Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi came back after using latha's make up kit in amans washroom.. Aman smiled her as she is back and he felt her entire lipstick in his belly.. Swathi smiled back embarssingly and she tried to open the door which was remote locked..

Aman came near her and hugged her from behind..oh swathi.....she was surprised as she could still feel his hardon ...she moaned and said.. sir pls mahesh may come anytime.... as u had already left a msg for him..

Aman opened the remote lock and allowed her to leave.. and She met Mahesh and enquired about his lunch... he has enjoyed good lunch with them and they all have given him a soverign to remember... he put it on his desk... Swathi informed that Aman wanted to meet him... Mahesh went inside...alogn with Swathi

Aman- Hey mahesh!!! where have u been

Mahesh- Sorry sir..... had to go out for lunch with all colleagues..all wanted to have lunch wiht me.. u had any work sir?

Aman- Well i think swathi had given me what i had wanted.... so on issues [swathi and aman only know what he meant..she was getting her cheeks turned red...she looked at aman and could hardly smile]

Mahesh- Ya sure sir..hope u r not having any complaints with her

AMan- NO not at all mahesh..she is picking up thinks fast than expected..

Mahesh- Thats good to hear sir...

Aman- So tomorrow is your last day at work right?

Mahesh- Yes sir.... do let me know if i have to do anything specific

Aman- I think nothing mahesh.. i think we are done almost everything yday itself

Mahesh- Thanks sir...ill handover the laptop and all passwords to Swathi

Aman- Ya and you and Swathi come for dinner on Sunday at home... Latha wanted to invite you and swathi for dinner as you have been working so long for us..she is of the opinion that we should all meet for dinner

Mahesh- Oh thats a very warm gesture for you couple sir.. would be a pleasure and honour to dine with you

Aman- Ok then see u guys at 7pm.. Latha must be around too i guess... [he looked at swathi and wish he can get something with her too]

Swathi felt relaxed as latha mam would be around...

Swathi got a msg and its from Rohit...

Rohit- What mam .!!!seems to forgot her fan

Swathi- 5 mins

Mahesh and Swathi came outside amans there was nothing more to do they wrapped things fast and started back to home... Mahesh was fully happy....

Swathi- HI rohit, sorry was with aman and mahesh around..

Rohit- Oh ok fine..hpe things are happening good bhabhi?

Swathi- Ya pretty good..but too scared with so much responsibilities and information..i wonder i alone can handle so much

Rohit- You handle so much at home bhabhi ..that this is peanuts for u

Swathi- But your friend doesnt think so

Rohit- it what about my sweet jaanu bhabhi thinks...and i know she is enjoying now

Swathi- All t hanks to you rohit.. i know this would not been possible at all without u ...

Rohit- I toldu na bhabhi . . i will make u r dreams come true

Swathi- The day we met again ... after 4 years.. u told me this..and really u lived by your words..thanks

Rohit- i Had to give back to you bhabhi..u r my lovely partner and in love too

Swathi- Well its so sweet of u ....

Rohit- bhabhi i wanted ur sweet.its almost a week i have been dying for u ...

Swahti- Shut up raavan..... even i wanted to meet u ...

Rohit- oh i wanted to taste you every where

Swathi- Shut up ...raavan....dontu have anything else to talk?

Rohit- Well i wanted to meetu bhabhi ...

Swathi- I am ready ...tomorrow pretty much no work.... but how?

Rohit- I will invite you guys for dinner.. like we had before

Swathi- Shutup..evil mind.... dont even think..this time i wont be able to stop u

Rohit-oh then ill definitely will

Mahesh call immediately rang .. hey rohit whats up man

Rohit- SO done with handover works

Mahesh- Yes man

Rohit - Call me sir.. im ur boss [he said jovially]

Mahesh- oh ya. ok ..rohit sir... what can i do for u [mahesh was laughing too]

Rohit- ok come for dinner tomorrow at my home..over couple of drinks ..over and out

Mahesh- Yes boss. i will .... dinner with new boss tomorrow and old boss day after....

Rohit- Oh so aman invited you for dinner? are a big man .... bro ...[is he plans to do somehting like he has with swathi]

Mahesh- ya i never thought so... latha mam proposed this it seems

Rohit- oh latha..thats nice....[he felt relaxed..but what if aman had same plans... with swathi... swathi would become very important to him.... but latha would be around with swathi wont get so closnesss]

Rohit wanted swathi to be close to aman..but he doesnt want her to be amans property..he is being a fool.. for making this..but he is in too many dilemas...

Ok mahesh see u tomorrow then for dinner... u guys gonna stay here

Mahesh - Ok boss

Swathi looked at mahesh ...and she understood rohit is played his cards already .. unlike latha ...with aman....rohit is alone..and he already knows how to get her... this guy is so good wiht his planning stuff..and she is already leaking with whats gonna happne to her... tomorrow..

They both reached home..and mahesh was fully happy and he got into bathroom for a bath..and swathi was busy with chotu... mahesh was in conversations with anamika....and they both remembered the day in the resort...somehow mahesh was feeling so hot...

Swathi finished off works...and both had a steamy session.... she felt so good with mahesh today after long time.mahesh was ramming her thinking about anamika.....her fire for fun was too hot ...but mahesh could not take it.. and he had his share of pleasure as per his conveincne and slept...

Swathi was feeling still so hot in her...she wished if she can get a full fuck ever as per her satisifaciton..and if anyone ..was to.. it wil lbe definitely rohit... aman is just lil better than mahesh...she smiled lustily to herself that she is getting pleasure from 3 different guys with different levels of stamina..she is becoming a bitch ... she felt really sorry for her apetitie for romance is so high...

Swathi was feeling so unsatisified..on bed.she felt so hot that cannot be subsided..she went inside bathroom and decided to get ready for tomorrow.... the thought of rohit was making her weak and hot..she slwoly applied lovely cream on her whole body and she made sure she spent a lot of time cleaning her armpits... hair over her triangle... clean and neat till its becoem smooth and hairleess..she was leaking madly ...
she had a nice bath ..and she felt so good.... after it.... she was feeling so relaxed...and she went to bed without anything on her... besides mahesh....

next day mahesh got up and suprirsed to see his wife so beautiful and fully nude he looked at her... and slwoly touched her..but got distrubed by a msg.. it was anamikas good he took and went outside... to msg her

Swathi got up and checked her phone..she got two msgs. one from aman..wishing her good morning..she pleasantly suprirsed.. she wished him back ..and other msg from her bf.. wishing a good day and sleepless night at his home...
she sent her pic with licking her lips msg to him... rohit replied back..exactly thats what he wanted..she was feeling so naughty she just took another photo of her with almost showing her boobs covering...her tits and send it to rohit... rohit was fully hot seeing that.. oh bhabhi.. ur not gonna be spared today ....
good moring dear. .. pls ask mahesh to give the harddisk also which he has... aman msgd...

Swathi was sending rohit one more pic of her with tongue fully out aas if she is wanting his cum...but that pic msg went to aman
Aman was fully surprised with such pic..and he immediately

Swathi..sorry sir..that wasnt for u..actualy accidentaly clicked sorry sorry

She was scolding herself... for being naughty and giving unnecessary hints to aman....she quickly got up and wrapped her nightie..and was scolding hereself constantly that her urge for romance is getting her into this problems

aman wasnt able to get over it... and he really after seeing that pic.. if he could really ever get her lips.. on his tool..was it for real ..or she sent him to tease him or was it accidental... he immediately saved the pic in his vault and deleted it from his gallery.. her tongue was so clean and tipsy..he really wanted that tongue over his tool

Rohit msgd her..bhabhi ... dont worry u will need to cover like that with me like that.. swathi replied idiot i sent one more pic to aman .and im clearly embarassed

Rohit just sent a smiley..its ok.. dont worry .... u will distrub his night sleep...

Swathi- shutup raavan...

Rohit- so r u ready for the evening?

Swathi-ya i have kept everything clean and tidy and smooth for u..

She immediately realised... she is unnecessarily inviting him clearly.. she deleted the comment in whatspp.but rohit had already read it..thansk bhabhi gonna have a feast

Swathi- will kill your raavan...

Swathi and mahesh went to the office for his final day at office..they have packed some dresses for both as they might be staying at rohits home tonight ...
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by harithick - 22-07-2019, 05:20 PM

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