Adultery A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya
Chapter 4 - Welcome the beast!

Nishma didn't mention my uncle in the next two weeks. However, it was constantly weighing on my mind. May be a little bit more introduction of him is in order. As I had mentioned earlier, he was husband of my father's cousin sister who was pretty close to our family at some point in time. She married a lower-caste man and hence my parent's were not keen on keeping them in their inner circle. My aunt was pretty at one point and had was quite close to my parents. They visited us few times a year but after my Aunt's sort of debilitating disease, which I never could understand, the frequency waned away. In the past few years, we drifted apart although my mother tried to keep in touch with them.

My uncle was not well educated and didn't fit well in our family order. While he was brusque and insensitive at times, more often than not he spoke his mind. He had a more traditional thinking and thought of the society as well structured unit divided into various compartments. He found it difficult to resist criticizing something that was jarring to his eye. While growing up, he disciplined me more than my parents. My aunt was affectionate but didn't disapprove of his methods. My parents were too busy managing their social status, so I didn't mind it. While he had the right intention his ways were rather coercive and that became a problem once I grew up.

His persistent lechering nature flared up an ugly head in our relationship. Everyone in my family was fair and all the ladies were good looking, if not beautiful. My uncle on the other hand was quite dark and while he didn't look bad there was nothing worth mentioning about his looks. Due to his low educational status and poor background, the men from our families didn't like him much and were reluctant to form a bond with him. He would spend most of his time running errands and making things happen during festive occasions, which brought him in close connection with the women of our family. It took several years for the men to feel threatened but eventually everyone did.

The men didn't mind their middle aged wives occasionally flirting back with him but they strongly objected when he carried his behavior with their daughter-in-law's who were young and in their prime. Most girls of that age don't really entertain such a man but one of my cousin brother's wife didn't mind. It is unclear what happened but my Uncle's relationship with our family went sour soon after that. My cousin's brother's family relocated to distant place so there wasn't much of real fear anymore but my uncle was made an outcast, in a subtle manner.

He still worked in a local bank but had been considering retiring after his two daughters got married and moved to different locations in India.

After that temple episode and our discussions far away from home, it was clear that my deepest fantasies could be realized with Nishma sooner or later. Even my lame description of my uncle didn't deter her from entertaining thoughts of having an affair with him. There was no revulsion of having to make out with a complete stranger in her mind. Although, I tried convincing myself that it wasn't this uncle in my fantasies, I knew that I was only trying to fool myself.

My uncle was about an inch or so taller than me and his pairing with Nishma may not have looked all that comical. He was much dark and over the years his complexion only worsened. Physically he was overweight and showed a nice belly but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary for his age. He still had lot of hair but it was all graying. My hairline had started to recede already.

At home, my parents were puzzled when I mentioned about visiting this uncle on some pretext.

I called up my uncle and had an awkward conversation with him. He congratulated me and joked that he should not hide his bride from me and definitely invite him to the wedding. The engagement ceremony was a private affair so he wasn't invited and neither had he seen her picture. I mentioned to him that I may visit him over the weekend if time permits. He jokingly retorted who wants to meet you, send your fiancé instead. Such was his nature.

I resisted the whole week and finally called Nishma on Thursday to let her know about the plans for the weekend. She was thrilled and probed me further to learn about his situation, his likes, dislikes. She met me that afternoon to understand everything in detail in order to prepare for her meeting with him. My heart was beating wildly as she learned practically everything I knew about him. She even asked me to bring some of his earlier photographs. And to my surprise she wasn't disappointed by what she saw. As we parted for that evening, Nishma brought back the topic of the main reason of our visit. All along she played little heed to it and perhaps behaved as if it was a forgone conclusion.

On our way back, she started the discussion, ensuring that we were in relatively private setting.

"Adwait you are sure about introducing me to him, right?"

"No - we are just swinging by," I clarified.

"Yes but no one introduces their fiancée to a philandering uncle in such a private setting."

"Would you rather not go?" I asked.

"It's not about me - you do understand how your uncle may interpret it, right?"

"Why do you think he may misread it?"

"Come on Adwait," she retorted frustrated with my clueless behavior.

"You introduce him as a domineering, persistent lecher and tell me that he won't get your subtle message?"

"Even if he didn't get it - you still hope that you set our relationship with him in right frame of context, don't you?"

"Can you please speak clearly?"

"Relax," she said, noticing my agitated state.

"Take a few deep breaths," she urged and, "listen to me carefully."

"Don't masturbate the next two days," she said abruptly. We did discuss about this aspect and she knew that I masturbated, which is tacitly understood in most cases anyway. The frequency was every other day and sometimes daily. Usually, it happened in the night before I went to bed.

"Listen to me; don't do it tonight and tomorrow," she urged.

"Let's talk on the way to his place on Saturday," she said and walked to her bus stop.

Nishma was keen on pushing the envelope as well but she wanted it to be our decision instead of hers or mine. It was apparent that she wanted to make up my mind and felt that it would be easier for me to do if I kept myself on the edge. No doubt it worked. My uncle showed up as the ruthless conqueror in my dream who subjugated all the neighboring kingdoms and not only did he do so in my case but also visited my queen's bedchamber and mated with her as part of a reconciliation ritual. I resisted the urge to masturbate even though I thought I was on the edge already. It was a repeat the next night as well albeit this time I replayed it in my mind consciously again and again.
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A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-09-2019, 08:01 AM
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RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ajay4321234 - 02-12-2019, 09:48 PM

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