Adultery A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya
"But more importantly he is docile enough to tolerate your indiscretions."

"Uncle what are you talking about?" Nishma blurted. She was certainly annoyed by his demeanor; he was taking her for granted. Yet she understood that the reason for his behavior was her own weakness.

"Keep calm Nishma," he said hushing her.

"Even though Aunty is ill, she can hear very well."

Nishma was getting increasingly nervous as she felt that it was getting out of hand. While she bravely ventured to seduce my uncle, she wasn't quite ready for the immediate consequences. She felt that she could tease him for several months or perhaps years. Even though we did talk about a possibility where things may move too quickly for our comfort, we never anticipated this.

"No one has to know anything," he said getting up from his seat.

"And nothing has to happen without your consent," he assured.

"You are subject to "right of the first", right?" he quickly asked.

Uncle was referring to the same custom that Nishma alluded to me in the morning. It was "right of the first night." Nishma shuddered as she heard those words. She wondered how Uncle would know about it. It was to be kept a closely guarded secret. She felt a little wobbly and Uncle expertly once again took her in his arms.

"Although the custom is waning," he quipped supporting her, "there are several merits for pretty women like you."

"I can assure you," he added, "that it would be a much better experience with your dhani than your husband."

"Dhani" was a local word used to refer to your master in master-slave relationship. Usually, it referred to the feudal lord and often house-wives addressed their husbands as "Dhani" especially if they came from affluent families. The later didn't imply a master-slave relationship between husband and wife but rather implied the elevated status of the husband as the primary bread winner for the house.

Nishma was quite ashamed to confess of her quandary to a stranger, whom she hardly knew. Yet Uncle didn't behave indecently and neither was he bullying her. It was his way of assuring that even though it seemed like a stigma, there were benefits to be had. Nishma knew some of the benefits already and hence had embarked on such a relationship with me but perhaps it is best left for a later time.

Nishma didn't share this tidbit with me at that time. All of this was a closely guarded secret and I learned it after quite a while.

"If you can have a relationship with your Dhani and your husband, there is no reason why you can't have it with me as well."

"Dhani's move on to greener pastures and husband's are simply no good - I can assure you about your one," he added confidently.

Nishma was practically shivering with fear and sexual anxiety. It was one thing to act slutty in a remote, private place and quite another to do so at my own Uncle's place with him. Was he for real? Did he really wanted to have an affair with me or was he simply testing my resolve, she thought.

"Uncle you are embarrassing me," she pleaded.

"I am making it easier," he answered assuredly.

"There is nothing for you to fear from me," he added, "irrespective of whether you agree to my proposal or not."

It relieved Nishma a little bit but her sexual anxiety wasn't gone.

"Uncle how do you know about this?" she asked.

"The other girl with whom I got in trouble," he whispered into her ear practically, "I had foiled "right of first" for her."

Nishma was getting comfortable with him yet again. He was already supporting her by holding her by her waist. Although Nishma was still standing sideways to him, her body now made a V with his and she was increasingly leaning forward to bridge the gap between them; quite essential since she was quite taller than him.

"It was closely guarded secret but eventually things got out and it wasn't pretty," he continued.

"Uncle you slept with her even before she got married?" she whispered with a sense of amusement.


"How is that possible?"

"Adwait thought it was something else," she mumbled.

"Nishma if you are consenting then it may happen yet again," he replied confidently, "but I would rather have an affair with you than a one night stand."

"Uncle you are embarrassing me," she quipped. Nishma realized how close she was standing to him and instinctively tried to retreat but Uncle was in no mood to let go of her.

"There is no shame in it," he said lowering his voice again.

"This tradition has been going on for generations and even if the families are not as enslaved as they once were, the women have simply opted to continue it in the name of family tradition."

"That doesn't make any sense," retorted Nishma.

"It does," he quipped. Uncle was inspecting her body in the faint light of the candle. She became aware of his intentions and froze for a moment. Uncle was so lost inspecting her body that he simply pulled down her scarf to expose her sizable bust.
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A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-09-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-09-2019, 08:08 AM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by smartashi84 - 21-09-2019, 11:59 AM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ajay4321234 - 05-11-2019, 03:13 PM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by dilema - 05-11-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ajay4321234 - 02-12-2019, 09:48 PM

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