Misc. Erotica Other side of my teacher
As I made my way through the store I was constantly reminded by my cock as my erection continued to throb in my pants. I made it to the carpet section and began to look at all of the various styles and colors.

After some time a salesman approached me. I told him that I wanted a piece of the dark blue carpet and a section of padding. While he cut the piece that I wanted I walked around and found the correct cutting tool that I needed. I selected a can of carpet glue and made my way back to the carpet display.

"Here you go young man," the salesman said as he set the carpeting down on a large cart.

I set my other supplies down on the cart and made my way up to the register where I paid for everything. I pushed the cart out to my van and loaded my supplies into the back end. As I drove home I couldn't get Sujana out of my mind as I knew how I was going to make her submit to me.

I pulled into my driveway and pulled up as close to the garage as I could get. I got out and pulled the hunk of carpet out of the back end along with the rest of the supplies. I paused for a moment as I stared into the back end as both doors were wide open. I could easily see Sujana with her arms and legs shackled to the walls and her pussy wide open as I offer her services to paying customers.

I pulled myself away from my fantasy and began to get to work. Since my dad already had a piece of wood bolted to the floor it made installing the carpeting that much easier. It also allowed me to place a nice soft padding under the carpet so Sujana's ass wouldn't get sore.

I cut and stapled the carpet until the bottom was in place. Next I glued the carpeting to the walls until the carpeting completely encased the back end. I seamed the ends together up in the ceiling until you couldn't even see the seam. I cut out openings for the overhead lights and the steel tie downs on the walls, Finally when it was just about dark I was finished.

I closed the back end of the van and parked it on the street. I went into the house and went up to my room to take a shower.

"I see you carpeted the back end," my dad said as he walked over to the base of the stairs.

"Yes. it has that cozy feel now," I said as I paused long enough at the top of the stairs to look down at my dad.

Just then my dad winked as if to tell me that he knew why I carpeted the cargo area. I quickly ducked into my room and peeled off my clothes.

I couldn't believe how fast the day went. It was already going on ten fifteen and it seemed like I just got up. I went into the rest room and took a shower along with all of the other morning rituals that I normally go through. I went to my room and dressed in a nice casual outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I liked what I saw so I went down to the kitchen.

I was hungry so I heated up some left overs in the microwave. I sat down at the kitchen table when my mom walked in and sat down across from me.

"So Vishal, since you have had dinner at Trisna's and you met her parents then we would like you to bring her here for dinner tomorrow night," my mom said as I ate my dinner.

Suddenly I found myself looking at my mom differently. I don't know if it was from the way we ran into each other in the rest room the other day or what. One thing I knew for sure was that my mother seemed to be acting different. Maybe it was the fact that she was sitting across from me in her night gown and robe and her robe showed off her incredible cleavage. Maybe it was all in my head ever since I masturbated in the shower imagining that my mother was riding me. I knew one thing for sure, I had an erection in my pants while I ate my dinner.

"I will ask her," I said softly as I at my food.

"It shouldn't be a problem," I said as I took a drink of coke.

"Good, how about six thirty. This way we will have time to get dinner ready and get the table set after work," my mom said as she stood up and pushed her chair in.

"Six thirty is fine," I said as I watched my mother walk into the living room.

As she walked into the living room I couldn't tear my eyes away from her shapely calf muscles. The diamond shape of her lower leg was an incredible turn on as the bottoms of her muscles led to her delicately slender ankles. My mother also had super sexy feet, including well manicured and polished toes.

My mother disappeared out of sight and I quickly finished my dinner. I quietly cleaned up the small mess that I made and washed the dishes. I went back up to the rest room and brushed my teeth. I made sure that I didn't slop any food on my clothes before walking back down to the kitchen.

I poked my head into the living room, noticing that the clock was now at ten minutes till eleven. I had only ten minutes to pick up Vanitha down by the temple. My mom was laying on the sofa with her feet across my dad's lap. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw my dad caressing and stroking my mother's long slender toes.

"I will be back late," I said as I walked through the kitchen.

"Be careful," my mom said as I disappeared from the kitchen into the dark garage.

I didn't have much time so I quickly shut the garage door and ran out to my van. I started the engine and sped down the street. As I drove along I noticed that my heart rate was elevated and that I was growing anxious. I really didn't want to take Vanitha with me tonight but I kind of backed myself into a corner with her. Who knows, maybe I'll get the chance to nail her.

As I turned down the road leading to the temple I slowed down. I shut off my head lights as I approached the corner where I told Vanitha to meet me at. My heart was pounding as I didn't see her there. I was actually relieved because I didn't want any type of hindrance tonight. Just as I was about to pull away Vanitha stepped out of the shadows and in front of my van.

I nearly died when I watched this girl walk in front of my van. She wore a cut off shirt that was cut up to the bottoms of her breasts and the cut off denim shorts she wore were cut so high that half of her nice tight ass was exposed.

"Hi," Vanitha said as she pulled the passenger door open and hopped up inside.

"Hi," I said back as my gaze left her almond shaped eyes and traveled down her body.

"Did I dress OK?" Vanitha asked as she crossed her legs and let her sexy hi heel shoe dangle from her toes.

"God yes," I said as I stepped on the gas and began to drive away.

"You look nice tonight," Vanitha said as I could tell she was eyeing me up.

"Happy birthday, how was dinner with your boyfriend?" I asked as I turned the corner and accelerated.

"Thank you," Vanitha said as she smiled at me and bounced her leg.

"Dinner was OK, it was kind of boring in comparison to tonight," she said as she cracked her window slightly.

"So what is this place like?" Vanitha asked as she tilted her head and looked at me.

"What's it like, lets see," I said softly as I looked over at her and locked my eyes on to hers.

"Pure heaven," I said as I gazed back at the road in front of me.

Vanitha reached up and turned the stereo on but left the volume low. She glanced behind her while she bounced her head to the tune on the radio.

"I guess that's why Trisna's mother goes there," Vanitha said as she laughed half heatedly.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:23 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:24 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:25 AM
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