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Adultery seduction of colleague's wife
It really forced me to think about the time we’d been spending together, and it struck me suddenly that Robbie had become, in a way, a sort of summer boyfriend. The thought did not repulse me in the least. In fact, as soon as the epiphany struck, I felt my pussy throb and grow liquidy-warm.

Something clicked inside me. I pretty much made up my mind right then: I was going to let my little brother fuck me if he wanted. I thought I’d even try to encourage him.

That night Robbie went out with his nerd buddies. I hung with the folks for a bit of TV, and then went upstairs to my room to surf the web. I searched, and was pleasantly surprised to see that incest stories were quite popular. There were hundreds of hot brother/sister tales. My slit grew wet and horny as I began to read. I pulled my panties over my ankles and kicked them aside. The next couple of hours I poured over incest stories while casually fingering my wet hole.

Later I heard Robbie come in, but it was late. To tell the truth, now that I had made up my mind to seduce him, I started to feel a little nervous. I realized I hadn’t put any real thought into my wicked plot, so I did nothing as Robbie closed the door to his room.

After about ten minutes or so, he suddenly popped up on Skype. I was debating about texting him when he nudged me on the screen.

Bro: u still up?

Sis: yeah

Bro: what did u do 2nite?

Sis: oh, just hung out with the ’rents, then read smut on the net!

Bro: lol sounds like more fun than my night

Sis: ur D&D game was a drag?

Bro: ha, totally. sausage fest.

Sis: lol. no sausage here. u wanna come hang out in my room for a while?

My little brother didn’t even reply. Almost immediately I heard a faint tap at my door. As my pussy began to hum with incestuous desire, I answered.

The tension between us was obvious. Things suddenly got all weird and awkward, as if we both knew my intentions. We were clumsy, red-faced and giggly. I asked him to come in, and closed the door. He sat in my computer chair and I sat on the edge of my bed. We blushed and said nothing for a few moments.

Robbie looked down, and saw my panties on the floor. I laughed them off nervously, “Ha, I was wearing those before I started reading dirty stories.”

He giggled, and then gulped loudly.

I decided that if I was going to seduce my little brother, there wouldn’t be a better opportunity than now. I swallowed the last of my fear and went for it.

I laid out on my bed, letting my skirt ride up my thigh. I chewed on my pinkie seductively, and told my brother that the last story I read was still on my browser if he was curious. It was an especially hot little brother/sister fuck romp, and I figured his reaction would serve as a fair gauge whether or not my wicked plot was doomed.

He turned to the screen and read. It didn’t take long to get my answer, and it was the best possible outcome I could imagine.

“I love this story,” he said. “It’s already in my collection on my porn drive.”

I had to laugh. “Really? You’ve read this?”

He blushed slightly, and nodded.

We looked into each other’s eyes from across the room. I smiled seductively at him, and then patted the bed beside me.

My little brother lit up. His face was crimson, but his smile wide and obvious. He must have sensed that his big sister was going to put out. He shifted to the bed beside me, his pants bulging with an obvious erection. My pussy gushed at the sight, and I knew that my little brother would be mine.

I hooked my bare leg over his. I knew he now had a clear view of slick wet pussy beneath my short skirt.

“Do you think I’m pretty, Robbie?”
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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seduction of colleague's wife - by neerathemall - 21-08-2019, 01:44 AM
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RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by neerathemall - 21-08-2019, 02:38 AM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by nand - 21-08-2019, 02:43 AM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by Uday - 25-05-2020, 06:49 PM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by sri7869 - 21-12-2024, 10:54 AM

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