15-09-2019, 06:58 PM
#Rakul preet singh
Rakul preet singh was a one and only daughter of her parents. They were very rich. and their Major source income was MBA colleges. at the time of childhood they had only 3 colleges. when she comes to teenage they had 2 universities. one in north and other one in South Indian. Her parent were strick from childhood when comes to Educations.
![[Image: Rakul-Preet-Singh-in-Current-Theega-%282%293619.jpg]](https://www.indiancinemagallery.net/wp-content/photos/celebs/rakul-preet-singh/Rakul-Preet-Singh-in-Current-Theega-%282%293619.jpg)
Rakul preet singh was always to be into girl eductions only. she went to a near by girls' boarding college, she never really was around boys much. After the +2 she joined in their own university and she was in co-education. Some how she attracted to girls. She can do whatever to get good grades.
![[Image: rakul-preet-singh-sexy-photos9.jpg]](https://apherald-nkywabj.stackpathdns.com/ImageStore/images/movies/movies-actress/rakul-preet-singh-sexy-photos9.jpg)
But she didn't how it change her life . she was blackmailed by her Professor, the horrible, fat, Professor Hari with his hairy body and his manboobs and his habit of staring at girls' tits. She don't know how She let it happen, really.She was such a little bitch, honestly. She thought She knew it all/ Thought She would walk in a slowly infront of them to teas their cocks.
![[Image: Rakul-Preet-Singh-Navel-Exposing-Stills-...udio16.jpg]](https://apherald-nkywabj.stackpathdns.com/ImageStore/images/movies/movies-actress/Rakul-Preet-Singh-Navel-Exposing-Stills-At-Abhinetri-Audio16.jpg)
Hari in his late fifties. He doesn't dress well. He makes dirty comments to female students some time even harassment. She told Divyanka tripathi, her girlfriend, about it, and she said She should tease him till he rose to it then stamp him down, and so She did. Divyanka tripathi was also Professor in the University. She was early thirties and looking gorgeous. Rakul made her bed Partner for good grades.
![[Image: Divyanka-Tripathi-Dahiya-07.jpg]](https://images.inkhabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Divyanka-Tripathi-Dahiya-07.jpg)
one evening she observed he was looking at her. She could see he was watching her tits. She was braless, deliberately, and wearing a thin T shirt, so She waited till She was sure his eyes were on them and then She deliberately popped her nipple out and tweaked it with her finger. her teat stood to attention like a small erect cock, and She saw his eyes widen, and She pushed it back in again. She held his eyes, just long enough so that he knew She was teasing him, then She just carried on. On the way out She said to her friend , who had been there with her, "God, it must be tough for a fat old man to have a cock." She knew he heard. The next time She passed him in the corridor She heard him say to the man with him, "there are some cock-teasing little bitches in this place." She thought She might tell someone and get him fired, but he wasn't worth it.
she should have known better, but She was a naughty rich bitch, in truth. She didn't like men, so She put them down all the time. She remember a boy coming onto her in a pub once, and She let him do his whole chat up line and then She just said, "try wanking, you'd be better at it."
![[Image: 28a873c0cf3247adb3781eb59afdebf2--cleava...ctress.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/28/a8/73/28a873c0cf3247adb3781eb59afdebf2--cleavage-hot-tamil-actress.jpg)
After that She made a point of sneering at Hari when She saw him around and about. She was always with female friends and put her arm round their waists, play flirty, make it clear what She wanted. Once She saw him in the supermarket, buying vegetables, and She deliberately picked up the hugest banana She could find and smiled at him nastily as She stroked it thoughtfully. She could see he looked angry. She thought he deserved it. Anyway, her father had earning lot of money from the University. There was nothing Hari could do, the nasty pervert. He knew who was boss.
Rakul was cruel, and proud. In her defence, She was rich and spoiled and nineteen years old, tiny, but She have good round tits .she've been started licking girls' pussies and playing with their tits. And here at University She had found the best pussies and the best tits. Sometimes she conduct pussy parties when we would just pleasure each other gently all night, listening to music, licking and lapping, stroking and fingering. The wonderful thing about being a real girl, not one in a porn novel, is you don't have to moan and scream and cry and beg all the time, you can just suck and gobble gently for hours.
![[Image: 5a5b8ffcefbc33b204e6832b04f5c0f7--lesbia...-girls.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5a/5b/8f/5a5b8ffcefbc33b204e6832b04f5c0f7--lesbian-girls-sexy-girls.jpg)
She was having the time of her life. She looked good, She felt good, She had wonderful girlfriends, a gorgeous sex life with her beautiful girlfriend Divyanka who had learned to milk her lovely titties. She loved the milk, she'd suckle for hours. Sometimes She could read half a novel whilst Divyanka sucked me, then Rakul stir her pussy with one finger till Divyanka came in a great heave of orgasm. Sometimes Divyanka fucked Rakul with her fingers and Rakul tongue on Divyanka plump little clit. Rakul took Divyanka virginity with a huge dildo and She screamed with pain and pleasure. But Rakul still virgin except finger she never try any dildo.
![[Image: Rakul%2BPreet%2BSingh%2Bfingering%2Bher%...%2Bpic.jpg]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wKTn9Ejb77M/W4UTihgJeqI/AAAAAAAAlU4/Q-leEqIqMxgRPkcHAqs2_BOWOeuspVv0wCLcBGAs/s1600/Rakul%2BPreet%2BSingh%2Bfingering%2Bher%2Bpussy%2Bnaked%2Bbusty%2Bboobs%2Bpic.jpg)
![[Image: div45yu.th.jpg]](http://imgfy.net/images/2016/04/22/div45yu.th.jpg)
Rakul was rich, charming, cleaver and sporty, and She was hot. She played netball, She ruled the University, She got top grades for every paper.... Life was pretty charmed. Do She sound vain? Oh She was.
It was the end of the last term of her first year when She got a message that She had to go and see Hari. He wanted to talk to me about her course work.
This wasn't so unusual, talking about course work, and She wasn't expecting a problem. It was late afternoon, a lovely sunny day. She was wearing a short silk dress, and enjoying knowing She had no knickers on. This was because She had just been to have her muff waxed and was feeling a little hot and horny down there, thinking of Divyanka waiting for me back at her digs with her lovely tongue. Divyanka knows how to tongue her clit. She can rough it and toy with it and stroke it till Rakul ready to howl at the moon like wolf, and then Divyanka suck Rakul with tiny bites in rhythmic holding on the edge until She beg her to finish . Rakul had been so hot in the wax salon that the woman had offered to use a vibrator on me, waxing does that sometimes, they go so intimate. Rakul fucked her with vibrator and leave a tip as well.
"Sit down, Rakul." He sounded haughty, off-hand. She was surprised. She thought She might tell her father She didn't like him, get him fired.
her dress was, frankly, too short for that chair, and definitely too short for an appointment with Hari the lech, but She hoped it would be quick. She wriggled uncomfortably. She was worried he could see her thighs and panty . her pussy was hot and wet. She was thinking of the salon girl's tits, thinking of how she was sucked and fuckeb by Rakul.
![[Image: 2015_10image_15_56_206938.jpg]](https://i10.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnails/730x548/web2images/divyamarathi.bhaskar.com/2015/10/12/2015_10image_15_56_206938.jpg)
She pressed her knees together and tried to ignore the heat in her pussy. She summoned her cold voice. "You wanted to see me?"
"Hmmmm," he smiled, his eyes half hooded. "I can already see you." He was staring straight at her crotch. She was astonished and furious with bad behavior.
Rakul preet singh was a one and only daughter of her parents. They were very rich. and their Major source income was MBA colleges. at the time of childhood they had only 3 colleges. when she comes to teenage they had 2 universities. one in north and other one in South Indian. Her parent were strick from childhood when comes to Educations.
![[Image: Rakul-Preet-Singh-in-Current-Theega-%282%293619.jpg]](https://www.indiancinemagallery.net/wp-content/photos/celebs/rakul-preet-singh/Rakul-Preet-Singh-in-Current-Theega-%282%293619.jpg)
Rakul preet singh was always to be into girl eductions only. she went to a near by girls' boarding college, she never really was around boys much. After the +2 she joined in their own university and she was in co-education. Some how she attracted to girls. She can do whatever to get good grades.
![[Image: rakul-preet-singh-sexy-photos9.jpg]](https://apherald-nkywabj.stackpathdns.com/ImageStore/images/movies/movies-actress/rakul-preet-singh-sexy-photos9.jpg)
But she didn't how it change her life . she was blackmailed by her Professor, the horrible, fat, Professor Hari with his hairy body and his manboobs and his habit of staring at girls' tits. She don't know how She let it happen, really.She was such a little bitch, honestly. She thought She knew it all/ Thought She would walk in a slowly infront of them to teas their cocks.
![[Image: Rakul-Preet-Singh-Navel-Exposing-Stills-...udio16.jpg]](https://apherald-nkywabj.stackpathdns.com/ImageStore/images/movies/movies-actress/Rakul-Preet-Singh-Navel-Exposing-Stills-At-Abhinetri-Audio16.jpg)
Hari in his late fifties. He doesn't dress well. He makes dirty comments to female students some time even harassment. She told Divyanka tripathi, her girlfriend, about it, and she said She should tease him till he rose to it then stamp him down, and so She did. Divyanka tripathi was also Professor in the University. She was early thirties and looking gorgeous. Rakul made her bed Partner for good grades.
![[Image: Divyanka-Tripathi-Dahiya-07.jpg]](https://images.inkhabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Divyanka-Tripathi-Dahiya-07.jpg)
one evening she observed he was looking at her. She could see he was watching her tits. She was braless, deliberately, and wearing a thin T shirt, so She waited till She was sure his eyes were on them and then She deliberately popped her nipple out and tweaked it with her finger. her teat stood to attention like a small erect cock, and She saw his eyes widen, and She pushed it back in again. She held his eyes, just long enough so that he knew She was teasing him, then She just carried on. On the way out She said to her friend , who had been there with her, "God, it must be tough for a fat old man to have a cock." She knew he heard. The next time She passed him in the corridor She heard him say to the man with him, "there are some cock-teasing little bitches in this place." She thought She might tell someone and get him fired, but he wasn't worth it.
she should have known better, but She was a naughty rich bitch, in truth. She didn't like men, so She put them down all the time. She remember a boy coming onto her in a pub once, and She let him do his whole chat up line and then She just said, "try wanking, you'd be better at it."
![[Image: 28a873c0cf3247adb3781eb59afdebf2--cleava...ctress.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/28/a8/73/28a873c0cf3247adb3781eb59afdebf2--cleavage-hot-tamil-actress.jpg)
After that She made a point of sneering at Hari when She saw him around and about. She was always with female friends and put her arm round their waists, play flirty, make it clear what She wanted. Once She saw him in the supermarket, buying vegetables, and She deliberately picked up the hugest banana She could find and smiled at him nastily as She stroked it thoughtfully. She could see he looked angry. She thought he deserved it. Anyway, her father had earning lot of money from the University. There was nothing Hari could do, the nasty pervert. He knew who was boss.
Rakul was cruel, and proud. In her defence, She was rich and spoiled and nineteen years old, tiny, but She have good round tits .she've been started licking girls' pussies and playing with their tits. And here at University She had found the best pussies and the best tits. Sometimes she conduct pussy parties when we would just pleasure each other gently all night, listening to music, licking and lapping, stroking and fingering. The wonderful thing about being a real girl, not one in a porn novel, is you don't have to moan and scream and cry and beg all the time, you can just suck and gobble gently for hours.
![[Image: 5a5b8ffcefbc33b204e6832b04f5c0f7--lesbia...-girls.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5a/5b/8f/5a5b8ffcefbc33b204e6832b04f5c0f7--lesbian-girls-sexy-girls.jpg)
She was having the time of her life. She looked good, She felt good, She had wonderful girlfriends, a gorgeous sex life with her beautiful girlfriend Divyanka who had learned to milk her lovely titties. She loved the milk, she'd suckle for hours. Sometimes She could read half a novel whilst Divyanka sucked me, then Rakul stir her pussy with one finger till Divyanka came in a great heave of orgasm. Sometimes Divyanka fucked Rakul with her fingers and Rakul tongue on Divyanka plump little clit. Rakul took Divyanka virginity with a huge dildo and She screamed with pain and pleasure. But Rakul still virgin except finger she never try any dildo.
![[Image: Rakul%2BPreet%2BSingh%2Bfingering%2Bher%...%2Bpic.jpg]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wKTn9Ejb77M/W4UTihgJeqI/AAAAAAAAlU4/Q-leEqIqMxgRPkcHAqs2_BOWOeuspVv0wCLcBGAs/s1600/Rakul%2BPreet%2BSingh%2Bfingering%2Bher%2Bpussy%2Bnaked%2Bbusty%2Bboobs%2Bpic.jpg)
![[Image: div45yu.th.jpg]](http://imgfy.net/images/2016/04/22/div45yu.th.jpg)
Rakul was rich, charming, cleaver and sporty, and She was hot. She played netball, She ruled the University, She got top grades for every paper.... Life was pretty charmed. Do She sound vain? Oh She was.
It was the end of the last term of her first year when She got a message that She had to go and see Hari. He wanted to talk to me about her course work.
This wasn't so unusual, talking about course work, and She wasn't expecting a problem. It was late afternoon, a lovely sunny day. She was wearing a short silk dress, and enjoying knowing She had no knickers on. This was because She had just been to have her muff waxed and was feeling a little hot and horny down there, thinking of Divyanka waiting for me back at her digs with her lovely tongue. Divyanka knows how to tongue her clit. She can rough it and toy with it and stroke it till Rakul ready to howl at the moon like wolf, and then Divyanka suck Rakul with tiny bites in rhythmic holding on the edge until She beg her to finish . Rakul had been so hot in the wax salon that the woman had offered to use a vibrator on me, waxing does that sometimes, they go so intimate. Rakul fucked her with vibrator and leave a tip as well.
"Sit down, Rakul." He sounded haughty, off-hand. She was surprised. She thought She might tell her father She didn't like him, get him fired.
her dress was, frankly, too short for that chair, and definitely too short for an appointment with Hari the lech, but She hoped it would be quick. She wriggled uncomfortably. She was worried he could see her thighs and panty . her pussy was hot and wet. She was thinking of the salon girl's tits, thinking of how she was sucked and fuckeb by Rakul.
![[Image: 2015_10image_15_56_206938.jpg]](https://i10.dainikbhaskar.com/thumbnails/730x548/web2images/divyamarathi.bhaskar.com/2015/10/12/2015_10image_15_56_206938.jpg)
She pressed her knees together and tried to ignore the heat in her pussy. She summoned her cold voice. "You wanted to see me?"
"Hmmmm," he smiled, his eyes half hooded. "I can already see you." He was staring straight at her crotch. She was astonished and furious with bad behavior.
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet . Please find Index in 1st Page.
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