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Adultery seduction of colleague's wife
She was getting hot and excited and was realizing that whisky has gone down her blood. She stood in front of the mirror and applied lipstick, Red in color, on her lips. She opened her bangle box and wore glass bangles matching her clothes. She could not resist wearing big earrings in her ears. She also wore artificial necklace on her neck. She combed her hair very loosely so that those could flow on her face and shoulder.
She applied red nail polish on her nails. She sprayed an exotic fragrance on her body. She was not wearing any panty, so she chose a sexy panty of pink color with yellow flowers. She looked herself in the mirror and could not resist in admiring her body. She pulled up the gagra above her belly and inspected her lower waist in the colorful panty and knew she was looking too hot to resist by anybody. The cat was ready to pray the mouse.
She looked at the watch it was exactly 10. She adjusted the Choli so the upper portions of her breasts could be easily visible. She made some noises deliberately so that Rajesh could know about her coming to drawing room. She took a little time to reach at the door of Drawing room by adjusting artifacts placed in the lobby between the bed room and drawing room. When she reached at the Drawing room she noticed that Rajesh has changed the mode of the TV from video feed to Dish.
A Hindi film scene was being beamed on the TV Screen. She entered the room and found that Rajesh was lying on Diwan and pretending to be engrossed in the movie. She entered in the room and went near to him. She stood before him. She was behaving like a girl in love for the first time. Her heart was at function so fast that se could herself hear her beats. She was smiling while raising her gagra a little, in a dancing movement. He became dumb to see her. She was looking stunning beautiful in the dress.
He could see her bangles, necklace and other ornaments. He does not know how to react. He had forgotten the girl whom he has watched in the movie while taking bath. He had watched his Bhabee in such a form when his brother was alive. He always liked to see her in her best dresses and ornaments. It was not a lustful watching for him. He was feeling happy to see her happy and being dressed up after a long time. She could realize his predicament and confusion. But she liked the admiration clearly visible in his eyes.
It always gives pleasure to human beings to see admiration from the known ones. He was not having any words to describe to see her happy. He could say only “Bhabee you are looking very lovely”. The love being generated between two souls were not to be restricted in words and stares. She frisked her fingers from his toes to face as a reciprocation of love being seen in his eyes. He held her hand and observed the beautiful fingers while planting a gentle kiss on it. He pushed her little to signal her for sitting.
She sat just near to his lap as he was watching the movie by placing his left hand to support his head. She turned her face toward him and noticed that his face was reddened. She took his cheeks in her both palms and felt the burning sensation. She could not resist kissing the cheeks with her trembling lips so softly that one could feel touch of a feather. She looked in his eyes admiringly as she wanted to compliment him for rekindling a desire to live with some meaning.
She told him mischievously that his cheeks were very hot. She felt his pressure on her hips. It seemed to her that some rod is piercing through her Gagra. She knew he was very hot but do not know what to do. But one thing was very clear in her mind that she liked and loved the adulation in his eyes. She desperately wanted him to grab her in his arms. Her body was craving for love, but she did not want to make the first move in the direction. It seems that she wanted to be victim of his innate desires.
She suggested him to put wet towel on his head to cool him down. Rajesh moved more near to her body and rested his cheeks on the bare portion of her body below the choli. She looked for the glass which she left behind while taking her son to bedroom. It was empty. She understood that Rajesh has drunk the whisky presuming it Coca Cola. She remembered that she left it half full. She got the idea and suggested him to take cold drink for weaning heat away from his body.
She did not wait for his response and went to the kitchen. She poured one small peg in the glass and mixed Coca Cola in it. She also put few ice cubes in it. She herself needed it, to remove the inhibitions in her mind. She brought that glass in the room and offered him while standing before him and touched the glass to his lips when he sat to take that glass. She held his head in her hand while he took a large sip. She sat adjacent to him while holding the glass in her hand. She showed that she was watching the movie.
She patted his thighs on one of the exciting scenes and kept her hand on his things. She frisked his hand on his thighs from knee to the upper portion of his thighs. She noticed that Rajesh has put across his right arm on her shoulder. She did not say any word and kept frisking his thighs while sometimes touching the sack between the thighs. Rajesh’s hand came on her right breast and rested there. She took a large sip from the glass and then offered him to drink. He held his hand on her hand and took a sip.
She was not being sure how to make the things happened as she has planned but she was enjoying the moments. Rajesh gave him the chance for proceeding in the right direction. He murmured in her ear that she was looking very beautiful in Gagra and Choli. She replied laughingly that he was also looking very handsome in Lungi and Kurta. He immediately held her face and turned towards him and kissed her lips and thanked her for compliments. She took another sip from the glass and forwarded the remaining to him.
As soon as he finished the last drop from the glass she placed the glass on the side table. Rajesh was moving his palm on her naked back because of his single strap Choli. She was almost naked from neck to waist from the back. As soon as she placed the glass on the side table, he hugged her from behind while jumping from the bed. It seems that natural instinct is playing its role. She felt hot breath at her bare back and she anticipated his lips on her back. Rajesh did not make her to wait and started kissing her back passionately.
He outstretched his both arms and held her both the breasts in his hands. He was squeezing her boobs while kissing her back driven by innate desire. She enjoyed his movement. Rajesh untied the knot of the Choli at the back and the Choli fell down. Now his both the hands were on her bare breasts and he was playing with those. She kept receiving sensual pleasure for some time and then she relieved her from his arms and stood up before him. He sat on the edge of the bed with her thrust.
She was standing before him bare chest and he moved in a swift motion toward her and hugged her while sitting on the edge of the bed. Her body started responding to the stimulus being received by it. She took his head in her hand and pressed it toward her naval. He took no time to lick her stomach with his tongue. Her eyes were becoming heavier with the mental and physical pleasure. He held her firmly on her buttocks and messaged those with his palms. She was curious to notice that he was trying to open the knot of her gagra with his teeth.
She drifted away from the bed which led him to leave the bed in the same position holding her on the hips. The swift motion made him to sit in the floor. Her head was between her legs. He released his hands from her waist and in a swift motion brought them down for pulling up her gagra up to her knee and moved his head inside the gagra. It completely concealed him between her legs while covering his body with Gagra. Rajesh held her both legs with her hands.
She was standing on the floor while parting her legs with such a distance that he could sit in between her legs. She tried to move away but could not as he was holding her legs firmly. She tried to keep his head away from her thighs by holding his head while bending a little. His lips were hovering on her both thighs and were sending tingling sensation to her nerves and muscles. She was amused by his impatience. She could not resist laughing by his haste actions. She tried to pull up her gagra to grab his head but could not succeed.
She was getting excited by his novice actions. She untied her gagra and it fell on the floor. She could watch his actions directly now. His both the hands were on her thighs and his mouth on her panty. He was becoming wild because of watching the porn films and of the drinks. She felt his mouth on her vagina and she pressed his head more firmly. He was biting at her vaginal lips very softly and she was becoming hornier and hornier. She desperately wanted to feel his tongue in her vaginal opening.
But he continued to play with her vagina making her panty wet by his saliva. She could feel her vagina being wet because of natural lubricant being released by her glands. Her mind was demanding complete satisfaction. She was desperately vying for feeling him inside her. But he was hanging to her genitals like a boy who got a new toy to play without knowing how to use it at its maximum capability. Now she was becoming impatient.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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seduction of colleague's wife - by neerathemall - 21-08-2019, 01:44 AM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by neerathemall - 21-08-2019, 02:08 AM
Big Sister's Summer Love - by neerathemall - 21-08-2019, 02:36 AM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by nand - 21-08-2019, 02:43 AM
RE: seduction of colleague's wife - by Uday - 25-05-2020, 06:49 PM

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