Sumi coundn't hold it anymore, her helpless legs were paddling over the bed initially, but the violent scratches and twisting of meat by a trained hand was making her whole body imerge in pain, when she felt that her virginity was getting lost, she was losing her senses, biting her lips so hard to cut herself, to control her pain, but even that was not allowed ! The officer wanted to bite her pouted lips himself, so he used his iron hard fingers to pull out Sumi's lips out between her teeth and starts biting himself.
Sumi uttered the last word.."mom"..and she was left senseless, but that wasn't any reason for the officer to leave her. Infact, it became easier to handle her, though hardly she could move with her hands and belly being pressed against bed by wooden sticks.
After thirty minutes or so, the officer stands up, panting, wiping his sweat from the forehead, he wipes the sweat and then wipes his hand on Sumi's open hair...her ribbons are open now...torn into pieces, her hair open, the two constables stand up too, when they understand boss's work id done. The officer looked at Sumi for a moment and started to wear his trouser.
Sumi was lying naked...senseless..her hands and belly bears the red fat mark of the stick... her leps and cheeks are bleeding with the bites, her boobs are red with scratch marks and bite marks.. her legs thrown aside with one slightly foled... her crouch was bloodstained, few flies were roaming over her body, sitting on Sumi's face and genitals and the scars and wounds.
The officer drinks the other bottle, in few gulps and ask the constables to wrap off, and moves out of the room, Sumi though senseless was shivering in pain in unconsiousness,...the two constables pulls Sumi's body regardlessly in the center of the bed and pulls the bedsheet over, wrapping her up they lift her senselessbody from the bed and drop her on the floor, not even putting her down... a meek dumb urge comes out from the senseless Sumi.. a meek soud of pain... the constables now uses their booted legs to push the young bangd girl under the bed. They push her inside and leave slamming the door closed.
Sumi was slowly being back to senses, but wasn't being able to see anything. She tries toi take a huge long breathe but she gasps, sometjing is not allowing her to breathe or see. Slowly she understands she is wrapped by a bedsheet, slowly she tries to pull her hands up, the hands vever seemed so heavy and distant.. Sumi could feel the whole hands are trembling, she tries a lot, but could only raise her hand a few inch from the floor... Sumi pants, but slowly she folds and with much problemrubs down the bed cover by her palms over her face and starts breathing heavily...Sumi looks around.. it's under bed..full of dust and dirt, suddenly she finds she has lost everything a girl can be proud of till she marries. A helpless weep comes out from her heart when she realises what may happen next.
But making Sumi more nervous the door opening now, again..and a pain of legs with chappals enter inside and stands...Sumi shivers, again ? ... and by whom ?
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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