Adultery Fervor Regained by pinuram-Completed
Chapter 2. Unexpected Alliance. (#2)

Late was the hour when Jhinuk returned to her house. Her face contoured in sheer pain and her composure was shaky. Her eyelids were soaked and the colour of her cheeks was lost. Piyali looked at her daughter’s face and fathomed that something worst has happened with her. She asked her daughter about her whereabouts, the reason of her pale painful look. When her mother’s caring words entered her ears, she started to tremble like a bird caught in storm. She hugged her mother broke down on her shoulder. Piyali was unable to understand as what happened she kept on asking the reason about her perturbed soul.

Jhinuk sobbed incessantly, “I don’t want to marry him. He is a scoundrel and his family is greedy. I misjudged him I am sorry. Please call off the wedding.”

Everyone around her was dumbfounded to hear her words. Ambalika and Piyali took her to another room, as the house was full of guests. Her parents, Ambalika, and Niladri surrounded her. She kept on sobbing on her mother’s shoulder.

Piyali soothed her daughter and asked, “Tell me what he asked from you? What he did?”

Jhinuk sobbed out, “Sitavro is a lecherous person. He is greedy and his family is greedy. I sneaked out to meet him in a hotel. He told me that he wanted some money for his business. I said that I have a fixed deposit but he wanted to have money in his account so that he can start his own business. I was astounded upon knowing his intention in the last minute. He was bit inebriated and he tried to....” she could not complete her sentence and broke down on her mother’s lap. Piyali rubbed her back and tried to console her. Jhinuk kept on lamenting, “I am sorry Ma, I am very sorry. I am totally broken; I don’t want to marry anyone, Ma.”

Somesh growled on her daughter after hearing all those. “What nonsense is this, Jhinuk? I am calling Sitavro now and I am going to talk to his parents also.”

Jhinuk sobbed, “Yes Dad, you can call them. At least I am fortunate enough to know their true colours. Forgive me Dad; I should have listened to you earlier.”

Somesh phoned Sitavro’s parents and became very much agitated after he came to know about Sitavro’s demand. From the beginning, he was against the alliance with a business family. Sitavro’s family indirectly asked for dowry in cash however, he did not want his daughter to be unhappy so he deposited a large amount of money in his daughter’s account as fixed deposit. However that decision did not go well with them, they wanted the money in Sitavro’s name. Somesh threatened them to goto security officer. Niladri asked him to keep cool. He felt that someone poured amber over him. His strong frame as a stern administrator waned, as he was a loving father.

Somesh sat on the sofa and with hazy eyes growled at his daughter, “We loved you and cared for you, we fulfilled your every request and insolent demands. I was against this relation from the beginning but you were adamant to marry him. I kept my head cool even when they asked for dowry. Your mother warned you that day but you paid no heed to her pray and kept on frolicking like a insolent joey. Your mother cautioned you at every step but you did not pay any heed to her. Now your act has bought infamy to us. Most of the close relatives are out there, day after tomorrow is your wedding, and five hundred guests have been invited. When they will come to know that the wedding had been called off then my hard-earned prestige would shatter to the earth. We are from bride’s side; everyone will assume that my daughter is of bad character. ” he slapped his forehead, “What sin have I done that Almighty punished me like this?”

The jubilant ambience of the house turned sour. Both Ambalika and Piyali tried to console Jhinuk but she shook like a newborn fawn. The walls came crumbling down the family. Everyone sat around speechless. For the first time in his life, Somesh felt that his world was shattered there was tears in his eyes.

Niladri took Somesh’s hand and tried to comfort him, “Somesh, please calm down. Please do not scream at Jhinuk like that. At least give thanks to Almighty that we discovered their reality before marriage was solemnised. What would you have done if she was married off and then your daughter was tortured? Try to think the better side of life. Do not get tensed we can persuade the relatives. We are beside you; brace up let face the storm together.”

“You are right but I have lost my senses. Where are we going to find a groom at this moment?” He looked at his daughter and his wife and said, “A year ago Devesh approached me with alliance for his son. Then Jhinuk was in final year of MBA and she did not want to marry. I also thought to let my daughter to be with me for some more time. He is still searching for a bride for his son, I can request him.”

Jhinuk sobbed out, “No I don’t want to marry anyone at least not with him.”

Ambalika consoled Jhinuk, “Don’t cry, we will find some solution. By the grace of Almighty you are safe.”

Somesh was burning in angst, “Now don’t say another word. You have already brought enough ignominy to us. You will marry the person that I will choose for you.”

Jhinuk gave a painful look at her father; her heart was already broken in thousand pieces. Her slender frame was shaking like a twig in utter angst and pain. She ran to her room and locked her inside. Ambalika tried to stop her but she ran away. Everyone present in the room was dead silent as if they were in a crematorium. The jubilant ambience burnt to ashes. The music of shehnai seemed to painful cry of a wounded animal.

Niladri sat beside Ambalika and whispered in her ears, “I have a proposal.”

She gave a quizzical look at her husband, “You mean to say, Rishu?” He nodded and there was a sleek smile on Ambalika’s lips. She whispered back, “That is why I love you so much, naughty boy. You always fathom my silent words.” She looked at Piyali and Somesh and said, “I have a proposal.” Somesh and Piyali gave a quizzical look at her and waited anxiously to her proposal. She spoke in quizzical voice, “What about my eldest son?”

Piyali’s eyes once again were flooded she could not believe as what she heard, “You mean to say Ambarish?”

Ambalika smiled and nodded gently, “Yes, he is still a bachelor and I think it is high time that he should get married. If you don’t have any opposition then I can speak with him.”

Piyali hugged her friend, “It could not have been a better alliance for my daughter to have a mother in law like you. I will be very much obliged.”

Somesh clasped Niladri’s hand, “I never dreamt to have such qualified and dignified son in law. I have no words to express my gratitude to have a better family for my daughter. But will he abide?”

Niladri winked at Ambalika and said to Somesh, “You have a beautiful loving daughter. The day I first saw her, I thought that she would have been the best match for Rishu. However, the time was different then so I kept that dream to myself only.”

Ambalika cheered up Piyali and Somesh, “He is my son, so no need to worry and I will speak to Jhinuk also, leave those to me. Wipe away all the tears and get ready. The wedding is still on only the groom has changed. Cheer up dear, we have lots of business to finish.”

Jubilant mood returned in the family within. Ambalika was aware that if she tells Rishu about the alliance then he would be furious. She had to plan something to get him board the plane. Once he comes home in her domain then she would be able to persuade him for marriage. However, the question remained that who was going to bell on the cat. Ambalika informed her children about everything. Diya and Deep jumped in joy that their beloved uncle would be getting married finally and that also with lovely Jhinuk. Jhilik and Diya danced a little. Diya became thoughtful, as she knew her Rishu very well, if her mother tells the truth then Rishu would never come, she has to weave a tale to get him on the plane.

She winked at her mother and said, “I know how to bring him home.” Everybody looked at Diya. She gave a mischievous smile and called Deep. She whispered something in Deep’s ears and phoned Rishu.

Deep feigned a pain and cried out, “Rishu.”

It was late night and was very cold in Delhi. Ambarish sat quietly in front of television watching some news channel. In the evening, he spoke with his family so he knew that there would be no call that night. The phone buzzed, he picked up the phone and felt a jolt when he heard Deep crying on the phone. His heart leapt to his throat, “Why are you crying, what happened?”

The mischievous cub kept on shedding crocodile tears, “Rishu, I fell down from stairs and my elbow is hurting. I am unable to straighten my hand, Rishu.” Rishu asked for his mother but he kept on crying on the phone, “Rishu please come home. It is hurting very much, Rishu please come home.”

Ambarish felt the pain in his elbow. He tried to console his nephew, “Don’t worry ask your mother to take you to hospital. Everything will be alright.”

He cried out loudly, “If you don’t come then I am not going to any hospital. What will every one say? My Rishu is Orthopaedic surgeon and I have to goto another doctor to treat my sprained elbow.”

“Ok dear, don’t cry like that, I am coming. I will take the earliest flight tomorrow morning and will be by your side. I will take tomorrow off.”

“No Rishu, you have to come tonight. You have to stay with me till me elbow is fine.”

He persuaded his nephew, “Ok let me see what I can do. Just don’t cry.” He then spoke to his sister and asked about the incident. Ambalika had to make a story about Deep’s sprained elbow. He told that he would try to get there as early as possible. Everyone in the room was anxious to know his decision and they all felt overjoyed when they came to know that Ambarish was coming. Ambalika hugged Diya and Deep close to her bosom. All the children knew that they were going to have a sleepless night. They would be dancing and enjoying the whole night. Festive ambience returned in the house.

Jhinuk locked herself in the room and sat quietly beside the open window. The cold wind could not douse the raging fire that burnt her heart. She felt humiliated to the core, her eyes were gorge red and wet yet the tears felt ashamed to trickle down her soft creamy cheeks. Ambalika went to her room and knocked her door. After much persuasion, she wiped her eyes and opened the door. Ambalika hugged her close and kissed her forehead. She asked her to wipe her tears and informed that she had to prepare herself to brace the bitter cold of Delhi. Jhinuk could not understand as what her aunt was saying to her. She gave a bewildered look and Ambalika took her inside the room. She explained everything to her and said that Jhinuk was going to be her daughter in law. Jhinuk was in dilemma whether she should be happy or sad. Her heart cramped inside her chest. Few hours ago, she had heartbreak and within few hours there was someone in her life whom she does not know at all. She never met Ambarish nor did she speak to him ever. She felt like a puppet in the hands of fate. All the colours in her life turned black with each passing minute. She requested for some time to settle down however in her heart she knew that the decision had already been taken and she had to submit to her parents choice then. Once again, Jhinuk locked herself in the room. She was feeling humiliated, she banged her forehead with her fist. How she misjudged a person and brought infamy to her parents. She threw herself on the bed and clasped the pillow to her bosom. Her eyes were inundated and her ribs were breaking one by one. She loved the person but she was fortunate enough to discover the wolf in sheepskin in time.

Ambarish searched internet and there was a late night flight to Kolkata. Fortunate enough he got a ticket. He raced to the airport to board the plane. He was very much attached with his nephew and niece that he could throw away all desires of the world to be by their side. The pain in his elbow was growing with each passing second. The night was bitter cold in Delhi but he was sweating as the wail of his beloved nephew echoed in his ears. Once he resigned from AIIMS to be with his family however, his sister persuaded him to practice for some more years in AIIMS so that he could apply for assistant professor job in any medical college in Kolkata. He obeyed his sister as her words were like a commandment to him.

Ambalika looked at her watch; she presumed that by that time, Rishu might be in security check. Her heart felt that she should not keep him in dark so she called Rishu, “Have you got the ticket?”

Ambarish was very much disturbed so he blurted out on his sister, “You all can’t even keep an eye on a little boy? What do you do? This time I will bring him to Delhi and get him admitted in some school here.”

She laughed to know the anxiety that he had in his heart so to dissuade him she told, “Ok you can take him with you but who is going to look after him when you will be at hospital? Have you ever thought of that?” Rishu kept quiet. Ambalika went on, “You need to find a good loving bride who would take care of you and your nephew and niece.”

He got agitated, “Now don’t start that please. Tell me whether his elbow is still paining or not.”

She laughed again, “Your naughty nephew’s is fine nothing happened to his elbow. We had to play a prank to bring you home.” He was astounded to know the real fact however before he could say anything, his sister divulged the truth to him, “We have searched for a bride for you and you need to come home. The marriage is in two days.” Rishu was speechless to know that, his head went blank. He was unable to understand a single syllable of his sister. Ambalika requested Rishu, “Please don’t get angry. I will explain everything once you reach here. I have already sent the car to pick you up. Diya, Deep and Jhilik will be going to airport.”

Rishu’s voice sank in his throat, “Didibhai, I don’t want any third person to come between me and my family. I have a bitter experience so I do not want to bring anyone between us. I am happy with my life.”

“All the fingers of a hand are not of same length Rishu. Come out of your past experience, forget whatever happened with Chandrika.”

“I have already forgotten her, she was never a part of my life. Now I do not want anyone to burn my well-pruned garden. I will not be able to live if someone comes between us.”

“Believe me the bride we have chosen for you is a good girl and moreover she is the daughter of my best friend Piyali. Once you reach home I will explain everything to you.”

He understood that when his sister has made the decision he has no power to turn that down. He worships his sister like a goddess. When he was a kid, his sister taught him to bow and worship the idols of God. He even memorised several Vedic mantras that his sister taught him and he used to chant and offer puja regularly. Then on the night when his medical entrance result was declared, he saw his sister crying in front of the pictures of his deceased parent. From that day, he stopped worshiping the idols and kept his sister’s picture with him.

He obeyed to his sister and answered in a calm voice, “All I wanted to be my Didi’s kid brother, now you are hurling me into another realm. You are my goddess so I do not need to worry. If you are happy then I am more than happy. I will obey your every command.”

Her vision dampened, “Grow up now, you are going to get married now.”

His voice choked, “I don’t want to grow up.”

He disconnected the phone and walked to aerobridge to board the plane. He sat beside the window and stared outside that was pitch black. He took out his phone and started to delete all the old memoirs, images of Miss. Chandrika Pasupathy. He erased all those crinkly pages that he stored as a sweet and bitter memoir. After deleting all the images he looked into the dark sky, a new horizon was beckoning him and he had to embrace it.

***** End Of Chapter 2 *****
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 11:56 AM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:10 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:32 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 12:54 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:05 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:25 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-01-2019, 01:26 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:21 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-01-2019, 12:51 PM
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RE: Fervor Regained by pinuram - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-01-2019, 01:56 PM
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