Adultery Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted)
chapter 7
And as she turned back to walk towards the gate. I was shell shocked. Now i understood why peon ramesh was contnously staring at her back. It was a backless blouse and she was exposing almost her entire back which by the way was looking flawless and was glowing a little bit i was sure she must have applied some cream on her back and hands. As dev and aditi walked towards the gate i saw dev was delibrately not walking with her but walking a few steps behind so that he could see her back from close quarters. And soon both exited the gate. Something struck me. What have i done. Was i not aware about devs reputation of being a womaniser. How could i allow him to go with my wife although i knew payal was also with them and dev wud not try anything stupid in front of payal. I was lost deep in my thoughts. Suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder
Rahul: dude.... whatever transpired here one thing i am sure the girl in the saree was ur wife as i saw she was holding a tiffin for u and she met dev for the first time and why the fuck did they left together. By the way man i am your friend but i have to say this i havent seen a hotter woman my entire life. But dude why did she leave with dev...
Varun: hey calm down..
And i told her exactly why my wife left with mr dev.
Rahul: whatever man dude... with a beauty like that u got to keep it as far as possible from a beast like dev.
His words kept ringing in my ears and i was lost in my thoughts wether dev wud try anything with my wife and i dint even realise when it was 5 pm. I closed my computer and rushed towards home. To my horror it was locked. I thought may be she is with payal upstairs and rushed towards payals flat. It was also closed now i started panicking. I tried to call aditi but her phone was switched off. I collapsed on the floor...i tried her phone 6 or 7 times but still the same result. Some how i got up and opened the house with a spare key. I entered and threw my briefcase and thought how could this happen to me. I started wondering what happened after they left wether they made it to kitty or dev pulled some trick and took them somewhere else. How could aditi agree to all this. Weird thoughts started coming to my mind. I felt really sick in my stomach. 3 hours had passed and her phone was still switch off. I was sitting on the sofa staring at the wall and lost in my thoughts. Suddenly the door opened and i saw payal entring first and behind her was aditi......
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RE: Aditi beautiful wife deceived by punjabi1slut (uncompleted) - by manasi - 11-01-2019, 09:37 AM

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