Romance Its a hard rain
(29-07-2019, 09:15 AM)komaalrani Wrote: yess and there are many literary points which unlike discerning readers like you, many missed . i will share the process of writing this story also , or at least part of it , ...which will add to the joy. thanks once again .

Welcome and yourock
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
after acquisition many get fired, nicely written
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[Image: dlem9sng-deepawali-625x300-23-October-19.png]
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Very good story , if possible complete it
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(27-10-2019, 10:28 PM)Doom Wrote: Very good story , if possible complete it

thanks is a short story ,...and complete .
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Hi Dear komaalrani ji,

Can i ask for a permission to post two of your oldest stories (you posted them on yahoo group in 2004)

I found them in some old site & preserve (also edit some small corrections & style so others can read it).

Please permit me to post them here in English story thread so new readers can also enjoy the old but real diamond of your collection.

Also want to mention here that this story is not posted on this site...

surly all credits goes to write such a beautiful story.

Hope you grant permission


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