Fantasy Jaya Nessa's Slut Adventures by shanti2010-Completed
Som Dev utilizing this opportunity to the maximum brought his hands into play and caressed and squeezed every part of her body and as she had become a doll in his hands Som Dev lifted her a little up and down so that his rock like member could brush her body.

On being glided up and down over her soft delicate navel, his member started pulsating and when it came in direct contact with her hot moist womanhood he gave a strong trust forward and burying his hot member deep inside her sari, he did not let her go till he ejaculated completely.

Som Dev did not put Jayanessa down even after he had drained himself and Jayanessa also could not budge herself from his grip. Her body was glued to him and she felt the hard rock going soft on her. Seeing her like this, Shanti came forward and releasing her from Som Dev's arms, took her to the bathroom and tidied her up. By the time they came out of the bathroom, both the men had left the room.

Jayanessa while teasing Som Dev had not anticipated that it would go so far.

She just wanted to taunt him a little, but circumstances had made it go far than she expected it to. Though she too had been aroused, what had happened was not what she had in mind.

As it had gone beyond her control and now feeling a little bit scared she wanted someone to console her. When her mind started to torment her, she suddenly thought of her mother-in-law and in a reflex action went running across to her room.

Also now not unknown to Jayanessa, were her father-in-laws plans to fuck her. He felt cheated that if she gets fucked by somebody else and come home, little did he know that Jayanessa was fucked already by Kamesh in a royal manner and so was her mother.

If his son could not fulfil her want, surely he should have the opportunity he thought. That way it would remain in the family. His sexual drive had been awakened seeing this sexy thing roam around the house spreading sexual tension all over. He had resorted to fuck a few prostitutes to relieve his tension but was dying to fuck Jayanessa. The father-in-law was planning in his mind how to take Jayanessa there to a resort, where he could fuck her without any problems. The last night interlude made him more boisterous and he was going to take all chances and fuck her soon – very soon.

Sudesh, her husband was oblivious to the goings on in the house. He continued to fuck his wife occasionally. He did not realize the sexual frustration in his wife. The sex act to him was to come inside her, that's it. He had no experience. Jayanessa however knew the difference.

When she had thought that things had finally settled for the day and when she was removing her sari to put on the night gown, she heard a voice say 'I can't see' that made her stand rooted to the spot. It was her father-in-law's voice and he had come to her room unnoticed and was standing behind her.

Jayanessa, who a few moments before had made a resolution to face things boldly, turned slowly so that Som Dev could see her and facing him, she let the loose sari which was in her hand drop to the floor. When Jayanessa dropped her loose end of the sari down, Som Dev stepping a little closer and looking up at her took a deep breath.

Jayanessa then bringing her hand on her waist and putting it inside her petticoat and playing with the material of her sari for some time pulled out the tucked portion of her sari. She then proceeded to loosen the sari from her waist and when she had gathered all of it in her hand; she stared at Som Dev in the eye and let the sari fall down slowly at her feet.

Som Dev's eyes widened as he kept looking at her sari being removed in front of him and seeing her clad only in her petticoat and a blouse he started to get aroused.

Jayanessa stood motionless for a few seconds and let him see her in that attire.

After a few moments when Jayanessa thought that he had seen enough and extended her arm to take the night gown which was on the stand, she heard him say "I want to see more".

Hearing these words Jayanessa's heart started beating faster and she too felt a little aroused. She braved herself and taking her own time, she lifted her hands and placing it on her chest she started unhooking the top of her blouse. When she had unhooked the top three hooks, the upper part of her breast came into view and seeing the magnificent breasts engulfed in a black silken bra, Som Dev's member started gaining momentum.

The light brown color of the breasts behind the dark texture of her bra was making his member throb and to control it, he put a hand in his robe and adjusted his growing member.

When Jayanessa unhooked the last two hooks and started removing the blouse from her body, Som Dev moved so closer that his body was almost touching hers. He was so near to Jayanessa that she could feel his body's heat on her. He was breathing down on her and his hot erect member inside his robe started growing up.

Jayanessa could see his aroused member making a dent in the robe. Jayanessa wanted this whole episode to end soon as she feared that her mother-in-law may come looking for her any moment and to hurry up the things, Jayanessa put her hands on her waist and pulling the chords of her petticoat she loosened it from her waist and catching it in her hands she moved a little away from him.

She then playfully let it down slowly exposing her thin black panties to his vision and still holding the petticoat in her hand when she thought as it was the last thing she had to do, she let her it fall suddenly and exposed her thighs and slim elegant legs to him.

Seeing Jayanessa almost nude in the black bra and black panties, Som Dev's stood dazed while his cock started vibrating inside his robe.

As he felt the sperm building up in him he knew that at any moment he may spurt. When Som Dev was silent for a few seconds, Jayanessa thinking that he was satisfied with her exposure, as she turned to take the night gown, Som Dev suddenly caught her by the waist and pulling her to him, he opened his robe and held Jayanessa inside it.

Jayanessa on being dragged was totally imprisoned inside his robe and for the first time, she felt his naked body on hers.

When Som Dev adjusted her a little in his arms,

Jayanessa felt his hot solid member slide upon her navel brazing her soft delicate skin. Som Dev on having her firmly in his grip, took one of his hand up to her face and bringing it to his, he started kissing it wildly while on the other hand he caressed his erect member on her body.

The moment Jayanessa's felt his lips on her, the body shuddered with heat and passion and she could feel her vaginal muscles pulsate with her pre come juices. She was trembling in his arms and as his tongue started digging inside her mouth, she could no longer control her passion.

As she felt she was nearing to come, she put her hand behind her and searching for his cock, she took hold of it in her hand and squeezed it before she came in her panties. Having her hold his cock in her hand was beyond the power of Som Dev. The moment her soft fingers went round his cock, his hold on her body tightened and he erupted on her navel.

Jayanessa felt his cock vibrate in her hand and then shoot his hot come up her navel. It was a new sensation to feel his come shooting from her hand and after his cock had emptied it all on her navel,

Jayanessa tried to move away from him but Som Dev not letting her go and placing his hand on her wet panties, he said, "I want them".

Jayanessa stood flabbergasted on hearing it and when Som Dev saw her standing motionless, he put his fingers inside her panties and crouching down on the ground; he pulled it down slowly over her buttocks through her slim legs all the while looking at her exposed body.

As soon as her panties were free from her body, Jayanessa turned and ran into the bathroom and bolted the door while Som Dev pocketing the wet panties went out of the room smiling all the way.

Next day morning Som Dev, when he entered the massage room was totally a different person.

Coming inside the room, he looked upon Shanti and giving her a big smile, he asked Ram to bolt the door. After bolting the door when Ram turned and came around, he saw Som Dev hand over a piece of black cloth to Shanti.

Both he and Shanti did not know what it was and as Shanti opened it a bit, both were surprised to see the black panties.

When Som Dev asked Shanti to wear them and as she turned to go to the bathroom, it was Ram who stopped her from going and instead signaled her to wear it in front of him. Shanti was delighted to have Ram's consent and her face sparkled with pleasure.

Som Dev seeing their involvements could not believe his eyes and the moment Shanti holding the black panties in front of her started to lift her sari and petticoat, his body started to shudder.

He impatiently waited for Shanti to proceed and as she put both her legs in the panties, lifted her sari and petticoat a little and pulled the panties up, Som Dev could see most of her legs and thighs exposed to his naked eye and as Shanti, pulled the panties right up he even saw some of the pubic hair on her inner thighs. Seeing Shanti's naked thighs for the first time Som Dev really got excited and when Shanti had finished pulling up the panties and let down her sari, Som Dev gestured her to come forward and when he looked down at himself, Shanti knew that he wanted her to disrobe him.

This time Shanti came in front of him and kneeling down she took hold of the chords of the robe and untied the knot. Then very slowly she opened the robe and putting her hands inside it, she let the robe slide from his body. As she was kneeling down right in front of him, she could see the impression of his stiff cock in his brief underwear and felt cold sweat run down her back. Shanti stood up to free his robe from his body and while reaching for his shoulders to release the robe, she had to lean upon him and doing so her breasts brushed against his chest.
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RE: Jaya Nessa's Slut Adventures by shanti2010 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 04:16 PM

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