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Hi Xossip users..
My thread was deleted. i dont know how. so im re-posting my story with new updates here. kindly do support my thread and give ur valuable feedbacks
Posts: 70
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Joined: May 2019
Moms name - gayathri, age - 40
son name - balaji . age -24. working in IT
husband name - venkat .bank manager
lives in independent house
neighbour - elango . age - 47. wife expired giving birth. has 1 girl. studying 9th. lives with family next door
one fine day...8 am in the morning
elango - hello venkat sir..guess u r renovating ur house. many workers and painters here
Venkat- yes wife wanted to renovate since it is a very old hse. y dont u come in for coffee
E - sure venkat..but let me drop my girl in college first. on my way back i will join u for cofee
V - sure
elango left with his daughter to college the house
gayatri - hey there is lot of work in the house. cant u put leave??
V - no honey. have imp work in off. y dont u ask our son
G - he was the first one i asked..he said the same thing as u.
Gayatri was getting frustrated. the men in the house is never free and she has to do all the work
venkat saw the frustration in her face..he dint know wat to do
V - hey gayu..y dont i ask elango to help out today. i invited him for coffee now. so let me ask him when he gets here
G - hey wat r u saying. how can we ask our neighbor to do our house work. i dont think its a good idea
V - dont wry..he is a nice guy. he will definitely help
Gayathri was in a dilemma
elango arrived after dropiing his girl in college
E - Hi venkat. hi gayathri..
G - Hi elango. how r u...let me get u some coffee
v and e had a good conversation wen gayatri was making coffee
at the same time their son was leaving for office.. he saw elango waved and said hi and left to office
gayatri came with coffee in her hands
elango always had a thing for gayu. she was very beautiful. when she served coffee elango dint miss any chance looking at her curves
after drinking coffee. v brought up the topic of helping gayu today
gayatri was still hesitant
but elango said..
E - hey no problem yaar. i can help out today. i will arrange my assistant to look after my shop
elango owns a grocery shop in the locality
both V and G were very happy
to be continued.....................
elango left and having coffee
then venkat also got ready and left for work
gayu was cleaning the kitchen...
5 workers arrived around 10 am
they started doing their work. moved cupboards and things to paint
E saw the workers in the house
he did not want to go immediately..he was waiting for gayu
gayathri could not watch every worker in the house becoz they were in different rooms. also she feared they might take some of the belongings
being the only lady in the hse she was feeling uncomfortable. she decided to go and call elango
gayu came to elango hse. E was in baniyan and lungi
E - hey gayatri. wat u doing here? did the workers come already??
G - yes. they are here. could u come over
E - yes i will be there in 5 mins
G - ok
then elango went to hse and looked after evrything. gayatri was relieved
it was 2 pm and lunch time..gayu asked E to stay for lunch
E - hey no gayatri. i dont want to give more work. i will eat outside
Gayatri tried to convice himn to hav lunch. but elango was firm. elango had food outside and came back to gayu hse
around 5 pm all the workers were about to leave
balaji came back from office at the same time and saw elango in the hse. he waved at elango and went in. gayatri was working in the kitchen
balaji was confused. wat is he doing in the house?? he went to his room and observed
the workers finally left..gaytri thanked elango
G - thank u so much elango. i dont know how i could have managed without ur help
e - hey no problem. we are good friends. its the atleast i can do. tomoro also i will come over to help. it looks the work will be over in 2 more days
G - oh thank u so much elango.
balaji was observing all this
while leaving.. elango said
E - hey is my number. u dont have to come all the way to call me. jus giving a ring
G - gayatri also thought it was a better idea
she saved his number
both said bye and left to their houses
to be continued.............................
balaji was addicted to porn since college days. he spends his free time reading incest stories and watching porn videos
he always had a thing for older women. he also takes a glance of his mom whenever possible. gayu is a loving mother. she loves balaji since he was the only child
she never hesitates to show her affection for balaji. she would hug and kiss on his cheeks often. that night balaji was reading a story were a mother was trapped by a neigbhour. he got very horny and masturbated after reading the story and slept
next day. usual routine.. balaji got ready for office. gayu packed his lunch and hugged and said good bye to him. next venkat left for work
gayu was watching tv after they left . workers came at 10 and started working..gayatri did not want to disturb elango and thought she could manage by herself
but due to all the work and comotion and required a helping hand
she called elango in her mobile
G - hi elango. its ur neighbor gayatri
E - hi gayathri. has the worker arrived?
g - yes..could u pls come
e - sure i will b there
gayatri thought..wat a nice man with helping tendency
elango arrived and looked after the work. gayu requested elango to have lunch. after insisting alot elango agreed
they both had lunch
e - wow gayatri. ur cooking is amazing
g - thank u so much elango
e- its really delicious. its been a long time since i had home cooked food
gayu realized he is living alone without his wife. she felt bad for him
g - u can join us for food anytime elango..we are neighbors and good frnds
e - thank u gayu..sry shall i call u gayu. since we are frnds now..he dragged
gayatri thought to herself. only my hubby calls me gayu..but since he has done so much help, y not
g - sure u can call me gayu. she smiled
after lunch gayu resumed her work in kitchen. and elango was looking after the workers
meanwhile in office, balaji was thinking about the story he read last nite. he could not get the story out of his head. he imagined his mom and elango in the story
he decided to make his mom sleep with elango. but she is so conservative and homely. he thought he should execute his plan little by little to make it happen
at evening as usual..the worked was done and workers left
g - thanks again elango
e - no formalities gayu..i should thank u for the amazing lunch
g- its the least i cud do
when elango was about to leave balaji reached home
he waved hi at elango and hugged his mom. balaji wanted to hug his mom tight infront of elango and see his reaction
he hugged her for 20 seconds..a tight hug. gayu did not see anything wrong becoz she was innocent and loved her son so much
elango observed the hug and his dick became little hard. balaji broke trhe hug and said
b - hi r u today
e - im fine da..u look tired. hectic work in off??
b - yes uncle..companies these days put too much pressure
e - i understand da...y dont u start a business
b - i am planning on it..but it will take some time..since u r a business person u could guide me
e- sure da..always happy to help
b- i see that u r helping my mom with the house work. thank u so much uncle
e - no problem da..wat are we neighbours for
b- mom u r so luck to have a neighbor like him
g - yes i am very lucky..we became good friends
e - yes gayu. lucky to have a frnd like u
b - thats celebrate y dont we plan something this weekend
e - sure y not
g - yes that would be great..
ok see guys..said elango and left for his house
to be continued,.................................
later that 9 pm
elango saw the number from which gayu called
he saved her no immediately..
he saw her dp in whatsapp. it was beautiful..he thought of sending a message but hesitated
later at 10 pm he sent a text in watsapp
e - nice dp gayu
gayu heard the beep. she was finishing up her kitchen work
after finishing all the work she went to bed. venkat and balaji already slept. balaji had his own room
she lay next to venkat and saw the message in her phone
it was from elango
she did not know wat to reply. it was strange. and he was their neighbour
she did not reply and went to bed
two days gone was all the same routine. friday evening after balaji returned home he hugged his mom and went to his room to masturbate again. while masturbating he was thinking about how to execute the plan.
next day was saturday
venkat had work even on he left as usual at 8 am
saturday mornin gayu and balaji was home
it was 8 am . they had breakfast and were watching tv
b - breakfast was delicious ma
g - thanks da kanna
balaji brought the topic of elango
b - poor elango uncle. it must be missing home made food alot
g - thought about it. yea da..he is a nice man. sad thing he lost his wife
b - y dont we invite him home today
g - but daddy is not home. it wud be gr8 if all are present
b - no problem ma. when dad is home we will inv him again. today let us invite him anyway
she did not know balaji's intensions
g - ok da..invite him. she smiled. it has been long since i met his daughter. it will be gr8
b- ok ma.i shall go and inv him
balaji went to elango's hse. but it was locked. he was disappointed
he came back home. gayu saw the look on his face
g - wat happend kanna
b - he is not home ma. with sad face
g- so wat da. we shall invite him another day
gayu went to carryon her kitchen work
balaji was very frustrated. he wanted to plan something today
balaji took his moms mobile and gave missed call to elango. then he deleted the call log. he went to his room as if nothing happend
after 20 mins gayu's phone was ringing
balaji ran to the phone and answered it
b - hi uncle
e - hi da. ur mom had called me earlier. wat is the matter
b - mom asked me to invite u for lunch uncle
gayu came and asked who it was..balaji signaled as elango
e - oh thats gr8..i am outside now..came to drop my daughter in her frnds hse for group study
to be continued......................................
e - i will be there at 12
b - thats great uncle. see u then
both disconnected the call
gayu asked wats the matter..he made up some story. said elango called to ask if he got any courier this morning. then he told him about lunch and he accepted
gayu believed everything her son said. then the lunch preparations went on.
at 12 elango reached their house. balaji was in his gayu opened the door
g- hi elango welcome
e - hi gayu. how r u
g - im good. come in. wheres ur daugther?
e - oh she is in her frnds hse studying for exam..venkat is not home
g - he has work every saturays. his company is very cunning
e - ha all companies are like that
g - pls sit let me bring some water
e - sure thanks gayu
he kept saying gayu as if they were friends for many yrs
then they all had lunch and made chit chats..everyone was having a good time. then balaji wanted to leave them alone for sometime
he said he need to use washroom and left. gayu and elango were sitting in hall and talking. they became comfortable with eachother.
elango - hey gayo..ur watsapp dp is nice. wen was it taken
g - i think yr ago elango
e- i said it looks good in watsapp but u did not reply...he kept his face bland
gayo did not know wat to say
g- i was busy wen u sent the msg elango..then i totally forgot to reply..sry
e-no problem gayo. i thought u did not accept me as ur frnd
g-hey no nothing like that yarr
e-then y u still calling elonga as if im 3rd person
gayo did not know wat to say. she was trying to get out of the situation
g-wat shud i call u then. do u want me to say da like college frnds. haha
e- i dont mind. ha ha he too laughed
g-ok da haha. both were laughing
then balaji came from room. he went directly to his mother and hugged her tight. gayo was taken aback.
b-thank u so much for the lovely lunch mom. he said and kissed her cheeks
g-no problem da kanna
balaji was still in hugging position
b- uncle did u like moms preapration
e- afcourse da..the best lunch i had in a long time. i dont remember when i ate with family last..saying his eyes became wet
gayo felt bad for him.
g- hey we are also like ur family. if u think us as frnds dont be sad
elango wiped his tears
b-comeonn uncle dont be sad. he said still hugging his mom
elango smiled little
b-comeonn uncle cheerup. lets have a group hug
gayu was taken aback when she heard that. she did not know how to react.
to be continued.......................................................
gayu was dumstruck after hearing that
gayu- kanna wat is this..
balaji - mom this is a way of appreciating ur cooking and showing elango uncle that we are his frnds
g- i know that u ppl appreciate my cooking. all this is not necessary.
she was trying hard to get out of that situation. meanwhile balaji still hugging her said...
b- ma but we need to show elango that we are there for him. that we r his frnds
gayo was very nervous. she din know wat to do. before she could react balaji said
b-comeonn uncle
elango came and hugged them. elango was on left. gayu in middle. balaji on right. gayu was feeling very uneasy. the thought of hugging a man other than her husband gave her shivers
elango slowly moved his hand from her shoulder to her waist. gayu could not realize it becoz of the group hug. his dick was getting hard. he could not control his urge.he was about to press her hip then suddenly balaji said
balaji-thank u so much ma and started kissing her cheeks
gayu was feeling uneasy becoz a third person is also in embrace and she is being kissed continuously
balaji - thank u thank u thank u maa **kiss kiss **
suddenly balaji kissed elango on his cheeks and siad thank u uncle for coming today
both gayu and elango were taken aback. then balaji said
b - u both are equal and winked
elango did not want to waste this oppurtunity and kissed balaji on his cheek and siad
e- thank u da for treating me as ur frnd
then the unthinakable was about to happen. elango said
e- thank u gayu for ur lovely lunch and leaned forward to kiss her cheeks
gayu was shocked and suddenly pushed both of them to break the hug
while pushing balaji finger hit elango eyes very hard and it became red
elango was in pain
immediately balaji said
b- whattttttt maaaaa. see what have u done. poor uncle
gayu did not know wat to say. seeing his red eyes she felt bad
e- dont shout at mom was my mistake. i thought she accepted me as her frnd
saying this elango eyes became wet
gayu-hey u r taking it in wrong way elango. u are my frnd. there is no change in that. i am jus not used to all this thats all
to be continued...........................................
both balaji and elango were very unhappy
b - see maa..we called him to have a good time with us but u ruined all of it
e - hey leave it da. its not anyone'e fault. i should hav known my limit
b - no uncle..u did not do anything wrong. how much help u have done for us..
gayu was listening to all this and was feeling so bad
e - im happy that atleast u see me as a frnd.
elango still had tears in his eyes. gayu was also getting emotional after seeing this
g - hey kanna..enough talking pls get some water for his eyes
b - k right back
balaji left the room to get water. after he was gone gayu said
g - hey elango u are my frnd also. saying that she went and hugged him a little
she looked into his eyes and smiled. elango was in heaven.
g - are u ok now da??
e - yes gayu..i feel so happy. saying that elango hugged her back. not like gayu but more tight
gayu felt strange but let it go becoz both were emotional.
to be continued......................
both were in hugging position..gayu wanted to end it quick becoz balaji might be back any minute. but elango was still hugging
gayu - ok elango..let me get u something to drink
she tried to break the hug..but elango was not ready to let go. but that time balaji came back to the room
gayu after seeing balaji became nervous. what will my son think seeing his mother hugging another guy
before gayu could break the hug..balaji said
b - oh i see that u two became frnds. he smiled and said. its good to see that she is seeing u as a true frnd uncle.
balaji said to elango
when they heard balaji she broke the hug and moved away
e- yes da. i am so happy. but she did not kiss me still.
elango said and winked. gayu was getting embarassed and want to escape from this situation
b -ma y ma?? y u did nt kiss him yet
gayu did not know wat to say....
gayu - kanna im a married women and a mom. how can i>. all that is not required kanna..we are still frnds
b- no ma..true frnds shud not hesitate for these small things
saying this he pulled her cheeks and kissed it..gayu did not mind it becoz it was her son
then balaji said..
b - uncle now u kiss her
gayu was shocked hearing that..she started sweating
g- kanna pls understand..i dont feel comfortable
balaji - i undertand ma..let me leave the room so that u will be comfortable
he said that and left the room
elango was in cloud9. he did not expect this at all
gayu also did not expect this..once he left the room they were very silent
then elango said..
e- gayo its alright if u dont want to do it. i know i am not attractive..its fine gayu. hugging u itself was enough. i am so lucky for ur frndship
saying this his eyes became moist again
gayu felt bad..she said
g- hey wat da..nothing like that. y r u imagining things. now wat is the big deal? we hav to kiss for our frndship right..come here
elango dick became hard wen he heard that
e- really gayu? still acting like hes sad
gayu- yes elango..before balaji comes
elango was feeling like hes dreaming. he came close to gayu
their eyes met..
elango- god has gifted me with a true frnd. he starting sobbing
saying that he hugged gayu tight. she was taken aback but did not stop him
to be continued......................................
elango- god has gifted me with a true frnd. he starting sobbing
saying that he hugged gayu tight. she was taken aback but did not stop him. she thought he was only showing his affection
while hugging he moved his hands freely on her back
e- thank u god, u have brought back happiness into my life
he was acting very professionally. gayu was very moved by his actions..then suddenly balaji's voice came frm the other room
b - are u guys done yet????????????
then elango looked at gayu..she was getting shy. their eyes met
e - shall i kiss u gayu??
even though gayu was uncomfortable and dint want that to happen..she said
g - yes da..u are my i dont hav any problem.
she said that becoz she knows he will get emotional again if she hesitates.
then elango brought his right hand to the front and held her face. he slowly moved his left hand from her back to her waist
gayu was feeling uneasy already..
e- this is for my sweet frnd....
he said that and kissed on her cheek hard. it was kind of a wet kiss. his lips stayed there for few seconds
gayu closed her eyes when he did that
then the sound of balaji opening the other room came..gayu quickly broke the embrace and moved away
their eyes met again..gayu smiled at him
finally balaji came to the room and said...
b- is it over?
g- ya da kanna. she said to balaji and then asked to elango
g - are u happy now sir? with a jolly tone
e- yes gayu..very much. he smiled
balaji dick was getting hard hearing this.. then they spent the rest of the day talking and watching tv
elango left around evening night balaji was thinking about the incident..he imagined how uncle would have kissed mom. his dick became very hard
he masturbated and had the best orgasm of his life..
to be continued..................................................
elango left around evening night balaji was thinking about the incident..he imagined how uncle would have kissed mom. his dick became very hard
he masturbated and had the best orgasm of his life..
a few days had gone by and gayu became a good frnd to elango. they started talking like real frnds. whenever they come across eachother they used to wave hands.
balaji wanted them to become close so that he could execute more plans. elango starting sending funny forward msgs to gayu in whatsapp. she like those funny memes
she also used to show the memes to venkat(her husband). even though he knew it was from balaji he dint not mind it. he known balaji for many yrs and he thought he is a good man.
1 month has passed...suddenly venkat had to travel out of town for a few days. he was packed and ready.
both gayu and balaji came out to the gate to send off venkat
on his way out venkat met elango..elango was coming back home from work
e- hey vankat. where are u leaving?? he asked after he saw the luggage
v - im going out of town for a few days for work.
e - oh i see. then they had a small chat for 2 mins
while leaving venkat told elango to check-in on the house once in a while wen he has time
e-i will surely look after everything. dont worry venkat
then they all waved bye to venkat. he got on his cab and left. nothing else happend
that same night while gayu for finishing up her kitchen work she heard a beep on her phone
it was a text frm elango in whatsapp
e- hey gayu..if u need anything feel free to ask me. dont hesitate to ask for help
gayu thought he is very caring and she replied...
gayu - sure da. i will(along with a happy smiley and hug smiley)
elango got every excited after seeing the hug smiley
he too replied with a happy smiley and 3 hug smileys. gayu saw the text and smiled
gayu - had your dinner da?
e- yes me and my daughter ordered swiggi
g-ok da
elagon again sent a hug smiley to gayu. gayu replied
g-enough of hugs. ur affection is overflowing lol
e- u are my frnd. who else can i show my affection too
g- okk da(she too sent hug smiley)
elango saw the smiley and became excited. he replied..
e- i wish i get in real
gayu read the message and laughed
g-what is there in that. u can get in real also
she really thought him as a close frnd. she was very innocent and did not know his intentions
e-really gayu??
g-yes da..
e-ok when shal i get my hug??
gayu did not know wat to reply. she sent....
g- i dont know
e-sad smiley
gayu- laughing smiley
e-ok bye gayu(sad smiley again)
gayu thought he really became she replied
g- are u really sad?
g-y r u getting sad for this silly thing da. u know i dont like wen u get upset right
elango did not reply. then gayu sent...
g- i know wat will make u happy..she send 10 hugs smileys
when elango saw the text his dick became hard..but he tried to act like hes still sad
e- hmmmm
gayu- still not happy ?
e- i want in real
elango was waiting for the response now..
g-ok tomoro come after balaji goes to office
elango became hyper after seeing the text. he could not control his happiness
e-really gayu??????
gayu thought he was only asking for a friendly she did not mind it. afterall, they are good frnds now
gayu- yes da
elang- thank u so much gayuuuuu(he sent a kiss smiley)
g-ok its getting late. good night
e- ok gayu good night. cant wait for tomoro Wink
she saw the message and went to bed
to be continued.............................
around 10 she got a text from elango
e - good morning gayu
g - gm da
e - wat time shall i come ?
after reading the text she thought to herself that he is taking it way to seriously and smiled a little
g - for wat ?
she tried to play a little..
e - for my hug gayu
g - ohh
e - tell me when shall i come
g - come anytime before 5 da
becoz that was the time balaji would return home
e - ok i am coming now
g - haha y so much hurry
e - becoz im going to hug my frnd
g - haha ok come da
gayu was very innocent..within 2 mins she heard her door bell. she went and opened the door
it was elango. gayu smiled and welcomed him
g - come in da
once elango entered the hse she became little nervous..becoz she was alone with a neighbour and he is going to hug her
even though they had become good frnds she was little nervous now
g - wat do u want to drink da..tea or coffee?
e - nothing gayu i jus had it. thanks
g - hmmm. she did know how to start the conversation
e - is balaji home ?
g - no da..he left for office
elango felt relieved in his mind
e - thats good
g - y is that good da?
e - becoz it will be uncomfortable when we r hugging la
g - haha..wat is there in this hug thing. its just a small hug da.
e - yea but still.... elango dragged
g - wats the matter da
e - its just that nobody has hugged me in a long time gayu. i feel very isolated. i think its becoz i look so dark and ugly. even my daughter doesnt hug me. every year on my daughter's birthday i buy her something very special. i celebrate it to make her happy. so that she doesnt miss her mom
but she doesnt even care about me. she is always with her group of frnds. when i try to talk or be close to her she avoids me. i can feel that she doesnt want to be near me. the last person to hug me on this earth was my mother
saying this elango starting sobbing. gayu felt so sad and emotional after hearing this
g - elango dont be sad da. i feel like crying to see u in this way.
e - its the truth gayu. tears rolled down his eyes
gayu was very emotional now. she came near elango..lifted his face with her hand and said..
g - dont feel sad elango..we are there for u. everything will change soon. dont worry(her eyes were moist)
e - still sobbing....shall i hug u?
she thought for a second. she went to her main door and closed it and said,
g - come elango..hug me
elango quickly rushed to gayu and hugged her tight. both were very emotional now. his hands moved freely on her back. she did not mind all that at this moment. her boobs were pressed against his chest
more to come soon............
elango quickly rushed to gayu and hugged her tight. both were very emotional now. his hands moved freely on her back. she did not mind all that at this moment. her boobs were pressed against his chest
elango did not want to miss the opportunity so he squeezed her nicely in the name of hug. since gayu was very innocent she thought that elango was very emotional and is expressing his feelings.
so she did not mind the tight hug.
elango took this as a green signal and roamed his hands all over her back..while doing so, in a swift moment he also moved one of his hand over her ass and brought it back up after 3 seconds
that hugging was going on for around 2 mins..then gayu thought it was time to break the hug, so she said......
gayu - are u happy now cry baby? with a soft smile on her face..
e - yes gayu. very thank(he said still in the hugging position)
g - thats good.. ok now let me get u something to eat
saying that she tried to let off of elango but..when she was about to release elango he did something in a quick second. he said..
e - ok so happy, thank u for the lovely hug and the care ur showing towards me
saying that he gave one final squeeze where the top portion of his fingers touched her side boob just a little
doing that he then let go of her..gayu also felt his fingers there but before she could react he released her making the scene like it just happend in the flow and unintentional
after coming out from the hug their eyes met..both dint say a word
then elango smiled at her..seeing him smile gayu also smiled because atlast he came out of the emotional face
then gayu said..
g - let me bring u some snacks da..pls sit
e - its ok gayu..ur hug was enough for me. i can live for a yr without eating
when gayu heard that she felt a strange feeling but dint show it out
g - haha dont joke da..its just a normal hug. all frnds do it nowadays
e - then let us also hug regularly from now on
gayu thought she shouldnt have said that. because now she dont know what to reply for his statement..
then she said
g - how can we hug frequently elango..its not possible. im not saying this to make u emotional again, but we are in india. and i am married.
even though we know that our frndship is true, people will see it in a wrong way here.
g - and my son and husband will also think bad. i dont want that to happen
then elango thought for a while..he tried to act the sad scene again
e -(sad face) so u r saying i wont get this caring hug from u again? its k gayu..i know that good things never last for me. its my fate
saying that he acted like emational again
gayu was so stupid to fall for his acting..she thought that he really values her frndship and she likes that in him
then gayu said..
g - its not like that elango. dont be sad again pls
g - ok lets do one thing. we can hug if no one is there, ok?
when elango heard that he thought he was the luckiest man in the planet
elango knew that he can take more liberties in the future hugs. his penis became erect when he thinks about that
e - (acts like sad)no its ok gayu. u dont have to do it to please me(with wet eyes)
g - no im not doing it to please u..
elango looked at her. their eyes met
e - r u sure gayu? can i really hug u from now on?? (asks like innocent)
g - yes da(she smiled)
g - only when no one's around
elango thought about the opportunities in the future hug and his dick became fully hard..
e - thank u gayu. u are a true you gayu
gayu did not expect that..but she thought he is a decent caring guy so she said
g - luv u too da. u are a good frnd
e - can i hug my frnd again
g - sure da..she smiled and opened her arms
elango went forward to hug her..but at the time the door bell rang
lets see what happens next. to be continued....................................................................
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Really surprised to see that the story was deleted. This story line is good and has a nice build up. anyway nice to see this back. Expect to see frequent updates.
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Happy u back again bro. Kindly post all the updates till they are in Hotel and enjoying the privacy
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Please update further.. eagerly waiting for ur next update
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Waiting for further updates
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16-04-2020, 12:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 19-04-2020, 01:29 AM by Big_Bang. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
What the hell bro !!! Why you didn't save the story somewhere in computer. And even if you are using Android then also you can download notepad app and first write it there and after that only post. You don't have idea how people keep waiting for updates from you. I was just dying know what will happen because in resort Gayu successfully invited Mr Elango in privacy and reluctantly allow him to grab her 40 yrs old ass cheeks. And now you are saying you will start from zero. Gosshhh!!!. Kindly don't be such a harsh with your fans
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I am not sure what happened to this story? abrupt end?
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elango cursed the one who's on the other side of the door in his showed in his face
gayu saw elango's expression and laughed within herself without showing it out. then gayu moved towards the door to see who it was
it was the AC mechanic..only then gayu realized that she had called for the Ac mechanic the previous day. gayu showed him the room where the AC was..
once the mechanic started working on the ac in the bedroom, gayu came back to the hall where elango was
e - wats wrong with the AC gayu
g - oh dont ask about that stupid ac da. its not working properly for the past few weeks. even if the ac is ON for 3 hrs its still hot in that room. it not giving cool air like its supposed. i sweat alot in that room
immediately the image of a sweaty gayu came to elango's mind. there was a tingle in his dick
e - oh i see..y dint u tell me gayu. i know how to fix ac's. infact i am really good at it. i fix all the ac's in my shop by myself
g - really? if i had known i would have called u da(with a disappointed face)
e - how much is the charge for this repair man to fix it
g - i think its 1000Rs. venkat usually calls him if theres any problem
e - 1000Rs?! are u serious gayu. i would have fixed it for free for my lovely friend
hearing that gayu blushed a little. she liked the way he cares for his friend
since the ac repair work was going on elango could not do anything more that he departed from the house after few minutes. while leaving elango said
e - thank u so much for the hug gayu(smiled at gayu)
g - no thank u between friends(mock angry face)
elango laughed and then gayu also joined. both laughed and they waved bye to each other.
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Beautiful narrative, please carry on
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Continue the story and post the happenings at resort bro
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g - no thank u between friends(mock angry face)
elango laughed and then gayu also joined. both laughed and they waved bye to each other.
a few days was the regular routine. meanwhile balaji could not stop thinking about his mom. his mind had cuckold thoughts because he always watches cuckold porn and reads cuckold stories
he was getting frustrated becoz he is not getting any opportunity to execute his plan. then one day gayu got a call from venkat..he told her that his work has been extended for 2 more weeks. gayu was very disappointed aftering hearing that. she missed her husband.
becoz she is a lovely wife and mom. gayu told balaji that his father wont be back for 2 more weeks.
balaji thought that it was his luck. now he has more time to execute something. balaji thought that he should not miss this opputunity..
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0 many more days does balaji requires to plan??
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Waiting for the next mega update
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Good Story.
Please Continue.
Repu Added.
আসুন আমরা সবাই চটি গল্প উপভোগ করি।
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balaji thought that it was his luck. now he has more time to execute something. balaji thought that he should not miss this opputunity..
2 days passed and the weekend arrived. balaji thought of a plan. he went to kitchen and spoke to his mom
b - mom..since its weekend why dont we plan something
g - only now u want to spend time with ur mom huh?(with a jolly tone)
b - haha not like that ma..u know how busy i am. i hardly have time to do anything
g - i know da kanna..i was jus kidding. wat shall we do this weekend?
gayu seemed excited becoz she finally got time to spend time with her son
b - y dont we book a resort for sunday and spend the day there. we can have seafood and relax. u dont have to cook anything for a day
gayu was very thrilled with the plan.
g - that sounds great da(she looked really happy)
b - thats let me book it for tomoro then. oh by the way, is elango uncle free tomoro?? shall we invite him as well?
gayu was little reluctant to say yes when she heard that. she wants to spend quality time with her son. just the two of them..she kept thinking and did not answer him.
b - ma what are u thinking so long??
g - kanna..i thought it was going to be just u and me as a family
b - i understand ma..but uncle will be happy if we called him. he is always looking after the shop and his house. it will be a change for him
gayu was still thinking..
b - think about it ma. also he has done a lot for us
then gayu thought y not. he was a good frnd and it will be gayu finally agreed
g - ok da kanna..invite elango also
elango dick became hard when she finally agreed.
e - i have a better idea. y dont u invite him..since u both are very good frnds he will be more happy if u invite him
gayu thought for a while and then said ok
g - seri kanna..i will call him tonight and ask him if hes coming
b - alright mom(in his mind he thought that his plan is in executing well)
later that was around 9 pm. balaji went to bed in his room because he was tired of all the office work. after finishing up in the kitchen gayu departed to her room.
before going to bed she sent elango a text in whatsapp