Adultery Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted)
It was robert. Dev cud see he was totally drunk.
Robert: its my turn now to dance with the most beautiful woman.
Dev put a hand on his shoulder and said.
Dev: sure man. But are you all right.
Robert: i am totally fine. What happen to me.
After this dev came off the dance floor. Aditi cud also see that robert was totally drunk. So she was also hesitating to dance with him and tried to excuse herself by saying in robert ears.
Aditi: i have to go to washroom.
And she tried to move away from robert. But he grab her by her waist and pulled her towards himself.
Robert; comeon babe whats the hurry just one dance and then go.
Aditi was releived that she had to dance for a couple of minutes. So she also started dancing. Just then the DJ played the track of “ bheege honth tere” though robert cudnt understand the lyrics but when he looked aroun all the couples were in tight embrace and though he cudnt understand the lyrics but music has its own language. He also pulled aditi into a tight embrace and put her hand on her back. She was back again in the simmilar position which she was with dev a few moments ago now robert put his hands on her naked back and started dancing slowly. Aditi was in a very vulnerable position and all the incidents from the pool incident to the incident in the office with samar and how samar and dev had danced with her in the presence of her husband started going thru her mind she was lost in her own thoughts. Now robert first started slowly moving his hands on her back as he saw no resistance from aditis side as she was lost in her own thought process. Seeing no resistance he pulled her more into her and bent his knees a little bit. Now hir erect cock was directly pressing against aditis pussy. But she still dint notice it as she was practically not there as how in couple of weeks she had committed to many sins. She was now feeling lot guilty. Robert on the other hand seeing no resistance whatso ever from aditis side was getting bolder with each passing moment. He slowly started pushing hie erect cock in her pussy and just when roberts penice touched some sensitive part of her she was back into reality. For a momentbahe cudnt fathom the fact that robert was doing this. Robert was hugging her very tightly. Aditi realised the seriousness of the situation and started applying force to get out of his hug. There was a small tussle going on between her and robert she was trying to get out of the hug and he was tightning more his grip. Now tears started rolling down her cheeks. She clearly dint want to be in this position with robert and was now actively trying to push robert away. The lighting was dim so all the persons standing off the dance floor cud not see what was happening on the dance floor. But the dj was placed right above the floor and cud see aditi struggling to get out of the grip of robert he saw them for a couple of seconds and just then robert in the heat of the moment bit on aditis naked shoulder. Dj knew this had gone too far and stopped the music and switch on the lights at this very moment somehow aditi pushed robert away and gave him a tight slapppppppp. Now dj had switched on the lights and stopped the music so every1 in the hall heard the sound of the slap. At this very moment martha after changing had a walked in. So everything happened simultaneously. There was a moment of silence in the hall. Aditi was the first to move and looked around for varun and she saw varun walking towards her. She ran towards him and hugged him and started crying her face was dug into varuns chest and varun was consoling her. Suddenly there was sound of bummmmm... and every1 present in the room heaved a sigh. Aditi looked in the direction of the sound and saw Samar standing there and robert was on the floor and blood was flowing from his nose. Samar had head butted robert on his nose and so the blood. Samar still not satisfied moved towards robert but martha stepped in.
Martha: stop.
Seeing martha samar also cooled down. Now martha saw robert on the floor and saw aditi crying and she knew that robert had misbehaved with aditi. She walked towards aditi and hugged her now aditi again started crying.
Martha: stop crying my poor little darling. Its not your fault. I saw him drinking and feared something might go wrong. I never shud have trusted him. I knew when he starts drinking he is unstoppable. But from his side i appologise to you.
Vaarun: why are you appologising. He has done wrong. He is the one who shud be sorry. I say we shud call the security officer.
Martha: no no no.... no security officer varun i am appologising on his behalf. If you have any respect for me dont involve security officer.
Robert slowly got up from the floor and walked towards aditi.
Robert: i am sorry. I think i got a bit carried away. I was drunk and dont know what i was doing.
Martha: if you were not my sisters husband i myself wud have handed you over to the security officer. Now go and pack your things you are also coming with me.
And robert walked out of the hall. Now martha hugged varun.
Martha: come here. You are like my son. Thankyou so much you respected me and kept thebsecurity officer away from this incident.
As both of them were hugging aditi looked towards sammar and shaked her head vertically as if to say thanks for what he did samar also responded in the same manner.
Martha: are you fine now aditi. Forgive him as he was drunk.
Aditi: dont worry. I already forgave him.
Martha again hugged her for a couple of moments and then said
Martha: ok now lets move towards the hotle lobby.
And all of them were at the hotle lobby waiting for robert to arrive and he arrived and for most part was looking down avoiding eye contact with everybody. As soon as varun saw him he was filled with rage his eyes turned red. Martha saw this.
Martha: varun will you not drop me to the airport.
Her intention was to pacify him enroute to the airport. He looked towards aditi whose cheeks have turned red due to crying.
Aditi: dont worry about me you go. I will go back to my room.
Now dev varun martha and robert boarded the van waiting outside the hotle lobby and left. Aditi and samar were left in the lobby.
Samar: comeon i will leave you to your room.
Aditi: it is ok. I will manage.
Samar: are you sure.
Aditi: yeah!! Dont worry and thanks for what you did inside.
Samar: if it wasnt for martha i wud have killed him.
Aditi dint answer back and just moved towards the lift. All the while samar was watchin her from the back. Her hips looked so enticing when she walked. They swayed in such a rythm. After she left samar went towards the bar to have a drink.

In the van.
Martha: listen varun. Robert is not a bad guy. His only problem is when he drinks he cannot control himself. We were here for 2 days did you find his behaviour weird at any point of time except for today. And now after we get back i am gonna make sure that he never drinks ever.
Robert who was back to his senses after the whole incident held varuns feet.
Robert: i am sorry man. I am not like this. Its the whisky that puts me in trouble.
Varun held roberts hand and said.
Varun: its ok. You should say sorry to martha. You embarassed her.
Robert looked towards martha and hugged her and started crying. After a while there was total silence in the van. After about 20 minutes varun said.
Varun: why is it taking so long to reach the airport. When we came from the airport it was a 15 minutes drive.
Driver: well sir i have taken a long route as some nigerians have blockedbthe main route towards the airport.
After about an hour they reached the airport. Dev and martha went towards the ticket counter to change roberts ticket. Robert and varun were now standing alone. Varun dint want to talk to robert so he was maintaining silence.
Robert: i already have appologised. Are you still angry.
Varun dint reply back.
Robert: well i have a problem. When i drink i cant stop and whatever happened back in the hotle i dont even remeber. But one thing i remember for sure.
There was a smirk on his face. Then there was a pause. Varun was now curious.
Varun: what....what do you remeber.
Robert: well the first night we came to india. After the dinner i wanted to have a few more drinks so i went towards samars room. Just about i was to enter i heard samar and dev talking.
And he stopped
Varun: what were they talking about
Varun was now very curious.
Robert: i dont exactly remeber but they were saying something like this” even a peon in our office wud know why we have brought aditi here”
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RE: Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted) - by manasi - 11-01-2019, 10:06 AM

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