Shaily Singh
"Oh gosh, look at that Saurav! It's that whore again! Man, look at her running! Fuck! Her boobs are so sexy dude! Look at 'em knockers flying around in all directions!", said another to his friend.

"I think she's running to find out who fucked her last night! Hahaha! Wow man, this is so hot! Look at her ass jiggle too. This whore's got smut all over her body bro!", came another humiliating comment on Shaily.

"Hey Shaily, where are you running to baby? Be careful, your boobs might just smack your face if you run any harder! hahaha!", came another vulgar comment on Shaily, that she very clearly heard, but she did not want to bother herself with it.

"Hey Shaily, be careful, your sexy pussy will drop off if you run so hard, hahaha!!", said another guy laughing at her seeing Shaily run on the streets all naked.

"I'm sure she's just running to show us all her huge sexy jugs jumping about like that! She's a total slut bro!", came another ruthless comment on the naked Shaily.

While she ran with all her might to Mr. Farooq's chamber to meet him, Shaily wondered what she might have done that could possibly cause him anger. The very optimistic and womanly side of her considered the possibility of Mr. Farooq just calling her to his chamber for having some fun with her naked body. The other, anxious side of Shaily questioned her soul, if she did anything wrong that might have caused Mr. Farooq anger, as was evident in his words.

With that, as Shaily neared the professors' cabin, she started to pant heavily after running all the way from the LTC to the professors' cabin completely naked, to meet Mr. Farooq in his chamber in less than a minute, like he instructed her to. Her boobs were paining too on account of them being so big and jumping in all directions due to her running, and she slowly massaged her sweaty tits with her hands as she walked to Mr. Farooq's chamber in the professors' cabin.

As she sweat profusely, Shaily looked like a total sexpot while she massaged her breasts gently and greeted the professors she saw on her way to Mr. Farooq's chamber. She was glad that even they were taking double turns to look at her naked body as she smiled happily knowing that she was being lusted at.

One she reached Mr. Farooq's chamber, she knocked on his door.

"Hello Mr. Farooq, may I come in?", she said from the outside.

"Yes, come in", said Mr. Farooq as she entered the chamber and locked the door behind her, hoping that Mr. Farooq would like to have some fun with her naked body.

As she saw Mr. Farooq sit in his chair, Shaily reminisced the beautiful time she had spent yesterday here in his chamber where Mr. Farooq exploited her naked body as he wished. Of course, Shaily had come to love it so much, and after how he showered his love towards her yesterday, Shaily really believed that she and Mr. Farooq had a connection. She had a strong hunch that if it could materialise, she and Mr. Farooq would have a great sex life. She couldn't help but smile blushingly as she realised how beautiful the time with Mr. Farooq in his chamber was yesterday, the only good moment in her first day of the MS-INR, so to speak.

"Hello Mr. Farooq, good to see you today! How do I look?", said Shaily happily, still panting and sweating profusely, as she smiled seductively at him while she cutely twirled around in a circle for him happy to show him all of her sexy, sweaty naked flesh. Of course, after their romantic encounter yesterday right in his chamber, Shaily was really looking forward to meeting him again in his chamber and show him her sweet nakedness for his fun. As she twirled around for him completely naked showing him every inch of her cute sexy naked flesh, she wished that Mr. Farooq would want to do things to her naked body as he wished.

However, Mr. Farooq maintained a serious expression on his face even as Shaily presented him a cute womanly show of her naked body to him. He seemed like he was not in the mood to molest Shaily and have fun with her, and Shaily instantly understood that. Seeing the serious expression on his face, Shaily stopped showing off her naked body to Mr. Farooq and cut the smile on her face and stood straight.

"What happened Mr. Farooq?", she said cautiously coming up to him.

It was then, that he looked straight into her eyes. Shaily could sense that Mr. Farooq was really angry.

"Shaily, I got a complaint from one of the female students just a while back. I have been reported that you have been doing extremely vulgar and obscene things in public with the male students of the college, asking them to feel and grope your naked body parts. Is that true?", asked Mr. Farooq.

Shaily bit her tongue. She had completely forgotten about the rule in her manifesto which stated that she was not allowed to perform any obscene or vulgar activities in college on account of her nudity, when she charted out the plan yesterday regarding how she was going to get her MS-INR back on track with the men in college. She was just so focussed on making the plan a successful reality, that she just completely forgot that she was violating a very important rule in the MS-INR manifesto. The way she allowed the guys to grope and molest her in front of all of them certainly broke that rule, and Shaily found herself feeling nervous, not knowing how to reply to Mr. Farooq.

"Tell me Shaily, you knew about the rule in your manifesto, didn't you? Then why did you still do it? Do you think the rules are just written for the sake of writing? Or did you just fucking lose it all and wanted to get fucked by those guys then and there?", he said as Shaily could sense the anger rising in Mr. Farooq's voice.

Shaily still hung her head down trying to focus on what she would say to Mr. Farooq. She didn't want to tell him that it was her plan to befriend the guys so that she could do well in her MS-INR. She would then have to tell Mr. Farooq about how she broke down with the guys' vulgar comments on her and the way they molested her naked body without her consent. After all, when Mr. Farooq had yesterday warned her to be cautious that some guys would try to take advantage of her naked body, Shaily told him confidently that he need not worry, and that she would deal with anything that comes her way comfortably. Now, just because she was in a situation, she didn't want to feel like a loser, and tell him about what the guys had done to her yesterday. She certainly didn't want to break Mr. Farooq's trust and confidence he had in her by telling him about how weak she was. She also didn't want to put the guys in bad light that might cause differences between her and them. After all, she had just started to bond with them, and she felt happy that she was able to remain calm even as they called her cheap names and molested her without asking her permission. Moreover, she was the one who initiated the whole thing with the guys. With that, Shaily did something that only a true selfless human would do.

"Umm, Mr. Farooq, I, umm, well, I was actually feeling a little horny right then because I was completely naked in front of everyone. So it was actually me who asked the guys to grope me and molest me in front of everyone. I'm sorry, I just couldn't control myself", she blurted out taking all the blame on her, while she stood in front of Mr. Farooq still sweating profusely completely naked.

Hearing her words, Mr. Farooq got up from his chair and came up to Shaily, as she looked up into his eyes, guilt evidently showing on her face.


Before Shaily could recover from the shock of receiving a tight slap on her right cheek from Mr. Farooq, he gave her another tight slap on her left cheek, as Shaily started to instantly cry like a baby.

"You fucking slut! Do you think you can become a whore in my college just because I allowed you to be naked? The manifesto was discussed and printed out for a reason, and here you are violating it on the very second day of your MS-INR. You are just a whore aren't you? You just want guys to fuck you in all your holes, you filthy whore. Two girls came into my chamber and complained about how shamelessly you were behaving with the guys offering your body to them out in public. It's okay if you want to be a goddam slut who wants to get fucked by everyone, but I won't permit such cheap activities from a skank like you here in my college. Do you understand that, you slut? This is my college, and I take my reputation as the Dean of FID very seriously. I cannot afford to have a silly whore like you coming along and ruining all my reputation I've built over the years. Do you understand? I just couldn't believe it when the girls told me about you asking the guys to grope and molest your body out in the open, but when they showed me the video of you asking them to have fun with your naked body as a way of thanking them for voting in favour of the MS-INR, I was furious with you. For god's sake, it's just your second day of the MS-INR, and you had to violate a rule, just because you wanted to get some man inside your whore cunt!", screamed Mr. Farooq at the top of his voice.

Shaily couldn't believe all this was happening, as she stood there in front of Mr. Farooq with her head hung low in absolute shame and remorse for what she had done. Of course, Mr. Farooq didn't know the exact intention Shaily had when she allowed the guys to grope and molest her in front of everyone in the busiest areas of the college. But, Shaily was kicking herself for not keeping the rules of her manifesto in mind before she planned on her action items with the guys of her college today.

Shaily weeped loudly as tears started to flow down her eyes furiously. Her face cheeks still stung with Mr. Farooq's rough slaps and she couldn't believe how she had screwed this up so much that caused Mr. Farooq so much of anger. She so hated herself right now as she just stood in front of Mr. Farooq all naked weeping like a sorry slut as Mr. Farooq still seemed to be fuming with anger.

"Now, get the fuck out of here before I slap you again! Next time, if I hear any such complaints on you with proof, I won't hesitate to even replace you in the play for the role of the naked soul. Maybe, I won't get someone as attractive as you, but at least, I will be sure I'll not have an indisciplined skank doing the role for such an important play. Now, please leave my chamber, you filthy slut!", he said pulling Shaily's cheeks to and fro roughly with anger.

As he pulled Shaily's delicate cheeks roughly, Shaily grimaced and moaned in pain as she cried endlessly, hurt by the anger and distrust she had caused to Mr. Farooq. It made Shaily's heart cringe knowing how angry he was with her behaviour in public that violated the rules of the MS-INR. Especially, after yesterday, when Mr. Farooq and Shaily shared beautiful private time in his chamber where Mr. Farooq molested her tits and finger-fucked her to the best orgasm of her life.

"Stop crying, and please get out of my chamber now Shaily. I have a lot of work to do. We start our practice from tomorrow", he said without caring to look at her before he settled down in his chair and started to work.

Shaily stood there for a few seconds as she mindlessly cried on for landing herself in such a bad situation. Never would she have imagined to receive slaps from Mr. Farooq, especially after how just yesterday, he had showered her with his lust for her in his chamber.

"Thank you Sir", was all she said through her cries and left Mr. Farooq's chamber as she walked out of the professors' cabin crying profusely. As she walked all alone and naked in the professors' cabin, Shaily cried like a baby realising how big a mistake she had committed. While Mr. Farooq's slaps and his harsh words really hurt her, she did not know what hurt her more - whether the man of his dreams had slapped her and called her all sorts of names, or the fact that Mr. Farooq warned her that he would replace her for the role of the naked soul in the play, a role that she was so emotionally attached to, a role for which she had sacrificed so many things in life.

As she walked along naked in the professors' cabin, Shaily felt her whole world crashing down after how Mr. Farooq was do deeply angry and disappointed with her behaviour. Right then, Shaily was emotionally very damaged and she so wanted to be in the company of her guy friends right then. She so badly needed their emotional support after what seemed to be the biggest fuck-up she had made in her life.

Shaily texted her guy friends on their WhatsApp group that she would be waiting for them at the mini-auditorium and urged them all to come there as soon as their class was over as she walked to the mini-auditorium, closing the door behind her. She then sadly fell onto the floor slapping her forehead repeatedly for being so stupid to violate a rule in the MS-INR manifesto just on her second day. Hoping that her guy friends would come in soon and attend to her emotionally, Shaily lay there on the floor naked, on her back and cried out loudly with her head in her hands.

"Shit Karan, I can't believe I am so fucking stupid that I just violated an important rule in the MS-INR just on my second day of the routine. How can I be so fucking foolish!", cried Shaily in front of the guys at their place.

Shaily sat on the couch, still wearing her clothes, as she cried in front of the guys endlessly after what happened at Mr. Farooq's chamber.

The guys knew she had messed it up. Of course, the manifesto for the MS-INR was a very vital document that stated all the rules and regulations that Shaily was supposed to follow during her tenure performing the MS-INR. Mr. Farooq had once told her to consider the MS-INR manifesto as her bible, to religiously follow what she promised in it during her performance of the MS-INR. But now, she had just violated a very important rule in the manifesto just on her second day of her MS-INR, and the guys couldn't feel more awful about their naked female friend, as she cried on the couch incessantly, without even getting naked for them.

Karan rubbed her tummy lovingly as he sat beside her and tried to console her. He could of course understand what Shaily was going through right then. He knew she was feeling so distressed about what she had done, for receiving tight slaps from Mr. Farooq who was disappointed with her for her disobedience. He was a man that Shaily deeply respected and revered, and the thought of making him so angry so as to slap her and warn her that he would replace her in the play, just made Shaily cringe and cry loudly in the guys' arms, whoever was beside her right then.

"Shaily, doll, it's okay darling. Everything's going to be alright my love. You have to stop being so hard on yourself every time sugar. I mean, I know it's disheartening to violate a rule in the MS-INR just on your second day, I don't deny that. But, I'm sure it's going to be fine darling", said Karan brushing her hair lovingly as Shaily cried with her head on his arms.

"Shell, baby, when Mr. Farooq asked you about why you did what you did for the guys, why didn't you just tell him that you did it for the sake of your MS-INR? I'm sure he would have gone much easier on you, if you told him that you did it to befriend the guys so that you could be more accommodative of their obscene comments and disrespected molestations? Why didn't you tell him that it was for the sake of the MS-INR?", said Abhishek with a serious expression on his face. He couldn't believe how Shaily could be so foolishly selfless that she decided to take all the blame on her especially knowing that it would put her in bad light, and even as much as risking her role in the play.

"I don't know Abhi! I guess I just didn't want Mr. Farooq to know about what happened between me and the guys yesterday. He would come to know that I'm really easy to break, and to betray his trust he had on me! I mean, he was so concerned for my safety in college, and I was like, I can handle myself and shit! But yesterday, I just broke down completely just because the guys were having a little fun with me. I just didn't want to Mr. Farooq to doubt my abilities in getting naked for millions of people by telling him about it. I really didn't know what to say while he started at me with so much anger, that I just couldn't think clearly, and ended up blurting out something!", she said as she continued to cry.

Seeing Shaily in such a pitiful state, the guys all felt extremely sorry for her. The fact that she didn't receive any appreciation for being so brutally selfless and honest, but rather bitch-slaps from a man whom Shaily considered her idol was deeply saddening for them.

"I just feel so awful guys! I so so do. I mean, I just had to screw it up, didn't I? You all should have seen the disappointment and anger on Mr. Farooq's face when he bitch-slapped me. I feel terrible that I hurt him so bad with my actions. I mean, all along I was posing as this extremely disciplined and well-mannered woman, and now I ask a group of guys to molest me out in public to violate my MS-INR rules. I know how terribly disappointed Mr. Farooq must have felt after seeing my video. His bitch-slaps are completely justified, I am just a poor stupid insensitive slut", said Shaily through her distressful cries.

"Oh my baby, Shell, come on!", said Arun as he came up to her and hugged her tightly.

He then took her weeping face into his hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Shell, baby! come on now! I promise you it's going to be alright. You hear me? You are just being so hard on yourself baby doll! You are neither poor, neither stupid, neither insensitive, and neither a slut, you hear me sugar darling? You are a classy, smart, thoughtful and a beautiful woman, that's what you are! You understand me sexy love?", said Arun as he lovingly looked into Shaily's watery eyes. Arun couldn't believe how sweet Shaily was looking right then as he cupped her lovely crying face in his palms. He smiled at her and then kissed her passionately on her lips as the guys all looked at each other with a smile on their face. After all, Arun was a great person, and the way he tried to make Shaily feel better really impressed them.

As he kissed her, he slid his hand inside Shaily's top and pulled it off of her. He continued to kiss her passionately as Shaily pulled him closer by his hair, sinking deep into his laps almost sitting on them while they kissed each other lustfully while the guys all looked at amusingly. Arun then started to rub his hands all over Shaily's naked body romantically as Shaily started to get wet in her pussy.

"Please remove my panty!", she whispered to him in his ear as he molested her breasts with lust. Hearing Shaily whisper that to him in his ear so sexily, Arun started to kiss her roughly biting her lips with lust as the guys looked on astonishingly. What started as a consoling kiss just started to become raunchy in a matter of seconds as Arun and Shaily started to kiss each other passionately, rubbing their bodies at each other right in front of them. Of course, Shaily was just wearing a panty, while Arun was fully clothed, but nevertheless, seeing Shaily rub her naked body out of arousal while he kissed her roughly and molested her made the guys feel very happy for her that she was enjoying the moment instead of just kicking herself and crying for what happened with her in Mr. Farooq's chamber.

Arun slid off Shaily's panty and threw it into the corner as he tightly embraced her naked body as Shaily sat on his laps thrusting her naked pelvis onto him out of sheer arousal. As he kissed her roughly, groped her body lustfully, pulling her hair, Shaily started to moan as she could sense her pussy loosing its juices furiously.

"Holy fuck!", exclaimed Jaspinder as the guys all looked at each other in shock. They were of course, a little jealous that Arun was getting to have a very passionate and intimate moment with the naked Shaily, but they were all really happy for him and Shaily, and especially Shaily, after all the turmoil she had been facing since yesterday for the MS-INR. They knew that she always loved to be a source of pleasure and happiness for the guys, and now that Arun was thoroughly enjoying the naked Shaily, they were sure Shaily would feel so happy from within, for giving herself to him the way she was doing right then. After all the disappointing and distressful things she had been through for the last two days, the guys were really happy for her that she was going to feel a lot better now.

"Ah, yes! Come on grope me Arun! My body is yours, it's completely yours! Just do whatever you want to me!", cried Shaily passionately as Arun continued to have his way with her naked body, as he pulled her hair roughly and kissed and bit her lips with manly lust.

"Oh fuck! Gosh, Shell, baby, I need you! I need you so badly right now, all for myself!", he said looking into her eyes, as they turned deep red with all the passion and fire burning inside her body. Arun was so aroused seeing Shaily's innocently sweet and lustful face that he immediately grabbed her face and kissed her passionately on her lips biting into them, as Shaily's lips start to bleed sweetly unable to keep up with Arun's lust for her.

"Do you want to be mine sexy sugar? Please say yes, I so want to fuck you right now, princess!", he said looking deep into her eyes as Shaily felt her heart going over a roller-coaster.

"Yes!", she said with a sexy womanly smile on her face as she pulled him close to him and kissed him.

Seeing them, the guys all happily cheered!

"Sorry guys, I really want to have Shaily all for myself, for a few hours. I hope you guys don't mind it!", said Arun as he got up holding the naked Shaily by her hand to take her to his room and have his way with her.

Seeing the rush of blood and arousal at that very moment in Shaily's eyes, the guys couldn't be happier that Arun was going to have her for a few hours, just to himself. After all, they were all really close friends with each other, who understood each other deeply, and cared for and respected each other's feelings. Right now, the guys could understand how lustful he was for their naked friend Shaily, and they were absolutely glad to allow him to have Shaily for himself. Moreover, seeing Shaily seem so happy and excited after all the happened with the poor woman, they were thrilled that Shaily was going to have a wonderful time with Arun.

"Oh come on Arun! Are you kidding? Go on man! Enjoy and have fun with Shell brother! She's all yours for as long as you want!", said Karan smiling at Arun as he came up to her and lustfully groped Shaily's tits as he weeped the remnant tears from her beautifully aroused face.

"We are all here for you Shaily! Everything's going to be fine, you understand? Do you think we'll let anything bad happen to you while we are with you? Now just stop worrying and have a good time with Arun! I'm sure he's going to do some sexy things to you!", Karan said as he groped Shaily's tits with love. Shaily nodded her head smiling lovingly at Karan for his warm gesture.

"Indeed baby doll, things are never as bad as we think they are, ok doll? We are all here for you, and we'll surely take care of everything, you get me sugar? Just don't worry about what's going to happen tomorrow, and enjoy your moment right now!", said Faisal as he came forward and hugged the naked Shaily tightly.

"Ok guys, now we don't want to keep you guys waiting while you want to fuck each other like bunnies! Arun, Shell's all yours! Go for it!", said Jaspinder as he came up to them and hugged her while they all cheered for them as they followed Arun and the naked Shaily inside the room, and closed the door after pushing them in.

Arun immediately locked the door and lunged onto Shaily as they kissed each other passionately like hungry rabbits!

"Let me get the condoms!", he said as he fetched a few condoms from his shelf while Shaily smiled at him blushing like crazy.

"Tonight, your pussy is mine Shell! I'm going to so fucking use you tonight!", he said as he came up to her and stood in front of her as Shaily sat on the bed smiling at him.

She then proceeded to unbuckle his belt as she pulled his trousers and underwear down.

"And this cock is mine, and I'll do whatever I want to it!", she said in a hoarsely sexy voice smiling seductively at him, as she held his cock in her right palm and slowly licked it, looking up at Arun!

"Holy fuck!", was all he could say as Arun seemed to go crazy with the feeling of having Shaily's wet tongue on his erect cock

Shaily could see the joy in Arun's eyes as she slowly licked the head of his cock tasting his pre-cum like the sexy slut she was.

"You like that baby? I think you do! I'm sure you'll like this even more!", she said as she slowly and sensually inserted Arun's thick cock into her mouth and started to gently suck it while smiling at Arun.

"Oh my god! This is the best fucking day of my life! Fuck!", he exclaimed as he held Shaily by her hair and started to gently push her head onto his cock.

It was just too euphoric for Arun to believe what was going on. Shaily was giving him a blowjob.

Mr. Farooq always loved having students visit him in his chamber. As the Dean of the college, he loved interacting with his students. They usually asked to meet with him to discuss any ideas they had, or for his suggestions in their plays. A good bunch of the current pass-outs met with him to discuss their careers once they would be leaving FID. The remaining number of students met him to discuss anything on their minds. Of course, Mr. Farooq was known to be a very accommodating person even though he was the Dean of the college, and he personally encouraged the students to come and talk to him about anything they were concerned with and wanted his opinion.

Mr. Farooq was in his chamber reviewing the budget for this fiscal year at FID. Last night, a student had texted him asking for his time today morning to talk about something rather sensitive. Mr. Farooq of course, was quite receptive to the students. He never really received a text from any of students during late in the nights, but of course, he was concerned and immediately agreed to met him .

As the clock struck near 9 AM, Mr. Farooq heard a knock on his chamber door.

"Hello Mr. Farooq. May I come in?".

"Yes, please come in", he said as he looked up.
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Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:57 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:58 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:59 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Shivraj Pandu - 08-01-2019, 04:17 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by xossip - 08-01-2019, 09:16 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 08-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:39 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-01-2019, 12:40 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Givemeextra - 09-01-2019, 02:48 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by akshatha - 09-01-2019, 11:01 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 10-01-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 10-01-2019, 09:03 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 13-01-2019, 01:03 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 13-01-2019, 01:04 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 15-01-2019, 10:34 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:26 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:27 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 19-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-01-2019, 12:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by ronylol - 20-01-2019, 02:05 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 23-01-2019, 02:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 23-01-2019, 02:35 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by shruti23 - 23-01-2019, 06:43 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 26-01-2019, 02:27 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 26-01-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by neha2 - 08-03-2019, 10:01 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by thyroid - 08-03-2019, 04:54 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-03-2019, 12:55 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by neha2 - 01-04-2019, 06:21 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by kriti23 - 22-04-2019, 09:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 24-07-2019, 04:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 04-08-2019, 03:10 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:40 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:41 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 09-08-2019, 01:43 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 10-08-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 11-08-2019, 07:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 12-08-2019, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 14-08-2019, 05:43 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:36 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:37 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 20-08-2019, 03:38 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by ronylol - 20-08-2019, 05:50 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 21-08-2019, 08:30 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 30-08-2019, 05:50 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:13 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:15 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:16 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:17 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 30-03-2020, 04:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Asdasx - 08-04-2020, 08:25 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 18-04-2020, 03:41 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Hornyluckyguy - 06-01-2021, 01:14 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by kozaksi - 02-09-2021, 12:53 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:45 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:46 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by jopyjoy4u - 29-01-2022, 11:47 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 29-01-2022, 12:09 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by Straight in - 08-04-2022, 11:30 AM
RE: Shaily Singh - by boob_lover259 - 29-01-2025, 11:18 PM
RE: Shaily Singh - by boob_lover259 - 03-02-2025, 01:28 AM

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