Adultery My Wife Swetha
“Still Angry?...........” Swetha asked me after falling on me while both of us were panting due to the workout we just had. Hearing her ask me I hugged her tight and crushing her breasts on my chest giving my answer and I placed my lips on her and kissed her and suddenly blurted out “No wonder Raghu asked me to take care of you…….…”.

Swetha lifted her head and started looking at me confused at what I said. That’s when I realized what I said and bit my tongue………

Hi All this is Raghu,
Sorry that I could not discuss my side of the story earlier as you can understand that I was on ship and I had no means to know except when Swetha or Rajesh tells me.

I used to call Swetha almost daily and talk to her. She used to tell me what happened and what is her plans etc etc but nothing about Rajesh. We used to discuss sex and I could understand from her talk that she was getting more and more restless. I know my Swetha and her appetite for sex. It’s been almost three months I knew that if Rajesh makes a move now it would be the best time and Swetha would not be able to resist him and would be more than happy to go below him. Especially that Renu was there along with Muruga in the house for few days and am sure they would have been active in front of Swetha as she already knew about them.

I used to call Rajesh also regularly and talked to him about general topics and was hoping that he would open up about what I asked him to do but he never broached the topic. I even asked him few times about their workout and how Swetha is doing but still he did not discuss anything much.

I had around one month more to go before I could go home and at that time I got the information that I have to stay back and do additional time on board even after one month . I was really taken back and did not know how to tell Swetha about it. I knew she was on fire and she would get very angry with my delay. I did not call Swetha for few days as I was in a dilemma on how to tell her.

It was Sunday afternoon in India when I called Rajesh. We spoke about his parents, his work etc etc for some time. Like every time I was hoping he would discuss something about what I asked but he did not say anything and I was kind of sad with nothing happening between them and my extended stay on ship and I was about to cut the call that’s when Rajesh struggled with words.

“Rajesh…. You want to say something?”

“Yeah ……….. Swetha seems to be depressed”

As soon as he said that I knew why Swetha was like that. It’s been three months. Now I was in a much more dilemma on how to tell her that I would get delayed further.

“Yeah I know…….... it is the same thing I was talking about to you before I left for ship……..she needs to be taken care of………. How is she now?”

“I had gone today morning to your house and I could see that she was off. I spoke to her for some time and came back”

“This is what I was thinking would happen………..… She needs to be taken care of……..…..”

“Anything else I can do?”

“I ask you again…..….can you take care of her sexually” I asked him openly. There was a pause for some time

“………..Yeah … but I don’t know how to start..... I just can’t ask her if she wants to have sex with me”

I thought for some time and I said “I understand………..try to be with her for some time …… engage her in some talk ………….”

“I tried to talk to her but she was not so responsive… that is why I was telling that she is depressed”

“Do one thing ………..take her out somewhere………… she likes to get pampered………. use your charms on her………. I am sure she will open up to you……… and……. maybe you will get lucky” I told him.

“Where do you think I can take her?”

“Why don’t you ask her to come with you to Marina beach, she likes beach. We both used to sit there in the evenings when we had come to Chennai. Am sure she would like to go there. I will also talk her into it” I was excited from inside and was hoping that this works out and Rajesh can get closer to her.

“Ok I’ll call her and ask her now”

“Whatsapp me what she said, I’ll call her after one hour” after that we talked some more before cutting the call. After some time, I got a message that ‘Swetha was reluctant to come. She said that she is not in the mood’. I understood that, it is her usual style to say no. After some time, I called her up

“Hi Swetha, how are you?”

“I am not going to talk to you…….…why didn’t you call from last three days?”

“Am sorry darling………. I was busy here…….” I continued my talk and persuaded her for some time and finally she became ok.

“So what is happening there? How was Renu’s stay?”

“Don’t ask me…… my present condition is because of her and Muruga…. They were having sex like rabbits and I did not have you with me…. I am in so much mood for sex that if you would have been here you would have started pleading me to stop”

“Ha ha ha …. That will never happen…. I am always there for you……. Whatever happens….”

“I know……. I love you…….. I miss you……muah…muah…muah..” and she gave me kisses over the phone.

“So what are you doing?”

“Nothing…. Just lying around…….you are not there to pester… lol lol”

“You could go out somewhere?”

“Nah…. I am fine at home…… even Rajesh asked me to come with him to Beach…..I just didn’t want to go so I just told him that I don’t have mood”

“You should have gone…….. it would have changed your mood…..”

“Nah….we both used to go….. its our trip…….how can I go with Rajesh?”

“Its ok………you would feel better if you go there….”

“I’ll miss you if I go there…..”

“Rajesh will be there……he will give you company”

“You are my company……. I would be missing all the things we do there……I don’t want to go”

“It’s ok…. he can also give you company…..maybe he will also do the things just like me to you…….”

“Shut up…….. I don’t want it from him…… I want it from you…”

“but I am not there to give you company….”

“So what do you want?..... you want me to go with him to the beach?”

“Yeah …….. go with him……. He was feeling bad seeing you down today morning”

“oh… now I understand……so this is all for him…..”

“No…. it for you……I want you to be enjoy and be happy… very happy….always….”

“I love you…….”

“I love you too…….. so what is your plan? Going to beach in the evening………with Rajesh?”

“I’ll see…..”

“Go…..….enjoy and relax and come…..”


After Swetha said ok I relaxed and hoped for the best things to happen there. After the phone call all day along I was thinking about what would happen and how their meeting would turn out… I was very anxious….every hour I was imagining what would be happening there in Chennai. Few time my fingers automatically typed the mobile number of my wife to enquire what happened but I resisted……….I was just controlling myself as I didn’t want to disturb anything whatever was set in motion. I was too tired thinking and anticipating and I slept off.

By the time I got up It was already very late in India. I convinced myself that whatever happened would have happened already or the best thing would be happening and I smiled to myself thinking of Rajesh fucking my Swetha. I started to imagine of my sweet naked wife getting crushed under Rajesh’s naked body. Just with the imagination my dick got very hard and I took it out and I started pumping my dick. More I imagined more speed my palm started moving on my dick and I released. I somehow was pleased with myself with what I have initiated and what it could result to. I slept off like that and by time I got up it was already late in the morning. I freshened myself and I quickly finished my works and I took my phone and dialed Swetha’s number and then calmed myself before I pressed the call button. Phone would have rung once and she picked up the call immediately as if she was waiting for my call


“Hello……..Swetha….are you there?”


I was too curious and could not wait to ask her “So ……. Did you go to beach with Rajesh?”


“How did it go…….enjoyed?”


“What happened?”

“You need to come home ……”

I got scared “Why … what happened? Did any anything happen? Did anyone do anything? Did Rajesh misbehave?”

“No …….. nothing of that happened….. I am fine…….”

I relaxed hearing that “Ok….. then tell me what happened?.......”

“ ………………… am too high………………”

I smiled to myself and felt happy that something has indeed happened and that too in the right direction “Hmm………tell me what happened……….”


I waited for some time and asked her “You want me to call you after some time?”

“No…….. I’ll tell….” Swetha started telling me what happened

“After your call I called Rajesh and told him that I’ll come. I wore a pink color cotton Churidar for the beach. I booked a taxi and reached Marina beach by 5:30PM and Rajesh was already present there. As it was Sunday lot of people had come to the beach. We sat there at our usual place and started enjoying the climate. It was cloudy and the weather was pleasant. We sat there and we talked for some time. An old couple went past us looking at us both and said “Nice couple”. I immediately wanted to say that we are not couple but friends but Rajesh placed his palm on my thigh and signaled me to not to say anything.

We continued talking for some time and in the meantime the climate changed and suddenly rain started. We both got up and tried to take shelter, but by the time we got to the nearest shelter there were many people. We both tried to squeeze in with Rajesh like a gentleman stood in front of me and tried to shield me but with the heavy rain he could not stop me from getting wet totally, as such I was already wet by the time we came to the shelter. When the rain slowed down I told Rajesh that we will leave and we came out to the road. Rajesh tried to get a taxi for me but no taxi was available. Rajesh suggested to drop me home in his bike and as I did not have any alternative I agreed and sat behind him. As soon as we started the rain started again and as I was getting wet I moved close to Rajesh and held his hips. I did not realize that my breasts were touching his back and by the time I realized I was already crushing my breasts on his back. I tried to move back but to avoid the rain I had to stay like that.

When the rain continued Rajesh suggested that we can go to his place in Besant Nagar and from there I can take a taxi after drying and I agreed and we went to his place. We both were totally wet by the time we entered his house. Rajesh went inside and brought me a towel and he went into his bedroom to dry himself. I went into the other bathroom and dried myself and after wringing my wet clothes I wore them again and came out. Rajesh was already outside wearing just his shorts and was bare from the top.

Rajesh seeing me in my same dress, he went and brought and gave me his sweat shirt and his tracks and asked me to change as I might get sick. I went again into the bathroom and removed all my clothes and wore his sweat shirt and tracks and came out. By the time I came out Rajesh had already ordered some pizza and we both had the pizza. As it was getting late I asked Rajesh to book a cab for me. Just before the taxi came Rajesh went inside the bathroom and brought a cover and gave it to me. When I opened it, I saw in it all my wet clothes including my undergarments. Then I remembered that I was naked inside wearing other man’s clothes. I am sure Rajesh would have realized same when he picked up my clothes to put it in the cover. I was feeling shy and luckily my taxi came and left and came back home.”

Hearing all this I understood that Swetha got excited seeing his bare body but just wanted to reconfirm I asked her “So what happened in this that you are high?........ I don’t understand”

“What did you not understand?” she asked me little annoyed.

“You went, talked , rain came , went to his house and came back home” I just teased her by telling her the story in a gist deleting all the other things.

“You don’t see anything else in it?”

“No…….what else is there?”

“What about other things which happened?”

“What other things?” I continued teasing

“What about by boobs getting pressed on the back of Rajesh?”

“You were hiding from rain”

“Stop teasing me Raghu….”

“Ok then tell me what you really felt?” I asked her directly

“Actually, I was feeling good when my breasts were getting crushed….” Swetha confessed.

Hearing her confession, I understood she is getting excited and ready to talk“ok…… you intentionally kept them pressed?”


“Rajesh did not say anything?”

“He was hard……”

“How do you know?......did you see”

“Actually, when I hugged him from behind me hand was near his thing……and it got hard…… I could feel it”

“So what did you do?”

“I kept my hand there feeling him on the back of my hand”

“ohk……….what else?”

“When he was changing I stood there and watched him change to shorts”

“So you saw his ……everything?”

“…….No…….. just back”

“Anything else?”

“………I wore his dirty sweat shirt and his dirty track pants which were there in the laundry basket in the bathroom…..……… he did not give them to me…........ sorry……I was already excited from the ride and seeing his back………… I could not think properly….…..”

“Ohk……anything else you want to tell me?”

“…….. I had intentionally left my undergarments on the floor of the bathroom and asked him to pick up……….”

“So basically you were teasing him……..”

“……….Yes……….. I was very excited………I am very excited…….”

“Your wanted him to do something to you?...”



“Nice?..... are you not angry?”

“No…….. why should I be angry?…….…I am the reason you are high…… I should have been there to take care of you………”

“No…….its not you…… it my body…….”

“I know how much you like sex…….. I should have been there….”

“Am feeling too horny Raghu………. I am not able to control……. I am feeling helpless when I get those feelings… I really stop thinking and everything I think about is sex and sex…………”

“Hmm…………..what do you think about Rajesh?”


“Do you feel like having sex with him?”


“Tell me……. May be I can do something…..”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I like you to have sex with him……..”


“Yeah…. I know how restless you feel when you get those feelings…….Rajesh is a good guy………I want you to enjoy life and be happy…………really happy.........and I am ready to do anything for that……. ”

“…………” I could hear sobbing sound from the other side……

“You are my angel….my beautiful angel……. I love you too much and can’t see you unhappy”

“…….. you love me so much that you are ready to loose me?…..”

“…………. I know my Swetha……. She will never leave me…….”

“I love you ………. No, I will never leave you………. I love you…. I love you….. I love you…..muah….muah….muah……” and she started giving me kisses over the phone

“I love you too….. I really can’t live without you……........ so what you want to do about your problem?....... ” I asked her to make the conversation light

“Stupid……..”and I could hear her giggle

“Yeah … I am stupid for you……..So what you want to do?”

“About what?”

“About your feelings…….”

“What about them?....they will go away as soon as you come…. You will take care of it…”

“Yes, I’ll take care of it after I come…… What about till I come….”


“Why don’t you have sex with Rajesh?”


“Don’t you like him?”

“I like him……”


“How can I have sex with other person when you are there?”

“But I am not there…..”

“No….don’t mince my words…”

“I don’t have any problem and I am asking you to have sex with him…… I want you to have sex with Rajesh”

“What will Rajesh think of me?”

“Don’t worry ……. he will be more than happy ……….he is getting a beautiful lady to have sex with…..why will he think anything else?”

“I don’t know ………”

“Just tell me ….. are you ok to have sex with Rajesh?....”


“Tell me..”

“……...Yes…….” She said softly

“Good…… am very happy….”


“No ifs and buts………I want you to stop thinking and enjoy…… Rajesh is a good guy”


I was relieved the way our discussion went and I was happy that Swetha agreed. I continued the discussion for some more time and kept the phone down once I was convince that Swetha was fine. I immediately called Rajesh and told him that the line is clear and Swetha agreed and finally it is on him how he initiates it.

(In reality, on Saturday after the disclosure by Rajesh about Raghu asking him to have sex with her, Swetha was taken back and She did not believe that Raghu had talked about him having sex with her. Rajesh tried to convince her by telling everything what transcribed between Raghu and Rajesh but still she was not convinced. When Rajesh tried to approach her she again she did not allow him to touch her and Rajesh had to leave when he could not convince her. On Sunday morning he went to Swetha again, by that time she had cooled down a bit and when he tried to convince her again she told him that their relationship is over and not to disturb her again. Rajesh after talking to Raghu when he called Swetha and asked her out to the beach she immediately said NO and said that this is again Rajesh’s plan to get into her pants.

Swetha got a little convinced when she was asked by Raghu to go to beach and she told Rajesh that she will come. Swetha was not still not ready for Rajesh so she did not allow him to touch her although they were sitting close by on the beach. The first time he touched her was when the old couple commented on them. Later on, the rain took over and the things started happening automatically just like what was said by Swetha to Raghu. Only thing she did not tell Raghu was that her feelings started to change when she saw the thick long hard dick of Rajesh when he was changing to shorts)
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My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 13-08-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 13-08-2019, 09:21 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:38 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:40 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:40 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:42 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Givemeextra - 13-08-2019, 07:22 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 13-08-2019, 07:57 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 15-08-2019, 01:29 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-08-2019, 05:09 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-08-2019, 05:21 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 17-08-2019, 02:55 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 13-11-2020, 02:35 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 13-11-2020, 10:49 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 14-11-2020, 09:58 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 15-11-2020, 10:38 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 16-11-2020, 11:33 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 16-11-2020, 12:24 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 20-11-2020, 07:02 AM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 05-12-2020, 06:24 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 06-12-2020, 11:49 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 05:08 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:12 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:15 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:18 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:20 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:23 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:25 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:29 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 02-01-2021, 10:47 AM
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