Adultery Fervor Regained by pinuram-Completed
Chapter 3. Siren’s Tears. (#1)

Sanghamitra looked outside the open window, chilled winds felt like hot gush of air on her slender figure. She felt that millions of scorpions biting her all over. She sat cowered on her bed with tears of a broken heart. Her eyes were red yet her tears felt ashamed to trickle down her cheek. She told to herself, why to shed tears for a wolf in a sheepskin? She tried to fathom as what went wrong, how she misjudged. She was always a good judge about humans but she felt carried away when she met Sitavro. Her mind raced back in time, her cramped soul turned few crinkly pages.

Sanghamitra recollected the day she met Sitavro for the first time. The dark rain clouds were rumbling overhead that day, a heavy downpour was eminent. Jhinuk was returning from the engagement party of Sreeja, who was her batch-mate during her MBA in Pune. The car took a lonely road while returning from Bali. Suddenly the car broke down in the midst of nowhere. The driver checked the engine and informed her about the problem. She instructed him to call a mechanic. She was helpless as her father was away to Raniganj for mines inspection. She informed her mother regarding the breakdown and told her not to worry much. She was a brave girl and she knew how to fend herself. She sat inside the car waiting anxiously for the mechanic to arrive.

All of a sudden, a bike stopped beside the car. Her driver approached the stranger on the bike. Jhinuk looked behind and recognised the stranger who was a distant relative of Sreeja. Jhinuk opened the door and gave a helpless smile at him. She belonged to rich and educated family. Her suave nature was evident from her gorgeous attire and beautiful looks. She recollected that at the function several people were ogling at her, as she was the fairest maiden amongst all.

The stranger told to Jhinuk, “I think it will take some time for the mechanic to arrive. I can drop you home if you want.”

She hesitated to take help from a total stranger it dawned that probably the person was stalking her so she politely denied his request, “I am fine I will wait in the car.”

The stranger looked at the dark jostling clouds overhead and said to Jhinuk, “It is a late hour and the shower is eminent.” Just then, a thunder crackled overhead. The stranger smiled, “See it can pour anytime. What do you say?”

Jhinuk was sceptical to take lift with total unknown person so she answered, “I will rather sit in the car. By the way, thanks for stopping by.” She was jovial and an intelligent girl, she knew very well how to fend off the unwanted advances.

He started the bike and just then, she got a call from her friend. She told her about the mishap and informed her about Sitavro. Her friend requested her to take the help from her relative to get home before the downpour. She felt that she should take the lift to reach home as her mother was anxiously waiting for her.

She told the stranger, “Ok I would like to accept your request.”

He laughed at her, “First you have to request me earnestly like a lady.”

She got angry the way the stranger spoke to her on the first meet; however, she sported a brave smile and said, “You can go away if you please.”

>He fumbled with his words, “No no I am really sorry to say that. I will be grateful to help you.”

Jhinuk instructed the driver to bring the car after the mechanic arrives same time she informed her mother about her situation. She sat on the pillion of the bike and asked him to drive.

He joked, “Your driver is at your service Madam.” He kept on talking about himself and introduced himself as Sitavro. Jhinuk kept a cautious distance from him so as not to touch his back. She was in sheer anxiety as the road was dark. She sat quietly on the pillion clasping the clutch between them. She felt respite after sometime as the bike entered the city. She let out a deep breath she held in her lungs for long time.

Sitavro sensed her fear and said to her, “I am able to hear your thumping heart.”

Jhinuk gave a bashful smile as she tried to hide her anxiety, “No I was not afraid at all. It was the humid winds that made me shiver so I held my breath.”

He looked at her bashful face over his shoulder and teased her, “You could have hold me for warmth.”

She scolded him softly, “Look at the road when you drive.”

He bowed, “As you command Her Majesty.” Both of them burst into laughter.

On the way home, she told him about herself. He joked that her name was too long to pronounce. She did not feel to divulge her pet name on the very first day. On reaching her house, she invited him inside however he politely denied the request on the pretext that it was very late. She insisted to come inside and have a cup of tea as token of gratitude from her. He started at her bashful eyes, which were twinkling then. Jhinuk was not able to stand the gaze and looked down. He came near her, her heart thumped harder inside her chest in anticipation. She felt his warm breath on her face.

He whispered to her, “See on her wedding. I will be anxiously waiting for you.”

She looked up and said, “I will be there by noon.”

She walked towards the house and felt that he was staring at him. She felt his gaze was burning her body. She turned back and waved at him, until she closed the door he stood there at the gate. Her sister, Jhilik noticed everything from the balcony; she came running downstairs and asked her about the stranger. She gave a bashful smile and told her everything. She told that the person was very much courteous with her and never tried to take advantage of her on the way home. Jhilik winked at her and asked whether she felt something in her heart while she was on his pillion, but she denied any attraction. All that she felt then was that she was relieved that she was safe in house.

They met again on her friend’s wedding. That was the first time Jhinuk noticed that she and Sitavro was of same height. She had her heels so she looked taller than Sitavro. That day she dbangd is a gorgeous saree and looked extremely beautiful. Sitavro also looked handsome in his cream blazer and blue jeans. Heads turned towards her and people whispered about her beauty, some of which she overheard. She felt little awkward when Sitavro presented a crystal showpiece to her. The showpiece was a tiny idol of a couple holding hands. He knew that he would have to toil hard to win the heart of such enchanting lady.

She was born and brought up in Raniganj where her father worked. After her father was transferred to Kolkata, she went away to Pune for further studies so she had few friends in Kolkata and at the wedding, she knew no one. He was by her side giving her company all the time. She felt that he was bowled over by her enchanting beauty but the attraction from her side was yet to find a place in her heart. She felt ease in his presence as his nature was smooth. Before departing, he asked for her phone number and she obliged to his request.

Jhinuk had plenty of time at her disposal then and she was enjoying a vacation before taking a plunge in the rat race of life. Her father requested her to appear for some job interviews, he even asked her whether she want to do job in his office or not. She told to her parents that she wants to enjoy a little and her mother persuaded her father to give their eldest daughter sometime.

After that wedding, Jhinuk and Sitavro spoke over telephone at the beginning. Their conversation started to get longer day-by-day. Whenever she spoke over the phone, her sister used to tease her a lot. She felt happy to have a close friend in midst of nowhere after Sreeja got married.

After few weeks, Sitavro asked her out, at first, she hesitated but after little persuasion, she accepted. He asked her whether he would pick her up from home or not but she chose to drive to the meeting place on the first day. She remembers that he came with a large bouquet of roses and chocolates for her. She was thrown overboard on that day by his nature yet she contained her excitement to test the person for some more time. They sipped coffee in a renowned restaurant and chatted for a while. She came to know that his family owns a garment business and in near future he wanted to start his own business. With each passing moment, she felt an invisible magnetic field attracting her. Again, the monsoon played the spoilsport that day and their first meeting was shortened. She had to return home half-heartedly.

They started to meet quiet often and their cohesion grew with time. Every time they met, he used to bring some gifts for her; she loved those small gifts, sometimes a bracelet, sometimes a hair clip. Not all those gifts were costly yet she felt priceless. She returned home in jubilant mood, sleepless nights started and their conversation never finished. Only on the first day, she drove in her car to meet him, after that day, he used to come near her house and she used to walk to the bus-stand to ride with him on his bike. She enjoyed the breeze of freedom with him. She was rich and suave so she never tasted roadside tea or roadside junk foods in her life. Along with him, she tasted all those little fun that a puerile foal could have in her life. She was inundated in the sea of romantic bliss.

Their long conversations contained mostly nothing. Young Jhilik was mischievous; she used to feign to be asleep and used to eavesdrop on her sister’s long conversation. When the limit used to get crossed she used to cough and shorten their blissful titbits.

Sitavro used to give the first call, “Are you asleep?”

She teased him, “No, why? Do you want to come now?”

He joked at her, “I would be fortunate then to ride with you in this lonely night.”

She exclaimed, “Oh my God, it is drizzling and you want to ride?”

He said, “Don’t you feel romantic soaking in this drizzle?”

She turned on the bed with dreamy eyes and fidgeted with her long tress, “Yes, I love to get wet in rain. When I was in Raniganj then we had a big garden in front of our house. When it rained we both sisters used to dance in rain and my mother used to scold me.”

He queried, “So what is the problem now? Get to the roof and get wet. I can join you.”

She slapped coyly on the receiver, “Naughty boy. So how was your day?”

He said, “Nothing as such, I sat idly in the shop for whole day and dreamt of a beautiful mermaid.”

She quizzed him although the answer was known to her, “Who was that mermaid?”

Jhilik whispered her sister’s ears, “Didi you are the mermaid.”

She patted her sister and whispered, “You naughty girl, eavesdropping in the dead night.”

Jhilik teased her sister, “Didi, your conversation was making the room warmer.”

She hugged her sister and said, “Goto sleep.”

On the other end, Sitavro sensed that there was someone beside Jhinuk so he asked, “Your sister has not slept yet?”

Jhinuk answered, “This naughty girl sleeps only if her sister cuddles her.”

He teased her, “What will happen when you will get married?”

She answered by looking at her sister lovely eyes, “I will take her with me as dowry.”

He teased her, “The person will be fortunate to have such beautiful sister-in-law in dowry.”

Jhilik winched her nose and whispered in her sister’s ears, “I will sleep between you and your hubby.”

>She gave a playful slap on her sister’s chubby cheek, “Goto sleep now.” And she bid goodnight to Sitavro also.

Jhinuk was sceptical as what her parents would think about him as her father was against the concept of love marriage. Her sister, Jhilik knew everything about her affair and she gave a hint to her mother that her sister was in love. Her mother sensed the change in her on the very first day they met yet she kept quiet and waited for her daughter to divulge. Months passed and when Jhinuk did not divulge anything, her mother asked the reason of her long conversation and the stranger friend with whom she was spending a lot of time. Jhinuk was frank and divulged that she like the person who helped to return home on that fateful night. She opened her heart to her mother. Upon knowing everything, her mother cautioned her to tread the murky waters of life cautiously. That time she was flying with winds under her wings so she paid no heeds to those words of caution.

Then came the time when Sitavro proposed her for marriage. Sitavro asked her that he wants to tell her something. She anticipated as what would be his query and she was very much anxious. Sitavro picked her up from the designated bus stop. She held him tightly from behind, glued herself on his back. She felt his warmth melting her slender soft torso. Her heart raced like a mare caught in tension of mating with a stallion. On that day, they drove to renowned restaurant in a posh colony. He arranged for a candle light dinner and he swept off her feet. She could see the hesitation and excitement on Sitavro’s face. Her heart was beaming with excitement and with every passing moment, her heart skipped a beat.

He looked at her bashful crimson face and said, “My parents are searching for a bride for me.”

Her heart stopped beating; she gave a bewildered look at him and said, “You never told me this?”

He looked on the food plate and said, “Yeah it has been quiet some time and they have come down to three girls for my alliance. I have to choose one of them.”

Every muscle of her slender frame tightened on hearing his words. She clenched her jaws as her vision got flooded. Her lips trembled and she asked, “What was your response to them?”

He looked at her contoured face from the corner of his eyes and teased her more, “I told them I am ready to marry the girl they choose but I said them that she has to be my lucky charm.”

She clenched her fist under the table, tried hard to subdue the overflowing tension that surged in her heart, “So among those three who was your lucky charm?”

He took her left hand in his and gently caressed her ring finger. The touch made her to shiver. He took out a gold ring from a little red box and touched her ring finger. She felt her heart to stop for a moment when he presented her a gold ring and held her left hand in his hand.

He looked into her big black glistening eyes and said, “Sanghamitra, the day I met you I felt that I was on the top of the world. You are my lucky charm, Sanghamitra will you be lucky charm forever?”

She looked away, her cheeks were red like ripe peach, her face was warm and her ears were red. Blood surged through her veins and her heart stopped for a moment as she nodded, “You scoundrel, I was going to have a heart attack.”

He took her serpentine finger to his lips and kissed those soft fingers gently. She closed her eyes and felt that she would melt by his touch. He whispered, “I have shown your picture to my mother and she was very happy. I told my parents about you and said that I want to have my lucky charm with me always. They have not opposed to my choice, they want to meet you.”

She murmured, “When?”

He caressed her fingers and asked, “How about tomorrow?”

She nodded her head in accordance, “I will be ready for that.”

He then asked, “What about your parents, have you divulged anything to them yet?”

She gave a pat on his hand and said, “You took months to propose and I was not sure about your decision. How can I speak to my parents then? Anyways my mom knows everything. I have to pacify my dad. He loves me very much so I can do that. Don’t worry I will manage my family.”

That day while returning from the restaurant, she hugged him tightly by his torso and tried herself to paste with his back. She felt like walking in the clouds. Early autumn breeze filled her heart with ecstasy. She rubbed her cheek on his nape to tease him. They kept on playing like little cubs on savannah. He dropped her at her gate and kissed her hand again. She threw her arms around her neck and whispered in his ears, “I love you.” Then she ran into the house.

As she entered the house, she bumped on her father. The door was open and her father’s vision fixated towards the gate. She looked over her shoulder and observed that Sitavro was looking at her. She felt as if her father has slapped her hard across her cheek. She turned pale as she noticed that Sitavro threw a flying kiss at her and drove away. She was unable to look at her father as her father observed everything. She turned into a stone effigy; she felt that her feet was riveted with the floor. She tried to walk away but her father’s growl stopped her steps in the middle.

Her father, Somesh sat quietly on the sofa and asked her, “Who is that person, Jhinuk?”

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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 11:56 AM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:10 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:32 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:54 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:12 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:25 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:26 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Cutie - 09-01-2019, 07:40 AM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:21 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:51 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 12:54 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:22 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:35 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:47 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:56 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:03 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:11 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:22 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:29 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 02:36 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 03:13 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-01-2019, 11:57 AM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Renjith - 11-01-2019, 12:40 PM

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