14-01-2019, 10:38 AM
31 CA programme Common Proficiency Test (CPT) CA [img]chrome-extension://ohhcpmplhhiiaoiddkfboafbhiknefdf/TMToolbar/image/tooltip/webicon_green.png[/img]www.icai.org
32 CS Programme - Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) 2½ years (after graduation), 3½ years (after Class 12) Written Exam CS www.icsi.ed
33.BHU - ALL Courses
34.ICI - Indian Chemical Technology.
35. ICAR - Agriculture
36.Jipmer - Pondicherry MBBS - [img]chrome-extension://ohhcpmplhhiiaoiddkfboafbhiknefdf/TMToolbar/image/tooltip/webicon_green.png[/img]www.jipmer.puducherry.gov.in
37.IISER - Indian Institute Science Education and Research.
38. Manipal - MUOET.
32 CS Programme - Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) 2½ years (after graduation), 3½ years (after Class 12) Written Exam CS www.icsi.ed
33.BHU - ALL Courses
34.ICI - Indian Chemical Technology.
35. ICAR - Agriculture
36.Jipmer - Pondicherry MBBS - [img]chrome-extension://ohhcpmplhhiiaoiddkfboafbhiknefdf/TMToolbar/image/tooltip/webicon_green.png[/img]www.jipmer.puducherry.gov.in
37.IISER - Indian Institute Science Education and Research.
38. Manipal - MUOET.