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Amy awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright.
"8:30? Shit, I'm going to be so late!"
Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as she could in her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. As soon as she was decent she rushed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and an apple for breakfast. She'd have to skip the normal coffee and cereal if she was going to get to college on time.
She rushed over the road to her bus stop just as the bus arrived. She sat at the back of the bus once she'd paid her fare and started wolfing down her fruit as if she'd not eaten in weeks.
The reason Amy was so worried about being late today, of all days, was because her class was going on a trip to a science lab. She'd always had a love for science, especially forensics, so in college, she'd taken the course that gave her the widest scientific education possible.
The journey was half an hour on the bus and a 2 minute run to stop at the college gate where her class was getting onto a coach for the 2 hour journey to the lab they were visiting.
"Amy!" her tutor said. "Just in time. We were going to leave without you."
"Sorry Andrew," she said. "I'm still not used to living on my own."
"Never mind that. Get your backside on the coach or we'll all be late there."
Amy smiled and got on the coach, taking a seat next to her best friend, Lucy.
Amy had left home 3 months ago, to live in a flat by herself. She'd had to take a part-time job to pay the rent, but the landlord was, thankfully, very understanding. She was also grateful that college was much more relaxed than secondary college. The tutors understood why she was always late and always spoke to her like she was an adult and not a naughty child.
A few minutes later, the coach set off through the city centre to the other side of the city where the lab was set up like a little farm. Apparently the lab dealt in cloning experiments; how it could be done successfully. While scientists had cloned a sheep back in the 1990s, Dolly the sheep, being a clone, didn't have a very long lifespan. The purpose of this lab was to find a way to make cloning possible while retaining the average lifespan of cloned animals.
Amy found it all extremely fascinating, which is why she'd worked her ass off to be able to pay for this trip. She'd taken any extra shifts or overtime she could at work.
"Alarm again?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah," Amy replied. "No matter what time I go to bed, the damned thing doesn't ever wake me up the first time it goes off."
Amy watched the city roll past quietly, talking to Lucy when she was required to, but mainly she listened to Lucy pine on about how good in bed her boyfriend was. She didn't seem to have any shame, not even appearing to try and keep her voice down. It was as if she wanted to let the world know she was fucking who she described as "the best lay in the city".
After what seemed an eternity, the city ended and the country side began to sidle by. The beauty of the English country side always took her breath away. The rolling hills, shimmering streams like ribbons of tinsel on the tree at Christmas, the herds of animals behind their fences and natural barricades, it always made her feel as if she was floating.
Before Amy knew it, the coach had stopped, pulled up to an ordinary-looking farm-house. A small group of men and women wearing various kinds of outfit awaited them. Some of them looked like the scientists they were, others looked like they belonged in an office or supermarket.
The class left the coach and gathered in front of the scientists. The man at the front of their welcoming committee stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"I'm doctor Michaels," he said. "I'm the Chief Researcher at this facility and will be giving you a tour today. We'll be showing you many of the labs here and explaining what it is we're trying to accomplish with our work."
He lead them inside and down a flight of stairs. The labs were impressive in size. The entire "farm" must have been built after the labs were, so as not to have a modernised building in a place where a farm would look more at home. Doctor Michaels confirmed this suspicion quickly.
"Of course," he explained, "the fields on the surface do hold animals that we occasionally take samples from. We keep them well-fed and exercised, everything the need each and every day."
They spent the morning touring the main labs and taking notes on what was done in each lab. When noon came, they stopped for lunch in the cafeteria, which was in the large farm-house, though it looked like it belonged in a college or a hospital, though it was rather small.
Amy thought the morning had gone well. She'd learned things from the tour of the labs, some of it had taken a large amount of concentration to understand because it was very complex, but she'd grasped it fairly quickly.
Lucy, however, was bored out of her mind. Though she was taking the course, she wasn't very interested in cloning or experimental science. She preferred hard facts.
"I wish I'd stayed in bed," she told Amy while they ate. "That Doctor Michaels guy sure likes to drone on."
"Yeah, well it's his job when students come here," Amy said. "You can't hold it against him. Besides, it's all interesting stuff. Imagine what cloning could be used for."
"Don't care," Lucy said.
"Even if cloning saved your life one day?" Amy asked her, grinning slyly.
"How could it do that?" Lucy asked, ignorantly.
"Well, say you needed an organ transplant, and there were none available" Amy began. "They could possibly clone the organ they needed from your own DNA, giving you an organ guaranteed to be a match."
"That's Science-Fiction talking, Amy."
"It may be Science-Fact, one day soon," Andrew cut in. "Sorry to eavesdrop, debating such things is interesting; hearing everyone's views on things and such."
They spent the rest of their lunch debating the pros and cons of cloning which seemed to make Lucy happy. She really got into it and soon they were having an intellectual argument without a hint of boredom from her.
When lunch was over, Doctor Michaels told them they were going to tour the labs where they were doing more experimental cloning techniques, which meant going even further down.
The facility had 3 levels: the farmhouse, which held the cafeteria and a few offices, the basement, which had the primary testing labs, and the sub-basement, which held labs for more difficult testing.
It was the first lab in the sub-basement where Amy made the mistake of picking up a beaker full of liquid. It wasn't exactly against the rules of the trip, they just had to wear gloves, eye protection and a lab coat, all of which she was wearing.
"Be careful with that," Doctor Michaels said. "It's hard to replace."
"What is it?" Amy asked.
"A mixture of horse-DNA, testosterone and something I can't tell you about," he replied, winking slightly. "Wouldn't want a secret formula we made to get leaked onto the internet or anything and wind up being used without our oversight, now, would we?"
"Is it dangerous?" Amy asked, intrigued.
"Not that we know. Of course, because of it's expense, we're extremely careful with it."
Amy held the beaker up to the light and looked through it. It was a light, clear green colour and had the consistency of water. She lowered it when her arm started to ache slightly, so she wouldn't drop it. She didn't notice a few drops drip down the outside of the beaker and onto her hand. She gave the beaker a small sniff and smelled something similar to bleach. She but the beaker down and followed the rest of the class. As she did so, she opened a stick of chewing gum and slipped it quickly into her mouth and chewed it, careful not to let anybody see her do so, knowing the rules of a lab.
By the end of the day, Amy was tired. She'd had fun and learned a lot, but it had taken a lot out of her, too. She made her dinner and sat in front of the television to watch a few of her favourite shows, which were mainly CSI and NCIS. They were what had gotten her into science in the first place. As she watched, she got even more tired steadily.
The next thing Amy knew, she was on her hands and knees, though she couldn't feel anything below the knee on either leg. She looked up to see not her living room, but a field with a few horses in it. The horses were grazing on the grass, their tails whipping through the air at flies.
She looked down and saw that what she had thought were her arms, were actually a horse's front legs.
"What the hell is going on?" she thought.
She looked around again and sniffed at the air. She could smell the warm, sweet scent of horses. She's always liked how horses smelled. She'd first smelled it when she'd learned to ride as a child and it had made the experience more engaging for her. Just the smell of these horses brought back her memories of the horses she used to ride.
Suddenly, Amy was awake, the TV was on and she was highly confused. Firstly, was the dream. It was confusing the hell out of her, why the hell did she have it? The most obvious assumption was because of the class trip. She'd examine the dream later.
There seemed to be a more pressing matter. Her panties seemed much too tight, as if they'd been pulled when she'd fallen on the floor, but it didn't feel right for that situation.
She looked down and noticed that her skirt had bunched up and she could see the problem. Her panties were bulging out and to one side, dangling by her leg was a huge testicle. She was instantly scared.
Amy ripped her panties down and in the scant dawn light, she saw the sheath of a horse's cock and slightly lower down, 2 large balls that were now resting on the floor.
"This is a dream!" she said, loudly. "This isn't real!"
But she knew that in a dream, you never proclaimed that it wasn't a dream. Just to satisfy her urge to know for sure, she pinched herself hard. It hurt a lot.
"How did this happen?" she asked, as if the simple notion of asking would give her the answer.
Amy jumped up and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror for a better view of this unnatural thing. When she got there, she ripped her knickers of and stared into the mirror, willing it to be a hallucination.
She reached down and tentatively touched the sheath. It felt real and she could feel the veins and the soft, regular pulse of blood flowing through it. She gave it a slight squeeze and could feel something inside it.
She felt a stirring feeling in her stomach. It was like butterflies going haywire. She was still looking in the mirror when she saw the soft tube of her newly-grown cock edging slowly from it's sheath. As she watched, Amy saw it spring quickly from soft and flexible to unimaginably hard. It hurt, it was so hard.
Amy had no idea why she was getting horny, since she was still terrified as to what had happened to her body, but she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to pleasure herself as she now was. She decided to go for it without even considering the ramifications.
She wrapped her hand around the hard, thick shaft of her new cock and squeezed it lightly. The pressure she exerted was deliciously exciting. Even through the fear and shock, it felt great to do. She was craving to do more, but forced herself to take her time.
Slowly, gently, Amy started to rub her hard shaft, moaning instantly at the feeling of her hand gliding along it. It was so sensitive that she was soon panting with lust and increasing her speed and pressure.
She fell to her knees, weak with the longing to cum, pumping her shaft as hard and fast as she could, moaning loudly. Feeling a tingling in her newly-grown testicles she screamed her pleasure before shooting a gigantic load of semen straight at the mirror.
The thick, sticky substance splashed onto the mirror in a stream, covering her reflection in cum, blocking her view of herself. She kept stroking herself, feeling better and better as she came more and more, her cum flying from the end of her cock like a rocket, hitting the mirror then dripping down it slowly.
She came for a good minute before the cum started just dripping from the tip of her large member and pooling on the floor between her legs. She was panting, breathless as she stopped jacking herself off, almost unable to see, she felt so good.
As Amy lay back, panting, it slowly dawned on her what she'd just done. She'd been overcome by feelings she didn't recognise and masturbated with this scary new appendage. The fear she'd felt earlier came back stronger than before, as the ramifications dawned on her like a slap to the face.
'What if I can't suppress the urges?' she thought. 'I might be controlled by this thing for the rest of my life.'
Sobered from her desires, she got to work cleaning up. She washed the mirror and wiped off her new, huge member with a wet cloth. Then she had to rinse the cloth off before climbing into the shower and having an extremely cold wash.
There was still an hour or so before she had to leave for college, so she rang Lucy. Mercifully, she picked up her phone quickly.
"Hello?" was what Amy heard. Lucy sounded groggy.
"Lucy, it's Amy. I need you to come to mine as soon as you can," she said, urgently. "Forget college, I have a problem."
"Can't it wait?"
"No. It can't," Amy replied. "Please?"
"Fine," Lucy said after a moment's silence. "I'll be there in an hour or so."
An hour and a half later, there was a knock at the door. Amy answered it and thankfully, Lucy was there. Amy ushered her in and offered her a drink, which Lucy declined.
"Let's just get this over with," she said.
"I wish I could," Amy said under her breath.
Lucy didn't seem to hear her, so Amy made them both a cup of coffee and sat down. She sipped her drink as she tried to figure out how to tell her best friend what had happened to her. She could try and find a way to talk into it or she could come straight out with the shocking truth.
"Well?" Lucy asked, taking a gulp of coffee. "What's up?"
Amy tried to think of words to express what she was feeling, how frightened and confused she was, but she couldn't grasp any. Instead, she stood up and faced Lucy.
"I have something to show you," she said. "I'm confused as to how it happened, but I need to tell someone about it."
Amy had only put on a dressing gown for this, so she undid the belt, still holding it closed.
"What the-" Lucy started, before saying, "Hey, no offense, but I'm not into lesbian stuff."
"Please!" Amy exclaimed.
Lucy just nodded, seeing the worry on her friends features. Amy pulled open her dressing gown. The cock that had been held hidden by the dressing gown flopped down and hung limply between her legs.
Lucy looked as if she were in shock. Her eyes were wide, her mouth hanging open. In any normal situation, she'd have looked hilarious, but not in this one.
The cock was about a foot and a half long and about 3 inches thick at it's hardest, Amy remembered. At the moment it was about half that and hanging limply.
"That has to be fake," she said, disbelievingly.
"I wish it were," Amy said sadly.
Lucy was staring and Amy blushed, and averted her gaze. She did notice, however, Lucy licking her lips unconsciously.
"Look at the size of it!" Lucy almost yelled, her face breaking into a slight smile.
She was obviously trying to hide her love of such a large cock, and Amy decided to let her think she hadn't noticed. She had other worries, after all.
Lucy stood up and made Amy sit down. She then squatted in front of her and rested her hands on Amy's knees to support herself as much as give comfort.
"Amy, this is going to be fine," she said calmly. "We'll figure it out and find someone or some way to make you how you were."
When Amy didn't respond Lucy gave her a little slap on the knee and asked what was wrong.
"It'll take forever to sort out, if it's even possible," Amy said. "And I can't control it."
This made Lucy cock her eyebrow and Amy told her what had happened a while earlier. As she spoke, understanding dawned on Lucy's face and Amy could all but hear the cogs turning and forming a solution.
"I can help with that," Lucy said, unembarrassed.
"What happened to not being interested in lesbian stuff?" Amy asked.
"Well," Lucy said, a smile coming to her face, "with a cock like that, I can make an exception. The bigger the better for me, after all."
Amy sighed in fake exasperation, though her heart was pounding a bruise on the inside of her ribcage. She had to admit, the idea of fucking Lucy with this massive cock was strangely exciting. She barely thought before nodding in agreement.
Even as she was nodding, her new appendage was growing hard and long at the thought of fucking her best friend. Before even thirty seconds were up, Amy's cock was so hard, it felt like it was going to burst open from the pressure.
A glint came to Lucy's already bright eyes as she admired the sheer length of her friend's unnatural, large horse-cock. She dropped off the couch and looked at it close up, marvelling at how it looked: the slight curve of the 18 inch shaft, the large veins puling with blood to keep it hard. Underneath the cock was a set of huge balls, dangling down and swinging slightly as Amy moved.
Lucy licked her lips again before leaning in and slowly, gently licking the head of Amy's cock, causing Amy to moan softly.
Lucy smiled when she tasted it. It tasted completely different to how she was used to a cock to taste. It was still fleshy tasting, but it was sweet, and the rhythmic pulse of blood under the skin was deliciously powerful. It mad her even wetter than she already was.
Amy moaned loudly when Lucy engulfed the head of her new cock deeply, pressing it to the back of her throat and licking the underside. She felt as if her cock was about to explode with cum, right down her friend's throat.
Lucy sucked hard, bobbing her head hard and fast, her hands, wrapped around the shaft, were stroking with an equal amount of enthusiasm. Amy moaned long and loud and, without warning, came hard. A huge torrent of cum filling Lucy's mouth. Lucy tried to swallow it all, but she couldn't swallow it as fast as Amy's cock could pump it into her mouth, which meant that a lot escaped her lips and dripped down her shin and onto her shirt.
She pulled Amy's cock from her mouth, swallowed the last of the cum in her mouth and wiped it on the back of her arm. She then looked down at her top and saw the mess there.
"Sorry Lucy," Amy said, looking embarrassed. "I didn't mean to cover your shirt I cum."
"It's fine," Lucy said, smiling as she wiped some of it onto her fingers then sucked it off of them and swallowed.
She eyed Amy's still-hard cock and took her clothes off. Seeing Lucy naked made Amy's cock twitch and all she wanted to do was jump on her and ram her cock into Lucy's tight pussy and ass, but she fought hard to control her desires.
Lucy stood and pushed Amy's dressing gown, which she'd kept on but open, from her shoulders. As it fell to the floor, Lucy took Amy's hand and pulled her to the bedroom. When they got there, Lucy pushed Amy onto the bed and climbed onto it next to her, not even shutting the door behind them.
Lucy leaned over and kissed Amy on the lips passionately, her hand slowly rubbing the cock that was now pointing almost straight up at the ceiling. Amy kissed back, moaning slightly, as their tongues found each other and started dancing together. The kiss was long and when it was broken, a thin string of saliva hung between their tongues.
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21-03-2020, 09:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 24-05-2020, 05:06 AM by hirarandi. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Lucy stood on the bed, her feet planted either side of Amy's waist and she slowly lowered herself to a comfortable kneeling position where the cock could be standing proud, but not inside her. Slowly and carefully, she grabbed it and lined it up with her dripping opening before lowering herself further, the head of Amy's cock piercing her tight cunt.
Both of them moaned loudly, as if it was a competition to out-moan the other, but in reality, Amy was moaning at her friend's tight pussy and Lucy from being filled so much (even with only two inches of it inside her).
When she'd gotten used to the girth of Amy's cock, Lucy pushed down more, until it hit her cervix. As she did, she came from being penetrated so deeply with such a thick cock. She didn't stop there; she pushed even further and harder, and the head of Amy's cock pierced Lucy's tight cervix, penetrating her deeper than she'd ever been penetrated before. Lucy screamed with a mix of extreme pleasure and pain, while Amy moaned at such a tight grip on her cock.
Lucy started to move her hips slowly fucking her best friend and both moaned in tandem, a symphony of pleasure and pain that seemed to go perfectly with such an intimate act, and having nothing to so with the size of the cock or depth of penetration.
Amy couldn't help herself, she rolled over, putting Lucy underneath her with her legs up and she held them where they were as she started to fuck her friend hard and fast. Lucy started swearing incoherently as she was pounded deeply and hard by Amy's horse-cock, and Amy's balls slapped hard against her ass.
Both of them screamed as their orgasms peaked, Lucy squirting cum around Amy's cock, and Amy emptying her big balls directly into Lucy's womb. The amount of cum Amy expelled was so large that it squirted out of Lucy and onto the bed covers.
As they both came down from their first orgasms, they hugged and kissed, all inhibitions on the lesbian act gone before drifting off quickly into the post-orgasmic bliss of deep, contented sleep.
Amy woke up around dusk, based on the amount of light coming through her bedroom window. She'd fallen asleep, her new horse-cock still hard and inside her best friend, Lucy.
Lucy was awake, watching Amy sleep, and apparently enjoying the cock that was still inside her and hard again. Lucy was bouncing slowly and gently on Amy's cock and smiled when she noticed her friend had awoken.
"Good evening, Sleeping Beauty," Lucy said, in a slightly strained voice. She couldn't keep her pleasure out of her voice.
Amy smiled and pushed Lucy off of her, rolling on top of her and kissing her neck hard. Lucy squealed and moaned softly, trying to playfully push Amy away, but she didn't relent her kissing or let Lucy up. As she was doing this, she spread Lucy's legs and pushed her hard cock against her pussy, slowly sliding into her, making Lucy moan long and loud.
Amy started thrusting slowly, steadily fucking Lucy's tight pussy as Lucy automatically locked her legs around Amy's ass. Amy started thrusting faster and harder, when her friend had her securely locked inside her pussy. Lucy was moaning loudly, not even caring about Amy's neighbours hearing them.
Amy pounded her friend's tight pussy faster still, moaning herself, her big balls slapping Lucy's ass hard with every forward thrust. The wet, slapping sound of Lucy and Amy's fucking was deafening in the confines of the bedroom, and if she wasn't completely cut off from the outside world at that moment, Amy would have felt self-conscious.
It didn't take long for Lucy's pussy to squeeze Amy to orgasm and she squirted cum deep inside her best friend, screaming as she emptied her balls and filled her Lucy's womb.
Amy rolled off of Lucy and they lay together silently for what seemed like a long time, listening to the birds singing outside the window as they caught their breath.
"Coffee," Amy said. "Want some?"
"Tea for me, Amy" Lucy replied.
Amy got up and put the kettle on as she thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. She desperately wanted to know how it was possible and if it could be reversed. After all, while Lucy was enjoying it, Amy was still scared she might never be her normal self again.
Ideally, she needed to speak to somebody at the laboratory she'd visited the day before, so they could at least explain what had happened, and hopefully, how it could be reversed. At worst, she hoped her unusual condition could be managed.
She needed to speak with Doctor Michaels, the lead scientist at the lab, he'd probably be the one to know what had happened to her, if anyone could know. She decided to do all that later, for now, her stomach was growling for food.
Amy opened the bread bin and put four slices of bread into the toaster for her and Lucy. At that moment, Lucy walked into the kitchen wearing just her panties. Amy hadn't noticed her, since her back was to the door, so Lucy slipped quietly up to her, wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck softly.
Amy giggled cutely and smiled at Lucy. She gave Lucy a little peck on the lips before untangling herself and serving the toast and drinks at the dining table.
They ate and drank in silence. Amy was running through everything that had happened and her only hope at understanding, and hopefully, treating what had happened to her. She had a phone number for Doctor Michaels that they'd all been given had they any questions. It was too late to call now, and it was Friday, so she'd have to wait until Monday to call him and hopefully get her answers.
Lucy kicked Amy under the table to get her attention.
"Sorry, I was miles away," Amy said.
"I could see that, Amy," Lucy said with a slight smile. "Thinking about last night?"
"Yeah, but probably not in the way you mean."
Lucy looked at her with a questioning expression and, just barely visible, a sad understanding of what Amy was saying.
"Still thinking about how it happened and how to undo it?" She asked, answering Amy's suspicions.
"Yeah," Amy said. "I probably won't be able to live a normal life with this thing hanging between my legs."
Lucy nodded, apparently understanding completely. The were staring at each other across the table with such intensity in their eyes that to someone who didn't know them, it would look as if a fight to the death was imminent. In reality, it was 2 best friends who'd known each other years playing out every possible corner to the following conversation. They knew what the other would likely say to what was said by them.
"OK, I'll just say it," Lucy said, finally breaking the silence. "I understand what you want to do, but I don't want you to get rid of it."
"What about your boyfriend?" Amy asked. "Won't he be just a little suspicious if I keep this thing, you spend most of your time with me and your damned pussy is stretched open enough to fit a coconut inside?"
"Amy, let me tell you something," Lucy said in a pleading voice. "I know you think size doesn't matter, and it might be true for you, but size is important to me. Sure, he has a big cock, but it's got nothing on yours. And besides, you're the best shag I've had."
Amy was flabbergasted. For Lucy, this amounted to spilling her heart for the world to see. She'd never been hugely vocal, but when she had an opinion, she ranted about it until everyone she could be bothered to tell had heard it.
Amy didn't know what to say. She sat quietly for what felt like a very long time. She'd had no idea that she'd had such an impact on her best friend. It was her decision and she knew Lucy would stand by it and help her as much as she could when she'd made up her mind.
"I'm going to call Doctor Michaels on Monday," She said when she finally spoke. "I'll talk to him about it and see what my options are. I'm sure he'll want to see it, so will you come with me when I go?"
"Sure," Lucy said after a few seconds. "You're my best friend, you come before sex."
Monday arrived with a normal British overcast morning sky. The day had come for Amy to find out what had happened to her on Friday. If, that was, anyone could possibly know. She picked up her phone and dialled the number on the card she'd been given at the lab.
"Hello?" came the voice of a smart-sounding woman when the phone was answered on the other end.
"Hi," Amy said, shakily. "I'm calling for Doctor Michaels."
"Might I as who you are and why you're calling?" asked the assistant.
" name is Amy, I was part of the class trip that toured your labs on Thursday," Amy said, as she felt the colour rising in her cheeks. "It's a rather important question for an essay we were asked to write," she lied.
"One moment."
The line clicked and there were a few beeps before it clicked again and another voice, male this time, spoke.
"Good morning, this is Doctor Michaels."
"Hi, this is Amy...I need to see you," she said. "I have a problem and it's urgent," she clarified.
He must have heard something in her voice or sensed her anxiety because he gave her a time and said he'd meet her outside the laboratory for her, and he'd giver her his full attention for as long as she needed.
Amy and Lucy left in Lucy's car. The didn't have any classes on Monday, so they were fine and wouldn't be missed. It was a long and almost silent drive but they made it, a little earlier than expected. The Doctor was waiting for them and he led them inside to his office.
"Now, shall we get straight to it, since you sounded so desperate on the phone?" he asked reassuringly.
Amy nodded and stood up, starting to unbutton the loose jeans she'd put on that morning.
"What are you..." Doctor Michaels began, but Lucy cut him off.
"Please, she's using all her willpower to do this, and it's something she needs you to see," she said.
Amy dropped her jeans and they fell to her ankles and her huge new penis was fully on show, out of it's sheathing and hanging to her knees. Doctor Michaels took an involuntary step back.
"When did this happen?" he asked, unable to mask the shock in his voice.
"On Thursday," Lucy said. Amy was too embarrassed to speak, or even think coherently. "She told me on Friday and she's scared, confused and very embarrassed right now."
Doctor Michaels sat down, thinking hard. Slowly his expression turned from one of deep thinking to one of understanding.
"The vial!" he exclaimed. When Lucy looked confused and Amy looked up, shaking with partial understanding, he continued. "The vial she picked up and looked at. I wanted her to be careful because it's expensive to create that blend of horse hormones and chemicals."
"So, what happened?" Amy asked, finally able to speak. "What happened to me?"
"You must have ingested some of it. It will have been a tiny amount, or you'd be severely ill...or worse," he said gravely. "It must have entered your system and somehow rewritten your DNA on a limited scale."
He wanted a blood sample and Amy gave it willingly. He left the room with it and reappeared a short while later with a piece of paper.
"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone why I wanted your blood tested and there'll be no record of it," he assured her gently, before looking at what she presumed were the results.
He examined the paper for so long Lucy cleared her throat to let him know they were still there.
"Sorry," he said, "but this is remarkable. As I thought, you're DNA has been rewritten. There's a string here that doesn't appear at all in any human DNA. It's specific to Equines. Male Equines to be exact."
"Can it be reversed?" Amy asked hopefully.
"I'm afraid not," he told her. "Not by any method I know of. It could be simply temporary, or it could be a permanent alteration. There's no way of knowing, especially since DNA manipulation is extremely complex and, on humans, illegal."
"But that's what happened!" Lucy said.
"Yes, but this was accidental," he explained. "We didn't intend for it to happen, nor did we even consider that this concoction of ours would be capable of such things. It was totally unforeseeable. I can keep analysing that blood sample over time and see what happens, but other than that, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help."
A couple of hours later, Amy and Lucy were driving back home in complete silence. It was unbearable but neither of them wanted to break it. Amy was upset that her condition was irreversible and Lucy was thinking deeply about how her friend was feeling, though she was quietly grateful about the development. She felt guilty about it, but she couldn't help the feeling.
"Pull over the next chance you get?" Amy said. "I want to go for a walk."
Lucy nodded and pulled over the next time there was a rest point. They got out of the car and climbed into a field and slowly strolled across it. There was a copse of trees on the other side and they headed for it at a leisurely pace. It was a quiet walk, as they crossed the field, observing the nature of the countryside, listening to the sounds of the birds and small animals moving and communicating with each other.
After a while they reached the trees and Amy sat down against the trunk of a large tree. She gently let the back of her head touch the tree and sighed in disappointment; her hopes had been thoroughly destroyed. She'd never be normal again. She wished that she'd never been on the trip to the lab.
She started to cry, the tears rolling down her cheeks and over her chin, falling to form visible drops on her white top. She didn't care that she was crying in front of Lucy, she'd understand. She knew she was right when Lucy sat next to her and put her arm around Amy's shoulders.
"It's OK, Amy," she said. "We'll figure it out. A way to solve it or at least help you live with it."
Lucy pulled Amy towards her and held her face gently into her shoulder. Amy sobbed her heart out onto it for what felt like forever to both girls, but she stopped eventually, sniffling as she dried her eyes and hugged Lucy tightly in thanks. Lucy gently pushed Amy away and looked at her with concern.
"I mean it you know," she said. "I will help you, despite the fact that I love it, if that's what you want."
A solitary tear of gratitude rolled down Amy's cheek and she kissed Lucy on the lips tenderly, lovingly. Her friend had been so good to her over the previous few days that she didn't care that she was starting to feel love for the sex-craving girl.
Lucy kissed back, passionately, wrapping her arms around Amy. Their tongues snaked towards each other and ran along and around each other.
After a while they broke apart, breathing heavily and looked at each other.
"Shall we go back to yours?" Lucy said.
Amy looked at the ground, embarrassed.
"I might need some help," she said, a little sheepishly, and showed Lucy the bulge in her crotch.
Lucy smiled and undid Amy's jeans, letting the hard monster cock free of its restraints. The gentle upward curve and smooth-looking flesh made Lucy shiver with delight as she lowered her face to it and kissed the tip.
Amy moaned as Lucy worked her way down from the tip, kissing and licking slowly all the way down to her balls. Amy moaned louder as Lucy sucked on her balls, stretching her sack as she sucked part of it into her mouth, making love to it with her mouth.
Lucy kissed back up to the tip and then kissed Amy on the lips deeply and passionately, their tongues seemed to wrestle with each other and their hands clawed at clothing. In under a minute, they were both naked and aroused. Amy could literally see Lucy's juices dripping from her pink, shaved pussy and onto the leaves and dirt below it.
Lucy threw her legs over Amy, straddling her stomach, with her cock between her ass cheeks. She humped Amy's belly, her ass massaging Amy's cock. She squeezed her cheeks together and alternated her speeds, making Amy scream with delight, lust and pleasure mixed into one potent noise that startled the wildlife in the trees surrounding them.
Lucy reached over into her discarded bag and pulled out a bottle of clear liquid and squirted some of it onto her ass and Amy's cock. It was slick and silky soft as she rubbed it into her friend's cock and her asshole.
When she was finished, she held Amy's cock firmly and slid it gently into her tight ass. They both moaned long and loud as Lucy slid slowly down Amy's cock, impaling her ass tormentingly slowly. Her asshole widened as Amy's cock did until she could slip down no further without it hurting.
She held herself still for a while, getting used the feeling of fullness before starting to move up and down. She moved with slow, shallow thrusts, letting them both get used to it. She knew Amy wouldn't last long inside her ass, so she kept a pace that wouldn't make her cum so quickly.
Despite the slow pace, Amy felt the pressure that she'd come to associate with cumming build. She wouldn't last very long inside Lucy's ass. She thrust in rhythm to Lucy's movements, moaning with ecstasy, moving closer and closer to filling Lucy's ass with her hot, thick cum.
Within minutes, her suspicion was proven right and she moaned as she exploded and shot a huge load of cum into her best friend's ass. She pulled out and let Lucy situate herself. Amy was still hard as a rock and still needed helping.
Lucy stood up and turned her back on Amy, bending over to suck the head of Amy's cock into her hot, wet mouth. Amy moaned, but not before she saw Lucy's gaping ass, dripping gently with cum and covering her asshole with her own lips, licking and sucking the cum from it as she moaned.
Lucy was moaning too, sucking Amy's horse-cock as deeply as she could, flicking her tongue at the head when she could. She came from Amy's oral ministrations, squirting the juices from her orgasm on Amy's chest.
Amy came again quickly and Lucy gagged as her throat was willed with cum, but swallowed every drop, continuing to suck Amy's cock even though it was softening.
Amy had already sucked all of her cum from Lucy's ass, but continued to eat it anyway, loving the taste and the kinkiness of the act. She felt another squirt of Lucy's cum cover her chest and stopped.
They were both satisfied so they got cleaned up and dressed before heading back to the car, holding hands. It felt natural to do so; without even thinking about it, they'd become a couple.
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Amy woke up on Tuesday morning and went through her normal routine of eating, showering and getting dressed for the day. Of course, now she had an extra thing to wash, and it had become toiling to wash he new horse-cock and balls every day.
It had been several months since she'd been to the labs where she accidentally spilled something and had grown her new appendage by the next morning. In that time, the college year had ended, but she'd be back there Tuesday of the next week for the start of her final year.
During the holidays, Amy had taken her part-time job at the shop she worked at and had gone full-time, something the manager was extremely happy she was able to do. It hadn't been easy: during the day, she'd get horny and her eighteen inch cock would grow to full hardness. Thankfully, after hearing this, her long-time best friend and, now, girlfriend, Lucy, would come and meet Amy on her breaks and give her a quick blowjob or let her fuck her.
Lucy had split up with her boyfriend after Amy and her had become a couple. They'd both felt sorry for him but, as it turned out, he'd been sleeping with the biggest slut in the entire college behind Lucy's back. That had broken Lucy's heart, because she had loved him. Amy had told Lucy that she didn't need the slime-ball and the next day, she'd found him and hit and kicked him a few times, breaking his nose and causing pain to his balls.
That had been just before the end of the college year and Amy had gotten the first week of work off using "family matters" as an excuse and the two of them had gone by train to the Lake District in Scotland for a camping trip. They'd had fun, renting a little cabin and spending the days at a beautiful lake swimming for a few hours before going back to the warm cabin for a long, hard session of fucking each other's brains out.
When they'd gotten back, Lucy had all but forgotten about her ex-boyfriend and they had enjoyed the rest of the holidays together. Amy was happy with how everything was going. Well, almost everything.
The rent on her flat was going up, and while Lucy had taken to living with her, she didn't have enough money to pay for any of the bills, just enough to pay for petrol, road tax, insurance and just about everything else she needed to be able to drive.
Amy had posted an advertisement in the local paper for somebody to take the spare bedroom which was completely unused. She'd had a few responses and had interviewed almost all of the people that had replied to it; all except one. That was what was on the agenda for the day.
At about midday, there was a knock at the door and went went to answer it. When she opened the door, she was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful, young redhead standing there.
"Hi, I'm Scarlet," the young girl said, reaching out to shake hands. "Nice to meet you."
"I'm Amy," Amy said, taking the offered hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you too."
"I hope I'm not late," Scarlet said, sounding slightly worried.
"Don't worry, you're actually a little early," Amy assured her. "Please, come in."
Amy stood aside and let Scarlet pass, who, as she entered, took off her shoes and placed them on the shoe rack by the door. Amy then led her down the tiny corridor that separated the rooms, leading her to the living room.
"Please, take a seat," Amy said, gesturing at a seat and smiling. "Would you like a drink?"
"Yes please, anything alcoholic," Scarlet said. "Especially if you plan on bending me over the coffee table."
Amy's eyebrows shot up in surprise as Scarlet giggled, wiping a single stray tear of laughter from the corner of her eye.
"Sorry, I'm just joking," she said, still giggling. "I'll have tea, if you've got any."
Still surprised by the Joke, Amy nodded and went to the kitchen to make two cups of tea. When she walked back into the living room, she placed the drinks on the table and sat on the sofa opposite Scarlet.
They sat and talked for a while, just about things in general. Amy discovered that Scarlet was going to the same college as her and Lucy, though taking a different class. While Amy and Lucy studied the sciences, Scarlet would be studying the arts, consisting of art, drama and dance. She'd also be studying physical education to help, along with dance, to keep her fit. Lucy came home not too far into their conversation, made herself a drink and sat down next to Amy.
"So, Scarlet," Lucy said, "What do you like to do?"
"Swimming, acting, painting," Scarlet began, her eyes lighting up, "and horse riding." She finished.
Lucy glanced at Amy, a smile forming on her face.
"I like riding horses too," she told Scarlet, making Amy chuckle, lightly enough hat Scarlet didn't hear it, but Lucy did.
"Do you have any questions for us?" Amy asked.
"I do," Scarlet replied before asking, "Do the bedroom and bathroom doors have locks on them? It's just, I don't want any people just barging in while I'm changing or anything."
"I've just come back from the local locksmith's shop," Lucy said. "He's coming over later to fit them."
Scarlet smiled with what looked like relief after Lucy said that, then standing up, she told them she had somewhere else to be. They said their goodbyes and she left.
"Let's take her," Lucy said. "She's much more fun than anybody else who wanted the other bedroom."
"Yeah," Amy said, smiling.
By the end of the week, Scarlet had moved in. She'd made herself at home as much as Lucy had, helped clean and cook, shop for food and even did the laundry, all without really asking if they needed it done. She didn't even seem phased by Amy and Lucy's relationship and shows of affection that they gave each other.
There had almost been a disastrous situation for Amy, when she'd forgotten to use the new lock on the bathroom door and Scarlet had walked in, not knowing that Amy was in there. Luckily, Amy had been able to quickly wrap a towel around her waist, though her boobs still showed. Scarlet's eyes had been drawn to them like a laser-guided missile. She'd uttered a barely-audible apology and backed out of the bathroom.
On the Saturday before they went back to college, Amy, Lucy and Scarlet decided to go out and have some fun. They went to see a movie before hitting a restaurant for a nice meal and a few drinks. Then they went home to change.
With their flat being just outside of the city centre, this didn't take them very long. They met up in the living room to look over each other's outfits.
Amy was wearing a black dress that fell to her knees and disguised her secret pretty well while also accentuating her ass and boobs. Lucy wore a tight top and a mini skirt that barely covered anything at all, the straps of her g-string peeking over the top of it at the sides. Scarlet wore a revealing, backless dress that came to halfway down her thighs and gave anyone looking a nice view of her cleavage.
When they were ready, they hit the town and went to a rock bar where they played rock music of all styles: softer music on the ground level and in the dark basement level, the heavier, darker variants of rock.
The first drinks they ordered were shots of Vodka followed quickly by a pint of lager. This got them tipsy almost immediately and they hit the dance floor to a catchy 80s song. Amy and Lucy danced and ground together in the middle of the room while Scarlet danced nearby, spurning the advances of men of all ages.
After a few songs, they put in another order for drinks and sat in one of the quieter corners chatting and laughing as the alcohol went to their heads. They danced and joked all night, each one of them dancing with each other, so that they all danced together at least once. What was curious was the fact that Scarlet tried her best not to dance too close to either of the other two, but Amy and Lucy paid it no thought.
When they got home for the night, they were wasted and they all collapsed on the sofa in the living room together, laughing and giggling at nothing in particular. Their bodies were a jumble of arms and legs, so much so that if you were looking, you probably couldn't tell who's arms or legs were whose.
Amy felt a soft touch on her boobs and they were gently rubbed and squeezed while another pair of hands massaged her bum in the same way. She turned to look and found that it was Lucy massaging her ass while Scarlet played with her tits. She moaned softly, her breathing deepening and quickening as her sensitive flesh was teased.
Amy was lying on top of Lucy and Lucy was laying across Scarlet's stomach. Amy rolled over and ground her hardening cock into Lucy's barely-covered pussy while giving her easier access to her ass, while at the same time, pinning Scarlet's hands between her and Lucy's tits. Lucy moaned loudly at the stimulation of both her pussy and tits as Amy and Scarlet rubbed against her.
Amy kissed Lucy deeply and softly, her hands reaching past Lucy to grope Scarlet's tits. The three of them moaned together as they drunkenly pleasured each other.
Amy's cock was becoming more and more noticeable, though in her drunken stupor, she didn't particularly care. She ground it into Lucy's pussy, wanting only to pleasure her best friend and lover. At the same time, she was being pleasured by Lucy's hands on her ass, kneading her ass cheeks with skill beyond measure. And Scarlet's hands were massaging both Amy's and Lucy's breasts.
Lucy pulled up Amy's dress, exposing the pink thong she was wearing underneath, her slowly hardening cock peeking over the front of it, pointing at Lucy's stomach under her mini skirt. Amy ground her cock into Lucy's pussy, feeling a wet patch expanding slowly across Lucy's panties. Lucy moaned loudly, unable to contain it and causing Scarlet to jump a little, bumping her hips against Lucy's. Lucy's eyes opened and Amy stopped grinding against her, seeing Lucy's slightly shocked expression. Lucy lifted her ass slightly, slipping one of her hands behind her and sliding it up Scarlet's thigh.
"D-don't...Please?" Scarlet said as the hand travelled further up.
Lucy felt Scarlet's crotch and felt a hardness there. She smiled to herself and rolled over, planting a kiss on Scarlet's lips as she softly rubbed the hardness. Scarlet moaned softly, growing harder. Lucy also felt a small wet patch.
"You're a hermaphrodite?" Lucy whispered, leaning close to Scarlet's ear.
Scarlet nodded timidly, but Lucy smiled softly then pressed her palm hard against Scarlet's cock, her finger-tips pressing down where the patch on Scarlet's panties was. Scarlet moaned and Lucy started to rub, pressing her fingers against the pussy under Scarlet's hard cock. Amy had started grinding her cock between Lucy's ass cheeks, making the string of her thong rub against her anus. Lucy and Scarlet both moaned loudly as they were pleasured.
After a few minutes of rubbing, Lucy turned over again, rubbing her ass against the bulge of Scarlet's cock as Amy ground her hard cock against Lucy's soaking, pussy a few times before pulling the front of her thong to the side and rubbing the head against her lover's wet, bare pussy.
"Both of you, fuck me," Lucy said, looking at each of them in turn. "Put those cocks to good use and fuck me."
Amy and Scarlet looked at each other in confusion before Lucy pushed Amy off her gently. Scarlet and Amy both gasped, coming face-to-face with each other's cocks. Amy's pointing upwards, large and proud, while Scarlet's 8 inch cock and wet pussy were exposed due to Lucy moving the front of her thong aside.
Slowly, their shocked expressions turned to mischievous smiles and Lucy had Scarlet sit and straddled her lap, facing away from her. Amy stood over them both, her cock throbbing with anticipation. Scarlet slid her cock into Lucy's ass and Amy pushed hers deep into her pussy. Both of them began to fuck Lucy hard and fast. They alternated their thrusts so that Lucy always had one cock going in either direction.
Scarlet sucked Lucy's neck as Amy licked, kissed and sucked her tits, causing Lucy to moan loudly and in deep pleasure.
All three of them moaned in sexual bliss to the sounds of their movements: the rhythmic creaking of the wooden frame of the sofa, the slapping sound of Amy's huge balls hitting both of the other girls' pussies, and the much quieter sounds of the cocks sliding in and out of Lucy's holes.
Lucy came first, an explosive orgasm that drenched Amy's cock with Lucy's juices and causing her pussy to tighten up and grip Amy's cock like a vice. Both Amy and Scarlet kept fucking Lucy hard and fast, the slapping sounds and moans of their pleasure filling the room. Scarlet and Amy both came hard, filling Lucy's pussy and ass with hot, sticky cum.
They all fell back panting, cocks softening as Lucy's pussy and ass slowly dripped cum onto the table that she was still leant over. After a few moments, the three drunk girls fell asleep; the only sound in the room was soft breathing.
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A soft shaft of golden sunlight drifted in through the window and it's open curtains, glinting off of dust motes and bathing the three naked, sleeping girls in warmth. The room, by comparison, was a scene of chaos: discarded shoes, the couch untidy and the coffee table pushed out of it's normal place.
The girls themselves looked radiant in the morning sunlight. They were still wearing their dresses and had make-up on from the night before when they'd been out and the sun accentuated their figures and features. Amy's long brown hair streamed down over her shoulders and down to cover her lovely cleavage; her dress had ridden up and her thong was down around her ankles, putting her huge cock on show. Scarlet's sensuously-long red hair that normally fell halfway down her back was bunched up under her head and fell beside her instead. Her underwear was beside her and her skirt ridden up to her waist, exposing her limp cock and glistening pussy beneath it.
Lucy, her shoulder-length blonde hair glinting golden in the sun, was the messier of the three girls. Her clothes were all gone and she was curled up in a peaceful ball, her make-up had run and her pussy and asshole were still leaking with cum from the previous night's frivolities. The cum was forming a small pool on the wooden floor.
Lucy stirred first, quickly followed by Amy and Scarlet. The three girls rose and slowly went to their rooms to change into their pyjamas before going to the kitchen for hangover-curing painkillers, coffee and toast. They decided to eat in the living room at the coffee table as the spoke about what had happened the night before.
For a while nobody spoke. The tension was immense as Amy and Scarlet looked at each other across the table and Lucy looked from one to the other, not knowing how to break them out of the staring contest they seemed to have going. Finally Scarlet spoke.
"You're like me..." she said uncertainly, "but that's not an ordinary cock you've got..."
Amy shook her head slowly, slowly chewing her mouthful of toast and swallowing it before answering.
"It's a horse-cock," she said. "It happened because of a freak accident on a college field trip."
She told the story from the beginning, told Scarlet everything that she had felt and that had happened. Told how she was scared and yet immensely turned on, how she'd masturbated right there in the bathroom and covered it and herself in her own cum. She told her of the rest of the morning too, the morning with Lucy. And then the discovery of what had happened.
By the end of it, Scarlet had a look of shocked understanding on her face. She didn't understand the science, then again, neither did Amy and Lucy, but she understood the situation and how hard it must be for Amy to live a normal life. She herself had had several problems when she was growing up.
Scarlet delved back into her own past. She'd be born a girl but instead of a vagina, she'd had a penis. It had confused doctors at her birth: she was female, but being a baby, it was hard to tell the situation for them.
She'd led a normal life for the most part. Until it came to changing for PE in Secondary college, where her difference was harder to hide behind baggy trousers, when they'd be taken off for comparatively tighter shorts. A few of her friends had found out and were kind enough to keep her secret, though dating became hard. Any guy or girl sliding their hand up her leg would find a slight bulge instead of what they were looking for. This only happened a couple of times, each time the other person being stunned into silence; but they would of course eventually confide in a friend who'd leak it. The whispers that followed her for her last few years of college tore her apart.
She'd been depressed through Secondary college, but then came freedom. She left college and could do whatever she wanted. She'd gotten a job, applied for college to do The Arts, she'd met people she liked and who liked her. There weren't any whispers any more. She began to enjoy life again and, just as her college life was about to start she began worrying about the people she might end up living with. She'd been nervous when she'd met Amy and Lucy and now it didn't matter. Her secret was out and eclipsed by another, more startling secret. As she said the last part, Amy looked at her knees, ashamed.
"Don't think I'm disgusted," Scarlet said, smiling softly. "I just mean it was a shock to see, but I like it."
They sat in silence for a few minutes, Amy and Scarlet looking at their knees, thinking while Lucy looked from one to the other, trying to think of something to say to break the awkwardness of the moment. Finally, Scarlet spoke.
"So," she started, "they couldn't do anything about it?"
Amy shook her head.
"No," she said, "I'm not even sure I want them to any more. So many god things have happened since, you know?"
Scarlet nodded with understanding, smiling softly.
"It's always good meeting people that accept you for who you are, rather than what's between your legs," she said. "Now come on, let's go to the bathroom, I have a few tips I can give you to hide it better in public."
Amy and Scarlet stood up and went to the bathroom where Scarlet showed Amy how to use tape and tight underwear to hold back erections and keep them hidden under baggy trousers and in dresses. By the time they were done it was midday so they all got showered and dressed before going out for lunch. When they got back, they lounged around watching television or reading.
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It had been nearly a year since Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had begun living together for their college studies. In that time, they'd all grown closer together. They effectively had a secret, three-way relationship going.
Amy had, the year before, grown the large cock of a horse by a freak accident at a lab on a field trip with college. She had told her best friend and classmate, Lucy, who had immediately started thinking of uses for it. It had scared Amy, at firsts, but soon after they started, she was enjoying their lesbian relationship.
They'd opened the spare room in the flat. Lucy had been sharing her room, as they'd started dating, discreetly though it was, and they'd needed help covering the rent on the place. They'd chosen a girl named Scarlet to live with them and they'd gone out for a night of dinner, drinking and clubbing. When they'd gotten back, they'd al, in a drunken haze, slept together.
Neither Amy nor Lucy had known that Scarlet was a hermaphrodite. In the morning, they'd spoken about it and told each other their stories. They'd bonded quite a lot since that time and Amy had found out that, until the drunken sex, Scarlet had been a complete virgin.
In the year since that night, a few things had changed. Amy and Lucy had finished college and their jobs were now full-time. Scarlet was still in college and working part-time to cover her side of the bills, not that it was really needed with two full-time incomes. Amy and Lucy had told her this, but she insisted that she pulled her weight.
Amy had also come to terms with her condition, had even grown to like it. It had brought her closer to Lucy who was the girl, she realised now, that she'd loved for a long time without realising it. She loved Scarlet too, in the same way, as did Lucy.
At the start of the summer, Amy, Lucy and Scarlet were getting ready to go to the beach for a week away. They had all bought new beachwear for the summer, knowing they'd end up going on holiday for a while, or at least to the beach, in the 10 weeks that Scarlet had off from college.
Lucy had a light blue thong-bikini that was barely there, Amy had bought a sports one-piece swimsuit in a pale pink while Scarlet had bought a sports one-piece in blue.
On the day of travelling to the seaside town of Bridlington, they packed Amy's car with the bags they'd packed the night before, then had breakfast before leaving. The journey was uneventful. They listened to CDs and the radio, singing along loudly while they drove up the motorway towards their destination.
The journey from the city they lived in, Sheffield, to Bridlington took around two hours and when they got there, they went straight the the chalet park. They'd rented a small, two-roomed chalet about a minute's walk from the beach. The town of Bridlington was about a mile up the beach and was filled with fun things to do.
On their first day, they just relaxed and unpacked before heading into town to eat at a nice resaurant before heading back and turning in early.
The next day, they got up early and got ready to hit the beach. They each walked into the living room dressed in their swimsuits and sandals with towels dbangd over their shoulders. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and the promise of glorious thirty degree centigrade temperature.
They walked at a leasurely pace to the beach and set up their towels and laying back to soak up the sun's rays.
They spoke for a while about plans on what they could and would do in the week. If need be, they decided they'd rent the chalet for another week, since they'd all taken three weeks off from their jobs in order to spend some time together.
They decided to go into the water, so they stood up.
"Race you!" Lucy said.
"No racing," Amy said. "It's too early in the morning for racing."
Instead of running off, as she seemed to want, Lucy instead slapped Amy's ass. Hard. Then she ran, so Amy chased her. She was easily closing in on Lucy who couldn't run any faster. Lucy had to slow down when the sea got deeper than her ankle, which meant Amy caught up even faster. When she was close enough, she dived at Lucy and they both plummeted into the waves laughing.
When they emerged, they were both laughing and choking on smal amounts of sea water they'd breathed in when they fell. Scarlet was next to them a moment later, looking a little left out. Lucy and Amy looked at each other before diving on her together. When the three of them came back up, they were all laughing and smiling. They spent the rest of the morning splashing around, laughing and playing.
When they got tired, they went and sat on their towels. They spent a while talking and rubbing suncream on each other before going to get ice cream to cool off a little. When they were hungry, they went for lunch at a little seafront cafe.
On their way back to the chalet, after lunch, they walked along a grass-bordered path which led right into the chalet park. When they got in, they just sat and relaxed. It was, at that point, early evening, almost ready for dinner. They decided to stay in and relax for the night.
The next day, Scarlet and Amy awoke to the smell of frying bacon. They walked into the kitchen and Amy gave Lucy a kiss while she cooked. A couple of minutes later, all three of them had a bacon sandwich for breakfast.
That day, the three of them decided to go up the coast to the North. There was a dedicated train-ride: a road train akin to those at theme parks to entertain children that carried people up to a beautiful area to overlook the town and coast beyond.
It took some time to get to the train's departure area and another, fairly long time, for the train to make it to it's destination.
When they got there,they relaxed and ate lunch before going for a wander around the beautiful, green scenery around them. They ended up a couple of miles further North, by a cliff over a secluded area of beach. Nobody was around and there was a path down to the sand, so they walked down it.
They relaxed and chatted for a while, laying back and enjoying the seclusion. They had brought their swimming stuff and so they changed, not bothering to be afraid of showing the world what their bodies looked like as there was nobody around.
Seeing Lucy and Scarlet's bodies uncovered caused Amy to blush slightly and her cock to stir. She could tell from Scarlet's face that the same thing was happening to her, too. It was still hard to hide her arousal, dispite the fact that she'd had a year to come to terms with her condition and to try and control it. She got changed quickly to hide her arousal, turning away to make sure neither Lucy nor Scarlet saw her getting hard.
When they finished changing, they moved to the water and splashed around and dunked each other in the steadily deeper water as the tide came in.
Seeing Lucy's D-cups and Scarlet's DD-cups bouncing around while they played around cause Amy to get harder, her cock rising up her belly, being held from sticking out by her swimsuit.
She picked Lucy up from behind and felt her ass cheeks spread to either side of her large, hidden shaft. Lucy was kicking and giggling until she felt Amy's shaft slip between her butt cheeks.
"Uh, Amy?" Lucy said. "You know you're hard, right?"
"How could I not?" Amy asked sarcastically. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice."
Lucy choucled and fought freeof Amy's grip so she could turn to face her.
"Why? So I couldn't do this?" Lucy asked before gently grabbing the bulging portion of Amy's swimsuit firmly.
Amy moaned softly as Lucy rubbed and squeezed her cock through her swimsuit. The feel of the fabric rubbing against her shaft felt good, causing her shaft to stiffen more.
Scarlet joined the two of them, gently rubbing Amy's ass and pressing her own bulge against Amy's hand. Amy slipped her hand into Scarlet's swimsuit and rubbed her cock gently while Lucy did the same to her.
The three of them moved back out of the sea and lay on the sand, kissing and rubbing each other's bodies sensually. They stripped off, giving Lucy and Scarlet the opportunity to start to lick and stroke Amy's cock together.
Amy moaned loudly as the skills of her lovers caused her to be steeped in bliss. The two of them kissed, licked and stroked up and down Amy's shaft and her balls. Before long, Amy was practically screaming with pleasure.
Just as she was about to get to the edge of her sanity, Lucy engulfed the head of Amy's cock with her mouth, sucking the huge member as deep as she could without choking. It pushed Amy over the edge.
She lost control and started screaming with pleasure. The noise echoed from the cliffs, causing seagulls to take to the air, startled.
Amy pumped Scarlet's cock hard while Lucy sucked hers. A quick shift in positions and Scarlet was eating Lucy out while Lucy was sucking Amy's cock and Amy was stroking Scarlet's. The three of them were moaning loudly and deeply.
Lucy came all over Scarlet's face, soaking her hair. The three girls changed positions again, Amy laying back, Lucy straddling her and Scarlet behing Lucy.
Without even planning it, Amy and Scarlet pushed into Lucy's pussy and ass, Scarlet bottoming out and Amy going as deep as she could inside each hole. Lucy moaned loudly as the two of them began thrusting in an alternating rhythm.
Lucy was almost screaming with bliss, feeling both her holes full of cock. Her juices were running down Amy's cock like a blocked tap, the juices covering Amy's balls and dripping between her as cheeks.
After the Lucy's blowjob and Amy's stroking of Scarlet's cock, the two of them had orgasms buliding quickly, both of them moaning in tandem with Lucy. They sped up their thrusting, giving Lucy another orgasm, soaking Amy's cock and balls further.
The squeezing of Lucy's pussy and ass on Amy and Scarlet's cocks pushed them over the edge and they both came hard, Scarlet filling Lucy's ass and Amy filling Lucy's womb to bursting point. As Amy and Scarlet came, Lucy did too, moaning silently as her voice disappeared through immense pleasure. Amy and Scarlet pulled out, their cocks followed by torrents of cum spurting from Lucy's holes and soaking the sand.
The three girls collapsed and lay together, panting heavily. Lucy was squirming in the aftermath of her three orgasms, her vision blurred and dim, almost passing out.
"That...was...amazing," Lucy said between pants. "We do...this again."
Amy and Lucy agreed and the three of them cuddles up together on the beach for a while before washing themselves in the sea and heading shakily back to their chalet.
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Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had spent a week in the seaside town of Bridlington. They had been having so much fun and each had time off work for a few weeks, anyway, that they'd decided to stay longer than the few days they'd had planned. They still had another weekend to spend at the beach, so they decided to have as much fun as possible before heading home.
In those few days, they spent time shopping, sunbathing, playing in the sea and, in the evenings, having a little fun in the bedroom. They were having so much fun, that they didn't want to leave. They felt free here, as there was nobody they knew to distract them from the pleasures of a quaint seaside town such as that.
Eventually, however, their trip had to come to an end and they had to leave. They packed their bags, loaded the car and drove back the way they came. They weren't in a rush, so they travelled at a leisurely pace down the motorway, listening to CDs and singing along.
It only took a couple of hours for them to get home and back to the normal way things went with the three of them. The first evening back, they didn't even bother to unpack, settling for a quick, quiet meal together before heading straight to bed to replenish the energy that now felt drained from them on returning home.
The next day, Amy and Lucy had breakfast together. Scarlet was still in bed and they decided not to wake her up. By mid-morning, Scarlet was still asleep and Amy and Lucy decided to go shopping, leaving Scarlet a not saying where they had gone.
Taking the car, the two of them headed into the city centre and first went shopping for food and other essentials. When that was done and loaded in the boot of the car, they hit a few clothes shops. They laughed and teased each other playfully, holding up rediculous-looking clothes in order to find the silliest look possible for the other.
After buying a couple of outfits for themselves and buying Scarlet a present in the process, they headed back to the car and went home.
When they got in, they put away the food shopping and then went looking for Scarlet. They found her in the living room, watching TV, laughing at the comedian that was being shown. They sat down, flanking her and relaxed a little, joining Scarlet in enjoying the jokes being fired at the audience on the TV comedy special.
When, eventually, the show ended, the three girls were relaxed and happy. Amy and Lucy looked at each other, silently asking if they should give Scarlet her gift now or later. With a nod from Amy and a smile from Lucy, Amy stood up and left the room. When she came back, she was holding a bag.
"Scarlet?" Amy asked.
"Hmm?" was Scarlet's response.
"While Lucy and I were out shopping, we got you something."
Scarlet looked around and saw the bag in Amy's hand. At first she looked surprised, then intrigued before she slowly reached out for her gift.
"It was just a little something we thought you might like," Lucy said.
"You didn't have to do that," Scarlet said, blushing slightly.
"Think nothing of it," Amy chimed in. "We just thought we'd get you something nice."
"Hey!" Scarlet said, mock-incredulously. "Are you saying that none of my stuff is nice?"
"Of course not," Lucy said giggling. "We just saw this in the window and thought you'd enjoy it."
Without responding, Scarlet reached into the bag. When her hand emerged, she was holding lingerie. Not just any lingerie, however. It was a crotch-less thong with a matching bra and garter belt.
"You have a lot of stockings," Amy explained. "We thought you might like something else sexy to go with them."
Scarlet smiled, her expression filled with gratitude Without speaking a word, she grabbed both of them in a tight hug.
"Thanks," she said, when she finally let them go.
The next day, the three girls went out for lunch, eating at a little café on the edge of the city centre When they'd finished, they went to see a movie before heading home.
"Let's go out tonight," Scarlet said. "It'll be fun."
It was a Friday, so the clubbing scene would be busy. They didn't have work, either with them still being on holiday, so they could stay out as late as they wanted without risking tiredness or lateness.
Amy and Lucy both nodded, smiling. They'd been hoping the fun wouldn't end so soon and going out was the best thing to keep it going. The only thing left to do was decide where to go. The city where they lived had a pretty active nightclubbing scene which meant there was a huge number of places to choose from.
"I know a good place," Scarlet said brightly. "You'll love it."
"Where is it?" Lucy asked.
"Call it a surprise," Scarlet replied with a wink. "Dress sexily, we'll have more fun."
Later that night, the three girls met in the living room, all dressed up for their night out. They were all dressed sexily, showing a lot of skin.
Lucy had on a black mini skirt that was extremely short, barely covering her ass. She'd accessorised it with a white, studded belt that hung slightly loosely around her hips. She had on a matching, low-cut top that showed off plenty of cleavage. Under all that, she had a white thong and no bra.
Scarlet was wearing a tight, pink top that hung down to her belly and clung to her body, accentuating her breasts. She also wore white hot pants, under which she had a pink thong that showed over the waistband. She had on a matching bra and had a short denim jacket to wear over her top.
Amy had on a light blue mini skirt that was longer than Lucy's, as she didn't want her secret showing to everyone they saw, though it still showed plenty. She wore a white top that clung to her fairly nicely. Her underwear was a matching purple, lacy thong and bra.
They looked each other over, smiling and twirling to give each other the best views of their outfits. They ran their fingers lightly over each other, too, causing giggles and soft pushes away so as not to cause them throw away their night out.
"We can get to touching each other later," Lucy said, giggling. "Now, lets hit the town."
They went out and caught the bus into the city centre, chatting about what they might drink and what they might do while they were out clubbing. Amy and Lucy still didn't know where they were all going and Scarlet was as tight-lipped as she had been earlier in the day.
When they got off the bus, Amy and Lucy stepped in half a step behind Scarlet. She led them through a series of streets teeming with people on a night out. They attracted a fair few glances and wolf whistles from men that were in various stages of drunkenness. They did their best to ignore them, even though some of the men blocked their path. After working their way through the crowds, Scarlet pointed at a club across the street.
"Here we are," she said.
"A gay bar?" Lucy asked.
"Yep, Scarlet said, happily.
She grabbed Lucy and Amy by their hands and pulled them into the line. They waited as the line moved, putting them closer and closer to getting into the club. When they got to the front of the queue, they showed their ID to the bouncers and went in, paying before walking up to the bar and ordering their first drinks of the night.
The club was a rock bar suited mainly to gay men and lesbians, though it welcomed people of all sexualities. The girls found a small booth by the dance floor and sat down. The club was already pretty full so they sat watching people dancing as they sipped their drinks.
When they'd finished their first drinks, they hit the dance floor. They danced together, grinding against each other in a chain, drawing the eyes of a few people around them. This served to make them put on a little show.
They ground against each other while running their hands up and down each others' bodies, groping and squeezing. Many members of their audience looked on with mixed expressions of lust and surprise. This clearly didn't happen here every night, so they were getting something pretty rare in the club.
Looking around at their audience, the three girls noticed that a lot more couples and groups had stopped watching them in order to dance in the same manner. When the song ended, they went back to the bar and ordered another round of drinks before heading back to their booth. While they drank their drinks, Amy, Lucy and Scarlet watched the dance floor, enjoying the dancing that they had sparked.
When she'd finished her drink, Amy got up, telling the other two that she was going to the bathroom before setting off through the throngs of people lining the dance floor and edges of the room.
As she was finishing in the bathroom stall, she heard someone else entering the bathroom loudly. This person quickly called her name: it was Scarlet.
"In here," Amy said. "Give me a minute."
She stuffed herself back into her thong and opened the door to the stall as she pulled her skirt back up. She was holding two bottles of beer in her hands, and she passed on to Amy before gently pushing her back into the stall and closing and locking the door.
Scarlet kissed Amy deeply, sliding her tongue into Amy's mouth almost immediately Amy kissed her back passionately, sucking gently on Scarlet's tongue and running her own along it. The two of them groped each others' asses and breasts, moaning and groaning into their kiss as they ground against each other.
Scarlet pulled Amy's skirt up around her waist and rubbed the front of her thong. At the same time, Amy was undoing the button and zipper on Scarlet's hot pants. Once she'd gotten them undone, Amy pushed them down, letting them fall around Scarlets ankles in a heap. Scarlet could feel Amy starting to harden, and Amy could see Scarlet's own member growing rapidly, tenting the front of their thongs.
Amy's cock pushed her thong aside in the front as it expanded to it's full length. There was a bead of pre-cum on the tip and Scarlet licked it off, savouring the salty-sweet flavour. As Scarlet began her oral ministrations, Amy shivered with delight, letting out a tiny moan of pleasure as Scarlet began to run her tongue up and down the huge shaft of Amy's cock.
As Scarlet licked Amy's shaft, large beads of pre-cum rolled and dripped down. Enjoying the taste, Scarlet licked them up happily, planting kisses where the beads were as her tongue darted out to collect them. By the time Scarlet started to suck the tip of Amy's cock, Amy was already moaning fairly loudly, the echoes bouncing around the bathroom.
Scarlet sucked Amy's huge cock as far into her mouth and throat as she could. She had trouble, due to the width of it, and half of the shaft was still exposed to the air, but she was pleasuring Amy, that's all that mattered to her. Scarlet began bobbing her head, Amy's cock sliding to the opening of her throat before she plunged in back down as deep as she could manage.
Amy's moans of ecstasy got louder and louder as Scarlet sucked her cock with a practised mouth and throat. As she got closer and closer to cumming, she grabbed Scarlet's head and tried in vain to control her motions. She was too weak with bliss to do so, however, so Scarlet was still in control. Amy felt her huge balls tense up as she reached her orgasm.
"Here it comes!" She exclaimed.
Scarlet was ready for it, as Amy cam hard. The amount of cum shooting into her mouth, however, meant she had to take large, quick gulps in order to keep the floor clean of Amy's cum. When Amy had finished cumming, Scarlet pulled away and took a few huge, gulping breaths to steady herself before licking a few drops off of her lips.
"Delicious," she said, smiling. "I should do that more often."
"Definitely," Amy said, grinning happily.
"Not done yet?" Scarlet asked, noting that Amy was still fully hard.
Amy shook her head and motioned Scarlet to turn around. Scarlet did so, exposing her ass. Amy moved behind Scarlet in the cramped cubicle and pulled her thong down her legs, crouching down as she lowered it. She kissed back up them as she stood up again.
Scarlet moaned as Amy licked her pussy softly, parting the lips and dipping her tongue gently into the hole. Scarlet pushed back against Amy, pushing her tongue deeper inside. Amy licked Scarlet's inner walls, enjoying the tangy-sweet taste of her hermaphrodite lover, before pulling away and licking and gently nibbling Scarlet's nether-lips. When she saw the sheen of moisture coating Scarlet's pussy, Amy stood up and positioned herself to enter Scarlet. Scarlet gasped in fear and excitement.
"Be careful," Scarlet said, looking back at Amy. "I'm still a virgin."
Amy nodded and, as gently as she could, pushed her cock into Scarlet. She went slowly, allowing Scarlet to get used to her thickness before she continued. When she reached resistance, she braced herself and Scarlet bit her bottom lip in preparation for the pain to come.
When Amy thought Scarlet was ready, the pulled back slightly before thrusting forward hard and fast, popping Scarlet's cherry in one quick movement. Scarlet gasped and moaned with pain as Amy once again kept still inside her, to allow the pain to ease away. Looking between her legs, Scarlet noticed a couple of small drips of blood on her thighs, the only outward sign of the loss of her virginity.
"Are you OK?" Amy asked her.
Scarlet nodded slowly and gently pushed back against Amy, feeling more pleasure than pain. Satisfied with Scarlet's answer, Amy started thrusting in and out of Scarlet slowly and gently, pushing her cock a little deeper with each thrust. Scarlet writhed in pleasure, moaning quietly as she was fucked gently in her no-longer-virgin pussy.
Amy started thrusting a little harder and faster, causing Scarlet's moans to get louder and louder. Amy was getting worried about the noise. If someone were to walk into the bathroom, they'd hear it and she didn't want her manhood on display to anyone looking over the cubicle partitions.
Amy's fears about the noise evaporated as Scarlet's pussy tightened deliciously around her cock. She started thrusting even harder and faster, causing Scarlet's moans to be taken between panting breaths, though they were much louder.
Amy felt Scarlet's pussy contract and ripple as she came hard around Amy's cock. The tightness caused Amy to moan loudly as she came herself, pumping rope after rope of hot, thick cum into Scarlet's womb, filling her so much that it started spraying out onto the cubicle floor.
Amy pulled out and watched as her cum leaked like a small waterfall from Scarlet's pussy, pooling around her feet. Luckily her thong and shorts had been kicked aside during their fucking.
Scarlet, legs shaking and pussy sore, looked at the cum pooling around her feet and giggled sheepishly.
"We'd better clean this up," she said.
Amy agreed and the two of them cleaned up before Scarlet dressed again and Amy put her cock back into her thong and adjusted herself so it wouldn't be noticed.
When they were ready, they grabbed their beers and headed back to the bar to sit with Lucy again.
"Where the fuck have you two been?" she asked quite furiously. "I've been waiting for you for half an hour."
Amy and Scarlet apologised and told her quietly what had happened in the bathroom. On hearing of their adventure, Lucy calmed down immediately and asked for details. She was surprised a girl as hot as Scarlet was still a virgin until then, but then Scarlet explained that a lot of guys and even a lot of girls got freaked out by her body.
When the story was finished, Lucy whistled a low note before smiling.
"I bet it was so hot," she said. "Wish I'd been there just to watch."
Amy and Scarlet agreed with her that it was hot.
The three girls sat and talked for the rest of the night. Joking about past lovers and about what they wanted from their three-way relationship. All the while they were drinking beers and grinning at one another.
When they got home, being dropped off by a taxi, they went to bed almost immediately. That night, however, Scarlet and Lucy were on either side of Amy instead of Amy and Lucy sharing a be and Scarlet sleeping in her own room.
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A few days after going to the club with Lucy and Scarlet, Amy was on her lunch break at work, thinking deeply. A lot of things that had happened or been said that night had stuck in her head and it had been bugging her since. Everything she was thinking about was to do with her relationship with Lucy and Scarlet.
She'd been thinking about something since even before the club: marriage. She loved Lucy and believed that Lucy lover her too. She was, however, wondering if, were she to ask Lucy to marry her, Scarlet might get jealous. Amy didn't want that, because both she and Lucy loved Scarlet and cared for her feelings. Amy would need to make sure that Scarlet would be fine with it.
She was forming a plan in her mind. It would take a lot of ironing out when it came to the details, but she was hoping it would work in favour of them all.
A week later Amy and Scarlet would be alone in the house as Lucy had to work late that night. Amy figured this was the perfect time to see if Scarlet would be OK with her asking Lucy to marry her. When that time arrived, Amy found Scarlet in the kitchen, making dinner for the two of them.
"Hey," Amy said, walking up behind Scarlet and hugging her. "What are you making?"
"Lasagne," Scarlet replied with a smile. "I know it's your favourite."
Amy smiled and kissed Scarlet's cheek in thanks. She was still toying with how to bring up asking Lucy to marry her. She took a deep breath to gather her thoughts and courage.
"Scarlet, I need to ask you something."
Scarlet turned around, a questioning look in her eye. Amy almost backed out, saying it didn't matter, but she steeled herself.
"You know I love you," Amy said. "And I love Lucy."
"OK," Scarlet said. "Where are you going with this?"
"I wanted to make sure you were fine with it before I did it," Amy began. "How would you feel if I proposed to Lucy?"
Scarlet grinned with genuine happiness. She hugged Amy tightly and kissed her on the cheek softly.
"I'd be delighted if you did," she said.
"Oh good," Amy said. "I thought you might be jealous."
Scarlet shook her head and cuddled Amy warmly.
"Of course not!" Scarlet exclaimed. "It's a wonderful idea."
Amy was grinning giddily now. She was wondering if Lucy would take the proposal, when it happened, with as much enthusiasm as Scarlet was at the mere mention of the idea. She supposed there was nothing for it. The only way to find out would be to do it and wait for Lucy's reaction.
Amy and Scarlet worked together on dinner, putting it together in a fraction of the time that Scarlet could do so alone. When it was finished, they sat and ate their creation together, enjoying each others' company and laughing at silly stories they were both telling. Mixed with a few glasses of wine, their meal was very enjoyable.
When they'd finished eating, they poured a final glass of wine each and moved into the lounge to watch television. The show they watched was a comedy panel show about the week's news. They laughed themselves hoarse at the gags and jokes, slapping their thighs and falling onto each other.
By the time their show was finished, it was fairly late and they went to the bedroom. They stripped off and climbed under the covers, cuddling each other close, enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together gently.
While they cuddled, their fingers softly danced over the other's skin, slowly moving up and down the sides of their bodies. Amy felt herself stiffening slightly as she was gently tickled by Scarlet and she was sure Scarlet was feeling the same situation growing in her own crotch.
Very slowly, Amy leaned in and kisses Scarlet's lips softly. Scarlet kissed her back and pulled her closer. Amy wrapped her arms around Scarlet as the kiss became more and more passionate and the two of them clung together as they made out.
Amy rolled onto Scarlet and broke the kiss. Scarlet looked upset until Amy started to kiss down her neck and chest, eventually finding her goal of Scarlet's nipples. Scarlet moaned as Amy licked, sucked and nibbled her nipples softly, causing her cock to harden further and her pussy to moisten so much that her juices started to run down her thighs and ass cheeks.
While she used her mouth to pleasure Scarlet's tits, Amy used her hands to gently rub her pussy and stroke her cock. This caused Scarlet to moan deeply with pleasure, her cock to drip pre-cum and her pussy muscles to contract with immense pleasure.
Amy grinned happily slipped two fingers into Scarlet's pussy, starting to pump them slowly, pushing them deeper and deeper with each thrust.
"Nngh....m-more," Scarlet said pleaded, filled with pleasure. "Harder."
Amy pumped her fingers harder and faster, drawing a loud moan of pleasure from Scarlet. When Scarlet started moving her hips in time to the movements of Amy's fingers, Amy wrapped her fingers gently around Scarlet's cock and stroked it in time with the movements of her fingers.
"Yes!" Scarlet screamed in pleasure. "It feels so good!"
Encouraged, Amy pumped her hand and fingers even faster. Scarlet closed her eyes tightly, her mouth open wide. She no longer made any noise, unable to by the debilitating pleasure she was feeling from the dual stimulation.
"You like that?" Amy asked, knowingly, getting a nod from Scarlet.
Amy smiled and pumped her hand and fingers harder, causing Scarlet to arch her back as she fought her impending orgasm. Amy could see how close Scarlet was already and licked and sucked on her nipples to push her over the edge.
Scarlet started thrusting her hips as she teetered on the edge of her orgasm, pumping her cock through Amy's fist and causing Amy's fingers to rub that place deep inside her that felt better than any other.
Amy moved her hand from Scarlet's cock and replaced it with her mouth. She sucked Scarlet's cock hard and deep, circling her tongue around the head. Her oral ministrations pushed Scarlet over the cliff of her orgasm and she came hard, coating Amy's fingers in the juices from her pussy and filling her mouth with her cum.
Amy slowed the pumping of her fingers inside Scarlet, slowly dropping her from her orgasm while still sucking and licking her cock to milk it for all the cum she could. When Scarlet was back from her orgasmic bliss, Amy pulled away from her, slowly pulling her fingers out of her hermaphrodite lover and holding the cum in her mouth.
"Th-that was amazing, Amy," Scarlet said, panting heavily.
Without responding, Amy kissed Scarlet deeply, pushing some of her own cum into her mouth. Scarlet kissed her back and they swapped to cum back and forth for a few minutes of passionate kissing before they split it and each swallowed around half of it.
The two of them were panting, Amy from the kiss and Scarlet from the kiss and her recent orgasm. Without saying a word, Scarlet pushed Amy onto her back then smiled brightly.
"Can't have me being the one having all the fun, can we?" She asked, licking her lips slightly.
Amy's eighteen-inch-long, three-inch-thick horse-cock was stood straight up and had a bead of pre-cum slowly dripping down it's length.
Scarlet leaned in and licked Amy's hard cock from base to tip, taking the bead of pre-cum on her way up.
"Mmm, delicious," Scarlet said after her first lick.
Without another word, she started to lick, kiss and gently stroke Amy's cock. Amy groaned softly, wrapped in the slowly building pleasure of Scarlet's oral attentions and stroking.
"You like that, huh, baby?" Scarlet asked seductively, licking her lips in a sexy fashion after stopping her oral love-making to Amy's cock.
"Yes," Amy said. "Don't stop, please."
At the sound of Amy's begging, Scarlet circled the tip of Amy's cock before engulfing it with her mouth. Amy moaned at the feeling of Scarlet's hot, wet mouth as Scarlet started to suck gently, slowly bobbing her head. At the same time, she was Stroking Amy's cock in time with the bobbing of her head.
Amy was softly gripping the bed sheets, tossing her head back and forth with pleasure. Scarlet started to suck harder and deeper, bobbing her head faster. The deeper her cock went into Scarlet's mouth, the harder Amy gripped the bed sheets and the more she writhed around with the pleasure.
Amy groaned with disappointment when Scarlet stopped sucking her cock and pulled her head back, now only slowly stroking it with her hand.
"Don't worry Amy," Scarlet said. "Now for the good part."
She moved to stand over Amy, lowering herself to the point where she was holding herself a few inches above the head of her large cock. She lowered herself those last few inches until the head of Amy's cock was pressing lightly against the lips of her pussy.
"Don't tease me," Amy said, as Scarlet was rubbing the head of her cock back and forth across the velvet-soft folds of flesh.
Scarlet smiled deviously before lowering herself slowly, Amy's cock disappearing inside her inch by inch. Amy softly thrust up in order to go in faster. In a few seconds, Amy was as far inside Scarlet as possible without forcing herself through Scarlet's cervix.
Scarlet knelt for a minute, adjusting quickly to Amy's large cock deep insider her. Looking down, she noticed that it was just over half way in.
After adjusting to the cock inside her, Scarlet started moving, slowly pulling herself up before dropping herself back down. Both girls moaned softly as Scarlet moved, Amy shivered with pleasure as Scarlet's hot pussy engulfed her cock over and over again.
Amy started pumping her hips in time with Scarlet's movements, driving herself harder into her lover. She could feel the muscles of Scarlet's pussy squeezing her shaft tightly, attempting, even at the early stages of their love-making, to milk her for her cum.
"Oh yes!" Scarlet exclaimed. "You fill me so well, it feels amazing!"
"Your pussy feels so good, too!" Amy replied, thrusting up harder and faster.
Scarlet and Amy both moaned with pleasure, thrusting at each other as they both neared orgasm. The sound of their sex filled the room, drowning out the sound of the late-night traffic on the main road outside the window.
"I'm cumming!" Amy exclaimed.
"Me too!" came Scarlet's reply.
The two of them came at the same time, Scarlet's pussy gripping Amy's cock tightly as her own cock fired cum onto Amy's tits. Amy's own cum fired from her huge cock with the force of a cannon, quickly filling Scarlet's womb and pussy until it was spurting out of her onto the bed sheets.
When they came down from their orgasms, Scarlet collapsed onto Amy's chest, her face falling into a small pool of her own cum between Amy's breasts. As they were panting from the exertion, Amy's cock slowly softened inside Scarlet before falling out of her pussy followed by dribbles of cum.
The two girls cuddled close until they fell asleep, exhausted.
Lucy got home around three in the morning to find some dinner that had been left for her by Scarlet and Amy. She warmed it in the microwave and ate it while watching a late night movie on television.
When she finished eating, she walked to hers and Amy's bedroom, wanting nothing more than to climb into bed and sleep. When she looked into the room, however, she found Amy and Scarlet asleep.
Scarlet was still on top of Amy and they were laying in the product of the sex they'd had earlier. Lucy smiled to herself, shut the door and went to sleep on the couch.
A few weeks later, Amy had planned how she was going to propose to Lucy. She had decided on a romantic meal for two followed by a nice walk through the botanical gardens, which is where she'd propose.
She'd bought beautiful silver ring with a small diamond set in it for around three hundred pounds and had made reservations for two at a nice restaurant. She'd also come up with a story with Scarlet as to why Scarlet wasn't available that night to go out with the two of them, because Lucy had told her to invite Scarlet along.
She was excited but nervous as to Lucy's response to what she was going to ask. When the night finally came, they dressed in nice dresses that made them look sexy, yet covered them properly, and set off to the restaurant.
The meal was nice. Good-quality food at affordable prices at a table lit by a couple of candles with good, romantic music playing to set the mood for couples. When they'd eaten, Amy suggested a walk to the botanical gardens. Until that point Lucy had no idea about Amy's plan to go there and she agreed to go for a walk there.
It didn't take long for them to get there and soon they were walking through a beautifully-lit garden of plants, from your every day flowers to more exotic species.
"I love it here," Lucy said. "Such a beautiful place to be in a city."
"Yeah, with beautiful company, too," Amy responded.
Lucy chuckled and they walked slowly. Hand-in-hand through the trees and beds of plants, taking in the sights.
Halfway into the gardens, they came to a large pond and Amy sat on a bench at the side of the path that bordered it. Lucy joined her and they sat looking around them at the beautiful scenery around them.
"It's beautiful," Amy said.
"Mmmm," Lucy agreed, cuddling up to Amy.
"I could stay like this with you forever," Amy said. "You and me together, forever."
With her interest mounting rapidly, Lucy looked up at Amy with an questioning look. Her heart was beating faster and her mind was racing, trying to figure out what Amy meant.
Amy gently removed herself from the cuddle and dropped to her knee slowly on the smooth pavement, her hand slipping into her bag and pulling out the box that contained the ring. She took Lucy's hand and looked deep into her eyes and saw stunned understanding in them.
"Lucy," Amy started. "I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." She opened the box, revealing the ring. "Will you marry me?"
Lucy sat in a stunned silence for so long that Amy started getting worried. It must have shown on her face because when Lucy saw it, she snapped back to herself.
"Amy, I love you too," She said. "I'd love to marry you."
Amy grinned widely and slipped the ring onto Lucy's ring finger. Lucy was smiling too and looked at the ring, feeling it and the intentions and love it symbolised.
"Perfect fit," Lucy stated, smiling.
"I know your size," Amy said.
Lucy pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. Her tongue darted into Amy's mouth and Amy twined her own around it while at the same time, pulling Lucy into her arms. After a couple of minutes, they broke the kiss and looked at each other.
Breaking the eye-contact, Amy took a quick look around at the deserted botanical gardens and an idea formed in her mind. She smiled at Lucy.
"Come with me," She said, standing up and gently leading her towards a small grove of trees and bushes.
"What are we doing?" Lucy said, having some idea already.
"You'll see," Amy said, a mischievous smile appearing on her face.
They pushed through the bushes and into a clear area in the grove. Amy quickly cleared an area of fallen twigs and leaves around the base of a tree, but she couldn't do anything about the dirt. They were going to get a little dirtier than usual tonight.
Amy gently pushed Lucy against the tree trunk and kissed her deeply and passionately, her hands gently roaming the body of her bride-to-be. Lucy responded in kind, her hands reaching for and groping Amy's body.
The lack of a bra for both of them made their arousal obvious, as their nipples poked against the fabric of their dresses and Amy's cock started tenting the front of her dress.
Amy reached around and grabbed Lucy's ass and squeezed it softly. Lucy moaned and Amy continued to knead her perfect backside.
Lucy reached up to Amy's chest and started to softly rub and squeeze her tits, causing the fabric of her dress to rub against her already-hard nipples which drew a small moan from her lips. In response, Amy pulled Lucy against her and ground her cock into Lucy's crotch.
Lucy pushed Amy back slightly and pulled her dress down and let it fall around Amy's feet. Amy responded in kind and then they both removed their panties and piled their clothes and shoes away from where they intended to be having sex.
Lucy was stood there, leaning against the trunk of the tree, looking at Amy, whose horse-cock was now standing proudly, and unhindered, at attention. Lucy couldn't help but still marvel at the length and thickness of her lover's endowment.
Amy closed the short distance between them in a couple of steps, pulling Lucy into a close cuddle and passionate kiss. The cuddles caused her cock to be pressed between both of their stomachs and it was rubbed with every slight movement of either of their bodies, drawing small moans and gasps of pleasure and causing beads of pre-cum to leak from the tip to lubricate her large appendage.
Lucy gently but firmly pushed Amy onto the ground without breaking the kiss and straddled her stomach, allowing her cock to stand up straight. As she kissed Amy, Lucy reached back and gently stroked and rubbed Amy's cock.
"I want that beast of yours deep inside me," Lucy said, winking. "I want to feel you in my deepest places where nobody else can reach."
Amy smiled and gently pumped her hips once to express her desire to be inside her lover. With that Lucy moved to straddle Amy's cock and lowered herself onto it with practised ease, taking far more of it that Scarlet could.
Amy moaned as she felt Lucy's cervix against the tip of her cock and still Lucy was lowering herself, slowly and as gently as possible, forcing the tip of Amy's cock through her cervix and into her womb. Amy looked into Lucy's eyes and saw a mixture of pain, pleasure and pure love there as she forced Amy into a place where nobody should be able to reach. Finally, Amy was inside Lucy's womb, her cock being squeeze almost painfully by her lovers cervical muscles.
"Are you OK?" Amy asked Lucy, who was sat still to adjust to the new feeling.
Lucy nodded wordlessly and started to move slowly up and down the beastly cock that was deep inside her. The two lovers both moaned in pleasure from the deep and tight stimulation. Amy started to thrust gently, matching her pace and force with Lucy's own movements to ensure that she didn't overwhelm her. After a short while, Lucy started to move faster and harder and Amy increased her own speed and force to match.
Amy looked her lover up and down from head to toe as they made their unnatural love in nature's embrace. If it wasn't for the pleasure she was feeling and her body taking over on her movements, Amy would have stopped altogether. She could have sworn she saw a bulge in Lucy's stomach, outlining exactly where her cock was buried to in her lover.
Before Long, Lucy had sped up to a fast pace and Amy matched it stroke for stroke, her balls slapping loudly against Lucy's bare ass cheeks.
"I'm cumming!" Lucy cried as her cervix and pussy muscles clamped down hard on Amy's cock, bringing on Amy's own orgasm.
"Me too!" Amy responded as she bucked her hips one last time.
Lucy's orgasm hit just a little earlier than Amy's, her juices spurting from her pussy and coating their thighs and Amy's cock in a hot blast of love juice.
Amy's cock practically exploded inside Lucy, her cum quickly filling her lovers womb to bursting point. Amy filled Lucy so much that she had to pull herself off to ease the pain of that amount of cum, causing Amy's cum to splatter on Lucy's pussy, belly and ass and even cover Amy's belly and thighs.
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The two girls collapsed, panting heavily. Lucy's pussy was emptying of cum rapidly, leaving a white, sticky puddle in the dirt under her. Amy was laying still, barely able to move after the most pleasurable orgasm she thought she'd ever had.
The two girls managed to gather enough strength to cuddle up to each other as they came down from the high of their orgasms. They nearly fell asleep but managed to gather themselves and their clothes up.
They decided on quickly cleaning up in the pond, and since nobody else was around at that time of night, the went over there completely naked. After washing up, they got dressed and stumbled hand-in-hand towards the exit of the gardens.
"That was amazing, Amy," Lucy said shakily as they walked like drunkards.
All Amy could manage was a nod of assent.
Within a couple of years, Amy and Lucy were married. It had been a simple ceremony with Scarlet as the Maid of Honour.
The most jarring event in that time had been Amy telling her parents everything. They'd been most shocked that their daughter now had a stallion's equipment and hadn't even commented on the fact that she was entering into a lesbian marriage. They had come around after the shock had worn off and supported her in everything she needed support in.
Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had decided to move into a house together instead of a flat and had all banded together to rent a modestly-sized place.
While Amy and Lucy were married, the three girls were still in a three-way relationship together and loved every minute of it and every inch of each other.
And the sex was still amazing, of course.
The End
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