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08-01-2019, 12:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2020, 10:54 PM by jopyjoy4u. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
frends iam vishal, well this story is not mine. this story is not mine completely hope you will enjoy it
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Shaily wasn't just smart. While most of her peers and professors appreciated Shaily and regarded highly of her for her smartness, she also had the body of a raunchy sexual goddess. She was deliciously meaty, with the perfect amount of ripe woman flesh in all the right places. Added to her sexy voluptuous figure was the fact that she was white-complexioned which made her standout in the eyes of all the lusty men in college - be it her peers, the professors or the working staff of her college. They all always had their eyes on Shaily when she was around and made sure they caught a glimpse of her sexy body in her sexy outfits that she usually wore to college. The guys were also always mindful of Shaily's occasional instances of wardrobe malfunctions where she would end up displaying more of her sexy body than she intended, thereby making all the men around her gleeful.
Having such a sexy voluptuous body to her name, Shaily had earned quite the admirers from both the genders in her college, especially, of course, the men. Her luscious 36DD breasts and her huge shapely ass accentuated all the sensuous curves in her body that put the whole zero-size ideology to shame. Her stomach was beautifully fleshy, thought not something someone would even remotely call obese or fat. She had beautiful sexy thunderous thighs that all men seemed to lust whenever she wore a short or skirt to show them off. It was all pure sexy meat and flesh, put in all the right places. In addition to that, Shaily had a wonderful sense of fashion and glamour. She wasn't really the kind of girl who put on a lot of makeup. In fact, she hardly ever did. It was not like she did not like to but it was because she didn't need it. She was a natural beauty, and a truly hot one at that. Whatever dress Shaily wore, either she chose such dresses that showed off all her curves perfectly or maybe it was just that her body was so amazingly sexy and heavenly that whatever dress she wore showed her off as a total sexpot.
Shaily pursued Theatre and Dramatics at the Fellicus Institute of Dramatics in Mumbai, India. She was of Punjabi descent, which largely explained the wonderful figure she had and maintained over the years, but she spent most of her childhood in Mumbai. Shaily's parents were both NRIs who mostly lived in the US, where they worked on their business - a fashionable high-end restaurant chain in Downtown Atlanta.
As a child, Shaily lived with her parents in the US, but she had quickly come to despise the life there. Her parents were mostly consumed in running the initial years of their business and had very little time to take care of their daughter. With her parents not around most of the time with only a babysitter who couldn't care less about her, Shaily seemed to be lost in her world. It was then that Shaily's father had decided that it was better for Shaily to live away from them during her formative years where she could be properly taken care of and tended to. Shaily's mom then suggested that her elder sister, Bhatia was the best option available to them.
Mrs. Bhatia or Aunt Bhatia as Shaily affectionately called her, was Shaily's mom's elder sister, whose husband had unfortunately passed away just a few years into their marriage. Aunt Bhatia lived alone in her residence in Mumbai ever since. Shaily's mom opined that Shaily could live with her in Mumbai where Aunt Bhatia could take care of the young Shaily. She reasoned that Aunt Bhatia too would not feel lonely anymore if she had Shaily living with her. The two could get on just fine, she felt. With that, Shaily's mom talked to Aunt Bhatia and after a few days, Shaily flew back to India to live with Aunt Bhatia and as they say, the rest is history.
Shaily shared a great rapport with old Aunt Bhatia. She did initially miss her parents every now and then, but with Aunt Bhatia's unconditional love for her, it didn't take the 10-year old Shaily long to forget about her parents who seemed to be only concerned about building their business and making money and not the well-being of her young daughter.
Shaily never said it explicitly, but Aunt Bhatia understood that Shaily was starting to disregard her parents as time went on. She hardly felt like calling and talking to them like she used to, and it was only their parents who called her once a week to talk to Shaily and Aunt Bhatia. Even when they called, Shaily didn't seem eager to talk to them, only answering their questions with a Yes or No before passing on the call to Aunt Bhatia. Aunt Bhatia did consider talking about this to Shaily, but she didn't want to burden the young child with the matter and just let her be happy.
Aunt Bhatia knew her younger sister well enough. Shaily's mom, Simran or Simi as Aunt Bhatia called her, was quite a materialistic woman right from a pretty young age, and she continued to be so even after the birth of her daughter. Additionally, her husband, Sukhveer was also the same kind, or at least, Aunt Bhatia felt so. It was hardly any surprise to Aunt Bhatia then, that they both fell in love in high-college and married each other. Aunt Bhatia figured that the only way she could make Shaily feel better was by expressing the love she had for her niece in abundant amounts and so she did. She treated her as her own child and loved her and cared for her with all her heart, and she was glad that Shaily was reciprocating it all back to her. As much as Aunt Bhatia considered Shaily as her own child, Shaily considered Aunt Bhatia as more of her biological mom that her aunt.
"Dramatics and Theatrical Arts is where I want to pursue my career, Aunt Bhatia.", Shaily would often say once she started to grow into her adolescent years. Aunt Bhatia was impressed with how Shaily was blossoming into a smart and lovely young girl who took her future and career choices seriously. More than once, Aunt Bhatia's friends mentioned how beautiful Shaily was turning out to be after her puberty, and Aunt Bhatia couldn't be happier. She knew Shaily's presence on stage would be very impressive, if Shaily was right in figuring out where she wanted her career to go. After thinking on it for a few days, Aunt Bhatia talked to Shaily's parents abroad and after their approval, who of course didn't know more about their daughter than Aunt Bhatia herself, Aunt Bhatia and Shaily did some research on which college was best as far as Theatre and Dramatics was concerned. Fellicus Institute of Dramatics was unanimously the best choice all round and so Shaily was admitted into FID the summer that Shaily turned 21.
Dramatics and Theatrical Arts was traditionally an obscure curriculum of the Indian education, but recently Mumbai was setting the stage for it. During their orientation in the first week of college, the dean of FID, Mr. Farooq Abdullah, who had been a major Drama artist in his younger years, and who had setup the college to enable more and more entry into Dramatics, had said, "India has always been a major cinema spectacle, but the potential of Theatre and Dramatics is vastly unexplored here.". He continued, "Do you know that there are more Dramatics and Theatrical festivals happening every year in countries across the world than there are as many film festivals? If you talk to people who attend such festivals regularly, they will tell you why and how much they love Dramatics and Theatre. You, my children, are going to find out and thrive on just that. Come on and get on the ride!".
Hearing Mr. Farooq talk about his life, how and why he had setup FID and his motivating words on what it means to be a Dramatics Artist made Shaily extremely pleased. If there was any doubt in her mind regarding her career choice, hearing the dean's inspiring talk in her freshman orientation convinced her that she was surely in the right place. She knew that next two years at FID were something she would cherish forever. However, at the time, little did she know that the next two years at FID was going to change her life forever.
At the age of 23, Shaily was among the older ones in the class of about 40 students who enrolled for the course of Alternative Dramatics at FID in their sophomore years. While there were a few students who were aged even about 28 to 30 in the same class, the average age of the class was just 21, which meant Shaily was older than the average age. However, that was how it was in FID and students of different ages were encouraged to enrol in the courses offered. In fact, there were a few students who were aged even as old as 40, people who were late in discovering their passion for Arts and Theatre, but still committed enough to pursue them.
Among all the courses, the Alternative Dramatics course was one of the most sought after courses in FID and it also happened to be the only college in India that focussed on the alternative elements of theatrical play. Alternative Dramatics at FID basically explored very deep and stimulating plays that bore a great similarity to the nuance of the soul, the inner-self and various ideas across a broad range of themes. The course wasn't simple by any means and had so much of theory that the students had to study before even trying to start acting. The first three months of the course were spent elaborately on understanding the different styles and approaches to defining what the term 'Alternative' in Dramatics and Arts meant for the viewer and the artist. The syllabus was rigorous but at the same time very entertaining and engaging, more so for Shaily who was immensely passionate for Art. She had never thought she would have to read through so much of theory for a Theatre course, but Shaily felt all the knowledge she gathered to be extremely enriching and she could not wait to delve into formulating and acting in plays.
FID also participated in various Arts and Dramatics events, mostly in India but occasionally in foreign countries as well. Of course, the college offered a total of 10 different courses, all that involved different genres of Dramatics and Theatre. Students were constantly imbibing knowledge through all sorts of courses, both technical and artistic, thinking about new plays with their teachers, learning all the technical challenges involved in creating a play from start to scratch as well as brainstorming on different genres of ideas that would make them stand out in competitions across the world.
Over the next few months, Shaily was part of many different plays that FID showcased across India. They also attended all sorts of events outside the country as FID was just starting to get international recognition for their systematic coursework related to Dramatics as well as the novelty in their ideas they showcased in the events. FID was coming to be known as the 'only Indian college that is focussed on Dramatics' in most of the countries where Dramatics was very well adapted. Adhering to their passion, Shaily as well as all the rest of the students at FID, found it a privilege to be a part of FID and they all religiously focussed on making all their plays perfect under the guidance of their trained teachers.
It was just another day at FID when Shaily was sitting with her batchmates Faisal, Arun, Abhishek, Karan and Jaspinder. In a class that consisted of 40 students, the ratio of boys to girls wasn't impressive, if not abysmal. In the Alternative Dramatics class, there were just 7 girls and 33 boys. It wasn't uncommon for girls to hangout with guys especially in such a curriculum, but it was known that Shaily was more of a 'guy-type' by the rest of the girls in class. While the rest of the girls hung out with each other and only interacted with the boys of the class mostly during brainstorming for group plays or at the cafeteria, Shaily almost exclusively hung-out with the 5 bunch of boys whose names were mentioned.
Of course, Shaily's closest of friends were also Pooja and Anamika who were younger and older to Shaily respectively. While Shaily was 23, Pooja was 19 and Anamika was 27. Shaily especially considered Anamika to be her closest friend apart from her guy friends and always thought of her as no less than an elder sister from another mother. She shared great rapport with Anamika and the latter too was very fond of Shaily and was always protective and supportive of her, her goals and her ambitions. They both shared a very special bond that was formed as a result of knowing each other in and out. Before Shaily started to exclusively hang-out with her guys, Shaily and Anamika would spend nights on end at Anamika's place talking about random things over beer, watching TV shows together, giggling, discussing men, life and whatnot.
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However, Shaily, as was her nature, always found more friendship with the guys than girls right from a young age. It wasn't as if she was a slut or something. Of course, her friendship with the 5 guys involved a lot of flirting, she being the only girl in their group along with good dose of the guys touching her as if she was one among them, but it wasn't something overtly sexual in nature.
While Pooja and Anamika, as well as the other four girls in the Alternative Dramatics class knew that Shaily wasn't really a slut, they always saw her differently knowing that she always hung-out with the 5 guys and never with the girls. Ever since Shaily had started hanging out more and more with the guys during and even after class, the rest of the girls barring Pooja and Anamika, had started to bitch about Shaily whenever they saw her with the guys.
"I bet you girls that she is sleeping with all of them, one of them each day.", said Nivedita.
"I highly doubt that. I'm sure she's sleeping with all of them at once everyday. What a slut!", reckoned Roopika and laughed.
Of course, Pooja and Anamika still considered Shaily their bestie, but they were slowly starting to lose the impression they had on her. The words of the other girls certainly had a strong bearing on their conscience.
Coming to the guys, Faisal was 21, Jaspinder 25, Abhishek and Karan were the same age as Shaily while Arun was the oldest of the lot at 27. In fact, being the oldest of the group, Arun was regularly the butt of 'old man' jokes that the group always found funny and revelled in. So, while the class was about to start and as the students entered the class at 10 am in the morning, Shaily and the 5 guys were sitting in the last row of the class cracking jokes at Arun and laughing about loudly. Shaily almost always sat in the middle, between the guys and that was open for even more criticism among the girls.
In fact, whenever the girls saw Shaily sit in between the guys in class, Roopika almost always made it a point to say, "Look at that slut, she always sits in the middle of the guys. I bet she lets the guys grope her body from either sides.".
"Obviously. Why else would they always sit in the last row in every class?", said Nivedita.
It wasn't as if the girls totally looked down on Shaily; they hardly said anything disdainful to her when they met her outside of class. But again, a single day didn't go by when they did not disapprove of her hanging out exclusively with the 5 guys all the time.
Alternative Dramatics at FID was taught by Mrs. Shashi Lekha or Prof Lekha as she was fondly called by the students.
Mrs. Shashi Lekha was a pioneer of Theatrical play who had done most of her Theatrical studies from a prestigious Arts college in Canada. She had acted in several plays across different countries in her youth and was a resident of Canada ever since even after her marriage. When Mrs. Shashi Lekha first came to know about FID, it was she that had personally gotten in touch with Mr. Farooq to enquire if she could get an opportunity to be a teacher and mentor at FID. Of course, with Mrs. Shashi Lekha's glaring credentials, Mr. Farooq was only delighted and honoured to get her on board at FID and have her join him to mentor the students and mould them into the best Theatre and Dramatics artists the country has ever seen.
All the students loved Prof Lekha for her friendly and accommodative nature as well as her unique approach to teaching Alternative Dramatics. She sought her plays mostly on internal conflicts, subtle emotional personifications and metaphorical explanations that were truly alternative in thoughts and actions. Shaily especially loved Prof Lekha's ideas because she preferred to have minimum properties in her play and mostly only artists to weave incredible storylines. Her artwork usually involved not more than 3 to 4 characters who enacted the bodies and actions, while a bunch of other characters who would play the emotions of those characters. There was a particular kind of charm, elegance and sophistication in Prof Lekha's ideas and her execution of them that made all her plays extremely well-received in major competitions across the world. Shaily, like all the other students could not be more thankful and inspired by Prof Lekha and her caliber as a Dramatics teacher at the age of 50.
"Hello class, how are you all doing today? I hope you all had a good break over the weekend.", Prof Lekha greeted the students, like she usually did, with a lovely smile on her face. As much as the class loved interacted with her, Prof Lekha too equally loved interacting with her students. She considered them all to be a very intellectual lot and was genuinely proud to get the opportunity to mentor such a smart bunch of students who were all passionate about Theatre and Art.
"Ok guys, so I was handed off an event notification from the 'Fine Arts Association' of Belgium. They are hosting one of the biggest Dramatics event in Brussels this year and FID has been invited to participate in the event. How awesome is that!", said Prof Lekha enthusiastically.
All the students cheered and clapped at Prof Lekha's words. Of course, this was only FID's fourth year since its incubation and it was always good news to hear about FID being invited to perform at international events.
Prof Lekha continued, "And that is not it guys, apparently there will be more 1000 plays that are going to be showcased during the 5-day event and FID has been invited to perform as many as 10 plays during the course of the event. I am so excited to tell you that this competition is the biggest we have ever participated in.".
"Wohoo! FID stands tall." exclaimed one of them as the students cheered once again to Prof Lekha's words.
"So guys, Mr. Farooq has given me the liberty to prepare one play from this class. Sorry guys, Alternative gets only one play this time.", said Prof Lekha grimly.
Since there were about 10 different Dramatics courses offered at FID, Mr. Farooq usually personally allotted the number of plays to each department, especially for important events like this one. It was more like his personal discretion and it always yielded good results thus far; so neither the teaching faculty nor the students had any reasons to object to his decision.
"Prof Lekha, Alternative always gets a minimum of 3 plays for big events, why is it that we have only one this time?", asked Francis, a student who belonged to the older lot at 29.
"Francis, I know you guys must be disappointed to have a lesser representation from Alternative for such a big event, but that is what Mr. Farooq has decided. You have to also make sure other departments are given enough opportunities, isn't it?", said Prof Lekha.
Shaily considered Prof Lekha to be a very professional practitioner and she knew that Prof Lekha always spoke maturely and sensibly. It was true though, that for every major event, FID had more plays from the Alternative Dramatics department than any other department. While it was never a source of dispute among the departments (there were no major political struggles so far at FID), Shaily only found it fair that other departments were also given a push so that their genres could be uplifted as well. Of course, Alternative Dramatics were known to be touching very deep with the audiences who came to watch their plays, specially in foreign countries, and so they always, till now received more plays than the other departments. But for the event in Brussels, Alternative were offered just one play and that certainly didn't seem to impress the students of Alternative Dramatics. Having just one play also meant that there would be only a lucky few, maybe 10 to 15 of them who would get to go to Brussels to participate in the event, which disappointed the chaps even more.
Noticing the disappointment on their faces, Prof Lekha went on to say, "Ok guys, if getting just one play for the event in Brussels is going to disappoint you all so much, I'm afraid I have some more bad news for you.", she tamely said.
"I know I always preferred to have about 15 characters in each of my plays and that is because, I have almost always used different characters for each of the emotions of the protagonist I wanted to convey. But this time, I have an idea in mind that would have only a total of 4 characters.", said Prof Lekha.
Murmurs were aloud in the students. Just 4 characters and an entire play? This was not characteristic of Prof Lekha's work as she always preferred to have characters over props in her plays. Maybe she was onto something for her play, but it certainly could not manage to bring smiles on the faces of the students. All of them were, of course, eager to play a role in the play and moreover, the event was in Brussels, which meant they would get the opportunity to visit Belgium for the first time. But hearing Prof Lekha's words, the students seem to sink even deeper into disappointment.
"What the fuck? Just 4 characters in the play for such a big event? What's Prof Lekha doing!", whispered Abhishek angrily.
"I know, just four characters. What the fuck man! On top of that, Alternative has just one play. This is just terrible.", said Arun.
Shaily, who was seated in between Jaspinder and Abhishek said, "Guys, it's okay. I trust Prof Lekha. She's smart and she at least deserves her idea to be heard. If it's just 4 characters contrary to most of her plays, maybe it's going to be something different. Who knows, we could be one of those characters. We aren't that bad guys, come on, cheer up!", said Shaily enthusiastically trying to cheer up the boys, though she too couldn't deny being disappointed with the news.
While they sat together, it wasn't uncommon that the guys, whoever sat beside Shaily had their hands over her body. While they talked and joked around, the guys often slapped Shaily's back or held her waist tightly and Shaily never minded it. The guys were of course, her best buddies and moreover, she knew they did not mean it sexually. However, even though she didn't exactly know what was said about her, Shaily knew that her girl friends disapproved of her behaviour. She had, in more than one instance, noticed the girls look at her in a disdainful manner when the guys groped her in front of them.
In one such instance, while at the coffee stall inside FID, Shaily and the guys were laughing out loudly to some random banter. The coffee stall saw many students hanging out in the afternoon after lunch, and so Shaily was under the scrutiny of girls (and even some prudish guys) from all departments. Shaily was dressed that day in a short floral skirt that stopped at her mid-thighs and a sleeveless top. She and the guys were all laughing out loudly to something, when suddenly Arun playfully grabbed Shaily's arms behind her and held them tight, while Faisal and Abhishek pulled up Shaily's top in front of everyone exposing her sexy fleshy waist. While some girls in FID did dress provocatively like Shaily was dressed right then, they never allowed guys to grope them in front of everyone like Shaily did. As Faisal and Abhishek playfully but aggressively lifted Shaily's sleeveless top over her skirt, her top inched dangerously close to Shaily's bra and within seconds the guys managed to pull her top above her bra exposing her lovely voluptuous breasts covered in just the bra to everyone who were enjoying the spectacle. The gang of guys were shouting something loudly while Shaily was playfully laughing out as Karan and Jaspinder started to pinch Shaily sexy bare waist right in front of everyone. Apparently, the whole thing was 'something very silly and the guys just wanted to her a lesson' as recounted by Shaily amusedly to her girl friends. However, allowing the guys to expose her flesh and grope her like that in front of everyone didn't stand well with the girls. Being like her elder sister, Anamika planned to talk to Shaily about the incident and tell her to maintain some decorum while she was with the guys in public, but never really got around to it. She was apprehensive about saying something that might upset Shaily and so she somehow always ended up thinking the better of it.
Back in the class, all the students were mumbling loudly among themselves about Prof Lekha's decision to cast not more than 4 characters in the play for the Belgium Dramatics Festival.
"Guys, guys, it's going to be okay. Please hear out my idea. If you don't like we'll pass it, Guys!", shouted out Prof Lekha trying to calm the students down. The whole class was chaotically murmuring among themselves and Prof Lekha knew she didn't make it any easier for them to get over their Monday blues.
As the students slowly quieted down, Prof Lekha spoke.
"In this play, I want to show the conflicts of a sensitive and complicated urban girl overcome by love and strangles of her boyfriend.". The students anticipated Prof Lekha to say something more, but apparently, that's all she had to say.
The students looked at each other among themselves, totally nonplussed. That sounded like a pretty lame theme to be honest. Coming from Prof Lekha who headed the Alternative Dramatics at FID, the idea seemed hardly novel to them. Also, this meant that Prof Lekha was going to use just 2 more characters for the emotions of the male and female protagonists. To the students, that just did sound right.
Seeing the confused look on the students' faces, Prof Lekha smiled and continued. "And yes, in case you are thinking, I will have just 2 more characters, again one male and the other female to show the emotions of the protagonists in the play.".
If the students were excited at the prospect of this play, they didn't show it. Similar themes had been explored and showcased multiple times by all the departments and pretty extensively at that. Moreover, the idea and its spin-offs were always presented with more than at least 10 characters to show various emotions. But just 2 characters for emotions didn't appeal to the students to say the least. This was certainly not something they were looking forward to, especially from someone of the caliber as Prof Lekha.
"Guys, I know what you all must be thinking. And no, I am not going to use props more than any of my other plays either. But before I go further, I want to tell you that we are offered some artistic liberty for our plays, which we have never had, for the first time in this event.", said Prof Lekha.
Even though the students were still disappointed, they were all curious to know the new artistic liberty in the event that Prof Lekha was talking about.
"For the first time, we have been offered the liberty of showcasing the female sensuality in its most original form, on the stage.", said Prof Lekha gleefully.
Most of the students got what Prof Lekha meant.
Shaily and the guys looked at each other understanding Prof Lekha's words.
"Wow, now that's something!", exclaimed Karan.
"It surely is.", said Shaily.
"I hope you all understood what I mean by that. For the plays in this event, the participants are allowed to show a female form in full glory on stage. While men's nudity is strictly forbidden, the Fine Arts Association of Belgium has decided to, for the time in their event, give consent to a female artist's nude form along with sexual contact between a non-sexual body part of the male and a sexual body part of the female. Then only caveat is that while there can be any number of clothed male and female characters in the play, there can be just one female whose form is uncovered.", said Prof Lekha.
"Holy fucking fuck! Wow, is Prof Lekha telling us she is planning on doing something like that?", whispered Faisal.
"I guess so man. Why else would she be mentioning all of this. God, this is going to be super fun!", said Jaspinder eagerly. Seeing his childish enthusiasm to see a naked girl on stage, Shaily laughed and playfully tugged at him.
"Shell", as she was nicknamed by the guys, said Arun. "I hope you are the chosen one to do the role of the naked girl. Don't we all wanna see you perform the play totally naked on stage, haha!", he said, winking at her.
"Oh yeah, who wouldn't want to see this bomb all naked on stage.", chipped in Karan as he got under Shaily's shirt and pinched her fleshy stomach while the guys laughed at Arun and Karan's words.
Shaily slapped off Karan's hand much to the amusement of the guys and laughed. "Shut up guys!", she said.
But inadvertently, Shaily began to wonder. What if Prof Lekha really wanted her to do the role of the naked girl in her play? What if she asked her to be the one, right then, in front of the whole class? What would she say? Shaily's thoughts started to mess with her with every passing second.
Of course, it was hardly a secret that among the 7 girls, while the others weren't bad to look at by any standards, Shaily was certainly a league apart. She was very voluptuous and had perfect assets suitable for her sexy frame. If ever there was a voting among the guys on which girl should be chosen for such a role, Shaily knew that she would win the contest hands down.
Prof Lekha's words had managed to stir the entire class.
"Prof Lekha.", a voice came out from one of the girls.
"Yes, Anamika?", said Prof Lekha.
"Prof Lekha, I don't want to sound so-damn-feminist, but since I am indeed one, what is the deal with the rule of showing just women naked on stage and not the men? Also, you mention that the men on stage can touch the naked female form in a sexual way while the male would be clothed. Isn't that something that clearly denotes women are beneath men in such a public forum? Doesn't it promote a sense of submission and subservience of the female gender to the male gender?", said Anamika. Her voice had a hint of disdain and disapproval, and the other girls who sat alongside Anamika too nodded their heads approving of Anamika's question.
"Look Anamika, it's wonderful that you are a feminist and I appreciate you asking this question. However, in my opinion, this is actually pro-feminist. Tell me Anamika, isn't it honourable for you as good looking women to be able to show your beauty and feminine grace in the most primal form on such a grand stage? What you mentioned, Anamika, the sexual subservience of the female gender to the male gender happens outside the purview of Art, in the socially abnormal communities and not inside a play which is a culmination of several artistic elements. There is artistic beauty in a female's unclothed form that is meant to be a wonderfully palpable source of motivation to display an amazing piece of Art. In Art, there is extensive scope for beauty and grace, and traditionally, women have been perceived to be symbols of them and thus, I see no social stigma associated with the idea of showing just the female naked on stage and not the male.", said Prof Lekha, answering Anamika's question.
"I'm sorry Prof Lekha, but I have to disagree. It isn't that nude male forms aren't a worthy spectacle to women. After all, we are all humans and we are all beautiful in our own special ways. Then why is it forbidden? And no, it is not pro-feminist Prof Lekha, because feminism puts male and female on equal footing. In this case, the female is clearly more sexually degraded and shown submissive, which is completely non-feministic.", said Anamika strongly putting forth her point.
Hearing her words, Abhishek looked over to Shaily. "Shell, as much as I hate to say this, Anamika has a fair point.".
The guys weren't really fond of the six girls apart from Shaily. They always behaved as if they stole Shaily away from them. Shaily also told the guys that the girls gossiped behind her back about her sleeping with them after class, which the guys particularly didn't like. All the baseless rumours the girls cooked up about them had pissed the guys off as much as they did Shaily.
Prof Lekha said, "Anamika, again, I say that's there's nothing wrong in the world of Theatre regarding female nudity. You are showing an idea, not some rubbish practice that has evolved in the minds of the twisted. Anyway, I am open for discussion on this, and I wouldn't mind staying behind after class to discuss and debate on this more with you.".
Anamika and the girls didn't seem to be satisfied with Prof Lekha's argument, but they knew they could discuss it with her after class.
"Okay guys, I know you are all probably a little freaked out about this, but nudity in Art is quite acceptable in other countries. It has always been the case, and more and more events are being showcased these days where a female is allowed to be naked in the play while having sexual contact from the man's non-sexual parts, typically the hands or the tongue. Given such artistic freedom, I'm glad we can push the envelope even further like we have always done here at FID, and more so in the Alternative Dramatics department. This is our first time entering such an important event, and I am not going to let the opportunity go astray.", said Prof Lekha sternly with determination.
Hearing Prof Lekha's words, all the girls except Shaily nodded their heads disapprovingly. This would mean that one of them was going to be asked to be the nude female in her play while the males would be fully clothed. To the girls, it just didn't sound right. The male students on the other hand, of course, were pretty excited as was evident in the looks of their faces.
"Prof Lekha is badass man! She's actually going to do this? Get one of these sexy girls completely naked on stage and let men molest her?", were the words of one of the male students.
"I hope she casts Shaily for the role man, wouldn't that be awesome? To get to see that sexy chick completely naked on stage with her ass and tits showing off and being molested by a guy. Haha, I hope the guy's me!", said another excited bloke to his mate.
The string of comments went on among the guys, but one thing was common in all of the whisperings. They all wished that such a role went to one of the sexiest women they had even seen in their lives - Shaily Singh.
Prof Lekha was a thoroughly artistic and determined practitioner as far as Theatre and Arts were concerned, and Shaily was aware of it. Her words were filled with determination and confidence to deliver the best in Brussels, and it clearly showed in the way she spoke.
Shaily could see it in Prof Lekha's eyes and the fact that Prof Lekha had proven, time and time again, in the past that she is the best in the business made Shaily absolutely trust her instincts. Never before had it happened that Prof Lekha's decisions turned against the students or FID in general, and Shaily was confident that whatever Prof Lekha had in mind would be something that would be one of the best.
However, there was one catch.
"Shell, I have a really strong feeling that Prof Lekha is going to ask you to be the nude girl in her play.", said Karan looking over to Shaily with his hands still roaming around nonchalantly on her sexy waist under her top.
Shaily looked at Karan and said, "I have the same feeling. Fuck Karan, what am I going to say?".
Of course, Shaily was aware that she had a very sexy body and even though she wasn't conceited, she knew she was easily the hottest and sexiest among all the girls in the Alternative Dramatics class. Moreover, she knew that Prof Lekha was an out and out perfectionist and chose only the best for her plays, and Shaily was unanimously considered to be the best artist of her batch not just by the students but even by Prof Lekha. Adding it all up, Shaily, as well as her guy friends felt there was no way Prof Lekha would chose anyone else other than Shaily for the role of the naked female in her play, even more so because the Belgium Dramatics Festival was touted to be FID's most ambitious participation ever in the international arena.
"So guys, I'm going to outline the summary of the storyline, but first I would like to disclose the cast I have in mind for the play.", said Prof Lekha. "With the characters in mind, I'm sure you'll all be able to better relate to the idea behind the play.", she said.
"OMG! She's going to announce the cast right now?", said Shaily, starting to get really anxious. "What if she asks me to be the naked girl in the play? What am I going to tell her guys? Fuck!"
The guys understood how Shaily was feeling right then and tried to calm her down.
Karan once again put his palm inside Shaily's top and gently rubbed her waist trying to make her feel better.
"Shell, I'm sure Prof Lekha's going to ask you to play the role of the naked girl in her play, there's absolutely no doubt about it. But you just stay calm and tell Prof Lekha that you need some time to decide, okay? Of course, this is going to be a big decision for you and Prof Lekha wouldn't mind giving you time to think on this. You hear me baby doll?", said Karan.
"Yeah, I think so. I'll have to remain calm though, yes.", said Shaily, as she nervously smiled at the guys.
"Shell, I too have a strong hunch you are going to be the naked girl in Prof Lekha's play. I don't see it going any other way. But like Karan said, if she asks you to be naked in her play, just calmly tell her that you need some time. We will work it out later at our place. Alright darling?", said Abhishek.
Shaily nodded and passed a smile at them. But deep inside, she was still quite nervous and anxious.
"So, the couple in the play. I want the male lead to be played by Anupam, and the female lead to be played by Pooja.", said Prof Lekha aloud.
The students gently clapped for them, though most of them were jealous that Pooja and Anupam were lucky to get the chance to visit Belgium and perform there for the festival.
"Coming to the other two characters. As I said, I would like to have two opposite-sex characters for the roles of the male and female protagonists' souls. The whole idea of the play is to show what their souls are dealing with as a result of their choices and actions. That way I intend to show the conflicts of the female protagonist's inner and outer voice in a subtle yet artistic way, and this is why the chemistry between the male and female souls' characters are extremely vital to the play.", said Prof Lekha.
"Excellent!", Shaily found herself saying in her mind. That was truly a beautifully novel concept that Prof Lekha had envisioned for her play..
"However, the main idea of this play is to show the brutal, conflicted state of mind of the female protagonist while she is in a complicated relationship with her boyfriend. This is why her soul is going to be the most significant and the most impactful character in the play. She is the crux of the play. She might not be the protagonist, but she sure is the most important character in the play. And for this very reason, I want to the female soul's character stripped - covered by just nothing. The female protagonist's soul is uncovered, raw and naked. It's open to be loved or harmed by anyone and everyone, and that's going to be the subtle theme of the play.. The female protagonist has a naked soul and the way her naked soul is tampered with by the male protagonist as well as the female herself will be the main idea of the play.", said Prof Lekha.
That was the kind of brilliance Prof Lekha was capable of.
"That is just brilliant, don't you think so guys?", Shaily whispered to the guys.
Shaily was in awe. She was in total awe of Prof Lekha's imaginative sense. Of how she was weaving a brilliant storyline with the new found artistic liberty of getting to show a naked girl on stage. She certainly knew how to do her best while utilising all the resources she had at her disposal and Shaily couldn't help but appreciate Prof Lekha's talent. She was just unbelievable.
It was clear that the rest of the students too were greatly impressed with how Prof Lekha charted out her play. Inevitably, the girls too were impressed with Prof Lekha's idea, but the whole concept of getting to show one of them completely nude while the men would be completely clothed did not still settle well with them. In any case, like the rest of the students, they too were very eager for Prof Lekha to disclose whom she wished to cast for the role of the female protagonist's naked soul in her play.
As she finished her speech, Prof Lekha's eyes somehow found Shaily. Instinctively, Shaily understood and acknowledged the look in Prof Lekha's eyes with a rather involuntary nod. Their gaze connected, and Shaily knew what Prof Lekha was going to say next.
"For the female protagonist's naked soul, I want to cast Shaily.", she said.
"Ok class, that's it for today. Shaily, I want to have a word with you before you leave for the day.", said Prof Lekha.
After announcing that she wanted to cast Shaily for the role of the naked soul of the female protagonist in her play, Prof Lekha continued with her lecture like nothing was new. She had just discussed a very alternative play idea that they were going to enact in the Dramatics festival in Belgium which consisted of, among other things, a completely naked female artist on stage who would be enacting the role of the female's protagonist's soul. Yes, buck naked, without a string of clothing on her body, just like the day she was born, and just like Shaily and her guy friends expected, Prof Lekha wanted Shaily to play that role.
Shaily's mind wasn't right for the rest of the hour after Prof Lekha revealed that she wanted to cast her for the role in front of the whole class. Of course, it had never happened in FID that a female or even a male, for that matter, had gotten absolutely naked on stage to perform for a play. But now, given the stakes in this high profile Dramatics festival in Belgium that FID was invited to participate in, Prof Lekha wasn't going to go easy on this, and Shaily knew it. Shaily knew Prof Lekha to be one helluva perfectionist and there was no way she was going to settle for anything less than what she wanted for her plays.
Shaily's anxiety was quite evident on her face throughout the lecture to her 5 male friends who sat on either sides of her. Karan had his left hand inside Shaily's top on her waist throughout the lecture, massaging it gently trying to make her feel better.
"It's going to be fine Shell, we'll all sit together and think about it whether you want to take this role or not, don't you get anxious sugar.", said Jaspinder who sat on her other side as he gently rubbed her thighs under her short skirt.
Shaily had, over time, come to really embrace and love the friendship and the bond she shared with each of the guys and their efforts to make her feel fine really pleased her. She would just smile at them, but she chose to keep quiet through the class as she pondered on what she would do in response to Prof Lekha's offer.
After the lecture, as the rest of the class walked out of the lecture hall, Shaily stayed back as Prof Lekha wanted to talk to her. They then slowly paced out of the class behind the rest of the students with Shaily smiling nervously at the Prof.
"Shaily, I am not going to deny this is going to be a tough decision for you, but I don't want you to get stressed over it, understand?", said Prof Lekha, gently smiling at Shaily.
"Yes, Prof Lekha.", said Shaily with a polite but anxious smile.
"It's something we've never done before, so it's going to be a very exciting play indeed. I can promise you that. When I first envisioned the play, I knew I would have to cast you for the role of the naked soul. It was simple really, given how incredibly attractive you are. After all, our play needs to be aesthetically pleasing too, and honestly, I cannot imagine any other girl doing this role other than you Shaily.", said Prof Lekha as they walked out of the class towards the college cafeteria.
Shaily heard what Prof Lekha was telling her. Again, she wasn't conceited or anything but she knew she was a beauty and she knew others saw that in her too. At the age of 23, she had a killer bod with flesh all in the right places. Her face was a mixture of both cute and sexy with sharp features that made her stand way above her girl peers in the college. It was obvious then, why Prof Lekha wanted to cast only Shaily for the role of the naked soul in her play.
"Prof Lekha, I consider it an honour that you want me to play such an impacting role in your play in such a huge event. I cannot stress enough on how privileged I feel. But, but the thing is that I have never been naked in front...", Shaily said before Prof Lekha cut her short.
"Shaily, I know. You don't need to explain it to me. Getting naked in front of so many people, and being the only one naked on stage while thousands of people are watching you is going to be a pretty tough thing to do. I am not going to deny that. But in theatre, this is all artistic liberty. No one is going to judge you for getting naked on stage, you can have my word on that. With that said, I know it is a pretty big decision for you to take and it is all up to you. I urge you to think over it for the rest of the day, and come back to me tomorrow with what you think. Also, there's no hurry to come to a yes or no decision right away. Just carefully think over it and talk to me tomorrow about how you feel regarding it. Okay darling?", said Prof Lekha with a warm smile towards Shaily.
With nothing much to say, Shaily nodded politely at Prof Lekha.
"Okay Prof.", said Shaily feigning a confident smile though she was terribly nervous about the whole thing.
"As I said before, I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't like. If this doesn't work out, I mean, if you want to back out, I will just give up on the idea, but I can never cast any other girl for this role Shaily. You know I only choose the best for my plays.", said Prof Lekha.
"Yes Prof, I know that.", said Shaily giving Prof Lekha another one of her fake-confident smile. God, what was she going to do?
After her chat with Prof Lekha, Shaily caught up with her guy friends at the cafeteria, where they usually hung out in between classes.
"Fuck man, I don't know what to do. While the idea of the play is so surreal and brilliant, I wish I didn't have to at least get completely naked in front of thousands of people to play this role.", said Shaily dryly.
Shaily was sitting with her male friends in the cafeteria and summarised them her discussion with Prof Lekha that she had with her after the lecture.
"Shell, did you discuss any such possibility with Prof Lekha? Maybe you can get away by wearing something really really skimpy instead of getting totally buck naked on stage. You know, maybe something that just covers your pussy and nothing else?", said Faisal.
Abhishek interjected, "With Prof Lekha, that's not going to happen Fais. She doesn't give up on the artistic liberties she chooses for her plays, no matter what. If she wants a nude girl in her play, she wants a nude girl and nothing else. Be rest assured of that.", he said.
Shaily nodded, "Yeah, Abhishek's right. Prof Lekha said she'd rather give up on the idea than cast anyone else for the naked soul if I back out.", she said grimacing. "I don't want the idea to go down the drain, OMG what am I going to do!", said Shaily cringing in front of her guy friends. It was obvious to them that Shaily was really stressing out.
Abhishek gently put his hands over Shaily's shoulder and said, "Darling, we'll work this out. Do you want to hang out with us for the evening at our place? We'll all sit together and talk this through. Don't worry, we are here for you baby doll.".
Abhishek, Karan and Faisal stayed together in a rented-out house a couple of kilometres from the college. Shaily and the 5 guys usually hung out at their place after classes sipping their beer and having fun. Of course, after it had become their default hang-out place, Abhishek, Karan and Faisal had taken the efforts to rent out a TV, a music-system and even a karaoke machine so that they could all spend their evenings having fun.
"Yeah, that'd probably make me feel much better. Let's go.", said Shaily smiling warmly at Abhishek.
With no other lectures after Alternative Dramatics, the 5 guys and Shaily had their lunch in the college cafeteria and walked out of the FID campus to Abhishek, Karan and Faisal's place.
As she walked with the guys to their place, Shaily knew she had a tough day ahead to decide about what she was going to do with Prof Lekha's proposal to play the naked soul of the female protagonist in the play. She was still quite anxious but she was glad that she had her 5 best friends beside her to help her arrive at a decision whether she should take the role or not.
Shaily always left a few of her night clothes at her guy friends' place after she had started to regularly hang out with them after class.
While Jaspinder and Arun lived with their parents in another part of the city, they too hung out here at Abhishek, Karan and Faisal's place. The 6 of them usually chilled out during their evenings drinking beer and talking nonsense or sometimes they would discuss any play ideas they were involved in. Today, it was different. A first of its kind scenario for all of them and more so for Shaily.
As the guys took the couch in the living room and started their usual banter, Shaily proceeded to change into her night clothes in the washroom. As she undressed herself to get completely naked, she involuntarily glanced towards the mirror. A shy but confident smile passed on her face as she could not help but admire how beautiful and sexy the girl in the mirror looked with absolutely nothing on her body.
Shaily knew she was what guys would call "a sexy plump chick with an awesome rack". More than once, when she was walking through a bunch of guys, she would hear comments from them about how hot she looked, or how big her boobs were, and how shapely her ass were. The more lustful and horny men commented on how roughly they would use her in bed. While she certainly didn't like comments from men that reduced her to a mere fuck-toy, Shaily had always come to enjoy the lusty comments guys threw at her for her sexy body. Like all women, she loved to hear comments from the guys on her body, and on a couple of occasions, Shaily had even passed a shy womanly smile at the guys who commented on her sexiness. Her voluptuous figure, her luscious breasts, her shapely ass and her whole curvy body was something she was certainly proud of, and she was always happy to be appreciated for it from the men.
Now, as she Shaily stood there completely naked in front of the mirror of the washroom of their guy friends' home, Shaily could understand what men loved in her. Her luscious breasts were big, if not huge. The fact that they did not sag even though they were big, and their sexy shape made them look absolutely ravishing on her. Moreover, her wonderful jugs did absolute justice to her frame. At a good height of 5 ft, 8 in, Shaily was taller than 90% of the girls in her college, and taller than Jaspinder and Faisal.
"Hmm, not that bad!", thought Shaily, laughing shyly to herself as she continued to look into the mirror. She started to get horny looking at her nude self in the mirror as she generously grabbed her voluptuous boobs in her hands and squeezed them in the mirror.
Glancing once again at the door to make sure she locked it, Shaily proceeded to play with her lovely jugs smiling sexily at herself in the mirror. She was feeling aroused. Her breath started to get heavier, as her lovely breasts rose up and fell down sexily with each of her breaths. She had never felt this way about herself. She never felt so hot and aroused just by looking herself in the mirror naked. Inadvertently, her right hand reached her most private part, her lovely vagina. She touched her mound with her fingers feeling the soft hair over her pussy, as she felt herself getting hotter by the second. What was happening to her? Why was she getting so horny just by seeing herself naked in the mirror?
Inwardly, Shaily knew the answers, but she somehow didn't want to agree with her conscience. It had a lot to do, in fact, everything to do with Prof Lekha's offer to her to perform naked on stage for the play in Brussels. Absolutely naked. In front of thousands of people. Without a string of clothing on her hot sexy body. But how could this be right? How could she be turned on by the fact that she would be the only one naked among so many clothed people? The artistic liberty aside, it felt wrong to her that she would be the only one naked while all the people around her would be clothed, probably even in expensive suits and gowns at the festival. Hell, even on stage, her counterparts would all be adorning good clothes, while she would be just totally naked throughout. If she did agree to do the role of the naked soul, she would only agree because she was wanted to perform the play and show the world a beautiful piece of Art. Not because she enjoyed being totally naked and exhibit her sexy body to everyone. But again, at the same time, the thought of getting completely naked in front of so many clothed men and women, strangers whom she had never ever met, who would get to see the most intimate and private parts of her body completely uncovered and derive pleasure from her nakedness turned on Shaily immensely.
Shaily's thoughts really started to mess with her as she continued to caress her sexy naked body, feeling extremely aroused at the thought of getting completely naked with clothed people all around her. She started to breathe louder and faster, as she involuntarily slipped her index finger inside her hole to feel the wetness in her loins. It was a strange kind of arousal, something of the sort she had never experienced before, and yet, she was enjoying every bit of the sensation it gave her. Her mind was a mess right now, and she felt herself getting excited at the thought more than worried anymore, like she was, until a few minutes back before she got naked in the washroom. Inadvertently, her index finger got past just feeling her wetness to gently pleasuring her hole, as another shy and naughty smile passed her face. Just then, as she started to pleasure herself with the naughty thoughts, Shaily heard a knock on the door.
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Keep posting dear,glad to find you here !
I am/was Bade_wale,Slient.lantern,harshit (tmkoc writer),Hard_dick,Penis.Fire to name a few,old site gone mate !?. Few of my works were Haunted-Dead evil returns,Kayamat ki raat,Itni mohabbat hai,Meghana,Tehkhana,now gone ??
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"Shell, darling, all good? You've been there for a while now baby.". It was Jaspinder.
Shaily took a moment to compose herself from the fast breaths she was breathing on account of her arousal.
"Yeah Jasp, I'm fine. Just taking a dump, give me a minute. I'll be out.", said Shaily.
Shaily looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was hot, she was really hot, and seemed to her like all her actions were happening involuntarily, as if she was just completely overcome by arousal. She was almost glad that Jaspinder knocked on the door. Subconsciously, she felt as if she didn't want to get away with pleasuring herself on such naughty wild thoughts.
Shaily washed her soaked vagina clean and proceeded to put on her lingerie, but just then, a naughty idea struck her. She thought for a minute, as another one of the shy naughty smiles passed her face and she decided that she wanted to do it. She deserved at least so much for being so aroused.
Shaily, of course, always wore her bra and panty whenever she wore her night clothes at the guys' place, but today, for the first time, she decided to give her lingerie a break. It was the least she could do to fuel her arousal. Boy, was she hot or what.
Shaily slipped into her cotton shorts that ran just a few inches below her crotch area and her white tank-top that showed a generous amount of cleavage without the bra. She guessed, and even hoped that the guys would figure out she didn't wear her bra underneath given how the top held on her tits and the more than usual cleavage she was showing. Of course, it was not like she was wandering out naked for them and showing herself off, and she was certainly okay with a polite amount of skin show for her best buddies, who happened to be all guys. After all, she was the only girl they hung out with everyday, and Shaily knew they would all love a bit of skin show from their hot sexy girl friend.
Naughtily, Shaily hung her bra and panty on the hangers on the backside of the washroom door, so that anyone who used the washroom would instantly figure out that Shaily had nothing underneath her night clothes. Shaily smiled at how naughty she was being as she made her way out of the washroom to greet the guys. The guys were all on the couch watching a game of soccer on the TV, when they saw Shaily walking towards them with a bright smile on her face. Her night clothes were usually skimpy, and the guys always loved to see her wear such sexy clothes at their place. Little did they know that Shaily was so hot right then, and that she wore absolutely nothing underneath those thin set of cottons.
"Grab a beer Shell.", said Arun, as Shaily settled on the bean-bag beside the guys.
"Cheers!", they all clinked their beers and started to sip them.
Shaily sipped her beer seated on the bean-bag on the floor. Because the rest of the guys sat on the couch, their eyesight was naturally directed downward on her, and she could see the guys sneaking a peak or two at her generous cleavage which was showing off more than normal. Because she did not wear a bra under her tank-top, her tank top was being brought down by the weight of her big boobs resulting in a good generous amount of cleavage show for the men.
Shaily was glad that the guys were enjoying the show she put on for them by showing off her cleavage. Also, sitting on the bean-bag on the floor made her tiny shorts run up exposing her creamy white thighs for the men as they all talked about random stuff while the guys made sure to steal glances at Shaily's lovely exposed flesh.
"So Shell, have you thought about what you are going to do?", Karan asked Shaily, addressing the elephant in the room.
"Well, the simple answer is No, I am as fucked up as I was a couple of hours back.", said Shaily.
"Shell, tell me one thing. If at all you decide to do this, is Aunt Bhatia going to allow you to do it? I mean, will she be okay with her niece getting naked in front of so many people in such a huge event?", asked Abhishek.
"Abhishek, Aunt Bhatia has always been supportive of all my choices. If I am convinced about getting naked on stage for the play, I don't think she'll stop me from doing it. Well, she might find it a little crazy, so to speak, but that's about it. I'm sure she'll understand why I am ready to do it. However, I'm the one to decide on this thing, and I can't come about it!", said Shaily wryly.
"Don't get stressed about it Shell. We are all here to help you darling. Let's do one thing, let's weigh out the pros and cons of you accepting the role of the naked soul, maybe that'll help us decide what's best. What do you guys say?", said Karan.
"Yeah, sounds good Karan, let's do that", said Jaspinder, as they all set out to discuss the pros and cons of Shaily accepting to get completely naked on the stage.
"Okay, so let's talk about one pro and one con so that we can evaluate.", said Karan. "A pro is that Shell gets to go to Belgium for this play, It's wonderful to be in a different part of the world for sure, isn't it?".
Shaily nodded.
"Well, the obvious con is that Shaily would have to be buck naked on stage throughout the play in front of thousands of strangers who get to see Shaily in her most private form.", said Arun. "Sorry to spell it out Shell, but that's what it is!", he said cheekily.
Shaily passed a shy laugh.
"Okay, another pro is that Shaily would get to get in touch and interact with a bunch of foreign artists and playwrights when she is there to perform the play, and might even bag a couple of international play offers.", said Abhishek enthusiastically.
"Yup, that's true. Of course, with her attire, I'm sure Shell's going to attract quite the guy crowd anyway too!", said Karan mockingly, as all the guys laughed out much to Shaily's embarrassment.
"Stop it Karan!", she said slapping him on his shoulder playfully, much to everyone's smiles.
"Now the corresponding con?", said Karan looking over to everyone.
With everyone brainstorming to think of another con but none coming up with anything, it was clear to everyone that the only problem was with the fact that Shaily had to get completely naked on stage for everyone to see. Knowing where it was going, Shaily decided to cut it. This was not going to work.
Shaily decided to cut it. "Karan, thanks for the effort, but I think the only issue with this whole thing is that I need to be completely naked on stage.", said Shaily and sipped her beer.
She continued, "Apart from that I see no other problem. It's definitely going to be a great experience for me, getting to participate in such a stage, and I am sure like you said, I am going to attract a lot of potential playwrights and whatnot, and I'm sure I would later get many opportunities to perform in foreign plays. But at the end of the day, I have to decide whether I am fine with showing off my entire body to so many random strangers or not. Period."
"Ok Shell, let's cut to this straight. I'll tell you what I think. I think you should accept this. It's not like you are getting naked and being a whore or something right? It's for an artistic cause. I mean, you are a strong bold woman, and you have always wanted to push the envelope for your plays. There's no better opportunity than this, in my opinion. You love Prof Lekha's idea to the bits, and you love the character she wants you to play. It's not like I am undermining the effort it takes to get completely naked on stage. I know it's going to be pretty challenging and nerve-wracking for you, but sometimes in life, you have to take bold decisions and stick with them to see where they take you. And Shell, baby, I am not saying you HAVE to take it at any cost. It's your call, and only yours. I am just saying what I feel.", said Arun smiling warmly at her.
Shaily listened to Arun and passed a loving smile at him.
"Thanks Arun, I certainly value your opinion, and yes, I do love Prof Lekha's idea and the character of the naked soul. It's just, it's just that it's so hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I am going to have to be completely naked in front of thousands of clothed people while they, I mean, while they just sit there and watch me perform in the buff. I mean, I just can't wrap my head around it.", said Shaily with a grimace on her face.
Abhishek interjected, "Shell, baby, hear me. You have always been bold and independent all throughout your career and you have set the stage for something big to happen. This is your opportunity Shell, it is absolutely yours. I mean, you have the body of a fucking goddess, it is only natural that you show it all, you know what I am saying. I mean, the role absolutely fits you, and only you. Moreover, like Arun said, it's not like you are doing something sleazy or some lame shit. This is a beautiful idea and the fact that you will be willing to go completely naked on stage for everyone to see your sexy body for such an amazing play is in itself a bold statement. It's going to be so strong and powerful, and I am sure you are going to bag so many offers there, trust me. Jaspinder, you've had more experience with international plays, you with me on this?".
"Yes, Shell, Abhishek's got that one right. There's no denying that there will be a huge number of not just playwrights, but mainstream producers and directors, even Hollywood ones at that, who would be present for such a grand event. Given how you are going to show yourself on stage, they'll definitely shower more attention towards you, and it's going to be great. Moreover, since this whole thing is Prof Lekha's brainchild I'm sure she is going to kill it with the execution, so you don't have to worry about that. It's going to be a hit, there's no doubt about it. But again, like we've figured out, the only thing is that you have to be okay with yourself being completely nude in front of clothed strangers. If that thought doesn't at the very least disgust you, I think you should take the role baby doll. It's definitely going to be a big leap in your career ladder, a step in the right direction.", said Jaspinder, putting forward his point of view.
Shaily gave a serious thought about all the points her male friends put forward. Of course, they were all mature and sensible like her, and she definitely valued their opinions. With all of them except Karan and Faisal having expressed their views, Shelly turned to look at both of them while thinking, as if asking them their opinions as well.
Karan looked at Shaily and smiled. "Shell, I'm not going to deny that seeing you naked on stage would be a treat for the audience. You said Prof Lekha mentioned about the play being aesthetically pleasing, and I concur with her when she says casting you for the role of the naked soul means aesthetic beauty. Moreover, the play has so much potential to make it big. Even in such a grand event, I'm sure there would be some obscene and vulgar plays that try to entice the audience through a naked female. I mean, at the end of the day, you could just hire a prostitute, pay her some money and ask her to appear naked on stage in front of everyone. But those plays carry 0 value, absolutely nothing. But this play that Prof Lekha has in mind is extraordinary, there's no doubt about it. There's artistic value in the play, and like Abhishek and Arun mentioned, you agreeing to be a part of the play only goes on to show how strong you are. Take it darling! This is a great opportunity for you to showcase the wonderful talent you possess as an artist.", he said.
Shaily was thinking deeply now. They were all right in saying that the idea was brilliant. Karan's point that there would be some vulgar plays just to entice the audience with a nude female was right though, and she was glad that this play would be of great substance and value, and not just for the sleaze. After all, the last thing she wanted was to be termed as a prostitute for appearing nude in the play.
"Shell, I know I am the younger one of the lot, and that means lesser experience. But again, my first thought when I heard Prof Lekha saying that she wanted to cast you for the role of the naked soul was that you should take it. Sure, getting naked on stage for all to see is a very big challenge, but once you set your mind on it, I'm sure you won't see it as a problem anymore. You are excited to be a part of the play and that's the only thing that should matter to you, not the fact that you are going to be completely naked on stage for everyone to see your naked privates. The idea is killer Shell, it really is, and there's no denying that big shots would approach you after seeing your act. You are a great artist anyway. I seriously think you should bite the bullet and take the role Shell baby.", said Faisal smiling at Shaily.
Shaily thought for a while before responding. She was slightly under the influence of the beer, but she had it regularly, so she could still think clearly. It was ironical that she was taking one of the biggest decisions in her life under the influence of alcohol, but hearing the viewpoints of her dearest guy friends, she was confident that they would be there to correct her if she went wrong. She was still feeling a little aroused about all the thoughts that had transpired in her mind in the washroom, but she certainly had a very important decision to make.
"Guys, I am really thankful that I have all of you here with me while I take such an important decision. I think we all agree on the fact that the only thing stopping me from saying yes is that I have to be buck naked on stage. Moreover, I'm also concerned about how we are going to show the tampering of the soul in the play by a male character. But all that said, it's a great great play, no denying that. I really really want to take it, but I have to be sure that I'll be fine with me being totally exposed to everyone while I am naked on the stage.", Shaily said, as a matter of fact.
Of course all the guys understood what Shaily was going through, and they felt for her. If Prof Lekha had allowed Shaily to probably wear even a skimpy lower undergarment just to cover her pussy, Shaily would have immediately taken it, but the fact that she would have to be totally nude on stage had messed up her mind. But then, there was nothing that could be done about it. After all Prof Lekha was a perfectionist.
"Shell, I have a suggestion.", said Karan.
"Go on Karan, I'm listening", said Shelly opening her third pint of beer already.
"Since we all agree that getting naked in front of people is the only thing stopping you from taking the role, why don't you try it out with us and see how you like it? I mean, if you are comfortable with getting naked in front of clothed people, there's nothing stopping you, right?", said Karan with a gentle smile towards Shaily.
he said playfully, much to the happy smiles of the guys around her.
Seeing the look in each of their eyes, Shaily could see that they were desperately wanting to see her with absolutely nothing on her body, just adorned in her flesh and nothing else. The fact that she was tipsy from the beers added more to her arousal as she slowly stood up from the bean-bag.
"Okay guys, if you strongly wish for it, you shall get it.", said Shaily with a naughty wink as she stood up while the men anxiously smiled at her tipsy words. They couldn't believe Shaily was actually doing it.
Swaying her hips seductively as if to entice the guys with her sexy figure, Shaily got off the bean-bag putting on a smile for her best friends, as they all looked on, amazed that Shaily was actually going to treat them with the sight of her ripe voluptuous nakedness.
As nervous as she was to get naked in front of her guy friends, she was also really turned on that she was really going for it. Her sweet smile added more to the guys' enthusiasm as they realised Shaily was tipsy and nervous, but also liking the feeling of getting naked for all of them. Their hungry eyes focussed on Shaily's movements as she slowly proceeded to take her top off, exposing the lovely mature 23-year old tits on her flawless body.
Continuing to smile seductively at the guys, Shaily got rid of her tank-top and naughtily threw it on the floor, just like strippers did for their clients.
"Holy cow, Shell, you have really big boobs honey!", said Jaspinder. "And I knew you didn't wear a bra under your top, you naughty girl!", he said looking straight at her lovely exposed naked tits.
If Shaily was nervous just a while back before getting naked for the guys, she wasn't anymore now, once that her voluptuous tits were completely shown to her guy friends. The look on their faces told her how much they were loving the sight of her naked jugs, as a sense of womanly shyness wafter over her.
Shaily smiled at him. She wasn't a tad bit nervous right then as she got rid off her clothes. It wasn't just that it was her closest of friends, but also the beer that helped her lose her inhibitions as a woman. Of course, Shaily was always confident in her skin and her killer bod, and she had no insecurities in herself, that made her beam with confidence and all of her sexy confidence showed in the way she exhibited her luscious boobs to all her guy friends.
The men sat there on the couch all mesmerised, as Shaily proceeded to seductively get rid of the only clothing that helped her keep her modesty, her tiny cotton shorts.
"Oh my fucking God! Shell, I can't believe you are totally naked right now. Fuck, you are one lovely creature!", said Karan totally spellbound by Shaily's nude form.
Shaily blushed hearing the guys' comments on her naked body. She was loving it, and it was thoroughly evident through the juices flowing out of her vagina. She was feeling hot, her whole body was hot. It was beautiful in that she was completely naked while her male friends were completely clothed as she stood there in front of them with a shy smile on her face. The new found excitement and arousal completely filled every pore of her naked body as the guys checked out every inch of her ripe mature nakedness with awe and lust.
"Well, I'm sure you guys must have imagined what I have underneath my clothes everyday, don't tell me you haven't, you naughty fellas.", she said playfully.
It was clear to the guys that she was quite tipsy and they found their naked girl friend so adorably cute as she stood there blushing shyly for being absolutely naked for them. To make it more exciting and hot for her guy friends, Shaily adopted a seductive pose as she stood rested on her right leg with her right hand on her right hip and her left hand over her head, showing off her cleanly shaved armpit to all of them. Her juices were now started to flow out of her pussy and she could sense that she was feeling really hot and sexual. Oh boy, she was enjoying the feeling of exhibiting her sexy body completely to her guy friends as much as they were.
"Hahaha! Shell, I'm not sure if any one of us could deny that. You are a total sex-bomb honey.", said Abhishek staring directly at her tits.
"Yes Shell, you surely are. And the fact that you carry yourself so well only adds on to the sensuality. You are a natural baby, and clothes don't suit you at all, trust me!", said Arun winking at her.
Shaily playfully grimaced at Arun for his words and made sure she held the seductive pose for her guys. She felt extremely hot and aroused at being exposed like that all naked, while the men sat all clothed comfortably on the couch while they gawked and enjoyed the sight of her naked private parts.
"Shell, why don't you turn behind and let us have a view of your behind. I'm sure you'd be as proud about it as you are about your front!", said Karan with a wink.
Shaily took a good dunk of her fourth pint and said, "I fucking sure am! Here you go!", she said triumphantly as she turned herself around to show the guys her ass while maintaining the same sexy pose. There was just something so hot about the pose, she felt. She felt as womanly as possible in the pose as she stood there with her hips resting on her right leg and her right hand on her hips with the left hand on her hair. It was just so hot for her.
Truth be told, Shaily had never experienced the erotic feeling she was going through right then. She was feeling so beautifully submissive for being totally naked in front of her clothed guy friends, but at the same time, she felt a strange feeling of authority. The authority of commanding the men by her nudity. They were all enticed by her naked form - her sexy breasts, her waist, her beautiful ass, her sexy pussy. They were having fun, the time of their lives, for getting to see her naked, but at the same time, Shaily knew they would be disappointed, even depressed at that very moment if Shaily decided to cover herself up. Her emotions right then were a culmination of several feelings and she was enjoying the experience to the core, as she stood there with her back turned towards the men so that they could relish the sight of her gorgeous ass.
"Fuck! That ass is heavenly. Shell, you are amazing baby. You are truly a goddess.", said Faisal with the happiest of smiles on his face.
Those compliments. Those compliments from her guys made Shaily go crazy. Which girl doesn't love compliments on her body, that too from her best male friends? That too on her assets! Shaily was loving it. She turned around towards the guys with a shy womanly smile on her face. They could tell she was loving it as much as the guys were which made them feel even hotter.
"You are stunning babe, really stunning. It's only justice that you accept this role and get naked for the world to see your beauty honey. Please, please accept this part!", said Karan smiling widely, as he dunked down his third pint of beer, as all of them including Shaily laughed out to his words.
Shaily wasn't a hardcore feminist, but she certainly embraced the notion of feminism. Right now though, it was all a different story. Feminism to her meant equality of sexes, but right now it was anything but that. The men were all clothed and sitting on the couch, while Shaily was all naked and completely objectified by her best guy friends. Shaily remembered Anamika, her best friend once saying to her, "Objectification is the primary source of anti-feminism, something that is truly evident in today's media. Feminism in today's world can be achieved only if, we all, as a society, realise how damaging female objectification is to the beliefs of feminism and consciously make efforts that women are not objectified and treated as just some sexual objects.", and Shaily thoroughly remembered herself agreeing to that notion. But right now, Shaily was being objectified to the core and treated as a lustful object by her guy friends, and the worst part was that she was loving every bit of it.
It was 5 PM in the evening and they were all having pizza ordered from Dominos. Shaily was still completely naked while the men were all clothed. The guys dunked about 5-6 pints of the beer, while Shaily had dunked 8 of them. She was a demon when it came to beers. They were all tipsy and were cracking crass jokes on her and her nakedness. Of course, it was all friendly, and Shaily knew her guy friends were always respectful towards her. In fact, she was greatly enjoying the feeling of being the only one naked among her guy friends and laughed more than the guys at every crass joke they made on her.
"Shell, you should have opened the door naked to the pizza guy in your current state. He would have gone bonkers. I'm sure it would have made his day baby.", said Karan chewing his pizza as he stared at the sexy naked girl in front of him.
"Hahaha! I know right? I should have. I feel sad for him that I didn't though.", said Shaily laughing out crazily.
"Shell, I have to say those tits are amazing. I mean, isn't it sad that you have been hiding those lovely things from us all these days? Did it really take you Prof Lekha to show them to us darling?", said Arun laughing at his own words.
Shaily laughed at Arun's words. "Well, as they say, it's better late than never, right?". Saying so, she winked at Arun tipsily and blew a flying kiss to him much to the amusement of all the guys.
The guys were all seated on the couch, while Shaily took to the floor, even getting rid off the bean-bag. She didn't really feel the logic behind it, but she felt it was only natural that she sat there on the floor, way beneath them while they all sat on the couch clothed. Shaily had never felt 'submissive' in her sex life, so to speak, but now that she was not wearing even a string on her body, she felt it was only normal that she way beneath them in status. "Gosh, what is happening to me?", she wondered as she ate her slices of pizza on the floor with her legs crossed over each other, exposing a generous view of her moist clit to the men while she dunked her beer.
"Shell, isn't your naked ass feeling cold on the floor?", asked Faisal smiling widely at her, as he gawked at her open naked flesh completely exposed to him.
"Well, after having so many beers, I can't really feel my ass Fais, but if you want you can feel it and let me know if it's cold.", said Shaily seductively biting on her next slice of pizza.
"Holy shit, are you serious Shell? Can I really touch your ass?". Faisal's words hadn't even completely come out of his mouth when Shaily stood up and came up to the men smiling and biting her lip seductively with the pizza in her hand.
"Serious? You bet my ass I am!", she said, laughing loudly and shamelessly at the pun, as she turned around for the guys and bent slightly at her thighs showing off her gorgeous behind to all of them.
"Wow, this ass is golden.", said Faisal, as he gently touched her right ass cheek and lovingly groped it with his hands.
Karan immediately took to Shaily's left ass cheek as he too groped it, squeezing the beautiful flesh on her ass. "Shell, this is amazing. You should let us do this more often you know! Wow! Guys come on, cop a feel of this lovely ass! It feels just awesome!", said Karan as he held Shaily's naked waist and passed her on so that her ass was in front of the rest of the guys, as if she was a piece of meat.
Shaily was by now totally turned on with all of what was happening. How could she allow her guy friends to grope her naked body like that? It seemed surreal, obscene and wrong, yet she was loving every bit of it as her slutty vagina continued to ooze juices endlessly with the hotness of the situation.
The feeling of being objectified by clothed men, who were all also her closest friends made her feel extremely womanly. It felt to Shaily that it was her responsibility to do this, to be naked in front of them, to entertain them with her sexy body, to let them feel manlier about themselves for stripping a sexy woman naked for their pleasure, as she was passed on from one guy to the next like she was just a sex-object made just to be lusted at and enjoyed. It just made complete sense to her. Why else would God give her a body like that, if not to entertain the lustful men around her? Maybe that was the reason why they were their friends. It was God's own way to tell her that she had to take care of them, to take care of them by showering them with her sexy naked body as much as they wanted.
Over time, the men's touches began to get more and more rough, as they groped and squeezed her ass hard. Jaspinder even slapped both her ass cheeks roughly a couple of times much to everyone's amusement, as Shaily let out playful but honest screams of joy and pain.
"Ouccchhh, Jasp, not so hard!", she said turning behind to look at him with a cute slutty pout for being slapped hard on her ass.
"Sorry baby, I'm just getting carried away with that sexy ass of yours honey!", he said but still continued to slap at her ass cheeks with the same intensity and lust.
Shaily was loving the moment. She was proud that she was making her best buddies feel 'manlier' by giving herself to them this way. After all, right then, all she felt was that being a woman, it was her job that the men around her felt manly and she found extreme satisfaction that, that was what she was giving to the men right then - the feeling of manliness, by being buck naked in front of them and allowing them to feel her, touch her, grope her and molest her as much as they wished.
The rest of the evening continued in that fashion. They all hung out watching TV and having more beers and pizza with Shaily casually naked among her clothed guy friends. It was all like a dream to all of them, especially Shaily. Never would she have thought that she would do such a thing as getting totally naked for her guy friends and give herself up for their joy, but here she was, doing just that.
Right now, Shaily was sitting on the couch naked with the guys, while the guys all sat on either sides of her, completely clothed, cracking jokes and watching the TV. However, the best part was they had their hands all over her naked flesh. One of them pinched her nipples, while the other smooched her lovely lips. One of them had his hands on her naked waist and pinched them roughly, while the other was feeling up her damp moist cunt, and Shaily gladly let them do what they wanted to her. No holds barred. After all, she was as hot and aroused as much as the guys were and enjoying the beautiful experience as much as they were.
As the guys continued to feel her naked privates while she sat there between them smiling and laughing with them, Arun grabbed Shaily by her naked waist roughly towards him and lustily smooched her lips.
"So honey doll, what are you going to tell Prof Lekha tomorrow?", he asked.
The next day, there was no Alternative Dramatics lecture, so Shaily decided to meet Prof Lekha personally in her chamber.
Shaily thought long and hard whether she should take the role of the naked soul in Prof Lekha's play for the event in Brussels or not. After all that had transpired yesterday between her and her guy friends, Shaily came to a conclusion that, while getting totally naked in front of so many clothed men and women would be a great challenge for her, it was also something that aroused immensely erotic feelings inside her. Yesterday was possibly the most exciting evening of her entire life where she was got completely naked for her guy friends at their place and allowed them to touch, grope and even molest all her naked private parts to them and the best part was that she loved every second of the experience. Of course, she was tipsy throughout because of the large quantities of beer she had been sipping with the guys all along, which added more pleasure to the entire erotic experience, but either way, Shaily was sure that she would have enjoyed the experience equally even if there weren't 10 beers in her belly.
Shaily felt a strange sense of connection to the feeling of being the only one naked among all her clothed guy friends. The fact that, though she was a mature 23-year old woman with great self-respect, she spent an entire evening naked with guys while they were all clothed brought an erotic sense of submission inside her, something that she had never felt aroused to. The feeling of being submissive, vulnerable and beneath the guys for being the only female and being totally naked for them at their place, talking with them, laughing with them and let them crack silly and naughty jokes on her did wonders to her pussy, her mind and her soul and she ended up completely submitting her naked body to the guys' lust for her ripe sexiness. It was only natural, she felt, that the men should be clothed, while she was completely naked for them to see and feel her nakedness as they wished. All her notions and beliefs about feminism had clearly gone for a toss yesterday.
Shaily was so aroused with the new found erotic feelings that, even today morning, as she woke up beside Aunt Bhatia on the bed, her fingers immediately reached her womanhood as she gladly recollected what she had done for her guy friends yesterday at their place. A shy womanly smile passed her face, as she relished the feeling of having given so much pleasure to her guys by exhibiting her naked body to them and allowing them to grope and molest her most private parts as they wished, all at their place. She had never done anything so wild and naughty ever in her life, and the fact that she totally submitted herself to her closest guy friends for their sexual pleasure pleased her immensely. She felt so womanly and horny right then as she blushed crazily imagining how happy her guy friends must be feeling because of how slutty she behaved for them. It was certainly the most erotic feeling she had ever experienced in her life as she continued to sport a shy happy smile on her face while she started to naughtily pleasure herself.
"Wow, that was so hot! Why didn't I do that earlier?", she thought to herself as she slid her fingers into her moist pussy and gently stimulated herself to a silent orgasm on the bed, naughtily enough, with Aunt Bhatia snoring right beside her.
For college, Shaily chose a black miniskirt that was a tad bit shorter than what she usually wore. It hug her beautiful fleshy round ass tightly showing it off sexily and stopped just a few inches below her crotch. She had bought it a few months back in one of the fancy malls of the city while shopping with Anamika, but never wore it to college with the fear of it being a bit too provocative for a formal setting like college. However, today, having decided what she was going to do about her role in Prof Lekha's play, Shaily decided it was a good occasion to wear it to college and greet Prof Lekha in that dress.
For her top, Shaily decided to wear a red-coloured crop halter top that left little to imagination of her backside. At the back, it was completely cut out showing her smooth white skin. At the front, it ran sexily over her luscious tits and stopped slightly above her belly-button. While she wore a panty under her miniskirt, the top wasn't supposed to be worn with a bra anyway, so she did not bother about it.
Shaily usually took the public transport to her college, and just as she had imagined, she was being gawked at by all kinds of guys for being so sexy and having worn such a titillating attire.. Some men were stealing glances at her exposed flesh, while some men just openly stared at her as Shaily just sat there relishing all the looks of lust directed towards her. Of course, it wasn't the first time that she was dressed in such a fashionable outfit in public, but she could never remember being so turned about men staring at her body as much as she was now. Right then, as she sat in the public transport enjoying the lustful glances men were throwing at her, Shaily felt so aroused at being so exposed in her scanty outfit. She was beginning to love that feeling. That feeling of showing off her sexy flesh to the joy of others. She enjoyed how she was selflessly giving the men around her what they wanted - the look of a sexy voluptuous urban mature chick clad in such a revealing attire. The feeling of having all the men stare lustfully at her for being dressed in such a slutty manner made Shaily beam with confidence.
"Prof Lekha, may I come in?", Shaily knocked on Prof Lekha's chamber door and peeped in.
Prof Lekha was working on a draft of a play and was pleasantly surprised to see Shaily standing there.
"Of course, Shaily, please come in.", she said with a smile, as Shaily came in and closed the door behind her.
"Wow, may I say you look really stunning in that dress of yours!", said Prof Lekha, genuinely impressed by Shaily's attire.
"Why, thank you Prof. It's a pair I've never worn to college, so I thought why not!", said Shaily blushing cutely at Prof Lekha's words.
"Good decision Shaily, and I hope that's not the only good decision you've taken today. Please have your seat..", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
Shaily took a few moments to compose herself before starting off, albeit a little nervously.
"Prof Lekha, I've thought about it long and hard yesterday. I must say it was quite a tough decision for me to take, but with you on top of this play, I'm sure the play is going to be a resounding success. Yesterday, when I heard your idea in class, I was just completely mesmerised to say the least. I mean, I just totally love the concept and I was particularly in awe with how you have used the new-found artistic liberty to showcase the idea in such a beautiful way. With that, I am happy to say that I am up for it Prof Lekha. I'm going to be the naked soul in your play.", said Shaily with a bright smile on her face, seeming very confident and happy at the end of her statement.
Prof Lekha looked at her and smiled, obviously pleased with Shaily's decision.
"That's such great news Shaily. Frankly, I knew you would take it, but I did have my qualms I should say. But, as I said, you are the only one apt for this role Shaily, and it makes me so happy that you have decided to take the role.", said Prof Lekha with a glad smile on her face.
She continued, "This is going to be a very bold play Shaily, something that we've never attempted to do and I only wanted the best to be in this play, and I am sure you are the best of the best.", she said.
"Thanks a lot Prof Lekha! It was a definitely a very difficult call for me to take Prof, but I figured this is going to be a huge step forward for me career-wise as well. I mean, I know how amazing you are at what you do, and the idea of the play is truly brilliant to say the very least. Now, I only hope that I perform my very best for this role and don't let you down in any way.", said Shaily smiling humbly at Prof Lekha.
"There's no doubt you will be your absolute best, honey. I know that, and that's why I decided to cast you and only you for the role of the naked soul in my play. You are a great artist and with that lovely body of yours, I'm sure you'll cast a spell on the audience with your performance as Pooja's naked soul in the play.", said Prof Lekha.
"I hope so Prof.", said Shaily enthusiastically, easing up a bit. It wasn't everyday that she was in a Professor's chamber but Prof Lekha's friendly demeanour certainly made her feel a lot less nervous.
Moreover, now that she had communicated her decision to take the role of the naked soul to Prof Lekha, she knew she couldn't step back, and that strangely made Shaily feel much relaxed. She couldn't go back even if she wanted to, and all that lay ahead for her was to do her best in her role as the naked soul in Prof Lekha's play.
"Shaily, now that you have accepted the role of the naked soul, I have to tell you a few more things regarding the play.", said Prof Lekha removing her specs and putting them on the table.
"Sure Prof, please.", said Shaily.
"Firstly, I want this play to be extremely strong, bold and unique - a one of its kind if you may. I have had this idea lingering in my mind for a long while now Shaily, but never got the artistic liberty and the right artist to execute it. But now, this Dramatics festival in Belgium is just the right arena to showcase the idea, and I am of course very glad to have you on board for the role of the naked soul in the play. The 'Fine Arts Association of Belgium' are very liberal Shaily, and they have absolutely no restrictions in terms of female nudity in the plays for the event, and I want to make sure we make it count in our play and create something very beautiful. I want the role of the naked soul to be fierce, bold and unflinching, and I am sure you are the best woman to perform such a demanding role. I hope you get an idea of what I am trying to convey here.", said Prof Lekha.
Shaily was of course smart enough to understand what was being asked of her. The idea of the play was to show the tampering of the naked soul of the female protagonist by the male protagonist and the fact that she was being exploited and played with was to be conveyed through Shaily's naked role as the female protagonist's naked soul. She understood that Prof Lekha wanted her naked role to be very strong and fierce.
"Yes Prof, I understand.", Shaily said in a serious tone.
"Good. Shaily...", Prof Lekha put her specs back on, and continued, "I've always seen you as brighter and more talented than any of my students thus far, not just at FID but across everywhere I've mentored students in my teaching career. You are a great artist Shaily and I've also been closely following your term projects in other courses. You are great at executing plays and I've got some amazing feedback regarding you from the other Profs as well. So, this time, for the event in Brussels, I want you to take the complete lead as far as the execution of this play is concerned. I will, of course, be there to oversee and validate what you come up with, but I want this whole play to be your brainchild, not mine. Of course, the idea is mine, but I want you to nurture it, prosper it and ultimately direct the play.", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
Shaily couldn't believe what Prof Lekha was saying. Directing an entire play? That too for such an important international event? Would she be able to do it?
"Oh wow, Prof Lekha. I don't know what to say. I mean, I've never...", Shaily started to say, but Prof Lekha cut her short.
"I know you've never lead a play from start to finish Shaily. But there's always a first time, isn't it?", she said smiling at Shaily.
She continued. "I know you have the skills, talent and the vision to take this forward Shaily. I know it's a big event and FID certainly banks a lot on our play to get more international recognition, and that's exactly why I want you to be on top of this play. I know you can deliver, you just have to keep the focus going. It's not like I won't be involved, in fact I will be very much involved. But I'd love to see you taking this forward and be the active lead for this play. Hope I've made it clear?", said Prof Lekha.
Of course, with Prof Lekha, there was no arguing. She often took hard decisions, but they had always paid off grandly in the past. Shaily was thoroughly skeptical if she could pull this off, but she knew she had no choice. But again, being the strong and focussed woman that she was, Shaily loved challenges, and that's what made her rise in her career and do so well thus far. It was a matter of pride for her that Prof Lekha trusted her on such an important play, and even if she didn't feel much confident right then, she wasn't intimidated by what Prof Lekha said.
"Ok Prof, I'll do it.", said Shaily, somewhat feigning a confident smile.
"That's great Shaily. I know you are nervous, but that nervousness will soon disappear. I know you have the skills to take this through, else I wouldn't take this decision.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at her, once again removing her specs and placing them on the table.
"Now coming to the other male role. Since this male character is going to do certain things to your naked body on stage, I'm sure you'd want someone with whom you'd be comfortable performing with. That's why I have decided to leave that to you. You can choose any male from your peers for the fourth character, who you think would best fit the role, and one with whom you'd be comfortable in allowing your body to be done things to. I'm guessing you'd want it to be one of your 5 guy friends?", said Prof Lekha.
Shaily thought for a moment. Now she also had to decide which one to choose among her 5 guys? Oh god, this was not getting any easier for her, she thought.
"Yes, it's going to be one of them Prof. But I'm not sure about it right now. Is it okay if I update you on this soon?", said Shaily.
"Of course, take your time and discuss it with your guy friends. I'm sure they would all love to be in the role given how they would be interacting with you during the play, so it's going to be another tough call for you.", said Prof Lekha with a playful wink.
Shaily passed a shy laugh at Prof Lekha's words. If only she knew all the things the guys had been doing to her yesterday at their place.
"And lastly Shaily, I want to discuss a rather sensitive side of this whole thing with you.", said Prof Lekha, once again putting back her specs. Shaily didn't notice it earlier, but it seemed to be one of Prof Lekha's idiosyncrasies, this specs thing.
"Shaily, I know that being nude in front of so many people, all the while they being clothed is a very big challenge for you. Of course, we are all born nude, but as we grow up, the notion of being naked in front of people is a very enraged taboo in today's society, especially here in India, where we don't really embrace the notion of nudism. However, your character in the play wholly requires that. You've accepted the role after knowing what you are up for, so I assume you've certainly thought this thing through. But I have to urge you, that it might seem harder than you actually think. You might have panic attacks on the big stage once you realise that you are the only one naked among thousands of clothed people especially when you need to perform.", said Prof Lekha. She was approaching the matter rather seriously now, thought Shaily.
Prof Lekha continued as Shaily nodded to her words.
"Being unclothed in a private setting among people you know is certainly a challenge Shaily, but being naked in front of thousands of people you don't know is a bigger challenge, a much much bigger challenge, something that you can never imagine unless you actually experience it. I'm telling you all this not to make you feel nervous or anxious but to make you aware. Shaily, in my previous gig, I worked with a female student of mine who was supposed to appear topless for a minute on stage, just for a minute. But on the big stage, she panicked. Seeing so many people out there in the audience, she had the feeling that they were all there just to see her topless and derive some sort of perverted viewing pleasure out of her nudity, and needless to say, the play turned out to be a monumental flop. The field we are in Shaily, we do what we do for artistic appeal and perfection. However, that said, there will be all kinds of people at the event, some of whom will derive sexual gratification out of your nakedness, and as humans, it's only common to be aroused with the sight of a sexy naked female, and it's important that you understand this thing going forward. You being naked in front of clothed people when you perform for the play is your job as an artist. How they perceive the sight of your naked body is the viewer's problem, not yours. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.", said Prof Lekha.
Shaily was carefully listening to Prof Lekha, who was of course an experienced practitioner when it came to Theatre. Her words were like life lessons to Shaily who was going to embark on performing her most challenging role till date.
"Yes Prof, I understand.", said Shaily urging Prof Lekha to continue.
"Shaily, you know how they say 'Practice makes perfect'? So my suggestion to you is that you consciously practice nudity in more than one form until you are ready to be naked on stage for the play in Brussels. By that, I mean that you have to make efforts to be consciously nude in different types of settings among clothed people. The more the better, and the stranger the better. I know it's practically not so easy given the conventional attitudes of our society, but I really urge you to work this thing out while you prepare for the play. It's like how methodical our Hollywood actors and actresses are. They dive deep into the characters they take up, often spending time outside their work hours so that they can be their absolute best. For your role as the naked soul, I need you to practice nudity as much as you can so that you are no more shy or reserved about exhibiting your body to clothed men and women alike. I hope that's not a big ask Shaily.", said Prof Lekha, removing her specs one last time.
Shaily understood what Prof Lekha was asking of her. Normally, she would have found it a little too straightforward, or even unsettling that Prof Lekha was asking her to be nude and practice being so among clothed people, but yesterday, her guy friends had already come up with the idea, after which Shaily had remained naked for the rest of the day before she left to her place. Now as Prof Lekha talked more about it, she only found it sensible, even though the idea of 'practising nudity' sounded a tad bit repulsive to her.
But again, Shaily aspired to be a thorough perfectionist like Prof Lekha and looked up to her principles, and following her suggestion was the only way she could not not mess this thing up. Of course, she knew that being totally naked on stage in such a grand event would be a very difficult task for her, and she certainly could not ignore the possibility of having a panic attack on stage.
However, the thought of practising nudity was suddenly starting to fill her with a strange sense of arousal. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and the familiar feeling of wetness in her pussy was back again, even though she was sitting directly across Prof Lekha. She was turned on at the thought of practising nudity among clothed people, and found it really hot. What all would she have to do to get good at being naked among clothed strangers? What would she say? "I'm sorry for my current state of undress. I have a play coming up where I am supposed to be totally nude." or "I hope you don't mind me being naked while you guys are all clothed. Sorry for any trouble.".
Imagining such strange scenarios where she would be totally naked for strangers made Shaily go weak in her knees. What the hell was this? Why was she getting so turned on at the thought of having to exhibit her nude body to clothed people? Was she a natural exhibitionist or was she just embracing the thought now? Thoughts began to spin in her head, but she managed to stay put in front of Prof Lekha.
"I understand Prof Lekha. I'm going to think more about how I can practise being nude in front of people. I'll talk to you more on that once I devise some sort of action items. Does that sound fine to you?", asked Shaily cautiously.
"Of course Shaily. You are welcome to come talk to me anytime. You also have my contact number, so feel free to call me anytime you want. This is our play, let's make it big.", said Prof Lekha smiling at her.
"Thanks Prof Lekha. I have a lecture to attend, so I'll get going now.", said Shaily and got up.
Before she could leave, Prof Lekha asked her, "Shaily, is your aunt okay with this? You being nude for the play and all? I don't want to annoy her in any way, you know...".
"Well, Prof Lekha, I haven't talked to Aunt Bhatia about this yet, but I'm sure she'll be on the same page as me. If at all, she might want to have a few words with you, but nothing more than that.", said Shaily confidently with a smile.
"That's great to hear. I'm glad that we are working this out Shaily. Let's get to this. I expect an action plan on all fronts from you on the play and your nudity practice by tomorrow morning, is that fine?", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof Lekha, I'll work on it. Good day to you!", Shaily said before exiting Prof Lekha's chamber as she felt the wetness in her loins run almost down to her thighs. Her skirt was too short and Shaily realised that her juices were leaking from her pussy and her cotton panty onto her thighs.
"Gosh, I need to clean myself up. I smell like orgasm!", she thought to herself shyly and with not many people in sight in the Professors' cabin, Shaily quickly ran towards the nearest bathroom to clean herself up before meeting her guy friends in class.
After washing her pussy off her wetness, Shaily met her guy friends back in class for 'Theory in Theatre'. The course was taught by 34 year-old Professor Anita, who hailed from the city of Jabalpur.
Theory in Theatre was supposed to be one of those boring subjects that none of the students ever wished to have in their curriculum, but Shaily found it interesting nonetheless. The course mainly focussed on the history of Theatre right from the 15th Century, the start of the Renaissance Era in Italy and then throughout Europe and then continuing onto how Theatre established its place in several countries all over the world. It was a course that brought no real practical knowledge to the students as far as Dramatics and Theatre were concerned which was the primary reason why almost all the students barring Shaily really hated the course.
Shaily was, like usual, sitting in between her guy friends with them on either side of her. They were all of course seated in the last row of the lecture hall like everyday where they weren't under the scrutiny of the Professor or any of the students.
Arun was seated to Shaily's right while Faisal sat on her left. Given how all the guys got to do a lot of things to Shaily yesterday, they were not a tiny bit reserved about feeling her up in class. After all, they were all testosterone-charged horny young men eager to feel the warmth and sensuality of a woman as sexy as Shaily who just got totally naked for them at their place yesterday and allowed them to have fun with her privates as they wished. Moreover, Shaily's attire for the day brought a strange sense of arousal in all of them. Of course, she did wear sexy clothes to college every now and then and more often than not at their place, but she had never worn something as racy and revealing to college ever. The guys were glad that Shaily wore something so revealing so that they didn't have to make extra efforts to safely grope at her sexy flesh in class.
So, while the guys all sat in the last row of the class with Shaily in between them, Arun and Faisal had their hands all over Shaily's body throughout the lecture as they touched and groped all of her sexy exposed flesh. Faisal took the liberty of inserting his hands inside Shaily's halter crop top to feel her voluptuous braless breasts, pleasantly amazed that Shaily didn't care to wear anything to cover her sexy tits under her halter crop top. He kept sliding his palm inside her top and even pinched her nipples a few times much to Shaily's embarrassment. Arun, on the other hand kept caressing Shaily's thighs by pulling her miniskirt all the way up under the table as it sat there bunched up at her waist. The sight that Shaily presented was nothing short of a lovely hot slut which turned the guys on immensely.
As horny as they were, the guys who weren't seated directly beside Shaily didn't want to be left out either. Abhishek and Karan, who sat beside Arun and Faisal respectively kept rubbing Shaily's naked back which was exposed through the cuts of the crop top and Shaily had a hard time focussing on the lecture while trying to maintain a serious expression on her face as the guys kept groping and molesting her sexy flesh and private parts as they wanted throughout the lecture.
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In a particular instance, Arun did as much as sliding his right hand inside Shaily's panty to touch her naked crotch, much to Shaily's utter disbelief. She couldn't believe the guys were literally doing such things to her right in class, as a shy nervous smile spread on her lips while she looked on at Arun and the rest of the guys, trying hard to maintain a neutral expression on her face. She was certainly afraid that someone saw them while Arun slid his hands inside her panty and touched her most intimate part without any fear, which didn't go unnoticed by the guys as they all shared amused laughs at Shaily's predicament while they enjoyed her sexy voluptuous body, right there in class.
"Holy fuck Shell! Your pussy is so fucking wet darling. We've got to get you off that wet panty of yours, or else you'll catch some really severe cold!", said Arun looking at her and smiling naughtily, teasing her for being aroused with what the guys were doing to her. He was of course tremendously aroused himself at getting to feel Shaily's most intimate part which was so wet, and that too right there while the teacher was lecturing them in class.
Shaily turned to Arun and smirked shyly, feeling so womanly at what Arun was doing and saying to her, but she tried to maintain her calm. The last thing she wanted was for Prof Anita to catch her while the guys molested her private parts lustfully without any fear of being caught.
"Ouch! Stop it Fais, go easy on them, we are in class for Christ's sake!", she whispered loudly as Faisal roughly pinched Shaily's tits with both his hands completely inside her crop top.
As the guys nonchalantly laughed at Shaily's predicament of being caught by the Prof, Shaily smiled in sweet embarrassment for being groped and molested right there in class by their best guy friends. She was scared of the consequences as she nervously eyed everyone around while the guys had their fun with her body, but she also felt tremendously aroused, as was evident in the wetness in her pussy that ended up soiling her panties.
"Arun, I think you should take the burden of removing Shell's wet panty off her. We don't want her to get sick due to her wetness before the play, do we?", said Abhishek, as he glanced at Shaily and passed a naughty wink at her.
As much as she tried to suppress it, Shaily couldn't help but let out a shy smile at Abhishek's naughty words. She just felt so womanly that the guys were openly molesting and groping her sexy flesh right there in class while making plans to get her off her panty. It was just too hot for Shaily, and she had a really tough time focussing on Prof Anita's lecture. By now, her pussy was dripping juices rapidly owing to the erotica of the situation, thanks to the guys.
"I'll kill you guys if you try to do that, I promise.", said Shaily feigning resilience, but deep inside, Shaily felt it so hot if Arun indeed did that. How sexy would it be if one of her guy friends stripped her out of her panties, right there in class while the Prof was lecturing them within metres distance.
Much to Shaily's sweet embarrassment, in a few seconds, Arun did just that. He nonchalantly slipped his fingers in either sides of her panty's waistband and started to slowly tug it down with the ulterior motive of removing it off Shaily, all right there in class.
"Relax Shell, I'm going to do it carefully, you just raise your bum off the bench a little so that I can get it off, and I'll do the rest.", he whispered to her as the other guys fascinatingly looked on. It was just truly too erotic, the feeling of making a sexy hot girl like Shaily panty-less in class.
"Are you guys insane?", Shaily said with part shyness and part disbelief, unable to believe that the guys were actually going for it, but found herself assisting Arun in getting her panty off of her by quickly getting her ass off the bench for a split second so that Arun could slide the panty down her thighs without attracting any attention towards them.
Shaily nervously sat back down, trying hard to maintain the neutral expression on her face to avoid any suspicions as Arun slid the panty down to her legs with a silly horny smile on his face. He was no doubt enjoying this immensely, as were the rest of the guys.
"I'll kick it off.", whispered Shaily as she fidgeted with her legs to get the panty off her feet as the panty dropped on the floor at her feet. It didn't need a mind-reader to gauge how sexy she was feeling right then at being stripped off her panty live in class by one of her guy friends, as Shaily felt her pussy leaking juices rapidly by now.
"There you go guys, Shell's panty-less right now!", proclaimed Arun in a whisper to the guys who all laughed silently.
"Holy cow, Shell, you are such a fucking slut!", said Karan excited with how they managed to get Shaily get rid of her panty right there in class.
"Well, it wasn't my idea to lose my panty.", she said showing mock anger towards the guys, as they all playfully taunted Shaily for sitting in class with her miniskirt bunched up at her waist and her pussy completely naked without any panties to hide her most private part.
Faisal used his legs swiftly to pick the panty off the floor that was lying by Shaily's feet and inhaled it under the desk, much to Shaily's embarrassment.
"Oh gosh! Stop it Fais, I'll kill you.", said Shaily, not caring to suppress her shy laugh at Faisal's nasty and horny actions, as the rest of the guys too joined in on the laughter. Shaily felt really humiliated, but in a good way and she sure was loving every bit of it. She loved how naughty it was, and how the guys were having fun with her as Faisal passed Shaily's wet panty to all the guys while they took turns inhaling Shaily's wet juices on her panty.
"Wow Shell, you smell so potent. Gosh, aren't you one horny creature!", said Jaspinder looking at her and purposely making weird sounds while smelling her wet blue panty.
Shaily couldn't help but feel so womanly as the guys made funny comments on her being panty-less in class, while she sat there between them with her miniskirt bunched up her waist, and Faisal's hands inside her crop top, all right there in class.
She loved to sit there like that for the guys, not caring to even adjust the tiny thing to cover her naked pussy that was just stripped of its bare minimum by one of them. She felt so hot and horny enjoying the fact that her guy friends were so turned on with what they were getting to do to her. The fact that she allowed her male friends to do such humiliating things to her right there in class and see the joy it brought about on their faces only made her feel happy about herself. She tried to focus on the lecture, but she was getting to get seriously turned on with all of what was happening around her, and she found herself smiling every now and then to the guys' funny but horny comments surrounding her nakedness, the sight of her sitting there without any panties on her delicious pussy. It was sweet embarrassment, the feeling that Shaily was starting to really really love. By the end of the lecture, Shaily was made to be a horny mess by the guys.
"Okay guys, the lecture is going to end in another 5 minutes. Can I please have my panty back?", she whispered to the guys with her hands over her mouth and a neutral expression on her face.
"Oh come on Shell, you look much better without any panties on. Moreover, we are all really concerned about your health, and we don't want you to wear that damn thing and catch cold!", said Abhishek with a sly horny smile on his face as he sniffed Shaily's wet panty once again.
Shaily turned to look at Abhishek and smirked shyly at his words once again. She badly wanted to have her panty back, but didn't want it at the same time as well. Such was her feeling right then, she was just too hot.
"Well, yes Shaily, we really care about you darling, and we certainly don't want you to catch any flu due to this wet pussy of yours. Let it catch some air baby doll.", said Faisal winking lustfully at Shaily, as he extended his hands to reach Shaily's wet pussy and gave it a slight pinch.
Shaily somehow managed to suppress a squeal as Faisal naughtily pinched her wet pussy right there in class, as the guys all once again laughed out at Shaily's desperate efforts to avert any suspicions while they had fun with her sexy privates as they wished.
Seeing the guys laughing and enjoying while having fun with her body, Shaily smiled at them in sweet embarrassment. She really felt extremely hot about how she was the only girl among the 5 guys. sitting there in between them without a bra and a panty, with her miniskirt bunched up at her waist while the guys all had fun with her naked body and taunted her lustfully for being so naked in class. She really loved the fact that she was entertaining the guys with her attire, or rather the lack of it, giving them the liberty of feeling and molesting her private parts as they wished while throwing sexy and funny comments at her. It enforced her new-found feeling of being submissive for the men, a feeling that she was, by now, really starting to embrace. It made her feel so womanly, hot and sexy that she was giving the guys so much of fun and clearly, it did wonders to her sweet naked pussy.
With that, Shaily remained panty-less after class as well, as Abhishek dumped Shaily's wet panty in his bag after they all took turns to smell the wetness of her pussy in it. As turned on as she was, Shaily didn't find a reason to complain, neither did she find a reason to wear any panties. She had the skirt in place, and she was feeling so turned on and naughty that she didn't have anything else underneath while she roamed about in college nonchalantly with her guy friends . She just made it a point to sit with her legs closed in the cafeteria which they visited after the 'Theory in Theatre' class.
In the cafeteria, they had their snacks while Shaily filled the guys up on her meeting with Prof Lekha.
"Wow, so she wants you to practise nudity huh? I'm sure no one would be against that baby!", said Karan winking at Shaily.
The news that Shaily had accepted the role of the naked soul for the play in Brussels had spread as quickly as wildfire through the campus. While they were at the cafeteria, Shaily was approached by all kinds of guys who congratulated her for taking the role. Some appreciated her boldness in taking the role given how she was required to be naked throughout the play. Some told her how they could not wait to see her perform in the play. Some of the more prude men came up to her and said she should have given it some more time since it required quite a lot of 'compromise' on her part. Shaily, of course could not care less about such kinds of people.
But of all such people, Shaily cared for the opinion of her closest female ally, Anamika. Anamika, who was aged 4 years older to Shaily, was her best friend before she started to solely hangout with the guys. So when Shaily saw Anamika and Pooja come up to them in the cafeteria, she knew she had to be cautious with them. Of course, Pooja was the female protagonist of the play as was decided by Prof Lekha, but she would be completely clothed throughout the play. It was Pooja's damaged soul that Shaily was supposed to play which required Shaily to sacrifice any kind of clothing, and that was what exactly Anamika wasn't fine with.
As Pooja and Anamika approached their table, Shaily could see the stern and serious expression Anamika bore on her face. Shaily figured Anamika got the news that she had accepted the role of the naked soul in the play, and given how she questioned about the artistic liberty of the play with Prof Lekha in the class, Shaily knew Anamika wasn't quite impressed with her decision.
"Shaily, can I have a word with you in private?", said Anamika, as she approached their table, eyeing the guys around Shaily.
"Sure Anamika.", said Shaily cautiously with a smile on her face. "I'll be back guys.", she said, as she, Anamika and Pooja sat at a table reasonably far from the guys.
"That old bitch is going to brainwash Shell for taking this role, no doubt about that.", commented Karan.
"Yeah, she's always been uptight and possessive about Shell, I don't know for what reason. If Shell doesn't mind getting naked for the play, I don't see what's her damn problem.", said Abhishek, as the guys all looked on at the girls.
Back at their table, Anamika started her rant. "I heard you accepted the role in Prof Lekha's play.", she said sternly, with a serious expression on her face.
"Umm...well yeah, Anamika. It was a tough decision for me, but I decided to go for it. The idea is too great to give it a miss.", said Shaily, carefully choosing her words to minimise the hurt she caused to her elder sister.
"Shaily, have you gone mad? You have accepted a role that requires you to get fully naked and get things done to you in such a public forum while at the same time the man who does those things to you is fully clothed? You literally tossed your feministic beliefs out of the window into a pile of garbage.", said Anamika, with anger clearly showing on her face.
"Anamika, I know you are upset about this. But it's not like I am going anti-feminist by doing accepting this role. It's just, umm, it's just about artistic liberty. The role requires me, and just me to be naked to convey the idea behind the play in the best possible way. I see no...", said Shaily before Anamika cut her short.
"I don't care if you want to get naked, but I certainly cannot entertain this bullshit of social dominance. You are telling me that showing a female utterly naked while a clothed man is doing things to her, in a public forum, is just fine? It's terrible Shaily. You call it artistic liberty, I call it bullshit. If you are okay with this sort of public disparity between sexes, you might as well become a prostitute and sell your body to earn money. That way it is at least justified since you earn your daily bread, but doing it in the name of art is just plain stupid and crass. Even Pooja is ready to drop this thing for me, but here you are, all eager to exhibit your naked body to strangers while a male artist does things to you, while being completely clothed.", said Anamika angrily, as traces of spit flew across from her mouth onto Shaily's face.
"Anamika, please, it's not like that.", said Shaily trying to remain calm. She could understand that Anamika was standing up to a belief that she strongly advocated, but her argument of comparing her role in the play to that of a prostitute's life was just plain illogical to Shaily.
"It is like that Shaily, it is. Trust me, it really really is. You have changed a lot since you started to hang out with those guy friends of yours. They have brainwashed you into accepting this role, haven't they? Ever since you started to hang out with them, you have started to dress skimpier and skimpier, you fucking slut, and I'm sure they convinced you into accepting this role just so they can get to see you completely naked on stage, and you just happily agreed. For Christ's sake, you aren't even wearing any panties under that goddam miniskirt of yours, you shameless whore!", Anamika shouted out at her, as all eyes in the cafeteria were instantly diverted to the scene.
Shaily couldn't believe how rudely Anamika was talking to her in front of everyone, but instantly realised that she had mindlessly spread her legs a little when she sat down in front of Anamika and Pooja, ending up showing a trace of her panty-less vagina to her. The miniskirt that she wore for the day was indeed a little too short, and it rode way up her thighs, giving away the view of her snatch to Anamika as she sat down on the chair. As insulted and humiliated she felt at Anamika's hurtful words towards her, Shaily was mentally kicking herself that she was careless to not sit with her legs closed, knowing that she didn't wear anything underneath her miniskirt. But now, the damage had already been done, and Shaily found herself guilty in front of her elder sister who continued to rant about her lack of panties and her apparently lose morale, just because she hung-out more with the guys.
"You are sleeping with them aren't you? Don't you feel ashamed about it? All you are is a slut and you tried to chant verses of feminism with me, while all the time you were giving yourself to these men. No wonder you took this role immediately that requires you to exhibit your slutty naked body to everyone without any shame. You are just a whore who loves to exhibit her body for one and all to see. But that's okay, because I don't care about you now. Today you are panty-less, who knows, by the end of the week, you might just walk around naked for everyone to see and enjoy every part of your whore self.", she shouted angrily at Shaily, before fiercely turning around to leave the scene.
The whole one-sided altercation with her elder sister left Shaily completely broken as she hung her head down with embarrassment knowing that everyone in the cafeteria were staring at her for what just happened. Tears started to roll down her eyes, as the guys immediately came up to her to comfort her.
"Shell, are you okay?", said Karan as the guys helped Shaily wipe her tears.
"Guys, let's get Shell out of here, too many people watching her.", said Arun, as they all helped Shaily off the chair and proceeded to walk her out of the cafeteria while Shaily continued to cry with her head resting on Karan's shoulder for all the insulting words she had to take from Anamika in front of all her peers, just because she had accepted to do a naked role in an amazing play.
Last edited by salient.lantern : 16th April 2018 at 10:43 AM.
The guys walked Shaily out of the cafeteria in a jiffy when they realised all the gazes were directed at her while she cried profusely with her head hung down in shame.
Shaily's best friend Anamika had just shouted on her in front of everyone with her anger increasing by the minute because Shaily had accepted the role of the naked soul in Prof Lekha's play. She called her all sorts of disgusting and degrading names in front of her peers and Shaily couldn't help but shed tears out of shame at being called a whore and a slut right in front of everyone, that too by her closest girl friend, someone whom she considered to be her elder sister.
Anamika was a hardcore feminist and she had raised her issues with the whole thing of just a female being completely naked on stage for the play when Prof Lekha had described her idea in class. Now that Shaily had accepted the naked role, Anamika seemed to be furious with her.
However, it was Shaily's misfortune, the guys sadly thought, that Shaily ended up sitting right across Anamika in her tiny miniskirt without a panty underneath, not mindful of closing her legs. The guys had earlier, overcome by lust and arousal for their girl, removed Shaily off her panty because she was dripping wet in her pussy in the class and Shaily thought it was fine to stay panty-less for the rest of the day in college, primarily because the guys asked her to. She really wanted to do it for her best guy friends. Of course, Shaily too loved the kick of roaming around in the college without wearing any panties under her tiny miniskirt. She figured it wouldn't be long before they left for the day anyway.
But it was just her absolute misfortune that Shaily totally forgot about her being panty-less, and did not close her legs together to hide her naked pussy while she sat in front of Anamika and Pooja during their confrontation. Because the miniskirt that Shaily wore was just too short on her, when she sat on the chair across Anamika, it rode way up her thighs and showed off her snatch making it obvious that she wasn't wearing any panties at all.
Naturally, the fact the fact that Shaily wasn't wearing panties in college enraged Anamika even more who was already angry with Shaily because she had accepted the role in a play which required her to get completely naked on stage while the male would be completely clothed and doing things to her naked body, which was completely against her feministic beliefs.
Shaily kept weeping uncontrollably at being called names and hurled abuses at by her closest female friend Anamika, someone who was as close to her like her elder sister. The guys were all around Shaily trying to comfort her, as Arun lovingly held Shaily by her naked waist.
"Guys, I don't think Shell's in a state to go to class now. There's only one class remaining for the day, so why don't we skip it and just go to our place? That'll make Shell feel much better.", said Karan.
As Shaily just kept sobbing in grief, choosing not to say anything, the rest of the guys felt Karan's suggestion sensible. So, with that, all the guys and Shaily walked towards the guys' place where Shaily could relax and recover from the humiliation she was made to face in the hands of Anamika.
Once they reached the guys' place, Shaily started to feel much better. Her weeping had stopped and the guys were glad that their girl was feeling better.
Once at their place, Jaspinder lovingly held Shaily by her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Are you feeling better now Shell?", he asked.
At that very moment, seeing the look of concern and love on Jaspinder's face, Shaily felt so glad to have the 5 guys beside her during her tough times.
"I do Jasp, thanks.", she said smiling.
The smile on Shaily's beautiful face lighted up the guys' moods as well.
"Sorry for being an ass back there. I shouldn't have cried so much in front of everyone just because Anamika was saying rude things to me.", said Shaily.
"Don't you worry about it baby. It's alright. But yeah, you shouldn't care about what Anamika says to you going further. She is just trying to manipulate you and suck you into her delusional world of beliefs. Just because you accepted to do a bold role in the play doesn't mean she gets to abuse you and call you names in front of everyone.", said Jaspinder, visibly angry with Anamika's behaviour towards Shaily.
"Yes Shell, I agree with Jasp there. She's trying to take control of your life. Just because she's a close friend and elder to you doesn't mean she has the right to control every aspect of your life. This is a play that could possibly just change your life forever and make you a star, and I don't think she understands that fact. In my humble opinion, you should just start ignoring Anamika for good.", said Abhishek.
"Guys, I know you kind of despise Anamika and her beliefs and uptightness regarding feminism, but she's not all that bad. I mean, I know she publicly called me a whore, slut and whatnot, and I really wish she didn't do that, but she's kind at heart. It's just that she considers me her younger sister, and she's just not able to live with the fact that I chose to accept this role which requires me to be the only one to be completely naked in front of so many clothed people on such a grand stage.", said Shaily.
"Come on Shell, if she's so close and understanding of you, she would certainly make efforts to understand you and your aspirations. If she wants to protect you from this evil thing which she seems to consider all of this, she would not shout in front of everyone and call you all sorts of insulting names just because you were panty-less. You should give up on her, and tell her to live and let live.", said Karan.
Shaily found the guys' words sensible. Just because Anamika cared about her didn't mean that Shaily had to abide by all her beliefs and sentiments. Maybe she wasn't manipulative, but she certainly did not have the authority to persecute her out in public for taking the role of the naked soul in the play.
Arun said, "Guys, guys, let's just forget Anamika and get on with it. It's not like she can stop Shell from doing what she wants to, while we are there for her, right? Then why bother about that control freak? Shell, but I agree that you've got to let that woman go. After today, seeing her insult you so much in front of everyone, I just don't trust her anymore, so to speak. Anyway, you have a lot to work on for the play. Prof Lekha wants you to lead this play and you have promised to give her an action plan tomorrow, remember? You should start working on that. Which also brings me to the point - have you decided on the male character who's going to act with you in the play?".
Shaily dreaded this question, but she knew one of the guys were going to ask her about her decision at some point and looking at their curious faces, Shaily was obligated to tell them what was on her mind.
"Guys, I know you all are very excited to be a part of the play. I have no issues with any of you for the character for that matter, but given his experience, I am inclined to go with Jasp for the moment.", Shaily said smiling at them humbly.
Shaily expected the rest of the guys to be disappointed with her decision that they weren't the ones to act with her, especially knowing that her counterpart would get to do things to her naked body on stage. Even if they were dismayed, they didn't show it and happily congratulated Jaspinder for bagging the role beside Shaily.
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"Wow, really Shell? Thanks, I feel honoured!", said Jaspinder, glee showing on his face very evidently, as he humbly took the congratulations from his close friends.
Shaily was very impressed with the bond the guys all shared with each other as the guys all congratulated Jaspinder.
"I'm sure you are going to have fun with Shell, Jasp. We would all love to see this!", said Karan smiling brightly.
"How about we celebrate the moment with some beer, huh?", said Abhishek as he proceeded to get the beers out from the refrigerator, but stopped in his tracks and looked at Shaily.
"Shell, what the hell are you doing with those clothes on your body at our place?", he said with a naughty smile and a mischievous wink at her, as all the guys passed a laugh at his words.
Shaily looked at Abhishek with a shy smile on her face. Of course, after what happened at their place yesterday, Shaily knew this was on the cards.
"Well, okay then!", she said smiling shyly at them, as the familiar feeling of arousal and womanly shyness wafted over her. As the guys proceeded to sit on the couch to enjoy the show, Shaily stood in front of them and started with her sexy top. Like yesterday, she put on a seductive show for the guys as she got rid of the clothing on her body while the guys sat on the couch and looked on at the gorgeous sexpot in front of them getting naked for their pleasure. It was just absolutely surreal to see a smoking hot chick like Shaily put on a show for them and get completely naked at their place, for their happiness.
Like yesterday, Shaily sat on the bean-bag all naked while the guys all sat on the couch clothed, while they had their usual fun sipping their beers. It was just 4 pm in the evening, so they had some room before they all sought out to discuss Shaily's play.
Shaily, of course, felt immensely happy, excited and aroused at being so casually naked in front of all her guy friends. Her feeling of submissiveness to the guys was again manifested in how vulnerable she felt having just absolutely no clothes on her lovely body while the guys were all clothed in their jeans and shirts. She felt nothing wrong about it. In fact, it was all just right. As a woman, she strangely felt it was her responsibility to be naked in front of the men for their joy. She had a sexy body and she was a woman. How could she possibly wear any clothes when guys were around her? As much as she felt weird about reasoning her nakedness in such a manner, she also felt tremendously aroused to the feeling of being submissive to the guys and to be the only one naked among clothed men. As she sat naked on the bean-bag, she knew she was providing the lovely sight of her uninhibited naked body to her guy friends, who didn't mind gawking at her naked privates as they wished while they all casually talked nonsense like every other day.
"Oh guys, before I forget, since tomorrow is Saturday and we won't be going to college, I am inviting you guys to my place for lunch tomorrow. My mom says its been long since she saw any of you. So please don't make any plans, alright?", said Jaspinder.
Jaspinder lived with his Mom and his younger brother in one of the uptown areas of Mumbai. Jaspinder had one elder brother who was married and lived in US, while his younger brother was doing Engineering from a reputed college in Delhi, but was here for holidays. After Jaspinder's birth, his parents had divorced due to conflicts, and ever since then, Jaspinder, his younger brother and his Mom lived together in their apartment.
"Oh shoot, I have to go to meet Prof Lekha tomorrow Jasp, but it's going to be in the morning. So I think it's fine. I'll make it.", said Shaily, smiling at Jaspinder.
"Yeah, don't worry Shell. Just give me a call if you want me to pick you up darling. It's not an issue.", he said.
"Guys, I really appreciate you guys letting me be naked at your place while I hang out with all of you, I really do. I mean, I know you guys of course enjoy seeing me without any clothes too, but being naked in front of you guys isn't really scaring me out. I mean, you are guys but you are all also my closest of friends, and I don't mind you guys having fun seeing my naked privates like this. But ever since Prof Lekha talked to me about having panic attacks on stage when I get naked in front of thousands of strangers, I have been feeling really anxious. We have to plan this stuff out where I am consciously naked in front of as many people as possible. People whom I don't know, so that I get used to the whole thing of strangers getting to see my naked body while they are all clothed.", said Shaily, as she sat on the bean bag with her legs spread shamelessly wide, exposing her naked pussy to the guys while sipping on her beer.
"Hahaha, baby, come on! You don't have to thank us for letting you stay naked in front of us. The pleasure is all ours.", said Karan winking at her as he reached his hand out to grab her luscious tits and pinched her nipples playfully.
"Ouchhhh!", Shaily squealed and grimaced, as Karan finally retracted his hands.
"Guys, you can grope and feel my tits all you want, but come on, be gentle with them alright? And this applies to you more than anyone, Fais!", Shaily said, trying to fake anger in her face and voice for what Faisal did to her in class today.
As all the guys laughed out, Jaspinder said, "Baby, once we see those big lovely jugs of yours, we can't just have any soft-core fun with them, they really are meant for some rough action!". Saying so, he too stretched out his hand and tightly grabbed both of Shaily's boobs and squeezed them roughly and pinched her tits, as once again Shaily grimaced in pain but felt sexily aroused with how she was letting them act on their lust for her.
"Oh wow, that was rough! Good job Jasp. That left a mark on Shaily's tits!", shouted out Abhishek, pointing his fingers at Shaily's right tit, as all of them including Shaily laughed out to his words.
"You guys are just mad!", she said with a shy smile on her face.
They were all enjoying and having fun with the naked Shaily who sat nonchalantly on the bean-bag with her legs spread wide enough for the men to catch a good comfortable glance of her exposed pussy. Shaily of course knew that the men were enjoying the openly visible view of her snatch and she was loving every moment of it, as she saw all the men's eyes wandering all over her naked body while they gawked and lusted at whatever private part of the naked Shaily they wanted to.
"Shell, I was just thinking about what Prof Lekha said, about your nudity practice. I think I have something for you right away.", said Arun.
"I'm all ears Arun, what is it?", said Shaily curiously while sipping on her beer.
"Jasp, tomorrow at your place, when we come for lunch, can we allow Shell to be completely nude like she is now, in front of your mom and younger brother? I mean, she hasn't seen your Mom in a long time, and I don't think she has ever met your brother, so that would be a great start for Shell as far as getting naked in front of strangers is concerned. What do you guys think?", said Arun.
"Great idea Arun, is that possible Jasp? Can we do this?", said Faisal excitedly.
Before Jaspinder could say anything, Shaily interjected, "Guys, are you nuts? How can I get naked in front of Jaspinder's family? That's totally insane. Jasp's mom would think I am a total slut and I don't want Jasp's brother to see me naked. Oh god, that would be so embarrassing!", said Shaily, visibly agitated that the guys were even considering the possibility of her getting naked at Jaspinder's place tomorrow.
Jaspinder thought for a moment about Arun's idea. "Shell, it's not such a bad idea, come to think of it.", he said.
"Are you mad Jasp? I don't want your mom to think I am a cheap slut who gets naked anywhere and everywhere. Appearing naked in front of her would give her the impression that I don't respect elders and that I am just some cheap whore. I'm sure she wouldn't be impressed about me strutting around naked among 7 guys, 2 of which are her sons, in her very home. This is totally insane. Moreover, I don't want to be meeting your brother for the first time, showing him my naked tits and pussy like a slut.", said Shaily, visibly repulsed about being naked tomorrow at Jaspinder's place for his Mom and younger brother.
"Shell, just hear me out darling. It's alright. My mom's more urban than you think, and I'm sure once I tell her the motive behind your nudity, the play and all that, she'll be just fine. Moreover, I am going to work with you on the play, where I will be doing some stuff to you while you are naked and so I would have to tell her about you being nude on stage anyway. I'm sure she'll be cool with it. In fact, she always says that girls should be bold and ambitious and willing to take risks in today's world, just like the men. She'll be super proud of you when she hears your story from me, and would be more than willing to accommodate you naked in our house, trust me. As for my brother, I'm sure he'll totally enjoy the sight of your naked body. He's just 19, so I'm sure you would make all his dreams come true when you show off your things openly to him for his pleasure. I think it's a great idea. Sorry Arun, you got this one right, I should have thought about Shaily's nudity earlier when I proposed you guys for lunch at my place.", said Jaspinder smiling towards Arun.
"That's okay mate!", said Arun. He then turned to Shaily and said, "So Shell, you naked at Jasp's place tomorrow for lunch in front of Jasp's Mom and brother, and of course, all of us. Okay?".
Of all the guys, Arun had the knack of quickly resolving and closing things and moving on and his suggestion certainly went along this trait of his.
Shaily thought about it for a moment. She did indeed feel quite awkward about wandering about at Jaspinder's place all naked in front of his Mom and brother. But wasn't that the whole point of her nudity practice?
In the morning, when Prof Lekha talked to her about the whole nudity practice thing, about how Shaily needed to get nude in all sorts of scenarios and settings in front of strangers, Shaily felt overwhelmed to say the least. But again, Shaily understood such practice was necessary. The last thing she wanted was to practice day and night for the next two months to perform for the play and then screw it up on the big day just because she wasn't comfortable with getting naked on the stage for the audience, who would all be total strangers to her.
Now, as Shaily thought more about the guys' suggestion that she be naked at Jaspinder's place for her Mom and brother tomorrow, she felt it was the best start she could get as far as her nudity practice was concerned. She would be safe, behind closed doors with her best friends all beside her. Moreover, meeting Jaspinder's Mom and brother wasn't going to overwhelm her in any way, at least for her first task of her nudity practice. Well, she would of course be very uncomfortable, but again, it was the least bit of discomfort she had to endure before she could think about taking up much more challenging tasks for her nudity practice.
"Okay fine! I'll do it. I'll be naked at Jasp's place tomorrow.", said Shaily confidently, as all the guys high-fived each other.
"That's great Shell baby! Your nudity practice officially starts from tomorrow, and I can't tell you how excited I am for tomorrow. Till then, why don't you come here and sit with us on the couch so that we can have some fun that sexy body of yours!", said Arun winking at her.
With a shy smile on her face, Shaily immediately got up and sat down between Arun and Abhishek as they all sipped their beers, but not before they all started to feel Shaily's intimate parts with their hands, as they wished.
Of course, the men were all turned on with Shaily's nude form, and Shaily had realised that they were starting to get rougher with their touches and gropes on her private parts. Her boobs were pressed harder and rougher, and her tits were constantly being pinched and pulled. Arun used his hands to spread her legs wide and inserted a finger gently inside Shaily's vaginal hole and started to slowly but steadily finger fuck her beautiful naked pussy. Once he saw how Shaily was enjoying it as was evident in the aroused expressions on her face and her quick breaths, he started to increase his pace as the rest of the guys resorted to manhandling her breasts and waist. Shaily was feeling on cloud nine as she enjoyed the gropes of the men around her, all of whom were her best mates.
"Here Shell, have a sip while we continue to have fun with your body!", said Abhishek winking at her, as he held the bottle of beer near Shaily's mouth and poured some beer.
"You guys are such assholes!", said Shaily with a shy womanly smile, as she sipped her beer while the guys continued to feel her soft voluptuous nakedness as they wished. After Arun, they all took turns to insert their fingers inside Shaily's vagina, as Shaily started to get really horny and sexy with how the guys were fingering her cunt hole at their place while she was totally naked for them. After being passed around twice through all the guys, Shaily had a beautiful orgasm when Abhishek's fingers were inside her naked bare sex for the second time, as she shook there violently, naked in their hands, while the guys all looked on, amazed at the spectacular sight of their sexy friend Shaily orgasming in front of them.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Goddd!", Shaily screamed, as the orgasm shook her entire soul.
"Holy fuck guys! We've just made Shell orgasm!", said Faisal, unable to believe how amazingly hot he felt as he saw Shaily beating herself on the couch with the intense orgasm the guys gave her by fingering her naked cunt hole.
"Wow, indeed! Fuck! She's enjoying it guys! Look at Shell!", said Jaspinder euphorically as they all enjoyed the sight of their naked girl friend orgasming right there, performing her most private activity in front of them. It was truly an amazing sight to behold as they all glanced at each other with astonished smiles while Shaily orgasmed naked on the couch, right in front of them.
At 5:40 PM, they were all seen huddled together working on ideas for Shaily's play. After having her lovely orgasm in front of the guys, Shaily proceeded to the washroom to clean herself as she smiled shyly at the guys for what had happened. Normally, she would have totally freaked out with the thought of being finger-fucked by 5 guys to such an intense orgasm, but Shaily felt loved how beautiful it was, not just for herself, but for the guys as well. She loved the feeling it gave her, to have an orgasm after being finger-fucked by her best guy friends at their place. The fact that she was submissively naked for all of them while they were all completely clothed had sparked a great deal of arousal in her to start with, and the sexy feeling of orgasming in front of them really made her feel very special and hot.
Shaily had to meet Prof Lekha tomorrow and submit her action plan for the play, and the guys didn't want Shaily to fall back on schedule. With that, they all kept their hands to themselves during the time they worked on the play, so that Shaily wouldn't be aroused and lose focus on her work. So, as they still sipped on their beer, and with Shaily still casually all naked and sitting with them on the couch, they discussed a good deal of ideas for the play, based on what Prof Lekha had outlined.
While they all worked on her play, the guys took turns and planted lustful kisses on her sensual lips as Shaily kept blushing endlessly for the sweet kisses the guys kept giving her every few seconds. However, being the considerate men that they were, they all made it a point to not grope and molest her naked privates even though they really wanted to so that she could concentrate on her play.
After all, this play was a defining moment in Shaily's career and they were all mature enough to be serious and disciplined when Shaily was working on it.
In the evening, once she reached home from her guy friends' place, Shaily made it a point to talk to Aunt Bhatia and tell her about the play that she was going to perform in Brussels in a couple of months, and of course, her choice to take the role as the naked soul of the female protagonist in the play.
Shaily specifically made it a point to tell Aunt Bhatia how important this play was for her career-wise and that she would certainly receive international recognition for performing such a bold role in a brilliant play at such a big event.
Hearing everything Shaily had to say to her, Aunt Bhatia replied, "Shaily baby, I am sure you are mature enough to take the right stand on this. There are elements of risk in this, given how you are going to be completely and utterly nude on the stage throughout the play, and that a man is going to have his way with you. As long as you have thought through it and you are confident about doing such a bold role which requires you to exhibit your body to so many strangers, I am just fine. Just make sure you don't get into any trouble because of your nudity.", she said with a smile on her face.
"Don't worry about it Aunt Bhatia. The entire institute is behind me on this play, and you know about Prof Lekha right? She's an absolute perfectionist. The idea of this play is so brilliant, and I am also getting the opportunity to be the lead director of this play, which means that I get to choose the storyline and the acts myself. Isn't that great? I've been waiting so long to get the right opportunity Aunt Bhatia, and I am so glad that this play is everything I ever wished.", said Shaily, very glad that Aunt Bhatia did not have any qualms regarding her naked role in the play.
Aunt Bhatia lovingly kissed Shaily on her cheek.
"Shaily, you have always been an ambitious girl and now you show that you are also bold after accepting such a unique and challenging role, and I wish you only the best my darling. I am glad you are ready to take such risks to further your growth in your career. There's nothing to be scared or ashamed of for being naked in front of others to convey such a beautiful idea, if you ask me. If anyone ever does as much as snubbing you on that, just ignore them and do your thing. You understand me doll?", said Aunt Bhatia smiling warmly at her niece.
Shaily was extremely happy that Aunt Bhatia was so understanding and supportive of her goals. Of course, she had always been, and she knew Aunt Bhatia would have no problems with her bold decision to accept a role that required her to get totally naked on the stage in front of thousands of people, but again, she was apprehensive. Now that Aunt Bhatia was so supportive of her decision, Shaily could not be happier.
"You are the best Aunt Bhatia, I so so love you!", Shaily said, as she lovingly hugged Aunt Bhatia and kissed her on her cheeks.
"Hehe, My sweetie! Come on, let's have dinner now, I made your favourite chicken steak today.", said Aunt Bhatia with a lovely smile towards her niece.
"You are the best Aunt Bhatia, you seriously are.", said Shaily as she once again kissed her Aunt on her cheeks with love.
Shaily had a relaxing bath before having her dinner, while Aunt Bhatia brought out the dishes on the dining table. After all the rough things the guys had done to her, Shaily's body required some really warm and soothing touch. So Shaily took her time and had a long bath with her favourite aroma scented body wash that was gifted to her by her Dad when he was here from the US last year.
Shaily's wardrobe for nightwear consisted of just a couple of thigh length sleeveless negligees, one of which was white, while the other was black. She usually wore them in the nights without any undergarments as it was just her and Aunt Bhatia at home.
For a moment, Shaily thought about walking out naked into the living room since she had already mentioned to Aunt Bhatia about the play. Of course, Shaily did not mention to Aunt Bhatia about her nudity practice that she was planning to follow as preparation to get naked on stage in front of countless clothed strangers. She was sure Aunt Bhatia wouldn't have any restrictions if she wanted to stay naked without any clothes at home, but she thought the better of it. Instead, She decided that, while having dinner, she would tell Aunt Bhatia about her talk with Prof Lekha that she had that morning, and about how she had suggested her a "nudity practice" routine where she would be naked for extended periods of time in different scenarios.
Shaily felt that, being naked at home would only make sense since it would stick to the adage of "Charity begins at Home". It wasn't going to help her much as far as losing her inhibitions regarding being naked was concerned, as it was just Aunt Bhatia who would be seeing her naked, but still, Shaily felt it was a good idea to be naked at home anyway as part of her nudity practice.
With that, Shaily wore her white-coloured negligee with nothing underneath like usual and set out into the hallway to have her dinner. She had it at the back of her mind to ask Aunt Bhatia if she would be okay with her being naked at home, but fortunately, Aunt Bhatia only made it easier for her.
"Shaily, baby, I don't mean to pressurise you or anything, but I think you better start being naked here at home in front of me all the time. It'll help you get used to the whole idea of being naked in front of people, and it's better if you start with that while at home, don't you think?", said Aunt Bhatia casually as she prepared to lay out the dinner for her niece.
Hearing Aunt Bhatia's words, Shaily laughed out happily.
"Oh my god Aunt Bhatia, I was just going to ask you about it. You know, I had a talk with Prof Lekha earlier in the day and she was telling me how important it was for me to practice nudity consciously in all kinds of settings in front of different kinds of people. I was actually going to wear nothing and come out for dinner from my bath and greet you, but I thought it was disrespectful if I did so without asking your permission for it first.", Shaily said, with a glad smile on her face.
"Oh my baby, are you mad? You don't have to worry about such things with me. It's only us here, and no one ever comes. You should stay naked in front of me darling. Of course, I am your Aunt and I know you wouldn't feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable to roam around in front of me without any clothes on your body, but you should still do it regardless. That way you'll feel much less shy and uncomfortable in getting naked in front of strangers when the time comes for you to get naked in front of people you don't know.", said Aunt Bhatia smiling at Shaily, as she sat down on the chair.
"Oh, Aunt Bhatia! I love you, that is so thoughtful of you. I was just thinking how I should tell you about this. I mean I didn't want it to be awkward between us, my whole nudity thing! Of course, I wouldn't feel a tiny bit uncomfortable staying completely naked in front of you at home Aunt Bhatia. But still, I just wanted to make sure you would be okay with me being totally naked at all times around you.", said Shaily gladly.
"You idiot!", said Aunt Bhatia playfully pulling Shaily's ears.
"I'm your Aunt, and your best friend. What made you think it would be awkward for us to discuss your nudity with me? huh? Now get rid off that negligee and give it to me you dumbo! From now on, you are not allowed to wear anything at home ever, but stay naked at all times. Have I made myself clear?", said Aunt Bhatia with playful authority, acting as if she was reprimanding Shaily for wearing even that thin negligee she had on her body right then.
Shaily smiled and played along with Aunt Bhatia's playful demeanour.
"Sure Aunt Bhatia, I promise I won't wear anything at home from now on, no matter what.", she said gladly, before she got up from her chair and got rid off the white negligee off her body to get completely naked, and gave it to Aunt Bhatia.
Aunt Bhatia placed the white negligee aside with the intention of putting it back in Shaily's wardrobe later. She then playfully laughed and said, "That's a good girl. It's nice to see you do all of this to get your play right, Shaily doll. Tells me how much you admire and respect your profession baby.", she said as she glanced at Shaily's beautiful nude body. "And I am sure, with that beautiful body of yours, the play is going to be a total hit, especially among the men!", said Aunt Bhatia with a mischievous wink.
Shaily blushed at Aunt Bhatia's words.
"Oh stop it Aunt Bhatia. You make me blush!", said Shaily, sporting a shy smile on her face hearing Aunt Bhatia's words.
"Haha, it's true baby. Your body is really gorgeous, and I'm sure the men are going to go speechless once they see you perform on the stage absolutely naked. Moreover, the idea of the play is really beautiful, and I'm sure you have taken the correct decision of accepting such an impressive role baby. Make sure you work hard on this play and make it a great success in Belgium.". said Aunt Bhatia, with a lovely smile on her face.
"Thanks a lot Aunt Bhatia. Indeed, this play is really marvellous, and I am going to focus entirely on it for the next few months until we perform in Belgium!", said Shaily with a bright smile on her face, as she sat there in front of Aunt Bhatia, completely naked and eating her dinner.
While they had their dinner with Shaily completely naked, Aunt Bhatia talked to her about random stuff like she usually did everyday. Shaily really loved spending time with old Aunt Bhatia after her college. She always fell in love with how her Aunt told her all the nonsense in the world, about her neighbours and about her distant relatives and whatnot. Shaily didn't particular enjoy learning about people she didn't really know or care about, but she knew how Aunt Bhatia would be alone and bored at home while she would be in college, and that she loved to blabber about anything and everything with her niece when she was home. Spending time with Aunt Bhatia after being in college all day filled Shaily's heart with happiness, and more so even today after all the wonderful things that started happening in her life.
After dinner, Shaily and Aunt Bhatia proceeded to sit on the couch and watch TV. Usually, after dinner, Shaily would lie down on the couch with her head on Aunt Bhatia's lap while they would watch TV for an hour or two while they talked about random stuff. Shaily loved to hang out with her Aunt that way everyday in the night.
Today too, Shaily did the same, albeit completely naked without a string of clothing on her body. It felt very relaxing to Shaily to be totally naked at home and given that there were no guys around to lust at Shaily's naked body, Shaily felt liberated and all the more relaxed in wearing nothing in front of her Aunt.
Moreover, Shaily shared great rapport with Aunt Bhatia and she felt absolutely comfortable in exhibiting her body to her Aunt without any qualms. Like usual she spread her legs wide on the couch not caring about showing off her vagina obscenely to Aunt Bhatia. Aunt Bhatia too, of course, did not have concerns regarding that, and loved how much a free soul Shaily was in being utterly naked in front of her Aunt.
Aunt Bhatia smiled lovingly seeing how Shaily just slept on her lap the usual way with her legs spread carelessly wide exposing her naked pussy to her in a rather vulgar and unwomanly manner, but she was only happy that her lovely niece didn't feel the slightest of awkwardness or discomfort in being her usual self in front of her while she was completely naked, at the age of 23. As naked as the day she was born.
While Shaily slept on her lap, Aunt Bhatia lovingly massaged Shaily's head on her hair like she usually did while they watched TV.
Shaily mentioned to her Aunt that tomorrow she would be going to Jaspinder's place for lunch along with her guy friends.
"It's been a long time since I met Mrs. Bharti and I don't even know Jasp's brother, so I'm sure it'll be a fun time at Jaspinder's place, Aunt Bhatia", she said.
Of course, Shaily also mentioned the fact that the guys had convinced her to stay naked at their place throughout as part of her nudity practice.
"Oh, that's great to hear Shaily baby. But are you sure Mrs. Bharti will be fine with you being totally naked at their place, that too in front of her?", asked Aunt Bhatia.
"I guess so Aunt Bhatia. Jasp says he will talk to his mom and he says Mrs. Bharti will be completely fine about it once she gets to know the motivation for me being nude at their place.", said Shaily.
"Well, that'll be great. I'm sure you will have some discomfort in getting naked in front of Jaspinder's Mom and brother, so that'll be some really good practice for you Shaily. I'm sure the guys wouldn't have any problem if you don't have your clothes on though!", said Aunt Bhatia with a playful wink.
Shaily blushed at Aunt Bhatia's words. Of course, she did not tell Aunt Bhatia that she had already been naked for them at their place and that the guys had been doing all sorts of things to her body for the last couple of days. Not that she wanted to hide it from Aunt Bhatia, but Shaily felt it was not necessary to tell her about it right then.
"I'm sure that won't be a problem for the guys Aunt Bhatia. Though I'm worried about Jasp's younger brother. Jasp tells me he's just 19 and I don't want him to have wet dreams about me after he sees me roam around naked in front of him with all my things exposed for him to see.", said Shaily shyly.
"Hahaha, I know right. Anyway, you'll be doing a great favour to the pour soul baby. He'll have some fun seeing you naked, and since that's going to make you more and more uncomfortable, it's a good thing for you too, and a win for everyone.", said Aunt Bhatia winking at her.
Hearing Aunt Bhatia's words, Shaily smiled blushing, and cutely grimaced while lovingly pinching her aunt's cheeks.
"You are so damn adorable, Aunt Bhatia.", she said, with a bright smile on her face.
Just then, Shaily received a call from Jaspinder on her mobile. Shaily answered the call, as she lay naked on Aunt Bhatia's lap while she lovingly massaged her hair.
"Yo Jasp! What's up?".
"Shell, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.", said Jaspinder on the phone.
"What happened Jasp?".
"Shell, I know I invited you guys for lunch at my place tomorrow where you would also get the opportunity to get naked in front of my Mom and brother. But unfortunately, my Mom's really sick. She caught a serious cold just this morning, and she has some body aches too. I'm afraid she won't be able to cook for all of us even though she insists on doing so. I don't want her to get stressed over it. I'm sorry, I thought it would be great if you could come here and stay naked in front of all of us and get your nudity practice started, but I think we'll have to postpone it to another time.", said Jaspinder dejectedly.
"Oh Jasp, are you mad? That's okay. Don't worry about my nudity practice. I'm naked at home right now, so I'm getting started with the practice anyway. But is your Mom alright? Take care of her Jasp, we can obviously do this some other time love.", said Shaily.
"Yeah, I did get her some medicines, so she'll probably be fine by tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to let you know that we would need to most probably drop tomorrow's plan.", said Jaspinder.
"Hey Jasp, I have an idea. How about this. You know how I have always wanted to cook for you guys at Karan and Abhishek's place? How about we do it at your place tomorrow? That way the plan will still be on. I'll cook for all of us, your Mom and your brother and your Mom can still take her time off. How does that sound to you?", said Shaily excitedly.
"Well Shell, that's not a bad idea. I think Mom would love that. She's been really insisting on having you guys over and that she'll cook for you. But are you sure you can cook for all us? I mean it's going to be a little tedious for you with all the new setting here. Moreover, there's two extra members for you to cook for as well.", said Jaspinder.
"Oh, so what! I can cook, alright. You guys never let me show my talent and I would love to show you all my talent tomorrow at your place Jasp!", said Shaily, excited.
"Haha, show you will, not just your talent, if you know what I mean.", said Jaspinder, laughing out.
"Shut up!", said Shaily, blushing shyly at Jaspinder's innuendo.
"So the plan's on then? You'll come here before the guys come in, get naked and cook for all us and then stay naked in front of us for the rest of the evening. Does that work for you?", said Jaspinder.
"Sounds exciting to me Jasp!", said Shaily excited.
Shaily had always wanted to show her cooking skills to the guys, but the guys always discouraged her, citing that it would be a lot of effort and they always ended up ordering food online. But tomorrow, she would get the chance to cook at Jaspinder's place, and that too completely naked while all the others would be completely clothed. Shaily found herself getting excited thinking about all the exciting experiences tomorrow had in store for her.
"Alrighty then, I'll tell Mom that you'll cook and that she can rest for the day. Let's do one thing then Shell, call me after your meeting with Prof Lekha is done and I'll come to college to pick you up. That way, you can come here, get naked and start with the cooking before the guys come in, and maybe even give them a lovely surprise. Don't tell them that you'll be coming in early and cooking for all of us.", said Jaspinder.
"Sure thing Jasp, it's going to be fun, I promise.", said Shaily happily.
"Sure will be. Alright then Shell. Good night to you and Aunt Bhatia and I'm glad you are naked at home, you know what they say - 'Charity begins at Home'", said Jaspinder laughing slightly.
"Hahaha, I thought the same too! Good night to you too Jasp, see you tomorrow.", said Shaily, and cut the call.
The next day, Shaily woke up at her usual time of 7 AM.
One of the ways Shaily managed to maintain her sexy figure was by doing yoga everyday in the morning. The first thing she did every morning was drinking a litre of water. She would then walk around for a bit and then proceed to clear her bowel and brush her teeth. Then, in the confines of her bedroom, Shaily performed her yoga routines for an hour before getting ready for college.
Shaily's yoga habit and routines were almost completely motivated during her teens by Aunt Bhatia who was a regular yoga practitioner herself during her youth, though now, she didn't do it as frequently as Shaily, given her age.
Once Shaily hit her puberty, Aunt Bhatia made sure she cultivated the healthy habit of doing yoga early in the morning in her niece. For the last few years, Shaily made it a habit of doing yoga regularly every morning as she too could realise the positive changes it brought about in her life, both spiritually and physically, and Shaily knew she couldn't thank Aunt Bhatia enough for instilling such a wonderful habit in her. Her figure was attaining its best form and she never seemed to feel tired even after a very long day, and she attributed all of it to her yoga routines. She could see that she was able to take stress, both physically and mentally much more easily ever since she regularly started doing her yoga. She was more productive than ever before and it made her happier in ways more than one. As such, Shaily found no reason to break her habit and made it a point to do her yoga every morning, come what may.
Normally Shaily performed yoga in her yoga pants and tank-top that she had specifically bought for the purpose, but today it was a different story.
Shaily woke up on the bed to the realisation that she was completely and utterly naked. For a moment, she felt weird and even scared about her state of undress, but once she recollected what was up in her life right then, Shaily just relaxed, as a shy and naughty smile passed on her lips. Aunt Bhatia was already up and in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
'It's going to take some time for me to get used to being always naked at home', Shaily funnily thought to herself before she got up from the bed and looked herself in the mirror.
Indeed, the sight of her own nude body was something that turned her on. In the mirror, Shaily admired herself, feeling her lovely naked breasts, her fleshy stomach her fleshy but curvy waist and her long legs. She was no doubt a sex-bomb, just like what she heard some men call her on the streets when she passed in front of them. Still looking at her naked self in the mirror, Shaily turned around and gawked at her ass as she gently glided her hands across her beautiful buns, smiling shyly. It felt weird to her that she was getting turned on by looking at her naked self in the mirror, but all the same, it made her really hot. She had never checked herself out so blatantly, at least not while she was completely naked like this. Now, knowing that she would be totally naked on stage for thousands of people, people that she had never met, exhibiting her sexy sensuous body to all of them, the very sight that she was seeing in the mirror right now, Shaily felt extremely hot about it.
'Wow, they are some lucky people, the ones who get to see this sex-bomb without an inch of clothing!', she thought to herself, still checking out her ass in the mirror. Inadvertently, Shaily's fingers wandered around her honeypot as her index finger proceeded to find out how wet she was in her hole. Knowing the answer, another shy laugh emerged on Shaily's lips.
'Gosh, what's happening to me? I am becoming so hot!', she said to herself as she massaged her giant naked tits, all the while, looking herself in the mirror. Boy, wasn't she an aroused piece of hotness.
No wonder the guys were all over her nude body at their place, she thought, as she dearly recollected what the guys had been doing to her for the last couple of days at their place. She felt very hot as she reminded herself of how the guys had groped her breasts, kneaded her beautiful ass cheeks and fingered her to a lovely orgasm yesterday. The fact that the guys were all clothed while she was entirely naked seemed to turn her on more and more with each passing day, as she felt deeply submissive about the whole idea of being the only one naked among clothed people.
In the interest of time, Shaily immediately drank her litre of water and then proceeded to the toilet to clear her bowel and brush her teeth before setting out to do her yoga routines for the day. Today was going to be something of a first for her.
It was planned that today, Shaily would be going to Jaspinder's place and hang around with him and her other guy friends along with Jaspinder's Mom Mrs. Bharti, whom she had only met once and his younger brother, who studied in a reputed engineering college Delhi, whom she had never met. Yesterday, the guys had all convinced her that she should be naked at Jaspinder's place following his invitation to all of them for lunch so that her nudity practice for the play could be initiated. If the excitement of getting naked in front of Jaspinder's Mom and brother wasn't enough, she was also going to cook for all of them which made Shaily get even more excited and look forward to the day.
As Shaily walked out naked into the hallway from her bedroom after clearing her bowel and brushing her teeth to have some water, Shaily's hands inadvertently roamed around her naked pussy. For a moment, Shaily stopped near the dining table as she looked down at her pussy and started to inspect her hair growth down there.
"What happened Shaily?", asked Aunt Bhatia coming up to her while Shaily was checking her pussy hair.
Shaily looked up to Aunt Bhatia and said, "Oh Aunt Bhatia, it's nothing really. I'm, well, I'm just a little anxious about getting naked in front of Jaspinder's mom today at his place, you know. I mean, it's been really long since I met her for the first time. The thing is I shaved my vagina just the day before yesterday in the night before sleeping because I was feeling kind of itchy down there and now I only have some very light hair on it. I am just a little worried that Mrs. Bharti would find it obscene to have my pussy showing off so openly with hardly any hair on it Aunt Bhatia. I mean, I wish I had some more hair down there so that my thing wasn't so openly exposed you know. What do you think Aunt Bhatia? Is it fine if I get naked in front of Mrs. Bharti with almost no hair on my pussy? Do you think she'll find it disrespectful?".
Shaily was clearly starting to get anxious about getting naked in front of Mrs. Bharti, and even more so because she felt she had very little hair on her pussy right then. Of course, Jaspinder told her that his Mom was completely fine with her being nude at their place in front of her and his brother and her guy friends. But still, this was something Shaily had never done, and she was really starting to develop cold feet, especially because she had an almost bare pussy with hardly any hair on it.
Aunt Bhatia squatted down to check Shelly's pussy and her growth of hair. She started to inspect Shaily's pussy hair with her fingers and said, "Hmm, I guess your hair is a little lacking down there Shaily. But it's alright baby, you shouldn't worry about it your pussy showing off in any way.", Aunt Bhatia said to Shaily trying to ease her, realising that Shaily was feeling very anxious about meeting Jaspinder's Mom all naked with hardly any hair on her pussy to cover it up.
As Aunt Bhatia continued to check her hair growth on Shaily's pussy, Shaily said, "Aunt Bhatia, if it was just my guy friends and Jaspinder's brother, I wouldn't have worried one bit about my lack of hair because I know the guys will all enjoy it if my pussy shows off so naked and obscenely to them. But with Jaspinder's Mom also there, I don't feel so good about it at all. I mean, I don't want Mrs. Bharti to think I'm kind of cheap or something when she sees me totally naked without any hair on my pussy. I'm a little worried that she would find no hair on my vagina a little obscene and insulting, you know because she would be the only woman there. I don't want to insult her in anyway by showing myself off to her like this. Had I known that I would be seeing her today, I wouldn't have even shaved my pussy in the first place, and I would have had sufficient hair down there to at least not show it off so openly.", said Shaily, concern and anxiousness clearly showing on her face.
Aunt Bhatia saw the concern and worry on Shaily's face. Seeing her pussy with only so much of hair, even Aunt Bhatia was sure that her vulva would be definitely more exposed to the onlookers. Moreover, she too felt that Shaily had a legitimate reason to get worried that Mrs. Bharti would be offended by the little amount of pubic hair on her pussy. Aunt Bhatia did not exactly know what kind of a woman Mrs. Bharti was, but she could not completely rule out the possibility that Mrs. Bharti might find the fact that Shaily was almost completely bare on her pussy a little insulting, and maybe even repulsive.
Aunt Bhatia lovingly kneaded Shaily's cheeks and pulled her niece closer to her to make her feel better. She could realise that Shaily was feeling anxious about getting naked in front of Jaspinder's Mom, and she found it rather cute on her that she was worrying about her lack of pussy hair.
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"Baby baby, listen to me. Don't worry about it. It's all going to be all fine, alright?", said Aunt Bhatia, rubbing Shaily's cheeks lovingly, hoping to make her feel better. "Do you want to talk to Jaspinder once and tell him about this problem and see what he says? Maybe Mrs. Bharti won't find your bare pussy obscene at all. Who knows? Just talk to Jaspinder once, and see what he says.", suggested Aunt Bhatia.
"Yeah Aunt Bhatia, I think I better to do that.", said Shaily and got her mobile to call Jaspinder while Aunt Bhatia tried to comfort her by rubbing Shaily's back.
"Hey Shell, good morning baby. Excited for the day?", greeted Jaspinder.
"Good morning, Jasp. I'm sorry to call you this early, but I think I have a problem.", said Shaily.
"What happened Shell?".
"Well Jasp, you know, I shaved my pussy completely bare just the day before yesterday and now I hardly have any hair down there. I was, you know, I was, umm, just a little worried that it would show off my vagina rather obscenely and that I end up offending Mrs. Bharti. That's the last thing I want to do Jasp.", said a concerned Shaily, worry clearly showing in her voice.
Jaspinder laughed at Shaily's words.
"Oh, Shell, you are so damn cute. It's a non-issue really. Gosh, have you been worrying about it so much? Your voice is shaking darling. It's going to be completely fine baby, just don't worry about it. My Mom is not going to say anything about you not having hair down there on your pussy. Really babe, it's going to be completely fine darling, trust me.", said Jaspinder casually.
Shaily smiled, though she was still anxious about it.
"Are you sure Jasp? Because I don't want to insult your Mom in any way, ya know. If you want, we'll plan this thing next weekend. By then, I would have grown some more hair down there. Of course, I'd like a dense bush on my pussy if I want to be naked in front of your Mom, but that'll take at least a few more weeks. At least by next Saturday, I'll have enough of hair down there to not show off my thing so openly like I would be showing off now. Please think about it once Jasp. I just don't feel so good about being completely bare on my pussy in front of your Mom.", said Shaily still concerned about the her lack of sufficient pussy hair.
Jaspinder realised that Shaily was having cold feet for having to get naked in front of his Mom, and just like Aunt Bhatia, he too found it really cute on her that she was worried about her lack of pussy hair when she met his Mom. But, he really indeed felt it was not a problem if Shaily was completely bare down there and he wanted to comfort Shaily so that she wasn't anxious about meeting his Mom and be apprehensive all the time about her lack of sufficient pubic hair in her pussy. He, of course, wanted Shaily to have a good time being naked for all of them at his place, and not worry about the growth of pubic hair on her vagina.
"Oh Shell, come on darling, don't be silly.", he said, trying to make her feel better. "You're taking this too much into your head. You are a gorgeous young woman and you should be proud that you are going to get totally naked in front of us today. I say it's great that you have hardly any hair down there, and for god's sake, there's absolutely nothing obscene about your pussy showing off without hair on it. If anything, it's just going to be a gorgeous sight to see your pussy showing off openly to us without pubic hair, alright? What's the point of having a delicious pussy like the one you have on you, if you just want to cover it with a dense bush when you are nude in front of people? That just doesn't make any sense to me Shell. Moreover, I'm sure even Prof Lekha wouldn't want you to be on stage sporting a dense bush for the audience during the play. In fact, I am pretty sure she'd love you have a completely bare pussy for the play. And trust me on this, my Mom's not going to find it the least bit obscene or repulsive about you not having hair down there. In fact, she'd rather be displeased or even disgusted if you show up with a dense bush on your vagina. So please, don't overthink it, okay darling? It's going to be a wonderful experience for you and all of us to see you naked, and your lack of pussy hair is only going to make this experience even more wonderful and entertaining. Ok? Now stop with this nonsense, and put all your efforts into making sure you look your best naked self today. Understand baby?", said Jaspinder convincingly, hoping his words would make Shaily feel better.
Shaily finally seemed a little convinced with Jaspinder's reassuring words.
"Jasp, I'm sorry that I'm making a big deal out of this. I was just telling Aunt Bhatia that if it was just you guys and your brother, I wouldn't have worried one bit about my lack of sufficient pussy hair since I know you'll have fun looking at my nude pussy even if I end up showing it off obscenely sometimes. But since I'm going to be naked in front of your Mom too, I am just very anxious about striking a bad impression on her. I'm sorry for all the trouble I'm giving you early in the morning Jasp, and don't get me wrong, I'm super duper excited about what we have planned for the day and I am so looking forward to meeting your Mom and be naked around all of you, but it's just that I'm a little tensed about my pussy showing off so crudely to your Mom, and what she might think of me for it.", said Shaily.
"Shell, are you mad? I'm never troubled one bit with your call anytime, and it's really cute to hear you getting so anxious about being nude in front of my mom and all.", said Jaspinder with a friendly laugh.
He continued, "Please don't worry about your lack of pussy hair Shell. I told my Mom about you yesterday and your decision to accept the role of the naked soul in our play, a role that no other girl would be willing to accept, and my Mom was very impressed with your boldness. She's also delighted that I'll be the one acting with you in the play, and she's more than looking forward to meeting you and seeing you without any clothes on your body. She's not like the typical uptight Moms you might have come across, so she won't judge you one bit if you show up with a completely shaved pussy and even if you end up exposing your snatch obscenely to her, so just relax baby. I suggest you just completely forget the fact that you have a bare pussy, alright? Even if your naked thing does show off obscenely, I am sure even my Mom is going to find it beautiful and it's going to be absolutely wonderful for all of us to see you just like that without any hair on your gorgeous pussy, alright? You are a beautiful sexy woman Shell, and no one is going to find your hairless pussy obscene at all. Do you get me?", said Jaspinder lovingly.
Shaily indeed did feel a lot better with Jaspinder's words. She signalled a thumbs up to Aunt Bhatia who also seemed worried because Shaily was panicking due to her lack of pubic hair on her vagina. Knowing that Shaily felt better with her friend's assuring words, Aunt Bhatia smiled happily raising her thumb and kissing Shaily on her cheek.
"Ok Jasp. I'm so glad I decided to talk to you about this. I was really starting to develop cold feet I guess, but anyway it's not like I can suddenly grow hair on my pussy even if I wanted to right now.", said Shaily, with a shy amused laugh at her own words. "I just hope your Mom won't find it insulting, that's all!", said Shaily.
"Yes baby. It's going to be absolutely fine, Shell! Now forget about your lack of pussy hair, and look forward to having a good evening with all of us you dumbass, alright? So, will you be going to college to meet Prof Lekha before you come to my place?", asked Jaspinder.
"Yeah Jasp. I'll probably reach college in a couple of hours and talk to her, but I'm not sure how long I'll be talking to her.", said Shaily.
"That's okay. I'll come to pick you up at college at around 10:30 in that case. Just give me a call in case you happen to finish the meeting early, ok?".
"Sure Jasp. Thanks for making me feel so better.", said Shaily, and cut the call.
"Jaspinder says it's not a problem at all Aunt Bhatia. He says that Mrs. Bharti would be unhappier about me having a dense bush than having a bare pussy.", Shaily said with a relieved expression on her face as she cut the call.
"That's very good news Shaily. Now stop worrying about it, and if anything comes up, just take it in your stride, okay? You are going to be nude in front of a lot of people going further, and you should not be worried that you come across as obscene, cheap, vulgar and whatnot, understand baby? There's motivation behind you getting nude in front of clothed people, and if you start worrying about what other people might think of you, it'll only drag you down. Just focus on your goal and don't give an iota of thought about what other people think about you or how they judge you when they see you naked. With that said, from what your friend says, I think his Mom is great, and I'm sure you'll have a lovely time spending the evening with her, his brother and your friends. You should look forward to spending some quality time with them and not worry about anything at all, okay? Now off you go and do your yoga!", said Aunt Bhatia playfully slapping on Shaily's ass a couple of times, much to Shaily's amusement.
Shaily found Aunt Bhatia's words as sensible as they were endearing.
Of course, Shaily understood that she getting nude in front of clothed people would always draw suspicions regarding her integrity and character all the time. Hell, even her best friend and elder sister Anamika had called her a slut and whore just yesterday in front of everyone for her decision to take the role of the naked soul in the play and more so because she could see that Shaily was panty-less in college, when she ended up exhibiting her naked pussy to her by mistake. But like Aunt Bhatia said, Shaily felt she just couldn't keep getting bothered about people calling her names or judging her for her nakedness or her willingness to get naked. After all, she was doing this for a cause, and it was important that she had her goal in mind and take all kinds of comments on her in her strides.
Shaily felt so glad that she had people like Aunt Bhatia, Prof Lekha and of course, her 5 guys friends to support her throughout her journey which was just getting started. She could not help but feel extremely lucky to have such loving and understanding people beside her and hearing Aunt Bhatia's thoughtful and caring words for her, Shaily smiled and hugged her Aunt lovingly.
"You are absolutely right Aunt Bhatia, you are absolutely right! I love you so so much.", she said loudly and kissed her tightly on her cheek, as Aunt Bhatia lovingly rubbed Shaily's naked back lovingly/
Shaily then proceeded to her room to do her yoga for the day, completely naked, for the first time in her life.
For the next one hour, Shaily performed her yoga completely naked in the confines of her bedroom.
Aunt Bhatia had, a long time ago, taught Shaily that yoga was more about the inner self, and that it yields best results only when practised in silence and privacy - just the person and its soul. So, like everyday, Shaily locked her bedroom and got about doing her yoga routines.
The only thing different today was the fact that she was doing so without a string of clothing on her beautiful body, completely naked, just as the day she was brought into this world.
At the end of the hour, after Shaily completed her yoga routines, she felt so much more relaxed and happy than she had ever felt after her yoga sessions, and she strongly believed it had something to do with her doing her yoga completely naked. She felt very liberated, as if she was a totally free soul, with no troubles at all. Not that she had any at that moment in her life any way, but she just felt supremely happy, happier than ever before.
Somehow, doing yoga completely naked felt so much more energising and satisfying to Shaily that even her most comfortable yoga pants and sports bra, that she usually donned for her yoga sessions seemed pointless and distracting to her. At the end of the session, Shaily was beaming with so much confidence and happiness that she came out of the bedroom to meet Aunt Bhatia in the kitchen with a lovely spring in her step, hopping as her huge tits jumped up and down, smiling from ear to ear. She felt that doing yoga in the nude did indeed have a great spiritual influence on her, but at the same time, it was a feeling she couldn't put in words to rightly convey how amazing she was feeling right then.
Shaily came up to Aunt Bhatia who was preparing juice for Shaily in the kitchen before she left for college, and lovingly hugged her from behind.
Aunt Bhatia lovingly smiled at her. "Are you done with your yoga darling?", she said.
"Yes Aunt Bhatia. I don't know how, but I feel so happy, so free and so energetic. It's like I have never felt such rich emotions after doing my yoga ever. I mean, I have always felt happier after my yoga sessions, but today, I feel like, I feel really amazing Aunt Bhatia. I don't know how exactly to put it, but I feel like I have everything figured out. I, well, I feel like I have unlocked some secret to living life in the happiest way possible. It's like, I feel like I am filled with utmost confidence to deal with anything that comes my way Aunt Bhatia. It should surely be something to do with the fact that I did my yoga completely naked, right Aunt Bhatia?", said Shaily with the happiest expression on her face.
Aunt Bhatia lovingly wrapped Shaily's waist with her hands from behind and said, "I'm sure it is, my baby. Yoga is all about feeling and interacting with your inner self through your soul, through your inner conscience and realising your happiness by knowing yourself. In fact, being unclothed while doing yoga has been scientifically proven to make people happier because there's literally nothing in between your outer and inner self. Meaning, there are no obstructions to the flow of energy and happiness from your outer conscience to your inner conscience and vice-versa. Of course, that is not to say that everyone who practises nude yoga does feel that happiness high like how you are feeling it right now. It happens to only a lucky few who are confident about their body and who are genuinely happier and more confident when they are nude than with their clothes on. Seeing you talk about how happy and energetic you feel after your nude yoga session tells me that you are indeed one of those lucky ones baby.".
Saying so, Aunt Bhatia pulled Shaily closer to her and kissed her lovingly on her cheek.
"You are right Aunt Bhatia. I feel so happy and content right now, and indeed, I think you are also right about how I enjoy being naked. I mean, without any clothes on my body, I just feel so free and, and I don't how to express it, but I just feel so satisfied with every thing I do. I just feel so liberated and I can see that my focus is much sharper when I am totally naked rather than clothed. It's like, there's literally nothing to distract me from what I am doing and my mind is absolutely free to focus completely on what I want to do. I just feel like I want to be like this every moment of my life Aunt Bhatia, just like this, without wearing anything at all on my body, no matter where I am, and no matter who is around me. I mean, don't get me wrong Aunt Bhatia, it's not like I want to be a slut or a whore or something like that, but this feeling, this very feeling of being completely naked is just so satisfying to me Aunt Bhatia. You know, I loved my yoga today more than I have ever loved it Aunt Bhatia, and I feel it is because I enjoy being naked. What do you say?", said Shaily beaming with happiness.
"Yes dolly, it certainly is. I can see how happy you are right now. It is clearly showing on your face, and I am so glad that you enjoy being naked. Not only is it a personal achievement for you to discover something that brings utmost happiness in your life, it is also a good omen, a spiritual confirmation that you are going to do your best in your role as the naked soul in your play in Brussels. And of course, there's nothing morally wrong in wanting to be naked at all times baby. In no way does that make you a slut or whore or a woman with loose morals, and you should just ignore such narrow-minded people who call you such names. It's your life, and it's your right to live it happily by doing what brings happiness to you and simply disregard everything and everyone else. It's so great that you have identified something that makes you so happy and focussed, and that is all that should matter to you. Most people aren't even lucky to find what makes them happy, and I am so glad that you are not one of those people Shaily baby.", said Aunt Bhatia with a warm smile towards her naked niece.
Aunt Bhatia's positive words for her filled Shaily's heart with even more happiness. For a moment, she wanted time to run ahead and take her to Belgium where she would be performing naked on stage to showcase a beautifully thought out idea that would be watched by thousands of Art and Dramatics enthusiasts. Thinking about that moment involuntarily made her smile. Of course, she knew that wasn't possible and she had to wait for a couple of months before that could happen, but Shaily was sure that the journey would be just as exciting and memorable for her as would be the outcome, and she could not wait to experience all of it as soon as possible.
Specifically, Shaily was very excited right now about starting off her 'nudity practice' today at Jaspinder's place where she would be cooking and spending time with Jaspinder's Mom and his younger brother along with her best guy friends, all naked, without a string of clothing on her sexy naked body.
"Thank you Aunt Bhatia, I love it when you talk like that. It cheers me up so damn much, you know! It just makes me feel so damn lucky to have you beside me always.", said Shaily, kissing her Aunt lovingly on the cheek, as Aunt Bhatia too reciprocated the love she had for her niece.
"I will always be there for you my darling. Stay happy love.", said Aunt Bhatia and kissed Shaily on her cheek with love.
After having her bath, Shaily had her naked breakfast with Aunt Bhatia.
Shaily usually didn't put on much makeup on her body for college, but today, Shaily took more time than usual to apply good makeup on her skin and face so that she would look elegant and beautiful when she would get naked at Jaspinder's place for his Mom and brother, after meeting Prof Lekha in college. Shaily wasn't really a makeup girl. She was always told by her friends that she had a natural charm and elegance and that she didn't need makeup to stand out from even the best-looking girls, but Jaspinder had particularly told her to look good, and so Shaily decided to apply some makeup so that she looked her very best for Jaspinder's Mom and his younger brother when she would get naked for them at their place.
Shaily applied an imported smooth skin-cream, that her Dad had brought for her from the US of A, all over her body. Normally, it was something she only applied on her face, and that too very rarely. But today, it was more or less her first official nudity practice, and she wanted to do it in the right way. She didn't want to seem underprepared in any way, and so she made it a point to rub the cream on every inch of her body that would make her skin look and feel smooth and luscious.
Shaily then applied a tinge of kohl under her beautiful eyes, a mixture of deep black and orange. Finally, she applied a shade of pink lipstick on her beautiful lips, as she stood in front of the mirror admiring herself clad in just the makeup and nothing else. She was indeed looking very sexy and the fact that her makeup would be the only thing she would be wearing on her skin when she would be at Jaspinder's place in front of everyone made Shaily blush thoroughly with womanly feelings wafting all over her body, as she felt her pussy getting moister by the second.
For her attire, Shaily chose an embroidered blue-coloured frock that stopped mid-thigh, along with a nice push-up bra that accentuated her luscious breasts resulting in a voluptuous curvature of her upper front in her frock. The frock was also low cut at the top with showed a tinge of cleavage that made Shaily look even more attractive and sexy. Along with that, Shaily put on a lacy panty underneath the frock. Of course, what she wore inside did not really matter, but still Shaily wanted to be her very best in everything she wore today. Indeed, today was a very special day for her, and she deserved only the best today.
After kissing Aunt Bhatia goodbye, Shaily, took the usual public transport to her college.
While in the bus to college, Shaily was checked out by all sorts of guys as usual, but of course, today, she received more stares and gropes than usual which Shaily had now started to secretly enjoy. It wasn't as if she would go and ask the men to have a feel of her, but since the bus was always crowded, it wasn't uncommon for men to touch and feel a woman as hot and sexy as Shaily while she passed through them.
Whereas earlier, Shaily always felt disgusted with such men and would revolt, at least non-verbally, at the men who tried even just touch her, now, ever since she had accepted the role as the naked soul in the play, Shaily had started to secretly love giving such kind of men a feel of her ripe mature flesh. Again, the feeling of submissiveness made her feel extremely womanly. The fact that she was a hot sexy woman dressed in such a revealing attire in a public transport made her feel very naughty. It felt to her that she just existed to please all sorts of men around her with her desirably voluptuous body, clothed or unclothed. That was why God had created her, she thought, as such a sexy and voluptuous woman - to please all the guys around her in all ways they desired. All the silly thoughts running through her mind elicited a shy smile on Shaily's face, as she noticed all the men around her gawking at her cleavage, and her smooth legs as they wished while she nonchalantly sat in the bus, listening to her music. Of course, she wasn't looking directly at the guys who were staring at her. She was doing so from the corner of her eyes, and it pleased her so much that she was being lusted at by the men. The moist pussy which only got moister by the second was a true testament to her feelings.
Today, with the kind of attire she had chosen, there were a lot of men, some cheap, some classy and some crass who touched Shaily, felt her up and even groped her in the crowded bus. A few men pushed their hands towards her waist as she passed them through the crowd, while a few groped her ass from behind, nonchalantly behaving as if they could not help it due to the lack of space in the crowded bus. The even bolder ones today even tried to cup her voluptuous breasts as Shaily began to get very aroused with how she was being treated like nothing but a total sex object by the lustful men around her.
Throughout her journey, Shaily hung her head low so that the men couldn't see her womanly instincts on her face as they openly groped her in the crowded bus as they wished, lest they do a lot more knowing that she was just a slut, enjoying all of those gropes on her sexy body. After all, Shaily was a phenomenal artist, so she just behaved as if she could not realise the true intentions behind the gropes of those men.
Shaily also made sure she bent forward a little while she was seated in the public transport so that the good guys, or more specifically the less bolder guys would get a good view of her sexy cleavage that she was showing off in her tiny frock. After all, she was a woman, and it was only natural that she made sure all kinds of men had fun in some way or the other out of her body, was what she thought smiling to herself as she could not wait to strip off her frock and get naked in front of Jaspinder's family and her friends.
It was evident that Shaily was desperate to kick off her nudity practice routine at Jaspinder's place. She so badly wanted to be naked and show her sexy body to others.
"Wow Shaily, looks like you have a very fashionable wardrobe. Please come in, I was waiting for you.", Prof Lekha greeted Shaily in her chamber.
Shaily smiled at Prof Lekha's words. "Thanks a lot Prof Lekha, I'm glad you like my outfit.", said Shaily and sat in front of her on one of the chairs.
"So Shaily, did you get a chance to think more on the play based on the basic idea?", asked Prof Lekha.
"Yes Prof Lekha. I did explore quite a few ideas yesterday based on your fantastic outline for the play. After discussing the ideas with my guy friends and after incorporating their suggestions, I have a consolidated storyline that I'd like to discuss with you.", said Shaily enthusiastically.
"Of course Shaily, please.", said Prof Lekha, removing her specs and putting them on the table.
"So Prof Lekha, just like you had outlined, the theme of the play mainly revolves around showcasing the troubled conscience of a modern Indian woman who gets into a complicated relationship with a man, and in the process discovers her own self, through her 'naked soul'., said Shaily.
Prof Lekha smiled. "Wonderful Shaily. Please go on.", she said arching forward.
"Prof Lekha, so I have a long version of the storyline that delves into all details and a short version that more or less summarises the story, which one would you like to hear?", asked Shaily.
"Let's go for the long version, Shaily.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at her.
"Okay...", said Shaily, a little nervous. Of course, it wasn't everyday that Shaily narrated storylines to anyone, let alone someone as accomplished and influential as Prof Lekha. It was really her first time, and Prof Lekha's demeanour didn't make it any easier for her. But she was confident that Prof Lekha would like the storyline that Shaily had built on top of Prof Lekha's original outline for the play. Shaily certainly felt what she created was impressive and hoped that Prof Lekha would feel the same too.
"So, Prof Lekha, like you mentioned, we will be having four characters in this play. The female protagonist which will be played by Pooja, the male protagonist which will be played by Anupam. I of course, will be playing the role of the 'naked soul' of Pooja, while I chose my friend Jaspinder for the other male role who will be tampering with the 'naked soul' of Pooja that would be indicative of her troubled conscience.", started off Shaily.
"Good choice Shaily. I too think Jaspinder would be suitable for the role that I had in mind for that character, but let's see what you want from his role in your storyline.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof.", said Shaily, and continued.
"So, starting with the storyline. Pooja is the quintessential ambitious but sensitive 20-year old college girl. She is pursuing English Literature from a reputed college in Delhi and stays alone in a rented flat. She is smart and dedicated to her career and her goal in life is to write a bestselling non-fiction book. She is constantly on the lookout for topics to write on, and hopes that people who read her book could be deeply influenced to lead their lives in a better way. She aspires to write something that would have a profound impact on people's lives.", said Shaily.
"Interesting Shaily, please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"However, Pooja is also a sensitive woman who is easily influenced by the lives of the people around her. She has her bestie from college, with whom she will be seen conversing frequently on phone throughout the play. Every call with her influences the way Pooja reacts with her own 'naked soul', so to speak.", said Shaily.
"Okay.", said Prof Lekha as Shaily continued.
"The opening scene of the play is where Pooja will be seen painting her toe-nails while watching something funny on TV. The scene shows Pooja laughing out and enjoying her evening all by herself in her home, after which the view shifts to show me, her 'naked soul'.", said Shaily.
"Okay, go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"Prof Lekha, here, it's through me the audience understands that the life of an ambitious but sensitive 20-year old girl in today's world is not easy. She is constantly bombarded by peer-pressure in a competitive world, the societal pressure to look pretty as a woman and what not. All of that has resulted in Pooja confining her 'naked soul' to accommodate all of those pressures and expectations from the society. She is not a free-spirit, but rather a constrained soul and cannot live out the life that she wants to, due to all the pressure, the constant pressure to be her very best in all ways and the people around her. This is evident in the way her 'naked soul' is first introduced to the audience.", said Shaily, pausing, just to make sure she had Prof Lekha's interest captured.
"So this is where you will be first seen in the play, is that correct Shaily?", asked Prof Lekha.
"Yes, Prof Lekha. This is where Pooja's naked soul is first introduced to the audience. To emphasise the fact that it is Pooja's true inner conscience, I will be naked throughout, just like you outlined. However, the most powerful element of my introduction, I feel, will be the way Pooja's naked soul is portrayed to the audience the first time. I will be tied up in my hands and feet tightly through a rope to a pole, physically restrained, and unable to move an inch, resembling a giant cross with both my arms and legs extended to the farthest possible extents in both directions by the rope, throughout the play. This is essentially to show how Pooja has restrained her own soul after being influenced by a lot of external factors - like what people think of her, that she has to adhere to the social norms our society has in place for a 20-something girl, the fact that she has to be nothing but her absolute best in everything she does or even attempts to do, and other such pressures she is forced to face everyday in her life.", said Shaily pausing for a moment.
"Excellent Shaily. I like that.", said Prof Lekha putting back her specs. "This is indeed very powerful! I love how you have decided to show the fact that Pooja has confined her soul by tying yourself up with ropes to resemble a giant cross. Please go on.", she said, thoroughly captured by Shaily's imaginative sense.
"Thank you Prof.", said Shaily, happy that Prof Lekha was impressed so far.
"So, because of the way Pooja's naked soul has been restrained with ropes, her naked soul doesn't enjoy where it is. This is made clear through the way I am tied up naked without any scope to move any part of my body. While Pooja is seen laughing and enjoying the show on the TV, the fact that her 'naked soul' is restrained and unhappy is shown through me all tied up and expressionless. So, while Pooja laughs about painting her toe-nails, her naked soul is all tied up and is seen just staring blankly at the audience without even batting her eyelids, utterly and absolutely lifeless.", said Shaily.
"Perfect Shaily, very nice. I do have a couple of suggestions here, but I'd like to hear you out first. Please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof!", said Shaily smiling and continued.
"Just then, Pooja receives a call from her bestie informing her that she would not be able to go to the movies with her today. It is shown that earlier, Pooja and her bestie had planned that they would hang out for the evening at the movies. But now, her bestie cancels on her because she would be meeting her boyfriend.", said Shaily.
"Okay, go on...", said Prof Lekha.
"Pooja was eagerly looking forward to hanging out with her bestie for the evening at the movies, something that her friend had herself asked for. Pooja was really looking forward to spending the evening with her, and she was happily painting her toe-nails just for that very reason. But now her bestie cancels on her citing that she has to meet her boyfriend. Pooja's mood instantly dies, as she switches off the TV and sits idle, even suspending painting her toe-nails halfway. She then gets up and walks over to me, the portrayal of her naked lifeless soul. She shakes me up with her hands as if bringing me to life and utters words of disappointment at me, to her own soul. Basically, this is to show how Pooja is disappointed in herself because she does not have a boyfriend like her bestie, and that she is just all alone by herself for the evening. This feature is going to be a regular part of the play where Pooja will be seen talking to her soul face to face, as if she is talking in a mirror reflecting her feelings, and this is how I intend to show the conflicts of Pooja's inner and outer self. What do you think of this, Prof?", said Shaily.
"It's certainly impressive Shaily. I like how Pooja talking to her naked lifeless soul is going to be a major repeating feature in the play. As you know, I like to have fewer dialogues in my plays, so these dialogues where Pooja will be talking to you reflecting her conflicts, must be crisp, powerful and terse. I also have a couple of suggestions regarding how Pooja will be interacting with her naked soul. I wish to show the fact that Pooja is disappointed with her hapless soul in a more violent and destructive manner through her interactions with you. Let's think on it more once you are done. Please continue Shaily, you are doing just fine.", said Prof Lekha, with a smile on her face.
"Sure Prof! The play will basically feature a number of interactions between Pooja and her naked soul through these dialogues. Time and again, they are a reflection of how Pooja is unhappy with what is happening in her life portrayed through various situations like the one with her bestie. Pooja is seen unhappy and frustrated towards her soul, for the way it is, and that is constantly represented by the way she talks to her own soul, and blames it for the things Pooja gets or does not get in her life.", said Shaily.
"Indeed. Her unhappiness with how things stand in her life has to be portrayed very clearly and stubbornly through her interactions with her naked soul. I have a few ideas about how Pooja's naked soul should react to Pooja's disappointment and frustration with her hapless soul, but let's continue the storyline now. We'll talk about them later.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof. After a few more scenarios like this, Pooja is finally set to meet Anupam one day at college. Pooja is a freshman while Anupam is shown as a sophomore. It will be the first time Pooja sees him, and her heart skips a beat. This is where Pooja's naked soul tries to break free of its shackles, even though it can't succeed in doing so, because Pooja has just confined her soul so much that it is incapable of doing anything. Pooja and her soul are shown falling in love with Anupam, right when she sees him for the first time. This is where, for the first time in the play, Pooja's naked soul will be seen smiling and looking happy, probably even trying to dance even though its tied up, at every sight of Anupam. Pooja's soul constantly tries to break free frantically every time Pooja catches sight of Anupam but to no avail as Pooja lets go off every opportunity she gets to talk to him and know him. This is where I intend to show another instance of the interactions Pooja has with her soul, where Pooja is extremely angry and displeased with its soul, at how she cannot approach Anupam even though she likes him. Pooja blames it all on her soul where she hurls abuses at it for being unable to do anything useful for her. Note that Pooja's naked soul is still lifeless except when Pooja catches sight of Anupam. However, the poor soul is basically just confined, and is seen crying at its helplessness as Pooja's hurls abuses towards it. Her naked soul tries to explain it to Pooja that she has to let her free for it to do anything. Pooja, however, is restless and is angry with her own naked soul, and this is the essential element of the conflict that Pooja would be facing regularly. This would be one of the many instances throughout the play where her soul cries out loud with Pooja's condescending words, but again it is unable to do anything by itself unless Pooja starts to love her soul and set it free.", said Shaily.
"Very nice, Shaily. I like how beautifully you are trying to portray the conflicts Pooja is facing through yourself, the character of Pooja's naked soul. Very impressive indeed.", said Prof Lekha with a wide smile on her face. She was indeed very impressed with the creativity Shaily had employed in her storyline so far.
"However, Shaily, I want the interactions of Pooja and her naked soul to be more thorough, so to speak. Pooja has to blame her soul and only her soul for the disappointments she has to face in life, so this has to be made more profound. I do have a couple of things in mind for this, but again, I want to hear you completely Shaily. You are doing fantastic, please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"I would love to hear your suggestions Prof! So, going forward, this happens everyday, where Pooja catches sight of Anupam, but she is unable to talk to him and where she comes home and abuses her own soul for its incompetence, which ends in the soul breaking down and crying loudly which Pooja turns a deaf ear to.", said Shaily.
She continued, "However, by a crazy turn of events, one day, Anupam himself approaches Pooja and asks her out for a date. Apparently, Anupam is attracted to Pooja for her innocence and her genuine nature. This would be a pivotal point in the play where Pooja feels all her troubles and insecurities vanish right away. While she talks to Anupam, her naked soul is happiest, happier than it has ever been as it seen trying to again break free of its shackles, dancing and smiling even though tightly restrained. Of course, a mere moment of magic is still not enough to break free Pooja's soul, so it still remains confined, but nevertheless, her naked soul has a moment of utmost happiness as it is seen trying to dance away to glory because Anupam approaches Pooja and asks her out, with the happiest of smiles on its face. Of course, Pooja, being already smitten by Anupam readily agrees for the date. After coming home, Pooja is seen talking to her naked soul, but only briefly, indicating her stubborn relationship with her own naked soul. Pooja just says a simple and adamant 'Thank you for being there. I hope my date with Anupam tomorrow goes well. Please don't screw it up.' and then resorts to watching TV. Pooja's naked soul, being the sorry creature that it is, had expected some love from Pooja because she was specially happy today, but all she got was a simple 'thank you', and so it again becomes a lifeless entity devoid of happiness, tied up and restrained by ropes, as it again stares blankly at the audience, completely lifeless while Pooja is again seen enjoying watching the TV and talking to her bestie on the phone happily. What do you think about this Prof Lekha?"
"Very nice indeed Shaily. I am really starting to love how Pooja's soul is being portrayed in the play through you and the way you have tried to show the conflicts of emotions and feelings between Pooja and her naked soul. Please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"Yes Prof. So, the next day, Pooja goes to the date with Anupam. Her soul is seen smiling all through her journey for the date, as Pooja is ridiculously excited and anxious about how the date with her crush would go. Pooja is shown really looking forward to having a good time with her crush, but unfortunately for Pooja, and even more so for her soul, this is where things again go south for the poor Pooja. Anupam turns out to be strongly misogynistic and tries to forcefully make moves on Pooja on their date before even trying to get to know her. Pooja, being smitten by Anupam's looks had expected a lot from her date, but she is now crushed because Anupam seems to just want physical pleasures from her, even if it means at the cost of her emotional well-being. This where I would like to introduce Jaspinder, the final character in the play. Prof Lekha, as far as Jaspinder's role is concerned, fitting to his role in the play, I had a costume for him in mind, and I would like to discuss about it first before going ahead. Do you mind?", said Shaily.
"Sure Shaily, what do you have in mind?", asked Prof Lekha, curiously.
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"So Prof, I want to show Jaspinder's character as a Demon. He's going to be a nightmare for Pooja's naked soul, who's going to abuse it and treat it like trash. He is basically like a Satan to it, a terror manifested as a human filled with evil, who completely destroys it with no consideration for its livelihood at all. This is of course metaphorical to how Anupam treats Pooja on their date, forcing her to kiss him, trying to have his way with her and in the process, completely crushing Pooja's soul. Pooja reluctantly ends up conceding to Anupam's demands as her soul is totally crushed, ill-treated and brutally abused as is shown by the way Jaspinder treats me, Pooja's naked soul, absolutely brutally. This will of course be shown in the play side-by-side where Pooja's soul is torn to pieces by Jaspinder's rough and his unrelenting debasement of it."
Shaily continued, "Prof Lekha, I am open to discussion about what sort of things Jaspinder would be doing to Pooja's naked soul in the play, but what I had in mind for his attire was that, he would be dressed all in black from head to toe, something like a Devil, probably even with a Devil mask of some sort. Prof Lekha, when I started to chart out his character in my mind, I imagined 'DEMON' written on the back of his attire, that would kind of tell the audience what sort of ordeal Pooja's naked soul would have to face in his hands. He would have black boots and overall, his demeanour is very scary and powerful. So, every time Pooja's naked soul sees the Demon, she is shown absolutely terrified and scared to death, and tries to break free of its shackles, that amuses the Demon as he does extremely brutal things to Pooja's naked soul with a sadistic laugh. What do you think Prof Lekha?", said Shaily enthusiastically.
Indeed, Shaily envisioned Jaspinder's character to perfection, was what Shaily thought and she hoped that Prof Lekha too would come to love the way she was wishing to portray Jaspinder's character.
Prof Lekha looked on for a while before uttering, "Wow! That is truly remarkable Shaily.", she exclaimed, removing her specs and putting them on the table.
"It is stunning. It really is, and I am absolutely impressed by the amount of thought you have put into Jaspinder's character. The way he is going to brutally torture Pooja's naked soul is really the heart of the play, and you have charted it out so magnificently. It seems to me that Jaspinder's role is like one of those characters in movies, where the character appears only for a short while but has a lasting impact on the viewers. Your effort to cast Jaspinder as the Demon who terrifies Pooja's naked soul is truly very impressive Shaily. Wonderful, truly wonderful. I'm sure this is going to be truly remarkable and I would personally want you to spend more time on polishing his character as well as think more on the things he will be doing to you, and so will I. I have to say, I am really loving your imagination in this play, Shaily. Well done, indeed.", exclaimed Prof Lekha.
Shaily could not believe what she was hearing from Prof Lekha. Did she just say she was remarkable? Shaily felt like she was dreaming, but she was aware that, what she had envisioned for Jaspinder's character in the play was nothing short of beautiful. It really was, and the fact that Prof Lekha was thoroughly impressed with her imagination was a testament to it.
Hearing Prof Lekha's words, Shaily was on cloud nine, as she smiled ear-to-ear unable to contain her excitement at being commended by someone as prolific in the field as Prof Lekha.
"Well, thank you so much Prof Lekha! Coming from you, I am just totally humbled and speechless. Indeed, this was what I had in mind for Jaspinder's character. He surely is going to make a lasting impact on the audience as the Demon who brutally tortures Pooja's naked soul in the play.", said Shaily, with a lovely smile on her face.
"Surely. I would love to talk about all the things he would be doing to Pooja's naked soul as part of the brutalisation process. That's what I'd like to call it Shaily. The Demon indeed seems perfectly apt for his role and I completely agree with the costume you want for the character. I'll come to the exact specifics I have in mind for the brutalisation process later, but I am excited to hear the rest of your storyline. Please go on Shaily.", said Prof Lekha, who was by now visibly very excited about hearing the rest of the storyline.
"Of course Prof!", said Shaily, excited herself. Never in her dreams had Shaily thought that Prof Lekha would be so impressed with her storyline. She could not believe the moment, but managed to compose herself to continue narrating the remaining storyline to Prof Lekha.
"So basically, while Pooja concedes to Anupam's advances without denial by allowing him to kiss her and talk to her condescendingly owing to his misogynistic attitude, on the other side, Pooja's soul is shown being completely brutalised by Jaspinder, the Demon. After they move out of the restaurant, Anupam repeatedly tells Pooja how he feels that they would have a good time back at his place, even though Pooja, as uncomfortable as she feels about the whole thing, continues to cite reasons to deny his offer saying they could do it another time. This is again shown through the Demon doing rough things with Pooja's naked soul, tampering with it, all the while laughing out, enjoying his inhuman treatment towards it, while Pooja's soul, physically restrained, just cries in vain at the Demon's inhuman actions towards it in pain and humiliation. It has no choice but to accept the brutal treatment it receives from the Demon and cry silently as if accepting her ill-fate. Pooja somehow manages to get away from the clutches of Anupam after their date is over as she says goodbye to Anupam with a final reluctant kiss. Of course, Pooja still doesn't want to show her resentment towards Anupam for being treated like an object of desire, because she is in love with him, so she behaves as if she enjoys the kiss with Anupam, but her 'naked soul' is crushed by the Demon on the other side of the play. Finally, Pooja is back home, as Pooja's soul is seen crying relentlessly due to the actions the Demon had been doing to it while Pooja was being forcefully kissed and talked down to by Anupam. Pooja just comes home and sees her naked soul crying but turns a deaf ear to its own soul's debauchery. What do you think Prof Lekha?", said Shaily.
"Yes, this is perfect Shaily. I like the way you want to show Pooja hiding her resentment towards Anupam by conceding for the kiss even when she feels exploited, whereas her naked soul on other hand is completely crushed by the Demon. The stark contrast is going to aptly highlight the conflicts in Pooja's inner and outer self that we want to strongly portray. This is really impressive indeed, please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"Thank you Prof. So, after Pooja comes back home, her soul is shown crying to no end even though Pooja turns a deaf ear to its despair. It is basically indicative of the fact that Pooja is trying to 'fit in' due to her societal pressures even though her soul is totally messed up, as she thinks back to the time her bestie cancelled on her to meet her boyfriend. 'Every girl should have a guy so that she can be happy', she is shown muttering to herself as she forcefully turns a deaf ear to the cries of her own soul which was completely crushed by the Demon during her time with Anupam at the date.
Finally, after hours of crying, before Pooja goes to bed, she confronts her naked soul. Pooja's soul finally finds solace in the fact that she has heard her cries, and tries to tell her that Anupam isn't right for her and that he just wants to have fun with her, and he has no intentions of loving her. Pooja's naked soul desperately tries to tell her that it was totally brutalised by the Demon while she was with Anupam, but Pooja, however angrily argues that she finally finds some love from a man and now her soul is trying to get her away from it. Pooja abuses its naked soul, calling her names for not enjoying the kiss from Anupam, and on top of that crying endlessly while Pooja is happy that she finally has a guy in her life. Pooja's soul is desperate to let her know that this man has no intentions of loving her, but again Pooja ridicules her naked soul and calls her names, citing that it is just a lifeless being who is incapable of doing any good to her and blames it for trying to dissuade her from pursuing her love for Anupam. Pooja's soul frantically tries to break itself off its shackles to save Pooja from Anupam's clutches, unaware of the fact that it is only Pooja herself who can break its shackles and set the naked soul free. Finally, Pooja goes to bed while her naked soul cries itself to sleep still tied up and unable to move an inch. What do you think Prof Lekha?".
"Excellent Shaily. This is shaping out to be an excellent play, truly. The intensity of the conflicts between Pooja and her naked soul is very brilliantly highlighted in this part of the play, and I believe if the right amount of intensity is added in the execution, this passage of play will surely turn out to be really spectacular. The way Pooja's soul is tied up with no physical freedom at all is really excellent indeed. I do have a couple of suggestions as far as the interaction between Pooja and her naked soul here is concerned, but it can wait. I am eager to hear what happens next.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof. So, over the next few days, Pooja keeps meeting Anupam at college regularly, every time conceding to his demands for a kiss or a smooch, which is evident in the way the Demon continues to torture Pooja's naked soul. While Pooja tries to 'fit in' with Anupam's demands by allowing him to kiss and smooch her against her wishes by maintaining a perpetual smile on her face, on the other side, Pooja's naked soul is shown to be completely crushed by the Demon. The poor soul is terrified and keeps on crying while the Demon completely brutalises Pooja's soul with no concerns for its well-being while Pooja concedes to Anupam's demands. Consequently, every night after Pooja returns home, she is faced with the cries and hues from its soul who tries to tell her that Anupam isn't the right guy for her, and the he just wants to use her for physical pleasures. But again, Pooja only rebukes her own naked soul, calling her names, further distressing the tied up soul of Pooja.
"One fine morning, however, Pooja receives a call from her bestie. Pooja is glad that she finally called her after cancelling on her previously, and tries to nonchalantly tell her that she too has a boyfriend now. However, tables turn on Pooja, as her bestie tells her that Anupam is indeed a womaniser who has had his way with a bunch of girls and still does so. Pooja, who is blinded by love for Anupam denies all of her bestie's allegations, but when her bestie sends her a pic of Anupam's Instagram feed where he is seen kissing another girl outside of college in a remote hill station, Pooja is shattered. She immediately tries to call Anupam, who had told her yesterday that he was going home for a couple of weeks due to some family emergency. But as Anupam cuts her calls every single time, Pooja's suspicions only become stronger. Simultaneously, the Demon is in action again, as he tortures Pooja's naked soul, while Pooja tries to fight the thoughts that Anupam was cheating on her. When Anupam finally returns to college after a couple of days, Pooja confronts him stubbornly as Anupam, being the womaniser prick that he is, tells her that indeed he was just using her for fun with no hint of remorse.
"'Why would I want to love anyone like you', he bluntly says, making Pooja realise how badly she had sized up Anupam. Pooja is heartbroken, as she cries in front of Anupam for his insensitive behaviour. But Anupam turns a deaf ear to her cries and just says, 'I never had intentions about loving you Pooja, I am not that type. Sorry for hurting you'. As heartbroken as she is, Pooja cannot help but feel extreme anger for Anupam's actions as she inadvertently slaps him on his face and leaves the spot to return home, all the while crying endlessly".
"Wow! This is great Shaily, truly amazing. What happens next?", said Prof Lekha stunned at Shaily's imagination and storyline.
"So, all this while when Pooja is returning home crying, Pooja's naked soul too cries along with Pooja, still tied up in a giant cross unable to move an inch due to its confines set up by Pooja herself. Even though Pooja had always turned a deaf ear to its cries, Pooja's naked soul just cannot see Pooja so distressed as it cries along with Pooja waiting for her to come back home and talk to her naked soul, so that it could comfort her and tell her that it's all going to be okay.", Shaily paused for a moment to get Prof Lekha's view.
"Very impressive, Shaily. Please go on.", said Prof Lekha.
"Thanks Prof Lekha! So, as Pooja enters her house crying after her confrontation with Anupam, she notices her naked soul looking straight back at her, teary-eyed, but again Pooja forcefully tries to turn a deaf ear to her tears. Both Pooja and her naked soul are seen crying for a while before Pooja finally tries to confront its own soul who is still tied up and stretched to its limit by the ropes indicative of the confines Pooja had set up herself. An extremely dejected Pooja finally says, 'I'm sorry my naked soul, I never meant to hurt you, but I also failed to realise that all this while you were right. You were and are my best friend, but I always turned a deaf ear towards you', says Pooja crying endlessly lying on her knees to her own naked soul. Pooja's naked soul, who is also shown crying, is finally glad that Pooja understands it and empathises with her, though still in her restrains. 'It's okay Pooja, I am glad that you have finally decided to trust me!', it says weeping and continues, 'I always want the best for you no matter what. But you have to learn to trust me, I am there for you no matter what, and I am happy that you have decided to break away from that misogynistic man!'. Hearing her naked soul's kind words, Pooja breaks down at her naked soul's feet as she cries on for a while before realising how she had refrained her naked soul. Wiping her tears, Pooja gets up and cuts off the ropes, finally freeing her naked soul off its shackles. What do you think about this Prof Lekha?", said Shaily.
"This is really beautiful Shaily. My god, you are amazing Shaily!", said Prof Lekha thoroughly impressed with Shaily's imagination and creativity.
"I'm humbled by your praise Prof Lekha! I really am.", said Shaily before continuing.
"In the end, once Pooja sets her naked soul free, Pooja is shown hugging her own naked soul as both Pooja and her naked soul share a tight embrace crying with each other, as Pooja's naked soul wipes her tears and comforts her, assuring her repeatedly that it will never leave Pooja and that she does not need any man or any person for that matter, in her life to keep her happy other than her naked soul, and that Pooja should just trust it. Pooja is seen nodding her head smiling at its naked soul, for the first time, as the naked soul takes Pooja into her embrace and the play finally ends with both of them smiling as Pooja's naked soul embraces here. With that, the banner falls down that says, "Naked Soul Never Lies!", which Prof Lekha, would also be the title of our play. What do you think?".
Prof Lekha was spellbound as she sat there staring at Shaily for a while before finally getting up and clapping her hands.
"Holy god! Shaily you've got a masterpiece here darling!", was all she could say.
Still applauding her, Prof Lekha came up to Shaily, as Shaily stood up.
Prof Lekha seemed visibly short of adjectives to commend Shaily on her creativity, that too in such a short span of time. She had just a day to think on the basic premise that Prof Lekha had outlined for the play, and she had brilliantly architected the storyline, which was nothing short of fabulous.
"It really is amazingly brilliant Shaily. Congrats! You have a lot of talent and this play will certainly take you places. If we can execute this play perfectly, I'm sure we have a very good chance of being in contention for the top prize at the event.", said Prof Lekha ecstatically.
Shaily was elated with how impressed Prof Lekha was, and felt so proud of herself.
"Well Prof Lekha, I don't have words to say when you appreciate me so much. Thanks a lot, I hope I can continue to justify your faith in me for making me the lead on this play. That's all I can say Prof Lekha!", said Shaily as they both hugged each other.
"I am pretty sure you will. Shaily, like I told you, I want this play to be as bold and uninhibited as it is powerful. I have a few suggestions in certain key areas of the play to make it bolder and more impactful, but before that, I'd like to get a handwritten draft of your storyline from you on Monday, first thing in the morning. Once. I read it, let's convene again to discuss the suggestions I have in mind. But I have to say this, you have done absolutely fantastic with the storyline Shaily, you really have. But this is not the end. I suggest you to always keep thinking more on how you can make this play more beautiful and more impactful for the audience. If you want, you can discuss with your guy friends to see if they have any ideas that could further improve the storyline you have created. We have a very good base for this play, and once we have the final script ready, we'll share it with the rest of the team and focus on the execution part. Does that sound fine to you darling?", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof! I'll submit the handwritten draft to you first thing on Monday and will also discuss with my guy friends. I'm sure your ideas too will further fuel up the play.", said Shaily, smiling warmly at Prof Lekha.
"I hope so. Let's discuss more on Monday. Do you want to go to the cafe with me now Shaily? I'm kind of hungry.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof, let's go, I'm hungry as well.", said Shaily smiling at Prof Lekha, as she felt a good bond developing between herself and Prof Lekha. Shaily, of course, couldn't be happier about how things were progressing as she sported a happy smile on her face.
With that, they left Prof Lekha's chamber and proceeded to walk towards the cafeteria.
Today was Saturday, so there's wasn't anyone in college apart from a few students here and there who had special classes or were just there to use the Library.
"So Shaily, have you also thought about your nudity practice that I spoke to you about, the other day?", asked Prof Lekha as they walked to the cafe.
"Yes Prof. I was actually discussing my nudity routine with Jaspinder, Karan, Abhishek, Faisal and Arun, and I ended up getting naked for them at their place yesterday.", said Shaily with a shy smile on her face.
"I know they are my best friends and not strangers Prof Lekha, so I wasn't totally uncomfortable in being completely naked in front of them at their place, while they were all clothed. But I guess it's a start. Of course, I was feeling slightly shy and turned on, but it isn't something I'd still count as practice.", said Shaily, visibly very shy about revealing it to someone like Prof Lekha that she was totally naked for her guy friends at their place.
Normally, she'd expect to maintain only a professional relationship with Prof Lekha and talk to her only about academic matters or the like, but the fact that she was discussing her personal life, that too about how she was a naughty girl for her guys by being naked for them, made it a bit awkward for Shaily. All the same, Shaily understood why it was a matter of discussion between herself and Prof Lekha, and so Shaily knew she didn't have to feel uncomfortable about sharing such details with her, and she was sure even Prof Lekha felt about it the same way. Moreover, Shaily already felt the professional space between them starting to vanish to make way for a more mature and friendly relationship, and so Shaily was only happy to be talking about how she was naked for her guy friends yesterday to Prof Lekha, something that she wasn't ready to even tell her Aunt right away.
"That's so great to hear Shaily, and come on, you don't have to be so hard on yourself.", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
"It's still a bold step that you are hanging around naked with your guy friends at their place while they would be completely clothed, even though you are not totally uncomfortable about showing yourself off to them. It still counts as practice and is definitely a start to your nudity routine. But make sure you do that frequently so that you get used to being naked more and more. I agree that they are your best friends and that you don't feel much awkward about getting nude for them, but still, they are men and they will love to see you naked. That should still make you a little shy every now and then. Just make sure you don't hide any part of your body from them, maybe even purposely show your most private parts openly to them so that you get used to being ogled at when you are naked. I hope you understand what I am saying Shaily. Once you do that more frequently, you'll be more confident about venturing into unknown territories where you can get naked in front of strangers.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof, I will keep your suggestions in mind. Anyway, since they have seen me completely naked, I'm sure the guys will now never let me wear any clothes while I hang out with them at their place, so I don't need to worry about that!", said Shaily smiling at Prof Lekha.
"Hahaha, of course Shaily. I'm sure they would always want to see you nude in front of them from now on. That's great.", said Prof Lekha winking at her, evoking another shy smile from Shaily.
"Also Prof Lekha, I told Aunt Bhatia yesterday about the play and my role as the naked soul. I also told her the outline of the play, though I haven't said anything about the storyline yet. I'm glad to tell you that she was completely okay with my role and fine with the fact that I'd be the only one naked on stage for everyone to see as well as getting some stuff done by a male character. Once she heard the plot, she was glad to even let me start being naked at home, so it is very much fine with Aunt Bhatia as far as the play is concerned. She's been very considerate in letting me be always naked at home in front of her.", said Shaily, smiling at Prof Lekha.
"That's very relieving to hear Shaily. I felt that Aunt Bhatia would want to talk to me about you being the only one naked in the play, but I'm glad she understands what we are trying to do. I always felt that your Aunt was completely understanding of your goals and aspirations. Also, like you tell me, I'm sure you would not feel any discomfort at all in being naked in front of your Aunt at home, but you should keep doing it regardless. To get your nudity routine up to pace, I would also suggest you to talk to your guy friends and ask them to suggest and come up with some innovative ways where you can be naked in front of strangers consciously. By getting naked consciously, I don't mean the meaningless pizza pranks and stuff that you keep seeing on the net where a female shows up naked to the delivery guy for a brief moment or two. I'm talking about perfectly planned, focussed and methodical ways where you will be the only one naked in front of clothed strangers for extended periods of time. I know it's kind of hard to do achieve such a scenario even with careful planning, but I'm sure you can find ways to do it if you brainstorm it with your guy friends too. They are men, so they will eventually come up with an idea or two where they can get you naked in front of a bunch of men, at the very least. Only such elaborate and thoughtful practice will help you shape yourself up for the final play on stage, Shaily. I hope you understand my concern here.", said Prof Lekha.
"Yes, Prof Lekha, I completely understand. I'm very thankful to you for suggesting such a nudity routine for me. If you wouldn't have mentioned to me how important it is for me to follow such a routine, I'm sure I would have not done any practice at all and end up screwing up the whole play. I too believe that I need very elaborate nudity practice before I am confident to get naked on the big stage where thousands will be watching me perform without any clothes on my body. Like you said, I'll talk to my guy friends and make sure they focus on ideas where I can get naked for long hours in front of clothed strangers.", said Shaily, smiling warmly at Prof Lekha.
"Perfect Shaily, I love that you are so passionate to get this play done right.", said Prof Lekha smiling back at her.
"Of course Prof, the idea is simply amazing, and I aspire to do my absolute best for it.", said Shaily, smiling at her.
"Also Prof, I wanted to tell you that today I will be going to Jaspinder's place for lunch. The rest of the guys will also be there along with Jaspinder's Mom and his younger brother Arjun. While I did meet Jaspinder's Mom once, a long time back, I have never met his brother. I'm glad to tell you that Jaspinder has allowed me to be naked at his place today in front of all of them, so I think it is going to be a reasonably good start for my nudity practice today. What do you think?", said Shaily proudly to Prof Lekha, happy that she was going to initiate her nudity practice very soon.
"Wow! This is a great opportunity to kickstart your routine Shaily. Having Jaspinder's Mom and his younger there to see you naked would add quite a lot of diversity to the people who'd be clothed and seeing you completely naked, so yeah, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to lose your inhibitions as far as getting naked in front of clothed people is concerned. I'm glad Jaspinder is with you on this, and I'm sure with this, he wants you to know that he is taking your nudity practice for the play seriously.", said Prof Lekha, glad that Shaily was getting her nudity practice started today.
Of course, Prof Lekha knew Shaily was totally committed to the play, and the fact that she was taking her 'nudity practice' seriously really impressed Prof Lekha, as she smiled appreciatively at her professionalism.
"Surely Prof Lekha. In fact all the guys have been really really great. They have been extremely supportive of me and they all urged me to take the role of the naked soul in the play. I'm lucky to have them beside me while I'm preparing myself to do something I've never done before in my life.", said Shaily smiling brightly.
"I'm very happy to hear that Shaily. It's always nice to have people who support you while you attempt difficult tasks, isn't it?", said Prof Lekha with a smile on her face. She was happy that Shaily had her guy friends to support her and help her to be naked in front of them so that she would adapted well enough for the play.
Prof Lekha continued, "Make sure you hang around with your guy friends naked more often than usual and get them thinking about different practical scenarios where you can be naked in front of people you have never met, and you should be fine to go for the big day. Also, today, since you'll be getting naked in front of Jaspinder's Mom and brother, in addition to your friends, it is certainly bound to make you a little anxious and shy, but that's a good thing. It's good that you'll be facing all of the anxiety and cold sooner than later. However, make sure you don't cover yourself up with your hands when you are in front of them once you get your clothes off Shaily. It is natural that you might want to instinctively cover your private parts out of shyness, but if you do that, you'll end up creating a mental block that'll be very difficult to get past, no matter how hard you try. So just make sure you just let yourself absolutely free and let them all have an uninhibited view of your naked body. I know it's going to be difficult for you, this being the first time you are going to be totally naked in front of so many clothed people, but once you cross this hurdle, I'm sure you'll be more and more willing to get naked at every opportunity you get.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at Shaily.
"True Prof Lekha, very true. I usually hang around with my guy friends after college at their place, so I'm sure I'll be naked for them very often!", said Shaily.
She then thought for a minute and then continued, "Prof Lekha, you are also right about feeling anxious about getting naked in front of clothed people you don't really know. Right today morning, I started to develop cold feet knowing that I'll have to get naked in front of Jaspinder's Mom. The thing was I had just shaved my vaginal hair the day before yesterday, and I realised I had hardly any hair over my vagina to sort of cover it up. I then started to panic that Jaspinder's Mom would find the fact that I didn't have any pubic hair down there would annoy or offend her when I get naked in front of her. Of course, Jaspinder earlier did tell me that he had mentioned to her Mom about the play and that I needed some practice to get naked in front of clothed people and he assured me that his Mom would be willing to accommodate me without clothes at their place, but still, I was anxious that she might find my bare vagina obscenely revealing and maybe judge me and think I'm kind of cheap or something. I ended up calling Jaspinder immediately to postpone the whole plan to some other time when I'd have enough pubic hair to sort of cover up my pussy, but Jaspinder reassured me that his Mom would be perfectly fine with it. I'll have to see how it goes Prof Lekha.", said Shaily.
Prof Lekha kept silent for a moment as they reached the cafeteria and sat down at the table.
"Look Shaily, I'm going to tell you something. It's harsh, but it is also true, and I hope you take this in the right spirit.", said Prof Lekha, waiting for Shaily's acknowledgement.
"Of course, Prof, please tell me.", said Shaily smiling at Prof Lekha.
"Shaily, you have to understand that every single one around you, be it young or old, male or female, friend or foe is going to judge you and label you with all sorts of names because you are willing to get completely naked in front of them while they would be completely clothed. They will only see the fact that you don't mind them all getting a look at your nude body while they are all clothed, but what they all fail to see is the reason and motivation behind your decision to be bare for them, and that's the sad part. You are doing this because you want the play to be a flawless act of professional theatrical performance, not because you want other people to see you naked while they are clothed and have some sort of perverse gratification, to have fun by looking at your naked body all exposed. Of course, people will have a good deal of satisfaction and gratification when they see you without any clothes on you while they are completely under clothing, but the reason for you getting naked in front of them is something novel, isn't it? You are doing this because you want the play to be a success. Hell, even with my experience, I wouldn't have got the storyline so brilliant, and that speaks magnitudes about how badly you want to make this play a grand success.", said Prof Lekha.
She continued, "Shaily, I don't mean to say that Jaspinder's Mom is going to judge you for not having any pubic hair on your vagina or showing off your pussy to her obscenely when you get naked for them. Maybe she will, I don't know and you too will never know unless she explicitly tells you, and there's no way to tell, as is the case with everyone around you. Some might say it bluntly across to you that you are a slut, whore and what not, and some might just talk to you like they would do normally, but the harsh truth is they are going to have labels for you for being naked in front of them, or for even taking this role. But what I am saying is, you should not give a fuck about the people around you, no matter what they mean to you. Let them judge you, call you names and treat you however they want, but at the end of the day, when they will see you achieve greater success than them through this play, they will be the ones who will be jealous of you, and you will be the one who will be calling them names. I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you here, Shaily.".
Shaily thought for a moment before speaking. "I do, I absolutely do, Prof Lekha.", she said, glad that Prof Lekha was so thoughtful about her and willing to speak about it.
"Shaily, I came to know how Anamika, your best friend, had called you names right here in front of everyone, when she came to know that you accepted the role of the naked soul. I also know what kind of relationship you shared with her, but the truth is, you are going to have to face such things if you are going for it. Let me tell you, this won't be your only relationship that will be going south because you have decided to take this role. I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you off, and I know you are not the type who gets easily intimidated by challenges and roadblocks, but I am just trying to prepare you for what's going to come your way for the next few months and ahead. With that said, I am sure that people like Aunt Bhatia and your guy friends will always stand by you all the time and be supportive of all your decisions going further, as far as this play is concerned. I'm sure you can derive all the support and motivation from them and get by all the naysayers who are going to judge you and call you names for doing what you are going to do. Of course, you will always have me by your side as well, so you don't have to worry about anything at all, but I am just saying all this to make sure you are aware of the situation. I want to make sure you keep all of this in your mind with nothing else but your goal fixated in your head so that you don't stumble, no matter what roadblock you would have to face going forward. Hope you get what I am trying to convey Shaily, and I hope I didn't scare you off!", said Prof Lekha, smiling at Shaily.
"Oh no no, Prof Lekha, absolutely not. I'm glad that you talked to me openly about such a sensitive issue. I cannot deny the fact that people around me will judge me and think I am some sort of slut for taking this role and willing to go naked for everyone to see my naked body. But again, you are right, they will be the sad ones, who will only be jealous once we make this thing big in Belgium. While I do regret the fact that my relationship with Anamika, who was a very very close friend to me, has been probably ruined for good, I do not want it to interfere with the play in any way at all, and I am glad that you do understand how committed I am to this play. You don't need to worry about me stumbling in my path for this play Prof Lekha. I will never ever back off from this play until I make it a huge success and until FID receives international recognition from our play. I also promise I will keep all the things you have told me in mind, and will make sure I take all the hurtful comments or condescending opinions about me and my character in my stride. Prof Lekha, you have to know that it's not so easy to break me!", said Shaily with a slight wink smiling at Prof Lekha.
"I know darling! It takes guts and sense to accept this role, and like I told you, I would have rather dropped the idea than choose anyone else other than you for this role. I trust you completely, and now, after hearing your storyline, I trust you even more. I know how strong you are, and you have to continue to be strong and move forward till we achieve success with this play.", said Prof Lekha, reaching out and pulling Shaily's cheeks with a smile. Shaily too returned her smile as they both shared a pizza before Shaily proceeded to leave for Jaspinder's home.
Outside the college where Prof Lekha was going to see Shaily off, she said, "Shaily, I just wanted to let you know that the dean, Mr. Farooq Abdullah is going to be personally involved in this play going further. Like I told you, this play is very important for us to get international recognition for FID in Brussels, and Mr. Farooq is heavily banking on this play because it has a very strong theme. I told him yesterday that you have accepted to play the role of the naked soul, and he was very happy to hear that. Like me, he too shares the view that you and only you are perfectly apt for this role. While I am sure that he too would come to love the storyline that you have very brilliantly created, he is indeed a very harsh critic, and I want to tell you beforehand that he does not mind saying harsh things when it comes to the plays he reviews, so you should just take his review and suggestions in your stride and the both of us can focus on them once he isn't there. So, probably from Monday onwards, Mr. Farooq would be present in each of our discussions as well where he would be adding his inputs to the play, and that's the reason why I mentioned that I would share my suggestions on Monday rather than today itself. So make sure you give me the handwritten draft of your storyline to me on Monday so that I myself can have a read once before I share it with Mr. Farooq. The three of us can then meet and review it once again. Sounds good?", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof, I'll do that! Thanks a lot.", said Shaily, happy that things were going well for her as far as the play was concerned. She was of course elated that she was involved in something so important and critical where even the dean of FID, Mr. Farooq would be involved, and she could not help but feel proud with the fact that she had done so well with the initial storyline.
"Okay then, I'll see you on Monday Shaily. Have a good weekend, and of course, good luck in getting naked at Jaspinder's place. I'm sure his Mom would love the fact that you don't have much hair on your pussy, don't you worry about it.", said Prof Lekha, with a playful wink as they both hugged each other.
"Haha, well, I hope so Prof Lekha. Thanks a lot! I'll let you know on Monday how it turns out.", said Shaily, with a warm smile on her face.
Once Prof Lekha walked back into the college, Shaily called up Jaspinder who told her that he was on his way to pick her up from college, and that he would be there in about 10 minutes, as Shaily waited for him to come.
Now it was time for her to lose her clothes at Jaspinder's place, as Shaily started to feel hot imagining what was going to come next.
Shaily had an ice-cream from a vendor outside her college as she waited for Jaspinder to come and pick her up.
Jaspinder had said that he would be there in about 10 minutes, but he took almost half hour before he finally arrived on his bike.
"I'm glad that you could make it on time Jasp. Very punctual!", said Shaily mocking him as she ate her ice-cream.
Jaspinder laughed, "I'm sorry babe, I got stuck in traffic even though I took the less busy route. How long have you been waiting for me?".
"It's okay, I was here for about half hour now. Anyway, how's your mom feeling?", said Shaily as she hopped on behind Jaspinder on his bike.
"Well, she's been taking medicines and she's feeling a lot better now, but she still has cold and some body ache, but no fever, so it's okay. She's so ready to meet you Shell.", said Jaspinder as he started to drive away from the college to his home with Shaily behind her.
"Okay, that's nice to hear Jasp. I'm glad that she can get some rest while I cook for everyone.", said Shaily.
"Yeah, I am happy about that too, and the fact that you finally get the chance to cook for us, while at the same time being completely naked!", said Jaspinder. "Anyway, how did your meeting with Prof Lekha go? Did you tell her your storyline?".
"Yeah, Prof Lekha was very impressed with my storyline Jasp. I'm so fucking happy right now, I might even get naked right here on the streets!", Shaily said with a laugh.
"Hahaha, please don't do that Shell, we'll get arrested, though I'm sure everyone would love to see the sight of a gorgeous chick like you without any clothes on!", said Jaspinder laughing along.
"Hahaha, don't worry, I was just kidding Jasp. Anyway, I really am very happy right now, Prof Lekha really liked my storyline Jasp. Apparently, our dean, Mr. Farooq is hellbent on making this play a great success at the event in Belgium, so Prof Lekha told me that he too would be personally involved in the play going further. She asked me to submit a handwritten draft of the storyline on Monday, which will be subject to further discussion and changes after Prof Lekha's and Mr. Farooq's inputs.", said Shaily as she hugged Jaspinder tightly from behind.
"Wow, that's great news Shell. I'm glad that Prof Lekha likes your storyline. What did she think of my role? Did she think it was too sadistic or something?", said Jaspinder laughing slightly.
"Oh, hell no Jasp. She very much liked your role. She was impressed how impactful your role was even though you would appear towards the later part of the play, and she was specially impressed about how I have shown the conflicts between Pooja and her naked soul.", said Shaily.
"Yeah, I had a feeling she'd love that as well. I'm telling you Shell, this storyline is a real killer. Your role is certainly a very very bold one. Did Prof Lekha specifically talk about what I would be doing to you since we left that part out for discussion with her?".
"Well, she did say she had some ideas for it, but she did not say anything specific so far. I'll probably get to know what she has in mind once I give her my draft on Monday.", said Shaily.
"Okay. This is huge baby! Congrats on the first success Shell. If Mr. Farooq is involved in this too, you should understand that this is indeed very big.", said Jaspinder.
"I know Jasp! I'm really excited as well.", said Shaily.
For the rest of the journey, Shaily tightly wrapped her arms around Jaspinder as she slid closer to him on the bike letting her huge breasts touch his back and lay her head on his back. Right then, she was so happy with how things were going in her life. This play was something that she was really happy about, and now that Prof Lekha commended her so much on her initial storyline, she was even more focussed and wanted to make this play a huge huge success. She was extremely happy to have people like Jaspinder and her other guy friends who cared for her and supported her goals and aspirations, with ones whom she shared a very special bond. Also, her meeting with Prof Lekha told her how much she was backing Shaily for this play, and she was happy that she had done well as far as the storyline was concerned. Now, she looked forward to getting naked at Jaspinder's place so that she could also kick-off her nudity routine.
In about 20 minutes, they reached Jaspinder's apartment as he parked his bike. Seeing Shaily seem visibly tensed, he could understand that Shaily was feeling quite nervous about having to get completely naked in front his mom.
"Shell, are you fine baby?", he said, holding Shaily by her waist as they made their way to the elevator.
"Oh, yeah yeah, I'm fine.", said Shaily, as if breaking away from a trance, trying to force a smile towards Jaspinder.
Jaspinder smiled at Shaily. "Shell, I know this must be hard for you, but like I told you, you have to forget the fact that you don't have pubic hair on your pussy. It's alright really, my mom's going to love meeting you baby, and like I said, she is going to find your bare pussy rather cute. Okay love?", he said trying to comfort Shaily.
"I know Jasp, but, I am sorry, I'm really really nervous about this whole thing, you know!", she said forcing a smile again so that Jaspinder wouldn't know she was really panicking.
"I mean, I am fine with being nude in front of your mom, but my lack of pussy hair just makes me resent myself. Had I known I would be meeting your mom a few days earlier, I wouldn't have shaved my pussy totally bare. But here I am, with just few strands of hair on my pussy and I am pretty sure Mrs. Bharti would find my pussy so obscene and unwomanly that she'll just kick me out of the house like I am some sort of whore!", said Shaily, as she started to shed tears in the elevator.
Jaspinder couldn't help but smile at Shaily's innocence as she said those words. He found her so pretty as Shaily cried with her head on his chest, distressed and nervous about not having hair on her pussy before she got naked for his mom and younger brother. He pulled her close to him and hugged her tightly while laughing out to her words even though Shaily was thoroughly tensed about what was going to happen.
"Shell, it's going to be completely fine, alright? Trust me on this. My mom's going to love the sight of you and your bare vagina when you get naked. I'm telling you, she won't mind you not having any pussy hair at all. Trust me on this baby.", said Jaspinder as he lovingly groped Shaily's ass cheek and grabbed it in his palm in the elevator, hugging her as Shaily seemed to control her tears of anxiety. Shaily too hugged Jaspinder, managing to control her tears and nodding to Jaspinder's assurance before they stepped out of the elevator.
"Now you better stop crying, or my mom will think I forced this thing on you to get yourself naked in front of all of us.", said Jaspinder, as Shaily laughed in between her sobs, wiping her tears.
"Oh no, Mrs. Bharti is just going to think that I am just a slut with no pussy hair. That's all.", said Shaily resenting herself again for her lack of pubic hair on her pussy.
Jaspinder could see that Shaily was totally anxious and nervous that she did not have any pussy hair that could prevent her from exposing her womanhood in an obscene way to his mom. He could not help but smile at how worried Shaily was and the fact that she was so worried about her pussy hair in front of Mrs. Bharti only made him adore Shaily even more.
"Shell, just wipe your tears, and it'll be all fine. Trust me on this okay? I'll help you get naked as soon as you get inside our house so that you don't have to worry about it, but darling, you have to trust me that my mom won't think you are a slut just because you don't have hair on your snatch, okay? In fact, I'm telling you, she'll be glad that you decided to show up with hardly any pussy hair for all of us. Now stop worrying about it so much and enjoy the moment love.", said Jaspinder kissing her on her cheek, trying to make Shaily comfortable about her getting naked in front of his mom.
Shaily reluctantly wiped her tears and smiled at Jaspinder. She felt that she was troubling Jaspinder more than necessary with her anxiety, and so she tried to contain herself, even though she felt really anxious about showing off her hairless pussy to Jaspinder's mom.
"Okay.", was all she said, as Jaspinder wiped Shaily's tears with his handkerchief making sure Shaily looked perfect before Mrs. Bharti opened the door to them.
Mrs. Bharti was aged around 60 years. She was quite a tall woman, even taller than Shaily by a clear 2-3 inches. She had grey hair all over that Shaily instantly recognised when she opened the door.
"Hi Shaily, welcome. Please come in!", Mrs. Bharti greeted Shaily and her son as they stepped inside their house.
"Hello Mrs. Bharti, glad to meet you again after so long.", said Shaily nervously, dropping on her knees to touch Mrs. Bharti's feet.
"Oh, stop it!", said Mrs. Bharti jovially as she held Shaily by her shoulders, helping her get up.
She then observed Shaily's attire from top to toe. "You are as stunning as Jaspinder told me Shaily. It's very nice to meet you again darling.", she said with smile.
Shaily smiled at Mrs. Bharti's kind words. "Thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti!".
"Arjun, come here. Bhayya and Shaily are here.", she shouted out to Jaspinder's younger brother Arjun.
Arjun was also a tall lad, though thinner than both Jaspinder and her mom. He had specs and curly hair and looked like a thorough geek to Shaily, as she found herself smiling to him as he made his way to the hall.
"Arjun, meet Shaily, Jaspinder's friend from college. Shaily, this is Arjun, my youngest son.", said Mrs. Bharti.
"Hi Arjun, it's very nice to meet you. How are you doing?", Shaily said, smiling at Arjun.
"I'm fine Shaidly di, Glad to meet you.", said Arjun as he could not help but stare at Shaily's voluptuous cleavage that was showing on her. Shaily too noticed his stare and found it really cute on him. Of course, she knew that Arjun would have already known that she was going to get naked for them to see, so it didn't really matter if he gawked at her cleavage while she was clothed.
"Jaspinder tells me you are studying, where do you study Arjun?", asked Shaily.
"I'm doing B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT Delhi di.", said Arjun.
"Oh wow, IIT Delhi? That's really impressive Arjun! So you are one of those highly intelligent ones huh?", said Shaily impressed with Arjun's qualifications.
"Hahaha, not really, but I am glad you think so. Jaspinder never mentions it to me anyway!", he said taking a dig at his brother as they all laughed at Arjun's words.
"Well, take it from me then. You are definitely smarter than most of us!", said Shaily, ruffling Arjun's hair lovingly.
"Shaily darling, do you want some water?", asked Mrs. Bharti.
"Mrs. Bharti, it's okay. I'll take care of myself and both your sons for the day. You need to relax. Jasp told me that you are feeling unwell, and I don't want you to get more stressed due to my visit.", said Shaily with a polite smile on her face.
"Oh no Shaily, I'm doing just fine. Jaspinder has this habit of exaggerating things all the time.", she said.
"Mom, come on. You still have cold and even today morning, you were taking medicines for body ache.", said Jaspinder.
"Yeah, but at this age, all this normal. You didn't have to ask the poor lady to come here and cook for all us. She's a guest, not a maid alright?", said Mrs. Bharti.
"Oh come on Mrs. Bharti, I'm not a guest! I'm here to have a good time with you all and help you relax so that you can recover sooner. You should sit down here,", said Shaily, proceeding to hold Mrs. Bharti's hand and seated her on the couch in the hall, "and relax while I cook lunch for everyone!", said Shaily smiling lovingly at her.
Jaspinder and Arjun looked at each other and smiled at Shaily's wonderful gesture towards their mom.
"I'm sorry Shaily. I really didn't want you to be here to take the trouble to cook for everyone.", said Mrs. Bharti as she sat down on the couch.
"Oh Mrs. Bharti, please stop saying that. I love cooking, and these guys", she said looking in a mock angry way at Jaspinder, "these guys never let me cook whenever we hangout at the guys' place. I am excited that I finally have the opportunity to cook for everyone today.", said Shaily smiling brightly.
"Haha, okay then, as you wish Shaily. I'm happy that you don't feel burdened about it.", said Mrs. Bharti. "Oh and I almost forgot darling. I know you are also here to get some nudity practice. So you are free to get rid of your clothes and get naked for us anytime you want. There's no one else who'll be coming here apart from your friends, so you can happily roam around without any clothes for as long as you wish.", said Mrs. Bharti with a warm smile.
Shaily did not expect Mrs. Bharti to be so accommodating, but she was glad that she was fine with the fact that she was there to get naked in front of her at her place.
Shaily smiled at Mrs. Bharti. "Oh, thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti. If you don't mind then, I'd like to get naked right away before I start cooking.", said Shaily feeling a little anxious about showing off her bare pussy to Mrs. Bharti.
"Oh, why not Shaily. Please go ahead, think of this place as your own home!", said Mrs. Bharti.
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frends plz reply
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pls continue..going hot
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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such a hot story. I thought this is lost !
Thanks for reposting it.
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"Thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti.", said Shaily as she took a few steps away from her. She glanced at Arjun first and then at Jaspinder who nodded his head, smiling at Shaily before Shaily reached for the bottom of her frock and pulled it off of her showing herself in her sexy laced panty and tight push-up bra as all of them looked on at Shaily covered in just her undergarments which she was going to lose in a few seconds.
"Let me get that Shell.", said Jaspinder, coming forward to take her frock from her. "Get rid off your underwear too baby.", he said, trying to make Shaily comfortable about getting naked in front of his mom and brother.
Shaily could feel all eyes fixed on her exposed body. Of course, Jaspinder had already seen her naked, but she felt very shy and awkward with Arjun and Mrs. Bharti staring at her exposed body as she stood there in front of them in just her bra and panty. She could feel those familiar pangs of anxiety and nervousness hit her as she found herself shivering slightly due to the excitement and shyness from getting naked for Jaspinder's mom and brother for the first time.
"Ahh, ummm, should I go somewhere else and change, or is it okay if I do it here itself?", said Shaily nervously, hoping that Jaspinder would allow her to remove her underwear elsewhere so that Arjun and Mrs. Bharti wouldn't be watching her get totally naked. Somehow, she felt that it would relieve her of her anxiety.
Jaspinder too realised that Shaily was getting anxious about getting naked in front of his mom and brother, but he wanted to make sure that Shaily got past her mental block straight away. Of course, he could allow her to go to the bedroom and get rid off her bra and panty and that would ease off Shaily's nervousness, but that would just be like running away from the problem. Jaspinder felt that it was necessary for Shaily to face this kind of anxiety and nervousness about getting naked in front of people she would be meeting for the first time and only then would she be able to get more confident about getting naked in front of clothed strangers, as is required from her for the play.
"No no baby, it's completely fine. You can get naked here itself, it's not a problem. Get rid of them and give them to me and I'll put them in my cupboard in the bedroom as you won't be needing them anytime soon. ", said Jaspinder, smiling at Shaily hoping to make her comfortable about the whole thing.
Mrs. Bharti too said, "Yes Shaily. It's not a problem dear. You can remove your bra and panty here itself.", she said, smiling at Shaily who stood in front of her, visibly anxious, clad in just her sexy bra and panty.
Shaily smiled nervously and looked at all of them. There was no way to back off now and she had to face it. Realising that, she first undid her bra and let it come off her huge breasts and passed it on to Jaspinder. She then removed her sexy laced panty and removed it off as well getting completely naked in front of Jaspinder's mom and his brother.
Jaspinder took the bra and panty from Shaily as she hung her head low with shyness and nervousness. Her first instinct was to cover her vagina with her hands, but she immediately recollected what Prof Lekha told her a few minutes ago, that she should not try to cover up her modesty when she gets naked in front of people, ever. With that, she strongly resisted the urge to cover herself up, but still hung her head low to avoid looking at Mrs. Bharti and Arjun, completely aware that their eyes we fully admiring and relishing the sight of her sexy naked body.
Mrs. Bharti smiled at Shaily's shy demeanour as she got completely naked in front of them. "Oh my my, Shaily, you have a very beautiful body darling. Now, I understand why Prof Lekha wanted to cast you and only you for the role in the play!", said Mrs. Bharti to the naked Shaily, who still hung her head down to avoid their stares.
"Thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti.", said Shaily shyly still not looking up at her. There was no doubt she was feeling so womanly and shy, being the only one naked among others, who were all part of the same family.
"Haha, Jaspinder, I think Shaily's feeling really shy for getting naked in front of me and Arjun. It's okay baby, it's just us, don't you feel shy darling.", said Mrs. Bharti trying to cheer her up as Jaspinder came up to her and held her by her waist.
"Shell, baby, are you okay? You are trembling baby!", said Jaspinder as he pulled the naked Shaily slightly closer to him and rubbed her on her naked back.
"Shaily, if you want, you can go inside and spend some time with Jassu in his room till you feel comfortable about being naked for us.", said Mrs. Bharti noticing how shy and embarrassed Shaily was feeling for getting naked for them, just as the day she was born.
As far as Arjun was concerned, he was staring directly at Shaily's naked behind as he just stood there enjoying her nudity. He then slowly walked up to her front to have a look at her boobs and pussy and stood there having the time of life staring at Shaily's naked private parts, and was completely unconcerned about what his brother or mom had to say to her.
"Shell baby, it's okay. Don't feel shy. My mom and brother are happy to see you naked like this, just look at them once!", said Jaspinder trying to get Shaily out of her current state of shyness.
Shaily of course, could not bring herself to look at them. She was feeling so damn shy and ashamed at being naked in front of them at their place and Jaspinder's words did not help her feel any better. However, she realised that she had to do this. She remembered Prof Lekha's words that she had to get past her initial hurdle and then she would be just fine, and she knew she had no other choice. She knew it. Forcing herself, as Jaspinder rubbed Shaily on her naked back, Shaily raised her head to look up, managing a shy smile towards them.
Mrs. Bharti smiled at her. "Shaily, you don't have to feel shy at all darling. You have such a beautiful body. I love how big and firm your breasts are and your vagina is just absolutely stunning. It's great to see a woman stand naked in front of me who's so wonderfully gifted. If anything, you should proudly show off all of the awesomeness you've got on your body by being naked at all times.", said Mrs. Bharti, laughing out happily while staring at Shaily's naked tits.
Shaily blushed crimson at Mrs. Bharti's words. "Thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti, I'm really pleased that you like my body so much.", she said, still feeling very shy and shameful about getting totally naked, without an inch of clothing, in front of someone like Mrs. Bharti.
Jaspinder, who was still rubbing Shaily's naked back, was glad that Shaily was finally looking up and talking to his mom after getting naked.
"Well mom, I'm sure Arjun too shares the same view.", he said laughing out. Of course, he was talking about how Arjun was staring at Shaily's private parts intently without even batting an eyelid. Hearing Jaspinder's words, Arjun quickly retracted his gaze which was directed at Shaily's big naked breasts as he took to staring down at the floor. Seeing his reaction, Shaily couldn't help but smile at his cute actions.
"Hahaha, well, Jassu, I can't blame Arjun. Your friend is truly a very adorable woman. I specially love how fine your pussy is darling.", said Mrs. Bharti, looking directly into her eyes and then directing her gaze once again towards Shaily's bare vagina.
Hearing Mrs. Bharti appreciate her pussy so much, Shaily smiled and looked at Jaspinder, as he too looked at her and smiled. Jaspinder then laughed and said, "Oh mom, I'm so happy you say that. Shaily's been worrying throughout since morning that she didn't have any pussy hair and she was scared that you might find her pussy obscenely revealing because of that. In fact she was just crying in the elevator minutes ago that she didn't have sufficient hair on her vagina, and that you might think she was a slut or something.".
Shaily did not expect Jaspinder to reveal this thing about Shaily to his mom, at least not in front of her. Shaily looked at him and glared with embarrassment as she turned beetroot red with shyness and embarrassment, not knowing how to react in front of Mrs. Bharti and Arjun as Jaspinder said those words.
"Oh really? Shaily, is that true?", said Mrs. Bharti laughing slightly.
"Ahh, ummm, well, umm, yes Mrs. Bharti. I felt I needed to have some more hair down there so that I don't end up showing it off rather vulgarly to you.", said Shaily still red from the embarrassment.
"Oh my god, you are so cute!", said Mrs. Bharti as she got up from the couch and came up to her.
She then hugged the naked Shaily and said, "Shaily darling, you have such an amazingly gifted body, and you should be proud about, but never feel insecure about showing yourself to others in your most primal form. There's nothing more attractive than seeing a girl as full and ripe as you without any clothes, and your lack of pubic hair on your pussy only makes you look more fabulous. Also, there's nothing like an obscene pussy darling, trust me. If there was a notion of that sort, we wouldn't be here making babies!", said Mrs. Bharti with a laugh.
Hearing Mrs. Bharti's funny words, all of them including Shaily laughed out. As Jaspinder rubbed her back and Mrs. Bharti held her waist, Shaily finally started to feel a little comfortable about being naked in their presence as she too hugged Mrs. Bharti laughing at her humorous statement.
Shaily then glanced at Arjun who was staring directly at Shaily's exposed pussy, totally oblivious to what was happening around him. As Shaily looked on, Arjun too looked up at her for a moment knowing that Shaily was looking at him. Seeing him look at her, Shaily smiled at him. Arjun too passed a smile at her, but immediately moved his gaze down back at her naked pussy.
Jaspinder was glad that Shaily was starting to settle in, as her demeanour changed from that of nervousness and shame to comfort around his mom and brother. The clock said it was 11 AM already, and it was only about an hour or so before their friends would arrive. So, as Shaily and Mrs. Bharti shared a hug, Jaspinder said, "Shaily, I think you should start cooking, the guys are going to be here soon baby.".
"Oh yeah, of course, of course.", said Shaily. The expression on her face was back to normal and Jaspinder was glad that Shaily was feeling better now about being naked at their place in front of his mom and brother.
"Mrs. Bharti, you better relax now, while I take to the cooking.", she said to Mrs. Bharti with a lovely smile on her face.
She then looked towards Arjun who was still staring intently at her bare vagina. Shaily loved how the young lad was hooked on to her naked body, and she understood that, at his age, he would be totally spellbound and extremely aroused to see a ripe woman like herself completely naked for him without any qualms. Wanting him to have utmost fun looking at her body, as he wished, Shaily turned to Arjun and walked up closer to him so that he could have a much closer view of her sexy mature flesh.
"Arjun, what would like to have for lunch?", she asked, as Arjun finally managed to look up at her face to answer her, as Shaily stood there completely naked in front of him without a stitch of clothing with a bright smile on her face.
'Wow, what a sexy slut this woman is!', Arjun thought to himself.
Arjun finally looked up at Shaily's face.
Of course, he was aware that Shaily was looking at him while he was staring at her shaved pussy, but he just could not avert his gaze away from the sight of beautiful pink pussy with the tidbits of hair on it. It turned him on so much that a ripe mature woman like Shaily was totally naked at his place, without wearing just anything on her sexy voluptuous body, exhibiting all of it to him openly without any shame. It was as if the porn-star he saw last night on his computer when his brother and mom were asleep came to life and stood before him naked. It aroused him so damn much, that he was sure Shaily could notice his hard-on pressing out from inside his pants.
Shaily smiled, knowing that the lad just could not stop looking at her bare pussy, and the fact that he was having fun looking at a woman like Shaily all naked was making her feel very happy for him. After all, he was a 20 year-old horny lad, and she knew that he certainly wouldn't have seen any woman as plump and ripe as her go completely naked in front of him that too at his place, so that he could see her and derive pleasure out of her sexy ripe nakedness.
Looking up at her, Arjun quickly said, "Umm, Shaily di, anything is fine with me.", and then went back to staring at her puffy bare pussy.
"Arjun. What did I tell you? When someone is talking to you, look up at them and talk to them. You shouldn't be disrespectful to our guests.", said Mrs. Bharti in a serious tone.
"Oh Mrs. Bharti. It's okay, really. I'm sure Arjun is a good kid. I'm sure he'd be looking up and talking to me had I been wearing something on my body!", said Shaily with a shy smile, not wanting Mrs. Bharti to be angry with Arjun because he was staring at Shaily's pussy even when she was talking to him.
Hearing Shaily words, both Jaspinder and Mrs. Bharti laughed out loudly, as Jaspinder playfully slapped on Shaily's right ass cheek much to her sweet embarrassment, as she too laughed along. Arjun however, only seemed engrossed in gawking at Shaily's naked pussy, as if he did not care about what was going on and only derive pleasure from all of Shaily's nude form.
Shaily smiled at Arjun's adolescent antics as he kept on staring at Shaily's bare vagina. She was indeed very happy that he was enjoying her nakedness, and did not want to get him out of his trance. She was standing within inches distance from Arjun so that he could have an up-close uninhibited view of her naked body so that he could look at whatever naked part of her he wanted to, though right now he seemed to be only interested in gawking at her pussy. Realising how sexy and tempting it must be for Arjun to look at her naked pussy like that with no restrictions at all, Shaily felt glad for the first time since that morning that she did not have much hair on her pussy.
"Arjun", she said in a playful voice, holding his chin and tilting his head up, "I can cook whatever you want, so tell me what you like the most baby. Just tell me, and then you can go back to what you are doing now!", Shaily said smiling lovingly at Arjun.
As Shaily said those words, both Mrs. Bharti and Jaspinder once again laughed out at her rather playfully naughty words. Jaspinder was initially worried that Shaily would find his brother's adolescent behaviour towards her naked body awkward and rude, but now, seeing Shaily, he was happy that she didn't mind Arjun taking pleasure from Shaily's nude body. Jaspinder lovingly held Shaily by her waist as Arjun passed a nervous smile knowing that Shaily knew how he was totally gawking at her naked pussy all the while.
"Uhh oh, I'm, ohh, I'm sorry Shaily di, it's just that, well...umm I like paneer. If you can prepare some spicy paneer with roti, I'd love that.", Arjun said, stammering with nervousness, realising that he shouldn't have been lusting at Shaily's pussy all this while without any concern for the fact that Shaily was looking at and talking to him.
"Sure Arjun.", said Shaily smiling at him knowing that he was feeling guilty about staring at her pussy all this while, even though he knew Shaily was looking at him. "So, paneer it is!", said Shaily hoping that Arjun would go back to staring at her pussy.
"Ah, I have some work to do, I'll be back in some time.", said Arjun reluctantly, as he turned back and proceeded to go back to his room.
Shaily felt disappointed. She was feeling really hot and happy with the fact that Arjun was staring at her naked pussy without any resistance, so brazenly, but now that he went back to his room, she felt that he thought she didn't like it, which was certainly not the case. She loved how objectified she was feeling with Arjun staring at her nude body without a care in the world, and she thought that she had somehow given him the wrong impression that she was bothered and unhappy with the way Arjun was gawking at her naked pussy while she was talking to him.
Shaily turned to Mrs. Bharti, "Mrs. Bharti, do you also want me to prepare some rice along with paneer and roti?", she asked her.
"Shaily darling, paneer and roti is just fine. But if you can, I'd love it if you can prepare some Pulao and raita as well. It's always nice to have diverse items for lunch, you know. But it's totally fine if you can't baby doll, you don't have much time before your friends are here.", said Mrs. Bharti.
"Oh it's okay Mrs. Bharti, I'll try to be fast. I'll prepare some Pulao and raita as well.", said Shaily, smiling at her.
"Shaily, I hope you don't feel troubled with all the cooking. It's okay, we can just order food for everyone from a nearby restaurant and still have fun.", said Mrs. Bharti, smiling at Shaily.
"Oh no no, Mrs. Bharti. I am excited that I finally got the chance to cook! I really love to cook. Do you also want me to prepare a sweet dish?", asked Shaily smiling and looking at Jaspinder and Mrs. Bharti. "I know Jasp likes Gulab Jamun and Jalebi.", she said looking lovingly at Jaspinder.
"Oh wow, Shaily. I'm glad how you know what Jaspinder likes. I'd love it if you can prepare Gulab Jamun and Jalebi as well, but don't get stressed over it baby. It's okay if you want to skip it. I don't want you to feel hassled over preparing so much for so many of us darling.", said Mrs. Bharti hoping that she wasn't troubling Shaily over preparing such an extravagant lunch.
Shaily smiled at Mrs. Bharti who was sitting on the couch, as she came up to her and squatted down naked in front of her. She then took her hands in hers and rested them on her lap. "Mrs. Bharti, just leave it all to me. You just tell me what you want for lunch, and I'll make sure I'll prepare all of them, please don't worry about it. Okay?", said Shaily smiling lovingly at her.
Seeing Shaily bond so well with his mom, Jaspinder could not help but let out the happiest of smiles. He always considered Shaily to be a considerate, mature, generous and fun-loving person, and the way she interacted so lovingly with his mom only made him love her even more.
Mrs. Bharti smiled at Shaily as she squatted in front of her with her hands in hers. "Well, ok then baby! But you have to know that I am agreeing to all this only because you are excited to cook for all of us.", she said, as she took Shaily's face in her palms and kissed her on both her cheeks. Shaily too loved Mrs. Bharti's gesture as she too smiled at her and hugged Mrs. Bharti lovingly with her completely naked.
"Of course Mrs. Bharti, please don't worry about it.", said Shaily getting up. "You just relax here and watch TV Mrs. Bharti. You are not allowed to step inside the kitchen today at any cost!", she said, with a bright smile that Mrs. Bharti reciprocated.
Shaily then turned to Jaspinder. "Jasp, would you mind accompanying me to the kitchen and help me out so that I can settle in and start cooking?".
"Of course, darling, let's go.", he said to Shaily. "Mom, did you take your medicines that you have to take before lunch?", he said to his mom.
"Yes Jassu, I did. Don't worry about me, just help the lovely lady in preparing the lunch.", she said as both Jaspinder and the naked Shaily went into the kitchen with Jaspinder's hands lovingly wandering over Shaily's naked ass.
Once they were out of Mrs. Bharti's view, Shaily pinched Jaspinder's waist as he groped Shaily's naked ass with more lust.
"Jasp, you are such an asshole! You didn't have to tell Mrs. Bharti that I was concerned about showing off my pussy to her without any pubic hair.", said Shaily angrily, but with a shy feeling showing up on her face. "Oh god, I was so embarrassed when you talked about it to your mom, you know!", she said pinching him once again.
Jaspinder lovingly kissed Shaily on her cheek, finding her so very cute with her expressions all naked.
"Hahaha, Shell, I am sorry that you were embarrassed, but once my mom said how much she loved your nude pussy, I just felt I had to tell her how worried you were about your lack of pubic hair, throughout the day.", he said as he loving slapped Shaily on her ass cheeks, laughing out.
Shaily could not help but laugh out too.
"Oh come on, you prick, I know you wanted to embarrass me. You could have told her at least when I wasn't there!", said Shaily as she felt sweet embarrassment wafting over her for Jaspinder's actions as she hugged him lovingly, an intensely shy smile on her face.
Shaily was feeling a strange sense of happiness as she walked over to the kitchen at Jaspinder's place all naked with him beside her. She was apprehensive about how her meeting with Jaspinder's mom would go, and how she would react to the view of her naked shaved pussy. Now that she had seen how accommodating Mrs. Bharti was to Shaily's naked body, especially her shaved vagina, Shaily was just so damn happy and looked forward to having a lovely time at Jaspinder's place without wearing anything on her body.
"Hahaha, Shell, it's all fine baby. Did you not see how my mom loved seeing you naked out there? Did you not see how much she loved the look of your bare vagina? She's really a very sweet woman, and I love how you both got along with each other. It just makes my day!", said Jaspinder as he lovingly grabbed Shaily's boobs and pinched her nipples lustfully once they were in the kitchen.
Just then, Shaily looked Jaspinder in his eyes, as he said those words. There was no doubt that she was feeling very happy and aroused about how she was naked in front of all of them, and the fact that his mom found her lovely in her naked form without any clothes made her even more happier. She was also very turned on with how Arjun was completely objectifying her right there, even in Mrs. Bharti and Jaspinder's presence. For a moment, Shaily seemed lost as she stopped talking and grabbed Jaspinder by his neck and kissed him hard on his lips. Jaspinder, though taken aback by Shaily's abrupt kiss, found it very pleasantly welcoming as he held both of Shaily's ass cheeks, slapping them roughly as they both shared a passionate lip kiss in the kitchen.
"Holy fuck!", exclaimed Jaspinder as they finally broke out of their kiss. Jaspinder was pleasantly surprised to know how horny Shaily was right then, but before he could say a word, Shaily immediately pulled Jaspinder closer to him by his shirt and kissed him once again, biting his lips with lust.
For a minute, both Jaspinder and the naked Shaily seemed lost in lust as they kissed each other, biting each other's lips with lust as Jaspinder rubbed his hands all over Shaily's naked body, slapping her, pinching her nipples and having his way with her, as Shaily slowly started to moan with Jaspinder's actions.
"Shhhh, shhhh baby. My mom's going to hear. Please be quiet!", he whispered to Shaily who was right then, so overwhelmed with lust.
"Please Jaspinder, please don't stop! Please! I want you right now, come on!", whispered Shaily, totally aroused. The hoarseness of her voice told Jaspinder how horny she was, but Jaspinder was cautious to not attract attention, lest his mother know what they were up to in the kitchen. Inevitably, he kissed her again roughly, biting her lips with lust as he slapped Shaily's beautiful large breasts with lust. He had always noticed how big and fleshy Shaily's breasts were, but he had never really slapped them like he was doing now, something that he always wanted to do. And God, wasn't he happy.
As Jaspinder and Shaily kissed each other like bunnies overcome by lust, with Jaspinder exploring every inch of Shaily's exposed body with his raw manly hands, they heard a sound. But before they could react, Arjun came out of his room that was right in front of the kitchen and caught both Jaspinder and Shaily having their lustful moment together as they stared at Arjun with Jaspinder's hands over Shaily's naked breasts. Arjun saw them and passed an awkward smile towards them as he stared at the sight in front of him.
Jaspinder's one hand was on Shaily's left breast, groping it hard, while his right hand was pinching her right nipple as Shaily stood naked with a painful but aroused grimace on her face, while Jaspinder molested her sexy tits in the kitchen.
"Ah, Arjun, umm, sorry, I was just going to help Shaily di prepare lunch for us, you know, because she wouldn't really know where's what in here...", said Jaspinder retracting his hands away from Shaily's boobs. Shaily too, immediately turned away from Jaspinder with her head hung low out of embarrassment from being caught by the youngster while she was being molested lustily by his elder brother. She straightened her dishevelled hair that Jaspinder had roughed up and looked down at her naked tits. Sure enough, they were red and slightly sore from the rough treatment Jaspinder was giving them, as she smiled naughtily at how turned on she was right then.
If Jaspinder or Shaily thought that they were the only ones who were feeling awkward with Arjun running into them while they were having their moment, they were wrong. Arjun was feeling equally awkward for having to see them enjoying themselves and ruin their moment in the kitchen.
"Ahh ohh, that's okay. Well, I was just going to the living room to watch some television. Ahh, I well, I didn't expect...well, sorry. Jassu, please go on with what you were helping Shaily di with.", said Arjun awkwardly as he left the two alone and walked towards the living room.
Seeing him leave, Shaily turned around towards Jaspinder and whispered nervously, "Oh shit Jasp, I'm such a slut! I'm sorry, is Arjun going to say anything about us to Mrs. Bharti?"
"Oh no, it's going to be fine Shell.", said Jaspinder pulling Shaily close to him and groping her naked breasts, kissing her once again on her lips.
Shaily whispered in between their kisses, "I'm sure your brother thinks I'm a slut from what he saw Jasp!".
"Come on Shell, don't worry about it.", said Jaspinder as they both kissed each other lovingly, while Jaspinder pinched Shaily's nipples roughly with lust and smacked her ass cheeks with pure arousal for the sexy naked girl.
As both of them seemed lost in lust with Jaspinder exploring every inch of Shaily's nakedness with his hands roughly kneading her, Mrs. Bharti shouted out from the living room. "Jassu, oye Jassu!".
Hearing Mrs. Bharti call out to Jaspinder, both Shaily and Jaspinder were scared that she had come to know about what they were doing in the kitchen.
"Holy fuck!", said Shaily first, breaking away from her kiss with Jaspinder.
"Jasp, your mom is calling! You should go, we can do all this sometime later.", she said pushing him away reluctantly, as much as she wanted him to have his way with her nude body.
"Oh fuck Shell, I want to so fucking eat you right now!", said Jaspinder helplessly as he tried to insert his finger inside Shaily's pussy. Shaily was so turned on right now, that she would have loved Jaspinder finger-fuck her right there in the kitchen, but she was still in her senses, and she did not want Mrs. Bharti or Arjun to catch them doing such nasty things in the kitchen.
"Jasp! I promise I'll let you do whatever you want, but now is not the time for this. You mom is calling you and you should go!", she said helplessly.
"Ahh, you are right, I better go.", said Jaspinder with a disappointed expression on his face.
Seeing him seem disappointed, Shaily lovingly grabbed his face and kissed him one last time on his lips. "I promise I'll make it up to you later, okay?", she said looking straight into his eyes.
"Okay...", was all Jaspinder could say, as he kissed Shaily one last time roughly on her lips biting into her. "Coming mom!", he shouted and left the kitchen, as Shaily could not help but smile shyly recollecting the lovely moment she shared with Jaspinder. She felt so hot right then and she could feel her pussy dripping love juices owing to her arousal.
With Jaspinder, his brother and his mom in the living room, Shaily quietly tiptoed towards them to eavesdrop on what Mrs. Bharti had to say to Jaspinder. She was just concerned if Arjun had told his mom what Jaspinder and her were doing in the kitchen, but she was relieved that Mrs. Bharti was only asking Jaspinder if Shaily needed any help while she cooked the lunch for them, and to ask him to give her the tablets she needed to take.
Just then, Shaily had an idea. She walked over into the living room all naked and smiled at them.
"Hi Shaily, I was just asking Jassu how you were doing back there in the kitchen. Do you want some help beta? I can help you if you need me!", said Mrs. Bharti, smiling at her.
"Oh Mrs. Bharti, please don't worry about it. However, I have some trouble identifying all the ingredients.", she said. She then looked at Arjun into his eyes, as if telling him what was in her mind and that he should just play along with her idea.
"Maybe if Arjun knows about them, I could use some of his help. That'll be good enough help for me to prepare lunch on time before others are here.", said Shaily, glancing towards Jaspinder. Jaspinder too passed an acknowledging glance at Shaily knowing what she was up to.
"Of course baby. Arjun beta, please go with Shaily di and help her in any way she asks. Remember, be a bad boy, okay?", said Mrs. Bharti instructing her son.
Even though Arjun wasn't totally sure about Shaily's motive in asking his mom for his help, he was glad that he would be around the naked sexpot and relish her ripe nude body parts. Who knows, with what she and his brother were doing back there in the kitchen just a few seconds ago, maybe she would even allow him to cop a feel or two of her sexy naked body. He certainly hated that he was called for some help, but all the same, who wouldn't want to be around such a sexy slut who wore absolutely nothing on her voluptuous body?
"Sure mom.", said Arjun enthusiastically, not trying to hide the excitement of getting to spend time with the naked Shaily in such close proximity.
As they walked from the living room to the kitchen, Shaily walked in front of Arjun with a shy and happy smile on her face. She made sure she swayed her ass as she walked slower than usual knowing that Arjun would be thoroughly checking it out behind her, hoping that it would give him a longer view of her huge shapely naked ass, and boy stare he did.
As he walked behind her, Arjun was feeling extremely horny with Shaily walking naked in front of him slowly and seductively swaying her ass with her every step making her huge ass jiggle erotically. He was convinced that Shaily was just a slut who loved to exhibit her body to all people. Never would he have imagined such a scenario where a girl as sexy, ripe and mature as Shaily would be willingly roaming around naked in the house in front of them without a hint of shame, as if it was something absolutely normal. But of course, he had no reason to complain.
Earlier, when Arjun walked in on his brother and the naked Shaily having their moment of sexual indulgence, he concluded that Shaily was a morally loose woman. Of course, Jaspinder hadn't mentioned to him that she was his girlfriend or something, so he figured they were probably just friends. But the fact that Shaily came to their place, got naked in front of all of them, and then have things done to her in the kitchen made him understand how slutty and sexual Shaily was. Of course, now that she had herself invited him to hang around her and help her with the cooking, Arjun was sure that he could have some fun with the sexy slut himself. After all, by now, he was sure that Shaily was a true exhibitionist who loved to give men joy by showing and offering her naked body to them with any self-respect for being a woman.
For her part, Shaily was happy that Arjun did not mention what Jaspinder and Shaily were doing in the kitchen to his mom. Moreover, she was feeling aroused as it is by how Arjun was lusting at her privates right in the living room in front of his mom and elder brother. Of course, she knew that he would be extremely aroused and horny himself at seeing a sexy woman like him willingly get naked for them to have fun. Someone who didn't mind them looking at her and her intimate parts like she was a total slut. Of course, after that, she desperately wanted her moment of lust and sexual indulgence with Jaspinder to go on, but unfortunately Mrs. Bharti had called out to Jaspinder and they had to break their sexual escapade, so to speak.
While she did want Jaspinder back with her in the kitchen and do things to her right there, she was wary of the consequences. If Mrs. Bharti would somehow run in on them doing their thing in the kitchen, it would certainly cast a very bad impression on her. She was apprehensive all morning about what Mrs. Bharti would think of her when she would see her pussy have hardly any hair on it, and now that she was fine with all of that as well as the confidence she had given to Mrs. Bharti that should would be comfortably able to cook lunch for all of them, she did not want to screw anything up. Of course, she knew Jaspinder could have fun with her back at Karan and Abhishek's place as and when they wished. However, Shaily was still feeling very much aroused about the whole situation. She was the only one naked among clothed people, and the fact that she was making Arjun happy in his heart by exhibiting her body to him for him to have fun made her feel really satisfied. It was then she decided she would ask Mrs. Bharti for his help so that Arjun could be right near her and have fun looking at her.
Of course, Shaily would love for Arjun to have more fun with her naked body, and she was certainly open to him having a squeeze or two of her assets if he wanted. After all, it was only natural that she gave the lad his share of her naked body after her elder brother had his fun with her just a while ago. But she surely did not want to make the first steps towards that, and cause any issues.
However, she was sure that if Arjun would show some courage and try to grope her breasts or pinch her pussy or anything of that sort, she would gladly allow him to do so!
Once they reached the kitchen after a slow and seductive walk by Shaily all naked for Arjun to see and gawk at her voluptuous ass, she glanced back at him to see his eyes fully fixed on Shaily's beautifully nude ass cheeks, arousal and lust clearly showing on his face.
Shaily smiled, knowing that Arjun was having the time of life and wished he would also try to touch her and feel her and she hoped he knew she wouldn't mind him groping her ass and boobs if he wanted to.
Arjun walked up behind Shaily and stood at the entrance of the kitchen while she took to the cooking. Of course, she didn't really need any help from him, even though it was the first time she was in their kitchen. Her naked behind was still turned to him, and so Arjun continued to stare at all of Shaily's sexy naked back. It was obviously too hard for him to resist lusting her nude behind, and knowing that even Shaily loved to show her body to him, he was even more happy and fearless in checking her out, even though he knew Shaily was looking at him while he was staring at her private parts.
Shaily of course knew that Arjun wanted to so badly touch her and grope her and feel her private parts, but she knew he would be a little concerned about what she or Jasp would say to him if he made any moves on her. With that, Shaily decided to get a conversation going with him so that Arjun would feel at ease around her naked presence. She figured that maybe once he would get more comfortable around her naked body, he would be a little more bold to act on his true instincts.
Shaily also made sure she smiled at Arjun whenever she found him staring at her naked assets when she glanced at him, be it her boobs, back, ass or her pussy. He was of course trying to derive pleasure from all her naked body parts and that certainly made Shaily happier and aroused. So whenever Shaily looked at him, he would be staring at some naked part of her and Shaily would smile at him hoping it would tell him that she didn't mind him having his fun with her body.
"So Arjun, IIT Delhi and Computer Science huh? You sure are really smart! You must have cracked the shit of IIT-JEE, right? What rank did you make?", asked Shaily turning around to him making sure she had her full frontal nude body exposed to him for his pleasure.
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As her naked view shifted from her behind to her front, Arjun diverted his gaze from her naked ass to her sexy voluptuous breasts. His eyes were still focussed on relishing Shaily's wonderfully huge breasts as he replied to her, "Thanks Shaily Di, my rank was 145. I really wanted Computer Science in Mumbai, but I couldn't land on that so I had to take Delhi.", he said not caring to look up at her face while he spoke.
Shaily of course noticed how Arjun did not even think it was necessary for him to look up at her when he talked to her as he continued to gaze at her sexy tits that were not more than 5 feet away from him. The kitchen wasn't too big in size, so Arjun was still in very close proximity to her. Seeing Arjun still talk to her without looking up at her face, but just stare at her juicy jugs, Shaily smiled in amusement and arousal at giving a young lad like Arjun the time of his life with her sexy naked voluptuousness.
'Gosh, this kid is so obsessed with my body, and it's making me so horny!', she thought to herself, smiling shyly as she turned back to continue cooking while presenting the view of her ass back again to Arjun.
"Wow! really impressive Arjun. You are very intelligent, I presume. But not intelligent enough to know that I have my eyes a little higher up from where you were looking when talking to me.", said Shaily glancing back again at him, taunting him, though this time she did not turn her entire body towards him and tried to maintain a serious expression on her face, as if trying to rebuke him for his rude behaviour of staring at her naked tits while she was talking to him.
Hearing Shaily's taunt, Arjun's gaze moved from her ass to her face, a hint of remorse showing on his face.
'Finally!', Shaily thought funnily in her mind.
"Oh, Shaily di, umm ahh, I'm sorry, umm, it was not my intention to be rude to you. It's just that, you know umm, it's just that your body is so sexy and so fleshy, I just can't stop looking at your umm, your tits, your ass and your pussy and all of your naked body that is all up there in front of me to enjoy. I'm, ahh, I'm really really sorry for looking at you like that di, as if you are just a piece of meat. I really shouldn't have. But I, I, umm, you know, I just can't seem to help myself. You are just so wonderfully gorgeous and fleshy and voluptuous that I just can't control myself, and the fact that you love to be naked for us to see all your parts just arouses me so so much more! Ahh, well, I don't know if I should tell you this, but when I said I had some work and went into my room and closed my door, I just masturbated imagining you naked and it was, umm, it was just the best feeling ever, trust me di. Even the girls in my porn collection aren't as fleshy and slutty and sexy as you are, and I felt so satisfied after masturbating on your naked body that I've never felt from masturbating on those porn-stars. I mean, I am sorry I am, uhh, telling you all this, but I mean, look at your boobs, they are just so heavenly di, oh gosh!", said Arjun panic showing on his face, as he seemed to shiver with excitement and nervousness while he spoke.
Hearing Arjun talk about how he was feeling, Shaily could understand what he was going through, and started to feel sorry for him. She just smiled lovingly at him and walked up to him as Arjun now started to tremble and feel really guilty about lusting at Shaily's naked body without any consideration that she too was human.
Shaily walked over to Arjun and ruffled his hair, and then lovingly cupped his face in her palms, kicking herself that she tried to play foul with the poor young horny lad. Indeed, she was just trying to be naughty and playful with him, but now seeing Arjun all nervous and guilty for his actions towards her naked body, Shaily felt her heart melt away.
"Oh baby, it's okay!", she said smiling at him. "It's okay, it really is! I was just taunting you Arjun! Oh god you are trembling baby.", she said, as she instinctively hugged Arjun tight to her body, making sure her naked breasts were totally pressed up against his clothed chest.
Still hugging him tight, Shaily lovingly soothed Arjun by massaging his hair.
"I was just kidding Arjun. I know how you must be feeling seeing me naked like this, and it's completely fine. In fact I am happy that you find me sexy and fleshy, and I absolutely don't mind you lusting at my private parts. I really love it that you stare at my parts so openly and I was really only pulling your leg when I said that my eyes were not my boobs.", said Shaily breaking from the hug, looking at Arjun in his eyes within centimetres distance, but with her boobs forced up against Arjun's clothed chest.
"Uhh umm, I don't know what to say Shaily di.", was all Arjun said, as he still seemed to be shaking a little bit, with guilt still evidently showing on his face.
"Oh my poor baby!", said Shaily pouting, finding Arjun adorably cute right then.
"Ok, would it make you feel better if I let you fondle my tits right now?", she said smiling at him.
Arjun's expression changed from guilt to astonishment and surprise, and he wasn't sure if Shaily was playing a prank on her.
"Uhh umm, well. I, I don't know Shaily di, are you sure?", said Arjun, stammering.
"Yes baby, I'm absolutely sure!", said Shaily with a glad smile on her face. She was happy that Arjun was starting to feel more comfortable now hearing her words, going by the expressions on his face.
"Ah well, I don't know if I can do this Shaily di. If Jassu comes to know that I fondled his girl's tits, he'll kill me.", said Arjun nervously, though he was obviously tempted to have his way with the slut's beautifully large breasts which he now started to again gawk at, as he said those words.
"Arjun, you don't need to worry about your brother, I'll take care of that.", said Shaily looking straight into his eyes. "Now tell me, do you want to fondle my tits or not?", said Shaily smiling at him, breaking away from the hug but pushing her bust out towards him.
Seeing Arjun stand there with his head hung low and still trembling, Shaily found him really cute, but she wanted to give him a feel of her breasts at the very least, before she landed either of them in trouble.
"Baby, trust me! I won't tell your brother about this at all, understand? Now, I have to get cooking and the rest of the guys are going to be here any moment, and I don't have a lot of time. So come on, feel my breasts and have your fun quickly before we get into trouble.", said Shaily with a comforting smile towards the lad.
Arjun was still standing in front of her visibly nervous with his head hung low. Shaily was feeling really sorry for Arjun seeing him like that. All the way, she hoped that the 20-year old would just have the time of his life seeing and feeling her naked body, but now seeing him like this in a pitiful state, Shaily felt bad about herself. Understanding that Arjun was feeling really guilty and nervous, Shaily took the matter into her own hands. She took Arjun's hands into hers and placed them on her tits, as Arjun looked up to her with a shocking expression on his face. She pleasantly smiled at him. "It's okay Arjun, I know you want this. Just relax and have fun, I'll do the rest!", she said, with her palms over his as she rubbed his hands all over her magnificent tits, all the while maintaining eye-contact with him with a pleasing smile on her face.
"Oh fuck!", exclaimed Arjun, as Shaily smiled lovingly at him, rubbing his palms all over her naked voluptuous breasts.
"Do you like the feel of my tits baby?", asked Shaily with a comforting smile on her face, as she rubbed Arjun's hands over her voluptuously naked tits.
"Oh my god! Shaily di, you have the most amazing tits. Thanks for doing this!", exclaimed a completely satisfied Arjun, not able to believe how Shaily was rubbing his palms all over her tits.
"Well, thanks Arjun. I am glad you like them!", said Shaily smiling at him shyly.
As Shaily continued to rub Arjun's palms all over her naked tits looking straight up into his eyes, Shaily was feeling thoroughly happy that she was giving Arjun the time of his life. She smiled at him all the while, knowing that the feel of her tits was indeed making him extremely happy. She was also glad that Arjun was now feeling less anxious and guilty about lusting at her, as he slowly started to tighten his grip on her boobs. Understanding that Arjun was now starting to feel bolder about getting a feel of Shaily's parts, Shaily slowly loosened the grip on Arjun's palms over her tits, and eventually let go off her hands as he lustily continued to grope and molest Shaily's naked jugs all by himself.
Shaily felt glad that Arjun was now comfortable about feeling her naked body, that she did not find any reason to help him feel her nakedness anymore. She felt better now that he was back in his own skin, the Arjun that she met in the living room who openly lusted at her nakedness. She gladly stood there naked in front of him with her hands by her side, allowing Arjun to completely grope and molest her tits as his heart desired, as he too seemed more confident and liberated with Shaily's actions and continued to act on his lustful instincts towards the naked sexpot in front of him.
As he continued to grope her tits with more and more lust, Shaily found herself feeling more and more aroused, knowing that she was indeed making Arjun extremely happy with her slutty actions and her naked body. She was sure that this would be his first time he got the chance to completely have his way with the breasts of a woman as sexy and voluptuous as her, and the fact that she was giving him this pleasure for the first time in his life turned her on immensely. She just felt so damn womanly about how she was giving herself to a young lad like Arjun for his absolute pleasure. She felt like she was rightfully doing her duty that god assigned to her, by giving her the body that every man lusted for. She felt privileged that she attained a special place in his life, the first woman to give Arjun the feel her voluptuous tits without any restrictions.
Seeing the expressions on Shaily's face, Arjun could understand that Shaily too was extremely turned on at how he was treating Shaily as he now started to pinch her tits with lust. Shaily let out an expression of pain and surprise at Arjun pinching her tits so roughly, but her expression immediately changed to that of pleasure very soon which told him how aroused she felt with his actions on her tits. Arjun too noticed that, as he pinched her nipples even more roughly, eliciting a lusty moan from Shaily, only confirming the fact that he was right. This lady was just a super-horny slut and Arjun just could not believe his luck.
Just when Arjun started to roughly slap on her boobs, both of them heard Mrs. Bharti shouting out to Shaily, as both Arjun and Shaily suddenly became aware of where they were.
"Of fuck!", whispered Shaily, as Arjun immediately let Shaily loose of her tits.
"Coming Mrs. Bharti!", shouted out Shaily, before kissing Arjun on his lips. "Here take this baby, okay? Let's do this another time!", she said to him hurriedly before making her way to the living room, wiping her wet leaking pussy with her hands helplessly as Arjun looked on at Shaily's backside knowing that he'd have to close his bedroom door the second time that day.
Shaily nervously walked to the living room hoping that Mrs. Bharti wouldn't realise what she had been doing with Arjun in the kitchen. She made sure her hair was proper and that her tits weren't showing off in a tinge of red resulting from all the gropes and slaps from Arjun.
"Yes, Mrs. Bharti?", she said cautiously to Mrs. Bharti in the living room where Jaspinder and her were sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Ah, Shaily baby, I just wanted to make sure you are fine in there darling? Is Arjun helping you out?", said Mrs. Bharti, smiling at her.
"Ahh, umm, well yeah, I'm sure I've got enough help from him now Mrs. Bharti. I guess he can hang out with you guys now.", said Shaily nervously smiling at her, as she winked at Jaspinder knowing that he would understand what kind of help Shaily was talking about.
From Shaily's wink, Jaspinder understood what was going on the kitchen, and felt extremely aroused about how slutty Shaily was behaving.
"Oh, nice Shaily beta! I'm glad you could use some help from Arjun. How much are you done with the lunch?", said Mrs. Bharti.
Shaily, of course, hadn't really started with her lunch preparation, and she felt both guilty and nervous that she was fooling Mrs. Bharti into believing that she was on track.
"Ahh, well Mrs. Bharti, I was just getting all the things ready. It shouldn't take long before lunch is ready. Don't worry!", she said, trying to sound convincing.
"Of course baby! I trust you.", said Mrs. Bharti.
Shaily just smiled at her, resolving that now she would just focus on her cooking. After all, she did not want to cast a bad impression on Jaspinder's mom by delaying their lunch.
"Thanks Mrs. Bharti, shall I go back to the kitchen now?", she asked her nervously.
Back at the kitchen, Arjun was still standing there hoping to get some more feel of Shaily's nakedness. As soon as she turned up, Arjun grabbed Shaily's luscious breasts and started to pinch her nipples, licking and biting at them. Shaily of course, loved how Arjun was treating her right then with all his lust, but she was now cautious to prepare lunch for all of them on time.
"Ohhh", she moaned tightly grabbing Arjun by his hair as he bit on Shaily gorgeous tits, but then managed to compose herself.
"Ahhh, Arjun babyy! I need you to go now! I'm so off schedule and I don't want your mom to think I'm slacking off! The guys are going to be here anytime soon now.", she said patiently, as Arjun continued to bite into her tits slapping them with lust.
"Ohh fuck! Arjun, please baby! You have to let me go off now! I need to cook darling!", she said forcefully pushing him, even though she was loving how wonderfully Arjun was objectifying her right then.
"Ahh sorry Shaily di, of course. I'm sorry, you should start cooking now.", said Arjun reluctantly getting away from the feel of Shaily's gorgeous tits, not before slapping her tits roughly once more.
Shaily lovingly pulled Arjun closer to him and kissed him on his lips. "I promise I'll give you more fun some time later! Now off you go.", she said playfully slapping him lightly on his cheek as Arjun smiled at slapped at Shaily's tits one last time.
"Thanks a lot di, you are truly such a slut!", he said with a smile on his face. "Now, I have to use the toilet once again, but please don't tell bhayya that I am masturbating off to you!", he said winking at her as Shaily shyly smiled at him, realising how horny he was for her naked body.
"Hahaha!", she laughed, "Don't worry about it baby, you can masturbate all you want thinking about me and my tits and my pussy, but I hope you don't use that stupid porn collection of yours again to get yourself off!", she said winking back at him as Arjun roughly pinched her lips before leaving for his bedroom.
"I'm sure I don't need to, now that I know what a real naked woman looks like!", he said winking at her.
After Arjun left, Shaily cleaned her wet leaking pussy with water from the sink and as aroused as she was about letting Arjun having the time of his life with her body, she focussed on preparing the lunch. She was already guilty about how she had been letting on Mrs. Bharti that she had already started, and she did not want to disappoint her and doubt on her abilities to cook.
Shaily quickly got about preparing the spicy panner on one side along with the rotis on the other, as she made the rice ready to prepare the pulao. She knew that the guys would be anytime soon, and she planned all her cooking steps methodically so that she could still prepare the lunch on time, even though she had lost quite a lot of time by letting Jaspinder and Arjun have fun with her naked body.
As she focussed on preparing the lunch for the next 45 minutes without any interruption, Shaily found herself having to wash her naked pussy with water and wipe it every now and then as she was leaking juices from her pussy like never before. It was evident that she was extremely turned about how she was naked in Jaspinder's place and how she had been enjoyed by both Jaspinder and his younger brother. Jaspinder had of course felt her naked body before, but she was extremely happy about how she had entertained Arjun. She was always a sucker for intelligent boys, and the fact that Arjun was as brainy, as he was horny for her naked flesh, made her feel glad that she gave herself to him to his pleasures and desires. It was a beautiful womanly feeling that made her pussy leak juices of utmost happiness as Shaily blushed naughtily every time she had to clean her pussy with water from the sink.
Her tits were still slightly swollen and red, given how roughly Arjun had slapped them a while before, and every time she looked at her swollen tits, she could not help but blush with womanly instincts about how much happy it would have made Arjun to get the liberty to grope, lick, bite and slap her titties. She hoped that she would have him enjoying her even more when time permitted, but for now, she was entirely focussed on preparing the lunch for all of them. After all, she was a perfectionist, and she wanted all of them who'd taste her lunch appreciate her for her wonderful cooking skills, as much as they'd all appreciate her for her beautifully fleshy body, that was all open for their viewing.
The clock read 12:30 PM, when there the calling bell to Jaspinder's place rung.
"Shell, I think the guys are here! Do you want to give them a surprise?", shouted out Jaspinder from across the living room, as Shaily just started preparing the sweet dish.
"Oh yeah, of course Jasp! I'll be there in a minute, don't you open the door!", shouted Shaily from across the kitchen.
"Yeah, I won't. Take your time baby.", said Jaspinder.
Shaily took a minute to make sure her sweet dish wasn't spoilt before she quickly ran towards the living room greeting Jaspinder, Mrs. Bharti and Arjun with a smile on her body and nothing else.
"Jasp, is it okay if I open the door to them completely like this?", she said spreading her arms.
"That should be okay baby! I'm sure the guys will love the sight of you all naked and sweaty!", said Jaspinder.
"Hahaha, surely Shaily. Go on, I'd love to see the surprise on their faces when you open the door like this.", said Mrs. Bharti smiling at Shaily.
Shaily acknowledged their words with a smile. "Hahaha, well okay then, here I go!", she said, taking a deep breath before opening the main door to Jaspinder's home, completely naked, to surprise her guy friends, and surely enough, the expression on the guys' faces told her how much they loved to see her surprise them without a string of clothing on her body.
"Surprise!", shouted out Shelly raising her arms exhibiting her entire nudity to Abhishek, Karan, Faisal and Arun as they stepped inside genuinely surprised with Shaily's greeting.
"Oh wow baby! You are already here all naked, huh?", exclaimed Karan, who lovingly hugged her tightly.
"Hahah, yeah Karan! I was here at least 2 hours ago!", she said gladly as she hugged the rest of the guys who seemed equally surprised that Shaily was already there to greet them all naked.
Once they got inside the house, Shaily locked the door and turned to them.
"I thought you were going to come here along with us, but Jasp said you'd be a little late because you had to meet Prof Lekha! But here you are!", said Abhishek eyeing the naked Shaily top to toe acknowledging her naked attire.
Shaily was excited that the guys were here and she loved how surprised they all were to see her already there and all naked for them.
"Hahaha! I'm glad I could surprise you, and guess what! I cooked lunch for all of you!", said Shaily raising her arms showing off her shaved armpits to all of them, clapping her hands in a childishly cute manner.
"Oh wow, that's great baby! So finally you get the chance to cook for us, huh?", said Arun smiling at her naked body that was all theirs to see, as Shaily smiled gladly at all of them.
The guys could tell that Shaily was genuinely very happy at getting the chance to cook for them, and the fact that she was utterly naked in front of them, while they were all clothed only made them happier.
"Hello, Mrs. Bharti. Very nice to see you again. Jasp told me that you were not doing well yesterday. How are you feeling now?", said Abhishek to Mrs. Bharti as he bent down to touch her feet.
Soon, the rest of the guys too greeted Mrs. Bharti as they all settled in on the couch while Shaily stood by the door.
Once they all settled down, Shaily asked the guys, "Guys do you want some water?".
"Yeah, Shell, I would love some.", said Faisal as Shaily readily scampered to the kitchen to fetch the guys some cold water, as the guys all looked at her gorgeous ass wiggling for them while she ran.
Making sure that the guys were all served with water, Shaily got back to the kitchen and made sure she had all the things ready for lunch.
The kitchen didn't really have much ventilation and Shaily was now starting to sweat profusely after having spent so much time in the kitchen cooking the lunch. She knew she didn't have much time before they all felt hungry, and so she let herself sweat as she got the dishes out into the living room and placed them on the dining table while the rest of them talked about random stuff, laughing out every now and then, enjoying their time together.
Once Shaily had all the dishes out on the table, she called out for them. "Guys, the lunch is ready! Get ready to taste the delicacies of Miss Shaily!", she said clapping her hands and bending at her knees completely naked crossing her feet as if inviting them grandiosely.".
Mrs. Bharti said, "Hey people, I want you to know that Shaily takes complete credit for the lunch today! She insisted that I take rest and she has single-handedly prepared the lunch for all of us today.".
Saying so, she looked at Shaily and smiled before getting up, as the rest of the guys too got up to have their lunch cooked by the naked Shaily, with all their eyes obviously scanning every sweaty part of the sexy naked slut in front of them - Shaily Singh.
As all of them sat down at the dining table to have the tasteful lunch cooked by Shaily, Shaily felt extremely happy that they were all going to taste her food.
All of them, of course, enjoyed Shaily standing all naked in front of them by looking at her wonderfully gifted assets. Shaily realised that she was certainly the centre of attraction given how she was absolutely naked in front of clothed people, but that was not to say that she was feeling uncomfortable about it. In fact, if anything, she only felt more free and liberated to be naked for all of them as she felt glad that they all loved the sight of her naked body.
However, with that said, Shaily wasn't sure if that was a good thing. She recollected Prof Lekha's words when she said that she had to consciously feel the discomfort in getting naked in front of clothed people, but now that she was surrounded by her close friends, as well as Mrs. Bharti and Arjun, who had already enjoyed her nude body to his heart's desire a while back, she wasn't sure if this was going to train her enough. However, she decided to let the thought go and not pressurise herself too much. She wanted to embrace the womanly feeling she was going through right then, that of getting utterly naked in front of clothed people, even if those clothed people weren't strangers to her. She felt tremendously aroused with the fact that she wasn't wearing just about anything on her body as she stood there while the others had the tasty lunch cooked by her. Whenever Arjun would look up at her, Shaily would blush knowing how she had offered him her naked body in the kitchen just a while back. She was turned on with all the things that had transpired since the time she got naked at Jaspinder's place. She was still sweaty from top to toe, but the way the guys were all lusting at her body told her that they did indeed enjoy the sweaty naked look on her body. That, of course, only turned her on even more.
Knowing that the guys were all staring at her private parts, Shaily made sure that she thoroughly exhibited her nude body to them as she felt strangely happy and ecstatic about how the guys were checking out her nakedness while having their lunch. Once they all sat at the dining table to have lunch, Shaily started to serve them one by one, dutifully making sure to ask each one of them what they wanted to eat and serving them appropriately.
"Abhi, do you want some more pulao?"
"Arjun, baby, you said you like paneer, but you are having so little of it. Here, have some more. What happened? Is it not tasty?"
"Mrs. Bharti, do you want some more rotis? Are they soft like how you prepare them?"
"Arun, how come you had only two rotis before having pulao? Here, have two more rotis."
Shaily dutifully kept a check on everyone seated at the dining table to ensure that they all had their stomachs full from the tasteful lunch cooked by her. She would keep wiping the sweat on her face, neck, stomach and tits using the backside of her palms and go around serving everyone making sure to ask what they wanted.
All the while, Mrs. Bharti was observing the naked Shaily completely engrossed in serving the lunch to them. She loved how she was running around all of them to make sure they had their lunch peacefully, not caring for the fact that she too was hungry. Her tits and ass jiggled with her pacy steps around them, not to mention how she was totally sweaty from top to toe, but that did not deter the naked bubbly girl from being a wonderful host at someone else's place. Indeed, Mrs. Bharti felt delighted to see how Shaily was so selflessly catering to their stomachs and it really pleased her to know that she was her son's best friend. She was no doubt a very beautiful, generous and good-hearted girl just like his son had mentioned to her. She could clearly see it in the way Shaily was toiling in front of her for the sake of her friends, Arjun and herself and she couldn't be happier to know that his son was going to act alongside her in the play that was touted to be a masterpiece.
"Shaily baby, why don't you sit for lunch as well? I'm sure we can manage without you having to serve us darling.", said Mrs. Bharti lovingly.
"Oh no Mrs. Bharti, it's okay really. I want you guys to have a peaceful and happy lunch. I'll have my lunch after you are all done. I'm not that hungry anyway!", she said smiling at Mrs. Bharti.
Jaspinder, eyeing Shaily's lustful boobs said, "Shell, it's okay. You don't have to serve us baby! Come on, sit down with us and have your lunch.".
"It's okay Jasp, please don't worry about it! Consider me as the host today. I'm here to serve you guys!", said Shaily as she once again bent down knees and crossed her legs to make the grand inviting pose for them.
Seeing Shaily adopt the naked pose once again, all of them laughed as they enjoyed the cute and sexy sight of the naked sweaty girl in front of them. There was no doubt it filled all their hearts with pure happiness to see such a sexy, voluptuous and bubbly girl completely naked and dutifully serving lunch for them whilst behaving in such a playfully childish manner.
Knowing that Shaily was hellbent on it, all of them resorted to having their lunch cooked by Shaily as she stood by them making sure they were perfectly served, asking each one of them what they wanted, time and again. She made sure their water glasses were filled and refilled in a timely manner, that their plates were stocked with food and what not.
"Holy god Shell, this pulao is so tasty!", exclaimed Arun.
Shaily smiled. "I'm glad you like it Arun! Now don't you ever stop me from cooking for you guys!", said Shaily as she laughed happily all naked while the guys all continued to have their lunch.
"Indeed Shaily, the pulao is just out of this world! As is the panner. You are as gifted in your hands as you are with your body!", said Mrs. Bharti much to the amusement of the guys, as they all hooted and clapped at Mrs. Bharti's words.
"Oh stop it guys!", said Shaily smiling with her head hung down, shyness wafting over her with Mrs. Bharti's compliments.
Seeing her blush, Mrs. Bharti said, "Well, guys, I really am not kidding. Shaily does indeed have a very beautiful body, and seeing her without clothes, I'm sure we all understand why Prof Lekha chose Shaily for her play, isn't it?".
"You are absolutely right Mrs. Bharti!", said Karan, as he continued to stare at Shaily's exposed pussy. "In fact we were all sure that Prof Lekha would want to cast Shaily for the role of the naked soul even before she announced it.".
Shaily felt very pleased with how all of them were appreciating her body while she stood naked by them to serve them the lunch. However, she was feeling extremely shy, as she found herself blushing crazily owing to the comments on her sexy naked body.
"Stop it guys!", she said not looking up at them but evidently sporting a shy expression on her face, knowing that all their eyes were directed on her naked exposed body.
"Oh look who's all shy and blasted with compliments!", said Jaspinder jokingly as they all laughed at Shaily all shy in front of them, much to Shaily's sweet embarrassment.
As they all neared to finishing their lunch, Shaily went into the kitchen and prepared bowls of the gulab jamun and jalebi for all of them for dessert. She got them all out in a tray, as all of them clapped at the sight of the naked Shaily getting the desserts out for them.
"Wow Shell, this is amazing! You are quite impressive with cooking, indeed!", said Faisal appreciatively as Shaily served all of them with the bowls of dessert with her naked body all up for their enjoyment, as her boobs hung in front of their eyes erotically while she placed the bowls in front of each of them.
"Well, I told you Faisal! I'm really good at this!", she said as Shaily placed the bowls in front of them.
"Jasp, I made gulab jamun and jalebi especially for you. So, here you go.", said Shaily placing another bowl of the sweet dish in front of him. "You are supposed to eat twice the amount.", she said as she proceeded to plant a sweet kiss on his cheeks in front of everyone, which resulted in some more hooting from the guys as Shaily once again stood there in front of them with her head hung down out of shyness.
Once they all had their dessert, they then resorted to the couch to watch some TV.
"Baby, do you want some help in cleaning up?", asked Mrs. Bharti as she too resorted to the couch.
"Oh no Mrs. Bharti. I'm just fine. I'll clean up, don't you worry!", said Shaily enthusiastically as she took all of the used plates to the kitchen and washed them all clean, spick and span.
"Shell, you can sit here with us and have your lunch darling!", said Jaspinder as Shaily proceeded to clean the dining table as all the guys made sure they had a hearty look at Shaily's gorgeous ass while she bent over to wipe the dining table clean.
After cleaning up, Shaily brought her lunch in a plate and sat down with all of them on the couch all naked.
"Guys, you have to forgive me, but I have a bad habit of dozing off for a while after lunch. So, I am going to retire in my bedroom for a while, hope you all have a wonderful time! And Shaily, thanks a lot to you baby, the lunch was just exquisite. You are a great cook, and I agree, the guys have to allow you to keep cooking for them whenever you want to.", said Mrs. Bharti smiling at all of them before getting up.
"Hahaha, thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti. I am glad you enjoyed my food!", said Shaily smiling brightly at Mrs. Bharti.
"Oh, of course Mrs. Bharti. You better take rest!", said the guys as Mrs. Bharti resorted to her bedroom to take some rest.
After Mrs. Bharti left, it was just the guys with the naked Shaily, as Shaily sat in between the guys on the couch having her lunch.
"Guys, do you want to watch a movie? I can bring up a mat so that we can all settle in on the floor.", said Jaspinder as he immediately took to pinching Shaily's nipples once Mrs. Bharti was out of sight.
"Yeah, that'd be great! The latest part of Hangover is up on torrents guys. Do you want to watch it?", said Abhishek, moving on the couch so that he sat right beside the naked Shaily as he rubbed Shaily's naked stomach with his hands inching dangerously close to Shaily's pussy.
Shaily continued to have lunch, but acknowledged the guys' advances on her naked body as she looked at Jaspinder and Abhishek knowing that they were horny to get a feel of her. She then smiled invitingly at them, and said "Yeah, why not!" and continued to eat her lunch nonchalantly not objecting to the guys' touches as Jaspinder and Abhishek glanced at each other before Abhishek licked his finger and quickly slid it inside Shaily's wet pussy, while Faisal rubbed his hands on Shaily's sexy thighs. Apparently, the day was just getting started for the guys.
Seeing Abhishek stick his finger inside Shaily's pussy, Arjun, who was sitting directly in front of Shaily on the other side in the couch, could not believe his eyes, as Shaily smiled at Abhishek letting him do his thing while she continued to eat her pulao with a happy smile on her face.
'Oh my fucking god! What a shameless slut this lady is!', thought Arjun to himself as he could not help but look down at Shaily's pussy which was being intruded by Abhishek's finger while Shaily ate her lunch with her legs spread wide, a familiar, happy and contended smile on her face.
The rest of the evening was perfectly well spent, as the guys all ended up having fun with Shaily's body while watching 'The Hangover Part III'. Since there were many, Jaspinder had got out the mat where they all settled in on the floor with Shaily in the middle so that she was accessible to everyone for gropes and feels. Shaily, of course did not mind it one bit and loved to be a source of entertainment and pleasure for the guys along with the movie.
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In fact, Jaspinder was the only one concerned while they all had fun with Shaily's nude body because he did not want his mom to see them while the guys were all doing whatever they wanted to do to Shaily. Starting from about 1:30 PM when Mrs. Bharti resorted to her room to take rest till about 5 PM when they were done with the movie, all the guys including Arjun had fun with the naked Shaily as they all groped her breasts and ass, molested her, fingered her wet pussy, slapped her boobs, kissed her roughly on her lips, bit into her, and did all sorts of naughty stuff with the sexy shameless slut. Shaily of course tremendously loved all the love she was receiving from the guys. She knew that the guys all lusted for her, and she could understand that her being naked brought out the wild side out of all of them, and she was only happy that the guys were all having a perfectly fine weekend.
Of course, her guy friends had all already explored her naked body and had fun with her back at Abhishek and Karan's place, but even Arjun who met her for the first time today made sure that he had his share of fun to the fullest with Shaily's body. While her guy friends spread out Shaily's legs and took turns to insert their fingers inside Shaily's cunt and finger-fuck her one by one, Arjun also made sure to be in on the rotation. As Arjun urged forward to claim his chance at fingering Shaily's pussy invited by Shaily's smile, Abhishek said, "Jasp, your brother is as hot blooded as us bro!", much to everyone's laughter as Arjun, like the rest of the guys did, licked his index and middle finger and proceeded to insert them inside Shaily's wet cunt hole.
With all the guys having their way with her, Shaily was feeling truly euphoric with the surreal situation. She was completely naked at her guy friend's place for a good 6 hours now. She had gotten naked in front of his mom, and now that she wasn't here, the guys were all having fun with her naked body, doing all kinds of naughty and lustful things to her. Her pussy had been leaking juices to no end since she had gotten naked at Jaspinder's place, and now that the guys' hands were totally all over and even inside her, she felt so horny and aroused, that she just wished to be gangbanged by all the guys right there in the living room. She felt so slutty and womanly that she was giving so many guys the time of their lives by being totally naked for them and allowing them to do anything and everything they wanted to do to her. It was just so slutty that made Shaily blush crazily. Oh, it turned her on so damn much!
Shaily, of course had already offered herself to Jaspinder's younger brother Arjun and she had no qualms in him having more fun with her just like the other guys. Jaspinder was of course aware that Shaily had allowed Arjun to have fun with her body before the guys had come in, and could not be more turned on about it, realising how shameless a slut Shaily was. Shaily too loved how openly the guys were all exploiting her, making sure they molested every private part of hers while she was naked for them without any shame.
As Arjun stuck his two fingers inside Shaily's pussy staring hungrily in her face, Shaily felt happy for Arjun that he was enjoying himself at the expense of her naked body, along with the rest of her guy friends. Truth be told, she was actually turned on by how smart and intelligent he was given his educational qualifications, and she secretly felt honoured about how she was being molested in her hole by a lad who was so damn intelligent.
"Come on Abhishek! He's younger than you guys, but he's also a man! Why wouldn't he be interested in having fun with me and my parts, huh!?", said Shaily playfully, as Arjun started to finger-fuck her more and more roughly.
"Of course, Shell, I understand that. But oooh, easy tiger!", he said laughing, to Arjun as he started to completely shove his fingers fiercely inside Shaily's wet cunt.
Shaily suddenly felt the pain in her pussy shoot up, as she screamed, "Owwwwww oww owwwww, easy babyyyyy, ouchhh! It's paining, oh goddd! Stop!".
Of course, Arjun was just an inexperienced 20-year old and he did not know how delicate and soft a woman's pussy was. Shaily was of course aware of how turned on he was, and she knew that Arjun would want to enjoy her pussy just like the other guys, but Arjun was so hard and deep with his fingers that Shaily could not help but scream out loudly, slapping at Arjun's hands inside her pussy while screaming.
"Holy fuck! Stop stop! Pleaseeee!", she screamed with tears instantly rolling down her face, as she slapped Arjun's hands. Fearing that Mrs. Bharti would wake up, Abhishek immediately lunged forward and shut off Shaily's mouth with his hands so that her screams wouldn't be audible to Mrs. Bharti.
Jaspinder immediately slapped Arjun on his hands so that he would stop finger-fucking Shaily so roughly. "Oh shit! For god's sake Ajju, be delicate with the woman's vagina. She's real and not a porn-star like you see in your porn collection!", said Jaspinder desperately slapping his younger brother's hands whose fingers were still completely inside Shaily's pussy, as the rest of the guys too laughed out to Jaspinder's words.
Arjun mindful of the fact that he was too brutal with Shaily's pussy finally retracted as Shaily finally seemed to regain her breath.
"Baby, are you fine?", said Abhishek lovingly to her as he gently groped Shaily's breasts kissing her on her lips, while the rest of the guys looked on as Shaily laid down right in the middle with her legs spread wide as Arjun started at her gorgeously red pussy that was completely open to all their view.
"Ummm yeah, I just, ahhhh", said Shaily grimacing, "I just feel a little pain down there...", Shaily said, reaching down to her vagina and gently massaging it with her hands.
Just then, as Shaily to massage her completely exploited pussy, they all heard a click of the door. Shaily, though in pain, immediately realised that Mrs. Bharti was probably up after hearing her screams when Arjun was finger-fucking her cunt hole violently with the lust of a mad man.
Reacting to it, Shaily immediately signalled to Arjun to sit back on the couch, as she crawled back on the mat releasing herself of the guys' clutches, closing her legs so that her disturbed pussy wouldn't be exposed to Mrs. Bharti once she came out of the bedroom into the living room. The movie was still running, when Mrs. Bharti made her way into the living room.
"Guys, are you doing fine? I just felt I heard a loud noise, and I got up from my sleep.", said Mrs. Bharti, looking at all of them.
"Ahh Mrs. Bharti. The movie's just really funny and we were just laughing like crazy. That's all. Did you have a good sleep?", said Shaily nervously smiling at her, hoping that Mrs. Bharti wouldn't know that it was really her scream that woke her up.
"Yeah, I had a great sleep baby. What movie are you guys watching? Do you want me to prepare some tea for you all? It's already 6 PM.", said Mrs. Bharti, looking up at the clock.
The guys were all relieved that Mrs. Bharti didn't know that she was actually woken up by Shaily who screamed because her youngest son was fingering the shit out of her in her pussy. But no one was as glad as Shaily as she immediately got up hoping to make sure that Mrs. Bharti didn't know that Shaily was being completely debased by the guys while she was asleep. The last thing she wanted was for her or Arjun to fall in trouble knowing that he was the one who was having fun with her bare cunt hole.
"Oh Mrs. Bharti, that's alright. I'll prepare the tea for everyone, you just sit down here, okay?", she said getting up. "How are you feeling now?", said Shaily with a genuine smile on her face hoping that she was feeling better after the rest she had gotten because Shaily cooked lunch for all of them.
"Ahh, I'm feeling very much better Shaily. My cold's completely gone, and my body ache is almost gone as well! I have to thank you for that!", she said lovingly kissing the naked Shaily on her cheek.
Shaily was extremely pleased to hear that. She of course felt very connected to Mrs. Bharti by then, and knowing that she helped her in feeling better made her feel really happy. Seeing Mrs. Bharti and Shaily share such a friendly rapport, the guys all looked at each other and smiled. They were all of course greatly relieved that Shaily readily composed herself in the situation and got them all out of any scenario they might have to face. They were all concerned if Shaily was still feeling painful in her pussy from Arjun's rough handling of her hole, but they knew they couldn't get across to her while Mrs. Bharti was around. Any way, they figured that Shaily could take care of her hole if the need be.
"Oh, that's great news Mrs. Bharti! Why don't you sit here while I prepare tea for everyone.", said Shaily before she quickly made her way into the kitchen hoping that Mrs. Bharti wouldn't catch her with her boobs and pussy all red and swollen from the guys molesting her all afternoon, but not before she glanced at all the guys, smiling at them knowing that she had made all of them really really happy while Mrs. Bharti was asleep.
Back in the kitchen, while preparing the tea for all of them naked, Shaily couldn't deny that she was short of an orgasm from the guys.
She was just about to have one when Arjun was really roughing up her pussy with his fingers, just when Mrs. Bharti was out of her bedroom. Of course, Shaily knew that having Mrs. Bharti unaware of how big a slut she was for the guys to finger her in her living room in broad daylight was more important than her orgasm, so she had to take the call of retracting from the guys' molestations knowing that Mrs. Bharti would be walking into the living room.
The rest of the evening went relatively uneventful as Mrs. Bharti was in the living room with all of them. After having tea, they all talked about relatively sober events for the next few hours even though Shaily stayed naked for all of them. Of course, still, it wasn't as boring as all of them were subjected to the view of Shaily's naked body without any qualms.
Naughty as she was, knowing that the guys were all staring at her naked body, Shaily managed to seat herself on the mat in such a way that the guys could all get a good look at her bare cunt while Aunt Bhatia was unaware of it. The guys all of course gladly acknowledged Shaily's consideration to be a sexy slut for them with happy smiles as they all glanced at her pussy that she was exhibiting shamelessly and naughtily, just for their pleasure.
Finally, when it was about 9 PM, the guys bid goodbye to Mrs. Bharti and left Jaspinder's place, not before hugging Shaily and secretly groping her naked body as they wished, careful not to alert Mrs. Bharti with their treatment towards Shaily. Shaily, of course was only glad to bid them all goodbyes by letting them touch and feel her private parts as the guys wished, and by the time all the guys left, she was a hot naked mess of arousal.
"Mrs. Bharti, I'm afraid I'd have to leave because my Aunt would be waiting for me, but I'd only be really glad to cook dinner for you guys before I leave.", said Shaily smiling at her as she locked the door after the guys left.
"Oh no Shaily baby! You've already done so much for us since morning. Moreover, I feel absolutely normal now, and I'd love it if you can stay for dinner. I'll cook.", said Mrs. Bharti, smiling lovingly at Shaily.
As much as Shaily wanted to stay and spend a few more hours naked for Mrs. Bharti, Jaspinder and Arjun, she wanted to get back home because Aunt Bhatia would be waiting for her. It was rare that she was away from her Aunt for so long on a Saturday and she knew Aunt Bhatia would be looking forward to spending some time with her niece before going to bed.
"Oh Mrs. Bharti, I really love the invitation, but I'll have to go! My aunt would be waiting. I'll surely be here some time again, naked!", she said, with a slight laugh.
"Hahaha, of course darling. You are welcome to come to our place anytime and roam about freely without wearing any clothes at all. You are obviously such a delight to look at when you are naked. Also, since you seem to be concerned about it, you are not allowed to step inside my house if you have even a single hair on your pussy. I am going to inspect your pussy for any hair at all before you step inside, and I don't mind asking you to get out if I find your pussy having even a few strands of hair until you shave it totally bare. Do you understand that missy?", said Mrs. Bharti in a mock angry tone with her index finger pointed towards Shaily, and a serious expression on her face.
Shaily, Jaspinder and Arjun were of course aware that Mrs. Bharti was showing a moment of humour, as they all looked at each other and laughed happily.
Shaily loved how genuinely fun-loving, jovial and generous a person Mrs. Bharti was and she found it really cute on her that Mrs. Bharti was playing a joke on her to make her feel better about her lack of pussy hair.
Shaily suspended her laugh and put up a docile expression on her face, acting as if Mrs. Bharti was indeed reprimanding her for having even a few hairs on her vagina.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Bharti. I'll make sure I never step inside your home with even a single strand of hair on my pussy. I promise.", said Shaily maintaining the funnily serious facade on her face, until Mrs. Bharti broke out into a laughter.
"Hahahaha, god! You are so much fun Shaily baby. It was so great to have you here completely naked for all of us. It was such a great experience for me to see a sexy girl like you wander around naked in front of all us without any clothes at all. I'm sure the guys would have enjoyed it much more than me! Anyway, I just want to tell you, please don't worry to come to my place and hang around naked if your pussy is bare darling. I don't find it obscene or unwomanly in any way at all, okay? You have a beautiful pussy and it looks the best when it's totally bare, alright honey?", said Mrs. Bharti as she extended her hand and lovingly tapped on Shaily's naked bare pussy a couple of times.
Shaily felt so touched with Mrs. Bharti's heartfelt words and gesture regarding her pussy. She smiled brightly and lovingly hugged her naked.
"Thank you Mrs. Bharti! You are such an amazing woman. I had a wonderful time with you today.", said Shaily as she kissed Mrs. Bharti on her cheek before breaking from the hug.
Jaspinder, of course, felt so happy to see his mom and his best girl friend hug it out in front of him. He wished they both would get along, especially considering the fact that Shaily was going to be completely naked in front of his mom, but he was so glad that things had turned out better than he had ever expected. He didn't say it to Shaily, but he had his own doubts about how his mom was going to react to Shaily's pussy not having any hair at all, but now, hearing his mom's reassuring words towards Shaily, he couldn't help but let out a happy smile as Shaily kissed Mrs. Bharti on her cheeks.
"The pleasure is all mine darling. You don't have to hide that beautiful pussy of yours from me by growing hair on it. In fact, for that matter, you don't have to hide anything at all from me.", said Mrs. Bharti.
Just as Shaily started to figure out that there was probably an innuendo in Mrs. Bharti's words, Mrs. Bharti grabbed Shaily's cheeks with both her hands and held her right ear and started to playfully twist it in her hands.
"You naughty girl, I know you were having fun with the guys while I was asleep. I could see that your whole body was a tinge of red with hand marks all over. You let the guys all molest your sexy naked body, didn't you baby?", asked Mrs. Bharti, with a smile on her face.
Hearing her words, Shaily, Jaspinder as well as Arjun were all shocked. They could never guess that Mrs. Bharti knew it all along that the guys were all having fun molesting and groping Shaily's private parts in the living room as much as they wanted, while Mrs. Bharti was asleep in the bedroom.
Shaily started to panic hearing her words as she playfully but roughly twisted Shaily's ear with her fingers, but she just bit her tongue and grimaced cutely with pain, seeing Mrs. Bharti smile at her.
"Umm, ahh, well, ummm, Mrs. Bharti, I was just, ummm, well, I was just letting the guys have some fun with my body, umm, that's all. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...". said Shaily before Mrs. Bharti cut her short.
"Hahaha, letting the guys have fun with your naked body and having some fun in the process huh? It's okay baby doll, I'm just kidding. It's okay to be a little slutty every now and then. I know how much all the guys mean to you, and it's so lovely to see you get naked for their pleasure and let them have some fun with that sexy body of yours. But be careful huh, that hot body of yours is going to attract all sort of wrong attention when you are naked.", said Mrs. Bharti with a smile, even though she was still twisting Shaily's ear roughly, though in a playful manner.
"Ouchhh! Well, am sorry Mrs. Bhatia, I, well, I didn't mean to fool you or something. I just, umm, I just didn't want you to know that I was being a slut for the guys!", said Shaily forcing a smile. She couldn't deny that she had mixed emotions right then. She was scared that Mrs. Bhatia found her slutty and whorish actions of letting the guys molest her at her place while she was totally naked for them during her absence had disgusted her in some way, even though she was smiling at her.
Mrs. Bharti finally let off Shaily's ear as Shaily gently massaged it to alleviate her off the pain.
"Hahaha, it's okay darling, I am not mad at you at all baby doll. It's nice to see that you are so open and confident about your naked body around men. It's certainly a good omen that you are going to do your best in your role of the naked soul in the play. I'm just saying this so that you don't need to do things behind my back baby. That's all. I'm glad that you let all the guys have fun with your sexy naked body. This thing of yours is a real killer darling and like I said earlier, you should be really proud of it.", said Mrs. Bharti, as she lovingly pulled Shaily's cheeks and kissed her with love.
With that, Shaily felt relieved that Mrs. Bharti wasn't mad about Shaily being a slut for the guys while she was away. She put back her clothes on that Jaspinder retrieved from his room and proceeded to bid goodbye to all of them.
"Shaily, thanks for coming. It was so nice to have you here with us today without any clothes on. You better take care of those tits of yours once you are home, they look sore darling!", said Mrs. Bharti winking at her and hugging her, as they all shared a friendly laugh at her words.
Shaily hugged her back pleased herself with how well the day had gone.
"Sure, Mrs. Bharti. Thanks for having me over and allowing me to be totally naked at your place. I really loved the experience and I will look forward to spending an entire weekend naked at your place the next time.", said Shaily with a bright smile on her face.
"Sure darling!", said Mrs. Bharti.
"It was great to have you over and be completely naked for us Shaily. Thanks for all the cooking too!", said Jaspinder as he hugged Shaily and groped her ass cheeks from behind with love.
"Oh stop it Jasp!", she said hugging him. "The pleasure's all mine!", she said smiling back at him, as she hugged Arjun too making sure she secretly let her breasts touch his chest hoping that he knew she did it purposefully. Shen then bent down at her feet to touch Mrs. Bharti's feet once again.
"All the best for your play baby! I'm sure you're going to make it a grand success.", said Mrs. Bharti smiling Shaily.
At that very moment Shaily felt so glad that her meeting with Mrs. Bharti had gone so perfectly, where she also got the chance to cook lunch for all of them, completely naked in their presence.
"Thanks a lot Mrs. Bharti! It was so great meeting you!", said Shaily as Mrs. Bharti lovingly kissed her on her cheek.
"Shell, how are you going to go home? Do you want me to drop you?", asked Jaspinder hugging her.
"Oh no Jasp! I just booked an Uber, I'm going to be just fine. I'll just have to make sure I'm not naked in front of the driver though!", said Shaily, as all of them laughed out to her words as Shaily left Jaspinder's place, very happy and contended with how the things had gone for her for the day.
Once she entered her house, Shaily lovingly hugged Aunt Bhatia delighted about how wonderful her day was. It all started with her panicking about the fact that she didn't have much pussy hair for her to get naked in front of Mrs. Bharti, but then the rest of the day was just fabulous.
Once she got inside her house, she immediately got naked and threw her frock on the couch in the living room as she lovingly kissed Aunt Bhatia.
Aunt Bhatia lovingly smiled at her. "Oooh! Someone's in a good mood today!", she exclaimed happy that Shaily was in happy spirits after spending her day completely naked at Jaspinder's place.
Before settling down for dinner, Shaily narrated to Aunt Bhatia about how wonderful her day was, starting with her meeting with Prof Lekha regarding her play which she greatly loved, along with how inviting and accommodating Mrs. Bharti was to her getting naked at her place even though she did not have any pubic hair on her pussy, something that she was totally apprehensive about before she left the house.
Of course, Shaily did not mention about how she had given herself up for all the guys for their entertainment, but she did mention that the guys were totally entertained in her nude presence, which was certainly up for some imagination from Aunt Bhatia's side, even though she didn't say anything.
Shaily had a pleasant bath before dinner where she gladly recollected her day. She was particularly feeling aroused about how she had let the guys completely have fun with her, especially Arjun considering that she had met the lad for the first time. In her bath tub, Shaily fingered herself to a beautiful orgasm, that she felt, she thoroughly deserved when she was with the guys at Jaspinder's place being molested by all of them. She would have certainly had her orgasm if Mrs. Bharti wouldn't have woken up, but then, she couldn't be unhappy about it. Her day was just really awesome, and she felt extremely happy relieving herself to a sensuous orgasm, as she had her spring in her step while she made out to the living room after her bath, completely naked.
After dinner, Shaily narrated the storyline that she had narrated to Prof Lekha earlier that morning, while she slept on her lap with her legs casually spread wide. She loved how relaxing it was for her to sleep like that letting her pussy get some air while no guy molested her snatch.
"Wow! that's really a great story Shaily baby! I'm as amazed as Prof Lekha was with how wonderfully you have scripted all of it! I am so impressed with your role as Pooja's naked soul, it's certainly very endearing and I'm sure the audience would love you to see you enact such a meaningful role completely naked. It's very impressive darling!", said Mrs. Bhatia kissing Shaily on her forehead while she slept naked in her lap.
"Thanks a lot Aunt Bhatia. Well, I must say, it comes naturally to me!", she said playfully winking at her kissing her back on her cheek.
"I'm sure it does darling! Make sure you write the script well tomorrow though, a lot is going to depend on that.", said Aunt Bhatia smiling back at her.
"Yes Aunt Bhatia, that's going to be very crucial especially because Mr. Farooq is going to be personally involved in the play going further.", said Shaily as she lovingly took both of Aunt Bhatia's hands and put them on her boobs rubbing them softly on them. She had a pretty eventful day so far, and Aunt Bhatia was only glad to massage her tits with her hands as she smiled at her lovingly, while Shaily drifted to sleep right there on her lap in the couch.
The next day, after doing her naked yoga and having a rich diet of proteins for her breakfast, Shaily resorted to her room to hand-write the storyline for her play. Aunt Bhatia was ever so helpful, as she made it a point to deliver Shaily juice, eatables and what not regularly so that Shaily could focus on her work.
To get it perfect, Shaily had to re-write the play from scratch about 10 times, more than she would have liked to, but again, she was aware of how important this play was for herself and for FID. Moreover, given that Mr. Farooq was going to be involved in this project, she felt it all the more necessary to deliver her best work. With that, Shaily ended up spending a lot of time on writing the draft for her storyline, making sure that she included all the minute details. After making sure that her draft was perfect, Shaily finally slept at 4 AM and woke up as soon as 9 AM and as a result, she skipped her yoga and had a hasty breakfast before she slipped on a jeans and a tank top without any makeup after her bath and left for college.
Even though Shaily attended her classes, her mind was entirely focussed on the play for the festival in Brussels. As she sat in the classroom for one of her classes surrounded by her guy friends who, like usual, groped her as they wished in the last bench, Shaily was thinking about the play. Like Prof Lekha suggested, she did spend a lot of time yesterday at her home, thinking about what more elements she could include in the play to make it more impactful, but she failed in doing so. As a result, her initial draft, that she had submitted today in the morning for Prof Lekha's review was just a hand-written account of what she had narrated to her on Saturday.
"Guys, please! stop it!", she whispered angrily in class, a slight feeling of frustration showing on her face as Abhishek pinched her nipples by getting under her tank top.
Abhishek rightly realising that Shaily was probably under some stress for her play retreated his hands from inside Shaily's top as the rest of the guys too kept quiet for the rest of the class.
"I'm sorry darling! It's just that I am so messed up with the play. I didn't mean to annoy you in any way!", said Shaily after the class, realising that she had wrongly reacted so strongly to Abhishek's gropes on her tits. Of course, she loved how the guys groped her and felt her while their classes were going on, and they had increased a lot in frequency and intensity, once Shaily had accepted the role of the naked soul in the play.
"Oh Shell, baby, it's alright!", said Abhishek lovingly kissing her on her cheek while they were waiting for their next class to begin. "We all know that you are stressed about the play but you shouldn't worry about it so much baby. You submitted your draft today morning, let's wait for Prof Lekha to come back to you.", said Abhishek holding her lovingly by her waist.
At that very moment, Shaily was so glad that she her guy friends who were so understanding of her. Hell, Abhishek could even tell what she was worrying about even without her telling him, and that was certainly something that Shaily found really endearing. She regretted about her behaviour a while back when Abhishek was pinching her tits by putting his hands inside her tank-top, and she wanted to let him know that she was feeling really regretful about it.
"I'm sorry Abhi for reacting so inappropriately earlier, I guess I was just anxious that I didn't have anything better to come up with for the play.", she said with a sad expression on her face, as she lovingly took both of Abhishek's palms in his hers. Shaily then looked up at him, while the other guys looked on, as she took them inside her tank-top and put his palms on her naked breasts, pressing them onto her tits.
"Here, hope that makes up for my stupid reaction earlier!", said Shaily, smiling at Abhishek.
"Oh Shaily darling, are you mad?", Abhishek exclaimed, even though he gladly accepted Shaily's offer and groped her tits lustfully in his palms.
"We can all understand how tensed and stressed you are for the play baby. It's alright, I'm sure Mr. Farooq is still going to love your storyline even though you couldn't come up with any more changes. The play is so interesting and different as it is!", said Abhishek smiling at her as he groped her tits with both his hands completely inside Shaily's tank top knowing that there was no professor right then in the classroom to spy on them.
Just then, Shaily received a call on her mobile.
"Guys! It's Prof Lekha!", Shaily exclaimed as Abhishek retreated his hands from inside Shaily's top which were thoroughly groping Shaily's tits.
"Yes Prof Lekha. Oh okay. Yeah sure, but I have a class now. Ahh, okay, sure. I'll be right there in a minute. Oh is it? Okay, I'll be there Prof Lekha. Sure, no, no, no problem at all. I'd love to, thanks Prof Lekha, I'll be there in a jiffy!", said Shaily excitedly and cut the call.
"What is it Shell?", asked Karan.
"Well, Prof Lekha said that she read the script that I gave her today morning, and she says she finds it great! She is calling me to her chamber and even Mr. Farooq is also present there. I told her that I have a class, but she says I need to be there.", said Shaily.
"She says Mr. Farooq loved the storyline that I submitted, and guess what! Mr. Farooq wants to see me at Prof Lekha's chamber right now, completely naked!", said Shaily smiling gladly at her guys.
"Holy fuck Shell. That's amazing! Are you serious?", said Arun ecstatically.
"Oh yeah Arun. Prof Lekha tells me that Mr. Farooq's also quite impressed with my storyline, and he wants to see my in her chamber right now. Naked. How cool is that!", said Shaily not able to contain her excitement.
"Holy fuck! This is big baby.", said Karan grabbing Shaily by her waist. "If Mr. Farooq wants to see you naked, I'm sure he's completely flattered by your storyline darling. I'm sure he's calling you to see how you look without any clothes on your body for the role of the naked soul.", he said.
"Ah, well, not so early Karan.", said Shaily grimacing at Karan. "Prof Lekha told me he's a really harsh critic, so let's not jump to conclusions so early.", said Shaily nervously.
The guys could all see that Shaily was quite nervous about meeting Mr. Farooq, the dean of FID. Of course, it wasn't everyday occurrence that they saw the Dean of the college personally in the chambers, so they understood Shaily's nervousness about meeting him. Moreover, she was already stressed with the fact that she couldn't think on anything else that could make the play bolder and more interesting than her initial storyline, and so it made sense that Shaily had a lot more anxiety to go along with her excitement about seeing Mr. Farooq regarding her play in Prof Lekha's chamber and get naked for them.
Seeing her seem so anxious, Arun lovingly pulled Shaily close to him.
"Shaily baby, listen to me.", he said smiling at her as he hugged her tight and massaged her back by putting his hands inside her tank top.
"You have got a brilliant storyline that no one could have ever come up with, let alone in a day's time, okay? I'm sure Mr. Farooq loves your play as much as Prof Lekha loved it, and the fact that he wants to see you completely naked in her chamber only goes on to prove that, do you understand baby doll?", said Arun breaking from her hug as he lovingly moved his hands inside Shaily's tank top onto her breasts and gently massaged her tits over her bra trying to relax her.
Shaily looked into his eyes and smiled at Arun's wonderful gesture as he continued to massage her breasts and kissed on her cheek a couple of times.
"I guess so Arun. I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry that I'm making a big fucking deal out of this. After all, it's like every other play we've done.", said Shaily dimly as Arun continued to molest her tits under her tank-top.
"No baby, absolutely not.", said Karan inching closer to her. "This play is much much more valuable and given how serious and focussed you have been towards it, we all understand what it means to you baby. For god's sake, you have such a meaningful role in this play and the fact that you are leading this tells us why you are feeling tensed about this whole thing. So, please.", he said, as he took the opportunity to slide in his hands inside Shaily's tank top once Arun retreated them, and started to grope her breasts, "don't say that you are making a big deal out of this, okay? It is a fucking big deal, this whole play, and we all completely understand why and how nervous you are, and it's so beautiful and lovely to see you so concerned and worried about how it's going to turn out. But it's all going to be fine, you understand me baby? Now you just go there and get naked in front of Mr. Farooq and be confident about your storyline, and it's all going to turn out perfect!", said Karan smiling at her with love as he slipped both his hands inside Shaily's bra and massaged her naked breasts much to Shaily's comfort.
Shaily could not believe the kind of support and motivation she was receiving from her best friends as she smiled at Karan and Arun's motivational words as Karan lovingly groped her voluptuous breasts with his hands completely inside her bra. At that moment, Shaily was so glad to have friends like them, who stood by her side when she was nervous or anxious, put up with all her silly tantrums and panic attacks and provided her with all the support in the world she needed.
As Karan continued to lovingly grope her tits inside her bra and pinched her nipples, Shaily smiled at him. "Thanks a lot Karan, it really means a lot to me!".
Jaspinder too kissed her lovingly on her lips and said, "Shell baby, you really do have a beautiful storyline, and you don't need any more changes to make it bold, alright? It's beautifully bold and powerful as it is. If any, Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq will have a few suggestions for your play. Just make sure you listen to them clearly and judge for yourself whether you should include them in the play or not, and you'll be perfectly fine! Remember, this is your play darling. Understand?", he said lovingly, as he playfully rubbed Shaily on her pussy over her jeans. "Now you better go to Prof Lekha's chamber before this thing gets wet and ends up soiling your jeans.", he said naughtily, pinching her vagina from over her jeans eliciting a shy embarrassed smile from Shaily, as the guys all laughed and wished her the best for her naked meeting with Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha in the latter's chamber.
"Thanks a lot guys, you all really make me feel like I'm some superhero, and I want you all to know that your support and your kind words mean a hell lot to me!", said Shaily smiling at all her guy friends as she adjusted her bra and tank top after Arun and Karan molested her breasts by putting their hands inside her bra, and stood up to leave for Prof Lekha's chamber.
"Hi Prof Lekha, may I come in?", said Shaily peeping inside her chamber noticing that Mr. Farooq too was seated across Prof Lekha.
"Of course Shaily, please.", said Prof Lekha, as Shaily entered her chamber and closed the door behind her.
"Shaily, I'm sure you know Mr. Farooq, the dean of FID?", said Prof Lekha looking at Mr. Farooq.
"Of course Prof Lekha!", said Shaily, as she turned to Mr. Farooq with a bright smile on her face that showed how nervous as well as honoured she was to meet him personally.
"So pleased to meet you Sir!", said Shaily excitedly offering a shake-hand with the dean of FID. There was no doubt that Shaily was truly humbled in meeting such a great man who had solely built FID and got it to where it was today, and she felt privileged that she could meet him personally through this play.
"Likewise Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq with a smile on his face.
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Mr. Farooq was a tall man, certainly more than average. He probably stood at 6 feet and 3 inches, and he sported a giant beard and moustache with an almost bald head. He had a rugged face, but beautiful eyes that Shaily was quick to notice and he had a certain aura of confidence and manliness around him that quickly attracted Shaily's attention. He was of course an authoritative figure in the FID world, and Shaily found herself staring at his face with awe for reasons she felt were inexplicable. She felt like she was just drawn into his confident and dominant personality.
"Shaily.", said Prof Lekha removing her specs and placing them on the table.
"I'm sure you know that your nudity in the role of the 'naked soul' is an integral part of our play. Like I told you, ever since we came to know about the festival in Brussels and about how they were open with female nudity, I really wanted to showcase the idea that had been in my mind from a long time, that is now very brilliantly enhanced by your creativity. Given how important the role of the naked soul is in this play, I always wanted someone who had great acting caliber and a sensuous body, and that's where we are extremely lucky to have you here at FID. I'm sure that even Mr. Farooq shares the same opinion. Sir?", said Prof Lekha.
"Of course Prof Lekha. You are absolutely right.", said the Dean smiling at Shaily. "I'm so glad to have Miss Shaily with us here at FID and even more happy to have her on board for such an important project that has the potential to prosper not only her own future, but also that of FID, especially in the international space. Shaily, I have to agree with Prof Lekha when she says that she wouldn't cast anyone else other than you for this role.", said the Dean again smiling at her.
Shaily smiled back at both of them, feeling tremendously honoured by their praises.
"Well, I feel so privileged to be part of something so important and worthwhile Sir.", said Shaily with a humble smile on her face, happy to be appreciated for both her acting caliber as well as her sexy body by two greats of the field.
"So Shaily, given how important your nude body is for the success of this project, Mr. Farooq and me were of the opinion that we get the chance to see you without your clothes on, in closed premises before we go ahead with the discussion and the execution phase of the play. Please understand this as a prerequisite to our planning for the play, and at the same time, we would like to see how you look in your entirety without any clothes in your most original form and hope to suggest any bodily changes that we might want from you sooner than later, if necessary, so that you can start focusing on them. You will then be all set to get naked on stage on the big day for the play in Brussels. I hope it's not a lot to ask from you.", said Prof Lekha smiling at her.
Shaily, of course, perfectly understood what was required of her for this play.
"Oh, Prof Lekha, no, absolutely not!", she said smiling at both Prof Lekha and the Dean. "I'm only glad to do this. Ah, umm, do you want me to get off my clothes right now or do you want to discuss the storyline before that?", she asked, just to make sure.
"Right now would be perfect Shaily, I'm sure seeing you without clothes would fuel more ideas for the play in all our minds. So, please go ahead and get rid off your clothes so that we can see you in your most natural form.", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
"Sure Prof.", said Shaily as she looked at Mr. Farooq intently gazing at her before she started to undress herself in front of them.
She first removed her tank top showing off her bra and stood there quizzically as if mutely asking where she could place her clothes.
"You can put your clothes here on the table Shaily, that's okay.", said Prof Lekha as Shaily nervously smiled at her and placed her tank top on the table.
She then got rid off her jeans keenly aware of how the two pair of eyes were focussed on her body that was slowly losing its garments. Consciously, Shaily next removed her bra allowing her beautiful large breasts to come into view for Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq as she nervously smiled at them, and placed the bra on the pile of clothes on the table. It was of course a very peculiar scenario where she was getting naked in front of a female Prof and the college Dean, but that was that, and Shaily was starting to feel a little aroused about showing her naked body to them. She placed her bra on the table on top of her top and jeans and then proceeded to remove her panty, exposing her cleanly shaved pussy to the Professors. Her first instinct as she removed her panty was to cover her pussy with her hands, but then she did not want to be prude about getting naked in front of Prof Lekha or Mr. Farooq. After all, they wanted to examine her nude body before they talked about the play, and Shaily did not want to jeopardise her future in the play in any way by appearing prude and shy in getting naked for them in Prof Lekha's chamber.
Shaily stood before them completely naked, just as the day she was born, as she looked nervously at them, shy with the fact that she was the only one naked and completely subject to their stares. She felt especially shy knowing that they wanted her to get naked so that they could see every part of her naked body and suggest any bodily changes they wished for her. She was starting to feel very hot about how both Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq were completely looking all over her nude body assessing her female sensuality while they sat there clothed, comfortably on the chairs.
"Well.", said Prof Lekha looking at Mr. Farooq, "So, what do you think, Mr. Farooq?", she said, not taking her eyes of Shaily's naked body.
"She's absolutely stunning Prof Lekha, I think we are onto something big here with this gorgeous body of Shaily!", said Mr. Farooq pleasantly smiling at Shaily. Shaily blushed at Mr. Farooq's words as she looked up at him and Prof Lekha before bowing her head down out of absolute shyness. She couldn't believe the situation at hand right then, as she stood there in Prof Lekha's chamber without an inch of clothing on her body while she and the top most official of the institution stared at her nakedness. Shaily felt her mind racing as she realised how she was totally naked in front of the Professor and the Dean of the college, with whom she would have expected to only share a professional relationship. She felt hot, aroused and naughty as she stood there naked for them to inspect and judge her private parts, aware that their eyes were thoroughly scanning her. She could sense every drop of juice that took its birth inside her pussy owing to the hotness of the situation. The AC was on, but still, Shaily started to sweat as beads of sweat formed on her forehead and in her under arms. She was feeling very aroused indeed, and hoped that her hormones wouldn't let her down in front of Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq in any way.
"I'm sure your decision to cast her is absolutely right Prof Lekha, she's just absolutely stunning! Shaily, do you mind taking a couple of steps back so that we can see you better?", said Mr. Farooq.
"Sure Sir!", said Shaily forcing a smile, and complied to his request.
"Truly mesmerising. You have to know that you've got the body of a true goddess Shaily. Really impressive.", said Mr. Farooq as he stared at Shaily's ripe fleshy boobs while she stood there completely naked for them.
Shaily was not only happy to receive such meaningful compliments, but knowing that it came from the Dean of FID himself, someone whom she respected and revered immensely, she felt elated, as much as she felt aroused and anxious. Boy, wasn't it totally messing her up.
"Thanks a lot Mr. Farooq. I'm happy you like my body!", she said enthusiastically, though she was still quite nervous as Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha looked on at her complete frontal nakedness.
"Shaily, would you mind turning around so that I can also compliment your behind?", said Mr. Farooq laughing gently, as Prof Lekha too shared a laugh at Mr. Farooq's words.
Shaily loved the Dean's playful words as she felt as womanly as possible while Mr. Farooq sat there in his chair staring at her nakedness.
"Sure Sir!", she said smiling at his words and turned around so that Mr. Farooq could see her naked behind.
Looking at her naked back for a few seconds, Mr. Farooq said, "Shaily, your back is as impressive as your front! This is truly splendid darling! You may turn back now.", he said as Shaily turned around and smiled at Mr. Farooq, with her head hung down out of absolute shyness for exhibiting herself to them without wearing anything at all.
Mr. Farooq thoroughly examined Shaily's nude body moving his glance all over her nakedness for a few seconds before he turned to Prof Lekha.
"I think she's perfect for this role Prof Lekha. Her body and her assets are going to be a great plus for our play, and the fact that Miss Shaily has no reservations in getting naked for the play with such a marvellous body only makes me happier and more confident that the play is going to be a great hit in Belgium.", he said gladly before he turned back to Shaily and smiled at her, not hiding the fact that he was greatly attracted to the flesh on her breasts, as he stared at them openly with the happiest of smiles.
Prof Lekha too was delighted that Mr. Farooq was impressed with Shaily's nude body.
"Indeed Sir, she's got the right proportions for her assets too, and her getting naked to symbolise a 'naked soul' is going to be a real boost to our play, artistically as well as aesthetically.", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily, who stood there naked in front of them.
"Absolutely Prof Lekha. I have always had immense confidence in your casting abilities, and Miss Shaily only makes me trust you more.", said Mr. Farooq.
"Shaily, please take your seat. Let's discuss about the changes that me and Mr. Farooq have in mind for the play.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at Shaily.
As Shaily sat down on the chair right beside Mr. Farooq, she was clearly aware of where Mr. Farooq's gaze was directed.
While Shaily couldn't deny that she liked how openly Mr. Farooq was staring at her naked breasts and pussy as she sat right beside him, she was feeling a little uncomfortable about sitting naked for him in Prof Lekha's chamber. Of course, it wasn't as if she wanted to hide her body from the man she revered more than anyone else, but it was just that she felt a little uncomfortable about being totally naked in front of a clothed man, who was aged more than his father, while he sat right beside her completely clothed, gawking at her exposed private parts, in such a professional setup that was Prof Lekha's chamber.
But again, Shaily recollected how Prof Lekha told her earlier that feeling uncomfortable about getting naked in front of people she didn't really acquaint with is a good thing for a her. That was the only way, she said, that Shaily could train herself to be more open with her nakedness and prepare herself for the big day in Brussels where countless number of strangers would be seeing her perform for the play without an inch of clothing on her body. So, as she sat beside Mr. Farooq without wearing just about nothing on her sexy body, Shaily realised that the discomfort was something that was necessary for her to experience which would train her well enough and would add value to her nudity routine, that she was yet to seriously begin.
Moreover, Shaily couldn't deny the fact the was feeling tremendously aroused that she was naked in such an awkward setting in front of her clothed Prof and Dean in the same chamber, and the fact that her nude body was completely open for them to see was starting to really turn her on. Knowing that Mr. Farooq had his gaze alternating between her voluptuous breasts and her naked pussy, she loved how openly he was staring at her private parts making her feel all the more objectified and aroused, as the familiar feelings of submissiveness and womanliness started to manifest in the form of her pussy juices. Of course, things were all in the right place. As a sexy voluptuous woman with such glorious assets, how could she possibly be clothed around people when all they wanted was to lust at her private parts?
Even though Prof Lekha avoided staring at Shaily's naked body as much as she wanted to, she was aware of how Mr. Farooq was so attracted to Shaily's fleshy nakedness, though he didn't say it explicitly in words. She was of course very glad that Mr. Farooq loved how Shaily looked without clothes on her body, and his lustful stares at her private parts only told her that he was more than pleased with Prof Lekha casting Shaily for the role of the naked soul in the play.
"Alright, before we get started, Shaily, I want to let you know that Mr. Farooq and me have spent the whole afternoon reading your script. While we both agree that you have brilliantly architected the storyline based on my premise, we do have some suggestions and changes in mind to make the play much more bolder and stronger.", said Prof Lekha.
"Of course, Prof Lekha. I'm more than happy to hear your suggestions and incorporate them in the play.", said Shaily, humbly smiling at her.
"Perfect, let's get started then.", said Prof Lekha.
"Shaily, the first suggestion we have is where Pooja interacts with her naked soul for the first time in your storyline. That's after Pooja comes to know that her bestie cancels on her and Pooja's really disappointed with her soul that she doesn't have a boyfriend like her bestie.", said Prof Lekha putting back her specs.
"Sure Prof.", said Shaily smiling towards her as she glanced at Mr. Farooq who was still openly staring at her gorgeously hanging tits as Shaily sat arched forward on the chair.
"So Shaily, I'm sure we agree on how vital Pooja's interactions with her naked soul are in the play. They occur repeatedly and the interactions are the primary way through which we plan to convey Pooja's conflicts with her inner self to the audience.", said Prof Lekha.
"Yes Prof, that's right.", said Shaily agreeing with her statement.
"Good. With that Mr. Farooq and me were of the view that these interactions of Pooja with her naked soul need to be more meaningful and so much more fierce to convey the conflicts that Pooja has in a much more stronger way to the audience.", said Prof Lekha removing her specs once again.
Shaily felt that it was indeed very reasonable. "Sure Prof, that is right, I'm afraid I overlooked that emotion in the play.", said Shaily nervously, hoping that she didn't blunder anywhere in her storyline.
"Don't worry Shaily, it's alright.", said Prof Lekha with a comforting smile towards her. "But what we have in mind is that a mere 'shaking' of her naked soul by Pooja, as you wrote in your script, isn't going to convey her resentment towards her naked soul that strongly, as much as we would want. What we are looking for is a much much more stronger emotion that clearly conveys to the audience about how deeply annoyed Pooja is with her own soul.", said Prof Lekha.
"I agree Prof Lekha.", said Shaily understanding what Prof Lekha was intending. Indeed, hearing Prof Lekha's words, Shaily realised how she had overlooked that emotion from Pooja's character and she was glad that Prof Lekha rightly pointed it out to her.
"So Shaily, here, Mr. Farooq and me were of the opinion that all of Pooja's interactions with her naked soul need to be much more violent and fierce in nature. Given how disappointed and unhappy Pooja is with her naked soul at all times in the play, I want Pooja to repeatedly slap her naked soul and spit at it while hurling curses and abuses at it as a way to express how disappointed she is in its own soul. Pooja's naked soul, of course, is still considerate for Pooja and her feelings even though it is being ill-treated by Pooja herself. I want that while Pooja slaps and spits on her naked soul, treating her harshly like trash, the naked soul continuously cries out to her actions and tells Pooja how sorry it is that she let her down, but it also tries to make Pooja aware that her naked soul would only be able to do something for her if she actually let it free of her restraints that she herself has setup. However, you saying this to her only enrages Pooja even more as she continues to slap and spit on her naked soul even more violently causing you even more distress. As a result, the naked soul just decides that it's better to rather keep quiet than annoy Pooja even more, and it silently takes all the blame, curses and slaps that Pooja hurls at it. This, as I see it, is going to be a pivotal point in the interactions between Pooja and her naked soul. This way, we would be able to much strongly convey Pooja's annoyance and resentment towards her naked soul, while the naked soul only longs for her understanding and compassion, and it wishes that Pooja understands that her naked soul could only help her if she let it free. Also, given that this action of hers is going to occur time and again throughout the play, this would also very aptly go on to show how Pooja has herself damaged her naked soul by repeatedly slapping it and spitting on it, both physically as well as emotionally, that I'm sure would be a very bold aspect of the play, overall. What do you think, Shaily?", said Prof Lekha.
Hearing Prof Lekha's suggestion, Shaily was lost for words. All throughout, she had believed that she had done complete justice to the play. While she was indeed unsatisfied with herself that she couldn't come up with further changes for the play yesterday as Prof Lekha had asked her to, she always believed on the inside that she had already done her best as far as the storyline was concerned. But Prof Lekha's suggestion regarding Pooja's interaction with her naked soul was indeed really fabulous, to say the least. 'That's the difference between a veteran and a novice.', she said to herself, realising how beautifully artistic Prof Lekha's ideas were.
"That's truly remarkable Prof Lekha! I agree, and I have to say that I have indeed overlooked this aspect of Pooja's emotion, and I apologise for that. But the interaction of Pooja with her naked soul in the way you have mentioned seems really incredible to me. It really does!", said Shaily humbly, smiling at Prof Lekha.
"Shaily, it's okay. We are not here to discuss your shortcomings. You have already done spectacularly with the storyline as I told you earlier. We are only here to discuss how we can make the play much bolder and stronger, and not to ascertain your skills as a story-teller in any way. I hope you understand and don't be hard on yourself darling.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at her.
"Yes Prof. I am glad that you came up with this suggestion, this is indeed very apt!", said Shaily smiling at her.
"Mr. Farooq, would you like to add anything else here?", Prof Lekha asked Mr. Farooq, who was of course still intently gazing openly at Shaily exposed hanging jugs right in front of him.
"Well, nothing much regarding this Prof Lekha. You've got it all covered. However, I want the interactions of Pooja with her naked soul to be very fierce and uninhibited as that's going to rightly convey Pooja's emotion to the audience. That's my only input, so to speak.", said Mr. Farooq finally directing his gaze towards Shaily's face.
"Sure Mr. Farooq.", said Prof Lekha. She then turned to Shaily and said, "I'm sure Shaily too agrees on that. So Shaily, just summarising, we want Pooja to interact with her soul in a much more evident, fierce and uninhibited manner where she'll be slapping it roughly multiple times and spitting on it. The idea is to show the audience that Pooja completely resents her soul for her current state of life. Also, the fact that she is going to repeatedly slap and spit on her naked soul will provide us a basis for showing how damaged and beaten up her soul is due to her own actions, that is also going to pave way for further suggestions that we have in the play. I hope you are on the same page on this.", said Prof Lekha.
"Sure Prof, I completely agree with this emotion of Pooja.", said Shaily smiling once again.
"Ok perfect. So moving on. Shaily I want to jump to the point where Pooja sees Anupam for the first time. We have some suggestions on that part of the storyline.", said Prof Lekha turning pages of Shaily's handwritten script.
"Yes Prof.", she said.
Prof Lekha spent a minute reading Shaily's script, before she continued. "So, this is the first time Pooja catches sight of Anupam, and this is also the first time Pooja's naked soul is happy, right?", said Prof Lekha.
"Indeed Prof, that's right.", said Shaily.
"Well Shaily, you did mention how excited Pooja's naked soul is, to see, for the first time, the man of her dreams, but I'm afraid, a mere effort to dance by her naked soul is not quite enough to convey Pooja's emotion of momentary happiness. This is especially emphatic because Pooja is shown to be happy only momentarily, just for that instant, when she catches sight of Anupam. It is then important for us to show Pooja's happiness through her naked soul in a more, umm, let's say, more dramatic way, so to speak.", said Prof Lekha.
"That's right Prof. I had a similar thought when I realised this part of the play, but I also wanted to show how restrained Pooja's naked soul was, even though it felt on top of the world when Pooja sees Anupam for the first time and feels elated about falling in love with him. I then couldn't really come up with anything definitive to show how Pooja's naked soul is happy for a fleeting second.", said Shaily.
"That's right Shaily, but Mr. Farooq did have some really valuable suggestions here. Mr. Farooq?", said Prof Lekha, turning to Mr. Farooq.
"Yes Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq averting his gaze from Shaily's voluptuous naked tits to her face.
"Here, you have to understand the fact that Pooja's naked soul is really excited for the first time in the play, and that's really a stark contrast to what the audience would have seen till that moment. Do you agree on this?"
"Yes Mr. Farooq, indeed.", said Shaily smiling at him.
"So, to enhance the emotion of Pooja's momentary happiness, I want Pooja's naked soul to be more, ummm, be more lively and exuberant in her appearance when Pooja sees Anupam for the first time. The fact that it's restrained is going to be even more enforced and much more metaphorical to her sorry state with how we are going to show Pooja's naked soul.", said Mr. Farooq not minding to stare at Shaily's exposed tits again, even as he spoke his words.
"Sure Sir.", said Shaily smiling at him even though she could see that Mr. Farooq's gaze was directed towards her hanging naked tits and not her face, curious to know what Mr. Farooq had in mind.
"So Shaily, what I have in mind is that Pooja's naked soul would dance frantically when Pooja sees Anupam for the first time and her heart skips a beat. Even though the naked soul is totally tied up and restrained like a slave. It dances so frantically while still tightly restrained by the ropes that it actually borderlines on being ridiculous for the audience to see. Well, I guess this cannot be exactly considered as dancing since it is going to be totally bound without any freedom at all, but here I want you to be shown jumping up and down limited to your restraints in a rather unwomanly and funny way indicating how happy and excited Pooja's soul is for the first time in the play because of Anupam. The idea here is to showcase Pooja's fleeting moment of happiness, as Prof Lekha rightly put it, in a dramatic fashion as well as elicit laughs from the audience when they see you act so funnily all naked and bound by the ropes. I have to let you know here, Shaily, that these plays are often judged on how relevantly we convey a wide range of emotions. Given how serious and emotional our play is, we have very limited scope for humour, and I believe showing you, Pooja's naked soul jumping up and down in a very silly way while physically restrained by the ropes is going to include that element. What do you think of this?", said Mr. Farooq as he immediately turned his gaze back again at Shaily's lovely boobs.
Shaily wasn't really sure, even though Mr. Farooq's idea did seem to add an element of humour to the storyline. While she did not totally despise his idea, she felt that it did not add much relevance to the storyline. She did agree on the fact that it would elicit laughs from the audience when they would see her dance frantically in a rather stupid manner, but emotionally, she felt that such frantic dance didn't really do justice to the role of Pooja's naked soul.
"Ah, Mr. Farooq I'm sure this is going to elicit laughter from the audience, but I'm not sure if it adheres to the emotional intent of the play that we wish to show.", said Shaily, as she looked at Mr. Farooq glancing at her naked breasts.
"I understand Shaily, but as I said, amidst all the seriousness, it is also important to evoke the sense laughter in the crowd through our play. That way, the audience is going to find our play much more complete, so to speak. Moreover, I see the role of Pooja's naked soul as a thoroughly eccentric character in its own right. It is typically characterised by a wide range of extreme emotions, frequent switches between happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure, laughter and tears, and so on. That is to say how Pooja has messed up her own soul so badly. Your frantic dance as Pooja's naked soul, is, as I see it, a very essential element in defining its character and attributing those traits to it.", said Mr. Farooq not finding it necessary to look away from Shaily's naked breasts while he talked.
Shaily listened to all of what Mr. Farooq had to say, and thought for a moment before responding. Even though she didn't really feel it was necessary, his explanation about characterising Pooja's naked soul as an eccentric being made a lot of sense to her.
"Okay Mr. Farooq, I very much agree that Pooja's naked soul should be a totally eccentric character, just like you mentioned. That would really blend in with our idea of showing the conflicts between Pooja and her naked soul in a much more effective way, and the frantic dance by Pooja's soul seems the right way to go about it in this case. I'd be happy to include this idea in the play Mr. Farooq.", she said smiling at Prof Lekha, knowing that Mr. Farooq was staring at her boobs.
"Good. I'm sure it'll be a lot more clear on what exactly I want from you here once we start with the execution phase of the play, Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq still staring at Shaily's hanging boobs.
"Sure Sir!", said Shaily smiling at him even though he wasn't looking at her face.
"Well then, so we have that settled. Moving on further.", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily as Mr. Farooq's gaze was still firmly focussed on Shaily's naked tits that were hanging erotically in front of him.
'That rack is the best pair I've seen in my entire fucking life!', Mr. Farooq thought to himself, with his gaze still firmly focussed on relishing the sexy voluptuous sight in front of him on the naked slutty damsel - Shaily Singh.
Prof Lekha had a feeling Shaily’s wasn’t really impressed with Mr. Farooq's idea of her naked soul trying to dance funnily at the sight of Anupam, even though she was tied up with restraints, but she was glad that she was willing to accommodate it in her play and see how it goes.
As for Prof Lekha, she too was kind of neutral about it, even though she was sure that Mr. Farooq's suggestion to showcase Pooja's naked soul as a thoroughly eccentric character was quite sensible and artistically right with respect to the storyline Shaily had developed. Of course, it could be open to more discussion when they started executing the play, and they could obviously drop that scene from the play if they felt they wouldn’t be able to execute it as Mr. Farooq wanted, which was to show the naked Shaily dancing in an unwomanly way, to elicit laughter from the audience.
“So Shaily.”, said Prof Lekha glancing at her hand-written script as Mr. Farooq continued to stare at the gorgeous sight of Shaily’s huge wonderfully shaped boobs while they hung down from her chest perversely as she sat on the chair with her elbows rested on the table. As she arched slightly forward, her torso assumed a very seductive pose as she bent slightly. Her enormous jugs hung down her chest invitingly as they greased the table every few seconds with Shaily’s movements. They also rose up and down ever so slightly with each of Shaily’s breaths, as Mr. Farooq noticed how heavenly the whole sight was. He was clearly aroused with how he was seeing a fully developed ripe mature and fleshy girl sit right in front of him without wearing absolutely anything on her body. It was just too erotic to say the least, and Mr. Farooq just couldn't turn his gaze away from the sexy luscious sight in front of him.
Never in his life had he seen a woman as full, developed and gorgeous as Shaily who had the perfectly proportionate assets a man could ask for. The fact that she did not mind to willingly get naked for him to see and enjoy brought a perpetual smile to his face and happiness in his heart as he sat there next to Shaily completely turned around towards her with his left elbow resting on the table and staring at her hanging breasts openly. He was so tempted at how Shaily’s gorgeous pink nipples were showing out in the side view of her naked body, as they seemed to touch the table’s edge every now and then with Shaily’s subtle movements. Indeed, it was such a lovely sight, and Mr. Farooq believed he was so lucky to have the opportunity to see something so erotic right in front of him. Of course, given a chance, he would have completely savaged on her lovely breasts, but he was the Dean of the college and a much respected man by everyone at FID, and he was obviously not interested in jeopardising his reputation. Moreover, he was sure that he would get a lot of opportunities to get a grope and feel of Shaily’s nakedness in the context of the play going forward, and he did not want to do anything unprofessional right then to destroy his chances in the future. However, with that said, he could not help himself from staring at Shaily’s boobs that presented the most erotic view in the world right before him, even though he was aware that Shaily knew he was lusting at her hanging breasts openly. Of course, Mr. Farooq was wise enough to figure out that Shaily too loved to exhibit her sexy body to clothed men and women alike, and he was glad that she did not mind him gawking at her naked body so openly sitting right next to her, as was evident in her glances towards Mr. Farooq, where Mr. Farooq could see her smiling, knowing that he was enjoying the sight of her naked flesh all open for him.
“Shaily, we now come to, I believe, your favourite part of the play, the introduction of the Demon!”, said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
Indeed, Shaily certainly believed that the Demon’s role was charted out extremely wonderfully by her and the fact that Prof Lekha too admired her imagination for the Demon’s role told her that it was not just her. The character was indeed very beautifully powerful and strong, and Shaily was certainly proud of what she had accomplished as far as the role of the Demon was concerned.
“Oh yes Prof!”, said Shaily smiling gladly. “I’d love to discuss what we have in mind here, especially because we left out almost all of the details about the Demon’s interaction with Pooja’s naked soul for discussion.”, said Shaily, gladly smiling at her and Mr. Farooq, even though Mr. Farooq was still staring down her naked breasts.
“Yes Shaily. Mr. Farooq and me have spent a lot of time discussing this particular passage of play, where the Demon will be brutalising Pooja’s naked soul as Pooja is seen completely crushed by Anupam with his misogynistic and condescending actions towards her on their dates. We have some very beautiful ideas that we would like to discuss with you. Please let us know how you feel about them. Of course, we would like to hear any more suggestions from you as well.”, said Prof Lekha smiling.
“Absolutely Prof! Please tell me.”, said Shaily smiling back.
“Sure. Mr. Farooq, would you like to start?”, said Prof Lekha.
Mr. Farooq seemed oblivious to what was happening around him as he sat unmoved staring at Shaily’s gorgeously hanging jugs with a happy smile on his face. Seeing him stare so openly at her nude body even as Prof Lekha called out to him, Shaily looked at Prof Lekha and smiled shyly as Prof Lekha too smiled at her, knowing that Mr. Farooq was lost in their lustful sight.
“Ah, Mr. Farooq, would you like to discuss the ideas you had for the interactions of the Demon with Pooja’s naked soul now?”, she asked once again, hoping to wake him from his surreal trance.
Mr. Farooq abruptly broke away from his trance as he looked Shaily in the face, who was looking at him shyly with womanly feelings at being stared on her naked tits so openly in front of Prof Lekha. He then realised how he was staring at Shaily’s boobs all the while not caring about what was going on. He then looked up at Prof Lekha.
“Ahh, oh, I’m sorry guys! I’m sorry, I was, umm, I guess I was a little zoned out. Sorry, where are we?”, he said, a hint of shame and embarrassment wafting over his face for lusting at Shaily's naked tits openly.
Seeing his expressions, both Prof Lekha and Shaily laughed slightly, that made Mr. Farooq even more conscious of how he was staring at Shaily’s boobs openly all this while, unable to even hear that Prof Lekha was calling out to him.
“Ah, I’m sorry Prof Lekha, it was just that, I was so engrossed.”. He then turned to Shaily who was smiling shyly on account of Mr. Farooq’s open staring at her boobs.
“Shaily, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude to you, but it’s just that, well, umm, it’s just that your breasts are so fantastic, and I just, well I guess I was just so lost in their sight.”, he said, smiling embarrassingly at her.
Shaily always found it so damn cute when the men confessed about how they, unable to control themselves, had to lust at her naked assets every time she was nude in front of them. It was the case with Arjun, Jaspinder’s younger brother just yesterday when she was naked at their place and now it was Mr. Farooq. His expressions of guilt and embarrassment at being caught staring so openly at Shaily’s ripe naked flesh were so endearing and cute that Shaily couldn’t help but smile brightly at his confession. She of course felt so desired and humbled when the men told her how sexy her assets looked, and how they could not help but stare at them and derive satisfaction from them. Now that Mr. Farooq too confessed how he was lost in the sight of her sexy voluptuous hanging tits in front of him, someone that Shaily revered so much, Shaily felt really humbled and happy.
“Oh Mr. Farooq, it’s okay! There’s nothing wrong about it, please don’t worry!”, said Shaily smiling brightly at him, hoping to make him feel comfortable about his open stares on her boobs.
“Ah, well Shaily, I’m relieved you didn’t find it offensive. I must say it’s really a very gorgeous sight to see you sitting right in front of me without any clothes on. I must say, your things are so pleasing to look at, they are just so perfect in proportion that I’m sure any man can’t help but gawk them.”, said Mr. Farooq managing to look at her face, feeling better that Shaily wasn’t offended by his lusting at her naked breasts.
“Oh no, Mr. Farooq. I don’t feel offended at all by you enjoying looking at my breasts! If anything I feel really honoured and pleased to know that you find them very attractive and well-proportioned! So please, I wouldn’t want you to be embarrassed about look at them, I really take it as a compliment.”, she said turning slightly to his direction so that her naked breasts were in front of him.
Mr. Farooq’s gaze inadvertently moved down as he again started to gawk at Shaily’s naked tits. “Oops there I go again.”, he said with a shy smile, as he instantly lifted up his gaze.
Both Shaily and Prof Lekha laughed out looking at him, as he too joined in on the laughter with a happy smile on his face.
“Hahaha, Mr. Farooq! It’s okay, you don’t have to stop looking at my boobs, and I certainly don’t feel offended by the men’s stares at my naked body. So, please, you are open to look at them as much as you want!”, said Shaily smiling at him.
‘Oh wow! What a wonderful slut this girl is!’, Mr. Farooq thought to himself.
“Thanks a lot Shaily. It’s so pleasing to see you be so considerate about us men lusting at your breasts when you are naked for us. Indeed, which man wouldn’t love to appreciate your wonderfully gifted body when you are naked in front of us like this.“, he said, as his gaze inadvertently again moved to her naked breasts.
Still looking at them, he said, “However guys, if you want me to talk, Shaily, it’s better if you put on your bra for a while until I’m done. I just can’t possibly focus with your beautiful boobs hanging beside me so gorgeously.”, said Mr. Farooq with a silly smile on his face.
Both Shaily and Prof Lekha laughed at Mr. Farooq’s words, as Shaily felt so shy and aroused about her current situation. She couldn't deny that she was so pleased to see Mr. Farooq so attracted to the sight of her naked breasts, as she expressed her womanly submissive feelings at being the only one naked with a shy smile on her face.
“Hahaha, sure Mr. Farooq, let me just put on my bra quickly!”, said Shaily laughing shyly, as she got up from the chair and took the bra to put it on, as Mr. Farooq smilingly looked at Shaily’s boobs while they shook ever so sexily and erotically on account of her movements.
‘Oh fuck! Look at this girl’s boobs! Man, they’re so fucking huge and voluptuous!’, he thought to himself as Shaily got up to put on her bra.
But, much to her embarrassment, just as she got up to put on her bra, two drops of Shaily’s wetness oozed out of her pussy as they fell onto the carpet. The carpet was a dull shade of maroon and so her thick pussy drops showed very clearly once they dropped onto the carpet, adding even more to her embarrassment.
“Oh shit! I’m so sorry!”, shouted out Shaily immediately, looking shocked as she realised what just happened. She instinctively tried to cover her pussy, but it was too late as another drop of her pussy juice dropped on the carpet as the drop obscenely clung on to her pussy very visibly in front of Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha.
Seeing the sight in front of them, both Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha looked at each other and smiled in amusement and awe.
“Oh Shaily, darling. It’s okay. Here, take a tissue baby.”, said Prof Lekha passing a tissue at Shaily, understanding how embarrassed she must be feeling right then, even though she found herself smiling amusedly at the naked girl's embarrassment, just like Mr. Farooq.
“Ahh, thanks Prof Lekha!”, said Shaily as she smiled embarrassingly at both her and Mr. Farooq, knowing that they were very much amused to see a ripe mature woman ooze juices out of her pussy out of arousal in being naked for them in such a formal setting.
Upon receiving tissues to wipe her pussy from Prof Lekha, Shaily turned around so that her ass was towards them and proceeded to wipe her pussy clean of her wetness, before turning back at them.
“I, ahh, I umm, am sorry I don’t know what to say Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha. I guess, I was umm, may I was just a little too turned on about being naked, ummm, being naked like this in front of you guys. That was just very gross, sorry for that!”, Shaily said with a humiliated and awkward expression on her face, as she hurriedly bent down on the floor and tried to wipe the carpet stain where her pussy had leaked its juices.
Seeing Shaily seem so embarrassed, both Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq found it really cute of her, as she bent down wiping the carpet.
“Oh honey, it’s okay, don’t worry about the carpet darling. It’s going to dry off soon.“, said Mr. Farooq not missing out the fantastic view of Shaily’s pussy lips as they stuck out clearly, even obscenely but equally beautifully, between her legs as she wiped the carpet stain frantically with the tissue she just used to wipe her wet pussy.
Prof Lekha too could not help but smile lovingly at Shaily’s innocent and cute actions. “Shaily, darling, really, it’s just a carpet. Leave it, it’s going to dry off soon, you don't need to wipe it.”, said Prof Lekha to her.
Shaily finally got up having done essentially nothing to help get the stain off the carpet. She then dumped the tissue in the bin and stood in front of Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha with her head hung low out of shyness and embarrassment at what had just happened.
“I’m sorry Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha. It’s, well, it’s just that I was feeling very hot about getting naked in front of you here, but I should have taken care that, ummm, well, that such a thing didn’t happen.”, she said as she smiled awkwardly at them.
Seeing them both smile at her, Shaily felt really flustered about the whole incident. “Oh god! I feel so silly that I let that happen.”, she said grimacing as she covered her face with her hands trying to hide the intense embarrassment she was experiencing right then.
Seeing her shy and awkward reactions to her drops of her wetness dripping down on the carpet in front of them, Mr. Farooq laughed out. “Oh darling, please. It’s so beautiful to see that you are enjoying being naked in front of us. Isn’t it Prof Lekha?“, he said.
“Surely Mr. Farooq. Shaily, it’s really so lovely and womanly about you oozing juices while you are naked for us. It makes us realise how happy you are to do that, and it only makes us prouder that we have chosen just the right woman on all counts for this play. So, please don’t worry about it honey, there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about your pussy being happy about being naked for us. Here, have a bunch of tissues with you always when you are going to get naked, and you’ll be just fine.“, said Prof Lekha smiling towards her, as she handed her a bunch of tissues that Shaily took from her, still embarrassed about what had just happened.
As Shaily still stood there shyly all naked with her head hung low, embarrassed, Mr. Farooq looked her from top to bottom, admiring every inch of her naked flesh. ‘Holy god, this woman is a bomb!’, he thought to himself, before his eyes finally fixated on her ripe mature breasts, once again.
Still looking at them, he said “Ahh, Shaily, please darling. The bra! I just can’t focus at all.“, he said smiling, but still lusting at Shaily's exposed tits.
Shaily shyly looked at him understanding that they had to discuss the play, and for Mr. Farooq to be able to talk about his ideas, she had to wear her bra on her tits so that he wasn’t distracted by their plump sight.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry, I forgot about it Mr. Farooq!”, she exclaimed shyly, as they all laughed.
Shaily then put on her sexy laced push up bra as she too seemed to finally put the embarrassment behind her as she sat back down on the chair in her bra and nothing else. This time though, she made it a point to put a piece of tissue in between her legs up at her pussy and crossed her legs at her thighs so that the wetness wouldn't escape out like it did a few moments back. Mr. Farooq noticed that as he looked at Shaily and smirked at her, evoking a shy womanly smile from her.
“Well, I hope that we put this behind us.”, said Shaily smiling awkwardly at them as they all laughed. “And Mr. Farooq, does this make you feel better?”, she said, turning to him with a smile, clad in just her bra and nothing else.
“Hahaha, that's much better darling. But it’s only for a while, alright?”, he said winking at her, as all three of them shared a happy laugh at his words.
“Hahaha, sure Mr. Farooq! Hope this helps you focus!”, said Shaily smiling lovingly at Mr. Farooq.
Mr. Farooq was relieved that Shaily now had her bra on, so he wouldn’t have her delicious boobs to distract him.
“So, yeah, the Demon’s interactions with Pooja’s naked soul…“, he said.
"Shaily, the storyline you have written is indeed very fabulous, I'm sure we all agree on that. One thing that stood out for me the most in the whole play was how Pooja's naked soul is being victimised throughout, not just by Pooja but indirectly, also by the people whom she chooses to interact with, be it her bestie or be it her crush Anupam who demands physical intimacy from her right from the first date. This in turn establishes a very tough relationship between Pooja and her soul where she blames its naked soul and emotionally tortures it that you it is worthless to her goals and aspirations, which is magnified perfectly as your story proceeds through your interactions with Pooja. Eventually, when Pooja truly understands her naked soul and what it was saying to her the entire time, the audience would have seen an thoroughly wonderful play.", said Mr. Farooq, with a smile on his face.
"Indeed Sir. You have put it in words very beautifully!", said Shaily smiling back at Mr. Farooq.
"Thank you Shaily. It has to be said, that the play ends on such a beautiful tone, because Pooja's naked soul, that is you, had laid the foundation wonderfully by showing how brutally her soul has been victimised and tortured by people all throughout, including Pooja herself. We have already discussed how Pooja slaps and spits on her soul for her state of life, as she feels discontented with it and blames it all on her naked soul, not realising how she herself has absolutely restrained her own naked soul, deterring it from doing anything at all for her. But this is the real show people - how Pooja's soul is tormented by an imaginary Demon who completely crushes Pooja's soul indicative of how Anupam tortures Pooja's poor feelings by pushing her over her limits to succumb to his physical urges. I read your storyline Shaily, and I have to say that your victimisation as Pooja's naked soul, is absolutely the heart of the play. The viewers are not just going to see the aesthetic beauty in how we want to show the Demon brutalising you, but also in the way how beautifully it is a metaphor for how inhumanly Pooja's poor feelings are being totally crushed by Anupam. Do you guys agree with me on this?", said Mr. Farooq looking at both Prof Lekha and Shaily.
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Joined: Jan 2019
Shaily indeed found it really beautiful, the way Mr. Farooq had just described how Pooja's naked soul's victimisation and its brutalisation by the Demon was the heart of the play. It was true, it was really true. Shaily was still a novice one would say, when it came to acting, theatre or story-writing, but Mr. Farooq was not amateur. He was a virtuoso, and that showed. Shaily couldn't believe how she did not realise it before, that the Demon and Pooja's naked soul relationship was the heart of the entire play. Now that Mr. Farooq talked about it, it all made perfect sense to her.
Prof Lekha said, "Indeed Mr. Farooq, you are absolutely right.", she said with an expression of admiration showing clearly on her face. "Shaily's victimisation and her brutal exploitation by the Demon is truly going to be the heart of the play, and I'm sure Shaily too agrees on it, especially considering the fact that the Demon is her favourite character in the play.", she said turning to Shaily, as if asking for her opinion on Mr. Farooq's words.
"Well, Mr. Farooq, I am, ohh, I am seriously lost for words. It just tells me how much of a veteran you are and how much of a novice I am when it comes to theatre. I cannot believe I did not realise this when I wrote the storyline. It just seems so obvious, yet so difficult to realise and put it in words, as you have truly wonderfully done!", she said smiling brightly at him, the reverence and respect for the man clearly showing on her face.
"Well, I am happy both you ladies agree with me.", said Mr. Farooq, with a humble smile.
"Shaily, given how much emotional and artistic weight your brutalisation by the Demon carries in the play, I am glad to say that I spent a major part of my day thinking on how we need to portray it, which is what I would like to discuss now. Please understand that these are just my views, and I am absolutely open to more discussions on how my ideas can be made better. We on the same page?", said Mr. Farooq, looking at both Shaily and Prof Lekha.
"Of course, Mr. Farooq. Please, I am dying to hear what you have in mind!", said Shaily excited, as she inadvertently let go off her legs under the table, spreading them, as, unknown to her, the piece of tissue that she had put in between her legs up at her pussy fell on to the ground.
"So Shaily, the Demon. He's an interesting character isn't he? He has a sadistic personality, and that's exactly why he's a Demon, isn't it?", said Mr. Farooq.
"Indeed, Mr. Farooq.", said Shaily smiling at him.
"Shaily, I heard from Prof Lekha about the costume you had in mind for the Demon. You mentioned a mask that you'd like for him, is that right?"
"Indeed, Sir. A mask would certainly demonstrate to the audience that he's a sadist and he is just there to destroy Pooja's naked soul.", said Shaily.
"You are very much correct, Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq gladly. "I loved how you had come to that very thought. It is really indeed very meaningful, the Demon's costume. I'd love a mask on the Demon, but I don't want it to cover his mouth. I want the audience to see how he sadistically laughs out while he brutally destroys you.", said Mr. Farooq, with a glint in his eyes.
Shaily really found it very sensible. "Indeed Sir, that is a very nice tweak!", she said fully agreeing with Mr. Farooq.
"So Shaily.", he continued. "This brutalisation by the sadistic Demon of Pooja's naked soul, which is of course enacted by the most sexy woman, that is you. I want it to be as brutal and meaningful as it would be aesthetically pleasing with you completely naked for the audience. That is what I want.", said Mr. Farooq.
"Surely, Mr. Farooq. I agree.", said Shaily. with a happy smile.
"Shaily, I want the Demon to exploit your naked body. He is a sadist and nothing less than that. He is there to torture your naked body as he wishes, not giving a spare of thought for your well-being, and I want this to be very beautifully brutal, something that is strong and powerful as well as aesthetically pleasing to the audience. The Demon completely exploits your naked body, not thinking for a second about what he is doing to you, and it is of course all metaphorical to what Anupam is simultaneously doing to Pooja's feelings on their dates. He crushes you completely, tortures you and savages you. He slaps your boobs, he pinches your tits roughly as you squeal hard and cry helplessly while he derives sadistic pleasure from your screams as is shown by the way he laughs heartily at your distress. But it does not end there. He repeatedly inserts fingers in your hole, roughly twisting them inside you, pinching your pussy, slapping it and all over your naked body lustfully, as he screams with lust and delight he has for you, only wanting to see you suffer from the pain and humiliation with the nasty things he is doing to you, as you are completely broken, scared and hurt with all of what the Demon has to do to you. This is him completely brutalising you, for me, Shaily. You are scared, you are absolutely scared to death as you see him coming up to you, with an evil smile on his face, and you are helpless as he has his way with your body, doing this you would have never imagined a man doing to you. The fright and the terror should show on your face when he comes in your sight and with you being physically restrained by Pooja, you just succumb to his brutalisation. You just resign to your fate, unable to do anything because of the physical limits that Pooja has set up for you. You just cry endlessly as the Demon totally ravages you. The audience should feel sorry for you seeing you suffer so badly at the hands of the Demon, but at the same time, they should be amazed with the aesthetic quality of the act, if you understand what I mean. The helplessness, the pain and the humiliation, they should all show on your face. The surprise, the roughness, the brutality, and finally your distress at being treated like a piece of meat by the Demon should all be conveyed to the audience through the expressions on your face while your entire body is physically restrained by the ropes. This is what I want from you Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq ending with a determined but serious expression on his face.
Shaily was catching her breath! Wow, how hot was it? I mean, she knew that she would be roughed by the Demon on stage, but the way Mr. Farooq wanted to show the brutalisation of Pooja's naked soul by the Demon completely swayed her off her feet. Her pussy was leaking juices like crazy, and she could not even realise it. Holy fuck! It was indeed very sexy and brutal, and the way it all added tremendous meaning and intent to the scene and the play itself, Shaily could not believe the mind of this man who sat in front of him. This was just extraordinary. The way Mr. Farooq realised the scene was just too splendid, and Shaily just couldn't believe how much of an artist Mr. Farooq was.
"Oh god Sir! This is amazing, it is just too brutal and sensitive. It is just apt! That's all I can say. It's absolutely marvellous, gosh!", was all she could say, as she seemed lost for words, her heart beating fast as she imagined how brutally she would be treated by the Demon on stage.
"Shaily, I know this scene is going to be extremely difficult for you to enact, but we cannot be anything but amazing with the play. That's the only way we can make our mark in the international arena. That's what I want for us in this play, and the fact that your brutalisation by the Demon is the heart of this entire play, this is what I want from you, an act of brutality, a piece of finesse from you Shaily.", he said as his eyes glared at her with absolute determination.
Prof Lekha too seemed lost for words, as she silently looked on, admiring the talent that Mr. Farooq possessed in deciphering complex scenes and charting them out so beautifully. Indeed, she too believed that the way Shaily would be brutalised by the Demon in the play would be nothing short of top-class art, that would truly engage the viewers and bring them to the edge of their seats. It was truly amazing indeed.
"Sir, I am lost for words really. I mean, your vision is just supreme, above us all. I understand that this brutalisation is going to be very extreme for me and my body, but hearing you, I feel as much determined to make this piece an art for the lifetime as you are!", Shaily said, as she finally seemed to regain her breath. Her pussy was still leaking juices realising how hot the scene with Jaspinder as the Demon was going to be, but more than that, she was so impressed with how beautifully it would convey the entire idea of the play, that of Pooja's conflicts with her naked soul. The way the Demon's brutalisation of her naked body was going to be metaphorical to Anupam crushing Pooja's feelings on their date was indeed marvellous.
"That's great to hear, Shaily. However, while I know this act of brutality is going to be stupendous, I am not going to deny that it is going to be as brutal and hurtful for your naked body. See Shaily, I always believe, we cannot have something that is irresistibly beautiful without losing absolutely anything at all. Do you agree with me on this?", asked Mr. Farooq, with a serious expression on his face.
"I do Sir.", said Shaily confidently.
"Well Shaily, I am glad that you understand. But I have to warn you that as much as you appreciate the beauty of this scene in the play, it is going to be a very tough experience for you to practice and perform the same. Like I said, the Demon is going to completely have his way with your body, as he is going to exploit every inch of your nakedness cruelly. This is going to hurt you Shaily, and I don't mind it if you wish to drop this scene right now, or if you want some time to discuss it over with your guy friends or your Aunt and think over it. I am sure you would have had your boyfriend or any such guys do such things to your body before, but I am sure it was out of love and lust for you and your sensuous body, but nothing even remotely sarcastic or brutal. But Shaily, this is going to be entirely different. This is going to brutal, and you are going to be very raw after doing this scene, not just on stage, but even while you practice, even if you do it mildly. Shaily, both me and Prof Lekha had earlier discussed this whole thing, about what I had in mind for your brutalisation by the Demon. While Prof Lekha too agrees that this is going to be absolutely fantastic for our play, we are both concerned for your well-being, and we certainly don't want you to be hurt in this process. Of course, we are going to have all the necessary requirements in place to make it easier for you and your body to recuperate after your practice, in case you wish to go ahead, but darling, this is going to be tough for you, and it's important that you know and realise this fact before you make a decision.", said Mr. Farooq honestly, again with a very serious expression on his face.
Shaily listened to all of what Mr. Farooq had to say patiently and thought for a while before looking at Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha.
"Mr. Farooq, I really really appreciate you being so honest about this, I really do.", she started off, smiling politely at him. "I did have a faint idea about what was expected out of the role of Pooja's naked soul when I had a talk with Prof Lekha after I accepted the role, but I never imagined that the brutalisation of the Demon can be so beautifully raw and powerful.", said Shaily pausing for a moment, before she received nods from both Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha, urging her to continue.
"Mr. Farooq, I know I haven't really ever proven it to you, but I am very strong, maybe not physically, but mentally, yes. Well, you might be wondering why I mention that I am strong mentally, but not physically, I know.", said Shaily smiling, looking at Mr. Farooq.
"I believe this act of endurance for my brutalisation requires mental toughness more than physical. That is to say, if I believe I can do it, I can do it, and if I believe I can't, I can't, period. Mr. Farooq, I have to agree that I did not realise that the idea you had in mind for my brutalisation by the Demon was something so intense and so meaningfully sadistic as it is artistic, and I completely understand that it has the utmost power to hurt me physically and break me. But I don't care. I don't care because I am here to show the world what art is. I am here to show the world how mentally strong I am by demonstrating such a feat in front of thousands of strangers that probably no woman has ever attempted to do in such a public arena, and I want you to know that my physical condition after demonstrating such a feat has no bearing at all on my determination to showcase this absolutely marvellous idea that the world has never seen. I am ready to give anything up for this feeling of satisfaction, Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha, absolutely anything!", said Shaily, as her cheeks puffed up with passion while she demonstrated to them, the sheer determination of a flawless artist, determined to make a dent, and surprise the world with her talent.
She wanted to tell the world what she was capable of.
Mr. Farooq as well as Prof Lekha could not believe what Shaily said and looked right at that moment.
She was so overwhelmed with determination, confidence and passion for her art, that she was ready to do anything for it, and it clearly showed. Of course, she was both Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha's student, so to speak, and seeing her show utmost determination to showcase this wonderful piece of art, even at the cost of her physical wellness made them feel absolutely elated, even garnering respect from them as Shaily sat there in front of them clad in just her bra, determined to impress the world with her gorgeous body and powerful acting.
"Shaily, you are just 1 in a million darling. I have no words for you, and I hope this play just brings you all the recognition and fame you rightfully deserve for what you are ready to do to yourself and to your body to showcase a piece of Art to the world. Hats off to you darling.", said Prof Lekha, smiling at her with utmost pride, as Shaily looked at Prof Lekha and passed a humble smile.
"Prof Lekha, I really really appreciate your blessings with all my heart!", said Shaily with a bright smile on her face. "However, I want to tell you that I don't long for any such fame and recognition from this play. All I want is that I do my fucking best for it, and I want the world to see how truly beautiful and meaningful Art can be through my act, even if that means satisfying my physical well-being or even my self-respect for that matter. Nothing else matters to me other than that Prof Lekha!", said Shaily.
"You are truly a star Shaily, truly a star. In my years and years of theatre, I am pleased to say that I haven't seen a student or performer so passionate for their art, and that's saying a lot. With that said, I again want to emphasise that this scene with the Demon is going to occur repeatedly throughout our play where he is going to completely brutalise you with his sadistic actions, and it is going to do a great deal of damage to you physically as well as emotionally. While we will be taking the necessary steps to ensure that you feel better after the act, it is going to be very demanding of you in ways more than one. But seeing you attest to how determined you are to make this play a grand phenomenon, I am sure you will overcome it with grit and, as you mentioned, your mental toughness.", said Mr. Farooq elated.
"Yes Mr. Farooq! I completely understand how brutal my interaction with the Demon will be in the play, and I also understand that it I am going to significantly sacrifice my body for this act, but as I said, I am an artist, and I strive to be nothing but a perfectionist. I completely trust you and Prof Lekha to make sure that we have the necessary requirements in place for me after the act, and with that, there is absolutely nothing that can pull me away from this beautiful enactment of art!", said Shaily, with a confident unnerving smile on her face.
"Indeed, Shaily. You can take it for granted that we will take care of your body once you perform this act, be it during your practice sessions or on the main stage. Like I said, you are an asset to FID, and your physical health means the world to us, no doubt about it.", said Mr. Farooq smiling at her.
"Thanks a lot Mr. Farooq! I am deeply honoured to be considered an asset to FID, and I guarantee you, that I will do anything and everything for this play to take FID to places that it rightfully deserves, as long as I find it meaningful and substantial.", said Shaily, once again assuring Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha that she was ready for this.
"Wow, this is great Shaily, very great indeed. Truth be told, Prof Lekha and me were of the opinion that we were being very ambitious in expecting you to do such a bold and intense scene on stage in front of thousands of people, but seeing you right now, we couldn't be more happy and confident about it. What do you say Prof Lekha?", said Mr. Farooq gladly.
"Indeed Mr. Farooq. Shaily, you indeed are a very valuable asset to FID, and the determination you have demonstrated so far for this play is truly nothing short of phenomenal. I hope you know that and value how much we trust you and commend you for accepting such things to be done to your body to showcase this beautiful act!", said Prof Lekha smiling at Shaily.
"I absolutely do, Prof Lekha, and I will be forever grateful to you, Mr. Farooq and FID for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. I will give my best for it, you can take it for granted!", said Shaily.
"I am sure you will darling!", said Prof Lekha proudly.
After that, Prof Lekha, Mr. Farooq and Shaily discussed a few more ideas in the play that they felt needed revisiting. Finally, after what was like 2 hours of discussion, they seemed to all agree that they had done justice to the idea. Of course, there were still a few revisions that they thought were necessary, but they figured that they could be addressed once they started the execution phase of the play. Moreover, Prof Lekha was also of the opinion that once the script was read by the other characters involved in the play, they would have more suggestions to consider.
"Ah Shaily, I almost forgot. I have something else that is equally important to discuss with you, but before that if you can get off your bra! I think I need that sight of your breasts again.", said Mr. Farooq, laughing out with a wink.
Shaily shyly smiled at Mr. Farooq. "Oh, of course Sir!", she said, as she stood up to remove her bra. But again, just as she stood up, her pussy just let out few more drops of her wetness onto the carpet once again, as Shaily looked down at her pussy. "Oh shit! Not again!", she said as embarrassingly as she seemed the first time when it happened, looking up at Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha as they both laughed out loud while Shaily once again hung her head down in shame, reaching for the tissues. This time, it was not even just a couple of drops but a lot more, adding plenty more to the poor girl's embarrassment.
As Shaily once again turned around to wipe her wet pussy clean, Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq still continued laughing much to her sweet embarrassment. She felt like a total slut, leaking her juices in front of them onto the carpet as she turned away from them showing her naked ass to clean her pussy.
"Shaily, darling, not to ridicule you, but I thought you had some tissues up your pussy when you sat the last time!", said Mr. Farooq, still laughing at the incident, thoroughly amused as well as turned on that Shaily was leaking juices out of her pussy due to the arousal she was experiencing.
Shaily turned around with an awkward expression on her face.
"Ahh well, I thought too Sir, but I guess the damn just fell off, and I am just so fucking embarrassed right now!", said Shaily, managing a smile through their laughs, as she felt really humiliated in front of her Profs about the whole thing.
First time was a mistake, but the second time? She just felt totally stupid in front of Mr. Farooq and Prof Lekha and the expressions on her face clearly showed that she was cursing herself that she let such a thing happen again.
"Hahaha, Shaily, it's okay really. But at this rate, you are going to ruin my carpet girl.", said Prof Lekha funnily, as both her and Mr. Farooq shared a laugh once again at Shaily's expense, as she looked down at the floor humiliatingly, and with a shy smile removed her bra.
Finally, Shaily sat down back on the chair, completely naked. This time too, she did stuff more than a couple of tissues in between her legs and crossed her legs at her thighs as both Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq continued to be amused by her embarrassment at leaking her pussy juices in front of them.
"Oh dear! Darling Shaily, it's so beautiful to see you leaking juices from your pussy. It really is, and you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about baby. It's totally fine.", said Prof Lekha eyeing her realising that Shaily was feeling very awkward indeed.
"Ahh, well, thanks Prof Lekha, I guess.", said Shaily with an awkward smile on her face. "Well, I don't really feel embarrassed. When it happened the first time, I was, but now when it happens for the second time, I just feel plain stupid!", she said with a laugh on her face, as she seemed to be able to get past the incident.
"Hahaha, it's all fine darling, don't you worry about it! But I am glad that your pussy likes all this, and I am sure that's going to be more helpful when you hear what I have to say next.", said Mr. Farooq, his gaze moving from Shaily's lusciously hanging breasts to her eyes, and his face turning a tad bit serious.
Seeing that, Shaily understood that Mr. Farooq had something really important and serious to discuss.
"Please tell me, Sir.", said Shaily, curious to hear what Mr. Farooq wanted to say to her.
"Shaily, Prof Lekha mentioned to me about the necessity of a nudity routine for you, given how you will be completely naked on stage for the play in front of a huge crowd. I cannot commend her enough for how thoughtful she is in suggesting you such a practice for the big day. If there's anything that is most likely to screw up our play on the big day even after we put in a rigorous amount of practice hours, it is going to be you panicking when you realise that you are absolutely naked in front of thousands and thousands of strangers who are there to watch our play.", said Mr. Farooq.
"I agree to that Sir, and I have been ever since taking my nudity practice pretty seriously. Just the other day, I was nude at...", Shaily stared to tell Mr. Farooq about how she was naked at Jaspinder's place for her mom and brother along with her male friends, but she was cut short by Mr. Farooq.
"Shaily Prof Lekha told me about it, and I am very happy that you take your nudity practice seriously.", he said with a stern expression on his face.
"But Shaily, while getting off clothes in front of a bunch of people and getting them back on in a few hours like you did still counts as nudity practice, you need much more serious, much more dedicated and much more, umm, let's say stressful practice for something as big as what we are trying to attempt here. Practice, that's just extremely relentless, that's completely focussed, that's completely unforgiving, something where you'll be completely naked for hours on end in front of clothed strangers. That's the only way to make sure you are absolutely ready to get naked on stage on the big day for thousands of viewers to see you. I hope you understand what I am trying to say, Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq.
"I agree with you on that Sir. I completely do. I was actually talking to Prof Lekha about getting such practice, and I was also urging my guy friends to come up with any such practical scenarios where I can be naked for extended periods of time among clothed strangers. But so far, even they haven't been able to come up with any such scenarios that could train me rigorously for the big day.", said Shaily, grimacing.
"Well, I empathise with them Shaily. Given how our society is so taboo about female nudity, it is not surprising and I don't blame them one bit about it. However, I have something in mind that is going to really gear you up for your big day.", said Mr. Farooq, with a smile on his face.
"Please Sir, I'll be only glad to hear that, and get something like that going for me!", said Shaily, smiling politely at him.
"Shaily, I'm of the opinion that you need to practice nudity strictly. Not the act of just removing your clothes and then putting them back on. You have to see nudity as a lifestyle, as a journey, but not as a destination, not something as means to an end, something that you would just do for a few hours and get over with, No. Towards that, what I say is that you be completely naked in the college premises 24x7 for a strict period of 15 days, with no access to any kind of clothing, in front of all your clothed peers, Professors as well as the working staff. Ideally, I want you to practice such a routine for the next two months until we fly to Belgium, but I don't want to stress you too much either. Who knows, maybe at the end of 15 days, you might like being naked in college for everyone so much that you'd be willing to remain like that till we fly to Belgium. So, let's take it slow, and get you naked in college at all times for the next 15 days and see how it goes. What do you think?", said Mr. Farooq.
Shaily didn't see that coming. She did have a faint hunch that Mr. Farooq's idea was going to be something intense based on what he implied, but she was surely not ready to hear what he had in mind.
"Oh, umm, oh okay. Well, I didn't see that coming Sir.", said Shaily, as she alternated her looks between Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq.
"Shaily, I can understand that this would be tough for you to do, probably tougher than any of the things you've ever done in your life. But you have to understand that your practice is extremely essential for the success of this play. I don't mind to hear if you have something else in mind that is going to better achieve the results I want out of this routine that I have just proposed, but I seriously urge you to think about my suggestion darling. I have to tell you here, Shaily, that I did spend a great a deal thinking right from the time when we needed you to be naked for this play about how you'd be better accustomed to being naked for all kinds of people, and I was glad I realised that you, as a student of FID would be spending you major waking time here at college in front of all kinds of people. Some are men, some are women, some would love to see you without clothes, and some would despise you for getting naked in front for them, some are you friends, some are your foes, some are people who know you, and some are those who are complete strangers to you, some are young, some are old. That's when it hit me. This place, your own Alma Matter is the perfect place for you to practice your nudity routine, and coupled with the strict routine I have in mind for you, I reckon that it is going to make you absolutely ready for your big day.", said Mr. Farooq enthusiastically.
Shaily couldn't deny that it was indeed possibly the only way she could achieve the best results as far as her nudity practice was concerned. But being naked in college for all of her peers to see seemed like something that she wasn't really comfortable with right then. Of course, like Prof Lekha mentioned, if she wasn't comfortable about getting naked in front of someone or in a particular scenario, it meant that it was training her for the big day, but she wasn't really sure about this. She had so many acquaintances in college who respected her and liked her, but now she would be completely naked in front of them for them to see every part of her naked body. But then again, it all boiled down to her getting ready to get naked for one and all to see her on the big stage. She wasn't able to decide.
"Mr. Farooq.", she said with a polite smile on her face. "Firstly, I want you to know that I appreciate how much thought you have put into my nudity routine, and I certainly believe that me roaming naked in college is the best way for me to achieve the results we desire for this play. But, I am not sure about it, I have to say. I mean, there are so many people here, and it, well, it just makes me feel awkward and embarrassed about how they would all be seeing me walking and attending classes completely naked, without wearing anything on my body, while they would all be completely clothed. I mean, I understand that if I feel that way, I have to do it, but I, well, I, umm, I just don't know Sir.", said Shaily, confusion and apprehension clearly showing on her face.
"Shaily, darling, I understand. I understand this is going to be something really big, and I cannot deny the fact that it's going to affect how your peers interact with you not just now, but even after the play and further. After all, these are the people you see and interact with on a daily basis. But that's the whole point isn't it? If you don't want these people to see your primal self, it means you are just not ready. Shaily, I see this intense routine as a means for you to understand that you are different from the rest of the people around you. They wear clothes, but you simply don't, period. You just don't take off your clothes, you just don't wear any clothes at all. Ever. That's what I want from you Shaily.", said Mr. Farooq with a serious expression on his face.
Shaily thought for a moment, and his explanation did make sense to her. But again, she just wasn't ready to decide on this right then.
"Sir, I'm afraid I have to ask you for some time, before I can reply to you on this.", was all she could say, with no emotions showing on her face. It was clear to Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq that she was truly puzzled to say anything concrete right then.
"Of course Shaily. I completely understand, and I certainly don't expect you to say a Yes or No right now.", said Mr. Farooq as his glance momentarily drifted to Shaily's naked boobs hanging in front of him.
"You can take your time, but all I want is a really strict nudity practice for you in some way or the other, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to be relentless about it, even if you wish to not be naked in college for your clothed peers.", said Mr. Farooq sternly.
Shaily, of course, being the mature adult she was, understood the weight of the issue.
"Of course Sir. I completely understand. If you can give me time till tomorrow morning, I shall be back with an answer.", she said, with polite smile hoping that she didn't displease Mr. Farooq in any way with her reluctance to comment on his proposal.
"That's absolutely fine darling. That's all I had to say. Prof Lekha, anything from your end?", said Mr. Farooq before he smiled at Shaily and shifting his gaze to her hanging breasts once again.
Shaily was almost sleeping on the bean bag with her legs spread wide under the fan while she drank her beer.
She always loved how relaxed she felt when she did that at her guy friends' place. Earlier, just up until a few days back, she always did it while she was completely normally clothed or in her night clothes like all mere mortals, but now she thoroughly enjoyed doing it while she was completely naked, without an inch of clothing on her body.
Shaily was at the guys' place where they were chilling out after their classes for the day were done. As usual she took to the bean bag naked while the guys sat on the couch. Like she had been doing since the past couple of days, she immediately got naked at their place once they stepped in where they usually hung out after college, and today was not any different. Shaily spread her legs wider, as she winked kinkily at Arun knowing that he was staring at the sight of her delicious pussy that was open for everyone to stare and enjoy while the rest of the guys were changing into their shorts.
"Wow, that pussy is just so fucking gorgeous Shell. You love to show it off like that to us, don't you?", asked Arun as he lustily gawked at Shaily's naked exposed pussy that she was showing off to him shamelessly by spreading her legs wide.
"Haha, well, umm, I actually don't really like to show it Arun, but as you know, I am a very generous and good-hearted girl, and I know you all love it when I show my naked pussy off like that. That's the reason I do it, you know, just for you guys. Tch, tch, I am such a selfless girl, you see!", said Shaily playfully with a laugh, sporting a cute slutty expression on her face.
"Hahaha, well, that you are, but certainly not a girl. As I can see you, you are a fully developed, mature, ripe woman that any man would want to instantly fuck. No matter what, I'm glad you realise that we all love to see you sleep like this on the bean bag at our place, completely naked, and with your legs spread wide for all of us to stare at your snatch baby. That thing needs a good long fucking, it looks like! Let the guys come back, and we'll all discuss what should be done to that slutty thing of yours.", said Arun, as he winked at her and went back to staring at her naked butterfly, while he and Shaily shared a good hearty laugh to his words.
After the guys were all back, Shaily narrated to them about her meeting with Prof Lekha and Mr. Farooq. Shaily had just spent more than 2 hours naked in Prof Lekha's chamber where they discussed their suggestions regarding the play. Once they had done that, Mr. Farooq suggested Shaily a strict nudity routine, where he proposed that she be completely naked at all times in the college premises for the next 15 days for all her clothes peers, Professors as well as the worker staff to see, as means to get her ready for the big day on the stage where countless people would get to see her perform on the stage totally naked, just as the day she was born.
"Oh my fucking god. This is big Shell baby. You should really put in a lot of thought into this.", said Karan, astonishment clearly showing on his face.
"Well, Karan, I did already, and I wasn't able to decide. That's why I am telling you guys so that you'd tell me what I should do, duh!?", she said smiling sarcastically at him, as she sipped her beer crouching on the bean bag with her legs spread lazily wide for the guys to have a good view of her naked pussy.
"Wow, this is really huge Shell. Looks like Mr. Farooq's been really thinking about getting you ready for the play.", said Jaspinder.
"Ok Shell, so let's break this down.", said Abhishek having a sip of his beer. "First, are you positive that this is going to help you get naked for strangers on the big day?".
"Well Abhi, I have to tell you, I did think about this when Mr. Farooq first told me his idea. You know how we have been thinking about ways where I can be naked in front of strangers safely for extended periods, but haven't been really able to come up with something substantial so far. I know a few in college, but not many and that means there are a lot of 'strangers' so to speak, and I have to admit, following Mr. Farooq's idea seems the best way to get about it. I mean, true, we can always find some other alternatives, but nothing is going to be as rigorous and focussed a routine compared to me being always naked in college for absolutely everyone.", said Shaily as she sipped on her beer.
"Okay, that seems fair. You have a good idea about what's going on. If that's good enough a boon for you, what's stopping you love?", asked Abhishek, while taking a lustful peek at Shaily's naked pussy that she was shamelessly exhibiting to the guys with her legs spread totally wide as she slept on the bean bag sipping her beer.
"It's just the whole thing Abhi! I mean, these are the people I study with. These are the people who are going to see me even after the play's all over. These are the people whom I'd potentially be working with, and all those are just my peers. Don't even get me started on the fact that all the Professors as well as the workers are going to get to see my privates all day. I mean, that is just so awkward and humiliating to even think about it. Had I been in a situation where I have the opportunity to be naked in some remote tea stall in front of clothed cheapsters, I'd still happily go for it without thinking at all. That's because I won't be seeing them everyday where I spend most of my waking time, but this is fucking different. These people have respectable notions, respectable moms and dads who would know about how I am shamelessly naked in front of their children, and thinking about all that, I just don't know what to do!", said Shaily helplessly, as she sipped on her beer happily acknowledging the lustful glances the guys were all throwing at all of her naked body.
"Well Shell, in that case, I suggest you get naked in front of all our college's peers before you get naked for their moms and dads. Just like Mr. Farooq said, take it slow baby. The whole world's going to see you naked, but just take it slow darling!", said Jaspinder slyly, winking at her, as all the guys burst out laughing, hearing Jaspinder's words.
"Haha, very funny!", said Shaily dryly, sipping on her beer.
For the rest of the evening, the guys wanted to discuss about what Shaily was going to do, but they didn't really seem to be able to reach to a conclusion on what she could do with respect to Mr. Farooq's proposal.
In the process, Shaily had ended up consuming more beers than she could apparently take, and she forced the guys to put on some music so that they could all dance after getting drunk. The guys all had a nice time as they all danced with naked Shaily who seemed shit drunk after consuming about 12 pints of beer, as they all groped her naked body, molested her fine ass, slapped her boobs roughly and inserted more than just a few fingers inside her warm slutty pussy. The guys all happily contributed to fingering the sexy slut to a beautiful shuddering orgasm that Shaily thoroughly enjoyed, even more so because she had lost control of her senses after consuming too much of beer.
Finally, the pizza they ordered had arrived and Shaily dozed off on the bean bag after having part of her share, with her legs completely spread wide much to the amusement of the guys as they all enjoyed the latest trailers of Hollywood movies having their pizza, all the while gawking at Shaily's nude body that was completely open for them to see and enjoy. Weren't they thanking their stars.
After she finally woke up, Jaspinder offered to drop Shaily to her place on his bike while he drove to his place. It was already about 8 PM, so Shaily called up Aunt Bhatia and informed her that she was hanging around at Karan and Abhishek's place and that Jaspinder would drop her at their place in half an hour.
"So Shell, baby, did you think any more about what you're going to do about Mr. Farooq's proposition?", said Jaspinder, as he drove Shaily to her place.
"I don't know Jasp. I'm so fucking confused. What do you think I should do?", she said from behind him as she tightly hugged him on the bike.
"I don't know too baby. It seems like a really good idea as far as getting you up to speed on your nudity practice is concerned. But the whole college is going to see you naked. All the guys would be getting to see you without any clothes on and your naked body is going to be completely out there forever and ever even if you put your clothes back on later. I know you like to exhibit yourself to us, but I am not sure if this is just taking it a bit too far.", he said honestly.
Shaily tightened her grip on Jaspinder as he heard his caring words.
"I don't know Jasp. Like you said, I do love exhibiting my naked body to you guys and maybe I would love showing myself off to others whom I don't know too, but the only thing is that they are all my peers with whom I study with everyday. They are going to see me even after the play. It feels so awkward to me, and I just don't know what I should do Jasp!", said Shaily, a feeling of confusion and helplessnes clearly visible in her voice.
"Hmmm. Well Shell, if you enjoy getting naked for people, I think you should go for it. I'm sure Mr. Farooq is a wise man, and I'm sure he has thought this through. However, I think you should discuss this with Aunt Bhatia, and seek her opinion as well. This is not an easy decision for you by any means and I'm sure Mr. Farooq would be willing to give you more time to you to come to a decision on this.".
"Yeah, that is on my mind Jasp. I am going to talk to her about this as soon as I reach home and see what she says. This is indeed going to be a tough one for me.", said Shaily as they neared her place.
"It's okay darling. Talk to Aunt Bhatia and then tell me what she says. You know I'm here for you. After all, I'm the one who gets to do nasty things to you in the play!", said Jaspinder imitating the laugh of a Demon, but failing miserably, much to Shaily's amusement.
Shaily laughed out to Jaspinder antics. "Stop it, you!", she said as she playfully slapped him on his back.
As Jaspinder dropped Shaily at her apartment, they both shared a passionate lip kiss.
"Wow! That was amazing Shell. You are such a man-pleaser. I can't wait to start practice with you love.", he said smiling and winking at her.
Shaily playfully slapped him on his shoulder.
"Byte Jasp! Go safe. I'll call you about what Aunt Bhatia says. Be alive!", she said, kissing him lovingly on his cheek.
"Sure thing lovely doll.", said Jaspinder as he lovingly groped Shaily's tits over her tank top before driving off.
Shaily laughed and walked shyly to her house making it a point to discuss the matter at hand with Aunt Bhatia sooner than later.
It was common, at least since the last couple of days that the guys had fun with Shaily's naked body. They would grope and molest all of her body and finger her pussy as they wished, and Shaily always found herself feeling a little bit of roughness and pain once she was back home from the guys' place. So, she was now used to having a soft and soothing bath for a good long hour where she would also finger herself gently to a pleasant orgasm. Today was no different.
As she and Aunt Bhatia sat at the dining table for dinner with Shaily all naked, Shaily told Aunt Bhatia about how her day had gone.
"Oh, that's big baby. What did you say?", said Aunt Bhatia.
"Well, I told Mr. Farooq that I need to think and that I'll let him know what I've decided by tomorrow morning, Aunt Bhatia.", said Shaily.
After dinner, Shaily and Aunt Bhatia, like usual resorted to the couch where Shaily slept on Aunt Bhatia's lap all naked with her legs spread wide. She loved doing that even more when she was naked at home and on Aunt Bhatia's lap.
As Shaily slept naked on her lap with her legs spread wide, Aunt Bhatia couldn't help but realise that her niece had a really beautiful pussy on her, as a happy smile passed on her face. Inadvertently she reached out to Shaily's exposed womanhood and massaged it lovingly as Shaily looked up at her from her lap and kissed her on her cheek loving her caring gesture for her pussy.
As Aunt Bhatia lovingly massaged Shaily's naked pussy, Shaily said, "So Aunt Bhatia, what do you think I should do?", she asked her earnestly.
Aunt Bhatia looked at Shaily while she massaged her puffy pussy with love before she replied.
"Shaily darling, I'm sure Mr. Farooq has the best of intentions in asking you to be naked in college 24x7 in front of all your peers, Professors and the working staff. I am positive that the routine he has proposed to you is going to train you really well for the final performance in Brussels on the stage. But in my opinion, I think it's just a little too early for you to get naked for everyone in college. I mean, why don't you start with getting naked in front of clothed strangers for a few hours in various scenarios before you adopt it as a lifestyle in college, like Mr. Farooq mentioned?", said Aunt Bhatia.
Shaily thought for a moment as Aunt Bhatia continued to lovingly massage her naked pussy while she slept on her lap on the couch.
"Well, Aunt Bhatia, you are right. Even the guys were all of the same opinion. But I'm afraid it's not working out. A couple of days back, I was at their place and the guys were all there too. We were discussing a few scenarios where I can be naked in front of clothed strangers in some remote location where there won't be people who would not want to see and enjoy me naked for them for extended periods of time, like a couple of hours or so. But we just couldn't come up with anything that could work for me. I mean, we either felt it was too risky or that it just required a hell lot of planning. Of course, I was naked at Jaspinder's place for his mom and brother the other day, and I am naked in front of you always, but I'm sure that doesn't really count as practice. I agree that Mr. Farooq's idea is going to be the perfect way for me to solve this problem. I don't need to make plans with my guy friends and carefully execute every step of it or anything. I will just be naked always for everyone at college, at all times, just like I am clothed. It's going to be absolutely normal except the fact that I am totally naked and everyone around me is totally clothed. I'm sure it would put me in the right track as far as my nudity routine is concerned, but it's just that I feel I'm not there yet, just like you said. I mean these are people whom I see everyday, I study and work with them, laugh with them, converse with them, and I am not sure how me getting completely naked in college for all of them will put me in their eyes. They'd surely think I am a whore of some sort, and it's going to be so awkward. I'm even scared that I might get bangd by the worker staff or something if I am not careful. But by denying this suggestion, I don't want to piss Mr. Farooq off in any way. I have everything right going for this play so far, and I don't want to jeopardise it in any way.", said Shaily, a helpless expression manifesting on her face.
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