Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
meanwhile aman msgd her good morning and enquired when they are coming for dinner... she wished him good morning and infomred that they will coem by 7...

Aman- try to come early so that we can have some tasty discussion

Swathi- Sir!!! mahesh will be there ....

Aman- hmmm.. lets see.. wish he could not come...

Swathi- sir this party is for mahesh only na Smile (she felt so good that her boss is dying to meet her )

Aman- Ya... latha might not be at the party ...she has to meet her friends for some party it seems...

Swathi- Ok sir..we will be there at 7 pm...

Aman- try to come if possible early na...

Swathi- Ok sir... but u shud only tell mahesh na...

Aman- ok now you are my employee too Smile anyways ill speak to him.. bye

Rohit got up around 11 and found his darling was missing ... he came down dressed after finishing his that time mahesh and swathi got ready .. and they bid him bye..and went away..swathi could not meet his eyes fully and she was shying like a new married lady...

Swathi and Mahesh went home...and they took rest.... and swathi slept ..well...she was so ... tired bcos of so much leaking....Mahesh bought a nice flower boquet to give it latha mam...he went in the evening and bought it...Swathi meanwhile got ready and put a nice skin tight jeans and top that covered almost her till the thighs...she dint put any makeup but just applied some lipstick and a small bindi..which made her look more cute...

Swathi and mahesh were feeling happy , as they both are getting what they want....mahesh started feeling relaxed and they both were talkign as they drove.... they reached boss house in half hour and mahesh realised that he has forgot the boquet...Swathi said its fine...we can go in...Mahesh he will bring it back had kept a thank y ou note specially written on it...

Swathi said she will also come with him..mahesh said it wont be right its already 7 and you can go and excuse that mahesh is gone to get flowers for mam.... swathi knew if she went inside..waht will happen as latha might not be there..

Swathi went inside and the servant welcomed her who was informed about their coming...swathi was made to sit and servant went to amans bedroom..he said he was getting fresh and he will come in 10 minutes....he enquired how manyppl have come...she said only swathi mam had come..that left him surprised... he said...then ask swathi mam to come to my room....
Servant informed her the same....meanwhile swathi was feeling embarassed as she was called into his room..she quitely took the steps...and
went was like a royal palace well furnished and cosy......and must be almost 8 times than their bedroom size..she could hear the shower sound stopped.... she was lookign at the lovley bed and beautiful inteirors and romantic paintings....

As she wwas gazing at the room .. .chandlers...etc .. she cud not notice the entry of aman just only in towel...walking towards the door of the bedroom..the locking of the door sound bought her to senses and she realised aman has locked the bedroom door..she blushed madly...

Swathi- Sir what are you doing......latha mam ?

AMan- She will join us a bit late...what are you upto..where is mahesh ...

Swathi- He has forgot the boquet at home..he has gone back to get it..shud be here anytime..she wanted to get out of the she was gazing amans body..which is not atheltic but was fit enough..his fair body ..was turning her on ...she quickly tried to slide ...besdes

Aman- oh i must thanks mahesh for being so memoryless person....

Swathi blushed..she knew what he meant and idiot mahesh has left her ..even mam is not there to save... and he is lookign so ..

Aman slowly walked with a bit of water dripping from his hairs to face...she knew whats gonna happen..wish mahesh comes fast..she was already feeling weak in her knees and looked at aman..who approached her and locked her lips softly ...swathi moaned and held his back and enjoyed the kiss and slwoly opened her lips inviting his tounge to taste her tongue...both of them french kissed and her jucily lipstick lips were getting melted in his mouth both were enjyoing each others saliva dripping and juicly sucking each other lips and swathis hands playing on his back and aman was hugging her madly and she could feel his hardness just over her triangle.

Swathi sucked amans lips while her hands were playing on his back ....she felt his body to be a bi tspongy not like her lovers body which is strong.... and hard.....she had a slutty feeling for herself..that how she is allowing all this to happen an dwhy her body is craving for all this enjoyment..

AMan held her boobs and squeesed as he enjoyed her tounge....swath i was moaning due to such treatment...he slwoly unhooked her kurta button and swathi immediately withdrew herself

Swathi- aman... mahesh will be here will take time for me to wear if ...[she stopped]

aman- ya..we cant take latha or mahesh can come anytime..he hugged her and started kissing her agian ... and this time she was fully giving him compelty hugged.and her hands were slwoly going down and up ..she could feel his bums and lipslock.... aman tried to hold her butts..but the top was nt alllowing h im...

Due to the huggings the towel was getting loose and swathi was feeling the hardness mildly ...arousing her ..... she leaked so much yday night and dont wna to she might be not able to get up again...with rohit making her leak so much idiot he is...

Swathi was thinking about rohit and sucking amans... tounge and slwoly her hands went to his tool over the towel...aman instantly pushed her fully tight and felt and moaned..he loved her touch and her hand was strcuk in between her belly and his cock over towel..she looked at him... and swathi ...was feeling so weak...

Aman looked at her and slwoly felt her soft hands over his tool..he was moaning..and swathi slowly gripped it.... aman was fully hot and now he just pushed her over the bed and swathi hit the bed with her bums...and she knew what was aman upto...

Swathi knew thats the only best thing to do she cant risk the position of not having dress over her.....she was a bit doubt...but her doubts were shackled by amans towel gettling loosned and completley falling to the floor..

swathi opened.her mouth .as she looked at his was long ..but not thick like rohit...but it was fair and pink than both mahesh and rohit....Swathi closed her eyes with her both hands sir..chi..what are yu doing.... oh comeon..swathi hmmmm he could not control it and he touched his cock ot her hands covering her face..aah my god..she immdeialty held her back sir what you doing.... this is not right...
the cock was so tight as she coudl seee and she was proud of her makng tht tight.... she jus tlooked at him and aman was almost pleading her with eyes to get it... Swathi was a bit far and seemed not interested to ...but she knew aman was not going to spare her..she wished if someone walked in....

Aman took her hands and put over her tight cock..she gripped it and said no...

Swathi - aman this is not right.... pls....

Aman- if its not right why are you here.... why did u come....

Swathi- i came for my husbands farewell party...

Aman- ya..and im the host so i need to give my guest some good time isnt...

Swathi- but its reverse here...ur getting the good time isnt it...

AMan - pushed her top and klooked at triangle.... over the jeans..i dont mind giving you one some...good time..

Swatih ...knew she had to do that..if she wants to stop get embarassed without anyd res

Swathi was feeling so slutty after she was rubbing the cock the skin was slwol coming out due to her hand job...and she was slwoly getting into moood she looked at aman ...but suddenly the sound of Lathas car startled both .... and aman told swathi to go out...

Swathi was so happy and thanked latha in herself for comign at the right time.....
Mahesh came in after 10 mins and slwoly the dinner became formal and normal and swathi and aman were lookign at each other and aman was so disappointed that he missed a lovley chance..swathi was laughing inside herself..but she was sure..that aman will not spare her.

Next day mahesh and swathi got up early as it was first day for mahesh to rohits office.. both got up and get ready chotu and dropped him at sschool.. Swathi was unhappy about still getting drove in that maruthi 800.. mahesh said its fine..relax... we will get good ones soon...swathi smiles and kept mum...

Next one week aman was busy travellign with latha and interactions with swathi competely got reduced... due to mahesh leaving.swathi could feeel the pressure at work .and was appreciatiing mahesh patience for nubmer crunching... the whole week it went normal.. swathi and mahesh had fun last 3 days.. swathi seemed to gt back her life slowly.. she was appreciating and thanking rohit every day almost..
Since rohit was travellign swathi and rohti wer just msging
Swathi- Hi busy man..when are u back?

Rohit- Monday bhabhi.... whats happening.hows work

Swathi- Oh dont ask its terrible.. i never knew mahesh used to manage so much work.. then ur work..

Rohit- Ha ha .. so you thought its gonna be easy ..

Swathi- Ya i know.. . may be i need some time

Rohit- dont worry my sweet bhabhi .. u will get to handle it easily aafte ra couple of months.. my sweet

Swathi- Thanks... so hope ur not busy

Rohit- Not for my sweet bhabhi ... lets meet on monday when i come

Swathi- Not possible rohit ...only weekends.. now.... bcos work till 8 and by the tiem going back ... chotu stuff

Rohit-oh ill die then bhabhi without ur juices

Swathi- Shutup... now no more

Rohit- Oh comeon bhabhi .. .bhabhi .. that day we mised out too much funo on drinking.... we could not ..

Swathi- ya rohit....i really cant forget that .. hmmmmmmm ah my god..never got such treatment.. u dotn know how much i leaked

Rohit- me . i only know how much u leaked.. bcos i only had it fully

Swathi- Shut up raavan...

Rohit-h bhabhi want again ..that

Swathi- Hmm even i want to ... But we alredy crosse dour limits..lets not break it.. rohit...

Rohit- comeon bhabhi ..anyways lets discuss when im back to city..bye love u bhahib

Swathi- Love u rohit

Swathi locked her mobile with secret pin now .. and cslept off..

That week went without any much fun for her.. and it was friday evening .. the day Latha msgd her
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by harithick - 30-07-2019, 11:53 AM

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