Adultery Fervor Regained by pinuram-Completed
Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#2)

Her father, Somesh sat quietly on the sofa and asked her, “Who is that person, Jhinuk?”

The voice of her father seemed to come from a great distance. She lost her voice to answer and she looked towards the floor trying to find answer to the query. In mean time, her mother, Piyali entered the drawing room and fathomed the tensed ambience of the room. She sensed the reason of tension and tried to speak with Somesh.

However, Somesh asked in a cold voice, “Are you going to answer or stand like that forever?”

She fidgeted with fingers and murmured, “He is my friend, Sitavro.” Her voice sank deep inside her throat.

He touched her daughter’s left hand and asked, “So a friend gave you a gold ring. What kind of friend gives gold ring to another friend?”

She bit her lips to control her commotion, her body started to tremble. Her throat became dry; she failed to answer her father’s question.

Piyali tried to dissuade the tension by saying, “We will speak about this after dinner. Let her go to her room and freshen up.”

Somesh gave a stern gaze at Piyali and asked, “So you knew all these beforehand and you kept me in dark.”

Piyali tried to pacify Somesh, “I was going to tell you. I was waiting for the opportune moment to speak with you.”

He growled at her, “And when would have that opportune moment would arrive? When ignominy descends on our family, then you would find time to tell me about our insolent daughter?”

She looked at her daughter’s face that was pale as a white sheet. Jhinuk’s eyes were filled with tears and they rolled down her cheeks to the chin. Piyali asked her daughter to come and sit beside her however, she had no energy left to move her feet.

Piyali fathomed the pain of her daughter and said to her husband, “She likes that person. His name is Sitavro.” He listened intently to his wife as Piyali kept on saying, “He is a good boy. He helped your daughter when the car broke down. Jhinuk love him, I have seen in her eyes that she feels like a free bird when she is with him.”

He growled at both mother and daughter, “What do you mean by freedom, do you find this house as a cage? Have I ever refrained my daughters from making friends or going out for having fun? I never reined her from studies. She cleared the entrance for MBA in Pune and Jamsedpur, however when she opted to goto Pune I let her go. Have I questioned her anytime as what she does with all her pocket money? Have I ever refrained her from her passion of painting?”

Jhinuk took a deep breath and looked at her father with soaked eyelids. She gathered the last drop of courage and muttered, “I love him. I want to marry him.”

There was a pin drop silence in the room. Somesh clenched his jaws and commanded her daughter in a cold voice, “You are going no where from tomorrow till you get a job. I will speak to my manager and see if he can arrange for an apprentice in HR for you.”

Piyali fathomed that the storm was evident so tried to dissipate the anger of her husband. She knew that she had to play hard to counter her husband, “What is the problem with you? Don’t you want your daughter to be happy? Let us call him and meet him. Why are you judging a person even without meeting him?”

Somesh swayed his head, “No, if she is so eager to marry then we will find a groom for her. Last year when I went for inspection then Devesh asked her alliance for his son. That time I told him that she is young and she is studying. I told him if he could wait for two years then we could accept his proposal. He said he was fine with that.”

Piyali played hard bat against her husband, “All your life you loved your daughter’s, you fulfilled their every dream. Now when she is asking for her life partner then why are you against that?”

Somesh growled, “Choosing a life partner is not same as choosing a dress from a shop. After buying the dress if you find it does not fits you then you can change it. What would happen if after marriage she finds that his family is not suitable for her? What do we know about his family?”

Piyali looked at her daughter trembling lips and pale cheeks and asked her to goto her room to freshen up. She walked away slowly to her room and broke down. Her sister asked the reason and she told her that their dad was against the alliance. Jhilik tried to console her sister but her heart was broken. During the dinner, she sat quietly, fidgeting with her food. Her eyes were swollen and she had no appetite to have any food. She was unable to look at her parent. Jhilik pressed her sister’s hand under the table and pacified her.

Jhilik said to her father, “Dad, I know you love us very much.”

Her father gave a stern gaze, “So everyone is taking her side?” he looked at her eldest daughter and asked, “What does he do?”

Jhilik answered instead of her sister, “Their family are into garment business. They own a big garment store in Burrabazaar.”

Somesh gave a bewildered look at Piyali, “What? A business family? I am not going to marry my daughter to any business family.”

Jhilik asked, “What is the wrong in that? Sitavro Da is a good person, he loves Didi very much.”

Somesh, “I said no means no. End of discussion.”

Jhinuk could not take more of that. She pushed the food plate and stood up from the table. She screamed at her father, “If I marry someone then I will marry Sitavro only else I will not marry anyone.”

Piyali tried to pacify Jhinuk but she ran to her room and locked herself. She broke down like a fallen mermaid. Her sister ran behind her to console her but she was inconsolable. Jhilik tried to pacify her saying that their father would reconsider his decision however, Jhinuk knew that her father was a stern person. He would break rather bend to the decision of hers.

After sometime she called Sitavro and said that her father caught her and he was against their alliance. Sitavro told that he had already spoken to his parents and his parents had agreed to his decision.

She sobbed inconsolably, “My father will not even meet you. He is not going to talk to you. I do not know how all these will happen. I love you very much and I will not marry anyone except you.”

Sitavro suggested, “Why don’t we elope and get married?”

She wiped her tears, “No I love my parents very much. If I run away from home then it will bring disgrace to my parents. I am not going to run away. If he does not accept our relation then I will remain unmarried till the day I die.”

Sitavro pacified her, “Don’t cry Sanghamitra, I will find some solution. Don’t worry, I love you. Keep the faith.”

His caring voice dissipated her pains. She wiped her eyes and said, “I know what to do.”

He exclaimed, “Don’t take any hasty decision, Sanghamitra, please.”

“No” She answered, “I will try to pacify my parents till my last breath.”

From the next morning, she started fasting; she did not take her breakfast. At first, her mother thought that she might be unwell but when she did not come for lunch then her mother ascertained that she was fasting. She tried to console her and pacify her but Jhinuk was adamant that she would rather fast and die.

She said to her mother, “Tell me what is wrong being a son of a business man? He is a good person, please meet him once and you will come to know.”

Piyali sat beside her side and caressed her cheek, “How much world have you seen? How much experience have you gathered? I am not saying that business families are bad but they tend to weigh everything by money. Education and status is different from business and money. What life you would have in a business family?”

She sobbed, “I thought you will take my side.” She pushed away her mother’s soothing hand and screamed, “Go away from here.”

Piyali was between the devil and the Dead Sea. Last night she tried to pacify her husband but he was adamant not to meet Sitavro and speak to him. He gave his statement that Jhinuk cannot marry a businessman.

Piyali took Jhinuk’s hand in hers and said in a soothing voice, “Please come down and eat something.”

“No” she screamed, “I am not going to eat anything.”

She took only juices for the whole day. During night, her father’s cold stern gaze burnt her. She stood firm in her stand that she would marry only Sitavro and no one else. Both father and daughter locked horns and stood firm on their court. On the second day, she felt weak yet she did not take a single morsel of food. Piyali and Jhilik were worried about Jhinuk’s deteriorating health. She kept on saying that she would not take any food. Signs of tension showed on her father’s forehead. A dotting father had to bend his rules in front of his adamant daughter. After dinner was over, he called Jhinuk to his room. Jhinuk was sceptical about as what her father was going to say. She looked at her father’s face, which was overcast with a gloomy and stern shadow. Her heart started thumping like an insane ram inside her chest. She looked at her mother who was sitting beside her father. Her mother nodded and assured her not to be tensed. She felt little respite in the midst of the dark clouds hovering over her love.

Somesh looked at her and spoke in a cold voice, “Why haven’t you taken your food for two days?”

She clenched her fist, gathers courage to face him and murmured, “I did not feel hungry.”

“If something happens to you then who will be by your side? You are my blood and bones; please try to understand, Jhinuk.”

All her veins were yearning to meet his soul mate. She kept silent for few moments; she stood firm on her ground, “What is your opinion about my decision?”

“I have always been affectionate to you, I care for you. I can’t stand tears in my daughter’s eyes.” She held her breath, eager to know the opinion of her father as her father kept on saying, “Call him tomorrow, I want to meet him.”

She jumped with joy however; she contained her excitement and sported a sleek smile to her mother.

Somesh asked his daughter, “Are you happy now?” she nodded her head and walked to her father. His eyes were glossy after beholding his daughter’s excited face. He requested Jhinuk to take food, to which she complied.

The very night she called Sitavro and informed him that her father wants to meet him. The next day, Sitavro was at her doorstep. He was from a business family; he knew how to speak and how to convince people. Speaking in assuring words filled up with nectar was in his blood. He assured her father that he will abide her every request and would keep her happy and safe. He told to her father that his parents want the wedding sooner. Her father invited his family to discuss about wedding. Few days later Sitavro’s parents came to ask for her hand in marriage. She felt that she was in seventh heaven floating among the clouds. Her strong will and her battle won at last. Smile of content returned to the lips of both loving doves.

The doors of Jhinuk’s house opened for Sitavro. Although her father did not liked him much yet had to sport a soothing smile as they met. One evening Sitavro picked Jhinuk from her house and they went to birthday party of one of Sitavro’s friends. He introduced Sanghamitra as his fiancée and everyone was surprised to know that. He kept his affair secret from his friend circle and asked Jhinuk to do that. He told to Jhinuk to divulge their relation only after the engagement. He took her to the roof and asked her to look at the sky. It was early autumn yet in Kolkata; the monsoon leaves the city quiet late, so there were tufts of black rain clouds. It was a full moon night.

In the lonely roof, under the night sky she felt goose bumps all over her frame. She anticipated that some was going to happen to her. She trembled as Sitavro touched her shoulder. He turned her towards him and in sheer bash; she closed her eyes. Her eyelids were fluttering with anxiety as she sensed his warm breath sweeping over her soft cheeks. Sitavro took her face between his palms and asked her to open her eyes. She felt her frame to get stiffened, her lips started to flutter.

He cooed to her, “The full moon is covered with black rain clouds but why my moon is keeping her eyes shut?”

She opened her eyes like lotus petals unfurl and gave a amorous look at him. He touched her forehead with his. She brought her hands between their bodies and clasped his collar. Their nose tips touched each other. Her soft rosy lips parted involuntarily beckoning to be mashed under the lips of her betrothed.

He murmured, “You have a very sweet pair of nectar filled lips.”

He gently touched her lips with his and she stiffened. He took her upper lips between his and chewed gently. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head towards her. Her soft cushy bosom flattened on his chest. Her heart thumped against his chest. He was able to feel the warmth of his amorous dove. He held her narrow waist and pulled her frame to glue with him. His naughty lips kept on chewing her lips for long time as they wandered into the blissful night. The time seemed to stop for them; the autumn breeze caressed those two lovelorn birds.

After a long time or so they thought, he broke the kiss and murmured, “The best ever present I have tasted in my life, honey. You are the mermaid of my dream and you are the queen of my heart.”

She felt tingling sensation all over her frame. He embraced her tightly, his hands roamed freely on her back. Two frames entwined in the dark night. He kept on kissing her earlobes, that send throes of spasm all over her tender figure. She trembled like a rabbit in his tight embrace. She felt her heart melting with each kiss.

She moaned, “Sitavro, I am feeling something deep down my heart.”

He teased by kissing her chin and murmured, “This is just the beginning honey. I will hurl you to the peak of passion.”

“Please don’t make me go weak now.”

“There is no elders here, we are alone and there is a spare room.” He freed her from his embrace and held his hand.

She could not look into his blazing eyes, his gaze felt like amber on her slender body. Fire of passion took over her molten soul. He took her inside the room and started to caress her back. She stiffened as she felt his finger roaming over her spine trying to unzip the dress. She cooed, “No dear, please don’t do that to me. Please save that for the wedding night.”

He stopped his lewd action to undress her and bowed in front of her, “As my queen commands, as you wish.”
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 11:56 AM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:10 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:32 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:54 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:12 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:25 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:26 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Cutie - 09-01-2019, 07:40 AM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:21 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:51 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 01:03 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 12:54 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:00 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:22 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:35 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:47 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:56 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:03 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:11 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:22 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:29 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:36 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 03:13 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 03:27 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-01-2019, 11:57 AM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Renjith - 11-01-2019, 12:40 PM

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