Adultery Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted)
Aditi entered the office and walked up towards her new cabin. Her boobs were popping out of the shirt and while she walked her boobs moved up and down in tandem. Almost all office came to a standstill watching her walk towards her cabin. As soon as she entered her cabin ankur followed her behind and quickly gave her a light hug.
Ankur: oh my god! AMD .......all of a sudden. What happened in goa? You know what ppl have been in this office for years but never got promotion and you in just a few months. What have u been upto in goa.
He asked her in a naughty way and also she probably understood what he was trying to implicate.
Aditi: i dont know. I think this new buyer martha was pretty impressed with me and also we secured the order.
Ankur: martha was impressed or dev?
Aditi: oh shut up...
Aditi tried to show mock anger.
Aditi: listen we will discuss this later. I need you to check this file for me.
And she walked towards the cabinet and bent down to take out the file from the cabinet. She probably did not realise that she was unintentionally giving ankur a view of his lifetime. Ankur probably havent seen a more round and tight ass in his life which was on full display.
Aditi: where is it? I just cant find it.
She was still trying to search for the file and was totally unaware that ankur was having a beautiful view of her ass. Ankur also got a bit carried away and moved really close to her. Then the door of her office suddenly opens. It was samar. Aditi also stood straight and as she turned she realised ankur had moved really close to her. There was something strange popping out of his pant. Aditi saw this and realised what it was but the erection subsided very quickly as he got very nervous seeing samar there.
He got out of the office very quickly saying
Ankur: i will take that file later.
Now samar came close to her and hugged her really tight. Aditi wasnt expecting that as she thought samar wudnt try anything in the office. She wanted to tell him to stop it. But before she cud even open her mouth. Samars lips were on hers. after the initial resistance she started melting in his arms. All resistance was gone and both of them were hugging each other tightly. Somehow aditi gathered her wits and breaking the kiss she apoke.
Aditi: please not here. Some1 will come. May be dev can come anytime.
Samar released her.
Samar: well ok. Your wish is my command. But we are going out for lunch and dont ask where cos its a surprise.
Aditi wanted samar not to try anything in the office. As she was worried what is someone sees them. So she also readily agreed so that samar wudnt touch her in office. As he left her office. She quickly adjusted her outfit. And did her lipstick again. As she sat in her chair she was thinking about ankur. May be she had become too overfriendly with him. Why did he come so close to her. What wud he had done if samar havnt entered her office at the right time. She was a little angry at ankur. With samar things have gone out of hand. But somewhere she had started liking samar but ankur how dare he come so close to her and also have an erection. She will have to change her behaviour now. What did ankur thought am i some slut. She was angry but somehow she got busy in the officework as the new position brought her loads of work and she dint even realised it was lunch time. At exactly 1 pm she received a msg on her whatsapp.
“ come out in the parking lot i am waiting in the car”
As she got busy with the work she totally forgot about the lunch propsition of samar. She got up checked her makeup in the small mirror which she had in her purse. She rushed thru the office lobby and went towards the exit. As soon as she was out of office building she saw samar waiting in his car. She rushed towards the car and quickly sat in it.
As varun reached office he was really low. All he cud think about was what had happened in goa. He dint realise when it was lunch time. At around 1 pm there was a pat on his back. It was rahul.
Rahul: bro how was your goa trip. Lets have lunch together and after lunch you tell me everything about goa.
And rahul sat near varuns chair. After having lunch rahul patted varuns thigh
Rahul: come on brother now tell me how was your stay.
And he looked straight into varuns eyes and a tear rolled through varuns eyes and he tried to hide his tear and quickly ran outside. Rahul followed him and he saw varun crying and he was inconsolable. He tried to console him.
Rahul: what happened. Come on. Cheer up. Whats the matter.
And rahul hugged varun. Tell me whats the problem. As varun desperately wanted to tell some1 that what happened in goa as he can have a second opinion about his wifes infideliity. So he told rahul everything what had happened in goa. Rahul listened patiently and after listening to the whole story he paused briefly and then looked at varun took a deep breath and said.
Rahul: hmm.......listen now what has happened has happened. I did warn you. But you dint heed to my advice. Without doubt bhabhi ji has slept with samar. Now the thing is are you ready to forgive her mistake.
Varun: i cant live without her. I luv her too much.
Rahul: well... then first things first call her and tell her to come home immediately and tell her to quit her job.
Varun: i cant be so blunt. I dont want her to know that i know everything.
Rahul: just call her and tell her to come home quickly. As long as she is there in the office she is a prey and both dev and samar and predators.
Varun: what wud i say why i want her to come home.?
Rahul: that part we can think later. Listen man from what you have told me i am sure she has not slept with dev till now and as long as she is in that office chances are dev might also wud fuck her. So your priority shud be to get her out of that office. I am sorry for being blunt.
Varun had a blank look on his face.
Rahul: comeon man call her.
Varun immediately took out his mobile and called aditi. Her phone was switched off. Varun looked at rahul in a very panicky mode.
Rahul: what happened.
Varun: her phone is switched offf..
Rahul: so call on her office no.
Varun: yeah okkkk..
He called on her office number. The receptionist answered
Receptionist: hello dev industries!! How can i help you.
Varun: yeah can i talk to aditi please.
Receptionist: who is this.
Varun: i am her husband.
Receptionist: oh sir!! But i think sir she has gone out for lunch. You want to leave any message for her.
Varun: no its ok. Thanks.
Varun looked towards rahul.
Varun: receptionist says she has gone out for lunch and her mobile is swithed off.
And tears rolled down varuns eyes.
Rahul: may be i know where she is.
Varun: how do u know.
Rahul: dont forget i was born in this town. Just go inside and inform the manager that both u and me have to lake leave after lunch.
Varun: but what will i say.
Rahul: think of something. I am waiting for you in the parking lot.
Saying this he left for the parking lot. Varun was confused. What shud i do.? He thought. Rahul was like a last straw and he felt like drowning in water. So he thought to held on to rahul then to drown in sorrow. So he quickly went inside and gave the manager a lame excuse and took managers leave. When he came outside he saw rahul had already started his bike and waiting for him. He almost ran towards rahul and sat behind him. Rahul accelerated and they were on there way. Varun dint speak a word and soon varun realised that they were almost outside the city. His heart was beating fast but he was totally quiet. Then after about 25 minutes he realised rahul slowing the bike near some farm house. Varun was now really confused. Rahul drove the bike at the back of the farmhouse and switched off the engine.
Varun: why have you brought me here.
Rahul: wait....
And he took out his mobile and called someone. After a while someone answered on the other side.
Rahul: yes uncle!!! How are you? Munna here.
Ramu uncle: my son. How are you? You remembered your uncle after a long time and also your timing is awful i was really busy into something.
Rahul: uncle come at the back gate. I am waiting. There is some urgent work.
Ramu uncle: everything alright my son.
Rahul: yeah everything ok you just come at the back.
And rahul hung up the phone. Varun was really confused at this point.
Varun: who did you call? And why have you brought me here.
Rahul: be patient.
And soon varun saw an old man in his early sixties coming out of the backgate. He came out and hugged rahul.
Ramu uncle: my son after a long time. How come you remember your old uncle after a long time.
Rahul: well uncle i want to ask you something? But you have to promise you will not ask me why i am asking you what i am about to ask.
Ramu uncle was confused.
Ramu uncle: son i cud not understand what you just said.
Rahul: forget it. Tell me is sahab inside.
Again ramu uncle was confused. But he answered.
Ramu uncle: yes! Buy y are u asking.
Rahul: i bet there is a beautiful woman with him.
Ramu uncle was a bit hesitant to answer but replied in affirmative.
Ramu uncle: yeah!! A very beautiful woman. I havent seen such a beauty in my entire life. but y are u asking? And how did you know
Rahul looked towards varun who was by now understanding what he was upto.
Rahul: do you have her picture.
Varun: yeah.
He took out his mobile and scrolled for a while and then handed his mobile to rahul. Rahul in turn showed the pic to ramu uncle.
Rahul: is she the one inside.
Ramu uncle: yeahhh!!!!!!!
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RE: Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted) - by manasi - 14-01-2019, 09:30 AM

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