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I am not a lesbian. At least I never thought of myself as one. Even now I don't feel I am one, but my recent experiences have made me realize that no matter what gender, I am willing to serve a dominant; a master.
As a high college English teacher I have always thought I was the one in control; that I was the leader. In the case of this last college year and a very confident student, my outlook of myself has changed.
Being a young, attractive female teacher in a high college, I am well aware of the thoughts that go through the minds of students and colleagues. I know full well that I get my share of interested stares from the opposite sex and an equal number of jealous looks from females. My beauty has always been a tool I have used to my advantage; my power.
At the beginning of the last college year I began to lose that power to that one confident student I mentioned; her name was Sage Winfield. I took notice of her unnatural confidence, as well as her natural beauty, immediately. When she entered my class room for the first time, she did it with such grace and purpose; as if she knew she was in control of everything, and everyone around her. The following is a full account of my submission to her as my mistress.
Sage most certainly owned whatever room she happened to be in. However it was never in a way that seemed cocky or stuck up, just confident. On the first day of college she waited after class, sitting upright in her chair, until everyone else left for lunch; leaving me and her alone. Thinking she needed something I asked her if anything was a matter. Her response was no, she just wanted to see me without anyone around. Quizzically I asked what she meant. She in turn asked if I would be available after classes for some one on one help. I informed her, as I would any other student, that I am indeed available after class periods, before lunch, and at the end of the day. With that she smiled and said that would be satisfactory before turning to leave the room.
Her last statement seemed as though what I had said pleased her. My availability was satisfactory? At first I thought nothing of it; I just took it in and finished teaching the rest of my classes. It wasn't until I was sitting at home that I really began to go over what she had said. As a twenty six year old women I have never had an experience in which a simple statement has caused me to ponder it's meaning which such deep thought. With my analyzing of Sage's statement I began to think more about her as a person; more about her confidence, her beauty. This simple statement was causing me to spend the entire night just thinking about Sage, and I soon realized that it was having some unexpected effects on me.
I began to become very warm, as thoughts of Sage flowed through my mind. A sense of eagerness fueled my thoughts, which were quickly becoming desires. I was in unusual state of arousal; my breathing became more rapid and I soon felt my crotch dampen. These feelings both scared me and spurred me on to delve deeper into the reason behind them. I came to the conclusion that because Sage has her innate confidence, as well as her stunning beauty, that this is why I began to think about her, but it was her as a whole that interested me. I was drawn to her, to know more about her, to better connect with her. I felt that in doing so I would become better; that connecting with her I would be enlightened. All of these feelings were prompted by one single meeting with a new student. I made it my goal after that long night of self investigation to do whatever it took to become that better person, to connect with Sage. No matter the means or the end, I knew it was the journey to come that would be the important part, the thing that my life was missing.
The next day, as classes began, my mind was still with Sage. I do not know how I managed to get through those early classes, but somehow I did. The class Sage was in, or as I was starting to believe, Sage's class, was the last one before the lunch break. When she entered the room she had my attention, though I tried to not make it too obvious as to let on to the other students. Confident as always, she strolled into class wearing a long flowing dress with her leather bag hanging off her shoulder. The dress was a modest, cotton black one with some floral stitch work at the bottom which hung to just below her ankles. She looked beautiful and radiant; it took much effort on my part to pull my eyes away from her and began the lesson. I focused hard on the lesson and before I knew it the bell was ringing, and the students began to file out to go to lunch. All except Sage, she once again remained seated while the others hustled to leave. When it was just me and her left she once again approached my desk were I was seated behind. This time however she spoke first, asking me if she could ask a personal question. I replied by telling her normally that would be inappropriate, but for her to go ahead and ask away; I would decide if it was too personal to answer. She asked if she could know my first name, justifying her wanting to know by informing me that she liked to feel as though she had a connection with her teachers which would help her learn more efficiently. Her use of the word "connection" made it seem as though she was inside my head. That is exactly what I desired, but it couldn't be what she actually was implying.
Either way I answered her question without a thought, I told her my first name, Cynthia. I even went a step further and informed her that if it made her any more comfortable she could use it instead of my professional name, Ms. Watts, whenever we happen to be alone. She seemed pleased by this, and responded with a smile and stating that she has a feeling that the two of us being alone would be a common event. With that she left once again for lunch, just as she had yesterday. Once again I was left to try and decipher what the true meaning of her last statement was. This time however, I did not wait until I was home to begin analyzing her words, I spent the rest of the afternoon's open moments sitting and pondering.
Throughout the rest of my day I wondered what exactly Sage had meant by us being alone was going to be a common event. Was she feeling the way I was? Did she what a connection with me like the one I desired to have with her? These questions kept replaying in my head, and I couldn't get over the fact that I, the elder woman, was being drawn towards wanting to be closer to a younger woman; a student no less.
By the end of classes my mind was clouded with all the different scenarios that could play out between Sage and me. Just as I was shaking myself out of the fog and gathering my things to leave, there was a knock at my door. I got up to open it to see who it could be, and to my surprise, as well as my enjoyment, it was Sage. Upon opening the door, she said nothing, but instead confidently entered the room and proceeded to sit on top of one of the first row desks. Instinctively, I closed the door and went over to greet her. However, before I could get a word out Sage spoke to me, asking a question.
"Cynthia, how do you see me?"
I smiled when I heard her use my first name and responded, without thinking, stating my true feelings.
"I see you as extremely confident, bright, an intoxicating source of curiosity, and of course radiantly beautiful."
It just came out, no thought behind it at all. Those were my true feelings and because I felt such a connection with Sage I did not worry how what I said sounded, or how she would take it. Her response was how I expected it to be; cool and calm.
"Cynthia, it seems as though you think very highly of me. Some would say your statement implies strong feelings towards me. How should I take what you have just revealed to me?"
"I do think highly of you, very high, and it scares me to admit that I do believe I am beginning to develop feelings for you. Since our first encounter I can't stop thinking about you. I desire to connect with you on any level you may allow me to. If this is too much I am sorry, I just don't want a chance to be with you, or even near you, be wasted."
"Cynthia, what you have just explained to me in no way scares me. Quite the opposite in fact; what you expressed pleases me. For I have been expecting it, maybe not as fast as it has occurred, but I have been expecting it. See, I have known of you since last year; I would see you in the halls of this college and wonder what it be like to control you, to make you the person I knew you could become. I requested your class, even though I don't need any more English credits. I wanted the chance to test my theory about you. My theory being that you would make an excellent submissive, I see it as your true nature. So my question for you Cynthia is do you want that connection, the connection to me as my submissive? Is that not truly the connection you desire?"
What she had just said shocked me. I never expected her to be as fourth coming as she had been. But I guess that is her nature; always confident. It took me some time to process what she was proposing. She apparently understood the feelings I was having far better than I did. I was still unsure what I meant by a connection with her. All I knew was I wanted one; I just couldn't comprehend what that entitled. If her view of me was correct, that I was someone who was to be a submissive, why had I not realized it? Maybe my feelings toward her were submissive in nature; I did feel as though what she represented as a whole was right and that knowing her, following her, would make me better. Does this mean I do indeed want to become her submissive? My heart says yes, and my brain, though coming up with reasons why it would be wrong, is also pushing towards accepting Sage's offer. After a long silence in which I processed everything in my head, I answered.
"Yes. That is what I want."
"Excellent. To hear you admit your understanding of your true self pleases me very much Cynthia. However, I must ask one more thing to confirm your comprehension about what you are agreeing to. Do you understand that to be my submissive you must turn over all control of your life to me? I will allow no restrictions; you are to do as I say and follow my commands at all times, no matter the situation. Is this clear Cynthia?"
This time my answer was quick. I needed no time to think it through.
"Yes, I understand completely. It is clear to me what is expected."
"Well Cynthia, all I ask of you now is to prove it. Tell me in your own words what it is you want."
"I want to turn my life over to you; for you to have complete power over me. I want to be you're submissive, because I know that being your submissive will make me a better person."
"That is perfect. Let me now go over the ground rules of our relationship together in which you must always abide by or else there will no longer be an 'us'. First, you are to always refer to me as mistress. Second, you may never disobey any direct commands I give you. Lastly, anytime I feel you have not served me as you should, I will punish you. These three rules are constants, but more may be added if I deem it necessary is this understood?"
"Yes mistress."
"Very well, now for your first test; a test to see how committed you truly are to being my sub, to doing exactly as I say. Cynthia, I want you to remove your clothes and kneel in front of me, placing your hands behind you head. Doing so will show exactly how far you are willing to submit, and to be my sub I will need full submission."
I was stunned at how quickly things were progressing. I knew I had to do as she commanded or else I would lose the chance to connect with her. However, doing what was asked would be dangerous, and uncharacteristic of a teacher. This being understood, I knew what I had to do, what I wanted to do. I proceeded to complete her command. I removed my blouse first, unbuttoning the front and exposing the white cotton bra that concealed my breasts. Sliding it off my shoulders, I let it slip to the floor at my feet and began to unzip my black pencil skirt. It too quickly fell to my feet and I stepped out of it. I was now standing in front of a student, who was now my mistress, wearing only a pair of black flats, my bra, and a matching pair of bikini cut panties. I then bent down to remove my shoes, releasing my feet to stand bare on the cool surface of the tile floor. Reaching behind me, I unclasped my bra causing it to spring open before sliding down my arms to gather with the building pile that was the rest of my clothes. My last step was to remove my panties, which I did by hooking my thumbs under the waist band and rolling them done my thighs until they fell on their own to pool at my ankles. I quickly stepped out of them and took my position kneeling in front of my mistress with hands behind my head, interlocking my fingers. It was both nerve racking as well as liberating to be in that my position; that position being naked on my knees in my own classroom while in front of a student of mine. If it had not been for my door being closed, anyone walking the halls would have been able to see that I was completely exposed. My nerves were on edge and my body shivered as I awaited further instructions from my mistress.
Deliberately taking her time, Sage slowly circled me. She examined me closely without saying a word. The silence was only adding to my now building arousal. When she was behind me she bent down and picked up the pile of my discarded clothes before continuing her circle back to the front of me. Setting my clothes down on top of a desk, she began to go through them as if deciding what to do with them. After looking through them for a while she spoke.
"Cynthia, your ability to quickly follow my instructions makes me happy. You should never worry about anything I have you do. You should always trust that it is for the best, though sometimes it may not look that way at first. From looking at your clothing, I get the sense that you have a good sense of style and fashion. However, from this point on what you wear will be my decision. That is why I had you remove your clothes. Your submission to me must start from a clean slate. Now that this has been accomplished, we can move on with our next step. For this you must remain as you are as I retrieve my bag from my locker. I will be taking your clothes with me as a way to make sure you don't get any ideas of getting dressed. You will have to trust that I will return. Be good my Cynthia, and remember you are to remain in that position until I return."
With that she turned at left the room, thankfully closing the door behind her. I was now left in my state only able to think about everything that is happening and that has happened. To wonder and worry about all the different scenarios that could unfold. A colleague of mine could walk in and find me naked and kneeling, or another student could come by looking for something they may have left behind. All of which were totally plausible scenarios, this was a public building after all. It wasn't as if I was submitting in the privacy of my own home or even a motel room by that matter. I had to trust in Sage that everything was going to be fine, no matter what. She was testing me once again; testing my commitment to her as my mistress. I was alone like this for almost five minutes according to the clock hanging on the wall directly in front of me before Sage returned.
She returned as promised, with her bag hanging over her shoulder and my clothes tucked under her opposite arm. Upon entering the room, she closed the door, locking it from the inside, and placed my clothes atop of the book shelf located on the wall next to the door. She walked towards me stopping at the front row of desks and positioning her bag on one of the desktops while sitting down into its connected chair. From her bag she pulled out a digital camera and set it on the desk next to her before addressing me.
"Cynthia, will you please stand up and drop your hands to your side, it is time for some pictures."
Quickly, I stood up to follow my mistress' order. Once I was in a position of her liking, she picked up the camera and took a picture of my standing in front of her. It was nothing fancy; just a basic picture of me standing nude in my classroom. Wow, how quickly things progressed. Sage did however make sure that I kept a big smile on my face; she said that everyone should smile when they are getting their picture taken.
"Okay Cynthia, let me have you bend over your desk, with your ass facing me, and make sure to spread your legs a bit so the camera can capture the whole scene."
I spun around and took up my new position; this was really starting to get to me, my pussy was soaking wet and I could feel that my temperature was up. Sage casually snapped off some more photos, every once in a while changing her position to get different angles.
"Cyn, reach back with your hands and spread yourself apart, I need to get a couple of really open shots."
Again, I did as I was told; reaching back I pulled open my cheeks exposing myself even more if that was even possible. I know for sure she was getting some great shots of my wide open vagina and asshole. If someone told me a month ago that this was what I would be doing after the third day of college I would have thought they were crazy. Now that it is happening though, I don't wish to be doing anything else. This is what I was meant to do; what I was meant to be. This is my role in life; the sub of an eighteen year old high college mistress.
"Alright Cyn, I think I got enough pictures of you looking like a total slut and it is getting pretty late, I should be getting home. However, before I go there are few things we need to go over. First, you are to wear the shortest skirt you own tomorrow for work, pair it up with a nice blouse; something that really shows off your breasts. Second, I want you to shave off your pubic hair; it will make you feel and look more subordinate. Third, no panties or bra tomorrow, this will keep you on edge as well as keep you open for any advances I may want to take. Fourth, keep your lunch break clear as well as after college, I have a couple of fun tasks in mind for you. Lastly, just so you don't think you're free for the rest of the night from my control, you are to go home wearing only your bra and panties, I'll take your skirt, top, and shoes with me to make sure you do not chicken out. Upon your arrival home you are to call my cell phone for further instructions. Are we clear on what is to be done?"
"Yes mistress. But how do expect me to leave here in only my bra and panties, what if someone sees me?"
"Cynthia, I have all the faith in you that you can accomplish this task, if not you will know what not to do next time. Now, what are you my dear?"
"I am your submissive mistress."
"Very good, but from now on, you are to say that you are my sub slut, that only leaves to serve me. Well have fun getting home tonight and don't forget to call."
With that, she turned and left the room; grabbing my clothes off the bookcase as she exited the room. When she left this time however, she left my classroom door open. I had to quickly scamper over and close it before anyone passed by. Once it was closed and locked, I took some time to steady my nerves. My head was spinning and the weight of the evening seemed to hit me all at once.
I leaned back against my door and began to reflect how I got to where I am now. The day started out like any other, except for the fact that I couldn't get the thought of Sage out of my head. My thoughts of her were not in the least bit sexual, just thoughts about her; who she is, why she had this effect on me. I in no way expected to be in the position I now found myself. However, now that I am in this position I get a sense that this is meant to be. I feel as though I have found what has been missing in my life, and now that I have found it I am not going to let it go. My whole body feels alive, and from how soaked my crotch is I am definitely aroused. Accepting my new position, and understanding that it was truly what I wanted as well as needed, I began to explore my arousal. My hands slid down my bare chest caressing my firm breast. Squeezing and massaging my perky twins fueled my fire and I soon had a hand snaking its way towards my overflowing box. My fingers instantly disappeared within slippery confines of my snatch and I began to slowly finger myself, spurring my passion further. Soon my other hand found its home rubbing my love button with the intent of making me climax. I was lost within myself to everything around me as I leaned naked against the door to my classroom pleasuring myself as if I would never be able to again. My hands were a blur of movement and within moments my orgasm exploded causing my already soaking pussy to flood further and my body to spasm uncontrollably. I let out a deep moan as the most electric orgasm I have ever had subsided. I had never felt more free or drained in my whole life as I slowly slid down to the floor and basked in the afterglow of such a magical moment.
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As I began to come to, I realized my hands were still clutching my now sticky pussy. I let go and brought the fingers that were inside of me to my mouth to taste my climax. My juices were sweet yet salty; they tasted like nothing I have ever had before, but at the same time I knew what I tasted was the best thing on earth. I had never been so aroused, never had such a powerful orgasm, and never pleasured myself anywhere but my bedroom. I was on cloud nine, and the only thing I could think about was how my new relationship with Sage brought all of this about. I stood back up and began to get myself together. I grabbed some baby wipes I keep in a cabinet and somewhat attempted to clean myself up. My thighs were coated with my juices as too were my hands; I was also a little sticky with sweat. Cleaned, I then grabbed my panties and bra before heading to my desk to gather my bag and keys to head home for the night. I looked up at the clock and saw that it was seven o'clock which meant I was likely the last teacher remaining in the building. Being a Wednesday, most teachers usually leave no later than five. The only people that should be at the college are the janitors. From the times I have stayed late I know that there are two janitors and they usually arrive at about five o'clock, in which they begin working on the second floor first. Since my room is on the first floor I was confident that I could make it to my car without being seen by anyone.
Slipping on my undergarments, I slung my bag over my shoulder and with keys in hand started on my risky adventure. If I was to be caught by anyone it would most certainly mean my job would be in question. I slowly opened my door and peeked out into the hallway. The coast looked clear so I took my chance and stepped into the tiled hall. Cautiously I made my way towards the exit, making sure to check each classroom I passed to ensure no other teacher was present. I also kept my ears tuned for any sound that could be the janitors cleaning. My heart was racing with adrenaline and I soon became determined to make it to my car. Worry was the furthest thing from my mind; it was the thrill of the moment that was driving me on. As I progressed down the hall, further away from the safety of my room, my pace began to quicken as I began to gain confidence in my ability to complete my task. Within a matter of moments I was able to reach the door which exited to the parking lot, my journey was nearing its end and the whole time I was spurred on by the idea that at any second I would be found; my body was once again shaking with excitement. I pushed open the exit door and gazed upon the empty lot. It was dark out, the parking lot was only being lit by a few spread out lights, but I was able to see my car sitting alone a few hundred feet away. That was all that was left to my trek; a few hundred feet and I would be within the sanctuary of my car. Taking a deep breath I scurried across the open lot towards my car. Fortunately, the faculty's parking lot is located on the backside of the college, away from view of the main road to the college. As I reached my car I quickly unlocked and opened my door, then slipped inside and sat down in the driver's seat.
I took a few seconds to come down from my thrilling high of the moment, before putting my bag onto the passenger seat and starting my car. As I let my engine warm up a bit, I once again reflected on my night and once again realized I was aroused. The fabric making up the front of my panties was drenched with excitement. Unfortunately, this time I did not pleasure myself, though I wanted to, because I knew I was lucky not to have been caught and that it was a good idea for me to get home before my luck changed.
Since I live rather close to the college, my journey home was not too dangerous, but still very exciting. Also, because I have a garage attached to my house I knew it would be easy for me to get inside my house without a chance of being seen in only my underwear. During my drive home though, I began feel proud of myself; proud that I was able to do everything that my mistress asked of me. I now understood why I wanted to be closer to Sage; she gave off this vibe that she knew what she knew was doing and that it was right. I wanted that feeling and I knew that following Sage's orders as her submissive would grant me that feeling. If I did what she wanted believing she knew what was right, I would become a better person and get the feeling that I was doing something that was in a sense more right than what I would normally do. This awakening reaffirmed what I was doing and what I committed myself to; I was meant to be Sage's sub slut.
Once inside my house, I dropped my bag and immediately headed to grab the phone so I could call Sage. It rang only once before she answered.
"Good evening Cynthia, my little sub slut, how was your trip home from college?"
"Everything went well mistress; I made it home without being seen. It made me so excited to be in such a dangerous situation mistress."
"I am glad to hear that you made it home safely and that you enjoyed yourself. Did you pleasure yourself?"
"Yes, right before I left my classroom mistress. Should I not have done that mistress?"
"No, it is fine that you did. It is to be expected after what you experienced today. But, from here on out you are to only pleasure yourself when I give you permission. Is that clear slut?"
"Yes mistress."
"Good, now for the rest of the night you are not to pleasure yourself. Also, don't forget to shave that pussy of yours and to get your outfit ready for tomorrow, we are going to have a lot of fun. Goodnight and sleep will Cynthia, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight mistress."
She hung up the phone and I was left to fantasize about what kind of fun we would be having tomorrow. I went to the bathroom and got the shower running. It would feel good to get cleaned up after everything. Once again I stripped down; I was starting to get used to and enjoy my nakedness. Running my hand across my mound I felt my dampness and the soft patch of hair I had sitting above it. I stopped before I got too carried away, grabbed my razor and got into the shower. I took my time in the shower, enjoying the heat from the water splashing against my skin. Letting the suds from the soap wash over my body, I reached for my razor. With a swift stroke of the blade I begin to remove my curly locks. In seconds they were all gone, and I was bare as the day I was born. I resisted the urge to pleasure myself, knowing it would be against my mistress' wishes, and I instead turned off the shower before stepping out to dry off.
After I dried myself off I hung my towel up and went into my bedroom to get my clothes laid out for tomorrow. Sage wanted me to wear the shortest skirt I owned so I searched through my limited collection of skirts looking for my shortest. Being a teacher, I didn't have a large selection of short skirts but I did finally settle on one that would fit the bill. The skirt I choose was a straight hanging, black cotton skirt that fell to just below the middle of my thigh. I would never have chosen to wear such a skirt to work prior to becoming Sage's sub because of its length; I would not have been comfortable teaching in it. Now though, I feel I most wear it, and that in doing so it would be for the best. As for my blouse, I choose a long sleeve, button down, collard, purple top. I choose purple because it would be less revealing then say a white one, but it was a bit tight which did a good job of accentuating my bra-less breasts. Finishing off my outfit, feeling a little bit sexy, I picked out a pair of two inch black heels. I would definitely be drawing a lot more looks in this outfit.
By the time I got my outfit put together it was nine thirty and I was exhausted from the day. I decided it would be best to get a good night's sleep so I slid into bed and within minutes was out cold; dreaming thoughts of Sage as I drifted off.
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I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm and felt rather refreshed. Getting out of bed I went about preparing myself for college and the fun, mysterious plans Sage had mentioned. I made sure to put extra effort into my appearance by putting on some extra makeup and doing more to my hair then just pulling it back into a pony tail. All done up I began to dress and as I slid up my short skirt I realized just how thrilling it would be to spend the day not wearing any panties to cover my newly shaven beaver. Once my top was on and tucked into place I slipped into the heels and topped off my look with a gold necklace, along with some sparkly earrings and a nice delicate bracelet. The way I had buttoned my blouse I was showing a bit of cleavage, allowing my necklace to lie against my skin just above my breasts. Before heading out, I gave myself one more look over in my full length mirror and could tell that I looked damn good; I definitely looked sexier than I had ever looked at college before. Satisfied with my appearance, I headed out to my car and towards college.
While in the car, I couldn't help but to touch myself. I felt so exposed in my little skirt and no panties. The smoothness of my bare pussy felt amazing, but I was able to control myself before I got too carried away. I in no way wanted to disobey any of Sage's orders. So I composed myself and continued on to college.
Upon my arrival, my heart began to beat a little harder and I became well aware of exactly how I looked to the eyes of others. This feeling fueled me to continue, pushing me to go on as if it was any other day. Heads turned as I walked through the halls to my classroom; everyone was trying to get their best look at me and I was enjoying every second.
As classes started I slowly began to forget how I was dressed and just focused on the lessons in which I was teaching. However, I must say that fourth period, Sage's class, was constantly on my mind. I wanted badly for time to speed up so I could be alone with her during lunch. Because of this, my day instead seemed to drag on; seconds felt like minutes and I started to get discouraged that Sage's class would never come.
Slowly but surely fourth period did arrive and no one could have been more relieved than I; all I had to do was get through my lecture with class and I would be free to submit to Sage. I noticed immediately when she entered, I always do; she was wearing cut off jeans shorts that accentuated her firm butt and a tight cotton t-shirt that fit like a glove to her trim torso. She looked amazing as always, and seemed to know it. When she entered my room, she hardly looked my way; Sage practically ignored me, causing me to want her attention that much more. I found myself trying to push out my chest, or flipping my hair in attempts to get my mistress' attention. All of which was to no avail however. If it hadn't been for the fact that I knew she was my mistress, and I her sub, I wouldn't have been able to tell that she even knew if I was present.
Determined to get to my time with Sage, I pushed through with the lecture and the following discussion, and unlike before the time seemed to fly by. The class was soon over as signified by the ringing of the lunch bell and the moment I had been looking toward to all morning was finally before me. I would finally get my chance to be alone with Sage; submitting to my mistress.
The rest of the class filed out as Sage took her time gathering her belongings. When she finally stood, she was the only one who remained in the room with me.
"Good morning Cynthia, my sub slut. How are you doing today?"
"Good morning mistress, I am doing well, I couldn't wait for this moment. All I hope is that my outfit suits your requirements. Is my skirt's length to your liking mistress?"
"Cynthia, the length of your skirt is relative. If it made you feel different while wearing it at college then its length is suitable. However, I must see if you followed the rest of my instructions, so would you please remove your clothes, leaving your heels on, to prove your compliance."
"Yes mistress, but should I close the door first?"
"No my slut, not now; I was going to do that for you, but since you are unable to do as I command, I feel it to be an appropriate punishment for you to have to undress while it is open. Is that clear my slut?"
"Yes mistress."
Scared and amazed by her forcefulness, I began to undress as not to further upset her. It was quite nerve racking to undress in my room with the door open while college was still in session. I had an open door policy with my students, meaning any time my door was open they were free to stop by and ask me questions about class topics. With the door being open a student could walk in at anytime. I pushed the thought aside and focused on getting my clothes off quickly to please my mistress. Within moments I was once again naked in my class room as I had been yesterday; this time though I was allowed to stand and keep my shoes on.
"Very good Cynthia, I see you are beginning to understand that when I tell you to do something I want it to be done immediately and without questions. Also, I am pleased to see you followed my instructions about not wearing any underwear and shaving your bush. If you would my slut, please bring your clothes over to me so we can begin our first fun assignment of the day."
"Yes mistress."
Sage was still standing at her desk which was four rows back from where I was and halfway to the open door. It scared me to have to move closer to the open entry, doing so meant the chance of exposing my nude form to anyone passing by would be higher. I bit the bullet however, not wanting to anger my mistress again, and proceeded to walk my clothes over to Sage.
"Thank you Cynthia, your ability to complete my command quickly shows your willingness to serve me. Now, please walk back to your desk and sit down in your chair."
"Yes mistress."
I returned to my desk and sat down just as she told me to. When I looked I saw that she had begun putting my clothes into her bag.
"Cynthia, I am hungry and am going to go to lunch. You are to remain at your desk until I return, which I promise will be before the next period starts. As for the door I am going to shut it so that you aren't completely on edge. Be a good little sub slut and I promise a reward."
With that she exited the classroom, closing the door behind her as she left, and holding my clothes in her bag. I was left stunned and still. I couldn't move; I was in a state of shock. My nerves were bouncing and my heart was racing. The only thing that calmed me down was the fact that she had closed the door. I wouldn't have to worry about anyone entering the classroom without knocking first. With this realization I began to get control of myself and my emotions. Now all I could do was to sit and wait. I kept wondering when Sage would come back; would she come back soon or would she wait until lunch was almost over to return. I had no way of knowing and this made me nervous, but more than that it made me excited. I became very aroused thinking about the different scenarios in which Sage would return. My pussy began to flood out onto my chair, but I didn't dare move. I did not want Sage to come back and catch me playing with myself. It took a lot of self control but I was able to hold off. Instead I watched the clock, and counted the seconds off in my head; counting down the time remaining for lunch and the keeping track of the length of time in which I sat there, alone and naked behind my desk.
With just about five minutes remaining for the lunch period my door opened and my heart dropped. Fortunately it was Sage, and she seemed to be happy. Closing the door behind her, she spoke.
"Hello Cynthia, how was your lunch break? Were you a good little sub slut?"
"Yes mistress."
"That is great Cyn. Well I guess I should reward you for your good behavior; get up on top of your desk, on your hands and knees, with your ass facing me."
"Yes mistress."
I quickly climbed atop my desk and positioned myself as directed by Sage. I felt very vulnerable in this position, as well as aroused. Hearing movement behind me I got the sense that Sage was approaching. She very softly let her hand slide across the roundness of my left buttock. Her touch felt amazing, but unfortunately ended too soon when she began to speak again.
"Cynthia, I think it is only appropriate that I grade you on your performance so far; to allow you an understanding of how I feel you have been meeting my standards. With that said you have been very obedient thus far, and except for your slight resistance earlier I still feel as though your ability to serve me is at an A level. So, for your reward I will present you with your grade."
Sage then reached forward and began to, what felt like to me, write on my left buttock.
"You may look back at your reward slut."
Turning my head to the left, I saw that she had indeed written on me. Sage had written, in thick black maker, the word "Behavior" followed by the letter "A" on my left ass cheek. Lifting my eyes I saw Sage holding a large permanent marker in one hand and my clothes in the other.
"I hope you are satisfied with your behavior grade Cyn, because after college you will work on your performance grade. Now get dressed before class starts; you wouldn't want anyone to catch you looking like a whore would you?"
"No mistress; thank you for my grade mistress."
I then got down off my desk and began to get dressed. While I dressed, I looked up at the clock and saw that the bell would be ringing at any second. Once my clothes were back on, the bell rang and Sage was no longer in my room. Within seconds, students began to file in.
The rest of the afternoon seemed to go by in a blur. I was constantly aware that I had been naked for the entire lunch period, and that I was extremely lucky that no one came into my room while I was. The thought of being so vulnerable got me hot and excited; I could feel my pussy becoming wetter as the day progressed. It was also a thrill to know that Sage had written on my naked butt and that at any point if my skirt would happen to lift up, not only would my ass be exposed but so too would my behavior grade. That would only add to the embarrassment and humiliation if such an event was to occur. Though such a thought did scare me, it also added to my arousal.
There were only two classes left in my day and I was able to speed through them on merely my excitement alone. Before I knew it the last college bell rang and my obligations as a teacher were over, now all I had to do was wait for my mistress to show up for our aftercollege meeting. My excitement made it hard to focus on getting any work done; I just sat behind my desk waiting for Sage.
I waited, nervously for what felt like an eternity on Sage to appear at my door. After thirty minutes of waiting I began to fear she wasn't going to show; that she had decided not to meet me after college and did not feel I deserved a heads-up of her decision. With this fear in my head I began to impatiently pace back and forth behind my desk. When Sage had not shown up after forty minutes I began to gather up my belongings in preparation of leaving. When I was finally convinced that Sage was not coming, after forty-five minutes of nerve-racking waiting, I threw my bag over my shoulder and started for the door at three thirty. Just as I was reaching the doorway Sage stepped through it, almost colliding with me in my skittish rush to leave. Unmoved by our near crash of bodies, Sage simply smiled before opening her beautiful, plump mouth to speak.
"Well it seems somebody is in a hurry to leave. I hope my little sub slut isn't having second thoughts about our new relationship."
"No mistress, I just didn't think you were going to show up. I'm sorry for making such an irrational assumption mistress."
"I accept your apology slut, but for future reference, if I make a plan or say something, I one hundred percent mean it and stand by it. Now, let us not waste any more time and get down to why we are here; to evaluate you on your performance as a good little sub slut."
Sage turned to shut and lock the door to the room before continuing on.
"First thing I need you to do is strip down to your birthday suit, again leaving your heels on. Once you have removed your clothes I want you to place them inside of my bag before sitting down at your desk."
Doing as I was told I once again stripped down and made my way to sit down behind my desk. Once I was seated, Sage followed and proceeded to sit atop my desk, in front of me.
"Cynthia, for your performance grade you are going to orally pleasure me right here, right now. If you are unable to make me climax in five minutes you fail and will be punished; now if you would please remove my shorts and begin your task."
I eagerly obliged her command and quickly unsnapped her shorts, before sliding them off of her body. To my surprise, Sage was not wearing any underwear, and was sporting a sophisticated, well maintained, strip of pubic hair above her immaculate vagina. Her lips were perfectly proportionate to the rest of her pussy, and were the most delicious looking shade of pink one could want. Even though up to this point I had never thought about another woman's vagina in a sexual manner, or for that fact, been as close to one as I was then; I could not wait to dive face first into Sage's moist folds.
Filled with the desire to do as my mistress ordered, and the curiosity of going down on a woman, my tongue darted out and began to lick up the sweet juices that were coating the exposed area of her pussy. I may not have done such an act prior to this point in time, but I instinctively knew what to do; I did what I knew I liked and hoped that it would translate into pleasure for Sage. For the first few moments I slowly explored her wet slit with my tongue; letting it lick up and around the outside bits, and savoring the new taste of her arousal. While my tongue explored, Sage began to let out soft, subtle moans, indicating her enjoyment. This spurred me on to further my assault on her tender twat, and soon found myself burying my tongue deeper into her opening, wet snatch. Sage's moans became more pronounced and louder, as I realized I was on a time limit, spurring me to go in for the kill and start to flick my tongue across her clit. This immediately resulted in Sage bucking her hips and grunting aloud.
As my pace became faster and more centered on her clit, Sage too became more expressive, spouting out words of encouragement and profanities at the divine. After only a few moments of clitoral stimulation, she was climaxing; shaking and bucking as if she was going into a seizure, and her pussy just flooded my mouth as I continued to latch on for all I was worth.
Eventually, Sage came down from her orgasm smiled at me as she moved back to indicate to me that I was to stop. For being my first pussy eating experience I could not get enough, and gave her a puppy dog look as she got down from the desktop and slid her shorts back on before giving me further instructions.
"Well well my little obedient sub slut, you did a wonderful job, and certainly completed your task in the given time frame. As your reward for such an excellent performance I will now present you your grade. Reassume your grading position slut."
I speedily got on top of my desk and positioned myself on all fours facing away from my mistress. Sage then reached out and began to write out my grade, this time on my right butt cheek. Looking back I read to myself as she wrote: "performance A+". I felt very proud about myself and had a strong sense of accomplishment. As I remained atop my desk on all fours, basking in my moment of glory, Sage instructed me of what I was to do next.
"Now our time together has unfortunately come to an end, but they're still a few tasks I have for you to complete tonight on your own. First, I am going to take a picture of you as you are now, and then send it to you via your e-mail account for you to print out and hang on your fridge; something you can look at and be proud of. Next, I am going to leave, you are to count to fifty upon my exit before getting down and getting dressed. Lastly, I will post a shopping list on the outside of your door of items you are to purchase tonight before going home. It will take you going to several different stores to get everything, and you are required to get everything; the only thing I ask is that you call me once you purchase the last item on the list. Is everything I said understood my sub?"
"Yes mistress."
With that, Sage snapped off a picture, dropped my clothes on the floor, and exited the room. I counted to fifty as Sage had ordered and then got dressed, slipping my skirt and blouse on as I walked towards the door to retrieve the shopping list. She had taped it facing out into the hallway on my door, which allowed anyone who may have passed by as I was counting to see what was on it. The list was as follows:
-black fishnet thigh highs with a lace top
-a dark grey pencil skirt (Length just long enough to conceal the top of the thigh highs)
-pair off 4 inch black, pointed toed heels
-10 feet of rope
-3 feet of chain
-2 heavy duty key opened locks
-an eight inch hot pink, realistic dildo
-a strap on harness
-a black medium sized butt plug
-a large red ball gag
-a blind fold
As I read the list I became apparent that these items were to either be worn by me or used on me. To purchase these items I would have to go to at least three different stores; a lingerie store, a hardware store, and an adult toy store. The list excited me, and made me curious as to the meaning of some of the items. Most were self explanatory, but the rope, chain, and locks seemed a bit unusual. However, I did not focus too much on their meaning or use; rather I got focused on actually going out and getting them.
I proceeded to exit my room and head towards my car to begin my journey of purchasing the items on my mistress' list. It was now four o'clock and my first stop would be the hardware store, as it was the closest. I arrived shortly after leaving my college and upon entering the hardware store I immediately felt a cool draft of air rush up my skirt and send a shiver running through my body, reminding me of my lack of undergarments. My nipples instantly became rock hard and I became even more turned on to be carrying out the instructions of my mistress. I wondered the aisles of the store looking for the items I needed to pick up, having a tough time locating the rope and chains; the locks however, I found easily. Eventually, after minutes of searching I finally found the aisle that the rope and chain where both on, and after a bit of diligent shopping I was able to pick out the proper length for both.
With my items in hand I proceeded towards the checkout line. Being that it was the early evening there wasn't much of a wait and I was able to get out of there rather quickly. The lady who rang up my purchases did however ask me what I would be using my items for, and with a slight blush and a smile I told her what else but that I would be getting into some restraining. With that I paid her and strolled out to my car to head to my next destination; the lingerie store. I looked at the clock in my car and noticed that I had been inside the hardware store for thirty minutes; time was flying and I was certainly having fun.
My trip to the lingerie store was a little easier to complete, as I had been in their before and had an idea as were to find the items I was looking to purchase. The only part that took some time was when I had to try on a few skirts to find the one that best fit Sage's description, but after a few minutes and a couple of fitting room visits I found the one. It hung to just about three inches below my butt cheeks, barely doing the job of covering the tops of the thigh highs when I stood straight up, and hugged my thighs tight. The fishnets were easily acquired on the other hand and I soon made my way to the cashier counter. There was no sly banter when I paid for these items, which oddly sort of displeased me, but I took no time to dwell on it, since it was now 5:15 pm. Wanting to get home by at least seven, I sped off towards my last stop.
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There are few adult stores to choose from in the city, and I simply decided on the one that seemed the most classy and least dingy. I had also been inside this store before, only once or twice however, but I hardly knew my way around. Because of the amount of items I had to purchase, and the specific details Sage gave me, I knew it would take me a while to find everything that was left on the list. Upon entering the shop, I did as I had in the hardware store, and began to wonder the aisles of the store in search of exactly what I was looking for. The first item I came across was the blindfold, and not too much further I was able to locate the ball gag and the lube. I made sure that the gag I grabbed was the largest, red gag they had in stock; I did not want to disappoint my mistress, even if it did look mighty large and wouldn't fit in my mouth. Continuing on, I made my way over to the selection of dildos and vibrators the store had displayed on the back wall. I strolled back and forth in front of the wall making sure to take my time to find the dildo that best fit the description given by Sage. It was sort of overwhelming to see the wide variety of choices, but within moments I found the perfect match. The item I chose was a jelly style dildo and was indeed hot pink. The packaging listed it at eight inches long, and to make it more realistic it even had a pair of balls attached to it; my pussy just dripped from looking at it, and I could not wait to find out what Sage's plans were for it.
With two items left to pick up I strolled further down the wall finding the anal toys. The selection of butt plugs wasn't as vast as the dildo selection, so it took me no time at all to locate the right plug for the job. Even though I have never used a butt plug before, let alone done anything remotely close to anal sex, I was aware of the different sizes of plugs available and made a choice of a basic black plug with a relative wide flare; it definitely wasn't the largest, but was far from being the smallest. The remaining item on my list was the strap-on harness, and selecting it took me some time. Due to the many different varieties and styles, I made sure to peruse through them in an attempt to pick out the one that best fit with the rest of my previous purchases. After a couple of minutes studying the different harnesses, I finally decided on one with thin black, leather straps with metal button clasps. Satisfied, I proceeded to the checkout counter and paid for my purchases.
The clerk ringing me up was a middle aged man who seemed to care less about what I was buying, and even looked bored to be there. Only if he knew that I was a teacher and buying these items under the orders of my mistress, who happened to also be my student. Oh well, his loss; if only he asked, I may have told him.
Finishing my transaction at 6:15 pm, I grabbed my new bag full of goodies, and headed out of the store while pulling out my phone to call Sage. After two rings, and as I was pushing the shop door open to the parking lot, she answered.
"Hello, my little sub slut. How did your shopping go?"
"Hello mistress, my shopping went very well; I was able to purchase everything on the list, and only had to go to three stores to get them."
"Very good, this pleases me to hear. Now I have one last task for you to complete tonight before you get home and print out you report card for your fridge. I order you to remove your clothes while standing outside of your car in whichever of the store parking lots you currently are in and then drive to the nearest gas station. Once there you will use your cell phone to snap a picture of you pumping gas in the nude, making sure to get the pump handle in the picture. When you finish filling up your tank you are then to get back into your car, send me the picture, and make your way home while remaining naked for the rest of the night. Do you understand slut?"
"Yes mistress."
"Good, have a great night, and I will be waiting to see your gas station photo. Oh, and remember you are not to pleasure yourself without my permission."
Sage hung up the phone after her last statement and left me to ponder how to best complete my new task for the night. It did not take me long to just shrug my shoulders and place my bag inside my car, before quickly stripping down and hopping inside. I pulled out of the lot and headed towards the first gas station on my way home. In only two minutes I reached the gas station, and it was then when I realized just how lit up the gas station actually was. Though the sun had set the entire lot was bright and very open to the street, and because it was only six twenty, there were plenty of people out and about. I nervously pulled up to a gas pump that faced away from the street and was situated on the backside of the main shop, providing at least a bit of privacy. I reached over to the passenger seat to grab my debit card and phone before taking a few deep breathes to clam my nerves and exiting the safety of my car. I immediately became aware of just how exposed I was and I almost backed out, but was able to battle through my nerves and proceeded with my task. Trying to get done as quickly as possible, I swiped my card at the pump and soon began pumping gas into my tank. Watching the gallons turn on the pump I remembered what my main task was and flipped open my phone to capture a picture of me pumping gas to send to Sage. Luckily, I was able to get a good picture on my first attempt and not to soon after my tank was full. The whole time I was completely focused on the task and didn't even bother to look around. I figured it would be best for me not to know how many people saw me and not to linger to long.
After replacing the nozzle, I opened my car door and slid into my seat were I immediately noticed how aroused I had became. I could feel the slickness of my juices on the leather upholstery of the seat and it took all I had to not just bring myself off right then and there. With the restraint of a nun, I sped out of the gas station and made my way home. As I drove, I sent over the picture I had taken to Sage, but unfortunately did not receive a response back. On my drive home I began to think back on the day's events and soon found that I had reached my drive way before I knew it.
Opening my garage, I pulled my car inside and began to gather my new purchases as well as my clothes. Not wanting to expose myself in public again, I chose to close the garage door before I exited the car and made my way inside my house with bags in hand. Inside I sat my bags down on the kitchen counter, and eagerly made my way to my computer to print out my report card. To my dismay my computer was turned off so and I had to reboot it. As I waited for my computer to load up I threw my clothes into the hamper and began to unpack my new items. With everything opened and laid out on my bed, I went back to my computer and logged on to my e-mail. I had one new message and it was the one I was hoping to see. Opening it up, I saw a brief message from Sage as well as three attachments; I was only expecting the one picture, so the other attachments spurred my curiosity. I read the message first to gather any information, it was as follows:
I am pleased to see that all went well at the gas station, and I'm sure that it took a lot of courage to complete such a difficult task. As you may have noticed there are three attachments with this e-mail; the first is your report card which you must print out and post on your fridge, the second is your cell phone picture which I thought you would like to have as your desktop wallpaper, and the final attachment is my instructions for you tomorrow. Have a good night my slut, I will see you in the morning.
Mistress Sage"
Excited to read Sage's instructions of me for the following day I quickly opened the first attachment containing my report card and printed it out. I must say that seeing myself on top of my desk at college nude, and with letter grades on each cheek I was impressed with how slutty I looked. With my report card finished printing I downloaded the next attachment which was the picture I sent to Sage from the gas station. Upon opening the attachment, I realized I never actually looked at it close enough to see how it looked. With it blown up to cover my computer's desktop, I could easily make out that there was a very shocked looking lady standing two gas pumps down from me. I can't believe someone actually saw me; god that makes me so wet to think about. Once I got over that thought and successfully made the picture my wallpaper, I finally opened the last attachment with my mistress' instructions; which I carefully read through multiple times.
"Well my little sub slut, it seems that you are progressing rather quickly into my complete submissive; and if I am not mistaken I do believe you are enjoying yourself. As for tomorrow, you are to wear your newly acquired skirt, heels, and thigh highs to college without panties of course. You are to also wear a dark blue blouse tucked into the skirt with the top three buttons unfastened, and if you hadn't guessed already you are not wear a bra. Also, you are to bring along with you, inside of a duffel bag of some sort, the rest of the items you purchased tonight minus the rope, chains, and locks. I expect you to arrive at college by 5:45am, and meet me at the front entrance way were I will give you further instructions.
P.S. You are not to play with yourself until I have specifically told you to. Sleep well my slut."
I was shocked to read that Sage wanted me to wear my newly acquired skirt and stockings to college tomorrow; the skirt was a good three inches shorter than the one I wore to college today and would by far catch the eyes of everyone. Just walking in that skirt would cause the tops of the stockings to show, especially in those four inch heels. Luckily, it is a pencil skirt, which means I won't have to worry about it riding up when I walk. Thinking about how naughty and slutty I will look already started to cause my pussy to flood. Even though I was a bit scared at the thought of having to be at college all day wearing so little, I knew that there was no way I would not do as Sage commanded.
Knowing that I was not permitted to pleasure myself, I thought it best to get my things together for the morning, and get a good night's sleep; being a good sub slut tires you out, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I grabbed my gym bag out of the hall closet and proceeded to put in the supplies that Sage requested I bring with me tomorrow. Carefully, I took each item out of its original case and placed them into the bag; each time I opened a new item I would become further aroused. With the bag packed I set it by the door to the garage and went back to my bedroom to set out my clothes for college. Since the outfit only consisted of four items, three of which were already together, I was able to manage it in no time at all. Satisfied that I was prepared and anxious to find out what Sage had planned for the next day, I set my alarm, and then got showered. I took my time making sure to wash every inch of my body since the heat from the water felt so amazing on my skin. As I washed my buttocks, my grades began to disappear until only a faint trace of them was left. Shutting of the water and grasping my towel, I began to dry off stopping momentarily to tease my slit. I had anxious feelings for the coming day and decided it would be best if I went to bed early and rested up to better prepare for whatever Sage had in store for me.
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Upon waking up thirty minutes earlier than usual the nest morning, I made quick work of getting ready. Before I dressed, I did my hair and makeup similar to how I had the day before, but this time added diamond studded earrings to top off my look. I then returned to my bedroom to get dressed; and because I only had four items to out on, I had little difficulty doing so. As I slid my skirt into place and looked at myself in the mirror it became very apparent that I would look less like a teacher and more like a woman going out for a night on the town. Just standing straight one would be able to catch a glimpse of the lacy tops to my fish net stockings, and when I put on my blouse it too was unable to make me look anymore professional. Having to unbutton the top three buttons, really allowed for my cleavage to be present, thanks in large part to my lack of a bra. With my look complete, I looked as if I was on the prowl more sex rather than about to spend the day serving my mistress while at the same time teaching five different high college English classes; my knees where shaking as I headed out to my car and I could feel my pussy began to flood.
The entire drive over to college I was a ball of nerves and excitement. I had no idea what further plans Sage had in store for me, or even what kind of reactions I would have to my attire from my fellow colleagues as well as the student body. I could only hope that whatever reactions I may get, they will not be to negative or threaten my job. The only thing that kept me from backing out was remembering what Sage had told me on the first day in which I became her sub slut; she stated that everything she would have me do would be for the best even though it may not seem like it at first. This was one of those times and I was one hundred percent confident that everything would turn out ok.
I pulled into the faculty parking lot at five forty, giving me plenty of time to make my way to the front of the college and meet Sage at the front doors. Grabbing my gym bag full of goodies out of my car's trunk I headed towards my mistress' ordered meeting place. I arrived at the front doors of the college at exactly five forty three, but there was no sign of Sage. There was still two minutes remaining before she stated I should meet her so I decided to stand and wait until my mistress arrived. Unfortunately, when the two minutes elapsed there was still no sign of Sage, but my phone did begin to ring; it was her. I quickly answered, and was treated to her voice.
"Hello, sub slut. As you are well aware of, I am not there standing before you, and I know you must be disappointed. But as I speak to you I am standing at the back of the college; the reason being is that I came up with a more exciting task for you as I was drifting off to sleep last night. I feel that this new task will better show your commitment to me as well as keep you on your progression towards becoming my total and complete sub slut. While standing in front of the college you are to remove your skirt and blouse, placing them in the bag you should have brought with you and then make your way through the college to open the back door for me. When you arrive where I am at, I will provide further instructions."
Knowing that I had little more than fifth teen minutes until the other faculty members would be arriving, I took no time to ponder my decision and simply began to remove the two pieces of clothing that my mistress requested. Once I had both items off and zipped inside my gym bag I quickly unlocked the door to the college and headed towards the back of the building; where I would normally have entered if I hadn't been ordered to meet at the front. I quickly made my way through the halls of the college reaching the back doors in just about two minutes. Even though the college was completely empty I couldn't help but get a nervous feeling that someone would catch me walking naked through the halls.
Once I had opened the back doors, Sage immediately pushed past me and begins to give me orders.
"Follow me slut. We don't have much time to get you ready for your day; and if all goes well, what a wonderful day it will be."
I followed, as told, closely behind her as she led the way to my classroom. Sage looked stunning; she wore a pair of black, cargo style pants and a tight grey t-shirt; however instead of her purse she had on a backpack. Though her appearance was somewhat casual, at the same time it had a sense of authority to it. When we reached my room Sage motioned for me to open the door, but had me remain in the hall once I had. Sage slipped inside the room, grabbing my gym bag from me as she did, and from my vantage point walked up to my desk. She set my bag and her backpack on top of the desk and then opened the top drawer, pulling out my large black marker. With the marker in hand she returned to where I was waiting in the hall and pulled a white index card from her pants pocket before handing it along with the marker to me and giving me my next order.
"While I set up some stuff in your room you are to go into the boys restroom at the end of the hall and do as the index card states; do not look at the card until you are inside. I will be waiting for you here when you have finished."
A sense of worry came over me as I heard what Sage had ordered me to do, but because I knew no one was at college yet and did not hesitate for too long before making my way towards the boys' room. Once I was inside I took a moment to settle my nerves before looking over the instructions Sage had given me. Taking a deep breath I flipped the card over and read my mistress' orders.
"Go inside the stall furthest from the door. On the backside of the stall's door use the marker to write the following: Miss Akers is a sub slut. When you finish cap the marker and insert it into your snatch, leaving it in as you return to your classroom."
My mouth fell open in disbelief as I read the card and realized just what was expected of me. Sage expected me to actually write a very vulgar, although very true, statement about myself on the stall door of a boys' restroom which was used mostly by students. This was by far Sage's attempt to push the limits of my boundaries; to see just how far I was willing to go in order to please her. However, I knew in my heart that there wasn't a task to difficult for me to at least attempt; knowing this I pulled myself out of my frozen state of shock and moved towards the stall. I only had about ten minutes until the other teachers would be arriving, and I was still naked and away from my room; the quicker I could get this task completed the more time I will have, hopefully, to get dressed. I had no way of knowing what Sage would have me do once I returned to her.
Once I was inside the stall, I uncapped the marker and began to write out the statement Sage had instructed me to write. When I finished, I looked at the vulgar statement about myself inked onto the stall door and it gave me a sense of pride. I wasn't humiliated by the statement like I thought I was going to be, rather it was liberating to proclaim it, even if no one would know for sure the validity of it or for that matter who had written it. Feeling proud and confident I stood up and inserted the now capped marker into my already dripping wet mound. I had to push it almost completely in to keep it from sliding back out, but once I was sure it was securely in place I headed back to my classroom.
It only took me a minute to complete the task, so when I returned to my classroom I had more than enough time to get dressed; at least that was what I thought. Upon entering my room I saw that Sage had emptied out all of the contents in the gym bag I brought and had them arranged on top of my desk while she sat behind it. She immediately spoke once I was through the doorway.
"If you would please, my sub slut, shut the door but do not lock it; we are going to have a bit of fun before college starts."
I turned to shut the door and wondered curiously to myself what kind of fun we were to have, and exactly how long it was going to last.
"Very good slut, no come to me and bend over your desk facing the door."
I obediently followed my mistress' command and presented myself to her, bent at the waist with my legs spread apart wide enough to show off all of my intimate parts and my head tilted up looking directly forward. She reached out in front of me grab both the butt plug and the lube from the assortment of toys and devices that lay just below my chin. In an instant I felt the cool sensation of the lube being squeezed out on to my tender, virgin rear entrance. Though I had never had any experience with anal play I wasn't scared, I was more anxious than anything to be giving my anal cherry to Sage. She began to rub the lube into my tight ring, with smooth, slow circles. After a few seconds I began to feel her press her finger against the opening which gave way without much effort. As her finger pressed its way deeper I was pleased by the soothing, cool feeling of the lube as it coated my insides. Soon Sage had another finger filling me up and pumping in and out, causing my opening to relax and become better prepared for the plug.
Once Sage felt my ass was properly lubed and warmed up, she slipped her fingers out, leaving my hole open and ready for the next intrusion, and this is when I realized that I was still holding the marker inside my pussy. Not wasting too much time, she soon had the tip of the plug pressing at the entrance, and just the tip felt wider than her two fingers. I let out a moan as she began to press it deeper, stretching me wider. Slowly I began to open up and take more of the smooth plug, but with every bit I felt more discomfort. Fortunately Sage took her time and patiently allowed me to adjust to the growing object. Just as I felt I could take no more, the plug's tapper became smaller signifying that the widest part had passed through, sliding deeper inside of me, and my ass simply swallowed up the remaining length; nestling the flared base between my cheeks. Even though I had never had anything inside of my ass before I only felt a slight discomfort once the initial pain and shock went away; I felt full and sexual having the toy resting inside me.
With her task completed Sage gave the base of the plug one final push, insuring it was in place before she stood up and walked around to the front of the desk. I remained bent at the waist as she came into view and gave me my instructions for rest of the morning.
"Well slut, that seemed to go rather smoothly, I do believe you might just become an anal fanatic. As for what will happen now, I am going to capture yet more photos of you looking completely submissive and then leave you to get dressed and find places to put the rest of the toys. Is this understood Cynthia?"
"Yes mistress."
With that she reached into her bag, producing her camera and snapped a picture of me bent over my desk looking directly at her. She then walked behind me and from the sound I heard from the shutter, took a picture of my backside with both a marker in my pussy and a plug in my ass. With that final picture captured she returned in front of me and stuffed her camera back inside her bag before throwing it over her shoulder and turning to leave. When she reached the door Sage turned and spoke.
"Make sure you get everything stashed away Cyn, wouldn't want your sluttish behavior to become public."
She opened the door and walked out, leaving me exposed and excited. The first thing I did once she left was look up at the clock and saw that it was just about time the other teachers normally arrive. I hurried to pull the market from my slit, and began to get dressed. It took a little to get the skirt on and in the proper place because of how tight it was, but I had it on and my blouse tucked into in no time. Next, I frantically started to hide all of the other toys that were lying on my desktop, stashing them in the drawers of my desk were ever they would fit. Just as I heard footsteps in the hall, I was putting away the final toy in my top drawer; my heart was racing and I simply fell back into my chair which caused the plug to shoot a jolt through my body. I sat there for awhile just regaining my composure before I got up to get things prepared for the day's classes.
I was able to keep myself occupied by setting everything up that I would need for the day and didn't realize until the morning bell rang that an hour had gone by. Immediately I remembered how I was dressed and what was lodged inside me, and I became nervous about having to teach my classes in that manner. However, I assured myself that though my attire may have been a bit more risqué than usual, it would not be enough to cause an issue, and as long as she was careful no one would notice her lack of underwear or the plug stuffed inside her.
As my students filed in for the first class of the day, I for the first time noticed the slight discomfort of the plug as I stood in front of the room waiting for them to settle in. It wasn't enough to make it uncomfortable, but enough to be a consistent reminder. Also, I could tell that my pussy was very much saturated with arousal; in my head I knew it was going to be an interesting morning.
I taught my morning classes without any issues, except for the occasional looking over I got from some of my students. Those glances however only added to my growing arousal, and by the time Sage's class came around my crotch was soaking wet. I stood waiting for Sage to enter the class hoping that she would acknowledge me today as I taught.
Since, I could see that Sage wasn't going to pay any attention to me; I tried to power through the lesson and get to the lunch break for my one on one time with Sage. However, try as I might, the minutes seemed to drag by which only made me more anxious and aroused. I could swear that my juices were starting to leak out onto my legs as I lectured on the importance of a thesis statement when writing an essay. All I wanted to do was to just rip off my clothes and serve my mistress, but that would not be an option until lunch came around. Instead I had to just bear down and get through the class period, hoping not to alert anyone of my desires.
After what felt like an eternity, the lunch bell finally rang and all of the students filed out, all but one. Sage remained in her seat after the others left and locked eyes with her subslut; she only said one word as she stood up.
After their last lunch time together, I knew better than to hesitate or ask for the door to be closed. I instead pulled off the two pieces of clothing that I knew Sage wanted off, placing them atop my desk, and stood before my mistress naked, waiting for further instructions.
"Very good slut, now retrieve the handcuffs from where ever you stashed them."
Once again, I did as ordered without hesitation while Sage went over to shut the door. Once they were out Sage walked towards me, stopping just in front of where I stood waiting.
"I'll take those" she said as she grabbed the items from off my desk, "Turn around with your hands behind your back."
I followed her orders and soon felt the handcuffs being secured around both of my wrists, securing them behind my back. Sage stepped back giving my ass a little smack before giving further instructions.
"Turn around and follow me."
She led me towards the door of my room, stopping just a few steps away from it, and turning to look at me.
"On your knees slut."
I quickly followed her stern command with a minimal amount of struggle from not having my hands available to steady myself, and being perched atop such high heels. Kneeling in front of her, I began to involuntarily shake from anticipation and nervousness. Sage noticed this and spoke to calm me down some.
"Oh, it's ok my little subslut, it's time for you to have some fun."
As she said that her hands began to unfasten the button fly of her pants and slide them down her legs. I was pleased to see that she was not wearing any underwear, and also that I might be getting another go at licking her delectable vagina. However, I wasn't entirely correct with my assumption; I was going to be licking her, but not her pussy.
"I am going to let you enjoy feasting on my ass for lunch today. I expect you to really get in there and devour my backdoor, and to think of it as a treat because if you don't do an adequate job I will have to punish you. Now, if you would, please help yourself."
Sage turned around sticking out her ass and pulling her cheeks apart to better present my treat. Though I was a little shocked at what she wanted me to do, I eagerly leaned forward and stuck my face into her crevice, kissing her beautiful, pink rosebud. Surprisingly, she tasted sweet, and in no way did I feel put off by having my lips pressed tightly against her asshole. Instead, I actually viewed it as a treat and soon began to get into it, licking, and sucking at the tight opening; even darting my tongue inside every once in awhile. The more I did it, the more enthusiastic my motions became, and the further I pushed my face and tongue inside her. After a while I felt Sage grab the back of my head and pull me deeper. I was so deep my breathing began to become restricted, but I couldn't get enough; I had to get all I could. Soon, Sage began to moan out with appreciation and pleasure; all the while I just kept at it. I could feel my face become covered in sticky saliva and just wondered what I would look like once I finished. Unfortunately, my time enjoying Sage's delicious treat for me ended before I wanted it too with Sage pulling away and leaving me kneeling, mouth agape, while she got her pants re-fastened. Though I was disappointed by not being able to feast on Sage anymore, I listened intently as she spoke once her pants were back in place and fastened.
"Stand back up, we only have twenty more minutes until the lunch bell rings and we need to get you ready for the rest of the afternoon."
I had no idea what she had planned, but I stood up as I was told and waited for further instructions. As I waited for my mistress' next words, I looked at the clock and realized that I had just ate out her ass for ten straight minutes and that I actually began wish I could do some more; any contact with Sage and I would be satisfied.
"Go bend back over your desk, just like this morning. It is time to get that plug out of there so you aren't too sore for after college."
I quickly rushed over to my desk and assumed the position I had earlier that morning. I felt so submissive, and I loved every second of it. Sage had complete control over me and nothing made me happier. No sooner had I bent over then Sage had made her way behind me, releasing my hands form the cuffs, and beginning to tug on the base of the plug. With more effort, it started to slip out of my tender ass, and bit by bit it slowly escaped the warm resting place of my rectum. Once she had it completely out her next orders followed.
"Open your mouth slut; I want you to clean this plug off before I have you put it away. Don't take too long either, you still need to get dressed and fix your messy face. Oh, and I am going to be taking pictures to capture the whole thing."
Even though I had just finished dining on the asshole of another, the thought of tasting an object that had, until recently, been lodged inside me own ass was a bit off putting. Fortunately, when Sage presented the anal intruder to me for cleaning it was clear of any unpleasant sights that I had figured would be on it, and instead only had some tracings of lube lingering on it. Because I wanted to please my mistress I did not make my uncertain attitude about my task known to her; instead I simply swallowed my pride and put the plug in my open mouth, sucking it clean. Within seconds the toy was clean, and I began to get dressed. Once my skirt and blouse were back in place, Sage walked over and handed me a cosmetic mirror so I could see the state my face was in after my messy enjoyment of her perfect ass. To my surprise, I hadn't messed up my makeup, but did have to wipe away the dried spit that covered my cheeks and re-apply some blush. With my face back in order, Sage snapped shut the mirror and stuffed it back into her bag before tossing it over her shoulder and speaking to me.
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"Ok Cyn, I think we should call it quits for now, but I will be back to see you once college ends and I expect for you this time to be waiting for me naked, knelling in front of your desk, with your hands cuffed behind your back, blindfolded, and the gag stuffed in your mouth. Is this understood slut?"
"Yes, mistress."
"Excellent, now you have a good rest of your day and I'll see you after college."
Sage exited my room once the last word left her mouth, and I went to sit down behind my desk to reflect on the experience I just had as well as how Sage expected me to wait for her after college. I just took the remaining lunch break to enjoy everything, and to go over all the feelings I was having. A sense of sexuality was oozing out of my and I could not have been happier; I just drifted off into a daze that made me smile and had my pussy dripping with excitement. As the lunch bell rang, I was startled back to reality causing me to shake myself out of my daze and start to get things setup for my upcoming classes. As I was reaching for my lecture notes, I noticed that I had left out the plug and the cuffs. I quickly snatched them up and stashed both items away inside my desk drawer. Just as I slid the drawer shut, two students walked in and took their seats. My breathing was erratic, but I was able to calm myself quickly by reassuring myself that it could have been far worse. All I could wish was that my last two classes would go by quickly and without incident so that I could get to my time with Sage. As more students filed in, I had to get the thoughts of after college out my head and once again focus on what I was being paid to do; teach.
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Fortunately for me, my last two classes were my higher level classes so I was able to simply assign them some silent reading as well as summary essay of what they read. Doing so allowed for me to remain behind my desk and reflect on everything that had occurred so far. However, I only was granted a few moments of reflection before I was interrupted by the buzzing of my vibrating phone letting me know that I had a new message. It was from Sage and it was a picture message. The picture was of me as I obediently used my mouth to clean off the butt plug that until recently had resided in my own ass with a message that said, "look at my lovely little sub slut." Since I was so intent on cleaning the toy and getting dressed before the bell rang, I hadn't noticed that Sage had taken the photos with her cell phone. This initially scared me because she could easily send the same picture to anyone else, but I was able to rationalize that if she hadn't distributed any of the early pictures then there was no cause for alarm with this one.
I put my phone away and looked up at the clock; I still had more than half the period and a whole entire next before I could see my mistress again. My pussy was already flooded, and I was on edge once again that I was barely clothed in front of my students. As I glanced over the room, everyone seemed to be reading away and not in the least bit focused on my. Feeling better with that in mind I decided to take my mind off of Sage and our meeting, by inputting grades into my computer and checking my college e-mail account. Because I had been so occupied with sage earlier in the week, it became quickly apparent that I had neglected my work and needed to get back on track.
Thankfully, I was able to use the large amount of grading and unchecked e-mails to distract me from my naughty mind, and before I knew it, my second class was coming to an end. As the final college bell rang out and my students began to file out of the room, my mind quickly jumped back to what I had to do in order to be ready for Sage. I eagerly and nervously watched as the final students gather up their belongings, and exited the room. After a few moments of patiently waiting to allow for the halls to clear out some I walked over to my door and closed it. On my way back I began to unbutton the rest of my blouse, and slid of my skirt before reaching my desk. Quickly, I gathered the supplies I needed from the drawers of my desk; something very naughty about stashing such items in a teacher's desk, the thought of it makes my pussy gush. With the three items in hand I took my place kneeling in front of my desk facing the door. First thing I did was get the gag secured inside of my mouth and snapped securely behind my head. With it in place I immediately become aware of how large it truly is; my jaw is already straining having to hold my mouth open around it, and saliva is started to accumulate inside. Next, I snap one cuff onto my left wrist before applying the blindfold over my eyes. Completely shut off from my surroundings, I take a deep breath before continuing on. All that is left for me to do is lock my right wrist behind me with the other cuff, but doing so would leave me in an extremely vulnerable position. There is no way to know that Sage will show anytime soon, and also there is also the real chance that anyone else might stop by to ask me a question; then I would truly be fucked. However, I know deep down that I must do it, that doing so would be another step in my compliance to Sage and would in turn continue to turn me into the person I was meant to be; a true sub slut.
Taking one final deep breath I push myself to complete my task and lock my right wrist behind me. As the cuff clasps tighter I know in my heart that I chose right and that Sage will be very proud. Now all I have to do is sit and wait for her to arrive. Being blindfolded makes doing so extremely terrifying. Every sound I hear I think that it is someone opening my door, and the more I wait without seeing the time pass, the longer it feels. After what felt like an eternity, there is a knock at my door and I immediately froze and held my breath. I had no way of knowing if it was Sage, or another teacher, or even a student who needed help with something. All I could do was wait and listen to find out. Then I heard it, someone had called out my name.
"Oh Miss Watts, are you in there? Its, Jeanne I need to ask you a question about the testing next week."
I remained silent, and prayed to god that Jeanne would not try the door handle to see if was unlocked, which it was. Jeanne was another English teacher from two doors down the hall and usually kept to herself. We were friendly, but never hung out outside of college. If she was to walk in on me in the situation I was in, it would definitely mean the end of my career. I began to panic as I thought I heard her twisting the knob, but was relieved when I heard her shout out to another teacher who most have been walking through the hall.
"Hey Karen, wait up. I need to ask you a question."
I was a wreck, and my breathing was erratic. Sweat was starting to form on my brow and lower back, and the pool of saliva inside my mouth began to spill out from my attempts to breathe through the gag. In my head I was celebrating the fact that Jeanne had not opened my door and found me kneeling as I was, but there was no way of knowing if she would be back. Just the idea of almost being caught caused an unexpected reaction, I was now practically dripping wet with arousal and it took everything I had to keep from standing up and wandering the halls looking for anyone to play with me. I kept my composure however and soon heard my door open. At first I was afraid it was Jeanne back to inquire about the testing, but fortunately it was Sage and I could not have been more relieved; before I could react though Sage began to speak.
"A close call with Mrs. Anderson huh? I wonder what she would have said if she had opened your door and found like this. It probably would have blown her mind. Will anyways, let us get started, I think you are going to enjoy this, because I know I am. Let me help you up."
Sage made her way to me and grabbed one of my elbows to begin lifting me to my feet. Once I was up, she had me turn around and bend over my desk.
"Very nice slut, you have really taken to being my subordinate quite well. Now I am going to use the strap on to fuck you senseless over your desk; does that sound good to you whore?"
I nodded my head and let out a muffled yes from behind the gag.
"I thought you would think so, but before we can begin I have to do something first."
With that I felt Sage begin to write something on my lower back, but I was unable to decipher what it was.
"Alright, I'm done with that now let's get to the fun part."
I heard her looking through my desk for the harness and the dildo so that she could begin fucking me. I was excited and could not wait to have her do so either. It only took a few moments for her to find the items and get them put on and adjusted. Before I knew it she was behind me entering my sloppy pussy. She slowly entered me, and fed me the entire length of the rather large dildo. I could feel my sex stretching to accommodate it. Once the entire length was buried inside me, she pulled back out and began to pick up her pace. The more she continued the harder and the faster she began to pound my pussy. After awhile she found a pace of pulling half way back and slamming it back in as hard and as fast as she could manage. From behind the gag I let out moans of pleasure and breathed heavily as the spit began to pool on the desk top after dripping out from the corners of my mouth. Sage reached out and pulled my head back by my hair with one hand while the other held onto the chain that connected the two cuffs. She was unrelenting with her continuing assault on my worked over pussy. I wanted to cum but knew I would have to wait until she allowed me to.
At first I didn't think she was going to let me, but after what felt like forever, but was most likely only ten minutes. Sage finally spoke.
"Yeah slut, do you like the way I am fucking your cunt? Do you feel like a complete whore as I pound your snatch on top of your desk?"
Once again I nodded, and moaned deeply in agreement.
"I thought so, and I bet you want to cum now as well. Well go head slut, cum for me, cum all over my fat cock as it slams away at your sloppy cunt."
As the words left her mouth and fell into my ears, I immediately came, spasming out of control and biting down on the gag lodged in my mouth. I could feel the wetness from my pussy flow down my legs as the waves of my orgasm subside, and as I laid lifelessly on top of my desk I felt Sage pull completely out of me, causing me to feel a sense of emptiness. She unlocked my hands, removed the blindfold and gag before speaking to me.
"I hope you enjoyed that, because it will not be happening often, I just wanted to reward you for be so quick to accept your new role in life. From now own for you to gain such pleasure again you will have to do far more to earn it, is that understood?"
"Yes, mistress."
"Good, but unfortunately our time together has once again come to an end. However, before we part I am going to leave you with some instructions to be completed between now and tomorrow morning when we see each other again. First, you will have to go home as you are now; I will be taking your clothes and purse with me. Second, you are to take with you the butt plug, but must carry it inside of this bag."
She handed me a sandwich sized re-sealable bag that was completely see through.
"Third, you are to sleep tonight with the plug inside of you. I want to get your ass ready for what I have in store for it tomorrow. Finally, you will meet me back at college tomorrow, just as you did today, with your makeup and hair done, carrying the plug in the bag, and only wearing a pair of your highest heels; I will provide you with the rest of your attire for the day. Is everything clear sub-slut?"
"Yes, mistress."
"Good, I'll leave you to figure out how best to make it out of here without your clothes, but here are your car keys; I wouldn't want to make you trek all the way home like this."
As she said that she tossed my keys on to the desk next to me and turned to head out the door with my purse and clothes tucked under her arm. I was left standing open mouthed at what I was expected to do. How was I ever going to make it out the building completely naked? I was once again breathing heavily and hadn't noticed that Sage had left the door wide open. I quickly ran over to close it, and as I did I looked up at the clock to see what time it was. Unfortunately it was only a quarter to five which meant there was probably still other teachers in the building and that the sun was still up. I knew that leaving my room around six thirty would be best if I didn't want anyone to see me. Usually everyone leaves by about six on Thursdays in anticipation for the coming weekend and having already prepared themselves for next week during the first half of this one. That reminded me that I had not had the opportunity to make much progress in preparing lessons for next week and could use that as a way to pass the time.
Over the next hour I pretty much had myself planned out for the next two weeks, and even managed to rearrange the desk to make for a fresh look to the room. When I finally finished and looked at the clock it was six forty-five, and I was exhausted; I only wished I did not have to worry about getting home naked, but was able to better assure myself by remembering that I had done a similar task not merely two days ago by venturing home in only my bra and panties. With everything set for the upcoming week and the plug tucked inside the bag I went to my door to have a peek outside. What I saw made me freeze instantly; the cleaning crew's cart was just down at the other end of the hall. I completely forgot that on Thursdays they only clean downstairs; vacuuming and sweeping each room and the halls. The only fortunate thing was that they had just started and were at the far end of the hall. Since my room was located about halfway down I had time until they reached my room to come up with the best way to leave unseen; I had to leave before they made it to my room. I decided to wait for the two of them to finish the rooms they were working on at the moment and make my escape once they began work on the next ones.
I waited for a few minutes before they finished the first set of rooms, and only had to wait a couple of moments longer as the cleaned the hallway on their way to the next set. Once they both slipped inside the next two rooms I waited just a few more seconds, making sure they were going to be in there for good and not coming out for more supplies, before I took my first nerve racking steps out into the now empty hallway. Immediately I stopped in panic as the sound of my heels clicking onto the tiled hall echoed in the silence. In my state of panic, I decided it best to hurry the rest of the way to the exit at the opposite end of the hallway before the noise attracted the attention of the crew. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I made my way closer to the exit, and just as I reached it I turned back to make sure I had not been seen. To my delight I had not, but was now nervous about having to go outside. I knew however, that if I didn't leave now, the cleaning crew would soon be done and would no doubt spot standing naked in the hall except for a pair of hells and fishnet thigh highs.
I slowly pushed open the door to peak out into the dark lot, and to my relief my car was the only one left. I quickly exited the college and hurried over to my car; which would provide me with a relative amount of cover and safety. Once inside the car I set the plug down on the passenger seat, and started the engine. I took no time to ponder driving home in the nude, and simply pulled out of the lot and headed home. Thankfully, the ride home was without incident, as I only leave a few minutes away and there was light traffic out.
Back at my house, I kicked of my heels and peeled of the fishnets before making my way to the shower; I felt I needed to wash the day off of me. As I leaned over to turn on the faucet I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was greeted with the written message Sage had penned onto my back. I stood in front of my reflection trying to make out what it said. After a few moments I was able to and I was once again shocked. It read, "Sage's little sub-slut." I was both embarrassed and proud to have such an intimate note written on me, but I knew that I would have to wash it away in the shower to prevent the chance of anyone seeing it tomorrow.
The shower felt amazing, and was exactly what I needed after such a long and pleasure filled day. After drying off, I retrieved the plug and pulled it from the bag. Applying some lube to it and my tender asshole, I swiftly slipped it inside me so I could finally go to bed. Though it was only a quarter till eight, I was spent and knew I would need my rest for whatever Sage had planned for tomorrow. I fell asleep dreaming naughty thoughts, and thinking about what would have happen had been seen by the cleaning staff. Soon however, I drifted into a deep sleep only to be awoken a few times by the odd feeling of sleeping with something in my ass.
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Waking up the next morning I felt refreshed and a bit sore. My pussy had that feel good ache to it from the wonderful fucking I got from Sage, but over all my body felt good and I was energetic to see what Sage had in store for me.
I quickly showered, did my hair and makeup, and got my shoes on. While I was in the shower I removed the plug, giving it a good cleaning before putting it into the bag, and was left with an empty feeling in my ass. It is amazing how quickly I grew to enjoy the feeling of something in my backdoor; I never would have expected that to happen. Since I had very little to do to get ready for work I had plenty of time to get to college and meet my mistress.
Getting back into my car naked sparked me to remember how I had gotten home the night before, and just how nerve racking it was. At least then I had the cover of darkness to help with concealing my secret; driving to college meant doing so as the sun was starting to come up. The only thing I had going for me was the fact that it was still very early and that meant fewer cars on the roads. Knowing that, I was able to power through my anxiety and make my way to my college to meet Sage.
I arrived ten minutes earlier than I was told to, but I figured I should wait for my mistress at the pre-determined spot rather than in my car. As I waited naked outside of the college, I realized just how long ten minutes could feel, which was the complete opposite of how it felt when I was eating out Sage's rear end for ten minutes. What is even odder is that during the entire time I waited, the thought of another teacher arriving early never crossed my mind; I was caught up in eagerly being a good sub slut for Sage.
At exactly the specified time, Sage appeared from around the corner of the college wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt, and waved me over to her. I cautiously did as she wanted, not fully understanding what to expect. As I reached her location she began to speak.
"I'm happy to see that you made it on time and just as I had ordered as well. Hand me the bag and we can began with our morning adventure."
I handed her the bag and she snatched it out of my grip before grasping my wrist and pulling around the corner of the college towards the front entrance.
"I was thinking that we should get some good sub slut style pictures of you at your place of employment. The first one that should be captured is of you standing in front of the main entrance, and then we can go inside to capture more."
I couldn't believe what I was being made to do. Never before would the idea of having a naked picture of myself taken while I stood in front of the college have crossed my mind, and not only was it going to happen, but I was getting wet just thinking about it.
Within moments, Sage had me out in front of the college, posing in front of the two front doors. She assured me that this would only take a second or two, and that after she got the shot we could retreat inside for more. I stood waiting and smiling while she framed up the perfect shot, and all the while the only thing in my head was that I hope nobody drives by and sees this. However, before I was able to allow that thought to plague my mind for too long, Sage had taken the picture and returned to my side.
"Ok, I got the shot; let's go inside for some others. Open up the doors and head towards the main office."
I did as I was told and soon found myself posing for pictures all over the front office. Sage took pictures of me on different staff members' desks, bending over in front of the principal's door, and a number of other provocative shots; all of which I'm sure made me look like a true slut.
After a few minutes of snapping off pictures, Sage finally decided she had enough, and instructed me to follow her to my class room. I was hoping that once we got there she would finally provide me with whatever clothing she had brought for me to wear. But deep down I knew that wouldn't be the case just yet.
Once we reached my classroom and I unlocked my door, Sage once again pushed her way past me, while I was left to stand in the hall. Just like the day before she dropped her bag on my desk, retrieved a marker, and returned to hand me another index card. This time she instructed me to take it to the girl's restroom before reading it. Without hesitation, I did just that; making sure to hurry since I had even less time than the day before. Once inside I quickly flip over the card and read my mistress' instructions.
"Go to the first stall and write the following statement on the back of the door: Ms. Evans loves it in the ass, and is a true slut. When you finish make your way back to your class room to get dressed."
I was put off by just how vulgar the statement was compared to the previous one, but knew that I was going to not write it no matter what it said. In fact in a weird way the message kind of made me feel proud; I was indeed growing to enjoy the feeling of something in my ass, and also wanted dearly to have Sage view me as a true slut. So, with a smile on my face, I quickly etched the message on the stall door and headed back to rejoin my mistress.
Upon entering my room I was greeted with the sight of Sage sitting atop my desk, still completely dressed, but wearing the strap-on harness holding a fake cock that jutted out in front of her. She smiled at me and gestured for me to assume the position of kneeling in front of her. I did as she wished and soon noticed she was guiding the rubber member towards my face. I instinctively opened my mouth to accept my mistress' long dick, and soon had the head slide into my wanting hole. Sage commanded that I show her what a good little cock-sucking slut I was, and to get the entire length down my throat. It took some effort, but soon I found myself getting the rubber phallus all the way down my throat causing my lips to smash up against the leather harness covering Sage's pubic mound. Once I was able to successfully deep throat the piece, she had me hold it in my throat so she could capture a picture of the event. Following the picture she then challenged me to see how long I could hold it like that before I had to breathe. She had me back off of it to gather my breath before I attempted to re-insert the member into my throat. With my first attempt I was only able to hold it in place for a few seconds before I felt like I needed to breathe and had to back off it again, coughing and gasping for air. This did not please Sage, for she commanded that I immediately try again, and that she would make sure I would hold it in longer. I took the cock once again into my throat, and right when I had all the way in she used her hands to grab the back of my head, holding me in place.
After the same amount of time had passed as had with my previous attempt, I began to really struggle to keep calm. Unfortunately, I panicked after just a bit longer and began to use my own hands to push out of my mistress' grip. After a bit of a fight, with my eyes bulging and spitting up a bit of saliva, I managed to break free and regain my breath. However, my behavior once again displeased Sage and she began to yell at me.
"How dare you push me away when I am trying to teach you how to better your oral skills; that is no way to behave as a proper sub-slut! Where are the cuffs? I'm making sure you can't fight me on this next attempt!"
She began to forcefully pull open my desk drawers until she found the hand cuffs, and then quickly used them to secure my hands behind my back. With my arms locked behind me she proceeded to force the fake cock swinging in front of her back down my throat. Once it was again lodged all the way in, she grabbed a hold of my head with her hands and with firm pressure held me in place. Again, after only a few seconds I began to struggle for breath and my eyes started to bug out. Sage just kept her hold on me and began to spout off cruel and humiliating statements.
"That's it slut, hold my cock down your throat. You look like a helpless little whore struggling for air. It's disgusting to watch you spit up all over yourself, gagging like a trashy cunt. I need to get another picture of you like this."
She released the grip of one of her hands to grab the camera, but kept her other hand firmly on the back my head to make sure I didn't pop off of her. As she got the camera positioned I started to get the feeling I might actually pass out from a lack of air. My throat was straining to release to rubber intruder, and let in some oxygen while my eyes began to water and leak down my cheeks from the fear of choking. Fortunately, once she took the picture and set the camera back down, she gave my head one last firm pull before pushing me off of her; causing me to fall backwards as I coughed up a string of sticky saliva that covered my chin and most of my chest. I remained on my back with my hands secured behind me, trying to catch my breath, as Sage removed the harness and began putting things away. When she got everything in order she came over and helped me back to my knees, but left the hand cuffs on while she spoke.
"I am displeased with how you struggled against me and that is why I had to get a little forceful with you; if my actions scared you I'm sorry. I was only trying to teach you how to truly be my submissive. Now, there is only about five minutes until the students should be arriving, and you still need to get dressed."
From her bag she pulled out a medium sized brown bag and dropped it on my desk. She opened the bag and removed something from it before speaking again.
"I was going to allow you to wear panties today, but since you didn't completely follow my commands you will have to make do without."
With that she unlocked the cuffs and left me to get dressed on my own. Once she left my room and shut the door behind her, I quickly opened the bag and pulled out the contents. To my surprise, all that was inside was a simple cotton dress, black in color, and a note. Putting the note aside, I slipped into the dress and was happy to see that it covered up quite a bit. It was a bit shorter than I was used to, and with or without panties I would have issues doing much more than standing in it, but the rest of my body was sufficiently covered.
I took a look around my class to make sure things were in order, and just as the bell rang to start classes, I remembered the note. Hurrying over to my desk, I snatched the note, sat down in my chair, and began to read its contents as my first period English class began to file in.
"Hello, my little sub slut, I wish I could see how you look in your dress; I got it cheap at a thrift store so I hope it fits. Anyways, this note is to inform you that I will not be attending college today, for I have things I need to set up for later. However, you are to behave as though I was at college and during your lunch break, log into your e-mail and follow the instructions of the message that well be waiting for you. Have a good day slut, and make sure to behave yourself."
A little disappointed that I would not be seeing Sage as usual, I stashed the note away and tried to focus on teaching my class. At first I had difficulty doing so, but soon found that I got into a groove and time seemed to skip by rather quickly. The only thing that would knock my thoughts back to Sage is when I would notice the hem of my dress riding up, which I would immediately pull down to prevent a humiliating situation, but all in all it was time for lunch before I knew it.
Once the last student exited my class room, I immediately logged in to my e-mail and pulled up the message that my mistress said would be waiting for me. As I did, I noticed that there were a few attachments along with it, but decided to ignore those for the moment.
"Ok Cynthia, my obedient teacher sub slut, let us see just how committed you are to follow my orders even when I am not present. Firstly, I want you open your top drawer and find your butt plug that I stashed away."
In a focused fury I pulled open the drawer and shifted through its contents until I found the plug, before continuing to read the message.
"Now, remain where you are and remove your dress. If the door is still open, you may not close it until you are naked."
Unfortunately for me, I had not closed my door because of my eagerness to read the message, and now I was forced with the dilemma of following my mistress' orders and risking exposure, or closing the door before removing my dress knowing that Sage would never know either way. However, I knew that taking the second route would leave me with huge guilt and that Sage would appreciate absolute follow through. So, with a deep breath to steady my nerves, I quickly pulled the dress up and over my head, laid it on top of my desk, and scurried over to shut my door and lock it before anyone could possibly pass by and see. I successfully completed the task without being seen, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief. Who knew that walking just ten feet could cause such a gut wrenching feeling? At my desk I continued to read the e-mail.
"Once you are naked, insert the plug inside of ass using whatever lubrication you deem necessary."
I decided to use my own saliva as a lubricant and soon had the anal intruder settled inside my tight rear.
"You are to remain in that manner for the remainder of the break; putting your dress back on as the bell rings and not a moment sooner. You may not pleasure yourself, and must remain seated behind your desk for the entire break. I have attached some of the pictures I have taken of you so far during our short time together; feel free to enjoy them as you sit. As far as what is expected from you after lunch, you are to simply go about your day as you normally would, just with a bit of healthy anal distraction, and at the end of the day you will meet me at the city park near the public restrooms at the south entrance. Have a great lunch break, and I will see you soon slut."
As I finished reading the message I was both relieved and disappointed to have to remain naked for my lunch period. On the one hand it was a relief to know that I would not have to risk being exposed to others, but on the same note I felt let down by not being made to push my limits further. The excitement from the relative danger I get from doing Sage's tasks was like a drug to me, and I began to want it more and more. This task seemed a bit boring to me compared to some of the others, and I hoped that when I would meet Sage later that day I would be challenged a bit harder to make up for it.
Though I felt down about the simplicity of my task, once I began going through the pictures Sage had attached I started to get over it. I even began to become excited and filled with pride as images of me doing my mistress' bidding flashed on the screen. All the different tasks I had completed so far for Sage were there, and in each one I could progressively see that I was becoming more and more the sub slut that she wanted. My pussy began to flood with arousal, and my eyes began to water with pride; I was truly becoming what I was meant to be.
I became so involved in examining each picture, that I had not realized how quickly time had passed, and was awoke from my trance by the ringing of the bell. A little bewildered, I hurried to put my dress back on before my next class arrived. I got it on just as my door began to swing open, allowing a string of students to enter. From my desk drawer, I pulled out a pocket mirror to make sure I was presentable. Once the rest of the students filed in, the tardy bell rang and I focused on teaching.
I presented the class the same lecture I had given the previous classes, and with about twenty minutes left I had them silent read to themselves the story we were covering in our textbooks. When I returned to my desk and got behind my computer, I was shocked to see that I had forgotten to close out the last picture I was viewing before the class had arrived. It was the most recent one Sage had taken in which her strap-on was lodged down my throat as my eyes were bugged out and spit covered my cheeks. I was thrilled that none of my students had to go over to my desk during my lecture, for they would have easily been able to see the picture. Fortunately, that didn't happen, but it did however cause me too long for the upcoming meeting with Sage and cause time to begin to creep by. I knew that for the remainder of the afternoon I would be watching to clock slowly tick away until I would finally be able to leave and see my mistress.
My last period of the day was just as agonizing as I knew it would be, but I managed to power through, and was soon awarded with the sound the dismissal bell ringing, signaling the end of the day. I think I was packed up and out the door before many of my students, and honestly was in a focused haze as I hurried to meet up with Sage. I hardly remember driving to the park, it felt as if I was floating and nothing was stopping me from getting to my mistress.
I arrived at the park, at the predetermined entrance, and once I was parked I rushed to the restrooms to meet Sage. Unfortunately, she was not there when I arrived, which caused me to momentarily worry she wasn't going to show. However, from inside the women's restroom, I heard a toilet flush and the sink turn on, which I knew in my heart, meant Sage was indeed inside. I waited just outside for her to appear and was soon awarded for my patience as she emerged from the facility and greeted me.
"Well hello slut, you made it here quick. Is someone excited to serve their master?"
"Yes mistress, I am."
"Good, because you are going to have a very interesting evening ahead and you will need to be ready for it. First thing I need is for you to remove your dress right now."
"Yes, mistress."
Without hesitation, my dress was up and over my head, and I was handing it over to Sage. I didn't think twice that I was standing out in the middle of an open public park; I just wanted to please my mistress.
"Very good my slut, now if you would follow me I have something to show you."
With that she turned to head towards the men's side of the restrooms and entered them while I stayed close behind. Inside my nose filled with the aroma of dried urine, and an overall musky scent. The restroom was pretty dingy, and on the side of being downright repulsive. This however did not seem to deter Sage as she made her way towards the middle stall and pushed the door with her foot before speaking to me.
"Get inside and grab the bag that is on floor behind the toilet. Inside you will find a few nice things in which I have bought for you to wear."
I instinctively followed her instructions and was soon bent over in the stall reaching for the bag. With it in my hands, I stood up and spun around to open it in front of Sage. It was a small duffel bag, and I had no trouble getting the zipper open as I held it securely with my other arm. Inside I was greeted with the sight of another pair of heels, at least four inches high, some handcuffs, and a larger butt plug. After analyzing the items for a moment I looked to Sage for further information.
"Well I hope you like your presents, because you will be getting rather acquainted with them over next few hours. Now I will ask that you hand over your purse and the plug currently inside of you before we can go any further."
As I handed Sage my purse and began to embarrass myself by pulling out the plug from my own ass, I wondered what exactly her plan was for me that would have me getting to know the items in bag for hours. Not wanting to show any sign of uneasiness however, I removed the plug with a humiliating popping sound, and handed it to Sage which in turn began her providing some more details.
"Thank you slut. You are probably getting more curious by the second about what exactly you are going to be doing with all that equipment, and rightfully so. To ease your mind a little I'll just say you will completing a rather challenging task, but before we can go over what exactly, we have to get you ready first. If you would please get the new heels on, and remove the other items from the bag."
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"Yes mistress."
Without a moment of hesitation, I had my old heels off, the new pair on, and the contents of the bag out.
"Excellent, I will take those." She said grabbing the other items from me. "Go ahead and turn around, putting your arms behind you."
Once again I did as I was instructed, and soon felt the cold metal of the cuffs being secured around my wrist, locking my arms up behind me for the second time that day. I then felt Sage give my upper back a bit of a shove forcing me to bend at the waist, dangling above the toilet below. She then began to gently kick at my feet causing my to spread them open until my shins were touching the bottom of the stall's side walls. I could only imagine the view Sage had of me in such a position. My entire pussy and asshole were surely spread open as my upper half hung parallel to the dingy toilet. When she felt I was in the proper position she spoke again.
"Hold open your ass cheeks with hands whore, I'm going to start working this plug inside of you."
I reached back and did my best to spread open my cheeks further while my hands where restrained.
"Oh my, look at your little pink asshole; it is nice and dilated a bit, and looks to be begging from something to be shoved inside of it."
My face reddened with embarrassment as she described my gaping hole, making me feel even more like a slut.
"This might be easier than I thought to get this larger plug inside of you, considering it seems you have become a good little anal whore so quickly."
Without any further talk, Sage began to prep my ass for its next intrusion, working a liberal amount of lubricant into my open ring. Once she felt that my hole was properly lubed up, she soon began to push the new plug into place. This plug, compared to the one I had in earlier that day, was not much longer, but did have a considerable larger girth. So it is easy to say that while Sage was pushing it inside of me, I had to adjust and try to cope with the pain and pleasure of it. I may have let out a few gasps and grunts, but soon was relieved to feel it begin to narrow as it disappeared inside. Again, just as she had a few days prior, Sage gave it one last good push to confirm that it was it place.
She had me remain in that position as she took a few pictures, making me look back into the camera for one extremely humiliating one. Then, as if sparked with a new idea, Sage spoke once again.
"Before we get any further along, I think now that I am looking at you dangling over that toilet, that it would be great to see you getting a drink from it and possibly kissing the rim. How does that sound to you my little teacher slut?"
With a slight moment of pondering to go over exactly what she just said entailed, I answered the only way I could, and the way I truly wanted to.
"Whatever you wish mistress, I will do."
"Great, but let's pull that hair back so it doesn't block out your face in the pictures."
I felt her grab my hair in her hands and secure it atop my head with a clip. She then began to pose me for more pictures: having me get my face right above the toilet while bent over, sticking my tongue out to lick the surface of the water, using my lips to slurp up the water, actually sticking my entire face into the water, smiling as I came out for air, and so on; all of which I had no issue doing as long as it made Sage proud of me. There was a moment of hesitation when she instructed I actually lick the rim of the bowl and give it a good wet kiss, but only for a second and it was only because the thought of how many men had probably used this toilet crossed into my mind. Thankfully the toilet looked clean and I eagerly did as I was told as Sage captured the moment with her camera.
With the photo session over in the stall, Sage had me stand up and told she wanted to get some of me standing outside of the facility to show that I was actually in the men's room. Without much regard to what that entailed, having to go outside and be nude and bound, I obediently followed her out. Once outside I remembered just how bright it still was, but did not dare show any sign of worry in front of my mistress. She in turn however, took her time positioning me and snapping of pictures while I nervously hoped that no one would come by to use the facilities while I was out there. It is funny because that thought did not even cross my mind while we were inside, even though it could have potentially happened, it wasn't until I was outside that I felt completely vulnerable. What made that even more present was when Sage closed the door to the restroom to have me look as if I was trying to open it while my hands were secured behind me. That would have been fine; except for when she actually wanted me to open it that we both realized it had locked when she shut it. No longer did the safety blanket of hiding inside exist; no I was actually stuck outside in the nude with Sage. This however only spurred her to decide to finally progress with the rest of my actual task and tell me what she expected from me.
"Well that makes things easier, and plus I was finished taking pictures any way. However, you my slut don't quite get off so easy. You still have the main task to complete and with or without the door being open it will be completed; this just means you will have less options. For your task tonight, you will be figuring a way to get back home as you are now; no car, no clothes, and no help from me. I have a party to attend in an hour and I think having to do this on your own is a good way to show not only your commitment to me as a slave, but also show your determination to complete difficult tasks. I was going to allow you to use the restroom as cover until you could come up with a plot to make it home, but now it looks as though you will have to think quickly. I'm even going to shut the ladies' room off as well just to make it that much more exciting. Do you have any questions?"
"Yes, what will you do with my car, and how will I get out of the cuffs once I get home?"
"Both excellent questions and both have an answer that corresponds to one another. As for your car goes, I will be using it as transportation to get me to and from the party. Therefore, you will have to wait for me to bring back the car for you to get into your house, and thus releasing you from your restraints. Is they any further inquiries?"
I had plenty of worried questions running through my head about just exactly how she expected me to complete the task, but knowing that disclosing such thoughts would only result with my mistress becoming disappointed, I answered the only way I could.
"No mistress, I understand what needs to be done."
"Good, then I will see you once I get done at the party. Have a fun a safe trip home slut."
Letting her last statement linger in my mind, she walked off towards the parking lot to drive off in my car, leaving me to get home in the nude and restrained on my own. It was still daylight and it was getting close to the time when people would start showing up at the park for different functions. I had to think quickly about where to go to hide myself to give me time to formulate a plan to get home with a limited amount of exposure.
Luckily for me the perimeter of the park was surrounded on three sides by rather dense forested running trails to separate it from the neighborhoods that bordered it. I would be able to hide out in the trees until it got a bit darker before attempting to continue on. The tough part would be getting there fast enough while the park was still empty considering I was still close to the entrance which is the one side that does not have trees, and open to the street.
I made a quick bee line to the tree line on my left, figuring that was the side of the park closest to my house; which thankfully was only three neighborhoods over. From there I planned on waiting for darkness to come before I even thought about make any ground towards my home. However, that meant waiting for awhile considering it was still mid-afternoon, and still a summer month. I went over my options in my heard before coming to the conclusion to slowly, and alertly make my way through the tress to the perimeter of the park and a wall of a neighboring housing complex. Then I would be able to follow the wall to the closest trail entrance, and find a hiding place there to wait for darkness.
Not wanting to waste too much time, I decided that it would be best to get a move on before the park started to get busy. It was sort of difficult navigating through the rough terrain wearing such high heels, and without the ability to stabilize myself with my arms. Falling would most likely be one of the worst things that could happen, and as I walked I was in constant fear that such an event might actually happen. However, the thought of lying helpless on the ground only triggered my arousal, and caused my pussy, once again, to dampen.
I successfully made it to an outlining wall, and took a moment to access the situation before moving on. I had gone running in this park before, and therefore knew the area rather well. With a little bit of investigation I determined that I had two possible options; Either follow the wall away from the street for another quarter mile, or following it towards the street to an opening about twenty feet off the main entrance. Both options had their own advantages and disadvantages. The first option would definitely lead me away from the main road, but the opening led right into an apartment complex with very little coverage. The second option, though it was very near to the main entrance and in view of the road, it was actually an entrance into a concrete flood canal which would be far more private.
,.ng my options over, I decided to go with the second one. It seemed to be my best bet for getting home unseen. Also, it just so happened that the canal had an exit right outside my neighborhood. However, it happened to be an exit out onto a relatively busy road, but that was going to have to be a bridge I would cross when I got to it. All I was focused on at that moment was getting to a spot near the entrance that would keep me well hidden while I waited for the cover of the night to allow me to proceed any further.
Once again I journeyed cautiously through the trees, naked and bound, doing my best to keep my balance. As I arrived closer to the front of the park, I began to hear street noises and people talking. A rush of fear and excitement began to run through my body. My heart began to beat harder with each step; more and more I was able to make out what exactly the noises I heard were. Eventually I saw and reached a point near the entrance to the canal, and between the jogging trail and the actual park to hide out. I crouched down between the trees and bushes to better blend in, and it was then that I realized just how close I actually was to the parking lot.
Turning towards, and peering through the brush, I was actually able to catch glimpses of cars and people moving through it. This not only alarmed me, but also added more fuel to my burning fire of arousal. I had never been so openly exposed as I was at that moment, and I only wished I was allowed the pleasure of just touching myself, to release my building tension.
As I stayed in my hiding spot waiting for the sun to set, I just stared at the different cars and people I could see moving in the distance. I was no more than fifty feet away from them, totally naked and vulnerable, but yet almost entirely hidden from their view. If anyone of them even took a moment to look hard enough in my direction, surely they would have seen me; maybe not all of me, but definitely would know I was there. So as I watched intently, my pussy became more and more saturated with arousal, and my mind began to crave more attention.
When I just couldn't take it anymore, and before the sun had even reached the mountain tops, I stood up, and decided to push myself to begin my journey home in broad daylight. Maybe it was a way to keep from thinking of all the devilish thoughts of what would happen if anyone actually spotted me, or maybe I just wanted to challenge myself; to see if I could actually make it home without the cover of night, and without being seen. This may have been a bad decision on my part, but at the time nothing could have kept me from doing it. I was determined and focused on completing my task. It took me only moment to reach the entrance to the canal, and it was that moment that I took the time in my head to decide that going any further meant that I could not go back, that I had to continue and risk being caught.
Once I reached the entrance, my mind was made up, I was doing it. I knew that inside the canal wasn't very wide, and that it was bordered on both sides by seven foot high, cinder block walls. The walls were for the housing and the streets on the other side of them to keep the canal from being an eye sore in the community. The canal was simply a concrete ditch that sloped in towards the middle about four feet, and its only purpose was to capture and direct any flood water away from the streets when it rained. Even when a road crossed over it, there was either a tunnel made under the road, or the road simply was bridged over it; and it is only at those particular points in which the public had any access to it. I only knew this because the road into my neighborhood has a bridge that crosses it. Therefore I felt relatively safe using it as my route home, for I also knew hardly anyone ever used it.
All of this information only made my decision that much easier, and once I was inside the canal I hadn't a care in the world. Though I could hear cars passing by on the other side of the wall, and people talking as they walked just feet away on the other side, I was never happier. I casually walked along the upper part of the canal along the wall that bordered the homes on my left; I knew going down the slope of the canal would be tough, and getting back up would be even tougher. The only thing that did concern me was the sound of my clicking heels on the hard concrete, so when I would hear the voices of others on the other side I would make sure to move a bit more quietly until the voices subsided.
The entire walk was invigorating, and before I knew it I had made it to my neighborhood and the point in which I had to come up with a plan on making it to the rest of my house. Since I had left the park while the sun remained in the sky, I had made it to the exit while it was still daylight as well. My neighborhood was small, but because of the time of day traffic on the bridge would be steady from people coming home from work. I decided to hide out under the bridge until I could formulate a new plan.
I sat under the bridge waiting as if some obvious answer of hope was going to arise in my brain, but I knew that I had the same two options I had while at the park: wait for darkness, or go now and hope to not be caught. Once again, the more I waited, and the more outside noise I heard, the more my wild side became triggered. I knew that no students that attended my college lived in the neighborhood, and neither did anyone I work with. In fact, there wasn't really anybody that lived in my neighborhood that knew me all that well. There were a few that I had a few casual conversations with, but nothing personal. It was this bit of knowledge that sparked me to once again push myself to continue on, daylight and all.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I stood up and began to stroll towards the exit of the canal, and enter my neighborhood. I lived two streets down and to the left about a hundred yards; all in all I was about six hundred yards away. As I walked I made sure to keep my eyes looking forward and focused on the getting home. I made it to the first street without seeing anyone, or anyone seeing me. It was at the half way point, between streets, that a car passed me. The car slowed as it passed, but did not stop. I could feel my legs weaken with fear, but managed to maintain my focus. I reached my street and turned left; luckily no one was present at the moment. Passing by my neighbor's houses, I wondered if anyone was looking out their windows and could see me; my excitement was literally dripping down my legs.
I was almost home when another car passed me and pulled into the driveway six houses down from mine. As I continued to my house, the driver, a woman in her thirties, got out and started staring at me in disbelief as she walk inside her home. I had only a few hundred more feet until I reached my house, and was thankful for it. I did not know if I would have been able to take being seen by anyone else. The only thing that kept me from running the rest of the way, was the thought of Sage. I was able to use the thought of her guiding me as a way of keeping calm. It worked and I managed to make it to my house without having a break down.
However, once I reached my house I remembered I had no way of getting inside, and further more no way of getting out of the cuffs. I would have to wait for Sage to show up, and considering she said she was going to a party, I had no way of knowing when she would arrive. It could be the middle of the night for all I knew. I was relegated to remain outside until she arrived, but thankfully I lived in an old style home that had an attached front porch that I was able to hide out in.
I sat down, which was not easy without the ability to use my arms, and waited. My mind went over the entire day, everything that happened, everything that could have happened, and also what laid ahead for me in the future with Sage. The more I thought about my relationship with her, the more I was able to forget I was stranded, nude on my porch. Unfortunately, the more I thought, the more I became turned on. I was in agony, and with no other option but to wait it out.
What a wait it was; I was always in fear that a neighbor would come up to knock on my door and find me. I kept coming up with all the horrible scenarios that could occur, but fortunately none of them happened. After hours of agonizing waiting, and as the daylight gave way to night, Sage finally arrived. She said nothing, but simply smiled and signaled for me to stand. Struggling to my feet, Sage had me face away from her as she removed the cuffs from my sore wrists. I remained facing away as I heard her open the door to my house before speaking out to me.
"Come inside so the real fun can begin."
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That night was probably the best night of my life. When Sage unlocked me and took me inside my heart fluttered. She lead me directly to my bedroom, and once there, had me undress her. I was beaming with pride and accomplishment as I did. Her form was perfection, and she had me spend most of the night pleasuring her.
I kissed her entire body, tasted all she had to offer, and love every second if it. The fact that I didn't receive any direct pleasure was not an issue, for just being allowed the opportunity to please my mistress was enough for me. When she finally had enough, she pulled me up and into her arms, where we drifted off to sleep; capping the perfect night for me.
I awoke the next morning to the sound of the shower running, and was saddened to know that I didn't get the opportunity to cuddle with Sage in the morning. Not letting that issue deter my joyful spirit I remained in bed, basking in the afterglow of a wonderful experience the night before. Moments later I heard the shower shut off, and then Sage appeared from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Her body still glistened with moisture as she spoke.
"Oh good, you are awake. I want you to get washed up quickly and then go out and make me breakfast. Last night may have been special for you, but do not forget your role as my sub slut. Our night together was nothing more than a sign of my appreciation for your commitment to me, and should not be considered the norm. Is this understood my slut?"
"Yes mistress."
With a bit of shock and bewilderment, I stood up and retreated to the vacant bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. As I washed away the night before, I thought of how naïve I was for thinking that my relationship with Sage had progressed into anything further than a dominant and subordinate relationship. I was happy to still have her in my life, and knew that being her sub was special to me; I wasn't going to bother, or even engage in any further ideas of anything more.
Cleaned up, I exited the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen. I was still naked, and could feel the chill of the air conditioning on my skin as I walked through my house.
Once in the kitchen I began making a quick, brunch style breakfast. I scrambled some eggs, prepared toast, and even cut up some avocado. Breakfast was finished within twenty minutes, and Sage entered the kitchen just as I was setting the plates out onto the table. She gave me a stern look, as she walked over, and then began heatedly speaking.
"What do you think you are doing slut? Little teacher sub sluts like you aren't allowed to eat at the table with their mistress. They must eat on the floor like a proper slave. Now get down on the floor, sitting on your heels, while I set your breakfast up properly."
"Yes mistress."
Sage then proceeded to take my plate back over towards the kitchen while I got into the position she had ordered me into. She returned moments later with my food inside of a bowl, and all mashed together.
"Here you are slut; I made sure to break up your food some to make it easier to eat since you are not allowed to use utensils, or even your hands. Enjoy, because I have big plans for today and I want you to be well nourished for them."
I was then left to eat out of the bowl on the floor, while Sage sat at the table. The food wasn't bad, but rather weird. I have never just used my mouth to eat, and because everything was smashed together my face was becoming quite the mess. The first few bites were fine, but as I ate more, I had to further push my face into the bowl, causing the creamy avocado to smear on my cheeks and nose. I was feeling very degraded to say the least, until Sage finished her breakfast and got up to finish getting ready. As she passed me she gave me an approving pat on the head, as if I was her pet, and I no longer felt degraded, but rather special and privileged.
I finished my bowl of food, cleaned the dishes along with my face, and returned to my bedroom to find out what Sage had in store for me next. Upon entering the bedroom, I found her standing over my dresser going through her purse. She retrieved her digital camera from her bag, and turned to speak to me.
"I hope that you got enough to eat, because as we spend the day together I don't think there will be too much time for you to fit in any lunch. We are going to be taken some more photos that I know you love to pose for and we might even go out for a bit of location shots. Before that however, I want some shots of you inside and outside of your own home, looking like a true submissive. Now go get the bag from last night so I can get you 'dressed' properly."
"Yes mistress."
I retrieved the bag from the hall, and returned to Sage, handing it to her as I approached. She set it on the bed and pulled out the hand cuffs, and the heels. Also, from somewhere inside the she produced a ball gag, a collar, and a red marker. She must have put the items inside after she left me naked at the park. Wherever they came from, I knew how they were going to be used, and I was soon strapped into the different restraints. Once I was properly secured, with my hands behind me, gag in my mouth, and a collar around my neck, Sage took to writing out a message on my abdomen with the red marker. When she finished, I looked down and deciphered the message; it read "Teacher SubSlut" in large red letters.
A little worried about the vulgar message Sage had written across my belly, I looked up to her to gain some possible comfort, but was surprised to see she had already held up the camera and was taking pictures. I was caught off guard, and my eyes shot wide open with shock. Fortunately, I was able to calm myself as Sage soon spoke, providing me with the different poses she wanted me to take and where to go inside my house. She had me pose all over the inside of my house in a variety of different poses; I think that when we finished the inside part of the shoot, we must have cover every square inch of my house. I had a joy after the initial shock; the message on my stomach was a distant memory, and we time flew. By the time we finished up inside, an hour had passed and I was expecting a bit of a break. Unfortunately, Sage had other plans, and I was soon be ushered out to my back yard.
Quickly, all my fears came flooding back, and I was once again nervous about the message on my abs. My backyard is not large, and neither is it concealed. Either of my neighbors on the two sides could have easily seen me if they happened to look over the walls. Granted there are walls that separates my yard from theirs, but they all simply only four and a half feet high, and give me very little privacy; especially in the state I now found myself in. However, as inside, once Sage began snapping off pictures and directing me into different poses, all my fears melted away and I was lost in her command.
We spent another twenty minutes out in the back yard, and before I realized it I was out in front of my house; Sage had somehow been able to simply direct me out there through the guise of poses and orders. Even as I was opening my side gate and posing my way along the side of my house, I never noticed just exactly where we were heading. It wasn't until she instructed me to bend over in front of my porch that it occurred to me just where I was. Fortunately, I was too far involved in following my mistress' commands to even begin to let fear sink in.
Sage simply just continued taking pictures with no regards to anything else, but eventually after another ten minutes of a barrage of poses, she finished and led me back inside. Once inside, she removed the handcuffs and instructed I find a coat to wear while we went out. I quickly scampered off to my closet and grabbed a short, trench style, black coat. Knowing I would more than likely not be allowed any other clothes, I made sure it was long enough to fully cover me, but not too long to cover everything. Bringing the coat back to Sage, she removed the gag, but left the collar and heels on, and then had me put on the jacket. She would not let me button the jacket, but did allow for me to use of the belt to cinch it closed.
With my coat on, and barely covering me at all, Sage put the gag and cuffs into her purse, along with her camera, and led the way to my car. She drove us into the city and to large office complex, that she said she believed to be pretty deserted on the weekends. As we pulled into the parking lot, it looked as if she was right; not another car in sight. She parked in the rear of the lot, and had me get out.
When she came around to my side, she immediately got the gag out of her bag, and put it back into my mouth. The cuffs remained in her bag for the moment, and she began to guide towards the office buildings.
As we walked, she once again pulled out her camera and began to take pictures and have me begin posing. When we got closer to the office buildings, she had me untie the belt holding close my jacket, and let it fall open. Sage had me once again focused on posing for pictures, and not at all caring about the possibility of being seen by someone.
We covered the entire complex it seemed, taking pictures; and eventually my coat came off, leaving me once again nude outdoors. Sage seemed to take extra pleasure in having me pose next to doors that had company names on them, or even signs with distinguishing logos on them.
After a half hour of different poses, Sage finally had us stop near the center of the complex that had a picnic eating area. It was there that the cuffs re-emerged from Sage's bag, and where they were reapplied to me, restraining me to a table. Sage began taking more pictures of me in the helpless state, making sure to get every single angle. When she was satisfies with the pictures, she spoke.
"Ok my little sub slut, wait here while I go back to the car and get something from the car. Can you be a good little teacher slut, and wait for me?"
Though I was shocked at what she was asking, I answered the only way I knew I could; with a nod of my head. Once I did, Sage turned away, and left me there; alone, naked, and restrained in the middle of an office complex. I had no way of knowing if, or when she would be back. Also, my fear about the message inked across my abs came shooting back into my mind. The only thing that would make be found by someone else would be them reading such a vulgar, but true, statement written on me, about me. Fortunately, I wasn't left to stew in my fears for too long before Sage returned and with the tire iron from my car in her hand. As she approached she explained exactly what would be happening.
"Happy to see me again slut; I hope you weren't too nervous being left all alone. Well I am back now, and as you can see I brought an interesting device back with me. You see, I am going to let you out of your restraints and allow you use this piece to pleasure yourself while I capture it all with my camera. Is this understood my little teacher cunt slut?"
I nodded my head again and with that, she undid the cuffs, and handed me the tire iron. I almost immediately, upon being handed the iron, had my legs open and the thick end of it entering my dripping wet pussy. I was lost in my assault on my own snatch, that I didn't even notice Sage, or even care where I was. It wasn't until I came down from my orgasm that I came back to reality, and Sage once again spoke.
"Very impressive slut, you really took to being a complete street whore. I am very proud of you, and I think it is time we get back to your house."
Her last statement deeply touched me, for I had made my mistress proud. I was so caught up with my success, that as we walked back to the car, I hadn't a care that I was doing so completely naked. In fact, I didn't even put the coat back on in the car. I simply rode home nude and beaming with a sense of accomplishment.
Back inside my home Sage began to speak again, giving me yet more orders to follow.
"Ok, slut now that we are back I need to use your computer to edit the pictures I have taken of you today. While I do so you will be under the desk performing oral sex on me. You will not stop until I strictly state, and you will not be allowed the use of your hands. I am going to go through each picture and adjust them as best I can to try and make you look presentable, so be that should be an indication of just how long you should expect to have your face buried in my crotch."
With that she led the way to my home office, and proceeded to undress as she indicated that I should take my place under the desk. Once she had her clothing off, and was sitting down I instinctively began my duties licking her sweet pussy. I was in heaven the entire time I was under the desk, and from some of the sounds Sage made I think she too was enjoying herself.
It took Sage quite a bit of time to finish editing the pictures, but did not mind one bit; for I could have spent the rest of the day eating out my mistress. Unfortunately, once she was done so too was I and she had me come up from under the desk before instructing me further.
"Ok, well that certainly was an enjoyable experience, but unfortunately it has to end now. I have to get home before my parents do, they went out of town for the week and get back this evening. Also, since you did such an excellent job serving me today, you can have tomorrow all to yourself. The only thing is that you are not allowed to masturbate, and you must call me before you go to bed tomorrow night. Is this all clear slut?"
I nodded my head and replied yes. I felt proud to have made my mistress happy, but at the same time felt disappointed that I would not see her again until Monday. She left with out any further signal of appreciation, or even disappointment. Just simply left, leaving my alone and naked, and I knew immediately that until Monday morning, I would be unable to focus.
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For the rest of the evening I wandered my house naked and unsure of what to do with myself. Sage had only left a few hours previously and I was already lost. The only thing I knew was not allowed was masturbation; anything else was left up to me. I remained naked simply because I had learned to love the way it felt, and I did not even wash off the message that was tagged across my abdomen. I was just lost.
I couldn't remain still for more than a few minutes. I kept thinking about Sage, about the pictures she took, what to expect from her in the future, and how much I already missed. There would be no way I could go an entire day with seeing her. Eventually, I came up with a plan to relax and drew myself a warm bubble bath.
Soaking in the tub, my anxious nerves melted away, and I was able to just enjoy the warming sensation of the water and the calming of the lavender scented bubbles. It was if nothing else was of importance in my world, and everything just simply melted away as I allowed myself to fall into a deep relaxation. So much so that I drifted off to a peaceful sleep, and did not awake until I heard phone ringing from inside the bedroom.
Somewhat startled back awake, I slowly lifted myself out of the tub, and dried myself off as my cell finished ringing. Wrapping the towel around myself, I went to retrieve my phone to see who had called; it was my mother, so I called her back. We spoke for awhile, catching up with each other, and discussing what was going in our lives. Of course I purposely left out my budding relationship with my student mistress, but to be honest, I don't think that is really something you share with your mother.
Our conversation drew on for a while and after that while, the activities of the week and the past day began to catch up to me. I found that I was becoming rapidly tired, and had to end the call with my mother, as to not to fall asleep on the phone. After hanging up I rolled over on my bed, still wrapped in the towel with my hair wet, and drifted off to sleep once again.
I slept so well that I didn't wake up until late the next morning. The towel was long gone, and I was lying naked on top of my bed spread; however, I felt rejuvenated and refreshed. Pulling myself out of bed, I headed straight to the bathroom to clean myself up; falling asleep with wet hair never results in a good look when you wake up. When I exited the shower, I still felt renewed and decided to catch up on some grading I had put off during the week with Sage. However, I decided to do it in a way that I had not done before; I was going to do it in the nude. With the new injection of energy I had, I felt compelled to spend the day naked, and to enjoy the day off from my submission.
Since I had begun submitting to Sage, a lot of my other students work had gone ungraded, which meant I had a lot of work to do to get caught up. In a way though, the idea of doing it naked made it seem exciting, and I actually jumped right into it, losing myself in the process. By the time I got caught up and finished all of the grading, it was late afternoon, and my stomach was screaming to be fed.
I thought about making something to eat, but out of the blue a wicked idea popped into my head. I immediately went in search of the yellow pages to find a number for a pizza delivery. I don't know where the idea came from, but once it got into my head I was determined to go through with it. Once I got the number from the phonebook, I eagerly dialed it and ordered a medium cheese pizza. The operator told me it would be about twenty minutes, and instantly my heart began to flutter with anticipation.
At first, I thought about answering the door in a towel and having it drop, exposing myself, but thought that seemed too cheesy. Then I thought about wearing skimpy clothing as I opened the door, but that just didn't seem as though it would give me the excitement I wanted to receive. I finally decided on just plain answering the door nude; make it seem as though nothing was amiss with doing so, that it is completely natural to answer the door to a delivery man naked.
Set and satisfied with my plan, I began to put away all of the papers I had graded and eagerly waited for the pizza to arrive. The wait felt excruciatingly long, and I thought for a moment that it may never arrive; that I possibly gave the operator the wrong address by mistake. Fortunately, those thoughts were pushed aside when the sound of the door bell rang out, and signaled it was time for my-self imposed exposure to begin.
I took one final deep breath and slowly stood up from the chair I was waiting in. I only had a few nerve racking step to make before reaching the door, and with each one my heart raced faster. As I reached out for the door knob, my body began to tremble and my arm began to shake a bit. Taking a moment to steady myself, I took another deep breath before finally reaching out and turning the door knob.
In the brief seconds of remaining cover that the opening door provided for me, I almost backed out; I almost slammed the door back shut and ran to hide. However, I did no such thing; I simply allowed the door to swing open and expose my naked form to the unsuspecting delivery person. As I came into view of the younger, somewhat attractive, delivery boy, he almost dropped my pizza and was in a state of frozen shock. I was equally shocked for just how daring I was being on my own, but I knew I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. In my nervous state to answer the door, I had forgotten to grab the money to pay for the meal. With the delivery boy still in shock, I spoke to knock him out of his daze.
"Oh, thank you for getting here so quickly; if you can just wait here for a second I have to go and grab my wallet."
He said nothing in response, but simply nodded his head as his eyes were transfixed on my nude body. I turned back towards the inside of my house and left him standing there to stare at me as I walked back to grab my wallet. It was in my purse which I had left on the table it clear view of the door way. I quickly grabbed the wallet and returned to the statue of a delivery boy at my front door. Reaching into my wallet I pulled out the money and extended my hand to pay him. It took him a moment to pull himself together enough to grab the cash from me and hand the pizza over to me. I told him to keep the change and swiftly closed to door, finally breaking his gaze.
With the door shut, I braced myself on the wall as I regained my composure. My heart was racing, and I had a buzz of electricity running through my body. I had to catch myself from reaching down and playing with my dripping wet pussy. It would have been against Sage's orders, and I in no way wanted to disappoint my mistress.
The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful; I ate a few slices of pizza while I remained nude, and simply tried to busy myself so that time would pass. After watching a made for TV movie, I decided to surf the internet and check my emails. Once logged in, I was pleasantly surprised to see an email sent from Sage sitting in my inbox. Upon opening the message, I realized it wasn't actually a message at all, but simply a link to a private online photo account.
Needless to say, I quickly click the link and was brought to a simple photo album of myself from the day before. At first the online album scared me; how was I to know that no one else had access to it. Sure it was set to private, but that doesn't mean Sage hadn't shared it with anyone else, or that it couldn't be hacked. However, after my initial reaction I was able to can myself; knowing that I had to trust my mistress to truly have my well being at heart. If I want to submit to her, I was going to have to completely do so and not second guess her.
With my nerves steadied, I began to go through the album picture by picture. I was fascinated by not only how sexy and submissive I looked, but also just how daring I was. It is just amazing to think about the level of danger, in the sense of my career, that I am willing to get myself into to prove my devotion to Sage. As each pictured passed over my screen, the more daring and risky it looked, and the more into it I appeared. In fact, just looking at the pictures I began to create a puddle of arousal on my chair.
There were literally hundreds of pictures of me in various poses and states of arousal, and with each one I carefully examined it; looking for any reason why I was willing to serve Sage so willingly. By the time I had gotten through them all, two hours had passed and all I could determine was that Sage just simply was able to pull my submissive behavior out of me; from somewhere deep down inside my being. Understanding that, I became happy that she had, for I could not remember a time in my adult life that I felt so open and free. Even though I was under the control of another, I was happier than I could believe and was craving to have more.
Finishing my viewing of the very erotic pictures of myself, it was thankfully late evening and I had successfully managed to have the hours fly by. Remembering the only other instruction Sage had left me with, I searched out my phone to call her before attempting to go to bed. When she answered after the second ring, I was filled with joy to hear her voice.
"Hello my slut, are we going to bed already?"
I looked at the clock and noticed it was only 8:00pm, and answered in a way I hoped would please her.
"Well mistress, I hadn't really noticed the time, but I do deeply wish to see you and feel that if I go to bed now I won't have to continue to agonize over not being able to until the morning."
"I can understand your reason for wanting to get to bed early, but unfortunately I think you should be required to complete another task before calling it a night. Does this sound reasonable to you slut?"
"Yes mistress, anything to please you."
"Good, I just hope you keep the same attitude once I tell you what is expected of you for tonight. I want you to treat yourself to a late movie; I believe there are a few showing at 11:00 pm at the multiplex tonight. Pick one you don't think will be too crowed because you will being having a bit of fun during the viewing. You are to wear a tight, form fitting dress with your highest heels, and nothing else. Once inside the theatre, go to the back row and wait until the movie begins. Next, you will remove your dress, and toss it a few seats over to your left. How does this sound so far slut?"
"Anything you order me to do sounds good to me mistress. I am simply your slut to have do as you wish."
"I'm glad to hear that slut; you are really becoming a good little whore. Anyways, once you are naked in the theatre, you will remain so until I text you with further information. Get yourself ready slut, you don't want to miss the previews. Oh, and remember, no masturbating. Have fun."
With that the phone went silent, and I was left to ponder my new adventure for the night. There was not a single doubt I would do as I was ordered, but I did wonder what else Sage would have planned for me. I replaced the phone and went to my closet to pick out my tightest dress and my highest heels. What I pulled out was a snug, black cotton dress that went to about mid thigh with a simple swoop neckline and spaghetti straps that went over the shoulders. I had not worn it in such a long time, that I was surprised I still owned it. It was, at one time, my go to dress in college when I would go out clubbing with my friends. Since then it has faded some, but I knew it would still fit me like a glove.
I slipped it over my head and pulled it into place. Looking at myself in the mirror I noticed that not only had the black faded some, but the material had become for sheer than I had remembered. I most have washed it to many times back in college on the wrong setting, or something. I could just barely make out the outlines of my nipples, and if standing in the right light my mound could also be seen. Fortunately I was going to be inside a dark theatre so no one would really notice anyways; plus I would be taking it off once inside anyways.
The heels I grabbed to go with the dress were five inch, black, stilettos and they had an open toe. With them on, they really elongated my legs and made the dress seem even shorter. I was happy with the way I looked, and with it only being 8:45pm I figured I should get something to eat and get myself made up before I left for the movie. I peeled the dress and heels off, and headed to the kitchen to reheat some pizza for dinner before showering.
After my shower, I did my hair and makeup, (a girls got to look good even if it is for a late night movie showing), and got redressed into the tight black dress, and erotically high heels. It was a little before ten o'clock when I was finished getting ready, and I decided to heed Sage's advice of getting to the theatre early as to not miss the previews; also it would allow me to better decide which movie would be the least crowded.
I only lived a few minutes away from the movie theatre, and when I arrived I only counted ten cars in the parking lot. Figuring that at least four probably belonged to people working in the theatre, I assumed the rest belonged to other patrons. Making me feel even better was the fact that there was nobody outside buying tickets, which I took to mean they were already inside watching a movie, and would not be seeing any of the eleven o'clock films.
I waited in my car, which I parked a few rows to the left of the main entrance, for another fifteen minutes to see if anyone else would show up before getting out of my car to buy a ticket. No one else was showed up while I was buying a ticket, but it was still thirty minutes until the showing started and I knew there could be a chance of someone arriving close to the start time. There were only two movies showing at eleven o'clock, and I decided on the one that had been in theatres the longest; figuring it would be the one most everyone else had already seen. I got some looks from the girl taking my ticket as I strolled inside, but nothing I wasn't use to. I simply thanked for her help and made my way to my movie. Since I was the only one for the moment, I was able to pick my seat in the back row, dead center.
As I waited for the movie to began, and answered the silly trivia questions to myself, I started to become more and more aware about what I would soon be doing. I was going to be watching a movie, in a public theatre, completely nude. Who in their right mind does such a thing? Will I guess I knew the answer to that question, but while on the one hand I was pondering the insanity of the act, on the other hand I was becoming rapidly more excited in anticipation of doing such a forbidden task. My pussy was becoming saturated with arousal, and my nipples were poking out so much I thought they were going to punch holes in my dress.
About five minutes before the lights went down and the previews began to play, an usher came in to check if anyone was actually inside. I took that to mean I should not expect any other patrons to arrive. He must have been hoping to close the film room early to save time, but when he noticed me all the way in the back he just smiled and turned back out. I smiled back and let out a sigh of relief in knowing there was a great chance I would be alone for the movie.
Sitting through the previews in the dark theatre, my legs began to shake nervously up and down. My heart began to race, and my arousal grew further. I couldn't even tell you what previews were shown; I was too wrapped up in the idea of removing my dress and sitting naked as I waited for Sage to call while I watched a movie.
The moment of truth finally came; the movie began to play and had to steady my nerves. Taking three quick breathes I removed my dress as if it were a band-aid; in one swift motion. Once it was off I had to quickly toss it away to my left, as to not have the opportunity to chicken out. I sat stoned still in my seat; unable to move or relax. My heart was racing and a body temperature rose even in the air conditioned theatre.
It took a few minutes, but eventually I was able to sit back in my chair and begin to calm down some. I was basically a waterfall of sex by that point, with my seat cushion getting rather damp. Five minutes into the movie and still no one showed. I looked over to where I threw my dress, but I could not see it in the darkness. With each minute that passed and no one came in, I became more and more relaxed. However, I wasn't focused on the movie either; in fact I think I may have been just staring blankly at the screen for the most part while I pondered just exactly the risk level of my task. I had to keep mentally reminding myself not to touch my over-charged pussy, as it would have been against Sage's direct orders.
Forty five minutes had passed, and I was still alone. I had become so comfortable in my nude setting that when my phone rang with further instructions from Sage, I had my feet up on the chair in front of me and was slouched down enjoying the movie. The sound of the phone startled me, but I quickly retrieved it from my purse and answered it to the sound of Sage's voice.
"Hello my little teacher sub-slut; how is the movie going, are you the only one their?"
"Hello mistress. To be honest mistress, I haven't been paying too much attention to the movie, but I am indeed alone."
"That is to be expected, this is the first time you have ever attempted watching a film in a theatre completely naked. As for you being all alone, it might make completing your next task that much easier. I want you to firstly, upon getting off the phone with me, to take a few pictures of yourself sitting naked in your seat and send them to me. After that, you are to stand and make your way to the exit; leaving your dress and purse behind, but taking you phone with you. Once you reach the exit you will take a few more pictures of yourself by the inside of the door, as well as outside of the door. It will probably be best if you make sure the coast is clear before doing so. Once you have completed that, you are to scurry over to one of the 'coming soon' movie posters and take another picture in front of it. After that you will have the option between two possible scenarios: first one being that you return to the theatre and finish the movie while remaining naked and then getting redressed before going home, or the second option of returning to the theatre to get your purse, exiting out the back door naked and leaving your dress behind before walking around to your car and taking one final picture of yourself in front of the multiplex. It is up to you which option you choose, but after each you are to call me once you arrive home, and it should be noted that whichever choice you make will determine a different result when you call me. Is all of this clear my slut?"
With my mouth agape, I responded as I knew she wanted, and the way I knew I truly felt.
"Yes mistress, everything is completely understood, and your slut is happy to comply."
"Very well then; have a delightful time slut."
As usual, the phone went silent, and I was left to mull over what was expected of me. I already knew the first two steps in my new task could be easily accomplished, and was actually looking forward to getting them done. The picture in front of the movie poster was a bit scary, but I knew that were my theatre was located it wasn't in clear view of the employees working in the front. The only thing I would have to worry about would be anyone walking through the corridor, and since it was late the chances of that were even slight. As far as the last step went, my option between more or less exposure, it seemed obvious to choose the first option of getting home fully dress and not risking any further exposure. Then again, I did like the idea of going through with the second option; the idea of arriving at a place dressed and then leaving completely naked filled my body with shock waves of arousal. Also, if I did choose option two, it would make Sage happy, and maybe even impress her. That alone would be reason enough.
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Flip-flopping between the two options for a moment, I decided to make a firm decision after I had completed all of the other required parts to the task. Let me see how I felt once everything else was out of the way. With that I got my camera app running on my phone and quickly snapped off four pictures of myself sitting naked in the movies; each one more graphic then one before it. Once those got sent off too Sage, I stood up and slowly crept my way to the main entrance of the room. Though I was completely alone, I still felt as though I had to be quite and sneak my way down to it; this only added fuel to my already out of control sexual fire.
I eventually reached the door, and immediately captured the first picture of me standing on the inside it. Before moving on to the next pictures, I peaked my head outside to make sure no one was about. Confident that the coast was clear, at least for the moment, I went ahead and took the next two pictures. The first one was of me holding the door open and standing in the threshold, and the second was me standing outside of the theatre with the door shut behind me. My heart was racing and I still had one more picture to take. Before I moved on to it, I decided to go ahead and send Sage the three by the door first to allow my nerves to come back down.
With the pictures sent, I peered around the wall of the theatre entrance and into the hall way. I was not only looking to see if it was clear, but also trying to decide where the nearest poster was from me. I located one about two hundred feet away on the opposite side of the hall, and decided to make a break for it while no one was around. I reached the poster, and quickly attempted to capture the picture but unfortunately dropped my phone. Fearful that at any moment someone could appear down the hall, I scramble to pick it back up. Luckily, I was more successful on my second attempt and got the picture before retreating back to the entrance of my movie.
I sent off the poster picture, and then reached for the door. It was at this moment I realized I still had a decision to make. Since I still had a buzz of sexual energy flowing though me, the decision was simple, and felt as if it wasn't one at all; I was going to go with option two, simply because at that moment of sexual arousal it quite simply seemed to be the obvious progression of the night. Refocused, I swung the door open confidently, returned to my seat to grab my purse, click my heels back down the aisle to the back exit, and left the theatre into the back alley completely naked.
Once the chill of the night air hit my uncovered skin, I realized just exactly what I had gotten myself in to. Almost on cue, the exit door swung back shut, locking me outside and making continuing on my only viable option. Taking my usual deep breath to steady myself, I began the trek down the alley towards the front of the multiplex. As I walked I realized that the alley was located on the right side of the building; meaning that because of where I had parked, I would have to cross in front of the main entrance to the theatre. If I had known I would be leaving the movie nude via the side alley, I may have chosen to park differently. However, I did not stop to ponder the issue, but instead kept walking until I reached the corner of the building.
At the corner, I slowly peaked around to see what may lie ahead of me. No one was about, and I was pretty sure that no one would be inside the ticket booth as all the movies for the night were nearly over. I also looked to the parking lot to see how many cars were there. It seemed that most of the cars that were there when I arrived, had left; leaving only a few remaining, and two new vehicles parked in the first two closest spots. Figuring that there would be no other better time to make my move, I emerged from around the corner and began walking in the direction of my car. As I reached the point in which would be directly in front of the right side, glass, entrance doors, I slowed to see if any employees were in view. To my luck, there were not, and I quickly stepped my way to the cover of the empty ticket booth in the middle part of the building.
The only reason I kept close to the front of the building rather than sneaking through the darker parking lot, was not because I enjoyed the extra added thrill, though that was a plus, it was because I still had to take my final picture to prove which option I chose to Sage. I had decided in the alley way that the best picture to prove my choice would be one of me standing in front of the ticket booth. So when I reached the limited cover provided by it, I pulled out my phone, snapped off a picture, and sent it to my mistress. With that detail out of the way, I confidently walked towards my parked car, heels clicking on the pavement, and without even looking to see if anyone could see me through the left side, windowed doors.
I got into my car beaming with the joy of accomplishment and raw sexual energy. The drive back to my house was a blur, and didn't even think twice about my neighbors as I exited my car and entered my front door. Inside, I immediately called Sage; it was twelve thirty in the morning. After two rings she answered cheerfully.
"Well done slut. I am impressed with your commitment to serving me, and carrying out my desires for you. For doing such an excellent job of completing your tasks, you be rewarded be being allowed to masturbate to completion tonight. As for tomorrow, I want you to meet me at college early again; and as you did before, you are to be nude. Is this clear sub-slut?"
"Yes mistress, and thank you for the opportunity to pleasure myself tonight."
"Your welcome and I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning slut."
The line went silent, and I sprinted to my bedroom to pleasure myself. Upon hitting the bed, my hand was on my pussy, and I almost immediately achieved climax. It only took me a few quick seconds before I did, and when I did it was explosive. All of the tension that had built up from the day's events was expelled in one violent, orgasmic, moment. Coming down from it I almost fell asleep as I was; heels on and half hanging off the bed. Fortunately, I was able to get enough life back to set my bedside alarm, and remove my heels before crawling under the sheets to pass out. I fell asleep dreaming of the possibilities that lay ahead of me the next day at college.
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That next morning I did as I was told by Sage, and arrived at college naked. In fact that was a common theme for us, as I arrived naked each day for the next two weeks. Each day Sage would have me perform certain tasks, make sure to take plenty of pictures of me, and then usually minutes before the morning bell was about to ring would she provide me with the clothing I was to wear for the day. For the most part it was nothing overly provocative, but they each had their unique feature that would keep my on my toes and aroused throughout the day. Whether that it was no panties, a short skirt, flimsy open top, or a semi sheer piece, I always wore what Sage provided without any questions or hesitations. It also wasn't uncommon for me to have a butt plug in for the day, and in fact I became accustomed to the feeling and was almost disappointed on the days Sage did not require it to be in. As for the weekends, let's just say they were not boring.
After those two weeks our master/sub relationship progressed and became more defined, and Sage began to allow me to come dressed to college; but only under her strict dress code of which she provided for me the night before. We would still meet at college early and I was still to perform to her liking, but I for the most part remained clothed. The weekends where still as exciting as always, in the sense I never knew what was to be expected, and I slowly began to allow Sage to have complete control over my life. As it has been stated, I had already given over control to what I wear, and pretty much what I did with the majority of my days, but as our relationship grew I eventually gave over complete control of my finances, my work account information, and pretty much any other decision making role in my life.
Over the months leading towards holiday break, we seemed more connected to each other than ever; or at least I felt more connected to Sage. Even when I had a couple close calls, I never doubted my Mistress' control or word. One in particular close call happened about a month before break, and of course occurred in my classroom. It was after college on a Friday, and Sage had requested I meet her at a book store for some rather exciting fun. She had also requested that I change into an outfit that she had left for me before leaving my classroom. As the final dismissal bell rang for the day, and my last student filed out the room, I closed the door behind them and retrieved the bag that contained the outfit I was to change into. I dumped its contents onto one of the student desks in the front row and was instantly aroused at what I saw. In front of me lay a pair of tight grey workout shorts, a white sports bra, my tennis shoes, my collar, and a normal sized black butt plug. Without a thought, I quickly stripped out of my work clothes and was lubing up my ass to get the plug into place. Once it was inside of me, I instinctively put on my collar and then pulled the shorts up into place. It took some effort because of how tight they were, but I eventually got them on. However, just as I did and was reaching for the bra, there was a quick knock at my door, followed by its opening up quickly after the knock.
I was stunned still as the teacher down the hall, Mrs. Bensky came inside my room unannounced. At first she did not notice the state of undress I was in, and I could do nothing more than just stand there shocked. Within seconds though she realized exactly what she had just walked in on, and apologized profusely before turning around and leaving. I was in a state of awe of what had just occurred; I was just walked in on while changing my clothes and I was topless. If she had been a few seconds sooner, she would have seen me completely nude or worse, bent over trying to put my butt plug into place. I was certainly lucky neither of those scenarios had occurred, for it would have been far harder to explain myself. Fortunately, the outfit that Sage had provided for me did allow for explanation. Understanding this fact, I shock myself out of the state of shock and got the bra and shoes on in a hurry. I gathered up the rest of my belongings and headed over to explain away the recent encounter to Mrs. Bensky.
I walked to her room and entered slowly, before greeting her with a somewhat friendly/awkward smile and an apology. She apologized as well, and asked why I was topless in my room. I explained to her that I was going for a run after college, and didn't what to go all the way home to change since the trail I run is closer to the college. The workout attire fit this story perfectly, even if it was rather revealing and tight. The only piece that did not fit, and that was on display, was the collar, but fortunately Mrs. Bensky did not ask about it. Instead she seemed to accept the explanation, and even seemed to understand the situation. With some parting apologies, and a reminder from Mrs. Bensky that I might want to remember locking my door, I left to meet up with Sage.
That was probably the closest call of any during my time with Sage before the break, and instead of causing me to question what I was doing, it instead ignited me to do more; that afternoon at the bookstore certainly was much more exciting for me.
So, as the break approached closer, I was certainly pleased when Sage informed me over the phone, on a Wednesday evening, that since her parents were going to be out of the country for the holidays, she was booking us a week stay at a spa in the next town over during the break. I was ecstatic, and had to fight to hold back my excitement to Sage's news. This is something I had been dreaming about since the moment I submitted to her; extended time alone with her, just the two of us. The only thing that bummed me out was that I would have to wait a week and a half to get to spend that time alone with my mistress. However, before I could get to down about that particular detail, Sage had another bit of news to share with me as well.
"Since this trip will obviously be a bit rewarding for you, seeing that you will get to spend a week alone with me your mistress, this next week and a half leading up to it will be a way for you to earn such a gift. Tomorrow, and for the remaining days until the break, you will be expected to show up to college as you previously had, naked. Is this understood my slut?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Very well, I will see you at the usual time and location, and do not worry about bringing clothes along; they will be provided for you. However, you are to wear the pair of shoes I had you buy two weekends ago. I this clear whore?"
"Yes, Mistress."
She did not reply back, but instead hung up and the line went silent. I was filled with both excitement, and a bit of uneasiness from her statement that I would have to earn my time away with her. Had I not already shown my unbreakable commitment to Sage as my mistress? What would be different over this week and a half that would prove I was worthy of such a gift? These were the types of questions I continued to ask myself for the rest of the night, until I gave up trying to figure out my mistress' ways, and simply got ready for bed.
Knowing that I would have to show up to college naked again wasn't so bad, but it was a bit cooler now in the later months of the year and I was sure it would be even worse in the early hours of the morning. To help combat that issue, I decided on taking a shower the night before, so not to be cooled down by the water in the morning. After my shower, I gathered up my college stuff, and retrieved the shoes I was to wear the next day. They were of course heels, black leather ones, with a black criss cross zipper detail, and a heel height of 5 inches. They almost looked like something from a bondage film, and not something I would have ever worn to college before meeting Sage. However, just the idea of having to wear them at college had my pussy saturated with arousal, and I decided I better get to bed before I was up all night from sexual frustration.
The next morning I awoke, and got ready for the day by doing my hair and makeup, getting those rather sexy heels on. I grabbed my bag and keys on my way out to my car. However, before exiting the my room, I stopped to check out how I looked in the heels; it was the first time I had worn them since I bought them with Sage two weeks earlier. Simply stated, I looked drop dead sexy in the heels and nothing else. To be honest, I almost came just from the sight, and I knew Sage would be happy with them as well.
Now with added arousal and confidence, I hurried to my car and quickly made my way to the college. I was there, as usual, early and before Sage. I took no time to get to our usual meeting place at the back entrance to the college, and waited for my mistress to arrive. After five minutes she did, and was carrying a duffel bag with her. She did not say anything to me, but simply signaled for me to follow her. I did without a word, and she began leading the way to the front of the college. As I followed behind her, I realized just how sexy what she was wearing was. She had on a pair of tight, white yoga pants that perfectly formed to her plump rear end. They basically were like second skin on her, and even feel into the crease between her cheeks to emphasize the roundness of her ass. For a top, she wore a simple light cotton, blacked striped t-shirt that hung to just the top curve of her butt. As for shoes, she just had on a pair of black flip flops. I was transfixed with her ass however; I was sure she hadn't any panties on, for if she did they were extremely tiny. The pants where nearly see through, and clung to her legs and ass so tight; it was as if she was not wearing pants.
By the time we reached the front of the college, I refocused on making sure to follow Sage's every command. At the door we stopped, and she dropped the bag down in front of them. She still was silent when she bent over at the waist with her ass facing me to open the duffel. It was then that I confirmed she had not worn panties, as I could clearly see the outline of her lips as the fabric of the pants stretched over them. This only flooded my own sex further, and I had a harder time still trying to focus on what exactly Sage was doing. Almost oblivious to just how sexy she was being, and the effect it was having on me, Sage stood back up and had in her hands a small leather collar, and a large red, ball gag. She simply handed me the items without saying a word and return to the open bag. I, of course, instinctively knew to put the two items own and had them fastened by the time she again stood.
This time she had in her hands a pair of metal cuffs, her strap-on harness, a large black dildo that I had become accustomed to over the past months, and video camera. She silently indicated that I carry the duffel and to open the door. I did just that, and Sage led the way inside. Once inside and the door shut, she stopped us and began getting the harness and dildo into place between her legs. With it secured, she finally spoke to me for the first time.
"So, you have probably been wondering what exactly I will be having you do over this next week and a half to prove to me that you do deserve the trip I booked for us. Well, you will simply be doing task and activities, not much unlike we have previously done before, but now they will each get progressively harder, risky, degrading, humiliating, and insulting. Is this understood you dumb little teacher slut?"
With my eyes widened from what I was just told, I instinctively and submissively nodded my understanding of what she had said since I had the gag in my mouth.
"Great, because today we are starting out rather hard, so from here on out things will only get harder. What I want you to do is lead the way, as seductively submissive as possible, to the open air quad in the middle of the college, and then stop in front of the college's namesake mural wall in the middle. I will be filming you as I follow to capture your submissive behavior. Once at the mural, I will toss you the cuffs which you will take and use to fasten yourself to the little rod iron fence in front of it. Do so in a way that you will be bent over at the waste with your back to me. Got it whore?"
I again nodded, and began to lead the way to the quad. Sage now carried the duffel as she followed behind and filmed. I did my best to look as sexy and submissive as possible. I made sure to sway my hips as I walked, and did my best to make the click of my heels on the hard tile as loud as possible. Every so often, I would look back at the camera, dough eyed, to add to the submissive feel, as well as to show off the large red gag lodged in my mouth and the trail of saliva that had begun to fall out from behind it. Sage just followed behind with the camera, not giving any directions or cue, but I did notice she was making sure to pan around every so often to take not that we were in fact in a college.
As I slowly continued to walk through my college, naked and gagged, we passed the lockers and it really began to dawn on me the levity of the moment. I, a teacher at the college, was completely naked except for whore heels, a collar, and a bright red gag, walking through the college as a student filmed the whole thing. Thankfully I trusted my mistress, and remembered that it was still rather early, so no one would be arriving anytime soon. It also helped that I was extremely aroused and was practically leave a trail of arousal on the floor as I walked.
We eventually reached the mural in the quad, and as previously stated, Sage tossed the cuffs over to me, and I quickly took to locking myself into the position she described. As I did, Sage began to circle back and forth around me, capturing the whole scene on film before finally stepping behind me in my bent over position. Without a word, she reached into the bag, retrieved some lube, and began applying some to the thick cock jutting out in front of her once she dropped the duffel off her shoulder. With the dildo thoroughly lubed, she applied some more to my asshole, and I realized what was about to occur. Sage was going to fuck my ass with, that large cock, in the middle of my college, while she filmed the whole thing. She was right, these tasks were going to be rather humiliating in nature, but that humiliation would only add to my arousal.
Soon I felt the rubber head of her black cock slip inside my eager little asshole, and slide its way deeper until it was fully lodged inside of me. Sage reached out with her hand that was not holding the camera, and pulled my head back by my hair. As she did, she began her rather relentless assault on my anal passage. The act went on for about three minutes, with Sage never saying a word, but simply reaming me with the dildo while pulling my head back and filming the entire event. She made to capture my face and its expressions as she worked me over; she also continued to capture the surroundings that indicated it was a college, and what college it was by zeroing in on the mural with the college's name painted on it.
Once Sage was satisfied with her anal exploitation oh me, she filmed herself slowly sliding the intruder out and capturing my gaping hole as it finally vacated. She then came moved towards my head and unfastened the gag. My jaw was thankful to finally be allowed to rest, at least I thought it would it get to. Sage had other intentions, and soon pulled my head back once again by my hair. She then guided the now slimy, anal intruder towards my mouth. I needed no further guidance, as I obediently opened wide and allowed her to have access to my slutty mouth. She did not force it down my throat, but rather just had me suck it gently and lick it up; I figured since she was still filming she just wanted to capture me submissively savoring that taste of my own ass. So, I did just that, and soon the rubber member was soon clean as a whistle.
Sage, happy with my performance, pulled away and began to walk away while she continued to film as is she was leaving me behind. She went as far as actually going back into the college and letting a door shut. To be honest, I for a moment actually though she was truly leaving me behind. Fortunately, the door swung back open and Sage returned back to my side with a devilish grin on her face before speaking.
"You did very well slut, and I really enjoyed using you in such a depraved way while I filmed it. I think I might make it a reoccurring theme. Anyways, let's get you unlocked, and over to your room."
She did just that, and once inside my room she pulled out my clothes for the day and gave me further instructions.
"In this bag are the items you will be wearing today; you do not have to wear the collar as it does seem a bit out of place for a teacher. Also, we will be engaging in another task at lunch, and remember it will be more difficult, and riskier than what we just previously did. Enjoy your morning, and I will see you in class."
With that, she turned and left me to get dressed before the morning bell rang. Unlike other times, the events of the morning gave me an ample amount of time to dress, and calm my nerves. However, my nerves would be calm once I opened the bag to see what I was expected to wear.
Inside, I found a pair of yoga pants that were just like the ones Sage was wearing, and a sleeveless collared, button down blouse that was made of light fabric and nearly sheer. I pulled on the pants, and because of how tight they were, and them being white, my arousal was almost immediately noticeable. Putting of that problem for the moment, I put on the blouse and was happy to find that it wasn't as sheer as I originally thought; at least not the front of it for it had a somewhat tuxedo shirt quality to it. The back however was indeed sheer. It was also a relief to find that the bottom of the blouse scooped down in both the front and the back far enough to cover my wet pussy, and worked over ass.
I adjusted the clothing the best I could, and eventually came to terms with how I would look. As long as I didn't move around the room to much, and kept behind my desk for the majority of the time, I would be fine; at least that is what I had to keep telling myself as I waited for the bell to ring and the day to get started. After such an eventful morning, I was fearful of what Sage had in store for the lunch time task. However, I would have to wait four long periods to find out, and I just hoped that my soaking wet pussy wouldn't saturate more of the pants.
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I sat behind my desk, trying to distract myself with some work as the morning bell rang. Students soon began filing in and taking their seats to await the start of their college day. Because of my time with Sage, I have changed my teaching style some to keep to my desk more often. Rather than lecturing the class from the front of the room and moving about to keep the students on task, I have since started just giving the students a simple writing prompt to start class, possible silent reading time from an assigned novel along with worksheets to go with the readings. Such a teaching method is hardly the best to engage students, but my new relationship with my mistress was more important to me than anything else, so I just went through the motions to keep my job, and to keep the students from moving around the room.
The day started just like the new usual for my classes, and I kept to my desk as the students quietly worked. I continued to input grades and check emails to keep from focusing too much on what was to come at lunch time. Unfortunately, my phone buzzed with a text message from Sage which immediately brought my mind back to the gutter.
"Hey SLUT... I just hung something from your door knob. Go and get it now. It's not something you want anyone else seeing."
My jaw dropped, and heart began beating harder with the worry of not only what Sage ha left hanging on my door, but having to get up and go get it with all my students in the room. My outfit was a bit on the risqué side being that I was wearing my black leather zipper heels, tight white yoga pants, and a tuxedo shirt that had a sheer back. However, I had to get it done soon, before the item was noticed by anyone passing in the hall, whatever the item might be.
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, push out of my desk to stand, and began to walk past my students to my door. I tried to act as confident as possible, and it didn't seem any of them really took note of me other than glancing up from their readings to see who was moving. I'm sure my clicking heels brought attention to me as I moved as well. I reached the door, kick the door stop with my foot, and opened it before stepping into the hall. I wedged it open with the stop and then reached on the other side to find what Sage had left. Upon touching it, I immediately knew what it was; it was the ball gag she had me wear this morning as she ravaged my ass in the quad.
With my pulse quickening, I did my best to ball up the gag in my fist to best conceal it from my students, and then made my way back to my desk. Upon returning, I hid the item in my lower desk drawer, and tried once again to distract myself in work. This time I had more success, and soon the class periods began to go by without much thought. That is until fourth period arrived, Sage's class, and my mind flew back to all the devilish possibilities she could come up with for our lunch time activity.
As usual, she pretended not to notice me, and I was forced to try and not look at the slow moving clock every chance I got. Then with twenty minutes left in class, something new happened; Sage texted me during her class period. She had never before done this and I knew it meant she wanted to toy with me before lunch came, and the message certainly indicated that exactly.
"Almost lunch time subslut... I bet you are soaking with anticipation. Wouldn't want to get those pants all wet, so how about you take them off... NOW!"
I gulped after reading the message, but knew better than to go against my mistress' wishes. Instead, I put my phone down on my desk, and did my best to take off my pants without being too noticeable. I was rather successful and got them down to my ankles where I had to figure a way to get them off over my heels. Thankfully, my desk's lower drawer provided the answer as I simply opened it up and turned to look as if I was filing papers. This allowed me to bend down and unfasten my shoes before taking my pants the rest of the way off. As I did, I could see the gag within the drawer looking back at me and reminding me of just how risky I have been behaving.
With the pants off, I put them in the drawer with the ball gag, and got my heels back on. As I closed the drawer and turned back to facing straight my phoned buzzed once again with a text from Sage.
"Impressive teacher SLUT, someone most really want a trip with her Mistress. Let's see how far you are willing to go though... unbutton the bottom three buttons on your shirt."
Without hesitation, I did just as commanded and was left sitting behind the cover of my desk with just the top two buttons fastened on my shirt and a pair of heels. There were no more messages from Sage for the next five minutes, but with ten minutes left in class she broke the silence so to say with a new text.
"Ok my SLUT, ten minutes left... undo the top button."
With a bit of tremble in my hands I reached up and quickly unfastened the top button, leaving only one holding it on. I was certainly showing a considerable amount of cleavage, but not too much to draw a lot of attention. I wasn't able to dwell on it to long because almost immediately I got another message from Sage.
"You love this don't you? How far are you willing to go?"
It was a tough question to answer, but I knew there was only one true answer to be given. I had to listen to my inner slut and give her what she wanted. I rapidly typed out my answer back.
"As far as it takes. As far as you push me. NO LIMITS!"
The last part was in all caps for a purpose, to express just how committed to following her every command. Unfortunately, Sage stopped texting me once again. It wasn't until two minutes before the bell rang that I got another text from her.
"No limits huh? In that case when the bell rings undue the last button, and then once I stand you stand as well."
She certainly knew exactly how to push me. I sat behind my desk for those last two minutes just staring at the clock and counting down the seconds to the bell ring. With just five seconds left, my right hand reached up and touched the button. It was undone the moment the bell chimed, and I just sat there watching my students getting up and leaving the room. All seemed to be oblivious to my state of undress, and made attempt to even look to me as they hurried off to lunch caught up in the normal conversations of high college students. I looked to Sage who as usual took her time packing her belongings, and then without warning she stood up. I almost froze as she did, for three students were still making their way towards the door, but I did as instructed and stood up as well. I could only hope that the students didn't turn back and look in my direction, and just kept moving uninterested in my class.
Those few seconds as I watched the last three students exit my room felt like an eternity. With each step they took my heart beat harder, and my mind kept thinking they were going to stop and turn. It wasn't until all three made their final step out the door that I was able to let my breath out. I looked over to Sage as a shiver went through my body, and I noticed that she too was moving to the door. Rather than exit though she instead went and shut it since I had propped it open earlier.
Sage calmly walked back towards her desk and bag with the slightest sight of a grin on her face. As she reached her desk, she instructed I remove my shirt. It was off immediately, and dbangd over the back of my chair as I awaited her next instructions. I watched as she pulled out the same strap-on harness she wore that morning, and this time it had a dildo attached to it I had not seen before. It was larger than the black one she had been using over the last few months, longer, a bit wider, and purple. Made of a soft jelly material, it was at least twelve inches long and a good two inches wide. Just as she had that morning she fastened it to her hips and then walked over to me.
My mistress said no words as she came up behind me, bent me at the waist over my desk. I felt the cool ooze of lube begin to pool on my rear entrance, and new for a second time that day I would be taking a good ass fucking. Next, I felt the bulbous head of the new toy pressing its way into my rectum. With just the tip I could tell it was more dildo than I have ever had before. Sage was taking it slow, inching the piece in bit by bit. After a few seconds she spoke up for the first time since telling me to remove my shirt.
"Unlike this morning, I am not going to hammer your whore little ass, but instead slowly penetrate you until every inch of this beauty slips inside you."
And that is just what she did. Inch by inch, she slowly sank the purple intruder into me. I could feel it slipping into untraveled regions of my anal track, disappearing deeper into my intestine. It filled me up more than anything I had ever experienced. Once it was completely in to the hilt, and I could feel her hips pressing firmly against my ass cheeks Sage spoke again.
"Very good my slut. All twelve inches hidden in your ass; what an anal slut. Don't move I have to do one thing real quick."
She then reached over me, pressing the fake cock a fraction deeper, to grab a large permanent marker off my desk. I heard her uncap it, and then began to use it to write something across what felt like the entirety of my back. I knew full well that with the shirt I was wearing, and its sheer back, whatever Sage had written would be able to be clearly visible no matter what. She capped the maker when finished, reach back across me to put it away, and then spoke once again.
"That looks perfect, and very much describes you. In case you are wondering, I wrote in large capital letters, across you back, 'ANAL SLUT'. I think that sums up what you have been so far today. Well I think that will do it for lunch time fun; I need to get a bite to eat to fuel up for after college fun."
Sage then began to withdraw the long fake dong, causing me to no longer have a full feeling but instead left with a feeling of emptiness. She took it out slowly, but it soon left me entirely and was left to hang between her legs. I remained bent over my desk, feeling the gape of my stretched out hole open and close as my mistress took of the harness.
"I think I will store this in your desk for the rest of the day rather than have to continue carrying it in my bag."
She then proceeded to open my bottom desk drawer to drop it in, but stopped momentarily upon seeing my pants.
"Oh, look at your discarded pants I think it would be really naughty if I took these with me. That would leave you without them for the rest of the afternoon, and that would certainly be daring. Still have want no limits slut?"
I blushed at the idea of having to remain bottomless for the rest of the college day, but responded the only way that would truly satisfy my deepest, darkest desires.
"Yes Mistress, no limits."
"Excellent. You may stand and put your shirt back on. I will be back after college to continue to see just how far you are willing to go to earn our trip together. Until then, behave yourself like a good little slut."
Sage then walked back to her desk and bag with my pants, before putting them inside and walking out of the room without even looking back in my direction. There was still about ten minutes left during the lunch break and I simply just sat down in my chair and reflected on what just happen as well as how I would get through the rest of the day without pants. I did open the bottom drawer to look at the left behind strap-on and large purple dildo prior to the bell ringing. It was out of curiosity and fascination that I looked; I wanted to look at what not long before had be completely buried inside me. I was astonished that something of its size could fit completely within me, but as the bell rang I had to close the drawer and attempt to refocus my head on the remaining periods in the day.
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Though the last periods of the my day kept me on edge at all times, being naked from the waist down and having a crude, but true message written on my back, I fortunately did not have any unfortunate circumstances arise. My students were content to work and read quietly at their desks, and I was happy to allow it. Every once in awhile I would feel my arousal build on my naked thighs, and had to touch myself just to confirm how wet I was. I felt as though I could smell my lust waft up from under my desk, and feel the radiant heat warm the air around me. Also, the use of my rear entry was a constant feeling; it felt sore and aching, but also longed to have something once again shoved into it.
Two minutes prior to the final dismissing bell, my phoned lit up with another text instruction from Sage. I knew it was going to be a task to push me a bit before she arrived back in my class after college, and I nervously read it to find out just how big of a push it was to be.
"Hope as is well my SLUT, college is almost over and I have plenty for you to do once it is. However, before it is I want you to send me a picture of your naked cunt as it looks from under your desk. If I don't receive it prior to the bell ringing, you will not like the result. See you soon little ANAL SLUT."
Instinctively, I brought the phone under my desk and began to snap a picture of my exposed sex. The first attempt was blurry thanks to my trembling hands, and I had to really steady myself when I took the second. Happy with the result, I quickly sent off the erotic picture with about thirty seconds to spare, I could only hope my mistress would receive it before the bell's chime. Once the bell rang, I nervously sat and waited for Sage to arrive. It was an agonizing wait, not knowing if she received the message in time, wondering what was in store for me next. However, before she arrived I received another text from her, and I knew I would have to wait a bit longer to see her.
"Very good job of getting the picture to me on time; what a bad teacher you are for not wearing pants in college. Let's see just how bad you are. No limits right? If so, take your shirt completely off and send me another picture of you standing completely naked in your room. After taking it, wait for me to arrive by hiding under your desk."
All I could think was how daring this was going to be. To be completely naked in my classroom, taking a picture o myself to send to my mistress, all while the door is wide open, and people are still roaming the halls. I couldn't let myself think about for too long, I had to prove to Sage I wanted this trip; I needed this trip. Quickly, I peeled off my blouse, tossing it in the bottom desk drawer with everything else, and took one deep breath before standing up. I reached my arm out in front of me to capture the picture, and tried my best to pose sexily. Thankfully my first attempt was perfect, and I instantly sent it off to my mistress before taking cover under my desk.
It felt like an eternity the amount of time I spent waiting, hiding, under my desk. Every sound emanating from the hall caused me to hold my breath, and every instance of silence caused my heart to race. I was slick with arousal, but made a concerted effort to not touch myself as I knew if I did I would likely not be able to stop myself. The touch of the cold metal of the desk on my skin was a constant reminder of just how naked I was, and how vulnerable. My body started to tremble with nerves and anticipation, I just wanted to see Sage appear in front of me and use me how she saw fit.
Finally, after an agonizing and extremely arousing wait, Sage entered my room. I could hear her shut and lock my door before moving towards my desk and dropping something atop of it. I first saw her shoes, and only heard her voice from my hiding spot.
"Where is your shirt slut?"
"It's in my bottom desk drawer mistress."
I watched as the she pulled open the drawer, and retrieved my discarded shirt. She then walked away from my desk for a moment, and I heard her reopen the door. I could tell that she had left and then returned when the door opened and closed again. Seconds later she was back standing in front of my desk, and I stared at her lower legs as I waited for more instructions.
"Well my little anal slut, in case you are wondering, I just threw your shirt away. That of course means you no longer have access to any clothing except of course your heels. Does that turn you on my little slave slut?"
In fact the idea of being naked without the chance of getting dressed did get me excited, and it was all thanks to the journey Sage had guided me on. I responded immediately and honestly like a good little sub-slut.
"Yes Mistress, it truly does."
"I bet; all sluts get wet from being forced to be naked. Now slut, how about we have some fun? Stay under there for now, but I will be putting the strap back on with the 12 inch dildo. Then you will suck it down your throat like a proper whore as I sit at your desk and film the whole thing."
I was eager to serve her in any way I could, and so I patiently waited as she strapped on the dildo and got herself positioned on the chair in front of me. The purple member was soon sticking out at my face, taunting me to take it into my mouth. I dutiful did as ordered and open my lips to receive the cock. As I let the first few inches into my mouth I looked up to get my first glimpse of my mistress. She looked back at me with a smile and the video camera. I so desperately wanted to impress her, and I knew deep down that to do so, I needed to try my best to get her fake cock into my throat.
Refocusing on the task at hand, I begin to really work the strap-on over. Bobbing my head up and down to try and lube it up with my saliva. I was attacking it with all my volition, desperately more into my throat. After a few short seconds I had the first six in, but I was in no way satisfied with that. I wanted to push myself to take as much as I could; to see just what I could accomplish and prove myself to Sage. It was like I was a wild animal attacking its prey. My mouth was sliding up and done the shaft with intensity, and I could feel my throat expanding to accept more of the purple intruder.
I closed my eyes to truly keep focused, and redoubled my efforts. Each moment my mouth was on Sage's cock, the more my excitement built, and the more I wanted in my mouth. It felt as I had it in my throat deeper than anything ever before, but I did not open my eyes to look; I didn't want to lose momentum. Spit began to bubble up around it, and I was making guttural gagging sounds the more I attacked it. I slid back until it was almost completely out of my mouth before pushing myself back onto it, and really pushing as much of it into my throat as I could.
The angle at which I had to blow Sage's fake dick was ideal for deep throating because it was a straight shot from mouth to throat. Knowing this, I wanted it deeper than I thought possible. I didn't allow myself to think of it as impossible, but rather a challenge to be conquered. I felt up to the challenge, was in no way going to back down without fighting for it. Then all of a sudden it happened, I felt my stretched mouth press against the base of the cock and the leather of the harness.
My eyes shot open to look, and indeed I had done it. I had gotten all twelve inches into my throat just like I had with my ass. Looking up to Sage and the camera I could tell she was impressed with my success. It felt amazing to have conquered the dildo, and it felt amazing to know I had it so deep in my throat. I held it there for a moment to dwell in the moment, and as I did Sage spoke after turning of the camera.
"Impressive slut, you really like taking this cock deep. First your ass, and now your throat, someone is really making strides towards earning that trip. You can stop for now, but remain under the desk."
I was a bit disappointed at the idea of having to stop, but at the same time excited to see what my mistress had in mind for me next. Inch by inch, I backed off the dildo until only a string of saliva was left dangling from mouth to the tip. It broke away and landed on my chin as Sage stood up to take off the harness. I could hear her lay it on my desktop, and then spoke once again.
"I have some good and bad news my slut. The bad news is that I to go for today because of something I need to get done, but don't you worry I have plenty planned for you to do. See the good news eager slut is that I want you stay the night here at college completely naked. I will leave you a list of tasks to complete on your desk as well as supplies needed to complete them. You are to remain under your desk until I leave, and then come out and look over the list. Is this understood slut?"
I couldn't believe what she wanted, but at the same time was excited at the prospect at having to spend the entire night naked at college. I wondered what tasks she had lined up for me, so I answered the one way I knew I wanted.
"Yes Mistress."
"Good, I will be back in the morning and the list indicates what I expect from you when I do. See you later slut."
All I heard were her footsteps fading away as she left the room. I took an extra moment to let the levity of the situation sink in before come up from under the desk. I was a ball of nerves and excitement, and my hands trembled as I read over the list.
"You are to complete everything on this list:
1.You are to take 10 photos of yourself at different locations in college using the self timer option on the camera.
2.You are to post the five photos of you I have provided, on the door of each administrator (principal, assistant principal, and the three deans). They are to remain up until I come back in the morning.
3.You are to find five random objects to insert into your ass. Take one picture of each before and then one picture of each with them in your ass.
4.You are to go for a midnight run around the track. Do four laps, and then finish with a shower in the boys locker room.
5.You will sleep under your white board with the following message written on it, 'Naked Teacher Slut Sleeping'.
6.You will wake up at four in the morning, take another shower in the boys' locker room, and then wait for me to arrive outside your class at 4:30. You will be naked (not even shoes), wearing a blindfold, ball gag, and hands cuffed behind you.
Everything must be done, or I will figure you don't want our trip. See you in the morning SLUT."
Overall, the list did not seem to daunting. I have done plenty worse during my servitude to Sage, but usually with her around to push me. Now I would be expected to perform all tasks on my own, and all while naked at my college. The one thing I did have going for me was the fact that my college did not any big extracurricular activities like sports to keep students after college for too long. The track was built not only for the college, but for the community and it hardly got used. The only thing going on for the night was a national honor society meeting which ended at 3pm, and most all teachers leave will before then. Also, there isn't a janitorial crew for the night, meaning that after about 4pm the college is empty. I would have the entire college to myself for the night.
So with all of that filling my head and bolstering my confidence, I set the list down and looked to the bag containing all of the supplies I would need for the night. Inside I found the camera for task one, an envelope I figured contained the five pictures of me for task two, a towel and other toiletries, and finally the blindfold, ball gag, and handcuffs. All in all, my night to me seemed pretty cut and dry, and I felt as though all was doable.
Considering I had all night to get the tasks done, and I still had a few hours until the college would empty out, I decided to get caught up on my regular college related work. I was far behind on grading and planning, so I put all the items back into the bag, cleared my desk, and for the next three hours went to work getting not only caught up, but also planned out for a month. Of course, I did all of this while sitting completely naked behind my desk. Occasionally I would have to get up and move around my classroom to gather materials or resources, and each time I did I would get a wicked little thrill knowing I was doing it without a stitch on.
Quickly, time went by as I wrapped myself up in college work, and when I was finally done it was after six, which of course put a devilish grin on my face knowing the college was more than likely all mine. Having this in mind, and my pussy practically flowing with arousal, I decided that there was no time like the present to get started on first three tasks. The others would have to wait as they are for specific times. I had finally realized that I hadn't even looked at the pictures Sage had left for me to post on my administrator's doors, so I pulled out the envelope and took a look.
To my shock, not only were they all extremely naughty pictures of me with my face clearly recognizable, but they each had my Name and the naughty message "I'm a dirty slut for you" printed on them. I looked to the backs of them, and noticed Sage had indicated which picture was for which administer. Each had me in a different humiliating pose and of course naked. The picture intended for the door of my principal showed me on my hands and knees, ass facing the camera with a plug inside, and my head turned back to capture a beaming smile. My assistant principal's door would receive one of me on my back with my arms pulling open my legs wide to show the banana that was poking out of my cunt, and me making a kissing face. The first dean was to get me sitting naked atop my college desk, with my legs spread apart and my chest pushed out showing off the SLUT written across my stomach. Dean number two was going to get me with a ball gag in my mouth, knelling out in front of my house with my hands cuffed behind me taped to his door. Finally the third dean's door would see me with my tongue out stretched to lick the tip of a dildo, while another was inserted into my pussy as a squatted onto it.
I was a bit nervous about having to post all of these photos of myself, but knowing Sage would be arriving so early the next morning eased my worries. Certainly she would allow me plenty of time to remove them before anyone could possibly see them. With my mind at ease some, I put the photos back into the envelope and grabbed the camera. I figured I could knock out the first three tasks on my list in one outing. The only thing I would have to think about would be exactly where to take the ten pictures of me that would most please my mistress, and what five items to choose to insert into my own ass.
With the camera and envelope in hand I proceeded to exit my room. Now, I took it slow, peaking out to make sure the hall was clear and listening for any sounds that would indicate anyone still around. When I felt the coast was clear, I took my first tentative steps into the hallway, but almost retreated when I heard the loud clicking echo of my heels on the hard tiled floor. Once I realized there wasn't much to be afraid from the sound of my steps, being that there was no one there to hear them, I continued on more confidently. After a few more steps, the sound of my heels on the tiles only encouraged me to keep going; as if they were shouting out that I was a confident naked woman walking freely through the halls.
Eventually, I reached the end of the hallway, and arrived at the entrance to the library. I looked around again, now that I was in a more open and exposed area, but again it seemed like I was indeed alone. The library spanned, with a run of tall windows, the length of an open quad area filled with lockers. It was at that moment that I the idea to get a photo taken of me standing in front of the library's windows struck me. I took the camera and envelope to a set of lockers across from the library to set up the shot. Getting the timer set for ten seconds, I rushed back to pose in a classic stance; slightly bent with a hand on a hip and a finger in my mouth. When the flash went off, I returned to the camera to view the picture, and was satisfied with the outcome of me looking both sexy and suggestive. It was the perfect first picture of the evening.
With a first successful picture, I grabbed everything and continued on. I made my past the lockers towards the front entrance of the office, and I couldn't help but think of what a wonderful picture opportunity it would be in front of it. So of course I jumped at the opportunity and quickly set the camera up again, and just as with the library picture, captured another wonderfully perfect image of myself. I entered the office with a beaming smile on my face, and full of self confidence and pride. My arousal was also overflowing, and only increased further each time I posted the provided pictures to my administrators' doors. Five damningly inappropriate photos with suggestive captions, that if seen by any of their intended viewers would result in the end of my career, but rather than be nervous and scared I was a ball of sexual fire looking for more.
Eagerly, I scampered around campus to snap off the last eight required pictures. I took them everywhere; outside the gym, inside the girls' locker room, inside the teacher's lounge, standing next to a urinal in the men's restroom, on the counter of the cafeteria, swinging around the flag pool, in front of a vending machine, and leaning over a mop bucket in the custodian closet. Once I got going, I couldn't stop. I was having a blast running around the college naked, and trying to come up with creative pictures to take. Not even once did I think about getting caught, I was simply enjoying the experience and reveling in my willingness to complete my mistress' objectives for me.
While I was cruising around college posing, I too was keeping an eye out for interesting objects for my third task. I wanted to impress Sage with my creativity, so I tried to think outside the box when it came to what I was to insert into my butt. While in the office I had noticed on the desk of one of the secretaries a smooth marble obelisk about five inches tall and I knew it was my first item. The squared edges certainly posed some difficulties, but I was able to conquer them with the picture to prove it. I also inserted a small towel I found in the custodian closet, the wired end of a whisk I found in the cafeteria, the salt shaker from the teacher's lounge, and the nylon leash to my college ID lanyard. The last item of course brought me back to my classroom, and once done I looked to the clock and saw it took me about two hours to complete the first three tasks of Sage's list.
I still had about four hours until I was to complete my fourth and fifth tasks, and then after try my best to get some sleep before having to wake up so early to be ready for Sage's return. So knowing I would be lacking sleep, I decided to try and get a nap before going out for my run. I set my phone's alarm to go off at 11:30 and did my best to make up a comfortable place to sleep. It was the only thing I could think to do to pass the time while being left naked at college and not being allowed to pleasure myself without my mistress's approval. I wondered just how long I would have to wait before being allowed to climax again; though I truly knew the answer would be once I earned my trip. This then lead me to think about what else Sage had in mind for the coming days to make me earn my trip. Eventually, all of these thoughts slipped away as I drifted to sleep.
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My dreams of submission and pleasure faded away as the chirp of my phones alarm clock buzzed me awake. I at first was a bit disoriented, but soon remembered I was sleeping naked in my classroom as Sage had ordered. Slowly, I stirred back to an alert state, doing my best to prepare myself for the run around the track I was about to impart on. To wash away some of the sleepiness, I decided to make a stop by the restroom to wash up a bit.
I grabbed the towel and toiletries I would need for after the run and then exited my room to head off towards the girls' restroom down the hall. Upon entering, I quickly splashed some water on my face to liven me up some before checking myself out in the mirror. It still was a stir to see myself completely nude in my place of employment. Who in their right mind would ever spend an entire night naked at the college they teach at? I obviously had a problem, but it wasn't one I wanted to be solved; I just wanted to continue on my path of submission to Sage.
Once I felt as awake as I could get, I left the restroom, and made my way towards the outdoor track. Being a regular runner, I wasn't too concerned about the exercise aspect of this task, but the fact I would be outside with nowhere to hide while naked was more of a concern. The track was located behind the college and away from the streets, but it still was open to viewing from anyone who would happen to be around. The only thing that helped calm my nerves some was the fact that it was the middle of the night, and the lights to the track would be off; meaning one would have to be pretty close to the track to see anyone running on it.
I got outside the college and felt the slight chill of the night air on my skin, causing goose bumps to form. Running on this cool night would feel great, and help me free my mind some. I continued my way to the track, with the towel and bag of toiletries in hand. As I reached the boys' locker room I dropped off the bag and towel to focus on loosening up my body some for the quick one mile jaunt that lay ahead of me.
As I walked closer to the track, I took my time to stretch out my muscles, get my blood flowing some, and pump myself for the run. Eventually, I reached my destination and was stunned by the silence that surrounded me. It was void of any sounds, completely peaceful, and it was calming enough for me to forget I was about to be running naked on my college's track. I stepped out onto the running surface of the track, did a few more stretches, took off my heels, and then proceeded to start jogging.
Four laps is all I had to complete; one mile in the silence and the darkness. It felt freeing to be out in public, jogging naked. The chill of the air engulfing my skin, the warmth of my body from the exercise all felt amazing. I had never run naked before, and it was an experience I felt I good get use too. Halfway around for my first lap, I good feel myself begin to perspire, and my heart rate was rising to a good aerobic state. Running barefoot also was new; I could feel every inch of the track on my soles and could adjust to subtle changes. After completing my first lap, I just let myself get lost in the experience, and enjoy the run.
I took my time to finish the four laps, and when I was done I had a feeling of achievement and excitement that I have only felt when submitting directly to Sage. This too was at Sage's wish, but in a way was different. It wasn't overtly sexual in any way, but made me feel sexual and excited. My skin was coated in a light shine of sweat, and it felt amazing when the midnight air breezed across it. I picked up my heels and began walking back towards the locker room, for another new experience. To shower in the boys' locker room was going to be new and exciting.
Picking up my bag and towel, I opened the locker room and proceeded towards the showers. Looking at the lockers, I couldn't help but think of the number of boys that change in the room on a daily basis and what it would be like if I happened to walk in like I was when they were in here. I shook the thought from my head, and got myself stationed at one of the shower nozzles. Lay my bag and towel on a bench as the water heated up, I grabbed the soap and shampoo Sage had supplied, as well as my tooth brush and tooth paste. Returning to the shower now, I indulged the feeling of the hot water cascading over my body and imagining what I must look like to an outside viewer. Doing so, my body ached for release, but I knew too well that release was not to be had in my near future.
I concentrated instead on the feelings of the water, the soap, and the heat on my naked body. Warming my body, cleaning it, and heightening my level of arousal were exactly the feelings my mistress must have had in mind for this entire night. To get me to a level of sensuality that only I could achieve without the any obvious sexual interaction. This revelation only caused me to linger in the shower, and take in all I could from the experience.
However, I knew I had to end the moment and get my rest; for I knew that Sage would have plenty in store for me in the coming hours. I turned the shower off, dried myself, and returned to my room. I was now cleaned of the day, completely, even the message written on my back by my mistress had been washed away and I was ready to take on the day that lay ahead. Though Sage had noted I was to sleep after my shower, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to sleep. Instead I decided to get my room prepared for the coming day's lesson to get it out of the way while Sage played with me and my mind. I only had about three hours until her arrival, and with my earlier nap I felt confident that sleep would not be an issue.
Those few hours crept by, but fortunately I was able to get things in order, and even wrote on the white board what Sage wanted me to. I found myself with nothing to do for the last hour, and then I decided to write; I began to write my feelings and experiences over my time with Sage in a spiral notebook from my supply closet. I wrote out everything, every thought, every meeting, every feeling, getting it all out and on paper was thebangutic in a way. I was able to truly relive my experiences, and come to some sort of understanding about what I was experiencing.
I lost myself in the writing and soon found that it was time for me to get into the proper position to await Sage's return. Grabbing all of my supplies needed, I rushed to my door and knelt down outside in the hall. Quickly, I put the ball gag into my mouth, securing it behind my head. Next, I applied one of the cuffs to my wrist before putting on the blindfold. Finally, I brought my arms behind me and fastened the other cuff to my free wrist, sufficiently lock my arms away. Now all I was able to do was wait for my mistress to return. The amount of time she wished for me to wait must be part of the test to earn my trip; it is extremely difficult to wait thirty minutes, blindfolded, gagged, and restrained.
It was an agonizing wait, and felt like an eternity. The idea that maybe she wouldn't show kept creeping into my mind, and I had to fight the urge to try and move. Suddenly, my wait was over as I heard the sound of heels clicking on the hard tile floor of my hall. I had no way of knowing for sure if it was Sage, but at this time of the morning it was unlikely to anybody else. The steps grew closer, and I grew more anxious, more aroused. I could feel my wetness grow and spread to my upper thighs.
The sound of the steps stopped as they stood in front of me. I felt a hand grasp the front of the blindfold and pull it away from my face. As the rush of light swarmed into my eyes, I heard her greet me.
"Good morning slut. Did you have a good night, and complete everything I wanted you to do?"
I answered while still adjusting to the light with a nod of my head.
"Excellent. I'll check the camera to see the pictures, in the mean time you should probably go pull the pictures from your administrators' doors. However, to keep it interesting, I am not going to ungag you or un-cuff you. You will have to figure a way to get them down without the use of your mouth or hands. Good luck slut."
She left me kneeling in the hallway as she entered my room carrying her book bag, and another medium sized duffle. It was a bit of a struggle to stand, but once I did I took no time to ponder my new task, but simply made my way to the front office to get those pictures down before anyone arrived.
Reaching my destination, I was thankful that I had taped them up at head height. This meant I could use my head and face to try and peel or pull them down to the floor and then squat down and pick them up with my hands. This was however, easier thought up than actually being able to complete. The first picture took some time, and eventually after really pressing my face into the photo, I was able to create enough friction to pull it down. Quickly, I squatted down and picked it up. With each picture, the task became a bit easier, but my face began to feel as though it was being rubbed raw. On the last one, after picking it up of the floor, I looked back at the door and noticed that a portion of there was still attached. I had only ripped some of it off, and there was still a piece left. The portion that remained was out of reach to pull down the same as the others, so to quickly pull a chair from the reception area to climb atop of. It was at this moment, I realized I could have done this to begin with and cursed myself for not coming up with it earlier.
With the last piece finally off, I pushed the chair back to reception as best as I could, and hurried back to my room and Sage with the pictures in my tight grasp. On my return I noticed that Sage had erased the message from my broad and had replaced it with more pictures of me in humiliatingly naughty poses. My entire white board was covered in the lewd photos of myself, and all I could do was stand in my doorway looking at them dumbfounded. It isn't until Sage moves that I scan over to look at her and see that she is standing behind my desk completely nude. She notices me look to her and speaks.
"I see you like the new temporary room decorations, but don't worry you should have plenty of time to take them down before students arrive. In the meantime, how about we have a bit of fun? Come over here and kneel."
I did as told to, and was soon kneeling before my mistress. Once in position, Sage began to rub herself into my face. I could feel her warmth as she slid her wet slit up and down me. If not for the gag, I would have instantly begun licking her. This though was more to use me; to humiliate me. Just rubbing her crotch across my face to provide pleasure to her, made it as though I was just a piece of furniture or tool she could use at her disposal. I didn't mind that feeling however, in fact I felt more aroused by the idea that being used. Sage however, didn't seem to worry one way or the other. She just seemed to be focusing on getting off, and didn't care what or how that would make me feel.
She only rode my face for a few minutes before finishing with a crashing climax that covered me in her juices. Breathing a bit heavily, she pulled away and allowed herself to come back down from her high.
I just remained kneeling, feeling the juice of my mistress' orgasm dry on my face, as she recovered. After a few moments, she was back to normal but continued to remain silent. She began to go through the duffle bag she had brought as if looking for something. Finally, she stopped and pulled out a tube of lube, and a medium sized glass butt plug. Grabbing me by the upper arm, Sage pulled me to my feet before bending me over my desk. Within seconds, I could feel the cool slickness of the lube being applied to my rear, followed shortly by the firm pressure of the plug. Thanks to Sage's training of my ass, the plug went in without much effort, and wonderful as it did. I truly loved the feeling of having an object in my ass. With the plug in place, she then unfastened the cuffs from my wrist, followed by the ball gag. She then had me turn back to face her as she spoke.
"Well slut that was quite the enjoyable experience. I hoped you found some enjoyment in it as well. As I told you earlier, I would give you plenty of time to remove the pictures from your white board, and then dress. You are to put all of the pictures, including the ones pulled from the administration's doors, into a file labeled 'Slutty Behavior in your filing cabinet. Then put on the clothing I provided for you in the duffle bag. I will be sending you further instructions via text message, so keep your phone nearby. Have a good morning my little slut, and I will see you soon."
I watched as she dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans combination; noticing that she did not put on any underwear. Once she had on her clothes, she slipped on her sandals, grabbed her bag, and made her way out of the room. I stood motionless for a moment, before walking over to begin taking down the pictures covering my whiteboard. As I did, a memory from each picture would penetrate my mind and cause my sex to heat up. There were 32 all together, and I neatly stacked them, along with the ones I pulled down earlier as I walked over to my filing cabinet. From the bottom drawer, I pulled out a new blank folder to slip the photos into. With them tucked into an appropriately labeled folder I pulled out my top drawer containing all of my reproducible materials for my classes. I slid the new folder into one of the back spots near some old worksheets that I had not used in ages before closing the drawer. Knowing that such graphic material of me was just inside that drawer added a level of excitement for the day.
Making my way back over to my desk, I looked into the duffle Sage had brought to pull out what I was to wear today. It contained only a pair of white, patent leather heels, with a 3 inch heel, and a simple cotton dress that hung to mid-thigh, and buttoned up the front with 8 buttons. The dress was navy in color, and rather conservative in nature compared to some of the past outfits Sage has had me wear in college. Quickly, I put on the dress and heels and actually felt sexy in it. The buttons where spaced enough apart that if I bent over, or moved in certain ways, the fabric would bunch to show a bit of skin. Plus, the cotton felt soft and smooth on my naked flesh.
I got things in order around my room as I waited for the morning bell to ring. With all the time I had last night, everything was prepared for today and I actually had time to sit and relax at my desk. I hid the duffle, that now contained the ball gag, handcuffs, and lube under my desk; allowing myself to drift off into thought. It wasn't long however, until I was startled back to reality with the ringing of the morning bell.
Students began filing in, and the morning started off as any usual morning at college. After getting the kids settled down, and started on a task, I returned to my desk to see if I had any text messages from Sage. I was pleased, excited, and a bit nervous to see that I in fact did have one from my mistress.
"Okay slut, your class should be occupied with a task by now so I think it is time Teacher gets daring. Cut off the bottom button of your dress and put it in the water bottle I left on your desk. Text me when you have done as I have ordered."
Looking atop my desk, I realized that there was indeed a bottle of water sitting there; I had not noticed it before due to the haze of sexual excite in my mind. It was a full, unopened bottle, which meant putting a button inside would keep me from getting it back out and also keep it somewhat visible to anyone happening to look.
I hurriedly pull a pair of scissors from my desk drawer, and slyly snip off the button at my desk. Doing so caused the dress to fall open more as I sat, and meant that when standing the open flaps went up till just about an inch from my sex. Putting the shears away, I twisted open the bottle, took a quick swig, and then nonchalantly dropped the button inside before twisting the cap back on. Once done, I immediately text Sage to inform her of my completion. In a matter of seconds I receive a reply back.
"Very good my eager little teacher slut, let's see if we can't step it up a bit more. Go and get the file you just stashed away in the cabinet. Once you have it, walk to the back of the room so you are facing the backs of your students and begin to go through the pictures. As you are going through them, order them in terms of sluttiness with the least slutty on top, and most slutty on bottom. When you complete this task, put the file back and text me."
This was certainly stepping it up a bit; looking at such pornographic material in my classroom is one thing, but to do so while my students are also in the room is another. However, I knew I was going to it. I knew that I needed to do it. I could feel my pussy drip with the idea of it.
Setting my phone down onto my desk, I stood and made my way over to the filing cabinet. As I did, a few students looked my way to see what I was doing, but soon were back working on their assignment. Reaching the cabinet, I could feel a bit of a tremble in my body as I began to pull out the drawer. The excitement and nervousness of the moment was affecting me. I was able to power through though, and retrieved the naughty labeled file; bringing it with me to the back of the room. I made sure no one was looking before I opened the file and began to sort through the extremely erotic and arousing images of myself. As had happened when I took them down from the broad, each time I looked at an image, a sexual spark jolted through my mind and body.
I took my time to go through the pictures, taking my task seriously and also taking time to look up occasionally to check on the students. After about three minutes I was satisfied with the order of which I sorted the photos, and proceeded to return the reorganized file back into the cabinet. Unlike the first time however, I chose to slide the file into the front section of the drawer rather than the back. I don't what caused me to do that, but it certainly added to the level of arousal I was experiencing. Once back at my desk, I shot off the confirmation text to Sage and sat to await a reply as first period drew close to an end.
The dismissal bell rang before I received a text back from Sage, but once I was back at my seat from greeting second period at the door I had her reply waiting for me. I however could not read it right away, as I again had to get my class prepared for the period, and started on their assignment. I had to really restrain myself once the students got to work, to keep from running over to my desk to read the message.
"Cut off the top button, and put it with the other."
It was a short and sweet message that had the desired effect of causing me to quake with arousal. Unlike the previous button, I was going to have to be a bit more creative in cutting off the top one as I had no cover from desk. I decided to do as I had with the file, and take the scissors to the back of the room, and cut the button off there. Happy with my solution, I retrieved the scissors and made my way to the opposite side of the room. Once I made sure no one was looking, I quickly snipped off the button, effectively opening up the top of my dress to show off a good bit of cleavage. I then returned back to my desk to drop it off in the water bottle as I had with the previous one. When I returned to my desk, I had another message waiting for me from Sage.
"I'll assume you have completed my previous task, and am letting you know that it will be the last until my class period arrives. Hope you can manage on your own until then."
I was a bit disappointed to read the message and to know I would not hear from my mistress for another period and a half. However, I did believe that the wait would mean she could possibly have some truly wicked in mind for me when that time arrived. Until that moment though, I was left to wade through the remaining period, and a following one until I would find out what Sage did have in store for me. I was a slippery mess with the endless possibilities.
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The that it took for Sage's class to finally arrive felt like an eternity, and because I had so much time to myself last night, there wasn't anything for me to do to distract me. Occasionally, I would get up from my desk and stroll around the room to check on the student's work, as well as attempt to distract myself from the agonizing wait. As I made my rounds, I caught a few students trying to steal glances of my legs and chest now that they were a bit more exposed, but played it off as harmless curiosity considering not much of me was exposed.
Eventually, the bell did ring signaling that Sage would soon be arriving, and I was sure that she would indeed have something devilish in store for me. Just as I had with all the previous classes, I greeted the students at the door, especially Sage, and then got them started on the assignment for the day before taking position behind my desk to await a message from Sage. Within a minute of waiting, the message I had long been awaiting had arrived and I eagerly grabbed my phone to view it.
"I must say slut, you do look very pretty in you dress today, but I am sure we can turn pretty into slutty by day's end. Let's start by cutting off another button... how about the new top one, and put with the others once you do."
I was somewhat expecting that, but none the less it was still a bit of a difficult task. I had to remove another button from the top of my dress, which meant I had to get up and walk to the back to do so. Also, that meant that any sudden movement could possibly leave a breast exposed if I was not careful. Just the thought of it however had me creaming in my seat, and reflexively my hand reached out for the scissors and I stood. Walking to the back of the room, I could feel my legs quiver with nerves and arousal. I scanned the room to be cautious before snipping the button off. Though it opened up the top some, not much more of my chest was exposed than it had been before. I just had to make sure not to lean to far over, or shift to rapidly to either side.
Returning to my desk, I dropped the button into the bottle with the other two, and saw my phone's notification light blinking to signal I had a message awaiting me. I sat down carefully; taking the time to make sure my chest was adequately covered before reaching out for my phone to read over the new message from my Mistress.
"Cautious choice to remove the button in the back of the room; not what I had in mind, but I will allow it. Now, I am going to ask again, how daring are you willing to get today? Your answer will determine not only today's outcome, but future days as well."
Quickly, I read over the message and took a moment to think over what she was asking me. How daring was I willing to get. I answered this the day before, and now have an idea of what exactly it could entail. So with that in mind, I replied back the same as I had previously, and knew truly it was the only way to answer.
"Mistress, I am willing to get as daring as you will push me to get. Anything you ask of me shall be done. Again, I want no limits. I am your slut to use and to enjoy."
Sending the message off, sent a wave of excitement and arousal throughout my entire body. I couldn't stop imagining the ways in which Sage would push me to be daring; how far she would be willing to make me go. Nothing else in my mind mattered more than doing as Sage wished. I was drunk on here control, addicted to her power over me. It never occurred to me that it shouldn't be like that, that I was the elder and person to be thought of in the superior role. For whatever reason, Sage from day one had this hold on me, and I wasn't able to break even if I wanted to. I sat at my desk nervously bouncing in my chair as I awaited another message from Sage in response to my answer. It finally came, and I almost fumbled my phone in my attempt to pull open the text.
"Just what I thought, cut another button from the bottom, and put it with the rest."
I expected this message and was prepared to go through with it already. Even though in doing so meant I would only have 4 remaining buttons holding my dress closed, and that the slit in the front of my dress would stop just a few inches away from my uncovered sex, I still was in no way going to back out. My hand shakily reached out for the scissors, and I again snipped off a button from my dress, this time from the relative safety of my desk. With the button detached, I set the sheers down and went about the same routine for dropping it into the water bottle. I watched it sink to the bottom of the container to join its fellow fallen brothers, and to quite possibly await the arrival of those still standing. My phone buzzing drew me back to real life, and I was pleased to see another message from Sage.
"Only 4 remain, but I'm sure we can change that by the end of the day. However for now, let us change directions a bit; in the duffle there is a zipper pocket on the inside. Within the pocket you will find a tube of icy hot. You are to smear a dollop of the icy hot onto your wet cunt, and do so right at your desk. Enjoy Slut."
The idea of rubbing a medicated ointment into my pussy while sitting in my classroom as it is filled with students was electrifying and insane. Then again it didn't stop me from immediately bending down to grab the duffle out from under my desk and begin searching for the stowed away item. When I found the pocket, I slowly zipped it open to retrieve the contents within. The tube was a normal travel size bottle of icy hotand not much else.
With my dress now missing some buttons, it was going to make my task just a bit easier. I could shift over on my chair to allow my ass to hang off, while still supporting my weight with half of it on the chair. Slipping the dress open on my legs and tucking it behind me opened up accesses for the task. In position, and making sure no one was looking, I flipped open the cap of the tube to squirt some onto my finger and apply it to my hole. Then I rubbed the some onto fingertips before slowly pressing themagainst my warm sex. I had to really focus on not being obvious or move abnormally as I continued to rub the ointment into my folds. Eventually, I felt as though I had thoroughly rubbed the icy hot in and was able to pull my fingers away.
I readjusted my dress to cover me, and repositioned myself on the chair normally. Feeling the ointment begin to heat up my aroused pussy a shiver ran through my body, and a jolt of excitement shot to my pussy. Then my phone signaled yet another new message from Sage, and another jolt hit my pussy.
"Pretty slick slut; I applaud your quick completion of the task. Now, take a walk around the room with your new wardrobe adjustments and heat source, as if you are checking up on the students. When you get back to your desk, I will have sent you a message indicating what you will do during your lunch period."
Taking the proper precautions to make sure I was adequately covered by my dress, I stood up and began to take a slow stroll around the room. I noticed that any quick movements caused the lower flaps of my dress to fly open, so I did my best to maintain a consistent speed as to not flash of my goods to the students. The path I chose was around one side of the room like I had earlier when cutting off the button, then cutting down the middle row back to the front before circling around the other side of the room to cut back down the middle to my desk. Overall, the walk took about a minute with no one I could see realizing the adjustments to my dress, but as promised, there was indeed a new message on my phone when I returned.
"I'm sure you are absolutely leaking right now from all of the excitement, and that is why at lunch you will go use the restroom in the teacher's lounge to wipe yourself down. Inside the restroom, you are to completely unbutton the dress and hang it from the hook on the back of the stall door. You will then insert two fingers into the slutty cunt of yours and wipe them across both of your cheeks on your face. If you have to use the restroom, do so and then get redressed. However, upon buttoning up your dress do not button one of the middle buttons; leave it undone. You will then exit the restroom and the lounge to return to your classroom where you will find further instructions on a piece of paper taped to the bottom of my desk. You should leave yourself at least twenty minutes to complete the second set of instructions, so don't dilly dally in the bathroom slut."
Looking up to the clock, I saw that the class was almost over and that my lunch time adventure would soon begin. In my state of dress I was somewhat nervous about walking around the crowded halls, and even more so about having other faculty members see me like I am. I was able to convince myself that the dress covered me appropriately, and that if I was careful no one would be able to tell I was without underwear and with a butt plug lodged inside me. No sudden moves as I made my journey to the restroom and I would be just fine.
Moments later, the bell rang and I was startled some back to real time. I waited for my students to file out, and watched Sage as she did the same before standing up from my desk to make my exit. I strolled out of my classroom with my class keys, and closed the door behind me. Taking one last look down to make sure I was covered still, I move on towards my task, careful not to move to fast and cause my dress to flare open. There were students walking all around me as I journeyed the hall towards the lounge, and I had to really focus to keep at a normal pace.
Eventually, I reached my destination without any incident and once inside the teacher's lounge I was thankful to see I was the first teacher to have arrived. I quickly darted towards the ladies room to complete my task. Inside there were only two stalls; a normal sized one, and a handicap stall; I chose the normal sized one, and began unbuttoning my dress once I entered. With only four buttons to unfasten, I made quick work and quickly had the garment hanging on the coat hook attached to the back of the stall door.
Reaching down with my hand, I slipped two fingers into my warm, juicy box as instructed, and had to really use some self-control to keep from pleasuring myself on the spot. Instead, I did as detailed in Sage's message and pulled them out to wipe the slimy arousal onto my face. I could smell the aromatic arousal of myself as I slid my coated fingers across both of my cheeks. The scent would be a constant reminder of just how slutty I am, and just how far I am willing to go to serve Sage.
Satisfied that I had completed my task, I used the restroom quickly and then retrieved my dress and began to redress; making sure to intentionally miss buttoning the second button from the top. Doing so allowed the dress to somewhat push open and exposed more skin if I wasn't careful. I smoothed out the dress, and exited the stall and restroom. In the lounge a few teachers had arrived, but all seemed either to be engaged in conversation with each other, or waiting in line to get there food from the counter. I did say hello to a few of the ones I was friendly with, but did not stop to talk with them as I knew that more awaited me inside my classroom.
Back inside my classroom, I hurried to Sage's desk and reached under the table top for the next set of instructions. I was able to find them rather easily, but did wonder how she managed to tape this note under here without being noticed. However, I did not want to ponder that curiosity for long, but rather find out what the instructions contained. Unfolding the sheet of paper, and making sure not to tear it, I read the note to myself.
"1. Go stuff the blindfold and ball gag into your snatch, letting the straps of each hang out.
2. You are not to sit for the remainder of the college day.
3. Tape five of the naughty photos of yourself, that don't entirely show your face, to the bottoms of the desks in the middle row.
4. I will be in to give you further instructions after college."
So naughty and dangerous, were Sage's instructions, but looking at the clock I knew it was best not to think and instead just do. I hurried to grab the blindfold and ball gag from my, and then easily slip both into my overly saturated slit. I then retrieved the file containing all of the photos of me, and leafed through them to find five that met the criteria. All five photos where of me on all fours with a different item inserted into me, but with my face not captured in the shot. Grabbing my tape dispenser from my desk I obediently began the task of taping each photo securely to the bottom of each desk in the middle row. I made sure to tape them down well so as to not have any of them fall off, or be accidently felt by one of my students.
With my initial tasks complete, I straightened out my dress to cover as best and most I could, and then waited for the next class bell to ring. The standing task for the remaining periods would not be too much of an issue; it just meant I could not use my desk as added cover. Considering I only had three buttons fastened of the four I had left after starting with eight, I would have to take extra precautions with my movements. Also, I had the dangling straps of the blindfold and ball gag that if I wasn't careful could become visible. The only way to get through it would be to stay headstrong and push through. I would just act as if everything was fine and normal, and no one would be the wiser; or at least I hoped that would be the case.
The next bell rang and the following periods went by with me filled with anxiety and nerves. I kept wondering if my students were looking at me any different, if they could tell just how undressed I truly was. Every moment of a student's head I was sure entailed they were trying to get a look at me, or noticed something off about me. I slowly paced around the room during the period to look more natural, but had to really focus on how my dressed moved with me and it caused me not to really be able to focus on anything else. Of course my worries and paranoia was most likely all in my head, as it seemed that my students didn't really care if I was in the room or not. Eventually, my fears were able to drift away when the final bell dismissing college rang.
With my students now gone, I stood and waited for my mistress to arrive. As I waited, I looked down at my dress which started out with eight buttons, but now only had four remaining with only three fastened. It was just covering enough of me to keep me from being too suspicious of my goings on, but barely. My heart begun to flutter with the excitement of how I was dressed, and the journey it took for me to get there. However, before I could think about the feeling further, Sage came into my room.
"Looking good my little teacher slut, I hope your last periods went smoothly."
I nodded my head in response, as she proceeded to close and lock my door before heading over to me with her book bag on her shoulder.
"Well, might as well take the dress off now considering it's barely on you to begin with."
I complied quickly, and soon found myself standing naked in my classroom once again.
"I have a few exciting aftercollege activities planned for you today, but first remove the blindfold and gag from your cunt and then help me undress."
Again, I quickly followed Sage's orders, and pulled out the items from my dripping sex before focusing my attention on getting her clothes off. Once I had both her t-shirt and jeans off, she reached past me for the ball gag and blindfold and then put them both onto me before having me knell. The aroma of my arousal on the items was thick and intoxicating; I could also feel the dampness on my skin which only further triggered my arousal.
"There, now you look like a good sub-slut ready to be used by her mistress."
Just as she had that morning, Sage begun to rub her exposed crotch into my face, seeking pleasure from me. I love the way her slick lips felt gliding across my nose and stretched open lips. She used one hand to hold my head in place as she continued her grinding into me. I only wished I had my mouth available to taste her, but knew that this was how Sage wanted it, and I had to respect that.
Occasionally, her grinding was more forceful, and she would pull my head into her extra tight to build further friction. I just knelt there and took it like a good sub, and enjoying every moment. Her juices were coating my face, and I was becoming drunk on her aromatic arousal. She eventually came, jerking her hips and pelvis into my face as she did. Seconds later she came down from her orgasmic high, and undid the gag from my mouth and removed the blindfold.
"Once again slut, that was amazing, and to treat you on your good work, I will allow you to lick out my ass for a bit."
Sage then turned around, bent over slightly, and presented me with her rear end. I wasted no time falling into position, and soon had my hands on her ass cheeks and my mouth puckered up to her asshole. Letting my tongue flatten out over her delicate rosebud, I coated it with my saliva. I began to really get into the task, and soon had my tongue lodged just inside her entrance. She tasted divine, and I could feel my pussy become even more saturated then before. I felt as though I could lick out Sage's ass forever, but unfortunately that was not to be. After only a few short minutes, Sage pulled away leaving begging for more.
"That's enough slut, I can't let you become spoiled now. Plus, your first planned activity starts soon, and I don't want you to be late. I have been thinking you could possibly work on your flexibility some, so I signed you up for a yoga class this afternoon. It starts at three at your gym, and I got your yoga attire here with me."
Sage then grabbed her book bag, opened it, and pulled out a pair of black yoga pants, and a pink sports bra. She also pulled out a pair of simple pink flip flops.
"Here, put these on so I can see how you will look."
I took the garments from Sage, and pulled on the pants first. She had said nothing about removing the plug, so I assumed she wanted me to leave it in. As I pulled on the pants, I realized that they were not as thick as usual yoga pants and actually seemed to be a couple sizes too small for me. The thin fabric really stretched as I pulled them up my legs and over my ass to my hips. The stretching helped to thin out the already thin material, and create a somewhat sheer effect. I could only imagine what it would look like when I would bend over and stretch into different yoga poses.
The sports bra was also a bit more flirty than normal, with thin straps over my shoulders and across my back. While it did cover everything up, and provided adequate support, it also made sure to accentuate my breast rather than push them down as other sports bra tend to do. I could see myself, but I was sure I looked a bit stripperish and quite possibly a little underdressed for the gym.
From the look of me, I can get a sense of what Sage is hoping to happen to me. She wants me to be embarrassed to be dressed as I am at the gym. She wants me to be humiliated when I bend over and stretch in yoga; showing off all my goods, and the plug. I know this, and I know that I will certainly be a bit embarrassed dressed as I am at the gym and a bit humiliated knowing what can be seen when I bend over in these pants. However, I also know I will do it for Sage, to prove my obedience and to earn my trip away with her. I was ready for anything Sage could throw at me, and I was sure she still had plenty in store for me in the coming days.
"Will don't you look like the perfect little gym slut? I wish I could be there to look at the reactions on the other gym goers faces. Oh well, I'm sure you will remember. You better get going, don't want to be late and end up in the back where no one can see you. Here, you can wear this until you get to your car."
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She handed me a simple windbreaker jacket and my car keys. I was fortunate that she allowed me to have the jacket, as the college would still be filled with other teachers and plenty of straggling students who would probably be caught off guard by my pink sports bra. I slipped the jacket on, and got ready to head out to my car.
"Oh, and before I forget, inside your car you will find a gym bag with a towel and your change of clothes for the next after college activity. Also inside you will find instructions for after the class and info about what is next after your yoga session. Have fun slut."
I nodded my understanding, and turned to leave. It was different, because I was leaving my classroom while Sage was still standing naked in it. Usually it happened the other way around. I chose not to think about it too much; figuring she just wanted to take her time to get dressed and possibly pick up all the erotic paraphernaliainside my room.
I passed through the halls of the college, still filled partially with students, on my out to my car to leave for the first time in two days. As I walked, I could feel my butt jiggle a bit in the yoga pants, and also the continual pressure of the plug which had now been inside of me for close to 9 hours. At my car I did indeed find a gym bag inside on the passenger's seat, and I wondered what exactly my change of clothes and second activity would consist of. However, I didn't take the time to look inside to see what I'd be wearing, and instead started my car to head over to the gym. If Sage wanted me the front row, I was sure I would have to get there early to do so.
After a short drive I arrived at my location, and lucked out to find a parking spot close to the entrance. Grabbing the bag off the seat, I made my way inside and after checking in at the front desk, headed into the locker room. I had made sure to grab a quarter from my car to be able to have access to a locker to store my stuff. Also, I wanted to try a find a somewhat secluded locker just in case Sage had any devilish ideas for me after Yoga. Finding a good locker, I took off the wind breaker and store it along with the bag inside before leaving to find the room for the class.
I was about ten minutes early, and only a few other women were already inside. It looked to be one group of three friends and then two others alone. I stepped inside the windowed and mirrored room, grabbing a provided mat, and taking my spot at the front near the center. The group of women spotted up behind me and to the left, while the other two women had spots in the front on either end. As I waited for the instructor to arrive, and the class to start, I began to loosen up my body some by doing a bit of routine stretching. While I stretched, more women began to arrive, and most where getting their fair share of looks in of me and how I was dressed; also I could tell that some chattering had begun about as well.
Promptly, the instructor arrived and soon began the hour long class. We started with basic yoga poses, and worked our way to some more intermediate ones. Each pose that involved bending over at the waist I knew was providing quite the show for anyone behind that cared to look. The fabric of the pants would be stretched to near breaking points, thinning out the material to reveal everything I had; pussy and plugged asshole. To make things even more interesting was the sweat I was working up, and my own natural arousal forming wet patches on my pants. Every once in a while, during a pose, I would hear some snickering from the women behind me and I knew it was me that was the cause of it.
By the end of the class I was exhausted and thoroughly embarrassed. The humiliation of openly exposing myself in that manner had me shaking after the hour was up. Sweaty and aroused and exited the yoga room, and headed back to my locker. I knew the instructions would be a waiting for me in the bag, and though I was thoroughly embarrassed from the most recent task, I also was excited and intrigued to see what was to come. The giggling of the women in the class grew louder the further I got away from them, as if trying to push the humiliation further, but I did not care because I only had one thing on my mind; what was next.
Inside the locker room, and at my locker, I pulled out the paper to see what Sage had waiting for me.
"Hope yoga class went will slut and that you feel nice and limber. As for what you are to do next, firstly take a shower because I am sure you are a sweaty, smelly pig after your class. However, you are to strip down naked at your locker and leave your clothes and towel inside of it as you go take it. I want you to have to walk naked across the locker room with that plug in your slutty ass.
At the showers, immediately pull out the plug, rinse it off, and then stick it in your mouth until you are finished and return to your locker. Wash yourself using only the provided soap dispensers; hair and body. When you have finished washing yourself, return to your locker dripping wet, and then slowly take your time to towel off. Make sure you do your best to remain uncovered the entire time. Once dry, lay the towel down on the bench, and finally remove the plug from your mouth storing it in the gym bag.
You'll find in the bag lotion to use on yourself; make sure to take your time applying it, doing your best to be as sensual as possible. Once you are moisturized from head to toe, reach in and grab out what you are to wear to your next activity. You will be going to the movies, and having a bit of fun. I'll text you the movie, time, and theatre in a bit. Hope you enjoy you little locker room experience slut.
Mistress Sage"
The idea of walking naked across the locker room was thrilling, and nerve racking. In my attempt to get a tucked away locker, I inadvertently pick one on the far end of the room from the showers. Now I had been to this gym plenty times, and have taken a number of showers there, but I don't recall ever seeing a woman just freely walking through the locker room in the nude. Of course I have seen the occasional naked woman in the showers and getting changed at the locker, but nothing as blatantly sexual as I was about to attempt.
Because I couldn't think of letting Sage down, I peeled off my sports bra and pants, and set both inside the locker. It took only seconds for me to become nude, and I was instantly aroused from it. No one was around to see me, but that was soon to change as I made my way towards the showers. I had to travel about 200 feet approximately, and being that it was getting closer to the busy time for the gym, the room was filling up. The closer I got to the showers, the more women I began to pass. At first, I don't think anyone really took too much notice, but eventually I did notice more second takes and a bit of whispering lofting in the air.
However, no one said anything directly to me, and I soon made it to the showers. The showering area consisted of a long narrow room, with tiled floors and walls. Along either side of the room where lines of shower stalls that allowed a person to shower somewhat privately, which made the next part of my task a bit easier to manage. I quickly fond a vacant stall and shut myself inside; turning on the water as I did. As the water temperature rose I reached behind me and pulled out the plug that had been embedded in my ass for the majority of the day. It had a slimy coat of lube on it, which I quickly rinsed away under the shower head, and then inserted it into my mouth. I felt ridiculous with it in my mouth, but knew it was only going to get more embarrassing after the shower.
By now the water was warm and I began to rinse away the sweat and the day from my body. I took a moment to really let the heat of the water engulf me, and take my away from reality. Eventually, I came back to the present and began the task of washing myself. It took some time considering that I could only use the soap dispenser in the shower, but I got down to business and got myself lathered up. Rinsing away all of the suds, I again took time to linger under the water to enjoy the warmth and the pressure. Of course the idea of my arousal kept into my find, and I had to fight the urge to act on it and touch myself. That would have been against the wishes of Sage, and not the proper thing to do.
Turning off the water, I let myself drip dry a bit before opening the door to my shower stall and taking my first exposed step back in to the public eye. More women were walking around the shower room, but all had on either towels or gym clothing; I was the only one stark naked with a butt plug lodged in her mouth. As I began walking out of the room, the looks and stares came quicker and more apparent. So too did the chatting about me, with many women openly calling me names like slut, and skank. I ignored it all, and focused on my path to my locker. Occasionally, I would pass a group of women and one of them would point at me, at the plug in my mouth, and they would all begin laughing. The entire walk was extremely humiliating, but for whatever reason I was also becoming wildly aroused.
Eventually, I reached my locker and thankfully I was still somewhat secluded from everyone. Anybody could still walk over and see me, but at the moment no one was near. I quickly opened my locker and pulled out the towel to dry off. I made sure to do so as Sage had requested, and did my best not to cover too much of myself in the process. My body was soon dry, and I was able to get my hair dry enough so it was no longer dripping wet but rather damp.
Setting the towel down on the bench, I then took out the plug to inside the locker and then reached into the bag and found the bottle of lotion Sage had provided. Again, just as she requested, I started to apply the lotion all over my body as sensual as possible. I started with my feet, lifting them up to the bench and bending over to slather them with the lotion one by one. After each foot was done, I switched my attention to my legs and again propped my foot on the bench top to do so. I slowly worked the lotion into the skin on my legs, and inched my way closer to my exposed pussy. Though I didn't touch my slit, I could certainly feel the heat radiating off of it as rubbed the lotion into my groin areas.
Once my both legs were adequately moisturized, I began on my butt. I really worked the cool, creamy substance into each cheek, making sure to also get into the crack. I'm sure that to anyone who would have happened to see me would have thought I was molesting myself. Satisfied with the job on my ass, I worked up my torso and my breasts. Massaging the lotion into my body in public was certainly an invigorating experience. I got the rest of my body finished, and stashed the lotion back in the bag before pulling out what I was to wear to the movies.
To my shock, all that Sage had provided me was a mid-length, tan trench coat. Nothing else was provided with it, and believe me I looked. Considering I had no other options, I slipped on the coat and fastened it shut with the buttons, and belt. The top button seemed to be missing, as I suspected Sage may have had something to do with that, but overall the trench coat concealed my nudity quite well. It fell to about mid-thigh, and would look as though I was just wearing a short skirt or pair of shorts underneath.
I started to pack up the gym bag to leave, when my phone buzzed with a message from Sage. It listed out the movie, one that had been out for quite some time, the theater, and time of 7:10pm. It would take me about ten minutes to get to the theatre, which meant I had plenty of time to make it there. With the gym bag packed up, stashed my car keys into the pocket of the coat and felt something contained in it. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill of which I realized Sage had provided so I could pay for the movie. I exited the locker room, still earning stares from the other women, and strolled out to my car. As I walk, the bottom of the coat would split open to allow my legs room to swing back and forth, as well as show off a great deal amount of skin. So much so, that I am sure that anyone clever enough would realize I wasn't wearing anything underneath.
At my car, I threw the bag on the passenger seat and climbed inside. The thrill of only wearing a coat in public certainly got me hot and bothered, and I good only hope Sage had something even more wicked planned for me at the movies. I drove the ten minutes to the theater fighting the urge to let my hand fall to my crotch and play the entire way. I arrived thirty minutes early which I felt would be perfect and allow me to pick a seat in the back. After purchasing the ticket at the window, and having it torn by the attendant inside, I made my way to the theatre to find my seat.
As I assumed, the place was empty, because of the fact that it was a movie that had been out for a while, it was still thirty minutes until it was to start, and that it also was a weekday. I was able to get my seat in the back row and right in the center. While I sat a waited for the movie to start, I began to wonder what kind of devilish plan Sage had in store for me. I came up with all kinds of off the wall ideas, but knew that no matter what I crafted in my head, it could never compare to what Sage could create. After about twenty minutes of waiting and no one joining me in the theatre, I felt my phone buzz to life with another message from Sage.
"I will be there in a few minutes. Make sure you are in the back, and I expect your coat to be open when I arrive."
Her message was simple and to the point, and it also gave me a warm feeling knowing that I would be seeing her soon. I quickly unfastened my coat and opened it to comply with Sage's wishes. My entire naked form was on display to anyone who would come into the room and venture towards me. I was sure that I was too visible from the bottom rows, but knew that if anyone did come in that the further they came up, the more they would see of me. My breathing quickened and my heart raced as I sat exposed, waiting for my Mistress. My eyes were constantly darting back and forth to the two entrance ways, hoping to Sage and praying no one else.
Three minutes passed, and I heard the door at the right entrance way open. My breath caught and heart stopped, as I waited eagerly to see who would appear from around the wall. The seconds it took for the mystery person to come in felt like hours, but eventually the wait ended and I was happy and relieved to see that it was Sage. She ascended the stairs to my row with a wicked little grin on her face that I knew meant exciting things for me. Unlike at college, she was no longer wearing just a t-shirt and jeans but instead a long flowing, black cotton dress dbangd over her petite frame. The hem fell to her ankles and was held in place by two thin shoulder straps. A leather belt synched the dress at the waist, and a large leather purse completed her look.
As she reached my seat, she spoke without sitting down.
"Well slut, don't you look stunning. I think we will be able to have a lot of fun tonight at the movies, but first I need to get a drink. Give me the change from your ticket, and watch my purse; I'll be right back."
Setting her bag down on the chair next to me she turned and left, and as quick as she had arrived she left just as fast. I was left to once again sit alone and exposed in the empty, quiet theater. I looked over to Sage's larger than normal purse, and wondered what it could contain. My thoughts were diverted however when the lights went out, and the screen began to display the previews for upcoming releases. I was wondering what was taking Sage so long as I watched with little interest the second preview roll across the screen. Finally, part way into the third, Sage appeared once again from the right entrance hallway carrying a large fountain drink in her hand. With her black dress she almost blended in with the darkness of the room, but I was able to keep my eyes locked on her as she climbed her way towards me.
As she reached me again, this time she said nothing as she set her drink into the armrest cup holder, and moved her bag over one seat to sit down beside me. Once settled in she said one word, and one word only, "Coat" while holding out her hand. I immediately knew what to do, and slip the open coat the rest of the way off and handed it over to my mistress. It was another first for me, as I sat completely naked in a movie theatre awaiting further instructions from Sage.
We sat in silence for the reminder of the previews as I remained a ball of nerves in my exposed state. Finally, after the opening credits played through, Sage spoke, "Put these on behind you" she said handing me a pair of cuffs I assumed she pulled out of her purse. I quickly and obediently complied, locking my hands up behind my back. I now had to lean forward a bit to keep the metal of the cuffs from digging into my wrists. Sage's silence resumed once the cuffs were attached, and I had to constantly wonder what was next.
After five more minutes of silence Sage spoke up.
"I wish there had been more people here that would have made things a bit more interesting. I guess we will just have to take things a different way. Why don't you start by standing up and walking up to the screen, bending over, and then walking back slut?"
I nodded my understanding and stood up to begin my walk. Having to walk, restrained and nude to the front of the theatre wasn't bad considering it was empty, but the idea that anyone at any moment could walk in kept the danger level up and my excitement bubbling. I slowly strolled my way down the stairs to the screen, stopping at its center, and bent over at the waist with my ass pointed towards Sage. With my task complete, I returned the way I had come to get Sage's next set of instructions.
"Very nice my little sub-slut, you looked so slutty walking out in front of the screen. It caused me to get a little wet, so get down on your knees and get between my thighs to lick me."
Without a moment of hesitation, I dropped to my knees in front of Sage and got my face under her dress that she was kind enough to hold up for me. My mouth immediately found her slit, and began lather it with my tongue. She tasted so divine, and though I had already had my face between her thighs twice that day, I still savor the experience for all it was worth.
Sage let me lick her for quite a while, but I could tell she wasn't looking for me to make her cum just yet. The sound of the movie playing behind me only made the whole experience hotter, as I was simply there to service my mistress as she got entertained by another source. After about ten minutes of attentive tonguing, Sage pushed me away and ordered me to stand up. I did as I was told, and stood up in front of her naked and cuffed as I awaited further instruction. I watched as she reached into her bag and pulled out a large, realistic shaped dildo and held it in front of her.
"Though I enjoyed your meticulous tongue bath of my pussy, it was starting to distract me from the movie. So, why don't you use your mouth on this while I continue to follow along with the movie? Oh, and do it over there on your knees slut."
As she said that, she tossed the dildo over to the end of the row with a thud, and I submissively trailed after it as if like a dog playing fetch. Reaching the spot at which the dildo landed, I dropped to my knees and began to use my mouth to stand the phallic toy up right. Once it was standing tall and straight, I did as ordered and worked my mouth onto it as if it was indeed a real cock. I really pushed myself to make it a truly realistic blow job; to show off to my mistress just how obedient I could be. Saliva soon coated the rubber prick, and my throat began to be invaded by the length as I worked my way further onto it. If the dildo could of, it certainly would have cum all over me by now.
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My assault on the fake dick continued for some time, and I would switch my methods from deep throating to sensual suckling to keep things interesting. Occasionally, I would steal a glance over to Sage, but never did I notice her looking my. She seemed perfectly content watching the film rather than her naked and cuffed submissive felating a large dildo on the stairs of a public movie theatre. While I felt a ping of disappointment that she was not watching me, I knew better than to let it deter me from performing at anything else but my best.
Eventually, once the movie was about half over, I heard Sage call over to me, instructing me to return to her with the dildo in my mouth. I quickly grabbed the dildo up with my teeth, stood, and eagerly sauntered over to my mistress. She removed the rubber phallus from my mouth, and set it into my chair's cup holder. The thick rubber piece protruded out towards me almost in a taunting manner, but my attention went back to Sage as she reached for her bag once again. This time she did not pull out anything, but rather was opening it to put stuff away. I watched as she folded up my coat and stuffed it inside before reaching over for the dildo and placing it atop my tucked away garment. She zipped up the bag and then spoke.
"Well I'm bored with this movie, not quite what I thought it was going to be. Let's get out of here so I can get home and do some homework, and you can get yourself some well needed sleep I'm sure. We can go out the back way considering how you are dressed, unless you would prefer to go out the front."
I shook my head no, though the idea did make my nether regions tingle.
"I figured as much. I'll lead the way, but don't you dare fall too far behind. Let's get going slut."
Sage began to walk down the stairs to the theatre's back exit, and I obediently followed behind her. Within seconds we reached the exit door which opened out into the back alleyway behind the Cineplex. It wasn't too late at night, but still there was no one around and everything was silent. We stepped out into the alley, and the door shut behind me marking no way back in, we could only move forward now. My car and I assumed Sage's too, were parked around the front of the theater which meant I would have to take the risk of being seen openly in front of the building. A shiver ran through my body at the thought, but Sage seemed to have no drawbacks about it at all.
She continued to walk through the alley towards the front of the building as if I wasn't following behind her naked. Not wanting to disappoint my mistress I nervously followed close behind. As we reached the corner of the building, Sage took a peek around and then a glance back at me before taking the deciding step out into the open. I took a steadying deep breath and followed. Fortunately, as I appeared from around the side of the building, I did not see any sign of cars pulling in, or people walking about. This steadied my nerves some, and allowed me to continue on.
We approached our cars, Sage had parked beside me, and I glanced back at the main entrance of the theater as we did. That's when I noticed that there was a small group of five or six people waiting in line to purchase tickets to a show. All they would have to do would be to turn and look in my direction to notice I was walking through the lot completely naked and helpless. I pulled my stare away from the crowd, as I assured myself I was fine and no one would look.
A few more steps and we reached our cars. Sage went to her car first and ordered that I stay standing at the trunk to wait for her to give me my car keys. She opened her car door, and dropped her bag on the seat before opening it up and digging out my keys from the pocket of the coat. She also reached over to the cup holder and retrieved the keys to the cuffs I was still wearing before returning to me. Once she unlocked my wrists, she handed me my keys and gave me my final instructions for the night.
"You are to drive home as you are now. Once home, do whatever you need to get ready for bed. I want you well rested for tomorrow, for it will be a long one. Meet me at the college at 5 am dressed in the outfit I left for you on the bed. Is this clear slut?"
I nodded my head indicate my understanding of the instructions.
"Very good, I will see you tomorrow morning then. Drive safe slut, and get your rest you are going to need it."
With that she returned to her open car door and proceeded to enter it and pull away. I nonchalantly walked over to my car and did the same. The drive home was uneventful, considering I made it while nude, but it went quickly and I couldn't wait to get back home to fall asleep. It wasn't until I started driving that I realized how exhausted I was. A good night's sleep was certainly in order, and even the curiosity of what Sage had planned for tomorrow would keep me from achieving it.
Once home, I quickly enter my house and made my way to the bedroom. I wanted to take a nice relaxing bath, touch up my shaved regions, and then crash into bed. On my bed I saw the outfit lift out for me by Sage and a sly grin appeared on my face. It was just a white, baby doll style dress, and a pair of white leather heels. I could not even begin to imagine what she had in mind for me while wearing that outfit, and I chose not to ponder it either. Rather I wanted to take her advice and get my rest, but first a bath.
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22-05-2020, 01:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 22-05-2020, 01:05 AM by hirarandi. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
After my relaxing bath the night before and a rather rejuvenating sleep, I awoke early in the morning ready to continue my submission to Sage. I cleaned myself up, making myself presentable for my mistress, and then dressed in the provided clothing option for the day. I looked ten years younger in the small baby doll dress, and my hair in pig tails for an extra punch. The hem of the dress fell to just above mid-thigh, and I wondered how Sage expected me to teach in such a short garment. The shoulder straps were a basic tank style with a deep scoop in the back. I also noticed that the material of the dress was rather thin, and that the color of my nipples was visible through the dress.
Sliding into the heels only accentuated the shortness of the skirt as I stood atop four and a half inch tall shoes. They too, would make it difficult to teach in, but I had to reassure myself to trust in Sage's choices, as she has not yet steered me wrong. She has steered me dangerously close and thrilling on the edge, but never to the point of negative ramifications. Looking over myself in the mirror I could begin to feel my pussy moisten the possibilities to come, and my body quivered with the thought.
Ready to go, and satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my keys and phone to head out to meet Sage. I arrived three minutes to five, and waited for my mistress's arrival. She pulled into the lot just at five and parked next to my car before signaling me over to her. I quickly exited my car, and headed over to her passenger side door, and as I reached it she unlocked the door to allow me access. Once inside my mistress's car and seated, she spoke.
"I love the addition of the pigtails to your overall look slut; very teeny bopper. Well as for today, we are going on a little field trip to do some shopping, and don't worry yourself, I already set up for a substitute for your classes. Shall we slut?"
Sage started the car and pulled away from the parking lot. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of tennis shoes. Of course she still looked absolutely stunning. I sat in silence as I wondered where we were headed to. Soon my wonder was answered as Sage made her way on to the highway heading south, where she indicated that we going to the next town over to shop the outlet mall that was there. The next town over was about an hour drive, and because it was still early traffic was light.
We made excellent time, but the whole trip I kept expecting Sage to order me to do something; take off my dress, play with myself, or play with her, but nothing ever came. This frightened me some, because I knew that it probably meant she had bigger plans for me which of course also excited me to not know for sure what to expect. Pulling into the town, that early Sage decided it might be best if we had breakfast considering the shops would not open for another hour.
She pulled up to a local diner that served food 24 hours a day, and parked. Before getting out she looked over to me, and smiled a devilish smile that I knew meant she would soon be putting into motion part of her plan. We exited her car and made our way through the relatively empty lot to the entrance of the eatery. I only saw a few cars parked in front of the place, and figured that they didn't much traffic at this hour.
As we walked up to the entrance, Sage informed me that I was to sit with my knees apart, and that I was to allow her to order for me. Upon entering the diner, we were greeted by a middle aged waitress from behind the counter telling us to pick a seat and that she would be right over to get our drink order. I followed sage as she walk into the dining area and chose a booth next to the glass windows overlooking the parking lot. She sat on one side, with her back to the entrance, and I slid in across from her while remembering to keep my knees apart.
With the table top in the way, no one would have an easy time seeing up my dress, but it certainly would be noticeable that I was wearing a short dress and had my knees apart. However, a quick look around the place, I knew there wasn't going to be too many people trying to look. The only other patrons were all well older, and stationed at the counter on the stools with their backs to our booth.
Sage looked over the menu stashed at the end on the booth, and I did the same to make it look as though I was actually having an ordinary breakfast. In fact to anyone else I sure it was going to look like that, but I knew that this breakfast was going to be anything other than ordinary.
Eventually, the waitress that greeted us came over and took our drink order. Sage ordered herself a cup of coffee, while for me she ordered just a glass of ice water. The server jotted it down and left us to ponder or meal options. Once she left us alone, Sage looked up at me from the menu and spoke.
"I think I'll have the Denver omelet, and you will just have the cut fruit plate.'
I just nodded my understanding and put my menu down. We sat in silence as we waited for the waitress to return with or drink, which soon she did. Once dropping off our two beverages she took our meal order and went off to check in on the guests at the counter. With her out of ear shot again, Sage spoke up while reaching into her purse.
"Spread open your legs some more, I want to take a picture of your snatch exposed while you sit in this booth."
Without even the slightest hesitation, I opened my legs further and watched as my mistress dropped her phone below the table and snapped a picture of my exposure. She brought the phone back up to look at the image, and another smile appeared on her face.
"Now, pull down your top so I can get one of your perky tits as well."
This time I did take a moment, but only to look around and check to see if the coast was clear. The waitress was nowhere in sight and the other patrons still had their backs to us, so I quickly yanked the top of my dress down to show off my breasts to Sage's phone. Seconds later, I heard the sound of the shutter, and I was able to readjust my dress to hide my chest again. Sage seemed satisfied with both pictures because she didn't ask me to do it again so she could retake them. In fact, she actually showed both of the images to me before setting her phone down on the table. Both pictures were highly erotic and had the same effect of causing my sex to moisten. I looked so natural sitting in the booth with my pussy and boobs out in the open; as if it was just another day in the diner for me.
A moment later the waitress returned with our food, asked if we needed anything else, and then turned back to focus on the counter when Sage said we were all set. We ate our food in relative silence; I could tell Sage was trying to build up my anticipation for tasks to come. Every once in a while she would smirk coyly at me before putting a forkful of omelet into her delicate mouth, and I would just quake with trembling nerves as I awaited the next daring task. I was somehow able to focus enough to finish my cut fruit, which seemed to make Sage happy as she gave me some praise for doing so.
Sage soon finished her food as well, and the waitress came back to clear the table and drop off our check. As soon as she turned to walk away, Sage slid the check over to me, indicating I was to pay. However, as I stood up to go over to the register to settle up, Sage stopped me to indicate just how I was to do it.
"You will pay using your credit card, so you will have to sign a slip. When the lady hands the pen over, you will fumble with it and let it fall to the ground. Then you will have to pick it up, but do so making sure your ass is facing the patrons seated at the counter and your knees are locked. Think you can manage that slut?"
I nodded indicating that I understood, knowing full well that it was my humiliation and embarrassment she was looking to achieve from this task. I also knew that it would only cause me to seek further such attention, and drive my passion to continue performing as Sage saw fit. As I walked away from our booth, I could feel the cool air of the diner engulf the wetness of my arousal. The image of my exposure popped into my head at that moment and I knew full well that the glisten of my slit would be noticeable to those you looked.
Reaching the counter I set the ticket on top of it, and waited for the waitress to come over and ring me up. It took her only a moment to refill a few of the other customers coffee mugs before she made her way over to me, and by that time I had my card ready to be swiped. As I stood there watching the women punch in my tab and ready my card to be run through the system, I could feel my arousal grow and could of sworn I felt it begin to coat my inner thighs. That meant it would only be more obvious how turned on I was when I bent over, but I was shaken from that thought when the waitress handed back my card and a pen to sign the freshly printed slip.
Considering I was a bit distracted, I actually did feel as though my fumbling with the pen and my card wasn't too obviously purposeful. It was almost unattended, the way I let the pen slip through my fingers as she handed it over to me, and then allowed my card to follow soon after as if I was trying to catch the falling pen with both hands. Mere seconds was all it took for both to lay rest on the diner floor, and no sooner had they fallen that I did as instructed by Sage and bend over at the waist, ass pointed towards the counter patrons, knees locked, and picked up the two items.
My exposure was brief, but noticeable by anyone caring to look. When I stood back up with the pen and ready to sign, I could see that the waitress looked, and did seemed all too pleased with seeing me wetness. She had a look of almost disgust on her face, as if I was just some tramp causing a ruckus in here diner. I simply ignored her look, signed the slip of paper, and said thank you to her before turning to rejoin Sage who was now standing by the door waiting for me. The grin on her face told me that I had pleased her, which made the incident worthwhile for me. I didn't look to see if any of the customers at the counter had caught a glance of my exposure because it didn't matter; just the idea that they may had was enough to excite me beyond belief.
We exited the diner and returned to Sage's car where before getting in Sage surprised me with another task. It was a quick one, but not any less nerve racking or daring. She ordered me to actually take off my dress and put it into the trunk of the car before being allowed inside. Though the parking lot was dead, and the only people around where the ones we left inside the diner, I was still uneasy about the idea of stripping nude in broad daylight. Sage popped the truck before entering into the driver's seat of the car, and I took a quick look around, a steadying breath, and then pulled the dress up and over my head. I tossed it into the empty trunk, closing the lid once I had, and scurried over to the passenger side of the car to get in. All in all, I was naked outside for no more than a few seconds, but the thrill I got from it was enough to get my juices flowing.
Sage pulled out of the lot once I was inside, and the feeling of driving around an unfamiliar town while completely naked was certainly a new experience. It was a small town, and still early, but there still was a number of cars on the road that we either passed or were passed by. All of which could've easily looked over to see me sitting at least what would look to be topless to their perspective. However, most seemed too focused on the road ahead to look over; they were in the morning commute fog people get into on their way to work. I on the other hand was doing my best to keep from dripping onto my mistress' seat. The flood of arousal I was experiencing was at all new levels for me; or at least it seemed like that.
We drove on to the parking lot of the outside shopping mall that Sage had informed me earlier that we were going to. As we arrived at our destination, I took a look at the clock and saw that college would just be starting for everyone, but for us the shops would now be open. Considering the early hour, and that it was a weekday, the parking lot for the outlet mall was rather empty of cars. Sage though paid no mind and pulled in between two cars near the front of the lot before looking over to me with the just the slightest hint of a grin on her face.
"Well slut, let's do a bit of shopping, but you of course will have to put your dress back on. A naughty slut like yourself can't go shopping naked, so hurry up and get dressed."
I heard the trunk pop open, and knew Sage expected me to exit the vehicle myself to put my dress on outside of it. Taking a quick glance around, and making sure the two cars beside us were empty, I hopped out of the car and retrieved my dress from the trunk. Slipping it over my head, I smoothed it down into place before closing the lid. When I did, I heard Sage's door open and watched as she slid out of the car to join me. Though she didn't actually come over to me, but rather waved me over to her so we could walk towards the mall together.
As we walked, I could feel the crisp morning air breeze under my dress and touch the dampness between my thighs. The feeling sent signals of naughtiness to my brain, and only further added to my state of arousal. I also, wonder what twisted plans Sage had in store for me, but knew it better not to ponder on such thoughts for long as I was never able to predict my mistress' intentions. The only thing I knew for sure was that we were doing some shopping, or at least that is what Sage had said we were doing.
Closing in on the outdoor outlet mall, I could tell that it wasn't busy, with only a few shoppers strolling around looking for bargains. To say I felt a bit out of place thanks to my daringly short dress and high heels would have been an understatement. The other shoppers were all older women or men, retirement age, and dressed as such. Plus, Sage just looked like a normal teenager in her shirt and jean combo, making my look stand out even further. That fact however, had to also be put out of my head considering I would certainly need all of my will power to complete whatever tasks Sage had in store for me.
Sage lead the way to a trendy teen store, and once inside she immediately began going through the racks of clothes looking for items. I didn't dare drift off in case she wanted me for some reason, and also I was intrigued to see what she was pulling of the racks and holding onto. We were the only two customers in the store, and eventually the shop girl came over to greet us. Again Sage took care of the talking, and indicated that we would like a fitting room set up to try on the number of garments she was already able to collect. The shop girl happily agreed taking the clothes from Sage had leading the way back to the dressing rooms.
There were three tucked in the back of the store, and she hung the clothes from the back of the door for the largest of the three. She told us that if there was anything else we needed to call her over, and that she would be happy to help. We were then left alone to enter into the dressing room, and I began to envision what Sage was planning. The clothes Sage had picked out were all dresses and skirts, with a single pair of leggings thrown in as the only pant.
I at least thought I knew what Sage was planning, but I soon found out that I was still in the dark. She did have me remove my dress, but not so I could try on any of the outfits, just for the simple fact that I would be nude. It was her who began to try on the clothes while I stood and watched. Unfortunately, I didn't get treated to the viewing I would've hoped for, as she continued you wear her bra and boy short panties as she tried them on; I still felt lucky to see that much though.
Occasionally, she would ask me what I thought of a certain garment on her while she looked herself over in the mirror. I would give over my reply, to a nod of her head before she would take off the piece of clothing to try the next. She looked good in everything she tried on, but it seemed none of the pieces were to her liking as she redressed in her original clothes before speaking again to me.
"I think I need to look around a bit more. You stay here slut while I take these back and find some more to try on. Remain as you are the entire time, and don't move unless I say so. Think you can manage that my little teacher slut?"
I nodded my head yes, before she gathered up the clothes and exited the dressing room. She left the door to the dressing room open which would allow anyone that may come back there an unimpeded view of my naked body. Also, I noticed that my dress was no longer in the room with me, and realized that Sage must have "mistakenly" taken it with her. As I stood there waiting for my mistress to return, I could hear her talking with the sales girl.
"Not to your liking I see. Here I'll take those from you, so you can better browse." The sales girl spoke so cheerily and genuine.
"Thank you very much. I'm sure I find something in here that I can't live without."
"Is your friend still trying on a few items?"
"Yeah, but I think she is more just staring at herself in the mirror. She can be pretty vain."
The sales girl chuckled at Sage's remark, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment at how she made me sound so shallow. However, it also had the effect of causing my sex to heat up, and become damp. Unconsciously, my hand went to it and I could feel the warmth radiating off of it and my wetness coat my fingertips. Realizing my hand had drifted off, I pulled it back away and continued to stand still and wait while I listened for more from Sage and the shop girl. It was quiet for a while, until more of Sage's plan unfolded.
The shop girl called over to Sage, "I'm sorry, but I think this is your friends dress. We don't carry this brand in our store."
Sage must have given over my dress too when she handed her the pile of discarded clothes. It was then that I knew I wasn't a mistake that Sage took my dress with, and neither was handing it over to the shop girl.
Sage calmly replied, "Oh your right, I must have mistakenly grabbed it with the others as I was leaving the dressing room. She is probably wondering where it is. Would you be a doll and go give it back to her?"
"No problem," the shop girl replied.
My heart sank, as I heard the soft footsteps of the sales girl approaching knowing for well that she was going to see me standing completely naked in a matter of seconds. I knew that this was why Sage had left me to stand naked in the dressing room, and why she had taken my dress away. She had planned for me to be shown off naked to this girl in just this manner. As the footsteps neared, I could actually feel my cheeks redden, and my pussy flood further with excitement.
The shop girl eventually made her way to the dressing room I was standing inside of, and when she did I could tell she was not expecting to see me standing before her naked in the nude. She almost turned away to leave in embarrassment, but remember she held my dress in her hand. Shyly, she reached out and handed it to me, trying not to look at me. She told me that my friend had accidentally taken it with her. I reached out and took my dress from her, thanking her in the process, and apologizing for having been in the state I was. She nervously waved away the apology, indicating there was no need before finally turning to head back towards the store.
I was left standing there in my half embarrassed, half aroused state to ponder what must be going through the shop girl's mind at that moment. I'm sure it isn't a common occurrence for her to see a completely naked woman inside her store, and she seemed more than frazzled as she walked away. From what I heard when the shop girl returned to the sales floor, it sounded as though Sage had too noticed the girl's frazzled state.