Adultery Those Piercing Eyes by iloveall
After the attendant left, I checked the Brigadier's fever and pulse. He had high temperature. We had to apply wet sponge on his forehead constantly. The next day was a college day and the children had to go to college. Sumi went back to our house and returned after an hour with some "Khichuri' (Rice and Lentil mixed porridge). I woke up the Brigadier. Sumi served him and made him eat some of it. She then asked me to go to our house to check if the children had gone to sleep or not and to secure the doors properly.

I did as I was told and returned after half an hour to forty five minutes to relieve my wife. When I was about to enter the room, I was a bit surprised at the sight I saw inside. My wife sat with the Brigadier's head in her lap. She rested on the bed-head. The Brigadier lay under a blanket. She was applying wet cotton sponge on his forehead and gently massaging it with her fingers of one hand. Her other hand was inside his blanket. She perhaps was caressing his hairy chest to feel his fever. The Brigadier saw me. Feeling awkward perhaps, he tried to move away from my wife's lap. I waved him to stay as he was and I sat on a sofa just adjoining the bed.

I told the Brigadier, "It's ok. You have high fever. The doctor has asked us to be in constant attendance and you are going to follow our commands until you get well. So just be a good guy and follow our commands. Ok? We are going to be with you through the night"

The Brigadier meekly nodded his head, looked at Sumi and closed his eyes. He seemed to fall asleep gradually under the tender caresses and forehead sponging by my wife Sumi.

I asked Sumi to leave and go home. I told her that I would attend to the Brigadier whilst She could go home and take rest to be fresh for the next morning. She refused and asked me to go home, if I wanted to. She said she had to perform her duty. The rest will follow. She was determined to stay with the Brigadier through the night. I decided not to pursue the matter further. I stayed there in case the Brigadier's health worsens and if Sumi needs ay assistance.

Some hours passed. I must have dozed off. When I woke up, I found that my wife Sumi had fallen off to sleep with the Brigadier's head still in her lap. Her chin rested on the Brigadier's chest. My wife's lovely firm and ample bosoms pressed onto the Brigadier's face. I got up and switched off the lights and sat on the sofa resting by the back of the sofa. I could still see them in dull light.

I decided to pretend to fall asleep and wanted to see if something happens. Nothing happened for a while as all were asleep. After sometime, I sensed that the Brigadier shook a little. He sensed my wife's bosoms pressing onto his face and covering his nostrils. He spoke something softly to my wife. Sumi woke up with a start she sat up straight and resumed sponging the Brigadier's forehead. The Brigadier gave out a faint grunt. He still had some fever. Soon his regular breathing told me that he fell asleep.

Sumi saw me sleeping whilst sitting on the sofa. She got up from the bed. She shook me to wake me up and told me in hushed voice to quietly stretch my body and lie down on the sofa and go to sleep. I signalled that I could sponge the Brigadier's forehead and she could sleep for a while. However, she just repeated her earlier instructions. I nodded, picked up a blanket covered myself fully and stretched on the sofa and pretended to fall off to sleep. I was just an arm's length away from them. All the same, I had kept a peeping gap in the blanket and could see them clearly from where I was.

Sumi, returned. This time she sat by the Brigadier's side (between the Brigadier and me) folding her legs to stay on the bed and resumed sponging the Brigadier's forehead, caressing his chest and neck by occasionally inserting her hand in his blanket to feel his body temperature. She sat in an uncomfortable posture and after a while, she again dozed off to sleep. When her head fell on the Brigadier's chest again, she woke up, resumed sponging with her upper hand. To be a bit more comfortable, she stretched her legs along the side of the brigadier, turning towards the Brigadier putting the weight of her head on her lower arm.

When again she fell asleep and her head fell again on the Brigadier's chest, she gradually stretched full length to lie by the side of the Brigadier with her face facing the Brigadier. Her one hand rested on the Brigadier's head with the sponge in her fingers and the other folded to support her head. Nothing happened for a while. Then I saw the Brigadier move a little. He opened his eyes; saw Sumi's face close to his. She was fast asleep, snoring a little. He raised his head to look if I was asleep. I lay quietly and breathed as if I was in deep sleep.

Brigadier's fever seemed to have gone down. Reassured that I was fast asleep, He gently removed sponge from Sumi's hand. He then gently rested her hand on her full length body taking care not to wake her. Sumi gave out a few grunts but remained asleep. The Brigadier pulled Sumi closer to him and enveloped her in an embrace in his arms.

I was not sure if Sumi was too sleepy to notice that or pretended to be so. Sumi's face was opposite the Brigadier's face. The Brigadier pulled my wife closer to him. They were both lying close to each other's body. The Brigadier was inside the blanket and Sumi outside. Seeing them in that condition, made my cock harden. This was the first time that I watched my wife lying close to another male.
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Those Piercing Eyes by iloveall - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-08-2019, 02:58 PM
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