Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Mahesh was playing with anamika child as they reached home..anamika asked wont swathi be waiting for him... mahesh replied she will be late from office today.. and he has to go pick her at 10. Anamika was feeling tensed as after that kiss nothing much happened between them infact..they dint get a chacne and today somehow she was feeling weak... anamika went inside got fresh and came out ...she wore night pants and top and came out fresh and thanked mahesh for playing with his son...

Mahesh said he will leave now.. anamika looked at him..but u said u wud need to pick swathi na..mahesh said ya..but its just 8 only now...he will go home get fresh..have somethign and pick swathi... Anamika suggested to have dinner here and go directly from here to swathi office as its near ... Mahesh could say no to her and she was looking pretty after gettting fresh without any make up too..

Anamika asked if he can wait till she makes her son eat.. mahesh was in no hurry ..hes fine.. anamika made her son feed and he was sleepign as she was feeding him. it took more than 20 minutes for her to make him eat and sleep in the hall itself...

Anamika excused mahesh who was watchign and came and sat near him.... sorry .. to keep you waiting ..mahesh was happy seeing her and said not a problem ... and ur son sleeps pretty fast not like our chotu who sleeps late and wakes pretty many times in the mid night troublign swathi...

Anamika said shall we h ave lunch ..she looked at mahesh and somehow both being together liek that had set fire betwen them..both looked at each other...mahesh kept his hands over anamika and pulled her near to him...

Anamika put her hands over mahesh chest and could feel him.. anamika was so pretty ... her depression has taken away her beauty a lil in the mid.but definitely she was a lady charming.. mahesh thought... anamika closed her eyes... She must be a hearthrob for many during her marirage days he thought...she defintely was pretty than swathi..but she had developed a bit weight than her..

Mahesh put her lips on hers and softly sucked ...her tender lips were his mouth and he was sucking her lips and anamkia allowed him by sucking her tongue over his...she slwoly took her lips and started sucking meanwhile mahesh was busy in tring to hold her near and pressing her over him.. anamkia allowed him to take control of her and slowly sucked his lips soflty and frenchi kissing ...

Anamika was caresng mahesh hairs and kissing her lips..its been days she had kissed mahesh and was hugging him tight and slurpping thru her kisses..he was hungry for her and slwoly hugged her ore and slwoly guided his hands to her boobs.. anamika at once bounced back realising the fact that shes crossing her limits

Ah mahesh lets not this hmm pls... i got carried away... mahesh held her close to him and said there is noting wrong they were doing...But mahesh im mom of a son to take care cand i cant cross my limits..

Mahesh was whispering over her lips... thts why we shud enjoy ..we should get this fun so that we can properly take care of our kids... hmmm and this time he hugged her by boobs and pressed them soflty ... anamika was moaning and pressing her lips not to showe her enjoyment.. she dint remove his hands yet.but dint move near to him either.mahesh looked at anamaik who closed her eyes in the guilt of gettign this pleasure..

he slowly spoke on her lips oh anamika dontn worry .... we all are here to take care of u and ur family ... just enjoy this life and the beauty u got.... and slwoly put his lips over hers soflty... anamika melted and opend her lips and slowly gasped feeling mahesh hands over her boobs...she hugged him with guilt in her mind but swas sucking his otugne fully now and allowing him to squeese her boobs..
mahesh somehow wsa finding this new activitiy she had heavy bossoms and it was so fun to squeese such big and soft ones...

ah my god mahesh could feel her boobs still were tight and dint seem to be much used... anamika was struggling between pain and pleasure ...

Mahesh was quick enugh to send his hands insdie her top and by the time anamika could realise his hands were on her bra and were squeesing..aaah .. man....anamika coukd no do anything but held his hands over her top ...she looked at mahesh and mahesh smiled and slwoly squeesed her bobos more and said... lets hmmmm

Looking at mahesh she know it was safe with him as he is not much outspoken and good at keeping things for himself..she slwoly removed hands over top and puffed on his face as he got the grip on her boobs and squeesed them...

Anamika slwoly kissed his lips and was enjoyng the squees of her boobs and mahesh slwoly started lifting her top..anamika slowly raised her hands feelign weak and she knew she dotn want to stop and slwoly as he unvieled his lips more open .. seeing such a heavy and soft bossoms in a tight bra

oh my god anamika u dont look so busty in office.. anamika could not help but smile and she was blushing.. with mahesh words... she is huge but surprisinlgy her tummy is flat and which made mahesh run for his fun.. he slwoly kissed her hugigng and her neck deeply ... and her breath was fuming with pleasure

mahesh put his face on her cleavage and kissed them soflty hmmmmmmmmmm anamika put her hands on the sofa hands and held that in pleasure..she dint wanted to show that she is enjyong so ..she kept her lips tight

Mahehs slwoly squeesed her boobs and slwoly took his hand to the hook of the bra behind..anamika lloked at mahehs and she kissd his lips soflty feeling the pleasure and mnahesh slowly unhooked her bra...

Anamika shuddered in pleasure and dint allow mahesh to removed the bra.. hmm no mahehs she hugged him to her in shy and kissed his lips..mahesh locked her lips and slowly caressed her back . .anamika was in pleasure and pain her eyes were moist hmmmm//.mahehs was slurping her lips and slwoly entered his hand in her bra and held her boobs hmmmmmmmmmmmmm anamika held his hand tightly and she could not bear someones hands over it...

Anamika looked at mahesh.. lets stop it mahesh hmmmm no .. pls... he could see tears in her eyes.. this is not right... mahesh said.. dont worry its noting worng.. and he hugged her and squeeed her boobs insdei her bra more and softly now

ANamika was not able to take it she pushed mahesh and went inside her bedroom...mahesh was too hot to be stoppped now.. and he went insdie and hugged anamika from behind hmm ah no mahesh pls.... lets not do this mistake...
he hugged her from behidn and straighly pushed his hands inside her bra and hled her boobs and kissed her bare back .. his cock was rubbign her from behind and making them weak for each other...mahes was trying to occupy her fully as he dint wanted her to think much.. the rubbing of cock in her ass worked.. and she got ready and pushed her ass more inot hi pants and slwoly started moaning as eh squeesed her boobs...

He slowly pushed her to bed and anamika was on showing her back completley to him ... trying to cover the boobs to the bed..but she is shwoing much more beautiful asset to him . .her ass..

mahesh coudl not control himself and slowly removed his shrit and pants .. he was just in underwewar and he turned and locked the door... anamika knew what was goign to happen now..mahesh was looking at her and said.. ah anamika..u have been hidinsg such lovely beuaties.. hmmm and he puts his hands on her ass

anamika moaned hmmm she was hidng her boobs still and mahesh put hands over her pants and pushed it down and exposed her panty .... .aaaaah pls dont do this maheshhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm she was heavily breathing and tears flowing from her eyes
mahesh opend her pants til her toes and slwoly turned her .. anamika looked at him and closed her eyes exposing her boobs now.. and she was sin shy and pain .. and mahesh slwly pushed his body over hers and oepned her hands.. enjoy this anamika and he puts his lips on he rlips

anamika dint want to stop now nd pressed her boobs to mahesh and start sucking her lips hmmm bogth were just in panty and undie now and mahesh hard one was making her leak her down more and slwoly he kkised her ears .. lips and slwoly chin.and her neck down... anamika was moaning now enjoyhig the pleasure she forgot the pain..and slowly started caressing mahehs head

mahehs enjoyed that love and slowly pushed his face into her boobs and kissed the clevage anamika held hi shead as he kissed around tits and her panty was fully wet now..and mahesh slwoly took her tits into her lips hmmm and anamika moaned in pleasure.its been 2 years that she got this treatmetn .. she loved mahesh for giving her this pleasure.. and she moand mahesh yeeeeeeeeesssssssssh

mahesh was sucking her boobs nd tits nd biting them .... anamika..was moning and encouraing him more... he was changing his lips over her bobos while squeesing the other and slwly he pushed his hand slwoly to wasit then to navel and then slwoly into her panty hmmmmmmm anamika was moaning and crying in pleasure...

maehsh could hfeel her wetneess over the pussy and slwoly she seaparted her lips ... both pussy lips and her lips... mahesh coudl feel how wet she was ... nd slwoly got up... anamika dint want to feel the guilt .. and she closed her eyes ...and mahesh got up ...and took out his undie and slwoly moved his hard one over her wet pussy ...
aaaaaaaaaaaah .. anamika was prepared for the attack.. rather pleasureshe has been missing from the last couple of years she gripped her lips in pleasure not to be shown and mahesh slid his cock .. he felt it tight though it was wet.. and he had to put some extra pressure rather than usual and he pushed it inside... he was too hot .. and he was feeling someting diffreent abouthimeself and feeling strong..and p ushed deep into her love hole and anamika moaned deeply in pressure and opend her lips in plleasure

mahesh was too hot he fuckedd her deeply h e was feeling so stgrong by himelsef as anamika was moannig and her boobs were up and down due to his fucking ..anamika started enjoiing the fuck and was swinging the bed along with him..

mahesh continued for 5 more mins and spurted all he had into her womb.. and anamika gripped his tcock till it turned limp inside her pu ssy ...
anamika was in tears but she still smiled looking to mahesh ...
they both had a new way of enjoyment.. and mahehs felt relaxed after a long time...
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by harithick - 08-08-2019, 01:01 PM

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