Adultery A Couple Of Indian Couples Fuck by iloveall

The news of Sethis coming back, if only for a week injected a new life in all of us. The intervening period of eighteen months since Sethis had left, had weighed heavily on us. We were back to our mundane lives with least excitement. My wife looked as if she was trudging along the life without anything to look forward to. That zing (which was there when Sethis were here) had gone.

Suddenly we were all alive. The news of Sethis visiting us lightened up all our faces. Tina kept pressurizing me to plan an outing and after considerable deliberation, we decided to visit Jim Corbett Park, which was a forest and had many places, which we could visit. Yet it was not far from Delhi. I made a booking for a resort and by the time Sethis were to arrive, all our plans were in place.

Tina and I went to receive them. As soon as they came out, Mr. Sethi without any hesitation hugged Tina for far longer than normal. He kissed her on the head. I went to Sushma said hello, hugged her in a gentlemanly manner and said hello to their son. Tina and Sushma hugged and talked for a while as we loaded their stuff in my car's trunk. We reached our house and gave them a bedroom. The bed room was readied by Tina in advance.

Sethis had remained awake throughout the previous night. After breakfast, they slept like logs the whole afternoon. I was at the office. Mr. Sethi had some work. He left home in the afternoon and returned late. I returned from the office in the evening. Tina and Sushma were talking for about three hours. When I reached home, I sensed that there was something strange in their behaviour. I decided to find the reason.

I went to them and asked Tina, "Looks like there is something cooking, that I do not know or understand. What is the matter?"

Tina looked at me with some contempt and said, "You two men think you are very smart and we women are foolish. Is that true?"

I looked at them with some bewilderment. I asked her what the matter was. She said, "Sushma told me that she and Mr. Sethi saw our love making live on skype. Then I also told her that you and I saw their love making on skype. That meant that the whole thing was premeditated plan. Such a devilish plan could only be the brain child of Mr. Sethi." I was too dumbfounded to speak.

Tina lowered her voice and said in a confidential tone, "Listen, Sushma and I know that this is Mr. Sethi's plan and you are not responsible for this. Therefore, we have decided to teach a lesson to Mr. Sethi." I asked her what the plan was. She did not reply.

Mr. Sethi came at about 8.30 pm. After he washed and was ready, we sat in the drawing room. Mr. Sethi went to his room and brought a suitcase. He opened his suitcase. He took out an expensive looking gold embroidered saree. It was beautiful with golden fine thread work, with a blouse piece. He handed the same to Tina. Tina jumped looking at such a beautiful saree and accepted it gleefully. Tina asked Mr. Sethi if he wanted to see her in that saree. He said that she should carry it with her and wear it when we would be at the resort.

Then Mr. Sethi again opened another small jewellery box. It was a beautiful diamond studded golden necklace. He said, "This is for my wonderful girl friend Tina." Tina and I jumped out of the bed to see and feel the necklace. It was 24 carat gold, studded with small diamonds. According to my estimate it must have cost about Rs. 1.5 lacs. Mr. Sethi slowly put the necklace around the neck of my wife. Tina was too embarrassed at receiving such an expensive gift. She vehemently protested, "How can I accept such an expensive gift. No Mr. Sethi, no, I cannot accept this."

She took out the necklace from around her neck and put it back in the box. She returned the box to Mr. Sethi. I could see expression of deep hurt spread across Mr. Sethi's face. Tina got a stern look from Mr. Sethi. He said, "Firstly, I am insulted by your calling me Mr. Sethi. Secondly, you are insulting me by returning my gift. If you return my gift, I shall walk out of your house right now. Am I not your close friend and do I not have the right over you or is it only Tarun, who has the right over you?" He asked. Then he walked out of the room and sat out in the park. All of us were taken aback with this development.

Mrs. Sethi turned to Tina and said, "Tina, you have hurt my husband. He was so enthusiastic when he bought this gift for you. He took me to so many shops and asked me to choose this necklace. All along the way to Delhi from Dubai, he was telling me, how much pleased Tina would be to receive this gift. Now you have deeply hurt his feelings. You must go and apologize to Satish and request him to accept the gift."

I also persuaded Tina to do as Sushma said.

Tina felt sorry for her outburst. She gradually walked with us to Mr. Sethi. He stood there looking out to the road and traffic. Tina went to Mr. Sethi and said that she was sorry.

However, Mr. Sethi moved away and told my wife, "Tina, there is no need for you to feel sorry. What you said was correct. You cannot accept my gift, because it is expensive and if you accept it, it might make you feel obliged to me. You should not feel obliged to me, because I have no right over you. If your husband had given that gift to you, you would have gladly accepted it because he has a right over you and you have a right over him. You refused because, it is a fact that I am not your husband and I have no authority over you. I was wrong in thinking that I have as much right over you as Tarun. Tarun and I had an understanding under oath that we shall not keep any secret between us and we shall share each and everything between us. It was only with that right that I captured your love making live on skype and let you see our love making also. However, I am sorry that I was wrong. It is obvious that you do not agree with your husband."

Then Mr. Sethi turned to Sushma and said, "I and Sushma agreed that Tarun has as much right over her as I have. Is it right Sushma?" Sushma nodded. Satish continued, "Tina, I have mentally reconciled about your not accepting me gift. I have not felt bad and I will not make any fuss. Please go back into the room. I shall join you later. I want to sit here and have some fresh air. I am ok. Please do not worry about me."
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