Misc. Erotica Other side of my teacher
We just stood there and held onto each other for a while. The cool breeze felt wonderful as Trisna's warm body remained pressed against me. I felt so bad for her as she had to grow up with a father who was an ass hole. Slowly Trisna lifted her head and looked up into my eyes.

"Thank you for being so wonderful to me," Trisna said as she again reached up and kissed me on the lips.

"Your so welcome," I said as I pressed my cheeks against hers and just held her.

We broke our embrace and looked around at the different fruit trees. I could see small apples on the branches of a tree right behind me. As I looked around I saw something that was totally opposite from Trisna.

"We better get going," Trisna said as she pulled me by my hand.

I followed behind her as we made our way around the big bushes. Just as we were about to come into view of the house Trisna let my hand go. I followed closely behind her, watching her sexy ass wiggle the entire way there.

We walked up onto the deck and through the sliding door. The smell of the roast caught our attention as we walked past her mom.

"Go get two bottles of wine," Trisna's mother said as she opened the stove to check on dinner.

"OK mom," she said as she turned to me and smiled.

"Now I will show you the basement and the wine cellar," Trisna said as she pulled the basement door open.

Trisna turned the light on and led the way down the stairs. As we descended I had a hard time taking my eyes off of her incredible body.

"This is the family area," Trisna said as she pointed to the living room set and big screen television.

"Wow, nice television," I said as I looked at what appeared to be a sixty inch big screen TV set.

"My dad loves cricket so he bought this thing last year," Trisna said as she began walking away.

"Here is the laundry room," Trisna said as she pointed into a small room with a washer and dryer in it.

I followed closely as it was dark on the other end of the basement. Trisna reached out and pulled on another door knob, causing the old door to squeak as it opened.

"This is my dad's office," she said as we both peered inside.

She quickly shut the door before leading me over to another door. She reached out and opened it, revealing a narrow hallway. It was dark except for a couple of glass temple things that hung on the walls of the hall. This is how you get into the wine cellar," Trisna said as she opened yet another door.

We stepped inside the cold damp room and Trisna shut the door behind us. Again the only light was from a few candles that were on the walls above the wine racks. I looked around in amazement at the wine racks which completely lined all the walls of the square room.

"There is no light down here because it will ruin the wine," Trisna said as she led us over to a small table in the center of the room.

"My dad collects these wines from all over the world," she said as she watched me look around the room.

"I can't believe how many bottles he has," I said as my eyes began to adjust to the dim light.

"He has several bottles that are very old and several bottles that are extremely rare," she said as she walked up behind me and put her arms around me.

Trisna laid her head against my back as her hands slid around my stomach. I could here her sigh as she again let go and stepped back.

"Here is where I get my stash from," Trisna said as she walked over to a stack of boxes in one of the corners.

She bent over slightly and pulled two bottles of wine out. She walked back over to the table and set the bottles down. I followed her over to the table and again we embraced.

"My dad never even knows that there are bottles missing every once in a while," Trisna said as she leaned up and kissed me softly.

"Where does that door lead to?" I asked as I pointed to an old door on the far wall.

Turning her head to look at the door for a second, Trisna mumbled, "To the temple."

I looked at her with an inquisitive look on my face.

"That door is an underground tunnel that leads into the temple basement. Rita's house on the other side of the temple is built exactly the same way. So when I want to go over to Rita's I don't even have to go outside," Trisna said as she turned her attention back to me.

I sat down on the table, making sure that I didn't knock the two bottles of wine over. Trisna looked over at the door that we came in through and then back down at me. She lifted her leg up and swung it over my legs. I pulled my knees together and watched as Trisna slowly sat down on my lap.

Trisna reached out and wrapped her arms around me. We looked into each other's eyes as our faces slowly came together. Our eyes closed slowly as our lips touched. It felt like electricity as our mouth's worked in unison. Our tongues caressed each other's lips as our hands continued to caress each other's backs.

A slight moan escaped Trisna's mouth as our passion intensified. I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest and her hot breath as it cascaded across my face. I felt my cock beginning to stiffen as Trisna adjusted herself on my lap.

"Oh Vishal I have to break this 'good girl' image," Trisna said as she pressed her crotch up against the bulge in my pants.

"I am so scared Vishal," Trisna said as our tongues darted in and out of each other's mouth's.

"Be not afraid," I whispered as I slid my hand down and over the top of her ass.

I felt the top of her jeans and I slipped my finger tips under the edge of her pants. Her flesh was on fire as I caressed her bare skin. Trisna instantly began to lick my lips with her tongue as we kissed with our mouth's apart.

I boldly reached down a little farther until I felt the very top of her ass crack. I let my middle finger slide into the top of her crack causing her to moan loudly.

"Oh Godd Vishal," Trisna said as she slid her tongue into the back of my throat.

Her ass felt wonderful as I gently squeezed her butt. Suddenly Trisna began to move. My heart felt like it was going to explode as Trisna began to grind her crotch against my bulge.

Our faces came apart and our eyes opened. I could see the reflection of light from the candles in her eyes as she continued to grind her pussy against my member. Not a word was spoken as we continued to bump and grind.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:23 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:24 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:25 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:27 AM
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