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08-01-2019, 11:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2019, 12:36 PM by Ramesh_Rocky.)
Story :- Fervor Regained
Written by pinuram
22nd February 2014
Every person deserves a companion that can make them forget that their heart was ever broken.
Chapter 1. Mater Dolorosa. (#1 , #2 , #3 )
Chapter 2. Unexpected Alliance. (#1 , #2)
Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#1 , #2 , #3)
Chapter 4. Limping Stallion. ( #1 , #2 , #3)
Chapter 5. Winter in Eden. ( #1 , #2 , #3 )
Chapter 6. Melting Ice. ( #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 )
Chapter 7. Bridging Gap. ( #1 , #2 )
Chapter 8. Flow of Life. ( #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 )
Chapter 9. Broken Kiss, Goodbye. ( #1 , #2 , #3 )
Chapter 10. Fervor Regained. ( #1 , #2 , #3 )
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Chapter 1. Mater Dolorosa. (#1)
The dark monsoon clouds were jostling and rumbling overhead. The sky was gloom since morning. Cold moist winds were whistling all around. The weather was heavy with each passing second. The shower was eminent but probably waiting for some beckon for the torrential downpour.
It was last period and Ambalika sat absent minded in the class. She was chewing the back of the pen between her pearl studded rows and was looking blankly outside the window. Few crows sat on the shade of an old building nearby. Professor was teaching inorganic chemistry but not a single word entered her in her brain. The humid air beckoned her with open arms. She should be happy but she was lost somewhere. The dark clouds reminded her beloved mother who left for heavenly abode few years back.
“Amba, what happened?” Piyali, her bosom friend, nudged her and asked.
Ambalika wiped the corner of her eye looked vaguely at Piyali. She gave a painful smile. Piyali fathomed the pains of Ambalika. She was there on that day, when she lost her mother. She fathomed the disturbance of her soul.
“Nothing.” answered Ambalika with a sleek smile, “I am doing fine.”
Piyali knew that her friend was not fine. Few years after Ambalika’s mother passed away, her father married a much younger lady. She bore the thought that her stepmother took away her father. With each passing day, Ambalika wandered away from her father. Gradually a huge wall came between father and daughter. Her father was a renowned cardiologist. He wanted his daughter to be a doctor. Nevertheless, Ambalika was furious when her father remarried. Submerged in angst and pain, intentionally she did not clear the medical entrance exams. She took chemistry honours. Her father was furious but her stepmother persuaded her father. That day, for a moment she expressed her gratitude to her stepmother. She felt all alone in that huge palatial building. He father was always busy in his profession and she could not stand her stepmother. One day she tried to commit suicide but a faint babble restrained her from committing that sin. The babble of a new sapling; her toddler brother. She embraced that cub with all her might and solace returned in her bereaved heart.
“Today is your brother’s birthday. Cheer up and smile.” Piyali nudged Ambalika by her shoulder.
Ambalika sported a sleek smile, “Yes and dad has asked to bring Niladri.”
“Really!” Piyali exclaimed, “Then you should be happy. Why are you looking so gloom then?”
“I wish my mom was there today.” She said in a calm voice. She looked outside the window and murmured, “I wish my mom took me along with her.”
Piyali understood that the conversation was growing heavier and thought not to stretch more. The weather was getting heavy with each passing second. It started drizzling outside and Ambalika wandered in the barren caverns of her heart.
Piyali pinched Ambalika and asked, “Is Niladri coming today?”
She bit her lower lips and nodded her head. She knew that Niladri would be waiting for her after college. Probably he was standing at the college gate. The mere thought that Niladri was waiting for her, quickened her heartbeat. A bashful smile floated on her lips.
Her father did not object much about the relation between hers and Niladri. Niladri was an architect and was employed in a renowned architect firm. They both knew that their future was smooth. They planned to get married after few years. Ambalika was very head strong and independent girl. She wanted to complete her masters and pursue her career as a teacher. Whenever she was with Niladri, she felt autumn breeze in her bereaved soul. She counted minutes in her wristwatch. The second hand seemed to scroll at a snail’s pace.
Just then, the peon of the college came to the lecture hall and asked for Ambalika. Professor listened to the peon and looked at Ambalika. Everyone in the class looked at Ambalika. Ambalika stood up. No one knew as what happened, why the principal summoned her. Her heart was thumping loudly in anticipation. Although she was a good student, she could not find the reason. She asked the peon but the peon kept quiet. As she entered the principal’s room, she found a security officer officer there. She was astonished and stood there. Principal asked Ambalika to take a seat. The security officer officer told her that she has to accompany with them to the hospital. She asked the reason. The security officer officer kept quiet for some time and informed about an accident. A truck rammed into the car in which her father was travelling along with her stepmother and stepbrother. He did not divulge much only asked her to accompany. She felt a turbulent wave crushing on her. The whole world around her began to rotate. She gave a bereaved look to the principal and the security officer officer. She was about to fall down, just then Piyali came inside the office and held her in her arms. Everyone of her class gathered around the principal’s room. Ambalika regained herself and gave a glassy look to everyone. She forgot to wail, she lost her voice. Her world was once more shattered.
Ambalika came out of the college building accompanied by Piyali. Niladri was waiting for her at the college gate. Their eyes met, but Ambalika could not utter a single word, only her lips twitched in pain. He came running towards her. She stood like a stone effigy. Niladri asked the security officer officer and came to know about the accident. He took her in his arms and tried to console but she was then nothing more than a cold stone effigy. Piyali stood nearby watching them with tearful eyes.
All three of them accompanied with the security officer officer reached the hospital. On reaching hospital, she came to know that a truck hit their car from side and the car rolled into a ditch after hitting a tree. The steering wheel stuck inside her father chest and he lost his breadth immediately. Her stepmother’s head hit the windshield and her head was smashed in pieces. Upon hearing, the news as her heart was anticipating her eyes welled with tears. The security officer officer then asked Ambalika to identify the bodies. She identified the bodies of her father and stepmother.
She gathered herself and came out of the morgue without shedding a drop of tear. She stood silent for few moments and then asked, “Where is my kid brother, my darling Rishu?”
The security officer officer answered, “By the grace of God, he is out of danger. No one knows how he survived the fatal accident. He has only few bruises on his cheek and hand. Other than that he is fine.”
Doctor took her to the paediatric ward, where little Ambarish was admitted. Ambalika stepped in the ward and saw that little Rishu was lying on the bed. Little chubby Rishu was unaware as what all was happening around him. When he saw his sister entering the ward, his face beamed with a tranquil smile. He knew he was in safe hands.
He asked his sister in his kiddy voice, “Where were you?”
She bit her lower lips, drank all the tears that welled in her big black eyes and sported a calm smile. She clasped him across her lap and soothed, “I am here to take you home.”
He asked, “Where is mamma? These uncles are not letting me to meet them.”
She lost vocabulary as what to answer. She gathered her composure and smiled, “Mamma and dada has gone to buy more balloons and sweets for your birthday.”
He was inquisitive, “But our car tumbled?”
Ambalika feigned astonishment, “Really? When?”
“Yes, our car tumbled and after then I was brought here. I could not find mamma and dada.” He asked again.
She consoled him, “Dada and mamma has gone to buy a new car for Rishu. So what will be the colour of the new car?”
He jumped they were going to have a new car. His face beamed with joy, “This time red.”
She was able to hear the sound of her broken ribs, yet she did not express those tears and blood to that innocent foal. He was ignorant that his father and mother was no more in the world. She pressed her lips on his forehead and kissed his chubby cheeks, “Ok this time it will be red.”
She took her on her lap. He asked her, “Can we go home now?”
She looked at Niladri and asked him to arrange transportation to take her parent's body home. Although her head was spinning, but she knew that she won't be able to show her tears in front of that kid. She took another cab to reach home along with little Rishu. Both the bodies were kept in the ground floor. She kept her brother in her room, away from all the grieving family members. He sat there on the bed playing with his toys, while everyone was busy discussing about the unforeseen accident.
Rishu asked his sister, Where is my cake?
Amba ruffled his silky hair and said, "I will bring your cake in a jiffy and then we will celebrate your birthday.
She came downstairs where everyone was present. She looked at her parents’ body, covered in white sheet, lying on the floor. She called Niladri and asked him to bring a birthday cake for Rishu. Everyone was taken aback by her word. Relatives asked her as what she was doing. However, she was adamant on her word.
She said to them, "It is fate, not in my control that I lost my parents today. However, it is in my control that I can keep my brother smiling. Today is his birthday, I earnestly request you all to behave like that. Please do not speak of any bereavement in front of him. We can cremate only after Rishu falls asleep.
Most of the relatives opposed to her decision however, she stood her ground. Most of the relatives left except few near and dear ones. Niladri stood beside her all the time. A chocolate cake was brought and Rishu's birthday was celebrated. The people present there stared at Ambalika who was smiling constantly and tried everything to make her kid brother happy. She showered so much of affection that the cub did not felt that his parents were missing. She cuddled him close to his heart all the time. After celebrating his birthday, it was time to put him to sleep. Little Rishu asked for his mother then. Ambalika told stories, sang lullaby to put him to sleep. He fell asleep peacefully in her arms. He knew that his sister's lap was the safest place on earth.
After Rishu fell asleep, Ambalika crept away from his side. She had to cremate her parents. In the dead of night, with help of Niladri and her close relatives she cremated her dad and stepmom. The fire burnt her parent’s body to ashes. She had no tears left to wail, she was turned to stone. She was blank unable to think anything about her future. She was all alone in the world. She returned home in the wee hours of morning. The huge mansion gave her a haunted look the walls cowered on her. She sat in her father's practice chamber for a long time. She opened the drawer and found a picture of hers with Rishu on lap. It dawned then that she had to live; she had to bring smile in his brother's lips. She can't divulge to that kid that he lost his parents. She made up her mind to live for Rishu. She wiped her tears and entered her room where Rishu was asleep. She crawled beside the cub, cuddled her brother tightly in her arms and fell asleep.
The next morning brought a new dawn for the brother and sister. She appointed a full time nanny to look after Rishu for the time she was in college. She was altogether a different person then. The jovial girl was lost somewhere. She transformed herself to young Mater Dolorosa, taking care of her brother. Every night she told a new story so that Rishu do not ask about mom and dad.
Few months passed, Ambalika completed her graduation. Every evening, Niladri used to visit their house to meet them. One evening he asked her hand for marriage.
She gave a painful smile and said, "Niladri, I think you should forget me.
He was bewildered by her answer, Why what happened? I give you my word that I will share every pain of yours. I will be always by your side.
I can't leave my brother. He is the apple of my eye and he needs my undivided attention.
He pleaded, Amba, I am not asking you to leave Rishu. He will stay with us.
She answered, "What you are saying is quiet not possible. Have you ever thought what will your parents say? After marriage my responsibilities will increase, I had to look after many things other than Rishu. How he will get my undivided attention then? You have only thought of your side, few months back I also thought only about myself. I dreamt to marry, have a world of my own. I had my mother beside me for ten years and dad was there for twenty years. For my brother, there is no one except me. I have to be his father and mother. Everything has changed, Niladri, please try to understand. Please forget me.
He stood silent; her words pierced his soul like a bunch of arrows. He fathomed the helplessness of her heart he understood her situation. He tried to persuade, My parents didn't have any objection to have you as their daughter-in-law. Regarding all other matter I will discuss with them and I assure you that they won't oppose.
She was madly in love with Niladri. She knew that he would be able to convince his parents. Nevertheless, she was sceptical about future, a time no one has seen. Her closeness with her brother might not go well with her conjugal life or her married life could cause hindrance in the affection she had to give to Rishu. She asked Niladri to give her some time to think. Niladri went away that day saying that he would return with a positive note.
Ambalika made up her mind to leave the city, go somewhere else where the reminiscences of her parents or her love would not haunt her anymore. She divulged nothing even to her best friend Piyali, as she knew that Niladri would somehow come to know about her plan. She arranged to sell the property with all assets. She collected all the money, invested wisely in gold and deposited a good amount in fixed deposit. That sudden impulse made that jovial girl to an intelligent woman. She only took three pictures of her parents, except that she sold everything.
Little Rishu asked his sister, "Didibhai, where are we going?"
She answered, "We will go to a new place. There you will be with me always. No one will come between us.
Then one night, she packed her bags and left the city along with her brother. Before handing the key to the new owner, she took a last look at the huge mansion where she spent her childhood and her youth, the place where Rishu was born. The house bears several memoirs. Not even, she told to any of her relatives as where she was going. She boarded the train and left the city forever. There was a little bead of tear as the train chug out of the station but she had to leave.
A new town a new life for Ambalika and Ambarish. For first few days, she stayed in a hotel and searched for accommodation but all went vain. It was hard to find accommodation and a respectable job for a single girl with a kid on lap. She tried in vain to convince people that he was her brother. Everyone assumed him to be her kid and everyone assumed her to be a fallen girl. Fortunately, she bumped into an old friend of her dad. That person helped her to find accommodation.
In that new place, in a new house they started a new life. Ambarish was still a kid then, so Amba could not go for any job. She started teaching kids in her rented apartment and over a period of time she opened a Montessori college in her apartment. Thus, she was able to keep an eye on him and earn livelihood. She knew she had money but she saved all those for rainy day. Every night Rishu slept peacefully in his sister’s lap. She weaved a lie, a tale that their parents had gone to a far away land in search for medicine. They would return when little Rishu would grow up.
All that Rishu knew that his sister was his world. Ambalika admitted Rishu to a nearby college. On the first day at his college, she stayed for the whole four hours in front of the college. She took a picture of Rishu in his first college dress and kept that picture close to her bosom. That night when Rishu went to sleep, she took out three photos of her parents and showed them the picture of Rishu. She promised to her parents in a hushed tone that one day she would make him a doctor just as her father dreamt of her. Years passed, Rishu was a good student. On every festival or occasion, she flooded him with gifts and present. She filled his life with all love and affection. He stopped asking about his parents, he forgot them as he grew up. She was happy to have her brother close to her. It was pleasure for her to watch her kid brother to grow up. She cherished all the naughty deeds of her brother. The first prize when he came first in class, the first kiss to a kid girl in is class, the first lie that he told, the first story that he made up. She gave her wholehearted attention to all those little things of life. Her eyes used to get filled up with joy and every night she took out her stepmom's picture and used to narrate those to her. Every day he came from college with some new act up his sleeve, covered in dust and sometimes had leaves or some insects in his pocket. He never finished the whole lunch and it was a routine to thrash him every day. He was fussy about bathing during winter and she used to lure him with chocolates to take him to bath.
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Chapter 1. Mater Dolorosa. (#2)
Ambalika never celebrated her birthday but she never forgot to celebrate Rishu's birthday. She was in the kitchen preparing food for kids she invited on that evening. She decorated the drawing room of that rented apartment with papers, balloons and ribbons. Rishu returned from college with dust in head and hands. He knew that he would get a good thrashing from his sister for tearing the shoes. That was the second pair of shoe she bought for him that month. He ran inside and hugged his sister from back.
The touch of that puerile foal melted her soul, "How is my birthday boy today? Did you distribute the sweets among your friends?
Yes Didibhai. There is good news also; I came first in the essay competition." He showed her the plaque that he received.
She hugged him close to her bosom and kissed his chubby cheeks, "That's my boy, so you want a special present this time?
He threw his arms around her neck and hid his face in her bosom, "Abhishek tore my shoe.
She patted his cheek and softly scolded, "I warned you not to fight with others. If you don't obey to what I say then you will not get any present.
He rubbed his little nose on her cheek, "Didibhai, they started calling me names so I hit Abhishek with my shoe.
She got furious on hearing that, "I warned you several times that hitting someone with shoe is bad habit. Never ever, hit anyone with shoes. If you have anything to complain, tell your teacher. This is the last warning, Rishu.
He held his ears and said, Sorry, Didibhai.
She ruffled his hair and said, Now run to bathroom and clean yourself. In no time, your friends and other guest will arrive. I have brought a new dress for you do wear that.
He wore the new dress after coming out of the bathroom. On every birthday, he received a bunch of picture postcards from different parts of the world. Sometime the leaning tower of Pisa or green Congo basin or Eiffel tower of Paris or Paneantheon of Rome. Ambalika secretly wrote all those and told Rishu that mom and dad still remembers him. He kept those letters away never asked about parents. Few hours later all of his friends arrived and his birthday was celebrated with much joy and pomp.
After the birthday party was over, Rishu was busy in opening the gifts and Ambalika was busy in cleaning the house. Just then, the doorbell rang. Ambalika requested Rishu to open the door. She asked from the kitchen as who was there at the door. Rishu could not recognise the person, but ushered him inside. The person ruffled his silky hair and handed a big present in his hand.
The person knelt down in front of him and asked, “How are you?”
He looked at his face and called for his sister, “Didibhai some has come with a big present.”
Ambalika entered the drawing room and her feet got riveted on the floor as she saw the person. Her strong frame stiffened with the sight of him, she forgot to speak. A huge tempest hit her heart. She thought she was able to evade her love, Niladri, however she was wrong.
Niladri asked her, "How are you, Amba?
She stood dumbfounded to hear her pet name after seven long years. She asked him, "What are you doing here?
He smiled and joked, "I was passing by and saw that there is a birthday party. So I came to wish the birthday boy.
Her eyes welled up; she bit her lips to control her overflowing emotion, "How you found us?
He took Rishu in his lap and walked toward Ambalika. Her heart thumped hard inside her chest. He whispered in her ears, "How can I forget you, Amba. You left Kolkata without a trace. I asked Piyali and your relatives to know your whereabouts but you left everyone in dark.
She shook as if a twig caught in tempest. The reminiscence of the old days flooded her mind. She gathered herself and asked him, So you have come to see as how we are? You must be married by now. How is your wife?”
Niladri gave a pale smile, “I don’t know how she is because she has not answered my question yet.”
She understood that he waited for her for seven long years, “I left so that you have a life of your own. Why didn’t you marry?”
Rishu was looking at Niladri’s face and his sister face with bewilderment. He could not understand anything as what they were talking.
Niladri held Rishu close and said, “I have come to take you home.”
She called her brother toward her, "This is my home now, Niladri.
Rishu gave a bewildered look at Niladri and asked, "Who are you?
Ambalika answered instead, "Rishu, he is a friend of mine.
He asked his sister, “Are we going somewhere?”
She looked at Niladri who gave her a pleading look. She said to Rishu, "I don’t know dear.
Niladri persuaded Ambalika to return to Kolkata, her hometown she left seven years ago. She said that she had no place to live in Kolkata. He kept a constant smile on his face without divulging much to her. After much persuasion, she agreed to go to Kolkata with him. That night they did not sleep, they kept on talking, recalling their courtship days, the moments they spent together under the bright sun and twinkling stars, walked hand in hand beside the river Ganges, sat quietly under trees in Botanical Garden. He asked her about the life after she left Kolkata. She told him that she was happy to see Rishu grow up. She felt light hearted after long time to find her old life once again.
They returned to Kolkata after few days. Instead of going to Niladri’s house, he took her to her old house that she sold away. Ambalika was astonished when she stood in front of her house. The walls were freshly painted; the garden was trimmed and full of flowers just like before. She opened the door and stepped inside. The ground floor was empty. That was her father’s chamber where he used to practice. The table and chair and the apparatus were missing but she felt his presence all over. Rishu was bewildered, as he remembers nothing of that house where he was born. She climbed the stairs and was astonished to find the first floor to be same. Her eyes welled, a drop of tear trickled down her cheek. She entered her room and was astonished to find the same type of bed but a new one, the same type of furniture she had in her room. She sat on the bed and touched the walls and curtains. Rishu asked his sister as why she was crying. She hugged him and told him everything. It was the house where they were born; that was the floor on which he crawled; with the help of those walls and her hand he took his first step there and his juvenile babble brought back her life. She could not understand as how Niladri made all that possible, she gave a bewildered look at him. He stood behind her watching them. She asked him how he did that.
Niladri’s vision was also dampened; he wiped the corner of his eye and came near her, “Are you happy?”
Her heart was filled with dilemma, “I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad. I left all these for our better future. Why you came back to my life to haunt me?”
He took her palm in his hand and knelt at her feet, “Amba, you are my shadow and I am your reflection. What made you think that I will leave you in lurch to dwell in this world alone? If Rishu is the apple of your eye then he is a part of me also. I know you were in dilemma as our conjugal life may come as a hindrance between you and your brother. I am not asking for any extra attention from you just let me stand beside you in a gloomy day. This time please don’t say no.”
She smiled nodded to accept his proposal. She asked him, “But first you have to tell me how you found me.”
Niladri answered, “I asked you to wait for my answer but you did not. I persuaded my parents and they understood our situation. Rishu was an important part of our lives. I understood the reason why you left. You wanted to give a better life to Rishu and wanted me to marry with someone else. However, I loved you and could not forget you. The day you left was a black letter day for me. I went to Piyali, hoping that she knows where you have gone. However, you did not divulge your plan to anyone. I came here only to find that the house was sold off to some builder and they were going to tear down and build an apartment. I could not stand that a palace like this that bears so many memoirs, should be brought down; so I took some loan and bought the house. I bought all these furniture that were present in your house and slowly remade the house to its lost glory. However, the palace walls lamented as the prince and princess was not there. I began searching for you. I asked your relatives but they were in dark about your whereabouts. With each passing day, my search went in vain. I did not lost the hope so I even went to relatives of your mother. Every day the old memoirs haunted me.”
“Day after day my hope went dim; my parents pestered me to forget you. They started searching for a bride for me, but I managed to evade them. A year after you left, Piyali got married and she moved to another city. After that, we lost contact. She was very hurt and broken on her wedding day. She dreamt that both of us would be beside her on her wedding. Without you, I could not attend her wedding. Then I went to the hospital where uncle worked. I thought that you might take help of any of your father’s old friend. From there I contacted all of his friends still no one knew about your location. At last, I gave advertisement in newspaper, hoping someday someone will respond. I moved to nearby cities and advertise in those local newspapers however my search hit wall every time. Every night I prayed to God to give me one chance to see you. Hope was not lost after all. I came to Ranchi for a business assignment and almighty heard my prayers. That day morning I was going to the site when I saw Rishu going to college. I recognised him from his chubby cheek and his eyes. You and Rishu have the same eyes. I forgot my work and waited in front of his college for the whole day. I did not want to lose a single chance. When his college was over, I followed him here. I recollected that it was his birthday so I went back and bought a present. I waited outside your house till all the guests were gone and thus how I found my heartbeat back.”
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Chapter 1. Mater Dolorosa. (#3
Ambalika's eyes were filled with tears, You are insane.
He took her face between his palms and wiped the teardrops from her soft cheek, You made me, Dear.
She cooed in his ears, “You are naughty boy. What about uncle and aunt?”
“I told you that I will solve every problem. After marriage, you do not have to go anywhere; we all will be staying in this house. You can open your college in the ground floor.”
“But you have a huge loan, what about that?”
He pressed her palms gently, “Don’t worry until you are by my side. Slowly we will repay the loan.”
She said, “We will sell the gold that I bought from this money and repay the loan. I want to keep the fixed deposits for Rishu’s further education. I want him to be a doctor that my father dreamt of me.”
“I will not come between you and Rishu. You are his mother and father so you are the best judge.”
Niladri kissed Ambalika's fingers; the touch of wet lips stiffened her soft frame. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled close to her heart. His lips traced the eyelids, the nose tips to the rosy soft lips. She closed her eyes, submerged herself into the amorous bliss. She went weak and Niladri’s fingers traced every nook and corner of her beautiful frame. She started to melt in his arms as every pores of her curvaceous figure yearned for mingle. After ages of separation, the lovelorn birds melted away.
Wedding bells started to ring all over the place. After long time, Ambalika found her composure back as a lover and a dotted sister. Rishu was little offended that Niladri was taking away his sister away from him. However, he was happy to see his sister’s new form. The wedding was a quiet closed one with only close relatives. During the wedding ceremony, Rishu sat beside his sister all the time. Niladri joked that he was marrying two persons at a time. That sentence offended Rishu and to pacify him, during the steps around the sacrament pyre, Niladri held Rishu’s hand and walked along with him and Ambalika. After their marriage, they never went for honeymoon because they did not want Rishu to be left alone. Rishu adored Niladri very much and they came closer with passing time. Niladri looked Rishu as his elder son.
Years passed, Ambalika opened a Montessori college in the ground floor. The gold that Ambalika bought; was sold off to repay the home loan and with the rest money, Niladri started his own architect firm. Ambarish was admitted to a new college and made new friends. Three years after Ambalika’s marriage, she gave birth to her first child, a daughter. Rishu named her Dipanwita and everyone called her Diya. Until then Rishu was youngest in the house, then he had a doll to play with, his niece. With the passing years, he excelled in studies. The bond between brother and sister never waned and Niladri kept his word not to intervene.
Rishu scored flying colours in his college final exams. That was the best day in Ambalika's life. He appeared in medical entrance exams and cleared that. He got admission in a prestigious medical college, AIIMS. The night the result of the entrance was declared, everyone in the house was happy. After everyone went to sleep, Ambalika tiptoed downstairs to her father's chamber which was then her office. She took out the old picture which her father kept, smiling Ambalika cuddling little Ambarish close to her bosom. Her eyes were soaked; she took out all three pictures of her parents.
She showed the result sheet to her stepmom and whispered in hushed tone, "I have kept your dream, mom. I never let him down. You should have been here; your little Rishu is going to be a doctor, mom.
She sat there with tears of joy in her eyes and suddenly she felt a pair of hand on her shoulder. She shook and looked back, to her horror Rishu stood behind her. Suddenly she lost her words with all three pictures in her hand.
Rishu took those picture from her and asked, "Who are they?" she lost her voice, her frame was shaking as she was caught red handed. For fourteen years, she told a tale that their parents were alive. However, Rishu was old enough to understand the reason why his sister had tears in her eyes when everyone was asleep. He fathomed the pain his sister endured all these years bringing him up.
He sat beside her and wiped her tears, "Didibhai, I don't remember my father and mother and I do not want to know them. It was fate or Almighty’s wish that they left for heavenly abode. Since my conscious memory goes, it was your lap that gave me warmth in cold night, it was your shadow that saved me from hot summer sun and it is your affection and love that flow in my veins. All that I want to be my Didibhai's kid brother.
She hugged him close to her heart and for the first time in fourteen years, she wept incessantly, “Yes you are Rishu, you are my kid.” There were no words between them, both of them wept for long and those were tears of joy.
That was the first time Rishu was going to step in a world where his sister would not be on his side. She was busy packing his bags from the morning. Rishu was busy in playing with his niece, Diya. Since his result came out he never left that chubby girls side. Niladri looked at them and the sight reminded him of the day when Rishu’s parents met accident and Amba clasped little Rishu closed to her heart. Their flight was in the afternoon. All four were going to Delhi to admit Rishu in AIIMS. Her ribs were breaking, she was very much disturbed by the mere thought that Rishu, her kid brother grew up too quickly.
Every minute passed, she kept telling Rishu, "Now you will be going away to Delhi. Do not mingle with nonsense people. You need to keep your eyes and ears open all the time. You need to understand what is right and what is wrong. Just study well.
Niladri came to her and tried to pacify, "Don't worry Amba, he is not a kid anymore, he knows what is right and what is wrong.
Rishu looked at her sister who had a gloom face and said, “Didibhai, I will not goto Delhi. It is better that I stay in Kolkata and do my graduation here.”
She softly scolded him, “Every bird has its wings, Rishu and when time comes they fly away from nest.”
“I am not a bird, Didibhai I am...” he did not complete the sentence. He knew that his words would bring tears in her eyes so he kept quiet.
Niladri asked, “If everything is packed then can we sit down for some time.” She looked at Ambalika, “He has grown up and by the way every month we can visit him. I have got some projects in Noida and Gurgaon so don’t worry about that.”
Ambarish got admission in AIIMS. It was a tearful departure for both brother and sister. He was in tears when the flight took off from Delhi. That night he could not sleep well and called Ambalika about hundred times. His sister on the other end sat in his room for the whole night. He was more than a brother to her; he was her flesh and blood, a son she did not bore from her womb but from her heart. He was studious student and topped in every semester. It was a routine for him to call his sister every day. There was no fixed times, whenever he got time he used to ring his sister. He was overjoyed when his sister gave birth to a nephew. Due to his first semester exam, he was unable to present there. As soon as his exams were finished, he flew off beside her sister to welcome the new sapling. The old mansion was again echoing with toddlers babble. He named his nephew, Dwaipayan. Diya was very happy to have a kid brother.
Ambarish passed out from AIIMS with high marks and appeared for the specialisation in orthopaedics. During his convocation ceremony, Ambalika and Niladri were very happy. After years of hard work and unconditional affection, little Ambarish was a doctor. He completed MD in orthopaedic also from AIIMS with high marks. Ambalika shed tears of joy when he got job as resident doctor in AIIMS. He pestered to come back to Kolkata but his sister insisted that AIIMS was a better place to practice during the initial years of his career. Since there was no hostel for doctors in the AIIMS campus, he had to rent a flat. Niladri had contacts in Delhi since he knew people there. Ambalika and Niladri searched for a flat in a Bengali locality, CR Park.
Back in Kolkata, Dipanwita (Diya) and Dwaipayan (Deep) used to boast to their friends that their uncle was a doctor of a prestigious medical college of India. Diya and Deep was Rishu’s both eye. Whether it was a vacation or holiday, the two kids visited Rishu very often. The life came to a full circle for Ambalika and her close knitted loving family. However, life had some other plans in store for Dr. Ambarish Sanyal.
***** End Of Chapter 1 *****
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Chapter 2. Unexpected Alliance. (#1)
It was late autumn and the festive season passed away, yet the cold breeze contained the aroma of festivity. The soft winter sun was nearing the horizon, before going down the far curvature it painted the sky with bright orange paint. A flock of chirping birds were returning to their nests after another hard day of finding food. The leaves of a nearby tree whistled in the cold breeze.
Sanghamitra was on the roof, talking to her fiancée, Sitavro, over the phone. They were going to tie the knot within a fortnight. It was hard for Sanghamitra to persuade her parents but she succeeded to win. Both the families agreed to unite their children in holy matrimony. She was chirping like a lovelorn parakeet over the phone, recounting their old days of courtship. Her big black eyes twinkled like star as they spoke; her long lock flowed down her narrow waist. Her beautiful oval face was crimson, covered in a bashful smile as her fiancée was speaking naughty tit-bits over the phone. She had goose bumps all over her tender curvaceous frame. Orange rays of the setting sun glistened on her smooth creamy skin. She looked like a siren soaked in molten gold.
Sitavro teased her over phone, “I am going to bring a big packet of dotted flavoured condom.”
She slapped coyly on the phone, “I will not let you touch me on the reception day.”
Sitavro teased her more, “I am going to pull out your saree as Duryodhan pulled from Draupadi.”
Her ears turned red, “I will scream then.”
“Everyone outside the room will be laughing. I am going to bang your brain till you faint in exhaustion.”
She enjoyed the naughty tease yet she feigned arrogance, “If you are going to talk like this then I am going downstairs.”
“Oh! Honey this is just a trailer.”
She softly scolded, “Trailer for what?”
“You are going to have a sleepless night tonight so I was trying to make you wet. I will come in your dreams and would play with your beautiful figure until you scream and ask me to hammer you.”
She scolded playfully to him, “You scoundrel, stop that. I am already feeling something creeping all over my body. By the way, before honeymoon you are not going to touch me.”
“Ok darling. By the way next week I am having a party, please sneak out on some pretext and we will enjoy.”
“Ok I will try to sneak out somehow.”
Just then, Sanghamitra’s mother, Piyali called her, “Jhinuk come down, your choto mama (younger maternal uncle) has come.”
She kissed the receiver, “Ummm... Bye for now, Ma is calling me down.” She hurried downstairs to meet her relative.
Her younger sister Sarmistha teased her, “Didi you are blushing like an apple I am sure Sitavro da was teasing you again.”
She gave soft scolding to her sister, “Shut up Jhilik.” She asked her mother, “Why have you called me? What happened?”
Piyali looked at her elder daughter’s crimson cheeks and softly scolded, “Naughty girl, so impatient. Go and change your dress first, wear something modest. Your choto mama has arrived with some of his friends.”
She was wearing a slacks and a top so she hurried to her room to change to something modest. The house was rumbling with the preparation of her wedding. Piyali was busy in the kitchen monitoring the maids who were preparing food for the guests. Jhilik came inside the kitchen and hugged her mother playfully.
Piyali asked her, “What happened what do you want now?”
Jhilik whispered to her mother, “I have a request.”
“What request?”
“I want to invite my best friend to my sister’s wedding.”
“Yes, you can invite Dipanwita; I see no problem in inviting your friends.”
She pleaded to her mother, “No Ma, I want to invite her family also. Please visit their house and her family also.”
Her mother returned a soft smile as she recollected her bosom friend, “Ok, where do they live?”
Jhilik answered, “Ma, she lives in Dhakuria.”
Upon hearing the name of the place, Piyali turned to her daughter. Suddenly her heart inundated with old memoirs. Once she had a bosom friend who used to live at Dhakuria. Time and tide passed for twenty-six years, she does not know about her whereabouts.
She smiled at her daughter and said, “Tomorrow I will be going out for shopping with your sister so while returning we can go to their house and invite them. Inform your friend in advance that we will be coming tomorrow evening.”
Jhilik hugged her mother tightly and kissed her cheek, “My sweet Ma.”
She handed the tray with teacups and snacks and asked her daughter to give the tray to Jhinuk. In the mean time, Jhinuk changed her dress and came to the kitchen.
Jhinuk asked her sister, “How many of your friends are coming?”
Jhilik answered, “Only one till now.”
Piyali looked at her elder daughter from head to toe and said, “Your wedding is near you should dress modest all the time. Anytime any guests could arrive and you naughty girls don’t change.”
Both the sisters were very close although they had an age difference of seven years but Jhinuk loved her sister more than anything in the world. They used to share everything even their intimate secrets. Both the sisters were carbon copy of each other only difference was their age. Jhinuk was twenty-three and completed her MBA in HR few months back while Jhilik was in her final year in the college.
The next day, Piyali went out for shopping along with her two daughters. Shopping for wedding is a mammoth task and when three ladies goes out then it is a uphill task for the shopkeeper to satisfy them. It took hours to buy few sarees and dress material for her daughters. Jhilik was getting restless, as she was excited to go to her friend's house. Every now and then, she poked her mother as when they would be going.
It was late afternoon when their car reached Dhakuria. As the car entered the locality of her daughter's friend's residence, Piyali got startled. Twenty-six years ago, her bosom friend lived there. She lost her breath and was speechless when their car stopped in front of the residence, the very residence her friend lived. Her heart was thumping like a drum inside her chest. Her vision dampened as she recognised the mansion. Both the girls asked Piyali the reason of welling eyes. She was on the verge of breaking down but she controlled the sudden surge of old memoirs.
She wiped the corner of her eyes and asked Jhilik, "What is the name of your friend's mother?
Jhilik was unaware of that so she asked in return, "I don't know Ma but why are you asking this?
She kept quiet for few moments and answered, I cannot tell you until I meet the person.
They entered the house. Jhilik's friend Diya came running to greet them. Both the girls looked very happy. Piyali looked at Diya; she looked exactly like her father, Niladri. She looked around the drawing room, an old picture of young Ambalika clasping little Ambarish was kept on a mantelpiece. There were few other pictures of Ambalika and her family. She looked at those pictures with a amazement, for the first time she felt that the world is really round. Piyali kissed Diya on her cheek and asked about her mother.
Diya called her mother, who was busy in some house chores. As soon as Ambalika entered the drawing room, her feet got riveted to the floor. The person standing in front of her was none other than her bosom friend, Piyali. Ambalika bit her lips; a sudden surge of emotion flooded her heart. Their eyes were flooded and both the women lost their ability of speech. Ambalika hugged Piyali close to her bosom. She forgot that their children were gazing at them in bewilderment. The children were unable to fathom as why their mothers were crying.
After sometime, Ambalika playfully patted on Piyali's cheek and asked, How are you? She wiped her friend's cheek and softly sobbed, "I never thought that I would meet you again.
Piyali's thought raced back to the day her friend left Kolkata. She asked Ambalika, Why you left me? I was heartbroken on my wedding day, my eyes were sore neither you nor Niladri was by my side.
Amba smiled and took Piyali’s hand in hers, "I am sorry dear but I promise not to leave you again.
Piyali introduced her daughters to Ambalika. Both the girls touched her feet. Piyali said that she had come to invite for her eldest daughter, Sanghamitra's wedding. Jhinuk sat beside her mother; she understood that her had mother found her long lost friend. Ambalika requested them to stay and Piyali kept her request. Diya was very happy that her friend was going to stay for the night. After Niladri returned from office, he was also amazed to see their old friend. There was an ambience of festivity in the house. The children mingled among themselves. Diya was busy showing her room and chirping with Jhilik.
After dinner was over two friends sat down in the drawing room. Ambalika said that Niladri waited for her for seven years and found her in Ranchi where she went away. They returned to Kolkata and they got married. Piyali asked Ambalika about her eldest son. Everyone was bit astonished to hear her query but Ambalika knew that Piyali was asking about Ambarish. Ambalika told that Little Rishu has grown up and after completing MS in orthopaedics, he was a resident doctor in AIIMS. They visit him very often so he rented a flat in CR Park. She also informed that he was a bachelor. She gave full liberty to all her children to choose their life partner but same time also cautioned them to judge the person before taking any decision.
Piyali said that the day Ambalika left Kolkata she was heartbroken. Her eyes were sore on her wedding day as her best friend was not by her side. Her husband, Somesh is a mining engineer and was posted at Raniganj then. After their marriage, Piyali moved to Raniganj. Somesh got promotion as a senior manager and he was transferred to Kolkata in Coal India five years back. After coming to Kolkata, they bought a flat in Saltlake. Talking about her eldest daughter, Sanghamitra, she said that her daughter completed MBA in HR and chosen her life partner by herself. Jhinuk’s fiancée, Sitavro belongs to a business family and he helps his father in his business. Somesh opposed the alliance at first. He was not much opposed to the love marriage but he opposed to have alliance with a business family, as they tend to weigh the life with money. Her daughter was adamant to marry Sitavro and after much persuasion and war of words, they gave their consent in their marriage. The marriage had to be solemnised quickly as per Jhinuk’s in laws request.
During the discussion regarding marriage preparation, Piyali said that they were unable to find a big place for their ceremony, as they would be having about six hundred to seven hundred guests. Niladri came to the rescue, as he knew several builders and contractors. He took the responsibility to arrange for a banquet. Both the women were very much happy and the reunion was a mushy one.
One evening Diya asked her mother, “Ma, when is Rishu going to get married?”
Both the cubs always addressed their uncle by the name their mother calls him. Since childhood, they heard their mother to call him Rishu and they felt not to change that and Rishu also cherished when those puerile foals addressed him by his name rather than naming a relation. He felt close to his heart every time those foals called him by his name.
She gave a sleek smile to her daughter and said, “Ask him about that.”
Diya gave a sullen look to her mother and said, “Jhinuk Didi is getting married at the age of twenty-three. Rishu is a dumb head; he is thirty and still a bachelor. Why don’t we call Rishu to Jhinuk Didi’s wedding?”
Ambalika softly scolded her daughter, “He came home during Puja vacation he will not get any leave now. By the way give him a call and see whether he has eaten his dinner or not.”
Diya answered her mother, “No, he is still sleeping. I called him an hour ago and left sms on his phone. He has got night duty this week.”
Both the children were very close to their beloved uncle. Whenever Rishu used to come home, he used to be with his nephew and niece for whole day. Wherever he used to go, he took them in his tow. If it were possible, he would have carried them always on his shoulder. They would go berserk in presence of Rishu and no one had the ability to touch those foals in his presence. When Deep was a little cub he used to sleep on his stomach and Diya used to sleep on his arms. The children did grow up but when Rishu was at home, then they slept with Rishu. Once Diya fell down from stairs and sprained her ankle. Rishu just returned from hospital after a hard days of work. Diya called her uncle and wept that she sprained her ankle. Rishu boarded the earliest flight available and was beside Diya. He cannot stand the thought that any evil could touch his nephew or niece.
Diya shifted herself to her friend’s home and Ambalika used to visit Piyali’s house every day after her college. Both the families were back again and the arrangement for the wedding took a faster pace. Gradually the house filled with guests and started rumbling. Everyone was busy and most them were busy doing nothing. Children were running up and down, few elders gossiped about the ill effects of love marriage. Whole atmosphere was jubilant.
Jhinuk had Diya and Jhilik beside her every moment. Every now and then Jhilik hugged her sister, she felt a void in her heart. The same happened with Jhinuk, at times she used to get absent minded to leave her parents and fly away from the nest like a bird. Same time Jhinuk was happy that she was getting united with her love.
It was late autumn and the weather was getting chill day by day. The sky was cobalt blue bereft of any dark clouds. Cold winds were blowing from north and the misty mornings had tiny dewdrops on the grass blades. Jhinuk was in a jubilant mood, Sitavro asked her to meet. She had to sneak out, as her parents would not allow her to go out on the eve of wedding. After lunch, she sneaked out of her house on a pretext of going to her friend’s house.
The sun went down the west horizon; the house became jubilant with each passing moment. It was only three days before Jhinuk’s wedding. The final countdown started and Ambalika and Piyali were busy in discussing some important matters of wedding. Diya, Deep and Jhilik were busy among themselves. Everyone was busy in some work but the bride was not present. After sometime Piyali asked her daughter about the whereabouts of Jhinuk. Jhilik knew that her sister went to meet Sitavro however, she lied to her mother that she had gone to her friend’s house. Jhinuk’s father got agitated and started to growl about the insensitivity of his eldest daughter. Both the parents were restless when Jhinuk did not return home after sundown. He called his daughter on her mobile but there was no answer. He spoke to his wife regarding that and Piyali was worried to know that her daughter was not answering. They called Sitavro also, but to their dismay, his phone was also switched off. Everyone of the family was very much worried about her. Piyali started crying and Ambalika tried to pacify. Somesh started growling like a wounded tiger. With each passing minute, dark clouds seem to descend on the jubilant ambience of the house.
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Chapter 2. Unexpected Alliance. (#2)
Late was the hour when Jhinuk returned to her house. Her face contoured in sheer pain and her composure was shaky. Her eyelids were soaked and the colour of her cheeks was lost. Piyali looked at her daughter’s face and fathomed that something worst has happened with her. She asked her daughter about her whereabouts, the reason of her pale painful look. When her mother’s caring words entered her ears, she started to tremble like a bird caught in storm. She hugged her mother broke down on her shoulder. Piyali was unable to understand as what happened she kept on asking the reason about her perturbed soul.
Jhinuk sobbed incessantly, “I don’t want to marry him. He is a scoundrel and his family is greedy. I misjudged him I am sorry. Please call off the wedding.”
Everyone around her was dumbfounded to hear her words. Ambalika and Piyali took her to another room, as the house was full of guests. Her parents, Ambalika, and Niladri surrounded her. She kept on sobbing on her mother’s shoulder.
Piyali soothed her daughter and asked, “Tell me what he asked from you? What he did?”
Jhinuk sobbed out, “Sitavro is a lecherous person. He is greedy and his family is greedy. I sneaked out to meet him in a hotel. He told me that he wanted some money for his business. I said that I have a fixed deposit but he wanted to have money in his account so that he can start his own business. I was astounded upon knowing his intention in the last minute. He was bit inebriated and he tried to....” she could not complete her sentence and broke down on her mother’s lap. Piyali rubbed her back and tried to console her. Jhinuk kept on lamenting, “I am sorry Ma, I am very sorry. I am totally broken; I don’t want to marry anyone, Ma.”
Somesh growled on her daughter after hearing all those. “What nonsense is this, Jhinuk? I am calling Sitavro now and I am going to talk to his parents also.”
Jhinuk sobbed, “Yes Dad, you can call them. At least I am fortunate enough to know their true colours. Forgive me Dad; I should have listened to you earlier.”
Somesh phoned Sitavro’s parents and became very much agitated after he came to know about Sitavro’s demand. From the beginning, he was against the alliance with a business family. Sitavro’s family indirectly asked for dowry in cash however, he did not want his daughter to be unhappy so he deposited a large amount of money in his daughter’s account as fixed deposit. However that decision did not go well with them, they wanted the money in Sitavro’s name. Somesh threatened them to goto security officer. Niladri asked him to keep cool. He felt that someone poured amber over him. His strong frame as a stern administrator waned, as he was a loving father.
Somesh sat on the sofa and with hazy eyes growled at his daughter, “We loved you and cared for you, we fulfilled your every request and insolent demands. I was against this relation from the beginning but you were adamant to marry him. I kept my head cool even when they asked for dowry. Your mother warned you that day but you paid no heed to her pray and kept on frolicking like a insolent joey. Your mother cautioned you at every step but you did not pay any heed to her. Now your act has bought infamy to us. Most of the close relatives are out there, day after tomorrow is your wedding, and five hundred guests have been invited. When they will come to know that the wedding had been called off then my hard-earned prestige would shatter to the earth. We are from bride’s side; everyone will assume that my daughter is of bad character. ” he slapped his forehead, “What sin have I done that Almighty punished me like this?”
The jubilant ambience of the house turned sour. Both Ambalika and Piyali tried to console Jhinuk but she shook like a newborn fawn. The walls came crumbling down the family. Everyone sat around speechless. For the first time in his life, Somesh felt that his world was shattered there was tears in his eyes.
Niladri took Somesh’s hand and tried to comfort him, “Somesh, please calm down. Please do not scream at Jhinuk like that. At least give thanks to Almighty that we discovered their reality before marriage was solemnised. What would you have done if she was married off and then your daughter was tortured? Try to think the better side of life. Do not get tensed we can persuade the relatives. We are beside you; brace up let face the storm together.”
“You are right but I have lost my senses. Where are we going to find a groom at this moment?” He looked at his daughter and his wife and said, “A year ago Devesh approached me with alliance for his son. Then Jhinuk was in final year of MBA and she did not want to marry. I also thought to let my daughter to be with me for some more time. He is still searching for a bride for his son, I can request him.”
Jhinuk sobbed out, “No I don’t want to marry anyone at least not with him.”
Ambalika consoled Jhinuk, “Don’t cry, we will find some solution. By the grace of Almighty you are safe.”
Somesh was burning in angst, “Now don’t say another word. You have already brought enough ignominy to us. You will marry the person that I will choose for you.”
Jhinuk gave a painful look at her father; her heart was already broken in thousand pieces. Her slender frame was shaking like a twig in utter angst and pain. She ran to her room and locked her inside. Ambalika tried to stop her but she ran away. Everyone present in the room was dead silent as if they were in a crematorium. The jubilant ambience burnt to ashes. The music of shehnai seemed to painful cry of a wounded animal.
Niladri sat beside Ambalika and whispered in her ears, “I have a proposal.”
She gave a quizzical look at her husband, “You mean to say, Rishu?” He nodded and there was a sleek smile on Ambalika’s lips. She whispered back, “That is why I love you so much, naughty boy. You always fathom my silent words.” She looked at Piyali and Somesh and said, “I have a proposal.” Somesh and Piyali gave a quizzical look at her and waited anxiously to her proposal. She spoke in quizzical voice, “What about my eldest son?”
Piyali’s eyes once again were flooded she could not believe as what she heard, “You mean to say Ambarish?”
Ambalika smiled and nodded gently, “Yes, he is still a bachelor and I think it is high time that he should get married. If you don’t have any opposition then I can speak with him.”
Piyali hugged her friend, “It could not have been a better alliance for my daughter to have a mother in law like you. I will be very much obliged.”
Somesh clasped Niladri’s hand, “I never dreamt to have such qualified and dignified son in law. I have no words to express my gratitude to have a better family for my daughter. But will he abide?”
Niladri winked at Ambalika and said to Somesh, “You have a beautiful loving daughter. The day I first saw her, I thought that she would have been the best match for Rishu. However, the time was different then so I kept that dream to myself only.”
Ambalika cheered up Piyali and Somesh, “He is my son, so no need to worry and I will speak to Jhinuk also, leave those to me. Wipe away all the tears and get ready. The wedding is still on only the groom has changed. Cheer up dear, we have lots of business to finish.”
Jubilant mood returned in the family within. Ambalika was aware that if she tells Rishu about the alliance then he would be furious. She had to plan something to get him board the plane. Once he comes home in her domain then she would be able to persuade him for marriage. However, the question remained that who was going to bell on the cat. Ambalika informed her children about everything. Diya and Deep jumped in joy that their beloved uncle would be getting married finally and that also with lovely Jhinuk. Jhilik and Diya danced a little. Diya became thoughtful, as she knew her Rishu very well, if her mother tells the truth then Rishu would never come, she has to weave a tale to get him on the plane.
She winked at her mother and said, “I know how to bring him home.” Everybody looked at Diya. She gave a mischievous smile and called Deep. She whispered something in Deep’s ears and phoned Rishu.
Deep feigned a pain and cried out, “Rishu.”
It was late night and was very cold in Delhi. Ambarish sat quietly in front of television watching some news channel. In the evening, he spoke with his family so he knew that there would be no call that night. The phone buzzed, he picked up the phone and felt a jolt when he heard Deep crying on the phone. His heart leapt to his throat, “Why are you crying, what happened?”
The mischievous cub kept on shedding crocodile tears, “Rishu, I fell down from stairs and my elbow is hurting. I am unable to straighten my hand, Rishu.” Rishu asked for his mother but he kept on crying on the phone, “Rishu please come home. It is hurting very much, Rishu please come home.”
Ambarish felt the pain in his elbow. He tried to console his nephew, “Don’t worry ask your mother to take you to hospital. Everything will be alright.”
He cried out loudly, “If you don’t come then I am not going to any hospital. What will every one say? My Rishu is Orthopaedic surgeon and I have to goto another doctor to treat my sprained elbow.”
“Ok dear, don’t cry like that, I am coming. I will take the earliest flight tomorrow morning and will be by your side. I will take tomorrow off.”
“No Rishu, you have to come tonight. You have to stay with me till me elbow is fine.”
He persuaded his nephew, “Ok let me see what I can do. Just don’t cry.” He then spoke to his sister and asked about the incident. Ambalika had to make a story about Deep’s sprained elbow. He told that he would try to get there as early as possible. Everyone in the room was anxious to know his decision and they all felt overjoyed when they came to know that Ambarish was coming. Ambalika hugged Diya and Deep close to her bosom. All the children knew that they were going to have a sleepless night. They would be dancing and enjoying the whole night. Festive ambience returned in the house.
Jhinuk locked herself in the room and sat quietly beside the open window. The cold wind could not douse the raging fire that burnt her heart. She felt humiliated to the core, her eyes were gorge red and wet yet the tears felt ashamed to trickle down her soft creamy cheeks. Ambalika went to her room and knocked her door. After much persuasion, she wiped her eyes and opened the door. Ambalika hugged her close and kissed her forehead. She asked her to wipe her tears and informed that she had to prepare herself to brace the bitter cold of Delhi. Jhinuk could not understand as what her aunt was saying to her. She gave a bewildered look and Ambalika took her inside the room. She explained everything to her and said that Jhinuk was going to be her daughter in law. Jhinuk was in dilemma whether she should be happy or sad. Her heart cramped inside her chest. Few hours ago, she had heartbreak and within few hours there was someone in her life whom she does not know at all. She never met Ambarish nor did she speak to him ever. She felt like a puppet in the hands of fate. All the colours in her life turned black with each passing minute. She requested for some time to settle down however in her heart she knew that the decision had already been taken and she had to submit to her parents choice then. Once again, Jhinuk locked herself in the room. She was feeling humiliated, she banged her forehead with her fist. How she misjudged a person and brought infamy to her parents. She threw herself on the bed and clasped the pillow to her bosom. Her eyes were inundated and her ribs were breaking one by one. She loved the person but she was fortunate enough to discover the wolf in sheepskin in time.
Ambarish searched internet and there was a late night flight to Kolkata. Fortunate enough he got a ticket. He raced to the airport to board the plane. He was very much attached with his nephew and niece that he could throw away all desires of the world to be by their side. The pain in his elbow was growing with each passing second. The night was bitter cold in Delhi but he was sweating as the wail of his beloved nephew echoed in his ears. Once he resigned from AIIMS to be with his family however, his sister persuaded him to practice for some more years in AIIMS so that he could apply for assistant professor job in any medical college in Kolkata. He obeyed his sister as her words were like a commandment to him.
Ambalika looked at her watch; she presumed that by that time, Rishu might be in security check. Her heart felt that she should not keep him in dark so she called Rishu, “Have you got the ticket?”
Ambarish was very much disturbed so he blurted out on his sister, “You all can’t even keep an eye on a little boy? What do you do? This time I will bring him to Delhi and get him admitted in some college here.”
She laughed to know the anxiety that he had in his heart so to dissuade him she told, “Ok you can take him with you but who is going to look after him when you will be at hospital? Have you ever thought of that?” Rishu kept quiet. Ambalika went on, “You need to find a good loving bride who would take care of you and your nephew and niece.”
He got agitated, “Now don’t start that please. Tell me whether his elbow is still paining or not.”
She laughed again, “Your naughty nephew’s is fine nothing happened to his elbow. We had to play a prank to bring you home.” He was astounded to know the real fact however before he could say anything, his sister divulged the truth to him, “We have searched for a bride for you and you need to come home. The marriage is in two days.” Rishu was speechless to know that, his head went blank. He was unable to understand a single syllable of his sister. Ambalika requested Rishu, “Please don’t get angry. I will explain everything once you reach here. I have already sent the car to pick you up. Diya, Deep and Jhilik will be going to airport.”
Rishu’s voice sank in his throat, “Didibhai, I don’t want any third person to come between me and my family. I have a bitter experience so I do not want to bring anyone between us. I am happy with my life.”
“All the fingers of a hand are not of same length Rishu. Come out of your past experience, forget whatever happened with Chandrika.”
“I have already forgotten her, she was never a part of my life. Now I do not want anyone to burn my well-pruned garden. I will not be able to live if someone comes between us.”
“Believe me the bride we have chosen for you is a good girl and moreover she is the daughter of my best friend Piyali. Once you reach home I will explain everything to you.”
He understood that when his sister has made the decision he has no power to turn that down. He worships his sister like a goddess. When he was a kid, his sister taught him to bow and worship the idols of God. He even memorised several Vedic mantras that his sister taught him and he used to chant and offer puja regularly. Then on the night when his medical entrance result was declared, he saw his sister crying in front of the pictures of his deceased parent. From that day, he stopped worshiping the idols and kept his sister’s picture with him.
He obeyed to his sister and answered in a calm voice, “All I wanted to be my Didi’s kid brother, now you are hurling me into another realm. You are my goddess so I do not need to worry. If you are happy then I am more than happy. I will obey your every command.”
Her vision dampened, “Grow up now, you are going to get married now.”
His voice choked, “I don’t want to grow up.”
He disconnected the phone and walked to aerobridge to board the plane. He sat beside the window and stared outside that was pitch black. He took out his phone and started to delete all the old memoirs, images of Miss. Chandrika Pasupathy. He erased all those crinkly pages that he stored as a sweet and bitter memoir. After deleting all the images he looked into the dark sky, a new horizon was beckoning him and he had to embrace it.
***** End Of Chapter 2 *****
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Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#1)
Sanghamitra looked outside the open window, chilled winds felt like hot gush of air on her slender figure. She felt that millions of scorpions biting her all over. She sat cowered on her bed with tears of a broken heart. Her eyes were red yet her tears felt ashamed to trickle down her cheek. She told to herself, why to shed tears for a wolf in a sheepskin? She tried to fathom as what went wrong, how she misjudged. She was always a good judge about humans but she felt carried away when she met Sitavro. Her mind raced back in time, her cramped soul turned few crinkly pages.
Sanghamitra recollected the day she met Sitavro for the first time. The dark rain clouds were rumbling overhead that day, a heavy downpour was eminent. Jhinuk was returning from the engagement party of Sreeja, who was her batch-mate during her MBA in Pune. The car took a lonely road while returning from Bali. Suddenly the car broke down in the midst of nowhere. The driver checked the engine and informed her about the problem. She instructed him to call a mechanic. She was helpless as her father was away to Raniganj for mines inspection. She informed her mother regarding the breakdown and told her not to worry much. She was a brave girl and she knew how to fend herself. She sat inside the car waiting anxiously for the mechanic to arrive.
All of a sudden, a bike stopped beside the car. Her driver approached the stranger on the bike. Jhinuk looked behind and recognised the stranger who was a distant relative of Sreeja. Jhinuk opened the door and gave a helpless smile at him. She belonged to rich and educated family. Her suave nature was evident from her gorgeous attire and beautiful looks. She recollected that at the function several people were ogling at her, as she was the fairest maiden amongst all.
The stranger told to Jhinuk, “I think it will take some time for the mechanic to arrive. I can drop you home if you want.”
She hesitated to take help from a total stranger it dawned that probably the person was stalking her so she politely denied his request, “I am fine I will wait in the car.”
The stranger looked at the dark jostling clouds overhead and said to Jhinuk, “It is a late hour and the shower is eminent.” Just then, a thunder crackled overhead. The stranger smiled, “See it can pour anytime. What do you say?”
Jhinuk was sceptical to take lift with total unknown person so she answered, “I will rather sit in the car. By the way, thanks for stopping by.” She was jovial and an intelligent girl, she knew very well how to fend off the unwanted advances.
He started the bike and just then, she got a call from her friend. She told her about the mishap and informed her about Sitavro. Her friend requested her to take the help from her relative to get home before the downpour. She felt that she should take the lift to reach home as her mother was anxiously waiting for her.
She told the stranger, “Ok I would like to accept your request.”
He laughed at her, “First you have to request me earnestly like a lady.”
She got angry the way the stranger spoke to her on the first meet; however, she sported a brave smile and said, “You can go away if you please.”
>He fumbled with his words, “No no I am really sorry to say that. I will be grateful to help you.”
Jhinuk instructed the driver to bring the car after the mechanic arrives same time she informed her mother about her situation. She sat on the pillion of the bike and asked him to drive.
He joked, “Your driver is at your service Madam.” He kept on talking about himself and introduced himself as Sitavro. Jhinuk kept a cautious distance from him so as not to touch his back. She was in sheer anxiety as the road was dark. She sat quietly on the pillion clasping the clutch between them. She felt respite after sometime as the bike entered the city. She let out a deep breath she held in her lungs for long time.
Sitavro sensed her fear and said to her, “I am able to hear your thumping heart.”
Jhinuk gave a bashful smile as she tried to hide her anxiety, “No I was not afraid at all. It was the humid winds that made me shiver so I held my breath.”
He looked at her bashful face over his shoulder and teased her, “You could have hold me for warmth.”
She scolded him softly, “Look at the road when you drive.”
He bowed, “As you command Her Majesty.” Both of them burst into laughter.
On the way home, she told him about herself. He joked that her name was too long to pronounce. She did not feel to divulge her pet name on the very first day. On reaching her house, she invited him inside however he politely denied the request on the pretext that it was very late. She insisted to come inside and have a cup of tea as token of gratitude from her. He started at her bashful eyes, which were twinkling then. Jhinuk was not able to stand the gaze and looked down. He came near her, her heart thumped harder inside her chest in anticipation. She felt his warm breath on her face.
He whispered to her, “See on her wedding. I will be anxiously waiting for you.”
She looked up and said, “I will be there by noon.”
She walked towards the house and felt that he was staring at him. She felt his gaze was burning her body. She turned back and waved at him, until she closed the door he stood there at the gate. Her sister, Jhilik noticed everything from the balcony; she came running downstairs and asked her about the stranger. She gave a bashful smile and told her everything. She told that the person was very much courteous with her and never tried to take advantage of her on the way home. Jhilik winked at her and asked whether she felt something in her heart while she was on his pillion, but she denied any attraction. All that she felt then was that she was relieved that she was safe in house.
They met again on her friend’s wedding. That was the first time Jhinuk noticed that she and Sitavro was of same height. She had her heels so she looked taller than Sitavro. That day she dbangd is a gorgeous saree and looked extremely beautiful. Sitavro also looked handsome in his cream blazer and blue jeans. Heads turned towards her and people whispered about her beauty, some of which she overheard. She felt little awkward when Sitavro presented a crystal showpiece to her. The showpiece was a tiny idol of a couple holding hands. He knew that he would have to toil hard to win the heart of such enchanting lady.
She was born and brought up in Raniganj where her father worked. After her father was transferred to Kolkata, she went away to Pune for further studies so she had few friends in Kolkata and at the wedding, she knew no one. He was by her side giving her company all the time. She felt that he was bowled over by her enchanting beauty but the attraction from her side was yet to find a place in her heart. She felt ease in his presence as his nature was smooth. Before departing, he asked for her phone number and she obliged to his request.
Jhinuk had plenty of time at her disposal then and she was enjoying a vacation before taking a plunge in the rat race of life. Her father requested her to appear for some job interviews, he even asked her whether she want to do job in his office or not. She told to her parents that she wants to enjoy a little and her mother persuaded her father to give their eldest daughter sometime.
After that wedding, Jhinuk and Sitavro spoke over telephone at the beginning. Their conversation started to get longer day-by-day. Whenever she spoke over the phone, her sister used to tease her a lot. She felt happy to have a close friend in midst of nowhere after Sreeja got married.
After few weeks, Sitavro asked her out, at first, she hesitated but after little persuasion, she accepted. He asked her whether he would pick her up from home or not but she chose to drive to the meeting place on the first day. She remembers that he came with a large bouquet of roses and chocolates for her. She was thrown overboard on that day by his nature yet she contained her excitement to test the person for some more time. They sipped coffee in a renowned restaurant and chatted for a while. She came to know that his family owns a garment business and in near future he wanted to start his own business. With each passing moment, she felt an invisible magnetic field attracting her. Again, the monsoon played the spoilsport that day and their first meeting was shortened. She had to return home half-heartedly.
They started to meet quiet often and their cohesion grew with time. Every time they met, he used to bring some gifts for her; she loved those small gifts, sometimes a bracelet, sometimes a hair clip. Not all those gifts were costly yet she felt priceless. She returned home in jubilant mood, sleepless nights started and their conversation never finished. Only on the first day, she drove in her car to meet him, after that day, he used to come near her house and she used to walk to the bus-stand to ride with him on his bike. She enjoyed the breeze of freedom with him. She was rich and suave so she never tasted roadside tea or roadside junk foods in her life. Along with him, she tasted all those little fun that a puerile foal could have in her life. She was inundated in the sea of romantic bliss.
Their long conversations contained mostly nothing. Young Jhilik was mischievous; she used to feign to be asleep and used to eavesdrop on her sister’s long conversation. When the limit used to get crossed she used to cough and shorten their blissful titbits.
Sitavro used to give the first call, “Are you asleep?”
She teased him, “No, why? Do you want to come now?”
He joked at her, “I would be fortunate then to ride with you in this lonely night.”
She exclaimed, “Oh my God, it is drizzling and you want to ride?”
He said, “Don’t you feel romantic soaking in this drizzle?”
She turned on the bed with dreamy eyes and fidgeted with her long tress, “Yes, I love to get wet in rain. When I was in Raniganj then we had a big garden in front of our house. When it rained we both sisters used to dance in rain and my mother used to scold me.”
He queried, “So what is the problem now? Get to the roof and get wet. I can join you.”
She slapped coyly on the receiver, “Naughty boy. So how was your day?”
He said, “Nothing as such, I sat idly in the shop for whole day and dreamt of a beautiful mermaid.”
She quizzed him although the answer was known to her, “Who was that mermaid?”
Jhilik whispered her sister’s ears, “Didi you are the mermaid.”
She patted her sister and whispered, “You naughty girl, eavesdropping in the dead night.”
Jhilik teased her sister, “Didi, your conversation was making the room warmer.”
She hugged her sister and said, “Goto sleep.”
On the other end, Sitavro sensed that there was someone beside Jhinuk so he asked, “Your sister has not slept yet?”
Jhinuk answered, “This naughty girl sleeps only if her sister cuddles her.”
He teased her, “What will happen when you will get married?”
She answered by looking at her sister lovely eyes, “I will take her with me as dowry.”
He teased her, “The person will be fortunate to have such beautiful sister-in-law in dowry.”
Jhilik winched her nose and whispered in her sister’s ears, “I will sleep between you and your hubby.”
>She gave a playful slap on her sister’s chubby cheek, “Goto sleep now.” And she bid goodnight to Sitavro also.
Jhinuk was sceptical as what her parents would think about him as her father was against the concept of love marriage. Her sister, Jhilik knew everything about her affair and she gave a hint to her mother that her sister was in love. Her mother sensed the change in her on the very first day they met yet she kept quiet and waited for her daughter to divulge. Months passed and when Jhinuk did not divulge anything, her mother asked the reason of her long conversation and the stranger friend with whom she was spending a lot of time. Jhinuk was frank and divulged that she like the person who helped to return home on that fateful night. She opened her heart to her mother. Upon knowing everything, her mother cautioned her to tread the murky waters of life cautiously. That time she was flying with winds under her wings so she paid no heeds to those words of caution.
Then came the time when Sitavro proposed her for marriage. Sitavro asked her that he wants to tell her something. She anticipated as what would be his query and she was very much anxious. Sitavro picked her up from the designated bus stop. She held him tightly from behind, glued herself on his back. She felt his warmth melting her slender soft torso. Her heart raced like a mare caught in tension of mating with a stallion. On that day, they drove to renowned restaurant in a posh colony. He arranged for a candle light dinner and he swept off her feet. She could see the hesitation and excitement on Sitavro’s face. Her heart was beaming with excitement and with every passing moment, her heart skipped a beat.
He looked at her bashful crimson face and said, “My parents are searching for a bride for me.”
Her heart stopped beating; she gave a bewildered look at him and said, “You never told me this?”
He looked on the food plate and said, “Yeah it has been quiet some time and they have come down to three girls for my alliance. I have to choose one of them.”
Every muscle of her slender frame tightened on hearing his words. She clenched her jaws as her vision got flooded. Her lips trembled and she asked, “What was your response to them?”
He looked at her contoured face from the corner of his eyes and teased her more, “I told them I am ready to marry the girl they choose but I said them that she has to be my lucky charm.”
She clenched her fist under the table, tried hard to subdue the overflowing tension that surged in her heart, “So among those three who was your lucky charm?”
He took her left hand in his and gently caressed her ring finger. The touch made her to shiver. He took out a gold ring from a little red box and touched her ring finger. She felt her heart to stop for a moment when he presented her a gold ring and held her left hand in his hand.
He looked into her big black glistening eyes and said, “Sanghamitra, the day I met you I felt that I was on the top of the world. You are my lucky charm, Sanghamitra will you be lucky charm forever?”
She looked away, her cheeks were red like ripe peach, her face was warm and her ears were red. Blood surged through her veins and her heart stopped for a moment as she nodded, “You scoundrel, I was going to have a heart attack.”
He took her serpentine finger to his lips and kissed those soft fingers gently. She closed her eyes and felt that she would melt by his touch. He whispered, “I have shown your picture to my mother and she was very happy. I told my parents about you and said that I want to have my lucky charm with me always. They have not opposed to my choice, they want to meet you.”
She murmured, “When?”
He caressed her fingers and asked, “How about tomorrow?”
She nodded her head in accordance, “I will be ready for that.”
He then asked, “What about your parents, have you divulged anything to them yet?”
She gave a pat on his hand and said, “You took months to propose and I was not sure about your decision. How can I speak to my parents then? Anyways my mom knows everything. I have to pacify my dad. He loves me very much so I can do that. Don’t worry I will manage my family.”
That day while returning from the restaurant, she hugged him tightly by his torso and tried herself to paste with his back. She felt like walking in the clouds. Early autumn breeze filled her heart with ecstasy. She rubbed her cheek on his nape to tease him. They kept on playing like little cubs on savannah. He dropped her at her gate and kissed her hand again. She threw her arms around her neck and whispered in his ears, “I love you.” Then she ran into the house.
As she entered the house, she bumped on her father. The door was open and her father’s vision fixated towards the gate. She looked over her shoulder and observed that Sitavro was looking at her. She felt as if her father has slapped her hard across her cheek. She turned pale as she noticed that Sitavro threw a flying kiss at her and drove away. She was unable to look at her father as her father observed everything. She turned into a stone effigy; she felt that her feet was riveted with the floor. She tried to walk away but her father’s growl stopped her steps in the middle.
Her father, Somesh sat quietly on the sofa and asked her, “Who is that person, Jhinuk?”
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Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#2)
Her father, Somesh sat quietly on the sofa and asked her, “Who is that person, Jhinuk?”
The voice of her father seemed to come from a great distance. She lost her voice to answer and she looked towards the floor trying to find answer to the query. In mean time, her mother, Piyali entered the drawing room and fathomed the tensed ambience of the room. She sensed the reason of tension and tried to speak with Somesh.
However, Somesh asked in a cold voice, “Are you going to answer or stand like that forever?”
She fidgeted with fingers and murmured, “He is my friend, Sitavro.” Her voice sank deep inside her throat.
He touched her daughter’s left hand and asked, “So a friend gave you a gold ring. What kind of friend gives gold ring to another friend?”
She bit her lips to control her commotion, her body started to tremble. Her throat became dry; she failed to answer her father’s question.
Piyali tried to dissuade the tension by saying, “We will speak about this after dinner. Let her go to her room and freshen up.”
Somesh gave a stern gaze at Piyali and asked, “So you knew all these beforehand and you kept me in dark.”
Piyali tried to pacify Somesh, “I was going to tell you. I was waiting for the opportune moment to speak with you.”
He growled at her, “And when would have that opportune moment would arrive? When ignominy descends on our family, then you would find time to tell me about our insolent daughter?”
She looked at her daughter’s face that was pale as a white sheet. Jhinuk’s eyes were filled with tears and they rolled down her cheeks to the chin. Piyali asked her daughter to come and sit beside her however, she had no energy left to move her feet.
Piyali fathomed the pain of her daughter and said to her husband, “She likes that person. His name is Sitavro.” He listened intently to his wife as Piyali kept on saying, “He is a good boy. He helped your daughter when the car broke down. Jhinuk love him, I have seen in her eyes that she feels like a free bird when she is with him.”
He growled at both mother and daughter, “What do you mean by freedom, do you find this house as a cage? Have I ever refrained my daughters from making friends or going out for having fun? I never reined her from studies. She cleared the entrance for MBA in Pune and Jamsedpur, however when she opted to goto Pune I let her go. Have I questioned her anytime as what she does with all her pocket money? Have I ever refrained her from her passion of painting?”
Jhinuk took a deep breath and looked at her father with soaked eyelids. She gathered the last drop of courage and muttered, “I love him. I want to marry him.”
There was a pin drop silence in the room. Somesh clenched his jaws and commanded her daughter in a cold voice, “You are going no where from tomorrow till you get a job. I will speak to my manager and see if he can arrange for an apprentice in HR for you.”
Piyali fathomed that the storm was evident so tried to dissipate the anger of her husband. She knew that she had to play hard to counter her husband, “What is the problem with you? Don’t you want your daughter to be happy? Let us call him and meet him. Why are you judging a person even without meeting him?”
Somesh swayed his head, “No, if she is so eager to marry then we will find a groom for her. Last year when I went for inspection then Devesh asked her alliance for his son. That time I told him that she is young and she is studying. I told him if he could wait for two years then we could accept his proposal. He said he was fine with that.”
Piyali played hard bat against her husband, “All your life you loved your daughter’s, you fulfilled their every dream. Now when she is asking for her life partner then why are you against that?”
Somesh growled, “Choosing a life partner is not same as choosing a dress from a shop. After buying the dress if you find it does not fits you then you can change it. What would happen if after marriage she finds that his family is not suitable for her? What do we know about his family?”
Piyali looked at her daughter trembling lips and pale cheeks and asked her to goto her room to freshen up. She walked away slowly to her room and broke down. Her sister asked the reason and she told her that their dad was against the alliance. Jhilik tried to console her sister but her heart was broken. During the dinner, she sat quietly, fidgeting with her food. Her eyes were swollen and she had no appetite to have any food. She was unable to look at her parent. Jhilik pressed her sister’s hand under the table and pacified her.
Jhilik said to her father, “Dad, I know you love us very much.”
Her father gave a stern gaze, “So everyone is taking her side?” he looked at her eldest daughter and asked, “What does he do?”
Jhilik answered instead of her sister, “Their family are into garment business. They own a big garment store in Burrabazaar.”
Somesh gave a bewildered look at Piyali, “What? A business family? I am not going to marry my daughter to any business family.”
Jhilik asked, “What is the wrong in that? Sitavro Da is a good person, he loves Didi very much.”
Somesh, “I said no means no. End of discussion.”
Jhinuk could not take more of that. She pushed the food plate and stood up from the table. She screamed at her father, “If I marry someone then I will marry Sitavro only else I will not marry anyone.”
Piyali tried to pacify Jhinuk but she ran to her room and locked herself. She broke down like a fallen mermaid. Her sister ran behind her to console her but she was inconsolable. Jhilik tried to pacify her saying that their father would reconsider his decision however, Jhinuk knew that her father was a stern person. He would break rather bend to the decision of hers.
After sometime she called Sitavro and said that her father caught her and he was against their alliance. Sitavro told that he had already spoken to his parents and his parents had agreed to his decision.
She sobbed inconsolably, “My father will not even meet you. He is not going to talk to you. I do not know how all these will happen. I love you very much and I will not marry anyone except you.”
Sitavro suggested, “Why don’t we elope and get married?”
She wiped her tears, “No I love my parents very much. If I run away from home then it will bring disgrace to my parents. I am not going to run away. If he does not accept our relation then I will remain unmarried till the day I die.”
Sitavro pacified her, “Don’t cry Sanghamitra, I will find some solution. Don’t worry, I love you. Keep the faith.”
His caring voice dissipated her pains. She wiped her eyes and said, “I know what to do.”
He exclaimed, “Don’t take any hasty decision, Sanghamitra, please.”
“No” She answered, “I will try to pacify my parents till my last breath.”
From the next morning, she started fasting; she did not take her breakfast. At first, her mother thought that she might be unwell but when she did not come for lunch then her mother ascertained that she was fasting. She tried to console her and pacify her but Jhinuk was adamant that she would rather fast and die.
She said to her mother, “Tell me what is wrong being a son of a business man? He is a good person, please meet him once and you will come to know.”
Piyali sat beside her side and caressed her cheek, “How much world have you seen? How much experience have you gathered? I am not saying that business families are bad but they tend to weigh everything by money. Education and status is different from business and money. What life you would have in a business family?”
She sobbed, “I thought you will take my side.” She pushed away her mother’s soothing hand and screamed, “Go away from here.”
Piyali was between the devil and the Dead Sea. Last night she tried to pacify her husband but he was adamant not to meet Sitavro and speak to him. He gave his statement that Jhinuk cannot marry a businessman.
Piyali took Jhinuk’s hand in hers and said in a soothing voice, “Please come down and eat something.”
“No” she screamed, “I am not going to eat anything.”
She took only juices for the whole day. During night, her father’s cold stern gaze burnt her. She stood firm in her stand that she would marry only Sitavro and no one else. Both father and daughter locked horns and stood firm on their court. On the second day, she felt weak yet she did not take a single morsel of food. Piyali and Jhilik were worried about Jhinuk’s deteriorating health. She kept on saying that she would not take any food. Signs of tension showed on her father’s forehead. A dotting father had to bend his rules in front of his adamant daughter. After dinner was over, he called Jhinuk to his room. Jhinuk was sceptical about as what her father was going to say. She looked at her father’s face, which was overcast with a gloomy and stern shadow. Her heart started thumping like an insane ram inside her chest. She looked at her mother who was sitting beside her father. Her mother nodded and assured her not to be tensed. She felt little respite in the midst of the dark clouds hovering over her love.
Somesh looked at her and spoke in a cold voice, “Why haven’t you taken your food for two days?”
She clenched her fist, gathers courage to face him and murmured, “I did not feel hungry.”
“If something happens to you then who will be by your side? You are my blood and bones; please try to understand, Jhinuk.”
All her veins were yearning to meet his soul mate. She kept silent for few moments; she stood firm on her ground, “What is your opinion about my decision?”
“I have always been affectionate to you, I care for you. I can’t stand tears in my daughter’s eyes.” She held her breath, eager to know the opinion of her father as her father kept on saying, “Call him tomorrow, I want to meet him.”
She jumped with joy however; she contained her excitement and sported a sleek smile to her mother.
Somesh asked his daughter, “Are you happy now?” she nodded her head and walked to her father. His eyes were glossy after beholding his daughter’s excited face. He requested Jhinuk to take food, to which she complied.
The very night she called Sitavro and informed him that her father wants to meet him. The next day, Sitavro was at her doorstep. He was from a business family; he knew how to speak and how to convince people. Speaking in assuring words filled up with nectar was in his blood. He assured her father that he will abide her every request and would keep her happy and safe. He told to her father that his parents want the wedding sooner. Her father invited his family to discuss about wedding. Few days later Sitavro’s parents came to ask for her hand in marriage. She felt that she was in seventh heaven floating among the clouds. Her strong will and her battle won at last. Smile of content returned to the lips of both loving doves.
The doors of Jhinuk’s house opened for Sitavro. Although her father did not liked him much yet had to sport a soothing smile as they met. One evening Sitavro picked Jhinuk from her house and they went to birthday party of one of Sitavro’s friends. He introduced Sanghamitra as his fiancée and everyone was surprised to know that. He kept his affair secret from his friend circle and asked Jhinuk to do that. He told to Jhinuk to divulge their relation only after the engagement. He took her to the roof and asked her to look at the sky. It was early autumn yet in Kolkata; the monsoon leaves the city quiet late, so there were tufts of black rain clouds. It was a full moon night.
In the lonely roof, under the night sky she felt goose bumps all over her frame. She anticipated that some was going to happen to her. She trembled as Sitavro touched her shoulder. He turned her towards him and in sheer bash; she closed her eyes. Her eyelids were fluttering with anxiety as she sensed his warm breath sweeping over her soft cheeks. Sitavro took her face between his palms and asked her to open her eyes. She felt her frame to get stiffened, her lips started to flutter.
He cooed to her, “The full moon is covered with black rain clouds but why my moon is keeping her eyes shut?”
She opened her eyes like lotus petals unfurl and gave a amorous look at him. He touched her forehead with his. She brought her hands between their bodies and clasped his collar. Their nose tips touched each other. Her soft rosy lips parted involuntarily beckoning to be mashed under the lips of her betrothed.
He murmured, “You have a very sweet pair of nectar filled lips.”
He gently touched her lips with his and she stiffened. He took her upper lips between his and chewed gently. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head towards her. Her soft cushy bosom flattened on his chest. Her heart thumped against his chest. He was able to feel the warmth of his amorous dove. He held her narrow waist and pulled her frame to glue with him. His naughty lips kept on chewing her lips for long time as they wandered into the blissful night. The time seemed to stop for them; the autumn breeze caressed those two lovelorn birds.
After a long time or so they thought, he broke the kiss and murmured, “The best ever present I have tasted in my life, honey. You are the mermaid of my dream and you are the queen of my heart.”
She felt tingling sensation all over her frame. He embraced her tightly, his hands roamed freely on her back. Two frames entwined in the dark night. He kept on kissing her earlobes, that send throes of spasm all over her tender figure. She trembled like a rabbit in his tight embrace. She felt her heart melting with each kiss.
She moaned, “Sitavro, I am feeling something deep down my heart.”
He teased by kissing her chin and murmured, “This is just the beginning honey. I will hurl you to the peak of passion.”
“Please don’t make me go weak now.”
“There is no elders here, we are alone and there is a spare room.” He freed her from his embrace and held his hand.
She could not look into his blazing eyes, his gaze felt like amber on her slender body. Fire of passion took over her molten soul. He took her inside the room and started to caress her back. She stiffened as she felt his finger roaming over her spine trying to unzip the dress. She cooed, “No dear, please don’t do that to me. Please save that for the wedding night.”
He stopped his lewd action to undress her and bowed in front of her, “As my queen commands, as you wish.”
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Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#3)
They sat on the bed with entwined arms and kissing each other for long time. Their frame soaked in romantic bliss.
Jhinuk shivered by the mere thought that he kissed her lips and caressed her back. She started scratching her body frantically as of millions of scorpion stung her all over. She was very much perturbed that she was carried away by his sweet talks and caring nature. She slapped herself for being so insolent.
Jhinuk should have understood that evening when her father called her and asked her to sign some bank documents. After asking, she came to know that her father deposited a large amount in her savings account and deposited a large amount as fixed deposit. She asked the reason and she came to know that her father want her future to be secure. She persuaded her father that she was secure in the hands of Sitavro. Yet as any affectionate father would have done, he asked her to keep the money and keep that close to her during rainy day. She asked no further queries as her father’s face looked sullen. On asking her mother, she came to know that Sitavro’s family indirectly asked for dowry. His parents said that after marriage, Sitavro would like to start a new business. She spoke to Sitavro about that and he ascertained her that he would speak to his parents regarding that matter. The incident was forgotten after that, she never asked Sitavro whether he had spoken to his family and neither had she spoken to her father about that incident. She should have spoken then she would have been able to fathom the dark deep dungeon she was going to leap.
All the time Sreeja was kept in dark about their relation as Sitavro suggested. She was informed only after the date of engagement was finalised. Sreeja was distant relative of Sitavro so their parent invited them at the wedding and not on engagement. However, Jhinuk invited Sreeja to her engagement. Sreeja was astounded to know that Jhinuk fell in love with Sitavro. She cautioned her about his family and also informed about the mentality of their family. She said that his parents are little conservative in nature and they might not allow her to do the job after marriage. She had to be in the kitchen just like the elder bride of Sitavro’s family. She paid no heed to those wind of caution. She was then flying on the rainbow. Sitavro told her that after their marriage, he would start a new business and she can do her job.
Their engagement was celebrated with much pomp. Several close relatives attended their engagement. Sreeja was there among them from her side and not from Sitavro’s side. After that, the shopping for wedding started. Everything was according to her father’s plan. Within few weeks, the whole ambience of the house changed. Close relatives started pouring in, her mother met her long lost best friend. Smile returned to her father’s face when he behold smile on her face. What she did not notice was the tears of her affectionate father, who was shedding his tears inside his heart. He always sported a smile when he looked at his daughter’s content face.
The other night, Sitavro phoned Jhinuk and asked her to meet. His voice was tensed and she asked the reason of tension. He told that he was tensed about the wedding and did not divulge further. On that fateful evening she sneaked out of her house on pretext that she was going to meet one of her friend. Her mother told her to call her friend at home but she was excited to meet Sitavro. She was very happy to meet him and her beamed with joy at the same time she was anxious to know about his anxiety. She was meeting him after a fortnight. In those two weeks, she had to content her yearning heart by talking on phone only as she was not allowed to go out of her house alone. He picked her up from the designated bus stop they used to meet earlier. She smiled at him and ran to him to give a close hug. He smiled back and asked her to sit on the pillion. She asked as where they were going. He kept quiet which was bit unusual behaviour from him as he was always jovial around her. She kept on pestering about his silence however, he answered only in few syllables that he was tensed due to some reason. He did not divulge the reason of his tension then.
“Why are you tensed?” she hugged him from behind and glued herself on his back, “All of our dreams are coming true.”
Sitavro said, “Sanghamitra, I am tensed about something else.”
She clasped his shoulder and asked, “What is the matter? Where are we going?”
He answered, “Somewhere where we can be alone with friends.”
“You mean to Rinku’s house?” she asked.
He answered, “No, this time to a hotel. My friends have thrown a bachelor party for me. These are last two nights of my bachelorhood.”
She smiled and cooed in his ears, “So you are tensed about our wedding?”
He cleared his throat and shed off all the tensions. He smiled back at her, “Oh! Honey forget about my tension. How is the wedding arrangement going on your side?”
They kept on talking about the arrangements and the guests those who have arrived and all. He took her to a renowned hotel. His friends booked a suite for their party. She observed that few boys and girls were there. She knew all of them as she met them before in a birthday party. All the friends greeted the soon to be wedded lovelorn couple. One of them offered Sitavro a glass of alcohol that he drank with much ease. She was unaware of the fact that Sitavro was accustomed to drinking alcohol. That was the first setback she received.
A sudden gush of blood rushed to her head and she asked him in a stern cold voice, “When have you started drinking?”
One of his friend answered, “Come on Sanghamitra, he drinks occasionally. Today is special day for him. Please don’t be so fussy about that.”
She gave a stern gaze at that person and the person kept quiet as amber was oozing from her eyes. She gave a quizzical look at Sitavro, “You never told me that you are alcoholic?”
He stammered, “It is not like that, Sanghamitra. I do drink occasionally that’s all, and today we are celebrating so in a party it is very usual to have a drink.”
She said in return, “I have seen lot of drunkards in my life. I know a person who is alcoholic and who drinks occasionally.”
For all his life, her father lived among coalmines workers. When she was in Raniganj she saw several alcoholics. Even the managers of the coalmines used to drink alcohol regularly. However, her father never touched alcohol, he hated alcoholic people and so was Jhinuk and her family. She could not stand the fact that the person she loved deceived her. The blaring sound of the stereo burned her ears. She quietly sat at one corner. Sitavro gulped another glass and sat beside her.
The nauseating stink of alcohol made her shiver. She hissed at him, “This is too much, Sitavro. I want to go home.”
Sitavro persuaded her by holding her hand, “Hey honey, enjoy tonight. After two days we will lose our virginity.”
His voice seemed as whiplash on her eardrums. She pushed his hand and stood up from the couch. Every pair of eyes were staring at the warring couple. Her eyes burnt in angst and pain.
She blurted out, “All his life my father was surrounded by drunkard. He worked in coalmines and I have seen alcohol to flow like water there. However, my father never touched alcohol. None in my family drink alcohol and everyone despise alcoholic. I despise alcoholic. Why you kept me in dark, Sitavro?”
He stood up and looked into her eyes, “You never asked and I never answered. See Sanghamitra, with due course of time we would know each other better and that is life.”
She screamed, “So all these months it was just the colourful wrapper that I saw?”
He held her hand and pleaded, “Cool down Sanghamitra, no need to make a scene out of this. I told you that I drink only in occasion, nothing more. Come inside please, I have something more to talk to you.”
She stood there like a statue. He pleaded her come with him to the adjacent room. She walked into the bedroom of the suite, her heart started thumping inside her chest like an insane ram. He closed the door behind him and stood beside her. She looked around the room and observed few more bottles of alcohol on the side table.
She asked in a stern cold voice, “What are all these?” and she turned towards him.
She got frightened as she looked into his eyes. His eyes were glaring like hungry wolf. He growled at her, “See I told you that I drink occasionally. So what is the problem? You need to give some space to me also.” Suddenly he toned down his voice, “Sanghamitra, I need some money.”
She was astounded to hear that, she exclaimed, “What? Why?”
The tone of his voice changed to stern, “I have already started a business of motor parts, for that I took some money from some money lenders. My dad’s business is not going well so he refused to give me money. He asked me ask money from you.”
The sudden variations of his voice frightened her very much. She felt that she was not safe with the person she thought that she would be safe. She was unable to believe as what he was saying. He never divulged that he started his own business. Her head started spinning; she lost her balance and sat on the bed with a thud.
He sat beside her and looked into her bewildered eyes, “I know your father has already deposited a huge amount of money in your account. I need that now, Sanghamitra. Please do not say no. The moneylenders will come to my house tomorrow morning and they will go berserk at my place. Please Sanghamitra; you need to save me and my family’s prestige.”
She closed her burning eyes. She felt that she was bangd continuously in those months of courtship. He bangd her faith, her love, her emotions, her dreams and her life. Her brain was about to burst out of her cranium. She felt that someone lashed her hard all over her body.
>She opened her tearful eyes, which were burning in pain and angst and slapped hard across his cheek, “You scoundrel. How insane I was to believe you and love you? How come you did this to me?” she showered slaps across his face and screamed, “You ruined my life, my family’s life.”
He tightly held her hand and pushed her on the bed, “Hey Sanghamitra, please don’t ruin anything. After marriage, whatever is yours is also mine. I am just asking some money before marriage, that’s all. The money lenders are going to come tomorrow morning and run berserk in my house.”
She struggled to free herself but she was pinned down on the bed. She spitted on his face and hissed, “You bangd my soul for all these months and I never suspected you. You broke my heart and shattered my soul. You are greedy and lecherous person. I am not going to marry you, Never.”
He gave a venomous smile, “Too late dear, too late.”
After much struggling, she managed to free her left hand and she reached out for the side table. Her fingers touched a vase and she lashed out at him, “I am not going to marry you, you son of a bitch.” She hit his head with the vase and hit his groin with her knee. He pressed his head and tried to defend himself from her attack. She managed to push him from her and hit him again with the broken vase. She shouted at him, “You should die, I will kill you.”
A piece of the broken vase entered his forehead and blood gushed out. He pressed his head and tried to get up when she hit him for the third time. He screamed out in pain as a part of the vase tore his skin and went deep in his forehead. He stood up and lashed out at her, “You bitch you have to pay for all these.”
He tried to hit her but she was a wounded tigress then. She held the broken vase on his throat and hissed at him, “If you take a step more, I will kill you here, you son of a bitch.”
Her hair and dress was dishevelled. Her eyes were filled with tears of pain. Every ribs of her chest broke like twigs. She looked back to Sitavro who tried to pull out the broken china from his head. She spitted at him and opened the door. She gave a venomous look at those people sitting on the drawing room. Everyone was dead silent as if a hungry tigress was looking at them.
She lashed out at them, “If anyone takes a step further I will call security officer. I will not spare anyone.”
One of the girls tried to say something but her stern gaze stopped her sentence in the middle. She came out of the hotel. Dejected, disgusted, shattered to the core, she felt lost in the midst of thousands strangers. She looked up the night sky. It was dark as her heart, the winter night send chilling sensation of deject all through her spine. She felt humiliated in the hands of a lecherous person. Her eyes flooded, the vision of her affectionate parents came infront of her hazy sight. They were crying for her fate. She switched off her phone to keep away any unwanted calls. The thought flooded her mind that she had brought ignominy to her family by going against her father’s wish.
After sometime, it dawned to her that that deceitful person could call her parents and weave a deceitful tale against her. She has to return before that venomous snake could strike. She took a taxi to home and broken down on her mother’s lap.
All those incidents came before Jhinuk’s hazy vision. She clasped her hair, how she flowed away in the river of deceit and lies that hid behind those sparkling eyes? Was she so naive that she failed to recognise the venomous cobra? She scratched her cheeks, pulled her hair scratched all those parts those lewd hands touched. She was on the verge of insanity. She does not know the person who was coming in her life. She does not know what would be her life after marriage. She was in total dark. The beautiful jovial mermaid shrinks inside the oyster shell.
***** End Of Chapter 3 *****
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Chapter 4. Limping Stallion. (#1)
The flight took off from the New Delhi airport in the dead of night. After Ambarish came to know the truth of his sister’s beckon, he lost his senses for few moments. Yet he smiled at his fate, he had full faith on his sister, Ambalika who brought him up not like a brother but as her flesh and blood, as her eldest son. He would go to any length to bring smile to his sister’s lips. His sister sacrificed a lot to keep him safe, to bring him to a position. All his life she guarded him with her love and affection. He smiled on the mere thought that what Deep and Diya was doing when they told him about the sprained elbow. His sister always pestered him to get married and eveytime he used to laugh at her and denied her requests by saying that he does not like any third person in her family that could jeopardise their well-pruned Eden. However, Ambalika never got tired to pester him.
While he was studying at AIIMS, there were several advances from several girls. Getting a bed partner was easy while he was studying. Most of his male friends boasted of spending nights with some nurse some day or some female batch-mates. Whenever he used to goto any party, girls used to ogle at him due to his tall athletic frame. He never felt uncomfortable with girls around him, he maintained a healthy relation with all his female batch-mates and colleagues. Several of his batch mates entangled themselves to those alluring advances, few of them got married to their choices and some married the person chosen by their family. By the completion of MS, maximum of his batch mates had a companion and most of them enjoyed their carnal company. He thwarted all those carnal desires and studied hard to fulfil his sister’s dreams. However, love was not his cup of tea or some one-night stand. He used to give a sleek smile to all of them who teased him as a meek goat. He was happy with what he was a free bachelor and a free soul. Only bond he had with his family. His best friend, Dr. Indrajeet Sharma, had several girlfriends during MS and had intercourse with all of them. After completion of MS, Dr. Indrajeet got a job in RML Hospital in Delhi. He fell in love with a beautiful girl named Shalini Ragunathan, who was doing B.Sc from JNU. They got married a couple of years after Indrajeet got a job in RML hospital much against their parent’s wish. Shalini worked as a collegeteacher in a reputed college. They were very close to Ambarish.
However, a time came in Dr. Ambarish Sanyal’s life when his heart felt attraction for someone. Few minutes ago, he deleted all those pictures still those memoirs flooded infront of his eyes. A year back, it was early spring. Out of the clear blue sky, the rain clouds gathered all of a sudden that evening. That evening, all three went to a restaurant in Gurgaon to celebrate Shalini’s birthday. While returning from the party, the grey clouds rumbled overhead and it started drizzling. He got drenched in the cold drizzle. He entered the apartment; his flat was on the first floor. He saw a drenched girl trying to unlock the door of the ground floor. The drenched dress glued to her body showing every contours of her curvaceous frame. He recognised the girl. Few months back, two girls rented the ground floor and she was one of them. He does not like unwanted conversation with strangers so he walked past the girl leaving her there struggling with the lock. Upon hearing the footsteps, the girl glanced at him over her shoulder. Their eyes met as he stood at the landing to take a step further upwards. He returned a courteous smile at her and then walked away.
He entered his spacious two bedroom flat. It was odd for a bachelor to have such huge flat. However, he rented that due to his family. The rent was very reasonable as the owner of the flat was and old acquaintance of Niladri. His family used to visit him very often especially the kids, on every vacation and even on long weekend. Diya and Deep were so naughty that they used to book airticket using Niladri’s credit card and used to inform their mom at the last minute. She helplessly abides their request. Once they enter Rishu’s domain, they knew that no one in the world could touch them.
He entered the master bedroom. A huge picture of his family adorned the wall on the head side of the bed. He looked at the picture, smiling Ambalika with Niladri by her side, Deep and Diya infront of them and behind all of them, stood tall Ambarish hugging everyone like an eagle with its unfurled wings. He never sleeps in that room, that room was sacred for him kept away for his family. He went inside his room adjacent to the master bedroom, to change his dress. The hour was very late and he was very tired. He changed and prepared to goto bed after sending a response to Diya’s sms.
Just then, the doorbell rang. He was at his wits end as who could come in that rainy night. He opened the door and was surprised to see the girl of the ground floor standing before him.
She gave him a helpless smile and said, “I am very sorry to disturb you at this point of night. I have lost the key of my flat. Can you please help me?”
>He queried her after ushering her in, “How did you lost the key? Where is your room mate?”
She entered his flat and looked around. She kept her bag, wiped her face with dupatta and answered, “My friend is on leave and so was I. I returned today and my friend will return after few days. I might have dropped my purse somewhere while returning from station. Can you please help me opening the door?”
He looked at the helpless girl from head to toe. She was curvaceous and of wheatish complexion. The most beautiful part of her round face was her eyes they were very expressive and talkative.
He gave a courteous smile and said, “You are drenched, why don’t you change your dress and be comfortable? Let me check for the hammer.”
She stood there fidgeting with her fingers. He sensed the tension of her mind, two strangers standing under a roof at late hour. Everyone was aware that women are not safe in the city and she was in dilemma whether to go inside the bathroom or not. The main door was open and she was looking at the open door.
She spoke in a soft tone, “No, I am ok. Please if you could help, then I would be grateful.”
He smiled at her and said, “No need to worry. I can understand your dilemma. You can feel safe.”
A sweet soft smile bloomed on her dark red lips. She asked the direction of the bathroom. He handed her a fresh towel and showed her the bathroom. She opened her bag to take out her dress and then she entered the bathroom. He looked at her stride as she walked into the bathroom.
He took a deep breath and smiled at himself, never in his life he dreamt of having a girl alone in his bathroom with drenched dress and there she was, a stranger. He searched for hammer but he could not find that, then it dawned that when Deep came over last time he misplaced the hammer. He stood with a helpless look on his face scratching his head and thinking as what could be done. She came out and looked at his helpless face.
He smiled and said, “I am sorry, my naughty nephew misplaced the hammer.”
He understood that the girl was not comfortable she was in dilemma; sheer anxiety was all over her face. She stiffened and the colour of her face was lost. The sheer anxiety clearly showed on her face. She continuously looked at the open door, probably she was thinking of getting outside the flat.
He persuaded the girl by saying, “Don’t worry. Do you know someone I mean any friends or relatives here so that I can drop you there?”
She tried to brush away her anxiety, “My relatives stay in Noida but it will be very difficult to go there in this rainy night.”
He asked her, “Have you had your dinner?”
She said, “No, basically the train was late. I thought that I would cook something after returning to flat. Alas everything is in mess.”
He gave a courteous smile and said, “Please be comfortable. Let me see what I have in kitchen.”
She opposed vehemently, “No no no... no need to worry about me, I am fine. I am only worried about the night. Tomorrow morning I will find a keymaker and break the lock.”
He hesitated to ask her to stay in his flat. She also sensed his hesitation and sat on the sofa. She looked around the flat and asked, “You live alone in this huge flat?”
He answered, “Yes I live alone. Basically my family visits me often so I rented this flat.” He paused for a little and asked, “Want to have some coffee?”
She nodded and said that she would like to make the coffee. She then went inside the kitchen to prepare two cups of coffee. He closed the door and wore a shirt. The girl handed a cup to him and sat on the couch. They started talking and they came to know about eachother. He told her about his job and nothing more than that. The girl was talkative; she eased the suffocating ambience of the room very easily. Her name was Chandrika Pasupathy she lived in Coimbatore. Her friend, Jaya also hails from Coimbatore. They worked in an online publishing house. She kept on talking about herself and her jobs, most of her words went past his ears. He kept on nodding and looking at the clock. It was three o’clock and he had morning duty at six at trauma centre. His schedule was always busy and tiresome. Every day he had to perform several operations and had to go for rounds with the new interns in tow.
He said to her, “Let me check once more if I can find something to break your lock.”
She giggled and asked, “Feeling bore?”
He said in a calm voice, “Not that, I have morning duty and I have to go at six.”
“Oh sorry to keep you wake.”
“Never mind let me see how to break the lock.”
He went downstairs with the girl in tow. He went out on the road and picked up a stone to break the lock. After few blows, the lock was broken. She expressed heartfelt gratitude to him and promised to give him a treat. After that day, whenever they met they used to exchange few words out of courtesy.
The next Sunday, he had off. He was busy in video conference on his laptop with one of his colleague in New Zealand. Just then, the doorbell rang. He thought that his sister or the kids might have come as they used to drop without any notice. He opened the door and was surprised to see the two girls standing at the door.
Chandrika smiled and introduced her friend. He was bewildered as they entered the flat with much ease, especially Chandrika. She said that she had prepared some breakfast and wanted Ambarish to have that.
Chandrika asked, “Have you finished your breakfast?”
He answered, “No not yet. I am waiting for the maid to come.”
She opened the container in her hand and asked, “I have prepared some uttapam. Do you like uttapam?”
He smiled, “Anything is ok with me.”
Chandrika went into kitchen to prepare the coffee. Then they sat on the dining table for the breakfast. She was a bubbly girl and her voice was echoing all over the flat. Jaya was a girl of few words; she smiled to see the vibrancy on Chandrika’s face. He listened all her babbles most of which again went past his ears.
Generally, on off days, Ambarish used to lie down on sofa watching television for the whole day or video conferencing with Deep and Diya or with some friends or dropping at Indrajeet’s house. It became a daily routine on every weekend and most evenings for Chandrika to drop in his flat. Most of the time she was alone as Jaya used to go out with her boyfriend. She understood that the person infront of her was very much suave and courteous. He never tried to misbehave with her or take advantage on any situation. Gradually their friendship thickened with time.
On one such Sunday morning after breakfast, Chandrika requested Ambarish to take her out. He politely denied her request saying that he was comfortable in his nest only. However, Chandrika insisted to pull out Ambarish out of his den, out of his monotonous routine. He also thought that that would be a change in his monotonous schedule. Jaya called her boyfriend, Carthikeyan and he arrived after sometime. Then they went to India Gate. Chandrika sat on his pillion and held his shoulder for balance. During his career, he has touched several women but all were subjects then. It was the first time someone touched his heart. They sat there for several hours. While walking at times their fingers brushed against eachother. He steal glances of her round sweet face, she understood that he was looking at her with the corner of his eyes.
The sun went down the Rashtrapati Bhavan, all four of them stood watching the flames of Amar Jawan Jyoti. Chandrika stood close to him, their upper arm brushed against eachother. The sky was clear and autumn was around the corner. The pleasant breeze drenched two souls. He looked at her face, which was close to his forearm. Chandrika softly brushed her cheeks on his forearm and looked up to his face. Their eyes met to say something but they could not mutter anything to eachother. She looked down as his deep eyes were piercing her heart. He touched her shoulder and she felt to melt in his arms.
Chandrika requested in a low tone, “Can we go home?”
He looked into her eyes and asked, “Why what happened?”
“Nothing.” She stammered and asked Jaya whether she want to retire. Jaya said that they would like to go for a movie. Carthikeyan requested Ambarish for the movie. He looked at Chandrika’s face to know her intention but she politely denied their request saying that she was not feeling well. Ambarish and Chandrika returned to the flat.
Ambarish asked her, “What happened to you? Why you became so quiet all of a sudden?”
Chandrika fidgeted with her fingers and smiled at him, “Nothing, I was not feeling well that is why I asked to return home.”
He looked into her eyes and fathomed that a string has passed through their heart and bound them in an invisible bond. Yet he asked her, “I can tell when a person is not well only by looking at their face. You are perfectly well.”
She took a step towards him and looked up. His warm breath flooded on her face and her eyelids fluttered a bit. She whispered in a deep voice, “If you are so well in fathoming a person then tell me as what happened to me.”
He looked deeply into her deep black eyes and broke into laughter, “I think you are down with fever.”
She became agitated and slapped playfully on his broad chest, “You naughty boy, I will kill you.”
He held her by her shoulder and said, “I have heard of a south Indian dish, Ilia Meen. If you kill me now then I won’t be able to savour the taste of Ilia Meen.”
She was surprised to hear the name of that dish so she asked, “How do you know about that dish?”
“If you promise to prepare that then I will tell you.”
“You mean today?”
“If possible yes. It is only six o’clock now, we can goto fish market and buy fish.”
She jumped with joy as if she received as what she asked for. The gloomy situation weathered off between them. Both of them knew that they were deeply in love. They bought hilsha fish and she prepared the fish for him. While they were taking food, his sister called him. He requested Chandrika to keep quite as he spoke with his sister. Until then he did not spoke to his sister about Chandrika.
After that day, they started to go out whenever they found time. Quiet few times when they were together he received calls from his sister or from the kids. Everytime he asked Chandrika to keep silent when he spoke over the phone.
One such evening Chandrika and Ambarish was sipping coffee in his flat when Ambalika called. As usual, Ambarish requested Chandrika to keep quiet.
After they spoke, Chandrika asked him, “Why do you ask me to keep silent when your sister calls?”
He answered, “I have not told her anything about us.”
“Why? What is the secret in this?”
He smiled, “Nothing as such.”
“Then tell your sister about ourselves, be clear about us.”
He persuaded “In proper time I will tell her everything.”
“Are you afraid of your sister? As far as I know as what you have said that, she is everything to you. I think she should also understand as what you want.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean your sister always keeps tab as what you are doing, where are you going. It is more like that a chain is tied to your ankle and she is controlling you.”
His frame stiffened upon hearing her words. His ears became red; he felt that someone shattered thousand chains near him. His eyes burnt all of a sudden, yet he kept his temperament cool, “No Chandrika, she does not keep tab on me, it is her concern and love for me that make her call everytime. It is something you will not understand. It is better you leave me alone, please.”
She understood from the blazing look in his eyes that she has poked a hornet’s nest. She apologised profusely and went away. For few weeks there was chill on both the front neither of them spoke of anything. They only exchanged courteous smile when they met.
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Chapter 4. Limping Stallion. (#2)
>Mother’s heart always fathom the unspoken pains of her son, the bond never weans with time. His sister sensed the disturbance of his heart.
Ambalika asked Ambarish one day, “Rishu, what happened to you? Are you ok, your health is fine?”
He tried to clear the disturbed mind, “Yes, Didibhai I am fine, perfectly fine.”
“You sound disturbed Rishu I can sense that in your voice. What is the matter, don’t lie to me?”
Her constant concerning queries agitated him and he screamed at her, “Nothing happened to me, I am fine it is just work pressure, Didibhai you need not worry about me.”
She was surprised and hurt to hear him scream yet she kept cool and asked, “You never screamed like that, Rishu. It has nothing to do with your work pressure. Tell me the truth.”
He apologised for screaming, “I am sorry Didibhai. I mean ....”
She asked him, “Are you seeing someone?” he went silent she smelled his perturbed mind and asked, “Who is she? What is her name? What is the problem, Rishu?” She understood the disturbance of her brother.
He sat with a thud on the sofa and tried to avoid her queries, “Didibhai, there is no one.”
She spoke in a stern tone, “Don’t try to hide from me Rishu; else I will be at your place by tomorrow evening.”
He knew his sister could come knocking on his door anytime, “Didibhai, I have something to tell you.” She smiled as the nut was cracked. He spoke in tensed tone, “Her name is Chandrika Pasupathy. She is tamil and she is from Coimbatore. I am sorry Didibhai to keep you in dark.”
She was tensed on hearing his brother’s trembling voice, she shrieked, “What have you done? Is she pregnant?”
He slapped his forehead and laughed out, “Come on Didibhai, she is not pregnant.”
She felt respite, “My God, you were about to give me a heart attack, naughty boy.” She felt happy that her kid brother has grown up. She was little sceptical about the nature of the new person in his brother’s life yet she kept her dilemma to herself and smiled, “Why, what is the problem then?”
He cleared his throat to answer, “I am not sure Didibhai.”
She said in a soothing assuring tone, “I am happy that my son has grown up and he has someone in his life.” She asked him, “Do you love her and want to marry her?”
He stammered, “Yes Didibhai.”
“I don’t have problem to have a Tamil daughter-in-law. When can we meet and talk about your marriage?”
“I have not proposed her yet.”
She was surprised to hear that, “What do you mean? Haven’t you proposed her for marriage?”
“No Didibhai, I was in a dilemma as what you would think.”
“What would I think? If she truly loves my son then what more can I ask from her.”
He fisted in the air as if won everything he desired, “You are the best sister in the world. I love you very much Didibhai.”
A drop of tear came in the corner of her eye. She wiped that drop and said, “Propose her and let me know. We can speak to her parents then. Do Indrajeet and Shalini know about her?”
“No Didibhai, I have told nothing to them about Chandrika.”
“Yes, I assumed that Shalini is unaware. If she were aware, she would have told me. Go win her and let me know when we can meet.”
He was very happy after receiving acknowledgement from his supreme goddess. After disconnecting the phone, he looked at the picture of Chandrika in his mobile. He spoke to the image about his will and his sister’s will. He rehearsed as he would speak to Chandrika. He would ask for apologies for that misunderstanding. He would invite her for a candle light dinner at his apartment and then he would go down on his knees to ask her hand for marriage.
Ambarish became restless to pour out his heart, but fate played hide and seek with him. He felt restless during the weekends, Chandrika’s giggles was absent neither her she was preparing coffee in his kitchen. After night duty when he returned home, he used stay awake until he heard the sound of the ground floor door. He used to stand in the balcony just to get a peek of her when she used to go to office. Everyday before boarding the auto, she used to look at the balcony whether he was watching her or not. Whenever their eyes met, he used to step away from the balcony. This hide and seek went on for few days. Every evening he thought to gather courage to tell Chandrika about his feeling but he failed.
His fate smiled on him, one night while returning from the market, he met Chandrika on the way. Ambarish took a deep breath, gathered all courage he had and approached Chandrika. She kept silent for few minutes and then tried to walk away from him.
He held her wrist and asked, “What did I do? Why are you not speaking with me?”
Chandrika got agitated and tried to free herself, “Leave me alone, Ambarish. Is there anything we should talk about, Ambarish?”
He implored, “So you don’t feel to speak with me.”
She grinded her jaws, “I don’t speak with person who has no guts.”
He let her wrist go and his ego spoke in a deep tone, “Don’t test me.”
She came near him and chewed her words, “You keep looking at me from your balcony but don’t have courage to speak to me about your feelings. What is this nonsense?”
He scratched her scalp and apologised, “Sorry for my sneak peeks.”
His meek voice made her laugh but she hid her excitement and teased, “You mean that?”
He looked deeply into those big black expressive eyes and whispered, “Yes, I felt a void here.” and he patted on his chest, “I hankered to hear your giggles in my vacant world. I searched for your touches around me but I was alone.”
Her lips trembled upon hearing his words. She closed her eyes and bent her head on his chest. He felt to hug her however restrained as they were on a street. Her voice choked, “I am sorry to hurt you, Ambarish. I know that you are very close...”
He touched her chin with his index finger and pushed up her face, “Ssshhh.... Leave that incident. We can talk about that later on.” She looked up to his face with glistening eyes and smile on her lips. He whispered, “I can barely cook and the maid took a leave today.”
She wiped her eyes and patted on his chest, “Naughty boy, what do you want for dinner?”
“How about some sweet giggles and your lots of nonsense babbles?”
A veil of anger bloomed on her lips, “My words are nonsense babbles to you? Then why have you come to me? Go and find someone who will be a meek and silent doll.”
He touched her shoulder and pulled her close, “Come on dear, now don’t get angry please.” he then teased her, “Twenty percent of your conversation contains tamil words which goes tangent over my head.” And both of them burst into laughter.
That night she prepared dosa for him. During dinner, he explained his affinity with his sister and his family. He told her about his past and the affinity he had with those two kids. Chandrika fathomed the close bond between Ambarish and his sister and promised not to jeopardise that bond.
After dinner was over he took her soft hand in his and pressed them gently. She looked into his eyes and fathomed those unspoken words that he was going to speak. She skipped few heartbeats and kept looking at him.
He bent down to touch her soft fingers with his lips and whispered, “I thought to go down on my knees with a large bouquet of roses and a gold ring to ask your hand for marriage. Sorry I don’t have those now, honey.”
She trembled as his wet lips touched her fingers. She gently freed her hand, touched her cheek, and whispered, “So a busy doctor wants to be filmy? Why do I need roses and gold ring when I have a precious heart to live in?”
He knelt down infront of her, flung her arms around her waist and hid his face on her lap, “I don’t know how to propose. I never proposed someone, this is my first time.”
She ruffled his hair and pressed her lips on his head, “It will do Dr. Ambarish Sanyal.” She pulled up his face and traced his nose with index finger and teased, “I will consider your proposal doctor and let you know.”
“I have spoken to my sister and she has given her consent.”
She playfully patted his cheek and smiled, “Even before proposing me you told your sister everything about us? What would happen if I rejected your proposal?”
“It never dawned to me Dear, that I would get a disposal from you.”
He rubbed his nose tip on hers and whispered, “I fathomed in your eyes everyday you looked up to my balcony.”
She shuddered as their lips brushed against eachother very lightly. Her voice choked on knowing his blind faith, “I would love to cook iliea meen for you, everyday. I would love to wait for you when you will return home after a tiresome day at hospital.”
He rubbed his face on her soft tummy that sends a series of spasms over her curvaceous frame. She felt like melting in his arms as his arms tightened around her. His strong fingertips softly kneaded over her back over her spine. She took his face between her palms and pulled his face near hers. She bent down to touch his forehead. Her lips parted as she sensed his lips approaching hers. His heart was racing like insane stallion and the final frontier broke between them as their lips met in pure romantic bliss. They sealed their lips and sealed their unison.
Their cosy love life was normal again and he informed his sister about that. His sister was eager to meet his love but the studies of her kids and her college kept her from visiting Delhi and meet Chandrika. He assured his sister that Chandrika would accompany him during the puja vacation. She was very happy to know that. When he told to Chandrika about his intention to visit his house, she was very excited, she was very happy to meet her in laws and the kids. She understood the importance of the master bedroom, kept away as sanctum sanctorum.
Whenever they used to go out, he used to keep his phone in silent mode to avoid unwanted calls. They wanted some space for themselves out of his busy life and wanted not to be disturbed. By doing that, he started to drop his sister’s calls also. When he returned those calls, he used to give excuse of being busy. However, Ambalika understood the reason of his busy life. She teased him and queried about his love life. He used to feel shy to talk about that to his sister. She asked him as when they could speak to Chandrika’s parents about their marriage. He requested for sometime as Chandrika kept her parents in dark about their relation.
Chandrika’s parents were conservative and they have a close knitted joint family back in Coimbatore. She expressed her concern that, it would be difficult to convince her family to have a non tamil son-in-law however she had faith on her grandfather. Her grandfather loved her very much and due to him, she was able to come to Delhi for job. He teased her that probably to woo her family he had to fight with rod wielding villains who comes in tens of Scorpios or maybe he has to create a whirlwind just by moving his legs. She said that when she would go home for vacation she would divulge about their relation to her parents and would try to convince them. She also said that he might have to come down to Coimbatore to meet her parents. He assured her that he would go to any length to win her family’s consent.
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09-01-2019, 12:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2019, 12:30 PM by Ramesh_Rocky.)
Chapter 4. Limping Stallion. (#3)
It was on set of autumn, few days before puja vacation. That day Ambarish had a very busy schedule at hospital. He had to perform several operations that day. For the whole day, he could not find time to check his mobile. It was late evening after he finished his last operation and checked his mobile for the miss calls and messages. There were few love messages from Chandrika, two messages from Diya one missed call from his sister. What surprised him most was that, there were eight miss calls from Shalini and a message that read, “Annan, I am at your place. Please come quick. I am in a grave problem.” In case of any emergency or mishaps, he kept the spare key of his flat with Shalini. Immediately he called back Shalini but there was no answer, her phone kept on ringing. Immediately he called Indrajeet but his phone was not reachable. He got tensed as he knew Shalini and cared for her very much. He clenched his jaws as his blood started boiling in his veins. He knew reason of the problem. Since few days, the conjugal relation between Shalini and Indrajeet deteriorated due to Indrajeet’s relation with one of his old flame. Shalini was very emotional person; she even threatened to commit suicide if her husband keeps any relation with that girl. He intervened their fight and tried to dissipate their commotion. At the beginning, Indrajeet denied the fact of having any fling with any girl but when Ambarish cornered him, he confessed that he helped that girl as she had some problem. He promised Shalini that he would not keep any further relation with that girl.
He raced his bike, all the way to his home, he kept thinking of Shalini and prayed to Almighty to keep her safe. He entered his flat was taken aback to find a ravaged look on Shalini. Her eyes were red and swollen, her hair was dishevelled, her cheeks bore scratch marks, her plump round fair thighs bore patches of red marks. He could see the pain and angst dripping from her teary eyes. She sat cowered on the sofa with her legs folded and a glass of alcohol in her hand. She was in an inebriated condition and had only a shirt on her body. Except that shirt, she had nothing down her body. Few buttons from the top was open and there was no undergarments covering her chest. She looked at him with hazy eyes and gulped the remaining alcohol down her throat. Upon beholding that painful sight, his eyes and ears started to burn. He knelt before her and looked at her contoured ravaged face. As he touched her shoulder, she broke down like a twig on his shoulder.
She trembled and wept, “Annan, I don’t want to live. Can you give me some poison?”
He rubbed her back and consoled, “Stop crying, Shalu and tell me what has happened? Who did all these to you?” he took her face and wiped her tears, “Tell me where is that bustard?”
Her body convulsed as she tried to speak, “I.. I returned home early from college as I was not feeling well today. Do you know what I saw when I returned home? Jeet was in a compromising situation with that girl in my bedroom. Both were having a passionate sex on my bed, Annan.” She screamed in pain, “Tell me Annan, what I should do?” Every nerve in his body got tensed on hearing her. She sat straight and wiped tears off her cheeks, “I could not think of anything. I was burning in angst and pain.”
She tried to pour the remaining alcohol in the bottle down her throat but he caught her wrist and scolded her, “Don’t even try that Shalu. Tell me where is Jeet?”
She gave a hysterical laugh, “How do I know? I came here directly to drink my heart out, to douse my pain. I wanted to show him that if he could have a fling then why could not I?” She clasped his collar and chewed her words, “Do you know Annan what I did after that? I called a male masseur for massage and had a wild sex with him. He banged me well and I abused that person, hit him, unloaded all my pain on his body but paid him well.” she bit her fingers to control her flooding eyes and looked away from him. Her voice choked, “Your Thangai has become a thevidiya (whore), Anna.”
He understood that the alcohol and her pain were speaking. He closed his eyes and asked her, “You could have called me, Shalu or gone my hospital.”
She slapped hard across his face and laughed out hysterically, “I called you several times but you bastard docs are always busy. People like Jeet busy in banging pochchu (pussies) and people like you bang head on your patients. You do not have any time for your near and dear ones.” She broke down on his chest, “I am sorry Annan, I am really sorry.”
Her body shivered, he rubbed her back trying to console her. Her body convulsed repeatedly and all of a sudden, she vomited on him whatever filth she drank. The blackish brown filthy fluid splattered all over their body. She lost her senses after that. He carried her on his lap to the bedroom and brought a towel and a bucket to wash her body. He took off her shirt and looked at semi nude figure, her bust bore nail marks and bite marks, her posteriors bore marks of fingers and slaps. He covered her semi naked body with a bedsheet and sat down beside her. His ears burnt as he caressed her head and rubbed her silky hair. She laid there unconscious. He tried to call Indrajeet but he could not get hold of him. Then he called a fellow acquaintance of Indrajeet and asked him to bring him to his house immediately.
He looked at himself; his dress was covered with filth. He went inside the bathroom to have a shower and just then he heard the doorbell. He was already burning in anger and he was expecting Indrajeet. He opened the door and was surprised to find Chandrika standing with thousands queries in her eyes. He looked at himself; he was only in a bathing towel around his waist.
He was not at all in a mood to meet someone else or have some romantic talks so he gave a quizzical look and asked her, “What are you doing here?”
She queried him instead, “I heard some commotion so I came to check.” She walked into the flat and looked at the centre table where an empty bottle of alcohol and a glass was lying. Her eyes fell on the ladies garments spilled all over the floor of the drawing room. She gave a quizzical look at him expecting some answer of all those.
He took a deep breath and pleaded, “Please don’t try to deduce any conclusion Chandrika. I will explain everything to you later on. I just need sometime to settle down.”
She heard a groaning sound coming out of the bedroom. She glanced at him and then walked to the bedroom. To her utter amazement, she found a semi nude woman lying on the bed. Her frame shuddered as if she was bitten by a stingray. Her eyes became flooded as she felt a crushing pain in her heart.
She winched her brows and screamed at him, “I loved you Ambarish. Why you did this to me?” he tried to explain but she was not in a position to listen to his explanation. She kept on spitting venom, “What excuse are you going to give me, Ambarish. I never dreamt that you would break my heart like that.”
He was already submerged in anger and Chandrika’s words fuelled that more. He growled at her, “Stop that and listen to me. She is my friend’s wife and...”
Large drops of tears rolled down her cheeks. Her world came shuddering down before her hazy eyes. She thought that he was going to give a lame excuse. She slapped across his face screamed without listening him, “Don’t give me a lame excuse, Ambarish. Please for God’s sake, look at yourself. There is a naked girl lying on your bed, her dress is scattered all over your floor. You are wearing a towel and nothing else. What excuse you have? It was just an accident that you banged your friend’s wife?”
He clenched his fist as his rage took over him, “It is not what you are assuming, Chandrika.”
She could hear the sound of her broken ribs. She was able to hear the loud sound of her tears splashing on the floor. She screamed at him, “You doctors are characterless people. Some of my colleagues warned me but I thought you were different. You proved me wrong, Ambarish. Why you did this to me? Why?” She wiped her eyes and gave a painful look, “You are a spineless creature. You seek your sister’s permission for every step you take. Even before proposing me, you seek permission from your sister. Tell me; did you asked for permission to bang that whore in your bedroom?”
He felt to slap her however he controlled his rage. She smashed his faith to the ground. He chewed back at her, “If you don’t want to listen to me then just leave from here.”
She ran to the door, before going out she stopped for a while. Her face was contoured with pain and angst, “I don’t want to see you anymore. Get out of my life.”
She threw the mobile phone he presented to her on last weekend. Along with the inanimate object, both the hearts were shattered on the floor due to a huge misunderstanding. He sat on the floor with a blank thought. Millions streaks of emotions, pains, angst, flooded his head from medulla oblongata. Everything started to shatter before his eyes. His self-esteem and ego refrained him from bowing down infront of Chandrika. He kept on telling himself that the fault was not his so he would not apologise to her.
That night when Indrajeet arrived, he had a huge fight with him. He apologised and pleaded to Shalini that what happened was an outcome of sudden surge of emotion. The girl was going through a breakup and they happen to bump eachother. While consoling her they fell for eachother and landed up in bed. He promised that such incident would not happen again in future.
Last vacation when Ambarish went to Kolkata, his sister asked about Chandrika. He told her about the misunderstanding and told her about the breakup. She scolded him for not clearing the misunderstanding. He loved Chandrika but his self-esteem came between them that resulted in the break up. His sister pacified him and asked him to shed his ego and bow before her to explain the situation. She explained that a person’s ego is the main enemy that create crack even in the toughest bond. Chandrika should have listened however, she did not do that and it was her fault. If he loves her truly then he should have faith and explain everything to Chandrika. He told his sister that if a person does not have faith on the person whom she loves then it was not worth to continue that relation. If faith is lost between two hearts then the bond weans however, he gave his word that he would explain once he returns Delhi.
Unfortunately, when he returned from vacation, the girls were gone. He tried to contact Chandrika on her mobile but the number was unavailable. He went to her office and he came to know that she left her job and went back to her native place.
A few days later, he received a letter from Chandrika, which read.
“Dr. Ambarish Sanyal,
You shattered my dreams and smashed my faith to the core. I have left the job because I could not stand the thought that both of us were living in the same city. Please do not come after me. My parents have already finalised my marriage with someone in Chennai. You were my first love and I will cherish those memories till the day I die. Please do not break any ones heart. I hope you understand.”
The stout stallion limped with his broken memoirs.
The overhead sign asked all the passengers to fasten the seat belt. The plane was going to land in Kolkata Airport. He took a last look at the crinkled faint blue page that bore few tear marks and an impression of Chandrika’s lips. He fastened the seatbelt and looked outside the window. He could see the lights of the Kolkata terminal. The main landing gear touched the runway with a jolt and the paper fell from his hand. He took a deep breath as the flight came to a halt in the tarmac. He took a last look on the floor where the crinkled paper was lying. He did not bother to pick that up as an unknown horizon was beckoning him.
***** End of Chapter 4 *****
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Chapter 5. Winter in Eden. (#1)
Deep and Diya was very excited that their Rishu was getting married and that too with their beloved Jhinuk Didi. They waited anxiously for Rishu’s arrival. On the way to airport, Jhilik asked Diya about her uncle. Diya told her everything about Rishu except the heartbreak he had gone. She showed her a picture of Rishu on her mobile. Jhilik was old enough to understand the incidents going around her sister, she was sceptical as Rishu was seven years older than her sister was and how would he handle the situation when he would come to know about her sister’s broken affair. She stood quietly beside enthusiast Diya while waiting at the arrival terminal. Deep restlessly looked at the huge screen for the information of the arrival of Rishu’s flight. He screamed in joy as he saw Rishu walking towards them. Both Diya and Deep ran towards him and hugged him.
Rishu pulled Deep’s ear and smiled, “So you have broken your elbow naughty fellow? Now I have come to break your leg for real.”
He leapt on his back and flung his arms around his neck, “You won’t be able to do that as now onwards Jhinuk Didi is going to save me.” They both burst in laughter.
Diya introduced Jhilik to Rishu, “This is Jhilik my best friend. She is Jhinuk Didi’s sister and your sweet little sister-in-law.”
Rishu looked at cute Jhilik, gave a courteous smile and slightly bowed before her. He asked her, “Are you as naughty as Diya?”
She blushed and looked at Diya and answered to Rishu, “Time will tell that, Doctor.” She stretched her hand to shake with him. Instead, Rishu touched Jhilik’s nose tip with his index finger. She was taken aback by his friendly nature. She gave a courteous smile and asked, “What should I call you? Jiju or Rishu?”
Diya hugged Rishu and answered to Jhilik with a mischievous smile, “He is only my Rishu. You can call him Jiju or whatever you like.”
Diya informed Rishu that her mother had informed Shalini and Indrajeet about his wedding and they would arrive by next day evening. Rishu had only a hand baggage and nothing else. He was not at prepared for what he had been summoned. He checked his mobile for one last time whether there was any messaged or images of Chandrika left in the album or inbox. He took a deep breath and felt respite, as there were no images, yes he remember, he deleted all those while he was waiting for the flight. They all walked out of the airport. It was three o’clock on the morning, chill winter winds were blowing around them. He looked at the car, greeted their driver, and exchanged pleasantries. On asking about where they were going, Jhilik answered that her mother asked them to return to their house.
All the way to Jhilik’s house, Diya kept talking about Jhinuk as how sweet and gorgeous she was. She showed him her picture. Rishu looked at the picture, the lady in the picture posses stunning beauty that can turn millions head. Her big black eyes with big eyelashes were looking at him, a curvaceous frame moulded out of a buttery mass, soft red inviting lips beckoning him to be sucked for its nectar. He smiled and looked at Jhilik, both the sisters were cut out of same mould, Jhinuk was beautiful as fresh tulip and Jhilik was cute as a rose bud.
Diya whispered in Rishu’s ears, “How is she Rishu? Isn’t she gorgeous? Perfect match for my darling Rishu.”
Rishu patted on her cheek and asked her to keep quiet. Diya kept on telling the whole incident as how her mother met her best friend Piyali. She was a smart girl not to divulge the mishap that took place due to which the wedding was called off. She stealthily whispered to Rishu to forget his past and embrace the future that lay before him. She hugged him close and gave him warmth. He felt as if his sister was giving him a hug, he felt respite and looked at Diya who was grown up to fathom everything around her.
All the way Jhilik observed the close affinity oh her friend that they shared with Rishu. She was trying to fathom the nature of that suave gentleman, who was to be married with her sister. She was unable to draw any conclusion, as her sister was already a victim of sweet and polished nature. She had a respite that she closely knew their family. She felt respite to behold the affinity that her friend and her brother shared with Rishu.
They reached Jhilik’s house at Saltlake at dead night. Everybody was awake to greet them. Rishu’s eager eyes were searching for his sister among that crowed. He saw her standing at the gate along with her friend. Piyali was quiet emotional when she saw Rishu.
She touched his chin and choked, “Last time I saw you, you were on your sister’s lap, clasping her with all your might.”
He gave a courteous smile and entered the unknown domain. Lot of unknown faces were around him, he felt lost for few seconds. Ambalika came for his rescue and took his hand in hers. She rubbed her soothing palm all over his face and her motherly affection washed away all his pains, sorrow and angst that he had in his mind.
She asked him, “You must be hungry. What you had for dinner?” He felt a gurgle choking his throat, his lips trembled as he stood motionless staring at his sister. “What happened?” she asked him.
“Nothing Didibhai.” A sleek smile bloomed on his lips, “Yes I am hungry. Will you feed me?”
“Why not, son?” Ambalika went to the kitchen to fetch food for him.
Somesh and Niladri asked him to sit in the drawing room. Somesh was meeting Rishu for the first time. He asked about his well-being and about his hospital. He expressed his gratitude to Niladri and him. Ambarish exchanged a courteous smile and pacified him not to react like that. Rishu’s suave educated nature bowled Somesh; he shook his hand and expressed his heartfelt thanks to him.
In the meantime, Ambalika summoned Rishu to another vacant room and asked him to sit on the couch. She sat beside him and started to feed Rishu as she did always. Even after thirty years, whenever he comes home, he loves to take morsel from his sister’s hand. While feeding Rishu, she narrated the incident of Jhinuk that was known to her. He listened patiently to her every words and the whole incident was clear to him. He asked why they did not goto to security officer. Ambalika answered that they don’t want security officer in a house of marriage, people always smell foul in that.
She asked him, “What is your opinion, Rishu?” Unable to think of anything he looked down on the floor. She asked, “Do you still love Chandrika? Tell me the truth, Rishu? Do you want to give a last try to woo your love? If you still want to goto Coimbatore and search for Chandrika then also I will support you.”
He grinded his jaws, “She was never in my life, I told you several times. Leave that incident, Didibhai.” He took a deep breath and said to her, “You have called me because you have faith in me, right?”
She placed her soothing palm on his cheek, “I can’t force you, Rishu. It is your life.” She pointed at Niladri who was sitting with Somesh in the drawing room and said to him, “Your Dada, waited for me for seven years without even knowing that he would ever find me or not. Rishu, that is faith and that is love. Even if you back off from this marriage, I will not oppose to your decision. It is your life and you have to choose.”
He gave a painful smile to her, “After thirty years you are pushing me away from you, Didibhai?” his voice choked, “Now my life has become Dr. Ambarish Sanyal’s life? How cruel the life can be?”
Her eyes flooded, she pressed her fingers on his lips, “Don’t say a word more else I will slap you now.”
He flung his arms around her and hid his face in her lap. He closed his eyes, several strings of thoughts rummaged his perturbed soul, how he would handle the girl he does not know, how he would handle his broken heart, how the girl would handle when she would come to know about his past. Everything was grey in front of his hazy eyes.
She rubbed his head and said, “You are my son and I will be always by your side. I can fathom your dilemma. In such case, everybody needs some time but alas, we do not have the luxury to have that. If you want to leave, then you can goto house and wait for me.”
If his sister has so much faith on him then how could he disrespect her feelings? He looked at her and answered, “You know that girl, right and you are satisfied. What more can I ask if my Didibhai has faith in that lady?”
“Have you made up your mind? There is no turning back after this step.” He nodded his head and gave confirmation. She said, “I think you should meet Jhinuk, her good name is Sanghamitra. She is very sweet and educated.”
A faint smile bloomed on his lips, “As my goddess wishes.”
“Rishu, a bond between two hearts is always build on faith and truth and trust. You should be clear about your past and burn them before you take a seat infront of the sacrament flames. Same thing I am going to ask from Jhinuk.”
He exclaimed at her, “How come am I going to speak all those in the first meeting? Try to understand Didibhai.”
She held him close to her bosom and pacified him, “Rishu you have to be clear and I am going to help you both to clear everything. I am here beside both of you. I will tell her your part as well as her part and don’t fuss about that. Rishu, if the foundation of love is build on lies and deceit, then it is sure to crumble down and it will hurt several people around you.” She kissed his forehead, “Now smile and shed everything. I want my naughty, jovial Rishu back.”
Ambalika walked away from the room to summon Jhinuk. Rishu sat there alone staring at the ceiling; he tried to straighten his haphazard thoughts. He could hear the enthusiastic voices of all the people in the drawing room. He could fathom that festivity has returned in that house. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind to take a deep plunge into the unknown abyss. He looked at himself and laughed at his unshaven beard, uncombed hair, a black jacket and a pair of jeans. Naughty Deep forced him to catch the flight without any preparation. He had clothes in his house in Dhakuria but he was not taken there also. He felt shy to meet the gorgeous girl, his sister had chosen for him. He closed his eye to envision the image Diya showed him.
As soon as his sister went away, Somesh and Piyali entered the room. He took a deep breath and exchanged a courteous smile. He could fathom the respite and gratitude in their eyes. They asked him about his wellbeing and he answered their every queries. Both of his would-be parent-in-laws was overwhelmed by his suave and educated profile. He felt little uncomfortable as both of them were on their toes to appease him. He persuaded both of them to keep calm. Although he was speaking with them, still his eyes hankered to meet the kids so that he could feel at ease.
The moment Jhilik informed her sister about the arrival of the unknown person, Jhinuk became restless. She tried hard to calm down her perturb soul but she was not able to come in terms as how she failed to deduce that shrewd character. There were no more tears left to shed for that lecherous cunning fox. She felt tremendously humiliated and was very angry on that deceitful person. She understood the infamy she bought to her family and pain she bought to herself by not listening her parents’ warnings. She requested some time to sediment her turbulent heart but her parents denied her request on pretext of relatives and family.
Jhinuk could hear jubilant voice of her family members outside her room. She walked into the bathroom and switched on the geyser. One by one, she took off all her clothes. She looked at her face that had some red patches, she looked at her eyes, which were red and swollen, and she looked at her curvaceous frame in the mirror. The mere thought, that that lecherous wolf put his lewd hands on her made her shudder. She filled the bathtub with lukewarm water and sat cowered in one corner of her tub. A streak of thoughts rummaged in her mind about her new life. How the unknown stranger in her life would behave with her when he would come to know about her broken affair. Whether the person would treat her well or she would be like another certificate of excellence hanging on his wall. She knew that the person was well known to her family, brother of her mother’s best friend and an orthopaedic surgeon in a prestigious medical college of India. She never met the person neither she knows about his character. Handsome looks and sparkling nature could be deceiving she knows that by her heart. She was deceived in the same manner. She could not come out of her shell to embrace all that was going around her. The streak of her thought broke with a knocking sound of her door. Her whole frame shuddered as the time has arrived for her surrender.
It was Jhilik’s voice on the other end, “Open the door Didi.”
Jhinuk thought of ending her life, she was unable to stand the mere thought that an unknown stranger would play with her body and soul. Was she only a puppet, whose strings are in some others fingers? She could not bear that thought. She took a deep breath before the plunge into abyss. She closed her eyes and prayed forgiveness from her parents. She lay down in the bathtub submerging her body in the lukewarm water. Her lungs full of air was about to burst as she kept her head under the water level for few seconds.
Jhilik screamed her heart out, “Didi please open door, please don’t do anything stupid. Please Didi I pray to you, I love you Didi, don’t leave me.”
The constant banging sound on the door and pleading cry of her sister refrained Jhinuk from taking her life. She sat straight gasped air to breathe. She wiped her head and face and looked at the door. Why would she take her life for a person who deceived her? She is not weak she had to stand stout with her head held high. She would show the world that she might shake but she was never broken. All her wrath diverted to her parents who pushed her to the lap of an unknown person and did not give any time to settle her perturbed soul. She wrapped a towel around her naked body and walked towards the door to open.
Her sister took her in her embrace and asked, “What were you doing in the bathroom?”
She tried to smile but her eyes welled up, “Nothing dear, I was taking a bath only.”
Her sister exclaimed, “Taking bath at this hour? Have you gone mad? Don’t lie to me Didi.” Her sister took her face between her palms and whispered, “Didi, I was afraid when you did not open the door for long.”
Her sister took her hand and asked her to sit on bed. Jhilik took another towel to wipe her sister. She sat quietly watching her sister with affection; she was a grownup girl to understand her feelings. Her sister asked her as what she wants to wear. She smiled and said to take out something special for the special person. Jhilik took out a soft pink lehenga that she bought last puja.
While putting on that beautiful dress, she asked her sister, “So how does he look?”
Her sister kissed her cheek and winked, “Didi, he is smart, tall and handsome, copperish in complexion. You know, he loves Diya and Deep more than anything in the world. Didi, please look into the better side, he is Ambalika auntie’s brother.”
She looked at her face, her cheeks has regained its colour. She adorned her forehead with a little pink dot, rubbed pink lipstick on her succulent lips and put kajal under her big expressive eyes.
While putting few gold ornaments on her neck and ears she said to her sister, “You know, I am sure Sitavro’s spy will be there to watch our disgrace on my wedding day. He is thinking that I would marry any Tom, dick and harry after I broke the wedding. Let’s go and show them that I am not broken.”
Jhilik’s face beamed with a jubilant smile, she hugged her sister with all might and complimented her beauty, “You are looking gorgeous than ever. That is my lovely Didi.”
She placed soothing palm on her sister’s cheek and smiled, “If my sister has so much confidence then let’s go and meet him.”
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Chapter 5. Winter in Eden. (#2)
Jhinuk looked at the door, her aunt Ambalika was waiting for her. She came inside and looked at Jhinuk from head to toe. Her aunt caressed her soft pink cheeks and kissed her forehead to give her blessing. Jhinuk sported a fake smile of content; no one knew what was going inside her heart. She looked at her room, the walls, the curtains, her bed, her table, everyone was smiling at her and expressing congratulations for her forthcoming life.
Ambalika took Jhinuk to the room where Rishu was waiting. Ambalika asked everyone to give them sometime alone so that she could speak to both of them. Between both the families, only she was aware of the gravity of both hearts.
Jhinuk looked into the room, a stout person sat on the couch with his head resting on his fist. His dressing sense was immaculate but he looked tired. What was going inside his mind? Why that person agreed to marry her in that situation? Was he doing a favour to her and her parents? Has her parents bought her future with money, again?
Rishu heard their approaching footstep and looked at them. He stood up and gave a courteous smile at her. Their eyes met for a second and she felt shy to look at him. He looked at the fresh bathed tulip adorned elegantly. Her face bore few contours of pain yet there was a smile on her pink lips. How a person can deceive a beauty like that? He knew that she was educated and intelligent, yet he could not fathom how she was deceived.
Jhinuk sat on the couch infront of him and her aunt sat beside her. Ambalika took her palm in hers and rubbed her hand. She felt a soothing breeze of strength inside her chest.
Ambalika looked at both of them and asked Rishu, “You are aware of the fact as what happened. Do you have something to say?”
Rishu looked at his sister’s face; there was a smile of content on her lips. He was pleased to behold the smile so he shook his head, as he had nothing to say.
Ambalika looked at Jhinuk and said, “Everyone has a past, Jhinuk and so does my brother. It is always better to build a relation on faith and not on a bunch of lies and deceit.”
Ambalika narrated the incident that happened with Rishu. She asked both of them whether they had any queries. They looked at eachother and exchanged another courteous smile. Both of them were calm as deep ocean, there were no turbulence in their hearts.
Jhinuk kept on thinking about the incident of misunderstanding. The person sitting in front of her had the breakup out of a huge misunderstanding and not by deception like her. Does he still love that lady? May be he does. What would happen if in future the old flame appears in her life and clear the misunderstanding? Should she ask him anything about his past? Why should she? Her wedding was nothing more than a compromise.
Rishu looked at Jhinuk’s hand, who was fidgeting with her soft serpentine fingers. He kept thinking as how to start the conversation, what to ask her? He had to be cautious with his queries, as she was perturbed. Her body language was telling him that a flurry of queries was there in her mind. What was going inside her mind? How fortunate he would be if he could read the beautiful girl’s mind. Alas, Almighty has not given any such powers to any person.
Rishu looked at her sister and said in a deep calm voice, “I don’t have any queries.” Her turned towards Jhinuk and asked, “If you have something in mind then you can ask.”
She took a deep breath and looked at him. Thousand queries were flooding her mind but she answered in a calm tone, “We don’t have any choice other than walking on the path that has been laid before us.”
Her voice seemed to be very cold and polished it was not difficult for Rishu to fathom the dilemma of Jhinuk’s mind. Their first meeting was the onset of the chilled weather that would overshadow their life. He looked at his sister and asked that he needs to take some rest after a long day. Ambalika patted Jhinuk’s palm and persuaded her not to worry about anything, she would be on her side always and forever. After his sister went away with Jhinuk, Rishu called Deep and Diya to his room, only their sight could silence his disturbance. Jhinuk returned to her room to take rest, she was also very tired all due to the perturbence she had in her mind.
By next day noon, Indrajeet and Shalini arrived and took the reins to give company to Rishu. Shalini met Jhinuk and expressed her compliments. Indrajeet informed few of their close friends about Rishu’s marriage. Rishu informed his HOD, Dr. Khairon about his sudden wedding. Everyone in his circle was surprised when they came to know that the young man was getting married at last. Dr. Khairon promised to attend their reception and few of his friends promised to attend his reception.
Everyone was on their toes as the time was very short. Ambalika and Niladri were busy in arrangement of the groom part of the wedding, informing their relatives and friend about the marriage. For the next whole day, Rishu’s father-in-law Somesh was busy in shopping with Rishu. Indrajeet also accompanied Rishu with his shopping. Somesh was on his toes to satisfy Rishu, repeatedly he asked him as what he would like to have, what was his choice of dress or anything he might need in their home in Delhi. He politely answered that his father-in-law needs to speak to his sister for those matters. By evening, every bone in his body was cracking, as he did not sleep for past two days.
Jhinuk pulled a fake smile on her lips to show everyone that she was satisfied with the decision. Whenever her mother asked her about Rishu, she nodded her head to express her satisfaction. No one fathomed her intention that whatever she decided was outcome of her angst. No time was provided to her settle down, to have her pains subdued. She was forced by her surroundings to sit before the sacrament flames. Mostly she kept herself confined to her room with Diya and Jhilik around her.
Jhinuk packed all those dresses she bought, which she thought to wear after her marriage. She kept away all those in one corner of her cupboard and asked her sister to give those away once she was gone. Most of those dresses were of Sitavro’s choice and the mere sight of those dresses enraged her to the core. She knew that after reception she had to fly to Delhi, so she packed her bags accordingly with the help of her sister and Diya.
Rishu was inundated with anxiety as how his life would be once he returns to Delhi with his newly wedded wife. He does not know her likings and disliking, he does not know what she loves to eat or loves to wear, he was unaware of her future prospects whether she would do a job after marriage or not. He even forgot to buy any present to present her on their first night together. He shrugged all his anxiety by murmuring to himself that whatever would come in future they both would solve them together. He tried to drive away his anxiety by talking with his friends. Diya was beside him all the time. She tormented him with her queries whether he liked Jhinuk or not. Everytime he tried to give a proper answer, his intelligent niece caught him.
Diya persuaded Rishu, “Rishu please, smile. I know Jhinuk Didi is very much perturbed and hurt due to all that happened to her. She is very lovely lady. With passing time, everything will fade away.”
He pinched her cheeks, “Naughty girl, don’t try to be my grandmother.” Both of them burst into laughter.
The music of shehnai flowed in the air. Guests started to pour in after noon. The house rumbled in jubilant ambience. The beautician arrived and Jhinuk started getting ready for her final surrender. With each passing second, her heart started to beat like an insane ram. She tried hard to control her anxiety however with passing time she started to fail in her fight. She was bedecked in a red benarasi saree, with several gold ornaments. Her mother entered her room to behold her daughter in the red wedding attire. Her mother was very pleased to behold smile on her lips, only she knew that the smile was fake. She looked at her mother’s eyes which was filled up with tears of joy and pain of part.
She asked her mother, “Tell me one thing, what is going to happen to all those money that you deposited in my account? Are you going to withdraw all those?”
Her mother was surprised to hear that, “Why are you asking this question at this penultimate moment?”
“I just want to know. Twelve lakhs is a huge amount of money.”
“No Jhinuk, we have decided to give that money to you. It is a small token for both of you.”
She winched her brows and asked, “Why are you interested in keeping those money with me? Have you again bought my security with that money? What is the difference between that lewd fox, Sitavro and the suave educated Doctor?”
On hearing such words her mother got angry yet she kept calm and asked her to sit down and listen to her patiently, “Jhinuk sit down here. I know you are angry upon us, but that does not mean that you disrespect Ambalika and Niladri. They never asked for a single penny. They came up with the proposal. Jhinuk, they are very rich. What your father earns in a year, your father-in-law earns in a month. He has his own architect firm, Ambalika runs a Montessori college which is famous in south Kolkata and Rishu is an orthopaedic surgeon in a prestigious medical college of India.”She queried again, “But Ambalika auntie is not Doctor’s mother, right? She is his elder sister.”
Piyali’s heart was about to burst out in angst, she bit her lips and closed her eyes. She took some time to answer her insolent daughter’s queries.
After few moments, she opened her eyes and gave a calm look at her daughter’s quizzical face, “Remember one thing Jhinuk, Ambalika is more than a mother to Rishu. Someday I will tell you about her as what she did. Just know one thing that she is Rishu’s mother, father, sister, brother, everything you can think of. Never ever dream of disrespecting them. It will break them shatter them. Give the same respect to them as you show to your parents.”
From the deep fiery tone of her mother, she fathomed that she stroke a wrong chord at that moment. She profusely apologised and hugged her mother, “Sorry Ma, I am very sorry. I promise to give them the love of a daughter they did not have.”
Her mother kissed her forehead and whispered in her ears, “That’s my sweet darling daughter. Now come and live a life of your own.”
Her voice choked, “I lived a very happy life Ma, I am sorry to hurt you all.” She broke down clasping her mother’s hand.
Piyali tried to persuade her daughter, “Don’t feel sorry about anything. Life is full of vicissitudes. We gather experience in every step of our life. You will be happy there, their family is very close knitted and they love each other very much.”
She looked at herself in the mirror for one last time, a marble effigy smiled to her from the mirror reflection. Diya and Jhilik took her to the podium, where she sat with a fake content smile on her lips. She had sweat beads on her forehead even in the chilled winter evening.
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Chapter 5. Winter in Eden. (#3)
Ambalika came after sometime to take her to the place where the ceremony was to be consummated. With each step towards the ceremony ground, she felt a chill ran down her spine. She took the seat beside Rishu in front of the sacrament flames. Her frame shuddered as the priest joined their hands in holy matrimony.
Rishu was much tensed as how the siren in red would react. They had not exchanged any words after their first meet. He hesitated to call her all the time as what to say, what she would think about him if he made any unwanted calls. Although he was free with girls, however the thought of that enticing beauty mesmerised him for two long days. When her hand was kept on his, he pressed her palms gently. She felt his strong paws on her soft cat paw and she gave a coy glance at him. With each step, they took around the sacrament flames, both of them felt their past to be burnt to ashes. Time came for applying the vermilion on the forehead of the bride. She sat looking at the fire when Rishu dipped his ring in the vermillion and applied on her forehead. All the guests and relatives were jubilant and congratulated them. A huge chunk of the vermillion fell on her nose tip. She tried to rub that away but her sister, Jhilik and Diya restrained her from rubbing her nose.
Jhilik whispered in her ears, “Didi, Jiju will love you more than anything in the world.”
She gave a quizzical look at her sister. She was well aware of the old custom of Bengali wedding, that if the vermillion drops on the nose tip of the bride then the groom loves the bride very much. Both Diya and Jhilik hugged Jhinuk from behind and kissed her both cheeks. Every guest, known and unknown was in jubilant mood when the ceremony came to end.
Ambalika came to Jhinuk and kissed her forehead, “At last my son has found a beautiful bride. I am very happy to see both of you together.” Ambalika tied a bunch of keys with the loose end of her red benarasee saree and said, “This is the key of his flat and his cupboards. Now on you are the protector of our family. We are getting old, dear. You need to take care of all of us.”
Ambalika took out a diamond necklace and put around her neck. She looked at the precious sparkling necklace and she lost her voice. The worth of the necklace was more than what she had in her account.
He voice choked and she flung her arms around her mother-in-laws neck, “Mamoni (pet name of a mother) forgive me for my insolent behaviour.”
She rubbed her soothing palm on Jhinuk’s head and consoled her, “Mother’s always loves their children, even after they commit sin. You have not committed any, dear you just strayed away. Thanks to you that you understood at the right time. Now don’t lament for what you have done, embrace what you have.”
Jhinuk felt a gurgle when the time came to leave her house. She bit her lips, controlled her welling eyes and took blessings from everyone as she boarded the car. Rishu put his arms on her shoulder as she tried to control her welling eyes. It was a tearful goodbye and a journey to a new realm for the newly wedded bride. Rishu ushered Jhinuk inside the car and suddenly felt a tug on his elbow. He looked back and found Jhilik behind him. She clasped his arms with a pleading look in her big black teary eyes.
He was surprise on her action and he asked, “What happened, Jhilik?”
She joined her hands infront of him and sobbed, “Please bring back smile on my sister’s lips.”
The overflowing emotion took him over and he hugged her close to his heart. He pressed his lips on her forehead. He did not know how he was going to keep that promise however he promised her from the depth of his heart, “I promise you.”
She hugged him with all her strength and hid her face on his chest. Her tears soaked his Punjabi as he looked inside the car. His newly wedded wife was watching them with a gloomy face. He consoled Jhilik and sat beside Jhilik. Few drops of tears rolled down her cheeks. The car zoomed out of her house towards her new address, her new domain. She kept silent for whole journey from her home to the new home. Rishu was also silent, as he knew that no words could console her writhing soul of part.
For the whole next day, Rishu tried to steal glance of beautiful Jhinuk. However, she always showed a very cold behaviour to him. He was unable to understand as what happened to her. Indrajeet and his friends always surrounded him all the time; he could not find time for the whole day to speak to her. His heart kept beating like a huge ram as what would happen on the reception night, their first night together. His friends joked with him even someone presented a packet of condom for their first night.
The fateful night arrived; with each passing hour, anxiety took over Jhinuk’s veins as how to face Rishu. Most of the guests returned after reception. Ambalika ushered her to the bedroom and asked her to change the dress and wear something comfortable. She looked around Rishu’s room, the huge bed was bedecked with flowers and ribbons. At one side there was a table and a chair. She opened the cupboard where she kept her suitcase. She opened her suitcase to take out a dress so that she could feel comfortable. While taking out her nightdress, her eyes fell on the pink lingerie she bought to wear on her first night. The mere thought that the dress was chosen by Sitavro, enraged her. Her blood started boiling inside her veins. She kept away all those dresses but how that one stayed in that suitcase? Her whole frame shivered in anger and she tore the lingerie. She forgot to change her dress and sat cowered in one corner of the huge bed. Was she a puppet? What would Rishu do with her? Would he prowl on her, as she was his lawfully wedded wife? She clenched her jaws and waited for Rishu to enter. If he touches her then she would scream or kill herself before surrendering meekly to his lust.
Rishu kept on strolling up and down the drawing room. He was very tensed to face that beautiful siren who was waiting for him in his room. His ears turned red as anxiety took over his mind and soul. How would he approach her, how would Jhinuk react to him, what would he say to her, she might be tired so it would be better if they sleep quietly. All those queries undulated in his mind. Once he peeked into his room to get a glimpse of his siren, but he could only see his empty bed. Diya and Shalini was more excited to push him inside his room. He tried to push the hour more so that the morning approaches earlier. Meantime Indrajeet slipped a packet of condom in his pocket and winked at him.
Suddenly Indrajeet pushed Rishu inside the room and bolted the door from outside. He closed his eyes and stood at the door for a while. Jhinuk shivered with the sound of the door. She looked at Rishu who stood at the door, looking at her. She clenched her jaws anxiously anticipating the unforeseen to happen. Rishu looked at her face and saw a contoured siren. He took a deep breath and approached the bed. Jhinuk cowered more to one corner of the bed. Her breathe quickened with each step Rishu took towards her.
He cleared his throat and asked, “You must be tired. Why haven’t you changed the dress?”
She looked down on the floor and answered in cold voice, “I didn’t feel like changing. I am fine.”
He sat on the bed and turned towards Jhinuk, “I know it is a difficult situation for both of us.”
“Yes it is very difficult for me.” Large drop of tears of humility rolled down her cheeks.
He heard her soft sobbing sound, “Don’t cry Jhinuk.” It was the first time he called out her by her petname. He reached out touch her soft hand.
She shrinked more into the corner and hissed at him like a wounded serpent, “You don’t have the right to call me by that name.”
He touched her hand, those soft fingers felt cold as ice. She shivered with his touch. Large drop of tears dropped on his palm. He rubbed her hand and asked her, “What should I call you?”
She pulled her hand from his clutch and sobbed, “Don’t dare to touch me.”
Her wounded voice startled him and he asked her, “What happened to you?”
She looked at him like a wounded tigress, “I know that you have rescued us from disgrace still you don’t own me or my soul.”
“I know that Sanghamitra.” that time he addressed her by her name. “I am not going to push you over some cliff.”
She hissed at him, “Don’t tell me that you fall for a fallen girl in the very first sight. You are well aware that I had a boyfriend and I broke that relation. I am sure that you must be thinking whether I am virgin or not.”
He closed his eyes, a writhing pain inflicted his heart, “Sanghamitra, I know that whatever you are saying is out of your writhing heart. I can understand that everyone needs time after such incident. Yes, something somewhere went very wrong and you are still to heal your writhing soul. I never bore such evil thoughts about you, believe me.
She gave a quizzical look at his face to fathom as whether he was speaking his mind or just feigning to keep her heart. His eyes spoke his truthful mind she could see the truth in his eyes. Her lips trembled and she joined her hands infront of him, “I need some time to settle my perturbed soul. Please I earnestly beg you.”
“Please don’t beg like that. I promise to respect your feelings and promise you to give all the time in the world you need.” He kept quiet for sometime and then asked, “Do you want to go to Delhi along with me, or stay in Kolkata?”
She fumbled with her words; she was unable to think anything straight. If she stays in Kolkata then everyone would get suspicious about their relation. She did not want to hurt her parent’s feelings or her in-laws feelings. She wiped her eyes and answered softly, “I will go to Delhi only because I can’t see pain in my parents eyes. But that does not mean that I surrender to you.”
“That will do, Thanks for respecting Didibhai’s dream.” He answered in a quaint voice.
Instead of a soothing autumn breeze, chilled winter winds blew inside the room. He looked up at the ceiling, the white flowers seemed like huge chunks of snow and red flowers looked like a bunch of cotton soaked in blood. The white marble floor turned into a bed of cold ice. He stood up from the bed and sat quietly on the chair with his head down. He could not think of anything more.
She lay in one corner of the bed and covered herself with the quilt. A huge storm took over her slender soft figure. Waves after waves lashed on the shore of her empty heart.
The winter winds kept howling outside the room.
***** End of Chapter 5 *****
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Chapter 6. Melting Ice. (#1)
The plane started to gain its takeoff speed on the runway. Jhinuk was very quiet all through the day. The farewell was very emotional for all the family members. Jhinuk sat beside the window, it was not her first time to Delhi however it was first time she was stepping out with some person whom she does not know at all. The person was her husband, Dr. Ambarish Sanyal. Her mind was blank like huge vacuum of outerspace. She looked outside the window as the plane crossed river Ganges. A query disturbed her, was she leaving her hometown forever? She was no more Miss Sanghamitra she was then Mrs. Sanghamitra Sanyal.
Rishu reclined on his seat and looked at her calm face. He felt to nudge her but restrained not to create unnecessary ripples on that calm beautiful face. Since last night there was no words exchanged between them. He kept his promise to give her all the time she needs to pacify her disturbed soul.
After two long hours, their flight landed at New Delhi terminal in the evening. While they were waiting for the luggage to arrive, Jhinuk stood very close to him, their arms brushed for the first time. She moved close to Rishu as the place was crowded, everyone waiting for their luggage to arrive. Once inside the taxi, they sat on two corners of the backseat. Jhinuk looked outside as the car moved towards CR Park. The sun went down long ago; the road was packed with cars. It took an hour to reach his house. With each step she took towards the locked house, her heart beat quickened. How would she live in that house with an unknown person?
Rishu unlocked the door and ushered her inside. She looked around the spacious two room flat. She was astonished to behold the house. It was beautifully decorated, quiet opposite for a bachelor’s room. She thought, so he was a composed and suave person. She looked at the sofa, the kitchen, the walls and the curtains. Everything showed signs of sophistication and his calm composed nature. The marble floor was so clean that one can see their reflection on it. Everything was present in that house, from led television to microwave to refrigerator.
Rishu looked at her face, which was agape to behold his house. He smiled at her and cleared his throat to say something to her. She looked at him to listen as what he wanted to say.
He pointed to the master bedroom and said to her, “That is master bedroom, you can sleep there.” She gave a quizzical look at him, he pointed to the other room and said, “I will sleep in my room.” He smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry; you can lock your room to be safe.”
She picked up her bags and quietly entered the room. He kept looking at her as he expected some answer from her however, there was none except a cold shoulder. He was very hurt by her behaviour but expressed nothing. He kept the rest of the luggage inside her room. His eyes fell on Jhinuk who was staring at the huge family picture of Rishu’s family.
He asked her, “Do you want to have anything?”
She shook her head, “No” and entered the washroom. He could not understand as what he should do. He retired to his room to change his dress. After changing dress, he entered the kitchen to cook dinner. He cooked dinner and knocked on Jhinuk’s door to call her for dinner. However, the lights of her room were turned off. He peeked inside and observed that she was already on bed under the blanket. He heard a soft sobbing sound emanating from the dark room.
Jhinuk was unable to come in terms that she was treated as puppet. Why her parents took a hasty decision to marry her off to a person whom she does not know? How would she live alone in that huge house? She wanted a happy life, but she was in an unknown place with an unknown person. She held her breath as she heard the knock on her door. She cowered in one corner and clasped the blanket with all her might. She started shivering in sheer fear.
Rishu stood there for few minutes and his hunger disappeared when he found no answer from her. He clenched his teeth and quietly retired his room. He cursed his fate; he should have tried at least once to…. No what was he thinking? He was a married person. He called his sister and informed that they safely arrived at their home and lied about dinner. He lied everything that they were spending night in the same room and Jhinuk happily shared his cupboard. His heart shattered into pieces while lying to his revered sister. He had to do that to save their relation else his sister would be heartbroken. His nose flared up and throat choked after he disconnected the phone. He slapped himself for each lie he said to his goddess. He lay down on his bed staring at the ceiling with blank eyes.
She felt respite as she heard the footstep fade away. She overheard Rishu’s lie. A solitary drop of tear tickled down her cheek. She shivered and howled out, but that painful scream was to her ears only. Her teardrop soaked the pillow and sounded like thousand cannons to her ears. In reality, the teardrop does not create any sound however on that quiet night the splashing of her tears sounded very loud. Does he really love her? How a person can fall in love in first sight? Yes, she also fell in love but it took time. She was fortunate to know Sitavro’s intention before marriage. She could not sleep the whole night. Her eyelids became heavy only at the morning.
Two lonely birds spent sleepless night in two rooms adjacent to eachother. Jhinuk pressed her face on the pillow to silence her sobs so that the sound does not create ripples in the chilled wind and Rishu spent staring at the ceiling thinking of his future as how to proceed with his life with the beautiful porcelain lifeless doll.
His eyelids became heavy but the alarm at wee hour woke him up. He had morning duty at trauma centre. He looked at his face in the mirror, which was red and extremely fatigued. He splashed water on his face to cool-off his tensions and dressed up. He thought to knock on her door however he felt no to. He picked his bag, his white apron and stethoscope and took a deep breath before starting for his hospital.
The continuous knocking sound on the door startled Jhinuk. She sat on the bed and waited for the other person to open the door. The sound continued and she felt an uncanny silence in the flat. She shivered in anxiety, was she alone in that huge flat? Her fear was right as she came out of her room and looked around. Rishu was not in his room, he was nowhere. Was she in a wrong place? Where had he gone? What was the time? She looked at her wrist watch it was eleven in the morning still there was no sun in the sky. It was foggy outside. She looked around and observed that the showcase had several pictures of his family. She felt respite that she was in right place and not in some dungeon. But where was Rishu? She tiptoed to the door and looked through the eyepiece to observe as who has come. She saw an aged woman standing at her door and knocking.
The woman asked, “Memsahib, open the door.”
She was anxious to know as who the person was so she cleared her throat and asked, “Who are you? What do you want?”
The woman answered, “I am the maid Memsahib, I have come for house cleaning.”
She felt respite and opened the door. The woman entered and looked at her from head to toe. She smiled at her and said, “Were you sleeping? Sorry to disturb you. Maaji gave a call yesterday that Doctor Shaab has arrived. Generally I come in evening only after Doctor Shaab arrives since you will be present so I came early.”
The maid vomited everything in one go. Jhinuk was unable to think as what to say to her. She was new in that domain. Her mother-in-law might have forgotten to inform that to her. What should she do now?
She asked the maid, “When do you usually come to clean the house?”
Without answering her question, the maid entered the kitchen and asked her, “Why the dinner is still here Memsahib? You did not have dinner last night?”
Jhinuk smiled at her, “After cooking we thought to go out so we went out for dinner.”
“Ok ok, so what should I cook for lunch?”
“No no, I will cook my lunch.”
“But Maaji asked me to cook lunch for you.”
“No need, I will cook myself. You clean the room that will be enough.”
Just then, she got call from Ambalika, she felt respite, who was she? Her mother-in-law or her sister-in-law? Here relation was thicker than blood.
She answered the phone, “Good morning Mamoni, how are you?”
Her mother-in-law asked her, “How are you dear? Have you slept well?”
Jhinuk, “Yes Mamoni, I am fine.”
Ambalika, “See, I forgot to tell you that I informed the maid to come early. If she comes, please keep an eye on her while she cleans the house. She is very talkative so don’t bother to listen to her words and ask her to sweep under the beds and the sofa.”
Jhinuk sat on the couch and answered, “Mamoni, the maid has already arrived.”
Ambalika, “Good then. So where is my son? Has he gone to OPD or Trauma centre?”
Jhinuk’s throat dried up, she had not spoken to him since the reception night. How could she know as where he has gone? She stammered and hankered for answer, “He went early in the morning.” After answering a lie she closed her eyes as she felt a hard slap across her cheek.
Ambalika, “Take care of yourself and don’t go outside until he returns. Delhi is very cold so wear heavy woollens even at home. Did he changed the switch of the geyser?”
Jhinuk was unaware as what happened to the geyser so she stammered, “Probably…”
Ambalika, “So that irresponsible fellah did not changed the switch. See Jhinuk, the geyser switch is broken so be cautious when you switch it on. Don’t forget to wear sandal while switching the geyser.”
Jhinuk, “Ok Mamoni.” Then she asked, “Mamoni where is Deep and Diya?”
Ambalika answered, “They have gone to college. I will give you a call when they return. By the way you can chat with them on Skype, right?”
Jhinuk scratched her head, how ignorant she was, “Yes Mamoni I will speak with them and will be able to see them also.”
Ambalika, “Now on, you have to take the reins of here and there. I am getting old Jhinuk.”
Jhinuk, “No Mamoni you are still young.”
Ambalika, “Naughty girl, take care I will give you a call once Deep and Diya returns from college. Probably Jhilik will be staying with us for few months as their exams are coming near. Diya and Jhilik want to do joint study.”
Jhinuk was astonished to know that. She was so sullen since two days that she felt not to speak with anyone, even with her best friend, her kid sister.
She exclaimed, “Really?”
Ambalika, “Yes. Ok, I have to go now, will call you later.”
Jhinuk stood up after disconnecting the phone. She looked at the maid who was busy sweeping. She instructed the maid to clean the house properly. She felt lonely after the maid was gone. She sat quietly for sometime and entered the kitchen. She looked around, she has not taken food since last night, her stomach was growling. She opened the refrigerator, took out eggs to boil and made a sandwich. She sat at the dining table to have her food and then her eye fell on a white paper lying on the table. Curiosity took over and she opened the folds of the paper. A letter addressed to her that read.
“Hello Sanghamitra,
I have morning duty at trauma centre. There are eggs in the refrigerator. Other things you can find in the kitchen. Don’t wait for me for lunch or the evening tea. Do whatever you please, but do not go out of the house. I will try to return early, but can’t say about emergencies and operations. Temperature is much lower than that of Kolkata so wear woollens even when you are at home. I will try to give a call but there is tower problem in AIIMS premises, even my phone might be unavailable if I am inside the OT. If you feel bored, then call anyone in Kolkata or watch movies on the television. There are lot of DVD’s in the lower cabinet of my table.
Take care, Ambarish.”
She folded the paper and kept it in her diary. She never asked his mobile number, whom she would call or what she would do if something happens to her. She took bathe and changed her dress. While sitting before the dressing table she looked at herself. She looked at the small container of vermillion inside her makeup box. Automatically her middle finger touched the vermillion and she applied on her forehead. She looked at her face and gave a sweet smile.
She threw a kiss to her reflection and said, “Good Morning Mrs. Sanghamitra Sanyal. How are you doing today?”
She felt the puerile foal to spring inside. She laughed and twirled inside the house. After some time she opened her laptop, but she did not have the internet connection. She felt handicapped without internet and felt anxiety creeping in her mind as how she would chat with Jhilik. She closed the laptop and sat in the drawing room looking at her mobile after every few minutes. She got calls from Kolkata and she gossiped with them. She fidgeted with her mobile expecting his call but that never came. Her empty soul longed to hear his deep calm voices but his call evaded her. With each passing hour, the empty house crammed over her. Again, a dark vacuum entrapped her soul. She again shrinks in her shell.
Rishu was very busy all the day. He joined hospital after eight days. He finished his last operation and looked at his mobile. There were several miss calls from his family, however the call he longed most was not in his miss call list. He felt sullen and retuned call to his sister. He felt that his sister was very happy to know that they were doing well within a short span of time. He was surprised to hear her contend voice. He looked at the dark night sky; he could see nothing as it was covered with heavy smog. It was a hard day at trauma centre and another hard night waiting for him in his house. Usually after returning to house, he prepares a cup of coffee and reclines on sofa to watch some movies. However, the time was different; there was another person in the house with whom he can’t even speak freely. He felt agitated and banged his fist in the air. He started his bike and roamed in the crowded streets of Delhi for an hour. He did not feel to return neither to goto Indrajeet’s place.
While driving aimlessly he received a call from his sister. She screamed over the phone, “You have not reached home yet? What are you doing?”
Rishu was astonished as how his sister came to know his whereabouts. Then it dawned that he gave a call after coming out of OT and then he said that he would return to the house. She might have informed Jhinuk and when even after an hour he was not at home, Jhinuk might have called his sister.
He stammered to answer, “Some emergency came up in the last minute so I had to stay back.” “Shit!” he slapped his head as a car honked beside him.
Ambalika was furious, “You have emergency in the middle of the road? It is nine o’clock. Where are you? How irresponsible you are to leave her alone in the house. Immediately reach home.”
Slowly he drove his bike towards his house and with each passing minute, his heart sank into abyss as if he was returning to a cell where he was put up with a mute porcelain doll. He reached his flat and was surprised to hear sound of music coming from his flat. He knocked the door and waited anxious moments outside. The seconds felt like hour. He heard her running footsteps towards the door.
Jhinuk opened the door with a soft courteous smile on her lips. He looked at her from head to toe, she was in a white jeans and a grey cardigan. She looked very beautiful and much lively than ever. She stood aside to usher him inside.
Jhinuk asked him softly, “Do you want to have your dinner now?”
After ages, he heard her voice. He looked at her face and answered, “Why haven’t you taken your dinner? It is ten o’clock.”
She reached out to take his bag and apron. However, he walked inside his room without bothering to wait for her answer. She felt dejected by his behaviour, a solitary teardrop welled in her eyes and was about to trickle down but she controlled that drop in penultimate moment. He changed his dresses and entered the kitchen only to find that Jhinuk was heating the fried rice she prepared. The aroma of the fried rice intensified his hunger.
He was taken aback by her change, so he complimented her, “The aroma is very good.”
She bit her lips and looked away to hid her bashful face. Her ears turned red with coy. She felt to melt and spill on the floor. He was very happy to see her coy face. He took a deep breadth and asked her to serve dinner. They sat opposite to each other.
He took a morsel and complimented, “The taste is awesome. Your culinary quality is very good.”
Jhinuk’s ears turned red, as she was unable to look at his eyes directly. Was the ice melting between them? The time will tell.
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Chapter 6. Melting Ice. (#2)
Jhinuk intently watched as Rishu relished the fried rice. He finished his dish quietly and looked at her with contend eyes. She felt very happy but his silence was killing her soul. She quietly finished her dinner. Weather was getting colder with each passing minute and so was the ambiance of the dining room. Before retiring to his room, Rishu informed her in a single sentence that he had morning duty whole week. She gently nodded her head in accordance and entered her room. That night both of them slept in their respective rooms, thinking of eachother. Jhinuk had a blank thought as how to proceed further with her boring life, Rishu thought the same on the other bed.
Next day, Jhinuk woke up early in morning before Rishu got up from bed. Although she was feeling sleepy, yet she prepared his breakfast with whatever she found in the kitchen. Rishu woke up as usual when his alarm went off. After getting dressed up his eyes fell in the kitchen and observed that Jhinuk was preparing breakfast for him.
>He looked into her sleepy eyes and said, “Don’t take much pain in preparing breakfast. I can have that in canteen.”
She handed him the lunchbox and said, “There are no vegetables in the refrigerator.”
Rishu quietly answered her, “The vendors move from door to door here. You can buy from them or you can take the help of maid servant to fetch vegetables from the market. Please don’t go outside.”
She stood with her head bent down, thinking as how she would spent the whole day alone in that huge flat. She asked him in a hushed tone, “Is there any internet-cafe nearby?”
He smiled and answered, “Extremely sorry, I forgot to tell you, I have got Wi-fi connection. You can connect with that. The password is d3e9d1y@.” She gave a bewildered look at him, what a tough password she thought. He smiled and answered, “The password is very easy to remember, they are names of my lovely nephew and niece, Deep and Diya.”
She nodded her head. For the whole day, she was busy in household works. She chatted with Jhilik, Diya and Deep on Skype, and then she opened her facebook page to contact her friends. She kept herself busy for the whole day gossiping with friends and family. She came to know about two of her MBA friends in Delhi, Pallavi and Kingshuk. Both of them newly joined their jobs, Pallavi was in HR in some IT company and Kingshuk was in marketing in some hospitality sector. They were surprised when they came to know about Jhinuk. She was also happy at least she got someone in Delhi with whom she could meet and feel free. Although during the college time, neither of them were close friends however, on a foreign soil they also felt happy to have a batchmate. They were unaware of Jhinuk’s previous relation and the breakup so they were astonished when they came to know that Jhinuk was married to an orthopaedic surgeon. She invited them to her house someday.
Between Rishu and Jhinuk, their single syllables started to make small sentences. After few days, Rishu bought a new mobile connection for Jhinuk and presented a high-end tablet to her. After dinner, Rishu handed her the tablet.
She felt shy to receive the tablet so she said, “What was the need to buy such costly thing? My mobile was good for me.”
He handed her the packet and said, “Keep it. It has Skype and wi-fi. You can now chat even when you move around the house.”
She gently nodded her head in gratitude, “Thanks for that.”
For the whole night, she kept looking at the costly table and experimented with that. She behaved like inanimate object with Rishu around her. She felt shy to call him by his name as he was seven years older. She felt very uncomfortable to address him by his name so whenever she needed to call him, she addressed him as “Hello” or “Mister”. He smiled inside when she addressed him in such manner but he never rectified her. He wanted her to come out of the shell instead of pulling her out as he promised that he would give her the time she needed to. He also always addressed her as “Sanghamitra” he never crossed the invisible barrier.
Everyday he thought to return early but the work pressure in AIIMS pulled him back. She used to keep herself confined to her room most of the day, with her laptop and tablet. He also behaved the same keeping himself busy in reading his books and preparing research papers.
Jhinuk kept busy gossiping on the net most of the time but after few days, she also got bored of it. She watched all the DVD’s that she could find in his cabinet. The programmes in the television could not satiate her restless soul. She hankered something more, but was unable to think of anything as what she wanted. Her blank soul haunted her during the chilled winter night.
They pretend to be very happy whenever they spoke with their families. Both the families were happy to know that Rishu and Jhinuk was doing well, only they knew that they were playing an elaborated drama where scripts were written in invisible words on a blank paper. She felt like a pigeon caged with porcupine. As they never spoke clearly so he was unaware as how she took his past relation, cause his relation broke due to a misunderstanding not by deception. He wanted to speak with her and get things clear but her attitude and blank eyes pulled him back.
A fortnight passed, it was getting tougher for both of them to stay under one roof. Although Rishu compromised with the situation but Jhinuk was unable to come in terms being confined bird for so long. She was boiling to burst out as she felt tormented being confined. Never in her life had she stayed in a room for a whole fortnight. She was educated young and puerile free soul. Whenever she thought that Kingshuk and Pallavi were into job, she also wanted to break free. She wanted to do a job like her friends. She expressed her desire to her mother but she asked her to speak to Rishu for that.
That day he returned from trauma centre by evening, earlier than previous days.
She asked him softly, “Do want coffee?” He nodded and asked for coffee. Since she was looking down so she could not see as what was his answer. Therefore, she again asked him, “Would you like to have coffee?”
He cleared his throat and said, “Yes, please.”
His extreme courteous answer splintered her skin. He changed his dress and waited for his coffee in the drawing room. Slowly she prepared the coffee and placed before him. She quietly stood at a distance fidgeting with her fingers as how to start the conversation.
Rishu observed her fidgeting with her fingers and he asked her, “Do you want to say something?”
She answered in undertone, “I like to do job.”
He looked at her face for some time and asked, “Good, you should think about your life.”
She said to him, “I have two friends here, Kingshuk and Pallavi. They are into some job. I also want to do job and break free from this confinement.”
He took a deep breath, as the silent wall was broken after ages. “See, Sanghamitra, we both are aware in what conditions we got married. I can feel that twenty-three is not an age to get married. Girls in your age like to enjoy and live their life.” She was curious as what he meant to say. He smiled at her as he beholds her curious face, “I don’t want you to compromise with life. You can live a life of your own.”
She gave a quizzical look as what he meant to say by living a life of her own. She asked him, “What do you mean? How can I lead my own life now? You very well know that we can’t separate our ways. My mom and Mamoni will be heartbroken. Do you want that?”
He was hurt for again being mistaken, or his words were not appropriate so he apologised to her, “No Sanghamitra, I did not mean to say that you took a detour”
She fumed, “Than what do you want to say?”
He took a deep breath and asked, “You want do job?”
She grumbled, “Yes.”
He answered, “I meant to say that I have no objection in that. You can go out with your friends also. However I want their address and mobile number.”
Already her freedom was curtailed why he was asking that information. Was he concerned about her or he wanted to spy on her? She winched her brows and asked, “Why do you want to know their address and mobile number? They are my friends and I know them very well.”
He answered in deep voice, “I don’t know them so I can’t give you permission to go out with them. Is that clear to you? I want to meet them or I want their details.”
She was already fuming in angst, “Do you know your problem, Dr. Ambarish Sanyal?” He was taken aback by sudden change in her voice. She played hard bat as she was already cornered, “You live in constant insecurity. You are insecure that you will lose the persons whom you love most if some third person comes in between. You love Mamoni very much so you lived in constant fear that if somebody enters your life that could jeopardise the bond. Now the same thing happening, you fear that if I go out with my friends then you will lose me. You know what, some bonds never wanes whatever may come in between.”
Was she right, probably she was? Rishu was concerned about Jhinuk so he wanted that information. He never had the courage to express but she fathomed that. Before he could read her mind, and apologise she turned away and slammed the door infront of him. For the first time after meeting Jhinuk, he had vacuum in his soul. He walked towards her room and gently knocked her door. But there was no answer from inside.
He stood there for some time and murmured, “I am sorry Sanghamitra.”
On the other side of the door, she sat on the floor just near the door banging her fist on her forehead. Her eyes flooded as she heard him whisper on the other side, “I am sorry.” Again that night two birds were awake in their nest. Rishu kept on rehearsing as how to apologise to Jhinuk, on the other hand, she cursed herself to be that harsh on that calm and quiet gentleman.
Rishu felt after that night that he was little tough on her, if he behaves like that then she would never be able to come out of shell and things might get worsened. He started dropping messages once he reached hospital. She anxiously waited for that small two-word message, “Safely Reached.” She returned his message, “Take your lunch.” To dilute the matter he started to send her longer message as he reached, “Reached safely at hospital.” She tried to write single word but felt to write something more, “Don’t forget to take you lunch.” Gradually sentences build in a short story. “Sorry Sanghamitra, I will be late.” “The coffee will be served cold, Doctor.” “Today I forgot to take lunch due to OPD pressure.” “I want to see empty lunchbox. I don’t care how and when you finish that.” For the whole day, she kept herself busy in waiting for his messages, yet she painted a veiled anger on her face whenever he returned from hospital. He started to return early, sometime with some edibles for evening coffee, sometimes a small cupcake. She felt very happy when he used to bring those small gifts to subdue her temper but kept that veil until he professes his heart.
That day Rishu had an emergency call in the middle of the night. Jhinuk woke up when she heard him and asked him to give a call once he reaches hospital. However, he forgot to drop a message as three accidents victims were there. She tossed and turned on her bed waiting anxiously for his message that never came. Since morning, she tried to call him but his mobile was unreachable. She felt respite when the message came at noon that he was returning. “Extremely Sorry Sanghamitra, I was caught up in emergency and had to perform three operations.” She understood his situation and smiled that her nights would be sleepless as she was wife of an orthopaedic surgeon serving humanity. He returned by noon, all his bones were cracking inside his body. He somehow reached his house and thought to hit the pillow in no time. He knocked the door and waited it to open.
Jhinuk waited anxiously for his return and as soon as she heard the calling-bell, she ran towards the door to open it. She looked at his face, which was very much fatigued and fathomed that his bones were cracking. She reached out to take his bag and apron and while handing those, his eyes fell on Jhinuk. He was amazed to see a vibrant gorgeous siren standing infront of him, a freshly bathed tulip in a long flowing white salwar kameez stood there. All his fatigue vanished as he noticed her beautiful smiling face. She was brighter than ever. A sweet fragrance filled his mind and soul as took his bag and apron. He looked at her from head to toe and she blushed crimson by looking down. His eyes were pouring amorous gaze on her soft slender frame. He felt to touch that siren but restrained.
She softly ordered him, “Go and take your bath. I have turned on the geyser the moment I got your message. Come quick, the lunch in ready.”
He nodded like a meek goat. He heard a jingle and looked at her ankle. A small silver anklet was around her creamy ankle and that was emanating sweet jingle as she trotted around. He took bath and finished his lunch. She ordered him to hit the bed, which he could not reject.
He lay on bed and closed his eyes. The maid servant arrived for housecleaning. He heard the jingles, which were music to his ears. He heard her ordering the maid servant to clean properly. “How many times I have to tell you to keep the utensils in the basket first and once the water dries then keep those in the rack?” “You haven’t swept the kitchen properly.” “Clean the slab once more.” He heard her enter his room, ordering the maid servant in a hush tone. “Do you have back pain? Can’t you bend and sweep under the bed?” “There on the corner, dust that properly.”
He felt her touch the blanket and pulled over his body. He opened his eyes; fresh air breathed his soul to behold the queen of the roost.
She softly scolded him, “Go back to sleep.” And he breezed into dreamy land.
After the maid servant left, Jhinuk sat quietly on the couch watching television. Rishu was in deep slumber and she felt not to disturb him. The evening sun went down the west and she prepared coffee and thought to wake Rishu up. Just then, the doorbell rang once again. She peeked his room to check whether the doorbell woke him or not and felt respite to observe him sleeping like a baby on the bed. She opened the door only to find a lady standing there.
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