Fantasy Jaya Nessa's Slut Adventures by shanti2010-Completed
Jaya Nessa's Slut Adventures Ch. 03

JAYANESSA SAW the ball early.

She drew her right arm well back, the wrist cocked, the racquet head above her wrist. On the clay court the ball rose high and she had to spring off the balls of her feet as she struck it.

She took it early, her body twisting as she rolled her wrist and the racquet over the ball in a vicious top-spin. The ball zipped back across the net, keeping low, skimmed the cord and bounced just inside the line. On the other side, Kamesh saw her return in good time, too, and was already racing across the court. He got to it in time and, whipping his hand across the ball, drove it down the line to her backhand.

JayaNessa rushed for it and slicing it powerfully put it over the net in a controlled drop-shot and followed it by racing to the net. Her opponent raced to the ball, tried to scoop it over the net. It caught the top cord and fell back on his side of the net. JayaNessa whooped in delight and flung her racquet in the air, jumping up and down, laughing and grinning.

Kamesh laughed, gasping and panting, and offered his hand. She pumped it eagerly.

"I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! I beat you! Three sets to two!"

"Congratulations, Shir. Great game and you've gotten much, much better."

"Thanks for teaching me, Kamesh."

"You learn very quickly."

"I have a great teacher."

"Thanks. But next time we play, I won't let you win like I did today. Then let's see if you can beat me!"

"Let me win, did you? I had you all over the place. Just wait. Next time, I'll *crush* you!" she wrinkled her nose prettily, stuck her tongue at him. "Just watch!"

"Let us have a return match promise? Tomorrow?" he asked.

"Oh yes Tomorrow day after, whenever."

"My, my, someone's becoming really arrogant."

"Just kidding, love," she said softly, laughing and making him grin and smile.

They walked to the benches at the far end of the court to collect their kit.

JayaNessa sat on the slatted wooden bench and bent over to open her sports bag. She was wearing a fine white T-shirt with a collar and three buttons and a handsome, short, white pleated skirt. Her hair was braided and coiled, held with a thick Turkish towel hair-ring. She wore wristbands, thick socks and expensive tennis shoes Rama had got for her.

She had not buttoned her T-shirt. Her legs were bare high up her thighs and Kamesh noted that they were firm and trim and supple. As she bent over, the lapels of her T-shirt swung low and he saw the luscious swell of her breasts, her long gold necklace glistening on her honey skin, nestling in her deep and inviting cleavage. She wore a pretty brassiere, cut fine and thin, that seemed to only just cover her nipples. He ogled her unabashedly, enjoying the sight. He noticed a sexy little dark beauty spot on the inside of her left breast.

JayaNessa knew that he was watching her and, for a minute, thrilled with excitement. Perhaps, after all, things would work out soon. She dawdled, rummaging pointlessly in her bag. Finally, she straightened, pulling out her zip-up full-sleeved sweat-shirt. The T-shirt was damp with sweat and he could clearly see the sharp stubs of her nipples and the dark shadows of her aureoles. She slipped into the sweat-shirt and he watched her breasts move and zipping it up to just below her breasts, she rose and collected a towel from the rack. He took one too, and they rubbed themselves dry.

Kamesh retrieved his sweat-shirt and zipped it up. They hoisted their kit bags and walked home.

There was no one else in. He opened the door of the flat with a latch key and they dumped their kit bags in their rooms. They returned from their rooms to the hall. He selected a tape and slotted it into the stereo. Bright pop music pulsed through the speakers mounted at the corners of the room.

He sat down in a rocking chair and, kicking off his shoes and tugging off his socks, perched his feet on a footstool. JayaNessa grinned at him, lowered the volume slightly so they could converse, and perched on the low wicker stool by the coffee table. She, too, was now barefoot. She sat casually, her legs spread, one foot crossed over the other.

It was an unusual position for a woman, but JayaNessa tended to do things like this, without a hint of being self-conscious. Kamesh couldn't help noticing that her skirt had slid up to her thighs, almost to her crotch.

She noticed his gaze and smiled inwardly, making no attempt to adjust her clothing.

He could see the white flash of her panties.

They chatted and she leaned forward on her elbows and the lapels of her sweat-shirt and T-shirt swung low again, giving him another glimpse of her splendid breasts. The neck of the T-shirt pulled to one side and he could see the thick gold necklace against her skin, curving sexily over the hollow in her collarbone. Her skin was smooth and clear, soft, yet firm, silky, like a ripe gbang.

JayaNessa felt his eyes on her and waited for him to make a move. He did nothing. She sighed to herself and discreetly lifted her skirt higher, bent lower, giving him a better look at her crotch and breasts. Still he did nothing.

"My god, it's hot," she said. "Look at us both sitting under this fan and still sweating!"

"Yeah and it's the humidity that gets you."

"Shall I get you a towel?"

"Yes, please."

She smiled and got up and went into her bathroom.

When she returned a minute later with two thick towels, he stiffened and sucked in his breath sharply. She had taken off her T-shirt and she was wearing just the sweat-shirt now, the zip closed to a point just below her breasts. He could see the heavy mounds pushing at the cloth and the tempting valley of her cleavage, the gold necklace glistening on her flesh.

"It's too hot. I just had to take off my T-shirt," she said, handing him a towel.

He took it and watched as she mopped her neck and face. Strands of hair clung to her brow and the nape of her neck. Her skin looked hot and flushed. She bent to straighten the carpet and now, as her sweat-shirt swung low, he could see more of her breasts, even the shadows of her aureoles and the stiff point of one nipple. She sat in the chair opposite him, her legs apart in what looked to be a wanton pose and, with her skirt riding high on her thighs, he thought he could make out that she had taken off her panties too, caught a glimpse of the darkness of her pubic thatch. She leaned back in the deep chair and her sweat-shirt strained and opened and he studied the bulge of her breasts, the exposed flesh at the V where the zip stopped.

Kamesh was perspiring and only part of it was due to the tennis game. He rocked back and forth for a minute, then rose and unzipped his sweat-shirt.

"It really is hot," he said.

"Much too hot," she murmured.

He shrugged off his sweat-shirt. Crossing his arms, he pulled the T-shirt off his head. JayaNessa's pulse quickened with excitement as she saw his naked torso, V-shaped, hard, strong, hairless, the flat belly, the deep, cleaved chest with small, hard nipples pulled wide and low on either side of the thick pectorals. Kamesh slung the towel across his neck.

"That's better," he sighed and stood under the fan.

"You'll catch a cold. Switch off the fan."

"Don't be daft. I'll melt."

"You're mad. Then you'll get a temperature and sniffle all day long and I'll have to sit here and look after you and pamper you like a baby."

"I can look after myself."

"What rubbish. Remember the last time you fell ill? A poor little cold and you acted like you were dying or something. You had everyone in a spin, running left and right. Rama told me all about you" she quipped.

"I just wanted some tender loving care." he replied.

"Which you got." She said.

"Not from you. As I remember, you came in and shouted at me and told me to stop being such a ninny."

JayaNessa grinned. "But it worked, didn't it? You were out of bed like a shot."

He was very close to her, in nothing but his shorts, and the proximity of his sexy, masculine, sweating body so close - and yet so far - thrilled her. She felt her breasts swell with excitement, her nipples stiffening her cunt beginning to ooze the first, delicious drops of cunt-juice.

He laughed softly and, hands on his hips, tossed his head back with a sigh of relief as the cool breeze from the fan fluttered over his half-naked body. He was so close to her that JayaNessa had only to turn her face to touch his crotch with her lips; and, for a second, she was indeed tempted. But she hesitated, still unsure of his reaction, still waiting, groping.

He bent his head and smiled down at her. She had leaned back in the chair, her eyes closed and now he had a perfect view down her cleavage. He wondered whether he should make the move; but he too, he hesitated. Instead, he stepped back a pace. He went into the bathroom, hers. JayaNessa sighed softly as she heard the door click, and then, a minute later, the soft gurgle of the toilet flushing.

"You know what, we should have gone for a swim," Kamesh said coming back.

JayaNessa opened her eyes and looked at him. "We could, still."

"Nah, forget it. Too much of a bother, going all the way back and changing all over again Next time."

JayaNessa smiled suddenly, brightly. "Oh come on, Kamesh, don't be so dull. Let's go, it'll be such fun! And I've got this lovely new swimming costume I'm just dying to wear."

Kamesh grinned. "Simpler just to shower."

"Let me show you my new costume. You'll love it. Just wait a sec, I'll change."

"What for? We're not going anyway."

JayaNessa pouted. He really was infuriating. "But I want to show it to you, do you mind?"

"No," he laughed. "Go, put it on."

"That's better. Now don't you go away." She snarled.

"And where would I go?" he replied.

"God knows. You're always rushing around." She was losing patience.

She brushed past him and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Inside, she pulled out her new, skimpy string bikini from a low cabinet and put it on. It was devastating. The bikini bra was the size of a band-aid, narrow strips of cloth that barely covered her nipples. The panties were small and tight; behind, there was nothing and her buttocks were completely exposed; in front it tapered to such a narrow triangular strip that only her cunt-lips were covered. Studying herself in the mirror, she adjusted the panties just so; pubic hair spread on either side of the bikini panties.
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RE: Jaya Nessa's Slut Adventures by shanti2010 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 03:46 PM

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