Adultery A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya
"With the other three?"

"The last affair started about two years ago and it ended a year ago," she answered.

"The other two were before this?"

"Yes. They began earlier," she answered.

"When did those end?"

"About a year ago," she replied.

That was surprising.

"You had three affairs at the same time?" I blurted. She remained silent; still trying to contain her sobbing. It was apparent that she wasn't happy about it but she didn't wanted to hide it either. As much as I liked her, her honest confession was a bitter pill for me to swallow. In retrospect, it was just my pride that wouldn't allow to accept a defiled woman. However, I knew how aroused I was after I heard her confession. She was having an affair with three men for a period of three years and other two that were due to momentary lapses during this period.

"The first two - they were married. Did they have children?" I asked.

She tried to steady her voice before answering, "Yes, they both had daughters, one of them was a few years younger to me and another was about ten or so at the time it started."

We went over some more details but essentially. The person who took her virginity was almost twenty years elder to her and the second was only a few years younger to him. Her second affair started soon after - within couple of months of the first one. She also admitted that it was fairly active during the early stages - about once a week with each lover but the frequency dropped progressively to as little as once a month.

Without a doubt by the time I headed back from my meeting with her, I already knew that our relationship had reached a dead end. I was surely aroused as hell just realizing the promiscuous lifestyle she lead for almost four years. It seemed that she was not only beautiful but also incredibly hot. My mind couldn't come to terms with simply saying no to her. Rational person as I was, I understood the foremost concern I had was the stigma it carried and what it would mean to be a husband of such a woman. If my parents were to learn it they would have summarily rejected the proposal. I had already met several girls but none appealed to me as much as she did. And even after her confession, I couldn't convince myself to forget about her.

We let things settle. After about 2 or 3 weeks later, our parents surprised both of us by announcing our impromptu engagement. Nishma knew about it a week earlier and apparently tried to reach me but she couldn't. So, there I was with a ring in my hand in front of her and our entire family. Our parents knew each other for several years and hence they didn't feel any need to delay it further. Nishma gave me a nervous smile as I slid the ring on her finger. She did the same equally nervously.

After the festivities were done, when we had a moment of solitude.

Nishma said, "I tried to contact you to warn about this but you weren't traceable."

"Sorry, I was out for a few days," I responded.

"Don't worry," she responded.

"I will figure out something to break it later," she said looking into my eyes, and after a brief pause added, "i.e. if you want it."

"Nishma thank you for your kind consideration," I responded with a little hint of irritation.

"Really. I mean it," she assured.

We tried to ignore each other for the rest of the evening. I definitely was aroused around her as she was unbelievably gorgeous and I just couldn't convince myself that she was capable of the things she shared with me.

Our marriage was slated three months after our engagement. I thought that provided ample time for us to figure out a way to end it. Although, we weren't too keen to meet each other, our families made it a point to arrange dates for us on a regular basis. Strangely, instead of talking about our impending doom, we just spent time with each other. It didn't take long for me to realize that she was indeed a nice person and someone with whom I wouldn't have trouble leading my life. Now, the only question was whether I was willing to swallow my pride. She too liked me very much and it just didn't seem worth looking into her past.

On the other hand, the dark-side of me had gravitated towards her much before. She was gorgeous and my sexual attraction to her was understandable but I knew that it had intensified into an obsession; primarily because of her promiscuous past.
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A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-09-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-09-2019, 08:03 AM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by smartashi84 - 21-09-2019, 11:59 AM
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RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by dilema - 05-11-2019, 09:47 PM
RE: A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya - by Ajay4321234 - 02-12-2019, 09:48 PM

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