Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
Everyone assembled in no time. Called princi, his wife and roopa also. Divya came and sat next to me, village elders also geve her respect addressing her as periyamma. I whispered to her, get used to it. Turned towards princi and told him that his sister's family are ready for marriage and wanted to know his opinion. Princi said i am also ready, i asked the guy what is your opinion, one village elder commented, why are you asking a hungry lion whether it wants a deer? all of us had a hearty laugh. I turned towards roopa and asked her what is your opinion. She said she is ready to get married but she wants to continue her studies, she wants to complete her bachelors and then do masters, until her education is finished she doesn't want kids. Being village everyone disagreed with her but she stood her stand and said if i have a opinion in front of periyavaar, then i want to finish my studies. Princi's sister opened her mouth and said, we will not allow her to study, who will take care of us and my son if she goes to city to study? Princi turned towards his daughter and said, i am getting you married in the next mahurat and no more talks, Roopa turned towards me and elders and said, if parents are only to decide then why did we ask her opninon, she said all her life she has been in the city, studied well and bore insults from her parents and family for being a girl child and never once did she complain.

She turned towards divya and said, periyamma you also have endured the same thing as me, you tell me what should i do. Princi intereferred and said, if she is not ready to get married then i will leave her with you and think i never had a girl child and left inside in a jiffy. The situation had played out as i wanted. Turned towards elders and asked their opinion. They all spoke between themselves and then asked me to take responsibility for the marriage of Roopa with some other guy and princi's sister should find another girl for her son. Princi's sister now spoke, who will give a girl to my son married when people will know that village elders supported this girl and broke my son's marriage. I sent for the priest and his brother's daughter, they came in some time. Told the girl's parents that i as periyavaar will take marriage expenses for your daughter if she agrees to marry princi's sister's son. Princi's sisters husband wanted to speak something, i called him near and whispered i know who your son was born to, don't act smart and keep quiet. He became quiet. Asked princi's sister's son about the proposal, he nodded his head as i was the periyavaar. Asked the girl and she was also ok with the arrangements as she knew her father couldn't afford her marriage. Everything was set now. Princi came with his and his wife's luggage and turned towards me and said you broke her marriage and now she is your headache, i promise on the village goddess that from now onwards she is no one to me and i will not bother if she dies or not, i break all the relationships i had with her. Everyone was shocked and i was pretty happy now.

I turned towards divya and asked her, are you ok, if she stays with my parents and goes to college. Divya nodded her head. Divya told princi, periyappa i will take care of her like my own and she can stay with his parents and we will pay her fees and all her expenses till her marriage. Princi got angry more and said, so keshav you want to keep roopa as your personal whore. Village elders got angry on princi and sternly warned him to call me periyavaar and not address in my name. Meanwhile roopa ran inside the house and i asked divya to follow her. Roopa went to the room and divya tried to console her, roopa went on crying for sometime and finally spoke, it is better to die than take bad name all my life, she took a saree and threw on the fan and tried to push divya out of the room. Divya understood the situation and called me inside loudly. I rushed inside and saw that roopa was trying to hang herself, gave her a tight slap and told her to come outside, there are village elders who will help you decide, death is not the end of problems. Divya held roopa's hands and pulled her outside. I proposed in front of elders, if staying with my parents will give her a bad name, then i can send her to hostel and will take care of all expenses. Roopa's mom who was still standing said, still people will say bad things about my daughter and it is better she dies. Divya got angry and said shut your mouth to her. Elders turned towards roopa and asked her what is your opinion about staying in hostel. Roopa said, now since princi's sister's son is also engaged, whether i stay in hostel or in periyavaar's parents place, my life is ruined now.

He has taken the responsibility of me now so my choice is to marry him only or die, i don't have other choice. Divya got angry and said, if every women in the village says the same thing, he can't marry them all. Elders now did some discussion and then got up from their seats and addressed me and divya, periyavaar and periyamma, as village elders we can only give our opinion and not guide you as you are the parents of this village. They turned towards me and said our humble request to you is to get married to roopa as she is also related to you, if a girl dies in the village it is not a good sign, and if she dies because of you then you will have to carry that burden your whole life. Now since it is your family matter, we cannot interfere much. I replied i can't marry her and princi again fumed and said, i spoilt his daughter. I got angry but kept quiet. Roopa again ran inside, this time divya followed. They locked the room and had a long conversation, it lasted for about an hour, all of us were eagerly waiting for them. Finally divya came out along with roopa and announced that i will get married to roopa. I refused angrily to divya, she asked me do i love her? i said with all my heart, she said then take roopa also as your wife. I said i cannot, divya said then forget me too, i will take roopa along with me to city and we will find a way for ourselves.

I gave a tight slap to divya and said you know i cannot live without you and you talk of leaving me, how rude you must have got, did you loose all the love you had for me? She replied, it is because i love you and don't want you to loose the good name, i am myself asking you to marry her, it is my final decision, either both of us or none of us. I said i need time to think. Divya then said think all night, she turned towards princi and his wife and said periyappa please go inside, you can leave tomorrow evening after the get together. Princi said ok divya, puru scolded him now and said address her as periyamma. This is not your college, he is the owner of this place and spread his arms. Divya looked at me and asked whole place. I held her hand and said yes, i bought the adjacent land too and the land that houses the labourers. She gave a smile. She said dear, say yes to her, get married to roopa, all the problems will be finished. I asked her did you think of consequences, she said yes and i whole heartedly agreed to it after deliberating all angles. I said then as you wish dear. She called puru and his wife, princi and his wife and announced that i am going to get married to roopa tomorrow in the same temple and in the same muhurat as kori. She then sent for the priest and princi's sister and told them also to get married tomorrow itself. Turned towards princi and said, give your sister's son 3 lacs from the money you received by selling the land. Hearing this princi's sister and her whole family fell at divya's feet and asked their periyamma to bless them. Divya said its ok but if you don't take care of the girl properly, i will personally ask your family to be taken care of, understood.

This was the turning point of divya's life, from being an abused girl she had become periyamma to the whole village and its occupants.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 24-09-2019, 08:29 PM

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