Adultery A Cuckold Son's Journey
Big Grin 
This story will contain gay scenes in the future, so viewer discretion is advised...
I was 16 years old when we came to Canada with my mother and father. My dad Anwar had an engineering degree back in India, but was unable to find a job here since his degree wasn’t worth much here. Getting an engineering degree again wasn’t possible as we had spent all our money to get here. My father ended up getting a job as a Taxi driver working late nights often sleeping in his Taxi after working 12+ hours to keep us afloat. 

We got placed in a low-income part of Vancouver in a government housing program since we couldn’t afford much. I lived with my mother and father in a tiny apartment with neighbors who were in a similar situation as us or were living off government assistance because they were too lazy to work. I went to our local public college for free, but was often teased and bullied for my Indian accent. This made me skip colleges and hang around libraries. It was during one of these moments when I was skipping college that I ran into my neighbor Chandran.

Chandran I soon learnt was west Indian and like his name had a face like the moon with scars from acne from his youth. He was about 5’9 and 250lbs with thick mustache and no beard. He had a hairy body and showed signs of a receding hairline.

He looked exactly like this man, but with pimple scars on his face.
[Image: man-wearing-south-indian-dress-india-asi...T143-B.jpg]
random dice simulator

“Why aren’t you in college? Do your parents know?” he asked me in a gruff voice.

Stuttering at being called out so openly by someone I replied “N-No sir” with my face paling at the though of my dad finding out I had skipped college.

“HAH! Calm down boy. I’m just messing with you. We all skip college in our teenage years.” He said with a friendly smile on his face. 

“You know.. you could come over to my place. I have a PlayStation and would love to have someone to play with”. A wide grin enveloped my face as I nodded my head as an answer to his request.

Since that day, I have regularly been skipping college to instead go over and play at his house. He became like a mentor to me who taught me about life and philosophy while we played video games. I found out that he used to work in a warehouse until some boxes fell on him and ever since he had been claiming disability and milking the company dry.

I asked him if he had any regrets about not having gone back to college to make something of himself. Chandran laughed at my question “Yeah gone back to college only to work a 9-5 job sitting in a desk until I die?”

”HELL NO! I have no regrets” he replied with a cocky grin on his face. Slowly his grin faded and a somber look came upon his face as he stated “Though I wish I had a lovely woman to share my life with. Someone like your mother. I really envy your father you know.”
I was flabbergasted at this revelation. I didn’t even know he had seen my mom.

“huh… why my mom? She isn’t even pretty” I asked in bewilderment. My mother Anjali looked like your typical middle-aged mother. Being 40 years old and having had a kid, she never lost the pounds that she had put on being 5’4 and almost 150lbs. Her hair was had a few gray strands that she had taken to dying every month to maintain her some youth. 

My mom Anjali
[Image: content-Indian-style-outfits-for-Pear-shaped-women.jpg]
statewide inventory

Chandran roared with laughter at my question “Son, you only see that because she’s your mother. You don’t see her like a sexual woman. Your mother is the perfect woman. I love how her one canine tooth is longer and protrudes visible when she talks. She’s chubby like a real woman with an ass and big boobs. Oh and don’t even get me started with her legs. Have you seen how cute her feet are?? With your father being gone all the time, I bet she’s lonely. You know, if you weren’t my friend I would have started making moves on her a long time ago!”

I frowned at him with forehead scrunched. My mother was the last person I would have sexual thoughts about. That night I laid in bed unable to sleep waking up every few minutes in a cold sweat. All I could think about was my mother and Chandran together. Its not that I found my mother sexy, it was just the thought of another man having his way with my mom. The vision that kept me up was my mothers’ hands wrapped around Chandran’s neck while her legs were wrapped around his buttocks. Chradran was standing straight up carrying my mother like a child while slowly moving his dick up and down.

I awoke my eyes burning from the lack of sleep. It had been almost a month and I still could not put it out of my mind. It was as if I stuck in a fevered never-ending dream.

“Aditya, I have known you for almost two years now. I have never seen you look like this. Pale and black circles around your eyes. I thought it might be the lack of sleep and you would look better after getting a good rest this weekend, but it looks like you got even worse! I wouldn’t say anything but since you’re my friend, I need to ask you if you’re okay.” Chandran asked me while we took a beak from playing Crash Team Racking: Nitro Boost.

My heart pounded and I felt sick as I contemplated between telling him everything’s fine and blurting out the truth. In the end I did what anybody would do and muttered “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about”

Chandran swept me in a hug and I could smell his musty body odor as he rubbed my back and told me it’s okay. I don’t know what happened. Maybe its just that no one had hugged me since I was a child, but tears started rolling down my cheeks as I cried.
A few minutes later when my tears had stopped, I looked embarrassed. Chandran sat back and looked at me with a concerned face. “Aditya, just tell me. What’s going on”

I finally broke down and told him everything. “Chandran… this is going to sound so messed up.. I want you to take my fathers place.”

Chandran looked shocked as he told me “Aditya, you know I’m your friend and your like a son to me already, but you already have a father.”

“I know Chandran. What I mean is I want my mother to be with you. I think you would be perfect for each other. For the past month, I have thought about nothing but you and my mother being lovers. At first it started out as nightmares so that I couldn’t sleep. But now it’s gotten worse and its all I think about when I’m awake.” I answered him truthfully, laying my heart open.

“Oh… Aditya, you know I would love to have your mother. But be realistic, she’s married and she would never accept my advances” he replied looking thoughtful.

“I know sir. I just want to sleep peacefully and these nightmares won’t go away” I said looking remorseful at even asking such a thing of Chandran.

“You know, I think I can help you.” He said, opening his pants and dropping them to the floor. His dick rested on his balls, soft. It looked like he trimmed regularly.

“What are you doing?” I asked staring at his nudity.

“I have an idea that may help you” he said taking my hand and putting it on his soft dick. “Now tell me about your nightmares while rubbing my dick”

To my shock, instead of pulling my hand away, I felt the cold sweat start again as I shivered and began complying with his order.

“I know my mom won’t ever do such a thing, so I was thinking of drugging her. I would ask her to put on the clothes she wore on her wedding and then later that day, I would bring her a glass of milk when the drug in it.”

Chandra moaned as his dick started to unravel and grew with my story.

“I want it to be like your wedding night. I would carry her to your apartment and come in your bedroom and hand her over to you asking you to please take care of my mom before stepping away and going to a corner.”
By now his dick was at full mast, a little over 8 inches and very thick. Definitely bigger than my 6 inches.

“I want to be there to see your first time when you make love to my mother.” I whispered in a throaty voice.

“Oh yea... you have really soft hands. Don’t stop, keep going” Chandran moaned

I wasn’t sure if he meant my hand or the story. Not knowing, I decided to do both “In my fantasy you fuck my mom in many different position. But my favorite is where you hold her up like a baby with her arms around your neck and your hands on her buttocks while you fuck her standing up. I want her to be your slut. I want to hear her squeal while you fuck her the way she deserves. Make her your bitch Chandran, please I’m begging you!” I whispered

This sex position
[Image: carry-fuck.png]
picture hosting sites

All of a sudden, I saw his balls tighten as spurts of cum squirted in the air and Chandran screamed “Yes!!! I swear Adtya I’ll make her mine!!”

I continue jerking him for another minute until he was completely done. A lot of it had dribbled on my hand. Just as I started pulling away, Chandran grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. “Listen Aditya, if you really want me and your mother to be together, you have to be the one to make things happen”

I pondered over those words as I fell asleep and for the first time slept quite literally like a baby with a blissful smile on my face.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
give upadte
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Nice start
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The next morning I woke up refreshed and feeling like a million bucks. My mom even noticed it as I had my morning breakfast while she made me an egg sandwich and tea. 

“wow! You finally stopped looking so sickly. I thought you must have been studying hard for your exams! Did they go well?” She asked me while spreading mayonnaise on a piece of toast.

“Oh yeah, My exams. Yeah, I’m doing okay” I replied with a smile. While I did skip college a lot, it didn’t mean I was an idiot. I was always good at self-study and knew what I was doing in class. It’s why my teachers never bothered with me when I never showed up to class until a test day and aced it.

“You know, I was hanging out with Chandran yesterday. He’s a really nice guy!” I said, waiting to see her reaction.

“Oh you mean our neighbor two doors down? Yeah, I have spoken to him a few times in passing. He always says good morning to me” she replied absentmindedly.

“Yeah? What do you think of him?” I asked while taking a bite out of my egg sandwich.

“Well…he could lose a few pounds that’s for sure” She replied giggling. “Oh and did you see his mustache? He reminds me of Hitler. I thought Hitler killed that mustache style, but I guess I was wrong.”

I frowned “Well, he’s not a bad guy!” I said with a bit of hurt at the way my mother was talking about my father. That’s what I thought of him as now. My father. It really upset me that she could talk in such a way about her future husband.

“Oh calm down son, you know I’m telling the truth. He could use a shave too! He’s so hairy like an animal” She replied teasing me.

“huh.. no, you would love him if you talked to him a bit more. He is really good to me! In fact, I have invited him to dinner over at our place today” I told my mother.

“Wait what! Why didn’t you ask me first?” she replied “I don’t even have anything ready to cook! I have to go get some veggies from the supermarket”

I finished my sandwich as my mother hurried to the bedroom to get ready to go to the supermarket. She didn’t like to go alone as she felt out of place surrounded by all these people of different ethnicity. I usually went with her to the market to ease her anxiousness. But I would be late to college.

“Mom, I’m heading out. I’ll be late for college. Can you go to the supermarket by yourself today?” I asked her in a hurried tone.
She peeked out with a frown on her face “I guess I don’t have a choice now do I?”

I gave her a big grin and made me way out and two doors down to Chandran's house. Chandran was already up playing the newest Call of Duty game. He seemed addicted to it. He looked up at me from his recliner sofa and smiled at me. “You came here just in time! Let’s play zombie mode”.

We played that game for almost 5 hours before I headed out to get back to college for my last class. I had a test I needed to ace today. 

“Oh Chandran, you’re invited to dinner at my place at 8 pm. It’s time you met my mom!” I said with a knowing smile on my face.

“Wait what! You could have told me that earlier you rascal!” he shouted after me as I left his place.

Later that day, as time approached 8 pm, I asked my mom what she had made for dinner.

“Biryani of course!” she replied as she started setting the dishes out at the dining table.

“Oh that’s amazing! Wait. Don’t tell me you’re going to meet him in that dress!” I queried her with a frown on my face.

“What’s wrong with this dress?” She asked me looked down at herself.

This was their first date! I wanted my mom to leave a good impression on Chandran. “Can you wear that black dress you have? And paint your nails black to match them?”

“What! Your father gifted me that dress on Valentines day. I can’t wear that in front of another man!” she replied in an angry tone.

“Oh come on mom! It’s just a dress and you’ll get a new one this valentine’s day. What’s the point of hiding it in your closet only to wear it once a day?” I asked trying to reason with her.

“Well.. I suppose you’re right.” She glanced at the clock and hurried into her bedroom shouting back “Set out the dining table for me dear!”

She came out almost an hour later. She had taken a bath and smelt fresh. It looked like she had even put some rouge on her lips or maybe it was the first time I had noticed how red her lips are.

I know I said before that I never saw how my mother could look beautiful, but at that moment, I understood. The black maxi dress came down to knees from where you could see that she word an orange pant underneath. A thin gold bracelet adorned her beautiful feet where her toes were painted black against her white skin accentuating her beauty.

Anjali's dress
[Image: indian-salwar-suit.jpg]

“Wow mom. You’re gorgeous!” I whispered awestruck.

She blushed and smiled at me “I haven’t been called that since I was a teenager” she giggled.

Just then the bell rang and I rushed to open the door. Chandran was dressed in a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up, showing his hairy arms and blue jeans.

“Come in Chandran! You’re exactly on time! This is my mother Anjali” I said pointing towards my mother in giddy excitement.

She came forward and bowed making a cup with her right hand as she said “Salaam bhaiya”

Chandran laughed and took her hand instead and brushed his lips against it. I watched with wide eyes while mother stood still too shocked to move an inch.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you! Your son has told me a lot about you! All great things, don’t worry” he boomed with laughter. Seeing my mom still looking shocked, he said charmingly “Don’t worry mam, this is how we greet beautiful women here in this country”

The tension broken, I escorted him to the dining table where dinner was set out. I pulled out the chair where the head of the house sits. The chair where my dad always sits. It seemed only fair. You know what I’m talking about right? The chair at the very front of the table where there's only enough space for 1 chair to fit.

My mom sat on one side and I the opposite. Chandran was seated to my right and her left. For a minute we sat in an awkward silence, none of us knowing what to say next.

“Do you know my son well?” my mom asked him with an inquiring look and an eyebrow arched.

“Yes maam! He’s a very smart boy. We play video games often together. What about you Anjali, do you work? Or are you a stay a housewife?” he replied.

“I’m a housewife. Though I get bored a lot now that Aditya has grown up. What about you?” she asked him in interest. “I always see you at home. Do you work from home?”

“No, I used to be a manager at  a warehouse, but I ended up getting injured on the job and now my leg cramps up in pain randomly through the day.” He replied sorrowfully

I knew he was lying he told me he worked as an order picker and that he actually didn’t suffer any pains, but the lie got him on disability benefit and easy money. But I could tell his plan had worked as my mom put her hand over his and patted it saying “I’m sorry”

Before she could pull her hand back, Chandran immediately latched on to it like a dying man. “Thank you Anjali, usually people look at me with disdain, but you’re the first one who has had any empathy. You truly are a wonderful woman” He replied with a tentative smile.

My mom also broke out in a smile at being complemented and pulled her hand back as he let her go after saying his piece.

“Let’s get started on dinner before it gets cold” she said getting up and bringing in the dish from the kitchen. She went around the 
table putting food on our plates before returning to her own. As she was about to put some in her own plate, Chandran interrupted. “No Anjali, please let me" he said and took the spoon out of her hand, making sure to touch her hand a few more seconds than necessary before putting the food on her plate.

“It’s only fair since you put food on our plates!” Chandran said charmingly

My mom just smiled and we began eating as my mom and Chandran talked animatedly. About 10 minutes in, I was finished with my food and took my phone out of my pocket. “Oh, please excuse me, I have to go get this” I said walking into my bedroom. As I glanced back at them before closing my bedroom, I saw Chandran giving me a sly grin. I wanted to leave them alone for their fist date instead of being a third wheel.

I sat on my laptop googling random stuff on how a man seduces a woman for 30 minutes before a knock came on my door. I immediately put books around pretending as if I was studying and opened the door. It was my mom.

“Aditiya, what happened! You just left me alone with your guest while you went to your room!” she scolded me angrily.

“I’m really sorry mom, but this was urgent. I just got a text from my friend and remembered that I had an exam tomorrow that I haven’t studied for!” I said trying to calm her down.

It worked as she only had a frown on her face now but the anger was gone. “Well, you could have at least said goodbye to him” She scolded me as she went and sat on the sofa to watch some TV before bed. I didn’t realize he was gone already.

I texted Chandran immediately “I hope the date went well! LOL ?”
His reply was immediate “hahahahah!! It was perfect. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. You did good my son banana "

I know there's quite a few spelling/grammatical errors, but I'm too lazy to read over it. Let me know if there's an official editor around here.
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Hey I loved it but please stay consistent with updates
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(04-09-2019, 05:55 AM)Minister Wrote: Hey I loved it but please stay consistent with updates

I'll try lol.. I have the next 3-4 chapters already written out. I'll try to do once or twice a week since my college starts tomorrow.

As always, any ideas on what direction to take the story is appreciated.
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I hope next update will be soon
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Waiting for updates
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That last sentence made me feel good inside. I felt happy and once again I slept peacefully thinking about my mom and future father holding hands like lovers.

The next morning I almost ran out of the house without breakfast, not wanting to be late for college. I felt bad at not being able to eat the chapati and chickpeas my mom had made.

“Mom, you can give it to Chandran! He told me he usually only eats Oatmeal for breakfast because he’s a bad cook” I yelled over my back as I hurried out the front door. My mom said something back, but I was too far to hear it properly.

Later that day I went straight to Chandran's apartment after college finished. He looked at me with a happy smile on his face. “My future wife brought me breakfast today. I can’t thank you enough for this Aditya, I don’t remember the last time I have been this happy.”

I laughed “Well man, come on, tell me did you start seducing her last night?? Tell me EVERYTHING!”

“After you left, we talked a lot about our dreams and aspiration. Did you know, your mother always wanted to learn how to dance? I told her that she should start taking dancing lessons. She didn’t want to waste her other husband’s money though, so she never took to it. We finished eating about 10 minutes after you left, but just talked about life and had really good conversation. When we had nothing to talk about anymore, I got up and started washing the dishes in your kitchen. You mom tried to stop me from doing it, insisting that a guest shouldn’t do such things, but I ignored her. Instead we ended up compromising. She soaped the dishes while I washed them. You should have seen us, we were like real husband and wife. When I was about to leave and she said goodbye to me at the door, I took her into my arms and hugged her goodbye. I felt her boobs press into me and I lightly ran my hand over her back. If I wasn’t wearing my jeans then, I’m sure my tip would’ve entered her through her dress. It was amazing. I thanked her for being such a wonderful lady before I left. She just smiled and waved goodbye”

[Image: hug.png]

I was hard throughout the entire re-telling of his story. Chandran noticed and smiled “Don’t worry, its not over yet. When she came to give me my breakfast this morning, I told her it would be better if I ate in your home instead since I wouldn’t have to return. I ate breakfast with her and we talked for almost an hour. Then I helped her put away the dishes before leaving. I didn’t hug her this time, because I could tell she was really uncomfortable the last time”

“Wow. You’re making good progress. You made a good decision Chandran, trust me. My mom would be a great wife for you.” I said smiling.

“I really hope so Aditya, I think I’m falling in love with her. I’m starting to get a bit angry whenever I see your father and know that he’s sleeping beside my future wife” he said with a frown on his face. I could tell by his expression that he was jealous.

“Don’t worry Chandran, you have nothing to fear. When my dad came home yesterday, he didn’t even notice my mom. He just blinked at her, said hey, and then went to the bedroom to sleep after eating. He didn’t even notice her! He was gone before I even woke up. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Once you show my mom that you’re a superior man compared to my father, you can finally sleep together!” I said reassuringly.
Life continued on like this where I would invite Chandran over and he’d spend most of the day with us. Sometimes he’d come for dinner, other times breakfast, but he was here at least once a day. My mom got used to Chandran’s hugs and they’d always hug goodbye at the door. I could tell that my mom only thought of him as a good friend, but Chandran took a lot of enjoyment from it. I never had cold sweats and sleepless nights since this began.

One day, I came home to see that my mom wasn’t home. I tried Chandrans home, but he wasn’t there either. Frowning at where they could have gone, I went back to my apartment and studied for my upcoming test. An hour later, I heard footsteps and my door unlocking. I peeked out of my room, just in time to see my mom and Chandran hugging goodbye. My mom was wearing a red saree that showed just a tiny bit of her navel and back. Chandran winked at me as his left hand caressed her bottom while his other hand was on her exposed back, touching her bare skin. It only lasted for a second before the door closed and Chandran was gone. 

[Image: caress.png]

My mom turned around with a surprised look on her face. “Oh Aditya! you’re home already? What time is it?” she asked glancing towards the clock on the wall of our living room.

I saw that there were packets of frozen goods and other groceries on the floor. I hurried to take the load off her and started putting away the vegetables in the fridge. “You went to the market with Chandran” I asked her questioningly.

“Yeah, I just realized that we were running out and didn’t want to go alone, so I asked Chandran.” She replied kneeling beside me to 
help put away the items into the fridge.

“That’s great mom! Now you don’t have to bother me with doing it, so I can concentrate on college more!” I said teasingly.

“What? Was it interfering with your college work!? Why didn’t you tell me??” she frowned at me.

“Don’t worry Ma, it’s not a big deal. From now on you can just ask Chandran to go with you to the supermarket and other places instead of me” I replied cheerfully.

“What? I can’t do that! I’m sure he doesn’t want to spend all his time doing shopping” she laughed.

“No Ma, he’d love to! He really respects you ya know. I think it would be great if you spent more time with him” I reasoned “After all, he’s your only friend. Doesn’t it make sense for you to grow your friendship?”

“I suppose so” she said absentmindedly. I could tell that she was really giving some thought to what I said.
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Nice, thanks.
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nice start
keep going
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well begun...add a bit about the son and chandran too
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Life continued on relatively normal and before I knew it six months had passed. I could tell that my mothers friendship with Chandran had really grown. Nothing much happened between them besides a hug at the end of the day. 
Of course, Chandran continued his physical behavior, taking every opportunity to occasionally brush his elbow across mom's bosom or graze her butt during a hug. It always excited me knowing that my mother never said anything to him. 

Parent-teacher meeting night was coming up this Friday, and I knew as usual my dad wouldn’t be able to come because he was too busy working. My mom couldn’t come because she didn’t want to go anywhere alone in this new country without my father. I was really proud of my grades and wanted my mom to come. That’s when the it occurred to me.

After dinner, we sat watching a TV show called “Smallville” when I broke the subject with her “Mumma, Can you please come to the parent-teacher night tomorrow?”

She had a puzzled look on her face “What? Where is this coming from Aditya, we never went to your parent-teacher meeting night before. You know I can’t come without your father.”

That’s when I started crying. To my surprise, I wasn’t faking it. “I know mom, but I really worked hard this year. I want you to be proud of me and hear from my teachers about how I’m doing. Maybe you can ask Chandran to go with you since dad can't come”

Her eyes widened "I can't ask him to do that! Besides, it would look improper for me to go with a friend to your parent-teacher meeting. What will people think?!  I just can't go without your father"

She pulled me close to her and I cried with my tears wetting her neck. “Please mom, maybe you can ask Chandran to come with you. He can pretend to be dad, and you guys can come together. Please mumma, I really want you to come” I hiccuped between my sobs.

I was held close to her until my sobs subsided before she pulled away and looked at me. It looked like she too had cried. “I don’t know what to do Aditi baby, how can I ask him to do such a thing?? Your dad would be very upset and angry if he found out that Chandran pretended to be my husband on your parent-teacher night” She told me remorsefully.

“Please mumma, can you try to ask Chandran? I won’t tell dad, he won’t find out from any of us. What he doesn’t know wont hurt him. I have never asked you for anything before. Please can you do this for me?” I asked her again with a sad look on my face. I was actually upset I realized to my chagrin. I really wanted her to come. It didn’t have to be with Chandran. I just waned her to be proud of me.

“Okay Aditi. Let's talk to Chandran. Can you go invite him for dinner? Maybe we can ask him for this favor then?” she replied in a hesitant tone.

My face broke out into a wide grin as I hugged my mother and picked her off the floor, twirling her around me. She laughed as she clung to my neck her boobs pressed against me. “I love you ma! You’re the best!!!” I screamed in happiness as I put her back on the ground. We held on to each other for a minute while we got our breath back and the floor stopped shaking. Her breath was fast and hard from her heart pounding and I felt it on my neck. For the first time in my life I got aroused by my own mother.

I ran out the door to Chandran’s apartment and excitedly told him what was up before inviting him to dinner. “Aditya, don’t tell your mother that you told me about the parent-teacher night. I want her to ask me to be her husband” he told me with a crooked grin. “I don’t know how you do it Aditya, but you’re helping me and my wife be together. With your help, by next year, I will really be your father and she’ll be my wife!” He laughed uproariously.

I smiled back at him, giving him a thumbs up and ran back into my apartment. It would be 2 hours before dinner.
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You are the great.
Hat's off
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Update please superb story
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Awesome story... Keep it up. It is going really nice. I do have some view regarding one of possible ways to lead story. But dont want to spoil ur ideas. So best luck. We r with u
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Continue waiting for next update
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There needs to be pregnancy and a baby
And Chandran needs to confront you real dad and beat the fuckin shit out of him. Make a whole update about how Chandan destriyes ur dad
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nice keep going
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