Indian wife turned into Slave (copied)
Tears stained my once proud face. I had a resigned and defeated look in my eyes. It was clear that Tabassum had dominated me in every sense of the word.

Now, with me flat on my back, Tabassum started intertwining her legs with mine.

"Ooh, she was going to gbangvine me. I apparently could sense what was coming, so I started pleading once more, "Please, Tabassum, please don't. You've punished me enough."

Tabassum's face darkened, "What did you just call me, slave?"

My face flushed as she realized my mistake and she started frantically babbling, "I'm sorry Mistress, I'm so sorry, Mistress Tabassum. Please, just don't hurt me anymore, Mistress! God, pretty please with sugar on top. Whatever you want, Mistress! I'm begging you!"

"Yes, I can see that. And your begging is quite pathetic, embarrassing really, we will have to work on that. I'm sure I can find some fun ways to make you beg, don't you think?"

I was in no position to disagree with anything Tabassum was saying at this point, "Yes, Mistress, I promise I will learn to beg better." It was hard to argue with that statement given how in the span of about half an hour I had been reduced to groveling for her mercy.

Tabassum stretched out her legs; I could see her powerful butt muscles tense through her tiny spandex shorts, her mighty thighs rippling with power.

My nude legs, dwarfed by Tabassum's, were stretched apart almost to the breaking point as I was put shamelessly on display, my legs wide open and my vagina plainly visible to all who wanted to look although there was only me and my mistress.

I screamed in pain and the begging resumed once more. This time Tabassum said nothing though, and just stared steely eyed down at me. After about a minute, my whining and begging stopped, I clearly didn't know what to do to try and appease this girl that was taking me apart.

I just lay there, clearly in excruciating pain, with tears streaming down my bright red cheeks.

Finally Tabassum, in a voice that brooked no disobedience simply said, "Do you want to surrender?"

"Yes, Mistress, please, I surrender."

"Beg me to allow you to submit!"

"Please, Mistress! You've beaten me. You're better than me, please, just stop, it hurts so much, please, please, I'll do anything. Please let me submit!"

"Are you my bitch?"


"Say it!"

There was absolutely no hesitation on my part as I screamed out, "I Debashrita am Mistress Tabassum's bitch! I am your slave."

Tabassum triumphantly pumped her legs once more causing another yelp of pain on my part, then she slowly disentangled her body from mine and stood up. As soon as Tabassum released me, my hands shot down to my painfully stretched out groin muscles as I desperately tried to cover myself up and relieve my pain.

"On your knees" came the order from Tabassum. I seriously wondered if I even had the strength to comply with that command at this point, but I managed to slowly work my way up to my knees, even though it was clear that my upper thighs and crotch area had been seriously damaged by Tabassum's vicious gbangvine hold. Tabassum grabbed me by the hair, "On all fours, bitch."

Again, there was no hesitation at all by me as I quickly put my hands on the ground and dropped to all fours. Naked and sniveling I looked every bit like Tabassum's bitch. The contrast between us was stunning.

Tabassum stood smirking, tall and proud, her double d breasts jutting out prominently in her now damp baby pink sports bra. Her muscular legs looked incredible in her skimpy gray spandex bottoms. A light sheen of sweat coated her body, but it was obvious that she hadn't exerted herself too hard.

One hand tightly gripped my hair, forcing my head back at a painful angle so that I would have to look into my conqueror's eyes. With her other arm Tabassum flexed her bicep in another impressive show of strength.

I, on the other hand, looked like I had been put through the ringer. I gazed up at the girl that had dominated me with a fearful look on my face. Tears continued to pour down my cheeks and my bedraggled hair was a mess. My once lithe and supple body looked somehow weak now.

My legs were spread out a little bit as I knelt on all fours in what I could only assume was an attempt to relieve some of the pain from Tabassum's brutal gbangvine. In short, I was the picture of a girl that had been completely and utterly subjugated in every sense of the word.

Tabassum pointed in the direction of the panties which she had forced me to remove earlier, "Fetch, bitch" she whispered in my ear. I was completely resigned to my fate at this point. Tabassum released her death-grip on my hair, and I slowly crawled over towards my discarded underwear.

I reached for the panties with my hand, but Tabassum had other ideas. "No, no, honey, I said 'fetch', no hands, do it like the bitch that you are." It was proof of how terrified I was of this beautiful young black girl that I merely sighed and lowered my head to the ground, picking up my own dirty panties with my mouth.

"Now bring them to mistress." I hustled back on all fours as fast as my injured legs could carry me with the panties in my mouth. Tabassum plucked them out of my mouth, "I'm going to keep these as a souvenir of our little fight, if you can even call it that. Do you have any objections to that?"

"No, Mistress," I practically sobbed.

"Good girl, I didn't think there'd be a problem.

You're naked and groveling at my feet, such a wonderful sight.

Kiss me right here," Tabassum pointed at her crotch, "just so that we're absolutely clear on who is in charge here." I thought all doubt on that question had long since been erased, but I bobbed my head and gave Tabassum a quick peck on her spandex shorts.

"No, baby, louder, so we can hear it." Again I immediately put my head back in Tabassum's crotch and this time both of us could hear the loud smack of my lips that signified my obedience.

"Good girl," murmured Tabassum, and she held my head, lips pressed up against her vagina, against her crotch for another few seconds, just to assert her total dominance. Satisfied, she jerked my head back and threw me to the ground. Then she brought her phone to pictures of me. She made me do quite a few humiliating poses and took plenty of pictures.

"Now go take your shower and remember to wear the clothes I gave you."

Sobbing I went to the washroom and stood below the running shower thinking to myself that I had been utterly and completely defeated, shamed. I had been forced to remove my panties and put my vagina on display just for the pleasure of this girl who once used to be maid.

She was clearly enjoying the reversal in our roles. If that wasn't bad now I have to wear her used, dirty bra and panty completely damp, smelling of her pussy.

I turned the shower off and with much reluctance and tears in my eyes I put on her bra. Then I put on her panty. The dampness of the panty sent a shiver throughout my body as it came in contact with my pussy. The smell of her pussy was disgusting but her dirty bra and panty were the only piece of clothing on my body now.

As I came out I saw the big smile on her face as she saw me in her garments.

"They look so good on you Deba. It was the perfect decision to make you wear them."

I lower my head and drop to my knees and in a defeated tone say, "slave Debashrita at your service mistress Tabassum. What can I do for you?"
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RE: Indian wife turned into Slave (copied) - by hirarandi - 29-08-2019, 09:58 AM

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