Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
Got a call from kriti that she and her inlaws are waiting in office. I asked them to come down and gave directions to the house i just saw. They came in rick, i asked the rick guy to wait for sometime and told him will pay a little extra but wait. He agreed. Took kriti and her inlaws and showed them the house. It was a good house and also in a good locality. They liked the house. I told them to come to office now. I went in my bike and kriti and her inlaws came in rick. Asked kriti to order coffee from below hotel for all of us. I told her inlaws that madam in chennai is very happy with kriti's work and she asked me to find a lease place for kriti. Also madam said give kriti 25 thousand more so that she can pay off her debts. Her father in law got doubt i think but mil was alright and happy. I told them tomorrow i am going to chennai in flight in the morning and will be back in the evening with money and they can collect it from me on monday to pay off debts and lease agreement will be in madam's name but you can stay in that house as long as kriti works here. Kriti's FIL was somewhat cooled now. I asked them anything else, they said nothing sir and left. Her mother in law turned towards me and smiled saying she knows about me. I smiled back and they left. Called kriti back and gave her a cheque for 2.75 lacs and asked her to give ramesh 2.5lac and the rest keep in office. She took the cheque and finally left. Reached home tired and exhausted. Divya said even i will come with you tomorrow da. I said ok. Messaged shamili, plans changed, wife accompanying. She replied back no problem. I deleted both the messages and slept.

Next morning we both took flight and reached chennai, divya was very happy as it was her maiden flight. I still had time to meet the consultant and had not taken the address of brokerage head quarters. I called the manager and took the address and the person whom i had to meet. Went to brokerage and divya sat in the visitors lounge. Met the owner of the brokerage and he was very happy as i was the only one who had made money last week and also my trade size had increased so were the charges they put. I requested him to write a cheque for 25lacs one and the rest 1.25cr another one. He did as requested and he personally dropped me and divya to the consultant's office building. As i went inside, it was a huge office with about 15-20 people working. I asked the name in the reception and the receptionist guided me to one chamber. The owner of the consultancy greeted me and said you wanted to trade commodities right? i said yes sir. He said india doesn't have any commodity exchange as of now, but are proposing and it will be atleast 3-4 years for it to become operational. I asked him then how to trade, he said we cant sit in india and invest in other countries commodities markets. Firstly you need to go to mauritius and open a company there, then transfer the funds from india to mauritius and from there you need to transfer the money to the country of exchange, open an account there and start.

I asked him which countries have commodities exchange. He said nearest one is singapore, and london and newyork are the biggest ones. I asked him his charges for helping setup the trading account. He said 2 lacs sir. I was surprised, he said firstly we need to arrange your visas to respective countries, then set up a company there, make sure the funds are transferred to mauritius and then open a trading account in the country of your choice, it is all a lengthy process and since we need to move only in the legal channels the cost is more. I thanked him and said will let him know shortly. Divya said i need to do some shopping. I asked her why, what is that you get in chennai that you don't in our place. She didn't respond and said take me to a good clothes showroom. I didn't know where to go or how to go. Called shamili and said akka any good shopping places for clothes, she gave some shop address and said if you are looking for readymade dresses go to shoppers stop. We boarded a rick and reached shoppers stop. Divya asked for men's section and started selecting some formal wear for me, i asked her why? she said if we are meeting people like today you should not come in these cheap jeans and tees, let me pick up something for you. I told her please not so formal trousers, atleast semi formals. She agreed and picked up half a dozen shirts and trousers. We checked the bill and it came to 18k. She gave the card and i signed the bill. We took cab to airport and went back to native.

After reaching home called divya and asked her what are you doing on monday morning dear? she said nothing. I said then can you please deposit a cheque in bank for me. She said sure dear. I gave her the 25lacs cheque and said only for you da. She didn't know how much money i had made and i didn't want to tell her everything about funds. Decided to put the rest 1.25 as FD, remembered kirti's words and decided to keep 75 as FD for longer tenure and 50 for shorter tenure so that whenever tax arises i can pay it off. Divya said with this money will we be able to atleast afford land in the heart of the city. I said yes but a small one. She asked me to find out where we can get a big piece of land for the money and also not very far and outskirts of the city. Told her sure. Called ramesh in the evening and he informed that he paid 50k as advance and he has collected 2lacs, asked him to call me when he is free tomorrow. Called kriti and she too said the same story and also added that 25k she kept in office locker. She kissed me on the phone and i thanked gods that divya was not around. Saturday passed of peacefully and sunday aftenoon ramesh asked me where i was. I told him at home. He came outside and called me, i joined him, we both went to teastall and had smoke and tea.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 12-10-2019, 08:45 PM

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