Adultery Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted)
As dev left aditi in a bit of angered tone.

Aditi: what was that all about conservative stuff. U know ur mother has been wrking all her life even ur sister is working in a bank.

Varun was a bit embarrassed and dint know what to say.

Aditi: can i know whats going on in ur mind.

Varun: listen i have heard some stuff.

Aditi: what stuff.

Varun: this guy dev he isnt intrested in giving you a job. I think....i think

Aditi: u think what....

Varun: well i have heard this guy is a sexual predator and he has bedded many married woman before and i think that he wants you to get in his bed.

Aditi was shocked..

Aditi: i cant beleive u said that. He may be some sexual predator which he by the way dosent look like and looks fairly decent. But so what that means u dont trust ur own wife. U dont trust that i can handle myself in front of men like him. Gawd.... i thought u were different. But all men are the same.

Saying this he went to her room and bolted the door.
Varun was left with himself and he sat on the sofa realising that he has made a mistake. He shudnt have said those things rather shud have said something else to stop her from taking the job offer. He was engrossed in his thoughts and did not realise when he went to sleep. By the time he woke up. He realised it was 5 pm and he hasnt eaten all day he looked towards the door of the room. It was open. He checked in the room aditi wasnt there then he checked the kitchen she wasnt there. Then he saw on the table aditi had laid some lunch for him. It was cold but he was hungry and ate all of it. Suddenly aditi entered from the main door. He reluctantlyasked

Varun: where were you.

Aditi: i was at payals house.

Varun: come here.

As aditi walked towards him he hughed her and said

Varun: listen i am sorry. This is a small town and people here are really narrow minded and i think i got infuenced by that some narrow mindedness. You can take that offer and no need to go for a week. U can join the company officially.

Hearing this aditi was filled with emotions and started crying. Varun held his head

Varun: my poor baby. Why do u always start crying on small things. I luv u and they hugged each other again.

Varun: by the way do u know what dev industry manufactures.
Aditi: yeah i know. I made their invoices remember..
And while hugging they both started laughing
Well if you are wondering what dev industry manufactures. They make under garments and speciallise in womans innerwear....................
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RE: Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted) - by manasi - 11-01-2019, 09:45 AM

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