Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
It was a hectic day and was very tired, took another smoke break and walked back to house. All the women were still standing and discussing some female issues with divya and divya was nodding her head. Finally divya said we can't change or get everything done immediately, but i will keep in mind and get things done. Akka and her mother had arrived and were watching divya. I asked her what, she said nothing much, just women to women talk. I didn't bother her much. Roopa's parents came in and said what divya you sent for us. Divya looked at puru and puru's hand got printed on princi's face, puru said periyamma. The slap was in front of all the female workers and all of them giggled. Princi said sorry periyamma, please forgive me. Divya said follow the rules. She asked the ladies standing outside about lunch taste and all said it was awesome. Divya bid bye to all the ladies except latshmi, she said latshmi have food and come back and clean the vessels. Aunty had prepared dinner, all of us sat on dining table except roopa and aunty. Divya told roopa to sit and have dinner today with us as it was a special occassion. Asked aunty to serve. Roopa's mom's eyes wondered that her sister had become a labourer. Dinner was tasty, divya appreciated aunty and aunty said thanks. Princi spoke now, i can't see my elder brother and his wife working under somebody, if you permit periyamma i would want to take them to the city, take care of them from now on. Divya said if they are willing then i have no objection. Puru and his wife replied instantly we are not going to come, i now told them, you can stay freely in the city, take the offer and go. Puru said, he doesn't want to leave the village of his forefathers, he was born here and grown up here only and also wants to die here only. Princi could not say anything except as you wish.

Divya and roopa went to wash their hands together, roopa washed first and ran and got a towel and waited for divya to wash her hands, then offered her towel. Divya put her hand on roopa's shoulder and said choose a room for yourself roopa, rest can be used as guest rooms. Roopa said ok periyamma, went to 4 bedrooms and chose the room above master bedroom. All of us now sat in the hall, shamili wanted to sit in the air and she informed divya and went out. Divya asked her not to stay out late. Shamili said ok and left. Divya then addressed princi and said, we will come next week to college, keep mine and roopa's transfer certificate and inter score card ready. He said but periyamma, roopa wanted to study further. Divya replied i know, do as told. He had to keep quiet. Roopa said periyamma, i want to study too, divya said i know roopa, just that since you are also from science stream like me and periyavaar, i want you to continue in the same field. There is a medical college in the nearby town and i heard it is owned by wife of one mla who came to meet us. I will talk to her tomorrow and you can join the college and study medicine, me and periyavaar now cannot study any further, we both have become suddenly busy and cant help. We want a doctor in our village and you are going to study it.

Roopa couldn't control her emotions and ran and came and hugged divya, roopa said, periyamma i always wanted to study medicine and my father forced me to join his college. Thank you so much. Divya then turned towards princi and said take her with you and drop her in my in laws place, she should learn driving and her 9 lacs are lying with you, buy her a maruti zen car and put the rest of the money as fixed deposit in her name. Princi just nodded his head. Divya then bid bye to puru and aunty, princi and his wife also joined puru. Latshmi came to clean the vessels, divya asked roopa to prepare a glass of hot hot coffee for her, she looked at me, i said one for me too dear, divya then said make 4 cups and come. Roopa left. Divya held my arms and said let's sit outside with shamili for sometime and have coffee. We both went out and sat with shamili. Shamili commented, periyamma what a change you brought to the village just from afternoon till now, hats off to you and your courage. Nobody can even dream of achieving such hope and prosperity with so much maturity. I agreed with shamili, divya just shrugged it off. She said shamili, we are friends now, call me divya only. Shamili said no i cannot, even though you can consider me your friend and well wisher, i still come from a labourer's family.

I should not change. Even i learnt a lesson today afternoon that all those believe in goodness, they will surely get it. I asked her why are you saying so? She said, all my married years, even to go out for 2 days i had to beg my in laws and suddenly i am now free, free from slavery to them, free from drinking and shouting of bad words from my husband. I should thank periyamma for it. She asked a favour from divya, divya said we would be happy to do anything for our friend, shamili said ask my in laws and husband to treat me properly, i have no problems with cooking, cleaning and taking care of them, just cannot bear the ill treatment anymore. I called my friend another periyavaar who took shamili's MIL, he picked up the call on first ring. I enquired whether they reached or not. He said, they reached long back and he just finished his second round and wanted to call me to thank and i called. I said we are related now, why all the formalities. He said can i do anything for you. I said yes, that is the reason i called you. He said shoot, i said warn them before sending to take care of their daughter in law like queen, she is going to carry my baby now and i don't want even a bad stare at her. If possible call your son and also warn him. He said sure, he will ensure that they treat her like a queen all their life, dont worry, she is also my daughter in law and we are related now one way or the other. I thanked him profoundly and closed the call.

Shamili was completely relieved now. Divya said shamili live like you always wanted, let us know if we can be of any help anytime. Roopa got the coffee now, mood was cooler now with coffee. Shamili said to divya, i was terrified of you in the afternoon but you are a very caring person divya, no wonder god has started giving you what you want. Roopa also joined and said, although we are from the same age group, no i am 1 year elder to her and yet i don't think i can match her maturity of this age anytime in my life, she again hugged divya and said thank you for your support for studying medicine. Divya said you are to leave tomorrow morning, go to my in-laws house and stay there and learn driving. Keep contact with your dad and make sure our score sheets and transfer certificate is ready, we will come there to collect it. Divya warned learn driving from tomorrow itself if possible, you need to be proficient in less than two weeks, you need to come back here as you belong in your husband's house. Divya then asked me do you have any work for roopa there, i said i will tell her later. Divya then asked do you want to go with roopa, roopa said she got her periods today evening and she cannot for 3 days, Divya and shamili said together then your first night is postponed. Roopa bent her head. Divya turned towards me and asked any other plans from your side, i said none. I am too tired and lets go to sleep. We bid bye to all and reached master bedroom, jumped on bed and snored till morning.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 24-09-2019, 08:37 PM

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