Adultery Testing Indian Wife's Limits by aurelius1982-COMPLETED
Story :- Testing Indian Wife's Limits

Written by aurelius1982
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Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 01

Serendipity. That's how it all started. A random low probability confluence of events that forever changed my marriage and my life.

Shama and I were on a vacation at a couples-only all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. Our son Abhi had reached four years of age, and was independent enough to be left alone with our friends back in Atlanta for a few days. Since Shama got pregnant five years ago, everything in our lives had pretty much revolved around Abhi. And of course, our demanding careers. We had gone through half a decade of our personal chemistry slowly waning and settling into this rut that first time parents find themselves in.

This week-long vacation was a conscious effort to change all that. To rekindle our dormant romance in our mid-to-late 30s. Which it did. But it also ended up kindling something very different.

As I said, it started very randomly. On our second-last day at the resort. The next morning, we were to fly back to Atlanta.

We had enjoyed five days and nights of relative solitude in our private beach villa, moonlit walks on the beach, lounging around on the beach, jogging on the beach, watersports from the beach, and of course, sex on the beach. We had more sex in those five days than the previous year combined. Having demanding jobs and a demanding child makes it difficult to find enough intimate moments.

The sex had also been helped by what Jamaica is synonymous with - weed. Within an hour of reaching the resort, one of the friendly staff had quietly offered us a bag of joints at a very affordable rate (in US dollars anyway). Shama and I hadn't smoked weed since grad college. So we indulged in it enthusiastically.

That fateful morning, we had both just returned from a jog on the beach. As our forties loom large, we have both gotten very health-conscious. I sweat a lot, so I jumped into the shower. When I came out, Shama was on the balcony, smoking a joint.

"You started without me?" I asked, joining her.

"Hehe, there are so many joints still left and less than 24 hours. I didn't think you'd mind, Parth." she said in a dreamy voice holding the joint out for me.

"Of course I don't." I said, taking a hit.

Soon we were both high, staring at the waves crash on the beach.

"I am gonna take another long bath." Shama said a while later.

"Maybe I'll join you like yesterday." I stroked her ass. Unlike the tub at home, this one was big, and as we had discovered the previous day, big enough to comfortably have sex in.

"I'd like that." she rubbed my crotch and said.

"Hey, let's just record a video for Abhi first." I said. She nodded.

I soon had my laptop open and the webcam on. We had been doing this everyday, twice a day. Recording a video message for Abhi and sending it to our friends who then played it for him.

"Let's try not to sound high. Hehehe." she said.

"We were high in the one yesterday and Rajat said Abhi didn't notice anything. Hehehe."

Our weed-addled selves giggled for a while. And then we finally composed ourselves. I turned the recording on.

"Hi Abhi! We love you and miss you!!" we both said in chorus.

"Your dad misses you." I said.

"And your mommy misses you." Shama said.

"And we are both very excited to see you again tomorrow. Rajat uncle and Neela aunty say you have been a very good boy." I said.

"Be a good boy for another day. And we will see you soon." Shama said.

"Love you!!" we both said in chorus.

I was feeling really high and had a bad case of cottonmouth. I reached for the water bottle as I turned the record button off.

"That's the last one." Shama said as she started stripping her clothes off.

I stared at her curvy figure come into view as she took off her tank top and then her tights.

"You're so hot!" I said.

"So are you." she said. "But we need water."

"Yeah." I said, nursing that last bottle.

The resort had told us that unlike the US, tap water wasn't safe to drink. They left a lot of bottled water outside our door and we could go pick it up from the front desk anytime. Of course, since we were both perpetually high, we had been going through the water at twice the usual rate.

"Go get more water. I'll get in the bath and get ready for you." she kissed me.

"Alright." I said.

I watched Shama's naked full ass bounce as she walked to the bathroom. I felt an instant erection rising. I was tempted to follow her in there and take her again right there. But my physical thirst was exceeded by my actual thirst.

"I'll be right back and then it's sex in the bath." I sighed as she blew me a kiss over her shoulders and wiggled her ass seductively.

I had to wait a few minutes to let the erection subside before I left the villa. The seclusion of those beach villas meant that it was a bit of a walk to the front desk. In the sun, I realized just how high I was. Wow, Jamaican weed is strong!

I finally reached the front desk and made sure I wasn't still hard before asking them for water. They quickly handed me a case.

As I was about to start walking back, my phone rang.

"Hey Parth, sorry to disturb you two. Abhi was just really insistent."

"Don't worry, Rajat. It's fine. Put him on." I said, trying to focus.

I put the water bottles down and sat down on a couch.

"Dad! You will not believe what we just saw! Five bunnies! Five!"

My son launched into a story about how five bunnies had been gamboling around Rajat's backyard and how excited he was to see them. Then he talked about their visit to the zoo the previous day. And the movies they had watched.

It took all my will power to stay focused and talk to him normally. Without sounding high. I am pretty sure I managed it.

I don't know how long I talked with him. Weed warps your perception of time. Finally, with a promise that I would send him another video soon, I hung up.

It seemed like a long walk back to the villa with the case of bottled water. Finally I reached our door, swiped my card and tried to open it. I was surprised to find there was a chain lock.

Annoyed, I was about to rap on the door when I heard the chain being opened. The door opened with Shama's gorgeous face popping out. She seemed to be breathing heavily. She stepped back to let me in.

"Why did you..." I started asking about the chain lock when I saw my wife in her entirety.

She was completely naked of course, but her ample bosom was heaving like I had rarely seen. Her right hand was at her clit, rubbing furiously. I dropped the water right there as she slammed the door shut. And put the chain lock again.


"FUCK ME NOW!!" she said, pretty much jumping at me like a lioness in heat.

"G..g..gladly!" I said, as she knocked me down on the floor.

I had never seen her in such frenzy before. She grabbed my shorts and pulled them down. Seeing her in this form had already started getting me hard. By the time she pulled my shirt off and got on top, I was fully erect.

This was a new side of Shama. She enjoyed sex of course, but in our 10 years together, 3 dating and 7 married, I had never known her to be the aggressor. Not in such an aggressive way.

She bit my chest and my neck hard as she lowered a wet and warm cunt onto my erect dick. And then she scratched my chest hard as she started moving her hips back and forth rapidly.

"Do you like my tits?" she asked, lowering one of them in my open mouth.

"Mmm hmmmm." I said, biting her nipples.

"Spank me. Spank me hard." she said.

"Okay!" I landed a couple of smacks on her ass.

"Harder!!" she said in a throaty voice. "Spank me like you mean it!!"

And so it went. It was awesome and memorable, even through the marijuana haze. My wife had never been this way before. She came hard twice on top of me. Then got on all fours and asked me to "take her like a bitch." I did.

Finally I came inside her. Something I always appreciated about her having an IUD.

She lay writhing and moaning naked in my arms on the floor as we kissed and bit each other for a long time. Finally, our passions subsided.

"What...brought that on?" I said, gently kissing her.

"I don't know." she shyly responded, sounding like her usual self.

She slowly got up, reached for a water and started drinking it as she walked to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"Just cleaning up." she said and the door closed behind her. Soon I heard the shower start.

Once my breath got back to normal, I slipped my clothes back on and walked towards the desk to fulfill my promise to Abhi about the video. That's when I noticed a light blinking on the laptop.

Oh fuck, had I not turned the recording off? I rushed to the desk and sure enough, it was still recording! I thought I had turned it off, but I was so high that I might not have clicked the mouse hard enough or in the right place.

I focused and turned it off. It was about 45 minutes. Ugh, no way I could send the whole video with our sex sounds to our 4 year old.

I opened an editing software, and started at the beginning. Where Shama and I had started recording the message. I cut the file where it ended, and saved it. I watched the 2 minute thing a couple of times to make sure it was all G-rated. And then emailed it to Rajat.

I looked at the entire file that had been accidentally recorded. I was about to delete it. But then I stopped.

Shama and I had never made a sex tape. Given the position of the laptop, I knew even this wouldn't have recorded her jumping me at the door. But I was curious to see what sounds it did record.

I was about to open it and see when the bathroom door opened.

"Parth." Shama said standing naked in the door. Water was dripping off her nipples.

"Yes, honey?" I swallowed as I watched her curvy form.

"Fuck me again." she said.

"Gladly!" I shut the laptop and ran towards her.

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We flew back to reality the next day. That final day had been really special. But also a bit weird. Shama had been insatiable in bed, demanding that we cancel all planned activities and just stay in bed naked and having as much sex as we could. This I did not mind. We had sex six times that day, a personal record.

But between the sex, she seemed to be lost in thoughts and even a bit glum. When I asked her about it, she'd flash me a smile and reach for a joint. We'd get high and then fuck again.

One thing I later thought to be of significance was that she kept checking the chain lock all the time.

"You know, have privacy here." I said one time.

"You never know." she laconically replied.

What if I had just deleted the remaining video from that day, I often think. Would my life have played out differently?

As it turned out, I had forgotten about that video almost right away, which happens often with things under the influence of weed. I only remembered it when I saw this unusually large file in the folder a week later at home in the Atlanta suburbs.

It was late at night. Shama had gone to bed early after a long day at work. Abhi was asleep in his room. I was in my study, backing up the videos and pictures from the trip.

That's when I came across the video and remembered all about it. Oh yes, potentially our first sex tape!

I opened the 45 minute video. It started with out message to our son. I jumped to a few minutes before the end. And sure enough, even though we weren't in the view of the camera, I could hear Shama's screams and grunts and exhortations to "take her like a bitch".

I chuckled, making a mental note to show it to Shama the next day. And talk about making an actual sex tape to spice things up.

And then, I don't know what made me jump a little further back. Maybe it was serendipity. Maybe it was the recollection that Shama had been uncharacteristically randy and aggressive when I walked in the door.

Soon, I saw why. It was after we finished recording the message to our son.

The camera covered a lot of our room. Including the entrance to the bathroom. On the video, I saw Shama taking her clothes off. I was standing by the side.

"You're so hot!" my voice said.

"So are you. But we need water."


Shama's naked body advanced towards me.

"Go get more water. I'll get in the bath and get ready for you." there was a kiss.

"Alright." my voice said.

The camera showed my naked wife seductively walk to the bathroom. And me just standing there for a few seconds staring at her.

"I'll be right back and then it's sex in the bath."

I could hear myself leaving. And then the bathroom door closed and there was a faint sound of the water being turned on.

It was just dead air for a few minutes. I was about to skip forward when I heard a noise. Of knocking.

"Housekeeping!!" a male voice in the distance said. "Hello, housekeeping!"

I remembered that in my high state, I had forgotten to put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. I slapped my forehead.

I heard the door open and a skinny young Jamaican man drifted into vision. I remembered seeing him around the resort. He had a cart with the usual stuff in front of him. By then, the sound of the bathtub filling had subsided. Looking at him whistle and do his work, I was sure he thought the villa was empty. He was just doing his job.

I watched him empty the trash can. Then pull the sheets off the bed and put them in his hamper. He was whistling pretty loudly as he did this. Which made me wonder, how did Shama not hear all this in the bathtub? Or maybe she did.

My heart was beating loudly as I wondered what had happened next. I was tempted to skip forward. But I was stunned as I kept watching the video.

There was a sound of a door opening. The young man was near the balcony, and he seemed genuinely surprised. Probably instinctively, he ducked behind the bed.

Shama walked out, naked and dripping wet. And I understood why she had not heard the slight commotion the young man had caused. She had her waterproof wireless earphones on. And was humming along to a song.

With carefree caution, she strolled to the coffee table, wiped her hands, and said,

"Parth? You back yet?"

She took one earphone out an looked around the room. That's when she noticed him.

"AAAAAAA!!" she yelled, stunned as her hands instinctively went to her pussy and nipples.

"SORRY SORRY!" the young man cried, shielding his eyes.

"WHAT...what are you..." she reached for the bed to pull a sheet off it to cover herself, but he had already stripped the bed.

"Sorry sorry!" he kept saying.

Shama seemed at a loss about how to cover herself. I felt like shouting, just go back into the bathroom and get a robe or at least a towel. Instead, she grabbed a bare pillow and held it in front of herself.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? Didn't you see the Do Not Disturb sign?" she yelled.

"Maam, sorry, there was no sign, maam." he said in a Jamaican accent.

"Yes there was!"

"No maam, there wasn't, maam." he was pleading, but not looking away as much.

Then I watched him walk towards the door. I thought he was leaving like a gentleman. But instead, I heard him say off-camera in a more self-assured voice,

"See? The sign be right inside the door, maam."

All this while, my wife was standing there, still naked, holding a pillow in front of her. It did not cover as much as she might have thought it covered. She was breathing hard and was clearly flushed. There was silence for a few seconds. What was happening?

"Are that? Are you hard?" she said angrily.

"Sorry maam...very sorry maam." his voice said off-camera, although he didn't sound as sorry as he had before.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Sorry maam..." he paused, then said. "It's have such great tits, maam. And an ass I'd love to spank all night."

This seemed to stun Shama into silence for a few seconds.

"Get out!" she said as she slowly backed into the bathroom, still holding the pillow.

She slammed the door shut. And then appeared a few moments later, wearing a robe.

"Why are you still here?" she said in a tentative voice.

"Your bed, maam. I still have to make it." he said, now sounding more self-assured.

"Fine. But be quick." she said moodily and just stood in the corner.

The guy came back into camera view. He was still sporting a sizeable hard-on. But he focused on his work, putting the sheets back on the bed. Shama was just standing there in her robe staring at him.

"Done, maam!" he said and nodded.

"Okay." she said and waited for him to leave.

But he stayed there for a while.

"Well?" she asked.

"Pardons, maam. Just need to let this go down." he sheepishly said pointing to his erection.

I saw her stare at his bulge for a few seconds, and swallow nervously. Then she looked away.

"You want to help, maam?" he said in a playful voice.

"WHAT?" she asked in her sharp no-nonsense voice.

"Just saying that if you know..." and I saw him unzip his pants and take his big thick erect cock out.

Shama stared at it with her mouth open. The young man looked proud of his organ. They were like this for a few seconds.

"You want it maam?" he said playfully.

"I'm...I'm married." Shama said in a trembling voice.

"Everyone here married, maam." he said and started walking towards her.

Shama seemed torn between her baser desires and her familial and societal obligations. She struggled with that for a few seconds as the young man came to within two feet of her.

That seemed to snap her back to reality.

"I am not asking you again. Get out!" she said in a flat but firm voice.

"Whatever you say maam. But how about you show me them titties again? Maybe let me spank your ass a little?"

She paused for a few seconds. As if really considering to do what he asked. But then the real Shama seemed to take charge.

"GET OUT!" she screamed.

And the young man nodded, took his cart and left the room.

Whatever I had seen so far cast my wife in a really favorable light. It was not her fault that this dude had been in the room. It was somewhat my fault. I had forgotten to put the DND sign on the door as I left. She handled the situation with aplomb and whatever dignity was realistically possible when a stranger had seen her naked. And she had gotten him to leave.

What intrigued me was what happened next.

Once the guy left, she instantly went and closed the chain lock. Which explained her subsequent explanation with the chain lock.

But after that, she got naked again, and lay down on the bed. And closed her eyes and started fingering herself. Moaning and groaning and shaking as she quickly brought herself off to an orgasm. And then again. And then another one. It was a fascinating sight, because even after a decade together, I had never seen Shama masturbate.

She did this for a good fifteen minutes or so until there was another sound of the door opening and the chain rattling. That was me.

I walked in. You know the rest.

My wife jumped me like a bitch in heat, asking about her tits and demanding that I spank her, echoing the comments the guy had made. And then, she was insatiable at levels I had never experienced before.

I sat there re-watching the video a few times. I saw the couple of times she waffled at the guy's passes. Eventually, she stayed chaste. But I could read the temptation in her voice and demeanor. And I had personally experienced the outcome, without realizing it then.

She had been so turned on by what had happened that she had pretty much fucked me dry in the aftermath.

And she had not told me that this random guy had seen her naked.

It had been a week and she had still not told me. I wondered if she ever would. Which brought up...possibilities.
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Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 02

Shama and I had met a decade ago at grad college. We were in different departments, but had a few friends in common, and soon were part of a group of Indian grad students who hung out together. I developed a crush on her pretty much instantly. She was intelligent, gorgeous, and just a genuinely nice person. She was also from the same community and caste as me, which is always important in the Indian mindset.

After one grad party, slightly drunk and quite stoned, I finally expressed my interest to her. She blushed and said she liked me too. And just like that, I had a girlfriend. We juggled the demanding grad college programs as well as our relationship quite well. Even though we were in our mid-20s, we were both inexperienced in the matters of romance. In my case, it wasn't from lack of trying. I had several crushes in high college and college in India, and had expressed my feelings to most of them. And I had always been turned down with the "I think of you as a friend" line.

Shama had been single because she grew up in a very orthodox and controlling middle class family that kept a watchful eye on their pretty young daughter. Although guys had hit on her all the time, she had always refused their advances, because her dad told her to focus on studies and her career. Now that she was in grad college and her mid-20s, apparently her parents had lifted the dating embargo, on the condition that she find a "nice boy from our caste, from a good family, and good career prospects". Fortunately, I checked all the boxes.

Our lives followed a predictably happy and prosperous path. Our relationship went well, and we told our families about each other. Of course, we pretended to our families that we were ultra chaste and did nothing more than hold hands. But us two virgins had started exploring the world of sexual delights together, tentatively. We were both shy and quiet by nature, so it took a few years before we really "got" sex.

Grad college ended and we both got jobs in Atlanta. Although officially we lived in different apartments with roommates, practically speaking, Shama was living with me. Tongues must have started wagging in our orthodox community back home, because a year later, both sets of parents made a coordinated demand that we get married. That was our plan anyway, so we flew back to India, had the 5 day wedding, and settled into married life with dual careers.

A couple of years went by and the parents started demanding a grandchild. Again, something we were thinking about anyway. After our apartment lease downtown ended, we bought a house in the suburbs on mortgage. Three levels, backyard, front yard, picket fences and everything. And started "trying". Didn't have to try too hard. Within a month, Shama was pregnant. Nine months later, Abhi was born, surrounded by loving grandparents who had flown in from India for the occasion.

Sounds like a mundane and predictable life, right?

Because it kinda was. It was happy of course. We both had good careers, good incomes, green cards, a great son, and pretty everything that an Indian immigrant couple in the US in their mid-30s could ask for. But it was still mundane and predictable. It was about working long hours, daycare and nannies, hanging out with other parents, shopping for groceries every weekend, watching the latest movies, traveling to fun locations on long weekends, and giving our son the best upbringing we could.

Our life was like a cruising airplane on autopilot. It was moving smoothly without any real effort, and we were sitting back in our seats sipping tomato juice and watching in-flight entertainment or napping.

That video of Shama being seen naked and propositioned by the resort employee acted like a jolt of turbulence.

I must have watched that video a hundred times in the next few weeks whenever I got a moment alone. And every time, I got hard and jacked off. My gorgeous wife, walking out naked in front of a stranger. The stranger complimenting her and hitting on her, flashing his dick at her. The pauses she took and the looks on her face before shooting him down. How she masturbated like crazy after he left. And how randy she had been with me afterwards.

The randiness carried over for a few days even after we returned to Atlanta. But the daily grind soon took over, and we were back in our old routines. In Shama's case, it meant that the brief flash of sexual aggression she had shown in Jamaica totally disappeared. Sex was back to once a week, if that, usually in a hurry because we had to wake up early.

I missed Jamaica Shama. Clearly, the experience had impacted her. It had boosted her sex drive. Maybe she had a streak of exhibitionism in her. And that accidental encounter had brought it out. Would she explore it further if given the opportunity? She had still not told me about it. And I had not told her about the videotape. If I had let matters lie, it would have been just a blip of turbulence.

But obviously, I did not, or you wouldn't be reading this.

As the weeks went on and the old rut set back in, I started thinking about ways to make something happen. And testing Shama's limits.

The first attempt was when we were driving to a friend's place for a party. We had gotten a babysitter for Abhi, so it was just the two of us. As I drove, Shama was looking at her phone. She was wearing an elegant evening dress with a low neckline and looking like a billion bucks.

"Mmmm...that cleavage is distracting me. I feel like pulling over and putting my face between your tits." I said.

"Hehe, you're such a cornball." she giggled and blushed.

"Flash me those big beautiful tits of yours."

"Now? Here?" she said, raising her eyebrows and wearing a smile that suggested she wasn't entirely opposed to it.

"Why not?"

"Hehe, ok."

We were going at 70 miles an hour, but she still carefully looked around as if to make sure no one was watching. Then she reached into her dress and pulled our her right boob, shook it at me, giggled, and then put it back in right away.

"Hey, I barely got a look."

"Fine!" she smiled and took it out again for a few seconds before putting it back in.

"How about both of them?"

"It's a tight dress. Won't be easy to flash both together." she said.

"Well, you can just roll it down to your waist. Sit here topless for me." I took a chance.

"Don't be crazy!" she just laughed and shook her head.

"Come on, we are zooming along on the highway in the dark. It's still fifteen miles before the exit. Just get topless."

"No way. What if someone driving past us sees me?"

"Doesn't that...turn you on? Some random stranger seeing your tits?" I sent a feeler.

She paused for half a second and looked at me. I was feeling optimistic when suddenly she frowned.

"Ewww no! What's wrong with you?"

"Relax. I was just kidding." I said.

"Crazy idea. Crazy. What's wrong with you?" she sounded angry.

"I'm sorry. Really, I 'm sorry."

She sat scowling for the rest of the drive. I dropped it. Her mood improved at the party. Things were back to normal.

I was thinking about how Shama, usually a very quiet and chill person, had gotten so upset at my suggestion of getting topless. Me did think she doth protested too much. It seemed like the forceful reply was as much to her own urges as it was to me. It was all on tape. Being seen by that guy, seeing his erect dick, being propositioned by her had clearly turned her on. She sent him packing, but then fingered herself like crazy and then was in heat for the rest of the day. Obviously, the idea of exhibitionism wasn't as scandalous to her as she had made it seem.

But I didn't want to rock the boat too much. So I didn't push it. A few more weeks went by. And then came my second attempt.

It was a pleasant clear night and we were on the swing in our backyard having wine and talking. It was well past midnight and Abhi was fast asleep. Both of us were a little tipsy and we were exchanging work-related rants. Shama looked so cute and hot even in a simple t-shirt and shorts that I couldn't help myself.

"And then Sarah said we should...hey...hehehe..."

She stopped mid-sentence and giggled as I pulled her towards me and slipped a hand up her t-shirt.

"You're gorgeous." I said, kissing her.

" wanna go inside?" she asked as I unhooked her bra.

I ignored her question and kept kissing and pawing her. And then slowly I started raising her shirt.

I felt her freeze as her tits were exposed. And then she went back to kissing me. We made out for a couple of more minutes in our backyard swing with her tits hanging out g her shirt. And then I decided to go for the kill. I leaned back and in one swift motion, took off her t-shirt and bra, leaving her topless. I threw the clothes on the grass behind the swing.

"Parth!!" she whispered angrily and put her hands on her magnificent tits.

"You look so..."

"However I look, the neighbors can also look!" she said, pushing me away.

"Relax, it's late. It's dark. No one is around."

Shama sat there, still topless, staring at me for a couple of seconds. Her tits heaved so seductively. For a few moments, it seemed like she was also seeing the appeal in being topless outdoors.
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But only for a few seconds. She jumped up, ran to the back of the swing, and put her t-shirt on. The bra was still in her hand. I stayed silent, looking at her. She looked at me. It was an odd expression. It was part scowl and part smile. Her chest was heaving. That moment lasted for several seconds.

"Let's go inside and fuck." she finally went full smile.


That night we had Jamaica style sex once again. Shama was clearly aroused by my exposing her outdoors. She was passionate, vocal, aggressive, and came hard. Very different from our usual staid missionary sex.

This second attempt was not the smashing success I had hoped for, but it at least confirmed my suspicions that Shama liked kinky exhibitionist stuff. Her orthodox upbringing and social norms stopped her from indulging any further. But clearly, the desire was there.

I kept thinking about how to test her limits further. I didn't want to spook her or upset her. And I sure as hell didn't want to do anything that would affect our son. But the devil inside me kept thinking about what more I could do.

Much like that time in Jamaica, the next incident involved serendipity. Well, not exactly, because I did engineer things somewhat. But the circumstances arose without my planning for them.

It was a Saturday. We dropped off Abhi at a baseball camp in the morning and came home. I had a bunch of work related conference calls lined up. Shama was going to do some cleaning, other chores, and so on.

"Parth, I just remembered. Marcus will be coming by for his payment. Do you have cash?" Shama asked me as we entered the house.

"I might have some cash. I'll need to check. When is he coming? If we don't have enough, I can go get it from the ATM."

Marcus was a young black guy a couple of years out of high college who tended to our yards and a lot of our neighbors' yards. He cleaned the leaves, mowed the grass, did some gardening, and suchlike a couple of times a week.

"He usually comes in the afternoon." Shama said. "How long will your calls last?"

"Should probably be done by 4 or so."

"Okay, if he comes when you're on the call, just send him to me in the back and I'll pay him. I am pretty sure I have enough cash in my purse."


Very benign, right? This guy who worked on our yards coming by to pick up his monthly payment like always. I didn't really think much about it then.

Shama got busy with her chores in the back and I got on my conference calls. The morning passed by slowly. A couple of hours later, I was right in the middle of the call when the doorbell rang.

I told my colleagues I needed to step away, took off my headphones and answered the door.

"Hey Marcus, how are you?"

"Hi sir, sorry I'm early. Need to head out to Tampa for a football game in a bit. Any way I could get my money right now?" he said.

"Yeah, just gimme a second." I said and walked back to check my wallet.

I did have enough cash to give him. Just as I was about to take it out and give it to Marcus, I heard a familiar mechanical grinding sound. It was our treadmill in the back room. Shama was exercising. Wait...Shama was on the treadmill? She usually ran 5 miles on it, then took a long soak in the bath. Bath...Jamaica...the gears in my head started turning. Could I? Should I?

"Marcus, I'm afraid I don't have enough cash." I turned around and said.

"That's okay, sir. I came early. I'll just get it next week." he smiled and said, taking a step back from the door.

I looked at him. It was remarkable how similar he was to that resort guy. Young, black, and skinny. He was also a very nice and genial guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. He was the perfect guinea pig. The devil on my left shoulder formulated a plan on impulse.

"Can you maybe come back in a bit? My wife might have the cash but she's busy."

"Yeah, sure, I'll just go collect from the other houses in the meantime and circle back in about half an hour." he smiled and walked away.

Holy fuck, was I really going to this? Would it work? Maybe the timing will be off. Well, I decided to try anyway.

I went back to my conference call and told them I needed to step away for a while. And I logged off. I then softly walked to the back of the house. I could hear the treadmill still grinding away. I went into our bedroom where we had stashed the nannycam we had used in the past with new babysitters for Abhi. I quickly plugged it in and positioned it in the corner, out of sight.

I went back to the living room and checked that the cam was transmitting. It was. I put my headphones on and turned the laptop around to face me. And I sat there staring at the screen for a good ten minutes or so. My heart was thumping. Was I really doing this? Why was I doing this? What's wrong with me? I kept thinking about that when I saw some movement on the screen.

The treadmill noise had stopped. The screen showed a glimpse of Shama walking by. I minimized the screen and opened the conference app and stared at it.

"Parth, I'm going to take a bath." Shama came to the edge of the living room and said.

I had the headphones on but could hear her clearly. I didn't look back.

"Parth?" she said again.

"Yes yes, Michael, we should definitely revisit the specifications in the next meeting. Yes, I agree. Yes, absolutely." I was just saying random stuff to make Shama think I was still in a call.

I heard her say "Parth" again softly and then she turned around and walked away, assuming that I was engrossed with the call and couldn't hear her. Perfect! Exactly what I wanted.

The next fifteen minutes were excruciating. I kept struggling with myself. On one hand, I felt guilty for the ruse and the set-up. On the other hand, I was very curious to test my wife's limits. And told myself that the nannycam feed meant that I could step in and stop anything that got out of hand. I watched Shama strip off her sweaty workout clothes and get in the bathtub in the bathroom attached to our bedroom. She started the water and laid back, looking happy with the endorphin rush she had just gotten. I stared at my gorgeous naked wife and had second thoughts about what I was about to orchestrate.

The doorbell rang just then. With my heart pounding, I answered it. Marcus' genial smile greeted me.

"Hi Mr. Garg, you asked me to come back?"

I had just seen my wife naked in our bathtub, with the door open. I had enough cash to pay him. I could have ended it right there. But I was the asshole who wanted to keep testing her limits.

"Right right" I said, touching my headphone. "I'm on a work call. Just go to the back. My wife has the money."

He nodded and started walking down the hallway. This was it.

I ran back to my laptop and checked the feed. It was still transmitting, showing Shama naked in the bathtub with her eyes closed and the door wide open. Marcus came into view.

"Mizz Shama?"

He said as he walked into the bedroom. And his eyes fell on my naked wife.

I expected her to scream and react like she had with the guy at the resort. But she had actually dozed off like she often did when taking baths. Sitting there buck naked in the bathtub, my wife was asleep. As this young black guy saw her and slowly approached her.

Marcus's expressions were a show in themselves. He walked in the door, saw my wife, and his eyes went wide. He took a couple of steps back. And then stopped. I saw him fidget with his pants as he looked around. Then he stepped back to the hallway and leaned back, as if to make sure I was still busy. And then he slowly walked into the bathroom.

"Mizz Shama?" he whispered as he rubbed the crotch of his jeans.

Shama was evidently still asleep. I could even hear a light snoring sound through the nannycam.

Marcus seemed torn. He had just stumbled upon a naked hot woman in a bathtub. He was clearly aroused. At the same time, it was a woman he knew for a while. And her husband was just down the hall. So it's not like he could jump in and start pounding her. Not that he would have anyway. He was a thoroughly decent and nice guy.

The young man did what most young men would do. He saw her magnificent tits, got fascinated by them, and reached out to touch one under the water.

"AAA!! AAAA!!" Shama awoke with a violent start.

"Sorry sorry" Marcus stepped away, his hands dripping with water.

"What the fuck, Marcus?" she said, again covering her boobs and her pussy.

"Sorry mizz, sorry." Marcus turned away completely.

This time, Shama didn't dither. She got up from the tub and reached for her robe and instantly put it on.

"What are you doing in here, Marcus?" she asked frowning, completely covered in the robe.

"Sorry, your husband said I should come to you for the money. He said he didn't have cash. I only came for the money. He told me to go in the back. I swear. I swear. I am not here know...I am sorry.." he yammered as he turned around.

Hands folded over her chest, she listened to him an her expression softened. She believed the story because, well, it was believable and true. I had worked hard to make it happen.

"Okay okay, stop blabbering." she held up her hand. "I believe you. I did ask Parth to send you to me for the money. I just thought you would come a lot later. So I was in the tub."

I watched on the webcam as Marcus stood there, his hands clasped together, but his pants crotch still bulging.

"How long were you there?" Shama asked as she rifled through her purse.

"Excuse me?"

"How long were you watching me before you decided to grope me?" she turned around and asked.

"Sorry mizz, just a few seconds. I was just trying to...wake you up." the kid wasn't great at lying.

"And you decided to grab my breasts to wake me up?" she said in a stern voice.

"'re so beautiful. I couldn't resist, mizz. I am sorry."

She took the money out and turned to face him. His hands were still over his crotch.

"Make that go away." she pointed to the sizeable bulge as he took the cash and slipped it in his pocket.

"I'm trying to." she said sadly.

"I'm serious. If my husband sees you walk by with that, he will lose his mind."

"I am trying, mizz. Thinking of everything that makes boners go away. Baseball, sandwiches, Trump...hehe." he giggled.

"Hehe." Shama laughed.

There was an awkward pause for about a minute as the two waited. But the bulge wouldn't get smaller. Shama looked annoyed and kept looking at the door for me.

"Marcus, why don't you go in the bathroom and know...make it go away more actively?"

"Okay mizz."

As the young kid walked to the bathroom and shut the door, Shama started tiptoeing out towards my direction. On cue, I minimized the screen and started talking loudly as if I was arguing with a colleague about something or the other. She stood there for a few seconds, as if to make sure I was busy in the call and would be busy for a while. Then she walked back to the bedroom. And knocked on the bathroom door.
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"Are you done? Marcus?"

"No mizz. Five more minutes."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance. Poked out her head to hear me talking again. And then knocked on the door again.

"Open the door." she said.

And he did, revealing him sitting on the toilet seat with his pants around his ankles and a hand holding a magazine to hide his dick.

"What are you doing with my Vogue?"

"The women help." he said.


"You know...pretty ladies in short clothes?"

"Okay my husband is going to start wondering why you're in here this long. And I can't send you out with that. So...stay absolutely quiet."

With brisk business-like efficiency, Shama stepped in and bent over the young kid. She moved his magazine to the side and started pumping his sizeable rod with her hand.

Whoa! I don't know who was more surprised, me or Marcus. When I engineered these events, my expectation was that he would see her naked, she would feel embarrassed but aroused, like in Jamaica, maybe masturbate, and then be horny and ready for me. A voluntary handjob wasn't among my expectations.

"Oh mizzz..." Marcus said staring down the front of Shama's robe and probably getting a good look at those hanging beauties.

"I said stay quiet." Shama did not sound aroused or even thrilled. She was doing it almost as a chore.

This went on for less than a minute. A gorgeous older woman, or I guess a MILF in today's parlance, was giving him a handjob while he stared at her tits. Marcus's dick started splooshing out jizz very soon. Most landed on her robe. I think some might have landed on her upper chest and tricked down her boobs. She seemed neither surprised nor excited by the ejaculation.

She got up and started washing her hands. Marcus was sitting there, his dick started to slowly shrink, with a look of pure ecstasy on his face.

"Turn your head." Shama said brusquely.

He did and she quickly took off her robe. Before putting on a second robe hanging there, I saw her rinse her chest and boobs, confirming what i had suspected earlier. Then she quickly hand-rinsed the robe that Marcus had cum on, and dumped it in the washer. And turned it on.

It was a bit like a scene from Gone in 60 Seconds or Ocean's Eleven, except the heist my wife had pulled here was jacking off our yard boy and then getting rid of the evidence.

"You got your money. You got a handjob. Get out." she said sharply.

"Yes mizz." he had already zipped up his pants.

"Marcus, not a word of this to anyone, okay?"


"And don't come back to work here again. We'll find someone else."

"I understand, mizz." he said sadly. He really was a good guy.

"If my husband asks why you were in here so long, say you were using the bathroom."

"Yes mizz."


He walked out of the bathroom and the bedroom and Shama locked the door behind him. He stood in the hallway and chuckled silently a couple of times, obviously thrilled at this what had happened. Then he seemed to compose himself and started walking out.

As he strolled whistling, trying to look very casual, i realized I now had the opposite problem from what Shama had been worried about. I had the biggest erection ever, pokng against my shorts. Quickly I put my laptop on top of it turned my chair around to face away.

"Got the money, Mr. Garg. Bye." he said casually.

I just raised one hand and waved him goodbye, talking some gibberish about work to make it seem like I was still on the call.

When the door closed behind him, I switched screens to see what Shama was up to. Would she come out and yell at me for sending the young man in while she was having a bath? Well, I had plausible deniability there, because I had pretended to not hear her when she told me that. Besides, confronting me would mean revealing at least part of what had happened. And she had been tight-lipped about Jamaica.

In the bedroom, I saw her getting dressed. Not the masturbation like last time. But her facial expressions told quite the tale. Her eyes were dancing, and there was half a smile on her face. And her breathing was a bit heavier than normal. She had kept up the veneer of cold practicality in front of Marcus, but now, alone in the back, she was more expressive.

Once she got dressed, she went to the bathroom again. And was there a good fifteen minutes or so. She closed the door, so even with the webcam, I couldn't see what she was doing. but my guess was she was fingering herself. Because when she came out she was looking even more flushed than before.

Much like Marcus had, she stepped outside the bedroom and composed herself. By the time she walked out to me, her expressions were back to normal. I had started jabbering work stuff. My erection had subsided too, although it took a lot of thinking about Trump to make that happen. She stood a few feet away from me. I looked up at her, said,

"Stepping away for a bit, guys." and hit a button.

"What's up?"

"Almost done?" she asked.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes." I said.

"I'll start putting out lunch."

"Sounds good."

The rest of the day, both of us held our tongues about what had happened. Neither of us even mentioned Marcus, not even in the benign context of whether he had been given his money. It was like any other Saturday.

But once in a while, I caught Shama just randomly half-smiling to herself. And I was probably doing the same.
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Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 03

Jamaica Shama had been a sexual glutton. So it was amazing and gratifying to me that post-Marcus Shama was even more so. For the next couple of weeks, whenever time and circumstance permitted, she initiated sex, usually with a handjob and a blowjob.

Which was a change from recent years. Although we had done a lot of hand stuff in the early days of our relationship, recent time pressures meant we would go straight to sex. But Shama, probably trying to re-live what was the most kinky taboo experience of her life, was doing it a lot again. We'd be alone for a few minutes after Abhi had gone to bed, and she'd slide over and put her hands in my shorts. Then she'd suck my dick. And then she would ride me.

I had felt confident enough to do the Marcus experiment because I knew him to be a thoroughly decent guy. I was sure even Shama had been more composed and in-control during that encounter, because of the same reason. As opposed to the leering resort guy who tried to make advances, Marcus had been apologetic and thoroughly passive except for when he gave in to his hormones and touched her boobs.

He did end up getting sacrificed in the game though. I never saw him again. The new yard guy was an old fat white guy, almost the exact opposite of Marcus. I casually asked Shama about this one day and she casually replied that Marcus had moved on to other jobs.

For the next few weeks, my experiments with Shama's limits hit a bit of a wall. Work was crazy for us both and Abhi's life was getting more demanding too, with different classes and camps, and kindergarten looming. Lots of play dates and lots of benign social events.

Besides, I myself had been introspecting about the whole thing. And trying to decide what exactly I wanted from it all.

I was clear that my main goal was to keep the spark alive in our sex life, something that had suffered since we became parents. The first incident in Jamaica had been a total accident. The second one, I had carefully orchestrated, with the ability to step in if things got out of hand.

But I had sat there, a few dozen feet away, and watched as my wife gave a handjob to the young man. And had not considered it a big enough development to have gotten "out of hand", pardon the pun. I was still not sure how I felt about the fact that she had used his hands on his substantial dick. It was a step beyond just flashing or exposure. It was something sexual, although it had been couched in utilitarian terms. She had performed a sexual act on another man and I had watched it and done nothing to stop it. And had felt aroused.

I realized that anything beyond what had happened would be tougher for me to swallow or come to terms with. A lone handjob, especially followed by the young man being expunged from our lives was one thing. But what would be the emotional and practical toll on me and her and our marriage if things went further? I was split between finding the idea hot and also disturbing.

Besides, it's not like I could keep engineering scenarios where she was accidentally exposed to someone, I was nearby but not around, and make it seem organic. I was stumped about what my next steps should be.

A couple of months after the Marcus incident, Shama and I were driving back from a party. I was the designated driver, so I had confined myself to just 2 beers. Shama on the other hand, had downed about 5 cocktails. So she was in a drunk giggly mood and also slightly sleepy.

It was after midnight. the roads were mostly empty. On an impulse, I said,

"Shama, show me your tits."

She was leaning against the door humming a song. She looked at me and smiled. Without a word, she started unbuttoning her top. I had a tough time focusing on the road as her bra-covered tits came into vision. That deep luscious cleavage. Divine!

"Take the bra off." I said pushing the envelope. I remembered how cross she had gotten the last time I had tried to get her topless in the car. I was hoping that the dual whammy of her being drunk and the Marcus experience might have expanded her limits.

"Are you sure?" she asked giggling.

"Yeah, it'll be hot." I said.

She took a loud deep breath, reached behind and unhooked her bra. And then exceeded my expectations as she pulled off her top and bra in one drunkenly clumsy moment.

"Oh god I can't believe I'm doing this." she giggled, put her arms across her naked tits and slid down in the seat.

I let her lay giggling topless slumped in the seat for a few moments and get used to this. Then I said,

"No fair. I can't see. Take your arms away."

She did and I saw her big creamy boobs jiggle with the car's motion. her nipples were erect. She was turned on my this.

I was thinking about how to carefully make her sit up and put herself on display when suddenly a truck pulled up next to us.

"BLRNNNN! BLRNNNN!" its horn went off.

I couldn't quite clearly see the truck cab, but he evidently could see into our car, from his higher vantage point. Which is why he had been able to see her tits even though she was slumped in her seat. The honk was clearly an appreciation of getting a look at my wife's big naked tits.

I sped forward, not wanting to freak Shama out. She had also realized what had happened and her face wore an expression of worry. What was notable though - she had not covered her tits.

"He saw me!!" she finally said, slurring a litle. And her tone wasn't one of annoyance, but rather a playful OMG tone.

"Hehe, I guess he did." I said.

There was silence for a while as I put distance between us and the truck.

"You don't...mind?" Shama said uncertainly.

"Mind what?"

"Some stranger just got a look at these. That doesn't anger you?"

"Why would it anger me? It was just for a few moments. And you're coming home with me. It's fun in a kinky way."

Silence for a few more seconds. And then I saw her slide up into a seating position. She was beaming and her cheeks were red.

"You really don't mind this?" she asked.

"I'll show you how much I don't mind." I said and reached up to turn the lights on. The interior of our car was now bathed in a yellow light.

Almost instantly, we got a couple of appreciative honks from cars passing in the other direction on the freeway.

Shama blushed even more, but didn't cover her tits. A couple more honks and then she reached up to turn the lights off. Whoever was passing us must have gotten a nice glimpse of her ample tits sway as she raised her arm.

She slumped down in the seat again and started laughing. I laughed along with her.

"How far are we from home?" she asked.

"About twenty minutes." I said.

She kept giggling. And then I saw her reach over and feel my crotch.

"You're hard!!" she said and laughed.

"As are half the men on this freeway, I'm sure."

We both laughed.

"You really liked this, huh?" she said, sounding a bit more sober.

"I did. It's low risk fun." I said. "It's just half a second glimpses. You have an amazing body. It turns me on to think about guys getting a look at your tits like that."

"Low risk fun." she said, unzipping my pants and playing with my dick. "Strange phrase."

"You know...strangers zooming by. Not like anyone knows you or can track you or take a picture." I said.

"Many people have dashcams now. Especially black people, because of the security officer brutality." she said, gently jacking off my dick.

"Hmm, I hadn't thought about that." I really hadn't.

"You don't mind the fact that a bunch of dashcams might have this...on record?"

"Like I said, I hadn't thought about dashcam angle. But you clearly have. And you don't seem to mind."

She chuckled and shrugged as she started stroking my dick even faster. After a few moments, she said,

"Does it make me a bad wife if I say it kinda turns me on?"

Oh wow! There it was. The first time she was admitting to her exhibitionist tendencies.
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"Not at all. You're the best wife of all time. And as you can see, I'm still very aroused."

"I love you." she said, her grip on my dick now really firm.

"I love you too."

We drove in silence for a few seconds, her giving me a handjob half slumped in her seat, and me doing my best to focus on the road.

"Rest area in two miles." she read a sign.


"Pull in there. It's not like we can walk in the door with you like this and start humping with Cindy there."

That's what made Shama such a perfect wife. Even drunk and horny and in a kinky mood, she remembered the practical things. Cindy was our go-to babysitter, who was happy to stay as late as we wanted. As long as we paid her double after 11 PM.

The rest area was mostly empty. I parked in a secluded spot. Shama raised here head a little and looked around to make sure there was no audience. Or for all I knew, hoping there would be an audience? She unbuckled her seat belt, slid over and lowered her wide open warm mouth onto my dick.

Seeing my formerly restrained and uptight wife acting this way had already turned me on beyond belief. This was the first time she had been a enthusiastic participant in pushing her limits.

Her big tits rubbed against my thighs as her face bobbed up and down on my dick. She was swirling her tongue around my shaft throughout, especially over the glans, which was always very effective. Within a couple of minutes of parking, I was shooting my load into her mouth.

Once she was sure I had finished ejaculating, she sat up and looked around again. And then she opened the door on her side and spat out the cum on the side.

"That was amazing." I said, zipping up and buckling my pants.

"Hehe, yeah." she said as she reached for her balled up clothes.

"You know, I can return the favor. There's no one around. I can go down on you right here. Cindy won't mind the extra pay." I offered.

Shama thought about my offer for a few seconds. And then said,

"No, I would rather you do that on our bed. it's more comfortable." she blushed.

"Whatever you say." I reached over and kissed her. And then started driving.

After we got back on the freeway, I said,

"This was awesome."

Shama seemed lost in thought. She heard me and smiled and nodded. And then stared out the window for a few more minutes.


"Right here."

"You really genuinely don't mind this?"

"Mind what?"

"You know...strangers seeing me this way?"

"Like I said, it's low risk. And it's kinky." I smiled.

She was silent for another minute or so. And then she said,

"I am glad you think that way. I have something to confess. It's nothing really. And I should have told you right after it happened. But I didn't, thinking you'd be mad. Now I feel like I should be honest." she said.

I felt a surge of love for my wife. She had been quiet about those incidents all this time. Finally, she seemed ready to tell me. I felt like pre-empting her and saying, I know everything and I love you. But I wanted her to do it on her own terms.

"Okay." I said neutrally.

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you earlier." she said.

"It's alright, just tell me. I love you and trust you. Maybe I will find it hot."

"I hope so." she smiled. "Okay, it was a complete accident... happened last week."

Wait, last week?, I thought to myself. Maybe she was just fudging the timeline. I nodded.

"I was with Abhi at the pool for his swimming lessons."

Huh? Swimming lessons? What did that have to do with anything? I knew the lessons she spoke of. We took turns taking him to the lessons. We'd leave him with the instructors in the shallow end. And we were supposed to be nearby and on-call if something happened and he needed us. All us parents usually swam a few laps and socialized with each other in the deep end, while the kids got their lessons for an hour. I knew all that. But what did that have to do with anything?

"Go on."

"It's so embarrassing." she covered her face with her hands.

"Just tell me." I said, getting curious and annoyed.

"In short, I was wearing my new swimsuit and the top was a bit loose and my breasts spilled out and a few men saw them." she kept her face covered.

"Okay." This was brand new information. "Tell me more. How did it happen? And who saw them? For how long?"

"Happened accidentally. It was a new suit like I said. That red one."

I knew which one she was talking about. It was a one piece. Shama didn't do bikinis. But this was a bit more revealing than usual, because it showed some of her midriff and instead of having shoulder straps, had a halter style thing to tie behind her neck.

"I had swum a few rapid laps and was getting out of the pool. I guess I hadn't tied the double knot tightly enough or maybe my fast swimming strokes had loosened it. As I raised my arms to grab the stair bars, the knot came off. And the weight of my breasts made the front fall off. Shit, I was so embarrassed. There were a couple of guys in front of me and they got a good look at my breasts."

"Anyone we know?"

"No, just strangers. Middle aged men hanging around. I was halfway through climbing out and that made me panic. So I let go of the bars to cover myself. That made my foot slip and I splashed back in the water. The men chuckled as I splayed around trying to regain my balance and cover myself at the same time. And that just made the moment last longer and my bare breasts move around."

"Sounds like an innocent accident." I said. But was it? I know the two previous times were genuine accidents, but they had turned her on. Had she somehow purposely accidentally made this happen?

"Anyway, I finally got my balance right, and quickly tied the suit back up. And ran to the changing room."

She took her hands off her face and looked at me sheepishly.

"Go on."

"That's it."

"Did the men follow you or make any comments?"

"No, they were just amused I guess. And also somewhat embarrassed."


"Anyway, Parth, even though I was embarrassed, I was also a little...turned on. Is that bad?"

"Not at all. It's just some innocent fun." I said. "You came home to me and that's all that matters to me, It's not like you have done anything sexual with another man."

I let that last sentence hang in the air for a few seconds to see if she took this chance to confess about Marcus. But it seemed like this was as far as she was willing to go tonight. maybe she'd talk about it some other time. She just nodded as we pulled into our driveway.
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Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 04

That night we waited for Cindy's car to turn the corner and pretty much sprinted to the bedroom, making a quick stop to confirm that Abhi was fast asleep. I had barely shut the door when Shama was out of her clothes and on the bed with her legs spread. As promised, I went down on her, and we had some passionate and intense sex. Shama was even more vocal than usual.

Finally after an hour or so of frenzied lovemaking, she was naked in my arms, playing with my chest hair.

"Our sex life has definitely kicked up a notch since the Jamaica trip." I casually said.

"Yeah." she said, slightly tensing up for a second before relaxing.

"Any connection know, your exhibitionist tendencies?"

"I don't have exhibitionist tendencies!" she said vehemently.

"Come on, I didn't mean it as a bad thing. What we did today in the car. And then you told me you felt turned on by what happened at the pool."

She nodded.

"I am just wondering if it had something to do with Jamaica."

I left the question open-ended. Giving her a chance to come clean about that chance encounter. She took a different path.

"Well, walking around in a swimsuit out in the open, having sex on the secluded beach. It did definitely get me a bit intrigued. The India we grew up in didn't offer such opportunities."


"But that doesn't mean I have exhibitionist tendencies." she said frowning. "99% of them times, I want to keep my body to myself and to you."

"Hmmm." I said. "But if something happens once in a while, by accident, it turns you on?"

She nodded. I waited for a while, now that there was another opening for her to confess. But I got nothing. She had fallen asleep or was at least pretending to be asleep.

The topic pretty much fade away over the next week or so. We were both working late and had to focus on our son. The few times I did try to broach the subject, Shama didn't seem keen on discussing it and changed the subject. And I didn't push it, because we were still having regular sex.

But the topic kept playing on my mind. Finally one day we got some alone time together. Abhi was at a sleepover, and we were watching Netflix while having wine. On an impulse, I fetched my laptop and paused Netflix.

"I want to show you something." I said. I did consider showing her the videos of the two incidents she hadn't told me about. But it seemed a bit too soon. I wanted to ease her into it.

So instead, I went to a website that collected amateur flashing videos, like pizza dares, room service dares, towel drops, etc. She raised her eyebrows as she looked at the screen.

"Porn?" she laughed. "Aren't we a bit old to start watching porn together?"

"Just watch a few clips here. And then we can talk"

I opened some videos and handed her the laptop. And slid over as she watched them, looking at her face.

The first couple of videos were of wives getting topless for delivery guys. Very short, just casual flashes and giggling. Then a couple of videos of "accidental" towel drops while getting pizza delivery. Then videos of women opening the door naked, very obviously and consciously showing themselves off. Then a few hotel room service videos where the women were naked and the hotel staff came in and saw them. And then finally, a longer video where the woman, roughly our age, first did a towel drop. Then chatted with the guy naked. And finally gave him a handjob. I had chosen it as the last one precisely to prod Shama into a conversation tied to her own experience.

Watching them all took about fifteen minutes. Throughout, Shama's brow was tense, and her face wore no other expression. Her breathing did get slightly heavier though. But her eyes never left the screen.

"Okay." she said and finally looked at me, poker faced.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well?" she responded.

"What do you think?"

"What do I think? What do you think? Why are you showing me these? Do you want me all this?" her voice was neutral. She didn't sound upset, but didn't sound enthusiastic either.

"Would you like to do any of it?" I carefully asked.

"Parth!" she finally raised her voice. "Enough with the question game! Just tell me what your point is."

What was my point exactly? I wasn't sure myself. Shama was the love of my life and I had been with her a decade and I still couldn't just honestly lay bare everything I had in my mind. Which, come to think of it, explained why she hadn't been fully honest with me either. But I didn't want to go there yet. I thought for a while deciding what would be the right thing to say.

"Do you remember that night after that party when you got topless and told me about the incident at the pool and how it turned you on?" I finally said when it seemed like her eyebrows might stay in that raised position forever.

"Of course."

"Since then, I have just been thinking about that stuff. And I have tried to talk to you about it."

"Yes, genius, I know!" she snorted. "You keep bringing that topic up. And I keep trying not to talk about it. I thought we have been together long enough for you to read my cues."

"Sorry, forget it. This was a bad idea." I took the laptop back and closed it.

"Don't get upset!"

"I'm not upset. I'm sorry I tried to push you into this." I really was. Not just about the conversation, but about everything since the Jamaica trip. I had a great happy life. Why was I trying to mess it up to pursue these unrealistic kinks?

Shama quietly looked at me as I put the laptop away and resumed Netflix. I was watching the show but noticed that she kept looking at me. This went on for a couple of minutes. Finally she reached over for the remote and hit pause.

"Okay, let's talk." she said, sighing.


"Yeah, let's talk. What's on your mind? And don't do that usual Parth thing where you set up the dominoes and see where they fall. Tell me what was on your mind while you showed me those videos." she earnestly said.

"Maybe you could do some of those things in those videos. Not all. Some. I don't know. Maybe. If you feel like it. If it turns you on. You said you were turned on when those guys saw your boobs at the pool. You were horny after you flashed folks on the freeway. You were horny after Jamaica. I like this new horny you. I want more. I love you, but our marriage had stagnated and become all about jobs and Abhi. I saw you...I saw a chance. I..." her barb about the 'usual Parth thing' had landed and unlike my tendencies to measure what I said, I had just let loose. Finally I paused for breath.

"Go on." she folded her arms and said.

"Would it be the worst thing in the world if some other guy saw you naked?" I asked.

"No, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." she flatly answered.

"Would it turn you on?"

"It might." she shrugged. "It might not. Depends on the situation."

"What about the situations in those videos?" I asked.

"Parth, come on, be a grown-up! Those are all videos posted by women who acted on these fantasies and everything went well. But not every situation is going to end that way. Those videos are maybe 1% of the situation, if not less."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean let's say...on of those room service videos. Where the woman was naked and someone from room service came in and saw her naked. In the videos, you see those guys behaving very nicely and politely and professionally and leaving. It all ends well. What if one of them had decided, hey, this woman is naked, let me take my chances! And had tried to come on to her, maybe even force himself on her. What would you feel if I was that woman?"

I had no idea what to say. Was this her way of obliquely starting her confession about what happened in Jamaica?

"I don't know." I said.

"Exactly. You don't know. I don't know. The upside is some excitement and arousal. The downside is terrifying. Think about what you are proposing here." she said.

She had a point. But she also had another point.

"You said it might turn you on if someone saw you the right situation?"

She just shrugged.

"It would?"

"It might."

"Let's talk about that."

And talk about it we did. For an hour or so at length. I think we understood each other. We understood what turned us on and what scared us. And it helped us set some boundaries and ground rules about what to do next. And set the stage for the next exploration of my wife's limits.
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An hour later.


The doorbell rang. Shama opened the door with a towel wrapped around her.

"Your pizza ma'am."

"Oh yes, sorry, I was in the shower." she said blushing.

"That's okay. It'll be 18.22"

"Let me get my purse."

She said and walked back, one hand on the towel. She picked up her purse. And then as she was walking back to the door, moved her arm slightly. And the towel unraveled, leaving her exposed. She was just wearing her panties. Her boobs were in full view.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she said, covering her magnificent boobs.

"It's okay, ma'am."

"Come in and close the door." she said picking up the towel.


"See, this is the uncertain bit, Parth. What if the guy isn't well-behaved and just lunges at me?"

"I sure wanna lunge at you." I said, not pretending to be the pizza guy anymore, now that she had ended the roleplay. We had decided to practice how an accidental towel drop exposure to a pizza delivery guy might go.

"Be serious!!" she snapped, wrapping the towel around her again.

"Okay okay." I said, "If the guy does lunge at you, remember, I will be right there. I'll put a stop to it."

"I don't know, Parth." she sat down on the couch. "I admit all this turns me on. And it's something I really want to try out with you. But it just has so many risks."

"Like I said, I'll be there. It's a low risk scenario."

"Maybe, but is it plausible? Won't the guy immediately know that I'm doing this as a dare or a kinky experiment?"

"Wearing panties will definitely suggest that."

"Hey, you said I should do whatever I am comfortable with. I am not comfortable just flashing everything to strangers yet."

I was on the verge of saying, you've already been completely naked in front of two guys. But she hadn't brought it up yet. And I didn't want to upset the delicate balance we had achieved.

"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

She looked away and down in a gesture that after a decade together, I had deciphered as her wanting to think and not talk. I gave her time.

"Okay, place the order." she finally said.


"But not pizza. Order Chinese."

"Okay, but why?"

"Just thinking back to all the delivery guys I have seen, I just feel more comfortable doing this for the first time in front of a Chinese delivery guy. They just seem nicer and more...manageable...than the pizza delivery guys."

"Your call." I shrugged and started placing the order.

For the next half hour, like the obsessive compulsive planner that she was, Shama went through every detail of what we were about to do. She practiced different towel tucks and different ways to make its drop seem accidental. She went and got a shower cap to make it believable that she had actually been in the shower. She kept going over the lines she would use. And she changed her mind three times about where I should stand, out of sight, but also ready to jump in and rescue her if needed.


This time it was real.

"Shit, I can't believe we are actually doing this." she said.

I walked to the spot she had chosen for me in the narrow hallway close to the front door. And I stood there, my heart thumping. She checked her towel tuck and winked at me and smiled as she opened the door, clad just in the towel and the shower cap.

"Oh hi, sorry, I was in the shower."

"Ok." I heard the guy say.

"How much is it?" she asked.

"It's a 21.50." I couldn't see the guy but I could hear his strong accent,

I was so excited as Shama nodded, took the food bag, and walked to get her purse. She didn't look at me, but I could see her face was flushed. She reached into the purse and started walking back. This is it. This is when the towel drops. I was already hard.

"Here." she handed him 25 dollars. "Keep the change."

"Thank you." he said.

The door closed. There had been no towel drop and no exposure.

"Sorry, I chickened out." Shama said turning to me.

"Yeah you did."

"But I can still do this."

She let the towel drop and took her shower cap off. She stepped out of her panties and charged at me. I was hard. She was wet. She lunged at me at got on top right there on the floor. As disappointed as I was that she hadn't gone through with it, I loved her supercharged horny self as she bit me hard and I pounded her.

A while later, we were still on the floor, wrapped around each other's bodies. Shama was still breathing hard as she started talking.

"It just didn't feel right to me."

"That's okay." I said stroking her ass.

"This is our home. And it's our usual restaurant. Standing there, wrapped in a towel, looking at that guy, it just felt... I don't know...forced and cliched."


"He literally knows where we live."

"Would you have gone through with it if we were in, say, Jamaica where no one knows us?" I casually asked.

She didn't say anything for a while, but from her face, I could tell that she was in that thinking mode.

"Speaking of Jamaica...I should have told you this earlier..."

And she finally started telling me what I already knew.

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[+] 3 users Like Ramesh_Rocky's post
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Great story and situation. Why don't u continue the story on these lines?
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Super story
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