Misc. Erotica Other side of my teacher
Kavitha was standing with one heel hooked over the railing while the other bouncer was fucking her from behind. Kavitha's eyes met mine as I watched her breasts bounce from the pounding she was receiving.

"Vishal...meet...ahhhhh...yeah...Virat," Kavitha said as her eyes now closed completely.

Virat looked at me and nodded as I eased my way past them and continued down to the basement. I reached the lower level and pushed the door open and entered the club.

I walked over to the bar and went to the stage show list. There were already several people on the list so I signed my name at the bottom. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist all of the temptations inside here so I opted to leave for a while. I made my way out the door and up the spiral staircase where Virat was still drilling Kavitha. Again I eased by them and proceeded up to the top. I walked down the corridor and walked over by Tejus who was checking another couple's ID cards. I walked past them and out the door and made my way back to my dad's car.

I decided to drive past my teacher's house so I could see if she had a lot of company. I turned on the stereo and cranked up the tunes as I drove. I turned down her street and slowly cruised down past her house. There were four cars in the driveway and two more in the street. I knew it would be a while before she would be getting out so I drove down the next street to see if Bhavin's mother was over her lover's house. As I turned the corner I immediately saw her car parked in the drive.
I pulled over and parked for a bit as I needed to kill some time. I needed to get my hands on more money and the only way I knew how to do that would be to get it from Sujana. I needed to come up with another way to blackmail her in order to get my hands on more cash. As I sat there pondering my next move, Sujana emerged out of the front door of her lover's house.

I slumped down in the drivers seat and watched as she fell into her stud's arms. They kissed there on the front porch like they were two young lovers. I just couldn't believe that Bhavin's mother was having an affair. I knew she was hot but I always thought she was happily married. She was forty one but looked ten years younger. They finally broke their embrace and Sujana walked to her car. She got in, started her car, and drove away.

I waited for a few minutes before starting my car. I drove around the corner and past Rehana's house. There was only three cars left in the driveway and both cars in the street were gone. The front door opened and Rehana stepped out onto the porch with her company. I knew the party must have been breaking up so I drove back to the club. I parked in the alley and walked back to the dimly lit entrance. I used my ID card and buzzed myself in and again was greeted by Tejus

"Hi Tej," I said as I stood before him..

"Hi Vishal," he responded as he glanced at my ID card.

"I need a favor," I said as I now stood next to him.

"Sure, what do you need?" he asked as he sat down on his stool.

"There is going to be a lady coming here in a little bit with one of my guest passes," I said as a lady walked past us and out into the alley.

"Can you escort her down to an open table in front of the stage and order her a drink?"

"Sure, I can do that" Tejus said.

"You said she has one of your guest passes?" Tejus asked.

"Yes," I replied as the anticipation of seeing my teacher in her began to grow.

"Consider it done, Tejus said.

"Thanks," I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a Five hundres rupee note.

I shook his hand, slipping the money into his palm.

"You got it" Tejus said as I walked past him and into the corridor.

I made my way down into the club. I couldn't believe how crowded it was. As I walked through the tables it was an entirely different crowd. There were still a few tables left in front of the stage so I went to the bar and got a reserved sign and placed it on a table in front of the stage. I walked back to the bar and sat down between a couple of guys who were well on their way to being drunk.

As I sat down the guy on my left told the beautiful topless bartender that he had enough to drink and that he was going home.

"Why don't you take him with you," she said as she pointed to the other intoxicated guy on the other side of me.

"Come on," the one guy mumbled as he stood up. Both men stunk of alcohol as they stood up and left together.

"What can I get you young man?" the beautiful bartender asked.

"Bacardi and Coke," I said as I watched her bend over to get a glass.

Her breasts looked so beautiful as they hung down while she reached for a glass. Her nipples were stiff as she mixed me a drink.

"What's your name?" she asked me as she looked up and into my eyes.

"Vishal," I said as I sipped my drink.

"I am Poonam," she said as she reached out to shake my hand.

As we shook hands, my eyes were transfixed on her breasts as they jiggled. I couldn't believe how she could be that skinny with tits the size of orange fruits.

We made small talk for a while as the bar was slow. I spun around on my stool and watched the show on the stage from a distance. There were two women on stage in a heated sixty nine and a third woman slapping their asses with a whip. I couldn't help but to get an erection as I watched these vixens fulfilling their fantasy.

It was getting late and I watched show after show. I was so horny I couldn't stand it any more. I was beginning to think that Rehana wasn't going to show up. I got up and waked over to the list and saw that there was still four more names before mine. I went back to my seat and Poonam handed me another drink.

"Come on," I said to myself as I glanced back at the clock. I sat and waited for Rehana.

Just then I saw the door entering the club open. Tejus walked through the door and he had a hold of Rehana's arm as he was escorting her through the tables toward the table I had reserved. My heart skipped a beat as she looked incredible in the short black dress that I bought for her. As she walked I could just barely see her creamy thighs just above her stockings and below the hem of her dress. The heels she wore made her look totally incredible as I noticed that my cock was now rock hard. As she walked she looked like she had confidence but I knew that the collar she was wearing signified that she was totally mine.

I watched as Tejus pulled a stool out for her to sit down. As she lowered her cute big ass she looked up at the chains and shackles as they hung from the ceiling. She looked all around at the countless people already fucking before she turned her attention toward the stage. The waitress handed her a drink and before the glass even hit the table Rehana downed half of it.

I got up from where I was sitting and carefully walked to another vantage point. My teacher was obviously aroused from her surroundings. She continued to stare at the couple on stage as I watched her lift her one leg up and cross it over the other. She began bouncing her foot up and down as she continued to sip her drink and watch the show on stage. From where I was now watching I saw how her pink lips parted as she gasped when she saw the man pull out of his partner and cum on her face.

The couple on stage picked up their belongings and walked down the three steps and then past. Rehana. She stared in disbelief as they walked past her totally naked. Suddenly another couple walked past my teacher and climbed up onto the stage.
Rehana watched intently as the man placed a blindfold over his partners eyes. Next he pulled her thong down to her feet before picking it up and tossing it out into the crowd. I couldn't believe it when the thong landed on Rehana's lap as she sat there bouncing her sexy foot up and down. Quickly she reached down and picked up the dainty white thong and set it on the table next to her drink.

My teacher was startled as she looked to her left as two guys shackled some willing woman to the chains hanging from the ceiling. Rehana continued to watch both shows as she was becoming obviously aroused. She began to squirm her hot fleshy ass on the small soft stool as she watched the couple on stage begin to portray a bang scene. Rehana continued to squirm as she watched these live shows right in front of her. She knew I was here but she didn't know who I was. She focused on the threesome next to her as the woman shackled to the overhead chains was now being fucked from the front and behind. She began to grunt and moan as my teacher began to squeeze her breast through her dress.

Rehana looked back at the couple on stage as the guy now had his partner tied up and bent over a park bench. She was screaming as her partner used his belt to whip her ass. Her cries were not of pain rather filled with anticipation as she screamed for him to fuck her. Rehana began to loose her composure as I watched her reach under her dress to squeeze her pussy. I could see the look of lust in her eyes as she looked back at the couple right next to her. The guys fucking the helplessly shackled woman next to her reached out and motioned for Rehana to join them. Rehana quickly shook her head no and focused her attention on the stage.

Rehana sat there as she drank the rest of her drink. As the waitress passed her table I could tell that she was asking her where the rest room was. The waitress pointed and I watched my teacher get up and walk to the ladies room. She looked so sexy in those platform heels as she walked through the swirling lights and into the ladies room. I looked back to the stage and watched as the guy was fucking his partner in the ass. The action on stage was pretty intense as it caused several people to stand at the edge of the stage to watch.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the rest room door open and Rehana walked back out to her table. She seemed a little more at ease as the three people at the next table were now gone.

Rehana sat down and again crossed her legs as she watched the show on stage. Between the music and the sight of several people fucking Rehana was growing restless and hornier by the minute. As I watched the show on stage the man pulled his cock out and came all over his partner's ass. That was my que as I knew that Rehana and I were next on the list to go on to the stage.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the black scarf that I brought from home. I walked around the perimeter of the club until I was directly behind Rehana. Carefully and slowly I made my way between the tables toward my teacher. I began to tremble as I now stood directly behind her. I took one final deep breath before slowly slipping the scarf over my teachers head and covering her eyes.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:23 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:24 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:25 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:26 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:27 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:27 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:28 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:45 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:46 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:47 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:48 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:49 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:49 AM
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RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:50 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:51 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:51 AM
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RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:56 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:57 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:57 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:58 AM
RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 13-01-2019, 09:58 AM
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RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 14-01-2019, 12:01 AM
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RE: Other side of my teacher - by sarit11 - 14-01-2019, 12:04 AM
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