Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
Divya tried all the jewellery she had bought, i loved her butterfly design hair clip and she had also bought matching necklace. She asked me what will i wear for the function tomorrow and i said your choice, (men beware, this is the first stage of a wife making her hubby start feeling guilt) she showed me couple of sarees and asked which one should i wear. I mean how will i know which colour she had in her mind, i choose a red colour and she corrected it is not red, it is maroon colour. I was already tired from afternoon sessions and didn't know when i drifted to sleep. When i opened my eyes the sun was just rising, cleaned myself and took yoga mat and went to balcony, english madam was already there speaking on phone. Even after i finished my yoga, she was still on call, i said shylu, whom are you speaking with so much? she held her hand on phone and said prabhakar, i smiled and went inside. Felt good as she had lost all the hint of loneliness. Divya was awake by now and had made morning coffee for me. She had taken bath and worn the maroon saree and showed me, i said it is good on you. She showed some threads coming out of the saree near its border and said i can't wear this saree, choose another one. First beginning of morning tantrums i thought. I asked her to try all the sarees and then i will choose, she scolded me saying i am of no help. It was decided that we shall start at 10, but by the time divya got ready it was already 11:30. Told dad that i am taking the car, he didn't bother.

I asked divya to drive today, she was surprised and asked why dear? i said just like that, she pulled her saree a little up and took the keys, she drove and we reached her BSI's place. The only people i knew there was my inlaws and roopa's mom. Fil introduced me to others and the people who invited us gave both of us a warm welcome. They showed us the house and it was a 3 bhk place. Could see jealousy in roopa's and her mom's eyes. We had lunch and i slipped 2 500rs notes in an envolope and gave the people who had invited us and also invited them to our place. They agreed and we left. Divya again took the driver's seat and could see my inlaws eyes with complete satisfaction. Divya spoke after 5 minutes of leaving their house, she said lets go to coffee day da. I said ok and we reached coffee day. She held my hand while walking inside and we found our usual place. She sat next to me and ordered normal cold coffe for both of us. She said sorry da, yesterday i scolded you so much, i said forget it di, it doesn't matter what you say, i always want you to be happy, i love you di.

She had small tears in her eyes, i wiped them and asked why crying dear. She said for the first time she has found respect from her BSI's, last night she didn't know the value of gold or car, but when she turned out with both of them, all her BSI's behaviour had changed instantly and she was the new queenbee and everyone of them wanted to talk to her and be with her. She said i want a bigger place than all my relatives and that too in the heart of the city. I promised her will work more hard from tomorrow as her wish was my command. We had coffee and she paid the bill. She said no one values good heart anymore, all they see is if you have a car or gold, when i was not married, in some functions i used to help in kitchen or pooja or anything they wanted, but today when i go in car and wear all the gold they make me sit and take orders, such cheap mentality of people. I told her, ignore di, always do what you feel like doing and be happy. We reached our place and soon received a call from sexy, since divya was in front of me i asked what mother in law? she said divya next to you, i said yes, she said roopa's mom wants to talk to you and gave the phone to her, roopa's mom went on and on and i finally said i will discuss with divya and let you people know. Divya was wondering what it was all about. Took her inside the house and told her, it was roopa's mom who spoke after your mother. Princi is being harassed by management as they lost both the rank holders from college and college is loosing its reputation. She wanted us to go to college and tell the management that we left due to our work and help save princi's job. Divya said nothing doing, keep quiet. I agreed to her.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 12-10-2019, 08:14 PM

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