The lips tighten on the edge of the glass that held red wine. Dolly couldn't believe her luck still. Was she dreaming or is it the nice time that is smiling upon her ?
Dolly sips a little to the wine specially brought for her. The others, Prasad, Siddu and Chopra were into whiskey.
One can't blame Dolly if she questions herself about her dreaming. It was some rare days, when the meeting had started but none took off her clothes or challenged her limit of shamelessness. Though she sat showing herself utmost possible, none dropped her pallu or raised up her saree. She had covered herself instantly then watching Prasad and Siddu, as Chopra slipped her off from his lap to sofa.
From then Dolly had to take active part in the meeting.
Prasad too remained normal and sweet to Dolly. Dolly knew it was not real. One mistake and Prasad would de-skin her. Dolly knew, she can't make any mistake now. Chopra's sweet actions and likeness for her is helping her immensely.
Dolly wasn't that much worried with Prasad. She knew Prasad would again give her some due respect if she can manage Chopra.
"Manage... Chopra ? " Dolly thinks.
She has to get him down to the lowest margin of cash payment and maximum amout of physical payment by her. Till now, luck seems to be with her and once she wins over Chopra she can carry on for few more days with ease.
But what disturbed her at times were Siddu's eyes. His eyes were fiery and Dolly knew the language. Siddu wants to rip her up. He was not done well in the morning while delivering her to Chopra. Siddu, sincerely expected the woman would be fouud here naked, at least ready to be feasted.
It infuriated him the way the old useless crap was being pampered by Chopra.
A woman they keep under their feet, a woman he uses to clean up his dirtiest sexual habits is being pampered like a lover by the person they are indebted to for now.
Dolly who was not only participating in the meeting as much possible, with visual satisfactory reactions from Prasad by her managing skills of instant answers and interruptions to Chopra. Dolly was anxious enough to keep the balance between Prasad and Chopra to keep Chopra coaxed too. She was also serving the drink server for now, refilling the glasses of whiskey, though she herself was sipping too less.
The old woman sees the unspoken appreciation in Prasad's eye and Fondness to Chopra who was sometimes keeping his hand sweetly on her shoulder.
Dolly knowing Siddus rage smiles sweetly at him and takes his empty glass along with Prasad for a refill. On her way back to her seat after passing the glasses, she purposes bumps her bit fat ass to Siddu's shoulder to stoke up his rage knowing Siddu couldn't do a thing in front of Prasad and especially, Chopra.
Siddu looks up to Dolly with red, fiery eyes and murmurs a swear word looking at her while Dolly takes her seat very normally. She makes a nonchalant smiling face as reaction to Siddu's murmur.
Siddu gets frustrated and suddenly says up, "are we going to have a dry meeting ? no fun at al ? eh ? " looking meaningfully at Dolly.
Prasad admonishes Siddu silently with his eyes. It was certainly not a suitable time to talk about sex party. They are still not over with terms. Chopra seemed to misunderstand Siddu, which relieves Prasad.
Chopra grinned back and said, "surely we are hungry for long... need to order food...Dolly dear, would you please ring the bell to call the bearer ? "
Siddu was truly mad for Dolly and grins, "you asked her to manage the food... wasn't she the food..." . Prasad again looks back to Siddu this time with a colder eyes to make him understand the situation.
Chopra however smiles off Chopra's word as if he didn't hear them at all and looks at Dolly smiling as she comes back.
Prasad raised himself up and excused themselves from Chopra for a moment pulling Siddu at a side. He needed to shut off Siddu's mouth in front of Chopra. Once the work is done he can send Dolly to Siddu for a month to take out his dirt, but not now.
Chopra coaxed the blushing old woman in his arms as Prasad shuns Siddu away from his hearing area and whispers to Dolly, "so.. what would we order for your beloved Prasad sir ? what does he loves to eat ? and Siddu too ?"
Dolly smiles and sweetly replies the favorite stuffs for Prasad and Siddu.
Chopra's eyes sparkles to the smiling happy face of Dolly and asks, and for you ? shoe ?" and smiles in a meaningful way.
The smiles wipes away from Dolly's face in a moment. So Chopra could recognize her as the shoe eater of Patel's party.
She shivers and turns pale thinking what may happen if Prasad and Siddu comes to know about her participating in sex parties outside too. Just after being caught of a heinous sexual scandal of pleasing two men in men's toilet for fourth class staffs.
Prasad had finished talking to Siddu as they both walked back, Dolly could murmur in a very low voice to Chopra, "please... please sir... don't talk about it now...please...".
Prasad and Siddu could hear her last words, "please..." and looks sharply at Dolly.
Dolly helplessly looks at Chopra. His sweet smile for last few hours were gone and a strange, sick smile was stuck in his face.
Sumi washes her helpless tears in the shower droplets and buries her cry in the sound of falling water. Feeling devastated and used literally like a sex toy she was weeping to find solution to her problem. It had costed her a lot to gain back her panty this evening. The reason being she needs to bath and shampoo her long hair at quarter to eleven of night.
She was trying to be modest and yet submissive to Shukla sir. She needed a lot of things to be taken care off. Firstly, announcing her as the cheer leader captain and secondly her panty back.
She was not sure whether her class mates knew about her panty but surely hinted too. Her classmates who got her naked along with her mother and was forced to perform lesbian sex in front of their eyes. Sumi still doesn't know why didn't they bang her that day. Rajiv could not be the reason. Rajiv wouldn't mind her getting used and would rather cherish Sumi to describe it while using her.
Shukla, answered Sumi's question by a medium kick on her belly making her bend in pain. The little girl was then pushed on the floor and flogged by the bunch of ropes, eventually stripping her and urinating on her. Before urinating, Shukla brutally sodomized the girl with the blunt end of a pencil repeatedly in return of giving her panty.
Sumi had then to mop the urine off from floor by her body and hair and finally postponing the announcement.
Sumi decided to lock the room and live the night by stopping off the landlord. She needs to be tactful to handle Rao, the landlord.
The little girl takes a long breathe and opens the door of the bathroom and a big shadow falls on her face. Terrified the little girl looks up.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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