylor begged.

The girl simply turned around and pulled up her skirt. Her naked ass only inches from Taylor's face. As soon as her tongue touched the brown pucker, the vibrator stopped. Taylor groaned as now her body craved to cum. She licked with a vengeance lavishing her tongue up and down the girls ass crack, and finally stopping at her brown star. Taylor worked her pucker pushing harder and harder as she pushed her tongue deeper and deeper into the girl's ass. It took a couple minutes for her sphincter to relax and Taylor used her tongue like a cock sodomizing the girl's ass and swallowing any fluids. It was a few minutes later when Taylor could feel the girl's ass clench as the girl had her orgasm. 

Taylor sat there with her tongue buried deep in the girl's ass and waited for her to come down. When she felt her relax, she slid her tongue out and sat back. "Please the last two clips?" Taylor asked.

The girl turned around and straightened her skirt and smiled. "I don't think so slut. I'll catch up with you this afternoon." She said and walked out of the room, leaving Taylor naked on her knees with only eight clips and frustrated. Slowly she dressed and rinsed her mouth. She needed to go to the locker room and get ready for her meet this afternoon.

Taylor slowly made her way across the campus to the girl's locker room in the stadium. It took her almost a half an hour. She had to stop several times to keep from climaxing. She didn't have all her clips and she didn't see anyone she could ask to cum in her mouth. By the time she arrived her body was covered in sweat and her pussy was leaking like a sieve. Her powder blue shorts had a large wet spot and looked like she had pissed her shorts. 

When she walked into the locker room, Ky was sitting on a bench in a short skirt, tee shirt and flip-flops. Ash and Nicole were off to the side. So far neither Ash nor Nicole had seen Taylor submit totally to Ky since that first day. Taylor blushed as when she saw her sister and her best friend sitting there. She knew what Ky demanded she do, but to strip, crawl to her Mistress, lick her feet and suck her toes, and then ask to eat her pussy and ass was overwhelming especially in front of Ash and Nicole. Taylor just stood there, her mind trying to come to grips with what was required. She didn't want to strip and show everyone her bindings, plugged ass and filled cunt, nor to crawl on her belly to her Mistress. But when the vibrator started up again she was left with no other choice. 

With her body consumed with need, after all day being been teased and edged, she needed relief. When Ky gave her a stern look, Taylor knew she had no choice but to humiliate herself once again. She slowly stripped off her tee shirt and shorts. Once again she was naked to the world only this time she was bound and her holes filled. She slowly dropped to her belly and crawled across the locker room floor to her Mistress's dirty bare feet and sucked her toes deep into her mouth. Taylor could hear the gasps of Ash and Nicole behind her, but she didn't stop. When she finished, she looked up at Ky's gloating face and quietly asked, "May I eat your pussy Mistress Ky?"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Ash knew something was up when Ky called her on her cell and asked that she be at the locker room after class. She told Nicole to go with her as she didn't trust Ky and wanted someone there just in case. When they walked into the locker room, Ky was lounging on a bench, her short skirt barely covering her ass and her feet propped up on a locker. The first thing Ash noticed was that the flip-flops Ky was wearing was covered in mud as were her feet.

"Jesus Ky, have you been playing in the mud? You could at least clean your feet." Ash grunted.

"Oh I will, I'm just waiting for my special foot bath to arrive." Ky giggled.

Both Ash and Nicole looked at each other, confused by Ky's answer.

"So what was so important that I needed to be here?" Ash asked.

"Just be patient and you will see. By the way, did you have fun with Taylor the other day?" Ky asked.

"Ky I know you have her under your thumb right now, but when this stupid bet is over I wouldn't want to be you. Taylor will pay you back big time." Ash growled. In spite of how much she enjoyed her evening dominating her sister, she didn't like it when someone else did it. Deep down she knew she would help Taylor get her back.

Ky smiled, her face almost glowing when she answered, "Well we shall see won't we."

Not wanting to be near Ky, Ash and Nicole sat down across the locker room from her. They spoke in whispers and glared at Ky giggling at their snarky remarks directed to Taylor's nemesis. 

It was almost fifteen minutes later when Taylor walked into the room. Ash was shocked at her appearance. Taylor who always looked her best, and never went anywhere without her hair and face perfect, was standing just inside the door, her hair a mess, her makeup was streaked down her cheeks, her tee shirt and shorts looked like she slept in them, and god it looked like she had pissed her shorts.

The silence was deafening. No one said a word; Ash was too shocked to speak. She glanced at Nicole and her mouth was wide open and the look on her face was somewhere between shock and disgust.

Ash looked at Ky and her gloating smile as she stared at Taylor. When Ash looked back at her sister, it was as if she was paralyzed. Taylor was looking into Ky's eyes and slowly dropped her head down to the floor. Ash wondered what was going to happen when Taylor's body jumped and she started to pant. A couple seconds later, Taylor grabbed the bottom of her tee shirt and pulled it over her head.

Ash gasped when she saw Taylor's entire upped body bound with the cord. Her tits were framed as the cords wrapped above and below her firm breasts. The cords wrapped around her body forming diamond shapes across her skin. The cord extended between her legs, locking in a vibrator and plug filling her holes. There were no sounds as Taylor, opened a small bag and proceeded to attached alligator clips to her nipples and butterfly clips to her labia. But Taylor didn't stop there; she pulled out several binder clips and attached them to her pussy and tits. Only then did she drop to her stomach, put her arms behind her and slither across the floor to Ky's nasty, mud crusted feet and start to lick them clean.

Ash sat there in total shock, her once strong, dominate older sister was submitting to her rival, but in the process humiliating herself as her ass humping the air trying to get off. The first thought that ran through Ash's mind was Ky's comment that Taylor was a secret submissive and she was going to expose her to the world.

Nicole and Ash watched in fascination as Taylor licked Ky's feet of all the mud and dirt. Ash in spite of her disgust at what she was watching, felt a tingle down below. Her body was reacting to the erotic scene playing out in front of her. 

"May I eat your pussy Mistress Ky?" Ash heard Taylor ask. Never in her life would she have ever thought she would hear Taylor utter those words.

"Oh does my slave want to cum?" Ky answered looking directly at Ash, her evil smile of victory plastered across her face.

"Yes Mistress, I need to cum so bad, please let me eat you. I'm so close and I don't want to be punished again." Taylor answered.

"You see girls, the slave here isn't allowed to cum unless she is naked, and clipped, or a mouthful of cum. She lost a couple clips earlier today, so now she needs a mouthful of cum." Ky explained to Ash and Nicole.

"Not good enough slut, I let you cum this morning. If you want to cum now, everyone here should cum first." Ky taunted as she stared down at the desperate slave kneeling at her feet.

"Oh god please Mistress, turn down the vibrator. I can't hold it down much longer. Please Mistress let me please you, I'm begging Mistress have mercy." Taylor begged.

Ash was speechless as she watched and heard her sister beg and plead her ex-rival to allow her to orgasm. 

"I'll make a deal with you slut, you eat my ass and make me cum, then go to your friends and beg them to let you eat their ass and pussies until they cum and I will back off the vibrator so you can complete your task." Ky gushed obviously relishing in the power she held over Taylor.

"Oh god yes Mistress, please let me eat your ass. I promise to be a good girl and do as you wish." Taylor agreed. 

Ash couldn't take it any longer jumped up and screamed, "How dare you, stop this right now and turn my sister loose. This has gone far enough."

"Sure Ash, your slut sister can quit at any time. She's doing this of her own free will. All she has to do is untie the knots, pull out the vibrator and plug and walk away. I'm not stopping her." Ky said her voice full of confidence.

"Get up Taylor, I'm taking you out of here. I can't stand to see you abused anymore." Ash demanded and grabbed Taylor's arm to pull her away from Ky's ass.

"STOP ASH, I CAN'T QUIT! IF I DO SHE KEEPS ALL THE PICTURES AND VIDEOS." Taylor screamed and jerked her arm away from her sister.

Ash stood there in shock as Taylor continued. "Yes I can quit but with all the pics and videos she has now I would be ruined. Please Ash I need to do this." Taylor said as tears ran down her cheeks. Ash stood there dumbfounded as her sister moved back between Ky's cheeks, pushed them apart and licked her ass.

Ash turned to go back across the room. She looked at Nicole's face and was surprised when she noticed the lust in her eyes. "My god has the entire world gone crazy?" She asked out loud. "I'm not going to watch this anymore." Ash announced and started for the locker room door. Just before she reached the door, she heard Ky call out.

"Do you want to save your sister?" Ky asked.

Ash stopped in mid step. She turned and looked at Ky, her face filled with anger. "What do you want bitch?" She barked.

Oh not much Ash, you just need to stick around and let Taylor decide what she wants to do. If you agree to let her get you and Nicole off, I'll give her the relief she craves." Ky offered.

"I'm not going to let my sister eat my pussy, period, so that's off the table." Ash growled.

"Really, well if you don't I get all the videos and pics from your sister's day today and I also get to punish her. But if you stay and let her eat you out, I'll not only let her cum, but I'll give her half of all the pictures and videos I have collected over the last few days." Ky said and smiled.

Ash knew something was up, but she knew that Taylor needed help. "Ky that's incest, you want her to commit incest to please your perverted mind?" Ash growled.

"Call it what you will but that's the deal, but if you leave, I'm going to turn up the vibrator and she will orgasm and I will have even more control over her. And not only that, I'll make her run with her holes filled and I will guarantee she will lose the race too." 

Ash stood there her entire body wanting to tear Ky apart piece by piece. She was just about to do just that when Ash heard Taylor's voice from off the floor.

"Please Ash, do as she asks. I can't hold out much longer, and I'm falling deeper under her control. If I can get half of the pics and videos I might be able to get out from under her control." Taylor pleaded.

Ash stood there for a few moments before she answered. "All I got to do is let her make me cum, just once?" She asked.

"Yep just once and I give her back half of all my pics and videos." Ky answered.

"Not good enough, if I agree then this ends today. I want all the pics and videos not half." Ash demanded.

Ky sat there for a couple minutes before she responded. "Okay, I'll agree but you and Nicole have to act and be an active participant. In other words, you let her seduce you and Nicole. You kiss, passionately, you touch, caress, and at least act like you're enjoying it, and you orgasm at least three times, each, and loudly. I want to hear you both cum. If you both do that then I will give her every pic and video I've acquired up to when she arrived at the door today." Ky countered. 

Ash stood there and looked down at Taylor. Her eyes were pleading with her to accept the offer. She turned and looked at Nicole, "Nicole, this involves you too. Do you agree?" Ash asked.

Nicole sat there for a second and nodded. Ash turned back to Ky and said. "Have one of your minions bring over all the files, if you do that, we agree." Ash said.

Ky pulled out her phone and placed a call. "I'll have all the files here by the time you three finish." Ky said as she stood and extended her hand.

Ash shook Ky's hand as the two women stood toe to toe. Ky smiled and said, "Deal."

Taylor jumped up and gave her little sister a hug. "Oh god thank you Ash, I don't know how but I will pay you back. I owe you. Thank you so much." Taylor gushed.

"Okay sluts, it's time to get started. You have about 45 minutes before the rest of the team starts to arrive. Unless you want them to see you fucking each other, you better get busy." Ky said and moved off to the side and sat down.

Ash and Taylor stood in front of each other. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as neither knew quite what to do, when Taylor leaned in and lightly kissed Ash's lips, her hands reaching around her little sister and pulling her into a hug. They kissed for a few moments but there was no passion.


The two sisters stared at each other when Taylor leaned in again and kissed Ash passionately pushing her tongue deep into Ash's mouth. They continued to kiss for a couple minutes with Taylor caressing Ash's body, before Ash started to respond. The longer they kissed the more Ash responded. A few minutes later, the two sisters were both kissing and caressing each other. 

Taylor hands were all over Ash, squeezing Ash's tits and pinching her nipples. Ash's body was responding as a moan escaped from her lips. It was only a few more minutes before Taylor was pulling the clothes off her sister. Soon both were naked and touching each other as their hands pinching and probing the other. 

Ash wanted to hate every moment, but her body was betraying her as she pulled Taylor to the floor and sucked Taylor's nipple into her mouth. Taylor was panting, moaning and thrashing about on the floor as Ash's tongue and teeth teased Taylor's tender bud.

Ash was no longer aware of her surroundings, as she slid her hands up and untied Taylor's bindings, freeing the vibrator still buried deep inside her pussy. Taylor screamed when Ash pulled out the vibrator and inserted her fingers, caressing Taylor's "G" spot causing Taylor's body to spasm. 

Taylor suddenly pushed Ash away and rolled over on top of her. She attacked Ash's naked body, kissing and licking and nibbling down her aroused sister's body. By the time she got to Ash's pussy, Ash screamed out as an orgasm hit her hard.

Ash was still in the midst of her orgasm as Taylor reached out and grabbed Nicole's arm and pulled her down to the floor. Unable to move at the moment, she watched as Taylor leaned over to Nicole and gave her a passionate kiss. A second later the two friends were fully involved in kissing and caressing each other. 

Ash was still feeling the effects of her orgasm when Taylor ripped Nicole's clothes off her body and as each body part was exposed she licked and nibbled teasing her friend until she screamed out in ecstasy. 

* * * * * * * * *

Ky sat back and watched as Taylor, her sister Ash, and her best friend, all naked rolled around on the floor. She made sure she was off to the side and out of the picture. What the three women didn't know was before they arrived, she had set up a few cameras discreetly around the locker room. Everything that was happening was being recorded. Sure she had agreed to turn over all the pictures and videos she had gathered, but what was being recorded today was far more damaging. Hell Taylor and Ash committing incest and Nicole joining in. There would be no way they would refuse anything she demanded in the future. 

Ky glanced at the clock. It was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. The rest of the track team would be showing up in a few minutes. 'This is just getting better and better. There's no way that Ash and Nicole can orgasm three times before the team shows up.' Ky thought.

"Oh ladies, or should I say sluts, you're out of time and you didn't complete the task. I guess I keep the pics and videos, unless you want to continue in front of the team." Ky gushed.

The looks of panic on their faces sent shivers up and down Ky's spine. She laughed as they scrambled to find their clothes and quickly dress. 

"Fuck you Ky," Ash spat. "You fucking bitch, give Taylor her pics." Ash demanded.

"Fuck you Ash, a deal is a deal and you didn't completed the deal. Now if you want a redo, I'll give you another chance, just be in the basement of my dorm at 11 tonight. Otherwise it's time to get ready for the meet." Ky said as she stood and walked over to Taylor.

Ky bent down and picked up Taylor's clothes. She grabbed a handful of her hair and growled. "I still own you slut, now go get dressed. You still have a race to run."

* * * * * * * * *

Taylor rushed to the shower to do as her Mistress demanded. She still hadn't cum and after her romp with Ash and Nicole, she was hornier than ever. Now she had to run a race with her ass and pussy filled. She groaned and wondered if she would even be able to finish the race. All day she had been bound and teased, her only freedom was when she was naked and on her knees. Taylor's stomach was in knots. Her Mistress now had forced her into having sex with her sister and best friend, and what made it worse was instead of being free of Ky, she was still under her control. By the time she finished dressing and walking out of the showers, most of the team was there. Taylor was usually one of the most vocal on the team. Always talking trash and dominating the room, but not today. Today she sat off to the side keeping a low profile. 

The next half hour went pretty much like all pre-meet preparations. The team when out and warmed up and they all filtered off to various venues to complete their competitions. Taylor stretched but with each stretch, the plug and vibrator moved and kept her body on a constant high. When her event was called, Taylor was just trying to keep legs moving forward as felt herself on the edge of an orgasm. 

Taylor knelt down at the starting blocks. Her body trembling and she was praying that she could make it the next thirty seconds or so without having a climax in front of everyone. 
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"Runners on your mark!" shouted the starting person.

Taylor readied herself, feeling the vibrator slip in even deeper. 

"Get Set!"


The starting gun sounded. Taylor blasted out of the blocks, her mind concentrating on running her race. She knew if she just ran her race she should win comfortably. Taylor's eyes were locked on the tape designating the finish line. She was in lead and the line was almost there, when the vibrator suddenly started to vibrate with intensity higher than ever before. Taylor almost stumbled and she lost all concentration and her legs almost buckling. Then it stopped, but the damage was done. Nicole and Sally another girl on their team had passed her and she finished in third place.

Taylor almost burst out in tears. Especially when she saw Ky standing off to the side beaming. She felt a sinking feeling in her gut as she knew that losing meant punishment. Taylor walked off to the side and knelt down. Her legs had no strength. Before she could get up, Ky was standing over her. Taylor felt Ky place a collar around Taylor's neck and then tugged her away from the track. Slowly she stood and followed Ky off to her new punishment.
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Ky pulled Taylor by her leash back into the locker room. Taylor was crying and begging at Ky to have mercy. "Please Ky, the vibrator caused me to stumble, Please don't punish me, Please." Taylor begged.

"Look slut, I told you that if you wanted to avoid any more punishments, all you had to do was win. You didn't win. In fact you ended up in third so you have two new punishments coming." Ky spat at Taylor pulling her into the showers. There was no one around and Ky ordered, "On your knees slave." She barked.

Taylor dropped to her knees and started to bend over and lick Ky's shoes. Ky shoved Taylor back with her covered foot. "Stop slave, your punishment won't be here and now, but a new rule. From now on you must ask to use the bathroom. You will be naked when you ask and fully clipped. Do you understand slave?" Ky asked.

"Yes Mistress," Taylor said her voice barely above a whisper as she kept her head low.

"That is the first punishment; your second punishment is you will drink a load of cum every day. It must be a new cock or pussy, no repeats allowed. But don't worry, once you've sucked a cock or eaten a pussy, you cannot refuse them if they want your tongue or mouth again. You are not allowed to say no to anyone you have serviced before. It will cost them a quarter each time. All they have to do is give you a quarter and you service them with a smile on your face." Ky said, a smile of gloating across her face.

Taylor stared at her Mistress in shock. She couldn't believe what she heard. "Mistress you want me to be a whore for twenty five cents? God no, I can't do it. I won't be a whore." Taylor yelled.

"No problem slave, as I said you can quit any time you want. Besides when I post all of your pics and vids to the internet I'll make a fortune." Ky laughed.

Taylor groaned, she knew she really didn't have a choice. She dropped her head and whispered, "Yes Mistress I will obey."

Taylor heard Ky's laughter ring out among the showers, Taylor just wanted to crawl into a hole. Her life had been torn apart, and her relationships had been turned upside down. She really was a slave now.

"You know slave, you can get out of this if Ash and Nicole show up tonight at eleven. All you have to do is make them orgasm three times each and you can have all the videos back. But until then you are mine and will do as I demand." Ky grinned from ear to ear, dropping Taylor's leash as she walked out of the locker room. "Oh one more thing, until tonight I want you to drink a bottle of water each hour until eleven, and just to make sure you do, I want you to send me a video at the top of each hour showing you drinking that bottle." Ky added as she walked away.

Taylor stood there for a few minutes before she followed after Ky. Taylor dressed herself before walking back to her dorm room. Collapsing on the bed, Taylor felt exhausted. It had been a very long and trying day. She was still plugged and filled, the sensations kept her arousal on high. She lost her race at the track meet and now had to ask for permission to use the bathroom. Plus, she had to eat pussy or suck a cock every day with a new person each time.

Taylor turned over on her bed and cried. She hated what had happened to her, but what was worse was how her body was betraying her. The constant teasing and humiliation was affecting her in ways she never knew existed. Not only was she being aroused all the time, but the orgasms, when her Mistress allowed them, were unbelievably intense. Taylor looked at the clock and saw it was already four. She reached over to the small dorm room fridge next to her bed and pulled out a bottle of water. Knowing the rules, she pulled out her phone, opened the camera app and videoed her drinking the bottle down. As soon as she was done, she emailed it to Ky. Taylor, exhausted, lay back on her bed and tried to get some sleep.

It was when the door opened and Ash and Nicole walked in that woke Taylor up. She blinked her eyes and tried to focus but couldn't look either of them in the eyes. She was so ashamed at what they had to witness.

"Taylor, I can't believe what you are doing? WTF! Are you out of your mind?" Ash yelled at her big sister.

"I'm sorry Ash, I fucked up. I'm trapped and I don't know what to do. It was that stupid bet. I stupidly let her take a few pictures of me and she's used that to pull me into her trap. I can't refuse her Ash. You have no idea of what else she is holding over my head." Taylor tried to explain, her back facing Ash and Nicole.

"Our agreement is that I have to complete a task for a pic or video. If I complete the task she destroys one. If I fail she gets to keep all the pics plus a new one. So far I'm failing more than succeeding. Now she has almost two dozen pics and videos and every day I'm falling further behind. It's an endless spiral and I don't see a way out." Taylor was starting to cry uncontrollably again.

"So you're saying you are her slave and will never be free?" Nicole asked.

"Nicole, every day I show up strip and greet her just like you saw in the locker room. She tells me what I have to do and I have to do it exactly as she outlines. She has spies all over the place and they report back to her and so far I've failed a lot more than I've succeeded. Because I lost the race I now have to strip, put on my clips and facetime her to ask permission to use the bathroom. Plus I'm to drink a load of cum each day, and each load has to be with someone new. I tell you I'm trapped and once I've sucked or eaten a pussy, all they have to do is give me a quarter and I have to do it again. I'm a two bit whore!" Taylor howled as she covered her face with her hands.

"So your only way out is for us to show up tonight and let you make us cum three times?" Ash asked.

"God yes as much as I hate it, that's my only way to freedom." Taylor said as she slid off the bed and knelt in front of her sister and best friend.

"I don't trust her and we're not going to do it unless she shows us all the files right there." Ash said angrily. "You call her and tell her that's the only way we will do this."

Taylor almost climaxed at the thought of being free from Ky's control, quickly pulling out her phone and called Ky. They talked for a couple minutes when Taylor handed the phone to Ky.

Taylor watched as Ash snatched her phone and stepped out of the room. A few minutes later she returned and said, "Okay I worked it out with Ky. She will have all the files and her laptop with her tonight. She promised me she would let me view all the files on her PC and all the emails and her cloud accounts so I can be assured we have all the videos and pics. Her only demand is that Nicole and I fully participate and cum loudly and often. We agreed to set a time limit of 90 minutes and it will be just the four of us. Taylor you owe both of us big time for pulling your ass out of this mess." Ash finished.

"Oh god thank you Ash, Nicole. I promise to make it up to you any way you want." Taylor shouted with relief and hugged Ash's legs, still on her knees in front of her. The three friends sat back and talked for a few minutes, when Taylor yelped and quickly jumped up and grabbed a bottle of water. She handed her phone to Ash and said, "I have to drink a bottle of water every hour and send Ky the video. I'm a couple minutes late. Please take the video?" Taylor asked.

Ash nodded and pointed the phone at her sister as she drank the bottle down. When done, Taylor sent the video to Ky and sat back down. It wasn't fifteen minutes later when Taylor started to wiggle in her seat. A minute or so later, she started to strip and put on the clips. Neither Ash nor Nicole said a word as they watched Taylor, now panting, her face showing the pain of the clips open up Facetime and call Ky.

When Ky answered Taylor spoke, "Please Mistress Ky, may I go pee?" She asked.

"You were late slave, so no you are not allowed take a piss. Now you have to wait before you ask me again, call me in thirty minutes slave." They heard Ky bark as the screen when blank.

Taylor stared at the screen, she really had to pee but now her Mistress was making her wait. Not knowing what to do, she started to remove her clips when her phone buzzed and a text arrived.

Seeing as you were late, do not get dressed until you call me again.

Taylor groaned and put down her robe. She knelt on the floor and kept her head lowered. She wanted to act normal, but something inside changed, like a switch had been flipped and her own will was shutting down. Her Mistress had ordered her to stay naked and clipped and she needed to obey as if she were there.

Taylor looked up at Ash and Nicole. Both were staring at her with their mouths open. She wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come. She wanted to say she was still the same Taylor but she knew that was a lie. Gone was the confident woman who commanded every room she entered. In her place was a submissive slave that obeyed her Mistress.

"TAYLOR," Ash yelled, "Is this how you act when you're with Ky? What does she do to you when you two are alone?"

Taylor jumped when Ash yelled her name. "Yes Miss Ash," Taylor answered. Her mind had retreated to its obedient submissive state. "Mistress Ky usually has me kneel in front of her as she plays with my clips. She enjoys pulling and twisting them. Today the vibrator buried in me is Bluetooth compatible and she has been tormenting me all day. My Mistress loves to hear me beg to cum." Taylor answered blushing once again.

"Oh, you mean like this?" Ash asked and grabbed one of the alligator clips and twisted it hard.

"Oh god yes that's what she does, Mistress loves to make it as painful as possible." Taylor grunted but didn't move from her kneeling position.

"What is the app she uses for the vibrator?" Ash continued.

"Extreme Vibrator, Miss Ash."

Taylor watched as Ash pulled out her phone and quickly downloaded the app. A couple minutes later, the vibrator buried inside her body came to life. Taylor moaned as her need to pee, the vibrations deep inside her, and the clips still being twisted by Ash combined to push Taylor even deeper into submission.


Both Ash and Nicole sat there in shock as the queen bee was reduced to a begging submissive slave right in front of their eyes. Ash stopped the vibrator and glanced at the clock. "It's almost 7:30 slave, isn't it time to call your Mistress?" Ash spat.

Taylor quickly jumped up and grabbed her phone. She opened facetime and called Ky once again. Ky answered on the second ring and smiled her evil smile. "Yes slave, can I help you?" She asked.

"Please Mistress this slave asks if it may go to the bathroom and pee?" Taylor asked praying her Mistress would allow it.

"Did you stay naked and clipped slut?" Ky asked.

"Oh yes Mistress I did as ordered. Please Mistress may this slave relieve itself?" Taylor answered and begged.

"Go find a large cup, the bigger the better." Ky demanded.

Taylor jumped up and hurried over to her desk. Sitting on top of it was a large Speedy Freeze cup from the other day. "I have this cup Mistress, is this okay?" Taylor asked.

"Perfect slave, now piss in the cup!" Ky barked through the phone.

Taylor stared at the screen, she looked over at Ash and Nicole and their shocked faces and groaned. "Mistress?" She answered.

"That's right if you want to piss, use the cup. Your aim better be good because if you miss the cup you are to lick up any spills." Ky answered. "For the rest of the night you piss in the cup. However the only way to empty the cup is to drink it. So hopefully you don't fill it too quickly>" Ky laughed.

"Ewwww that's gross," Nicole gasped. "I wouldn't do it." Ash added.

"Please Mistress not that, I can't drink my piss. Please there must be something else." Taylor pleaded.

"Seeing you are balking at my demands, you must video peeing in the cup, licking any spills, and drinking it if needed. If you don't, you know what will happen." Ky said smiling on the screen, her face staring at Taylor.

Taylor surrendered immediately and whispered, "Yes Mistress."

"Now you have three minutes to piss in the cup or you have to wait for another thirty minutes."

Taylor nodded and slowly placed the cup between her legs. She grabbed the cords splitting her pussy and struggled to pull them apart enough to piss. Moving the cords around the clips hanging off her lips caused them to tightened and Taylor started to moan in pain. Finally she held the cup close to her pussy and grunted.

"Oh god I can't go like this. I can't piss in front of everyone." Taylor groaned, her face beet red blushing.

"Two minutes" Ky barked.

Taylor closed her eyes and strained to release her bladder, but nothing happened. She kept trying until she heard "One minute".

"OH FUCK" she shouted, and finally a couple drips hit the bottom of the cup. A second later a small stream, and finally the dam burst and a torrent of piss was gushing into the cup. Unfortunately Taylor's fingers slipped that were holding the cords apart and they slipped back into Taylor's slit. The piss streaming into the cup splashed everywhere, coating Taylor's legs and the floor around the cup.

Taylor quickly pushed the cup right against her pussy and managed to minimize the damage but now the cup was rapidly filling. Taylor watched and tried to stop pissing but she was past the point of no return and a few seconds later, the cup overflowed.

When she finally finished pissing, there was a large puddle surrounding the cup still filled to the brim.

"Well slave you have some cleaning up to do. You have three minutes to finish." Ky said, the trio could hear Ky barely hiding the glee in her voice.

Taylor moved back from the cup and tried to move it out of the way, but as soon as she moved it she spilled even more. Taylor slowly managed to move the cup to the side and dropped her face to the puddle. She stuck out her tongue and for the first time in her life, tasted her own piss. She gagged and struggled to keep from vomiting. It took a few moments to settle her stomach and start to lick up the mess.

"Two minutes slave, you have only two minutes to finish or I get to punish your ass again." Ky barked.

Taylor stopped licking and started to push her lips to the floor and suck up the piss puddle. She was no longer thinking about the humiliation or that her sister and best friend were watching, her mind concentrating on cleaning up the mess before she ran out of time.

"One minute slave!" Ky shouted again.

No longer caring and knowing she had to hurry, Taylor turned her head and used her hair to soak up the remaining piss off the floor. Just as she finished the last of the cleanup she sat up and looked at her phone.

"I finished Mistress." She panted and looked at Ky's face and her evil smile.

"Well done piss mop. I'm impressed that you managed to finish in time. But because you didn't lick it up I'm not going to let you clean up. Hopefully when you have to piss again maybe you won't overfill the cup. You might want to think of that before you wait so long to ask again. Oh look you only have ten minutes before you have to drink another bottle of water." Ky said as she laughed and ended the call.

* * * * * * * * *

Ash sat there watching and listening to Taylor as she submitted to her Mistress. She couldn't believe it was her big sister acting so submissively. Obeying every command Ky gave her. At first Ash was disgusted at what Ky was demanding, but when Taylor was begging and pleading Ash realized she was getting aroused.

Ash couldn't take her eyes off what was happening as Taylor struggled to comply with Ky's demands. When Taylor pissed in the cup Ash finally realized how much control Ky had over Taylor. It hit Ash that what Taylor had told her was true, if she and Nicole didn't do as promised later, Taylor would be likely Ky's slave forever. Ash watched as Taylor licked up the piss on the floor and finally use her hair to finish the job, when Taylor's words entered her mind.

"Oh god thank you Ash, Nicole. I promise to make it up to you any way you want."

Ash moaned as an evil thought occurred to her, of Taylor groveling to her instead of Ky. Ash quickly dismissed the thought but deep down inside she it sent a shiver to her pussy.

Ash continued to watch Ky push Taylor and when Ky ended the facetime call with Taylor, both Ash and Nicole could barely suppress their moans.

Taylor slowly crawled over to the small fridge and pulled out another bottle of water. She made her way back to the middle of the dorm room when Ash's phone buzzed.

She looked down at the screen and saw a text had arrived from Ky.

I told you she was a submissive slut! Did she tell you about the app?
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Ash answered:

Yes she did

Did you use it?


Turn it on again and slowly increase the intensity.


Ash opened the app and turned on the vibrator again. Taylor's entire body jumped and her hands shot down to her pussy. "Oh god not again," she moaned.

Make her drink the water with it on!

"Miss Ash please turn it off, I can't cum without permission. Please Miss Ash I'm begging you." Taylor begged and it was clear she was desperate.

"Not until you drink your water." Ash answered.

Taylor quickly took off the cap on the bottle and started to chug the water. Ash turned up the intensity again and watched as Taylor almost choked on her drink. Grabbing the alligator clips, Taylor twisted them hard.

'What are you doing?" Ash asked.

Taylor stopped drinking and moaned.

"I'm using pain to stop the orgasm. Please Ash turn it off, I'll do anything." Taylor said her voice strained from the pain and vibrations.

"Finish the bottle." Ash instructed.

Taylor put the bottle to her lips and drank the rest of the water. As soon as Taylor finished Ash turned off the vibrator. She watched as Taylor fell to the floor panting and still twisting her nipples.

No one moved or spoke for a couple minutes, when Taylor slowly tried to get back up on her knees. "Did anyone record me drinking?"

Both Ash and Nicole shook their heads and Taylor screamed. "I only have a minute," she said and handed Nicole her phone. "Record me Nicole." Taylor yelled and grabbed another bottle out of the fridge. She quickly opened it and poured the contents down her throat. As soon as she was done she grabbed the phone and sent the video to her Mistress.

Ash was amazed at her sister panicking as she tried to complete her assignment. A few seconds later Ky sent a text to Taylor.

You just made it slave. You're lucky you made it in time.

* * * * * * * * *

Taylor was still naked and covered in sweat and water. Her body was so close to a climax and her nipples were on fire. But after drinking two bottles of water in only a few minutes, she had to pee again. It hit her what that meant. Her cup was filled and the only way to empty it was to drink it. She knew she wouldn't be able to wait much longer as she picked up her phone and called Ky.

Ky answered on the second ring. "Well slave, why are you bothering me?"

"Mistress, you slave needs to relieve itself." Taylor answered in barely over a whisper.

"Is the cup empty?" Ky asked.

"No Mistress," Taylor groaned

"Well drink it down now slave." Ky demanded.

"Please Mistress, I'll puke, don't do this please." Taylor begged,

"If you puke you have to lick it up just like any piss you spill. Now I'm hanging up and you now have to wait for thirty minutes before you can call back. When you do I expect you to drink everything in the cup before you ask me again if you can piss." Ky barked and ended the call.

Taylor looked at Ash and Nicole; both were sitting on the bed staring at her. She wanted to scream that there was no way she would drink the cup of piss, but she couldn't. Ky's hooks were so deeply embedded into Taylor psyche that she no longer could refuse her. The release of the pictures and videos might have been in the back of her mind, but it was what her Mistress commanded that gripped her mind.

Taylor dropped her eyes, grabbed the cup and brought it to her lips. The closer it was to her nose, the stronger the smell. Taylor's stomach turned as the cup touched her lips. She closed her eyes and tipped the cup.

When the first mouthful filled her mouth, she gagged and some of the vile liquid dripped down her chin. But she managed to not heave and tipped he cup once again. This time she didn't gag and managed to swallow a few gulps. What made it more difficult was the she had just finished two bottles of water and not only was she not thirsty, but her stomach was full.

Taylor lowered the cup and looked up at Ash, her face showing her disgust. She blushed but again brought the cup to her lips and drank even more of her own urine. She moaned at the now chilled piss, the salty, nasty tasting liquid filling her mouth, but she swallowed and filled her mouth again and again. When she lowered the cup once more, it was over half empty.

Taylor took a deep breath and repeated everything once again. This time she finished the cup and sat it down on the floor. She looked at her stomach; it was distended from the massive amounts of liquid she had just consumed. Even worse was her bladder was overfilled and her need to pee was immediate. Taylor looked at the time. She still had to wait another ten minutes before she could call her Mistress again. She leaned back against her bed and held her hand over her pussy. She no longer cared what Ash or Nicole thought of her. All her concentration was on not losing control and pissing before she received permission.

The minutes passed by like hours. With each one her body pushed harder to relieve her bladder. She was panting now her fingers pushing hard against her pussy trying to hold back on the inevitable. Taylor glanced at the clock and she still had five minutes, when the vibrator came to life again. She screamed and fell to the floor, her body trembling and her stomach convulsing as the sensations from deep inside her body was overwhelming her mind and body.

Just as Taylor was about to lose control, her phone rang. She grabbed it like a life preserver and saw it was her Mistress


"Very good slave, you asked to please me and not to piss. I will give you relief but the same rules apply. Did you empty the cup down your throat?" Ky gushed.


"Use the cup and fill it slave." Ky barked.

Taylor's hand shot out and grabbed her cup as he got up on her knees. Her hands were rapidly spreading the cords buried in her pussy and positioning her cup between her legs. This time there was no hesitation and as soon as the cup was close Taylor released her bladder and piss gushed out of her slit filling the large cup once again.

Taylor closed her eyes as her body shivered and waves of pleasure filled her being. It was the closest she could come to an actual orgasm without having one.

The next couple of hours were torture for Taylor. She had to drink her piss twice and remained naked for the entire time. Every so often Ash would turn on the vibrator but in the end, Taylor managed to make it to 10:30.

"Ash I have to go, my Mistress told me to be there early. I can't be late. Please I need you both to be there at eleven." Taylor said as she slipped on her shorts and tee shirt. Fifteen minutes later she arrived at Ky's dorm room. Ky answered and laughed out loud. Taylor stood in front of her a total mess. Her hair was a mess. It was uncombed and stuck to her face. Taylor's makeup was streaked down her face and her clothes looked like she had worn them for days on end.

Ky stepped back from the doorway and waited as Taylor stripped off her shorts, tee shirt and shoes. She already had the clips on her skin and dropped to her knees. Taylor looked up at Ky as she crawled past her Mistress into the room.

When Ky shut the door and walked over to the bed and sat down. Taylor dropped down to her belly and slithered over and started to lick Ky's feet.

"My aren't you a well-trained slave." Ky gushed. "I think I'll keep you." She laughed.

"Now let's get you ready for when Ash and Nicole get here. You smell and look like shit. Follow me and we'll get you cleaned up." Ky said and walked out of her room and down the hall. Taylor followed her like a pet, naked, bound, and plugged. She stared at the floor all the way to the bathroom not daring to look to see if anyone was watching.

"Hey it's thunder thighs." She heard.

"Fuck look at her, the slut is a mess." Another comment rang out.

"Hey Ky can I fuck her when you get her cleaned up," Came a male voice from somewhere.

With each statement Taylor pulled further into herself. She no longer fought back. She was a slut, and she was a mess. She knew deep down that if Ky told her she would fuck whoever said that. It wasn't until they made it into the bathroom could Taylor look up.

Ky pulled Taylor over to the showers and turned on one in the common area. Taylor stepped into the water and yelled, "Oh, Mistress the water is cold!"

"Yes it is, sluts don't deserve warm water. You're lucky I'm not taking you outside and using a hose." Ky answered.

"Yes Mistress," Taylor answered and started to wash her body. Ten minutes later, Ky led Taylor back to the dorm room and ordered her to kneel just inside the door.

"Now slave, I'm going to untie you and remove your plug and vibrator. When we go downstairs to the basement, I want you in the middle of the room we're going to use. It has a settee and a bench. Make use of both. I want you to use all your talents to tease Ash and Nicole until they break and fully participate with you. I want both of them to eat your pussy and make you cum. Isn't that what you've been begging for all week, to be allowed to cum?"

"OH GOD YEEESSS! I NEEED TO CUM!" Taylor yelled.

"Do that and I'll allow you to cum all you want, just make sure it's at the hands of your sister and friend." Taylor's mind had fixated on her Mistress's words that she was allowed to cum with Ash and Nicole. "Please Mistress can we go down now?" Taylor body was shaking with desire. Right now she didn't care if it was her sister, mother, father, or brother. All she could think of was how to meet her Mistress's demands and see how many times she could orgasm.
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Taylor and Ky arrived at the room in the basement of her dorm. It was a fairly large room about twenty feet square. There was an area rug in the center with a day bed and padded bench. Beside the bench was a cardboard box about two feet by two feet. Ky pulled Taylor over to the bench and opened the box.

Taylor eyes grew wide when she saw the contents. Inside were several sex toys, including a couple double ended dildos, two strap-ons, vibrators, nipple clips, two riding crops, two anal plugs, and a flogger among other things. She heard Ky giggle behind her and Taylor blushed. A couple weeks ago she had never even thought about using sex toys, now not only had she used a few of them, her pussy throbbed just looking at them.

"Mistress, may I ask a question?" Taylor asked.

"Yes slave you may." Ky answered.

"Do you want Ash and Nicole to use these on me, or me to use them, on them?" She whispered her body shivering at the thought.

"I want you to tease the shit out of both of them. Tease them until they give in and beg you to make them cum, and when they do, make them eat your pussy until you cum all over their faces." Ky answered. "How you do that is up to you. I'm just providing you with some accessories." She giggled.

"But Mistress, for them to complete this they have to cum three time each. If they make me cum won't that make it more difficult for them to cum in time?" Taylor asked but deep down inside her body was already craving to cum.

"Don't worry about that slave," Ky began as she walked to the side of the room where a small refrigerator was sitting. She opened the door and pulled out a few bottles of water. "Just hand them a bottle of water. They will be nervous and probably need something to drink. I put a couple valium in the bottles. It will relax them and make it easier to seduce them. You know that in order for them to earn back the pics, they have to participate. Making them relax will help with that. It won't hurt them or make them high, just relax them." Ky explained with a wave of her hand.

Taylor looked at Ky, her mind clouded by her desire to climax and nodded. Her explanation made sense. Plus her Mistress said she could cum all she wanted as long as it was Ash and Nicole that made it happen.

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress," Taylor answered.

"Now sit down and wait for Ash and Nicole to get here. I need to take care of something and I'll be right back." Ky said and walked to the door. Taylor sat down and watched her leave. Her hand drifting to her still clipped nipples and pulled on the clips. She didn't understand why she did it, but for some reason, the pain from the clips pushed her arousal a little higher.

* * * * * * * * *

Ky stepped out into the hall. She knew she only had a couple minutes before Ash and Nicole were to arrive. She quickly stepped down the hall to the room next door. Looking both ways and not seeing anyone, she turned the knob and stepped inside and quickly shut the door behind her.

"Is everything ready?" she asked at Susan sitting in front of a computer at a table along the wall.

"Yeah, everything is working perfectly." Susan answered as she clicked the mouse and moved a joystick. "All the cameras are set and I have control over all of them. I tested the system earlier and I can see and hear everything, I can zoom and pan the cameras as well."

"Great, did you put the ecstasy in the water?" Ky asked.

"Yes I did, and I like what you told your slave, is she stupid or something. I would have never thought she would trust you enough to drug her sister and friend." Susan commented.

"The slut is so fucking horny she isn't thinking with her mind. Her pussy is controlling her now. Plus after the last few days, she no longer resists me. The stupid slut just does what I say. I could tell her to suck a dog and she probably would. Her sister is just as stupid. She thinks I'm going to give her all the pics and videos of her sister. She had no idea that I have copies saved all over the place. By the time tonight is over, Ash, Nicole and Taylor will all be my slaves." Ky gushed. "I can't wait until I have all three of them naked and on their knees begging to eat my ass." Ky gloated. "I've got to get back before they show up. Do you have the PC and flash drives I told you to bring?"

"Yes I have them; they're over by the door in the backpack." Susan answered.

Ky nodded and headed for the door. She smiled at Susan, picked up the backpack and left the room.

It was about five minutes after Ky returned to the room with Taylor when Ash and Nicole walked in the door. Ky smiled at them and said. "Right on time, I love it when people prompt."

"Fuck you Ky, We're only here to free Taylor. Now where is your PC?" Ash barked.

"Right here," Ky answered and opened her backpack and pulled out her PC as well as a bag of flash drives. She opened the laptop, signed on, and handed it over to Ash.

Ash pulled up the file explorer and pursed the files. She opened up tools and made sure 'Show hidden files' was clicked. Ash checked all the multitude of directories checking all jpg files and any video files. It took almost a half an hour before Ash demanded, "Okay now show me your iCloud account."

While she was pulling up her account, Taylor walked to the small fridge and pulled out a couple bottles of water. She walked to Ash and Nicole, opened the bottles and handed them to them. She smiled as both, without thinking took a large drink.

Ky pulled it up her iCloud account and handed the PC back to Ash. Again Ash went through the entire drive looking at each pic and video. Finally she pulled out each flash drive and checked each one, making sure they contained the pictures and videos of Taylor. Ky watched the shocked look on Ash's face when she saw what all her big sister had done over the last few days. At first Ky wondered if her plan would work but by the time Ash finished, Ky noticed Ash's nipples poking out from under her tee shirt.

Both girls took drinks of the laced water this time almost finishing the small bottles. Ky smiled as she knew that it wouldn't be long before both girls would succumb to the drugs.

"Satisfied?" she asked.

"Yeah I guess, but I still don't trust you. But I really don't have a choice if I want my sister back. So what happens next?" Ash said as she handed the PC back to Ky. Ky smiled as she noticed the flushed look on both girl's faces. The drugs were working and all it would take is a little push to close the trap.

"Taylor, your sister and friend are here to rescue you. Are you ready to make them cum?" Ky cooed.

"Yes Mistress, I can't wait." Taylor answered and crawled over to Ash. She reached up and caressed Ash's face, "I can't thank you enough for doing this for me." She said and pulled her sister's face close to hers and gave her a passionate kiss.

Ky watched as Ash at first was hesitant but when Taylor began to massage her sister's breasts and seconds later the passion in the kiss was returned by Ash. Ky turned her attention to Nicole sitting next to the two sister making out like horny teenagers in the backseat of a car. She could see Nicole's flushed face and her nipples hard and pushing out from her shirt.

Nicole was watching with rapt attention as Taylor slid her hands under Ash's thin tee shirt and pinched her nipples. It was clear that the ecstasy was working as Nicole's right hand drifted to her left breast giving a gentle squeeze, while her left hand was sliding down her stomach and into her shorts. Ky glanced up at the camera that would have the best view and wondered if Susan was capturing the moment.

Taylor broke off the kiss and pulled Ash down to the floor. They both were kneeling in front of each other. Taylor smiled at her obviously aroused sister and grabbed the bottom of her tee shirt and pulled it over Ash's head. She wasn't wearing a bra and her firm C cup tits spilled out into view.

Taylor wasted no time as she leaned in and sucked a nipple into her mouth. Ky heard Ash's moan and watched as Ash brought her arms up and pulled her big sister into her breasts, her mouth open and eyes closed. Ky wondered if she was going to orgasm with just Taylor sucking her tits.

A couple minutes later, Taylor switched to the other nipple as Ash dropped her hands to her shorts and pushed them over her hips. Ky almost wanted to climax right there. She knew that when this was all over there would be no way for Ash to say she was forced.

The two sisters were fully involved when Ash felt a naked body press up against her back. Ky hadn't been watching Nicole and was surprised that Nicole had stripped out of her clothes and was now kissing Ash. Taylor was kissing her way down Ash's stomach heading for her pussy.

Ky was watching as the three girls were oblivious to their surroundings. The ecstasy coursing through Ash and Nicole had eliminated all their inhibitions. Taylor's her pent up cravings to cum had left the three now naked women writhing on the floor, each of them trying to please the others in a daisy chain of naked female flesh.

Ky was thoroughly captivated watching her slave entrap her friend and sister. Her body reacted to the complete loss of control, Ky herself needed relief. Ky knew that Susan was recording everything but couldn't resist and slid her hand into her shorts and past her underwear. Ky vigorously moved her finger across her rock hard clit.

It wasn't long before the room was filled with moans of the young women totally out of control and chasing their orgasms.

* * * * * * * * * *

Taylor crawled in front of her sister, reaching out and caressing her cheek. She could feel the heat coming from her sister's mouth and just the touch of her skin made Taylor's need grow. Before Ash could respond, Taylor slid her hand behind Ash's neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Just the touch of her lips almost caused Taylor's body to erupt. But she managed to keep from climaxing and concentrated on her little sister. When she touched Ash's breasts, it was as if a dam burst as Ash's entire body trembled and the kiss was no longer just Taylor kissing her sister but Ash exploring Taylor's mouth with a passion.

The next few minutes were a blur to Taylor. Before she knew it, Ash was on her knees in front of her, naked and Ash's nipple buried in Taylor's mouth. When Nicole came up behind Ash and kissed her baby sister, Taylor could no longer resist Ash's lush body as she worked her way down to Ash's core. Again it wasn't until Taylor's tongue was buried deep inside of Ash, and her fluids filling her mouth before Taylor became aware of what was going on. She could feel Ash's body start to convulse and knew she was about to orgasm, when Taylor pulled away. Her mind was remembering her Mistresses instructions to tease and deny her sister and Nicole until they begged for relief. Taylor's mind was locked on her own needs and climaxes that had been denied over the last few days.

As soon as she pulled away from Ash's dripping and pulsing pussy, Taylor heard a scream and Ash's hands shot out to capture Taylor's head. But Taylor moved away and grabbed Nicole shoving her to over to the bench. Nicole was not resisting as Taylor pulled Ash on top of her. Now Ash and Nicole were face to face, their pussies lined up one on top of the other. Taylor grabbed a strap-on dildo and pulled it up her legs as Ash and Nicole were kissing and writhing against each other. Before either of them realized what was happening. Taylor slid up between their legs and pushed the large dildo into her sister's pussy.

The room echoed with Ash's voice, taken by surprise at the sudden insertion deep inside, Ash screamed out in pleasure. Taylor didn't wait for her little sister to adjust but pulled back and pushed again going even deeper this time as Ash's body froze. Taylor began to fuck her sister each time a little faster and a little deeper. When Ash screamed again, Taylor pulled out leaving her sister once again on the verge of a climax. This time Taylor dropped a couple inches and slid her plastic cock into Nicole. Again the wall reverberated with the screams of a woman in ecstasy. Taylor knew that the two were completely lost in the moment and pushed her body to drive them to insanity. She fucked Nicole until she knew she was about to explode before she pulled out and drove her plastic cock into her sister once again.

Over and over Taylor fucked her two best friends, always driving them higher but never letting them crest the mountain. It was when she didn't think she could touch their needy cunts again when Taylor pulled out and stepped away. Both Ash and Nicole rolled off the bench and looked up at Taylor standing above them. Both had far away looks on their faces, their bodies flushed to their toes that Taylor knew it wouldn't take much more before she would get her relief.

"Ash, lay on the floor," Taylor barked. Ash not resisting quickly lay down.

"Nicole, on top of her an put your head between her legs." Taylor commanded.

Ash quickly dropped on top of her best friend into the classic 69 position. "Now if you want to cum, you will tease the pussy in front of you until I give you permission." Taylor instructed, she wondered if they would obey, but when each buried their faces into the others core, Taylor smiled and dropped between Nicole's legs. Taylor spread Nicole's cheeks and spit on her brown star. She spread her spit around, lining up her lubed up dildo and pushed it into the unprepared Nicole. Nicole's moans threatened to bring down the walls but it wasn't completely from pain. Ash had clamped down on Nicole's clit and appeared to be sucking it down her throat. Taylor pulled back a bit and pushed forward again. This time she buried the dildo half way into Nicole's no longer virgin ass. Nicole buried her face into Ash's pussy to keep from screaming as she was as air tight as she could get with three women. Taylor fucked Nicole's ass for a few moments until she could see that Nicole was once again on the edge. She pulled out her plastic cock dropped down and shoved it into Ash's mouth. This time there wasn't a scream but a groan as Ash's oral cavity was filled with the nasty cock just out of her best friend's ass. Taylor fucked Ash's face for a couple strokes before she pulled out and walked to the other end of the bench. She grabbed Ash's legs and wrapped them around Nicole's head. This left her ass open and available. Taylor glanced as Ky and saw the lustful look on her face as Taylor plunged the cock into her sister's ass.

Ash screamed out but Taylor wouldn't be denied. She fucked her sister's ass as Nicole ate her pussy. When Taylor felt her sister surrender to the ass fucking, she pulled out, grabbed Nicole's hair and pulled up her face. Smiling down at her, she shoved the nasty cock down Nicole's throat.

When Taylor pulled back, Ash and Nicole were almost comatose. Neither moved, both looked as if they were in another world. Taylor walked to the fridge once again and pulled out two more bottles of the spiked water. She opened them and went back to Ash. Ash was still under Nicole, her eyes closed. Taylor just held her nose and Ash's eyes flew open as well as her mouth. Taylor proceeded to pour the entire small bottle of enhanced water down her sister's throat. She then turned and did the same to Nicole.

Taylor stepped back and let her friends recover for a few minutes. She crawled up to her Mistress, leaned over and kissed the top of Ky's feet.

"Mistress, am I doing as you ordered?" She asked, never stopping her kissing of Ky's toes.

"Yes slave, you are doing great." Ky answered as she patted her head like` a pet.

"Mistress may I cum now?" Taylor pleaded.

"Yes slave, your sluts await you. Put their mouths to good use." Ky said as she watched the three women fall further under her control, even if they didn't know it yet.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ash was barely functioning after Taylor finished fucking her and Nicole's asses. Her pussy was dripping and in dire need of satisfaction. Her ass was on fire, and her mouth tasted like shit. The bottled water helped, but now her body was beginning to tremble with need and arousal. Her mind felt foggy, the throbbing below was all she could think of.

Ash rolled off Nicole and on to the floor. Her hand was drifting down to her needy cunt, to give her some satisfaction. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered that it was her and Nicole that were to orgasm, but so far Taylor had only teased their bodies and leaving them craving to orgasm. Ash managed to get three fingers into her pussy when Taylor grabbed her hands. "Ash you can't get yourself off, it would mean you fail and I would be trapped. I have to get you off for this to end." Taylor said.
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"Fuck Taylor then do it! God I need to cum!" Ash cried

Taylor held Ash's hands and pulled them behind her and closed the cuffs she found in the box around her wrists. A minute later, Nicole was also cuffed. Now Ash and Nicole were both on their knees and Taylor standing over them. "I'm sorry Ash, but my Mistress said I can cum tonight as much as I want, but it has to be you and Nicole doing it. I'm so sorry but I haven't cum in so long I have to do this." Taylor said as she grabbed two vibrators from the box, turned them on high and pushed them against Ash the Nicole's clits.

Both girls screamed as their bodies pushed against the buzzing vibrators, panting as the only thing in their world at that moment was the pleasure the vibrators were giving the.

Taylor watched them closely. She pushed the vibrators into their pussy, and then pulled them back before they could get off. It took only about ten minutes before Ash cracked first.


"Not until I cum first!" Taylor answered.

"OH GOD PLEASE I'LL DO IT PLEASE LET ME LICK YOUR PUSSY. LET ME MAKE YOU CUM!!" Ash was completely consumed with lust, and right now she would do anything to cum.

Taylor sat down on the bench and spread her legs. That was all Ash needed to see and she crawled over between her sister's legs and drove her face into Taylor's dripping pussy.

It wasn't but a second later, Nicole turned and pushed Ash aside to get to Taylor's cunt. The two girls with their hands cuffed behind them pushed and shoved each trying to give Taylor what she wanted.

Eventually Ky stood up and pulled the girls from between Taylor's legs. "Stand up slave." Ky barked at Taylor. Taylor quickly obeyed her Mistress and spread her legs.

"Ash if you want to cum, eat your sister, Nicole, you have her ass. You have only about twenty minutes left to make the slave to cum." Ky demanded.

Both Ash and Nicole quickly got into position and in seconds Taylor was in heaven. Her sister was licking and nibbling on her clit, and Nicole had her tongue buried deep into her ass. For the next twenty minutes they pleasured Taylor driving her to multiple orgasms. When Ky finally called time, Ash and Nicole collapsed to the ground. Both whimpering and moaning, "Please let me cum."

Ky stood over the three young naked and needy women. "Oh I'm so sorry but the ninety minutes are up. I really thought that the two of you would cum three times in ninety minutes, but the only person who climaxed was my slave. I guess you don't get the files and she stays my slave."

All three women looked up at Ky in shock. It was Taylor who finally reacted first.

"Mistress, they did what you asked and participated, please mistress let this end. I can't go on." Taylor begged.

"Not tonight slut, but I'll tell you what, I'm leaving special outfits for Ash and Nicole to wear tomorrow when they visit my dorm room. If they show up at the time listed on their outfits and on time, I'll discuss how they can try again." Ky gushed and walked out of the room, taking all of the clothes the girls wore to the room with her.

It took Ash, Taylor and Nicole almost ten minutes to gather their wits and walk over to the two bags by the door with their names on them. Ash opened hers first and gasped when she saw what was inside.

"You have got to be shitting me. There is no way I'm showing up wearing this." She groused and held up a white thin crop top with 'SLUT' emblazoned across the chest in one hand and a micro mini pleated pink skirt that at most was 8 inches long.

Nicole opened her bag and hers was just as bad. Her top was a also a crop top only it had 'WHORE' written on it, and her skirt was identical only powder blue.

"Fuck me , I can't be seen in this." Nicole added.

Taylor stood there naked. There was no bag for her and she figured she would have to report to her Mistress to be dressed. "I don't have a choice; I have to go home naked." Taylor said her voice muted.

Ash looked at the paper with her name and read it.

Ash, here are your clothes you will wear to go back to your room. If you want to free Taylor be at my room tomorrow morning at 9:00 am, wearing what is in this bag and only what is in the bag. If you want I will allow shoes, but only your highest heels. Don't be late! It is your decision if you show up or not. But if you don't, Taylor is mine until she earns her freedom. 


"The nerve of that bitch, I won't do it. What time did she give you Nicole?" Ash bitched.

"Mine says 10." Nicole answered, as she was slipping the short tight top over her head.

"You're actually going to wear it?" Ash asked.

"I'm not walking across campus naked." Nicole shot back.

Ash stood there for a few moments and pulled the top over her head. "Taylor I'm sorry we tried but I'm not going to fall into the same trap as you did. I guess you're just going to have to suck it up until we can figure a way out for you." Ash said as the three of them walked out the door and headed back to their dorms.

The three girls made an interesting group leaving Ky' dorm. Ash and Nicole almost naked and wearing the slut and whore tops and Taylor naked. All were glad it was well after midnight when they stepped outside as the campus was deserted. Still they kept to the shadows especially Taylor.

Ash made it back to her room about fifteen minutes later. She was confused about all that had happened. Never in her life had she acted or felt like she did tonight. Her body was still buzzing and it felt like she was high or something. She sat down on her bed and tried to remember all that had happened. Finally she took off her slut clothes and settled down for the night.

The next morning Ash's phone buzzed. She groaned and looked at the screen. There was a text message from Ky. Immediately Ash was pissed, as everything that happened last night came flooding back into her mind. She started to delete the message but noticed a video attached. Ash clicked on the video and almost dropped the phone.

The video was short only about thirty seconds long, but it was very damning. It showed Taylor teasing her and Nicole when loud and clear and in High-definition She heard,


"Not until I cum first!"


Ash heard the damning words come out of her mouth followed by her and Nicole eating Taylor's pussy and ass.

The message simply said, "See you at 9".

It didn't take long before Ash was dressed and headed to Ky's dorm room.

* * * * * * * * * *

Taylor arrived at Ky's room at 7:30, her assigned time. She stood outside her door and stripped off her shorts and tee shirt. Ky now required her to be naked before she knocked. She was now naked except for the five inch heels Ky had locked on her feet last night, telling her that she would be in the heels until she let her out.

Taylor took a deep breath, last night was supposed to be the last night of her slavery to Ky, but that failed miserably. She hated being a slave to Ky. She never expected to be in this position but since Ky took over her life her mind and body had changed. She was always aroused now, and whenever she was around Ky her mind seemed to cloud over and her only thoughts were to obey her. Even when she wasn't around her Mistress, she was on her mind and her thoughts were if she was obeying her instructions. Her Mistress was not only dominating her body, but now her mind. She knew what she was did last night was sabotaging her only chance to be free from her control, but when Mistress Ky told her she would allow her to orgasm it was all her mind and body could think of. Last night was for her to make Ash and Nicole cum three times each in ninety minutes. But all she could do and think of was to tease them per her instructions to make them beg to service her. Now she was still under her Mistress's control and about to subjugate herself once again.

What made it worse was after it was all over; Mistress Ky demanded that both Ash and Nicole to come to her today dressed as sluts. Taylor prayed they wouldn't come. She was afraid that they would be trapped just like her. Finally taking a deep breath, she knocked at the door and waited for her Mistress to answer.

"Right on time slave, on your knees and crawl in." Ky barked.

Taylor quickly dropped to her knees and crawled through the threshold and into the dorm room. She pulled her clothes inside and deposited them into a wooden box beside the door and locked the cover. Her clothing for the day would be provided by her Mistress.

As soon as her clothing was safely locked away, Taylor dropped to her belly and slithered across the floor to her Mistress's feet, as was required each morning. Taylor licked and sucked Ky feet and waited for her instructions.

"Slave, today you need to pay for the room we used last night. My RA is a bitch and she has been threatening to talk to the dean unless she gets to play with you. So put this on and go to room 320." Ky said and tossed her a bath towel. "You will knock on her door and hand her the towel and do everything she desires for the next two hours. You will return here at 9:30 sharp." She continued.

Taylor nodded and asked, "Do you want me to eat your pussy Mistress?"

"No slut, you need to go now. Sheila is waiting for you." Ky responded.

Taylor stood and wrapped the towel around her body and walked out of the room. Resisting or even questioning her orders never entered her mind. She walked down the hall and knocked on Sheila's door. Only a few days ago, Taylor never even considered having sex with a woman, but as she waited for Sheila to open her door, her pussy started to leak down her leg. Her mind was drifting back to last night with Ash and Nicole.

When the door opened Taylor stepped back her face doing little to hide her surprise. Standing in front of her was probably the largest woman she had ever seen. Sheila was a good four inches taller that Taylor and probably 250 lbs heavier. Sheila's tits were massive at least 'J' cups, but even those tits were dwarfed by her stomach. Taylor just stood the unable to move.

"Well slut, get in here!" Sheila barked and pulled the towel from around Taylor's body. Taylor squeezed past the massive woman and jumped when she heard the door close behind her.

"On your knees slave," Sheila barked again, "You're mine for the next 90 minutes and I expect you to do exactly what I tell you."

Taylor slowly dropped to the floor and was even more intimidated by the massive woman towering above her. Before Taylor could gather her thoughts, she noticed movement behind Sheila. She glanced around her and gasped. Behind Sheila was another woman almost as large as Sheila. She walked up and stood beside Sheila and suddenly Taylor felt like the walls were closing in on her.

Sheila stepped back and sat down on a large industrial size bench and spread her massive legs. "Get busy slave, I want your tongue buried in my pussy now!" She growled.

Taylor crawled over to Sheila and squeezed between her large thighs. She took her hand and pushed the rolls of fat back like parting twin logs. Taylor leaned forward and buried her face into the crevice between Sheila's large legs. She heard Sheila groan as she pushed her head deeper into the massive woman's body. Taylor gaged a bit as the smell of sweat and urine overwhelmed her, but didn't hesitate as she did her best to please the massive RA.

Taylor was concentrating on pleasing Sheila, when she felt something behind her. She wanted to look back, but Sheila's legs eliminated any movements. Before she could do anything Taylor felt something push on her ass. She tried to resist and tightened her sphincter but whatever was pushing was stronger and moments later, a searing pain shot out from her ass as she was impaled with something.

Taylor screamed but as her face was buried between two mounds of fat that were Sheila's thighs, the sounds were muffled. For the next hour, the two massive women used her helpless body in any way they wanted, finally dumping her semi clothed body outside their door.

* * * * * * * *

Ash walked into Ky's dorm and headed upstairs to her room. The walk across campus was probably the worst walk ever. The tight crop top with SLUT across her tits and the short pink pleated skirt only attracted the attention of everyone she passed. To cover her pussy and ass, she had to push down the skirt until almost half her ass crack was exposed. Her high heels clicking on the walk announced to everyone that she was a slut. Now safely inside the building she tried to relax, but she knew that her day was only going to get worse. The short video Ky sent her was damning and if she couldn't get it away from her, she might end up just like Taylor.

Ash walked up to Ky's door and started to knock, her hand trembling and her stomach churning. She glanced at her phone, it was 8:59, she had one minute to knock. Finally she took a deep breath and knocked.

Ash stood there for what felt like forever before the door slowly opened. Finally Ky stood in the doorway with a big smile on her face.

"Ash I'm glad to see you. How was your walk over?" Ky gushed.

Ash wanted to tell the evil bitch to fuck off but she knew she had to keep her cool. Ky held all the cards and she knew it. "It was hell Ky, isn't that what you wanted? You dressed me like a slut." Ash responded.

"Well you are the sister of the biggest slut on campus." Ky spat. "But let's not get off on the wrong foot. First thing first, your sister knows how to properly greet her Mistress, that's something you have yet to learn. I know you watched her yesterday as she stripped and slithered across the floor and paid her respects to me. Now I assume the reason you are here is to convince me to not show the video from last night. Now I'm quite reasonable and I don't expect you automatically do as your sister. She is well trained. You need to learn you place in my world first. As I see it you have two choices, one you can turn around and walk away. That would mean I could ruin yours, Nicole's, and Taylor's lives with the push of a button, or two, strip off your new slut clothes and crawl over to me. It's your choice. You have one minute." Ky stated, her voice full of confidence.

Ash stood there for a few seconds. She wanted to tear Ky's heart out and almost started to cross the room and attack her, when Ky spoke again.

"If you're thinking about doing something stupid, I guess I should tell you that if anything should happen to me. I've already set up a series of emails to go out if I don't stop them. So yeah you may fuck me up, but I will win in the end."

Ash's head dropped and her hand went to the bottom of the nasty crop top she was wearing, and pulled it over her head.

"Just put your new uniform in the wooden box on your right. There's a lock beside it. Lock up your clothes." Ky barked.

Ash opened the box and deposited her top and seconds later, the skirt followed.

"Leave the shoes on, you look sluttier naked and wearing the heels." Ky gushed.

Ash stood in front of the evil bitch, her hand covering her tits and lower bush. "ON YOUR BELLY SLUT AND SLIDE OVER TO MY FEET!" Ky yelled.

Ash slowly dropped to the floor and started to slither across the same floor her sister did only a couple hours ago. As she crawled tears ran down her cheeks as the humiliation hit her like a sledgehammer. She was now in the same situation as Taylor. When she finally got to Ky's feet, she stopped and hesitated. She had seen what Taylor did yesterday, licking and sucking Ky's toes. Just the thought of it made her stomach churn.

"You know what to do slut." Ky demanded.

Ash slowly extended her tongue, suppressed a gag, and licked the top of Ky's feet. The taste wasn't bad but the disgusting act turned her stomach as she worked to not vomit. Suddenly her ass was on fire as for the first time in her life she was being spanked. Ash screamed and as soon as her mouth opened, Ky shoved half her foot deep inside.

"You should keep your voice down otherwise everyone in the hall is going to see you sucking my toes." Ky barked. "Now I have plans for you Ash. You were always in second place with your sister. Even Nicole was above you with her. That changes today, but first you need to know your place with me. I OWN YOU, YOUR SLUT SISTER, AND SOON NICOLE!" Ky practically shouted, letting a evil laugh. " The sooner you accept this, the sooner you get your reward. Now on your knees slave." Ky barked.

Ash, her ass on fire and tears streaming down her face quickly got up on her knees facing Ky. Ky stood and walked around her and Ash turned her head to watch.

"EYES FRONT" Ky yelled again.

Ash's head snapped forward, she was scared as she didn't know what to expect. She felt Ky grab her arms and pulled them behind her back. A moment later, Ash felt the cuffs lock on her wrists and another set on her ankles. Now she was helpless, and her fear grew even more. Before Ash could react her world went black as something was pulled over her eyes and tied behind her head. Ash was panting now as she was helpless and blind. All her senses were heightened but didn't move as she felt Ky move back in front of her.

"I wonder if little sis is like big sis? Let's see shall we. Spread your legs slut." Ky said. Ash spread her knees as the memory of her spanking and her burning ass was still very much on her mind. Ash's body jumped when she felt a touch on the breasts. The touch was soft and gentle and in spite of her hate and anger for Ky, her nipples were soon erect and she could feel her lower lips moisten. Ash sat motionless as Ky continued to caress her. Ash started to breath heavily as Ky touched and squeezeed her breasts.

Ash hated her how her body was reacting. She blamed it on being helpless and her body still coming down from last night. When Ky slid her hand down to her pussy, a moan escaped from Ash's mouth despite all her efforts. Ash was panting by the time Ky pushed her finger up and down her now wet core and giggled. "I see you and Taylor are just alike. She gets off on being helpless too." Ky cooed into Ash's ear, shoving two fingers deep inside her captive slave.

Ash's mouth flew open as the sudden insertion into her aroused pussy sent shivers up and down her spine.

"Oh you like that don't you slut. You like having your pussy played with while bound. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with you." Ky whispered as she kept fingering Ash's now dripping pussy.

Ky continued driving Ash closer and closer to her unwanted but desired climax. Ash was grunting and moaning continuously as her body was rushing full speed to an orgasm, when suddenly it stopped.

"OOOUUUGGG NNNOOOO," came out of Ash's mouth before she could stop it.

"Oh you want something slut? Do you want to cum? Are you willing to beg your Mistress for some relief?" Ky asked rapid fire.


A second later, Ash felt the smack across her face, followed quickly by another on the other side of her face.

"YOU WILL NEVER RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME, EVER!" Ky barked, and smacked her face again.

Before Ash could react, she felt something pushed deep inside her pussy and start to vibrate. Her pussy clamped down on the intruder as the vibrating toy pushed against her 'G' spot causing her entire body to shake and tremble. Ash was disoriented and her mind was having trouble handling all the sensations. With her bound wrists and ankles and her ass and face still burning from the blows, and now her pussy being stimulated like never before, she was overwhelmed. Ash felt her stomach start to convulse as what she knew would be the biggest orgasm she ever had was about to explode, when the vibrations stopped and the toy removed from inside her.
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"OOHHH GGGGOOODDD NNNOOO!" Ash moaned loudly, she was denied once again.

Ash knelt there gasping for breaths as her body slowly retreated from the edge, when it started all over again. This time Ash's body reacted even quicker and seconds later she was right back on the edge. Again she was denied.

Ky tortured her bound slave over and over again. Each time Ash's body reacted faster than the last. Each time she was brought to the very edge only to be denied. Finally it happened despite all of Ash's efforts; her mind succumbed to the torture.

"OH GOD PLEASE LET ME CUMMM, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Ash cried out. Her body's needs overcoming her hatred of her Mistress. "Please Ky let me cum, I'll do as you wish. Please Ky" She begged.

"Not good enough slave," Ky barked and shoved the vibrator back into Ash's needy cunt, again pushing her to the brink and denying her once again, and again, and again.

Finally Ash snapped, "Please Mistress, I begging you. I will be your slave just please let me cum I can't take it." Ash was crying uncontrollably, her hips humping the air seeking relief.

"Now we're getting somewhere. But you're not there yet. You must learn your Mistress always comes first. My pleasure is your pleasure. When you learn that then maybe I'll let you cum." Ky barked.

Once again Ky started the process all over again, and again, and again. Ash's body was out of control. It was convulsing continuously as to Ash her body never came down from one minute to the next. When she lost control over her bladder and pissed all over the floor, Ash surrendered.

"Please Mistress, let this slave please you. Let me eat your pussy and service you as you deserve." Flowed out of Ash's mouth as her mind joined her body and gave in to Ky. Ash was panting and prayed her Mistress would give her permission to please her. Gone was the anger that filled her when she arrived, replaced with need to please her Mistress. Ash collapsed to the floor, she could feel a foot on her cheek. Follwing the foot Ash started to lick and suck Ky's toes with everything she had. In her mind the only thought was to show her surrender and convince her Mistress she was hers to own.

Ky let Ash lick and suck her toes for a few minutes before she ordered her to eat her pussy. Ash jumped at the opportunity and quickly slid between Ky's legs. Ash had her face buried deep inside Ky's folds when she heard a knock at the door.

"COME IN!" She heard Ky yell.

Ash blushed as she had no idea who was entering the room. She was naked, her hands and ankles cuffed and blindfolded. But worst of all she was eating Ky's pussy. Ash wanted to run away and hide but was helpless. She decided that her face was buried between Ky's legs and prayed that whoever walked in wouldn't recognize her.

Ash heard some shuffling behind her and a few moments later felt a mouth on her toes. She was confused but Ky had her hands on her head pushing her deeper into her pussy. Ash worked harder to please her Mistress when the mysterious mouth moved to her pussy. Ash groaned as her body already on fire quickly rushed towards the orgasm she craved.

"You better not cum before I do slut. If you think what's happened up to now was bad, I guarantee it can and will get worse." Ash heard her Mistress speak and doubled her efforts.

* * * * * * * * *

Taylor left Sheila's room a complete mess. The only thing she wanted was to get away from the two large women had used and abused her body for almost two hours. Taylor staggered down the hallway naked. Her towel was still in Sheila's room, but when she was told she could leave, Taylor ran out of the room not caring if she was dressed or not. She was covered with cum, sweat, and piss. Her ass was burning and Taylor was sure she had bled a little. She had no idea what she looked like but could feel her hair stuck to her face and see the nasty words they wrote on her. Taylor ran down the hall and knocked on her Mistress's door praying she would keep her safe. She would do anything her Mistress demanded to not be sent back to that room again.

"COME IN" She heard through the door. Taylor opened the door and stood just inside, her face in shock as when she saw her sister, naked with her face buried in Mistress Ky's pussy. She had no idea why Ash would submit to her, but couldn't speak. She looked at her Mistress and when she pointed at the floor, knew what she was to do. She dropped to the floor and slithered across the floor and sucked Ash's toes into her mouth.

Taylor worked on Ash's toes as if they were her Mistress's. When she looked up Ky and she pointed at Ash's pussy. Taylor didn't hesitate but slid up her little sister's body and buried her face in Ash's cunt. Taylor was surprised at how wet and sweet her sister was. She could feel Ash clamp down on her tongue with each push inside. In seconds she could hear her sister's moans and worked to make her climax as quickly as possible.

"You better not cum before I do slut. If you think what's happened up to now is bad, I guarantee it can and will get worse." Taylor heard Ky speak and realized that her sister was about to cum. She knew if she kept up like she was, Ash would be in trouble. Taylor backed off a bit and prayed her sister could complete her task before her body erupted.

It wasn't but a minute later when Taylor heard her Mistress grunt and scream. She knew that Ash succeeded and concentrated her efforts on Ash's clit. Almost immediately Ash's pussy pulsed and Taylor's face was flooded with her sister's fluids.

It took a couple minutes for both Ky and Ash to come down from their orgasms. Taylor just waited on her knees licking up any juices leaking from her sister's pussy. Finally Ky looked down at the two naked sisters kneeling in front of her and grinned.

"Taylor slut, how was your visit with Sheila? Did you have fun?" Ky laughed.

"Please Mistress, it was horrible. She had a friend or roommate with her; I'm not sure which, but Mistress I didn't think I would survive. They fucked my ass with something. I think I'm bleeding. Please Mistress don't make me go back there. I'm begging you." Taylor pleaded.

"Well then I guess you better be a good slave otherwise I'll send you for an entire night." Ky threatened.

Taylor trembled at the thought and quickly answered, "I'll be a good slave Mistress." Taylor glanced at Ash as she spoke and could see the look of shock from the open mouth on her face. Ky took off Ash's blindfold and the two sisters looked at each other and blushed.

"Now both of you kneel beside each other and let me explain a few things." Ky said and opened her PC and started a video from yesterday in the locker room. She looked at the faces of the two sisters kneeling naked on the floor. "You didn't know I was recording that did you? You don't need to answer I can see it in your faces you didn't." Ky said with a grin. She then opened a second video and pushed play. This one was from last night in the basement. The two sisters watched in horror as the video clearly showed them sucking, licking and kissing and above all committing incest.

"Well that leaves no doubt that you are two very perverted sisters, and I wonder if Mommy Carol knows about it. Or does incest run in your family?" Ky said as she looked down at the two now cowering sisters.

"Well I guess I'm your new best friend aren't I? You both need to keep me very happy or who knows where those videos might show up?" Ky gloated.

"Now we don't have much time before Nicole is to be here so let me explain what is going to happen with the three of you. I'm going to lay down a few rules for you to abide by and I expect them to be followed to the letter. If you don't you will be punished, severely, if you refuse, well you can guess what will happen. Do I make myself clear?" Ky barked.

"Yes Mistress," they answered in unison. "Good listen carefully as I expect you to memorize them. Firstly you will obey my every command, without hesitation or questions. You will only wear what I approve, and that starts with no panties or bras, pants of any sort except for when you have track practice or meets. When greeting me in private, you will always strip and crawl on your bellies to my feet and kiss my toes. In public you will simply drop to your knees unless I say different. And lastly, this rule is very important. YOU WILL NOT CUM WITHOUT PERMISSION! There will be other rules as I decide but these are the most important." Ky finished her list of demands.

Taylor looked over at her sister, who looked like she was in shock, her face white as a sheet and her hands begun to tremble. Taylor wasn't surprised at what Ky was demanding. Over the last couple days she was so completely dominated by Ky that she accepted the rules upfront. When Ky left last night with the announcement that Ash and Nicole had failed to complete the task, Taylor accepted that Ky owned them all now.

"I just have a few more things to go over before Nicole shows up for her training. Ash you have always been a hanger-on with Taylor and Nicole. I watched them take advantage of you many times. So if you're a good slut for me, and accept your training, I'm going to put you in charge of them when I'm not around. I will give you my instructions and expect you to make sure they carry them out. After all I wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression about me. Especially when they can watch you dominate your sister and her friend instead. Of course if you don't do as I want, you know what will happen." Ky said sneering at Ash.

Taylor listened to her Mistress and as she listened to what she said, she looked at her sister and wondered if she would do as ordered or not. Taylor couldn't tell by the look on her face as she just stared out into space and not reacting at all.

"Good, seeing as there are no questions, Taylor here is your outfit for today." Ky said and tossed a small bag at her. "Ash I've unlocked your box and you can get dressed. You both have classes in about a half an hour and you don't want to be late."

Taylor opened the small bag and inside was a white crop top tee shirt with "Slut's Slave" across the chest. There was also a short micro-mini pleated pink plaid skirt, only about six or eight inches long. She pulled the top over her head and tried to cover her tits. The top was so tight that they were pushed together showing a lot of cleavage and leaving little to the imagination. When she pulled the skirt up her legs, in order to cover her pussy and ass, it sat so low on her hips her ass crack was clearly visible from the rear.

Taylor looked at Ash as she too dressed. When she saw Ash's top with "Slut" across the front, it was clear what would be said if they walked together.

"Now just one more thing, if one gets a punishment all three will be punished. However, Ash seeing as you are in charge, you can give your punishment to the others. For example, if the punishment is to be spanked 10 times. You each get ten swats, Ash if you don't want to be punished give them to your slaves. Both Taylor and Nicole will receive their ten swats plus your ten swats. The rule is, your punishment times two, understand?" Ky explained.

Ash looked at Ky, her face was blank, but she nodded slowly that she understood.

"Okay slaves, Nicole is due here at any minute. Because I don't want her to see you, go down the hall and out the front door. I know she will use the side door. Now out you go and today, I want you both to walk together as much as possible." Ky said. She stood and walked over to the two slut sisters. Taylor watched as she pulled out two metal rings from off her dresser. Each had a small broach mounted on it. Ky took a tool and pushed it against the ring and it split open. She did the same to the other one and wrapped them around the sister's necks. When she closed them the broach was right in front. Taylor reached up and touched the collar. There wasn't a lock or any catch she could feel. Ky smiled at her and said, "I hope you like your new collar, it's much prettier than that ugly leather thing. Oh don't bother trying to take it off, it takes a special key and only I have it." Ky said. Ky handing Taylor a bag to take. Taylor took it, looking inside she saw it was her punishment bag containing her clips. Ky then opened her door and pushed the two sisters out into the hall.
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Ash and Taylor walked out of Ky's dorm and headed across campus. Ky's instructions were clear, Ash had to stay next to Taylor as much as possible. The matching obscene outfits with SLUT and SLUT'S SLAVE across their chests only made it worse. Because they went to Ky's room, they had to go to their dorms and pick up their books for class. Taylor's dorm was first, Ash was living in the freshman dorm another couple blocks away. Taylor wanted to say something, but Ash was already walking away. Taylor turned and headed for her room.

It took Taylor only a few minutes to get her book bag and head out to class. She walked by Ash's building but she was nowhere to be found. She remembered what Ky's instructions were, but prayed no one noticed they weren't together. Taylor decided to head to class and maybe catch up with Ash. She didn't get very far when her phone buzzed. Taylor glanced at it and saw a text from Ky.

Slaves, you are to walk together at all times today. Seeing as you are not together you will have earned your first punishment if you're not together in five minutes, you will each find a young man and suck his cock. You will suck that cock to until he cums all over your tits. Better hurry slaves.


Taylor looked around and didn't see Ash anywhere. She quickly dialed her number and waited for her to answer. Ash answered on the second ring.

"Ash, where are you?" Taylor asked in a panic.

"I'm almost to class." Ash answered.

"Did you get the text?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah I got it, how far away are you," Ash asked

"I'm just outside your dorm. Please wait for me."

"I'll wait here." Ash said.

Taylor took off running as fast as she could in her heels heading for where she thought Ash was, but when she got there, Ash was nowhere to be found. She glanced at her phone; it had been almost four minutes. Finally she saw her sister almost on the other side of the building. She knew time was running out, started to run again. When she finally got to Ash, she looked at her watch and it had been seven minutes.

"Ash why didn't you wait, you know what will happen don't you?" Taylor gasped.

"Look, there's no one around and there's no way that bitch would know when we are together. Now shut up and let's go. I can't believe this this is happening." Ash spat.

It wasn't more than twenty seconds later, when both cells buzzed.

You were two minutes late. You both now each owe me a blow job. You have two hours to suck a cock and cover your tits with cum. You're not to clean up afterwards. I want you to spend the rest of the day covered with cum.

The closer they got to their classes, the more students they encountered. Taylor had become used to the snide remarks and snickers, but this was Ash's first experience at being degraded by almost everyone. Taylor glanced over at her sister's blushing face and body; her head hung low staring only at the sidewalk in front of her. She hated that Ash was now trapped like her, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.

Finally they arrived at the buildings where their classes were held. Ash didn't say a word but started to turn and head to her building. Taylor knew that they had to complete their punishment or Ky would only make it worse. "Ash, we need to do what Ky said!"

"I've got class and I'm not sucking any cocks. If you want to, go ahead." Ash barked and again started to go to her class, when her phone rang. Taylor watched as Ash answered and blushed. After a few moments, Ash turned to her sister and quietly spoke.

"I don't know how, but she knew I what I said. We have to video us sucking cocks, or you sucking three cocks and I have to record it. If we don't do what she says, the videos will be sent everywhere." Ash said as a tear ran down her cheek. "I'm not sucking any cocks, so you're going to suck them for me." She groused and looked Taylor directly in her eyes.

"Ash please don't, I can't do this alone. Where am I going to find three guys in less than two hours?" Taylor asked.

Ash stared at her sister for a minute, then grabbed her arm and pulled her away from their classes. "Where are we going Ash," Taylor asked.

"Just shut the fuck up. We're in this because of you. Don't talk to me. Just do what you're told." Ash barked back.

Taylor followed her sister away from their classes and towards the frat houses. "No Ash, not the frats. If I suck cocks there the word will spread like wildfire. Everyone on campus will know. Please Ash not there." Taylor pleaded.

"Look, you and your stupid bets got both of us into this. I'm not going to whore myself out to protect you. You're going to suck off three cocks and charge them each twenty five cents. Now shut up and follow me." Ash demanded pulling her along across campus.

The two sisters walked down fraternity row until the came to the Gamma Epsilon Kappa house. "Oh god please not the geek house." Taylor groaned.

"Look, hardly anyone associates with them. It's the only house where what you're about to do may stay a secret. Now do as I say and stop complaining." Ask spat. A second later Ash's phone buzzed. She quickly answered it.

* * * * * * * * *

Ash answered her phone and groaned. "Yes Mistress." She stood they silent, her face blushing as she listened to her Mistress speak.

"Please Mistress don't do this. I'll obey but don't make us do this." Ash begged. Ash listened for a few more moments and ended the call. She looked over at her sister standing beside her and grabbed her punishment bag and opened it. She looked inside and pulled out a stack of yellow cards. Taking one off the top of the stack she read the card.

Congratulations, you have been awarded this card as a reward for allowing me to suck your cock, fuck my cunt or ass, or eat your pussy. From this day forward, if you wish to use me or my sister slut's services again, simply show us this card and give us $.25 and we have 5 minutes to strip and offer our bodies to you. All we ask is that you ejaculate on us (and not in us) and video our performances. When finished please send the video to the email address at the bottom of the card. This card has no expiration date and is fully transferrable to anyone you wish. If we don't perform as expected, please send any complaints to the email address and you will be compensated. 


Ash stared at the card. At the bottom of the card and saw the emails address. It was an address that listed her name, she knew it wasn't her email, but it was her name and everyone would think it was her doing this to Taylor and Nicole. Her mouth was wide open in shock and she slowly handed it to Taylor. She watched Taylor read the card and saw a tear run down her cheek. Ash knew if they couldn't find a way out soon Ky would turn all three of them into whores.

Ash took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Right now they had no choice but to do as their Mistress demanded. It took a few moments before the door opened and a skinny, acne covered young man was standing in front of them. His face showed his surprise when he saw what they were wearing.

"Yes," he asked?

"My sister has lost a bet and she..." Ash struggled to speak, "She has to perform a sex act to pay up. I was wondering if there might be three guys here that can help her." She asked.

The young man stood there his mouth open for several moments before he spoke. "What the fuck is this? Is this some kind of prank? You walk up to our door dressed like whores and want us to do what?" He said.

"Please can we come in? No it's not a prank. I promise you this is on the up and up. My sister needs to suck three cocks or she loses a bet and trust me losing this bet is worse than a few blow jobs." Ash pleaded.

Just as she said that another guy showed up behind the first. This guy was very overweight and just as much a geek as the first guy.

"Blow job, did I hear blow job?" He said his voice cracking. "Sure we can do that." He continued as he pushed the first guy out of the way and pointed inside.

Ash took a deep breath and pulled Taylor after her as she stepped inside the frat house. She jumped when she heard the door close.

Once inside Ash and Taylor followed the two geeks to a large room just to the left of the front door. Inside the room were three large couches lining the walls with a very large TV on the fourth wall. Sitting on the couches were six men all about the same age as the two standing beside Ash and Taylor.

"Well tell us again what you want." The fat geek said.

"Look, all we want is for my sister to give three blow jobs so she can pay off her bet. No strings attached. If you agree I'm sure you will be pleased." Ash explained.

"Well I think we can help her." He said his voice cracking, "But what about the rest of us?" He asked.

"Look it's three or none, your choice." Ash said trying to take charge.

"Wait here we need to talk." The geek said and motioned to the others to follow him. All the guys stood and followed him out of the room and down the hall. Ash looked at Taylor and could see the fear in her eyes. She leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Taylor, we don't have a choice. I'll be right here and make sure this doesn't get out of hand. Just suck the three cocks and get lets out of here."

Taylor nodded and stared at the floor. Ash could see her trembling, but before she could calm her down, the geeks walked back inside the room.

"Okay we'll do it. But we all get to watch and you both need to be naked until she finishes and we get to hold on to your clothes, if you don't agree leave." He demanded.

Ash stood there for a second before she turned to Taylor and whispered in her ear again. "Look, we don't have time to go looking for anyone else. I don't like giving them our clothes but we don't have a choice as I see it. Just strip and suck them off as quickly as possible. They're probably all virgins anyways and might even cum as soon as you touch them." Ash explained.

Taylor looked at her sister. Her eyes filled with tears and nodded. "Please Ash protect me. I'm scared." She whispered back.

"I'll protect you, I promise." Ash answered and turned back to the geeks.

"Okay but only blow jobs and nothing else. If you try anything else we're out of here." Ash barked.

"Agreed," the geek gushed, "Now strip."

Ash blushed but looked at Taylor as she pulled her slut top over her head baring her perky tits. Taylor did the same and a few moments later, the sisters handed their clothes over to the geeks. They watched as their clothes were quickly taken out of the room and down the hall.

"Wait, where are you taking our clothes?" Ash cried.

"Don't worry; we just want to make sure you keep your end of the bargain. When you finish we'll return them."

Ash nodded and motioned for Taylor to drop to her knees. It didn't take but a second before the first geek was in front of Taylor, his pants around his ankles and his cock pointing at her face.

Taylor slowly reached out and grabbed the average size cock and licked the tip. The geek shivered as Taylor slowly started to lick his shaft running her tongue up and down it coating it with her saliva.

Ash could tell Taylor was trying to make him cum without actually sucking it into his mouth, but the geek took matters into his own hands. He grabbed Taylor's head and shoved his cock down her throat. Taylor gagged as she tried to accept it deep inside her throat. When he pulled back and out of her mouth a stream of spit slid down her chin and dripped on her naked tits.

"Look at the whore, she took it all." Someone said.

"Look at all that spit, her tiny tits are covered," said another.

The geek shoved his cock roughly back into Taylor's mouth and was soon fucking her face. Ash watched as Taylor struggled to breathe and her face turn red.

"Hey easy on her, she's doing the best she can." Ash pleaded.

"Hey she's a slut, she even advertising." Came a response from somewhere behind her.

It only took a couple minutes before the geek pulled his cock from Taylor's mouth and sprayed his seed all over her chin and chest with a mighty growl. Taylor dropped back on her heels and looked at Ash. She moaned when she saw Ash holding her phone, recording the entire scene. A second later, Ash handed Taylor a yellow card and a pen.

"Sign it Taylor and give it to him." She barked. Taylor whimpered and took the card and pen. She signed it and handed it to the geek as he pulled up his pants. He stopped and took the card and laughed.

"NO FUCKING SHIT!" He exclaimed and showed it to the others.

There were yells all around the room as the card was passed from man to man. Both Ash and Taylor blushed as they knew they had dug themselves further under Ky's control.

As the next geek stepped up to Taylor someone shouted. "Hey anyone can use this," as he stepped forward. He pulled out a quarter and walked up to Ash and handed it to her.

Ash was shocked, she never expected this. If she refused Ky would punish them. If she had Taylor do it, she would have to do two additional cocks and give out two more cards. It suddenly hit her that this could get ugly very quickly.

"Please let her finish." Ash asked.

"Sure as long as she sucks my cock in five minutes. If not I'm going to send out my complaint to the email address." He spat.

Ash looked at Taylor as she was sucking the second cock. This guy was letting her control the action and it didn't look like he was very close to finishing. She knew Taylor had another cock to suck and time was ticking. She dropped her head and slowly dropped to her knees. The geek already had his pants around his ankles and his cock pointing at her face.

Ash was panicking as she knew she had to record Taylor sucking the second cock, looked up at him and asked. "Would you please video both of us sucking your cocks?"

A collective yell went up and several geeks pulled out their phones and started to record the sisters' whoring performances. The geek in front of Ash grabbed her ears and pulled her open mouth over his cock. Now both Taylor and Ash were sucking cocks trying to survive the worst day in their lives.

As soon as the second geek finished spraying his cum all over Taylor's face and chest, he demanded his card. Taylor signed another card and handed it to him, as another geek stepped up in front of her.

Ash was working as fast as she could to finish the geek buried in her mouth as quickly as possible. When he screamed, she quickly pulled his cock from her mouth and pointed it at her tits. Again the geek demanded a card.

Ash was defeated now as she knew that they both would end up sucking all the geeks off before they would get out of there. She watched as she handed the card to the geek she just finished and he handed both of the cards he had to two other guys standing behind him. A few minutes later, Taylor finished her third cock, but as she handed out the card, another geek stepped up with a card and quarter.

She looked up at him as she took her forth cock into her mouth and saw him hand the card to another geek. By the time it all ended, Ash had sucked six cocks and Taylor eight. Both were completely covered with cum and they had handed out over a dozen cards. Ash slowly stood up and tried to speak, her voice raspy from the abuse. "Please may we have our clothes, now?"

A few moments later, their clothes were tossed down in front of them.

"Well I think you both are going to be very popular around campus from now on. Hey weren't you the one they called thunder thighs at the student center a couple days ago?" A voice said. Taylor nodded as she pulled her top over her head and over her cum coated tits. She looked down at the now almost transparent top glued to her body, and moaned.

Ash didn't say a word but quickly dressed, grabbed Taylor's hand and dragged her to the door and out of the frat house. Once outside, they both took off running as fast as they could in the stripper heels Ky demanded they wear. They didn't stop until they were out of sight of the house knowing that if they stayed any longer one of the geeks would demand another blow job. When they finally stopped they were on campus and near a bench. They sat down and tried to recover from the entire experience. Taylor tried to apologize, but Ash cut her off.
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"I don't want to hear it. You fucking stupid slut. Look at what we just did and this is only the start. Ky probably already has the videos and you know she will hold it over our heads forever." She spat at her big sister.

Before Taylor could respond both of their phones buzzed a text had arrived. They looked at the text and cried.

Well done sluts, remember you are not allowed to clean up. I want you both to be covered when you report back to me later. Oh and you better make all you classes. I will know if you don't.


They both sat there on the bench. Their next class wasn't for another hour. Neither wanted to be seen and both were afraid they might see one of the geeks again.

About ten minutes later, Nicole walked up to them and stopped dead in her tracks.

"What the fuck is all over you? Is that cum?" She cried.

Ash looked up at her and started to hug her, but Nicole backed away. "Don't touch me; I don't want that on me." She barked.

"Nicole, I'm sorry but you don't have a choice. We were punished and now you have to go suck three cocks."

"What, I have to do what?" Nicole asked.

"We didn't stay together and Ky ordered us to suck cocks. I tried to only have Taylor suck them, but things got out of control. When one of us is punished we all are." Ash groaned.

"Oh god no," Nicole cried, tears running down her cheeks as she looked at her friends covered in cum. "How am I going to do that?" She asked.

"Well make sure you don't go to a frat house. We made that mistake. Try to find guys walking alone. Trust me because it can get out of control quickly." Ash explained.

Just as she said that, a lone man was walking toward them. Ash quickly jumped up and explained what had happened to Nicole. She explained that Ky somehow knew what they said, where they were and what they were doing. If she didn't suck three cocks they would all be punished and god only knows what that would be.

Nicole stood there in shock. She listened to Ash speak but didn't respond. She looked down at her clothes; she was dressed like Taylor only a different color skirt. She sat down on the bench as Ash walked up to the young man walking to class.

The next hour Ash managed to find three men alone and Nicole sucked each of their cocks. She now knew about the yellow cards and learned what had happened to Ash and Taylor. Now all three sluts were scared and covered in cum.

Now that Nicole had completed her punishment, the three sluts slowly walked to their classes. Each dreading walking in to the class knowing that there was no way to hide what they did.

By the time they finished their classes for the day. Each had sucked two additional cocks. Ash wanted to have the slaves do the ones who flashed her a yellow card, but she knew is she did there would be at least eight additional cards on campus. That would make over two dozen cards floating around campus. It was bad enough with just over twenty.

It was about four o'clock when they showed up at Ky's door. When she opened her door, she broke out laughing. "God you guys look like you had fun today. Now strip and you know what to do." Ky was gushing over the events that day.

Taylor, Ash and Nicole quickly peeled off their clothes out in the hall and stepped inside. They each put their clothes into the wooden boxes just inside the door and locked it. Then one at a time, they each dropped to the floor and slithered on their stomach across the floor and kissed Ky's feet. Taylor was at Ky's left foot, Ash at her right, and Nicole between them licking the sides of Ky's feet.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ky looked down at the three slaves licking her feet. The fact it was Taylor, Ash, and Nicole amazed her. She never expected things to turn out like this when she made the bet with Taylor. Sure she wanted to humiliate her, but she never ever thought it would end up like this with the three of them licking her feet and whoring themselves out.

She wondered how far she could push them before they finally gave up and admitted to the world they were slaves. Ky let them lick and suck her toes, moving her feet between mouths letting each of them to have a taste of her toes. With every lick and every suck, Ky's pussy pulsed as she crept closer to an orgasm. Finally she stopped them and ordered them to kneel in front of her.

"Well sluts, did you have a fun day? I listened to you sucking and watched the videos. I'm proud of you all for being obedient slaves." Ky said gleefully. "How many cards did you give out anyways?" She asked.

Ash dropped her head and mumbled, "I'm not sure Mistress, maybe 25, maybe more."

"OOOHHH just think how much fun it going to be tomorrow." Ky rubbed it in and watched all three of the girls cringe. "You know that today it was only blow jobs, but tomorrow all three of your holes are open for use." Ky continued.

Ky looked at them as what she said sunk in. All three were starting to cry as it hit them that they would be repeatedly fucked by an unknown number of men. Ky laughed and then said, "Oh don't forget there will be girls that want some action too."

Ash and Nicole were openly crying now and Taylor just sat there with a blank look on her face. "So I'm guessing that being fucked isn't high on your list of things you want to happen? She asked. All three nodded and waited for Ky to continue.

"Well I can offer you something to brighten your day." She said and pulled out a large bag that was sitting behind her on the bed. Ky opened the bag and pulled out three metal chastity belts and held them up.

"If you want to eliminate your cunts as an option to be used you can choose to be locked away in these belts." Ky gushed. She knew they would accept the option, but they had no idea of what that would mean.

Ash was the first to answer. "You're saying we can wear the belts and not get fucked?"

"Yes I am it's your choice. If you do, your pussy will not be available to be fucked." Ky answered baiting the trap.

"How long would we have to wear it?" Ash asked.

"That depends, only I would have the key, and it would depend on if you're a good slave and do as you're told." Ky answered, hoping her answer wouldn't scare them off.

"Can we take it off at night?" Nicole asked.

"Well if it comes off then your pussy is available to be fucked. So I guess it could go either way. I could unlock it and open up your pussy, or I could leave you locked up and deny you any relief." Ky said as the three slaves stared at her.

Finally Taylor responded, "I'll do the belt, I can't handle being fucked by anyone with a card. Giving blow jobs are bad enough but being fucked is worse."

Nicole was next to give in, "Me too, I can't imagine letting anyone with a card being allowed to fuck me."

Ash looked over at Taylor and Nicole. Ky wondered if she would agree to give up control over her cunt. She watched her but didn't say a word. Ky knew that if she tried to convince her to wear the belt, Ash would get suspicious and not give in. The trap was baited and all she had to do was wait.

"Me too," Ash finally gave in.

"Good, then it's settled." Ky smiled and handed each a belt. "Put those on and I'll lock you up."

"Wait we need to shower, we're covered with cum and smell terrible. We can't put them on until we're clean." Ash demanded.

"Oh yes you can, because you're not to clean up until you come over tomorrow. Each morning I will release you to take a shower down the hall and get locked up again. That's if you are good and did as you were told the day before. If not, then you'll just have to wait until the next morning." Ky said her voice now more demanding.

Ash moaned but didn't balk. She took the belt and wrapped it around her waist like Taylor and Nicole. She then pulled the leather and metal strap between her legs and turned so Ky could install the lock. Ky could feel her body shake when she heard and felt the lock click. A couple minutes later, Taylor and Nicole were also locked in chastity belts.

"Now first things first," Ky said as she grabbed a stack of yellow cards off her desk and handed some to all three of the slaves. "Here are your cards for potential customers; all they need to be activated is your signature. There are a few rules you each need to follow.

You each will suck or fuck a cock, or eat one pussy each day. This is a rule for Taylor after she lost her last race. So a rule for one is a rule for all. It cannot be a cock or pussy you've had before. Ash, because you're in charge you can opt out and have Taylor and Nicole fulfill your quota, but that would mean both of them would have to do three instead of one. Firstly you are not allowed to cum, unless you have a fresh mouth or ass full of cum. No exceptions. However because it is inside you instead of on you, it won't count towards your daily quota. You will always give a yellow card after having sex with anyone. No exceptions. You must be naked and your nipples clipped or clamped whenever you are sucking or fucking. You still have to ask permission from either me or Ash to cum, but you can only ask when you have cum in your mouth, ass or pussy, again no exceptions. Finally if you climax without following the above rules, all three of you will be required to hand out ten cards, and you will only have until midnight to accomplish it. If you don't, the total will double for each day until you complete your punishments. If one fails you all fail." Ky said, sitting back and waiting for their reactions. It didn't take long before Ash complained.

"Mistress, that's too much. There's no way we could do that." Ash whined

"What is the problem, the belt will eliminate anything from touching your pussy, so unless you get off on giving blow jobs or getting ass fucked it shouldn't be a problem." Ky said.

When Taylor started to speak, Ky gave her a hard look and Taylor shut her mouth. Ky assumed that Taylor would tell the others about the blue tooth vibrator Ky used when she was bound. Ky didn't want the other two to know about that until it was too late.

"Now there is just one more thing you need to do before I'm sending you home for the night. Each of you will sign ten cards and give them to me. I might need to reward someone for helping me out." Ky demanded.

Ash started to complain but Ky held up her hand. "If you don't I will send you back to the frat house naked and I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms." Ky barked. Five minutes later, all three of the slaves handed Ky ten signed cards. Once she had the cards, Ky gave out her instructions for the next day.

"Here is the key to your boxes with your outfits. I want you to wear them to your dorm rooms. Beside each of your boxes is a bag. It contains tomorrow's outfit. That is what I expect you to wear when you show up tomorrow morning at 7. I know that's earlier than usual, but you will appreciate the extra time to shower and in case someone hands you a card. Ky laughed and tossed Ash the keys.

It took Ash, Taylor, and Nicole about five minutes to dress and leave Ky's room. As soon as the door shut, Ky grabbed her phone and called her mom.
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