Dolly looked side wise at her daughter, who sat still like a stone statuette. The cool breeze of the AC in the car, was making Dolly's eyes sticky in sleep. It was burning hot outside as the car drove through the highway.
After Rao had left them, battered and bruised with a time limit of one day to vacate the house, both Dolly & Sumi sat motionless.
Dolly had been thinking of options madly since then. What would she do ? Would she go and beg at her office once ?
Will it help at all ?
Even if it would, she wouldn't have got a shelter.
Once Siddu told her about keeping Dolly in his flat, but without Sumi. For Dolly too, Sumi being around with her activities with Siddu would be highly embarrassing.
Would she go and talk to Shukla ji when he returns ? But the time limit is hard. She knew, by the next day this time, they are thrown out at street and has nowhere to go.
Dolly felt so helpless and vulnerable, she couldn't cry also.
Suddenly she thought, why not call up but thinking of stealing the thousand rupees gave her a creep and stopped her.
Dawn was breaking in and Dolly felt so very helpless. She had to try something, but what ? Would she agree to Rao's proposal for now? But she knew, it was now and forever. It is a point of no return.
Suddenly the shadow in the doorstep made her heart jump in tension.
"Oh...great to see both of you together..." the dry giggle continued,"a car will be here at eleven AM, get yourselves up in it... do not be late..."
Dolly and Sumi looked at each other as Dinesh had left without spending a moment more.
Hadn't Sumi be there, Dolly would take it as a dream.
The women looked at each others eyes. There was a silent approval from both. A sign of relief. And then they were now, riding up to the destination unknown by the car.
Dolly's head was crammed with thoughts and questions. Her soul motive now been trying to get a shelter and a source of income managed from Dinesh anyhow. She feels it had been a divine intervention to her life and her only source of sustain themselves now.
Sumi, dressed in a modest salwar kameez was rather in troubled thoughts. How did Dinesh sir just reached in time as a savior? It it by fate or mere coincidence ? Where did Rajiv disappeared ? Sumi knew, Dinesh sir will be insulting her anyhow, so chose to wear a typical decent salwar kameez and donned her hair in two low ponytails making her look cliche and typical.
Dolly was adorned well in her typical transparent saree and deep cut sleeveless blouses. She chose not to wear any underwear today and rubbed the lipstick well over her lips. Dolly had her hair well done in a French braid, making her too obvious of her profession.
Sumi for a moment thought of asking her mother not to go overboard, but controlled herself. Truly, they were not in a position too.
If her mother had denied the landlord and now dressing up for Dinesh sir, there must be proper reason to it.
Sumi felt highly uneasy when the car took them to that sea villa away from the resort. The place where Rajiv abandoned her and she was throughly harassed by those hotel waiters with Dinesh sir watching.
However, unlike last time, there were no one seen around, except Dinesh himself sitting on a huge deckchair under an umbrella.
Dolly and Sumi walks to Dinesh. As Dolly's smile had the drumming tension in her heart, Sumi was looking down, with her knees almost trembling.
"Good morning... ji..." Dolly smiles.
Dinesh nods his head,"Good morning indeed,... both of you are looking very pretty... but..."
Sumi looks up at the twisting voice of Dinesh.
Dinesh looks at Sumi's eyes and smiles a little," but inappropriate for the beach... Dolly ... go to that room at the side of the bar counter... there's a dress for you...and Sumi... "
Sumi looks at Dinesh and replies softly,"yes sir..."
"Your one is in the bedroom...you know the bedroom, right ?".
Sumi nods and says in a low tone,"I know Sir..."
Sumi looked at herself in the mirror now.
How vulver did she looked in this purple bikini. The lower portion clearly showed her unshaved pubes and SLUT written on the back.
The little girl knew she had no choices and walks out out the room towards the beach.
Suddenly her feet froze. It that her mother !
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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