Aditi's Dare
Aditi turned the corner and gently guided her big 4x4 SUV into the parking area. She didn't expect it to be crowded this evening, as the weekend was still two days away. True enough, there were plenty of vacant slots available. But she wanted to park as close as possible to the restaurant door, just in case things got out of hand and she had to make a quick getaway. She felt a tinge of excitement as she waited at the far corner. She puckered her lips to apply a generous coat of lip gloss and then dabbed her favorite perfume, Chloe, while she waited. Her patience was rewarded and she noticed some people come out of the restaurant and walk towards one of the cars parked close to the restaurant's entrance. They were couples, holding hands and laughing as they sauntered towards their vehicle. 'Must be having other plans for the evening' she thought, as she watched them drive out. Thinking of her own diabolic plans for the evening, she wished them well as she put her SUV in to gear and reversed smoothly in to the vacated slot.
As she stepped out of her imposing black Ford Endeavour, Aditi noticed heads turning. Being pretty, Aditi was used to getting looked at. But what always amused her was the admiration writ large on the men's faces seeing her pilot a big SUV. I suppose they can't reconcile the fact that a woman could handle a macho SUV as deftly as any man. But that was their problem; she shrugged and walked to the restaurant.
It was not crowded. In fact less than half the tables were occupied -- mostly office crowd discussing business or sharing the latest gossip. At first glance she couldn't spot her husband. On looking more carefully she spotted Dev at the corner table on the upper level. He was sharing the table with two other men. Aditi felt a mixture of excitement & trepidation as she walked towards the steps to upper level. After a year of marriage, the fast pace of living had taken its toll. Spontaneity of any time sex had slowly given way to indulgences on weekends, when Dev was home. Sometimes they drove out to nearby weekend getaways in search of spots where they could indulge themselves without inhibitions. So her husband's call in the middle of the week, asking her to meet him at this restaurant, took her by surprise. Luckily she had been out shopping looking for a something seductive to wear for the weekend. She had searched most malls in vain but finally struck gold at a shopping mall near Dev's office. The boutique had a wonderful collection of delightfully short dresses. It had another section for skimpy g-string bikinis and revealing halter tops. Aditi had promptly chosen two. She was in the trial room trying out a kinki dress when Dev's call came.
'Honey, do you know the Ibiza restaurant, near my office? We just completed a tough deal and are celebrating. It's not a big affair... just some drinks & dinner with two of my office colleagues. Can you join us?'
'Negative, Captain! Coz I'm out doing what a woman likes most... shopping! However, on second thoughts, I'm tempted to accept your invitation -- specially as it means that I don't have to cook dinner tonight. But, if this is an office celebration why do you need me?'
'Well, firstly because I want to introduce you to Vicky and Sandy, the boys on my team. And secondly coz we are desperately short of feminine glitz & glamour.'
'You talk so much about your team that I do want to meet Vicky and Sandy, but needing feminine glitz & glamour - that's a new one! What happened to all the pretty gals in your office?'
'The boys tried inviting pretty Rosa & the short-skirted Tina, but they turned us down. Apparently the notice was too short, and they had other plans. So, I am banking on you to add a little feminine charm to our celebrations. But to be frank, you know I just can't let go of an opportunity to show off my pretty wife!'
'Flatterer! Let me see what I can do,' she said looking at the mirror and stretching the bikini which seemed small for her 36 C cups. She knew from the husky drawl in Dev's voice that he was in the mood tonight. The bikini and dresses couldn't have been found at a more opportune time.
Fifteen minutes later she was in the restaurant, taking steps to the dining area on the upper deck. A waiter greeted her on top and asked if she wanted a table for two. Shaking her head she nodded towards the table at the far end, 'I'll be joining my friends over there.' The only other table on the upper deck was occupied by a young couple. The boy had his hands wrapped around the girl who was giggling as the boy's hands groped her. They straightened up seeing her approach, but Aditi smiled and gave them a conspiratorial wink as she walked past. They grinned and went back to their cuddling.
Aditi noticed her husband's colleagues eye her over as she approached their table. Dev had his back to her but noticing the sudden interest in his colleagues' eyes, he turned and looked.
His wife was dressed in a full sleeved purple dress that contrasted well with her fair complexion.
The dress had a traditional 'V' cut with big bold buttons all the way down on the front and a thick black leather belt at the waist. Of the eight buttons Aditi had deliberately left the top two and bottom two buttons undone. The chiffon material clung to her skin high lighting her shapely figure. Not overtly short the dress ended about six inches above the knees, but the undone buttons gave scintillating glimpses of the upper reaches of her shapely long legs as she strode towards them. Her curly black hair bouncing and cascading like waterfalls on her shoulder. She sported long silver earrings that dazzled even from a distance. The Dolce & Gabana dark glasses added to the effect, making her look like a diva walking the red carpet at Cannes. As she came closer the men became aware that even if they discounted the six inches from to her stylish stilettos, Ayesha was still tall enough to carry off her well endowed figure. Lifting her eye shades above her forehead she tucked them in to her hair and the men gazed in to her eyes. Big hypnotic eyes over a shapely nose and long luscious lips, she was indeed an absolute stunner! She glanced at the men and then seeing Dev she smiled, flashing a perfect set of teeth. The men were charmed.
'Hi Aditi, you sure made good time,' Dev said appreciatively.
'Doesn't that tell you how much I miss you, Dev?' she smiled slipping into the seat next to her husband. Dev impulsively leaned across and kissed her possessively. Aditi blushed, with dimples appearing on her cheeks. Turning towards his colleagues Dev made the introductions. 'Friends meet my wife Aditi... and Aditi these are my friends Vicky and Sandy. Aditi nodded and said 'Hi' but Sandy promptly offered her his hand. As she shook Sandy's hand Vicky smiled at Dev and said 'You indeed have a beautiful wife.'
'So take my advice and get married before all good looking girls are taken,' Dev retorted.
'Thank you, but I think I quite enjoy my freedom and fun', Vicky rejoined.
The waiter came and while the men ordered a repeat of their beers, Aditi ordered a fresh lime juice. Not that she didn't drink - she needed to be sober and in control. Tonight, she would not risk alcohol. She smiled at the friendly banter going on between the men.
'Is that why you were so desperate when all our office girls declined your invite?' Dev teased.
'Our office girls are hopeless. All they can think of is getting married and starting a family', Vicky rejoined.
'What's wrong with that?' Dev protested.
'Nothing, except that it is the end of all fun! I quite agree with Vicky, that our office girls are all old fashioned, stereotyped and boring,' piped in Sandy.
'Even, your short-skirted sexy receptionist, Tina?' asked Aditi.
'What? You have heard about Tina?' Vicky blurted in amazement.
'Yes, and I also happen to know how you guys race to get into the lift with her and then drop a key or pen just to try and peek up her short skirt!' Aditi grinned.
Vicky and Sandy looked at each other embarrassed and then glared at Dev. 'This is not fair! You have been telling her tales about us.' the men protested to Dev.
'She's my wife man! She shares my life and I share everything with her...' Dev shrugged.
'True' Aditi smiled. 'We do share everything... even our wildest fantasies. There are no secrets between us'. Then lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper she added, 'But don't worry, I won't tell anybody about you.'
The waiter returned with their order and there was silence as he served their drinks. When he left Dev turned to Sandy and Vicky and said, 'What makes you think marriage ends all freedom and fun?'
'Life gets bogged down with familial responsibilities, so I say have fun till as long as you can and when you have had your fill and finally decide to settle down, get married. '
Dev did not respond. Instead he just looked at his wife and smiled. 'What makes you think that married couples don't have fun?' Aditi asked.
'No, err... I don't mean to imply that you two aren't enjoying your married life, but the options for fun after vows are rather limited,' said Sandy.
Dev shook his head. 'Quite on the contrary, I believe you can have much more fun and enjoyment after you and your partner really come to know each other.'
Picking up the cue Aditi looked at Dev in the eye and said in a husky voice, 'Let me try and explain this to Sandy.'
'Please do. I'm sure he is more likely to listen to a pretty woman than me'.
'Look Sandy, let me try and explain this to you with a personal example,' Aayesh smiled looking him in the eye. 'Do you think we could make each other really happy if we did not know or understand what excites us and drives us to ecstasy?'
'I suppose you could ask?' said Sandy, his eyes hanging at lips then involuntarily dropping down her slender neck towards her ample bosom.
Ayesha leaned forward towards Sandy and the third button of her dress that she had deliberately left half-unbuttoned, popped out of the button hole. 'Do you really think everyone is open, forthcoming and uninhibited about their inner desires?'
Sandy's eyes widened in delight as her dress parted to reveal more of her bosom, but he turned a shade of embarrassed pink like a boy caught with his hand in a cookie jar, when he glanced up to find both Ayesha at Dev looking at him staring at her plunging neckline.
'I, err...get your point, please continue.' He tried in vain to keep his eyes focused on Aditi's face but they kept darting back to the enticing cleavage of her bosom.
'It's all right,' said Ayesha smiling at Sandy and then looking towards Vicky. 'We all have natural desires that we are aware of deep inside, but would never like to openly admit. It is difficult for an acquaintance or someone whom you have just met to know or appreciate this.'
Vicky nodded encouragingly.
'You know my husband is a keen photographer. I have never stopped him from taking photos of whatever he likes -- be it scenery, objects or even other pretty women. I'm quite broad minded and have even posed for him nude.'
'He is a one very lucky guy!' said Vicky smiling.
'But even after one year of marriage, I never really realized what my husband truly desired. I did remember Dev having brushed against me or having accidentally undone my dress, when we were out but I never gave it much thought. One day I was just looking at the photos in his camera when I came across some semi-nude snaps, of me.'
'You are so beautiful; your pictures are bound to come out sexy!' said Vicky huskily.
'No Vicky, that's not the point. These were not the nudes that I had posed for. These were titillating photos of me taken without my being aware... you know the kind where my skirt had ridden a little too high to reveal too much or where my breast had accidentally slipped out of my dress. It was then that I realized, that what really turned my husband on was seeing me nude in public places!'
Vicky and Sandy looked embarrassedly at Dev. They wanted to apologize to the pretty lady in front of them on behalf of their friend. Dev shrugged at them and looked at Aditi perplexed, wondering where all this was leading to, but she just smiled and asked, 'What do you think I did?'
'Deleted all photos and broke his camera?' asked Vicky.
'Confronted him with the snaps and took him to a psychiatrist?' asked Sandy.
Aditi burst out laughing. 'Don't be silly guys! I love my husband and having discovered his hidden desires I now had the power to make him really happy! I told him nothing but on our next trip to the beach, I tied my bikini really loose and gave him plenty of photo opportunities. You should have seen the stupid grin on his face as he clicked away.'![[Image: 1.jpg]](
Dev heaved a sigh of relief and held Aditi's hand while Sandy didn't know what to say. His eyes involuntarily strayed to Aditi's bosom wondering what an accidental exposure would look like.
'Not many wives would do that for their husband. You are an exceptionally liberated woman!' complimented Vicky.
'No Vicky. It has nothing to do with being a 'liberated woman'. It is a just a question of whether you like your partner enough to try and find out what he really wants.![[Image: 520306563179534574]](
After that morning's beach tease, Dev and I sat together in the evening going through all the photos. I then asked Dev which of my photos he liked the most and why.
He picked out two. One was an action photograph with a big wave breaking behind me and me jumping to avoid it. The camera had captured me in air with my breasts bouncing right out of my bikini and glistening in the sun. The other photo that he liked immensely was one taken after the wave had passed, knocking me off my feet. It was a close up shot of two beach goers helping me get up. One guy was holding my left hand and the other the right, but the photo caught them both staring longingly at my exposed breasts. We had made love earlier in the day, but just seeing the expression of the two men lusting for his wife in the photo, gave Dev another hard on, and we made explosive love again.
'So, now that I know how to turn my husband on, I have been using it successfully ever since. A deliberate wardrobe malfunction or a flash at a public place is all it takes,' she said with a wink.
'Wow!' said Sandy. 'You are one bold woman!'
'Not really, if you are clear about your priorities in life, it boils down to just answering one question... do you really love your partner? If the answer is yes... rest is easy.'
'I wish, I had a girl friend like that!!' Sandy looked at Dev said wistfully.
'Me too!' added Vicky, looking admiringly at Dev.
Dev looked at his wife intrigued. He had wanted her to be sexily dressed and to make his friends drool, but he did not expect her to spin such a provocative tale. The men believed every word that she said and were eating everything that she dished out. But there was a grain of truth in her story. Deep down he did want to show his wife off! He looked at his wife's tempting cleavage and wondered if she would really flash for him in real life as she had brazenly done in the just concluded story. There was only one way to find out.
'Honey, instead of just stories, how about giving my friends a little demo.' Dev grinned.
The two men looked from Dev to Aditi not quite believing their ears. With all eyes on her, Ayesha had to do something.
'Aye, aye Captain!' she said giving him a crisp naval salute and got up. 'Let me change in to something a little more interesting!' She picked up her bag and turned around. The planters adjoining the table now did not block her view and she could see the people sitting below. The restaurant was beginning to fill up but there were still a few vacant tables downstairs. She walked past the kissing couple and noticed the lone waiter standing halfway down the steps. He was either too embarrassed by the young couple or had gone down to give them more privacy. Aditi, walked down the steps and asked the waiter where the restroom was. He pointed upwards and began to lead the way when she beckoned him back. Handing him three thousand buck bills as tip, Aditi told him that for the next thirty minutes she wanted no service and total privacy on the upper section of the restaurant. The waiter smiled at the hefty tip and assured her that no one would be allowed up stairs.
Aditi, walked up the steps and smiled at the young couple before turning left towards the rest room. Taking off her dress, she put on the skimpy bikini and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked sexy but her heart was beating wildly. She had never tried such a stunt before. Just then the door opened and the young girl walked in. Her face was flushed with excitement and her lipstick all smudged with her boy friend's kissing.
'Wow!' she said looking at Aditi's well endowed figure in bikini, 'Are you a model or something? That's one sexy outfit!'
'Thanks! But if you really like it I do have another pair. If you want, you can zap your boyfriend in these...' said Aditi pulling out another pair of bikinis.
'You bet!' She grinned mischievously taking off her clothes. She was not as tall as Aditi nor as well endowed, but the g-string bikinis covered the bare minimum leaving the girls practically naked.
Aditi was glad that there was someone else sharing her escapade. Her confidence was bolstered and the two walked out of the rest room in skimpiest of bikinis. The girl's boyfriend looked at them wide eyed. He stared at Aditi's big melons, as Aditi blew him a flying kiss and walked on leaving his girlfriend at his table. Her heart was pounding as she walked tall. She had a clear field of vision of the entire restaurant. Resisting the temptation to make a dash to the safety of Dev's table, she took a deep breath and walked slowly... deliberately like a model on a cat-walk,
one stiletto feet after the other.
Dev and the men watched her mouth agape. The g-string bikini was a size too small. Her fulsome breasts swayed enticingly with each step.
She sported a ring on her belly button and musical notes tattooed on the lower portion of her abdomen. A small silk patch originating from a string tied low on her waist was all that she wore below. She was like a sex diva setting their passions on fire as she approached.
They waited with baited breath, as she sashayed towards them.
Her heart pounding wildly she walked up to their table. She went and stood at their table. Like a model displaying a dress, she turned around giving the men a good look at her sexy buns then stood before them, her hands on her waist, 'So, what do you think?'
The men were speechless. From where she stood, Aditi had a good view of the restaurant's entrance and the tables below. She was relieved to find that no one seemed to have noticed her dare. Seeing that people were minding their own business and not looking up she decided to take a calculated risk.
'Let me demonstrate a very interesting feature of this bikini. A sliding halter top!' She tucked a finger in her bikini and pulled it to one side. As the men watched, one half of the bikini slid to one side to reveal the pink of her nipple. 'I'm sure guys will just love this,' she giggled sliding the bikini on and off but never quite uncovering her nipple.
'Stop teasing!' Dev said and lunged at her. She stepped back but was not fast enough and Dev succeeded in brushing her breast. Her bikini was pulled to one side and her right teat popped out. Aditi looked at him in mock shock, then turning to his friends she said. 'See he just loves to undress me in front of everyone!'
So saying, she raised one hand to her neck and pulled the bikini string, with the other she pulled the other string behind and her bikini came loose in her hand. She threw it at Sandy with wink, 'This is my gift to you for keeps.' As his friends ogled at her ripe strawberry sized teats dangling enticingly on her ripe melons, Aditi gyrated her hips and asked, 'So, do you guys like what you are seeing?'
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As Vicky and Sandy both vigorously nodded their heads, she pulled the strings of her bikini bottom and taking it off, threw it at Vicky, 'This is for you for keeps!' Dev had never imagined that his wife would pull of the dare. But here she stood in all her naked glory inside the restaurant right before his friends. She started dancing to the music playing at the restaurant, her big melons shaking enticingly and hips gyrating sexily.
She parted her legs to reveal her clean shaven pussy with juices glistening. 'Dev, why don't you take a snap of me, adding the much needed feminine charm to your celebration?'
Dev quickly looked around to check if the people below were looking. Luckily no one seemed to have spotted his wife. He quickly dug into his laptop bag where he carried a spare camera and fired two shots.
Just then the restaurant's door open and Ayesha saw a group of people enter the restaurant. She was closer to their side of the table, and much to Sandy and Vicky's delight she slid in to the sofa between Dev's friends for safety. As Dev clicked away the camera's flash invited the attention of the entering group to the floor above. Aditi saw some people pointing up wards but she was safe shielded a layer of planters and further by Dev's friends.
'Relax! You are safe with us,' said Vicky putting a hand around her shoulder. Yeah!' said Sandy placing his hand around her waist. 'But what if they come up... my dress is left behind in the wash room?' asked Aditi.
'Then we will cover you', said Sandy huskily placing his hand on her left breasts. She looked at Vicky who immediately placed his free hand on her right breast. Aditi watched with baited breath as the new group moved towards the stairs but was intercepted by the waiter. She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when after speaking to the waiter the group turned around. Not finding adjacent tables the group split up and settled down at different tables below. Aditi knew their waiter wouldn't be able to help if another group walked in as there were not many empty tables left below.
'Oh! I feel so safe now,' so saying she placed her hands on top of their hands and squeezed her melons. Taking the hint Sandy & Vicky started squeezing and fondling her.
'Would you like a few snaps of me celebrating with your friends?' Aditi asked Dev.
Dev trained his camera and captured his friends jointly fondling & squeezing his wife's fulsome breasts. After a few shots she asked Sandy and Vicky to stop.
'Now let me show you how close my husband's friends are to my heart.' So saying, Aditi, gently pulled the men to her bosom. Ayesha knew her husband would be aroused as he photographed his friends kiss, suck and suckle his wife's ripe melons. Giving in to the sensations Aditi slipped her hands between her legs and started rubbing her wet clitoris. She went up and up then shuddered and had an orgasm as Sandy and Vicky suckled her and Dev clicked away. As the young couple from the corner table watched her intently Aditi felt another powerful orgasm growing between her legs. She opened her half glazed eyes at Dev and whispered, 'Take me!'
Dev who was quite aroused by the proceedings immediately began stripping of his clothes. He tapped Sandy and Vicky and gestured them to lead Aditi to the adjacent table near the wall. The boys half lifted half carried Aditi and placed her on adjoining table. Aditi smiled at her husband and opened her legs in invitation, her pussy oozing juices. Dev unbuckled his belt and released his throbbing manhood. Leaning forward he thrust into her repeatedly even as his friends continued suckling and fondling her breasts. He shuddered involuntarily as he exploded his juices inside her. As he came out and lay spent Aditi rubbed her clitoris again and gestured Sandy to mount her. She started to come again as Sandy pumped in to her but before she could reach climax, Sandy shuddered and fired his gun. Aditi turned to Vicky and pleaded, 'Vicky, fuck me please'. Vicky immediately obliged and began pumping her swollen pussy. They came together and Aditi stifled a moan.
She lay there for a while eyes shut, enjoying the moment. When opened her eyes she found her husband and his colleagues all sprawled over various chairs spent. She looked at the far table and found the young couple to be also lying naked on their adjoining table. She knew it was getting time so she forced herself to get up to get dressed. She felt a delightful weakness in the legs she walked.
As she reached the corner table the girl still lying next to her boyfriend reached out and touched her hand. Aditi looked at her and she smiled said, 'Thank you! You are so bold taking on three men simultaneously! If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have had the guts to lose my virginity here today. It was wonderful. Thank You!'
'I'm glad for both of you.' Ayesha smiled. She turned to go but the girl slid of the table and held her hand. 'Can I ask one more favor?' When Aayesh nodded she said, 'My boyfriend is so fascinated by you. I can see it in his eyes that he wants you. I love him very much. Will you please fuck him.' Ayesha saw the boy raise himself to look at her. His just discharged manhood was firming up again.
'She looked at the girl, ''Wow! You really love him, don't you? I have had my fill for today but for you I'll do him too', and lay down next to the boy. He kissed her passionately then moved down to her breasts. He was very gentle as he suckled her teats. Despite herself Aditi found herself getting aroused again. She opened her legs and let the young lad enter her. Soon he was pumping into her and she was heading towards yet another climax. She wrapped her arms around the boy and kissed him as she shuddered and came. She was tempted to lie there and sleep but forced herself to get up and walk to the wash room.
Five minutes later she walked out all washed up and ready in her purple chiffon dress.
She gestured to waiter and giving him a tip of another three big ones said, 'I am quite famished and ready to order, could you send someone up?'
'I will be right there, Madam', said the beaming waiter and turned to get the Menu.
Aditi turned the corner and gently guided her big 4x4 SUV into the parking area. She didn't expect it to be crowded this evening, as the weekend was still two days away. True enough, there were plenty of vacant slots available. But she wanted to park as close as possible to the restaurant door, just in case things got out of hand and she had to make a quick getaway. She felt a tinge of excitement as she waited at the far corner. She puckered her lips to apply a generous coat of lip gloss and then dabbed her favorite perfume, Chloe, while she waited. Her patience was rewarded and she noticed some people come out of the restaurant and walk towards one of the cars parked close to the restaurant's entrance. They were couples, holding hands and laughing as they sauntered towards their vehicle. 'Must be having other plans for the evening' she thought, as she watched them drive out. Thinking of her own diabolic plans for the evening, she wished them well as she put her SUV in to gear and reversed smoothly in to the vacated slot.
As she stepped out of her imposing black Ford Endeavour, Aditi noticed heads turning. Being pretty, Aditi was used to getting looked at. But what always amused her was the admiration writ large on the men's faces seeing her pilot a big SUV. I suppose they can't reconcile the fact that a woman could handle a macho SUV as deftly as any man. But that was their problem; she shrugged and walked to the restaurant.
It was not crowded. In fact less than half the tables were occupied -- mostly office crowd discussing business or sharing the latest gossip. At first glance she couldn't spot her husband. On looking more carefully she spotted Dev at the corner table on the upper level. He was sharing the table with two other men. Aditi felt a mixture of excitement & trepidation as she walked towards the steps to upper level. After a year of marriage, the fast pace of living had taken its toll. Spontaneity of any time sex had slowly given way to indulgences on weekends, when Dev was home. Sometimes they drove out to nearby weekend getaways in search of spots where they could indulge themselves without inhibitions. So her husband's call in the middle of the week, asking her to meet him at this restaurant, took her by surprise. Luckily she had been out shopping looking for a something seductive to wear for the weekend. She had searched most malls in vain but finally struck gold at a shopping mall near Dev's office. The boutique had a wonderful collection of delightfully short dresses. It had another section for skimpy g-string bikinis and revealing halter tops. Aditi had promptly chosen two. She was in the trial room trying out a kinki dress when Dev's call came.
'Honey, do you know the Ibiza restaurant, near my office? We just completed a tough deal and are celebrating. It's not a big affair... just some drinks & dinner with two of my office colleagues. Can you join us?'
'Negative, Captain! Coz I'm out doing what a woman likes most... shopping! However, on second thoughts, I'm tempted to accept your invitation -- specially as it means that I don't have to cook dinner tonight. But, if this is an office celebration why do you need me?'
'Well, firstly because I want to introduce you to Vicky and Sandy, the boys on my team. And secondly coz we are desperately short of feminine glitz & glamour.'
'You talk so much about your team that I do want to meet Vicky and Sandy, but needing feminine glitz & glamour - that's a new one! What happened to all the pretty gals in your office?'
'The boys tried inviting pretty Rosa & the short-skirted Tina, but they turned us down. Apparently the notice was too short, and they had other plans. So, I am banking on you to add a little feminine charm to our celebrations. But to be frank, you know I just can't let go of an opportunity to show off my pretty wife!'
'Flatterer! Let me see what I can do,' she said looking at the mirror and stretching the bikini which seemed small for her 36 C cups. She knew from the husky drawl in Dev's voice that he was in the mood tonight. The bikini and dresses couldn't have been found at a more opportune time.
Fifteen minutes later she was in the restaurant, taking steps to the dining area on the upper deck. A waiter greeted her on top and asked if she wanted a table for two. Shaking her head she nodded towards the table at the far end, 'I'll be joining my friends over there.' The only other table on the upper deck was occupied by a young couple. The boy had his hands wrapped around the girl who was giggling as the boy's hands groped her. They straightened up seeing her approach, but Aditi smiled and gave them a conspiratorial wink as she walked past. They grinned and went back to their cuddling.
Aditi noticed her husband's colleagues eye her over as she approached their table. Dev had his back to her but noticing the sudden interest in his colleagues' eyes, he turned and looked.
His wife was dressed in a full sleeved purple dress that contrasted well with her fair complexion.
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'Hi Aditi, you sure made good time,' Dev said appreciatively.
'Doesn't that tell you how much I miss you, Dev?' she smiled slipping into the seat next to her husband. Dev impulsively leaned across and kissed her possessively. Aditi blushed, with dimples appearing on her cheeks. Turning towards his colleagues Dev made the introductions. 'Friends meet my wife Aditi... and Aditi these are my friends Vicky and Sandy. Aditi nodded and said 'Hi' but Sandy promptly offered her his hand. As she shook Sandy's hand Vicky smiled at Dev and said 'You indeed have a beautiful wife.'
'So take my advice and get married before all good looking girls are taken,' Dev retorted.
'Thank you, but I think I quite enjoy my freedom and fun', Vicky rejoined.
The waiter came and while the men ordered a repeat of their beers, Aditi ordered a fresh lime juice. Not that she didn't drink - she needed to be sober and in control. Tonight, she would not risk alcohol. She smiled at the friendly banter going on between the men.
'Is that why you were so desperate when all our office girls declined your invite?' Dev teased.
'Our office girls are hopeless. All they can think of is getting married and starting a family', Vicky rejoined.
'What's wrong with that?' Dev protested.
'Nothing, except that it is the end of all fun! I quite agree with Vicky, that our office girls are all old fashioned, stereotyped and boring,' piped in Sandy.
'Even, your short-skirted sexy receptionist, Tina?' asked Aditi.
'What? You have heard about Tina?' Vicky blurted in amazement.
'Yes, and I also happen to know how you guys race to get into the lift with her and then drop a key or pen just to try and peek up her short skirt!' Aditi grinned.
Vicky and Sandy looked at each other embarrassed and then glared at Dev. 'This is not fair! You have been telling her tales about us.' the men protested to Dev.
'She's my wife man! She shares my life and I share everything with her...' Dev shrugged.
'True' Aditi smiled. 'We do share everything... even our wildest fantasies. There are no secrets between us'. Then lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper she added, 'But don't worry, I won't tell anybody about you.'
The waiter returned with their order and there was silence as he served their drinks. When he left Dev turned to Sandy and Vicky and said, 'What makes you think marriage ends all freedom and fun?'
'Life gets bogged down with familial responsibilities, so I say have fun till as long as you can and when you have had your fill and finally decide to settle down, get married. '
Dev did not respond. Instead he just looked at his wife and smiled. 'What makes you think that married couples don't have fun?' Aditi asked.
'No, err... I don't mean to imply that you two aren't enjoying your married life, but the options for fun after vows are rather limited,' said Sandy.
Dev shook his head. 'Quite on the contrary, I believe you can have much more fun and enjoyment after you and your partner really come to know each other.'
Picking up the cue Aditi looked at Dev in the eye and said in a husky voice, 'Let me try and explain this to Sandy.'
'Please do. I'm sure he is more likely to listen to a pretty woman than me'.
'Look Sandy, let me try and explain this to you with a personal example,' Aayesh smiled looking him in the eye. 'Do you think we could make each other really happy if we did not know or understand what excites us and drives us to ecstasy?'
'I suppose you could ask?' said Sandy, his eyes hanging at lips then involuntarily dropping down her slender neck towards her ample bosom.
Ayesha leaned forward towards Sandy and the third button of her dress that she had deliberately left half-unbuttoned, popped out of the button hole. 'Do you really think everyone is open, forthcoming and uninhibited about their inner desires?'
Sandy's eyes widened in delight as her dress parted to reveal more of her bosom, but he turned a shade of embarrassed pink like a boy caught with his hand in a cookie jar, when he glanced up to find both Ayesha at Dev looking at him staring at her plunging neckline.
'I, err...get your point, please continue.' He tried in vain to keep his eyes focused on Aditi's face but they kept darting back to the enticing cleavage of her bosom.
'It's all right,' said Ayesha smiling at Sandy and then looking towards Vicky. 'We all have natural desires that we are aware of deep inside, but would never like to openly admit. It is difficult for an acquaintance or someone whom you have just met to know or appreciate this.'
Vicky nodded encouragingly.
'You know my husband is a keen photographer. I have never stopped him from taking photos of whatever he likes -- be it scenery, objects or even other pretty women. I'm quite broad minded and have even posed for him nude.'
'He is a one very lucky guy!' said Vicky smiling.
'But even after one year of marriage, I never really realized what my husband truly desired. I did remember Dev having brushed against me or having accidentally undone my dress, when we were out but I never gave it much thought. One day I was just looking at the photos in his camera when I came across some semi-nude snaps, of me.'
'You are so beautiful; your pictures are bound to come out sexy!' said Vicky huskily.
'No Vicky, that's not the point. These were not the nudes that I had posed for. These were titillating photos of me taken without my being aware... you know the kind where my skirt had ridden a little too high to reveal too much or where my breast had accidentally slipped out of my dress. It was then that I realized, that what really turned my husband on was seeing me nude in public places!'
Vicky and Sandy looked embarrassedly at Dev. They wanted to apologize to the pretty lady in front of them on behalf of their friend. Dev shrugged at them and looked at Aditi perplexed, wondering where all this was leading to, but she just smiled and asked, 'What do you think I did?'
'Deleted all photos and broke his camera?' asked Vicky.
'Confronted him with the snaps and took him to a psychiatrist?' asked Sandy.
Aditi burst out laughing. 'Don't be silly guys! I love my husband and having discovered his hidden desires I now had the power to make him really happy! I told him nothing but on our next trip to the beach, I tied my bikini really loose and gave him plenty of photo opportunities. You should have seen the stupid grin on his face as he clicked away.'
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Dev heaved a sigh of relief and held Aditi's hand while Sandy didn't know what to say. His eyes involuntarily strayed to Aditi's bosom wondering what an accidental exposure would look like.
'Not many wives would do that for their husband. You are an exceptionally liberated woman!' complimented Vicky.
'No Vicky. It has nothing to do with being a 'liberated woman'. It is a just a question of whether you like your partner enough to try and find out what he really wants.
After that morning's beach tease, Dev and I sat together in the evening going through all the photos. I then asked Dev which of my photos he liked the most and why.
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'So, now that I know how to turn my husband on, I have been using it successfully ever since. A deliberate wardrobe malfunction or a flash at a public place is all it takes,' she said with a wink.
'Wow!' said Sandy. 'You are one bold woman!'
'Not really, if you are clear about your priorities in life, it boils down to just answering one question... do you really love your partner? If the answer is yes... rest is easy.'
'I wish, I had a girl friend like that!!' Sandy looked at Dev said wistfully.
'Me too!' added Vicky, looking admiringly at Dev.
Dev looked at his wife intrigued. He had wanted her to be sexily dressed and to make his friends drool, but he did not expect her to spin such a provocative tale. The men believed every word that she said and were eating everything that she dished out. But there was a grain of truth in her story. Deep down he did want to show his wife off! He looked at his wife's tempting cleavage and wondered if she would really flash for him in real life as she had brazenly done in the just concluded story. There was only one way to find out.
'Honey, instead of just stories, how about giving my friends a little demo.' Dev grinned.
The two men looked from Dev to Aditi not quite believing their ears. With all eyes on her, Ayesha had to do something.
'Aye, aye Captain!' she said giving him a crisp naval salute and got up. 'Let me change in to something a little more interesting!' She picked up her bag and turned around. The planters adjoining the table now did not block her view and she could see the people sitting below. The restaurant was beginning to fill up but there were still a few vacant tables downstairs. She walked past the kissing couple and noticed the lone waiter standing halfway down the steps. He was either too embarrassed by the young couple or had gone down to give them more privacy. Aditi, walked down the steps and asked the waiter where the restroom was. He pointed upwards and began to lead the way when she beckoned him back. Handing him three thousand buck bills as tip, Aditi told him that for the next thirty minutes she wanted no service and total privacy on the upper section of the restaurant. The waiter smiled at the hefty tip and assured her that no one would be allowed up stairs.
Aditi, walked up the steps and smiled at the young couple before turning left towards the rest room. Taking off her dress, she put on the skimpy bikini and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked sexy but her heart was beating wildly. She had never tried such a stunt before. Just then the door opened and the young girl walked in. Her face was flushed with excitement and her lipstick all smudged with her boy friend's kissing.
'Wow!' she said looking at Aditi's well endowed figure in bikini, 'Are you a model or something? That's one sexy outfit!'
'Thanks! But if you really like it I do have another pair. If you want, you can zap your boyfriend in these...' said Aditi pulling out another pair of bikinis.
'You bet!' She grinned mischievously taking off her clothes. She was not as tall as Aditi nor as well endowed, but the g-string bikinis covered the bare minimum leaving the girls practically naked.
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Dev and the men watched her mouth agape. The g-string bikini was a size too small. Her fulsome breasts swayed enticingly with each step.
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Her heart pounding wildly she walked up to their table. She went and stood at their table. Like a model displaying a dress, she turned around giving the men a good look at her sexy buns then stood before them, her hands on her waist, 'So, what do you think?'
The men were speechless. From where she stood, Aditi had a good view of the restaurant's entrance and the tables below. She was relieved to find that no one seemed to have noticed her dare. Seeing that people were minding their own business and not looking up she decided to take a calculated risk.
'Let me demonstrate a very interesting feature of this bikini. A sliding halter top!' She tucked a finger in her bikini and pulled it to one side. As the men watched, one half of the bikini slid to one side to reveal the pink of her nipple. 'I'm sure guys will just love this,' she giggled sliding the bikini on and off but never quite uncovering her nipple.
'Stop teasing!' Dev said and lunged at her. She stepped back but was not fast enough and Dev succeeded in brushing her breast. Her bikini was pulled to one side and her right teat popped out. Aditi looked at him in mock shock, then turning to his friends she said. 'See he just loves to undress me in front of everyone!'
So saying, she raised one hand to her neck and pulled the bikini string, with the other she pulled the other string behind and her bikini came loose in her hand. She threw it at Sandy with wink, 'This is my gift to you for keeps.' As his friends ogled at her ripe strawberry sized teats dangling enticingly on her ripe melons, Aditi gyrated her hips and asked, 'So, do you guys like what you are seeing?'
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As Vicky and Sandy both vigorously nodded their heads, she pulled the strings of her bikini bottom and taking it off, threw it at Vicky, 'This is for you for keeps!' Dev had never imagined that his wife would pull of the dare. But here she stood in all her naked glory inside the restaurant right before his friends. She started dancing to the music playing at the restaurant, her big melons shaking enticingly and hips gyrating sexily.
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Dev quickly looked around to check if the people below were looking. Luckily no one seemed to have spotted his wife. He quickly dug into his laptop bag where he carried a spare camera and fired two shots.
Just then the restaurant's door open and Ayesha saw a group of people enter the restaurant. She was closer to their side of the table, and much to Sandy and Vicky's delight she slid in to the sofa between Dev's friends for safety. As Dev clicked away the camera's flash invited the attention of the entering group to the floor above. Aditi saw some people pointing up wards but she was safe shielded a layer of planters and further by Dev's friends.
'Relax! You are safe with us,' said Vicky putting a hand around her shoulder. Yeah!' said Sandy placing his hand around her waist. 'But what if they come up... my dress is left behind in the wash room?' asked Aditi.
'Then we will cover you', said Sandy huskily placing his hand on her left breasts. She looked at Vicky who immediately placed his free hand on her right breast. Aditi watched with baited breath as the new group moved towards the stairs but was intercepted by the waiter. She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when after speaking to the waiter the group turned around. Not finding adjacent tables the group split up and settled down at different tables below. Aditi knew their waiter wouldn't be able to help if another group walked in as there were not many empty tables left below.
'Oh! I feel so safe now,' so saying she placed her hands on top of their hands and squeezed her melons. Taking the hint Sandy & Vicky started squeezing and fondling her.
'Would you like a few snaps of me celebrating with your friends?' Aditi asked Dev.
Dev trained his camera and captured his friends jointly fondling & squeezing his wife's fulsome breasts. After a few shots she asked Sandy and Vicky to stop.
'Now let me show you how close my husband's friends are to my heart.' So saying, Aditi, gently pulled the men to her bosom. Ayesha knew her husband would be aroused as he photographed his friends kiss, suck and suckle his wife's ripe melons. Giving in to the sensations Aditi slipped her hands between her legs and started rubbing her wet clitoris. She went up and up then shuddered and had an orgasm as Sandy and Vicky suckled her and Dev clicked away. As the young couple from the corner table watched her intently Aditi felt another powerful orgasm growing between her legs. She opened her half glazed eyes at Dev and whispered, 'Take me!'
Dev who was quite aroused by the proceedings immediately began stripping of his clothes. He tapped Sandy and Vicky and gestured them to lead Aditi to the adjacent table near the wall. The boys half lifted half carried Aditi and placed her on adjoining table. Aditi smiled at her husband and opened her legs in invitation, her pussy oozing juices. Dev unbuckled his belt and released his throbbing manhood. Leaning forward he thrust into her repeatedly even as his friends continued suckling and fondling her breasts. He shuddered involuntarily as he exploded his juices inside her. As he came out and lay spent Aditi rubbed her clitoris again and gestured Sandy to mount her. She started to come again as Sandy pumped in to her but before she could reach climax, Sandy shuddered and fired his gun. Aditi turned to Vicky and pleaded, 'Vicky, fuck me please'. Vicky immediately obliged and began pumping her swollen pussy. They came together and Aditi stifled a moan.
She lay there for a while eyes shut, enjoying the moment. When opened her eyes she found her husband and his colleagues all sprawled over various chairs spent. She looked at the far table and found the young couple to be also lying naked on their adjoining table. She knew it was getting time so she forced herself to get up to get dressed. She felt a delightful weakness in the legs she walked.
As she reached the corner table the girl still lying next to her boyfriend reached out and touched her hand. Aditi looked at her and she smiled said, 'Thank you! You are so bold taking on three men simultaneously! If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have had the guts to lose my virginity here today. It was wonderful. Thank You!'
'I'm glad for both of you.' Ayesha smiled. She turned to go but the girl slid of the table and held her hand. 'Can I ask one more favor?' When Aayesh nodded she said, 'My boyfriend is so fascinated by you. I can see it in his eyes that he wants you. I love him very much. Will you please fuck him.' Ayesha saw the boy raise himself to look at her. His just discharged manhood was firming up again.
'She looked at the girl, ''Wow! You really love him, don't you? I have had my fill for today but for you I'll do him too', and lay down next to the boy. He kissed her passionately then moved down to her breasts. He was very gentle as he suckled her teats. Despite herself Aditi found herself getting aroused again. She opened her legs and let the young lad enter her. Soon he was pumping into her and she was heading towards yet another climax. She wrapped her arms around the boy and kissed him as she shuddered and came. She was tempted to lie there and sleep but forced herself to get up and walk to the wash room.
Five minutes later she walked out all washed up and ready in her purple chiffon dress.
She gestured to waiter and giving him a tip of another three big ones said, 'I am quite famished and ready to order, could you send someone up?'
'I will be right there, Madam', said the beaming waiter and turned to get the Menu.