Misc. Erotica The Hunt - (A Wife's Adultery Love Story)

" Let me drive you a little further" Mahesh insists.
" No. We don't want to be seen together too close to your boss's complex.Maids do not ride cars to reach their job." Shilpa argues.

Mahesh stops the car " Just be careful" he is looking at the roadside shops along the pavements on each other side of the road. His wife is like the celestial peach for these lower class shop owners.Most of the shops are closed at this hour ,only two are open on the side Mahesh parked their car.

Shilpa gets out and knocks on the window to let know Mahesh to lower the glass standing on pavement.
Shilpa bends down resting her hands on the window shield and the slippery pallu drops from her shoulder exposing ample amount of cleavage " Wish me luck honey!!"
Mahesh doesn't know how to control the situation so many variables which one should have his priority the one that his wife not using a clip to hold the saree on her shoulder?  Should he express his amazement at that? Or should he be get lost at the sight of incredible cleavage of his  wife or is it the valley of her overly exposed captivating belly that must get his undivided attention? Or may be the cave of the valley,her deep navel  which holds more mystery than Bermuda triangle. Mahesh wondered many  times if that should be hailed as the modern  wonder of the world or not. 

But that is not all,there are external forces at work too. What about that truck driver who is delivering his daily milk supply memorizing his wife's midriff like it's a map from behind?He certainly looks like he wanna quit his job and pursue his carrier as treasure hunter following his wife's map.The truck driver is not alone he is joined by the shop owner as well,he seems like eager  to fund the expedition of the truck driver.
Or that butcher  sitting in his chop shop  who's teenage son just hanged a fresh meat .The Butcher has killed an animal but  with all his might he does not know how to protect his son's innocence which is  getting slaughtered from looking at Shilpa's harmless  body. Hell! he can't protect even himself, Mahesh  can read his  eyes which are  full of jealousy cause of   the way his wife's protruding ass has taken shape .Mahesh can bet the butcher's wife does not posses a peach shaped ass like his own wife. 
Or is it that couple? Who are out for morning walk but the male is getting more exercise of his eyes watching Shilpa's bewitching hour glass figure than his slowed down legs are getting . That  isn't making his  female companion very happy. It seems to Mahesh  his wife's curves are holding the world at a standstill,stalling the progress.

" Hello Mahesh? Hey Mahesh?" Shilpa's repeated calls finally gets Mahesh's attention.
" Your pallu has dropped." Mahesh looked at her uncovered blouse with guilt filled eyes like it's his fault  that it's bared.
Shilpa pull it up smiling, then again adjust her posture bending down resting her hands on window shield " And it's gonna fall repeatedly as long as I am with your bully boss"
Mahesh's throat dried up " lucky chap and all these people watching you right now."
Shilpa laughs and the pallu slide down again " You are so jealous. I like you when you are jealous. When you are jealous you want something to prove to me." 

Mahesh urges " You should use a pin to hold your saree on your shoulder until you reach the penthouse . You are embarrassing me right now."
Shilpa shows no mercy " Feel it. Get used to it. You never gonna watch a live show of your bully boss ogling me while I look like this. That's when I get embarrassed using my body as a bait to clean my husband's mess. Nobody is there to console me then. So get embarrassed now,habituate yourself with the idea that your wife is playing a role of seductress not the role of pious wife. Don't ruin my mood again in the morning. "
Shilpa still doesn't pick up her pallu.
Mahesh" I am sorry honey. I shouldn't have said that. Now please hide yourself"

"Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on 
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone 
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp 
Demolition woman, can I be your man?…"
A young boy at his very early 20's  with large head phones spin around Shilpa singing that lyrics watching shilpa shamelessly then  leaves her continuing his jogging.
" That Punk. That hip hop punk. You see? Let your pallu up now. You are not dressed to seduce unpatriotic western culture loving punk or these slumdogs in the streets"
Shilpa looking at the  young guy staying in the same posture but tilting her head sideways , she is quiet pleased which reflects on her smile to him, he winks at her, Shilpa giggle barely listening to Mahesh's complaining.

She teases Mahesh " It's not hip-hop,it was classic rock.If my looks can't seduce city punks and slum dwellers  alike how am I gonna make your crazy rich, handsome Bully boss fall for me? Consider this a confidence booster for me.Besides I told you I Am gonna enjoy my work from now on." 
Mahesh " Yes by watching my bully's body. Not like this in the streets. "
Shilpa bites her lips" So you admit that I can  watch your bully's Greek godlike body.? "
Mahesh is getting impatient now" Don't start again with that please. Yes I can have my  peace with that. But not this, I can't let myself see you like this in public. Happy now ?!Would you please pick up your saree and hide yourself? "

Shilpa still doesn't pick up" And what about me getting wet in return looking at your bully boss. Are you gonna complain about that too? " 
Mahesh doesn't feel this much embarrassment even when Asish makes fun of him in office, this is his darling wife bending over the car  window on a street, pinning down  lustful males  eyes on herself very successfully while asking his permission to get wet watching his archenemy's body. 
Mahesh breaks down " Yes. I promise I will not get angry about that anymore. I will not whine about it. You are right you should have little fun too, it's just watching only. Please cover yourself." 
Shilpa looks pleased now and cover herself up " Wish me luck." 
Mahesh finally gets what he requested" Good luck on your mission. "
But Shilpa isn't finish with tormenting Mahesh" Not that. Wish me luck on getting wet watching your bully boss's body" she is still pissed that he didn't make her cum last night. 
Mahesh's face turn red. 
" Wish me luck or I am gonna drop my pallu again" Shilpa threats holding her saree, ready to drop if he refuses. 
Mahesh looks from the corner of his eye the guy brooming the garbage in front of his cigarette stall seems to be waiting for that to happen, he didn't dare to look further who else is waiting to capitalize  on his misfortune. He can feel in his gut that Shilpa's threat isn't empty, he painfully wishes his own wife " Good luck on getting wet watching my bully's body." 
Shilpa throws a flying kiss from her pink petal" Thank you. Muahhhh" 

Saying that Shilpa walks away swaying her royal ass globes putting a spell on every eyes there and probably beyond, carrying the charm as she goes.
 For first time Mahesh couldn't enjoy the gyration of his wife's plump ass.
 This world can never be a communist world, he can't share that hot piece of ass with anybody ,it's a flawed theory from the very beginning. 

That was fun teasing Mahesh, Shilpa got a silly smile all over her face. She tried her level best to act smart in front of Mahesh while getting other's attention on her, there were not much people on the street, it is just 4:35 am and that is why it  is awkward about how she looks, because it's morning not evening or night,Funny how dress choices changes by a big ball of fire in the sky. But now that she has accomplished successfully making Mahesh miserable now she feels very self conscious cause her next target is not easy, he is not like these eager street guys. She doesn't know what will be his reaction. 
The guard let Shilpa inside the complex. 
Just beside the gate there is a security room with a window, behind it's walls there are  two  security guys  sitting and one is lying flat  on bench . Shilpa knows the sleeping one, he probably had the night duty,that one's name is  Javed or something like that, he received her twice before. The guard 1.  Who is  closer to the window asks "Name Please? " 
" Shilpa dixit for apartment 71" Shilpa informs.
The guard looks at her appearance, he seems impressed but not very enthusiastic about it, they are used to seeing women in sensual dresses Shilpa assumes. 
" Purpose of visit?" The guard no 1.  asks writing her name. 
" I am a maid working for Mr. Asish....Maid service" Shilpa states her business. 
Now the guard  gives her a very curious look and this time he is interested. As she works as a maid, she belongs to his class now. 
Shilpa looks away as the guard let his eyes lingers on her curves " Mam could you please check the spelling of your name?" the guard's voice is very condescending,he is calling herself as Mam but does not really putting value in it.
Shilpa reluctantly has to tilt her body to look at the entry book which is in  the window, as usual her pallu slips. 

" Yes it is" Shilpa informs managing her pallu  but she felt the guard was not listening intently ,his eyes are fixated on her cleavage. 
" Yes those are very correct. Both are perfect." guard no1. Remarks watching Shilpa's milky melons over the tight deep neck blouse.
Shilpa pulls up her pallu, embarrassed and irritated by this lecherous guard, she loves to tease but doesn't like when get approached by working class guys with the intention of flirting with her.She is out of their league, period. 
So She sarcastically says" Both are correct huh?! You got some nerves" she found the double meaning in the guard's remark and best way to put an end to such audacity by killing it at it's crib in Shilpa's experience. 
The guard no 1. smiles " Yes. The name and the surname." 
Cunning bastard. Shilpa doesn't bother to  get back to this lecher. 

"Another thing. Do you like to add ' Mrs.' before your name? You are married right?" The guard prods her unnecessarily. 
That really sounded preposterous to Shilpa " Can't you notice this. ?" pointing at her glowing Sindur.

" I noticed  you are married but not from looking there, I was looking at your mangalsutra.First I thought it's an ornament now that I see your sindur ,I understand it's just not a common jewelry . I am asking Do you prefer to add 'Mrs' or not? " The guard says pointing at her mangalsutra which is resting above the junction of her cleavage. 
Shilpa quips" Sure you were looking at it.I don't write Mrs. before my name. "

The guard no 1. smiles" Wise choice. It doesn't suit you" with a pause " It doesn't suit your name." 
Shilpa " Are you satisfied now? I have to get going." 
The guard no 1. " Watching you going to your boss will satisfy me a lot. We here really like to take care of our residents." 
*Son of a bitch. He wants to check my ass and he is asking me to perform. *
She doesn't bother to answer him anymore and walks very slowly trying not to let him enjoy the wobbling of her ass much but Shilpa's body is the epitome of sex symbol, she knows no matter  how slowly she walks her protruding ass is entertaining him anyway. 

 As She walks away slowly she  overhears  the conversation of those two guards inside. 
" A maid she says. Huh!!! Look at that big ass and that slender waist. What kinda maid looks  like a sex-bomb?" Guard no. 1
"Which Apartment she said?" Javed. 
" 71. Javed Sir. " Guard no 1.
" Go back to sleep man, you must be exhausted." Guard no. 2.
" Anything can happen when it comes to 51."Javed
"What do you mean javed Sir?" Guard no 1.
" Forget what I said. I didn't mean it. I am very sleepy."  Javed

" You are hiding something.Hey Sir . Javed" The guard  1 yells
" Forget it he went back to sleeping." Guard no. 2. 

Shilpa also didn't pay much more heed to these nonsense. 
Soon she enters the building  and wait for the lift. 
Guard no. 2 " Lets check her out in the lift footage". 
Shilpa enters the lift, it is decorated with mirrors on all three sides and the roof. 
She wants to look perfectly appealing when Asish sees her for first time today.She feels  strange knot of excitement in her belly. 
Shilpa minutely go through the details and adjust her cups to expose a slightly less cleavage, she doesn't want to give him a slutty vibe.The saree is way below her navel she feels for second day visit so she pulls it up two  inches. Her encounter with the guards somehow made her less bold.

Guard 2." You were wrong buddy. This lady is nice. She is covering her body up. I think you scared her to expose that much." 

Then she turns around and run her both hands on her ass, she is not wearing a traditional petticoat today, she chose to wear a shapewear because of it's mermaid shape she can perfectly depicts her heart shaped heavy ass, also the side slit of the shapewear helps her to walk smoothly.She smiles *no wonder that guard wanted a show, who wouldn't? But I am the mistress of my density and owner of my fate. I am the queen of my body, I show off when I want to show off, I don't flaunt my body on anybody's request* 

Guard 1. "Fuck off.  Look at that naughty smile, I knew she was walking slowly purposefully denying me to watch it's wobbling. Man this bitch plays with a man's innocent mind.A maid!!! my foot,she is clearly dolled up for the man in apartment 71." 
Guard 2. " Then why did she hide her cleavage? and pulls up her saree to cover up her delicious flat belly? "
Guard 1."Man you don't understand. She will eat a naive guy like you alive. Did she pushed her entire cleavage inside? No.Look she may be revealing much but still enough to bewitch a man. Did she covered her navel? No. She is gonna tease the poor man for more. She is a tease. Probably doing it for money, she is gonna bankrupt that man. " 
Guard 2" Who cares. These rich people thinks way way above our pay grade. "
Javed was listening all along" Yes they do.Now both of you shut the fuck up and bring my tea and biscuit"
Both of the other guards " Yes. Sir." Javed is the  head   security guard there and working since the time of the construction of this complex. 
After they leave Javed watches Shilpa on another monitor where she is in front of Asish's Penthouse and sighs " You still do not understand. Do you silly girl?" 

Shilpa is ringing the bail for past 5 minutes but Asish doesn't answer.,probably sleeping.
 **so much for calling himself a professional and leader huh!!** Shilpa thinks. 
After another 5 minutes Shilpa hears the unlocking sound of the door but Asish does not pull the door inside. Shilpa waits for a few seconds.
Shilpa push the door herself to open it, Asish went inside already * How rude and ungentlemanly * Shilpa thinks. 

 While walking through the narrow corridor which connects the doorway to the lounge Shilpa shouts " Did I wake you?. 
No answer came till she  reaches the end of that passage putting her  mobile in her handbag  ." I said Did i........Oh Crap!!!!" Shilpa drops her Unchained handbag abruptly which made a mechanical breaking sound letting her several shades of lipstick , nail polish, eyeliner, keys,perfumes, hidden recording camera, coins, birth control pills, tampon box, nail cutter, small water bottle and plethora of other things  and  finally her phone plummet on the tiles rolling several times then takes a long  dive to reach Asish's feet. 

The reason he didn't reply her, he is drinking water after workout. 
But that doesn't make Shilpa to curse and drop her things on the floor. It was the way he was drinking it. 
Just wearing a easy fitting trouser with a towel around his neck  Asish is standing in front of a water-purifier holding a water bottle above his face letting the water freely fall inside his open mouth without putting any resistance with his long slick fingers that is causing the falling water to overflow from  his lips crossing the culvert of his chin then with the help of his lurching larynx of this  throat the water rolls down further splashing all over his broad chest which is pumping fast due to extensive workout,from there the waters venture far south  to the 'Sex lines', the  abdominal V over which every woman lust aka his prominent six packs one of the hardest areas to sculpt ,forming dew on it's cringes and  Shilpa's eyes fixed on that that  V-line  which is  created where two muscles meet: the lower abs and obliques.

" Oh I am so sorry" Shilpa recollect herself after a few seconds and crouch on the floor to collect the belongings of her bag repeatedly apologizing to Asish who doesn't show much enthusiasm to finish his drinking faster neither he moves an inch, it's just like he was reminiscing the other day that how much women become prone to accident in front of him hence it is just another deja vu for him. He just watches Shilpa's mobile lying on his feet with the corner of his eyes. 
* Shit shit where is the camera? Oh there under the table** She picks it up first,everything else can wait. 
* What the hell Shilpa?!! Now he is gonna fire your pretty ass. Just watch. You have ruined everything. He is a sadistic monster who torments my husband for his whims.Do you think he is gonna spare you for your negligence? Get yourself together girl* Shilpa scolds herself  while apolosizing to Asish " I am genuinely sorry Sir. It will take a second only to clear the floor". She is a nervous wreck train now. 
Asish is done with drinking, for next few minutes he watches the gorgeous  beauty in front of him crawling in his lavish drawing room on her hands and knees, bending and twisting her slender body in every human way possible going under the sofas and tables there, letting him watch her ample amount of cleavage popping from her palluless deep-neck blouse whenever she is crawling facing him, or  the contour of her flat belly and the deep navel from side ways  as she search for something somewhere and when she is turning around facing her back to him to look  underneath the  furniture lowering her upper torso pushing her bubble butt  upwards, oscillating her  round ass globes as she struggles to retrieve some of her make up tools, constantly apologizing to him. 
**If she wasn't my maid, I would have fucked the living shit out of her while her head is still under that chair** Asish says to himself enjoying the show. 
The fact she is married and proudly expressing that with the vermilion on her head, pink dot on her forehead, the  sound of her bangles and anklets, the glittering of her toe rings and those damn matching pearls is making his cock throb .

When the dazzling belle  in front of him done with collecting her make up toys and personals under every furniture, the enchantress honor the path in front of her by gazing upon it with her big brown  eyes gleamed by   black eyeliner mixed with silver glitter and lets out a sigh seeing another series of objects lying from where she is to Asish's feet. 

Shilpa sets her pallu and crawls to pick up the lipstick in front of her. Her pallu fails her once again, she realizes there is no point to struggle with it. She starts her embarrassing crawling picking each object on her way, putting those in her bag all in while completely aware Asish's eyes never leaving her body, he is enjoying her vulnerability. 
Asish watches the torment in his maid's face as she picks up the things hurriedly upsetting her proud snow white hills every time she moves, the serpentine movement her back -riff is developing every time she crawls visually becomes tantalizing to watch , the vacillation of her wide peach shaped ass globes is catatonic for men who isn't used to witnessing such wonder. Her alluring assests  doesn't cease  to perform such sweet gesticulations until she stops a few feet away from his feet, Asish can watch how tightly her blouse is gripping her smooth skin, how generous and voluminous her ass is, how red her sindur is glowing, how low her sacred mangalsutra is hanging,how sparkly the pinkish and white pearl necklace she is wearing. 

Shilpa expects Asish to pick up her phone atleast, he can't be such a jerk, right? but the hard muscles of Asish's body doesn't move an inch. She looks up at him and he is looking down at her **god he is hot ** and  shilpa can tell he deliberately wants her to crawl to his feet to pick up his phone. This is so humiliating. **This is more than house owner maid stuff,this bastard has some deep seeded taboo regarding power control.** shilpa laments.
She again resumes her journey until she reaches his feet, the moment she expands her hand to grab her phone with a  nimble move  Asish picks it up forcing shilpa to look up resting her soft wide ass globes on her heels while her laboured boobs heaves on her chest under the deep neck blouse deserted by her pallu which  is resting her lap. 
As she looks up first thing she notices his trouser bulge, she can't determine how thick he is, the trouser is designed that way but she can notice where the end of his cocktip ended. 
* *It cannot be true right. He can't be that large. No man can be that big. I mean whose cock reaches their thigh.Is he hard? Is that a hard cockhead in front of her? He was watching me the entire time. My eyes must be deceiving me. It must be formed by some sort of distortion of his clothes**Confused Shilpa forgets  to pull up her pallu while she dwells over the fact is she just witnessing a hard cockhead or a clothe cringe?She wants to check it for thousands reasons she doesn't want to think about,among those  abolishing the confusion whether it is real thing or not seems to her a legitimate reason to start. 
" One plus 7? You got a very expensive phone for a maid. You got a boyfriend besides you husband to buy you this?" He hands  over the phone to Shilpa who is dumb-folded how to explain being in  possession of an expensive phone.
 " The reason I did not open the door at first cause you were 10 minutes early today.5:00 am means 5:00 am.By the way you have  proved yourself qualified as a maid the way you searched every corner of my drawing room for your belongings.Either that or you are a materialistic woman greedy for earthly belongings . I don't mind though.It's materialistic world. " He speaks walking away from her to grab his t shirt while rubbing off the sweat and water from his body with the towel he had around his neck. 
* I am materialistic ? look around you you hedonist dickhead ,you have drowned yourself in earthly possessions.Talks like a saint spends thinks like a 
buourgeoisie ,behaves like a uppity snob.But with all his thousand flaws does not his body drool worthy?!!*shilpa's dreamy eyes follows him.

Shilpa rises up from ground and the for the 100 th time today she put the pallu over her shoulder, her pallu might be laughing at her now she imagines,she was so confident when she was teasing Mahesh and probably raising every cock in the streets as she was bending over their car's window without her pallu but why  she is acting so nervous right now infront of just One man? That is the burning question that will keep her awake at night  lying beside her husband tonight also thinking about other inappropriate things regarding Asish's body of course, god the role of a seductress isn't what she thought, its getting harder and hotter every time she visits this expensive penthouse. 

" I am very sorry for the accident. I didn't mean it to happen." Shilpa genuinely apologizes she doesn't want to get fired for her clumsiness, she is on a mission on which her husband's job depends upon and her future too. If she finishes this mission successfully she could live in a mansion like with the help of  the promotions this sexy hunk is gonna get for him. he is right- it is a materialistic world and she is a materialistic girl. 

" Thank me with my breakfast." Asish says. 
*Damn it she has ruined it. All this dolling up is for nothing. One misstep and she has ruined it. He is now sending me back to the kitchen. *
Shilpa " Yes Sir." 
Shilpa enters the kitchen getting passed Asish who has now covered his bare body. 

Shilpa rushes and opens the refrigerator .She needs something cold to drink,his body has put hers on flame.She wants to get naked and bend over this kitchen counter,spreading her ass cheeks ,silently waiting for him to ravish her in whichever way he likes.She just don't wanna look at his face when he will defile her body,she can't look at his husband's enemy's face while he colludes her husband's treasure.
She keeps day dreaming just like yesterday while drinking the water letting the coldness of the fridge soothes her heated up body.At this point she is thinking about his cock ,now she has manages to make believe herself that she has seen Asish's cock and that's when she notices a 5-6  inch cucumber
.She keeps thinking how about a quickie?! If she gets herself off from this heat she can concentrate on her mission more,lack of orgasm in past few weeks has made her defenseless against Asish's raw masculine beauty.
Why not?it would not take much time,he has done half of the work already.
She does not closes the refrigerator's door ,it will hide her body from incoming person .She takes that cold cucumber out than rests her body against the kitchen counter behind  and in front of her is the refrigerator's door ,she pulls up her chiffon saree and shapewear upto her waist.Then she slide her panty in one side spreading her legs,with other hand she push the cucumber with ease inside her sloppy slit,oh fuck it's so cold,She looks down below she is dripping already,her pussy lips swollen ,clit erect .She does not waste further time ,she lets the cold cucumber to saw her oozing cunt ,putting a hand on her mouth.Her pussy is working as an oven for the ongoing cold cucumber which is numbing the sensation inside of her pussy,shit fucking with this  super cold cucumber  was a shit idea,she needs to rely on speed rather than sensation now, to ignite her vaginal tissues .She starts to fuck her own cunt thinking about another man's body ,imagining that's another man's cock  instead of a cucumber as she starts to clench around that vegetable.She can't control her pleasure moans anymore on her hand,she whimpers as she brings herself closer to orgasm.

**that's it release me from this shackles of lust for another man and I would never fantasize bout his cock inside of me again.just this once.**Shilpa swears .

'what are you doing?" Shilpa hears Asish's approaching voice before he enters the kitchen and she quickly let her saree and shapewear fall down but the shapewear isn't loose,it's a clingy attire .

' Have you found the ingredients yet?' Asish asks there is just the barrier of fridge which is barring eyes to see how shilpa is adjusting her shapewear while trembling at the verge of an orgasm ,filled with ecstasy .**oh god not again,i was so close*

"hello? are you even in this world?" Asish smirks.

" OH sorry !!.what do i have to make?"Shilpa is done with adjusting her dress
Asish comes closer and closes the fridge door 
"There .what does it say?you are a literate woman aren't you?" Asish mocks her
shilpa reads the following :-
'Breakfast item for today

Written on the note on the refrigerator. 
* What the hell is that? Can't he eat something more indian thing? * 
Shilpa's  face is flushed with desire due to her failed attempt of achieving orgasm and her mood is now that of a sexually  unsatisfied woman" I don't know how to make  Cold lamb sandwich thingy!!!." 

' Ok chill!no need to get crancky.Come with me" Asish walks slowly  infront of her she always has to follow him.
the moment her left foot follows her right she makes a moan "ahhhh" and her eyes go wide in horror.
" What is it now?"Asish asks looking super annoyed.
holyshit!!she has left most of the cucumber inside her pussy,rest of it touching her inner thighs.
Shilps bites her lips as she attempts to walk,each step is a pleasure step,but as the stimulation is not very fast it just keeping her aroused not letting her reach the climax.

" Go lift that 20 kg dumble then over there." Asish points the gym area. 

**He is so strong can he lift me and fuck me up in air?I could be his human gyming equipment*** shilpa fantasizes then and there creaming around that cucumber,oh god she is so aroused,she can't think straight, everything is all about sex. 

" I can't. It's too heavy" Shilpa pouts. 
*** he is crazy like Mahesh always claims. He eats crazy things. He asking  me to do crazy weight lifting. ***

" And I can't make my own breakfast when I have a maid" Asish talks back. 

***Recruit me as your slut then *** she were about to touch her pussy thinking that inside her mind.

" I can clean your house though." Shilpa says reluctantly, thats the last thing she want to do but atleast the cucumber will keep her fucking while she looks at him. 
" Have a seat. You are not dressed for cleaning the house. You are looking too pretty." Asish says checking her up. 

Shilpa smiles  " Thank you. So what should I do?" then she sits making a whimper ,as the cucumber expands her pussy tunnel in sitting position.
Asish pampers her " You can keep me company.It would be a crime to let you do other job when you are dressed up like that." 
Shilpa smiles  " That's very flattering." 
**could you please fuck me for 5 minutes instead of sweet talks.Stop it shilpa!!!Don't let your pussy rule your head,like men do"Shilpa tries to discipline herself.
Asish smiles " I never met a woman who is immune to flattering. "

Shilpa" Have you flattered a lots of women? " 

** you have falttered my pussy and ever since the poor thing is weeping,have some mercy please.Don't look so handsome please**

Asish just smirks.

***and don't that too.don't smirk**

Shilpa pokes an evasive Asish" Without your breakfast wouldn't you get hungry? I know you eat money for living but still real food is real food. "
Asish" I can control my hunger unlike someone who gets hungry very easily. "

** oh fuck it was a bad idea to poke him,his words can fuck too**
Shilpa   blushes.
Shilpa asks" What's the point of controlling your hunger? "
Asish taunts " Why don't you ask you mangalsutra. " 
** why i find him so hot when he insults my marriage,i hate him though,i know i do,but my pussy is gripping on the damn cucumber more after that,damn the pressure is real inside my hole.***her words choices are getting as filthy as her thoughts.
Shilpa blushes again" You love to insult my marital status. You did it yesterday too. "
Asish" I know. I love to tease  your marital status whenever it begs to be teased. I am a very fair and just man"
*** be fair and just please .let end my pussy's misery together**She rubs her ass on the seat in heat.
Shilpa pouts her pink lipstick clad lips " What did I do to earn that insult today?"

 *** my pussy really loves your insults,that treacherous slit really find those manly ,treasonous cunt**Shilpa feels like she is an inch away from yelling him to fuck her dirty.

Asish doesn't answer the question directly instead he asks " Your husband let you dress like that to come here?" 
***Yes he does.but i don't want to wear anything right now,snatch my fancy clothes away**she trembles at her own wishes.

Shilpa plays dumb " What's wrong with this dress?" 
*** everything is so wrong with a dress which can't let you take a glimpse how wet i am for you.Oh fuck i am wet for another man than my husband.it's so wrong but I feel soo...***She bites her lips,her face is painted with lust for him.

Asish  raises his eyebrow watching her lustful face,she is enjoys flirting that much huh!!!- " Answering a question with a question.Very corporate. Who taught you that?  Lemme guess Your husband who lost his job but still somehow  manages to buy you latest phone and expensive dresses " 

Now that question brings shilpa back to her senses .

***wait what?!!how did the conversation reached here?oh you dumb girl,you were inches away from ruining your life by spilling  the truth***
Shilpa sweeps aside from the truth   " He just lost job very recently. "

Asish notices the change in behaviour in shilpa,before she was under his complete control, he was making her blush with every words,something just changed .
He asks" Then why you took the maid job so quickly. I am sure you guys have some sort of savings. Everyone does. Even the middle class like you. "
Shilpa" We got a house loan, car loan,regular bills, medical bills of my in laws  etc etc.Our savings are for those. " this part is true and an education loan for Rahul as well. 
Asish laughs" That's the worst money management plan I ever heard. Breaking your savings for loans and letting your wife work as a maid. Your husband is either dumb or doesn't know when to slow down. "

Shilpa gets a little angry for Asish's repeated insults on Mahesh even for a made up story. Seems to her the real Mahesh who works in his office and the Mahesh of Shilpa's made up story both are destined to be treated equally by Asish. No matter what. He surely is Mahesh's arch enemy. 

Shilpa says " You are hell bent on insulting my husband. Do you insult every maid's husband who worked for you?" 

Asish " Never had a maid. If she were a typical maid it's normal. But you don't deserve such husband who can't provide for you. You are way too smart and beautiful. "

Shilpa" I love him".
That she does, their  compatibility with each other holding their union together. Take this conspiracy for an instant, Mahesh didn't force her to take up this mission, she took this mission cause she liked the idea.
Asish smiles "Back to the original question then. The love of your life let you dressed up like this to come to my house?" 
Shilpa " He had no issue with it." 
Asish looks  surprised from where Shilpa is sitting. 

" How did you reach here? By the car your husband bought by taking loan which he can't afford now? "

Shilpa" Ofcourse not. ".Shilpa gets more serious,her cunt isn't throbbing anymore,this line of serious questionnaires surely bad for fun.

Asish" No way you have taken the bus this early and travelling alone looking like that gorgeous . "
Shilpa" We took our bike to reach here. "
Asish" He entered the complex? "
Shilpa" No. Why you wanna invite him over for a tea next time? "
Asish" I might. You faced the security guards alone? "
Shilpa blushes" Yes"
Asish notices her blush, too hard to miss she is very fair " What did they say when you told them you are a maid?" 

Shilpa blushes again, it's embarrassing really to talking such things to another man, she blatantly said it in front of Mahesh but doing it in front Asish feels different, she feels self conscious " They did tease me.Are you going to scold them? "

Asish" I am not your husband. I don't have the responsibility to protect you from eve teasing. You are a big girl, a smart woman you can do it yourself. I am sure you are handling eve teasers like  them all your life. "
Shilpa realizes her mistake if she makes a fuss about the guards who knows where the matter will go down" Yes you are right. I can handle them myself. "
Asish" Will you tell your husband about them though? " 
Shilpa " Of course. ". May be if she gets in mood to tease Mahesh considering  he doesn't get very angry or she could use it to manipulate Mahesh stating the things she has to endure to support his career. 
Asish" Then he mustn't let you come looking like this then"
Shilpa " I am getting the notion you are pleased the way I look today." 
Asish " Sure I do. I am not blind. It is a refreshment." 
Shilpa " Noted. You want me to dress like this then?" 
Asish " And your husband will allow?" 
Shilpa " Why are you repeating the question. Over and over. "
Asish" cause you are not wearing any bra. That's pretty bold of your husband and for you too. "
***oh fuck.How does he know?**

Shilpa blushes" That's not true. I am wearing one. "
Asish" Nope. I am sure you are not. " Her pussy clenches again reviving her urges which never really dried.

Asish's sudden attack not only unsettled Shilpa but also embarrassed her very much, It's kinda awkward as well as undignified for her to discuss about her bra with another man suddenly without any proper pretext or build up. 
Shilpa argues" Yes I am " she doesn't have the camera otherwise she would have ask him to check for it to record and trap him. Right now she just doesn't want to be known as too bold. Coming here braless was a mistake, it is a too bold move for second day at work without forming some kind of friendly relation with Asish beforehand. In her defense she took the decision of coming here braless when she was riding Mahesh last night, her heated pussy ruled out her logic,she got carried away. But no way he can tell if she is wearing any bra or not. Her blouse is thick enough not to show anything underneath. She got those extra layer of sparkling material at her cup area over her cotton bra. 

Asish looks at her for a while then dares her baring his perfect set of teeth like a predator   " Wanna bet? ."
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RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:17 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:24 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:37 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 21-08-2019, 11:49 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:01 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:13 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 12:18 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Antichrist12 - 22-08-2019, 12:38 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:34 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 02:53 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 03:46 PM
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RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:35 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 07:50 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Tarun_Vjv - 22-08-2019, 09:17 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 22-08-2019, 10:12 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 01:39 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:29 AM
RE: The Hunt - by daredevil5456 - 18-08-2022, 05:26 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 03:39 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 07:34 AM
RE: The Hunt - by xossipyenjoy - 23-08-2019, 10:19 AM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 23-08-2019, 11:37 AM
RE: The Hunt - by AB-the Unicorn - 23-08-2019, 03:52 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Antichrist12 - 23-08-2019, 08:45 PM
RE: The Hunt - by Devilmaycry - 25-08-2019, 03:47 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 26-08-2019, 06:56 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Devilmaycry - 27-08-2019, 08:10 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 31-08-2019, 04:33 PM
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RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 08-09-2019, 06:06 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 10-09-2019, 07:56 AM
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RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 14-09-2019, 10:42 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Biral - 23-09-2019, 05:34 PM
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RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by Doom - 16-12-2019, 01:46 AM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by playboy131 - 30-12-2019, 10:26 PM
RE: The Hunt (A Wife's adultery story) - by playboy131 - 17-01-2020, 02:29 PM

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