Fantasy My wife Keerthana's exploration with old man cuckold story - Puppycuckold

Aparna was little tensed and replied “dear, You already know about my husband weakness on bed. He cannot satisfy me fully like you do. Sooraj always struggling when we were on bed as well as his size of the cock. So I already choose you as my bed partner and you will be full authority on your lover. But I wanted him as my husband for rest of my life because my family and society had already accepted Sooraj as my husband. I don't want to leave him as I need him for take care of me and my son. He really loves me, I can feel his caring in our marriage life even if he is not at all good on bed. I always will be your lover and same time his wife and mother of Sree”

I was relaxed after listening her words about me. My wife really loves me and wanted to live her rest of the life with me. If I would had strong body and better size Aparna would not be on this position like on the old wolf laps Lap and kissing him. She accepted him as her bed partner because of my weakness on the bed as well as I too forced her to choose a better partner than me. So i am also responsible for her changes.

Reading these two paragraphs, it is clear that Aparna wants and needs the benefits of her husband for child/family/society. But....she doesn't say anything about staying with him because she loves him.... Big difference. And she already decided that Shahnawaz was her bed partner and have full control over her. Hubby just thinks it means she loves him and doesn't want to leave him......On the other hand, she may have not mentioned loving her husband in front of Shahnawaz in case he felt he wasn't getting her completely (love, emotions, sex and all that stuff) and that he may reject her in some way, not give her the sexual satisfaction she wanted.

In my opinion, having an affair cannot divorce emotion from physical sex. I think she has lost herself completely in this new found freedom and sexual fulfillment and is more interested in continuing with Shahnawaz than making an effort to stand up for her husband and family. Typical when you discover something new. Later, the repercussions hit you....

Knowing what she is doing with Shahnawaz is because of her hubby's fantasies and her own desires is one thing but to indicate to Shahnawaz that there might be some other longer term emotional relationship is sacrilege!! She has crossed the line.....

As a husband, simply trying to give his wife an opportunity that he couldn't, may be one thing but for her to transfer her emotions is a huge problem. How can she ever go back to loving him properly....when you love someone, you want them and them alone, not share with anyone else. If you share emotions, you are cheating on your husband, yes, the same husband who was magnanimous enough to let her fuck another man. This is betrayal of the highest order.....she has used her husband to obtain her physical and emotional satisfaction and is only going to stay with him for family/societal reasons.

Now that we know Shahnawaz's true intent, I am amazed that Aparna would even consider them. In fact the proverbial Pandora's Box has been opened. All that her hubby wanted was for her to have some great sex that he couldn't provide. Now we realize that she must have had emotional thoughts about Shahnawaz for some time. Shahnawaz, realizing how much she wants him to satisfy her, has asked for conditions that any normal wife would refuse. She is lost in her lust and using her husband to try and keep Shahnawaz interested in her.

Shahnawaz's dastardly desire to have her carry his baby is completely and utterly humiliating for hubby and totally preposterous in my view. Especially since she just had a baby. A loving wife would reject that out of hand but she "needs more time to consider"!!! Bah, what a load of crap!! And since the total sexual experience cannot be complete without him cumming inside her and her orgasming simultaneously, she will become desperate for that satisfaction. Shahnawaz will refuse to cum inside her until, in desperation she agrees to have his baby. What a cunning plot!!

When hubby asks whether she wants her ass licked, etc., they both know why, as they both understand that hubby doesn't want her to have Shahnawaz's baby. Yet another act of utter humiliation for hubby.....and she continues knowing this. Now, since they are doing all this without speaking, we don't know Aparna's thoughts here. The mere fact that she would consider Shahnawaz's desire for a baby indicates how far she has moved away from her husband. Whether she uses contraceptives or not will be figured out by Shahnawaz soon. So that defense is already lost.

It was fine to satisfy fantasies and enjoy physically but the unintended consequences of Shahnawaz's plans are clearly dangerous and unacceptable. Yet another betrayal is that she failed to discuss these very serious matters with hubby even though they had specifically agreed to share everything right from the beginning.

Aparna's motives for selecting Shahnawaz cannot be anything but suspect. And those unintended consequences will tear them apart. I feel sorry for that poor baby....she even allowed Shahnawaz to mouth fuck her while breast feeding the child......she is now his slave, unable to refuse him anything.

When will her husband reject all this? He isn't getting much satisfaction, even though he watched them live, he is experiencing unimaginable pain. He never expected his previously loving wife to end up this way. Despite the pain, he continues to silently support her and live up to his promise to let his wife enjoy.... a truly loving husband indeed who still thinks his wife loves him and will make the right decisions.

Edit: But we know that his wife has already betrayed him and is going to be selective in what she tells him (so that he gets excited and cums!!) so that she can achieve her real goal without getting hubby upset (at least she had the decency to try not to upset him, Ha!)
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: My wife Keerthana's exploration with old man cuckold story - Puppycuckold - by sarit11 - 07-01-2019, 12:35 PM

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